Indiana Department of Toxicology Drug Test Errors 2004-2006
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From: To: Date: Killllm:KLliH.i.JJa.t::L. Method Peter' Tuesday, May 11, 2004 11:02:59 AM Pete, Nati mentioned to me that there was a problem with drug screen testing of blood and urine samples in the forensic laboratory. Apparently, the drug screens that were performed by Dana dating from February through the beginning of May were performed incorrectly (not according to the operating procedures), and results were apparently reported on these samples. I am not sure how many samples this affected. Nati was advised to inform you of the situation and to provide you details on the breadth of the problem. Although I have not been involved with the laboratory since January of this year (when Nati was hired as the supervisor of the forensic laboratory), I feel the obligation to ensure that you have been appraised of this situation. Lisa M. Kamendulis, Ph.D. Division of Toxicology Indiana University School of Medicine 63S Barnhill Drive, MS 550 Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-274-7824 From: .~j.0!JJ.Q~r To: pumaual Natividad C; BDS Monday, May 17, 20044:11:42 PM Subject: Date: I had asked that you send me a daily update of what's going on. I haven't gotten anything yet. MUST get this information, even if no testing was done on that day. After thinking about the condition of the P-Lab, as described in the notes you sent me, I believe that we need to at least survey all tests done over the three months. How can we be sure that the results obtained were correct without checking? Contamination in the instrument may have caused some problems that would not be detectable in looking at the data we have. Please schedule retests of all 80S done in the three months. I don't know whether I'll be in tomorrow, or any other day this week, because of the jury duty. Please send the daily emails. If I am in, I'll call you. If not, I'll check the email each evening, and respond as I can. Thanks. Peter F. Method, Ph. D. Acting Director Indiana State Department of Toxicology 950 North Meridian Street, Suite 960 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: FAX: (317) 274-7825 (317) 278-2836 From: MQ.ll:l9sL...2gliir: To: Subject: Date: Attachments: lli;illL,Uil U~L!!!.:{IQill1Ji Papers you sent Friday, May 21,20044:20:36 PM Qlood eJn;q sm~!'n., (1escrrill.illl1.;Y,1L, 13.04 .£J"M rd'clI'rmt.xI2 I don't understand why you sent the papers you did, I got all the results from 5/12, What I will need are the other ones, The spreadsheet you sent me earlier today had only the initial retests, It didn't include the ones done since 5/12, Those are what I need, I have reworked the spreadsheet you sent over with the initial 103 results, The revised sheet is attached, It shows that there were 18 of that initial set that were discrepant, rather than the 16 you Initially concluded, I have a question, You identified with an asterisk the discrepancies (actually, all but 2), and you had a note saying that the ones with the asterisk had already been confirmed to be negative by GC/MS, I assume this includes the ones that were positive initially, but were found to be negative on 80S retest. The ones that were negative initially would not have been run by GClMS, Is this correct? I will plan to come over on Monday morning to go over this with you, It's difficult to communicate by email. I'll be over about 9:30, Peter F, Method, Ph,D, Acting Director Indiana State Department of Toxicology 950 North Meridian Street, Suite 960 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: FAX: (317) 274-7825 (317) 278-2836 BLOOD DRUG SCREEN DISCREPANCIES * confirmed negative by GC/MS Initial Test Date 2/10/2004 Drug Cocaine CASE # 2110/2004 3110/2004 3/3112004 313112004 2/1012004 21412004 21412004 Cocaine 210/04' 485104 • 313104 627104 226/04' 2/412004 21412004 2/1012004 211012004 2110/2004 2/1012004 2110/2004 2110/2004 2/10/2004 211012004 2110/2004 2/10/2004 2/10/2004 2110/2004 2110/2004 2110/2004 2110/2004 2110/2004 2/1012004 212312004 2123/2004 212312004 212312004 2124/2004 2/2412004 2/2512004 212512004 