Los Angeles County Grand Jury Report on Jails 2007
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Emilie Anselmo George Buckley Nola Burnett Stuart L. Chason Joe Contreras Richard Lorne Davis Robert George Carole J. Greene John Hackney Lewis Hastings Walter Lappo Connie Leyba Hannah Margolis Marlene Markheim Sandra Lee Mohr Charles Repp Jr. Robert E. Sax Otha Scott James Corbett Tasker Lloyd Thornhill John S.Visser Bill Wagner Linda F. Winfield Ung Yol Yu Emilie Anselmo George Buckley Nola Burnett Stuart L. Chason Joe Contreras Richard Lorne Davis Robert George Carole J. Greene John Hackney Lewis Hastings Walter Lappo Connie Leyba Hannah Margolis Marlene Markheim Sandra Lee Mohr Charles Repp Jr. Robert E. Sax Otha Scott James Corbett Tasker Lloyd Thornhill John S.Visser Bill Wagner Linda F. Winfield Ung Yol Yu Report LOS ANGELES COUNTY DETENTION FACILITIES EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2006-2007 Civil Grand Jury fulfilled its mandated legal responsibility by inspecting 127 jails, lock-ups, court holding cells, juvenile camps, juvenile detention centers and other penal institutions in Los Angeles County. The general impression is that the staff at these facilities is professional, knowledgeable, and dedicated. The problems are overwhelming, from the large number of inmates to be secured and processed to all of the associated societal problems. While the primary responsibility of the detention facilities continues to be the administration of justice, the myriad unsolved problems of society have been thrust upon these institutions. The jail systems are providing medical treatment, psychiatric care, services for the homeless, etc. The conclusions of these inspections are outlined in a chart in the Appendix. Special findings include the following: Camp Scudder: A juvenile facility which was closed for nine months to convert from a male to a female population. The plumbing was retrofitted. The lack of cleaning and repairing is not only unsightly, but presents a health risk. Men’s Central: The overcrowding is made more complex by the need to separate populations by life style and gang affiliation. The environment is stressful for both staff and inmates. Additionally, there is a rodent and roach infestation; the inmates manufacture weapons out of everything and distil alcoholic beverages out of fruit juices; and the escalator is out of service. Twin Towers: There are facilities to provide mental health services and medical care. On an average, over 1500 inmates received mental health services in one day. A wide variety of medical services are provided. Inmates are transferred to Los Angeles County General Hospital when there are not adequate resources within the jail system to treat a medical condition. This year’s Civil Grand Jury followed up on the 2005-2006 report “A Disaster Waiting to Happen”. Inmates are no longer being placed in wards other than the “Jail Floor”. The only inmate-patients in other units were in the ICU as the jail ward doesn’t offer that level of care. Chatsworth Jail: A state of the art detention facility engineered to accommodate 350 prisoners. It is empty and not used. The recommendations consider problems in staff recruitment and retention, health and safety issues, better use of electronic technology, and academic research to analyse and offer solutions for some of the problems. 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury 271 HISTORY The Los Angeles County Penal System is the largest in the United States. Los Angeles County is comprised of 88 cities and an unincorporated area of nearly 2,700 square miles. The daily inmate population in the County exceeds 23,000 men and woman. In addition, over 4,000 juveniles are detained daily in camps, juvenile halls and youth detention facilities. A recently released study by the Sheriff’s Department found that in excess of 25% of county inmates fall under the "deportable criminal alien" category, which includes illegal immigrants and legal immigrants who have committed serious crimes and therefore lost their legal status. By contract with the department of Immigration and Custody Enforcement (ICE). the Sheriff’s Department houses these individuals until their cases have been adjudicated, which can be a number of years due to stalling tactics such as repeated appeals. Processing the criminal immigrants through the justice system, including attorney, court and Sheriff's Department fees, cost taxpayers more than $150 million. Housing the inmates in county jails cost an additional $83 million. The Sheriff Department transports nearly 1,500,000 prisoners annually to and from detention facilities and the courts. Security during transportation of prisoners is critical to the safety of the citizens of the county and presents a complex set of problems from a logistical standpoint. The Los Angeles County Civil Grand Jury is mandated by the California Penal Code Sections 919(a) and (b) to inspect county and municipal police department jails, lockups, court holding cells, juvenile camps, juvenile detention centers, and other penal institutions annually. These inspections include but are not limited to, housing conditions, food service with dietary considerations, medical and mental health needs, availability of policy and procedure manuals, telephones, use and condition of safety or sobering cells, availability of rules and disciplinary/penalty manuals, condition of restrooms and showers and availability of personal care items. The number of staff and adequacy of their training background is an additional important issue for each of the facilities visited. Other agencies conduct in-depth inspections of these facilities on an annual or semi-annual basis. These agencies include local and state health departments, local fire departments, the California Board of Corrections