List of Ice Deaths 2003-2009
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Detainees who died in ICE custody October 2003 - Present ANUMBER ALIEN NAME SEX DOB COB DATE DIED LOCATION DEATH Location of Last Detention 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 VERDECIA-CARRILLO, Heriberto JORRIN-MILLER, Daniel LINDE-CEPERO, Alberto Leyva-Arjona, Argelio GUTIERREZ, Ramiro POPOOLA, Adetunji NAND, Maya (aka NARID, Maya) RIOZ-MARTINEZ, Cezar MOSLEY, Hector HERNANDEZ, Wilfredo RODRIGUEZ, Jose Rangel M M M M M M M M M M M 3/16/1963 7/21/1951 8/14/1940 6/18/1953 2/28/1966 8/10/1955 2/24/1948 9/9/1978 2/25/1947 1/20/1939 11/8/1971 CUBA CUBA CUBA CUBA MEXIC NIGIA FIJI MEXIC PANAM CUBA GUATE 10/7/2003 11/4/2003 12/20/2003 1/5/2004 1/18/2004 2/1/2004 2/5/2004 2/16/2004 2/27/2004 3/3/2004 3/3/2004 (BOP) Atwater, Atwater, CA San Pedro SPC, San Pedro, CA Columbia Care Center, Columbia, SC (BOP) Victorville San Joaquin General Hospital, French Camp, CA Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, TX Eloy - St Mary's Hospital, Tuscon, AZ Frio County Jail, Pearsall, TX Columbia Care Center, Columbia, SC Richland Memorial Hospital, Columbia SC Kern Medical Center, Bakersfield, CA (BOP) Atwater, Atwater, CA San Pedro SPC, San Pedro, CA Columbia Care Center, Columbia, SC (BOP) Victorville Sacremento County Jail Dallas County Jail Eloy Federal Contract Facility Frio County Jail, Pearsall, TX Columbia Care Center, Columbia, SC Columbia Care Center, Columbia, SC Kern Co. Jail Bakerfield, CA 12 13 14 15 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 SOLIS-PEREZ, Maria Alvarez Arias, Jose De La Concepcion PEREZ-AYALA, Manuel MENDEZ-BACCA, Carlos F M M M 10/20/1959 12/8/1957 12/24/1949 9/4/1974 ELSAL CUBA CUBA HONDU 3/6/2004 3/10/2004 3/12/2004 3/19/2004 Jefferson County Jail (BOP) Allenwood Federal Correctional Institue (BOP) Florence Guadalupe City Jail 16 b2High, b6 SATKUNES-WARAN, Kandiah 17 b2High, b6 FANKEU, Samou M M 5/6/1964 6/16/1966 SRILA CAMER 4/18/2004 5/11/2004 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 M M M M M M M M M M 6/8/1958 4/5/1970 8/23/1933 4/12/1933 1/24/1957 9/14/1930 5/21/1949 2/25/1977 12/3/1981 1/3/1956 CUBA JAMAI MEXIC CUBA DR GUATE CUBA MEXIC CUBA INDIA 5/29/2004 5/29/2004 6/14/2004 6/15/2004 7/28/2004 8/1/2004 8/11/2004 8/22/2004 8/23/2004 9/21/2004 Ben Taub Hospital, Houston, TX Unknown St. Thomas More Hospital, Canon City, CO Methodist Hospital, San Antonio, TX Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick, NJ Lourdes Hospital, Padukah, KY (BOP) Springfield Federal Medical Center, Springfield, MO (BOP) Oakdale Community Hospital, Oakdale, LA El Centro Regional Hospital, El Centro, CA Pike County Jail, Milford, PA Maryview Hospital, Portsmouth, VA Columbia Care Center, Columbia, SC Etowah County Detention Center, Gadsden, AL Hampton Roads Regional Jail, Portsmouth, VA Krome Service Processing Center, Miami, FL Columbia Care Center, Columbia, SC 28 b2High, b6 Ayala-Garcia, Antonio M 6/19/1937 CUBA 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 RUIZ-TABARES, Ervin REYES-ALTIMIRANO, Simon LOPEZ-LARA, Jose ZAROU, Jose DANTICA, Joseph FILS-AIME, Yvel ANACHE-CAMPOS, Luis M M M M M M M 3/25/1980 3/24/1979 