Ice Documents Re Detainee Deaths 2009
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n-Ib IIor 1100 """............... PIeiooe incbodoo ....tiu.1lboat 1100 _ .... " .... ,,,",,,,,_10 0I1t ,..' " oIf1lbtSEN. ______ ~u~••,,- m-: IiMot, J:aainr, S TO 1''''')''lW Ii\"'"n..... A SEN will be kxtl ..... tiI'6ln tlw AM when _ hove a bit men info rr. the lamlIy'I dedtIon. pc-. _ I l l fromlif. tupf'O", <"It.. ~ you w..u: ""'" """"",,). Just...nto<l you to bo _ of thI-'.tlY.lion and NqWSl DMD usiiWU In tNui"1ng rt..t PHS at HQ ia madeawant of thio cur,5D~1 Eloy will 1>0 tho AZORO PIX for this aM. Of COIil'I<!, you ltIlIy llWlly,.:a1l me _ _II. """" ,... -'" On Dluuoba 17.:lODl\,. Mr. Felix frulkIin RCDRJGUEZ.T<lrftII. (i a mati¥e anIi citbIm<Jt £< ire _ tMm 10 )fa:zitopa ModDl e - ~ d. . . a lamp/_ DinS _ _ md.. 0Dlumt>a:lS,.:llll6,.allioporie' J dFJllcallljoDqA • Tht_'-d"""",,,lnm _ _ Ii• • hio abcbninlol (ariy ad ap II> _md<. CCA iIIIOCllc::W. -.If acMood thot thiI pEtI<ab< "'""'" , of cm::<!r is el<lmmely 8ggtWlSiV~. On JanlUlry 12,. 2fX!l the hospital .,jvlMd CCA that his condltiorl was terminal and Willi given only seven 10 thIrly days to ~ Hit OOJIdition continued to d"Clm. Wllil he WlWI plo<:ed on life support. OnllUlUQ)' 17, 2f1Jl, 8t 8pproximllttly 13".20, CCA medical5taff I'lOtified EAZ thot medical &taff frmn MMC wanted 10 dixonnect life 5Upport. Contact was m.ulf:~ Mr. Rodriguet'. provided 05 with her father"cclIular "'!£phone n ~ untUCaSSfuJ 'i$W, IUK! atrem were.made IOcorrtaet the father, Mr at hit<:<:ll number MMC. ICU number. At appl'Ol<irnlotely 1$:00 conIlIc! wasll'llde with M He thai the do<tnr Iwl in fact met with him buthelwl not yet deeided!>ow to ~ He .taied heneeded rn<m! tUne ond was going to "",,",,11 with the,. of the family. He also stilted that the family did not have the fundlo [<II" the funeral or f<>< the . olthebodytoE<:uado<. Mr 8dvlted to contact his ronsnIall> /or assittance. ~al unsucceooful,ttemp15 were "'" c tocontllct the consulate of Ilcuador. At appmxim.o.te1y 15>15, conlact _ made with Conmlt.r Agent Rulli<>- M< Robinwat informed of Mr. RODRIGUEZ-Tones' conditlon ond the telephone number fOl' M r . - , - provided. n * .nd., ~ The following io. brief oY""P"is 01 Mr, RODRIGUEZ-Torr..,' lmmigr'lion """" On November 8, 2006, lCli VRK New YOlk look custody of Mr. Rodrigue~ after his " " - from Riker',1Aland, New York, where he Waf oervIng !internr a Petit Lo~y conviction. On November 9, 2lXl6, he _ transkm:<! to moy, Arizona. On November 30, 2006, the ImmigrnionJod@" reoclIeduled his inunigrotion <as< because Mr. Rodrigue>; wan~ .n attomey. On December 21, 2006 he hod a hearing and his """'" was tcSd1edoled. Mr. Rodrirc""' wu....., by CCA medical oIaff on numerous oa:asio:ns prior 10 hi1I traMf"" 10 MMC. dinioll Sopervi8or it <urrently compiling a fun medic:aI .. port. , ; ! ,, Ia "5 ,.