3/512004 31512004 31512004 Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cannabinoids Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine 5113/2004 176104' 187/04 2575/03 194104 195104 177 104 216/04 219/04 229104 235104 239/04 209104 217 104 224/04 227104 230104 231 /04 232/04 233104 236/04 237104 238104 25904 261 104 262104 272104 281 /04 289/04 317104 320104 391104 401 104 407/04 Initial Result negative negative negative negative negative negative positive positive negative positive negative negative negative negative negative negative negative negative positive negative negative negative negative negative negative negative positive negative positive positive positive positive negative negative positive positive positive positive Date reatested 5/1212004 511212004 5/1212004 5/1212004 5112/2004 5112/2004 5/12/2004 5/1212004 5112/2004 511212004 5112/2004 5112/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5112/2004 5112/2004 5112/2004 5/1212004 511212004 5112/2004 5/12/2004 5112/2004 5/1212004 5112/2004 5112/2004 5112/2004 5112/2004 5/1212004 5112/2004 5/12/2004 5/1212004 5112/2004 5112/2004 5112/2004 511212004 511212004 5/1212004 5/1212004 Retest result positive positive positive positive positive positive positive positive negative positive negative negative negative negative negative negative negative negative positive negative negative negative negative negative negative negative positive negative positive positive positive positive negative negative positive positive positive positive Pes to Neg FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Copy of blood drug Screens descrepancy 5 1304 PFM reformaLxls, Page 1 of 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Neg to Pos TRUE 1 TRUE 1 TRUE 1 TRUE 1 TRUE 1 TRUE 1 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 Overall -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BLOOD DRUG SCREEN DISCREPANCIES 5/13/2004 * confirmed negative by GC/MS Initial Test Date Drug CASE # 3/5/2004 3/5/2004 3/1012004 3/11/2004 3/11/2004 3/11/2004 3/19/2004 3/19/2004 3/22/2004 3/22/2004 3/22/2004 3/22/2004 3/22/2004 3/22/2004 3/24/2004 3/24/2004 3/26/2004 3/26/2004 3/26/2004 3/26/2004 3/26/2004 3/26/2004 3/31/2004 3/31/2004 3/31/2004 3/31/2004 3/31/2004 3/31/2004 3/31/2004 3/31/2004 3/31/2004 4/5/2004 4/5/2004 4/5/2004 4/15/2004 4/15/2004 4/15/2004 4/15/2004 Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine 411/04 412104 466104 463/04 476/04 477 /04 585/04 587104 506/04 513104 514/04 539/04 504/04 551/04 554/04 586/04 359/04 601 /04 612/04 606/04 611 /04 600/04 354/04 355/04 372/04 624104 507/04 630/04 634/04 635/04 6461.04 652/04 668/04 670/04 679104 369/04 695/04 689104 Initial Result positive negative positive negative positive positive positive negative positive positive positive positive negative negative negative negative positive positive positive negative negative negative negative positive positive positive positive positive positive positive negative positive positive negative negative negative positive negative Date reatested 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/1212004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 5/12/2004 Retest result positive negative positive negative positive positive positive negative positive positive positive positive negative negative negative negative positive positive positive negative negative negative negative positive positive positive positive positive positive positive negative positive positive negative negative negative positive negative Pas to Neg FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Copy of blood drug screens descrepancy 5 13 04 PFM reformat.xls, Page 2 of 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Neg to Pos FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overall 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BLOOD DRUG SCREEN DISCREPANCIES , confirmed negative Initial Test Date 412312004 4123/2004 211012004 2/1012004 211012004 2/10/2004 2110/2004 211012004 2110/2004 2/1012004 2/1012004 211012004 2/10/2004 2/10/2004 2110/2004 21412004 21412004 211012004 212312004 3126/2004 411512004 411512004 4/1512004 