Fbop Wxr Monthly Reports 1997jul-dec
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u.s. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons Dublin, California 94568 August 21, 1997 MEMORANDUM TO WALLACE H. CHENEY, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL FROM: SUBJECT: ~~ (W'R 1{o 0 Harlan W. Penn Regional Counsel ~onthly CASES OF INTEREST Report for July 1997 ~~ NINTH CIRCUIT MATTERS: Jacks v. Crabtree, Anderson v. Crabtree, Mason v. Crabtree, Brown v. Crabtree (SHE)-Consolidated for Appeal. Petition for re-hearing En Bane filed. Mandate stayed. The June 11th decision had upheld the Bureau of Prison's exercise of discretion to not reduce inmate sentences under 3621 (e) . Sule v. Wade, et al (SHE) Conditions of transportation during transfer from institution following disturbance upheld as use of correctional judgement. DISTRICT COURT MATTERS: Lucas, Mercadel, and Douthit v. White (DUB), three former female inmates allege they were sexually assaulted and harassed by male inmates and staff while housed in SHU at FDC Dublin. Mediation suspended while Plaintiffs consider settlement offer and injunctive proposals. Galvez v. Adams (SAF) , inmate alleges that his INS detainer , which precludes halfway house eligibi lity, is grounds for a sentence reduction of six months to equalize his penalty . TRIALS/HEARINGS: Low v . Clarke - Cain (BRN) , Religious Freedom Restoration Act case in which inmate sought injunctive relief for practi ce of Satmar sect of Hasidic Judaism. Trial September 25 , 1997 in Los Angeles . U. S . v . Zub ick (LOS) , three hearings in Los Angeles re sentence computa tion/credit issues . Writ granted and inmate release ordered July 30 , 1997 . 3621(e) LITIGATION: Gammage v . Clarke - Cain (BRN) , CCC failure to secure employment. Urquh art v. Clarke - Cain (BRN), two-leve l enhancement . moot , as reduction already granted . Case is Warren v. Crabtree (SHS) , inmate denied sentence reduction on original conv i ction offenses of 924(c) and 922(g) . Bird v . Floyd (PHX) , inmate eligible for 3621(e) sentence reduction under Cart decision . McFarland v . Haw k (SAF) , inma te eligible for 362 1(e) sentence reduction under Davis decision . RELIGION : Low v . Clarke - Cain (BRN) , see above . MEDICAL MALPRACTICE TORT CLAIMS/LITIGATION REFERENCING GAO REPORT ON AGENCY MEDICAL CARE: Currier v . Hayes (DUB) , FTCA action in which six staff members al l ege negligent admi nistrati on of PPO te st . Gover nment ' s motion to dismiss filed August 1, 1997 . Hearing on motion October 28 , 1997 . CASES INVOLVING THE ENSIGN AMENDMENT : None ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS : None MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS: I Angie Wiesman reported as the Supervisory Attorney at USP Lompoc and Jay Furtick reported as the Attorney Advisor at FDC Seatac. CASES DISMISSED PURSUANT TO PRISON LITIGATION REFORM ACT: None SETTLEMENTS: None CRIMINAL CASE TRACKING 1. TOTAL CRIMINAL CASES REFERRED THIS MONTH: 8 California/all declined. 6 non-California -all still pending Pre-indictment FBI investigation continuing in the prosecution of Inmate Roy Green, Reg. No. 21545-044, for the murder of SOS Scott Williams and assaults of four other staff at LaM. Trial still to be scheduled in u.S. v. Aaron Stone, 1995 hostage situation at LaM. 2. CRIMINAL CASES ACCEPTED FOR PROSECUTION AWAITING TRIAL/ DISPOSITION: ASSAULT: None ESCAPE: None FRAUD/FORGERY: None HOMICIDE: u.S. v. Carlos Miranda and Chris Anderson (LaM), murder of inmate James Jackson, trial scheduled for 23, 1997 in Los Angeles. 