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Fl Doc Termination Ltrs to Guards for Watching Porn 2009

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C H A MLl [

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""'" ALT ER A. ~I< :\t: I L

2lJOi 8 1. .......... Rood ' Tallohau<c. FlllJ99-HOII

January 21, 2009 t:
R ~ c c; v cd

John Calhoun, e.O,
do ero.. City COrn:<:lionall,,"'itution
5bS :s E 255· Street
Cro.. Ci~. Florida 3269)

l~ar OfTl«1'


A••"" rnuh of the prNdcrrnil\lllion cOfIfCft'flCc held in my orr," on ~crnber I a. 2001 and .ft... <:areful
of your oral rnponsc.• d«i.ion has been reached You ..'ill be dism;• .ed from }'''''' posi lion as
C""",clional Off"". al C....... City C~.ionalln .. ilulion tlTech'c today, January 21. 2009.

I'h;. dbm;,,,,' i. the result of )'''ur cond""" cont ral)' 1<> the maintenance of pro""T _uril) 000 " , Ira", of lhe
in,tilution, cond uct unl>t.'<:oming a public employee. misuse of Depart"",n! of Con,..;t;"n,· equi pment,
negligence. willful violaMn of rules and regulalions. and failure 10 follow o,al a odlo. ",rilten instruction •.
s ~i lic"lly, on May 21. 2008. Distributed Comp Ulcr Sy, tem. Analy,l R. DollCI C"" d"cled routinc sc"cr
",,,imcna,,ce on the compUlcr work'tat;on localed in the eo" finemem unit "" r~c a n!'s onice whe n <hc
disco\'ered unal,lh'>riLcd files on lhe computer, An internal invesligat ion laler ,..,,'ealed lhat you acces<cd
n"m<'ro", no,,· work rdated ""eh, ites and on more than one occ asion vie...c'<l vari" " , video sites ind "ding
"Y""Tube" type s. Funherm"re. y'OIJ also visited sitc. which offcred nudc and pornog raphic imagcs ."d
admined 10 vie...·ing these on lhe imem <1. The hasi. for thi. action is more rully' u"'taincd in IG Ca.., a08·
24)0 7• • ubmin e<l by In<ptClor E.G. Ita ... l.. Jr.. a copy pro\ ided. This conduc I \ iolates Chapters H208 00 I (4 ) tal; 33-208 ,002 (l) (a). (10); 33-208003 ( I) J. (22). (24). (25) and (31), ~..A.C.. D\ IS Chapter 601 ~
) &005 (l) (2). ( b). (c). ( f) and ( g); and I'ro«du", 206 .004(1). !\on·Worl. ReI. le<I Internel U..,; cop;e.
PIl" iousl) pn.n ided.

As a Cllrttr sen'ice employe'" ""Ih permanent itat... ~'Of II! a member o f a ooll«-li,'c b.rg;oln;ng unit, y.....
hl>e Ihe righl 10 eilh...- appeal pursuam 10 seclion 447 .20 8. Florida Statut~ or file I collecli,·"

~6 S Nt- 2SS~

Cross Ciry Correcti"n. 1In ,tituti,,n
Street . Cross Cil)'. Fl. l262 S • Phone (352) 498·4444

Final Actio n - J Calhoun
Page 2 Of 2
Janual)' 21, 2009

t>Jrgaining grie,'ance pur'man! to Section 447.40 I, Florida Statutes, but you cannot use both procedures. If you
desire to appeal, writton notice must be filed wit h the Publ ic Employees Relations Commission, 4050
Esplanade Way, lallahassoe, Florida 32399-0950, within me nty-one (21) calendar days from the date you
tc"Coive this lettcr. In the alternat i~e, if you dec ido 10 grievc, you must suhmit yo ur grie\'ance in writing within
tour1~~n (14) calendar day ~ (twenty-one (21) calendar days for AFSC ME-<:overed employees) from tho datc
you recei,-e this lener