411512004 4115/2004 4/15/2004 4/15/2004 Total cases 5/13/2004 by GC/MS Drug CASE # Cocaine Cocaine Cannabinoids Cannabinoids Cannabinoids Cannabinoids Cannabinoids Cannabinoids Cannabinoids Cannabinoids Cannabinoids Cannabinoids Cannabinoids Cannabinoids Cannabinoids Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine 731 104 734104 177 04 216104 219104 220104 229104 215/04 218104 224/04 227104 228/04 237/04 238/04 240/04 188104' 199104' 240104' 244104' 396104' 1282103' 682104 ' 687102' 688104 ' 685104' 694104' 705104' 103 Initial Result positive positive negative positive positive positive positive negative negative positive positive positive positive positive negative positive positive positive positive positive positive positive positive positive positive positive positive Date reatested 5/1212004 511212004 511212004 511212004 5/1212004 511212004 5112/2004 5112/2004 511212004 5112/2004 5112/2004 5/1212004 5/1212004 5112/2004 511212004 511212004 511212004 511212004 511212004 5112/2004 511212004 5/1212004 511212004 511212004 511212004 5/1212004 5/1212004 Retest result positive positive negative positive positive positive positive negative negative positive positive positive positive positive negative negative negative negative negative negative negative negative negative negative negative negative negative Total discrepancies Percent 18 17.5 Pos to Neg FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 TRUE 1 TRUE 1 TRUE 1 TRUE 1 TRUE 1 TRUE 1 TRUE 1 TRUE 1 TRUE 1 TRUE 1 TRUE 1 TRUE 1 Neg to Pos FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 FALSE 0 Overall Wrong Positives Wrong Negatives 12 11.7 6 5.8 Copy of blood drug screens descrepancy 5 13 04 PFM reformat.xls, Page 3 of 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 From: .ti.QjJ1Q_Q... J:'{i.t(~: To: .G.!~\!s:JgjU;alv i\ Subject: Date: Attachments: Monday, May 24,20041:04:42 PM JiDS rncilccks S,7A,04.doc Revised BOS letter Here is the letter I wanI to print. You have the list of Toxicology Case numbers. Use the date of May 25, 2004 for the letters. Print one for each case number. I might have up to six more later this afternoon. Peter F. Method, Ph.D. Acting Director Indiana State Department of Toxicology 950 North Meridian Street, Suite 960 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: FAX: (317) 274- 7825 (317) 278-2836 (Date) Re: Retest results on Toxicology Case Number (Tox case) During an internal laboratory review, we discovered that an Analyst who recentiy left the lab did not perform blood drug screen tests properly during the period February through April,2004. We have repeated screen testing for all samples from this time period. Most results were unchanged. However, some tests gave different results from those reported earlier. The enclosed results for blood drug screens only are to supercede the ones recorded in the earlier report. These changes do not affect any confirmatory testing results. Procedures are in place to prevent such a situation from recurring. In addition, we are scheduling an external review of our entire lab operation to ensure that our procedures and training are complete. If the initial screen test resulted in "Negative", and the retest resulted in "Presumptive Positive", we will be performing a confirmation test on the sample for further verification. Those results will be sent as soon as they are available. Please note that drug screen tests are not conclusive, and that they require confirmation testing to verify. We apologize for any inconvenience the earlier results may have caused. Please call me at 317-274-7825 or the Lab Supervisor, Nati Dumaual at 317-278-2443 if you have any questions. Peter F. Method, PhD. Acting Director From: i'.1Q!JlQ.(J.,.. p.(~t!~r To: .Q1!!lliluai Ncliivid,K! G Subject: Date: Monday, May 24, 2004 5:16:28 PM RE: 8DS retests I got your phone message. 