Ohio police officer decertifications
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Last Appointing Decertification Reason for Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Decertification Marion Police 5/14/2004 Perjury, Theft Abraham, Randy N. Department 10/19/1959 Licking County Receiving Stolen Ackerman, Andrew P.L. Sheriff’s Office 8/22/1974 1/23/2002 Property, guilty plea Miami County Deception to Obtain a Sheriff’s Office Adkins, Joshua D. 5/31/1978 7/9/2012 Dangerous Drug Montgomery County Sheriff’s Deception to Obtain 5/22/2007 Dangerous Drug Aikman, John T. Office 12/16/1978 Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute, and to distribute, MDMA Linndale Village and marijuana, guilty Alicka, Jonida Police Department 6/18/1987 8/10/2016 plea Elmwood Police 11/12/2003 Importuning, pled guilty Department Alley, Jeremy M. 6/9/1976 Production of child pornography, Receipt of visual depictions of Mansfield Police minors engaged in Anderson, Robert A. Department 3/30/1945 6/2/2014 sexually explicit conduct Officer Name Baker, Michael S. Mount Eaton Police Department Butler County Sheriff’s Office 11/28/1970 Ball, Robert K. Butler Police Department 11/27/1955 Ballesteros, Ariel Russells Point Police Department Axline, Terry L. Bannerman, Scott Martin Barnes, Mark A. Barrett, Jay P. Reinstated 1/7/2011 Medina County Sheriff’s Office Toledo Police Department Athens County Sheriff’s Office 8/25/1958 2/4/1974 40957 1/18/1967 9/18/1965 5/24/2000 Theft, guilty plea Sexual Imposition 11/23/2015 2907.06 Unauthorized Use of 10/3/2012 Property, plea agreement 3/21/2013 Agg. Vehicular Assault Att. Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor, 11/14/2003 pled guilty Petty Theft, plea 3/12/2012 agreement Tampering with 4/19/2004 Evidence, pled guilty Officer Name Barth, Jason E. Barton, Thomas James Bayne, Shawn Beavers, Darrell L. Beck, Sean W. Belair, Ward VOLUNTARY SURRENDER Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Wyandot County Sheriff's Office Springboro Police Department Open Enrollment, no certificate issued 6/29/1972 8/15/1955 5/28/1969 Cincinnati Police Department 11/24/1968 Zanesville Police Department 12/1/1978 Bell, Arch L. Whitehouse Police Department Cleveland Police Department Stark County Metro Housing Authority Bell, Matthew F. Parma Heights Police Department 12/17/1982 Belmonte, Christopher Columbus Police Department 11/2/1965 Bell Jr., David S. Benca, Tyler A. Berente, Ronald L. Berry III, Harold P. Junction City Police Department Lucas County Sheriff’s Office Perry County Sheriff’s Office 2/24/1969 7/5/1973 10/3/1968 12/18/1989 7/25/1944 1/8/1959 Reason for Decertification Gross Sexual Imposition (F4), Attempted Tampering with Evidence 11/23/2015 (F4) Involuntary Manslaughter, Agg. 3/18/2005 Burglary 5/18/2001 Sexual Battery Tampering with Evidence, Illegal Use of Minor in Nudity Oriented 6/30/2014 Material or Performance Conspiracy to Possess w/Intent to Distribute Cocaine, Use or Carry Firearm during Drug 7/30/2009 Trafficking Crime Menacing by Stalking, LEADS Misuse – 8/17/2011 Investigation Only 2/23/2012 Felonious Assault Corruption of a Minor, 4/1/1999 guilty plea Aggravated Theft, Theft 9/2/2014 in Office Agg. Vehicular Homicide, Agg. 3/22/2011 Vehicular Assault Tampering with Evidence 11/3/2016 (2 cts.), plead guilty, F-4s 5/27/2009 Extortion 4/4/2001 Robbery, guilty plea Officer Name Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Bielozer, Brian J. North Olmsted Police Department 1/26/1974 Billups, Stevie Columbus Police Department 6/7/1965 Birch, Kevin D. Hanging Rock Police Department 3/6/1971 Black, James R. Alliance Police Department Bland, Raymond S. Wayne County Sheriff’s Office Byesville Police Department Licking County Sheriff’s Office Blanton, Ronald E. Coal Grove Police Department Black, Phillip A. Blackstone, Kevin W. Boal, Shawn Bone, Ronald Bonness, Robert E. Boothe, Nathaniel T. Boudinot, John Allen VOLUNTARY SURRENDER Boyd, Monty L. Bradford, Charles E. Akron Police Department Hopedale Police Department Cleveland Police Department Oak Hill Police Department Glouster Police Department Seaman Police Department Cleveland Police Department 8/17/1946 3/25/1964 10/5/1967 4/12/1963 4/16/1983 3/29/1972 7/26/1959 4/22/1957 5/23/1976 11/25/1960 1/9/1967 11/3/1949 Reason for Decertification Obstructing Official 3/21/2016 Business, plea agreement Attempted Possession with Intent to Distribute 11/22/2013 Heroin 12/1/2004 Tampering with Evidence Aiding & Abetting an Illegal Gambling 10/2/2001 Business, guilty plea Att. Illegal Manufacture of a Drug, Possession of 5/6/1998 Drugs, guilty plea Theft in Office, guilty 8/8/1999 plea Trafficking in Drugs, 11/4/2002 Permitting Drug Abuse Tampering with 10/25/2011 Evidence, Theft in Office Possession of Drugs, Possession of Drug Abuse Instruments, plea 1/4/2011 agreement 5/14/2010 Sexual Battery Att. Rape, Pandering, Illegal Use of Minor in Nudity-Oriented 3/4/2011 Material, plead guilty Theft in Office, 2 counts, 1/30/2002 found guilty Possession of Counterfeit Controlled Substance, 2/5/2001 found guilty Trafficking in Drugs, 4/23/2004 found guilty Agg. Robbery, Robbery, 4/20/2000 guilty plea Officer Name Brandenburg, Nickolas M. Bratton, Robert L. Brehm, Chad T. Brillhart, Matthew J. Brooks Sr., Phillip E. Brown Jr., Thomas M. Browning, Bart D. VOLUNTARY SURRENDER Brunswick, Jeffery Buckner, James D. Voluntary Surrender Budd, Michael J. Burden, Dustin M. Burke, Larry A. Burton, Shawn E. Busemeyer, David B. Bussey, Duane Last Appointing Decertification Reason for Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Decertification Butler County Receiving Stolen Sheriff’s Office 11/28/1978 6/14/2007 Property Theft concerning Ottawa County programs receiving 4/11/2014 federal funds Sheriff's Office 3/19/1953 Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office 6/20/1973 4/16/2013 Agg. Theft Dereliction of Duty, West Chester Tampering with Records, Police Department 9/26/1969 3/1/2007 plead guilty Tampering with Records, Theft in Office, Attempt to Commit Theft in Dayton Police Department 12/7/1965 3/8/2010 Office Delaware County Unauthorized use of a Sheriff’s Office 9/8/1954 11/21/2001 computer, found guilty Dereliction of Duty, M2, Blanchester Police plea agreement including Department 8/13/1975 7/21/2005 surrender Unauthorized Use of Cincinnati Police Property, Promoting Department 10/27/1956 4/7/2014 Prostitution Surrender in lieu of Clinton County charges for assaulting 2/14/2017 teen in custody Sheriff's Office 4/18/1956 Mahoning County Federal Civil Rights Sheriff’s Office 2/21/1961 7/25/2005 Laws Licking County Sheriff’s Office 5/27/1975 1/24/2006 Felonious Assault Carroll County Obstructing Justice, 2 Sheriff’s Office 11/12/1953 11/12/1998 counts, guilty plea Gallia County Rape, Gross Sexual Sheriff’s Office 