,?'cu-<; iflf~talluHt.-D.-id McCallom, V,'arden

G, Gran t, Assis tant General Coonsol
A RatlifT, Sr, Perwnnel Manager



(" " 4- RUE n l l q


....A LT ER A. '\k ' lI L

W1p" ...,,,. de ...... nus

January 2 1, 2009

hank M.rtin, e.O
, 10 Crm< City Correctional In. 1itutioo
51>8 l\T 255 · Street
ern.. City. FIorldlI 32693



Ailhe ..,,,,11 oflhe prtdcteml,Mtion coofn-erK:c hdd ill my offlC( on Dttember IS. 2003 and Iller ~ful
",'-1e"O of your or:al 1'e"PO""C• • d«ision h.o.< been ruchnl. Y(Ml .. ill be d i"" i. ,;ed from y.....r p"';lion as
COI'I\'Clional ()(foccr al C"," Cit) Correctional InSlillllion eff""ti,e today, Jan Wlr) 21. 2009
' -hi, di.mi'>Sal is the resutl of ~our cond uct com rllf) 10 lh~ .... '"Ienanc~ of proper sec urity and " el fan: of 'M
on,l'tum,", co nduce unbecoming a public em ploy,,,c\ mi.u,"" of Depar1menl of Corre<:l;ons' t"lj uip,,>cnl,
negligence. " illf ul violation "r rules alld regulation, . and failurcc 10 foll ow oral and/or Minen in. lruc lioll<.
Spcci f1~a ll y. on May 21. 200 8. [)i<lribUloo CQmpUl~r Sy'lcms Analyst R. Demel cond u ~I ~..t rou\i,,~ server
malnlena nce o n the com pUle, workstatio n localed in Ihe coor",emenl unil 'c'gcanl', office whcn . he
di ,c o,wed ullauth<>,i/cd li les "n the computer. An i"te",ol inve,tigation lale, rewa led lhal yo u broughtlO wo,k
ri"lu~ image, and mu.ic on a na,h d,i,c and uploadcd lhem t" a departmental c"mpule , . In addili"n , yo u
,-iolaled Procedure 206, 004 b} ,-i, it illg unautho,i""d , iles , includ in g, bm not lim l1,'<1 10 mu,ic <ite, on Ihc
imc",et and I'r<:>o::cdu'c 206.007 by fa ih ng to maintain secu, il)' of you, ['as ,w ord in which unidenl ilied u"" ( s)
uli li?nt il. Tbl: basi, for this aClion isl'\'IOfC fully contained in IG 1108·24307. submiltnt by In, pec tor f. ,G ,
Ra " I. , J•., a copy pn: ' iou~l) pro\ idnt. Th i< rond""l \;Olalc:d Chapt.... 33.208(10 I ( 4) (at 33·20111102 (3 J ( a l.
t 10); 33·20 8 003 (13), (22), ( 24 ), (25) and (32), F.A C .• D~I S Cbaptef 6Ol ·36 ,005 (l) (2). ( b ). (c), (0 and (g);
and I'ro<:edure< 206.004; 206001; ropits pn:,iousl) pnnidN ,

As a career < emp lo)"" ""h perm3""nt <lalll< and 'o r as a ........,"'" o f a ( o ll«ti' e "",gaining IInit. you
ha'e the right to either appc~1 pu"uanl to sec lion 441.20 8. f lor ida Stalute,. or file & roll,""I;, e

Cros, Cit)' Correction.] In'tiM;o"
~bS Nt' 2SS" Street . eros, Cily, H . 32628 • Phone (3S 2) 4~g-4444

fjlWll Aclion - F. Martin

2 Of2

bnuary 2 1. 2009

ber~ lnlng gnt",~

pursuant to Section 447.401, Fkri:b. Swu~ bul you canlKl'l u""' both procedUfCS. If you
<k$;~ to .ppnl. ,. .. in~n lKl'Iic~ must be fikd " ilb the Public I:'mplo}o:cs Re lalions Commi »ion, 4050
bpl.nade W. y, T.lI.~, Florida 3239'Ml950, " ilhin "'''''ly..onc (2 1) caltndar da~ $ from Ih~ dal~ you
rtC~i . ~ Ihis Iene. , In lhe .hem. li. e. if you dec ide 10 grie. e, }'OU must submil }OU' grie. anee in "riling" ilkin
f"u"~~n ( 14) cal~ndar da~ > (1"~nty-onc (21) calendar da~s for A ~'SC M £--<o.'er •..t empl"}ecs) from lhe da,e
you I'C'ce'''~ thi, lener

