Oregon Department of Justice Investigation of the Death of Edwin Mays, Oregon Department of Justice, 2016
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ELLEN ROSENBLUM FREDERICK M. BOSS Attorney General Deputy Attorney General DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION May 24, 2016 Honorable John Hummel Deschutes County District Attorney Deschutes County District Attorney's Office 1164 NW Bond St. Bend, Oregon 97701 Re: Oregon Department of Justice Investigation of the Death of Edwin Mays Dear Mr. Hummel, On March 23, 2015, you asked the Criminal Justice Division of the Oregon Department of Justice to assume the responsibility of investigating the death of Edwin Mays and to prosecute the case if criminal charges were warranted. In response to your request, we reviewed the investigation previously conducted by the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office (with the assistance of the Bend Police Department), interviewed eighteen witnesses, 1 observed Mr. Mays' behavior and the conduct and comments of corrections deputies on video surveillance tapes taken at the Deschutes County Adult Jail, visited the jail, reviewed all relevant policies of the sheriffs office, and consulted with medical and drug treatment experts.2 Based on our review, we have concluded that there is insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that any member of the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office engaged in criminal conduct related to Mr. Mays' death. FACTUAL SUMMARY On December 14, 2014, Edwin Mays was arrested by the Bend Police Department relating to his conduct during a traffic stop. His half-brother, Adam Davenport, was the driver of the car and was also arrested. Mr. Mays appeared to be under the influence of a central nervous system stimulant such as methamphetamine, but he denied taking any drugs. He was able to walk, was responsive to the officers, and did not appear to need any medical attention. We interviewed corrections deputies who were on duty at the relevant time, other jail employees, several inmates who observed Mr. Mays while he was in the jail, the medical examiner who performed the autopsy, and other medical professionals. We attempted to interview Sgt. Brian Bishop and Deputy Amanda Parks, but they declined our request. 1 We also consulted with plaintiffs counsel in Mays, et al. v. Deschutes County, et al., U.S. District Court Case No. 6: I 5-cv-00898-AA to ensure that we had reviewed all relevant materials. 2 2250 McGilchrist St SE, Suite 100, Salem, OR 9730297301 Telephone: (503) 378-6347 Fax: (503) 373-1936 TTY: (800) 735-2900 www.doj.state.or.us Page 2 Mr. Mays was booked into thejail shortly after 5:00 PM. Heremained in the holding cell areaoverthe next several hours, wherehe was kept underobservation by the corrections deputies on duty. ^His behavior was consistent with aperson under the inftuence of methamphetamine, although he denied using the drugor needing medical attention. He was described by observers as extremely high; onecorrections deputy described him as oneof the most high persons he had ever seen. Mr. Davenport, who was housed in the same cell for a period oftime, toldcorrections deputies thathethought Mr. Mays should goto the hospital, but did not answer whenaskedwhy he had that concern. Mr. Mays himselftold the corrections officers thathe did not needto go to the hospital. During that time, Mr. Mays remained responsive to questions, ate food, and drankwater. His conditionseemed to be following the typical course of methamphetamine intoxication and withdrawal that the correctionsdeputies had observed in hundreds of other inmates who did not need medical attention. At different points in the evening, one of the corrections deputies discussedMr. Mays' condition with his supervisors todecide the appropriate course ofaction. ^ Based ontheir trainingand experience, as well as their own observations of Mr. Mays, the supervisors believed that Mr. Mays would detoxify safely firom the methamphetamineand that the corrections deputies should continue to regularly monitor Mr. Mays' behavior. Mr. Mays' activity eventually changed firom hyperactivity to sitting down, then ultimately lying on the floor. That behavior is consistent with the normal progression of a person detoxifying firom methamphetamine (which typically includes a transition firom hyperactivity to sleep). Corrections deputies continued toregularly check on Mr. Mays. ^ When deputies checked on Mr. Mays at 8:54 PM, he was unresponsive and had fluid coming firom his mouth. The corrections deputies immediately called Bend Fire and Rescue and began giving emergency medical attention, including providing CPR and using a portable defibrillator. Medics responded and administered care, but Mr. Mays died in the cell. At autopsy, the cause of death was determined to be "Methamphetamine Toxicity." We consulted with several medical professionals regarding the incident. They included the doctor who performed the autopsy as well as emergency room and drug treatment specialists. We confirmed &at Mr. Mays' behavior was consistent with a person who is under the influence of methamphetamine. We also learned that individuals are unlikely to suffer a fatal overdose ' The Intoxicated Inmate Policy MD-6 provides thattheholding cells canbe used for"observation purposes" while the jail staff determines whether to house or release the person. This policy provides that during the first