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Ne Prison Phone Policy Rev 2010

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Department of
Correctional Services
State of Nebraska


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The purpose of this Administrative Regulation is to provide policy and procedure for the operation of a
Staff-assisted Confidential Telephone Call System and the Inmate Calling System (ICS) throughout
the Department. It is the policy of the Department of Correctional Services (DCS) to permit inmates
reasonable and equitable access to reasonably priced telephone services for the purpose of
maintaining family and community contacts and to supplement other forms of communications with
their attorney and the courts. Telephone usage by inmates is a privilege that may be restricted or
withheld to protect the public, to ensure the safety, security, or good order of the Department, and to
enforce Department rules and State statutes. For the purpose of this administrative regulation, these
guidelines are applicable to inmates, as well as offenders and staff at the Work Ethic Camp. The title
inmate shall be used interchangeably with the title of offender unless specifically noted within.
Operational procedures shall be developed to ensure that the use of telephones by inmates is
controlled and supervised. Protection of the public, institutional safety and security, crime
prevention/detection/prosecution, and inmate access are the order of priorities. Operational
procedures shall be consistent to the extent practical among all DCS facilities. All institution and
appropriate Central Office personnel shall be required to read and enforce the provisions in this
regulation. This regulation is applicable to all DCS facilities. Inmates shall have access to this
regulation and are required to comply with its provisions. All recommendations for changes to the
ICS will be submitted in writing to the Director through the appropriate Deputy Director for approval
prior to implementation.
Inmate Calling System (ICS): the name given to the specialized program and equipment which
governs inmate telephone access.
Site System Coordinator (SSC): a manager designated at each DCS institution charged with the
responsibility for the oversight and control of ICS at the facility level.
Site System Operator (SSO): a staff member authorized limited access to the ICS data base to
perform data entry, generate reports and activate restrictions at the facility level.
Central System Administrator (CSA): the person designated at the DCS Central Office who is
trained and equipped to perform all functions related to day-to-day ICS operations including, but not
limited to: coordination of ICS operations, technical assistance, training, data collection, data input,
system maintenance, report generation.
Special Services Administrator: The Special Services Administrator, under the supervision of the
Deputy Director for Programs and Community Services, shall be responsible for administrating the
Inmate Calling System, reviewing and commenting on recommended system changes. The Special
Services Administrator shall serve as the liaison between DCS facilities, external agencies, and the
contract telephone service vendor(s).
Emergency Telephone Call: a telephone call authorized due to serious immediate family illness,
death or impending disaster.

Department of
Correctional Services
State of Nebraska


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Personal Identification Number (PIN): a unique, nine-digit number assigned to an inmate’s ICS
account that allows the inmate access to the telephone system. The PIN is comprised of the inmate’s
five-digit prison registration number and a confidential random-generated four-digit number.
Speed-Dial Number: a number which corresponds to actual telephone number(s) provided by the
Department and programmed into the ICS. The Speed-Dial Number may be made available for use
by an inmate when making a telephone call.
ICS Standard Registration Form: a form used by an inmate to request participation in the Inmate
Calling System and to acknowledge acceptance of the telephone regulations. This form is used to
submit/change telephone numbers, names, and physical addresses of people the inmate requests to
place on their authorized social call list.
ICS Special Registration Form: a form used exclusively to add/delete/change telephone numbers,
names, and physical business addresses of attorneys, Public Officials, and Ombudsman’s Office.
For purposes of this regulation, staff, paralegal or law clerk supervised by the attorney listed on the
registration form, are eligible for confidential call status.
Social Calls: telephone calls between an inmate and family, friends or acquaintances which are
intended to promote personal relationships and are not eligible for confidential status.
Confidential Call Status: attorney/client, legal calls and calls to Public Officials and the Ombudsman
are eligible for confidential status and are not recorded by ICS equipment or monitored by staff.
Attorneys/Client Calls,: telephone calls between an inmate and an attorney and that are eligible for
confidential status. To qualify for confidential status, an attorney must be admitted to practice law.
Confidential status includes staff, paralegals, and law clerks supervised by the attorney.
Legal Call, a call to an attorney, will be conducted through the ICS.
Automated Operator System, (AOS) a computerized alternative to a live operator that provides an
interface between the inmate and the ICS. The AOS can provide instructions and announcements on
a selective, bilingual basis.
Call Recording; electronic interception and storage of all sounds and conversations between an
inmate and one or more parties through a specialized system connected to the ICS.
Call Monitoring; live electronic interception and listening by staff to a telephone conversation
between an inmate and one or more parties through a specialized system connected to the ICS.
Call Branding; a caller-selectable, multi-lingual, pre-recorded automated announcement generated
by the AOS.
Confidential Information; information related to institutional security or individual privacy which must
be protected from dissemination to anyone who does not have authorized access, based on the
need-to-know, or the right-to-know, in accordance with Departmental rules or state statues.
Access; authorization granted to a specific person to allow direct physical contact, and/or knowledge
of, possession of, or use of confidential equipment and/or information. Access is generally used in
conjunction with right-to-know or need-to-know.

