List of Deaths in Ice Custody 2003 to 2009
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Immigration and Customs Enforcement List of Detainee Deaths Since Odober 2003 I 1 VERDECIA·CARRILLO, Heriberto r-~N=MiITER~iiI8I2 M 19510721 CUBA 20031104 San pedro SPC, San Pedro, CA Yes----yes-- Hypertension Heart Disease LOS- 3 L1NDE·CEPERO, Alberto ' M 19400814 CUBA No Yes Brain Tumar C"iioblastoma ATL 4 GUTIERREZ, Ramlro M 19660228 MEXIC 20031220 Co/umbia Care center,-Columbia, SC 20040118 Sacramento County Jail Not Known Yes SFR 5 POPOOLA, Adetunii M 19550810 NIGIA 20040201 Dallas County Jail No Yes Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Bleed Cardiac Arrhythmia DAL 6 RIOZ-MARTINEZ, Cesar M 19780909 MEXIC 20040216 Frio County Jail, Pearsall, TX Yes Yes Asphyxia SNA M 19470225 PANAM No Yes AIDS NYC M 19390120 CUBA No Yes Coronary Artery Disease ATL 9-iRODRIGUEZ, Jose Rangel M 19711108 GUATE 20040227 Columbia Care Center, Columbia, SC 20040303 Richland Memorial Hospital, ColumbiaSC 20040303 Kern County Jail Not KnOwn Yes Histoplasmosis SepsiS- SFR 7 IMOSLEY, Hector 8 ,HERNANDEZ, Wilfredo -'0 ISOLIS-PEREZ, M~~F~-+'1-=9"'59;-;1;-;:0-=20o-f;oEc,-L"SA7L'--+~2"'0""04~0"'3""06=+-'Je-off'--e-rso-n---;;Co-u-n7ty-J-;-aOO-i1-- --+c Yes ----yes Subarachnoid HemoIThage due to Ruptured Berry Aneurysm 11 PEREZ_A,-cy"A7LA-'-,"Mc:: an=-u·"ei:.------.M.---+.1-=94-;c9"'1"2;;;2:-.4-r.C"'U"B"A.---+---o2"'0""04..0"3'"1"2f;oR'-::oc=-he=st7e:-:r-oF"'ed"e:-:ra=-I"M:-'e=-d"'ica=I--+'Y-;Ce:-:s---'y7e:-:s--+S"u-cd;-;d.-'e'--n-oC:Ca:-:;rdiac Death Center No Yes 12 MENDEZ-SACCA, Cartos M 19740904 HONDU AIDS 20040319 Guadalupe City Jail 13 SATKUNES-WARAN, Kandiah M 19640506 SRILA 20040418 Middlesex County Jail 1---.174 T.;-FA"N"'K""E""U',"sa=-m=-o'u·,-----M;;:-:--+1;-;96=60"'6:c;1"'6-r.C"A"M,.E~R..--+-c2"'0'"0:.-4"'05:c;1:.-l\;;IN'"S..-:.-Ai"'rpo=rt'H"o/"d.------r. Not Known Yes Natural Causes HOU DEN HOU NEW -c:----c;Ye=-s,---+A..I"D"S---------f;C"H"I---j N-c:ot7;;K=-no=-wn cc 7c=-ut 7e=-P"u'lm=on=-a"'ry"E~m"'b"o-"li=-s-+KA=N-;:--j 15 FIGUEREDO-LOPEZ, ----.M.--+.-c "U""BA.----t-"20 . .04=05""2"9:r.("B"O"P)"S"pn:-:,"'ngfi=lel"d"F.-:ed=er"'aJ'--+N"0,-------.Y es,----+A 19"'5'"8"'06"'0"8'--tC Juan Medical Center, Springfield, MO I 16 RUST, Richard M 19700405 JAMAl 20040529 (BOP) Oakdale Community Hospital, Oakdale, LA Yes 20040615 Pike County Jail, Milford, PA No Yes Cardiac Arrhythmia I',FNL 17 MENDEZ, Enrlqu-e---'M.----+.1"'9"3"'30..8"2"'3--+M=ex=IC.---+--:-:;2'"0"'04 -:c0 ..6"1'4r.E=iLc:;Ce~n7tro-=;S"'p"'C:=-='=-'------+N"0------.Y-;-e-s---+M;;:-:et;-a-sti·'c-cC"'a-r-cci'--no-m-a-o'f ----+SND 18 HERRERA·TERAN, Jose 19 MARTINEZ, Jose Alberto M M 19330412 19570124 19300914 CUBA DR GUATE 20040728 Hampton Roads Regional Jail-;- No Portsmouth, VA 20040801 Columbia Care Center, No Columbia, SC lOf5 Prostate Gland Myocardial Infarction PHI ------ye.