10/20/1948 10/18/1948 2/7/2023 1/3/1956 1/6/1957 COLOM HONDU MEXIC ARGEN HAITI HAITI CUBA 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 HERRERA-LIMAS, Pedro Correoso-Jay, Conrado Lopez Ruelas, Elias SARABIA-VALLASENOR, Ignacio Rosell Sierra, Jose HEO, Sung Soo BELBACHIR, Hassiba M M M M M M F 11/29/1972 2/19/1941 2/16/1950 7/31/1972 12/25/1933 2/13/1954 8/24/1977 CUBA CUBA Mexico MEXIC Cuba KOREA ALGER 43 44 45 46 47 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 Lazo Reinoso, Silvio TUNON-ABEAL, Jose VARGAS, Nhung CRUZ GARCIA, Rene ALVAREZ-ESQUIVEL, Walter M M F M M 9/10/1954 4/7/1952 9/23/1968 3/12/1952 10/4/1958 Cuba CUBA VIETN CUBA GUATE b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 FIGUEREDO-LOPEZ, Juan RUST, Richard MENDEZ, Enrique HERRERA-TERAN, Jose MARTINEZ, Jose Alberto ALONSO, Juan ENRIQUEZ-BETANCOURT, N MEJIA VICENTES, Sebastian SOCA-ROS, Otalio SINGH, Bhupinder 9/24/2004 Unknown (BOP) Guaynabo Metropolitan Detention Center, 9/25/2004 San Juan, PR 10/12/2004 Mesa Hills Specialty Hospital, El Paso, TX 10/24/2004 Maricopa Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ 11/1/2004 Wicomico Co. Detention Center, Salisbury, MD 11/3/2004 Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL 11/22/2004 Hampton Roads Regional Jail, Portsmouth, VA 11/30/2004 (BOP) Devens FMC, Ayer, MA Shepherd's Choice Nursing and Rehab, Gettysburg, 12/15/2004 PA 12/17/2004 Unknown 12/19/2004 RTA Hospice in Casa Grande, AZ 1/4/2005 Otay Detention Facility/CCA, San Diego, CA 1/8/2005 Unknown 2/16/2005 Passaic County Jail 3/17/2005 McHenry County Jail, Woodstock, IL Middlesex County Jail INS Airport Hold (BOP) Springfield Federal Medical Center, Springfield, MO (BOP) Oakdale, Oakdale, LA EL Centro SPC Pike County Jail, Milford, PA Hampton Roads Regional Jail, Portsmouth, VA Columbia Care Center, Columbia, SC Etowah County Detention Center, Gadsden, AL Hampton Roads Regional Jail, Portsmouth, VA Krome Service Processing Center, Miami, FL Columbia Care Center, Columbia, SC (BOP) Springfield Federal Medical Center, Springfield, MO (BOP) Guaynabo Metropolitan Detention Center, San Juan, PR EL Paso SPC Eloy Federal Contract Facility Wicomico Co. Detention Center, Salisbury, MD Krome Service Processing Center, Miami, FL Hampton Roads Regional Jail, Portsmouth, VA (BOP) Devens FMC, Ayer, MA York County Jail (BOP) Butner Eloy Federal Contract Facility Otay Detention Facility/CCA, San Diego, CA (BOP) Forth Worth Federal Medical Center Passaic County Jail McHenry County Jail, Woodstock, IL (BOP) Springfield Federal Medical Center, 4/6/2005 Unknown Springfield, MO 5/22/2005 E.A. Conway Hospital, Monroe, LA Tensas Parish Detention Ctr 6/8/2005 Columbus Regional Hospital, Columbus, GA Harris County Jail 6/11/2005 (BOP) Butner Medical Center _ Butner, NC (BOP) Butner Medical Center _ Butner, NC InfoNet Doc. (Posted on 1/22/10). 