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Inmate Telephone System (ITS)

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
Common Questions and Answers about Inmate Telephones
Ongoing contact with supportive family and friends is an important part
of inmates’ success in prison and upon release. The Oregon
Department of Corrections (DOC) is committed to providing the best
possible inmate telephone service at the most reasonable cost per call.
This FAQ includes information about the inmate telephone system,
answers common questions and offers solutions to common problems.
FSH Communications has contracted to provide payphone service to all
DOC facilities. The subcontractor used to provide the security and
control equipment within DOC facilities is Value Added Communication,
Inc. (VAC). The system offers three types of calling programs:
Advance Pay (prepaid), collect and debit
What drives the cost of inmate calls?
The Oregon Department of Administrative Services (DAS) oversees all
state telecommunication contracts. The Oregon Department of
Corrections provides input regarding the security features that are
required of phone systems within the correctional environment. When
phone companies bid on inmate phone contracts, they take operating
costs into consideration. Equipment that supports security features for
inmate phones can cost millions of dollars. Additionally, the phone
company considers the cost of repairs, non-collected bills and fraud
when establishing calling rates for inmate calls. Alternative types of
calling plans currently offered in the community, if used in the
correctional environment, would bypass mandatory security features,
so they are not allowed by the Oregon Department of Corrections.
What features on a phone might prevent receipt or disconnect a
Three-way Calling: ODOC rules prohibit any type of three-way or
conference calls. DOC blocks these numbers.

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Call forwarding: Inmates are not allowed to call numbers that are
forwarded in any way to other locations or to cell phones. DOC blocks
these numbers.
The primary reason for disconnected calls is an interruption in the
phone signal. This may occur at either end of the connection. Cordless
Phones, Cell phone and VOIP lines are prone to this problem. These
calls are made at the customer’s risk. Refunds will not be made for cut
off calls of this type. It is strongly recommended that you do not use a
cordless phone.
Cell phones: DOC Rule now allows inmates to call cell phones. Do not
set up an advance pay account for cell phones. Using debit is the only
option for calling cell phones.
How much will the inmate call cost?
When you answer a call from an inmate who is calling from any Oregon
Department of Corrections facility, an automated announcement will
ask you if you would like to hear the rates for that call. By pressing the
designated number when prompted, a recording will list the maximum
amount that could be charged for that call. Selecting this option will
not disconnect your call and you will not be charged for the time the
announcement plays. For debit calls, charges commence once the call
is connected. Charges for all other inmate calls begin when you accept
the call by selecting the designated number.
How can a call be more cost efficient?
It is less expensive to have one long conversation rather than several
shorter calls. Long distance calls have a connection fee plus a perminute rate. For example, the combined charges for a 20-minute call
are less expensive per minute than the cost of four, five-minute calls.
Debit calls are discounted. The best savings in most cases is to
purchase debit time.
Why can’t I receive inmate calls?
Inmates can only call numbers which are on their personal “Calling
list”. (Except for the first 30 days of incarceration.) If the number
is on the inmate’s list there are many possible reasons why you are
not receiving calls. The first step is to diagnose the problem and be
directed to the appropriate venue to resolve the issue. The VAC
system has several prompts that instruct both the caller and call
receiver why certain calls cannot be completed. It is important that
the call receiver listens to the prompt and give that message to the
help desk or repair personnel. Unfortunately, many smaller
independent phone companies, known as Competitive Local Exchange
Carriers (C-LEC), and some companies such as MCI, AT&T local
services, cell phone companies, and all VOIP companies, do not have
billing agreements with the contracted service providers for DOC. In
these cases, the companies providing local and long distance service to
DOC facilities will not allow a collect call to go to that company. The
option with the VAC system is for the call receiver to prepay for calls
or for the inmate, inmate friends or family to put money on the
inmate’s debit account. To address phone problems at all DOC
facilities, contact the provider listed at the bottom of this page.
My phone company said there were no blocks on my phone. Is
the Oregon Department of Corrections blocking me?
Your phone company does not have access to information that will
identify who blocked the phone from receiving inmate calls. To identify
who blocked a number, call the Oregon DOC’S service provider listed
at the bottom of this page.

How do I deal with the credit limit Global TEL-Link and Qwest
has on all new users who do not have service with them?
(Global TEL-link carries all Inter-LATA calls for the VAC system,
Qwest carries all other calls)
Global TEL-Link and Qwest have a monthly limit on collect calls that
they will carry to non customers. If you exceed the limit established,
they will block further inmate calls on their system for the rest of the
billing cycle. You must contact them to increase this limit.
I have an overdue, outstanding phone bill. Can I receive calls
from an inmate?
All billing questions need to be directed to the issuing telephone
company. Most companies have plans to reactivate your service, with
certain restrictions, which will allow you to receive calls. You can
usually still receive Debit calls.
How do I put money on an inmate’s debit account?
All debit transactions are handled by FSH and their subcontractors.
Please contact them at 1 800 592-9488 for detailed information and
How can I block my phone number from correctional facilities?
You may request that a phone block be placed on your number. The
items needed are a copy of the page of your phone bill showing the
owner’s name and phone number and a note signed by the owner
requesting that ODOC place a block on your number at all correctional
Send to:
Oregon Department of Corrections Inmate Phones
2575 Center Street NE Salem, OR 97301
Or Fax to: 503-373-7863 (A cover sheet is not needed)
FSH communications inc. (1-800-592-9488) is the principle
service provider for all Oregon DOC facilities. FSH will resolve
all repair and debit issues or direct them to the proper agency
or subcontractor.
DOC will not answer questions about an inmate’s account. Inmate
financial and calling list information is not available to the public.
If you have questions that remain unanswered after reviewing this
website, you may call the Oregon Department of Corrections’ Inmate
Phone Specialists at 503-945-9437. You may expect a return call
within two business days.

Page updated: May 27, 2008

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