Ice Secure Communities Field Training Handout Sample Idrsiars
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ICE FOIA 10-2674.000857 Sample IDR-No Match Response 1.01:l93<GS> 1.0l:193<GS> 1.02:0201 <GS> 1.03:1<US>01<RS> 1.03:l<US>01<RS> 2<US>00<RS> Type of 1.04:SRE<GS> ----------1.~ ---------... transaction 1.05:20080731 <GS> 1.05:20080731<GS> 1.07:TXOOOOOOO<GS> USVISIT ORI indicating ----------l.~ 1.08:USVISITOZ<GS> -----------1.~ response from IDENT 1.09:sscn2008213000000270<GS> 1.10:42046114892<GS> 1.10:42046ll4892<GS> 1.11 :OO.OO<GS> 1.12:00.00<FS> 2.001 :00021 05<GS> 2.002:00<GS> 2.015:TX07227801<GS> 2.0l5:TX0722780l<GS> 2.0 18:TEST,TEST<GS> 2.0l8:TEST,TEST<GS> "N" indicating a no--------~. 2.059:N<GS> ----------.~ match in IDENT :TX 10811 OO<GS> 2.073 :TX10811 2.075:IDENT Data Response (IDR) This record is being sent for identification purposes only. It does not convey the individuals immigration status and is not an immigration detainer. Statement on Disclosure of Visa Records According to the Immigration and Nationality Act, section 222(f): "The records of the Department of State and of diplomatic and consular offices of the United States pertaining to the issuance or refusal of visas or permits to enter the United States shall be considered confidential and shall be used only for the formulation, amendment, administration, or enforcement ofthe immigration, nationality, and other laws of the States .... " United States...." The attached visa record may only be used for the purposes for which it is being shared. Information in this record may not under any circumstances be disclosed to any entity other than the receiving agency, including the general public, without the express written consent of the Department of State (DOS). Any questions concerning the interpretation of DOS visa records or the parameters for disclosure of such records under INA section 222(f) must be addressed by the DOS. However, should access to DOS visa records generate inquiries by receiving agencies about a person's legal status in the United States, such inquiries should be directed to the Department ofHomeland of Homeland Security (DHS), which has jurisdiction over questions of legal status in the United States. ------ NO MATCH ------ ICE FOIA 10-2674.000858 Sample IDRJIAR Combined Response 1.01:161<GS> 1.02:0201 <GS> 1.02:0201<GS> 1.03: 1<US>02<RS> 1.03:1<US>02<RS> 2<US>00<RS> lO<US>O 1<GS> lO<US>O1<GS> Type of - - - - - -•• ~-----•• 1.04:SRE<GS> transaction 1.05:20080904<GS> 1.07:TXOOOOOOO<GS> USVISIT ORI 1.08:USVISITOZ<GS> indicating response 1.09:sscn200824807988795<GS> fromlDENT 1.10: 42046114892<GS> 1.11 :OO.OO<GS> 1.12:00.00<FS> 2.001:3456<GS> 2.002:00<GS> 2.015:TX07227801<GS> 2.018:TEST,TEST<GS> "I" indicating a 2.059:I<GS> • 2.073: TX1081100<GS> match response 2.075: This record is being sent for identification purposes only. It does not convey the individual's immigration status and is not an immigration detainer. Statement on Disclosure of Visa Records According to the Immigration and Nationality Act, section 222(f): The records of the Department of State and of diplomatic and consular offices of the United States pertaining to the issuance or refusal of visas or permits to enter the United States shall be considered confidential and shall be used only for the formulation, amendment, administration, or enforcement ofthe immigration, nationality, and other laws of the United States. The attached visa record may only be used for the purposes for which it is being shared. Information in this record may not under any circumstances be disclosed to any entity other than the receiving agency, including the general public, without the express written consent of the Department of State (DOS). Any questions concerning the interpretation of DOS visa records or the parameters for disclosure of such records under INA section 222(f) must be addressed by the DOS. However, should access to DOS visa records generate inquiries by receiving agencies about a person's legal status in the United States, such inquiries should be directed to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which has jurisdiction over questions of legal status in the United States. ICE FOIA 10-2674.000859 ------ MATCH -----EID = 1105048570 NAME = TEST,TEST DOB = 19630101 POB=XX SEX=F EID = 1105046343 NAME = TEST,Heather P DOB = 19650208 POB=CN SEX=F Photo Attached *** LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE *** 10114/0810:47:42 PM IAQ RECEIVED: 10/14/0810:47:42 ORII WVFBIIDOO ATN/ORI=TXI234567 ORI/ PHN/3046252000 NAMI NAM/ TEST, TEST DOB/19800128 CUS/ Y OFF/0399 PURl C POBIXX SEXIF FBIIXXXXXXXX ARNIXXXXXXXX SOC/ SIDIXXXXXXXXXX REM/ IDSM=sscn200824807988795ENCOUNTER INFO[EID;LAST;FIRST;MIDDLE;DOB;POB;SEX]XXXXXXXX; TEST; HEATHER;;XXXXXXXX;CN;F **** QUERY MESSAGE TEXT ENDS - L.E.S.C. RESPONSE BEGINS **** THIS IS NOT A GOVERNMENT DETAINER! THIS INFORMATION IS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT USE AND IS BEING PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ***************************************************** SUBJECT APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY REMOVED ***************************************************** **** BASED ON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ***** THE FOLLOWING LC.E. RECORD APPEARS TO RELATE: NAMI NAM/ TEST, TEST MIDDLE DOB/19800128 POB/ HONDU --> HONDURAS ARN/ XXXXXXXXX ICE FOIA 10-2674.000860 FCO/NRC FBI! XXXXXXXXX SIDI FL06879901 ;TX08257161 SID/ DOE/20030101 FFN/TEST MFNI TESTTUBE MFN/ REMOVEDIDEPORTED/EXCLUDEDI 20050101 DATE REMOVEDIDEPORTED/EXCLUDED/ FINAL CHARGE/I7 Al --> Immigrant not in possession of valid, CHARGE/I7Al PORT DEPARTEDIHLG NOTE!! THIS PERSON APPEARS TO HAVE MULTIPLE REMOVALS REM! CRI: XXXXXXXXX FINS: XXXXXXXX I.C.E. RECORDS INDICATE THAT THIS SUBJECT WAS REMOVED FROM THE UNITED STATES. NO RECORD OF A LEGAL RE-ENTRY HAS BEEN FOUND. ********************************************** IMPORTANT NOTICE ********************************************** THIS PERSON MAY BE AMENABLE TO ARREST FOR VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL CRIMINAL STATUTES AND/OR FOR IMMIGRATION ACT VIOLATIONS. ************************************************** REQUESTING ORI INFORMATION: AGENCY/FBI From US Visit AGENCY/FBI PHONEI PHONE/ LESC QUERY ID:XXXXXXXX *** LIMITED OFFICIAL USE *** END OF RESPONSE .... <FS> ICE FOIA 10-2674.000861 b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c ICE FOIA 10-2674.000862 b2High b2High b2High b2High ICE FOIA 10-2674.000863 b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c ICE FOIA 10-2674.000864 b2High b2High b2High b2High ICE FOIA 10-2674.000865 b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b2High ICE FOIA 10-2674.000866 b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High ICE FOIA 10-2674.000867 b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High ICE FOIA 10-2674.000868 b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High ICE FOIA 10-2674.000869 b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b2High ICE FOIA 10-2674.000870 b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High ICE FOIA 10-2674.000871 b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b2High ICE FOIA 10-2674.000872