6/30/2005 AILA Laredo Medical Center, Laredo TX No. 10012230. Laredo Contract Detention Facility DIHS Facility Staffed Type Final Cause of Death Acute Thrombotic Occlusion Left Descending No BOP Coronary Artery Yes SPC Hypertension Heart Disease No Other Brain Tumor Calioblastoma No BOP Hanging No IGSA Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Bleed No IGSA Cardia Arrythmia No IGSA Cardiac Arrest No IGSA Asyphxia No Other AIDS No Other Coronary Artery Disease No IGSA Histoplasmosis Sepsis Subarachnoid Hemorrhage due to Ruptured Berry No IGSA Aneurysm No BOP Metastic Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma No BOP Sudden Cardiac Death No IGSA AIDS Death Category Criminal Hx Illness Illness Illness Suicide Illness AIDS Illness Suicide AIDS Illness AIDS Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Illness Illness Illness AIDS No Yes Yes No No No IGSA Other Natural Causes AIDS Illness AIDS Yes No No No Yes No No No No No Yes No BOP BOP SPC IGSA IGSA Other IGSA IGSA SPC Other Acute Pulmonary Embolis Cardiac Arrythmia Metastic Carcinoma of Prostate Gland Myocardial Infarction Sepsis Renal Failure Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease Hanging Hypertensive, Atherosclerotic Heart Disease End Stage Renal Disease Accident Illness Illness Illness Illness Illness Illness Suicide Illness Illness Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No BOP Renal Failure Illness Yes No Yes No No Yes No No BOP SPC IGSA IGSA SPC IGSA BOP Asyphxia Brain Tumor Cerebral Infarct Cardiac Tamponade Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis Drowning Cardiac Arrest Suicide Illness Illness Illness Illness Accident Illness No No Yes Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No IGSA BOP CDF CDF BOP IGSA IGSA Carcinoma of Lung Complications of Metastic Prostate Cancer Cirrhosis of Unclear Etiology Sudden Cardiac Arrest Pneumonia Hanging Asyphxia Illness Illness Illness Illness Illness Suicide Suicide Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No BOP IGSA IGSA BOP IGSA Pancreatic Cancer Acute Renal Failure Cardiac Arrest Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Acute Hemorrhagic Cerebral Vascular Accident Illness Illness Illness Illness Illness Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Detainees who died in ICE custody October 2003 - Present 48 49 50 51 ANUMBER b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 ALIEN NAME Ahmad, Tanveer DELAPAZ, Eduardo PRADO-ARENCILIA, Reinaldo SANCHEZ-RODRIGUEZ, Sergio SEX DOB M 2/3/1962 M 10/13/1935 M 11/10/1967 M 9/9/1951 COB Pakistan MEXIC CUBA CUBA DATE DIED 9/9/2005 9/27/2005 10/3/2005 10/30/2005 DIHS Facility Staffed Type Final Cause of Death No IGSA Occlusive Coronary Atherosclerosis No Other Acute Cerebral Vascular Accident Yes CDF Seizure Disorder of Unknown Etiology No BOP Metastic Carcinoma of Lung Death Category Illness Illness Illness Illness Criminal Hx Yes Yes Yes Yes Acute Myocardial Infarction Illness Yes Other IGSA IGSA IGSA BOP IGSA Cardiorespiratory Failure Hanging Acute Coronary Insufficiency Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease Asyphxia Asyphxia Illness Suicide Illness Illness Suicide Suicide No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes BOP IGSA IGSA SPC Pulmonary Embolus and Cardiac Arrest Neurocysticercosis Cryptocaccal Meningitis Sequelae of Chronic Renal Failure Illness Illness AIDS Illness Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No BOP CDF BOP Severe Emphysema Coronary Vasculitis Coronary Artery Athlersclerosis Illness