210/04 will not need a letter. However the other five listed below do need one, even though for some the confirmation results have been sent. Our records must be complete. Peter F. Method, Ph.D. -----Original Message----From: Dumaual, Natividad G Sent: Monday, May 24, 20042:57 PM To: Method, Peter Subject: RE: 60S retests Sorry, missed your 244/04. You did not put any case number like you did with the rest.. The 210/04 all along was positive and confirmed positive by GCMS. Was reported by February as positive. No, it was never reported as negative like I told you. When I was transferring the results in my worksheet j put it as negative because it was indertiminate .. my mistake it should have been positive. I did cross it out and put pas on top of my neg but failed to see the line over my neg .. That's why original report to you was negative. Anyway it was done right in the first place .. -----Original Message----From: Method, Peter [] Sent: Monday, May 24, 20043:01 PM To: Dumaual, Natividad G Subject: RE: 60S retests That last item - did you mean 244/04? This is the one that tested negative initially, but was reported positive. Now, I'm concerned about this other matter. How did the report get sent out with the wrong result? Could this have happened with other samples? Peter F. Method, Ph.D. -----Original Message----From: Dumaual, Natividad G Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 12:46 PM To: Method, Peter Subject: RE: 60S retests DR M Okay here they are: Previous results reported Results that are already in the hands of the Agency 176/04 negative positive 210/04 RETESTS negative 226/04 negative (THC) 1282/03 positive positive positive negative (confirmed by GCMS) 199/04 positive negative(confirmed byGCMS) 396104 positive negative 210104 tested ne9ative previously but the result went out as positive.This was our error in entering results. When retested it was positive.. So we do not have to amend a corrected report. We will just do the confirmation. This results are from the worksheet print out. This tallies with the result from 5/21/04. If you have are questions, let me know. ND -----Original Message----From: Method, Peter [] Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 12:58 PM To: Dumaual, Natividad G Subject: 8DS retests I checked the notes you sent me about the errors in the initial list you sent over. I've corrected those, but there are still a few that appeared on the initial list that are not the same on the list you gave me this morning. Here are the differences: Initially given as Negative, but Presumptive Positive on retest: 176/04 for Cocaine; 210/04 for cocaine; 226/04 for cannibinoids Initially given as Presumptive Positive, but Negative on retest (all for cocaine): 1282/03; 199/04; 396/04 On initial list as initially Presumptive Positive, and on retest as Negative; on final list (9iven to me on 5/24) the results are reversed. Please look at the results for these discrepancies, and let me know the actual status. Thanks. Peter F. Method, Ph.D. Acting Director Indiana State Department of Toxicology 950 North Meridian Street, Suite 960 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: FAX: (317) 274-7825 (317) 278-2836 From: 1'10.11lQrLE.ct(;.t: To: Durnaual N':ltivid;'1(j G Subject: Date: RE: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 3:56:38 PM Internally, I don't care what you call it. DO NOT use that or any similar term in taiking to anyone from outside the Department. Using disparaging terms could lead to test resuits being excluded from court. All we need is for a defense attorney to quote that description when you are testifying. No amount of other testimony couid erase the impression that would give. Peter F. Method, Ph.D. -----Original Message----From: Dumaual, Natividad G Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 2:33 PM To: Method, Peter Subject: RE: Oh Yeah II! The GC/MS works so good that I call it the SiNKING MACHINE. She never let me down, and it always work for me during this times, so I thought that that's the best name for it . THE STINKING MACHINE. If people have a problem with that then I'm sorry I won't change the name, and I will always call her THE STINKING MACHINE .. Nati From: Method, Peter [] Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 11:52 AM To: Dumauai, Natividad G Subject: FW: I got this request yesterday, and have answered the questions. However, I'm not pleased with the