Department of
Correctional Services
State of Nebraska


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Right-to-Know; the individual is an employee/contractor of the Department, or an employee of a law
enforcement agency who has been designated by DCS or their agency as a person authorized to
access confidential information/equipment in the course of his/her official duties and responsibilities.
Need-to-Know; the individual has demonstrated that a need exists to obtain access to confidential
information when the access is pertinent and necessary in initiating, furthering or completing an
assigned duty, intelligence operation, or investigation in conjunction with the right-to-know.
Emergency Dissemination of Confidential Information; where the Director, Warden or person
acting in his/her absence determines it is necessary to disseminate confidential information to anyone
who does not meet the right-to-know or need-to-know criteria in verified circumstances where there
is an imminent danger of harm to a person or property.
Inmate access to the telephone is a PRIVILEGE granted to all inmates who demonstrate a
willingness to obey Department regulations.
Inmates are permitted to make limited local,
intra/interstate and international calls.



The Director, or appropriate Deputy Director or Warden or person acting in his/her
absence, may limit or suspend inmate calling operations for the protection of the
public, or the safety, security, and good order of a facility, staff, or inmates.


Abusing telephone equipment is prohibited. Committing violations of law or the
conspiracy to commit violations of law in association with the use of the ICS shall be
considered a violation of this regulation. Disciplinary sanctions may be imposed for
violations of telephone regulations. Telephone privileges may be restricted by a
Disciplinary Committee/Disposition Treatment Team for violations of Code of
Offenses, Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Disciplinary Standards
NDCS policies or WEC procedures.


Inmates are prohibited from making telephone calls to DCS staff, Board of Parole
members or staff, other inmates, contract personnel and volunteers. Staff, contract
personnel, and volunteers are prohibited from accepting telephone calls from
inmates. Only telephone calls to DCS staff in conjunction with community release
check-in procedures are permitted. No telephone communication is allowed between
volunteers and inmates at DCS facilities, including WEC. (The only exceptions are
the Community Corrections Center – Omaha and Community Corrections Center Lincoln, only if necessary. Approval is granted on a case-by-case basis by the


No pager numbers, 411, 600, 700, 800, 900 or 911 numbers are allowed to be added
to the allowed number list. Inmates are permitted to call cellular telephone numbers.


Inmate-to-inmate calls are prohibited.

Telephonic judicial hearings will be conducted over the facility staff telephone system on an
“as needed” basis. Telephonic judicial hearings are eligible for confidential status and are not

Department of
Correctional Services
State of Nebraska


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subject to recording or monitoring but shall be directly supervised by staff. Telephone calls
for this purpose do not count against the inmate’s allotted time block.


An inmate wanting to participate in the Inmate Calling System (ICS) must complete a
Standard ICS Registration Form (Attachment B) for social calls and/or an ICS Special
Registration Form (Attachment C) for confidential calls.

Each inmate may submit up to thirty (30) telephone numbers representing
social, attorney/client, and legal calls. Telephone numbers entered into a
particular inmate’s account are strictly limited to the exclusive use by that
inmate. Inmates are prohibited from submitting telephone numbers for use
by another inmate.