and Rehabilitation, and the California Department of Justice. These agencies report their findings directly to the authorities in charge of the facility. PURPOSE The purpose of the 2006-2007 Civil Grand Jury was to carry out the mandate to inspect as set forth in California Penal Code Section 419. The Jury’s goal was to inspect each adult and juvenile detention facility operated in Los Angeles County by local agencies, make findings and recommend changes for improvement, if indicated, and recognize excellence. In addition, special attention was afforded to the medical and mental health services provided to the inmate population at Men’s Central and Twin 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury 272 Towers. We also evaluated the Twin Towers Reception (Intake) Center. Detailed findings are included below under “Findings”. Furthermore, we are commenting on several of the Juvenile camps which we feel merit further discussion than can be accomplished, because of space constraints, in the Jail Notations columns in the full jail list in the Appendix. INVESTIGATIONS METHODOLOGY A list of detention facilities was compiled from various sources, revised and updated where necessary. The Civil Grand Jury selected 16 jurors to investigate the Detention Facilities in Los Angeles County. The list of Detention Facilities was sorted by zip code and assigned to those jurors who resided in the area near the facilities to be inspected. This system minimized the distances traveled to and from the facilities to be inspected by each Juror. A total of 127 detention facilities were inspected. A list of these facilities is included in appendix to this report with comments as indicated. Several facilities, however, warranted a more detailed commentary and are included under “Findings” . FINDINGS Camp Scudder: Female Juvenile Facility Camp Scudder was closed for a period of nine months so that it could be refurbished and the plumbing converted for use by an all female population. We visited this facility 3 weeks after reopening and were dismayed by what we found. The plumbing in the dormitory had indeed been converted but the classrooms were dirty, dark and crowded with stacks of material and equipment. It was impossible to see through the windows because they were caked with thick layers of dirt. The walls were cracked and peeling and in desperate need of paint. The public restrooms were dirty. Thick bird droppings on the walkways were not only unsightly but posed a real health risk. Many of the exterior beams exhibited severe dry rot. The one exception to this gloomy picture was the kitchen and dining room. The manager obviously takes great pride in keeping her area immaculate, organized and well stocked. 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury 273 We revisited this Camp in April and noted some of the problems reported to Probation had been resolved but many had not yet been addressed. The staff from both Probation and LACOE is professional, helpful and sincere in their desire to help solve the remaining problems. Men’s Central Jail The men’s Central Jail is a Type III (High Security) 6,000 inmate facility. It is the largest jail in the free world. This facility was constructed in 1963. Overcrowding is a continuous problem that is made even more complex due to the need to separate members of the various life style and gang affiliations. At the time of this inspection the jail had 34 different inmate classifications. These classifications include gangs, ethnic groups, alternative life styles and those with serious mental issues. The courts have mandated the reduction of inmates per cell block to reduce tension and provide improved inmate management. We did not see evidence of any violence during our inspection tour. However the jail had just completed a lockdown prior to our inspection tour. Turn over of staff at this facility is of concern. The reasons for the turnover are the same at each of the detention facilities. For details please refer to the Staff turnover portion of this report. During our inspection this past September we were made aware of rodents and roaches in the cell block areas. These cell blocks are cleaned daily however the inmates eat in their cells and not all food is consumed at meal time. The remaining food is used for barter or frequently the fruit is distilled to create an alcoholic drink. During our inspection we were required to use an escalator that was out of service. This elevator is in use daily as a stairway to go from floor to floor. We were informed that the repair was very expensive and had been needed for months. This is a health and safety issue of concern for the inmates, the staff and visitors, Inmate Reception Center (IRC) The Inmate Reception Center is the primary point of intake and release for all male inmates within the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s detention system. The IRC Operations Division reports that they processed 177,546 inmates in 2006. There are no dormitories; but it has showers and toilets, and cold food is served. The Center has an overflow section which is physically a regular jail pod where mental health and health care professionals observe and prescribe specific treatment necessary for an individual. Each newly arriving inmate is evaluated and classified for mental health, physical problems, alternative life style, gang affiliation and potential for violence. Inmates are routinely questioned concerning citizenship at the time of entry and prior to release. All of this information is used to classify where the inmate will be housed within the detention system. 