Mci Cedar Junction Behavior Management Unit Inmate Handbook 2010
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MCI-CEDAR JUNCT,ON BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT UNIT INMATE HANDBOOK Peter Pepe Jr. Superintendent September 26, 2010 Date Revised — 9/28/10 (1) Table of Contents 1. Introduction to the Behavior Management Unit 2. Expectations for Programming 3. Orientation Process 4. Phase System A. Phase 1 B. Phase 2 C. Phase 3 D. Phase 4 E. Accountability Phase F. Mental Health Watch 5. Incentive System 6. Therapeutic Modules 7. Restart Chairs 8. Counts 9. Cell Assignments 10. Movement 11. Contact Between Inmates 12. Searches 13. Substance Abuse Testing 14. Cell Sanitation 15. Cell Decorum 16. Food Slots / Wickets 17. Meals 18. Therapeutic Diets 19. Religious Meals 20. Alternate Feeding 21. Showers 22. Appropriate Dress 23. Telephone 24. Canteen 25. Reading Material 26. Haircuts 27. Property 28. Recreation 29. Religious Services 30. Library 31. Book Cart 32. Mail 33. Medical Services 34. Telephonic Interpreter Service 35. Grievances 36. Staff Sexual Misconduct with Inmates 37. Procedure for Filing a Complaint/Employee Misconduct 38. Contacting Inner Perimeter Security (IPS) 39. Laundry 40. Visiting Attachment A: Behavior Management Unit Admission Agreement and Receipt Attachment B: Behavior Management Unit Inmate Orientation Handbook Receipt 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 16 16 16 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 1. Introduction The mission of the Behavior Management Unit (BMU) is to provide inmates with treatment and structure to address behavioral problems, which may have contributed to disciplinary sanctions and placement in the Departmental Disciplinary Unit (DDU) or a Special Management Unit (SMU). The goal of placement in the BMU is to assist inmates in developing alternative coping skills that result in your behavioral stability sufficient for return safely to general population. In some cases, the goals will be preparation for exit from the Department of Correction. The BMU utilizes an integrated approach that involves the close collaboration of Mental Health, classification and security staff in the development and implementation of a comprehensive behavioral treatment plan. The program includes both behavioral and cognitive/behavioral treatment modalities. The program includes four phases, which will be explained in greater detail below. When you are assigned to the BMU, all disciplinary sanctions will be suspended by the referring institution. This will allow you to fully participate and benefit from the BMU. You will begin the program in Phase 1 and progress through the phase system based on your behavior and the determination by the treatment team. Your DDU or SMU time will continue to run while you are enrolled in the BMU. The BMU is an incentive based program meaning that as you show behavioral stability you will earn more and more privileges. Inmates who engage in problematic behavior will lose these privileges. In some cases, privileges you had earned in the DDU/SMU prior to coming to the BMU may not be immediately available to you (see the phase system below for details). Expectations for Programming The BMU offers 10-15 hours of weekly treatment to aid inmates in changing their behaviors. Most inmates will be in programming for approximately 2-3 hours per day (Monday through Friday) as well as have one individual contact with their assigned Primary Care Clinician (PCC). The expectation is that all inmates will attend and participate in all scheduled programming for the week. Exceptions may be made for inmates on Accountability Phase or MHW status or such things as medical appointments, parole appointments, etc. The groups offered are designed to help inmates learn new, more pro-social ways of interacting with others and to develop alternative ways of managing your behavior as opposed to self-injury or aggression. A wide range of group programming will be offered, including: psycho-educational, communication building, thinking for a change, substance abuse, life skills, relaxation, anger management, current events, criminal thinking, problem solving, and stages of change. 3. Orientation Process Upon entering the BMU, each inmate will be required to sign an Admission Agreement (Attachment A) acknowledging enrollment into the program and the Inmate Handbook. Inmates will also be issued required to sign an Acknowledgment Receipt (Attachment B) for the Inmate Handbook. 3 Each inmate will meet with the BMU Administrator, BMU Coordinator, Lieutenant, and CPO to review the BMU Inmate Orientation Handbook. At that time, the day-to-day operations of the program, treatment opportunities, and treatment expectations will be explained. The first avenue to the resolution of any problem encountered while housed in the BMU (account, special account transfer requests, property, clothing, canteen issues, etc.) should be addressed to the Unit Correction Program Officer and/or the Unit Officer. Phase System The Behavior Management Unit is designed to support inmates with behavioral problems in achieving the highest level of functioning within a safe environment. The phase system is designed to provide incentives for inmates who are able to remain free of selfinjury, aggression, and other problematic behavior. Incentives will be earned rapidly when inmates engage in appropriate behavior. Consequences for engaging in selfinjurious, aggressive, or other problematic behavior will also be immediate. The advancement from one