A telephone number submitted for social calling purposes may be
entered on multiple inmate accounts only where a verified immediate
family relationship exists and on just one other non-family member
inmate account as a friend. No telephone number used for social
calling purposes may be entered on more than one inmate account
when the relationships are friends only. The inmate will be notified in
writing when entry of a telephone number on his/her ICS Registration
Form is denied.


Inmates who want to call attorneys, public officials, or the
Ombudsman are required to sign the ICS Special Registration form.
Inmates must submit the names and telephone numbers of the
attorneys, public officials, and Ombudsman’s Office in writing on the
ICS Special Registration form so the numbers can be programmed
into the system.


Inmates who have not registered with the ICS must do so in order to
be assigned a PIN and input the desired number. Inmates are
required to sign the ICS Special Registration form in order to use the
ICS to call attorneys, public officials, or Ombudsman’s Office.
Inmates must sign the standard ICS Registration form (Attachment
B) in order to use the ICS for social calls. The standard ICS
Registration form will be used exclusively for social call registration.
The ICS Special Registration Form will be used exclusively for
confidential calls.


Attorney, public officials, and Ombudsman’s telephone numbers will be
clearly identified on the ICS Special Registration form. Unit staff will verify
attorney, public officials, and Ombudsman telephone numbers prior to
submitting the ICS Special Registration form to the CSA.


Designated unit staff will review and sign the original registration form prior to
forwarding it to the Central Systems Administrator.

Department of
Correctional Services
State of Nebraska


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Completed registration forms must contain the called party’s first and last
name, physical address where they reside, or in the case of Special
Registration Form, the physical address of the business. All information
shall be accurate and is subject to verification prior to or after entry into the
ICS database. Submission of false information may result in disciplinary
action and/or restriction of telephone privileges.


Changes (additions/deletions) to an inmate’s social call list shall be submitted
using the standard ICS Registration form. Changes are allowed for social
calls once every ninety (90) days, except for emergencies as defined by this
regulation. This ninety-day time period is computed as ninety days from the
date the inmate signed the most recent ICS Registration Form. Additions,
deletions, and changes related to calls to attorneys, Ombudsman, and public
officials may be made at any time by submitting a special registration form,
and shall be entered and confirmation returned to the inmate within fortyeight hours of the time a staff member receives a written request.


For verified emergency cases; during normal business hours, a legal phone
number can be added to an inmate’s approved calling list, most often the
same business day by submitting an ICS Special Registration form to staff.


The Warden or designee may authorize emergency changes to the social
call list on a case-by-case basis. Extraordinary circumstances may include
verified family emergencies or the change in a family member’s telephone


Call list information will be programmed into the ICS database within fortyeight (48) hours upon receipt by the CSA. Delays to this time frame may be
ordered by the Warden or designee upon just cause. The CSA will make two
copies of the original ICS Registration Form. The original ICS Registration
Form will be sent by the CSA to the facility records manager for storage in
the inmate’s institutional file. One copy will be retained by the CSA and one
copy will be returned to the inmate with his/her assigned PIN. Changes
made for attorneys or public officials shall be made within 48 hours of the
receipt of a properly completed ICS Special Registration form by DCS staff.
Staff members will FAX to the Central System Administrator the ICS Special
Registration form. Between the hours of 5:00 PM Friday to 8:00 AM Monday
and on State-recognized holidays, facility staff will conduct data entry related
to the submission of the ICS Special Registration form.


The CSA will generate each inmate’s confidential four-digit Personal Identification
Number. Inmates are not permitted to use or possess another inmate’s PIN or use
another inmate’s ICS account for any reason. An inmate is not permitted to divulge
to another inmate his/her assigned PIN or call list information. PIN changes may be
made on a case-by-case basis upon approval by the Warden or designee after
review of the circumstances requiring the change.


Inmates are not permitted to use the telephone to conduct business enterprise or
transaction, lawful or unlawful. Inmates may use the ICS to communicate with their
employers or with prospective employers in association with work release
participation or other release preparation.