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury 274 The IRC is responsible for the storage and maintenance of all inmate clothing, personal property and funds while the person is incarcerated. Funds for use by the inmates may be deposited at this facility. This area has 800 employees of which 450 are professional staff. Some inmates are released to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or to the state prison system. When a person who completed his obligations to the justice system is released and is homeless, there are services available to provide shelter. The Department of Health has an office to provide referral for follow-up health care services. Los Angeles County/University of Southern California Hospital This Grand Jury followed up on the report “A Disaster Waiting to Happen” of the 2005-2006 Civil Grand Jury. Their findings were: Inmate-patients were placed on other wards than the Thirteenth Floor Jail Ward. The reasons for this placement were never fully explained. There was bed space available on the Jail Ward. The inmate -patients were scattered on other floors and were restrained to their beds by handcuffs. This practice presented a clear and present danger to the other, non-inmate/criminal patients, whom often were unaware of the criminal status of these men. When the 2005-2006 Civil Grand Jury Report concerning this problem came to the attention of the Mayor of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, the Sheriff’s Department and others, this problem was almost immediately corrected. During this year’s inspection, there were no inmate-patients on any of the open wards. The only inmate-patients not on the Jail Ward were in Intensive Care Units. The Jail Ward does not have an ICU. A total of five inmate- patients were in the ICU. Three men in the ICU were secured to their beds with leg irons and monitored every hour by Sheriff Department Personnel; a log was kept as to their status with regard to security. Two pregnant inmate-patients were hospitalized in the women’s facility; they were checked hourly by Sheriff’s personnel and records were kept. Twin Towers’ Mental Health and Medical Issues a. Mental Health Services at Twin Towers Department of Mental Health personnel provide direct services within this jail. Inmates are screened for serious mental health problems in the Twin Towers Correctional Facility Inmate Reception Center. All inmates are asked 15 questions verbally. If one or more answers are positive, they are referred to mental health clinicians for further evaluation. Additionally inmates are referred for mental health screening by the Sheriff’s Department based on their behavior, past records, or information from the Courts or community. Over 40,000 mental health evaluations were performed in the reception center in the calendar year 2006. An overflow area with dormitory facilities has been created outside of the reception area to allow 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury 275 time for the clinical evaluations. The volume of inmates needing evaluations fluctuates greatly with the possibility of several hundred in one day. The current statistical tracking system does not give information regarding diagnosis or level of functioning. Inmates are housed based on individual needs in dormitory, high observation or inpatient settings. On an average there are 45 inmates in the inpatient setting and up to 280 in the High Observation areas. If self injury is a concern, inmates are given safety gowns for clothing. In the High Observation areas Sheriff’s Deputies physically walk among the inmates for two random checks each half hour. On an average over 800 inmates are receiving psychotropic medication. In addition to medication management, treatment for co-occurring substance abuse, group treatment, individual counselling, and release planning are provided based on the individual inmates’ needs. Over 1500 inmates on an average receive mental health services in one day. There are 40 funded vacancies for mental health personnel in the jail. b. Medical Issues at Twin Towers Transfers of Inmates to LAC/USC Hospital. The Medical Services Department (hospital) is housed in Twin Towers. The jail facilities have Electronic Medical Records with a medical log. There is a Quality Assurance Program and a Case Manager Program for follow-up. Jail personnel are being trained to deal with minor medical/surgical issues. Urgent care systems are being formulated. Inmates are transferred from jail to LAC/USC for emergency, inpatient, and outpatient care. Medical information often is not available when the inmate is transferred. Transportation of the inmate is a burden and could be a danger to sheriff’s staff. The medical staff at the jail lacks specialists which results in inmate transfers. The recommendation is to use 12 telemedicine units to enable diagnostic work up without a transfer from the jail. Digital radiology enables transmission of imaging data for interpretation. Plans are in place to add MRI and CT scans to the system. When this pilot project is in place, it will be assessed by the Department of Justice and the State of California. Medical Staff Education and Training There is active recruitment of nurses with a competitive benefits package and opportunity for advancement and education. Federal grants are available as the jails are located in under served communities. The lack of staff is an ongoing problem. The high risk environment makes it difficult to fill staff positions. Also, there is lack of space and lack of clinical care sites. During this year’s inspection, there were no inmate-patients on any of the open wards. The only inmate-patients not on the Jail Ward were in Intensive Care Units. The Jail Ward does not have an ICU. A total of five inmate- patients were in the ICU. Three men in the ICU were secured to their beds with leg irons and monitored every hour by Sheriff Department Personnel; a log was kept as to their status with regard to security. Two pregnant inmate-patients were hospitalized in the women’s facility; they were checked hourly by Sheriff’s personnel and records were kept. 