2a<441tj"c/t/lL-1J,,'id McCallum , \Varde n

D.\,-. '.,
' c'

G. Grant, Assistant General Coun",1
A Ralliff, Sr Penoonoel ~l alWl gt r





260 I SO""" Rood' Tallah"".... n. JlJ9\I·2l00

htlp;1h.,,,·,,.de ., ...... n. 0'


Da,id Ques<:"bcrry. CO, Sergeanl
C/O Cross Cit)' Correctional Institut ion
568 NE 255~ Stree t

Cross Cily, florida 32693


Dca r Scrlolcanl Que,eoberry:

As the result ofthe predetermi nation con ference held in my "ffi ce on fkcemllcr 19.2008 and afkr careful
,.,-iew of your oral re'pon,., a dcci,jon has been reached You will be dismi,scd from yo", position as
C",",,(tional Officer at Cross C ity Correctional Inst itution elfeeti.,. today, January 21, 2009.
Thi, dismissal is the ,. , ull of you r with cond uct cont rary 10 the maintenance of prope r secu, ity a nd welfare of
the institution. conduct unbecoming a p "bl i~ employee. misu'\C of Depart ment of Correc tio",' equi pmenl,
neglige nce. willful "io lalion of rules and regula!ions, and fa ilure to follow oral and/or wr illen instruclions
Specifically, on May 21, 2008, Distributed Compute r System, Analy,t, II.. I.k>ncl co nducled ",utine ",,,,er
maintenance On the Campuler wor lstation located in the confinement unil sergeant', office when she
di,c<»'erc"<l u"aulhori>.ed files on the computer. An internal investigation later re"ealed Ihat you accessed
numerous non·worl rela ted web s;tes a nd on more than one occasion "iewed "ariou , video s;te, including
"Yo uTub.., Iype s, f urthe mlOre, you cond ucted a search for a Playboy Playmate and acce" ed inlem ct , iles
with nude images . The basis for this action is more fully contained in IG Case #0 8·24307. submi tted by
Inspector E.G. Rawls. J r., a copy previously provided rh;s co nduct ,,;ola ted Chapters 33·208.001 (4) (a); 3320 8,002 (3) (a), ( 10 ); 33·208.003 (13), (22), (24), (25) and (3n F.A.C., DM S Chapter 601.·36,005 (3) (2), (b).
(e), (f) al1d (g): a nd Proced ure 206 .004( I). Non_Worl Related Inte rnet Use: copies previou,ly pro,idoo
In arri"ing at Ih is dee ;sion to d ismi" you, I have also co ns idered your employment reco rd.
As a Career sen.';ce emp loyee wilh pennanenl Stalus andlor as a member of a collc,<:tiw barga in ing unil, you
have Ihe right to e ither appeal pursua nt to "."Clion 447.208 , Florida SMuteS, Or file a eo licetive

en", Ci'y C" rrectional] ""i' u,ion
568 ~l 2~ ~· Street 0 Cross Cil)', FL 32628 0 Phone (352) 498-4444

final Action - D, Que,enl>erry
Page 2 Of2
Ja nuary 2 1, 2009

bargaining grie,'anec pursuant to S""tion 447.40 I, Florida Statutes, but you cannot use both procedures, If you
dosire to appeal, wrilten notice must be r,led with the Public Employees Relations Commission, 4050
Esp lanade Way, TalIaha,,.;:e, Florida 32399-0950, within twenty-,,"e (21) calendar days from the date you
receive this lener . In the alternati'e, if you decide to grie,'e, you must submit yo ur grie,'anee in writing with in
fouflcc n (14) cale ndar days (twenty-one (21) cale ndar days for AFSC!\.1f,.eo,ered employees) from the date
you tecel"e this letler.