4/29/1970 12/15/2004 Imposition, Kidnapping Att. Tampering with West Chester Evidence, Obstructing Police Department 4/17/1974 1/25/2012 Official Business Leesburg Police Receiving Stolen Department 8/8/1965 2/11/2013 Property Officer Name Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date East Cleveland Buza, Robert Police Department Montgomery County Sheriff’s Caito III, Joseph Phillip Office Crestline Police Callicoat, Mark A. Department Broadview Heights Police Carmichael, Barton Department Columbus Police Department Carney, Brian J. Carpenter, Barry P. SUSPENDED Carr, Barry M. SUSPENDED Carter, Dylan J. Carver, Timothy E. Casey, Cory K. Martins Ferry Police Department Cincinnati Police Department Lynchburg Police Department Antwerp Police Department Casey, Dempsey R. Casey, Larry L. Cattren, William K. Chance Jr., Philip J. VOLUNTARY SURRENDER 6/14/1977 2/19/1982 3/15/1980 10/10/1968 10/27/1962 10/13/1969 12/16/1949 8/25/1986 3/10/1982 5/10/1983 2/2/1948 Newtonsville Police Department 12/11/1967 Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority 1/13/1972 Youngstown Police Department 9/12/1979 Reason for Decertification Conspiracy Against Rights in violation of 18 USC 241(F), Hobbs Act in violation of 18 USC 11/24/2015 1951(F) 12/28/2016 Grand Theft, guilty plea Falsification, plea 3/21/2016 agreement Corruption of a Minor, 5/24/2001 Non-Decert. Conviction Falsification, negotiated 5/6/2006 plea agreement Receiving Stolen Property, Theft in Office, 11/23/2009 Tampering with Evidence Unauthorized Use of 5/5/2011 Property 1/8/2009 Theft in Office 4/18/2013 Burglary 3/5/2007 Obstructing Justice Theft in Office, guilty 2/8/2000 plea 10/7/2010 Sexual Battery Forgery, Forging Identification Cards, Possessing Criminal 11/20/2015 Tools 9/14/2012 Public Corruption Probe Chance Jr., Phillip A. SUSPENDED 8/23/1949 Chicase, John H. 10/6/1942 Reason for Decertification RICO Act, RICO Conspiracy, Hobbs Act Conspiracy, Obstruction of Local Law 11/24/1999 Enforcement Violation of the RICO Act, False Individual Income Tax Return, 11/24/1999 guilty plea 10/10/1978 6/8/2010 Menacing by Stalking Officer Name Christy, Jeffrey Alan Ciesla, Kenneth R. Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Lowellville Police Department Hudson Police Department Cimperman Jr., David F. Reinstated 6/12/2002 Cisco, Scott V. Clark, Daniel E. Clark, Steven W. Claytor, Dwayne A. 7/1/1965 6/29/1964 Sandusky County Sheriff’s Office Zanesville Police Department Windham Police Department 10/24/1965 11/15/1959 10/25/1967 12/11/1976 5/3/2010 Theft in Office, plead 3/13/1978 2/13/1974 Clemons, William J. 11/9/1961 Cleveland, Tiffiney A. Cleveland Clinic Foundation Police Department 6/25/1967 Coe, Douglas Coffey, Gary W. Collins, Jason R. Fayette County Sheriff’s Office College of Mount Saint Joseph Police Department 1/14/2013 Rape, Abduction 5/9/2005 Gross Sexual Imposition Uauthorized Use of 11/20/2015 Property 5/27/1998 Conspiracy, guilty plea Complicity to aggravated theft, filing incomplete, false and/or fraudulent 4/11/2014 returns Wire Fraud, Conspiracy to Distribute Marijuana, Use of Police Computers for Unauthorized 5/27/2009 Purposes Conspiracy to Distribute 5/27/1998 Cocaine, guilty plea Mansfield Police Department Cody, Fred L. 12/20/2005 Felonious Assault Unauthorized use of telecommunications 3/19/2002 property, guilty plea 7/4/1963 6/20/1971 Unauthorized Use of Computer, Dereliction of 7/16/2003 Duty, plead guilty 5/27/1998 Conspiracy, guilty plea Officer Name Collins, Paul Colombo, Robert P. Colon Jr., Gregory Comer, Charles H. Cook III, Richard G. Cooper, James M. Couch, Ricky Court III, Joseph F. Coverdale, Brian M. Craft, James Cronin, Robert M. JUDICIAL REVOCATION Cross, James V. Crutchley, James L. Cutts Jr., Bobby L. Czerepak, John Dailey, Matthew L. Daley, Joseph M. Last Appointing Decertification Reason for Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Decertification Mason Police Department 4/5/1974 3/28/2007 Burglary Lyndhurst Police Drug Possession, Theft in 1/22/2010 Office Department 4/15/1968 Conspiracy to Possess with the Intent to Distribute and Distribution of Cocaine, 6/3/1965 3/1/2000 guilty plea Att. Agg. Assault, guilty 3/25/1999 plea 7/28/1960 Northwest Ohio Developmental Center Police Unauthorized Use of 8/14/1980 8/11/2008 Property, plea agreement Department 4/26/1959 6/24/2002 Coercion, guilty plea Voluntary Surrender; Harveysburg diversion in lieu of felony Police Department 7/2/1963 2/28/2014 conviction 9/2/1973 1/21/2000 Att. Rape Mansfield Police Department 1/27/1970 3/1/2006 Theft Sexual Battery, guilty 4/21/1950 2/28/1997 plea Att. Theft in Office, Tampering with Records, 8/26/1972 12/1/2003 pled guilty 5/20/1969 7/16/1999 Theft, guilty plea Gross Sexual Imposition, 12/9/1946 12/21/2000 guilty plea Murder, Agg. Murder, Agg. Burglary, Gross 5/21/1977 2/27/2008 Abuse of a Corpse Bettery Touch or Strike, Magnolia Police Sex Offense-Against Department 2/6/1974 10/7/2009 Child Mount Vernon Police Department Somerset Police Department 2/18/1971 9/4/1977 Extortion under color of 3/16/2016 official right 12/14/2010 Agg. Drug Trafficking Officer Name Darden, Lamont D. Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Cleveland Heights Police Department Darkadakis, William T. 11/20/1979 Daubenmire, Chad J. Euclid Police Department Davis, Bobby E. Linndale Village Police Department Davis, Brody Dean, Steven E. Meigs County Sheriff's Office Columbus Police Department DeJesus Jr., Cristino DeLuca, William E. DePalma Jr., Frederick Diamond, Franklin Diamond, Frederick J. 5/21/1960 11/18/1988 4/28/1964 10/19/1950 7/6/1955 North Canton Police Department Allen County Sheriff's Office Laurelville Police Department DiBacco, Brad A. Digby, Randall L. Disalvo, Joe T. Dodd, Anthony D. VOLUNTARY SURRENDER 9/5/1973 9/20/1966 Trumbull County Sheriff’s Office DeMastry, Gary K. Denniss, Scott F. 5/13/1986 Findlay Police Department Reason for Decertification Theft in Office (F-4), Tampering with Records 2/24/2017 (F-3), guilty plea Felonious Assault, guilty 5/24/2001 plea Aggravated Robbery, 11/16/2006 Kidnapping Theft, Aggravated Theft, 7/13/2016 M1, plea agreement Grand Theft of Firearm or Dangerous Ordinance (F3), Dereliction of Duty 11/23/2015 (M2) Embezzlement, Theft of 4/7/2014 public property Unauthorized Access to Computer System, guilty 11/27/2001 plea Federal Civil Rights 10/1/2009 Laws numerous felonies, including Theft in Office, 10/17/2002 pled guilty 1/15/1966 4/3/2012 12/21/1965 11/23/2015 9/30/1971 6/10/1970 11/15/2014 5/27/1998 5/30/1956 7/13/2000 4/5/1970 4/1/1971 9/16/2011 5/27/1998 11/6/1966 Inducing Panic, plea agreement Theft in Office 2921.41, Tampering with Records 2913.42, Theft 2913.02 Receiving Stolen Property, Grand Theft Conspiracy, guilty plea Abduction, Burglary, Extortion, guilty plea Unauthorized Use