four hours of observation, the staff is to wake up the inmate every hour. Ifthe staff is unable to wake the inmate, EMTs are to be called. '' We learned during our investigation that insituations where there are non-emergency health concerns, corrections deputies are expected to provide information to their supervisor for the supervisor to determine how to proceed. ^The jailvideo reveals that over the course ofthe evening, deputies made mocking and disparaging remarks about, and imitations of, Mr. Mays in his intoxicated state. They were also observed watching a football game at various times. That conduct was considered as part ofthe overall analysis of the circumstances in the case, but ultimately did not change the conclusions reached. Page 3 from the ingestion of methamphetamine because the bodymetabolizes the methamphetamine over time and the person in effect "sleeps itoff."^ Additionally, the fact that aperson had overdosed on methamphetamine would not be obvious to an observer because the lethal effects of the stimulant come aboutsuddenly. Thedrugtreatment and medical experts opined that the deputies' decisionto continually observe Mr. Mays was medically appropriate under the circumstances. The consensus opinion of all of the experts was that there is no way to know whether earlier medical intervention would have made any difference in the outcome to Mr. Mays. LEGAL ANALYSIS In reviewing whether any member of the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office engagedin criminal conduct related to Mr. Mays' death, we evaluated whether sufficient evidence exists to prove beyonda reasonable doubtthat an employee committed any of the following crimes: criminally negligent homicide (ORS 163.145), criminal mistreatment in the seconddegree (ORS 163.200), officialmisconduct in the first degree(ORS 162.415), and official misconduct in the second degree (ORS 162.405). As described below, our investigation did not reveal evidence that would support a criminal prosecution. A. Criminally Negligent Homicide To prove the crime of criminally negligent homicide in this case, the state must show that a deputy, with criminal negligence, caused Mr. Mays' death.® "Criminal negligence" means that a person fails to be aware of a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the result will occur or that the circumstance exists. The risk must be of such nature and degree that the failure to be aware of it constitutes a gross deviationfrom the standard of care that a reasonable person would observe in the situation. ®No methamphetamine overdose deaths had ever occuired atthe Deschutes County Adult Jail. ' We do not specifically address the crimes ofmanslaughter inthe first orsecond degree in this letter, each ofwhich requires proofthat a person recklessly caused the death of another, because we concluded thatwe couldnot prove criminally negligent homicide, whichrequires that a personact withthe lowerculpable mental state of criminal negligence in causingthe death of another. See State v. Skelton, 153 Or App 580, 584 n 2,957 P2d 585, rev den, 321 Or 448, 964 P2d 1030 (1998) (noting that criminally negligent homicide is a lesser included offense of manslaughter in the first and second degree when committedrecklessly). ' We do not specifically address the crime offirst-degree criminal mistreatment in this letter, which requires proof of a knowing or intentional mental state, because we concluded thatwe couldnot prove second-degree criminal mistreatment, which requires the lower culpable mental state of criminal negligence. SeeStatev. Baker-Kroffi, 348 Or 655,239 P3d226 (2010) (noting that, as relevant here,the elevated culpable mental statedistinguishes firstdegree criminal mistreatment from second-degree criminal mistreatment). ' ORS 163.145 provides, inrelevant part; "(1)Aperson commits thecrime of criminally negligent homicide when, with criminal negligence, theperson causes the death of another person." Page 4 ORS 161.085(10). Inturn, "cause" means "1: to serve asa cause or occasion of: bring into existence: MAKE (careless driving~s accidents) * * * 2: to effect bycommand, authority or force." Thus framed, thequestions for purposes of criminally negligent homicide are whether the deputies failed to be aware ofa substantial and unjustifiable risk thatMr. Mays would die froma lethal ingestionof methamphetamine and whetherthe failure to be awareof such a risk brought about his death. As to the first question, given all of the facts in the case, the deputies' failure to recognize thatMr. Mays hadingested a lethal amount of methamphetamine was not criminally negligent. Thedeputies involved had seenmanyotherpeople experience methamphetamine withdrawal safelyafter exhibitingbehaviorsimilarto that of Mr. Mays. In fact, there have been no methamphetamine overdose deaths at the Deschutes County Jail. Moreover, medical and drug treatment experts indicated that death from the acute ingestionofmethamphetamine is rare given the manner inwhich the body metabolizes the drug.