phrase in red below. If that is reasonably accurate, it is not an appropriate way to discuss our problems with clients, and it is inaccurate. There are many instruments (not machines) in our lab, though only one GC/MS. Of greater concern is the way it is worded. If the description "stinking machine" was used, that can imply that the instrument is not a good one (though I realize that wasn't intended). The comment, if accurate, was probably due to frustration. However, everyone in the lab needs to be civil and direct in answering such inquiries. For instance "With limited resources and fixed funding, our turn-around times have increased." If that doesn't satisfy them, refer them to me. Thanks. Peter F. Method, Ph.D. -----Original Message----From: McClure, Rebecca [] Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 3:27 PM To: Method, Peter Subject: Hi Pete. A prosecutor called our office last week and raised some questions concerning your lab that I hope you can answer for us. It seems this prosecutor's office submitted a blood sample to your lab for testing. They received from your lab a preliminary/screening report saying that the sample contained meth. The prosecutor's office requested confirmatory testing on June 14. Last week the prosecutor called your lab to ascertain when they could anticipate the final report on the testing of this sample. She was told that it would be 6 months before a final report would be issued. ,> Here are the questions that the prosecutor poses: 1. Are drug samples run in lots (by the kind of drug the analyst anticipates he/she will find in the sample)? 2. Is there a timetable - as to when particular drug screens are run? 3. 4. How is it determined when a particular sample will be tested? Will your lab do a confirmatory test on a sample without first running a screening test? I will look forward to hearing from you and will plan to forward your responses to the prosecutor who called. Thanks, Becky McClure From: To: Subject: Date: Attachments: !:'1(:.\hilll.. . P.Cll:::l !lD5_~Q,Jji~ IPAC letterFriday, October 14, 2005 4:54:37 PM t:1Q.0.t.,lLl9..I.."!QYL:.liJ2ELtCJ..<.Qm: Here is the lelter I have prepared for IPAC. Do you have any recommendations for wording" (I haven't checked yet for typos.) When I get back from Nashville, I will decide what we can do with available funds. I should also know whether there is a surplus GC/MS available; Jason Barclay, Mitch Daniels' Legal Counsel, is getting tllat information. Concerning the Advisory Panel, I got a call fro Steve Johnson. He suggests that someone on the Governor's Council should select the panel. That may be a sticking point. We'll see. Peter F. Method, Ph.D. Acting Director tndiana State Department of Toxicology 950 North Meridian Street, Suite 960 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: FAX: (317) 274-7825 (317) 278-2836 From: To: SUbject: Date: Attachments: !:J!2lliQI.t..J~l,js..:i ~.l':lli:;!liilllJS.,. IPAC letter revision Friday, October 28, 2005 10:48:49 AM Jj.0.d..!n£Lt!JU1JJ:l~L~10~.Q2.:.11)1h)lL_\.H.!JCJ.1CLd.0{ How does this one feel? Peter F. Method, Ph,D. Acting Director Indiana State Department of Toxicology 950 North Meridian Street, Suite 960 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: FAX: (317) 274-7825 (317) 278-2836 (date) Mr. Steve Johnson Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys' Council 302 West Washington Street Room E205 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Dear Mr. Johnson: This is a follow-up to our meeting on September 26. First of all, thanks to you, Becky and Joel for the excellent information you provided about your concems regarding our current operation. Here are some ways in which we are addressing the six concerns we discussed. 1. There were two samples from Warren County for which initial negative Cannabinoids results were erroneously reported as negative. Though these are only two results out of thousands of tests performed by OUI' department, the errors are not acceptable to us. Upon investigation of these two samples, Toxicology Case Numbers 1681/05 and 1744/05, we have found the cause, and have implemented changes to prevent this type of error from reoccurring. 