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury 276 Chatsworth Facility A shining example of a state of the art detention facility is exemplified by the Chatsworth Jail, which is under the control of the Sheriff’s Department. It was engineered to accommodate 350 prisoners and is housed in the basement of the Superior Court building in Chatsworth. Every modern technological advance was utilized and no expense was spared to ensure the security and well-being of each prisoner. The only fault this Civil Grand Jury found is that the Chatsworth Jail sits in an empty, pristine and unused condition, despite the fact that the Board of Supervisors is well aware of the appalling conditions at both Twin Towers and Men’s Central Jail. Who is responsible for the multimillion dollar boondoggle, also known as the Chatsworth Jail? CONCLUSION After this inspection one can appreciate the vastness and complexity of the problems within the detention facilities in Los Angeles County. The majority of facilities were in satisfactory condition, and for the most part, it is an exceptional jail system (Please refer to the Appendix for specific details about each facility). The staff was helpful and courteous with professionalism, knowledge, and dedication. One underlying problem in many areas is that of recruitment and retention of staff. There are vacant funded positions. The challenge is in maintaining staff under difficult circumstances. Unsolved societal problems are being tackled. All people detained are suspected or convicted of breaking some law. But some people present symptoms of mental or physical diseases, treatment is prescribed within the jail system. Follow up is offered after incarceration. The homeless are referred to an agency which may assist them. The inmates in the Los Angeles Jail System receive better medical services than many of the citizens of Los Angeles County who are paying for these services. Medical services are provided on an almost instant basis. There is no waiting for an appointment to see a medical professional. Some inmates take advantage of these services in an attempt to avoid their daily routines with which they are discontented. RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendations are for the Sheriff’s Department, Department of Health, Department of Mental Health, Probation Department and the Board of Supervisors 1. Men’s Central Jail: Increase treatment of cell areas to remove infestation of vermin. 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury 277 2. Men’s Central Jail: Repair the escalator or remove and replace with a safe walkway that meets commercial building codes and ADA requirements. 3. Camp Scudder: The place needs to be cleaned, repaired, and painted. 4. Mental Health: Develop a formal academic training program for the speciality of providing mental health services in a jail environment. (The Department of Mental Health has already applied for a couple of research grants to study specific populations - women prisoners, 18-24 year old inmates). Currently the academic training of mental health professionals does not really have curricula for this speciality. 5. Electronic Records: Medical electronic records available within the jail should be accessible when the inmate transfers to another facility. 6. Medical Care: Complete and activate the telemedicine system in order to decrease the number of inmates transferred out of the jail system. 7. Medical Care: A system to need to document medical indications for transfer to LAC/USC for emergency, inpatient and outpatient care. Analysis of this data should facilitate a decrease of inmates transferred. 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury 278 APPENDIX 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury 279 The following is a list, in alphabetical order, of the facilities inspected by the 2006-2007 Los Angeles County Civil Grand Jury with comments on each facility. 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury 280 JAIL ZIP CODE ADDRESS PHONE JAIL NOTATIONS 77th St Regional Division 90003 7600 S. Broadway, Los Angeles Alhambra City Jail 91706 Alhambra Superior Court Holding Facility 91711 211 So. First St., 626.570.5145 Alhambra 150 W. Common- 626.308.5537 wealth, Alhambra Arcadia City Jail 91723 250 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia 626.574.5150 Arraignment Court 90012 213.485.2671 Avalon LASD 90704 429 Bauchet St., Los Angeles 215 Sumner, Catalina Island Azusa Jail, City of 91766 725 N. Alameda Ave., Azusa 626.812.3277 Baldwin Park, City of, Jail 91773 14403 Pacific Blvd., Baldwin Park 626.960.1955 Bell Jail 90201 6326 Pine Ave., Bell 323.585.1245 Bellflower Court 90706 562.804.8005 Beverly Hills 90210 10025 Flower St., Bellflower 464 Rexford, Beverly Hills 310.550.4951 Satisfactory. Up to five phone calls to insure care for children and pets. Burbank City Jail 91741 200 N. Third St., Burbank 818.238.3010 Facility is superior in all respects, staffed by private jailers, personnel professional and helpful, exceptional. 213.473.4851 213.972.7828 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury 1st floor holding cells have lots of graffiti, 2nd and 3rd floors are in good shape. 1st Fl. LAPD/2nd & 3rd Clean facility well managed and operated by private jailers, satisfactory. Holding facility, day use only for inmates brought in for trial, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. Immaculate new facility, superior in all respects, operated by Arcadia Police Dept. with five (5) jailers, day use only, ”pay to stay” inmates used for maintenance, exceptional facility. No jail facilities at this location. Satisfactory. One jailer. A deputy must act as the second jailer. Transport prisoners via public transportation to County jails. Clean, well managed jail, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. Clean, well managed jail, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, thermometer needed in refrigerator, satisfactory. Satisfactory. Bell PD and Wackenhut Correction Officers. Facility used as a work ordered release program. Inmates pay $75 a day to reside there. Satisfactory. Well operated by LACSD. 