Illness Illness Yes No Yes Widely Metastatic Pancratic Cancer Severe Atherosclerotic Heart Disease Asyphxia Asyphxia Complications of Hanging Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease Hemoperitoneum due to spontaneous rupture of right renal vein Ruptured Arteriovenous Malformation Midbrain Germ Cell Tumor with Metastasis Hanging Pending Cause of Death Illness Illness Suicide Suicide Suicide Illness No No No Yes Yes Yes Illness Illness Illness Suicide Accident No Yes Yes Yes No AIDS Illness Drugs Yes Yes No Illness Accident Illness Illness Yes Yes Yes Yes Illness Yes Illness Illness Illness Suicide Illness Illness Illness Illness Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes LOCATION DEATH Monmouth County Jail Richland Memorial Hospital Columbia, SC Houston - Northeast Medical Center Hospital (BOP) Butner Medical Center - Butner, NC Little Company of Mary Hospital – San Pedro; 11/15/2005 previously AKA San Pedro Peninsula Hospital Location of Last Detention Monmouth County Jail Columbia Care Center, Columbia, SC Houston Texas CDF (BOP) Butner Medical Center - Butner, NC San Pedro SPC, San Pedro, CA Yes SPC Yes No No No No No 52 b2High, b6 MARRERO-ABREO, Domingo M 2/22/1943 CUBA 53 54 55 56 57 58 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 LEDESMAN-GUERREO, Roberto SALAZAR-GOMEZ, Juan KENLEY, Sandra Marina MURPHY, Vincent GARCIA-SANCHEZ, Felipe GARCIA-MEJIA, Geovanny M M F M M M 10/10/1933 6/24/1976 5/3/1953 6/5/464 11/19/1984 3/18/1979 MEXIC MEXIC BARBA JAMAI COLOM HONDU 12/2/2005 12/14/2005 12/18/2005 2/4/2006 2/10/2006 3/18/2006 Otay Detention Facility - Sharps Chula Vista Hospital Eloy Federal Contract Facility Hampton Roads Regional Jail, Portsmouth, VA Suffolk Co., Boston, MA (BOP) Oakdale, Oakdale, LA Newton Co. Correctional Center Newton, TX 59 60 61 62 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 Polanco-Molina, angel INAMAGUA-MERCHA, Maria RODRIGUEZ CASTRO, Walter RODRIGUEZ-GONZALEZ, Miguel M F M M 8/2/1952 11/19/1975 6/21/1977 1/19/1930 CUBA ECUAD ELSAL MEXIC 3/30/2006 4/4/2006 4/23/2006 5/21/2006 Unknown Ramsey County, St. Paul MN Kern Co. Jail Bakerfield, CA San Pedro SPC - San Pedro Peninsula Hospital 63 b2High, b6 Lazano-Blanco, Jorge 64 b2High, b6 OSMAN, Yusif 65 b2High, b6 CASTRO-JIMENEZ, Rene M M M 4/22/1955 1/7/1972 8/26/1939 CUBA GHANA CUBA 6/3/2006 Unknown 6/27/2006 Otay Detention Facility/CCA, San Diego, CA 8/15/2006 (BOP) Devens FMC, Ayer, MA Otay Detention Facility/CCA, San Diego, CA Eloy Federal Contract Facility Hampton Roads Regional Jail, Portsmouth, VA Suffolk Co. HOC (BOP) Oakdale, Oakdale, LA Newton Co. Correctional Center Newton, TX (BOP) Springfield Federal Medical Center, Springfield, MO Ramsey ADC Annex Kern Co. Jail Bakerfield, CA San Pedro SPC, San Pedro, CA (BOP) Springfield Federal Medical Center, Springfield, MO Otay Detention Facility/CCA, San Diego, CA (BOP) Devens FMC, Ayer, MA 66 67 68 69 70 71 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 KIM, Young Sook SINGH, Jamer LOPEZ-GREGORIO, Jose CARLOS-CORTEZ, Raudel MARTINEZ-RIVAS, Antonio CERVANTES-CORONA, Jesus F M M M M M 11/5/1948 11/8/1965 1/1/1974 9/17/1984 11/19/1961 7/16/1964 KOREAN INDIA GUATE MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO 9/11/2006 9/20/2006 9/29/2006 10/3/2006 10/4/2006 11/19/2006 Bernalillo County Detention Ctr Lerdo Pretrail Facility, Bakersfield CA Eloy Federal Contract Facility Mira Loma Detention Ctr., Lancaster CA Houston, Texas CDF Northwest Detention Ctr. Tacoma, WA No No No No Yes Yes IGSA IGSA IGSA IGSA CDF CDF 72 73 74 75 76 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 ABDEULAYE, Sall CHAVEZ-TORRES, Mario Francisco Rodriguez-Torres, Felix ROMERO, Nery BAH, Boubacar M M M M M 4/27/1956 11/10/1979 10/31/1970 4/9/1984 1/1/1955 GUINEA COLOM ECUAD ELSALV GUINEA 12/2/2006 12/13/2006 1/18/2007 2/12/2007 5/30/2007 Piedmont Regional Jail, Farmville Virginia Eloy Federal Contract Facility Eloy Federal Contract Facility Bergen County Jail, NJ Elizabeth CDF No No No No Yes IGSA IGSA CDF IGSA CDF 77 b2High, b6 ARELLANO, Victor 78 b2High, b6 CONTRERAS-DOMINGUEZ, Rosa Isela M F 10/10/1983 9/17/1971 MEXICO MEXICO Piedmont Regional Jail, Farmville Virginia Eloy Federal Contract Facility Maricopa Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ Bergen County Jail, NJ University of Medicine, NJ Little Company of Mary Hospital – San Pedro; 7/20/2007 previously AKA San Pedro Peninsula Hospital 8/7/2007 Del Sol Medical Center (El Paso) San Pedro SPC, San Pedro, CA EL Paso SPC Yes Yes SPC SPC 79 b2High, b6 DE ARAUJO, Edimar M 10/9/1972 BRAZIL 8/7/2007 Rhode Island Hospital Providence RI Providence RI Field Office No Other 80 81 82 83 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 GUEVARA-LAZARO, Alejandro GONZALEZ_BAEZ, Cesar GUMAYAGAY, Pedro DIAZ-SALGADO, Alejandro M M M M 3/4/1986 2/2/1972 5/27/1957 5/22/1959 MEXICO MEXICO Philippines Cuba 8/13/2007 12/7/2007 1/28/2008 2/3/2008 Thomason Hospital USC Burn Center Stewart Webster Hospital Savoy Medical Facility LA EL Paso SPC Mira Loma Detention Ctr., Lancaster CA Stewart Detention Ctr Basile Detention Ctr Yes No Yes No SPC IGSA IGSA IGSA Sequalue of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Pulmonary Thromboembolism Acute Intoxication due to the Combined Effects of Cocaine and Hydroxyzine Ruptured Berry Aneurysm of the Right Middle Cerebral Artery Electrocution Metastic Adenocarcinoma of Lungs Multi-System Organ Failure 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 SUARES-ALMENARES, Arturo DUBEGEL-PAEZ, Luis JOSEPH, Valery VALASQUEZ, Ambrocio CANALES BACA, Rogelio DAWOOD, Nail Yoursef NG, Hiu Lui BARNETT, Edwin OWUSU, Emmanuel M M M M M M M M M 11/11/1935 7/31/1947 7/7/1984 12/19/1965 3/28/1972 8/13/1966 8/3/1974 7/22/1950 1/10/1946 Cuba CUBA Haiti GUATE HONDU Iraq China JAMAI GHANA 3/2/2008 3/14/2008 6/20/2008 6/27/2008 7/8/2008 7/21/2008 8/6/2008 8/12/2008 10/6/2008 St. Peters Hospital, NJ Rolling Plains Detention Ctr, TX Glades Detention Center, Florida Vaughan Regional Medical Ctr, AL Pike County Jail, Milford, PA Eloy Federal Contract Facility Rhode Island Hospital Providence RI Bringham & Womens Hospital AILA InfoNet Doc.AZNo. Casa Grande Regional Hospital, No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes IGSA IGSA IGSA IGSA IGSA IGSA IGSA IGSA IGSA Hypertensive and arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease with CHF and severe pulmonary edema