Department of
Correctional Services
State of Nebraska


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All inmate telephone calls placed through the ICS may be processed as collect, debit,
prepay or calling card. Calls placed over the institution telephone system shall be
reimbursed to the state by the inmate at the state contract rate. An indigent status
inmate may be permitted emergency calls when collect calls will not be accepted,
provided the inmate signs an institutional check authorizing reimbursement to the
state once sufficient funds are available on his/her trust account. Each month an
indigent inmate will be given a choice of five (5) stamps or $2.50 debit calling time;
however the total accumulation on the ICS will not be allowed to exceed $10. The
inmate must identify his/her choice at the time that the indigent request is made.
Inmates are not permitted to make third-party billing or credit card calls. Indigent
status inmates will be allotted Select telephones at Community Corrections facilities
and may be coin operated.


Inmates may participate in three-way calls, call forwarding or conference-calling
telephone services regarding access to courts if an attorney or a public official
requests they do so. Inmates are not permitted to participate in three-way calls, call
forwarding or conference calling telephone services for social calls.


The ICS is programmed to allow the called party to press a digit to block all future
calls from the inmate making a call or another digit to block all future calls from a
given institution.
Any person may have his/her telephone number blocked by providing a written
request. Reinstatement of blocked numbers is allowed only one (1) time upon receipt
of a written request. Victim/Witness telephone numbers shall be blocked utilizing
information provided by the Central Records Administrator.


An inmate call schedule roster may be utilized to permit reasonable and equitable access to
all inmates. The use of rosters can prevent scheduling conflicts and domination by an
individual or group of inmates. Sign-up is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Inmates in the
general population may schedule no more than one (1) time block daily for personal calls and
no more than two (2) time blocks daily for legal calls. Call duration will be set by the
appropriate Deputy Director. Each institution will publish call duration information in the
corresponding Operational Memorandum. An inmate may make an unlimited number of call
attempts to any combination of the telephone numbers on his/her authorized call list during
the allotted time period. Based on time periods available and day-to-day demand, there is no
guarantee an inmate will be able to schedule a call every day or at the desired time. When
there is an open time slot on any given day an inmate may request to be placed in that slot in
order to make a legal call. Legal calls will be limited to sixty (60) minutes per week. Inmates
may be restricted to the use of a specific telephone in a specific location. No telephone calls
shall be placed during count times and times of emergency or be permitted to interfere with
security operations. Staff are responsible for enforcing telephone regulations and ensuring
that an inmate does not exceed authorized time block periods.

Secure Facilities: Written telephone schedules shall be established for general
population and segregated status inmates. Telephone call schedules will end at
least thirty (30) minutes prior to evening deadlock.

Department of
Correctional Services
State of Nebraska




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Segregation Status Inmates: Telephone schedules for IS, AC and IM status inmates
will provide access only four days per week. Telephone schedules for PC and DR
status inmates will provide access seven days per week. Segregation telephone
calls are further limited as follows:

Immediate Segregation (IS): Inmates will be permitted one (1) fifteen (15)
minute time block per week.


Administrative Confinement (AC): Inmates will be permitted one (1) fifteen
(15) minute time block per week.


Disciplinary Segregation (DS): Inmates will be permitted to make legal and
emergency calls only when approved by designated staff.


Intensive Management (IM): Inmates will be permitted one (1) fifteen (15)
minute time block per week.


Protective Custody (PC): Inmates will be permitted one (1) fifteen (15)
minute time block per day, seven (7) day per week.


Death Row (DR): Inmates will be permitted one (1) fifteen (15) minute time
block per day, seven (7) days per week.

Emergency Telephone Calls: Outgoing emergency calls that cannot be made as a
collect call (i.e. community hospital) will be made on an institutional staff telephone at
the inmate’s expense. Incoming emergency telephone calls will be routed to the
appropriate unit staff or shift supervisor who will record and verify the information,
and arrange a return call by the inmate if deemed appropriate.