-., I • ., ",. 1!~ ~ -gil ~~ i ! .a .. t 'g ! -I • J: 'I.f . . ... I J. ~ ~ -.. -,.8 I : ,• .., H1 I .. ,- ', . L,: ::~ ~: 8 P 'I i :I .. 1" I !t .. ~. ~;- -8'"t •.• : :!: : ~ ,.. ~..: ~ .~, o~ N· ~ ' I ".: '! f I ' i i . . . N :: , ~ ~g.'',.' , •• t :~ :; ..• ' ,:~.:;.. .. ., I :: :-;""..: ~ .. 3.'!. I' "I ,~ .. J:I ,~II." ~ .. , . . . . . 'j' 't'" '!.~ , ,~ '. - ,. .' t • r:.'" J;ll""'!5 i- :~j~ i j~B ! =~~~~ ~~~~. i~J: . ,.. I .. .."'I' "'. .... I'..- ,'/,.. 1 '• ,'!"'I ," '"'! . "I' I --I ;= ~=t=·· : is" .. r 1i-l"~" ~ !.... ~! • -IJI' 'l-'!' , . -1-', -. l ~' .~ .. ~ ~ I .. ,8 " -!l J .. id-"'a~.ll .. " ! " , ~ = :.:: ' ! I " : ",2 i!. _e ~ .. __ ¥ .. , ~-_ .. ¥ , .... !l¥ II. .. ,,_ .... i .•.• '~ : ' ~ ~ ~ ~ I M 'I : "I' .. " ..... . '·j'l ,.... ,.... ,ll'II, .'i ,' ...... ••••• ""1,' ,...... !,'" ,. .~.a ~ ~ '8·~ '!"~o ---'-!!'!'!'!'!"!'!'!~~'!'i!'11!.:.:--f,_,. To' "'9'1000;0, Go..._ A, !~!~•••••••••••••••• """t, Wo. J •• " 22,",,3< 2007 MOJ<'GU"_Torr. . """j."', "" FYI • • l~... , ..ok ."., '0 """Mix or.d p",.id< 01' nec.""y ... l".""", to Mou,. c...., pr_" pm'""". . . , . fell_d . ..... )"><'C in'.,,..,,,,,,.. A Sttl will, bo !o,""c"",ln9 in " ... "" wh.n wo hno 0 b't 0<>,.. '~fo ' " ,.,.,•• , r,,,,, l i f . 'upporC, .t~. (1,"'10•• l"'" woM on. K<>ftO<l. of the dt.,.t1on.O<I ,.q~" Io'.noe 'n <noo<ifl\l tho' of this c .... "ODO .Ioy •• 11 be ''''' A.O.O PQC fOr , .. tully'. Oool"on, "" Jus< w.nuO yoo '0 Do PIIS at IIQ 1. . . . . . . w 'hi. 0•••• Of Thonk yw, cour.. , yo~ ..y .1MOyO con u "t """ ... .....u. -~ "ot'" ."" "" 0.0_•• 27, >00'. Nr. Fdlx "."kit" MIlJlIO"U_To<ro., 1 " - , • oH"o. 0' .ou.dOr .... u.k.n «, ... doop.. ... di"" C.nt<. "'''C;~_I.... UI<>g on h10 noe', On _ _ r 2e. 2006, • hio,... ' ..... >lod 9'" <oll ,_"""•. TO, ~'n""'r hod ~Is •• ot•• '''''''''9" hlo .W",,'ool <.~ity •.'><1 up to h.. ",""k. CCIl ...d'ca' ..... od.I •• o tJo.o, tnt. puti",,!>, '0"" of eoocor is ... " .... ly .qo<oni ••. On J."• .,,~ IZ. 200' .p."" ',00< tho ho.pitd .d....d thi" . . . . . . '0 U ••. CCIl 'ho< hU "O""'tion woo ,,_n.' ."d w. . ~',",o only .... ~ '0 Hi. oandidon contio"",,, to "'elino u"Ul ho .... ph"'d 00 lifo .uppo<t. on Joouory 11, ZOO,, at opp,.,IQ.tely 13,.0, CCA _di••, ... ff _illad ~ h~o t n.ff hO<l ~.n<ad to di'COMeo, lifo .""""". COnt.ct w. . . . .do wi<h Mt. 1\odr'o.... • • • i.'e<.•ad .h. pro.i_ u' _Hh hor (.t>..,,'. «Huh' t • •p 0"' ", ...... '.vo,d "o.uco••dul OU_' ............ <0 ""otoe, ,h. h<h.<, Mr. • ot h10 0.11 n_or .ad at *,,'. ICu 0 _ •. At .wr"",... t d . ",00 ""ota.< woo ..... with M r . _ . h. "otad <hat doc.o. h.d 'n hct oat wl'~ ~I~ ~.< I'la h.d n,>< yo< .'io.l'"'!"O'j'lro""ed. Ho .totad ho noadod -or. U ... 'n<! w," 901"9 to """a"1< wi'h 'ho e,.. of <ho laMil.. Ho 0100 ... tod 'h., t~. I. .Uy did not ...... t .. 'wn<!, '8' '""or.i oe foe 'ho 'r.".po"otion cf 'ho t<>dy to £cuo"O<. II.. • .... 