of Law Enforcement Data System Conspiracy, guilty plea No letter, annotated file, 11/17/2000 Dereliction of Duty Officer Name Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Dorman, Kevin M. Scioto County Sheriff's Office Licking Memorial Hospital Police Department Douglas, Joshua S. Hancock County Sheriff’s Office Doll, Branch J. Downard, Daniel Downour, Robert L. Dull, Jerry K. Lisbon Police Department Durbin, Michael P. Somerset Police Department Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Dye, Jeremy M. Hocking County Sheriff's Office Durbin, Kenneth L. Dyson, Ronald D. Edmonds, Brian N. Belmont County Sheriff’s Office 12/17/1987 5/1/1973 7/19/1986 1/19/1972 12/27/1937 10/29/1949 5/1/1977 7/22/1971 Reason for Decertification Felonious assault with a firearm specification (F2), tampering with evidence (F3), assault (F4), improperly handling firearms in motor vehicle 3/16/2016 (F5) 2/25/2005 Tampering with Evidence Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor, 7/20/2009 Tier II Sex Offender Theft in office, unauthorized use of property, Att. Tampering 11/27/2014 with Records 8/11/2003 Rape, found guilty 4/11/2001 Falsification, guilty plea 7/30/1996 Theft, Forgery Possession of Cocaine, 6/29/2016 F5, guilty plea 7/7/1977 5/24/2016 12/30/1953 5/20/1974 1/23/2004 5/27/1998 Edwards, Vinnie D. Cincinnati Police Department 11/17/1959 Elworth, Richard Dayton Police Department 10/29/1971 3/20/2017 9/18/1960 8/20/2003 3/2/1968 4/22/2010 Enderle, Gary Evans, Richard L. Columbus Police Department 4/5/2010 Obstructing Official Business, plea agreement Conspiracy to Possess with Intent to Distribute in Excess of 500 grams of Cocaine, pled guilty Conspiracy, guilty plea Unauthorized Use of Property Felony Possession of a Firearm in a Drug Trafficking Crime, guilty plea Breaking & Entering, pled guilty Attempted Burglary, plead Officer Name Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Eversole, Tammy K. 8/2/1963 Reason for Decertification Passing Bad Checks, Impersonating a Peace 8/13/1999 Officer, guilty plea Ezerski, Steven G. Middletown Reinstated 11/15/2010 Police Department 3/28/1968 Criminal Damaging, 4/18/2007 Inducing Panic Junction City Police Department 3/4/1981 Improper Handling 8/19/2009 Firearm Felty, Steven A. Ferrante, David Fields Jr., Paul D. Fisher, Jeffrey A. SUSPENDED Fisher, Travis Lee VOLUNTARY SURRENDER Parma Police Department Cambridge Police Department Franklin County Sheriff’s Office 4/23/1968 9/3/1963 6/8/1971 Richwood Police Department 7/31/1981 Sandusky Police Fitzpatrick Jr., James G. Department 11/18/1966 Flara, Michael J. Flynn, Michael T. 12/13/1959 6/11/1947 Ford, Terrell S. Forte, Demetrius L. Freeman, Ryan M. Fusner, Trevor 3/25/1963 2/14/1968 Mahoning County Sheriff’s Office 6/21/1979 6/11/1976 Falsification and Tampering with Records, 12/21/2010 plea agreement Illegal Use of a Minor in Nudity Oriented Material 11/23/2015 2907.323(A)(3) Unlawful sexual contact 5/6/2010 with a minor 8/24/2009 Theft of drugs Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor, 4 6/26/2006 counts Breaking & Entering, 11/10/2003 pled guilty 2/27/2001 Theft, guilty plea Attempt Abduction, 12/18/2000 guilty plea 5/27/1998 Conspiracy, guilty plea Unauthorized Use of a 8/25/2010 Computer Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute in excess of 500 g of cocaine, Knowingly carrying a firearm during/and in relation to 6/12/2008 drug trafficking crime Officer Name Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Garcia Jr., Ferdinand VOLUNTARY SURRENDER Garn, Michael L. Garwood, Dusty 6/12/1967 Mansfield Police Department Wood County Sheriff's Office German, Todd R. Cleveland Police Department Delaware Police Department Licking County Sheriff’s Office Union County Sheriff’s Office Germani III, Joseph J. SUSPENDED Knox County Sheriff’s Office Gary, Jionta L. Gerke, Patrick H. German, Danny L. Gibson, William D. Kirkersville Police Department Clark County Sheriff’s Office Gillen, Michael D. Gilpin, Casey Sean Reinstated 6/21/2012 Trenton Police Department Woodlawn Police Department Gibson, George B. Glassmeyer, Robert A. Goatee Jr., Ricky L. Cincinnati Police Department Wayne Police Department 10/28/1973 8/12/1963 7/8/1985 9/5/1982 5/24/1968 3/3/1962 11/9/1971 11/15/1968 12/4/1967 6/7/1972 3/30/1978 10/16/1952 8/20/1975 Reason for Decertification No decert letter sent, M-1 conviction, Attempted unauthorized use of property, computer/telecommunica tions equipment, guilty 8/13/2001 plea Unauthorized use of OHLEG, Tampering with evidence, Sexual battery, 5/24/2016 Meancing by stalking Gross Sexual Imposition, 9/18/2014 Abduction Domestic Violence, plea agreement to surrender 9/23/2009 certificate 11/19/2015 Identity Fraud Unlawful Restraint, M-3, 10/20/2016 agree to surrender Possession of Child 3/22/2013 Pornography Illegal Conveyance of Drugs of Abuse onto Grounds of Detention 5/21/2004 Facility, found guilty 12/11/2012 Sexual Battery 10/20/2016 Insurance Fraud, F-5 Theft in office, unauthorized use of 4/11/2014 property 3/4/2011 Theft Transportation of child pornography in violation 11/19/2015 of 18 USC 2252A(a)(1) 8/17/2010 Theft in Office, 6 cts. Last Appointing Decertification Reason for Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Decertification Gordon, Forest L. Ottawa Police SUSPENDED Department 4/21/1965 1/21/2010 Theft in Office Trafficking Cocaine, Conspiracy to Drug 4/2/2002 Trafficking, guilty plea Gore, Robert C. 2/24/1966 Butler Police Gouge, Michael Robert Department 3/14/1966 8/5/2013 Sexual Battery Lucas County Federal Civil Rights Gray, John E. Sheriff’s Office 11/30/1938 1/28/2011 Violation 18 USC § 641.F Public Columbus Police Money, Property or Green, Rita Department 11/9/1960 12/16/2015 Records Montgomery Developmental Greene, David R. 4/8/1952 8/17/2003 “felony conviction” Center Trumbull County Importuning, Soliciting, Gregory II, Timothy H. Sheriff’s Office 5/26/1970 12/30/1999 Unlawful Restraint Dublin Police Attempted Pandering Grosz, Mark K. Department 1/10/1957 3/20/2017 (F3), Pandering (F4) Cincinnati Police Possession of Child Grote, Randolph R. Department 10/18/1969 3/28/2013 Pornography Theft, Receiving Stolen Property, Attempted Burglary, Violation of Newark Police 2006-2011 Protection Order Hall II, Joseph V. Department 3/2/1954 Unauthorized Use of Property - Computer, Cable, or Lancaster Police Telecommunication Hall, Donald R. Department 11/23/1966 11/21/2016 Property, plead guilty Hall, Glenn Tampering with Records, SUSPENDED 1/23/1957 7/26/2001 guilty Officer Name Hall, John F. SUSPENDED Cleveland Police Department Hallowell, Jerry Athens County Sheriff’s Office Obstructing Justice 2921.32(A)(3), 11/23/2015 Tampering with Evidence 10/26/1964 12/17/2015 2921.12(A)(1) Unauthorized Use of Ohio Law Enforcement 11/13/1966 11/28/2011 Gateway Officer