phase to the next will be determined by the treatment team, which includes mental health staff, security staff, and unit team staff. A. Phase 1 Phase 1 shall include an initial assessment, development of an individual behavior and incentive plan, and orientation and introduction to the program. While in Phase 1, inmates may participate in-group treatment for up to 15 hours a week. In addition, inmates will be offered 10 hours of unstructured, out-of-cell time per week, which may consist of recreation, visits, and unstructured activities in the therapeutic modules. The following basic privileges are associated with Phase 1: Privileges of Phase 1: 1. Reading material (leisure and homework) available in cell 2. After 1 week without behavioral outbursts (disciplinary reports or 3. incident reports), a radio will be allowed in cell. 1 visit per month 4. 5. 1 phone call per week Escorted in restraints to and from all activities Phase 2 An inmate who moves from Phase 1 to Phase 2 of the program has demonstrated behavioral stability for 30 to 45 days. The following basic privileges are associated with Phase 2: Privileges of Phase 2: 1. Reading material (leisure and homework) available in-cell 2. Radio in cell 3. Television in cell when not in programming 4. 2 visits per month 5. 2 phone calls per week 6. Escorted in restraints to and from all activities 4 C. Phase 3 An inmate who moves from Phase 2 to Phase 3 of the program has demonstrated a considerable amount of time free of behavioral outbursts and self-injury and has shown a desire to change his behavior and use skills he has learned in the program. The following basic privileges are associated with Phase 3: Privileges of Phase 3: 1. Reading material (leisure and homework) available in-cell 2. Radio in cell 3. Television in cell when not in programming 4. 1 visit per week 5. 3 phone calls per week 6. Group movie in therapeutic modules (Friday or Saturday) 7. Reduction in restraints (based on security approval and on a caseby-case basis) D. Phase 4 An inmate in Phase 4 is close to discharge from the program, has demonstrated a significant length of time free of problematic behavior, and has demonstrated behavioral stability. On a case-by-case basis, inmates in Phase 4 of the program are allowed to go unrestrained to and from groups, recreation, showers, and other activities deemed appropriate. In addition, an inmate in Phase 4 may earn the ability to have a job in the unit. Privileges of Phase 4: 1. Reading material (leisure and homework) available in cell 2. Radio in cell 3. Television in cell when not in programming 4. 1 visit per week 5. 4 phone calls per week 6. In phase 4 inmates will be unrestrained to and from activities 7. Inmates may have the ability to earn a job and be allowed to work in the unit while not in programming. 8. Recreation is unrestrained and with other inmates in Phase 4. E. Accountability Phase An inmate who engages in self-injurious behavior, aggressive or violent behavior, or threatens to engage in such behavior shall be placed on Mental Health Watch or on Accountability Phase. Placement on Mental Health Watch or Accountability Phase is a clinical determination made by the treatment team in consultation with the BMU Coordinator. Accountability Phase will occur in the at-risk cells within the BMU. Placement on Accountability Phase is a treatment team decision and shall be based on the following information: • Documentation of problematic behavior, including incident reports, Disciplinary-Reports, treatment notes, group notes, etc. Clinical interview with the inmate (during regular business hours) or phone consultation with the BMU coordinator (during non-business hours) Consultation with clinical and correctional staff Inmates on Accountability Phase are not allowed to attend group programming and shall be assessed daily by a clinical staff member. The daily assessment will determine clinical appropriateness to return to Phase 1. When an inmate transitions from the Accountability Phase to Phase 1, he will begin the phase system again and earn incentives as outlined by the phase system. While an inmate is on Accountability Phase, he may earn one daily point for not engaging in disruptive behavior and one treatment point for completing in-cell programming. F. Mental Health Watches (MHW's) Mental Health Watches shall occur in the at-risk cells within the BMU. While on a MHW, an inmate may earn one daily point for not engaging in disruptive behavior and may earn one treatment point for completing incell programming. The decision to allow an inmate the materials necessary for in-cell programming shall be determined after a face-to-face interview with Mental Health staff and review with the treatment team. Assessments of MHW shall occur daily (Monday through Saturday) with the same frequency as those in general population. If an inmate is on a MHW on the day incentives are ordered, the inmate may still order if clinically appropriate. If the inmate is deemed not clinically appropriate to order, he shall retain the incentive points until the following week. Once the inmate is stable and in behavioral control, he may order on the next scheduled incentive order day using available points. 