'D co,.toot >.lo """aul,to 'c< 0..1'<0"".. • 1 "~'"QQ' ,u, "Or. tu conroot .h. cu,,,"I. . . uf Eowodor. ~,.ppro ly " ' ' ' . OO"'~Qt ~oo ".do wl<h ccn••1.. A9<M ~""i.. M•. ~<lb10 ~oo Info''''d ., II,. ""DUGUEZ-hrr"· "o.oleic" 0<.<1 'h. ,.hphc•• ~"",",r (cr Mr. 1\od<190",. w. . p<o.ldod. *" 'h. "'_u ill .. ud, ",.i," Th. lullC"'" " • b<ie' o"""".U 0' Mr. OOO>.IGo~t-Torr.. • , I ...,.rotico co'" ICO ooorn 1<:£ ...... _ Ie,' 'OCI' .....''''''1 er _.1,.... "eer bl •••1.... f,_ .....r·. ,....... __ '''''1. _ ' 0 nlDo, ''''' It 100._ <:OCI.let1ooo. On _ , '. 2""'. OW 1 <e U h..... On , 1 • JIl. :ltI'K• • 1>0 ..I ... r ' '., bU .. i_ eo.. .... Ilecl,,_. --. "*Y' "" 2', _ 1>0<1 1. . _ u _ • ... . - 1.... p"e. '" lot. ,,_f.. "" _ . I. ,_~, IO~'. ~ _r ...Il 1_1~" .. " " " _ " , ~ flo "'- _ I I I " , • I~l _eo' ......., Pagelofl ---Sont _"Y._I~.20071~;23PM TO; Subje<l: Impo_:Hig~ - A m"'OStmtOl inquiry was tondo01od in ",ftnnt. t<I ,h. abov. OPR .... n"mI>eT. Tho do< date foc !/II' OPR i, March 24, 2007. The dentin.. in q_Ootl di.d do< 10 "",,,..we <",",or. A n"".gtmO"t inquiry i"", ,hi. 0... iOOico,.. 11.." lhi, ,il",b"" w.. hsndkd lIJIPfOl>Ii>l<1y. Tho", i, no evi<ltn"" of ntgJia~ i" ,hi. mn"'f, No fuMef >o~on i, deemed ,,«.....-y. W. r<spo<lfuUy rt<jnal ,h.l <hiS c... he closed. .. ' -.,_..._- ~ la._"_ _ on,_.... w_oc...,. ~roR:. ..... ~'.T_ Ofl\Door~OIId ~~ FR.OM: _ ~ D ~ • S ',"c Sooi<idt,~ .... Ir Uoit __ MOll.,. Ultder Re'- ". _T... .;..01._....._......... ......._ n.e _ ..... _ _... Ot&' m'<w on:l _ - - ..... _ _ IWa. ... I : '_ ,....,.. 110 • P'i _is ... - . . •• ........,_ . • _ _ . . . . . fll_ ~ od!nI...... 10 .". tooi:i!)'. • a>odi<al Olld _ ____ , "" tho .bo.. IiIIe<Ilnc hWih "' 1 T10e iow ·c'·flllbe _ _ ""io)'... ' ... ... ... ......... II' , " , , _ ... -.le-. lho de\oirlo< reooi¥Od • cl&o.Uleotion oooian-tll ...... """,iW<l Alia l>tina ..... llOd. .... okloi_ _ plI<:od inIo. ' ·._IS ,. : 24_" _ _ ..... ... .. .. ....-l._....u.l..op<o_~ __ ' -_ilaIOOl)r 06:<. .24... _ _ ,...,... ~.e-..oD . . . . - . _ ....... 00$; 1600-'''' 1900-.. A"""'I'"l"'.~• condueIcd ....lerriew or~ .. 1900 """'" ond .... U«d Ihe dle<ts.l<Ipc:I' · .... _lS-"'_cloe<b..tilu ..,.~~ _ .m-I1I"liciIiI)' Olld icido..-cll '" IS·mimn. Se; 29. t TlII_di<l-..;rr ... _ _ loaio bciIiIr........ _ICE ' ,.,..... ... ,......... 14 . . . . . - . . . _ _ .., '_ _ b ...... oIap. , , " ' . . . . - _ . . , . . - - . " " " ....... "' , ' 1 ... '!OlIo is _ .. iaoenIi.. ....... - . ,e",,"dod to lIl>In< _ of wi'" -- _. a....I...... • ,icc .. io _ ~~_ k* ...... _ _ ...,.. . Ioo_ ..... -= --.s _~ • , ....... ,......n,-_ . . .'. , ioo • _ _ ot_aoIf"oo _or_ _ .=.odWlbidlOli&k_~lOdoe"'i.scotdli.~ car. .'ld ..........., -.- ""lI'>inli """ w..I"'" .rt'ortI ~ bciq IlIIOdo 10 .............. diW<IiopIay~·d 'loti ,... ... ""' ...... 1 _ . . . - i a . - . .... 