Name Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Hardesty, Terry K. New Vienna Police Department 7/21/1959 Hare, Brad E. Columbus Police Department 4/5/1973 Harmon, Andre Harrison Jr., Roy R. VOLUNTARY SURRENDER Warrensville Heights Police Department New Madison Police Department Harrison, David L. Harrison, David L. Fairfield County Sheriff’s Office Harton, Herman C. Hatfield, Brian Hatten, Justin R. Hawkins Jr., Frank C. Crooksville Police Department ODPS – Investigative Unit 12/21/1960 Obstruction of Official 12/23/2003 Business, pled guilty Receiving Stolen Property, Abduction, 1/30/2013 Robbery Theft in Office 2921.41, Drug Possession 2925.11, Tampering with 11/25/2015 Records 2913.42 6/17/1975 12/5/2012 11/10/1952 6/17/2003 11/10/1952 8/4/2006 12/2/1962 1/29/2003 6/1/1975 3/11/1979 1/1/1947 Reason for Decertification Admitted Insurance Fraud, no official charges Obstructing Official Business, Unauthorized Use of Computer, Pandering Obscenity Involving a Minor, Pandering Obscenity, pled guilty Obstructing Official Business, Unauthorized Use of Computer, Pandering Obscenity Involving a Minor, Pandering Obscenity Agg. Murder with prior calculation & design, pled guilty 11/3/2014 Money Laundering, Theft 3/30/2009 Rape Unauthorized Decryption of Satellite Cable 2/26/2001 Programming, guilty plea Officer Name Hensley, Dustin W. Hess, David W. Heys, Edward M. Hilderbrandt, Christopher L. Hirst, David M. Hobbs, Owen Hogg, Mark Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Clark County Sheriff’s Office Wakeman Police Department Highland County Sheriff’s Office Dayton Police Department Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority Holmes, Derrick Horner, Jeffrey C. Howard, Jody Dean Morrow County Sheriff’s Office Huff, Robert K. Hughes, Joseph Q. 3/10/1983 11/7/2013 8/31/1971 3/3/1937 3/8/2017 9/23/1998 7/22/1980 1/14/2011 11/7/1963 9/5/1947 Agg. Robbery, Inducing 5/21/2013 Panic, Kidnapping, Theft 7/13/2000 Murder, guilty plea 8/4/1964 11/25/1961 Athens County Sheriff’s Office Mount Gilead Police Department Reason for Decertification Sexual Exploitation of Children, Distribution of Child Pornography, Possession of Child Pronography Menacing by Stalking (F4) 2 cts., guilty plea Rape, guilty plea Sexual Battery, plea agreement 5/30/1972 6/28/2005 Theft in Office Using & Carrying a Firearm in Relation to a Crime of Violence, guilty 11/15/1999 plea 6/6/2006 Bribery 8/7/1952 Rape, Gross Sexual Imposition Victim under 13, Pandering Obscenity Involving a Minor, Illegal Use of a Minor in Nudity Oriented Material or Performance, Tampering 8/19/2010 with Evidence Sexual Battery, Gross Sexual Imposition, guilty 3/11/1998 plea 1/6/1982 Receiving Stolen Property, Theft, 11/1/2011 Tampering with Evidence 2/5/1977 Officer Name Hughes, Joseph Q. Hughes, Joseph Q. SUSPENDED Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Mount Gilead Police Department Hull, Raymond Mount Gilead Police Department Mahoning County Sheriff’s Office Hunt, William Ryan Harveysburg Police Department Huston, Douglas L. Cridersville Police Department Iddings, Justin Ivey Jr., Arthur Jackson, Demetrius Jackson, John Jackson, Michael J. Jennings, Ellis L. SUSPENDED Johnson, Daniel M. Johnson, James J. Johnson, Timothy W. Jones, Eric Alan Jones, Gregory C. Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Sugar Grove Police Department Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Office Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office Madison Twp. Police Department Fairlawn Police Department Cleveland Police Department 1/6/1982 1/6/1982 3/7/1969 2/22/1975 4/28/1979 7/5/1983 12/2/1946 2/19/2013 Reason for Decertification Receiving Stolen Property, Theft, Tampering with Evidence Receiving Stolen Property, Theft, Nov-11 Tampering with Evidence Federal Civil Rights 5/6/2005 Laws Theft, Att. Tampering with Evidence, 1/30/2013 Tampering with Records Gross Sexual Imposition, 3/15/2017 F-3, guilty plea Pandering Sexually Oriented Matter 1/7/2015 Involving a Minor Sexual Battery, plead 1/21/2004 guilty 6/18/1979 7/20/1958 11/24/2015 5/27/1998 1/27/1969 11/20/2015 4/23/1953 10/10/2000 Unauthorized Use of Property/OHLEG (M1) Conspiracy, guilty plea Theft in Office, Tampering with Recods Gross Sexual Imposition, found guilty 3/3/1978 10/24/1968 3/21/2007 Sexual Battery 5/27/1998 Conspiracy, guilty plea 2/12/1958 RC 2925.11 Possession 12/24/2015 of drugs (F5) 7/14/1957 Safecracking (F4), 11/24/2015 Breaking & Entering (F5) 3/18/1965 4/11/2014 Rape, Kidnapping Officer Name Jones, Paul A. VOLUNTARY SURRENDER Jones, Stephen C. SUSPENDED Joseph, Melinda S. Joyce, Patrick J. Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Cleveland Police Department 11/8/1967 Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office Judd, Earl L. Kacvinsky, Eric John Kane, Kamryn L. 8/11/1981 7/15/1971 5/1/1958 Painesville Police Department Kaebnick, Mark A. Kamphaus, John D. SUSPENDED 9/17/1947 5/26/1969 11/23/1959 Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office Cuyahoga Community College Police Department Mahoning County Sheriff’s Office 8/28/1973 Reason for Decertification Criminal Trespass, Dereliction of Duty, 10/25/2012 Assault Felonious Assault, found 12/12/2000 guilty 8/22/2012 Theft 5/27/1998 Conspiracy, guilty plea Attempted Felonious Assault, Tampering with 2/11/2002 Evidence, guilty plea Unlawful Possession of 12/22/2005 Unregistered Firearms Theft in Office, guilty 4/10/2000 plea Prohibited Use of Electronic Means to Induce a Minor to Engage in Sexual 11/20/2015 Activities 2/20/1971 12/19/2003 10/15/1974 4/26/2004 Kash, Kirk A. 7/30/1964 8/1/2002 Kashubeck, Ray A. 6/25/1970 5/27/1998 Keeley, John M. 4/5/1973 7/30/2003 Keish, Gerard J. 9/11/1952 3/30/1999 Kaschak, Ronald Kelly, Patrick SUSPENDED Athens County Sheriff’s Office 12/14/1950 Multiple felonies, pled guilty Federal Civil Rights Laws Rape, Kidnapping, found guilty Conspiracy to Distribute Cocaine, guilty plea Failure to File a Tax Return, pled guilty Conspiracy to obstruct state & local law enforcement, guilty plea Theft in Office (12 cts.), Perjury, Failure to keep a cashbox, Theft (3 cts.), Engaging in a pattern of 11/19/2015 corrupt activity Officer Name Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Kendall, David T. 9/4/1967 Kessler, James W. Clark County Sheriff’s Office Powhatan Police Department 1/31/1977 Kimpel, Dean Alan Shelby County Sheriff’s Office 9/2/1954 Kerns, Matthew Korossy, Steven Nicholas Kozempa, Leonard Krego, David L. Krone, Marcia M. aka Marcia Masters Put-in-Bay Police Department Waterville Township Police Department Laboy-Laviena, Jose J. Oakwood Village Police Department Cincinnati Police Department Lamb, Todd Allan Logan County Sheriff's Office Lanham, Virgil C. Lanning Jr., Kelsie K. Laugherty, William LeFever, Sean A. Leshnack, Anthony Buchtel Police