-- Sepsis - - - - - - - - - WAS Yes Renal Failure------ MIA Yes Immigration and Cusloms Enforcement List of Detainee Deaths Since OCtober 2003 21 ENRIQUEZBETANCOURT, N M 22 MEJIA ViCENTES, Sebastian 23 SOCA-ROS, OIalio 19490521 CUBA M 19770225 MEXIC M 19381203 CUBA 24 SINGH, Bhupinder M 19560103 INDIA 25 RUIZ-TABARES, Ervin M 19800325 COlOM 26 REYE5-ALTIMIRANO. Simon 27 LOPEZ-LARA, Jose M 19790324 M 28 ZAROU, Jose M 29 DANTICA, Joseph 20040811 Etowah County Detention Center, Gadsden, AL Ves 20040822 Hampton Roads Regional Jail, Portsmouth, VA 20040823 Krome Service Processing Center, Miami, FL Yes Ves --~Ves Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease FNL Hanging WAS Ves Ves 20040921 Columbia Care Center, No Columbia, SC 20040925 (BOP) Guaynabo Metropolitan Ves Detention Center, San Juan, PR Yes End Stage Renal Disease WAS No Hanging MIA HONDU 20041012 EL Paso SPC No Ves Brain Tumor FEP 19481020 MEXIC 20041024 Eloy Federal Contract Facility Ves Yes Cerebral Infarct 19481018 ARGEN Ves Yes Cardiac Tamponade M 19230207 HAITI Yes Ves 19560103 HAITI Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis Drowning r;r-- 19570106 CUBA 20041101 Wicomico Co. Detention Center, SalisbUry, MD 20041103 Krome Service Processing Center, Miami, FL Hampton Roads Regionai Jail, Portsmouth, VA 20041130 (BOP) Devens FMC, Ayer, MA- 32 HERRERA-LIMAS, Pedro M 19421129 CUBA - 20041215 York County Jail 33 M 19720731 MEXIC M 19480224 FIJI 20050104 Otay Detention Facility/CCA, ' San Diego, CA 20050205 Eloy Federal Contract Facility M F 19540213 19770824 KOREA ALGER 37 ITUNON-ABEAL, Jose--M- 19520407 CUBA 38 VARGAS, Nhung 39 CRUZ GARCIA, Rene 19680923 19520312 VIETN CUBA 19581004 GUATE --- 30 FILS-AIME, Yvel 31 ANACHE-CAMPOS, Luis SARABIA-VALLASENOR, Ignacio 34 NAND, Maya (aka NARID, Maya) 35 HEO, Sung Soo 36 BELBACHIR, Hassiba F M 40 AlVAREZ-ESQUIVa-M Walter 41 AHMAD, Tanveer-- M PAKIS t~"~ 20050216 Passaic County Jail 20050317 McHenry County Jail, Woodstock, Il 20050522 Tensas Parish Detention Ctr ,- Yes ves Monmouth County Jail (NJ) 2015 EAZ -~ MIA WAS Cardiac Ari~'---' IBOS -'~HI No Ves Carcinoma of Lung- - Ves Yes Sudden Cardiac Arrest - SND Unknown Ves Cardiac Arrest EAZ Ves Ves Yes Ves Hanging AsphyXia VAR CHI Yes Ves Acute Renal Failure ATL Ves Ves Cardiac Arrest ATL Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer ATl Yes Acute Hemorrhagic Cerebral Vascular Accident LRD Occlusive Coronary-Atherosclerosis NEW 20050608 Harris County Jail No 20050611 (BOP) Butner Medical Center _ Butner, NC 20050630 Laredo Contract Detention No Facility 20050909 Ves ves-- Hypertensive, Atherosclerotic MIA Heart Disease Ves Immigration and Customs Enforcement List of Detainee Oaaths Since October 2003 42 DELAPAZ, Eduardo M 19351013 MEXIC 20050927 Columbia Ca,., Center, Columbia, SC No Ves Acute Cerebral Vascular ICHL Accident--Ju.;" 7 1--c4C=3-+'P"'RA=D'"'O-A0--7=R=E""N"'C'"IL-'IA~,---'M"--+1~9"'6=1711~1"'0e-t=C""U=BA"---+-'2"'0"'0=5 10"'0"'3+'H'o0"-u='s"'tonTexas-...,...,c"D"'F;=-----+.-;Y-=-es=----No=----r.-S-=-e-=-zuccr=erD<cis=-o=Order---- IHOIT Reinaldo 1---o4-47--+.;S'7A"'N~C"'H;EZ"'_=R=O=D"'R;;:IGo;;U-.E~Z·,---;M.