Nypd Detective Guide Investigation of Homicide or Suspicious Death 1981
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BRANCH SECURJTY CONSULTANTS lNC 1 4!iJ C~dts 8Qww..ud MlUSIIP(!qIJJJ, New y,,,~ JJ 756 Tel: (SJ ') 7jJ.4IJS9 Fu: (516) 195-31-17 I ---, FAX COVER SHEET Page L of • 7 pages (incl\&C1i..ag this eover J.bccl) TO: FIRM NAME: FA)( 3: TELEPHONE II: CrrY: FROM: DATE: SUBEJCT: FILE _= COMMENTS: IF niERE ARe AI'f'( PROBLEMS CONCERNING THe TRANSMISSION OF THE r..A'TERW.. P&..EASE e.w.. (S\6) 79S-iOS9. Tklt.NK YOU • ... -...... -..... -- .. --.---.--.--- .. -.. ---.--~.~-----.- .. -- ...... - .........•••••. CONFLDENTW..rrY NOTE: TM ~menl$ ac.campan~ing U\ili lfll&e:OpY lransmi~ contain ~ ~ 1, c:.onr&a.Mial and ptj..,i1~. The inf~,,&ion i6 inlM\de<l to b. for t.nc ""e of "'. ln4,y~ or ~ n.atncQ on Inc V1ln$m~,ion SI'\eec. If ~ou arc not Chit inlc:ncJed recip.ent. be ~nt that any d~. copying. dl'5tri~Uon Of use of !.he ~t~~ of this teleecpicld infonNlUon ~ prohibited. TOO (it) ; DETECTIVE G'UIDE ..' 21J4. INVESTIGATION HOMICIDE OR SUSPICIOUS DEATH 'i)' DATt'SSUEO I 9.11·81 DATt EF;eCTiIlE ~18·81 1 of 2 attQ~t to d@te~8 PURPOSE To arrest the perpetrbtor or of death. the cause PROCEDURE Upon beinq assigned to investigate a hOllic:ice or s,uspicious follow the INVES'l'IGATIOfl-GENEAAI. Pr.octoURE and in addition: death DE"'l'~CTlVE/ INVESTIGA'l'OR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ,,;oJ 6. " (J 7. a. 9. 10. SlIPi:RVISOR 11. 12. 13. 14. IS. I Make necessary notifications in chain of co~nd. Get details fro~ first officer on scene a. Malee certain that Medical Exanner, District Attorney a.nd crime $cane OIlit Ilre notified. Ascertain, if possible, identity of perpetrator from: A. Qyinq declaration h. Witnesses c. Circumstantial evidence PREVJ'!N'l' UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS nOM ENT~RING SCENE a. Note &~1 AUTHORIZED persons present. Protect the scene and pre~erve evidence a. PolSt Crime Scene and No SIIlokin9 signs b. cause photographs to he taken prior to arrival of Medical Examiner. c. Conduct thoroUClh crime scene search Malee sure body 1s not dj,&tw:bed pendinq Arrival of Medical Examiner, except when necessary. Detain all persons at scene for interviews. 4. Keep vl~esses separated to prevent conver6~tlon. h. Consult with Assistant District Attorney dnd be present vhen statements taken. List license plates of dutomobiles found in area. Institute immediate and thorough search to obtain witnesses and other information. a. 'l'ranSZlli t alllX1ll for peqletrator b. Make notification to relatives and record on FOLLOW-UP REPORTS. prepare report of unuGual occurrence and submit to co~ndinq officer. Prepare work sheet a. List detectiveB a.nd assiqnments. ~ep cross ind8~ of all pertinent information. Advise Chief of Detectives, Detective Borouqh co~nder, atc. of progress. Verify that 1111 foregoing investigative steps have been cocnpleted. Direct further aetjon. ( 25001992 NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT zoo IP! DETECTIVE GUIDE INVESTIGATION HOMICIDE OR SUSPICIOUS DEATH DATE I OATE'SSvEO 9-11·81 1 EH~C;;llvE P"GE 9-11-81 2 af 2 A homicide ease i . closed only when the perpetrator dead, convicted or acquitted or when Crand JUry fails NOTE find an indictment on the ~ounds 35.10, 35.15 or 35.30 Penal Law. specified A homicide may be declared inactive critique by the commandinq officer. atter in is to Sect-ion review and Aided Case, DeAd HUman Body - Patrol Guide 106-9 -NlOITtONAL Investigators assignecJ to precinct Peteetive squads will utilize COMPLAINT FOLLOW-UP REPORTS (PD313-061) (blue) if investi~ 9ation resu1ts in: ~ Raclassify CUPPI (Cause undetermined pgndi29 police investigation) cases to homicide. b. Reclassify from twmicide to a non-hOGlici~ cateqory, e.