281 Burbank Superior Court Holding Facility 91744 300 E. Olive Ave., 818.557.3493 Burbank Camp Afflerbaugh 91706 6631 Stephens Ranch Road, La Verne 909.593.4937 Camp Gonzales 91302 1301 N. Las Virgenes Rd., Calabasas 818.222.1192 Camp Kilpatrick 90265 427 S. Encinal Canyon Road, Malibu 818889.0260 Camp Mendenhall 93532 4230 Lake Hughes 661.724.1213 Rd., Lake Hughes Camp Miller 90265 Camp Munz 93532 Camp Paige 91750 427 S. Encinal 818.889.0260 Canyon Road, Malibu 4220 Lake Hughes 616.724.1211 Rd., Lake Hughes 6601 Stephens 909.593.4937 Ranch Road, La Verne 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury Holding facility for inmates brought in for trial, day use only, clean and well managed, by L.A. County Sheriffs’ Dept., in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. Senior juvenile camp for low risk juveniles 14-16 years, old facility, clean and well managed, but needs renovating Nurse on staff. Juveniles required to attend 30 hours of school per week, needs modern telephone system ASAP, excellent Director, needs better school program. Juvenile probation camp. Extensive academic and traditional programs. Males only. Active community support. Outstanding facility and programs. Juvenile Camp for education purposes, the Camp would like sentences based on school cycles. Excellent sports program. Sports facilities need improvements. Juvenile probation camp. Old facility operated in a military style. Excellent discipline. Juvenile Camp needs more drug treatment. Excellent education opportunities. Juvenile probation camp. Mirror image of Camp Mendenhall. Lower risk camp for juveniles serving 612 month sentences, clean and well managed, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, buildings need renovating, modern telephone system badly needed. 282 Camp Rocky 91016 1900 N. Sycamore 909.599.2391 Canyon Road, San Dimas Camp Scott 91350 28700 N. Bouquet Cyn. Rd., Saugus 661.296.8500 Camp Scudder 91350 28700 N. Bouquet Can. Rd., Saugus 662.296.8811 Carson Jail 90745 310.830.1123 Central Area Jail 90014 Century Regional Detention 90262 21356 S Avalon Blvd., Carson 251 E. 6th St., Los Angeles 11701 Alameda St., Lynwood Challenger-Camp Jarvis 93536 5300 W. Ave. L, Lancaster 661.940.4111 Challenger-Camp McNair 93536 5300 W. Ave. L, Lancaster 661.940.4146 213.485.3294 310.537.6111 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury Juvenile camp for problem/difficult boys, some with psychological problems, is well maintained, new Director has cleaned up disciplinary problems, school on premises, all students attend school ½ day, nurse on staff, all meals prepared in camp kitchen, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements but needs to be upgraded and modernized. Juvenile probation camp. Females only. Lacks opportunity for academic and vocational training. Good mental health program. Became an all female detention facility in January of 2007. Se special notation in Jail Report. Superior. Everything in excellent condition. Trustees keep the building clean and painted at all times. Facility appears well kept. Outstanding Mental Health Facility for women operated by LACSD. Reopened in June 2005 as a women facility. Kept clean by inmates. Large kitchen feeds 2300 inmates and sends food to Carson, Lakewood & other facilities. Juvenile probation camp. They address all the mental health issues and all 24/7 medical needs for the entire Juvenile Camp System. The six Challenger Camps combined can accommodate up to 650 juveniles. Juvenile probation camp. They address all the mental health issues and all 24/7 medical needs for the entire Juvenile Camp System. The six Challenger Camps combined can accommodate up to 650 juveniles. 283 Challenger-Camp Onizuka 93536 5300 W. Ave. L, Lancaster 661.940.4144 Challenger-Camp Resnick 93536 5300 W. Ave. L, Lancaster 661.940.4044 Challenger-Camp Scobee 93536 5300 W. Ave. L, Lancaster 661.940.4011 Challenger-Camp Smith 93536 5300 W. Ave. L, Lancaster 661.940.4011 Chatsworth 91311 9425 Penfield Ave., Chatsworth 818.576.8800 Claremont, City of, Jail 91776 570 W. Bonita Ave., Claremont 909.399.5411 Covina, City of, Jail 91790 444 No. Citrus Ave., Covina 626.858.4413 Crescenta Valley Jail 91101 4554 Briggs Ave., La Crescenta 818.248.3464 Culver City 4040 Duquesne, Culver City 213.974.4916 90230 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury Currently a female facility until Camp Juvenile probation camp. They address all the mental health issues and all 24/7 medical needs for the entire Juvenile Camp System. The six Challenger Camps combined can accommodate up to 650 juveniles. Scudder remodeling is complete. Juvenile probation camp. They address all the mental health issues and all 24/7 medical needs for the entire Juvenile Camp System. The six Challenger Camps combined can accommodate up to 650 juveniles. Juvenile probation camp. They address all the mental health issues and all 24/7 medical needs for the entire Juvenile Camp System. The six Challenger Camps combined can accommodate up to 650 juveniles. Juvenile probation camp. They address all the mental health issues and all 24/7 medical needs for the entire Juvenile Camp System. The six Challenger Camps combined can accommodate up to 650 juveniles. This is a state of the art facility which can accommodate up to 350 prisoners. Is presently not used to house any prisoners. Small, well managed, clean jail, very nice, needs better lighting in cells, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. Immaculate facility due to weekly inspection by Police Chief, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, very satisfactory. Older facility, clean, operated and well managed by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept., should be replaced or renovated, satisfactory. Satisfactory. Facility, although 20 years old, was in excellent condition. 