OM lar
~c :

G_ Grant, Assislant General Counsel
A. RatlifT. Sr_ Personnel Manager





.... "tTER A. Me"' .: IL

260 1 a.... s""'" _

. Talbot

, 11. )2J'I9-2500



IIria ~ K,, ,c, CO. Se.geant
clO C r.",. City Co rrectiona l ln,' itul;" n
5/>8 1\10 255· Streel
Cl'\>~l City. florida 32693

A. IIIC ""ull of m., predc1C'fT1l iaalion _f~ 1IoC'k1 in my off..... on ~bcr 18.100 & and after careful
m ic.. of your onll respon~ .• dc<;i. ion has bttn reached . You " ill be d i,;rn is<ed from )00. position a.
COITe<olionaJOffice.-Sergeant at C...... Cil} Correclionll I"Slolut;"" effecti. < loda). SanlWl) 21. 2009.
Thi, di ,mi ......1 i. the re.ull o f )'OU< eond ""'t COIltral) [0 Ihe mlllnte...."c. o f proper , "" , ily and "elfan: of the
in,Hlo !;"", «mducl ""beeo"nng a public employ"", mi,,,,", of Depan~nl of C~l ion.· equ ipment.
Maligcn, c, "illf,,1 \'iolalioo o f rule s and regulalions, illId failure 10 follow oral andlor ",illl'" ;nstruer;",,;.
S"". ilka ll), on May 21, 2008. Distributed Computer Sy.lem, Analyst, R, Duncl cond ucted routin~ ..,
maimena nee on lhe eompll1er w"rk'tatio n located ;n lhe confinemen t unit 'ergeant'. o!lice when 'he
di,eovered una "ll", ri/c d I"Ile' " n lh. comp uter, An inten la l investigation laler revealed lhat )'0" acee"' ed
n"mcr",,, " on_work rcialN web,iles "nd On mure than one occasion viewed ,'a,i"u, " id<'O sites including
"ale hing " YouTube" lypeS, ~'o "h ermore. you "i'ited por nographic "ebs;te, "n four (4) ocea,io"" for len (10 )
monul e. 'I a lime ;n " 'hid, yo u admini ng 10 ,'iewing node and pornographic image s and ";dcos . The ba'i s for
!hi. lIeli"" i. more folly eOl'llaillCd ;n IG Ca.., ~08-24)07. ...bmin ed by lnspee lOf l; ,G. k ,"ls, Jr" a copy
1''''' i""sl~ I'rmided TIli, eondll<"l vio laled Chapt ers 13-20 8.00 I (4) (a ); ]3_208 002 (3) (a ). ( I0); 33·208 001
(13). (22). (24). (25) and (32). F.A,C., DMS C hapler 601...16005 (l) (2). (b). (e). ( f) and (g); and Proeed...e
206.{)().$( 1). S On-WOn. Related Intemel Usc: copies I'"',ioudy prm·idcd.

A, a career seJ'-';e. = 1'10)« " ilb permaneru <tallK and/or .. a member of a eolkcli,. bargaining unia. ~ou

hi,. \he right to either aweal po......... t to 'iCCliOll 44 7.208 , florida Stat utes, or file a eoll""li,.

f inal Acti"" - R. RO'e
Cm " City COrTo,-lil>",1 lnslilutiun
568 NE 2SS~ SIITel • ern.. City. FL 3262 ~ • Phone (352) 498.4444


" ' ~_ w ~

•. ·~

On i d ).I <:Calium. War dell

~, -

G Gran l A »i .WlI Gmera l Counsel
i\. R.ol liff. Sr. Penon ne l MilNIgC1'



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