Performance Work Statement, Migrant Operations Center, 2004-2008
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Company Name: Wackenhut Corrections Corporation, GEO Group Contract Number: ACB-3-C-0008, ACL-4-C-0001, ODT-6-C-0002, ACL-2-C-0004, ACD-03-C-0008 (ACB3C0008, ACL4C0001, ODT6C0002, ACL2C0004, ACD03C0008) Order Number: ACL-5-D-0002, HSCEOP-06-J-00180, HSCEOP-06-J-00405, HSCEOP-07-J-00215, HSCEOP-05F-00304, HSCEOP-06-F-00774, HSCEOP-07-F-00255, HSCEOP-06-J-00198, HSCEOP-07-J00452, FDN5D0038, HSCEOP-05-J-00009, HSCEOP-07-J-00271 (ACL5D0002, HSCEOP06J00180, HSCEOP06J00405, HSCEOP07J00215, HSCEOP05F00304, HSCEOP06F00774, HSCEOP07F00255, HSCEOP06J00198, HSCEOP07J00452, FDN5D0038, HSCEOP05J00009, HSCEOP07J00271) Solicitation Number: ACB-3-R-0041 (ACB3R0041) Requisition/Reference Number: DRO-3M-RQ0216, DRO-04-RQ0314, DRO-06-RQ0333, DRO-05-003A, FOW060019A, DDP-07235, FDNDRO070027.1 # .2 (DRO3MRQ0216, DRO04RQ0314, DRO06RQ0333, DRO05003A, FOW060019A, DDP07235, FDNDRO070027.1 &.2) Period of Performance: 10/1/2004 through 4/23/2008 Services Provided: Providing all labor, supplies, and equipment, to manage and operate the Migrant Operations Center (MOC) located on the U.S. navy Base, Guantanamo, Cuba; Providing detention services, Western Region Detention Facility, San Diego, California (CA). SECTION B SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES/COSTS The Contractor shall provide non-personal services according to the contract's requirements, including all labor, supplies and equipment, to manage and operate the Migrant Operations Center (MOC) located on the ~.S. Navy Base, Guantanamo, Cuba. The Contractor shall staffto operate the MOC with a combined population of 100 migrants. This population may consist of single adult males and females, unaccompanied male and female juveniles, and family groups. In the event the population surges above 100 migrants, additional Contractor staff may be required. Upon contractor request for additional surge staff and pursuant to negotiation of that rc Iuest, f j~ Contracting Officer may order additional surge staff in accordance with CLIN 0003. Performance shall commence upon Contractor's receipt of a Notice to Proceed, but no later than October 1,2003, and shall continue for 6 months thereafter in accordance with Section F of the contract. There are also two 3-month options that may be exercised at the Government's discretion for continued management and operation of the MOC. Fixed pricing shall include all management, supervision, facility operation, quality, scheduling, safety, housing, transportation, and reporting requirements. CLIN DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE BASE PERIOD: DURATION OF THE BASE PERIOD IS SIX MONTHS, COMMENCING UPON CONTRACTOR'S RECEIPT OF NOTICE TO PROCEED 0001 Manage/Operate MOC 0002 DATA lAW Section] (b) (4) Per Month 1 LOT NSP NSP OPTION PERIOD ONE: DURATION OF OPTION PERIOD ONE IS THREE MONTHS, COMMENCING AT EXPIRATION OF BASE PERIOD 1001 Manage/Operate MOC 1002 DATA lAW Section] Month 1 LOT B-1 NSP _ (b)(4) NSP Perfonnance Work Statement Migrant Operations Center Performance Work Statement Migrant Operations Center United States Navy Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba C-I Migrant Operations Center Perfonnance Work Statement BACKGROUND The Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (BlCE), a component of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), requires services to manage and operate the Migrant Operations Center (MOC) located on the United States Naval Base (USNB), Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (GTMO). The MOC is a facility at which undocumented aliens seeking to enter the United States who are interdicted at sea or otherwise encountered in the Caribbean region are provided custody, care, safety, transportation and other needs pending a determination of their immigrant status and transfer. Executive Order (E.O.) 13276, Delegation of Responsibilities Concerning Undocumented Aliens Interdicted or Intercepted in the Caribbean Region (dated November 15,2002) (subsequently amended by E.O. 13284, Amendment of Executive Orders, and Other Actions, in Connection With the Establishment of the Department of Homeland Security (dated February 28,2003)), identifies responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of State (DOS), and the Department of Defense (DOD) in responding to the migration of undocumented aliens in the Caribbean region. C-2