284 Devonshire Area Jail 91325 10250 Etiwanda Ave., Northridge 818.756.8266 310.217.9500 Older facility built in 1970. They are the intake for LAUSD, CSUN, General Services and CHP arrestees. Unsatisfactory. Older LACSD facility, needs graffiti removal, painting. Refrigeration thermometer inoperative for several weeks. Satisfactory. Operated by Downey PD. Last years problems have been corrected. Clean, well managed, busy jail, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. Holding facility, day use only for inmates awaiting trial, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. Large juvenile Type III facility, with major educational components, was toured by Civil Grand Jury. Inspection findings noted, with respect to special need population. Holding facility for adult inmates brought in to attend their children’s court hearing, operated and managed by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept., in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. Older facility in good condition, new facility in process to replace it, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. Satisfactory. 2nd metal detector between booking and cells. Luminous fire belt attached to wall for use in emergency evacuations. Does not book females. They have Crime Analysis capabilities here. Satisfactory, very clean. Downey Courts 90242 7500 Imperial Blvd., Downey 562.803.7052 Downey Jail 90241 562.861.0771 East Los Angeles Sheriff Station 90022 10911 Brookshire Ave., Downey 5019 E. 3rd St., Los Angeles East Los Angeles Superior Court Holding Facility 90022 214 So. Fetterly, Los Angeles 213.780.2225 Eastlake Juvenile Hall 90033 1605 Eastlake Ave., Los Angeles 323.226.8611 Edelman Children’s Court 91766 201 Centre Plaza Dr., Monterey Park 323.526.6030 El Monte City Jail 91731 11333 E. Valley Blvd., El Monte 626.575.4121 El Segundo 90245 348 Main Street, El Segundo 310.524.2200 Foothill Area Jail 91331 818.756.8865 Gardena 90247 Glendale City Jail 91105 12760 Osborne, Pacoima 1700 W. 162nd Street, Gardena 131 No. Isabel St. Glendale, CA 818.548.3139 /548.3124 Brand new facility, superior in all respects. 323.264.4151 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury 285 Glendale Superior Court Holding Facility 91024 600 E. Broadway, Glendale 818.500.3493 Glendora, City of, Jail 91214 150 So. Glendora Ave, Glendora 626.914.8250 H.R. Moore & Kenyon Juvenile Justice Center 90001 7672 S Central Ave., Los Angeles 323.583.2774 Hawthorne 90256 323.226.8611 Hermosa Beach 90254 310.318.0360 Satisfactory Hollenbeck Jail 90033 323.266.5964 Hollywood 90028 12501 Hawthorne, Hawthorne 251 East 6th Street, Hermosa Beach 2111 E. 1st St., Los Angeles 1358 Wilcox, Hollywood Holding facility for inmates brought in for trial, day use only, clean, well managed by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept., in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. Older facility in immaculate condition, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, has Support Services Supervisor to oversee maintenance, very satisfactory. Satisfactory. These are 2 schools for juveniles assigned by the courts and handled by the probation dept. They are doing a very good job with the facilities they have to work with. Satisfactory. New facility (3 years). Huntington Park Jail 90255 Temporary holding only. Replacement facility under construction nearby. Satisfactory. Old. Floor needs painting. No females. Medical issues to Parker Center. Superior Facility operated by Huntington Park PD. Inmates pay to serve court-ordered Weekends. Facility in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, in need of major renovation, adequate lighting needed in cells. Managed by L.A. County Sheriff’ Department. Satisfactory Satisfactory. Holding cells had graffiti, cracked paint, no air conditioning, but clean. Holding type facility, all detainees are immediately transported to City of Glendora Jail for booking and processing, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. 213.485.5125 6542 Miles Ave. Huntington Park 323.862.6622 Industry, City of, Jail 90022 150 N. Hudson Ave. City of Industry 626.330.3322 Inglewood 90301 310.412.5325 Irwindale, City of, Jail 90022 1 Manchester Blvd., Inglewood 5050 N. Irwindale Ave. Irwindale 626.962.3601 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury 286 Jail Ward LAC General Hospital 90033 1200 N State St., Los Angeles 323.226.4563 L.A. Juvenile Justice Center 90001 7625 S. Central Ave., Los Angeles 323.586.6116 La Verne, City of, Jail 91754 2061 Third Ave., La Verne 909.596.1913 Lakewood Jail 90712 5130 N. Clark Ave., Lakewood 562.866.9061 Lancaster 93534 501 West Lancaster Blvd., Lancaster 661.948.8466 Lennox LASD 90304 Lomita Police LASD Long Beach South Division 90717 4331 Lennox 310.671.7531 Blvd., Lennox 21623 Narbonne 310.539.1661 Ave., Lomita 400 W. Broadway, 562.570.7260 Long Beach Los Angeles World Airports 90045 Manhattan Beach 90266 Marina del Rey LASD 90292 90802 6320 W. 96th Street, Los Angeles 420 15th Street, Manhattan Beach 13851 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey 310.645.8818 310.802.5100 310.823.7762 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury Satisfactory. Operated by LACSD. They had 4 inmates in ICU none were with regular patients. They had 2 women inmates in the Women Hospital. They have corrected all the