<1.., suicide. Record an arrest clearance (first arrest on case). d. Exceptional clearance." ~ NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT .... DETECfrvE BOROUGH 2UEENS HOMICIDE REDUCfION PLAN (Revised 08/01195) Crime statistics for the first six months of 1995 indicate that the trend toward major crime reduction in New York City continues Shooting incidents have declined more than thirty (30%) percent while at the same time homicides are down thirty-one (-31 %) percent or 263 fewer deaths by homicide in the last six months. The reduction of homicides within the jurisdiction of Detective Borough Queens is noteworthy with a fourteen (-14%) percent reduction. The new crime strategies have been successful because of the re-energized efforts of all the men and women of law enforcement workIng within the Borough of Queens. However, the nwnbers are not in-keeping with the remainder of the City. In an effort to continue to make the Borough of Queens a safer place to Live and work, we must re-double our efforts. and where possible standardize intelligence gathering and the sharing of information. The four step command and control process which has fostered the implementation and success of the crime strategies must be included and highlighted in our homicide reduction plan. -'"'\ 1. Accurate and timely intelligence 2. Rapid deployment 3. Effective tactics 4. Relentless follow~up and assessment • All precinct detective squads will monitor the police radio and immediately respond (0 incidents of confirmed shootings or homicides wi.thin their precinct • In cases of homicides or non-fatal shootings, the steps included in Detective Guide Section 204-3, "Investigation Homicide or Suspicious Death", MUST be complied with. Those steps include the gathering of information, noufications and reports to be made, search and preservation of crime scene, supervisors responsibilities and circumstances needed to CLOSE a homicide investigation. NOTE: The steps included in the following Plan must be adhered to in addition to the Detective Guide procedures. 25001908 tQOIPi c . • ill all homicide investigations, Detective Borough Queens wheel and the Borough Homicide Squad will be notified immediately upon confumation by the precinct detective squad. • Detective Borough Wheel will Lmmediately notify the Detective Duty Captain to respond to the incident. • The covering squad supervisor and the supervisor from the Homicide Squad will immediately deploy necessary and available personnel to the scene of the homicide. • In every homicide case, a member of the Queens Homicide Squad will be assigned to the investigation with the squad detective. • The Homicide Narcotics Module will be conferred with in all shooting and homicide OCCWTences to determine if they have a role in the investigation. (e.g.: some cases are drug related, others are not but have parties e.g.~ Victims, Witness, etc. who have a drug related background). REDRUM assistance and other high level narcotics intelligence will be sought through District Narcotics Office with the assistance of the Homicide Squad. • In all cases where a notification was made to the Borough Narcotics unit in an effort to gain additional infonnation on the subjects in question. A NlTRO computer system query will also be performed. if feasible, based upon infonnation. Document same on aDD 5. This increase communications between Detective Squad and Narcotics District personnel regarding shooting incidents and homicides will help to cultivate informants and make maximum use of the sharing of intelligence information. • For record keeping purposes the Detective Guide Section 204-11, <LCase Management" will be adhered to in all non-fatal shootings and homicide incidents • The "Investigative Plan" as per Chief of Detectives directive memo # 19 cs. will be included in all cases and compliance documented. This Plan requires utilization of available technology to assist in your investigation - e.g.: warrant checks. • Imnugration contacted on non-cooperative shooting victims, family members etc. Immigration assistance given to cooperative persons. • Once homicide perpetrator is identified; immediately place on known perps List and submit WANTED card. 25001909 tZOl ZZt le9 XVl SO:&l 900Z/9Z/90 • Known