5. Incentive System The Incentive Program is designed to allow inmates in the Behavior Management Unit (BMU) the opportunity to earn incentive points that may be redeemed for items on a regularly scheduled basis. Incentive points are earned based on individual performance for expected positive and pro-social behaviors. Purpose: Incentives are a proven method for increasing pro-social behavior and reducing problematic (target) behaviors. Once the target behaviors and goals are identified with the inmate, incentives are used as a reward for achieving these identified goals. Within the incentive program design are also life skill opportunities such as basic math and reading, learning to save and plan, and facilitating positive social communication. 6 Program Design: Seven Daily Points may be earned per week and are based on daily performance. Inmates who follow institutional rules and regulations as evidenced by not receiving a DReport or a Negative Incident Report earns a point for the day. A D-Report or an Incident Report will be written as supporting documentation for an inmate who does not earn his point for the day. Treatment points are earned based on treatment participation and attendance without disruptive outbursts. Inmates earn one point for each hour they attend scheduled treatment programming, which includes both groups and individual interventions. Treatment programming occurs Monday-Friday. Inmates will be assigned to specific groups based on their individual needs. Inmates who do not have an excused absence, who ask to leave group before it has ended, who do not participate or who are escorted out due to disruptive behaviors do not earn points. Each week, inmates' points are tallied on the Incentive Program Order Form. Inmates are informed both verbally and in writing of all points earned and unearned. Inmates may then order items using their points. Items are given point values, ranging from 10 points to 40 points. Unused Incentive Points may be carried over from interval to interval, but an inmate may not use more than 60 points in a given week. The following is an overview of the incentive points that may be earned each week: • • • • 1 point for each hour of attendance and participation in structured programming without a disruption 1 point for each hour of attendance and participation in unstructured programming without a disruption 10 bonus points for attending and participating in all groups on treatment plan for 1 week 1 point for each day without receiving any disciplinary reports The incentive menu is as follows: Incentives Additional non-contact visit (1 hour) Additional phone call (30 minutes) Additional haircut One hour of additional recreation One hour of additional library time Colored pencils for 24 hours in-cell New addition to Library book for 7 days Additional state issued hygiene items Picture taken to send to family/friends Contact visit with family Four hours of television time in cell Additional non-contact visit (1 hour) Additional phone call (30 minutes) One hour of additional recreation One hour of additional library time Colored pencils for 24 hours in-cell New addition to Library book for 7 days Phase 1 x x x x x x x x x Phase 2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 7 Phase 3 Phase 4 Points x x 35 x x 25 x x 25 x x 20 x 30 x x 10 x x 15 x x 15 x x 25 x 40 x x 15 x x 35 x x 25 x x 20 x x 30 x x 10 x x 15 Picture taken to send to family/friends Four hours of television time in cell One pad of paper Ten stamped envelopes One week off of Phase 1 (maximum of two weeks at 40 points for each week) Four hours of television time in therapeutic modules One hour of recreation time in large recreation yard with basketball Bring walkman to yard during recreation Bring walkman to unstructured activities Contact visit with family/friends Photo taken with family/friends 6. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 25 15 15 20 40 20 15 5 5 40 25 Therapeutic Modules All structured and unstructured programming will take place in the Therapeutic Modules during Phase I. During Phases 2, 3 and 4 structured and unstructured programming may take place in the therapeutic modules. 7. Restart Chairs Restart chairs are an earned privilege that is only offered as follows: Phase 1: Not eligible. Phase 2, 3, and 4: Eligible if program and treatment compliant and if demonstrating consistent, positive behaviors as evidenced by remaining free of D-reports, negative incident reports and off of Accountability Status. 8. Counts Counts are held seven times per day. It will be the responsibility of each inmate to stand by the end of his bed clearly visible to the officers standing at the cell door. Making necessary movements or attempting to distract the counting officer by conversation shall result in disciplinary action. When an emergency count is necessary, inmates shall be returned to their cells and will remain there until the count is verified. During all counts, cell lights must be turned on. Infractions of the count procedures will be considered very serious and dealt with accordingly. Inmates are required to stand for the following counts each day: 7:00AM, 11:15AM, 4:20PM, and 10:00PM. Cell Assignments The BMU Administrator/designee shall have the authority to move inmates throughout the BMU as deemed necessary. Any refusal by an inmate to move from one cell to another shall result in disciplinary action. 8 10. Movement A. All inmate movement within and outside of the BMU will be in full restraints as follows: (1.) (2.) (3.) B. All movement within the BMU will be by a hands-on escort by one-correction officer C. All movement outside of the BMU will be by a hands-on escort by two correction officers D. 11. 12. hand cuffs, behind the back; waist chain w/cuffs, for outside of the unit; and leg restraints Only ONE inmate may be out of his cell, on a tier, at any given time. Contact Between Inmates A. Inmates are permitted to have contact (normal conversation) with other inmates in their assignment area. B. Inmates will not be permitted to stop on the tier to talk to inmates in their cells. Loitering is not permitted. C. No passing is allowed between inmates. D. There will be no passing between tiers. E. Inmates will not be permitted to yell from the yard to inmates inside the building or to inmates on other tiers. Searches Security staff shall conduct regular searches of cells and personal property at irregular intervals as assigned by the Unit Lieutenant or the Unit Sergeant(s). A. Strip Searches - Inmates shall be strip-searched any time they come out of their cell. Inmates are required to undergo strip searches prior to going to or leaving the following areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. P r ogram/C oun seling Areas Visiting room BMU Treatmen t Rooms and/or HS U Recreation Yard Satellite Law Library Area Cell Searches Personal Searches / Pat Search - Inmates are required to submit to a personal search at any and all other times. 9 C. 13. Cell Searches - All cells shall be searched at any time, but at a minimum of at least once a week. 1. During the cell search, the inmate shall be detained in another area. The inmate shall be subject to being strip searched prior to being removed from his cell. 2. The cell shall be left in as near to its original appearance as possible at the completion of the search. Substance Abuse Testing All inmates are required to submit to substance abuse testing as determined by the Superintendent and in accordance with 103 DOC 525: Inmate Substance Abuse Monitoring and Testing. 14. Cell Sanitation Inmates shall keep their cells clean at all times. Cell cleaning will be conducted on Sunday during the 3-11 shift. The BMU Officers will issue cell-cleaning supplies. and trash bags will be emptied during these periods. 15. Cell Decorum Violations of cell decorum shall result in disciplinary action. A. Windows will not be covered or blocked in any manner. B. Vents will not be covered or blocked in any manner. C. Floor coverings (i.e. rugs) are not allowed. Legal work in the cell shall be limited to 1 cubic foot. Books/magazines shall be limited to 10 as defined in 103 CMR 403, Inmate Property Policy. Legal work in excess of 1 cubic foot shall be stored in the Property Department and will be accessible by making arrangements via the BMU Sergeant. Books/Magazines in excess of 10 shall be considered contraband and subject to disposal according to 103 CMR 403, Property Policy. E. Pictures — Inmates shall keep all personal pictures within the confines of the picture square (the 2' x 3' area outlined above the desk). Any pictures displayed outside of the square-shall be considered contraband and removed accordingly. Family photographs, religious pictures, and an institutionapproved calendar may be affixed within the square. The following items are not permitted to be displayed: 1. 2. Anything that is prohibited by 103 CMR 481, Inmate Mail Policy; Semi-nude or scantily clad and/or sexually suggestive material; 10 3. 4. 5. 16. Material that can be considered offensive or otherwise discriminatory in the workplace; Material that is deemed to be divisive between groups or individuals; Material that supports or promotes violation of 103 CMR 30, Disciplinary Proceedings. F. Graffiti, defacing, or damaging any cell surface or furnishing will result in disciplinary action. G. All property approved for retention shall be neatly stored in the cell. Food Slots/Wickets Upper and lower food slots/wickets shall be closed except when inmates are receiving food or medication, using the inmate telephone, or for the application or removal of restraints. B. 17. Disciplinary action shall result when inmates prevent staff from immediately closing food slot/wickets. Meals All inmates shall receive the same meals as those served to the general population including any necessary medical diets or religious diets. A. All inmates will be fed in their cells. B. Meals shall be delivered by BMU Officers in food trays according to the following approximate schedule: Breakfast Lunch Supper 7:00 am - 7:15 am 11:30 am - 11:45 am 4:30 pm - 4:45 pm Note: Refused or unwanted meals shall not be passed to another inmate. C. 18. All food items must be consumed or returned 20 minutes after the delivery of each meal. Inmates are to return all trays, milk and/or juice containers, and eating utensils. Unit Officers will collect these articles. Refusal to return or throwing of food, food containers, utensils, drink containers, or liquids shall result in the inmate being placed on Alternate Feeding Status as well as disciplinary action. Therapeutic Diets Inmates on therapeutic diets shall receive meals consistent with their required diet while on Alternate Feeding Status. Any complaints regarding therapeutic meals shall be brought to the attention of the BMU 01C. In accordance with 103 CMR 761, Access to Therapeutic Diets and Medical Care, informal complaints should be communicated to the Food Service Director, and all formal complaints should be directed to the Superintendent. 11 19. Religious Meals Inmates whose religions place restrictions on their diets shall be permitted access to a special diet. Requests for such diets must be made pursuant to 103 CMR 471, Religious Programs and Services. 20. Alternate Feeding Any inmate who becomes disruptive or assaultive by either refusing to turn in food trays; throwing food, food trays, or containers; refusing to allow the food slot to be secured during feeding; or by utilizing food or drink containers to assault staff with food or any substances shall be placed on Alternate Feeding Status as a result of such actions. A. B. Alternate Feeding Procedure 1. Inmate's cell light will be turned on. 2. Inmate is asked if he is willing to comply with Alternate Feeding procedures. 3. If inmate is willing to comply, he will be instructed to lie on his bed, and staff will pass the food tray through the bottom wicket. 4. Upon staff securing the wicket, the inmate will be able to retrieve his food. 5. Upon completion of eating, staff will collect all utensils, cups/containers, and food trays in the same manner it was given. 6. If the inmate refuses to comply with the Alternate Feeding procedures, it will constitute a refusal to accept the meal. Removal from Alternate Feeding Status 1. An inmate on Alternate Feeding Status will be asked after each meal if he will comply with the rules and regulations. At that time, the BMU Administrator/Designee will assess the necessity for continued Alternate Feeding Status. In the event the BMU Administrator/Designee determines that an inmate may be removed from Alternate Feeding Status, he/she shall submit the appropriate forms to the Superintendent. 3. The Superintendent shall review the request for removal of the inmate from Alternate Feeding Status and decide to approve or deny it. In the event of a denial, Alternate Feeding will continue for another period of up to seven days. 12 21. Showers Inmates will be allowed to shave with an electric razor and shower at least three times per week. Shower items will be maintained in an individual storage container located outside of the cell. Scrubs must be worn to and from the shower. Showers will not exceed 15 minutes. ELECTRIC RAZORS WILL BE USED FOR FACIAL HAIR ONLY 22. A. All inmates in the BMU will be on electric razor status. B. The security staff will issue the electric razor during the regularly scheduled shower period. C. Inmates shall be under direct and constant observation by security staff while shaving inside the shower. D. Upon completion of shaving, the electric razor shall be retrieved from the inmate and inspected by security staff. E. Any misuse or destruction of the electric razor shall be documented in an Incident Report, and a Disciplinary Report will be issued if there are no mitigating circumstances. F. Any inmate who breaks or tampers with an electric razor will be placed on no razor status and will need to put in a slip to see the barber in order to receive a shave. Appropriate Dress Inmates must remain in assigned scrubs while attending groups, individual sessions or other program activities. Inmates may wear t-shirts to recreation or other leisure time activities. 23. Telephone Phase 1: Inmates shall be allowed to use the telephone for one 30-minute personal call per week. Calls to the attorney of record in connection with prospective or pending litigation are not limited in amount or duration. The treatment team may approve emergency calls. All telephone calls shall be documented. Phase 2: Two 30-minute personal phone calls per week Phase 3: Three 30-minute personal phone calls per week Phase 4: Four 30-minute personal phone calls per week The amount of personal phone calls listed above are basic privileges assigned to each phase. Inmates who have earned incentive points may "purchase" additional personal phone calls each week over and above the basic privileges assigned to each phase. 24. Canteen A. Canteen privileges for BMU inmates shall be determined by the individual inmate's progress through the incentive system. Canteen privileges are not 13 connected with any specific phase, but the ability to purchase canteen items is allowed if the inmate has the funds to allow the purchase of canteen items, earns enough incentive points, and decides to use these points to purchase canteen items. B. Canteen privileges shall be suspended for any inmate who is on Accountability Phase or Mental Health Watch (if clinically indicated). C. Canteen purchases shall be restricted to items and quantities approved for purchase by BMU inmates. Attempts to order unapproved items or items in excess of the specified quantity shall result in the entire canteen order being voided. Inmates shall be allowed to purchase thermal undergarments, Walkman radios, and sneakers through the DOC's approved vendor in accordance with 103 CMR 403, Inmate Property Policy. 1. 25. Appliance/Sneaker/Thermal Order Forms — may be obtained via the BMU CPO. The respective order form and a purchase slip must be completed and returned to the CPO for processing. D. Any misuse of canteen articles purchased (i.e., creating a health hazard, assaulting with, excessive property, etc.) may result in the loss of this privilege. E. Canteen orders are submitted on Wednesday evening. Canteen pick up and delivery will be done on Tuesday, (except during weeks with a holiday). Reading Material Reading materials are allowed in cell for Phases 1-4. Inmates on Accountability Phase and Mental Health Watch will be provided (if clinically appropriate) in-cell programming to complete while on that status. As part of the incentive system, inmates may earn the ability to read a new release book (see the incentive menu for details). 