problems that were noted in the CGJ report of 2005/6. They will move into the new building latter part of 2007. Satisfactory. Ran by LACSD & Probation Dept. Holding cells for juveniles awaiting Disposition. LACSD maintains 2 one person cells for adults pick up on juvenile warrants. Older facility, clean, needs renovation, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. Satisfactory. Operated by LACSD. They had 700 bookings for their own station plus other stations in the area even some CHIPs plus 70 juveniles, all of these for a one month period. Graffiti program not enforced. At one time they were the busiest facility in the county. In September 2006 when the Palmdale facility became operational the population here was substantially reduced. Satisfactory. Trustee dormitory Satisfactory. Using trustees from IRC Satisfactory. Very large jail (Long Beach population - 500,000. 18,000 bookings in 2006. Total capacity is 400, 200 women and 200 men. An MD visits twice each day. Nursing care is available 24/7. Satisfactory. Small holding area. Coordinates with TSA, FBI, Customs, Immigration, US Marshal, and LAPD. Newly constructed police station. State of the art jail. Satisfactory. Also patrols Marina area in watercraft. 287 Maywood Jail 90270 4317 Slauson Ave., Maywood 323.562.5008 Men’s Central Jail 90012 441 Bauchet St., Los Angeles 213.974.4916 Mental Health Court 90065 323.226.2908 Mira Loma Detention Center 93536 1150 San Fernando Rd., Los Angeles 45100 60th St. West, Lancaster Mission Hills 91345 Monrovia, City of, Jail 91731 Montebello City Jail 91108 Monterey Park City Jail Newton 91780 North Hollywood 91601 Northeast Jail 90065 Norwalk Court 90650 90011 11121 N. Sepulveda Blvd., Mission Hills 140 E. Lime, Monrovia 661.949.3811 818.838.9800 626.250.8000 1600 Beverly 323.887.1313 Blvd., Montebello, CA 320 W. Newmark, 626.307.1254 Monterey Park 3400 S Central 562.863.8711 Ave., Los Angeles 11640 Burbank Blvd., N. Hollywood 3353 San Fernando Rd., Los Angeles 12720 Norwalk Blvd., Norwalk 818.623.4016 213.485.2566 562.807.7283 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury Satisfactory. Operated by LACSD. When inmates are there they get three hot meals A day. Civil Grand Jury tour of this largest jail in the Free World completed in August. Inspection findings with respect to vermin, graffiti, inadequate cleaning, other. Temporary holding only. Inspection reports exemplary management. This is an ICE facility. Only undocumented immigrant detainees are housed here, segregated by ethnicity. They provide the detainees with ethnic meals. Operated by LAPD, Well run. This is a new facility. Older, clean, well managed facility, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. Clean facility operated by Correctional Systems, Inc., satisfactory. Clean facility operated by Correctional Systems, Inc., satisfactory. Satisfactory. Operated by LAPD. NO overnight guest, Men sent to Parker, women sent to 77th St. Operated by LAPD. They offer a new kindergarten through 5th grade PreDelinquency Program. Temporary holding only. Inspection reports exemplary management. Satisfactory. Operated by LACSD. Well run with some graffiti to be cleaned up soon. This is an old building in need of repairs 288 Norwalk Jail 90650 12355 Civic Center Dr., Norwalk Pacific Division LAPD 90066 12312 Culver, Los 310.837.1221 Angeles Palmdale 93550 661.267.4300 Parker Center (The Glass House) 90012 Pasadena City Jail 91789 Pasadena Superior Court Holding Facility Pico Rivera 91101 1020 East Ave. Q, Palmdale 150 N. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles 207 N. Garfield, Pasadena 300 E. Walnut, Pasadena 90660 6631 Passons Blvd., Pico Rivera 562.949.2421 Pitchess-East Facility Pitchess-NCCF Facility 91384 29320 The Old Road, Castaic 21340 The Old Road, Saugus 661.295.8812 Pitchess-North Facility Pitchess-South Facility 91384 29320 The Old Road, Castaic 29320 The Old Road, Castaic 661.295.8812 91384 91384 562.863.8711 213.485.2510 626.744.4501 626.356.5555 661.295.8812 661.295.8812 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury Satisfactory. Operated by LACSD. IN good shape for an old facility. Normal pranks by inmates, using T.P. to wet and throw against ceiling light to stick and make them darker in the cells & some graffiti. Satisfactory. Jail management is through the jails division not the patrol division. 77th Street is the supervisory authority. No female or juvenile prisoners. New facility, well run. They have a Booster Club program here. New Metro Jail being built to replace this older facility. Clean, freshly painted and well managed facility, superior in all respects. Holding facility, clean and well managed by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept., day use only. Satisfactory. Operated by LACSD. Trustees keep the cells clean and prepared for other work. Corrections have been made. Well run. Gang members are segregated. This is the “Flagship” of custody. Excellent in every way; library, computer classes, print shop, sign shop and sewing shop which fabricates most jail uniforms for the County. The kitchen shop prepares and cook-chills 24,000 meals per day for all Sheriff’s facilities in the County which have no kitchens. Can accommodate up to 4000 inmates. Well run. Dorms are similar to Twin Towers. Well run. Gang members are segregated. 