All inmate telephone calls utilizing the ICS and not eligible for confidential status shall
be electronically recorded and may be monitored by authorized Department staff. At
the discretion of the Director of the Department of Correctional Services or the
person acting in his/her absence, telephone recording and monitoring may be


Use of the ICS by the inmate and acceptance of the call by the called party
constitutes consent to record and monitor social call conversations by Department
staff. Written notice shall be posted at each telephone location advising the inmate
of the policy on recording and monitoring. Posted signs shall be printed in English
and Spanish. Inmates will receive written notice printed on each Standard ICS
Registration Form. The inmate shall be required to sign the Standard ICS
Registration Form acknowledging acceptance of the conditions for use of the
telephone for making calls. The inmate shall receive a copy of the completed form.
Refusal to sign the standard or special ICS Registration form shall result in telephone
privileges being withheld for all calls.


All telephone calls through the ICS shall be electronically branded with a prerecorded automated announcement utilizing the AOS. The inmate will be
electronically blocked from hearing or communicating with the called party until the
call is accepted. Electronic security measures will be utilized to prevent an inmate

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Correctional Services
State of Nebraska


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from interfering with or altering the announcement. Branded announcements will be
made available in English, Spanish and other languages as required. At a minimum,
the announcement will provide the following information:


the call is collect or prepaid;
the first and last name (committed) of the inmate caller;
the name and location (city and state) of the facility;
the status of recording and monitoring;
call acceptance instructions;
call blocking instructions;
advisement of the prohibition and termination of calls in association with the
use of 3-way, call forward or conference call services;
instructions on how to skip portions of the message only after hearing Items
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in this section; and
random voice overlay stating the name and location (city and state) of the
correctional facility.

All inmates and designated staff shall receive sufficient training to ensure successful usage of
ICS telephones by the inmate population. Training for trainers will be provided to DCS staff
by the contract inmate telephone vendor so staff can, in turn, teach inmates how to use the
system. Printed handouts detailing calling instructions may be made available to supplement
training. (See Attachment A) Comprehensive specialized training will be provided to the Site
System Coordinator, Site System Operator, Special Services Administrator and designated I
investigators, to promote a thorough understanding of ICS security features and the use of
those features. Training will be conducted on an as-needed basis to train additional staff or
to update staff on system changes. Select staff shall receive sufficient training to assume the
duties of the contract Central System Administrator should the Department choose to
exercise this option.


All information related to ICS hardware, design configuration, software, programming,
passwords, recordings, call detail records, personal identification numbers (PINs are to be
disseminated only to the inmates to whom they are assigned), completed inmate registration
forms, proprietary vendor information, system reports, investigations, intelligence information,
operational security procedures and investigative analysis techniques shall be considered
confidential. These shall be protected from dissemination to the public, inmates or
unauthorized personnel.

Inmate access to ICS equipment and information is strictly limited to the use of
designated telephones and this regulation.


Authorized persons may be granted access to confidential aspects of the ICS on a
need-to-know, right-to-know basis only. A staff member who has been trained and
deemed to have the need-to-know and right-to-know may be granted authorization to
access confidential ICS equipment/information. Letters of authorization shall specify
the level of access granted and contain the signature of the Special Services
Administrator and the signature of either the Director of DCS or the Warden of the
facility, or by the person(s) acting in his/her absence.

Department of
Correctional Services
State of Nebraska



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The misuse of confidential equipment or unauthorized dissemination of confidential
information related to the ICS can result in disciplinary action or civil/criminal
prosecution. Only typed transcripts of relevant portions of recorded conversations
containing suspected references to unauthorized activity will be disseminated in any
proceeding. Strict confidentiality shall be maintained at all times to preserve security
and individual privacy.


Law enforcement personnel acting in their capacity may be granted access on a
need-to-know basis to confidential aspects of the ICS in conjunction with an official
investigation or intelligence-gathering assignment. Dissemination of confidential
information shall be thoroughly documented. Disseminated records shall at a
minimum contain the following information: requester – (printed) name, agency,
badge number, business address, telephone number, reason for the request and
signature and the releasing official – (printed) name, facility, date/time, description of
information released, and signature.