perpetrator's information v.ill be given to Detective Borough Queens Wanted Card Apprehension Team for high priority attention. Additionally, copies VIlli be forwarded and a telephone call will be made to inform those Detective Units in other boroughs where the identified perpetrator has been known to frequent or locations where he/she may visit family or friends. • Known perpetrator and Intelligence infonnation to be given to Warrant Division • Notification: Perpetrator's photo Will be added to wanted poster program distnbuted to each Squad, Narcotics Division, Central Booking, Local Precinct, Parole, Transit, Housing, Port Authority and Precinct Crime Wo Center. • Known homicide or shooting perpetrator to be added to all squad's photo debnefing books which each squad must show when debriefing prisoners and confidential informants, etc. • Additional Photo and infonnation on wanted individual(s) will be provided to Anti/Crime in resident Precinct and Precinct Detective Squads where perp may have fled to, or frequents • Pin maps will be prepared monthly to included homicides, non-fatal shootings and serious felonious assaults. The maps will be accompanied by a brief outline of each crime indicated thereon. Copies will be provided monthly to Borough Homicide Squad. Precinct Commanding Officer, District Narcotics, and all other SWTOunding precincts, Transit and Housing Bureaus, where applicable, that may be effected by the crimes reported for necessary attention by patrol. • Narcotics Division will be requested to focus activity in target areas based upon shooting incidents and homicide analysis. • Squad commanders will insure close working relationship and sharing of intelligence information with anti-crime, RIP, Housing, Transit and Patrol Bureau personnel. • In all cases of Non-fatal shootings and homicides. detectives will attend Patrol Roll Call to insure that basic information and descriptions are disseminated to patrol At the same time solicit intelligence and assistance from patrol officers. 25001910 ____________~90~0~~~______________________________________~t~~0~1~~~__ t lC~9~YV __3__9__ 0:8l~OO~/9~6/_90 __ I nnfitl t~Ol zn lC9 YV3 90:n 900U96l90 -- ."'" • ...,..,,, .A.V. y y &~l. V'll'&' '11 .... '&'V4O;-t DETECTIVE GUIDE r - I ". or TAIL! -.-.... \ I cotm!:tft'S I REVISION NUMBER DAlE E'F'CTI\'e I 9-13·41' g" I P"GE \ of \ pn~ ORGANI~tION DOTIES 2C3-0' CHART 203·02 ANP~~ESPONSIBILITrES ~~~; rMVRST1CATI.ON • INVES'1'IGAT.I~N-· _. sa 204"-01 CRIMES :.: ::"2('-'(~n .. , INVEST~t;An~ -.·HOMICIDE O~ SUSI'I~ .DU:tH IN'lDtfi~lON-'ROBBDt TNYaTt~'ION .;.'8Ul\C1.AJrl .~ .. -' '..... :lIIWSTI(;I7ION ..: K"It)NA •• IHG .~UESTING d1!M%1IJU, MD INTJStJ.t.GENC!! mPORHAnON 'FUCIfIV! FELON . ..... .•• '%'RACING THE FUGITIVE CASE PWU.CEK!H'1' ." ..... "%Dh~7.. :lo'4~Otr'" .. :. 204·09 204-10 •• '''.. . . • •. ~ lNVESTIGA'1'ION - LOST OR S'rot.IN~: ~EcrS INVESTIGATION - ~ISSIHG/UHIDlNTt;tED PERSONS EVIOXNCE - 204-~) 20.(-04 2-04·0520'4-06 GDIERAL 204-t~ -. 20~-'2' " 204;i3 '20S-01 , .. 'ZVICENCE - HOMICIDE CASBS 205-02 ~ Z'V~C!: - 205-03 .,-.' 205'-04 lRAUDU!.Dn' IHSTRUlClN'fS . !:VIOEHC!! - LJ:'!'1'US AND l'ARDI . itO' .• , . c ~DENa - CnNC DECLAAA'tXOICI....r-,t:.:~IImfa - nJIDlVIS Me MttIJIr'1"IOH 205-05 . WIDENCE - DEATH, INJURY OIl 'ftOPEM'~ DAMAGE CAUSED BY DISC:HARCE FIREAM 20S-0Q ~~!'" or 20~O~ POLYGRAPH TESTmc " . 205-08 "-:''t;-, , ·.t I P!;'RCTIVE INVESTlGAT<mS I ACTIVITY LOGS Dl'J'ERaOCATION 07 PBlSON!R! :at OTHER 'l'HM ~!'.RS OF 'ftfI DnEC't'IW BUREAU . '.'; IIAOC!:SSING "'"'...../I_n.;- EVIDENCE - EAVESDROPPIHO W~S • SOURCES OF 1I'fll'OIUQ'1'IOH , ..... ''''''.1:\ SUBPOENA TO OBTAIN RECORDS J)ISS!K1NA1'ING INFORMATION TO rmmwo ~c;mCtt! UOW:STING INroRMAnON nOM noaw. lG!KCIES PAROLEI CONTACT REQtTtST rOR CRIMINAL REc:O~S JrRD/OR PHO'rOGRAPaS -., ·t-NDu . ~ • 206-.01' ,; ". 20'6-0~ PASS '1'0 VIS%'f CORRIC1'IORS FACILltr INVES'nGA'tION CM.D paUdAftON Al'm VOLUNTM¥ SUUENOER ~s or ... • 106-03 206-0' ';"~fO'-05 '-: ,.' .' 206-06 206-01 206-0&... 20~-og i06-10 ZOQ-" 206-12 206-13