26. Haircuts Inmates may request a haircut by submitting a haircut request form to the Unit CPO or security staff. All inmates will be charged the fee of $1.50 per haircut. In the case of an indigent inmate, the fee will be waived (however there is a 30-day time frame for inmates to pay barbing debts). Indigent inmates must utilize the standard haircut request form and-note their --status on the form. A. Haircuts will normally be scheduled on Sundays beginning at 1:30 p.m. or whenever possible. B. Inmates are permitted only one haircut every 60 days. C. Inmate will remain in full restraints while their hair is being cut. 14 Authorized BMU property: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) Three sets of maroon scrubs One pair of sneakers (if already owned) Three pairs of socks Three additional set of underwear One set of sheets One pillow case One pillow One blanket Two towels One washcloth One laundry bag One roll of toilet paper One bar of soap One plastic comb One toothbrush One tube of toothpaste One deodorant The following state-issue items will be provided to inmates for the winter months: 1 ) 2 ) 3 ) A. c o a t hat (to be worn outdoors only) thermals (will be provided to inmates who are BOTH indigent and have a medical order Total Property The total quantity of personal property authorized to be retained by BMU inmates shall not exceed the following limits. All property not designated as contraband and not authorized for inmate retention in the BMU shall be inventoried and processed as Long Term Storage. 1) 1 radio (Walkman only) 2) 4 AAA batteries (for Walkman only) 3) 2 sets of ear buds 4) 3 sets of scrubs 5) 7 pairs of underwear (white only) 6) 7 T-shirts white (no emblems) 7) 1 sweatshirt 8) 1 pair of sweatpants 9) 1 pair of shorts 10) 1 thermals 11) 7 pairs of socks white 12) 1 pair of state-issued sneakers 13) 1 pair of personal sneakers 14) 1 pair of shower shoes 15) 2 pairs of glasses (prescription only) 16) 1 state coat (issued) for recreation (not allowed in cell) 15 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 28. 1 l au n d ry b a g 1 wash cloth 2 towels 1 cubic ft. personal material 1 cubic ft. legal material 1 flex pen 1 pad of paper 10 envelopes 10 soft cover books, magazines Up to ten (10) religious books Headphone extension Canteen toiletries: soap, toothbrush and toothpaste Television (state-issued) Recreation All inmates (unless on Accountability Phase or MHW) will be offered a minimum of five hours of recreation a week. Inmates have the ability to "purchase" additional recreation time with their earned points. 29. A. All inmates shall be permitted outdoor exercise one hour per day, five days per week, unless security or safety conditions dictate otherwise. Cancelled exercise periods will not be rescheduled. B. Dress code for recreation is restricted to scrubs. A coat and hat will be allowed during the winter months. C. No other items (i.e. food, drinks, Walkman radio, etc.) may be brought to the yard. Religious Services A. Inmates shall have access to MCI-Cedar Junction's Chaplains including representatives of the Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Muslim faiths. B. 30. Inmates may request to see MCI-Cedar Junction Chaplains for counseling. Library Inmates who wish to use to Satellite Law Library must obtain a "Request to Use Satellite Law Library" form from security staff. A. Access to Satellite Law Library Book Cart 1. Upon completing the Request Form, the inmate will return it to security staff or the BMU CPO. 2. Library requests will not be honored if the inmate is already scheduled for a time slot. 3. All inmates shall be required to perform proper strip searches to 27. Property 16 and from the Satellite law library area. 4. B. C. No books will be removed from the BMU Satellite Law Library Book Cart by inmates or staff. Access to Materials from the Main Law Library 1. If an inmate needs access to legal research material in the Main Law Library, that is not available on the Satellite Law Library Book Cart. they must obtain a "Request for Access to Materials from the Main Law Library" form (103 DOC 478 Attachment LM and Attachment C). Those request forms will be made available from security staff or the BMU CPO. 2. The Librarian will determine whether or not the material or an equivalent is available on the Satellite Law Library Book Cart. If the material is not available on the Satellite Law Library Book Cart but is available in the Main Law Library, the Librarian will then either make copies of the requested material and provide them for the inmate or place the requested material on the Satellite Law Library Book Cart during the time the inmate is scheduled to use it. After the inmate has used the material, it will be returned to the Main Library. Legal Stationery Supplies Inmates can access legal supplies through canteen. Inmates deemed indigent will be issued legal supplies once weekly on Sunday's. D. Scheduling of Law Library Two-hour slots are available according to the following schedule: 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM — Saturday through Sunday. *Access to the Satellite Law Library Book Cart will not be accepted as an excuse to miss structured programming. E. Violations 1. Any violation in the use of the Satellite Law Library Area (i.e. destruction of books, typewriter, and any other property) in the Satellite Law Library area shall constitute disciplinary action which could mean the loss of library privileges pursuant to 103 CMR 430, Disciplinary Proceedings policy. 2. Inmates denied access pursuant to 103 CMR 430, Disciplinary Procedures, may be provided with reasonable amount of legal materials in the form of photocopies. All copies material is subject to MCI-Cedar Junction Procedure for 103 CMR 478, Library Services. 31. 32. Book Cart A. Once a week, recreational staff will be available to make a round with the general library book cart. B. Each inmate shall have the opportunity to draw two books from the cart on a weekly basis. C. Inmates who are disruptive during this process will not be afforded the opportunity to draw books. Mail BMU inmates shall be provided the same opportunities as inmates in the general population. All US mail generated by BMU inmates shall be processed in accordance with 103 CMR 481, Inmate Mail, and the MCI CJ Procedure to 103 CMR 481. A. All mail will be picked up between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. Inmates are required to show the officer the envelope prior to placing it in the mail box. C. Inmates must put their name and commitment number in the return address. Inmates are required to place their mail into the slot on the locked mailbox. Mail being sent as registered, certified, or return receipt requested shall be submitted with a purchase slip to the Unit CPO for processing. F. Indigent mail shall be processed in accordance with MCI-Cedar Junction Procedure for 103 CMR 481:Inmate Mail Procedures. G. Stamps shall be purchased through the Canteen H. Inmate Correspondence 1. Inmates are not allowed to correspond with other inmates. 2. All correspondence between inmates in any correctional or penal institution in the Commonwealth is prohibited. Upon written request to the Superintendent, an inmate may receive permission to correspond with an inmate confined in any other correctional or penal institution in the Commonwealth, providing the other inmate is either a member of the immediate family, or is a party in a legal action in which both inmates are parties representing themselves. The Superintendent may approve such correspondence in other exceptional circumstances, with particular regard to the nature of the relationship between the two inmates and the security level of the institution. The following additional limitations apply. a. The Superintendent at both the sending and receiving 19 institutions must approve the correspondence. b. I. 33. Such incoming or outgoing correspondence at institutions of all security levels may, for reasons of safety or security, be inspected and read by staff at either the sending or receiving institution pursuant to the authorization of the Commissioner or institution Superintendent in accordance with the applicable guidelines and requirements set forth in 103 CMR 481.12, 481.14 and 481.15. Mail Delivery 1. Legal mail shall be opened by staff in front of the inmate. Staff shall then inspect its content for anything not authorized. 2. All inmates must sign the log when receiving registered or express mail. There is a designated log for this purpose. Medical Services A. A member of the medical staff shall conduct a sick call tour of the BMU daily. B. All medication prescribed by a physician shall be dispensed by a member of the medical staff at the prescribed times at the inmate's cell. An officer will accompany the medical staff person while the medication is being administered. C. Inmates housed in the BMU will be scheduled to see the doctor during designated scheduled hours with the exception of emergencies. The Examination Room provided within the BMU shall be used whenever possible. D. 34. All inmates shall be transported to and from the HSU in full restraints (i.e. handcuffs, leg irons and waist chains). Upon entering the BMU, the inmates will be placed in the holding area until seen. Telephonic Interpreter Service An over-the-phone interpretation service can be implemented at this institution. This service can provide translation of 140 different languages to any non-English speaking inmate. It can be implemented by a staff member as a means of communication assistance in the following areas when applicable: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) IPS Booking/Admissions HSU Classification Boards Disciplinary Hearings A claim by an inmate that he does not speak and/or understand English can be made as 20 follows: 1. 35. Classification Boards - submit a written request for an interpreter to the BMU Administrator or CPO 48 hours prior to the classification board. 2 Disciplinary Hearings - submit a written request for an interpreter to the institution Disciplinary Officer or the BMU CPO 48 hours prior to the date scheduled for the hearing. 3. Visits to the HSU, IPS, or Booking/Admissions - be oral and directed to the appropriate person in these areas. Grievances Inmates are encouraged to pursue informal resolution of complaints. An inmate must first complete an Inmate to Staff request form prior to submitting a formal grievance (see your CPO or security staff for this form). All inmates housed in the BMU shall have the same privileges as all other inmates to file grievances pursuant to 103 CMR 491:Inmate Grievances. 