Mortality in Local Jails 2000-2019
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U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics December 2021, NCJ 301368 E. Ann Carson, Ph.D., BJS Statistician A total of 1,200 persons died in local jails in 2019, a more than 5% increase from 2018 (1,138 deaths) and a 33% increase from 2000 (903), when the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) began its Mortality in Correctional Institutions (MCI, formerly the Deaths in Custody Reporting Program) data collection. Te demographic and criminal justice profle of jail decedents in 2019 was similar to previous years. Te 2019 mortality rate was higher for unconvicted (192 deaths per 100,000 jail inmates) than convicted (112 per 100,000) inmates (fgure 1). In 2019, a total of 636 jail jurisdictions reported at least one death, with 222 reporting two or more deaths. Tis report describes deaths in local jails from 2000 to 2019, including the cause of death, the location of death, decedent characteristics, and the mortality rate of local jail inmates by state. Tis is the fnal report on deaths in local jails from BJS’s MCI data collection. When the FIGURE 1 Mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by legal status, 2000–2019 Mortality rate 200 Unconvicted inmates 160 All jail inmates 120 Convicted inmates 80 40 0 I ’00 I I ’02 I I ’04 I I ’06 I I ’08 I I ’10 I I ’12 I I ’14 I I I I I ’16 ’18 ’19 Note: Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. Mortality rates are per 100,000 inmates held in the custody of local jails. Mortality rates for 2001–2019 are based on the annual number of deaths and the average daily population (ADP). In 2000, the ADP was estimated by taking the average of January 1 and December 31 inmate population counts. See Methodology. See table 7 for rates. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Annual Survey of Jails, 2000–2018; Census of Jails, 2019; and Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019. Highlights In 2019, there were 1,200 deaths in local jails, a more than 5% increase from 2018 (1,138 deaths). The local jail mortality rate in 2019 was 167 deaths per 100,000 inmates, up 11% from 2000 (151 per 100,000). At 49 deaths per 100,000 inmates, suicide was the leading single cause of death for jail inmates in 2019. The 184 deaths in local jails due to drug or alcohol intoxication in 2019 was the highest recorded in the 20 years that BJS has collected mortality data, up slightly from 180 in 2018. When the U.S. resident population was adjusted to resemble the sex, race or ethnicity, and age distribution of local jail inmates, inmates were more than twice as likely as U.S. residents to die by suicide in 2019. Almost 77% of the 1,200 persons who died in local jails in 2019 were not convicted of a crime at the time of their death (908). Almost 40% of inmates who died in local jails in 2019 had been held for 1 week or less. Jails with an average daily population of 49 or fewer inmates had the highest mortality rates each year from 2000 to 2019. Bureau of Justice Statistics · Statistical Tables Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables Deaths in Custody Reporting Act was reauthorized in 2014 (P.L. 113–242), it included additional enforcement and reporting compliance requirements that are incompatible with BJS’s authorizing statute as a federal statistical agency. Te U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) determined it would be more appropriate for the Bureau of Justice Assistance to administer the program and collect mortality data for the DOJ, starting with the frst quarter of fscal year 2019 (October to December 2019). Data on mortality in state and federal prisons are available in Mortality in State and Federal Prisons, 2001–2019 – Statistical Tables (NCJ 300953, BJS, December 2021). Cause of death in jail inmates in 2019 In 2019, 86% of jail decedents were male, 60% were non-Hispanic white, and 77% had not been convicted of a crime at the time of death. Forty-two percent were held in jail for a violent ofense. Almost 40% of persons who died in local jails in 2019 had been incarcerated for 1 week or less. Of the 20,413 deaths reported in local jails from 2000 to 2019, about 50% occurred in an internal or external medical unit, 31% in the jail’s general housing unit, and 11% in a segregation unit. Jails with an ADP of 49 or fewer inmates had the highest mortality rate in 2019, at 264 per 100,000. Accidents and homicides each accounted for about 2% of deaths in local jails in 2019. Suicide was the leading single cause of death in local jails in 2019 (355 deaths or 30% of all deaths), although illnesses of all types accounted for nearly half of deaths (553 or 46%). Te number of suicides in jails increased by 16 between 2018 and 2019, but the number was still lower than in 2015, when there were 369 deaths by suicide in local jails. Drug or alcohol intoxication has accounted for an increasing share of deaths in local jails over time. It accounted for 15% of all deaths in 2019, afer suicide and heart disease (25%). Te rate of intoxication deaths more than quadrupled, from 6 per 100,000 in 2000 to 26 per 100,000 in 2019. In comparison, the rate of suicide deaths in jails in 2019 (49 per 100,000) was roughly equivalent to the rate in 2000 (48 per 100,000). Te rates of deaths due to homicide and accidents in 2019 were also equivalent (3 per 100,000 each). Te rate of deaths due to illness decreased from 86 per 100,000 in 2000 to 77 per 100,000 in 2019. Suicide was the leading single cause of death in local jails in 2019, with 355 deaths by suicide (table 1). A total of 553 jail inmates died from illness in 2019, including 294 from heart disease. Te number of jail inmates who died from AIDS-related illnesses reached its lowest count in 2019 (8 deaths), down from a high of 59 deaths in 2001. Drug or alcohol intoxication accounted for 15% of jail deaths in 2019, up from 4% in 2000 (table 2). Mortality rates in 2019 Te rate of suicide deaths in jails in 2019 (49 per 100,000) was roughly equivalent to the rate in 2000 (48 per 100,000) (table 3). Te rate of jail deaths due to drug or alcohol intoxication increased from 6 per 100,000 inmates in 2000 to 26 per 100,000 in 2019 (fgure 2). FIGURE 2 Mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by cause of death, 2000–2019 Mortality rate 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 ’00 ’02 Illness Suicide Drug/alcohol intoxication ’04 ’06 ’08* ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16 ’18 ’19 Note: Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. Mortality rates are per 100,000 inmates held in the custody of local jails. Mortality rates for 2001–2019 are based on the annual number of deaths and the average daily population (ADP). In 2000, the ADP was estimated by taking the average of January 1 and December 31 inmate population counts. See Methodology. See table 3 for rates. *In 2008, a high number of illness cases were missing cause of death information and were classifed as missing. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 2 ■ Local jail inmates were less than half as likely to die in 2019 as U.S. residents, when the resident population was adjusted to resemble the sex, race or ethnicity, and age of the jail population (table 4). Demographic and criminal justice characteristics of jail decedents Te adjusted homicide rate for U.S. residents in 2019 was 4 per 100,000, compared to 3 per 100,000 for local jail inmates (fgure 3). In 2019, a total of 310 local jail inmates who died were age 55 or older, and 3 inmates were age 17 or younger. Suicide was the only cause of death for which incarcerated persons (48 per 100,000) had higher mortality rates than the adjusted U.S. resident population (22 per 100,000) in 2019. In 2019, more than 1% of jail decedents were non-Hispanic American Indians or Alaska Natives. FIGURE 3 Adjusted mortality rate per 100,000 U.S. residents, by cause of death, 2019 Inmates held in jail on a conviction accounted for a smaller share of jail deaths in 2019 (23%) than in 2000 (29%) (table 6). Mortality rate 50 ■ Adult U.S. residents Almost 60% of jail inmates who died in 2019 had been incarcerated 30 days or less (fgure 4). a Jail inmatesb 40 Te number of female jail decedents decreased between 2018 (181 deaths) and 2019 (170) (table 5). Inmates incarcerated for a violent ofense accounted for the largest portion of jail deaths every year from 2000 to 2019. 30 FIGURE 4 Percent of deaths of local jail inmates, by time served before death, 2000 and 2019 20 10 0 Suicide Drug/alcohol intoxication Accidentc Homicided Note: Excludes persons age 17 or younger and federal prisoners. U.S. resident mortality rate is per 100,000 adult U.S. residents and is based on death certifcates from all U.S. residents in 2019. Inmate mortality rate is per 100,000 inmates held in the custody of local jails and is based on the annual number of deaths and average daily population. See table 4 for crude and adjusted rates. aTo allow for direct comparisons of mortality rates, BJS adjusted the U.S. resident population to resemble the sex, race or ethnicity, and age distribution of the local jail population. See Methodology. bInmate mortality rates in fgure 3 and table 4 were adjusted for sex, race or ethnicity, and age diferences to be comparable to U.S. resident rates and may difer from other rates in the report. See Methodology. cExcludes causes of death that are unlikely to occur in a jail setting from the rates of both U.S. residents and jail inmates. See Methodology. dIncludes homicides committed by other inmates, incidental to the use of force by staf, and resulting from injuries sustained prior to incarceration. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Annual Survey of Jails, 2011–2018, Census of Local Jails, 2019, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2019, National Inmate Survey, 2007–2009 and 2011–2012, and Survey of Inmates in Local Jails, 2002; and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, CDC WONDER online database, Underlying Cause of Death 2019 (released in 2020). Percent of deaths 40 2000 2019 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 7 days or less 8–30 31–60 61–180 181 or more Note: Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. Percentages are based on nonmissing data. See table 6 for percentages. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000 and 2019. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 3 ■ Local jail mortality rates by demographic and criminal justice characteristics Te mortality rate for jail inmates age 55 or older was 1,040 per 100,000 in 2019, up from 1,003 per 100,000 in 2018 (table 7). Jail inmates ages 45 to 54 experienced a decline in mortality rates from 2000 (397 per 100,000) to 2019 (214 per 100,000). Te mortality rate for non-Hispanic white jail inmates in 2019 (256 per 100,000) was almost double that of non-Hispanic black inmates (136 per 100,000) and nearly three times that of Hispanic inmates (89 per 100,000). Te mortality rate for unconvicted jail inmates (192 per 100,000) reached its highest level in 2019. Total deaths in local jails, 2000–19 During 2000–19, a total of 20,413 inmates died in local jails, for an overall mortality rate of 142 deaths per 100,000 (table 8). White inmates accounted for 56% (11,279) of all jail decedents with a reported race or ethnicity during 2000–19 (table 9). Te number of white (184) and black (185) inmates who died from homicide in local jails during 2000–19 was roughly equal. During the 20 years that BJS collected jail mortality data, white inmates accounted for 72% of suicide deaths. Forty-two percent of unconvicted persons held in local jails who died during 2000–19 died of either suicide (5,084) or drug or alcohol intoxication (1,321). Heart disease was the leading cause of death for inmates incarcerated for drug or public order ofenses during 2000–19, while suicide was the leading cause of death for violent and property ofenders. Average annual mortality rates, 2000–19 During 2000–19, female inmates died of drug or alcohol intoxication at an average annual rate (20 per 100,000) that was nearly double that of male inmates (11 per 100,000) (table 10). Black jail inmates had the lowest average annual suicide rate (16 per 100,000) of all racial and ethnic groups during the 20 years of the MCI collection (fgure 5). Jail inmates age 55 or older died of homicide at the highest average annual rate (14 per 100,000) of all age groups. Time between jail admission and death Among all jail inmates who died during 2000–19, the median time from their jail admission to their death was 17 days (table 11). During 2000–19, jail inmates who died of cancer had the longest median time served (138 days), while those who died of drug or alcohol intoxication were incarcerated a median of 1 day. Te median time served for victims of homicide in jails was 30 days during 2000–19, compared to 9 days for those who died by suicide. Among inmates who died in local jails during 2000–19, violent ofenders served the most time before death (a median of 40 days), followed by property ofenders (15), drug ofenders (12), and inmates held for public order ofenses (7) (table 12). FIGURE 5 Average annual mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by cause of death and race or ethnicity, 2000–19 Mortality rate 90 Whitea 80 Blacka Hispanic 70 American Indian/Alaska Nativea 60 Asiana,b 50 40 30 20 10 0 Heart disease Suicide Note: Mortality rates for 2001–2019 are based on the annual number of deaths and the average daily population (ADP). In 2000, the ADP was estimated by taking the average of January 1 and December 31 inmate population counts. Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. See Methodology. See table 10 for rates. aExcludes persons of Hispanic origin (e.g., “white” refers to non-Hispanic whites and “black” refers to non-Hispanic blacks). bIncludes Asians, Native Hawaiians, and Other Pacifc Islanders. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Annual Survey of Jails, 2000–18; Census of Jails, 2019; Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–19; National Inmate Survey, 2007–09 and 2011–12; and Survey of Inmates in Local Jails, 2002. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 4 ■ Inmates who died while being held for murder or nonnegligent manslaughter during 2000–19 served the most time in jail of all ofenses, a median of 137 days before death. Location of jail deaths Almost 50% of jail deaths during 2000–19 occurred in a medical unit either inside or outside of the jail (table 13). Forty-six percent of suicides during 2000–19 occurred in the jail’s general housing areas, and an additional 21% occurred in segregation units. Of all jail deaths during 2000–19, almost 2% took place in internal or external mental health units, including 2% of suicides and more than 4% of homicides. Jail deaths by hold-status and jurisdiction size Forty-two inmates held for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and 156 held for the U.S. Marshals died in local jails during 2014–19 (table 14). Lower mortality rates were observed among inmates held for ICE (47 per 100,000 jail inmates) and the U.S. Marshals (90 per 100,000 jail inmates) than among inmates held under authority of local jurisdiction (166 per 100,000 jail inmates). In 2019, jails with an average daily population (ADP) of 1,000 to 2,499 inmates had more deaths (293) than did the largest jails in the country, those holding 2,500 or more inmates (220) (table 15). Te mortality rate for jails with an ADP of 49 or fewer inmates in 2019 was 264 per 100,000, compared to 161 per 100,000 for facilities with an ADP of 2,500 or more (table 16). Te percentage of jail jurisdictions reporting one death in a calendar year increased from 10% (288) in 2000 to 15% (414) in 2019 (fgure 6). Between 2018 and 2019, a total of 23 states and the District of Columbia had an increase in the number of deaths in local jails, 19 states experienced a decrease, and 4 had no change in the number of deaths (table 19). North Dakota and the 15 locally operated jails in Alaska had no jail deaths during 2019. In 2019, a total of 636 unique jail jurisdictions reported at least one death, the highest number of jurisdictions with a death recorded in BJS’s MCI collection (table 22). FIGURE 6 Percent of local jails reporting one or more deaths, by number of deaths, 2000–2019 Percent of jails 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 ’00 ’02 1 death ~ --- - 2 or more deaths ’04 ’06 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16 ’18 ’19 Note: Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. Includes all local jails that reported data on populations or deaths. See Methodology. See table 17 for percentages. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019. Jurisdictions with and without jail deaths From 2000 to 2019, an average of 81% of jail jurisdictions in the U.S. reported no deaths during the calendar year, while an average of 13% reported one and an average of 6% reported two or more (table 17). Te median daily population for jail jurisdictions experiencing a single death in 2019 was 235 inmates, while jails with two or more deaths had median daily populations of 922 inmates. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 5 ■ List of tables TabLE 1. Number of deaths of local jail inmates, by cause of death, 2000–2019 TabLE 2. Percent of deaths of local jail inmates, by cause of death, 2000–2019 TabLE 3. Mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by cause of death, 2000–2019 TabLE 4. Crude and adjusted mortality rate per 100,000 U.S. residents, by cause of death, 2019 TabLE 5. Number of deaths of local jail inmates, by decedent characteristics, 2000–2019 TabLE 6. Percent of deaths of local jail inmates, by decedent characteristics, 2000–2019 TabLE 7. Mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates within each demographic group, by decedent characteristics, 2000–2019 TabLE 8. Number of deaths of local jail inmates and mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by cause of death, 2000–19 TabLE 9. Number of deaths of local jail inmates, by cause of death and decedent characteristics, 2000–19 TabLE 10. Average annual mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by cause of death and decedent characteristics, 2000–19 TabLE 11. Cause of death of local jail inmates, by time served before death, 2000–19 TabLE 12. Ofenses of decedents, by time served before death, 2000–19 TabLE 13. Death location of local jail inmates, by cause of death, 2000–19 TabLE 14. Number of deaths and mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by hold status, 2014–19 TabLE 15. Number of deaths of local jail inmates, by size of jurisdiction, 2000–2019 TabLE 16. Mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by size of jurisdiction, 2000–2019 TabLE 17. Number and percent of local jail jurisdictions reporting to Mortality in Correctional Institutions, by number of deaths reported each year, 2000–2019 TabLE 18. Number of local jail inmates held on an average day, by state, 2000–2019 TabLE 19. Number of deaths of local jail inmates, by state, 2000–2019 TabLE 20. Mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by state, 2000–2019 TabLE 21. Number of local jail jurisdictions reporting to Mortality in Correctional Institutions, by state, 2000–2019 TabLE 22. Number of local jail jurisdictions reporting one or more deaths to Mortality in Correctional Institutions, by state, 2000–2019 Continued on next page Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 6 ■ List of figures FIGURE 1. Mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by legal status, 2000–2019 FIGURE 2. Mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by cause of death, 2000–2019 FIGURE 3. Adjusted mortality rate per 100,000 U.S. residents, by cause of death, 2019 FIGURE 4. Percent of deaths of local jail inmates, by time served before death, 2000 and 2019 FIGURE 5. Average annual mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by cause of death and race or ethnicity, 2000–19 FIGURE 6. Percent of local jails reporting one or more deaths, by number of deaths, 2000–2019 List of appendix tables appENdIx TabLE 1. Estimated number of local jail inmates in custody on an average day, by inmate characteristics, 2000–2019 appENdIx TabLE 2. Illness mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates within each demographic group, by decedent characteristics, 2002–2019 (3-year rolling averages) appENdIx TabLE 3. Heart disease mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates within each demographic group, by decedent characteristics, 2002–2019 (3-year rolling averages) appENdIx TabLE 4. Suicide mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates within each demographic group, by decedent characteristics, 2002–2019 (3-year rolling averages) appENdIx TabLE 5. Mortality rate from drug or alcohol intoxication, accidents, and homicides per 100,000 local jail inmates within each demographic group, by decedent characteristics, 2002–2019 (3-year rolling averages) Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 7 ■ TabLE 1 Number of deaths of local jail inmates, by cause of death, 2000–2019 Cause of death All causes Illness Heart disease AIDS-relatedb Cancer Respiratory disease Liver disease All other illnessesc Suicide Drug/alcohol intoxication Accident Homicided Other/unknown Missing 2000 903 516 198 57 31 31 23 176 289 37 24 17 17 3 2001 942 485 216 59 25 18 26 141 313 58 36 19 24 7 2002 969 507 220 53 39 22 24 149 314 54 34 18 35 7 2003 1,001 512 240 55 34 21 30 132 296 88 28 15 52 10 2004 1,021 529 227 52 29 35 29 157 299 76 33 25 50 9 2005 1,045 501 202 40 37 20 29 173 286 83 24 22 110 19 2006 1,094 604 247 54 38 27 25 213 278 87 33 36 52 4 2007 1,099 608 231 43 42 48 38 206 283 79 18 20 71 20 2008a 959 444 181 32 25 32 32 142 228 45 15 16 8 203 2009 961 490 208 27 47 32 30 146 304 65 26 23 25 28 2010 918 477 242 26 34 18 25 132 305 54 23 20 13 26 2011 888 425 236 13 32 20 12 112 311 73 27 21 21 10 2012 960 528 269 21 44 28 28 138 301 57 18 22 25 9 2013 987 482 260 20 40 30 18 114 328 72 31 28 19 27 2014 1,053 502 242 17 38 42 27 136 368 95 25 25 24 14 2015 1,096 518 256 10 41 33 20 158 369 92 26 30 34 27 2016 1,076 537 298 12 47 26 19 135 334 112 19 31 25 18 2017 1,103 522 281 13 41 34 17 136 317 151 22 29 26 36 2018 1,138 521 294 9 34 35 9 140 339 180 29 27 30 12 2019 1,200 553 294 8 44 32 20 155 355 184 24 25 25 34 Note: Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. See Methodology. aIn 2008, a high number of illness cases were missing cause of death information and were classifed as missing. bIncludes persons who died of illness and were identifed as HIV-positive or having AIDS at the time of death. cIncludes other specifed illnesses (such as cerebrovascular disease, infuenza, and other nonleading natural causes of death) and unspecifed illnesses. dIncludes homicides committed by other inmates, incidental to the use of force by staf, and resulting from assaults sustained prior to incarceration. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 8 ■ TabLE 2 Percent of deaths of local jail inmates, by cause of death, 2000–2019 Cause of death All causes Illness Heart disease AIDS-relatedb Cancer Respiratory disease Liver disease All other illnessesc Suicide Drug/alcohol intoxication Accident Homicided Other/unknown Missing 2000 100% 57.1% 21.9 6.3 3.4 3.4 2.5 19.5 32.0% 4.1% 2.7% 1.9% 1.9% 0.3% 2001 100% 51.5% 22.9 6.3 2.7 1.9 2.8 15.0 33.2% 6.2% 3.8% 2.0% 2.5% 0.7% 2002 100% 52.3% 22.7 5.5 4.0 2.3 2.5 15.4 32.4% 5.6% 3.5% 1.9% 3.6% 0.7% 2003 100% 51.1% 24.0 5.5 3.4 2.1 3.0 13.2 29.6% 8.8% 2.8% 1.5% 5.2% 1.0% 2004 100% 51.8% 22.2 5.1 2.8 3.4 2.8 15.4 29.3% 7.4% 3.2% 2.4% 4.9% 0.9% 2005 100% 47.9% 19.3 3.8 3.5 1.9 2.8 16.6 27.4% 7.9% 2.3% 2.1% 10.5% 1.8% 2006 100% 55.2% 22.6 4.9 3.5 2.5 2.3 19.5 25.4% 8.0% 3.0% 3.3% 4.8% 0.4% 2007 100% 55.3% 21.0 3.9 3.8 4.4 3.5 18.7 25.8% 7.2% 1.6% 1.8% 6.5% 1.8% 2008a 100% 46.3% 18.9 3.3 2.6 3.3 3.3 14.8 23.8% 4.7% 1.6% 1.7% 0.8% 21.2% 2009 100% 51.0% 21.6 2.8 4.9 3.3 3.1 15.2 31.6% 6.8% 2.7% 2.4% 2.6% 2.9% 2010 100% 52.0% 26.4 2.8 3.7 2.0 2.7 14.4 33.2% 5.9% 2.5% 2.2% 1.4% 2.8% 2011 100% 47.9% 26.6 1.5 3.6 2.3 1.4 12.6 35.0% 8.2% 3.0% 2.4% 2.4% 1.1% 2012 100% 55.0% 28.0 2.2 4.6 2.9 2.9 14.4 31.4% 5.9% 1.9% 2.3% 2.6% 0.9% 2013 100% 48.8% 26.3 2.0 4.1 3.0 1.8 11.6 33.2% 7.3% 3.1% 2.8% 1.9% 2.7% 2014 100% 47.7% 23.0 1.6 3.6 4.0 2.6 12.9 34.9% 9.0% 2.4% 2.4% 2.3% 1.3% 2015 100% 47.3% 23.4 0.9 3.7 3.0 1.8 14.4 33.7% 8.4% 2.4% 2.7% 3.1% 2.5% 2016 100% 49.9% 27.7 1.1 4.4 2.4 1.8 12.5 31.0% 10.4% 1.8% 2.9% 2.3% 1.7% 2017 100% 47.3% 25.5 1.2 3.7 3.1 1.5 12.3 28.7% 13.7% 2.0% 2.6% 2.4% 3.3% 2018 100% 45.8% 25.8 0.8 3.0 3.1 0.8 12.3 29.8% 15.8% 2.5% 2.4% 2.6% 1.1% 2019 100% 46.1% 24.5 0.7 3.7 2.7 1.7 12.9 29.6% 15.3% 2.0% 2.1% 2.1% 2.8% Note: Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. See Methodology. aIn 2008, a high number of illness cases were missing cause of death information and were classifed as missing. bIncludes persons who died of illness and were identifed as HIV-positive or having AIDS at the time of death. cIncludes other specifed illnesses (such as cerebrovascular disease, infuenza, and other nonleading natural causes of death) and unspecifed illnesses. dIncludes homicides committed by other inmates, incidental to the use of force by staf, and resulting from assaults sustained prior to incarceration. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 9 ■ TabLE 3 Mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by cause of death, 2000–2019 Cause of death All causes Illness Heart disease AIDS-relatedb Cancer Respiratory disease Liver disease All other illnessesc Suicide Drug/alcohol intoxication Accident Homicided Other/unknown Missing 2000 151 86 33 10 5 5 4 29 48 6 4 3 3 1! 2001 148 76 34 9 4 3 4 22 49 9 6 3 4 1! 2002 145 76 33 8 6 3 4 22 47 8 5 3 5 1! 2003 146 74 35 8 5 3 4 19 43 13 4 2 8 1 2004 143 74 32 7 4 5 4 22 42 11 5 3 7 1! 2005 141 68 27 5 5 3 4 23 39 11 3 3 15 3 2006 142 78 32 7 5 3 3 28 36 11 4 5 7 1! 2007 141 78 30 6 5 6 5 26 36 10 2 3 9 3 2008a 123 57 23 4 3 4 4 18 29 6 2 2 1! 26 2009 128 66 28 4 6 4 4 20 41 9 3 3 3 4 2010 125 65 33 4 5 2 3 18 42 7 3 3 2 4 2011 123 59 33 2 4 3 2 16 43 10 4 3 3 1 2012 129 71 36 3 6 4 4 19 40 8 2 3 3 1! 2013 138 68 36 3 6 4 3 16 46 10 4 4 3 4 2014 144 69 33 2 5 6 4 19 50 13 3 3 3 2 2015 154 73 36 1 6 5 3 22 52 13 4 4 5 4 2016 150 75 42 2 7 4 3 19 47 16 3 4 3 3 2017 151 72 39 2 6 5 2 19 43 21 3 4 4 5 2018 156 71 40 1! 5 5 1! 19 46 25 4 4 4 2 2019 167 77 41 1! 6 4 3 22 49 26 3 3 3 5 Note: Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. Mortality rates are per 100,000 inmates held in the custody of local jails. Mortality rates for 2001–2019 are based on the annual number of deaths and the average daily population (ADP). In 2000, the ADP was estimated by taking the average of January 1 and December 31 inmate population counts. See Methodology. ! Interpret with caution. Estimate is based on 10 or fewer cases. See Interpreting rates among small populations in Methodology. aIn 2008, a high number of illness cases were missing cause of death information and were classifed as missing. bIncludes persons who died of illness and were identifed as HIV-positive or having AIDS at the time of death. cIncludes other specifed illnesses (such as cerebrovascular disease, infuenza, and other nonleading natural causes of death) and unspecifed illnesses. dIncludes homicides committed by other inmates, incidental to the use of force by staf, and resulting from assaults sustained prior to incarceration. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 10 ■ TabLE 4 Crude and adjusted mortality rate per 100,000 U.S. residents, by cause of death, 2019 Cause of death All causes Illness Heart disease AIDS-relatedc Cancer Respiratory disease Liver disease All other illnessesd Suicide Drug/alcohol intoxication Accidente Homicidef Crude rate per 100,000 adult U.S. residents 1,110 1,039 265 2 241 109 23 400 18 28 23 2 Adjusted rate per 100,000 adult U.S. residentsa 339 262 72 3 61 20 11 95 22 41 9 4 Rate per 100,000 local jail inmatesb 154 75 40 1! 6 4 3 21 48 25 3 3 Note: Rates exclude persons age 17 or younger and federal prisoners. U.S. general population mortality rate is per 100,000 adult U.S. residents and is based on death certifcates from all U.S. residents in 2019, including incarcerated persons. The jail mortality rate is per 100,000 inmates held in the custody of local jails and is based on the annual number of deaths and average daily population. ! Interpret with caution. Estimate is based on 10 or fewer cases. See Interpreting rates among small populations in Methodology. aThe sex, race or ethnicity, and age composition of the U.S. resident population difers from that of local jail inmates. To allow for direct comparisons of mortality rates, BJS adjusted the U.S. resident population to resemble the sex, race or ethnicity, and age distribution of the local jail population. bRates may difer from those presented elsewhere in this report due to the removal of local jail inmates age 17 or younger from both the numerator (deaths) and denominator (local jail population) and the exclusion of deaths for which cause of death was unknown or missing. These changes were made solely to table 4 and fgure 3 to make the mortality rates comparable to those in the U.S. resident population. cIncludes persons who died of illness and were identifed as HIV-positive or having AIDS at the time of death. dIncludes other specifed illnesses (such as cerebrovascular disease, infuenza, and other nonleading natural causes of death) and unspecifed illnesses. eExcludes causes of death that are unlikely to occur in a jail setting, including motor vehicle accidents; homicides due to explosives or frearms not related to law enforcement, motor vehicle assault, or neglect; and frearm discharges not related to law enforcement. fIncludes homicides committed by other inmates, incidental to the use of force by staf, and resulting from assaults sustained prior to incarceration. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Annual Survey of Jails, 2011–2018, Census of Local Jails, 2019, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2019, National Inmate Survey, 2007–2009 and 2011–2012, and Survey of Inmates in Local Jails, 2002; and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, CDC WONDER online database, Underlying Cause of Death 2019 (released in 2020). Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 11 ■ TabLE 5 Number of deaths of local jail inmates, by decedent characteristics, 2000–2019 Characteristic Total Sex Male Female Race/ethnicity Whitea Blacka Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Nativea Asiana,b Othera,c Age 17 or younger 18–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55 or older Legal status Convictedd Unconvictede Time served 7 days or less 8–30 31–60 61–120 121–180 181 or more Ofense Violent Property Drug Public order/otherf 2000 903 2001 942 2002 969 2003 1,001 2004 1,021 2005 1,045 2006 1,094 2007 1,099 2008 959 2009 961 2010 918 2011 888 2012 960 2013 987 2014 1,053 2015 1,096 2016 1,076 2017 1,103 2018 1,138 2019 1,200 813 90 847 91 862 107 866 133 893 128 925 120 964 130 969 130 840 119 852 109 804 114 778 110 838 122 860 127 901 152 940 154 921 155 936 166 957 181 1,030 170 452 305 118 9 6 2 514 283 115 13 7 0 534 304 113 5 5 0 538 322 118 10 6 0 500 359 135 13 10 1 559 331 116 14 7 1 528 408 126 17 10 0 547 398 125 12 13 2 512 310 107 11 13 3 534 274 109 22 9 1 516 265 90 11 7 5 525 234 105 6 10 3 556 270 100 13 10 2 524 278 145 12 8 2 623 273 118 13 12 7 656 256 141 14 11 1 626 265 137 18 15 2 654 272 131 15 9 2 669 279 150 15 11 3 712 300 138 16 13 4 8 89 184 264 239 115 8 107 193 280 239 111 7 100 186 336 236 102 5 102 211 283 266 128 7 105 210 300 263 131 5 107 192 284 275 168 4 103 196 312 303 168 4 101 199 291 322 182 3 86 167 246 275 178 3 87 175 235 259 193 3 80 187 201 253 172 2 81 206 198 227 171 2 83 190 198 273 209 3 75 216 213 259 202 2 87 230 231 263 233 2 80 251 230 269 247 2 79 243 218 262 258 3 82 259 237 243 260 0 69 241 285 230 304 3 62 288 299 219 310 258 627 252 683 244 717 255 738 226 786 231 798 238 846 246 849 201 753 247 694 232 664 221 662 256 698 229 740 258 788 266 814 256 803 269 811 285 840 276 908 328 167 111 115 56 119 349 173 105 124 63 113 360 168 100 121 73 134 397 176 94 120 73 124 399 179 115 111 76 124 385 188 112 128 69 127 382 205 126 148 80 123 392 184 137 147 81 152 349 164 106 122 68 128 365 167 99 118 51 145 345 176 91 92 58 133 346 172 97 90 55 125 350 200 100 115 58 132 391 163 87 124 45 157 425 218 107 96 51 145 444 209 112 112 59 143 431 188 107 117 68 150 441 209 104 113 67 148 458 229 88 121 63 170 471 236 114 118 58 187 355 168 146 208 313 178 151 263 357 203 152 225 313 221 171 262 337 189 188 277 357 224 174 240 356 210 198 266 366 193 198 286 301 185 165 241 348 180 130 243 341 170 122 224 349 152 113 234 350 185 151 236 346 196 132 253 386 202 161 272 376 226 176 265 371 210 167 268 410 217 148 266 410 217 180 292 476 207 183 267 Note: Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to missing data. See Methodology. aExcludes persons of Hispanic origin (e.g., “white” refers to non-Hispanic whites and “black” refers to non-Hispanic blacks). bIncludes Asians, Native Hawaiians, and Other Pacifc Islanders. cIncludes persons of two or more races and other races. dIncludes persons who returned to jail on a probation or parole violation. eIncludes persons in jail whose status was marked as other or was unspecifed. fPublic order ofenses include weapons ofenses, DUI/DWI, court ofenses, commercialized vice, and morals and decency ofenses. Other ofenses include holds and holds for other jurisdictions and probation and parole violations. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019. TabLE 6 Percent of deaths of local jail inmates, by decedent characteristics, 2000–2019 Characteristic Total Sex Male Female Race/ethnicity Whitea Blacka Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Nativea Asiana,b Othera,c Age 17 or younger 18–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55 or older Legal status Convictedd Unconvictede Time served 7 days or less 8–30 31–60 61–120 121–180 181 or more Ofense Violent Property Drug Public order/otherf 2000 100% 2001 100% 2002 100% 2003 100% 2004 100% 2005 100% 2006 100% 2007 100% 2008 100% 2009 100% 2010 100% 2011 100% 2012 100% 2013 100% 2014 100% 2015 100% 2016 100% 2017 100% 2018 100% 2019 100% 90.0% 90.3% 89.0% 86.7% 87.5% 88.5% 88.1% 88.2% 87.6% 88.7% 87.6% 87.6% 87.3% 87.1% 85.6% 85.9% 85.6% 84.9% 84.1% 85.8% 10.0 9.7 11.0 13.3 12.5 11.5 11.9 11.8 12.4 11.3 12.4 12.4 12.7 12.9 14.4 14.1 14.4 15.1 15.9 14.2 50.7% 55.2% 55.6% 54.1% 49.1% 54.4% 48.5% 49.9% 53.6% 56.3% 57.7% 59.5% 58.5% 54.1% 59.6% 60.8% 58.9% 60.4% 59.4% 60.2% 34.2 30.4 31.6 32.4 35.3 32.2 37.5 36.3 32.4 28.9 29.6 26.5 28.4 28.7 26.1 23.7 24.9 25.1 24.8 25.4 13.2 12.3 11.8 11.9 13.3 11.3 11.6 11.4 11.2 11.5 10.1 11.9 10.5 15.0 11.3 13.1 12.9 12.1 13.3 11.7 1.0 1.4 0.5 1.0 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.1 1.2 2.3 1.2 0.7 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.4 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.6 1.0 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.4 0.9 0.8 1.1 1.0 0.8 1.1 1.0 1.4 0.8 1.0 1.1 0.2 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.7 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.9% 9.9 20.5 29.4 26.6 12.8 0.9% 11.4 20.6 29.9 25.5 11.8 0.7% 10.3 19.2 34.7 24.4 10.5 0.5% 10.3 21.2 28.4 26.7 12.9 0.7% 10.3 20.7 29.5 25.9 12.9 0.5% 10.4 18.6 27.5 26.7 16.3 0.4% 9.5 18.0 28.7 27.9 15.5 0.4% 9.2 18.1 26.5 29.3 16.6 0.3% 9.0 17.5 25.8 28.8 18.6 0.3% 9.1 18.4 24.7 27.2 20.3 0.3% 8.9 20.9 22.4 28.2 19.2 0.2% 9.2 23.3 22.4 25.6 19.3 0.2% 8.7 19.9 20.7 28.6 21.9 0.3% 7.7 22.3 22.0 26.8 20.9 0.2% 8.3 22.0 22.1 25.1 22.3 0.2% 7.4 23.3 21.3 24.9 22.9 0.2% 7.4 22.9 20.5 24.7 24.3 0.3% 7.6 23.9 21.9 22.4 24.0 0% 6.1 21.3 25.2 20.4 26.9 0.3% 5.2 24.4 25.3 18.5 26.2 29.2% 27.0% 25.4% 25.7% 22.3% 22.4% 22.0% 22.5% 21.1% 26.2% 25.9% 25.0% 26.8% 23.6% 24.7% 24.6% 24.2% 24.9% 25.3% 23.3% 70.8 73.0 74.6 74.3 77.7 77.6 78.0 77.5 78.9 73.8 74.1 75.0 73.2 76.4 75.3 75.4 75.8 75.1 74.7 76.7 36.6% 18.6 12.4 12.8 6.3 13.3 37.6% 18.7 11.3 13.4 6.8 12.2 37.7% 17.6 10.5 12.7 7.6 14.0 40.3% 17.9 9.6 12.2 7.4 12.6 39.7% 17.8 11.5 11.1 7.6 12.4 38.2% 18.6 11.1 12.7 6.8 12.6 35.9% 19.3 11.8 13.9 7.5 11.6 35.9% 16.8 12.5 13.4 7.4 13.9 37.2% 17.5 11.3 13.0 7.3 13.7 38.6% 17.7 10.5 12.5 5.4 15.3 38.5% 19.7 10.2 10.3 6.5 14.9 39.1% 19.4 11.0 10.2 6.2 14.1 36.6% 20.9 10.5 12.0 6.1 13.8 40.4% 16.9 9.0 12.8 4.7 16.2 40.8% 20.9 10.3 9.2 4.9 13.9 41.1% 19.4 10.4 10.4 5.5 13.3 40.6% 17.7 10.1 11.0 6.4 14.1 40.8% 19.3 9.6 10.4 6.2 13.7 40.6% 20.3 7.8 10.7 5.6 15.1 39.8% 19.9 9.6 10.0 4.9 15.8 40.5% 19.2 16.6 23.7 34.6% 19.7 16.7 29.1 38.1% 21.7 16.2 24.0 32.4% 22.9 17.7 27.1 34.0% 19.1 19.0 28.0 35.9% 22.5 17.5 24.1 34.6% 20.4 19.2 25.8 35.1% 18.5 19.0 27.4 33.7% 20.7 18.5 27.0 38.6% 20.0 14.4 27.0 39.8% 19.8 14.2 26.1 41.2% 17.9 13.3 27.6 38.0% 20.1 16.4 25.6 37.3% 21.1 14.2 27.3 37.8% 19.8 15.8 26.6 36.0% 21.7 16.9 25.4 36.5% 20.7 16.4 26.4 39.4% 20.8 14.2 25.6 37.3% 19.7 16.4 26.6 42.0% 18.3 16.2 23.6 Note: Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. Percentages are based on nonmissing data. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. See Methodology. aExcludes persons of Hispanic origin (e.g., “white” refers to non-Hispanic whites and “black” refers to non-Hispanic blacks). bIncludes Asians, Native Hawaiians, and Other Pacifc Islanders. cIncludes persons of two or more races and other races. dIncludes persons who returned to jail on a probation or parole violation. eIncludes persons in jail whose status was marked as other or was unspecifed. fPublic order ofenses include weapons ofenses, DUI/DWI, court ofenses, commercialized vice, and morals and decency ofenses. Other ofenses include holds and holds for other jurisdictions and probation and parole violations. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019. TabLE 7 Mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates within each demographic group, by decedent characteristics, 2000–2019 Characteristic Total Sex Male Female Race/ethnicity Whitea Blacka Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Nativea Asiana,b Othera,c Age 17 or younger 18–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55 or older Legal status Convictedd Unconvictede Ofense Violent Property Drug Public order/otherf 2000 151 2001 148 2002 145 2003 146 2004 143 2005 141 2006 142 2007 141 2008 123 2009 128 2010 125 2011 123 2012 129 2013 138 2014 144 2015 154 2016 150 2017 151 2018 156 2019 167 153 132 150 123 146 138 143 163 142 146 143 127 143 131 142 129 124 120 130 119 126 124 124 121 130 123 140 128 144 146 154 149 151 145 151 150 155 162 169 154 210 127 107 115 ! 91 ! 11 ! 224 111 97 157 100 ! 0 222 114 91 57 ! 68 ! 0 218 119 93 112 80 ! 0 195 129 102 140 128 3! 210 117 85 146 88 ! 3! 191 141 89 170 120 0 196 138 87 118 155 4! 185 109 70 108 169 6! 202 101 71 222 132 ! 2! 202 103 58 104 103 ! 11 ! 211 95 67 54 ! 149 6! 219 109 60 104 141 3! 211 132 91 106 114 ! 3! 237 119 76 97 167 11 ! 249 115 96 123 157 2! 238 121 88 161 217 3! 235 124 85 134 138 ! 3! 242 131 97 122 169 4! 256 136 89 121 200 9! 109 ! 53 96 169 397 871 104 ! 59 94 168 372 788 96 ! 53 87 192 351 691 73 ! 53 96 160 358 773 98 ! 53 92 166 319 704 75 ! 53 82 154 302 809 65 ! 49 80 166 302 726 58 ! 48 81 156 300 729 39 ! 41 67 138 260 668 43 ! 43 72 142 257 705 41 ! 41 77 127 252 616 35 ! 43 84 129 226 597 37 ! 43 74 128 259 678 67 ! 41 88 144 256 685 49 ! 46 91 152 254 771 57 ! 44 102 155 266 837 53 ! 43 98 146 257 868 0 85 ! 37 44 95 103 187 156 221 235 860 1,003 98 187 95 183 91 179 94 177 80 182 82 174 81 177 83 175 70 154 87 149 81 148 78 152 87 155 84 168 95 172 100 183 102 172 104 172 116 173 112 192 233 115 99 136 193 114 96 162 210 125 92 132 182 132 100 146 193 109 106 146 201 126 94 120 196 114 103 125 203 104 101 130 171 100 85 108 211 102 69 111 210 96 68 105 216 86 65 112 209 99 87 109 216 109 79 123 235 110 94 129 235 126 106 129 230 116 99 129 250 118 87 126 249 118 105 138 294 115 109 128 107 ! 34 116 199 214 1,040 Note: Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. Mortality rates are per 100,000 inmates held in the custody of local jails. Mortality rates for 2001–2019 are based on the annual number of deaths and the average daily population (ADP). In 2000, the ADP was estimated by taking the average of January 1 and December 31 inmate population counts. See Methodology. ! Interpret with caution. Estimate is based on 10 or fewer cases. See Interpreting rates among small populations in Methodology. aExcludes persons of Hispanic origin (e.g., “white” refers to non-Hispanic whites and “black” refers to non-Hispanic blacks). bIncludes Asians, Native Hawaiians, and Other Pacifc Islanders. cIncludes persons of two or more races and other races. dIncludes persons who returned to jail on a probation or parole violation. eIncludes persons in jail whose status was marked as other or was unspecifed. fPublic order ofenses include weapons ofenses, DUI/DWI, court ofenses, commercialized vice, and morals and decency ofenses. Other ofenses include holds and holds for other jurisdictions and probation and parole violations. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Annual Survey of Jails, 2000–2018; Census of Jails, 2019; Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019; National Inmate Survey, 2007–2009 and 2011–2012; and Survey of Inmates in Local Jails, 2002. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 14 ■ TabLE 8 Number of deaths of local jail inmates and mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by cause of death, 2000–19 Cause of death All causes Illness Heart disease AIDS-relateda Cancer Respiratory disease Liver disease All other illnessesb Suicide Drug/alcohol intoxication Accident Homicidec Other/unknown Missing Number 20,413 10,261 4,842 621 742 584 481 2,991 6,217 1,742 515 469 686 523 Percent 100% 50.3% 23.7 3.0 3.6 2.9 2.4 14.7 30.5% 8.5% 2.5% 2.3% 3.4% 2.6% Mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates 142 71 34 4 5 4 3 21 43 12 4 3 5 4 Note: Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. Mortality rates are per 100,000 inmates held in the custody of local jails. Mortality rates for 2001–2019 are based on the annual number of deaths and the average daily population (ADP). In 2000, the ADP was estimated by taking the average of January 1 and December 31 inmate population counts. Data may have been revised from previously statistics. See Methodology. aIncludes persons who died of illness and were identifed as HIV-positive or having AIDS at the time of death. bIncludes other specifed illnesses (such as cerebrovascular disease, infuenza, and other nonleading natural causes of death) and unspecifed illnesses. cIncludes homicides committed by other inmates, incidental to the use of force by staf, and resulting from assaults sustained prior to incarceration. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–19. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 15 ■ TabLE 9 Number of deaths of local jail inmates, by cause of death and decedent characteristics, 2000–19 All causesa 20,413 Characteristic Total Sex Male 17,796 Female 2,608 Race/ethnicity Whitee 11,279 Blacke 5,986 Hispanic 2,437 American Indian/ Alaska Nativee 259 Asiane,f 192 Othere,g 41 Age 17 or younger 76 18–24 1,765 25–34 4,224 5,141 35–44 45–54 5,175 3,842 55 or older Legal status Convictedh 4,946 Unconvictedi 15,219 Ofense Violent 7,218 Property 3,933 Drug 3,206 Public order/otherj 5,088 Illness Heart AIDSRespiratory Liver All other disease relatedb Cancer disease disease illnessesc Suicide 2,991 6,217 481 742 584 4,842 621 Drug/alcohol intoxication 1,742 Accident Homicided 515 469 4,299 543 547 74 675 67 481 103 435 46 2,429 561 5,627 589 1,365 377 464 51 462 7 2,351 1,954 427 111 426 81 338 298 87 281 220 70 261 103 107 1,382 1,115 417 4,441 823 723 1,093 375 230 304 132 63 184 185 86 46 39 10 1 2 0 6 11 0 8 2 0 6 3 0 27 30 6 120 74 18 26 8 4 5 9 1 4 7 1 3 131 485 1,020 1,588 1,609 1 13 105 238 201 60 0 13 47 97 231 354 1 25 82 137 163 174 0 3 28 87 233 129 5 153 465 734 926 704 55 1,008 1,960 1,779 1,014 390 5 187 590 529 330 98 1 51 110 140 127 85 2 84 119 96 94 71 1,429 3,390 161 455 224 516 173 406 141 340 793 2,186 1,109 5,084 414 1,321 147 367 110 352 1,518 914 798 1,402 160 196 138 112 356 116 104 145 187 115 114 139 135 86 80 166 869 632 569 779 2,982 1,153 640 1,219 322 331 480 543 144 91 79 179 212 86 52 100 Note: Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to missing data. See Methodology. aIncludes other causes not specifed and missing and unknown causes. bIncludes persons who died of illness and were identifed as HIV-positive or having AIDS at the time of death. cIncludes other specifed illnesses (such as cerebrovascular disease, infuenza, and other nonleading natural causes of death) and unspecifed illnesses. dIncludes homicides committed by other inmates, incidental to the use of force by staf, and resulting from assaults sustained prior to incarceration. eExcludes persons of Hispanic origin (e.g., “white” refers to non-Hispanic whites and “black” refers to non-Hispanic blacks). fIncludes Asians, Native Hawaiians, and Other Pacifc Islanders. gIncludes persons of two or more races and other races. hIncludes persons who returned to jail on a probation or parole violation. iIncludes persons in jail whose status was marked as other or was unspecifed. jPublic order ofenses include weapons ofenses, DUI/DWI, court ofenses, commercialized vice, and morals and decency ofenses. Other ofenses include holds and holds for other jurisdictions and probation and parole violations. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–19. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 16 ■ TabLE 10 Average annual mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by cause of death and decedent characteristics, 2000–19 Characteristic Total Sex Male Female Race/ethnicity Whitee Blacke Hispanic American Indian/ Alaska Nativee Asiane,f Othere,g Age 17 or younger 18–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55 or older Legal status Convictedh Unconvictedi Ofense Violent Property Drug Public order/otherj All causesa 142 Illness Heart AIDSRespiratory Liver All other disease relatedb Cancer disease disease illnessesc Suicide 34 4 5 4 3 21 43 Drug/alcohol intoxication 12 Accident Homicided 4 3 143 137 35 29 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 2 20 30 45 31 11 20 4 3 4 <1 ! 218 119 84 45 39 15 2 8 3 7 6 3 5 4 2 5 2 4 27 22 14 86 16 25 21 7 8 6 3 2 4 4 3 123 134 4 22 27 1 <1 ! 1! 0 3! 8 0 4! 1! 0 3! 2! 0 13 21 1! 57 52 2 12 6! <1 ! 2! 6! <1 ! 2! 5! <1 ! 66 46 89 157 276 773 3! 3 10 31 85 324 <1 ! <1 2 7 11 12 0 <1 1 3 12 71 <1 ! <1 2 4 9 35 0 <1 ! <1 3 12 26 4! 4 10 22 49 142 48 26 41 54 54 79 4! 5 12 16 18 20 <1 ! 1 2 4 7 17 2! 2 3 3 5 14 91 171 26 38 3 5 4 6 3 5 3 4 15 25 20 57 8 15 3 4 2 4 216 112 92 126 46 26 23 35 5 6 4 3 11 3 3 4 6 3 3 4 4 2 2 4 26 18 16 19 89 33 18 30 10 9 14 14 4 3 2 4 6 2 2 3 Note: Mortality rates for 2001–2019 are based on the annual number of deaths and the average daily population (ADP). In 2000, the ADP was estimated by taking the average of January 1 and December 31 inmate population counts. Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. See Methodology. ! Interpret with caution. Estimate is based on 10 or fewer cases. See Interpreting rates among small populations in Methodology. aIncludes other causes not specifed and missing and unknown causes. bIncludes persons who died of illness and were identifed as HIV-positive or having AIDS at the time of death. cIncludes other specifed illnesses (such as cerebrovascular disease, infuenza, and other nonleading natural causes of death) and unspecifed illnesses. dIncludes homicides committed by other inmates, incidental to the use of force by staf, and resulting from assaults sustained prior to incarceration. eExcludes persons of Hispanic origin (e.g., “white” refers to non-Hispanic whites and “black” refers to non-Hispanic blacks). fIncludes Asians, Native Hawaiians, and Other Pacifc Islanders. gIncludes persons of two or more races and other races. hIncludes persons who returned to jail on a probation or parole violation. iIncludes persons in jail whose status was marked as other or was unspecifed. jPublic order ofenses include weapons ofenses, DUI/DWI, court ofenses, commercialized vice, and morals and decency ofenses. Other ofenses include holds and holds for other jurisdictions and probation and parole violations. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Annual Survey of Jails, 2000–18; Census of Jails, 2019; Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–19; National Inmate Survey, 2007–09 and 2011–12; and Survey of Inmates in Local Jails, 2002. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 17 ■ TabLE 11 Cause of death of local jail inmates, by time served before death, 2000–19 Cause of death Total Illness Heart disease AIDS-relatedb Cancer Respiratory disease Liver disease All other illnessesc Suicide Drug/alcohol intoxication Accident Homicided Number 20,413 10,261 4,842 621 742 584 481 2,991 6,217 1,742 515 469 Median time served (in days)a 17 33 25 82 138 38 43 21 9 1 11 30 Note: Details may not sum to totals due to missing data. See Methodology. aThe statistical median represents the value at which 50% of the values are larger and 50% are smaller in a sequence of numbers. bIncludes persons who died of illness and were identifed as HIV-positive or having AIDS at the time of death. cIncludes other specifed illnesses (such as cerebrovascular disease, infuenza, and other nonleading natural causes of death) and unspecifed illnesses. dIncludes homicides committed by other inmates, incidental to the use of force by staf, and resulting from assaults sustained prior to incarceration. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–19. TabLE 12 Ofenses of decedents, by time served before death, 2000–19 Ofense Total Violent Murderb Kidnapping Rape/sexual assault Robbery Assault Other Property Burglary Larceny/theft Motor vehicle theft Arson Fraud Drug Possession Trafcking Other/unknown Public order/other Weapons ofense Obstruction of justice DUI/DWI Trafc ofense excluding DUI/DWI Probation/parole violation and escape Other Number 20,413 7,218 1,385 374 1,331 752 2,857 519 3,933 995 2,028 186 106 618 3,206 1,617 1,149 440 5,088 233 989 749 Percent 100% 37.1% 7.1 1.9 6.8 3.9 14.7 2.7 20.2% 5.1 10.4 1.0 0.5 3.2 16.5% 8.3 5.9 2.3 26.2% 1.2 5.1 3.9 Median time served (in days)a 17 40 137 44 77 51 16 13 15 32 11 12 45 16 12 8 30 6 7 13 7 5 527 2.7 4 1,564 1,026 8.0 5.3 12 5 Note: Details may not sum to totals due to missing data. See Methodology. aThe statistical median represents the value at which 50% of the values are larger and 50% are smaller in a sequence of numbers. bIncludes nonnegligent manslaughter. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–19. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 18 ■ TabLE 13 Death location of local jail inmates, by cause of death, 2000–19 Location All causes Total 100% General housing 30.6 Segregation unit 10.7 49.7 Medical unitd Mental health unite 1.8 In transit 1.1 Elsewhere 6.1 Heart disease 100% 28.6 6.4 56.2 1.7 1.6 5.5 Illness AIDSRespiratory Liver All other relateda Cancer disease disease illnessesb 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 4.4 3.0 14.9 9.4 20.0 1.9 2.0 4.1 3.8 6.6 89.8 89.2 73.2 80.0 65.5 0.5 1.8 1.7 0.8 2.1 0.5 0.3 1.0 0.2 1.3 2.9 3.8 5.0 5.8 4.4 Drug/alcohol Suicide intoxication Accident Homicidec 100% 100% 100% 100% 46.1 36.6 17.3 31.7 20.6 9.4 5.3 5.2 25.8 41.1 54.1 48.9 1.9 0.9 2.5 4.4 0.5 1.3 3.5 1.7 5.2 10.7 17.3 8.1 Note: Percentages presented are based on nonmissing data. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. See Methodology. aIncludes persons who died of illness and were identifed as HIV-positive or having AIDS at the time of death. bIncludes other specifed illnesses (such as cerebrovascular disease, infuenza, and other nonleading natural causes of death) and unspecifed illnesses. cIncludes homicides committed by other inmates, incidental to the use of force by staf, and resulting from assaults sustained prior to incarceration. dIncludes the special medical unit within the jail facility and outside medical centers. eIncludes the special mental health services unit within the jail facility and outside mental health centers. Mental health unit classifcation was not collected prior to 2009. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–19. TabLE 14 Number of deaths and mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by hold status, 2014–19 Hold status Number of deaths, 2014–19 Total 6,666 Hold statusa 719 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement 42 U.S. Marshals Service 156 Otherb 528 No hold/unknownc 5,947 Sum of annual average daily populations, 2014–19 4,337,625 748,495 89,467 173,934 485,093 3,589,130 Mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by hold status, 2014–19 154 96 47 90 109 166 Note: Average daily population was calculated for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the U.S. Marshals Service, and other authorities based on the proportion of the confned population on December 31. aIncludes contractual, temporary, courtesy, or ad hoc holds for federal, local, or state authorities. A jail inmate may have multiple hold statuses. bIncludes state or federal prison, the Bureau of Indian Afairs, or any other jail jurisdiction. cPersons held in jail for local law enforcement and court ofcials, not on behalf of state or federal ofcials. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2014–19. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 19 ■ TabLE 15 Number of deaths of local jail inmates, by size of jurisdiction, 2000–2019 Jail jurisdiction size (average daily population) Total 49 or fewer inmates 50–99 100–249 250–499 500–999 1,000–2,499 2,500 or more 2000 903 63 66 80 87 139 186 282 2001 942 76 70 111 98 139 167 280 2002 969 79 63 103 110 98 195 321 2003 1,001 78 58 104 111 133 233 284 2004 1,021 70 56 101 117 107 258 312 2005 1,045 68 66 103 107 145 226 330 2006 1,094 68 63 106 109 133 228 387 2007 1,099 46 61 116 127 130 251 368 2008 959 47 46 108 111 121 238 286 2009 961 49 55 121 111 120 237 268 2010 918 60 45 122 95 121 237 234 2011 888 51 51 116 125 133 207 186 2012 960 66 60 89 144 148 234 218 2013 987 60 61 138 129 151 205 243 2014 1,053 68 70 115 153 158 263 226 2015 1,096 61 54 141 157 185 268 230 2016 1,076 59 60 150 150 180 264 213 2017 1,103 51 58 156 133 194 293 218 2018 1,138 40 62 158 181 197 298 201 2019 1,200 50 66 164 169 238 293 220 Note: Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding or missing data. In 2000, the average daily population was estimated by taking the average of January 1 and December 31 inmate population counts. See Methodology. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019. TabLE 16 Mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by size of jurisdiction, 2000–2019 Jail jurisdiction size (average daily population) Total 49 or fewer inmates 50–99 100–249 250–499 500–999 1,000–2,499 2,500 or more 2000 151 229 170 105 115 142 154 175 2001 148 285 180 134 114 139 126 164 2002 145 319 155 120 122 96 136 177 2003 146 322 142 118 116 127 147 161 2004 143 295 134 112 121 99 166 157 2005 141 298 169 110 110 120 139 161 2006 142 299 161 113 113 104 131 178 2007 141 210 164 127 118 108 133 172 2008 123 222 119 119 106 96 124 139 2009 128 236 146 132 108 99 132 138 2010 125 285 125 129 96 94 133 135 2011 123 241 144 123 123 105 121 109 2012 129 308 166 95 129 114 129 127 2013 138 299 172 149 126 118 120 148 2014 144 336 189 119 138 122 151 140 2015 154 295 147 142 145 145 156 156 2016 150 294 166 143 136 134 157 148 2017 151 257 160 151 115 143 169 151 2018 156 209 175 155 146 142 174 143 2019 167 264 193 163 143 163 179 161 Note: Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. Mortality rates are per 100,000 inmates held in the custody of local jails. Mortality rates for 2001–2019 are based on the annual number of deaths and the average daily population (ADP). In 2000, the ADP was estimated by taking the average of January 1 and December 31 inmate population counts. See Methodology. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 20 ■ TabLE 17 Number and percent of local jail jurisdictions reporting to Mortality in Correctional Institutions, by number of deaths reported each year, 2000–2019 Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Annual average, 2000–2019 Number of reporting jurisdictions 2,984 2,969 2,954 2,937 2,920 2,894 2,866 2,845 2,831 2,742 2,747 2,738 2,797 2,695 2,779 2,792 2,786 2,810 2,810 2,770 2,837 Jail jurisdictions reporting deaths 0 deaths 1 death 2 or more deaths Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent 2,550 85.5% 288 9.7% 146 4.9% 2,485 83.7 331 11.1 153 5.2 2,470 83.6 331 11.2 153 5.2 2,427 82.6 349 11.9 161 5.5 2,402 82.3 367 12.6 151 5.2 2,372 82.0 362 12.5 160 5.5 2,327 81.2 368 12.8 171 6.0 2,312 81.3 349 12.3 184 6.5 2,329 82.3 346 12.2 156 5.5 2,239 81.7 332 12.1 171 6.2 2,245 81.7 342 12.4 160 5.8 2,217 81.0 350 12.8 171 6.2 2,258 80.7 373 13.3 166 5.9 2,150 79.8 372 13.8 173 6.4 2,199 79.1 398 14.3 182 6.5 2,201 78.8 399 14.3 192 6.9 2,213 79.4 375 13.5 198 7.1 2,231 79.4 377 13.4 202 7.2 2,197 78.2 388 13.8 225 8.0 2,134 77.0 414 14.9 222 8.0 2,307 81.3% 358 12.6% 172 6.1% Median jail jurisdiction daily population, by number of deaths reported* 0 deaths 1 death 2 or more deaths 41 146 1,076 45 151 995 50 167 1,208 52 166 1,125 55 231 1,246 58 211 1,167 60 191 1,324 60 218 1,190 63 246 1,353 63 219 1,269 64 197 1,278 62 228 1,137 64 253 1,121 64 203 1,048 65 195 1,056 62 233 986 67 203 950 66 221 1,015 63 218 917 63 235 922 59 206 1,099 Note: Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. Includes all local jails that reported data on populations or deaths. See Methodology. *Median is calculated using the average daily population of all jails with that number of deaths. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 21 ■ TabLE 18 Number of local jail inmates held on an average day, by state, 2000–2019 State 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 597,908 638,207 667,730 687,597 715,210 741,577 771,511 781,673 778,716 747,932 732,013 720,879 745,238 712,678 729,362 712,086 717,689 729,063 730,929 718,496 Alabama 12,951 11,857 13,380 12,613 13,454 14,653 14,921 15,858 16,156 13,868 15,054 15,333 14,944 13,333 13,590 13,393 14,074 15,150 16,247 16,232 Alaska* 60 81 97 79 105 80 70 64 52 70 64 73 104 82 85 76 72 72 57 59 Arizona 10,859 13,590 12,704 13,815 14,648 15,302 15,085 16,539 17,844 15,043 13,242 13,467 14,542 14,355 13,961 13,764 13,154 13,237 12,991 13,257 Arkansas 5,271 5,571 6,111 6,248 6,167 6,023 6,402 6,986 7,373 7,453 7,420 7,189 7,447 6,750 7,824 8,098 8,183 8,802 9,126 9,278 California 72,508 71,125 75,543 76,134 77,920 81,923 81,752 83,462 83,493 81,629 74,808 71,759 79,491 81,696 82,116 75,180 76,131 76,650 75,570 74,628 Colorado 9,179 10,394 11,107 11,713 11,555 13,243 13,871 13,540 13,111 13,207 12,703 11,779 12,396 12,323 11,947 12,121 12,910 12,574 13,391 12,617 District of Columbia 1,656 1,618 3,161 2,268 3,477 2,318 3,473 3,142 2,987 3,089 3,037 3,011 2,455 2,288 1,969 1,814 1,858 1,836 2,047 1,798 Florida 49,358 50,056 54,638 53,556 60,056 63,134 64,331 66,449 66,250 61,070 58,313 57,330 56,412 52,710 53,401 53,739 52,544 54,681 55,204 54,357 Georgia 33,332 35,205 37,683 39,279 41,957 44,262 45,479 44,680 47,343 46,125 46,811 44,034 44,322 36,633 40,974 38,140 40,376 41,997 39,573 41,877 Idaho 2,668 2,964 3,280 3,402 2,946 3,939 3,929 4,062 3,938 3,750 3,529 3,718 3,728 3,535 3,744 3,722 3,803 4,154 4,288 4,306 Illinois 17,452 19,701 20,691 21,478 20,370 29,744 20,391 20,660 20,966 19,601 20,224 20,666 21,376 22,173 19,954 18,791 18,456 17,272 16,746 16,592 Indiana 12,760 16,958 14,752 15,398 16,447 17,415 18,716 17,246 17,811 18,302 17,703 17,342 17,533 16,146 16,765 16,306 18,278 19,439 20,641 20,347 Iowa 3,046 3,109 3,612 3,853 3,620 4,167 4,023 4,158 4,085 3,891 3,993 4,099 4,264 4,051 4,243 4,477 4,427 4,899 4,932 4,880 Kansas 5,093 5,657 6,163 7,437 6,864 7,412 7,721 7,383 7,668 6,992 7,692 7,236 6,961 7,100 7,453 7,279 7,544 7,579 8,069 7,966 Kentucky 11,492 19,129 13,954 14,429 16,382 16,380 16,906 18,129 18,070 17,803 17,460 18,252 19,537 17,995 20,602 20,776 22,735 23,789 24,877 23,884 Louisiana 22,744 26,967 27,229 27,824 28,640 29,863 25,979 29,801 29,060 29,572 32,199 31,022 32,651 27,151 29,667 29,181 29,192 29,177 29,724 32,161 Maine 1,297 1,411 1,508 1,572 1,484 1,567 1,767 1,630 1,598 1,571 1,062 1,322 1,299 1,073 1,371 1,343 1,352 1,278 1,685 1,670 Maryland 10,471 10,960 12,069 12,545 12,974 12,696 13,039 14,005 13,577 12,205 12,398 12,423 12,233 12,063 11,164 9,804 8,879 9,587 8,892 9,121 Massachusetts 9,427 11,040 11,745 12,342 13,114 12,485 13,873 13,527 13,309 13,184 10,724 10,326 9,616 10,471 10,238 10,543 10,775 10,454 9,060 8,038 Michigan 15,869 16,460 16,644 16,713 17,956 18,197 18,739 18,436 17,676 17,001 16,457 16,541 17,089 17,203 16,898 15,480 16,476 16,357 16,412 15,604 Minnesota 4,958 5,663 5,954 6,408 7,033 7,265 7,286 7,582 7,105 6,651 6,733 6,468 6,423 6,524 6,827 7,188 7,145 7,293 7,135 6,624 Mississippi 9,885 9,280 10,160 10,872 10,495 10,984 10,981 11,811 11,057 9,732 10,501 10,601 12,620 11,575 12,802 14,376 14,601 13,157 13,279 13,364 Missouri 7,588 8,176 8,992 9,391 10,014 10,266 11,234 10,652 11,653 11,503 10,646 11,500 12,375 11,757 11,259 11,431 11,754 13,013 13,066 11,838 Montana 1,291 1,884 1,804 1,921 2,011 2,084 1,981 1,721 1,781 1,718 1,950 1,032 1,968 2,795 2,317 2,473 2,511 2,580 2,516 2,549 Nebraska 2,140 2,365 2,494 2,485 2,855 2,962 2,741 2,940 3,135 3,427 3,391 3,406 3,442 3,530 3,459 3,560 3,669 3,900 4,001 4,168 Nevada 5,216 5,407 5,656 7,537 6,869 6,144 6,479 7,638 7,531 7,737 7,410 7,083 6,922 6,902 7,070 6,841 7,004 7,189 7,738 6,967 New Hampshire 887 1,376 1,550 1,561 1,658 1,841 2,048 2,039 2,024 2,108 2,103 2,063 2,143 2,012 2,200 1,830 1,868 1,799 1,539 1,456 New Jersey 15,102 15,683 16,295 16,858 17,384 18,035 19,096 18,403 17,824 16,426 15,955 15,280 16,193 16,398 14,997 14,333 13,601 10,655 9,628 8,552 New Mexico 5,918 6,426 6,611 7,387 8,091 8,585 9,031 8,753 9,089 8,273 8,886 8,297 8,408 8,474 8,256 8,370 7,338 6,713 6,267 6,535 New York 27,403 28,709 30,640 30,488 30,588 30,778 32,229 31,335 30,304 29,877 30,122 29,793 28,259 26,959 25,946 25,540 22,345 20,800 21,637 20,006 North Carolina 12,276 12,901 15,103 15,319 16,454 17,958 18,295 19,104 19,382 16,470 18,601 18,288 19,168 18,825 18,964 18,107 18,818 19,920 20,342 20,220 North Dakota 619 650 746 828 876 997 963 889 962 897 947 1,111 1,190 1,088 1,418 1,449 1,382 1,697 1,445 1,457 Ohio 16,118 16,948 18,626 19,592 19,701 19,594 20,664 20,539 19,254 19,944 17,454 17,788 18,704 18,384 19,110 18,612 17,576 20,385 20,913 20,273 Oklahoma 7,228 7,243 7,534 8,206 9,114 10,053 10,988 