289 Pomona North Superior Court Holding Facility 91766 350 W. Mission Blvd., Pomona 909.630.3230 Pomona South Superior Court Holding Facility 91766 400 Civic Center Plaza, Pomona 909.620.3326 Pomona, City of, Jail 91210 490 W. Mission Blvd., Pomona 909.620.2131 Rampart Jail 90026 213.485.4061 Redondo Beach 90277 Rio Hondo Superior Court (El Monte) Holding Facility 91731 2710 W. Temple St., Los Angeles 401 Diamond, Redondo Beach 11234 E. Valley Blvd., El Monte San Dimas, City of, Jail 91210 270 So. Walnut St., San Dimas 909.599.1261 San Fernando 91340 818.898.1267 San Gabriel, City of, Police Dept. Jail 90640 910 First St., San Fernando 625 So. Del Mar Ave., San Gabriel Holding facility for inmates brought in for trial on misdemeanor charges, day use only, well managed by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept., in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. Large holding facility for inmates brought in for trial on felony charges, day use only, well managed by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept., in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. Large busy jail, cells need better lighting, refrigerator needs thermometer, satisfactory. Replacement facility under construction nearby. 310.318.0616 Satisfactory. Offers “pay to stay” 626.580.2110 Very busy holding facility, day use only, well managed by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept., in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. Brand new facility which includes a jail, computer lab and a disaster command center with large room that can be partitioned to create two (2) separate command centers in case of a disaster, well managed by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept., should be model for all future jails, new fire station is part of complex, command center area and computer lab are available to the community when not in use. In the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, exceptional. San Fernando has its own Police Department. Clean, well run facility. Holding facility only, detainees are then transported to other city jails, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. 626.308.2828 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury 290 San Marino Police Dept. Jail 91105 2200 Huntington Dr., San Marino 626.300.0720 Santa Clarita (2 Facilities) 91355 661.255.1121 Santa Monica 90402 Sierra Madre Holding Facility 91024 23740 Magic Mountain Pkwy., Valencia 1685 Main, Santa Monica 242 Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre Signal Hill 90806 562.989.7200 South Gate 90280 1800 Hill Street, Signal Hill 8620 California St., South Gate South Pasadena Police Dept. Jail 91108 1422 Mission St., South Pasadena 626.799.1121 Southeast Jail 90061 213.972.7828 Southwest Jail 90062 Sylmar Juv. Hall (2 Facilities) 91342 145 W. 108th St., Los Angeles 1545 MLK Blvd., Los Angeles 16350 Filbert St., Sylmar Temple City Jail 91780 8838 Las Tunas Dr., Temple City 626.285.7171 Torrance 90505 5019 E. 3rd St., Torrance 323.264.4151 Small, largely unused jail, detainees immediately transported to Alhambra jail for processing, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. They house both male and female inmates. Well operated. 310.458.8482 Excellent New jail 626.355.1414 Six (6) hour holding facility, small and clean, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. Satisfactory 323.563.5400 213.485.2615 818.364.2022 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury Unsatisfactory, Operated by SGPD. Unsafe drunk tank. Everything covered with dust. Lots of graffiti. City only allows one custodial person to keep the cells and offices up, not enough. Small, largely unused jail, detainees are immediately transported to Pasadena jail for processing, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. No longer a jail; 77th Street facility now serves area. Temporary holding facility only. Fresh paint throughout. Graffiti very limited. This is a detention center and resident hall. The court in this facility hears outstanding juvenile warrant violations. High end offenders are housed here. Older facility operated and well managed by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept., in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, should be replaced by modern facility, satisfactory. Satisfactory. Excellent communications system. 291 Twin Towers 90012 441 Bauchet St., Los Angeles 213.473.6080 Van Nuys Jail 91401 6240 Sylmar Ave., 818.756.8358 Van Nuys Vernon 90058 323.587.5171 Walnut Sheriff’s Station 91789 4305 Santa Fe Ave., Vernon 21695 E. Valley Blvd., Walnut West Covina Superior Court Holding Facility 91790 1427 West Covina Parkway, West Covina 818.814.8585 West Covina, City of, Jail 91754 1440 W. Garvey Ave., West Covina 626.939.8550 West Hollywood LASD 90069 780 San Vicente, West Hollywood 310.855.8550 West LA Juvenile Court 90025 1633 Purdue, Los Angeles 310.312.6500 West Valley 91335 818.756.8545 Whittier 90602 Wilshire Area Jail 90019 19020 Vanowen St., Reseda 7315 S Painter Ave., Whittier 4861 W. Venice Blvd., Los Angeles 818.913.1715 562.945.8250 213.473.0476 2006-2007 County of Los Angeles Civil Grand Jury Medical inspection and related report completed September 28, 2006. Physical plant and management inspection to be completed February 1st, 2007. This jail is old and dark. In need of rebuilding. LAPD transports all San Fernando Valley arrestees to this facility. Superior. Operated by VPD. Everything is A-1, they tape everything. All departments look good. Large Sheriff’s station, clean and well managed, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. Holding facility for inmates brought in for trial, day use only, clean, well managed, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, satisfactory. Nice clean facility, in the opinion of the jury, this facility meets all requirements, some damage on floors and walls, in need of renovation, satisfactory. Satisfactory. Hand held cameras required for interview rooms. Have transgender cells. Purdue location is satisfactory. Robertson Boulevard location is CLOSED. New facility. Well staffed, well operated. Satisfactory. Operated by LACSD 7 Correction Officers. In good shape for an old building. Temporary holding facility only. Some peeling wall paint; limited graffiti. 292