^^ Similarly, the state could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the actions of any deputycaused Mr. Mays' death. In this case, the autopsyrevealedthat Mr. Mays' ingestionof a lelhal amount of methamphetamine causedhis death. Accordingto the medical experts with whom we spoke, there is no way to determine if earlier medical intervention would have prevented his death given the amount of methamphetamine he had ingested. Accordingly, our investigationdid not reveal sufficient evidence to warrant a charge of criminally negligent homicide. B. Criminal Mistreatment in the Second Degree To prove the crime of criminal mistreatment in the second degree in this case, the state must show that (1) the corrections deputies had a legal duty to provide care for Mr. Mays and (2) the deputies acted with criminal negligence in withholding necessary and adequate physical care ormedical attention from Mr. Mays.^^ For thereasons that follow, we have concluded that the evidence, when viewed in the context of our burden of proof, is not sufficient to prove the crime of second-degree criminal mistreatment. State V. Murray, 343 Or 48,52, 162 P3d 255 (2007), citing ThirdNew Int'l Dictionary 356 (unabridged ed. 2002). " Methamphetamine users typically die from thelong-term effects ofchronic use. ORS 163.200 provides, in relevant part: "(1) A person commits the crime of criminal mistreatment in the second degree if, with criminal negligence and: "(a) In violation of a legal duty to provide care for another person, the person withholds necessary and adequate food, physical care or medical attention from that person[.]" Page 5 Although thedeputies clearly had a legal duty to provide allinmates, andtherefore Mr. Mays, with medical care,^^ the evidence does not demonstrate that the deputies acted with criminal negligence inwithholding necessary medical care orattention from Mr. Mays. First, the deputies correctly identified Mr. Mays' behavior as consistent with a person who is under the influence ofmethamphetamine. Second, the deputies followed their policies in choosing to closely observe Mr. Mays complete the detoxification process for methamphetamine. Third, monitoring a person who is detoxifying from methamphetamine through repeated visual observations is the appropriate medical standard of care. Fourth, Mr. Mays' behavior was not inconsistent with someone who was undergoing thenormal detoxification process, which progresses from hyperactivity to sleep. Fifth, there is a lowriskofoverdose from theingestion of methamphetamine. Sixth, the deputies were not aware of anotherinstance in which an inmate suffered anadverse medical outcome while detoxifying from methamphetamine. Lastly, the deputies appropriately sought medical attention for Mr. Mays when his condition clearly indicated a medical emergency. Given these circumstances, we do not believe that the state could prove beyond a reasonable doubt the crime of criminal mistreatment in the second degree. C. OfficialMisconduct in the First Degree Official misconduct in the first degree requires proof that a public servant, with the intent to obtain a benefit or to harm another, knowingly failed to perform a duty imposed on the person by law or one clearly inherent in the office. As a threshold matter, we have determined &at the deputies are public servants. See ORS 162.005(2)(a) (defining a public servant as a public official) and ORS 244.020 (defining a public offici^ as, among others, any person who is serving a political subdivision of the state or public body as an employee or agent). Moreover, as we noted earlier, the deputies have a legal duty to provide emergency medical care. However, for the reasons discussed above, our investigation did not reveal sufficient evidence that the deputies knowingly failed to perform their duty to provide medical care to Mr. Mays; that is, they did not realize that Mr. Mays had taken a lethal dose ofmethamphetamine and did not know that he needed medical care. The deputies did seek medical care when they realized Mr. Mays was unresponsive. Additionally, there is no evidence that the deputies acted with a motive to benefit themselves or to harm Mr. Mays. As a result, we have concluded that we could not prove the crime of first-degree official misconduct beyond a reasonable doubt. " See, e.g., ORS 169.076 (requiring local correctional facilities toprovide for emergency medical care). ORS 162.415 provides in relevant part: (1) A public servant commits the crime of official misconduct in the first degree if with intent to obtain a benefit or to harm another: (a) The public servant knowingly fails to perform a duty imposed upon the public servant by law or one clearly inherent in the nature of office[.]" Page 6 D. OfGcial Misconduct in the Second Degree The crime of official misconduct in the second degree is committed when a public servantknowingly violates a statute relatingto the public servant's officeAs discussed previously, there is insufficient evidence thatthedeputies knowingly violated anystatute by failing to provide emergency medical care for Mr. Mays. I CONCLUSION In conclusion, our investigation has not revealed evidence of conduct by the deputies that wouldjustify criminal prosecution. Ourreview was limited to an application of Oregon criminal law. Weexpress no opinionwhether any civilor administrative process mightprovide sanctions or remedies in connection vdth Mr. Mays' death. Thankyou for giving us the opportunity to review this case. If you have any questions regarding our review, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Victoria Roe Sr. Assistant Attorney General Oregon Department of Justice Criminal Justice Division Cc: Darryl Nakahira ORS 162.405 provides, in relevant part: (1) A public servantcommitsthe crime of official misconduct in the seconddegreeif the person knowingly violates any statute relating to the office of the person.