61 _ _ ..... ~,,;,;;;;~ Tho _01 ... _ lila ddai__ _ ... _ 11,-._.. . .., 1IaII".. lift pdoorily II> oidl <lOll ~ ' .. 00Il ouicidal io 01_,......,..., 10 R<vi< • ibed .. ~ II 01-.... 10 ........ ' io<mOft ol"'lOOIlIi<al +p.meIlIbr Facili1)' W • ., "i. r - ia doio.-. SIal!l' __ . - - . corio&" . ""'t 6111III _ _ ~ia. "" _Iioml . __ dIe -,Io<tiIoI :::;;;~ no: -.5001...,.. br "'" . _...-: n.o lod: .;.wed .. t _=' _ .. 111 .. pm 10 hi. p/I)'JiooI..-inocioo or his rcquallO l>c Ioy mc<lKlolllall" t r - . Mc<li<aI.rt 10 tw... 1I«a ~ ... 10 _llodt..,.""" ..- wfoilo ' ~_ _ .. , '..,. It""" RMewer-" CIoqo _ lbis.-ol "'" lioil.... 1oy CCA -t, .... II\gaaI_ _ ...... ' , .... .......... ..,. _ P J ' 'ti 1 ,_5, ' 27, rar ... <d 1Ild ............... ......., -,,"Cbo--.. _11III 10 liW_~ ~ '9't., rim . . . _·S A';"-_oIdo 'f .....110oo_01'...,.,.,....... ..,iowecl ....... ~""" ... SlIf!: __ I0 ... . - . ..... ' '.2 • . , . _01" : ·,_lOooqt.IOIOIfoIoidl"::ponioooIod,. ia ""' ... 0 1 _ _ ............ doiJ lmIil)' _ cw-"r. ri* ... _ _ _ v.ellaro I. inj<qlaldr. ~ _10 bo "'" ill p/Ko 10 ......... pn>p<r Ievc' of ............... is ptOvidod 10 1CIl ....,· - . A__ : , 'Wh .. Iioo:iliIyDopoq"'. . . . a0'51 IIlC .. _ .""" b:1 CC:\. ...... _ ' I , I 01 "'_SoooqI) ._"'_'~b .• Immigration aDd Cu.stoms Enforcement Office of Detenlion and Removal Arter Action Review Phoenix Field Office Eloy Detention Center Eloy, Arizona December 8, 2006 a.mE aQ 04 , -.-.... ... 0<1_S«.... ~' S...mHl 1100 IOo:iioJ _CoiW .... -*iPo IrodI 00 podono.booio - E ," . . , .......,. .... -t'-JICE. ." _ , Thofdil)'fliJMIOO _ _ ~ ~ ICE deIai__ 1<1 ollh'llooo1ioo ";tlIICE ","""",*",. S,," did no>Ilbllow _ _ poIicJ.po, pnocclot. ill _ _ 1I>Cdi<aI .... ' ...... _ .........J t " - . .....«: no.", .. _ 1 .......... ot.pIlysi<oI"-"" ill " ' " _ willi.. 14 ...,..rWminiOll. el...,........... --..oq ,............ SMU. boo. _""' .... ..... _..,._. _Offi<c<. 1'0< ' __ TlIo fto<illlJ dots..,. _ I I " " pl'lJsi<:ol_l-. OIl _ _ lIlOI_ io. ... focilily .-_14"""' _ -.I io. $MU...... .J' diuines$. ~!OOl: ~ """ -*>l. "Tto<!iRE ........ qo..!i Sod "t_cd1.pilI,......• o<ri"""' S ... ""l~ oi<t all _ t • . EIoo~ ' _ .. _ .......... Je>IIO<lII "'. buikli.CI!lOl <s ''''''' mi....,. ....,liom SMU...., ·'d .... off_'............. "' _ _ .-.1._ ..... .-.1"'............. ..- ......... .,.. rhysio:Un. ..... ... 1CE_<ls. 11 _ _ ........ _ id .;Cw. _ _ ClfAVEZ",'j">j E _ . _ " '.... _ ..lOnod • • - - . ......... _ - . ............... _did m........ wbidlleail ",de'-- CHAVel. Jll-rnenI ill SMU .. d<oI willi _ _ _os. rou-"'""'I' smrr..Io<Q..b''''-''''''tnd ...- r"-"=olpol;.,ytlld, hplol'S . 'l""pIOmI .., ... _ ' .. .- OJ 01_-" .. _ r ' polior.... '.e, 1I0oI ... Cdl)l ' idol .. ""I\liIod ~ -'I _ odvioo<I oorIl""",, '" be 1WYicw ... ""..........-"-'" our ilIl'iol n""Lnv -.old l>o ..!aye<! .. neco&sory in lhU 1i1W repnn. ..,..oed . .I , . Qofl! lCI-_._