2. Our confirmation tum-around times are greater than everyone would like them to be, including us. We are obtaining a second instrument (Gas chromatograph with Mass Selective detector - GC/MS), which will allow for more testing to be performed, though availability of analysts might limit the improvement. Any information that you could provide about closed cases would assist in this process. 3. Prioritization of confirmation testing is needed. The addition of a second GCIMS will help with this. We will also be requesting some guidance from submitting officers or prosecutors on the order in Which confirmation testing is performed in those cases in which there are multiple drug classes that are Presumptive Positive on screen tests. It may be that confirming one or two classes would provide all the information needed for a particular case. Since confirmation of each class takes a significant amount of time, prioritizing this testing could significantly decrease the time to obtain needed results; it could also assist in improving overall turn-around time for confirmations. 4. We are also making changes to improve tum-around time on drug and alcohol screen tests. With the recent hiring of a technician to replace the one that left during the Summer, and with another technician now able to perform tests after her wrist surgery, the turn-around should improve. We are also hiring a person to handle paperwork now done by Technicians, which will allow them to spend their time doing testing. 5. My availability for testimony is limited, as we all know. We discussed the possibility of using faculty members of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology for assistance. I am presently evaluating how this could be done, and should have a detailed plan by early November. 6. An Advisory Panel for the State Department of Toxicology is a good idea. I am planning to implement this before the end of the year. With these changes, we should see improved turn-around for laboratory samples and more availability for testimony over the next few months. I trust that this information will assist you in discussions with your Board and other Prosecutors about our Department. I will keep you informed about progress on each of these items. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions, comments, or suggestions. Thank you again for your important input. Sincerely, Peter F. Method, Ph.D. Acting Director From: To: Subject: Date: .Q\.!!llilllilL.. h!.iiIi,{l\J~1.d, ..G .t1ethoc! Pder RE: Anthony Sibley Monday, July 24, 2006 2:26:37 PM Dr Method, Our report shows positive for cocaine and opiates. The order was blood drug acreeen and alcohol. On 6/7 the blood alcohol was tested none detected and reported as none detected. The problem that we have in our data base is when you hit none detected on our panel blood drug screen which includes alcohol, everything will report as none detected. In other words we were not careful and did not detect that everything went out as none detected on June 23. On June 29 according to our chain of custody, we did the blood drug screen by Randox and reported as presumptive positive for cocaine and opiates and that is the July 7 report that they received. I send an e-mail to Attorney Zych already explaining the problem. Everybody was advised in the lab abou t this problem and hopefully aware of the consequences. Nati -----Original Message----From: Method, Peter [!lli1ill:Q.;;,thod (dli URli i. E'd u] Sent: Monday, July 24, 20069:36 AM To: Dumaual, Natividad G Subject: FW: Anthony Sibley I talked with NMS. Their test code 1866 is a screen for about 200 drugs - both therapeutic and abuse. Cost is $89. Please send a quote to Mr. Zych, at the Marion County Prosecutor's Office. Thanks. Peter F. Method, Ph.D. -----Original Message----From: Edward Zych [mailto:EZY£:I-I(dllndY9mLOlQ] Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 6:29 PM To: Method, Peter Subject: Anthony Sibley We sent a sample of his blood to be tested at your lab. The results came back negative on all screens. 