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New Hampshire - REJECTED book list since 9-2014 - 2019

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101 Places to Get F*cked up before you die-the Ultimate Travel guide to Partying Around the World
Matador Network edited by David S
Adult WebCam Studio 101
Darby Jones
America's Racial Powder Keg
Victor Thorn
Bad Blood II
Beyond this Horizon
Robert A. Heilein
Black Mafia Family
Mara Shalhoup
Black Mass
Dick Lehr & Gerard O'Neill
Black Racism, White Victims
John Publis
Blood in the Water
Heather Ann Thompson
Blood of My Brother II The Face Off
Zoe & Yusuf T. Woods
Blood of My Brother III The Begotten Son
Zoe & Yusuf T. Woods
Blood of My Brother IV Behind the Mask
Zoe & Yusuf T. Woods
Blood of My Brother The Battle for Supremacy on the Streets
Zoe & Yusuf T. Woods
Lorelei James
Brutul-the untold story of my life inside Whitey Bulger's Irish Mob
Kevin Weeks and Phyllis Karas
Buckland's Book of Saxon Witchcraft
Raymond Buckland
Cessna 150 A Pilot's Guide
Jeremy M. Pratt
Collected Works
George Lincoln Rockwell
Coming out of Concrete Closets
Jason Lydon et. Al.
Complete guide to non-prescription drugs
Conceptions III
Luis Royo
Louise B. Moll
Neal Stephenson
Custom Tattoo 101
Editors of
Delavier's Mixed Martial Arts Anatomy
Dictionary of Symbols
Carl G. Llungman
Do All Races Share in Salvation?
Dan Gayman
Drone for Dummies
Mark LaFay
El Narco
Ioan Grillo
Neil Strauss
Encyclopedia of Serial Killers 2nd Edition
Michael Newton
Felon Fitness
Teufel & Kroger
Fifty Shades of Gray
E.L. James
Fight Like a Physicist
Jason Thalken, PHD
Food of the Gods The Search for the original tree of knowledge
Terence McKenna
Gothic Art NOW
Jasmine Becket-Griffith
High Voltage Tattoos
Kat Von D
Hit #29
Joey with David Fisher
Hitman: The untold story of Johnny Martorano…
Howie Carr
House of Holes
Nicholson Baker
How Greatest White Nations Were Mongrelized- Then Negroized
Myron C. Fagan
How to Draw Tattoo Style
Fish & Hebard
I hope they serve beer in hell
Tucker Max
Jail House Strong
Josh Bryant & Adam benShea
Joey the Hit Man
Joey with David Fisher
Kinky Confessions
Vol. 1
Kinky Super Beauties
Doc Goliath
Knots-visual guide
Des Pawson
Learn to draw a graffiti master-piece- Your essential guide to tags, bubble letters, wild style, layout and pGraffiti Diplomacy
Legally Dead
Flynn and Lavoie
Letter to a Prisoner
Joe Wolfe
Letters to Penthouse XVI-Hot and Uncensored
the Editors of Penthouse Magazine
Locked Up But Not Locked Down
Ahmariah Jackson & Iatomic Seven
Lusty Letters
Vol. 1
Lusty Letters
Vol. 2
Mein Kampf
Adolf Hitler
Might is Right
Ragnard Redbeard
Mind Warrior
Dr. Haha Lung
More Hold'em Wisdom for all Players
Daniel Negreanu
Narco Land
Anabel Hernandez
Nature's Eternal Religion A powerful religious program dedicated to the survival, expansion, an advance Ben Klassen P.M.E.
Navy Seal Sniper
Dorothy & Webb
Nylon Girls
Christine Kessler

Reason for LRC Rejection
Drug paraphernalia
containing explicit representation of sexual acts & bondage
promoting illegal activities
descriptions that may lead to group disruption
sexually explicit
security concerns
security threat group concerns
security threat group
security threat groups
security concerns-encourage group disruption
security concerns
security concerns
security concerns
security concerns
containing explicit representation of sexual acts & bondage
Gang activities
Procedures for brewing alcohol
security concerns
descriptions that may lead to group disruption
unlawful sexual practice
used to promote drug use, if needed for medical in library
sexually explicit
security concerns
instructions on who to write in code
tattoo patterns
depictions that may lead to the used of physical violence
instructions on how to write in code
descriptions that may lead to group disruption
security concern throughout
security threat groups
Materials that might assist escape
contents that would create a clear and present danger of violence and emotional disturbance to the institution
security concerns
Containing explicit representations of sexual acts & bondage
constitute a security hazard
use of drugs and drug contraband
bondage/ emotional disturbance
material that is sexually violent
description of creating illegal contraband
security threat group
security threat groups
Obscene material containing sexually explicit descriptions and violates RSA 650:1
security threat group
tattoo patterns
sexually explicit
security concerns
security threat group
tattoo patterns
sexually graphic
sexual nudity and penetration
descriptions that might assist an escape
Tattoo paraphernalia
may present a danger to an inmate
describes methods of escape
Sexually explicit materials
institutional security concerns
sexually graphic
sexually graphic
jeopardize institutional security, security threat group material
Violation of rules of conduct
security concerns
material pertaining to gambling
security threat groups/criminal activity
group disruption, security threat group, promote racism
security concern
Sexually explicit