Inmates with disabilities shall have equal access to the ICS as other inmates without a
disability. Reasonable accommodation, including specialized telephone equipment and
assistance, shall be provided to an inmate who has a bona fide disability in accordance with
Department regulations and the Americans with Disability Act.


Contracts involving inmate telephone services shall be in compliance with all applicable state
and federal regulations and will provide the broadest range of calling options as determined
by the Director. This shall be consistent with the requirements of sound correctional
management. The vendor contract should also be based on rates and surcharges that are
commensurate with those charged to the general public for like services. Any form of
deviation from ordinary consumer rates will reflect the actual costs associated with the
provision of services in a correctional setting. See Procedure XII. and XIII. below.

All contract personnel directly associated with ICS installation, operation or
maintenance shall pass an identification and criminal history background check.


Contract personnel are prohibited from forming personal relationships or “fraternizing”
with inmates or their friends or families. Any pre-existing relationships shall be
divulged prior to acceptance by DCS.


Contract employees agree to perform the assigned duties and to abide by the
confidentiality provisions contained in this regulation.


DCS shall have final decision authority regarding the acceptability of individual
contract personnel.


All contract personnel and their equipment are subject to search.


Permanent contract personnel shall be issued DCS picture identification cards.


Contract personnel are prohibited from conducting an investigation, live monitoring or
recording playback.

Department of
Correctional Services
State of Nebraska



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ICS service technicians are authorized to enter facilities with necessary equipment,
parts, tools, pagers and cellular telephones in order to make repairs. Special security
considerations may require deviation from this policy when circumstances dictate
additional restriction.

Inmate telephones shall be located in housing units only. The minimum number of telephones
necessary to ensure that inmates have reasonable access to ICS will be provided at each
location. Inmates will not be allowed to congregate near the telephone area. Only one (1)
inmate will be allowed at a telephone at a time. Requests for new locations and additions to
the number of inmate telephones shall be submitted in writing to the appropriate Deputy
Director. Portable telephones will be used whenever appropriate in hospital and segregation
units to eliminate the need to allow inmates out of their cells to make telephone calls. All
portable telephones shall be interfaced with the ICS and will provide identical call control as
found on permanently affixed inmate telephones. ICS network administrative terminals shall
be installed at Central Office and each facility in a secure area where designated personnel
have direct twenty-four (24) hour access to perform service, data input, data collection and
investigative duties.
Appropriate physical and password security shall be instituted to guard against unauthorized
access to confidential information and equipment. Passwords will be assigned by the Special
Services Administrator and changed periodically to provide access security.


The Site System Coordinator, Site System Operator or Shift Supervisor are authorized to
make requests for data entry issues to the Central System Administrator during the normal
business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The contact number for
repair services on a twenty-four (24) basis is available in each facility’s Master Control
Center. The contract vendor is responsible for the expense and labor associated with the
installation and maintenance of the ICS, including wiring.


In the interest of making inmate calling as affordable as possible while acquiring necessary
security enhancements, the State of Nebraska has waived its right to receive commissions in
association with ICS revenues.


Rates are not established by the Department of Correctional Services. Rates are approved
by the Public Service Commission; call type, along with applicable surcharges, determine the
cost of a call. Calls are billed in one (1) minute increments. For information regarding call
rates, the public may contact Public Communications Services, Inc. at 1-888-288-9879 or
refer to Attachment E. In order to receive accurate rate information, the caller must provide
the name of the institution from where the inmate is calling and the destination telephone

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Correctional Services
State of Nebraska


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Public Communication Services, Inc. Call Instructions


ICS Registration Form


ICS Special Registration Form


Staff Assisted Confidential Telephone Log


Rate Information Sheet


Adult Correctional Institutions (fourth edition): 4-4275, 4-4497, 4-4271 and 4-4272, 44497-1.


Adult Community Residential Services (fourth edition): 4-ACRS-6A-01, 4-ACRS-5A19.



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Advertise Here 4th Ad
Prison Phone Justice Campaign