1666/06 However, all parties who came into contact with him felt that he was impaired on some sort of drug. He was driving at least 80mph in a 35mph zone, he hit one car in the road, was going across all lanes of traffic, hit another car then hit my victims car at 80mph and killed him. He was paranoid, kept saying people were after him, he had the "1000 yard stare", he could not sit still and when told that he killed someone he laughed. I know your lab does not test for all substances. We think he might be on PCP or a hallucinogenic drug. Can you recommend a lab we can send our blood to for further testing for substances you dont normally test for? I would like a iab that tests for as broad a sample of drugs as possible. Ed Deputy Prosecutor Edward Zych Marion County Prosecutor's Office OVWI Fatality Prosecutor Suite 160 251 E. Ohio St. Indianapolis, IN 46204 From: To: Subject: Date: Attachments: l2illllillli1lJ.'tlIJ.yjQll{LG. J::h'illlQ.d,J:f:.!lli Incident Wednesday, October 11, 2006 7: 12: 30 AM !lKl[j(~_lLlI:W)LLt:b_G[YJ..l.D.lD.n.0,~!fLC We made a mistake on one of the alcohol analysis. I sent out an explanation to submitting officer and Prosecutors office People are stressed uut in 1I11s laboratory, Dr. Method and there will be more mistakes made if nothing has been done on techs .. they are overworked. I won't be surprised if they start quitting because of stress. Nati Dumaual Supervisor I Laboratory Manager Indiana State Department of Toxicology 635 Barnhill Dr. Rm MS 553 Indianapolis, IN 46202 (317)-278-2440 (office) (317)-278-2443 (lab) 10/1 0/06 Officcr B.C Messick Fort Wayne I'D 1320 E Creighton Ave Fort Wayne, Indiana 46803 cc: Karcn Richards Allen Co. Prosecutor Oflice 3,,1 Floor Keystone Bldg 602 S Calhoun St Fort Wayne, Ind 46802-1715 Subject: Wills, Robert A Case 1/ 061'141703 Toxicology Ii 3200/06 DcaI' Sir/Madam: A human error was made dlll'ing the analysis of the spccimen of the above subject. Thc crror was immcdiately discovered after the report of none detected on the Blood ethanol was mailed to the above submitting ofncer and Prosecutor. After repeating the analysis it was found out that the true valuc was 307 mg/dL( 0.30%). We rcgret so much making a significant error and I immcdiately counseled the Technician who performed the analysis. After this incident some minor procedural changes arc being made such as checking the label of the specimcn whcn you takc out from the refrigerator, when you put it in the rack and when your start pipelling thc blood specimcn into the vials and when you load the vial into the instrument samplcr.. We do hope that this error will not happen again. Sincerely, Natividad G. Dumaual Supervisor Depratment of Toxicology From: To: Subject: Date: Attachments: lliwlilllilUJili.iy.!ilil£LG f>1p.thoc! P"'[C"l More Errors!! fVlond<ly, November' 20, 2006 11:00:49 AM ]DQ(!tD.L1J.,lJ.1WIKi~!J.O( lLl£iili:'llLfi..1.112Qili)_L~!.Qf Jill;iJj~llUL5...112D.Q0.,ilQ!.: More corrected reports. nati Nati Dumaual Supervisor / Laboratory Manager Indiana State Department of Toxicology 635 Barnhill Dr. Rm MS 553 Indianapolis, IN 46202 (317)-278-2440 (office) (317)-278-2443 (lab) 'r; Officer Eric Harden 'T'rafalgar Police Dept 1',0 Box 7 Trafalgar,ln 46181 Lance D, Hamncr Johnson Co, Prosecutor Office Oren Wright Bldg 80 SJackson St Franklin, IN 46131 Subject: Colcman, Joseph Tox casc /I 3241/06 Dear Sir: On October 20 th ,2006 we send out a Drug Screen report of None Detected for the above subject, A technical error was made in loading samples in our instrument. Aftcr repeating the wholc batch of analysis, Cannabinoids was detected, We arc sorry fc)r the inconvenience and I made somc necessary changes in our Standard Operating Procedures, to check more than 3 times the names and number of subject belc)I'e loading onto the instrument and to make recommendations to usc barcodes on all our samples, Sincerely, Nati (J, D.ul1aual Supervisor, State 'Ioxicology Officer Timothy Byrne Carmel I'D 3 Civic S-luare Suite 134 Carmel. Ind 46032 Sonia J.Leerkamp Hami [ton Co Prosecutor OJ'flee One llam i[ton Co. S:) Noblesville. In 46060-2330 Subject: Edmunds, Elizabeth Tox case # 3338/06 Dear Sir: On October 20 th ,2006 we