Hypertension and Athersclerotic Heart Disease Seizure Disorder Cardiopulmonary Arrest Hanging Coronary Artery Vasculitis Complications of Metastatic Hepatocellular CA Sepsis Complications of Acute CVA LoveLace Medical CenterAlbuquerque, New Mexico Lerdo Pretrail Facility, Bakersfield CA Eloy Federal Contract Facility Mira Loma Detention Ctr., Lancaster CA Houston, Texas CDF Northwest Detention Ctr. Tacoma, WA Middlesex County Jail Rolling Plains Detention Ctr, TX Glades Detention Center, Florida Perry County Correctional Ctr Pinal County Jail Eloy Federal Contract Facility Wyatt Detention Ctr Plymouth County HOC 10012230. (Posted on 1/22/10). Eloy Federal Contract Facility Detainees who died in ICE custody October 2003 - Present ANUMBER ALIEN NAME 93 b2High, b6 BAIRES, Juan 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 b2High, b6 SANTOS MAIDIQUI, Alberto SAYLAB, Hadayatullah NEWBOROUGH, Guido ALVAREZ GOMEZ, Jose MARTINEZ, Julio CORONADO-GABRIEL, Claudio Jimenez-Rojas, Sergio Martinez Medina, Roberto Cruz -Silva, Arnoldo STOJKA, Vera NEGUSSE, Huluf Jimon Tiniguardo, Rolando Tavarez, Pedro Juan Padilla-Perez, Sebastian SEX M M M M M M M M M M F M M M M DOB 4/27/1982 COB DATE DIED LOCATION DEATH El Salvador 11/12/2008 Kern Medical Center, Bakersfield, CA (BOP) Springfield Federal Medical Center, 10/31/1948 CUBA 11/19/2008 Springfield, MO 6/21/1950 Afgha 11/25/2008 Del Sol Medical Center (El Paso) 4/21/1960 Germany 11/28/2008 Piedmont Regional Jail, Farmville Virginia 5/18/1979 HONDU 12/27/2008 LaSalle General Hospital 9/21/1956 Mexico 1/4/2009 Alvarado Hospital 4/9/1979 GUATE 1/12/2009 LaSalle Detention Facility (Jena) 5/15/1984 Mexico 2/7/2009 EA Conway Memorial Hospital 6/7/1969 Mexico 3/11/2009 St. Francis Hospital, GA 5/6/1956 CUBA 5/10/2009 Retrama Manor 10/20/1952 CZECH 7/24/2009 Columbia Care Center, Columbia, SC 9/2/1984 Ethiopia 8/14/2009 Tallahasse General Hospital 10/5/1989 GUATE 9/30/2009 Providence Memorial Hospital 7/25/1960 DR 10/19/2009 Bringham & Womens Hospital 3/4/1938 CUBA 11/21/2009 York Hospital, PA Location of Last Detention Kern Co. Jail Bakerfield, CA (BOP) Springfield Federal Medical Center, Springfield, MO Otero County Jail Piedmont Regional Jail, Farmville Virginia LaSalle Detention Center Otay Detention Facility/CCA, San Diego, CA LaSalle Detention Center Tensas Parish Detention Ctr Stewart Detention Ctr Port Isabel SPC Hudson County Jail Wakulla County Jail Columbia Care Center, Columbia, SC Suffolk Co. HOC York County Jail AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 10012230. (Posted on 1/22/10). DIHS Facility Staffed Type Final Cause of Death No IGSA Pended No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No BOP IGSA IGSA IGSA CDF IGSA IGSA IGSA SPC Other IGSA Other IGSA IGSA Massive CVA Complications of Cirrhosis of Liver CVA Pending Complications of End Stage Hepatic Cirrhosis Unknown Cardiac Arrhythmia Myocarditis Cardiopulmonary Arrest Respiratory Failure Anoxic Encephalopathy Cardiopulmonary Arrest Pended Pended Death Category AIDS Criminal Hx No Illness Illness Illness Pending Illness Pending Illness Illness Illness Illness Suicide Illness Illness Illness Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes