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Maurice Clemmons Fact Sheet 2009

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Maurice Clemmons
Offender Information

Name: Maurice Clemmons
DOC Number: 866697
Date of Birth: 02/06/1972
Current Age: 37
Date of Sentence: June 7, 1989
Location of Crime: Arkansas
Sentence: Aggravated Robbery, Theft of Property
Arkansas Prison History:
Entered Prison: November 16, 1989
Released: August 1, 2000
Returned: July 13, 2001
Released: March 18, 2004
May 3, 2000: Arkansas Governor Huckabee reduced Clemmons’ 108 year
sentence to 47 years which made Clemmons eligible for parole immediately.
July 13, 2000: Clemmons went before the parole board which grants his parole.
August 1, 2000: Clemmons is released from prison to parole.
July 13, 2001: He committed a technical violation of his parole and had new
pending charges for robbery. He was sentenced to 10 years to be served
March 18, 2004: The parole board released Clemmons only to Washington State
because he had family here.
March 29, 2004: Clemmons was transferred to Washington for supervision under
the Interstate Compact agreement. The Interstate Compact Agreement process
includes an investigation of the offender, his criminal history, potential residence,
and other factors that may impact our decision to accept him from Arkansas.

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Washington Supervision History:
Clemmons’ risk level classification is High Non-Violent which means he was assessed as
having a higher risk for re-offense of a non-violent drug or property crime.
Until May 2009, his supervision was relatively uneventful.
Clemmons was not on Electronic Home Monitoring through the Department of
May 9, 2009: Clemmons was arrested by Pierce County Sheriff’s office for
causing a disruption, throwing rocks and breaking windows in his neighborhood.
During the arrest Clemmons fought with the responding police officers. He was
charged with the following:
Malicious Mischief – five counts
Assault in the 3rd degree – two counts
Final disposition of these charges is pending.
May 10, 2009: He was released from jail on bond and did not report to DOC. He
was considered to have absconded.
May 20, 2009: Washington sent Clemmons’ violation report to Arkansas.
May 28, 2009: Arkansas issued a nation-wide warrant for his arrest.
June 1, 2009: Because Clemmons absconded and Arkansas issued its warrant,
pursuant to the Interstate Compact Agreement Washington closed his supervision,
consistent with Interstate Compact rules.
July 1, 2009: Clemmons was arrested on the Arkansas fugitive warrant in Pierce
County for Child Rape 2nd degree with his 12-year-old step-daughter and one of
her friends. The arrest also included charges of Failure to Appear related to the
May charges of Assault 3, Malicious Mischief. Final disposition of these charges
are also pending.
July 16, 2009: Arkansas rescinded its warrant and asked that Washington reopen
supervision for Clemmons. (Attachment #1)
July 16-23, 2009: Washington Interstate Compact office maintains ongoing
phone communication with Arkansas to get its warrant reissued.
July 23, 2009: Washington Interstate Compact office sends e-mail to Arkansas
expressing concern that the warrant was rescinded and that their decision to

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


rescind the warrant may be a violation of the Interstate Compact rules.
(Attachment #2)
July 24, 2009: Clemmons was released from jail on bond.
July 31, 2009: He was ordered to undergo a mental health (competency)
evaluation to determine whether or not he was fit to stand trial. DSHS staff
completed this evaluation in October.
July 28- Sept. 7, 2009: DOC Community Corrections Officers research possible
ways to hold Clemmons’ violation hearing in order to hold him in jail.
(Attachment #3)
August 6, 2009: Arkansas responds via e-mail to Washington’s Interstate
Compact office indicating they have rescinded the warrant and will reevaluate the
case when the pending charges are adjudicated. (Attachment #4)
August 7, 2009: After ongoing communication between Washington and
Arkansas regarding this case and no resolution, Washington Interstate Compact
office sought guidance from the AG’s office. Clemmons’ DOC supervision was
re-opened. (Attachment #5)
August 19, 2009: DOC issued a Secretary’s Warrant for Clemmons for
August 20, 2009: Clemmons was apprehended. (Attachment #6)
September 1, 2009: Washington requested Arkansas issue a warrant and
Arkansas declined.
September 10, 2009: DOC held a hearing to respond to the violations of
supervision that occurred in May. These violations included failure to obey all
laws by committing new crimes of malicious mischief, assaulting an officer,
vandalism and domestic violence. Clemmons was given 120 days in jail and
increased reporting to his CCO after his confinement time in was completed.
DOC also recommended that he return to his home state. Arkansas responded to
our request by asking that we continue to supervise him and they would evaluate
the request after the new charges are finalized.
September 19, 2009: Washington submitted a violation report from the Sept. 10
hearing to Arkansas.
September 24, 2009: Clemmons was transferred from Snohomish County Jail
(where he was housed on the DOC violation charges) to Pierce County Jail for a
hearing on the Child Rape charges.

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October 2, 2009: Arkansas issued a warrant valid only in Arkansas and asked
Washington to continue to supervise Clemmons and notify them of what happens
with his case.
November 8, 2009: Clemmons’ sanction time is complete. He is held in jail
pending new charges.
November 23, 2009: The Community Corrections Officer who took supervision
of Clemmons contacted Pierce County jail to verify that Clemmons was still in
November 23, 2009 10:20 p.m.: Clemmons posted bail and was released to the
Washington DOC worked closely with the Pierce County Sheriff, the Pierce County
Prosecutor and the AG’s office to do all we could to keep Clemmons on supervision or
confined as much as possible.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009




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