Locked Out Resource List 2012
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LockedOut 2012 edition LockedOut is a resource list for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and trans prisoners in the U.S. The list is free, but stamps are welcome. No requests for legal aid or penpals. Only book requests from prisoners in CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, TX, and VT will be answered. Each group listed has agreed to be included and approved their description. If you write a group and do not hear back, let us know. If you know about other groups not included, send their address and we'll write them about being listed next year. We welcome and appreciate your feedback about LockedOut. Write to us at: LockedOut c/o Prison Book Project P.O. Box 396 Amherst, MA 01004 BLACK AND PINK c/o The Community Church of Boston 565 Boylston St. Boston, MA 02116 Black and Pink is an open family of LGBT prisoners and free world allies. We provide a free monthly newsletter of prisoner written material, host an online listing of penpals, coordinate an art program, provide direct advocacy when possible, and offer religious and erotic materials upon request. Donations of stamps are always welcomed but not required. BOOKS THROUGH BARS NEW YORK CITY c/o Bluestockings Bookstore 172 Allen St. New York, NY 10002 Sends free books donated by the community to people in any state where they are permitted except AL, FL, LA, MA, MI, MS, NC, and OH. Prioritizes requests from NY state. Specializes in history, social studies, and other educational and nonfiction books (no mass market fiction, trade manuals, almanacs, legal or religious stuff, sorry). Send a list of topics you're interested in. BOSTON ABC P.O. Box 230182 Boston, MA 02123 Offers free basic research, free subscription to Prison Action News, and free literature. No penpals and no legal aid. Write for more info. Boston ABC is an anti-racist, antisexist organization that is pro- queer, pro-trans, and pro-woman. BROTHERS BEHIND BARS P.O. Box 68 Liberty, TN 37095 A quarterly penpal list of gay/bi/trans male prisoners produced quarterly in cooperation with RFD Magazine. One free 30 word text ad plus name/address (photo if available) per year. Write for additional information regarding list subscriptions (inclusion in 4 issues or receipt of 4 issues) and subcriptions to RFD Magazine. HIDDEN EXPRESSIONS 4707 N. Broadway, Suite 307 Chicago, IL 60640 An annual zine created by and for incarcerated transgender and gender nonconforming people. An opportunity to share your thoughts, poetry, stories, artwork, and tips for survival on the inside with other folks for whom this information could be important and useful. Published by the Transformative Justice Law Project of Illinois (see listing), and distributed to incarcerated trans folks free of charge. INTERNATIONALIST PRISON BOOKS COLLECTIVE 405 W. Franklin St. Chapel Hill, NC 27516 Sends free zines and books relevant to GLBT issues. Only sends to Alabama, Mississippi, and North Carolina. JUST DETENTION INTERNATIONAL 3325 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 340 Los Angeles, CA 90010 A health and human rights organization that seeks to end sexual abuse against men, women, and youth in all forms of detention. Has three core goals: to hold government accountable for prisoner rape; to transform illinformed public attitudes about sexual assault behind bars; and to ensure that those who have survived this form of abuse get the help they need. LGBTQ prisoners who have been sexually assaulted behind bars are encouraged to contact JDI for a packet of information that includes a list of local and national resources for prisoner rape survivors. Survivors can write to JDI via confidential, Legal Mail by addressing their letter to Cynthia Totten, Esq. at the address above. MASSACHUSETTS TRANSGENDER POLITICAL COALITION P.O. Box 301897 Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Seeking experiences and suggested policy changes from Massachusetts based transgender prisoners through the *Transgender Prisoner Questionnaire*. Write for a copy. Provides referrals to transgender specific organizations and support. MIDWEST PAGES TO PRISONERS c/o Boxcar Books and Community Center, Inc. 408 E. 6th St. Bloomington, IN 47408 Sends free books to folks incarcerated in AZ, AR, FL, IA, IN, KS, KY, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, OK, SD, TN, and WI. We are an all-volunteer run collective working to increase self-education among prisoners and to foster solidarity. We have a good GLBTQ library and lots of other materials as well. NATIONAL CENTER FOR LESBIAN RIGHTS 870 Market St., #370 San Francisco, CA 94102 Provides legal information and resources for inmates facing mistreatment in prison and jail because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. We are not a legal services organization and cannot provide representation in most cases. PRISON BOOK PROGRAM 1306 Hancock St., Suite 100 Quincy, MA 02169 Offers National Prisoners Resource List free to prisoners. Book requests accepted, except from CA, IL, MD, MI, NV, and TX. Stamps welcome. PRISON BOOK PROJECT P.O. Box 396 Amherst, MA 01004 Sends free books to prisoners in CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, TX, and VT only. No catalog is available. When writing include types of books instead of specific titles and any mail restrictions. PRISON LEGAL NEWS P.O. Box 2420 West Brattleboro, VT 05303 A 56-page monthly print magazine that reports on criminal justice news, particularly human rights issues in U.S. prisons. Consistently reports on cases involving LGBTQ prisoners. Publishes and distributes books to prisoners such as reference books (like dictionaries), self-help legal manuals, and political literature. Subscription to PLN: $30 a year or $18 for 6 months. PRISONERS LITERATURE PROJECT c/o Bound Together Books 1369 Haight St. San Francisco, CA 94117 Sends books to prisoners in most of the U.S. (does not send to Texas). Free of charge. Indicate genres or subjects of books, rather than specific titles, as selection is limited. If you can, tell if there are any restrictions that your institution places on incoming mail. Homewood, IL 60430 Provide hundreds of zine titles to prisoners - catalogs, resource guides, analysis, history, all kinds of education and literature - all in zine form. Have some GLBTQ titles. Write for catalog. Rainbow Bookstore 426 W. Gilman St. Madison, WI 53703 Sends books to LGBT prisoners in all states. Prisoners must selfidentify as LGBT in first letter. SYLVIA RIVERA LAW PROJCT 147 W. 24th St., 5th Floor New York, NY 10011 Provides free civil legal services and a pen pal program to incarcerated people in New York who are transgender, intersex, or gender nonconforming. We are a collectively-run organization that seeks to make systemic change and increase the political power of our communities. Help make LockedOut better. Tell us what you think! How did you hear about LockedOut? What is useful about it? READ BETWEEN THE BARS c/o Daily Planet Publishing P.O. Box 1589 Tucson, AZ 85702 Sends free books donated by the community to people in Arizona prisons. We are a GLBTQ-friendly program. Requests should include general book genres or topics of interest. TRANSFORMATIVE JUSTICE LAW PROJECT OF ILLINOIS 4707 N. Broadway, Suite 307 Chicago, IL 60640 Provides free criminal and civil legal services for low-income transgender and gender nonconforming people targeted by the criminal legal system in Illinois. Offers holistic support for detainees and prisoners, such as a gender-affirmation, court support, and jail/prison visits. Helps distribute resources and connect people to their peers, friends, family, allies, advocates, and the larger prison abolition movement. SOUTH CHICAGO ABC ZINE DISTRO P.O. Box 721 WISCONSIN BOOKS TO PRISONERS - LGBT PROJECT Anything else to share? ~In the spirit of Mother Mike Riegle~ What do you not like? What would you change about it? Do you hear back from the groups you write?