---/-;-1::c95;c;1c;;0=90"'9o--l"C""U=B=A---t---;;2::C 00"'5;;;1""'03"'0.c("'B"'O=pf ButnerM8dicalCenter :-rN"o=---' Yes Sergio Butner, NC ~~i~::O-ABREO, M 19430222 CUBA 46 LEDESMAN-GUERREO, M 193310·10 ME~ 45 47 SALAZAR-GOMEZ, Juan Ro~rto M 19760624 MEXIC 48 KENLEY, Sandia Marina F 19530503 BARBA 1---c4=9c+.M"Uc;;Ro;;Po;;HY=,·V"i=-nce=n~t Metastlc Carcinoma of i , Un9jATL - Yes Yes AcuteMyOc8idia~:~nrarct~:n ILCiS_ 20051202 SND District Staging No Yes Cardiorespiratory Failure tSND 20051214 Eloy Federal Contract Facility No Yes Hanging 20051115 San Pedro SPC 20051218 Hampton Roads Regional Jail, Yes Yes Portsmouth, VA ---;M . .-+-o-1;;;-94~6"'0=6=05.hJA~M=A~1-+=-2"'0;;;0=6=02"'0"4,tS"'ufIo.I..kciC"'0='•-.;-H"O;;;C.-----+.,Y-=-es=----Yes ::u: ~ - - - - - EAt- Acute Coronary Insufficiency DC Hypertensive Cardiovascular BOS Disease Asphyxia LA 50 GARCIA-SANCHEZ, M 19841119COLOM 20060210(BOP)Oakdale,Oakdale,LA Yes Yes Felipe 51 GARCIA-MEJIA, M 19790318 HONDU Yes Asphyxia 20060318 Newton Co. Correctional Center Yes Geovanny Newton, TX 52 INAMAGUA-MERCHA, F 19751119 ECUAD Yes Yes 20060404 Ramsey ADC Annex Neurocystlcercosis Maria 53 RODRIGUEZ CASTRO, M 20060423 Kern Co. Jail Bakersfield, CA Yes Yes Cryptococcal Meningitis 19770621 ELSAL Walter 54 RODRIGUEZ-GONZALEZ, M 19630119 MEXIC 20060521 San Pedro SPC - San Pedro Yes Yes Sequelae of Chronic Renal Miguel Peninsula Hospital Failure CC 55 OSMAN, Yusw----'M..--+-=19"'7"'2=0·10 . .7d=G""HA=NA..---!---;2;;;0=0=60"'6;;-;2"'7f. isS"a:::n~OlegOS'''p~C'.=-O'''t=a:::y=MO:es=a,--+.Y:;:e=-sc----Y-e-s-·--tC·o=ro=-n=-a:=ry=-V"a-=-s=-c=-u"'lit CA Coronary Artery- - - Yes Atherosclerosis 57 KIM, Young Sook F 19481105 KOREAN 20060911 Bernalillo County Detention Ctr No Yes Widely Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer 58 SINGH, Jamer M 19651108 INDIA 20060920 Lerdo Pretrial Facility, Yes Yes Severe Atherosclerotic Heart Bakersfield CA Disease 59 LOPEZ-GREGORIO, Jose M 19740101 GUATE 20060929 Eloy CCA Facility, EJoy AZ Yes Asphyxia Yes 60 CARLOS-CORTEZ, M Raudel 61 MARTINEZ-RIVAS-,- - - M Antonio 6i' CERVANTES-CORONA, M Jesus 63 ABDEULAYE, Sail M 19840911 MEXICO 1961i119 MEXICO 19640716 MEXICO 19560427 GUINEA 20061003 Mira Loma Detention Ctr., Lancaster CA 20061004 Houston, Texas CDF HOU SPM 'SNF ILCiS CA ODF BOS ABQ BKI EAZ NIA Yes Asphyxia Yas yes Complications of Hang;ng-iHOU . 20061118 Northwest Detantion Ctr. Tacoma, WA Yes Yes Atherosclerotic 20061202 Piedmont Regional Jail, Farmville Virginia Yes Yes Artery Disease Hemoperitoneum due to spontaneous rupture of right 30f5 LOS coronary-'--~ I"" DC Immigration and Customs Enlorcement List of Detainee Deaths Since October 2003 NYC ---NEW--,-,::-:---j"S-=-eq-=-uc:a::ciuc:e,-o=<I"Ac::cq-=-u"'j=re"'d' CAImmune Deficiency Syndrome SPC 68 CONTRERAS-·F=-+'1;-;9O;7.c10·~9;-;1""7f-;-M;;E=;:X'"IC"'0"'-+-;2"'0ft.07"0"'8ft.07~E·L"'P-=-as=o"S"'P"C'--DOMINGUEZ, Rosa Iseia 69 --+.cY-es---YeS-+':-Pu·lm-on-a-ry---·--·-t;E'"L"P,...