10,796 10,062 10,493 8,632 8,654 9,544 9,447 12,484 12,455 12,593 10,207 12,288 13,454 Oregon 6,685 7,593 6,354 6,583 6,510 6,812 6,684 8,296 6,304 5,803 5,890 5,872 7,844 5,678 5,985 5,887 5,887 7,846 5,758 5,874 Pennsylvania 28,248 30,296 33,240 32,227 32,934 34,264 36,168 38,221 37,350 38,010 35,444 36,290 37,519 37,334 37,765 36,602 35,086 34,767 32,779 30,740 Continued on next page Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 22 ■ TabLE 18 (continued) Number of local jail inmates held on an average day, by state, 2000–2019 State South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 2000 8,752 1,163 20,168 57,999 5,378 20,021 8,638 2,824 12,986 924 2001 10,565 1,138 20,163 54,639 5,616 22,154 12,289 3,240 12,865 1,085 2002 12,181 1,296 20,859 56,185 5,817 23,612 12,095 3,068 13,557 1,230 2003 11,009 1,347 22,941 60,223 6,271 24,943 11,808 3,289 14,063 1,342 2004 11,590 1,514 23,086 62,907 6,517 25,488 11,867 3,622 14,397 1,499 2005 12,104 1,562 24,124 53,967 6,407 26,567 12,899 4,081 14,908 1,534 2006 12,749 1,645 32,363 68,106 6,567 28,407 13,390 4,321 15,098 1,532 2007 13,608 1,537 25,077 69,284 6,881 29,561 13,727 4,331 15,641 1,553 2008 13,634 1,417 26,446 69,392 6,929 28,824 13,461 4,336 15,401 1,694 2009 12,654 1,626 25,708 67,513 6,928 28,276 13,076 3,879 12,157 1,620 2010 12,236 1,572 22,875 67,297 7,267 29,003 12,350 4,145 14,143 1,567 2011 11,970 1,505 23,521 66,599 7,194 27,313 12,988 3,882 13,965 1,494 2012 12,232 1,746 24,292 67,815 7,288 30,013 12,008 4,351 12,835 1,536 2013 11,592 1,845 24,882 63,724 6,446 27,783 10,920 4,466 12,625 1,582 2014 11,569 1,732 24,553 64,614 7,441 29,984 12,264 4,292 12,501 1,587 2015 11,256 1,768 26,989 64,835 7,110 26,782 11,832 4,290 12,621 1,522 2016 10,086 1,880 28,239 67,156 7,137 27,910 12,034 4,356 12,932 1,562 2017 11,706 2,033 29,110 66,506 7,695 28,965 12,654 4,690 13,464 1,335 2018 11,794 2,147 29,970 68,662 7,460 28,294 12,253 5,251 13,795 1,440 2019 11,196 2,058 29,851 67,122 7,240 27,603 11,653 4,984 12,529 1,511 Note: Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Rhode Island, and Vermont each operate a combined prison and jail system. For data on these states, see Mortality in State and Federal Prisons, 2001–2019 – Statistical Tables (NCJ 300953, BJS, December 2021). See Methodology. *Prisons and jails form one integrated system. Counts include only data for 15 locally operated jails and exclude data for state-operated prisons and jails. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 23 ■ TabLE 19 Number of deaths of local jail inmates, by state, 2000–2019 State Total Alabama Alaska* Arizona Arkansas California Colorado District of Columbia Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania 2000 903 24 0 15 9 109 13 4 82 38 3 31 21 2 9 16 10 2 22 5 23 6 9 16 3 5 15 3 31 15 57 15 1 23 15 10 38 2001 942 27 0 18 13 124 16 0 98 39 3 21 21 4 9 13 22 2 20 10 17 8 12 14 1 5 18 2 17 9 52 17 1 20 18 10 50 2002 969 21 0 24 14 131 14 10 79 49 1 22 14 3 12 12 22 7 20 16 18 6 17 8 5 6 6 5 17 9 51 32 2 30 9 7 51 2003 1,001 15 0 16 22 125 13 12 85 45 2 30 23 1 10 14 32 3 25 9 26 9 17 17 5 2 6 3 38 7 47 22 2 30 13 7 53 2004 1,021 23 0 12 13 120 11 13 86 54 1 41 18 4 15 16 41 2 15 8 20 9 17 6 3 4 8 3 34 17 43 21 1 18 14 15 66 2005 1,045 23 0 27 7 156 18 11 79 41 7 25 16 4 11 22 31 1 23 21 29 8 16 10 6 2 14 1 32 11 51 17 0 24 18 8 57 2006 1,094 34 0 19 11 126 13 12 99 46 5 37 26 3 10 21 26 5 27 14 21 11 18 13 1 6 9 4 36 21 52 21 2 26 21 11 56 2007 1,099 21 0 21 10 128 21 10 103 44 7 31 18 5 7 25 31 1 32 14 18 8 18 25 2 2 10 4 34 15 52 28 1 26 24 3 55 2008 959 19 0 12 15 106 21 7 77 55 1 29 11 2 12 22 34 1 25 17 12 4 14 17 2 5 8 2 27 11 32 19 1 23 17 15 44 2009 961 20 0 11 5 138 14 8 88 45 6 29 16 6 11 18 22 2 20 18 20 3 13 20 6 7 14 5 25 11 37 23 2 26 18 7 37 2010 918 28 0 16 7 121 20 4 57 48 3 23 22 3 10 21 26 3 24 16 18 10 14 21 3 6 8 1 29 17 37 24 2 23 18 9 31 2011 888 18 1 9 16 92 12 7 66 46 5 21 21 8 10 16 20 7 21 5 24 6 14 12 8 5 13 4 20 23 36 17 1 28 12 8 46 2012 960 18 1 10 10 113 9 2 69 47 4 23 19 4 11 22 42 0 17 14 17 7 9 27 3 4 12 3 25 16 40 25 3 33 13 3 59 2013 987 19 0 14 15 129 20 6 68 47 6 33 18 9 17 13 37 1 21 14 21 5 15 19 5 7 10 1 23 10 40 21 5 30 16 4 41 2014 1,053 21 0 17 17 146 20 3 83 42 6 30 27 6 10 20 38 4 14 18 34 9 18 17 2 8 10 1 32 10 37 23 3 29 19 9 48 2015 1,096 24 0 26 13 135 25 1 83 40 3 29 21 6 14 23 35 1 17 12 21 8 19 21 6 3 18 0 26 15 32 33 2 31 16 14 54 2016 1,076 23 0 23 11 122 27 5 82 48 4 28 19 12 19 16 35 3 19 13 21 10 17 18 3 5 14 7 25 18 33 21 2 29 32 6 47 2017 1,103 18 0 29 11 133 27 7 98 45 4 24 26 3 11 16 46 2 20 18 23 14 11 23 4 12 12 4 18 11 17 36 1 40 9 13 49 2018 1,138 23 0 29 18 121 21 2 104 46 7 20 20 3 17 30 44 3 16 13 26 9 14 28 6 8 13 4 19 7 29 32 6 48 16 11 59 2019 1,200 30 0 26 11 154 34 3 117 59 8 30 35 5 14 24 29 3 16 10 17 8 21 28 4 4 16 6 14 16 22 35 0 41 18 12 63 Continued on next page Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 24 ■ TabLE 19 (continued) Number of deaths of local jail inmates, by state, 2000–2019 State South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 2000 17 4 28 97 6 34 8 2 7 0 2001 23 2 28 84 6 41 10 6 11 0 2002 17 1 29 96 13 36 11 2 12 2 2003 11 0 23 96 7 42 16 6 11 3 2004 16 1 39 99 11 33 11 5 10 4 2005 19 3 36 89 10 30 11 6 11 3 2006 21 1 30 98 7 36 19 6 11 2 2007 14 1 35 90 11 59 15 4 15 1 2008 19 2 37 86 6 49 17 6 17 1 2009 15 2 32 76 12 39 14 7 11 2 2010 19 0 20 84 8 29 16 5 13 1 2011 7 1 39 69 14 42 16 7 14 1 2012 22 0 34 72 11 40 20 10 13 4 2013 21 2 27 99 16 28 16 6 10 2 2014 15 1 29 73 19 48 19 8 7 3 2015 18 6 36 98 11 43 28 10 13 6 2016 14 8 43 87 22 34 16 11 21 3 2017 29 0 42 92 7 44 19 10 24 1 2018 19 2 50 85 7 42 31 11 18 1 2019 22 1 39 95 11 38 30 14 15 2 Note: Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Rhode Island, and Vermont each operate a combined prison and jail system. For data on these states, see Mortality in State and Federal Prisons, 2001–2019 – Statistical Tables (NCJ 300953, BJS, December 2021). See Methodology. *Prisons and jails form one integrated system. Counts include only deaths in 15 locally operated jails and exclude deaths in state-operated prisons and jails. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 25 ■ TabLE 20 Mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by state, 2000–2019 State Total Alabama Alaska* Arizona Arkansas California Colorado District of Columbia Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania 2000 151 185 0 138 171 ! 150 142 242 ! 166 114 112 ! 178 165 66 ! 177 ! 139 44 154 ! 210 53 ! 145 121 ! 91 ! 211 232 ! 234 ! 288 338 ! 205 253 208 122 162 ! 143 208 150 135 2001 148 228 0 132 233 174 154 0 196 111 101 ! 107 124 129 ! 159 ! 68 82 142 ! 182 91 103 141 ! 129 171 53 ! 211 ! 333 145 ! 108 140 ! 181 132 154 ! 118 249 132 165 2002 145 157 0 189 229 173 126 316 145 130 30 ! 106 95 83 ! 195 86 81 464 ! 166 136 108 101 ! 167 89 ! 277 ! 241 ! 106 ! 323 ! 104 136 ! 166 212 268 ! 161 119 ! 110 ! 153 2003 146 119 0 116 352 164 111 529 159 115 59 ! 140 149 26 ! 134 97 115 191 ! 199 73 ! 156 140 ! 156 181 260 ! 80 ! 80 ! 192 ! 225 95 ! 154 144 242 ! 153 158 106 ! 164 2004 143 171 0 82 211 154 95 374 143 129 34 ! 201 109 110 ! 219 98 143 135 ! 116 61 ! 111 128 ! 162 60 ! 149 ! 140 ! 116 ! 181 ! 196 210 141 128 114 ! 91 154 230 200 2005 141 157 0 176 116 ! 190 136 475 125 93 178 ! 84 92 96 ! 148 134 104 64 ! 181 168 159 110 ! 146 97 288 ! 68 ! 228 54 ! 177 128 166 95 0 122 179 117 ! 166 2006 142 228 0 126 172 154 94 346 154 101 127 ! 181 139 75 ! 130 124 100 283 ! 207 101 112 151 164 116 50 ! 219 ! 139 ! 195 ! 189 233 161 115 208 ! 126 191 165 155 2007 141 132 0 127 143 153 155 318 155 98 172 ! 150 104 120 ! 95 ! 138 104 61 ! 228 103 98 106 ! 152 235 116 ! 68 ! 131 196 ! 185 171 166 147 113 ! 127 222 36 ! 144 2008 123 118 0 67 203 127 160 234 ! 116 116 25 ! 138 62 49 ! 156 122 117 63 ! 184 128 68 56 ! 127 146 112 ! 159 ! 106 ! 99 ! 151 121 106 98 104 ! 119 169 238 118 2009 128 144 0 73 67 ! 169 106 259 ! 144 98 160 ! 148 87 154 ! 157 101 74 127 ! 164 137 118 45 ! 134 174 349 ! 204 ! 181 237 ! 152 133 124 140 223 ! 130 172 121 ! 97 2010 2011 125 123 186 117 0 1,370 ! 121 67 ! 94 ! 223 162 128 157 102 132 ! 232 ! 98 115 103 104 85 ! 134 ! 114 102 124 121 75 ! 195 ! 130 138 120 88 81 64 282 ! 530 ! 194 169 149 48 ! 109 145 149 93 ! 133 132 197 104 154 ! 775 ! 177 ! 147 ! 108 ! 184 48 ! 194 ! 182 131 191 277 123 121 129 93 211 ! 90 ! 132 157 209 139 153 ! 136 ! 87 127 2012 129 120 962 ! 69 134 142 73 ! 81 ! 122 106 107 ! 108 108 94 ! 158 113 129 0 139 146 99 109 ! 71 ! 218 152 ! 116 ! 173 140 ! 154 190 142 130 252 ! 176 136 38 ! 157 2013 138 143 0 98 222 158 162 262 ! 129 128 170 ! 149 111 222 ! 239 72 136 93 ! 174 134 122 77 ! 130 162 179 ! 198 ! 145 50 ! 140 118 148 112 460 ! 163 169 70 ! 110 2014 144 155 0 122 217 178 167 152 ! 155 103 160 ! 150 161 141 ! 134 97 128 292 ! 125 176 201 132 ! 141 151 86 ! 231 ! 141 45 ! 213 121 143 121 212 ! 152 152 150 ! 127 2015 154 179 0 189 161 180 206 55 ! 154 105 81 ! 154 129 134 ! 192 111 120 74 ! 173 114 136 111 ! 132 184 243 ! 84 ! 263 0 181 179 125 182 138 ! 167 128 238 148 2016 150 163 0 175 134 160 209 269 ! 156 119 105 ! 152 104 271 252 70 120 222 ! 214 121 127 140 116 153 119 ! 136 ! 200 375 ! 184 245 148 112 145 ! 165 254 102 ! 134 2017 151 119 0 219 125 174 215 381 ! 179 107 96 ! 139 134 61 ! 145 67 158 156 ! 209 172 141 192 84 177 155 ! 308 167 222 ! 169 164 82 181 59 ! 196 88 ! 166 141 2018 156 142 0 223 197 160 157 98 ! 188 116 163 ! 119 97 61 ! 211 121 148 178 ! 180 143 158 126 ! 105 214 238 ! 200 ! 168 260 ! 197 112 ! 134 157 415 ! 230 130 191 180 2019 167 185 0 196 119 206 269 167 ! 215 141 186 ! 181 172 102 ! 176 100 90 180 ! 175 124 109 121 ! 157 237 157 ! 96 ! 230 412 ! 164 245 110 173 0 202 134 204 205 Continued on next page Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 26 ■ TabLE 20 (continued) Mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates, by state, 2000–2019 State South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 2000 194 344 ! 139 167 112 ! 170 93 ! 71 ! 54 ! 0 2001 218 176 ! 139 154 107 ! 185 81 185 ! 86 0 2002 140 77 ! 139 171 223 152 91 65 ! 89 163 ! 2003 100 0 100 159 112 ! 168 136 182 ! 78 224 ! 2004 138 66 ! 169 157 169 129 93 138 ! 69 267 ! 2005 157 192 ! 149 165 156 113 85 147 ! 74 196 ! 2006 165 61 ! 93 144 107 ! 127 142 139 ! 73 131 ! 2007 103 65 ! 140 130 160 200 109 92 ! 96 64 ! 2008 139 141 ! 140 124 87 ! 170 126 138 ! 110 59 ! 2009 119 123 ! 124 113 173 138 107 180 ! 90 123 ! 2010 155 0 87 125 110 ! 100 130 121 ! 92 64 ! 2011 58 ! 66 ! 166 104 195 154 123 180 ! 100 67 ! 2012 180 0 140 106 151 133 167 230 101 260 ! 2013 181 108 ! 109 155 248 101 147 134 ! 79 126 ! 2014 130 58 ! 118 113 255 160 155 186 ! 56 ! 189 ! 2015 160 339 ! 133 151 155 161 237 233 103 394 ! 2016 139 426 ! 152 130 308 122 133 253 162 192 ! 2017 248 0 144 138 91 ! 152 150 213 178 75 ! 2018 161 93 ! 167 124 94 ! 148 253 209 130 69 ! 2019 196 49 ! 131 142 152 138 257 281 120 132 ! Note: Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. Mortality rates are per 100,000 inmates held in the custody of local jails. Mortality rates for 2001–2019 are based on the annual number of deaths and the average daily population (ADP). In 2000, the ADP was estimated by taking the average of January 1 and December 31 inmate population counts. Mortality rates are not adjusted for demographic differences among states. Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Rhode Island, and Vermont each operate a combined prison and jail system. For data on these states, see Mortality in State and Federal Prisons, 2001–2019 – Statistical Tables (NCJ 300953, BJS, December 2021). See Methodology. ! Interpret with caution. Estimate is based on 10 or fewer cases. See Interpreting rates among small populations in Methodology. *Prisons and jails form one integrated system. Counts include only deaths in 15 locally operated jails and exclude deaths in state-operated prisons and jails. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 27 ■ TabLE 21 Number of local jail jurisdictions reporting to Mortality in Correctional Institutions, by state, 2000–2019 State Total Alabama Alaskab Arizona Arkansas California Colorado District of Columbia Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania 2000 2,984 151 15 16 85 65 55 1 68 176 39 90 90 94 95 80 87 15 24 13 83 71 91 124 41 64 20 10 21 34 58 96 23 97 100 33 63 2001 2,969 149 15 15 84 64 55 1 68 174 38 89 91 93 95 78 86 15 24 13 83 71 90 124 41 63 20 10 21 35 58 96 23 96 100 33 63 2002 2,954 147 15 15 84 64 55 1 68 174 38 90 90 93 95 80 85 15 24 13 82 71 89 124 40 63 20 10 21 35 58 96 23 96 100 33 63 2003 2,937 146 14 15 83 64 55 1 68 172 38 90 90 93 95 79 85 15 24 13 82 71 88 123 40 63 20 10 21 34 58 96 23 93 99 33 63 2004 2,920 145 14 15 82 64 55 1 67 170 38 89 90 93 95 79 85 15 24 13 82 71 88 119 41 63 20 10 21 34 58 94 23 93 98 33 63 2005 2,894 142 15 15 83 64 55 1 67 167 38 90 90 93 95 76 83 15 24 13 82 71 85 118 40 63 20 10 21 32 58 94 23 93 96 32 63 2006 2,866 136 15 15 81 63 53 1 67 164 38 90 90 93 94 74 83 15 24 13 81 71 84 119 40 62 20 10 21 32 58 94 22 92 94 32 63 2007 2,845 132 15 15 81 62 53 1 67 162 37 90 90 93 94 74 83 14 24 13 81 71 84 118 40 62 20 10 21 32 58 94 21 91 93 32 63 2008 2,831 125 15 15 81 62 53 1 67 159 37 90 90 93 93 74 84 14 24 13 81 70 83 118 40 62 20 10 21 32 58 93 21 91 93 32 63 2009 2,742 115 14 15 76 61 53 1 65 151 35 90 89 92 90 70 79 14 23 13 81 69 80 110 36 61 20 10 20 29 57 89 22 91 88 31 63 2010 2,747 117 15 15 71 61 52 1 66 152 34 90 89 90 92 72 82 11 24 13 81 71 77 113 38 61 20 10 21 29 57 92 22 90 90 31 63 2011 2,738 115 15 15 73 60 50 1 66 153 34 88 90 93 90 73 75 12 24 13 80 70 77 113 37 60 20 10 21 31 58 93 22 93 88 30 63 2012 2,797 122 15 15 77 61 52 1 67 157 35 90 90 93 93 75 83 12 24 13 81 71 83 114 37 61 20 10 21 31 56 93 22 93 89 31 63 2013a 2,695 116 15 15 66 60 54 1 64 144 36 89 88 92 95 74 76 11 24 11 79 77 67 107 35 60 18 10 21 31 55 90 22 98 79 32 60 2014 2,779 122 14 16 75 60 54 1 67 152 36 87 90 92 94 76 81 12 24 12 80 78 78 110 36 61 18 10 20 32 54 92 23 98 90 34 62 2015 2,792 123 15 16 73 61 54 1 67 153 36 91 90 96 95 75 82 12 24 13 78 77 82 109 36 62 19 10 20 31 56 91 23 97 88 34 61 2016 2,786 125 15 16 71 59 55 1 67 148 36 91 91 95 96 77 80 12 23 13 80 77 82 110 36 61 19 10 19 31 53 93 23 97 90 34 60 2017 2,810 125 15 16 72 60 55 1 67 147 36 87 90 95 94 76 82 12 24 13 80 77 75 113 36 61 19 10 18 30 53 93 24 131 88 34 61 2018 2,810 125 15 16 71 62 56 1 66 147 35 90 91 94 95 75 89 13 23 12 77 77 79 108 36 62 19 10 18 29 55 93 22 128 91 36 62 2019 2,770 124 15 16 72 61 55 1 65 149 36 91 91 92 91 73 87 14 24 12 78 77 76 106 34 59 18 10 18 31 56 90 22 125 90 36 62 Continued on next page Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 28 ■ TabLE 21 (continued) Number of local jail jurisdictions reporting to Mortality in Correctional Institutions, by state, 2000–2019 State South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 2000 46 28 97 248 26 73 58 28 70 22 2001 46 29 97 247 26 72 58 28 70 22 2002 46 29 96 246 26 72 58 19 70 22 2003 45 29 96 245 26 72 57 18 70 22 2004 45 29 96 242 26 72 57 16 70 22 2005 45 28 96 242 26 69 56 13 70 22 2006 45 28 95 242 26 66 56 12 70 22 2007 45 28 94 237 26 64 56 12 70 22 2008 45 28 94 236 26 64 56 12 70 22 2009 45 26 89 230 26 65 56 11 69 22 2010 42 27 88 227 26 66 55 11 70 22 2011 44 25 88 226 25 66 55 10 70 23 2012 45 27 94 232 26 63 55 11 70 23 2013a 44 27 89 223 24 59 55 11 68 23 2014 45 26 93 228 26 62 55 11 69 23 2015 45 27 92 233 25 59 56 11 71 22 2016 44 25 93 233 26 59 56 11 71 22 2017 45 26 94 231 26 59 55 11 71 22 2018 45 26 92 230 25 58 53 11 71 21 2019 44 25 90 220 25 57 51 11 69 21 Note: Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Rhode Island, and Vermont each operate a combined prison and jail system. For data on these states, see Mortality in State and Federal Prisons, 2001–2019 – Statistical Tables (NCJ 300953, BJS, December 2021). See Methodology. aIn 2013, the response rate for Mortality in Correctional Institutions decreased to 94.2% due to a lengthened data collection form. The response rate was 99.7% in 2012. bPrisons and jails form one integrated system. Counts include only data for 15 locally operated jails and exclude data for state-operated prisons and jails. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 29 ■ TabLE 22 Number of local jail jurisdictions reporting one or more deaths to Mortality in Correctional Institutions, by state, 2000–2019 State Total Alabama Alaska* Arizona Arkansas California Colorado District of Columbia Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania 2000 434 15 0 5 7 30 6 1 23 24 3 7 11 2 8 11 5 2 7 3 12 5 8 10 3 5 7 3 12 9 12 13 1 13 10 4 15 2001 484 22 0 5 10 32 7 0 30 28 2 6 17 4 9 10 15 2 9 6 8 8 11 10 1 5 8 2 10 7 10 17 1 14 11 7 21 2002 484 20 0 7 10 29 11 1 27 33 1 11 11 3 10 9 15 5 3 7 13 6 12 7 4 6 3 5 7 6 17 18 2 16 7 4 23 2003 510 14 0 4 16 35 6 1 27 31 2 20 15 1 9 13 16 3 10 5 18 8 15 14 5 2 4 2 12 5 15 15 2 19 7 4 19 2004 518 16 0 4 11 32 9 1 31 29 1 14 15 3 10 14 24 1 6 5 15 7 15 6 3 4 5 2 12 8 12 17 1 15 6 7 28 2005 522 22 0 7 4 34 12 1 29 33 7 11 14 4 11 12 15 1 9 8 17 6 13 9 4 2 6 1 11 4 12 16 0 17 13 6 18 2006 539 25 0 5 10 27 10 1 30 29 5 13 19 3 7 15 17 5 11 8 15 9 15 10 1 5 4 3 12 8 12 17 2 17 12 7 20 2007 533 16 0 5 7 31 11 1 33 33 7 15 12 5 6 17 16 1 6 7 14 6 13 17 2 2 5 3 15 10 13 17 1 19 13 3 25 2008 502 15 0 5 11 30 13 1 25 29 1 13 10 2 11 15 24 1 7 8 12 4 13 12 2 5 6 2 12 6 9 14 1 16 9 9 16 2009 503 17 0 5 4 33 6 1 31 27 6 9 11 5 7 16 16 2 10 9 10 2 11 16 6 3 6 4 11 4 18 18 2 16 12 5 19 2010 502 24 0 6 6 28 11 1 23 30 2 12 15 3 6 19 16 3 9 8 12 8 11 19 2 5 5 1 12 10 11 19 2 15 13 5 15 2011 521 16 1 4 13 28 7 1 28 30 4 14 16 7 9 15 13 5 11 3 13 6 12 10 6 4 5 4 10 12 18 12 1 18 9 5 21 2012 539 17 1 3 8 29 7 1 27 35 4 15 15 4 8 16 25 0 9 5 12 5 8 20 2 2 6 2 13 9 14 23 1 22 12 3 23 2013 545 18 0 4 11 36 12 1 32 30 6 12 14 7 11 10 23 1 9 7 12 5 10 15 4 6 7 1 10 8 15 19 5 21 10 4 21 2014 580 19 0 6 10 38 17 1 30 27 5 15 18 6 9 15 24 4 8 10 17 7 16 15 2 7 5 1 12 8 20 18 3 18 10 7 21 2015 591 20 0 6 9 37 10 1 33 26 3 15 15 6 8 17 24 1 10 5 12 8 18 16 5 3 5 0 12 8 15 24 2 22 11 10 23 2016 573 18 0 7 10 32 14 1 35 29 3 17 14 10 12 15 24 3 10 5 13 10 15 10 3 3 5 4 10 11 12 18 2 19 15 5 19 2017 579 16 0 9 9 31 16 1 28 30 4 11 19 3 9 16 25 2 9 8 15 10 8 18 4 5 5 3 12 8 8 27 1 27 6 9 27 2018 613 17 0 9 12 32 11 1 35 24 6 16 15 2 13 20 24 3 10 6 12 7 12 19 5 8 5 3 9 4 15 22 6 29 14 11 24 2019 636 17 0 9 10 38 19 1 34 37 5 15 20 4 10 21 18 3 11 7 13 7 14 21 4 4 7 4 7 10 14 26 0 28 13 11 27 Continued on next page Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 30 ■ TabLE 22 (continued) Number of local jail jurisdictions reporting one or more deaths to Mortality in Correctional Institutions, by state, 2000–2019 State South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 2000 11 4 16 50 3 21 8 2 7 0 2001 14 2 13 40 5 24 7 6 8 0 2002 14 1 15 40 4 22 7 2 8 2 2003 7 0 13 42 5 20 10 6 10 3 2004 14 1 24 47 8 17 6 5 4 3 2005 15 3 19 49 4 19 11 2 8 3 2006 14 1 15 49 3 22 11 5 8 2 2007 10 1 19 38 8 26 8 3 12 1 2008 15 2 22 37 2 27 10 5 12 1 2009 10 2 19 43 6 20 9 5 9 2 2010 12 0 14 41 5 18 10 4 10 1 2011 6 1 21 43 8 22 12 5 11 1 2012 17 0 20 40 4 21 9 8 12 2 2013 14 2 11 52 6 19 10 4 8 2 2014 13 1 18 40 6 27 11 5 7 3 2015 13 4 24 45 7 23 15 5 10 5 2016 11 6 21 39 11 19 11 9 11 2 2017 13 0 24 44 4 21 12 6 15 1 2018 12 2 26 47 4 24 14 8 14 1 2019 18 1 21 44 5 24 15 6 11 2 Note: Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Rhode Island, and Vermont each operate a combined prison and jail system. For data on these states, see Mortality in State and Federal Prisons, 2001–2019 – Statistical Tables (NCJ 300953, BJS, December 2021). See Methodology. *Prisons and jails form one integrated system. Counts include only deaths in 15 locally operated jails and exclude deaths in state-operated prisons and jails. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 31 ■ Methodology Data collection coverage Te Mortality in Correctional Institutions (MCI), formerly the Deaths in Custody Reporting Program (DCRP), was an annual Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) data collection from 2000 to 2019. Te MCI obtained national-, state-, and incident-level data on adults who died while in the physical custody of the 50 state departments of corrections (DOCs) or in the physical custody of the approximately 2,800 local jail jurisdictions with adult populations nationwide. Tis methodology pertains to the local jail portion of the MCI collection only. BJS defnes a jail as a locally operated correctional facility that confnes persons before or afer adjudication for more than 72 hours, excluding temporary lockups. See Mortality in State and Federal Prisons, 2001–2019 – Statistical Tables (NCJ 300953, BJS, December 2021) for data and the methodology on deaths in prisons. Te DCRP began in 2000 in response to the Death in Custody Reporting Act of 2000 (DICRA; P.L. 106–297) and was the only national statistical collection providing comprehensive information about deaths in adult correctional facilities. Starting in 2000, BJS collected annual data directly from the approximately 2,800 jail jurisdictions in the U.S. and maintained an average annual response rate of 98%. BJS used these data to track national trends in the number and causes or manners of deaths occurring in local jails. In 2017, BJS changed the name of the DCRP to MCI to more accurately describe the data collection. BJS ceased collection of mortality data in state and local correctional facilities afer the 2019 data year. When DICRA was reauthorized in 2014 (P.L. 113–242), it included additional enforcement and reporting compliance requirements that are incompatible with BJS’s authorizing statute as a federal statistical agency. Te U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) determined it would be more appropriate for the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) to administer the program and collect mortality data for the DOJ, starting with the frst quarter of fscal year 2019 (October to December 2019). State DOCs and local jails now report their death information on a quarterly basis to centralized state agencies, which compile and submit this to BJA to comply with all applicable requirements in P.L. 113–242. Mortality data measured by the MCI included the location and type of facility where the incarcerated person died, decedent characteristics (sex, race or ethnicity, and age), admission date, conviction status, and admission ofense. Te MCI also collected data on the circumstances surrounding the death (the cause, time, and location of death), whether an autopsy was conducted, and the availability of autopsy results to the respondent. Data on executions are excluded from this report but are accessible on the BJS website.1 Statistics for 2000 to 2019 presented in this report are considered fnal as of February 18, 2021. For more information on mortality in correctional settings, see— Mortality in State and Federal Prisons, 2001–2019 – Statistical Tables (NCJ 300953, BJS, December 2021) Suicide in Local Jails and State and Federal Prisons, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables (NCJ 300731, BJS, October 2021) Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2018 – Statistical Tables (NCJ 256002, BJS, April 2021) Mortality in State and Federal Prisons, 2001–2018 – Statistical Tables (NCJ 255970, BJS, April 2021) Assessing Inmate Cause of Death: Deaths in Custody Reporting Program and National Death Index (NCJ 249568, BJS, April 2016) Suicide and Homicide in State Prisons and Local Jails (NCJ 210036, BJS, August 2005). Te MCI instruments for collecting jail data were administered annually to local jails. Respondents provided an aggregate count of the number of deaths that occurred during the referenced calendar year (CJ-9A/CJ-10A) and provided forms describing individual deaths (CJ-9). Te jail survey instruments are available on the BJS website. Respondents submitted individual records on decedents at any time during a collection cycle through a BJS web-based collection system. In addition to the death count, jails were asked to provide summary statistics about their population and admissions. All jails, including those with no reportable deaths (about 80% of jails in any given year), were asked to complete the annual summary form. 1See Capital Punishment, 2019 – Statistical Tables (NCJ 300381, BJS, June 2021). Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 32 ■ Nonresponse Te jail universe includes all jails currently operating and excludes those BJS contacted for the MCI that have closed, consolidated, or otherwise eliminated operations. Tis universe allows BJS to determine jail participation in the MCI. Te most recent jail universe identifed 2,907 jurisdictions that represented 3,130 jail facilities. Of these, 2,819 jurisdictions (97%) participated in the MCI. A jail jurisdiction is a legal entity that manages jail facilities. Jail jurisdictions typically operate at the county level, and a sherif ’s ofce or jail administrator usually manages the local facilities. MCI data identify the jail facility where an inmate died, but data are summarized at the jail jurisdiction level. Determining eligibility for reporting to the Mortality in Correctional Institutions In the MCI, custody refers to the physical holding of a person in a facility or to the period during which a correctional authority maintains a chain of custody over such person. For instance, if a jail transports an ill inmate to a hospital for medical services and that person dies in the hospital while in the chain of custody of the jail, then that death is counted as a death in custody. A death that occurs when an inmate is not in the custody of a correctional authority is considered beyond the scope of the MCI. Deaths were considered out of scope for inmates who were on escape status or under the supervision of community corrections, such as on probation, parole, or home electronic monitoring. Local jail ofcials were asked to determine whether the inmate was in the physical custody of the jurisdiction at the time of death, regardless of the reason the inmate was being held. Custody is further complicated by the functions of some sherifs’ ofces, including dual law enforcement and jail administration. As a result, some deaths that respondents reported as jail deaths occurred before the jail had custody of the decedent. Deaths that occurred in the process of arrest were identifed by BJS and excluded by using information about the circumstances surrounding the death. Identifying and excluding duplicate records Duplicate and out-of-scope records are excluded from analysis in this report. Duplicate death records may occur in the MCI due to overlapping correctional populations or overlapping duties within correctional facilities. For example, a state prison system may report the death of a person who was transferred to a local jail while serving a prison sentence. Tis death would be counted by the local jail that had custody of the person at the time of death. Te duplicate record from the prison would be deleted. To identify duplicate records, BJS reconciles the aggregate summary counts of deaths that occurred during a calendar year with the number of individual records of death that were obtained from a reporting jurisdiction. When discrepancies are identifed, reporting jurisdictions are contacted for clarifcation. However, even if summary counts and individual reports are reconciled, duplicate records may exist if multiple reporting units within a jurisdiction provide reconciled data. Duplicate records occur primarily in reports from jail jurisdictions that have multiple reporting entities. To identify duplicate records, records are compared based on an inmate’s name, date of birth, date of death, and date of admission into a correctional facility. Afer the aggregate count review, deaths reported to both the jail and prison MCI collections are identifed, which most commonly occur when a local jail is housing an inmate for the state DOC. Te death is counted under the facility that had custody of the inmate at the time of death, and the duplicate record is deleted. Information on cause of death MCI respondents are instructed to report on the cause of death as determined by autopsy or another ofcial medical investigation. For this collection, deaths due to intoxication, accidents, suicides, and homicides are considered discrete causes of death. Although the manner and cause of death are distinct from one another, no such distinction is made in the MCI. When reporting a death due to illness, accident, suicide, intoxication, or homicide, BJS requests that respondents describe the events surrounding these deaths. Clinical data specialists convert text entries that describe illness-related deaths into standard medical codes from the World Health Organization’s International Statistical Classifcation of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision. Homicides include all types of intentional homicide and involuntary manslaughter as determined by a medical examiner or pathologist at autopsy. Homicide counts include legal intervention homicides committed while an inmate was trying to escape. Homicides encompass cases that are ruled a homicide at autopsy when events that led to the death occurred prior to Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 33 ■ incarceration, such as a person who was shot outside of custody and who later died from complications of the gunshot wound while in custody. Other BJS sources of correctional mortality data BJS collects other data reported to the MCI on jail mortality. Tese other collections include— the Census of Jails (COJ), which is conducted every 5 to 6 years and provides counts of inmate deaths in local jails. Further discussion of the COJ is available on the BJS website. the Survey of Jails in Indian Country (SJIC), which provides aggregate counts of deaths in all known correctional facilities in Indian country that are operated by tribal authorities or the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Indian Afairs. Further discussion of the SJIC is available on the BJS website. Reported statistics Mortality data in this report include the number of deaths and mortality rates by year, the cause of death, selected decedent characteristics, and the state where the death occurred. Mortality rates are calculated per 100,000 local jail inmates, with the denominators providing estimates of the number of person-years of exposure in custody in institutional corrections (person-years combines time in jail with the number of inmates to measure actual exposure to a jail setting). Te mortality rate in jails is calculated as the number of deaths per year divided by the inmate average daily population (ADP), with the resulting quotient multiplied by 100,000. Te ADP for jails is defned as the average daily number of inmates held in a jail jurisdiction during a calendar year, from January 1 through December 31. Te ADP is used as the denominator for mortality rates to accommodate the high turnover and daily fuctuation in local jail populations. Compared to a single-day inmate count, the ADP is a better indicator of the number of days per year that an inmate is exposed to the risk of death. Jail populations have a much higher turnover than prison populations. Mean length of stay is about 26 days in local jails, compared to 2 years in state prisons. Te jail ADP refects the annual number of admissions and mean length of stay, and it can be expressed as the product of these two values. When