Organized Game
Organizing Successful Tournaments
Our Nordic Race
Pablo Escobar
paddy whacked
Pen Pal Success
Penetration Testing with Raspberry Pi
Pocket guide to prescription drugs
Power Hold'Em Strategy

Prison Guide-prison surv. Secrets
Prison Nation
Prison Ramen
Purple Panties
Sex Chronicles II
Sex Chronicles Shattering the Myth
Spy the Lie
Stark After Dark
Steampunk Dolls and Femmes Fatales
Street Legends Vol. 1
Superior Tattoo Bible Book 1
Superior Tattoo Bible Book Two
Tai Chi Chuan, observation on study and practice
Take Me Again
Tao of Jeet Kune Do
Tattoo Coloring Book Day of the Dead Skull
Tattoo Johnny
Tattoo Lettering Pattern
The Art of Human Chess
The Battery Builders
The Black Science-Ancient and modern techniques of Ninja Mind Manipulation
The Black Sun Agenda
The Brothers Bulgar
The Butcher
The Butcher Anatomy of a Mafia Psychopath
The Concise Art of Seduction
The Day the Streets stood still
The DOPEMAN'S wife
the erotic doll: a modern fetish
The Escape
The Factory A Journey Through the Prison Industrial Complex
The Hot House
The Lost White Race
the Lovely Bones
The Prada Plan
The Prada Plan 3 Green-eyed Monster
The Shaolin Workout
The Social Order of the Underworld
The Story of O
The Story of X an erotic tale
The Strip
The Turner Diaries
The Westies
The White House
The Wolf and the Sheep
This Time the World
Vigilantes of Christendom, the history of the Phineas Priesthood
Wild Sketches

Helenkay Dimon
Sexually explicit
Willie Garland
illegal business, human trafficking
John Byl
supports gambling
Richard Kelly Hoskins
security threat group materials
Alonso Salazar
unable to assess, written in Spanish
T. J. English
security threat group
Josh Kruger
how to run a business from prison
Michael McPhee, Jason Beltrame hacking into computers passwords and wifi and covering tracks
Pimpkin' Ken and Karen Hunter
security threat group
used to promote drug use, if needed for medical in library
Daniel Negreanu
material pertaining to gambling
A. Pisano
enourage commission of criminal activites
Herival and Wright
security threat group/white supremacy
description to make unauthorized materials
containing explicit representation of sexual acts & bondage
Howie Carr
security threat groups
Howie Carr
security threat groups
sexually explicit
sexually explicit
P. Houston, M. Floyd
encouraging criminal activity
J. Kenner
Sexually explicit
Lorenzo Sperlonga
publications containing bondage
Seth Ferranti
security threat group
Superior Tattoo
tattoo patterns
Superior Tattoo
tattoo patterns
Tom Walters
descriptions that encourage activities which may lead to the use of physical violence
MacKenzie McKade
containing explicit representation of sexual acts & bondage
Bruce Lee
depictions that may lead to the used of physical violence
J. Kaiwell
tattoo patterns
David Bollt
tattoo patterns
Superior Tattoo
tattoo patterns
Pimpin' Ken
illegal business, human trafficking
Phillip Hurley
procedure to make incendiary device
Dr. Haha Lung & Christopher Prowa Descriptions of activities that may lead to group disruption
Fr. Jack Ashcraft
security threat groups
Howie Carr
security concerns
Joey with David Fisher
security threat group
Philip Carlo
emotional disturbance and security threat group
Robert Greene
sexually explicit and/or offensive material, detrimental to the tx of inmates
sexually explicit
Jaquavis Coleman
obscene, sexually explicit, deviant sexual practices
Marquard Smith
sexually explicit, deviant sexual practices
David Baldacci
descriptons that encourage criminal activity
Lordon Dellelo
encourage activities that may lead to group disruption
Pete Earley
security concerns and security threat group
Ira Calvin
security threat groups
Alice Sebold
sexually explicit & offensive
Ashley Antoinette
Sexually explicit
Ashley Antoinette
Sexually explicit
Sifu Shi Yan Ming
descriptions that may lead to the use of physical violence
David Skarbek
security threat group information
Pauline Reage
publications containing bondage
A.J. Molloy
publications containing bondage
J.J. Salem
unlawful or deviant sex acts
Andrew MacDonald
security threat groups
T.J. English
security threat groupJaquavis Coleman
Containing explicit representations of sexual acts & bondage
Richard Kelly Hoskins
descriptions that may lead to group disruption
George Lincoln Rockwell
descriptions that may lead to group disruption
Lorelei James
containing explicit representation of sexual acts & bondage
Peter Edwards
security threat groups
Lorelei James
containing explicit representation of sexual acts & bondage
Richard Kelly Hoskins
security threat groups, group disruption
Luis Royo
sexually explicit and bondage



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