--I Thromboembolism DE ARAUJO, Edimar M 19721009 BRAZIL 20070807 Providence RI Field Office 70 GUEVARA-LAZARO, Alejandro M 19860304 MEXICO 20070813 EL Paso SPC f-=7'71+G'"'0'"'NC7.ZA=L-'E'"'Zc-_~B~A~EZ=,'C=Ce-s-a-r'M~--+-"19;-;7;-;2"'0-=20=C2±cM"'EX=IC"'0=-+--c2'"'00=7:C12;-;0'"'7"M'""i'ra--cL'0-m-a--cD=e't-en--Ct7ion----C<"'t-r Yes Yes AcU1e Intoxication due to the I'BOS Combined Effects of Cocaine and Hydroxyzine Yes Yes Ruptured Berry Aneurysm ollELP'" the Right Middle Cerebral Artery __ ~ ..- --b.N'o-----cY""e-s---+.=E·le'ct-!-crocution ------1[os 72 ,GUMAYAGAY, Pedro M 19570527 Philippines Lancaster CA 20080128 Stewart Detention Ctr 73 DIAZ·SALGADO, Alejandro 74 SUARES.ALMENARES, M 19590522 Cuba 20080203 Basile Detention Ctr No Yes M 19351111 Cuba 20080302 Middlesex County Jail No Ves No Yes !Arturo Metaslic Adenocarcinoma 01 ATL Lungs MUlti-System Organ Failure LAOAK Hypertensive and NEW arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease with CHF and severe pUlmonary edema I 75 DUBEGEL·PAEZ, Luis M 19470731 CUBA 20080314 Rolling Plains Detention Clr, TX Yes Yes Hypertension and iALL Atherosclerotic Heart Disease A~ 76 JOSEPH, Valery M 19840707 Haiti 20080620 Glades Detention Center, Florida Yes Yes Seizure Disorder 20080708 Pinal County Jail No Yes No Yes MIA 1---:7'=7-+'V""A~LA-=S"Q~U~EZ=-,~A-m7b-r-o-C1··o-'M"'----+-"19=C6'"'5~1-=2~19±G"'U~A-=T-=E""",,-+---c2;-;0'"'0"'8-=06;-;2'"'7"'P=-e:::rry=C=-0-u-nty'"'C·0-rr-ac-t'io-n-a·' C=tc-r--l"'N'o----.... Ye-s--+..C'a·r-d'io-p-u'lm-o-na-ryAiTest 78 CANALES BACA, Rogelio M 19720328 HONDU 79 DAWOOD, Nail Yoursel 19660813 Iraq 20080721 Eloy Federal Contract Facility 80 NG, Hiu Lui 19740803 China 20080806 Wyatt Detention 81 BARNETI, Edwin 19500822 JAMAl 20080812 PlymoU1h County HOC M -----M M ~··--hY-·e-s--~Y;;s--- 1---:8"2-+.0·WU=~S""U', E=m-m-a-nu-e"7I--'M,.,----+"""719=c4""6'"'0"71710±G~HA=N""A,.......-+--2=coo=8~10=CQ6d E'"'I-oy--=Fed-"'e-ral Conlract Facility 83 BAIRES, Juan M 19820427 EI Salvador 20081112 Kern County Jail 4015 Hanging Coronary Artery NOL - - _ . FLO va~litis .~O Complications 01 Metastatic Hepatocellular CA HAR No Yes Sepsis BOS No Yes Complications 01 AcU1e"CVA EAZ PendiiiQ Prelim Only Pending ---8m Immigration and Cusloms Enlorcament List 01 Detainee Deaths Since October 2003 ~ SAVLAB, Hadayalullah M 19500621 Afgha 20081125 Otero County Jail No Ves NEWBOROUGH, Guido M 19600421 Germany 20081128 Piedmont Regional Jail, Farmville Virginia 20081227 laSalie Detention Center Ves Ves Complications of Cirrhosis of Uver ----CVA 87 ALVAREZ GOMEZ, Jose M--r-19790518 HONDU Pending Pending Pending 88 MARTINEZ, Julio M 19560921 Mexico 20090104 Eloy Federal Contract Facility Pending Pending Pending M 19790409 GUATE 20090112 laSalle Detention Center Pending Pending Pending 89 CORONADQ..GABRIEl, Claudio 90 Jimenez-Rojas, Sergio M 19840515 Mexico 20090207 Tensas Parish Detention Ctr 5015 Pend",-g- Pending ATl ----- ATl Pending----- --- --+OAK-