Department Bloomville Police Department Shawnee Hills Police Department Trumbull County Sheriff’s Office 9/3/1975 11/2/1975 10/15/1955 Insurance Fraud, Tampering with Records, 10/30/2002 Falsification, pled guilty Obstructing Official 9/15/2014 Business 2/22/2007 Felonious Assault Unauthorized use of computer, cable, or telecommunications 4/30/2012 property Unauthorized use of 5/24/2016 OHLEG, plea agreement 1/3/2001 Theft, guilty plea 4/30/1969 3/14/2012 11/6/1966 11/20/2015 5/19/1972 1/9/2013 2/23/1974 10/21/2013 3/1/1978 2/24/2003 6/23/1978 4/27/2012 1/24/1984 8/1/1972 8/22/1967 Reason for Decertification Illegal Use of a Minor in Nudity-Oriented Material Fictitious statement in order to acquire a firearm/ammunition in violation of 18 USC 922(a)(6) Theft, Tampering with Records Unlawful interstate transportation of stolen motor vehicles, wire fraud Obstruction of Official Business, pled guilty Permitting Drug Abuse, Bill of Information 1/8/2013 Theft in Office Theft in Office, F5, 7/11/2016 Alford plea 5/15/2009 Grand Theft Officer Name Lightle, Cora L. List Jr., Charles E. Livingston, Steve SURRENDER Lloyd, Brian K. Locke, Charles Lodwick, Robert B. Lodwick, Ronald E. VOLUNTARY SURRENDER Longo, Joseph P. Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Greenfield Police Department Warren Police Department Columbus Police Department Cleveland Police Department Cleveland Police Department Youngstown Police Department Hartville Police Department 6/4/1959 Tampering with Records, 10/25/2006 Tampering with Evidence 12/10/1967 Agg. Vehicular Homicide while Reckless, Agg. Vehicular Assault while DUI of Alcohol or Drugs, 5/13/2003 pled guilty 8/29/1970 10/21/1969 11/24/1971 9/16/1972 3/16/1968 9/17/1967 12/24/2015 RC 2913.02 Theft (F4) Theft, Aggravated Theft 3/20/2017 (F5), guilty plea Unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, pandering sexually oriented material 10/15/2014 involving a minor Illegal Use of a Minor in Nudity-Oriented Material, Importuning, 5/7/2014 Pandering Obscenity 5/31/2002 5/27/1998 Conspiracy, guilty plea Attempted Grand Theft, Receiving Stolen 1/31/2012 Property Sexual Battery, found 7/1/2004 guilty Lowe, Paul D. Danville Police Department Stark County Sheriff’s Office Lucas, Kevin L. Woodsfield Police Department 6/7/1969 1/4/2006 Lumpkin, Kevin R. SUSPENDED North Randall Police Department 4/3/1986 12/15/2015 Lunsford, Jerry L. 11/11/1968 11/20/2003 Lushbaugh, Brian 2/12/1972 3/1/2007 Looney, Thomas L. Reason for Decertification 5/9/1970 4/10/1962 Breaking & Entering, Theft of Drugs 18 USC 922(d) and 924(a)(2) Unlawful Sale of Firearm to Felon Obstructing Official Business, pled guilty Dereliction of Duty, plea agreement Officer Name Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date MacCannon, Demetrius R. MacDonald, James A. Mace, Lucas Maher, Clay W. Malone, Antonio 12/22/1969 Coshocton County Sheriff’s Office Glouster Police Department Elmwood Place Police Department Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority Reason for Decertification Att. Trafficking in 1/13/1999 Cocaine, guilty plea 9/2/1975 11/30/2012 Theft in Office Dereliction of Duty, plea 8/8/2014 agreement 4/3/1982 Aggravated Assault, F-4, 3/15/2017 guilty plea 2/17/1972 5/30/1981 11/24/2015 Manley, James E. 6/4/1962 9/10/2002 Mann, Thomas J. 2/23/1957 6/22/2000 9/11/1949 12/4/2012 Marshall, John M. Martin, Jeffrey L. New Holland Police Department Pepper Pike Police Department Martin, Randy S. SUSPENDED Martinez, Raymond S. Mascara, Michael J. Mastri, Vincent A. Chester Township Police Department Buchtel Police Department 4/9/1960 10/12/2016 2/23/1973 9/2/2003 6/2/1961 9/20/2004 9/22/1976 12/24/1964 6/14/2004 5/27/1998 Unauthorized Use of Property, OHLEG (F5) Endangering Children, pled guilty Trafficking in Marihuana, guilty plea Falsification to Obtain Concealed Handgun License Menacing by Stalking, Impersonation of a Police Officer, Unauthorized Use of a Government Computer, guilty plea Child Endangering, Involuntary Manslaughter, found guilty Tampering with evidence, Receiving Stolen Property, Pandering Sexually Oriented Matter Involving a Minor, Illegal Use of a Minor in NudityOriented Material or Performance Gross Sexual Imposition, pled guilty Conspiracy, guilty plea Officer Name Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Matthews, Dale B. SUSPENDED McCann, Kevin Lee Reynoldsburg Police Department Belmont County Sheriff’s Office Dellroy Police Department McCarty, Jeffrey Adams County Sheriff's Office Mauger, Shane M. Maynard, Michelle A. McClung, Timothy R. McCombs, Mark J. McFaul, Gerald T. McKee, Richard E. McNea Jr., David F. Perkins Township Police Department Cuyahoga Community College Police Department Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Office Ross County Sheriff’s Office Parma Police Department Meenach, George P. Meno, Ryan Anthony Metz, Nathan Mieczkowski, Robert 3/2/1963 11/19/2002 4/30/1974 3/18/2016 11/9/1961 3/13/2006 3/25/1962 3/20/2010 11/14/1968 11/23/2015 4/11/1962 10/30/1962 5/20/1934 2/7/1963 9/21/1952 6/27/1956 Kettering Police Department Hicksville Police Department Smithfield Police Department 9/10/1979 1/31/1981 8/5/1956 Reason for Decertification Illegal Possession & Att. Illegal Use of Minor in Nudity-Oriented Material or Performance; Att. Gross Sexual Imposition, found guilty Conspiracy to deprive persons of civil rights, federal program theft Obstruction of Justice, plea agreement Felonious Assault, plead guilty Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor (F3) 6/7/2011 Theft in Office 4/25/2008 Tampering with Evidence Theft in Office, plead 7/26/2010 guilty Importuning, Unauthorized Use of 5/23/2012 OHLEG 9/5/2007 Trafficking in Drugs Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor, 3/21/2003 pled guilty Theft of Drugs, Theft in 12/29/2016 Office, guilty plea Unauthorized Use of the Ohio Law Enforcement 11/3/2014 Gateway Unlawful Interest in a 3/24/2017 Public Contract (F4) Officer Name Miller, Jeffrey A. Miller, John Wayne Miller, Scott M. Miller, Stewart Millinger, John T. Mills II, Olin R. Mills, Chad L. Milner, David J. Mitchell, Adrian Last Appointing Decertification Reason for Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Decertification Middleport Police Department 7/27/1966 4/27/2009 Theft in Office Corruption of a Minor, 6/15/1999 guilty plea 5/13/1967 Fostoria Police Dereliction of Duty, Department 11/1/1966 5/10/2007 plead guilty Columbus Police Possession of Child 10/23/1965 7/25/2014 Pornography Department Wood County 10/29/1985 5/2/2013 Voyeurism Park District Sabina Police Theft in Office, Grand 12/5/1972 10/31/2016 Theft, plead guilty Department Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute in excess of 500 g of cocaine, Knowingly carrying a firearm during/and in relation to 2/7/1978 6/12/2008 drug trafficking crime Obstruction of Justice, 2/10/1963 6/1/2000 guilty (no contest plea) Mail Frauds and Swindles, Filing False Tax Return Fraud and Cincinnati Police 2/18/2009 False Statements Department 12/16/1972 Mole, Matthew T. East Cleveland Police Department Waite Hill Police Department Mone, Valerie K. Cleveland Police Department Mitchell, Rashad J. Moore, Jr., Nelson Moore, Michael E. Moore, Scott M. Mahoning County Sheriff’s Office Warren County Sheriff's Office 12/23/1984 Intimidation of a Victim 4/14/2009 of Crime 9/27/1976 7/16/2012 Sexual Battery Tampering with Records (F5), Tampering with 11/6/1965 3/16/2017 Evidence (F4) Engaging in a Pattern of Corrupt Activity, Misuse 11/20/2015 of Credit Cards, Grand 5/20/1963 12/17/2015 Theft 2/26/1970 6/11/1968 11/16/2004 Theft in Office Theft in Office, found 12/13/2002 guilty Officer Name Moore, Terry P. Moore, Torris SUSPENDED Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date East Cleveland Police Department Morley, Kenneth M. East Cleveland Police Department Cuyahoga Community College Police Department Morrison, Edward L. Dover Police Department Murray, Carrie A. New Vienna Police Department Timberlake Police Department Myers Sr., Christen L. Bellville Police Department Nelson, Mark A. Columbus Police Department Mueller, David M. Newlon, Eric E. Noble, Jonathan L. Oakes, Dale G. Perry County Sheriff’s Office Circleville Police Department 1/20/1982 Reason for Decertification Conspiracy Against Rights in violation of 18 USC 241(F), Hobbs Act in violation of 18 USC 11/24/2015 1951(F) 1/10/1973 18 USC 241 Conspiracy Against Rights, 18 USC 1951 Hobbs Act, 18 USC 666(a)(1)(A) Theft Concerning Programs Receiving Federal Funds, 18 USC 1001.F False Statement to Law 12/14/2015 Enforcement 4/10/1971 5/7/1971 11/27/2012 Obstructing Justice Assault of a Peace Officer, Disrupting 12/22/2004 Public Services Voluntary Manslaughter, Tampering with 12/3/2003 Evidence, pled guilty Theft in Office, 8/25/2014 Tampering with Records Att. Murder, Agg. Burglary, Felonious Assault, Violation of a 7/11/2001 Protection Order Making a False Statement in Acquisition of a Firearms, federal 3/17/2017 conviction 11/21/1965 Failure of Sex Offender 9/21/2007 to Register New Address 1/16/1971 10/10/1972 8/8/1977 7/19/1959 7/9/1970 8/17/1957 11/4/2004 Insurance Fraud Corruption of a Minor, 3/31/1999 guilty plea Officer Name Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Oakley, John Oehlstrom Sr., Kurt R. Oglesbee Jr., Roger D. Amherst Police Department Oldham, Robert German Township Police Department Oliver, David A. aka Blough Brimfield Township Police Department 5/23/1958 1/24/2001 9/30/1976 6/30/1972 8/27/2009 7/11/2002 10/2/1981 1/15/2013 8/9/1967 3/21/2016 4/25/1974 Deception to Obtain Drugs, Theft in Office, Tampering with Records, Theft of a Dangerous 11/23/2016 Drug, plead guilty 8/26/1956 4/2/2007 Falsification, plead guilty 3/16/1968 8/4/2010 Tampering with Evidence Pandering Sexually Oriented Material, Receiving Stolen Property, Unauthorized Use of OHLEG, Unauthorized Use of 8/17/2013 Property Complicity to Comit Receiving Stolen Property, Unauthorized Use of Property, Theft in 1/4/2010 Office – plead guilty Pack, Delmas G. Sandusky County Sheriff’s Office Sandusky Police Department Felicity Police Department Pankonien Jr., Bob L. Akron Police Department 4/5/1961 Parker, Alan W. Dayton Police Department 9/4/1956 Parra, Shawn SUSPENDED Toledo Police Department Overmyer, Kyle A. Pace, Richard N. Parries, Edward S. Reason for Decertification Att. Theft in Office, guilty plea Attempted Unauthorized Use of Property, plea agreement Theft, guilty plea Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor, Unlawful Restraint Attempted Theft in Office, Simple Assault, Unlawful Restraint, Unauthorized Use of Property 1/1/1974 1/31/1958 Theft in Office 11/23/2015 2921.41(A)(1) &(B) (F5) Controlled SubstanceSell/Distribute/ Dispense, 11/26/2001 guilty plea Officer Name Parsons, Robert A. SUSPENDED Patterson, Timothy A. Paull, Eric Pelegreen, Michael A. Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Ohio University Police Department Minerva Police Department Akron Police Department Cadiz Police Department 12/28/1968 9/13/1956 3/25/1971 1/15/1961 Pennington, David E. 5/15/1964 Perdue Jr., Paul R. 8/29/1966 Perrine, Thomas Highland Hills Police Department Peterson, Ronald A. Phillips, David V. Timberlake Police Department Phillips, Eric T. Phillips, Mark C. Phillips, Scott D. Pippin, Joseph D. Pitre, Jason J. Pizzulo, Peter Brady Lake Police Department Champaign County Sheriff’s Office Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office Trumbull County Sheriff’s Office Unlawful Sexual 1/5/2007 Conduct with a Minor Rape, Gross Sexual 5/15/2014 Imposition, Bribery Agg. Assault (F4), Tampering with Evidence (F3), Menacing by Stalking (F4), Unauthorized Use of the Ohio Law Enforcement 11/23/2015 Gateway (F5) 3/26/2007 Theft, Falsification Unauthorized Use of Law Enforcement Automated 1/13/2009 Data Base Arson, Inducing Panic, 9/26/2001 found guilty 6/11/1979 12/15/2008 8/1/1968 11/24/1999 9/10/1975 8/25/2014 6/16/1970 4/2/1999 3/16/1973 6/3/2004 9/5/1976 6/4/2004 9/26/1966 7/7/1976 9/9/2014 5/27/1998 6/4/1962 Reason for Decertification Theft in Office, Att. Tampering with Evidence Carrying Concealed Weapon, guilty plea Theft in Office, Tampering with Records Att. Sale or Use of Drugs, guilty plea Endangering Children, Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor, plead guilty Kidnapping w/a Gun Specification, found guilty Obtaining controlled substance by fraud or deceit Theft, found guilty 5/15/2009 Grand Theft Last Appointing Decertification Reason for Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Decertification Athens County Poches, Ronald B. Sheriff’s Office 9/4/1971 1/31/2013 Aggravated Theft Fostoria Police Att. Agg. Assault, 1/31/2006 Menacing by Stalking Portentoso, Nicholas D. Department 9/26/1961 Officer Name Porter, Shane E. Newcomerstown Police Department Potter, Laura J. Powell, Timothy V. Prade, Douglas E. SUSPENDED Pressley, Keith D. Price, Angela aka Hissong Price, Terry Prince, Matt Thomas Probst, Andrew G. Radike, Michael L. Ramirez, Frank SUSPENDED 8/28/1991 7/9/1954 Germantown Police Department 3/19/1971 3/31/1946 Canton Police Department Mifflin Township Police Department ODNR - Division of Parks & Recreation Dresden Police Department Pandora Police Department Toledo Police Department Rauzan Jr., Andrew A. Redden, Edward W. 11/24/1972 8/6/1978 11/29/2016 Abduction, guilty plea Theft in Office, pled 9/22/2003 guilty Theft of Drugs, Theft in 6/4/2003 Office, pled guilty 9/23/1998 Agg. Murder Insurance Fraud, pled 6/16/2004 guilty 11/23/2015 Theft in Office (F4) 3/6/1949 11/23/2015 12/30/1975 1/24/2017 5/10/1989 7/6/1971 4/11/2014 5/27/1998 8/28/1956 9/9/2016 5/22/1949 4/6/1970 3/30/1999 5/27/1998 Sexual Imposition 2907.06(A) Pandering Obscenity Involving a Minor (3 cts.), F-4, guilty plea Unlawful sexual conduct with a minor Conspiracy, guilty plea Obstructing Justice, Tampering with Evidence, F-3 Conspiracy to obstruct state & local law enforcement, guilty plea Conspiracy, guilty plea Ricker, Matthew Carey Police Department 10/31/1967 1/28/2015 Dereliction of Duty Riley, Lori L. Open Enrollment – not appointed to any agency prior to decertification 10/29/1966 3/13/2007 Sexual Battery Officer Name Rivera, John Roach, Paul L. Roberts, Eric Roberts, Roger L. Robinson, Mary Ann VOLUNTARY SURRENDER Roden, Michael Lee SUSPENDED Rond, Christopher J. Last Appointing Decertification Reason for Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Decertification Mahoning County Federal Civil Rights Sheriff’s Office 1/19/1972 5/6/2005 Laws Lawrence County Gross Sexual Imposition, 6/15/2004 pled guilty Sheriff’s Office 5/9/1950 Receiving Stolen Property in Office, guilty 10/13/1973 7/6/2000 plea Clark County Sheriff’s Office Wood County Sheriff’s Office Columbus Police Department Rowe, Richard A. Ruble, Mitchell R. Washington Court House Police Department Ross, Richard G. 7/4/1959 6/17/1973 North College Hill Police Department Girard Police Department Mahoning County Sheriff’s Office Roos, Bryon A. 8/30/1957 8/24/1969 7/27/1969 8/18/1941 5/6/1958 Theft in Office, 4/5/2007 Tampering with Evidence Contributing to 6/17/2011 Unruliness of a Minor Possession of Drugs, 3 1/22/2003 cts., found guilty Falsification, negotiated 5/6/2006 plea agreement Structuring Financial Records to Evade Federal 2/7/2013 Reporting Requirements Att. Agg. Trafficking in 12/10/2014 Drugs 9/6/2016 Rape, guilty plea Runion, Roger G. 9/16/1965 Salerno, Stephen M. 11/4/1967 Aggravated Murder, 5/17/2016 1981 offense Att. Insurance Fraud, 1/22/2001 guilty plea Conspiracy to Distribute 5/27/1998 Cocaine, guilty plea 8/18/1966 No decert letter sent, court-order surrender (did not invoke 2929.29), 10/11/2001 Theft, guilty plea Sanborn, Stephen K. COURT-ORDERED SURRENDER Sanchez, Jesus M. Sanders, Clyde F. Lorain Police Department Pike County Sheriff's Office 12/4/1950 4/12/1955 12/3/2008 Menacing by Stalking 1/28/1963 8/29/2013 Gross Sexual Imposition Officer Name Sarlog, Zvonko Sauseda, Robert Ray Schaef, Glenn R. Schiavone, Dennis J. Schmeltz, Jay M. Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Cleveland Police Department Bettsville Police Department Madison Twp. Police Department Butler County Sheriff’s Office Lucas County Sheriff’s Office Schmidt, Rick A. SUSPENDED Schrack, Keith Schreck, John R. Schwart, Kenneth L. Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Grandview Heights Police Department Pataskala Police Department Scott, Chad A. 4/3/1970 5/28/1983 7/3/1975 9/20/1974 3/12/1956 Reason for Decertification Felony Conspiracy to Distribute and Possess Cocaine with Intent to Distribute, Felony Conspiracy to Launder 3/20/2017 Money, guilty plea 6/21/2013 Trafficking in Drugs Possession of Drugs (F4), 3/8/2017 guilty plea Sexual Battery, pled 11/24/2003 guilty 2/13/1966 1/28/2011 Records Falsification Sexual Battery, Att. Intimidation, Gross Sexual Imposition, Criminal Trespass, found 1/25/2003 guilty 5/25/1949 Agg. Possession of Drugs (F5), Carrying a 3/20/2017 Concealed Weapon (F4) 3/6/1967 8/23/2004 Gross Sexual Imposition 4/7/1969 2/25/2005 Tampering with Evidence Corruption of a Minor, Gross Sexual Imposition, 12/13/2000 guilty plea Conspiracy to Possess with Intent to Distribute in Excess of 500 grams 10/22/2003 of Cocaine, pled guilty Voluntary Surrender; Abudction, Assault, Interfering with Civil 1/17/2014 Rights 2/27/1975 Sears Sr., Robert A. Belmont County Sheriff’s Office 8/18/1949 Secoy, Randall E. Nelsonville Police Department 4/26/1971 Officer Name Semer, John E. Shaw, Reuben Shelley, Bryan C. VOLUNTARY SURRENDER Simmons, Jonmal Simmons, Michael P. Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Van Wert Police Department 5/10/1968 Warren Police Department 6/11/1965 Reading Police Department Cleveland Police Department Richfield Police Department Simpson, William Slimak, Steven F. Smith, Gerald J. Smith, Kristopher A. Smith, Landon T. 2/2/1970 6/7/2010 1/29/1968 7/16/2007 5/21/1974 11/14/2016 10/22/1960 3/12/2008 5/10/1970 Kirtland Hills Police Department New Holland Police Department Noble County Sheriff’s Office Reason for Decertification Engaging in Motor Vehicle Business without a license, Attempted Tampering with an Odometer, plea 7/10/2006 agreement Theft, Dereliction of Duty, Falsification, Criminal Trespassing, 9/22/2014 plea agreement 5/18/1957 8/22/1976 11/2/1942 Conducting Unauthorized Search Wire Fraud, False Statement to Federal Officer Grand Theft, F-4, plead guilty Sexual Battery, 2 cts; Sexual Battery, 6 cts. Pandering Sexually Oriented Matter Involving a Minor, Illegal Use of a Minor in NudityOriented Material or Performance, Disseminating Matter Harmful to Juveniles, 11/20/2003 pled guilty Mail Fraud, Destruction, Alteration, or Falsification of Records 10/28/2014 in a Federal Investigation Consent Decree ref. Dismissal, Intimidation 9/8/2006 of a Witness Unlawful Interest in a 6/6/2009 Public Contract Officer Name Smith, LaRoy Smith, Thomas E. Smith, Todd L. Solether Jr., Richard E. Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Lincoln Heights Police Department, Elmwood Place Police Department Columbiana County Sheriff’s Office Columbus Police Department Perrysburg Township Police Department 7/15/1964 11/5/2014 Theft 5/28/1958 4/21/2008 Theft in Office Using Cell Phone to Entice Underage Minors to Engage in Sexual 1/18/2013 Activity 11/21/1962 5/2/1967 Sommer Jr., John W. 9/28/1975 Sommer, Timothy L. 8/26/1949 Soto, Kristopher M. Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office Spence, Edsil Genoa Township Police Department Spencer, Matthew S. Huron County Sheriff’s Office Spencer, Matthew S. Spencer, Randy N. 3/9/1978 8/23/1970 9/2/1973 9/2/1973 Marion County Sheriff's Office Reason for Decertification 1/25/1985 8/31/2007 Rape Pandering Obscenity, 11/20/2001 guilty plea Making false alarms, theft in office (4 cts.), 7/22/2002 forgery Falsification, negotiated 2/12/2007 plea, plead guilty Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor, 3/20/2006 Gross Sexual Imposition Theft in Office, Tampering with Evidence, Insurance Fraud, Tampering with 3/10/2008 Records, Falsification Theft in Office, Tampering with Evidence, Insurance Fraud, Tampering with 3/10/2008 Records, Falsification 9/19/2013 Rape Officer Name Spicer, Eric SUSPENDED Steele, Julian Stetson, Arol D. Stewart, Dale E. Stewart, Stephen B. Stone, Gary L. (certification suspended by court order until 8/24/00) Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Greene County Sheriff's Office Cincinnati Police