36. Staff Sexual Misconduct with Inmates As an inmate within the Massachusetts Department of Correction any sexual contact with any person is expressly prohibited and that all such incidents should be immediately reported. Any allegation or incident of sexual contact will be taken seriously and investigated fully. Inmates have the right to serve their sentence without fear of being sexually exploited. A telephone "hotline" has been set up through the inmate telephone system that will allow inmates to report any contact of a sexual nature with other inmates, staff, volunteers or outside contractors. This number, 508 668 5498, can be universally accessed by all inmates. You do not need to place this number on your PIN list. Also "any allegation that you make that is found to be - - false or made which in good faith, you could not have believed to be true will result in disciplinary action". Note: Also, inmates can communicate with key staff by putting their issues and concerns in writing and forwarding it to the appropriate person or when key staff make rounds in the unit. 37. Procedures for Filing a Complaint/Employee Misconduct A telephone hotline has been set up through the inmate telephone system that will allow inmates to report employee misconduct. This number is (508) 422 3425 and can be universally accessed by all inmates. - 38. Contacting Inner Perimeter Security (IPS) A telephone hotline has been set up through the inmate telephone system that will allow inmates to contact the IPS Unit. The number is 006138 and can be universally accessed by all inmates. 21 39. Laundry BMU inmates will be allowed to exchange three sets of dirty scrubs for three sets of clean "scrubs". All clothing/linens will be washed and dried weekly (Tuesdays) by the inmate Laundry Department. Laundry will be picked up at approximately 8:30 a.m. Damage to laundry bag, tie or tag by any BMU inmate shall result in a disciplinary report and may result in restitution to MCI Cedar Junction. 40. Visiting Phase 1: One non-contact visit per month. Phase 2: Two non-contact visits per month. Phase 3: One non-contact visit per week. Phase 4: One non-contact visit per week. Inmates may "purchase" additional non-contact visits using earned points. Only Phase 4 inmates will have access to earn a contact visit. A. Duration of Visits - visits will be one hour in duration. B. Scheduling of Visits - visits must be scheduled in advance so they do not conflict with unit operation and/or therapeutic programming. The intended visitor is responsible to contact the BMU Monday through Friday between the hours of 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. to schedule the visit. Visits must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance and not more than ten days in advance. C. Cancellation of Visits - if the visitor fails to arrive within twenty minutes after the visiting period was to begin, the visit will be canceled. There will be no provision for granting a makeup period, the inmate's visiting period will be forfeited. D. Attorney Access - visits by attorneys, paralegals, law students, etc., shall be in accordance with 103 CMR 486, Attorney Access at Massachusetts Correctional Institution. Attorney visits are contact. E. inmates shall remain in the designated visiting area until all visitors have left. Inmates shall then enter a designated area to be strip-searched following their visit. In the event of an emergency situation or other occurrence/situation, the Superintendent may suspend or modify these procedures, as he/she deems appropriate. F. 22 Admission Agreement _____________________ commitment # __________acknowledge my enrollment in the Secure Treatment Program. 1. I understand that the Behavior Management Unit is designed to assist me in developing positive coping skills necessary for my return into general population. I understand that I am expected to actively participate throughout program and meet all of the requirements of my individual behavioral/treatment plan. 2. I understand the Behavior Management Unit has four main phases: 1. Ph ase 1 (minimum o f 4 5 d ay s ) 2. Phase 2 (minimum of six months) 3. Phase 3 (minimum of six months) 4. Phase 4 (minimum of 30 days. Case to be reviewed by the Behavior Management Unit Review Committee. After review of the case this committee will make housing recommendations to the Deputy Commissioner of Prisons). 3. I understand that progression through the phases and access to incentives is determined by the treatment team and is contingent upon my behavior, overall adjustment, and compliance with my individual behavioral/treatment plan. 4. I understand I will be evaluated regularly by the treatment team for individual progress towards treatment goals and compliance with my individual behavioral/treatment plan. 5. I understand that I am expected to actively participate in all aspects of the program — including group activities and in-cell assignments. 6. I understand that it is my responsibility to incorporate positive coping skills to proactively manage potential conflicts and other high-risk situations before they escalate into destructive behavior. 7. I understand that completion of the Behavior Management Unit is contingent upon my developing a comprehensive relapse prevention plan. 8. The above items have been explained to me and I understand what is my responsibility. I understand that failure to meet my responsibilities may result in failure to move through the phases. 23 BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT UNIT Inmate Signature Date (Attachment A) Behavior Management Unit Staff Signature /Date INMATE HANDBOOK RECEIPT FORM (Attachment B) ________________________commitment #___________ acknowledge that on this date, I have been issued a one (1) copy of the Behavior Management Unit Program Inmate Orientation Handbook. Also, two (2) pieces of paper, two (2) envelopes, and a pen. I understand that it is my responsibility to read this booklet. Questions may be referred to my Correction Program Officer for clarification. Inmate Signature:_________________Date: ______ Staff Witness: __________________Date: I have personally issued the above Orientation Guide, but the inmate has refused to sign for it. Staff Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ______________________