send out a Drug Screen report of None Detected for the above subject. A technical error was made in loading samples in our instrument. After repeating the whole batch of analysis, Cannabinoids and Benzodiazepeines were detected. We are sorry for the inconvenience and I made some necessary changes in our Standard Operating Procedures, to check more than 3 times the names and number of subject before loading onto the instrument and to make recommendations to use barcodes on all our samples. Sincerely, Nati G. D.lmaual Supervisor, State Toxicology Ofllcer: Brian Swisher Lance Hamner Greenwood PD 186 Surina Way Greenwood, IN Johnson Co. Prosecutor Off1ce Oren Wright Building 80 S. Jacksun St Franklin, IN 46 I 31 Subject: Edmunds, Elizabeth Tox case II 3237/06 Dear Sir: On October 20 th ,2006 we send out a Drug Screen report of None Detected fiJr the above subject. A technical error was made in loading samples in our instrument. Aftcr repeating the whole batch of analysis, Cannabinoids and Bcnzodiazepines and Methadone were detected. We are sorry for the inconvenience and I made some necessary changes in our Standard Operating Procedures, to chcck more than 3 times the names and num bel' 0 l' subject before loading onto the instrumcnt and to make recommendations to use barcodes on all our samples. Sincerely, Nati G. f).llnaual Supervisor, State Toxicology From: 12!J1.lhllhiL~d..G To: Hc.U1Qd p(.!('! Cc: Subject: Date: Attachments: IiliKlL.I1ll:lliJcl.Jl. Enol's in ttle lab ( 2X) Wednesday, November 15,20069:20:37 AM inDIO"!!)! 1\'!2Ql..L.Ultl'iLJ.HHlli.dDL This occurred again when Viola was out due to injury. Cheryl has to do Blood volatiles and Drug screens. I guess it was too much to do two tasks at the same time, result"' Made an error. It's about time for us to examine our priorities. Instruments?/ Technicians? Or Both. Vacations/sick/injury Is all unavoidable. No matter 110W I tell our Techs to be careful if we are overwhelmed by samples/deadlines to meet etc, we are bound to make mistakes, I guess if this is acceptable to you and the Department then I don't have to worry, I have been a Toxicology Supervisor in other Laboratories and I never had this thing happened, error after error, The difference? Because I have enough Tech's to distribute the job and do it accurately and efficiently, I want that the Toxicology lab have a good reputation, but if I don't have enough Techs' to do the job accurately and efficiently and less pressure then I guess I can't do anything, I just want you to know that if an error occurs again in the future I won't bother you anymore, You will not hear anything from me again, I will just keep on trying to explain to Government agencies and do the best I can. Nat! Nat! Dumallal Supervisor / Laboratory Manager Indiana State Department of Toxicology 635 Barnhill Dr. Rm MS 553 Indianapolis, IN 46202 (317)-278-2440 (office) (317)-278-2443 (lab) 11/15/06 Officer Jeremy S. King Evansville I'D cc: Stanley M. Levco Yandcrburgh Co Prosecutor Of'llce Adm inistra ti on 1\1i Id ing, I NW 15 N. W Martin Luther King Blvd. Room 108 Evansville, IN 47708 Martin Luther King Blvd. Evansvi lie, Indiana 47708 Subject: Gonzalcs, Gabino 06-24575 Case II Toxicology II 3470/06 Dear Sir/Madam: Aller I received your e-mail, I immediately investigated the case and found out that a human error was made during the analysis of the specimen of the above subject. The error was a report of none detected on thc Blood ethanol was mailed to the above submitting officer and Prosecutor. We immcdiately repeated the analysis and found out that the true value was 282 mg/dL( O.28°!.,). We regret so much making a signilicant errol' and I immediatcly counseled the Technician who per!clrmed the analysis. Aller this incident some minor procedural changes are being made such as checking the label ofthc specimcn when you takc out from the reli'igcrator, when you put it in the rack, when you start pipetting the blood specimen into the via Is and when you load the vial into the instrumcnt samplcr.. Wc do hopc that this crror will not happcn again. Sinccrcly, Natividad G. Dumaual Supervisor Department of Toxicology