mean length of stay is expressed in years, the ADP is equivalent to the number of person-years spent by inmates during a given year. ADP data are received directly from jails through the MCI using the summary form CJ-9A. Starting in 2002, BJS collected the ADP directly from respondents. Prior to 2002, the jail ADP was calculated by taking the average of the January 1 count from the prior year and the December 31 count from the reference year. Both denominators provide for annualized mortality rates, which are calculated separately by group or characteristic. Te annualized mortality rates in state prisons and local jails are comparable to annual crude, or unadjusted, mortality rates reported by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). Te NCHS calculates crude mortality rates as the number of events for a period divided by the population estimate at the midpoint of the period. For general population mortality statistics, the NCHS uses the midyear population to approximate the average population that was exposed to risk of death during any given year.2 Like the mortality rates reported by the NCHS, the mortality rates of jail inmates reported in the MCI annual statistical tables are crude, or unadjusted. Te composition of the general population difers by sex, race or ethnicity, and age from the population in local jails, which in turn difers from the population in state or federal prisons. In 2019, BJS adjusted the general population in table 4 and fgure 3 of this report to refect the sex, race or ethnicity, and age distribution of local jails to permit direct comparisons. For details on this adjustment, see Comparison of jail mortality rates to the U.S. resident population. Records on individual inmates that were collected annually are included in the national death count. Independent and jail-specifc counts are collected in the annual summary form (CJ-9A/CJ-10A) and serve as control death totals. If the death count in the summary form fle is greater than the count in the fle on individual inmates, the summary fle count is used to calculate the jail mortality rate. Estimating population characteristics of inmates to calculate mortality rates by demographic subgroups To estimate ADP distributions of inmate demographic characteristics, data from several data collections were used to generate distributions of sex, race or ethnicity, 2See Siegel, J. S., & Swanson, D. A. (Eds.). (2004). Te methods and materials of demography (2nd ed., p. 269). Elsevier Academic Press. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 34 ■ and age. Tese collections were chosen because they were conducted closest in time to the 2019 reference year. Tese distributions were then applied to the ADP. Tese data collections include two types of data: (1) in-person survey data, where jail inmates are asked directly to identify their date of birth, sex at birth, race, and Hispanic origin, and (2) administrative data, which is derived from the ofcial operational records maintained by the jail facility and may difer from how an inmate would self-identify, especially in terms of race and ethnicity, if given the chance. BJS’s administrative data collections on jails include— the MCI, conducted annually the Annual Survey of Jails (ASJ), conducted annually the COJ, conducted every 5 to 6 years, including in 2013 and 2019. BJS’s in-person inmate survey data on jails include— Survey of Inmates in Local Jails (SILJ), last conducted in 2002 National Inmate Survey (NIS), conducted in 2006, 2007 to 2009, and 2012. Prior to 2010, the ASJ provided estimates of inmates by sex for each year of MCI collection. Te ASJ percentages were applied to each year’s ADP from the MCI to estimate the ADP of male and female inmates. Starting in 2010, sex-specifc data on ADP from MCI were used to calculate the denominators for mortality rates for males and females. Data from the SILJ, NIS, and COJ were used to estimate the relative distribution of adults by race or ethnicity for diferent periods. Because the SILJ (2002), NIS (2007 to 2009), and COJ (2013) are not felded annually, the population estimates were smoothed before being applied to MCI data for specifc time periods. Te SILJ estimates were used to cover the period from 2000 to 2004, the NIS estimates to cover years 2005 to 2012, and the COJ estimates to cover years 2013 to 2019. In all cases, the percentages associated with the distribution of race or ethnicity were applied to the jail ADP. To estimate the distribution of the inmate population by age, BJS frst obtained an estimate of the number of inmates age 17 or younger from the ASJ (2000 to 2012 and 2014 to 2016) and the 2013 COJ data collection. An estimate of the ADP of inmates age 17 or younger was obtained by applying the annual percentage of inmates age 17 or younger from the ASJ and COJ to the annual ADP collected in the MCI. To estimate the distribution of adult inmates by age, data from the SILJ for 2000 to 2006 and the NIS for 2007 to 2016 were used to estimate the relative distribution of adults by age for specifc periods. Estimates were directly available from these sources for 2002, 2007, 2009, and 2012. Te age distribution for 2002 (SILJ) was applied to MCI data for 2000 and 2001, and the distribution from 2012 (NIS) was used for 2013 to 2019. Estimates were smoothed to account for gaps in reference years when age estimates were not available (2003 to 2006, 2008, 2010, and 2011). Comparison of jail mortality rates to the U.S. resident population Te jail population difers substantially from the U.S. resident population in terms of age, race or ethnicity, and sex distributions. Tese diferences preclude direct comparison of mortality rates between jail inmates and U.S. residents. To allow for direct comparisons, BJS adjusted the U.S. resident population’s mortality rates to the age-by-sex-by-race/ethnicity (ASR) distribution of jails in 2019. BJS does not collect individual-level data on all jail inmates on an annual basis, instead obtaining annual univariate aggregate counts of the jail population by sex and by race or ethnicity through the ASJ. BJS can calculate the ASR 3-way cross distributions for the jail population only for those years in which it conducts an in-person inmate survey, the most recent of which was in 2012, the third iteration of the NIS. BJS can use the ratio of administrative age or race or ethnicity data to in-person survey data to determine how disparate administrative records are from a representative sample of jail inmates. Te sex distribution of administrative data is assumed to be accurate because they represent ofcial records of facilities, and typically, BJS’s in-person survey data are weighted to refect the sex distribution of the administrative data. Because the ASR distribution in jails may have changed between 2012 and 2019, BJS did not simply impose the ASR distributions observed in the 2012 NIS on the 2019 jail population administrative data. Instead, BJS used other existing administrative data to make several educated assumptions and separate comparisons for Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 35 ■ sex, race or ethnicity, and age to estimate a combined ASR distribution for jail inmates for 2019. 1. As previously stated, the sex distribution of administrative data is assumed to be accurate because they represent ofcial records of facilities, and in-person survey data are weighted to refect the sex distribution of the administrative data. Using the ratio of males and females from the 2012 NIS to the 2011 ASJ, BJS adjusted the 2019 ASJ sex distribution. 2. To obtain an updated age distribution for jail inmates, BJS compared sex-specifc age distributions of arrestees from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting program in 2009 and 2012 to calculate the ratios of these distributions to the 2009 and 2012 NIS in-person survey results. Tese two distributions of age ratios were averaged and applied to the ASJ control totals by sex from 2015 to 2017 to obtain percent distributions of ages for males and females in the jail population for those years. An average of the 2016 to 2018 distributions was then applied to the adjusted 2019 ASJ sex totals to obtain the fnal 2019 age-by-sex distribution. 3. BJS does not obtain an annual sex-specifc distribution of race or ethnicity through ASJ or MCI. BJS made the assumption that the race/ethnicity distribution of jail inmates in 2019 had not changed markedly from that reported in the 2011 ASJ. Additionally, BJS assumed the race/ethnicity distributions of jail inmates in the 2011 ASJ did not difer between the sexes. Tis allowed BJS to use the 2012 NIS-3 distributions of sex-specifc race or ethnicity to adjust the counts of 2019 jail inmates. a. Because the assumption of both male and female jail inmates having the same race/ethnicity distribution could be questioned, BJS repeated this step under a diferent assumption. Te 2011 ASJ female race/ethnicity distribution was set equal to that of females observed in the 2012 NIS survey, and the distribution for males was calculated as the diference between the race/ethnicity distribution for males in the 2011 ASJ and the new female race/ethnicity distribution. Ultimately, there were no diferences in the resulting mortality rates once the adult U.S. resident population was adjusted to these two methods of calculating the sex-by-race/ethnicity distribution. 4. BJS applied the sex-by-race/ethnicity distributions (assumption 3, above) to the sex-by-age distributions (assumption 2) to create an ASR table. BJS then raked the sex-specifc counts so that the marginal totals for sex-specifc race/ethnicity (assumption 3) and sex-specifc age (assumption 2) matched the control totals of the bivariate crosstabulations of the characteristics. U.S. resident population mortality data were obtained from the WONDER (Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiological Research) Underlying Cause of Death database (, created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Because local jails hold fewer than 800 persons age 17 or younger, BJS limited the WONDER death data to residents who had a known age at death and were age 18 or older in 2019. In addition, BJS excluded causes of death that are unlikely to occur in a jail setting, including motor vehicle accidents; homicides due to explosives or frearms not related to law enforcement, motor vehicle assault, or neglect; and frearm discharges not related to law enforcement. For each cause of death, BJS parsed the WONDER death data to match ASR categories from the MCI and calculated crude mortality rates for the adult U.S. resident population for each ASR category. Next, the total jail inmate population was divided into the same ASR categories using the process described above. Te crude mortality rates for the adult U.S. resident population were then multiplied by the total local jail population by weighted ASR category. Tis approach allowed BJS to generate a cause-specifc expected count of deaths that, when summed, gave the total number of expected deaths in the U.S. resident population due to that cause for 2019, if the demographic distribution of the U.S. population resembled that of the local jail population. To obtain the adjusted mortality rate per 100,000 shown in table 4 and fgure 3, BJS divided these cause-specifc mortality rates by the total local jail population and multiplied by 100,000. Rolling averages Rolling averages were computed to examine trends for certain causes of death in local jails while smoothing short-term fuctuations. Data were divided into 10 overlapping 3-year periods spanning 12 years. Te rolling averages in this report describe some changes in cause-specifc mortality rates over time, such as Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 36 ■ whether the overall rise in the mortality rate for cancer was steady or the increase in unnatural deaths was recent. Rolling averages were not computed for all causes of death in custody due to the small number of deaths. Interpreting rates among small populations MCI data on deaths in local jails are not subject to sampling error because the data represent a full enumeration of deaths. However, according to Brillinger and NCHS, mortality data from a complete enumeration may be subject to random error because “the number of deaths that actually occurred may be considered as one of a large series of possible results that could have arisen under the same set of circumstances.”3,4 Te random variation can be large 3See Brillinger, D. R. (1986). Te natural variability of vital rates and associated statistics. Biometrics, 42(4), 693–734. 4See Xu, J., Kochanek, K. D., Murphy, S. L., & Tejada-Vera, B. (2010). Deaths: Final data for 2007 (National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol. 58, No. 19). National Center for Health Statistics. when the number of deaths is small. Terefore, caution is warranted when interpreting statistics that are based on small numbers of deaths. Continuing to use the NCHS and Brillinger methods, BJS quantifed random variation by assuming that the appropriate underlying probability distribution for the number of deaths was a Poisson distribution. Tis provided a simple and reasonable approach for estimating variances in mortality statistics when the probability of dying is low. Variances were calculated based on the assumption of a Poisson process. From these variances, estimates of relative random error were calculated. Tese estimates are comparable to the relative standard error because the relative random error is the ratio of random error derived from the Poisson variance to the number of deaths. Following NCHS practice, when the relative random error exceeded 30%, estimated mortality rates were fagged with an “!” symbol to show the instability of the rate. (Interpret with caution. Estimate is based on 10 or fewer cases.) Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 37 ■ appENdIx TabLE 1 Estimated number of local jail inmates in custody on an average day, by inmate characteristics, 2000–2019 Total, Characteristic 2000–2019 Total 14,376,500 Sex Male 12,475,500 Female 1,901,000 Race/ethnicity Whitea 5,178,400 Blacka 5,016,500 Hispanic 2,896,000 American Indian/ Alaska Nativea 211,200 Asiana,b 143,600 Othera,c 930,700 Age 17 or younger 114,800 18–24 3,838,800 25–34 4,771,400 35–44 3,276,700 45–54 1,877,900 55 or older 496,800 Legal status 5,465,500 Convictedd Unconvictede 8,910,400 Jail sizef 49 or fewer inmates 439,000 50–99 751,100 100–249 1,864,900 250–499 2,055,400 500–999 2,453,300 1,000 or more 6,812,800 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 597,900 638,200 667,700 687,600 715,200 741,600 771,500 781,700 778,700 747,900 732,000 720,900 745,200 712,700 729,400 712,100 717,700 729,100 730,900 718,500 529,700 564,200 590,300 605,900 627,200 647,400 672,000 680,800 679,800 656,700 640,200 629,900 645,800 613,800 625,600 609,000 611,000 618,500 619,400 608,400 68,200 74,000 77,500 81,700 88,000 94,200 99,500 100,800 98,900 91,200 91,800 91,000 99,400 98,900 103,800 103,100 106,700 110,600 111,500 110,100 215,200 229,700 240,300 247,000 256,500 265,600 275,800 279,000 276,500 264,200 255,500 248,600 253,900 247,900 263,000 263,500 262,700 278,300 277,000 278,200 239,800 256,000 267,800 271,200 277,400 282,700 289,000 287,700 284,400 271,100 258,300 247,400 248,500 210,800 229,400 223,100 219,100 219,400 212,400 221,000 110,600 118,100 123,500 127,100 132,100 136,900 142,300 144,000 151,900 154,000 154,600 156,100 165,300 158,500 155,300 146,700 156,500 153,500 154,700 154,300 7,800 8,300 8,700 8,900 9,300 9,600 10,000 10,200 10,200 9,900 10,600 11,200 12,500 11,300 13,400 11,400 11,200 11,200 12,300 13,200 6,600 7,000 7,300 7,500 7,800 8,000 8,300 8,400 7,700 6,800 6,800 6,700 7,100 7,000 7,200 7,000 6,900 6,500 6,500 6,500 17,900 19,100 20,000 25,700 32,100 38,800 46,000 52,500 47,900 41,800 46,300 50,900 58,000 77,200 61,000 60,400 61,300 60,300 68,100 45,400 7,300 169,300 191,700 156,200 60,200 13,200 7,700 180,700 204,700 166,800 64,300 14,100 7,300 189,300 214,400 174,700 67,300 14,800 6,800 192,900 220,100 176,900 74,400 16,600 7,200 198,400 227,900 180,600 82,500 18,600 6,700 203,500 235,500 183,900 91,100 20,800 6,100 209,500 244,300 187,900 100,500 23,100 6,800 209,600 246,200 186,600 107,400 25,000 7,600 210,500 249,300 178,800 105,900 26,700 7,000 204,000 243,500 165,200 100,900 27,400 7,400 195,300 242,900 158,300 100,300 27,900 5,800 188,600 244,300 153,000 100,500 28,700 5,400 190,900 257,500 155,000 105,600 30,800 4,500 182,700 246,500 148,400 101,100 29,500 4,100 187,100 252,500 152,000 103,500 30,200 3,500 182,800 246,600 148,500 101,100 29,500 3,800 184,200 248,500 149,600 101,900 29,700 3,500 187,200 252,600 152,000 103,600 30,200 3,400 187,700 253,300 152,400 103,900 30,300 2,800 184,600 249,100 150,000 102,200 29,800 263,100 264,900 267,100 270,900 283,900 281,800 292,400 297,000 288,900 282,700 284,800 284,000 293,600 271,500 271,400 267,300 250,500 257,500 246,000 246,200 334,800 373,400 400,000 416,700 431,300 459,800 479,100 484,600 489,800 465,200 447,300 436,900 451,600 441,200 457,900 444,800 467,200 471,500 485,000 472,300 27,500 38,800 75,900 75,500 97,600 282,600 26,700 38,800 82,800 86,100 99,800 303,900 24,800 40,700 85,600 89,800 101,800 324,900 24,200 40,800 87,900 95,400 104,900 334,300 23,700 41,700 90,600 97,000 107,900 354,300 22,800 39,000 93,200 97,600 121,200 367,600 22,700 39,100 93,500 96,800 127,300 392,000 21,900 37,300 91,000 107,700 120,900 402,900 21,200 38,600 90,800 104,800 125,900 397,500 20,800 37,600 91,400 102,800 121,100 374,300 21,000 36,100 94,900 98,900 128,900 352,200 21,100 35,300 94,400 101,400 127,100 341,500 21,400 36,100 93,600 112,000 129,400 352,700 20,100 35,500 92,300 102,500 128,400 334,000 20,200 37,000 96,800 110,800 129,000 335,500 20,700 36,700 99,400 108,200 127,300 319,900 20,100 36,000 104,800 110,000 134,600 312,200 19,800 36,300 103,200 116,000 136,000 317,800 19,100 35,500 102,000 123,600 138,700 312,100 19,000 34,200 100,600 118,500 145,700 300,500 Note: Data are rounded to the nearest 100. Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. Subpopulation estimates, such as sex, race or ethnicity, and age, were based on the reported proportion of the subpopulation in comparison to the total average daily population (ADP). Subpopulations for legal status were estimated using data from the Annual Survey of Jails. Subpopulations for sex and jail size were based on total counts reported to the Mortality in Correctional Institutions. See Methodology. aExcludes persons of Hispanic origin (e.g., “white” refers to non-Hispanic whites and “black” refers to non-Hispanic blacks). bIncludes Asians, Native Hawaiians, and Other Pacifc Islanders. cIncludes persons of two or more races and other races. dIncludes persons who returned to jail on a probation or parole violation. eIncludes persons in jail whose status was marked as other or was unspecifed. fJail size is based on the ADP. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Annual Survey of Jails, 2000–2018; Census of Jails, 2019; Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019; National Inmate Survey, 2007–2009 and 2011–2012; and Survey of Inmates in Local Jails, 2002. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 38 ■ appENdIx TabLE 2 Illness mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates within each demographic group, by decedent characteristics, 2002–2019 (3-year rolling averages) Characteristic Total Sex Male Female Race/ethnicity Whitea Blacka Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Nativea Asiana,b Othera,c Age 17 or younger 18–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55 or older Legal status Convictedd Unconvictede 2002 79 2003 75 2004 75 2005 72 2006 73 2007 75 2008 71 2009 67 2010 62 2011 63 2012 65 2013 66 2014 69 2015 70 2016 72 2017 73 2018 73 2019 73 80 76 75 75 74 80 71 77 72 80 74 79 70 78 66 72 62 67 63 67 64 70 66 67 69 72 70 70 71 77 73 74 72 75 74 70 89 88 55 40 ! 19 ! 4! 86 85 51 35 ! 14 ! 2! 86 85 50 41 22 ! 0 85 82 44 54 30 ! 1! 86 86 43 69 37 ! 1! 88 91 41 60 53 1! 82 88 41 56 70 1! 82 79 38 43 79 1! 80 72 33 39 66 1! 87 71 30 32 ! 44 ! 1! 92 76 29 29 ! 53 1! 93 78 33 29 ! 58 1! 95 82 37 32 70 1! 96 80 42 42 61 1! 101 78 42 56 81 1! 102 79 42 65 83 1! 100 81 41 55 85 1! 99 83 41 38 72 1! 18 ! 8 30 95 270 664 9! 8 29 91 250 628 14 ! 9 29 89 235 597 5! 9 25 79 219 593 10 ! 9 24 80 212 593 5! 9 24 80 205 604 5! 8 24 75 191 550 5! 7 22 66 176 534 9! 8 20 57 165 508 15 ! 9 22 56 159 517 11 ! 8 23 53 167 518 6! 7 23 56 164 520 0 7 23 60 167 557 0 8 25 62 154 582 0 9 27 58 151 645 0 11 26 60 144 676 0 11 26 59 133 710 10 ! 10 28 62 120 744 59 93 57 87 56 86 54 83 50 87 51 89 46 85 47 78 47 71 48 72 50 75 50 76 56 77 55 79 57 81 56 82 58 80 57 81 Note: Based on 3-year rolling averages. Labels show the most recent year only (for example, 2000–2002 is shown as 2002). Mortality rates are per 100,000 inmates held in the custody of local jails. Mortality rates for 2001–2019 are based on the annual number of deaths and the average daily population (ADP). In 2000, ADP was estimated by taking the average of January 1 and December 31 inmate population counts. Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. See Methodology. ! Interpret with caution. Estimate is based on 10 or fewer cases. See Interpreting rates among small populations in Methodology. aExcludes persons of Hispanic origin (e.g., “white” refers to non-Hispanic whites and “black” refers to non-Hispanic blacks). bIncludes Asians, Native Hawaiians, and Other Pacifc Islanders. cIncludes persons of two or more races and other races. dIncludes persons who returned to jail on a probation or parole violation. eIncludes persons in jail whose status was marked as other or was unspecifed. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Annual Survey of Jails, 2000–2018; Census of Jails, 2019; Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019; National Inmate Survey, 2007–2009 and 2011–2012; and Survey of Inmates in Local Jails, 2002. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 39 ■ appENdIx TabLE 3 Heart disease mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates within each demographic group, by decedent characteristics, 2002–2019 (3-year rolling averages) Characteristic Total Sex Male Female Race/ethnicity Whitea Blacka Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Nativea Asiana,b Othera,c Age 17 or younger 18–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55 or older Legal status Convictedd Unconvictede 2002 33 2003 34 2004 33 2005 31 2006 30 2007 30 2008 28 2009 27 2010 28 2011 31 2012 34 2013 35 2014 35 2015 35 2016 37 2017 39 2018 40 2019 40 34 27 34 30 34 28 32 24 31 23 31 22 29 24 27 24 28 27 32 28 34 32 36 31 36 33 36 30 38 31 40 30 41 34 41 33 44 35 14 16 ! 10 ! 4! 43 37 17 19 ! 5! 2! 40 37 19 15 ! 4! 0 40 34 17 18 ! 4! 1! 40 33 15 31 ! 8! 1! 40 33 12 30 ! 20 ! 1! 34 35 12 33 ! 25 ! 1! 35 31 13 23 ! 26 ! 1! 38 31 14 16 ! 19 ! 1! 46 34 11 16 ! 20 ! 1! 50 40 11 20 ! 19 ! 1! 51 44 10 20 ! 24 ! 1! 49 46 13 13 ! 28 ! 1! 48 46 15 14 ! 38 ! 1! 51 44 16 33 52 1! 53 46 17 41 44 ! 0 55 49 18 35 25 ! 0 53 50 19 14 ! 21 ! 0 9! 3 10 37 117 338 0 2 11 37 118 339 0 2 12 34 113 308 0 3 11 31 97 297 0 3 10 31 89 278 0 3 8 31 77 280 0 2 8 30 73 255 0 3 7 27 68 247 0 3 7 25 72 253 0 3 9 27 81 273 0 3 10 29 86 293 0 4 10 30 88 296 0 4 10 29 85 307 0 3 11 29 85 306 0 3 12 28 84 344 0 4 12 31 84 368 0 5 12 31 75 415 10 ! 5 12 32 68 432 26 38 28 37 27 37 25 35 23 35 22 34 20 33 20 30 22 31 25 35 26 39 27 40 28 40 28 39 30 41 30 43 32 44 31 44 Note: Based on 3-year rolling averages. Labels show the most recent year only (for example, 2000–2002 is shown as 2002). Mortality rates are per 100,000 inmates held in the custody of local jails. Mortality rates for 2001–2019 are based on the annual number of deaths and the average daily population (ADP). In 2000, ADP was estimated by taking the average of January 1 and December 31 inmate population counts. Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. See Methodology. ! Interpret with caution. Estimate is based on 10 or fewer cases. See Interpreting rates among small populations in Methodology. aExcludes persons of Hispanic origin (e.g., “white” refers to non-Hispanic whites and “black” refers to non-Hispanic blacks). bIncludes Asians, Native Hawaiians, and Other Pacifc Islanders. cIncludes persons of two or more races and other races. dIncludes persons who returned to jail on a probation or parole violation. eIncludes persons in jail whose status was marked as other or was unspecifed. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Annual Survey of Jails, 2000–2018; Census of Jails, 2019; Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019; National Inmate Survey, 2007–2009 and 2011–2012; and Survey of Inmates in Local Jails, 2002. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 40 ■ appENdIx TabLE 4 Suicide mortality rate per 100,000 local jail inmates within each demographic group, by decedent characteristics, 2002–2019 (3-year rolling averages) Characteristic Total Sex Male Female Race/ethnicity Whitea Blacka Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Nativea Asiana,b Othera,c Age 17 or younger 18–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55 or older Legal status Convictedd Unconvictede 2002 48 2003 46 2004 44 2005 41 2006 39 2007 37 2008 34 2009 35 2010 37 2011 42 2012 42 2013 43 2014 46 2015 49 2016 50 2017 47 2018 45 2019 46 50 32 48 34 45 33 43 28 41 22 39 21 36 19 37 24 38 28 43 32 44 28 45 28 48 32 52 36 52 38 49 36 47 36 48 37 97 16 30 52 43 ! 2! 94 14 28 54 46 ! 2! 86 15 30 52 49 1! 77 16 30 65 52 0 71 17 28 66 54 0 70 16 23 67 49 0 65 14 20 59 57 0 71 14 18 76 52 0 76 13 19 75 38 ! 0 87 15 22 63 30 ! 1! 88 15 22 44 34 ! 1! 88 18 25 46 34 ! 2! 92 20 24 62 38 ! 1! 99 21 28 55 38 ! 1! 100 19 27 53 47 ! 0 94 17 27 47 39 ! 0 89 17 26 49 55 0 90 18 24 49 72 1! 81 36 45 57 58 74 73 36 44 54 55 66 66 33 42 54 51 52 58 30 41 47 45 61 55 27 37 48 43 56 46 ! 25 34 47 45 55 39 ! 23 29 44 44 53 28 ! 25 30 46 47 54 23 ! 23 35 46 50 57 20 ! 26 41 52 56 56 27 ! 26 40 53 53 64 32 ! 27 42 53 50 79 43 ! 27 43 58 54 93 41 ! 26 47 62 63 104 35 ! 25 46 62 70 97 46 ! 22 46 59 68 87 38 ! 19 43 61 62 101 52 ! 18 43 68 55 108 22 66 21 63 18 61 17 56 15 53 15 50 14 45 16 47 18 49 20 55 19 56 19 59 20 61 23 66 25 64 26 59 26 55 26 57 Note: Based on 3-year rolling averages. Labels show the most recent year only (for example, 2000–2002 is shown as 2002). Mortality rates are per 100,000 inmates held in the custody of local jails. Mortality rates for 2001–2019 are based on the annual number of deaths and the average daily population (ADP). In 2000, ADP was estimated by taking the average of January 1 and December 31 inmate population counts. Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. See Methodology. ! Interpret with caution. Estimate is based on 10 or fewer cases. See Interpreting rates among small populations in Methodology. aExcludes persons of Hispanic origin (e.g., “white” refers to non-Hispanic whites and “black” refers to non-Hispanic blacks). bIncludes Asians, Native Hawaiians, and Other Pacifc Islanders. cIncludes persons of two or more races and other races. dIncludes persons who returned to jail on a probation or parole violation. eIncludes persons in jail whose status was marked as other or was unspecifed. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Annual Survey of Jails, 2000–2018; Census of Jails, 2019; Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019; National Inmate Survey, 2007–2009 and 2011–2012; and Survey of Inmates in Local Jails, 2002. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 41 ■ appENdIx TabLE 5 Mortality rate from drug or alcohol intoxication, accidents, and homicides per 100,000 local jail inmates within each demographic group, by decedent characteristics, 2002–2019 (3-year rolling averages) Characteristic Total Sex Male Female Race/ethnicity Whitea Blacka Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Nativea Asiana,b Othera,c Age 17 or younger 18–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55 or older Legal status Convictedd Unconvictede 2002 16 2003 18 2004 18 2005 18 2006 19 2007 18 2008 15 2009 13 2010 13 2011 15 2012 14 2013 16 2014 17 2015 20 2016 21 2017 24 2018 28 2019 31 15 18 17 25 17 25 18 24 19 20 18 17 15 14 14 11 13 12 15 17 14 17 15 20 16 22 19 27 20 25 23 29 27 32 30 37 26 10 10 16 ! 10 ! 0 31 10 9 19 ! 14 ! 0 29 13 10 7! 18 ! 0 30 13 13 7! 13 ! 0 28 15 15 10 ! 8! 1! 26 14 15 10 ! 4! 1! 22 13 12 7! 4! 1! 21 10 10 20 ! 0 0 21 9 7 20 ! 9! 0 25 10 10 25 ! 25 ! 0 26 9 9 6! 24 ! 0 27 11 11 9! 19 ! 0 30 13 11 3! 14 ! 0 32 16 14 11 ! 28 ! 0 34 17 14 17 ! 38 ! 0 37 19 17 27 ! 34 ! 0 42 23 19 29 ! 25 ! 0 48 25 21 33 15 ! 0 0 8 13 19 34 24 5! 9 15 21 40 26 9! 9 17 21 35 34 14 ! 10 17 21 33 39 10 ! 11 18 22 29 35 10 ! 11 17 20 25 28 5! 9 14 18 20 27 9! 6 12 17 20 35 5! 6 10 17 20 41 5! 6 12 20 24 46 0 7 13 17 21 40 6! 7 14 19 24 43 7! 8 15 20 27 46 16 ! 9 17 23 31 58 18 ! 9 19 25 30 64 18 ! 9 23 28 31 73 9! 9 26 36 35 84 0 8 29 44 41 89 10 19 10 22 9 24 8 25 10 24 10 22 9 19 7 17 8 16 11 17 11 16 12 19 11 21 13 24 15 25 16 28 20 31 24 34 Note: Based on 3-year rolling averages. Labels show the most recent year only (for example, 2000–2002 is shown as 2002). Mortality rates are per 100,000 inmates held in the custody of local jails. Mortality rates for 2001–2019 are based on the annual number of deaths and the average daily population (ADP). In 2000, ADP was estimated by taking the average of January 1 and December 31 inmate population counts. Data may have been revised from previously published statistics. See Methodology. ! Interpret with caution. Estimate is based on 10 or fewer cases. See Interpreting rates among small populations in Methodology. aExcludes persons of Hispanic origin (e.g., “white” refers to non-Hispanic whites and “black” refers to non-Hispanic blacks). bIncludes Asians, Native Hawaiians, and Other Pacifc Islanders. cIncludes persons of two or more races and other races. dIncludes persons who returned to jail on a probation or parole violation. eIncludes persons in jail whose status was marked as other or was unspecifed. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Annual Survey of Jails, 2000–2018; Census of Jails, 2019; Mortality in Correctional Institutions, 2000–2019; National Inmate Survey, 2007–2009 and 2011–2012; and Survey of Inmates in Local Jails, 2002. Mortality in Local Jails, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables | December 2021 42 ■ The Bureau of Justice Statistics of the U.S. Department of Justice is the principal federal agency responsible for measuring crime, criminal victimization, criminal offenders, victims of crime, correlates of crime, and the operation of criminal and civil justice systems at the federal, state, tribal, and local levels. BJS collects, analyzes, and disseminates reliable statistics on crime and justice systems in the United States, supports improvements to state and local criminal justice information systems, and participates with national and international organizations to develop and recommend national standards for justice statistics. Doris J. James is the acting director. This report was written by E. Ann Carson. Laura Maruschak and Stephanie Mueller verified the report. Eric Hendrixson and Edrienne Su edited the report. Carrie Epps-Carey produced the report. December 2021, NCJ 301368 IllIIIIIlllrnlllllll llllIIIIllIi NCJ 30 1368 Ofce of Justice Programs Building Solutions • Supporting Communities • Advancing Justice