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Id Response to Friedmann Re Payne v Sandy Suicide

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State of Idaho
Department of Administration
Division ofInsurance and Internal Support
Risk Management Program



650 West State Street
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0079
Telephone (208) 332-1869 or Fax (208) 334-5315

October 5, 2009

Alex Friedmann
Associate Editor
Prison Legal News

Transmitted via e-mail
Original will notfollow

Dear Mr. Friedmann:
We are in receipt of your email request of October 2, 2009 requesting information regarding the
settlement of litigation or claims by the family of Scot Noble Payne.
We are unable to provide you with copies of any documents or settlement agreements per the
provisions ofIdaho Code ยง 9-3400 (11) quoted in part below.

At the time any claim is concluded, only statistical data and actual amounts paid in settlement
shall be deemed a public record unless otherwise ordered to be sealed by a court ofcompetent
jurisdiction. Provided however, nothing in this subsection is intended to limit the attorney client
privilege or attorney work product privilege otherwise available to any public agency or
independent public body corporate and politic. "

This case was concluded with a negotiated compromise settlement. The total amount paid to the
plaintiffs and their attorneys was $100,000.


Kit Coffin
Risk Management Program Manager
c: Melissa Vandenberg, Deputy Attorney General



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