Department Morrow Police Department Butler County Sheriff’s Office Gratis Police Department Strange, Ryan Stroud, Gary Suggs, Angienette Swanson, Archie Swartout, Michael G. Swift, Todd J. VOLUNTARY SURRENDER 6/3/1962 9/15/2010 6/28/1949 10/1/2003 3/13/1963 8/16/2003 7/5/1973 9/6/2016 3/11/1970 Jackson Township Police Department Mahoning County Sheriff’s Office Lake County Sheriff’s Office Trotwood Police Department Portage County Sheriff’s Office 4/9/1967 12/25/1975 12/17/1953 4/3/1974 1/22/1957 2/15/1952 9/14/1971 Talley, Jameel SUSPENDED Tarasuck, Richard M. 12/12/2014 12/31/1940 Stonerock, Brian S. Stover, Craig A. 8/12/1969 5/23/1967 Canfield Police Department 7/9/1970 Reason for Decertification Illegal Possession of a Machine Gun, Possession of an Unregistered Firearm Intimidation with Specification, Abduction with Specification Gross Sexual Imposition, 2 cts. Sexual Battery, pled guilty Deception to Obtain Dangerous Drugs, Agg. Possession of Drugs, guilty plea 8/24/1999 Tampering with Records Attempted trafficking in 9/27/2000 drugs, guilty plea Forgery, Tampering with Records, Unauthorized 9/10/2014 Use of OHLEG Federal Civil Rights 5/6/2005 Laws Murder, Abuse of a 7/17/2012 Corpse 5/27/1998 Conspiracy, guilty plea 3/1/2007 Theft in Office Felonious Assault, 6/12/2009 Inducing Panic Theft, dismissed with 7/31/2002 conditions, plea bargain Involuntary Manslaughter, found 6/23/2003 guilty Felonious Assault, 10/17/2009 Burglary Last Appointing Decertification Reason for Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Decertification Lake County Tate Jr., Earl J. (“Chip”) Sheriff’s Office 12/20/1958 2/23/2005 Bank Fraud Thornville Police Unauthorized Use of 9/2/2014 OHLEG Taylor, James E. Department 6/15/1969 Officer Name Taylor, Michael E. Tenney, Lewis D. Washington Court House Police Department University of Dayton Police Department Thomas, Glen B. Thomas, Stephen Paul SUSPENDED Tipple, Deborah L. Torres, Duhamel O. Summitville Police Department Commercial Point Police Department Cleveland Police Department Hanging Rock Trent, Thomas Sherman Police Department Cincinnati Police Triggs, Alvin Department Tuleta, Anthony REINSTATED Cleveland Police 3/11/2014 Department 8/12/1950 11/5/2004 Sexual Battery 5/9/1955 8/3/2009 6/12/1940 8/9/2000 11/20/2015 3/26/1987 12/10/2015 11/30/1971 3/9/2010 2/20/1966 1/8/2009 7/1/1988 10/16/1965 6/13/1958 Tampering with 4/3/2012 Evidence, Theft in Office 11/9/2011 Negotiated plea 2/5/2010 Tvaroch, Anthony S. Warren Township Police Department 3/25/1974 Venrick, Christopher Sugar Grove Police Department 11/23/2015 2/24/1977 12/17/2015 Vermillion, Gerald C. 11/3/1966 Falsification, plea agreement Theft in office, Tampering with evidence, guilty plea Possession of Unregistered Destructive Device in violation of 26 USC 5841, 5861(d) and 5871 Deception to Obtain Drugs, Deception to Obtain Dangerous Drugs, plead guilty Sexual Battery, Tampering with Records Theft, Drug Possession; conviction overturned Agg. Burglary, 11/14/2011 Abduction Unauthorized Use of Property/OHLEG (M1) Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor, 4/21/2003 found guilty Officer Name Wachenschwanz, Charles A. Wagner, Joshua K. Wallace, Brevan Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Chauncey Police Department Columbus Police Department Shadyside Police Department Washington, Lewis J. 7/20/1981 4/24/1991 7/26/1968 Shelby County Watercutter, Matthew L. Sheriff’s Office Akron Police Department Webb, Gary Weller, Jessica L. 7/27/1968 Open Enrollment – not appointed to any agency prior to decertification 3/2/1972 1/24/1963 7/23/1981 Reason for Decertification Engaging in Corrupt Acts, Illegal Manufacture of Drugs, Endangering Children, Possessing 1/19/2015 Criminal Tools Improperly handling firearms in a motor 10/24/2014 vehicle 4/7/2014 Burglary, Theft Gross Sexual Imposition, 5/1/2001 guilty plea 11/20/2003 Theft, pled guilty Unauthorized Use of a 12/21/2010 Computer Improper Handling Firearm in a Motor Vehicle, Impersonating a Peace Officer, must surrender peace officer 7/24/2006 certificate Attempted Burglary, 3/2/2000 guilty plea Wharton, Gary A. 7/5/1961 White, Thomas C. SUSPENDED 6/28/1982 5/14/2010 Felonious Assault 10/2/1974 11/12/2004 Att. Agg. Menacing Ottawa Hills Police Department Bayview Police Wiedenheft, Stephen M. Department Wigger, Jamie M. VOLUNTARY SURRENDER Wilhelm, Derek Williams, Samuel Willis Jr., Colonel G. 3/20/1979 7/22/1933 No decert letter sent, dup. cert. request denied, 10/13/2000 Theft M-1, guilty plea Att. Menacing by Stalking, Assault of a Peace Officer, Domestic 3/20/2007 Violence, plead guilty 1/13/1999 Felony Theft, guilty plea 2/28/1960 Gross Sexual Imposition, 8/20/2010 plead guilty 9/16/1975 Erie Metroparks Police Department New London Police Department Officer Name Willoughby, David H. Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date New Richmond Police Department 12/18/1970 Wills, Kenneth W. 6/15/1962 Wilson, David L. 8/1/1964 Wilson, Fredrick R. Wischmeier, James D. Wolfe, Mark W. Wolfkill, Robert A. VOLUNTARY SURRENDER Wolford, Vernon Eugene Wombolt, Bryan Woolley, Dennis J. Wright, Elizabeth A. Wright, Kirt Oakwood Police Department Ostrander Police Department Young, Mark A. Yurick, Vince E. 5/10/1965 7/8/1961 Obetz Police Department Darke County Sheriff's Office Southwest General Police Department Akron Police Department Troy Police Department Wright, Richard A. VOLUNTARY SURRENDER Yates, Aric 10/6/1967 11/28/1966 Wellston Police Department Marion Police Department Akron Police Department 8/10/1977 7/3/2006 2/6/1950 4/20/1957 5/14/1972 Reason for Decertification Obstruction of Official Business, Dereliction of 3/26/2009 Duty, plea agreement Carrying Concealed 11/27/2002 Weapon, found guilty Theft of Public Property, 2/28/2001 guilty plea 1/7/2015 Grand Theft 9/25/2001 Bribery, guilty plea Distribution of visual depictions of child pornography in interstate 3/18/2016 commerce 3/26/2008 Att. Theft from Elderly 12/21/2009 Sexual Battery 1/20/2015 Sexual Battery Theft in Office, Unlawful Use of Law Enforcement 5/27/2009 Database Grand Theft, Tampering 11/29/2006 with Evidence 4/7/2014 Theft in Office 1/12/1966 5/16/2001 11/6/1966 11/12/2013 3/27/1953 3/30/2010 10/24/1970 4/5/2017 No decert. Letter sent, M1 conviction, Negligent Homicide, guilty plea Dereliction of duty, negotiated plea agreement pursuant to misdemeanor guilty plea Unauthorized Use of a Computer Aggravated Vehicular Assault (F4), guilty plea Officer Name Last Appointing Decertification Date of Birth Agency Effective Date Zack, Todd W. SUSPENDED Zink, David 9/29/1969 Jackson Township Police Department 11/16/2013 Reason for Decertification Numerous felonies including Rape, found 11/25/1998 guilty Voluntary Surrender, settlement with State of Ohio AGO ref allegations 12/2/2013 of inappropriate behavior