1993 September INTRODUCTION/POSSESSION OF CONTRABAND: Venegas Reg. No. 45264-198 Chavira Reg. No. 06994-040 PROPERTY: None WEAPONS: None 3. CRIMINAL MATTERS REFERRED (MATTERS DECLINED ARE NOTED) , ASSAULT: None ESCAPE: None FRAUD/FORGERY: None HOMICIDE: None INTRODUCTION/POSSESSION OF CONTRABAND: LOM - 7 (all declined) PHX - 1 pending, Inmate Bernard 97206-012, four balloons of marijuana PROPERTY: None WEAPONS: LOM - 1 (declined) ~~ STATISTICS Tort Claims: DEC NOV 44 Received 55 Closed Reconsidered 130 Pending Over 6 Mo. ~~ JAN FEB MAR 34 30 0 134 58 105 0 87 28 25 0 90 0 5 3 APR MAY JUN 65 26 53 67 1 116 59 63 0 111 0 130 4 6 JUL AUG SEP OCT TOTAL 1 5 1 Investigations Pending Over 60 Days: LOF LOS LOM BRN DUB NEL PHX 5 0 o 19 0 0 3 0 SAF 0 SDC 2 SHE 0 TRM 0 TCN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 28 16 31 8 32 28 35 10 24 29 30 9 36 30 36 15 36 38 34 9 38 39 33 4 PHX 0 SAF 0 SDC 0 SHE 0 TRM 0 TCN TOTAL 0 FOILPA: DEC Received Closed Pending 30 days JAN 27 44 19 6 29 Over 6 Months - 0 1996 Open - 0 FOI/PA Pending More than 30 Days: BRN DUB LOM LOF LOS NEL 00 0 0 0 0 *Does not include inmates transferred out of Region or CCMs. 0 Administrative Remedies: APR FEB MAR JAN AUG SEP OCT NOV JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT 352 22 11 1 2 2 10 8 369 21 16 1 3 2 18 12 MAY JUN JUL 71 106 92 108 83 90 Li tig,a tion: JAN DEC Open Cases: 342 New Cases: 27 FEB MAR APR MAY 326 14 15 2 7 0 29 10 335 15 8 3 4 1 30 9 344 21 8 0 3 1 6 9 348 14 17 1 3 0 12 9 99 HC FTCA Bivens Other Closed Lit Reports 2 3 10 16 2 4 DEC NOV u.s. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons Dublin, California 94568 September 4, 1997 MEMORANDUM TO WALLACE H. CHENEY, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL ~vJto) FROM: Harlan W. Penn Regional Counsel SUBJECT: Monthly Report for August 1997~ •• CASES OF INTEREST ~~ NINTH CIRCUIT MATTERS: No new decisions. DISTRICT COURT MATTERS: Lucas, Mercadel, and Douthit v. White (DUB), three former female inmates allege they were sexually assaulted and harassed by male inmates and staff while housed in SHU at FDC Dublin. Mediation suspended while Plaintiffs consider settlement offer and parties exchange injunctive proposals. TRIALS/HEARINGS: Low v. Clarke-Cain (BRN) , Religious Freedom Restoration Act case in which inmate sought injunctive relief for practice of Satmar sect of Hasidic Judaism. Trial September 23, 1997 in Los Angeles. Louis Naidenoff v. Donna Stratman (SDC/PHX), Court-ordered immediate release of inmate following hearing regarding imposition of Special Parole Term Violation sentence and resulting computation based upon Parole Commission Notice of Action. u.S. v. Sylvia Valdez (TCN) , inmate wife found guilty of introducing narcotics June 19, 1997. Motion for new trial scheduled for hearing September 10, 1997. 3621(e) LITIGATION: No new decisions. RELIGION: Low v. Clarke-Cain (BRN) , see above. Harvin v. BOP (LOF) , Bivens action filed by inmate who alleges he is Native American and claims he was denied Sweat Lodge. Inmate is now permitted to sweat, but still refuses to dismiss the case. AUSA has filed motion to dismiss for failure to exhaust administrative remedies and is preparing motion for summary judgment arguing qualified immunity. MEDICAL MALPRACTICE TORT CLAIMS/LITIGATION REFERENCING GAO REPORT ON AGENCY MEDICAL CARE: None CASES INVOLVING THE ENSIGN AMENDMENT: None ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS: BOP legal staff attended the Base Realignment and Closure meeting concerning the Lompoc property on August 13, 1997. The Army will not conduct further investigation or remediation into the wood dump site, the Air Force will not ask for the antenna site, and a recommendation was made that the firing range site be designated as "active", permitting the property to transfer without remediation. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS: TRM Attorney Advisor Dennis Wong, PHX Supervisory Attorney Matt Carney, SHE Attorney Advisor Toni Brown, and Assistant Regional Counsel Valerie Stewart and Jeff Campbell will attend Regional DAP training on Tuesday, September 9, 1997. • LOM Supervisory Attorney Angie Wiesman and SET Attorney Advisor Jay Furtick will be TOY in this office the week of September 15, 1997. CASES DISMISSED PURSUANT TO PRISON LITIGATION REFORM· ACT: None SETTLEMENTS: None CRIMINAL CASE TRACKING 1. TOTAL CRIMINAL CASES REFERRED THIS MONTH: 17 NOTE: Pre-indictment FBI investigation continuing in the prosecution of Inmate Roy Green, Reg. No. 21545-044, for the murder of SOS Scott Williams and assaults of four other staff at LOM. 2. CRIMINAL CASES ACCEPTED FOR PROSECUTION AWAITING TRIAL/ DISPOSITION: ASSAULT: None ESCAPE: None FRAUD/FORGERY: None HOMICIDE: u.s. v. Carlos Miranda and Chris Anderson (LOM) , murder of inmate James Jackson, trial scheduled for 23, 1997 in Los Angeles. 1993 September u.S. v. Aaron Stone, 1995 hostage situation at LOM, trial to be scheduled. INTRODUCTION/POSSESSION OF CONTRABAND: None PROPERTY: None WEAPONS: None 3. CRIMINAL MATTERS REFERRED (MATTERS DECLINED ARE NOTED) : ASSAULT: PHX - 6 SHE - 1 LOM - 1 declined ESCAPE : None FRAUD/FORGERY: None HOMICIDE: None INTRODUCTION/POSSESSION OF CONTRABAND: SHE - 1 TCN - 1 LOM - 3 declined PROPERTY : None WEAPONS : LOM - 4 declined •• STATISTICS " Tort Claims: NOV JAN FEB MAR 34 30 58 ~05 28 25 APR MAY JUN JUL 53 67 59 63 57 AUG SEP OCT TOTAL DEC Received 44 Closed 55 Reconsidered Pending ~30 o ~34 o Over 6 Mo . o o 87 90 5 3 65 26 0 ~30 ~~6 35 1 o ~ 2 ~~~ ~3~ 5 ~ SAF SDC SHE TRM TCN 5 o o o 34 MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 38 39 TOTAL 4 6 2 Investigations Pending Over 60 Days: BRN DUB PHX LOM LOF LOS NEL ~ 0 o 3 FOI /PA : DEC JAN FEB MAR APR Received 27 44 28 36 36 ~9 3~ 36 38 34 30 days 6 8 ~O 29 30 9 30 Pending 32 28 35 24 Closed ~5 9 4 PHX SAF SDC SHE TRM TCN ~ o o o o o 7 OCT NOV DEC o 0 24 ~6 ~ 33 21 26 28 9 Over 6 Months - 0 ~996 Open - 0 FOI/PA Pending More than 30 Days: BRN DUB LOM LOF LOS NEL 00 6 0 0 o *Does not include inmates transferred out of Region or CCMs . Administrative Remedies: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP • 71 106 92 108 83 90 102 Litigation: JAN DEC Open Cases: 342 New Cases: 27 HC FTCA 2 Bivens Other 3 Closed Lit Reports 10 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 326 14 15 2 7 0 29 10 335 15 8 3 4 1 30 9 344 21 8 0 3 1 6 9 348 14 17 1 3 0 12 9 352 22 11 1 2 2 10 8 369 21 16 1 3 2 18 12 373 12 16 1 2 0 4 2 99 • SEP 9 2 5 OCT NOV u.s. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons Dublin, California 94568 November 3, 1997 FROM: Harlan W. Penn T:'1;Regi"on'a;1 CqJ.;lIT.s"e-:r'" SUBJECT: ~~ CASES OF INTEREST ~~ NINTH CIRCUIT MATTERS: DISTRICT COURT MATTERS: Evans v. Reese, (DUB), Temporary Restraining Order/Preliminary Injunction granted September 26, 1997 to permit independent urinalysis/retest and suspend discipline proceedings. Hearing October 1, 1997 in San Francisco - order to remain in effect. Lucas, Mercadel, and Douthit v. White (DUB), three former female inmates allege they were sexually assaulted and harassed by male inmates and staff while housed in SHU at FOe Dublin. Mediation suspended while Plaintiffs consider settlement offer and parties exchange injunctive proposals. Sevier v. Crabtree (SHE), inmate released from custody on August 28, 1997 after hearing before Judge Haggerty regarding whether Sevier's return as halfway house failure was grounds for revocation of DAP early release date. Still pending Court's written order. Toni Brown Legal staff. u.s. v. Lacy (DUB), order issued to permit defendan~ access to CD ROM containing wiretap conversations. Plea agreement reached making order moot. U.s. v. Twitty (PHX) , four staff subpoenaed as witnesses by Federal Public Defender at detention hearing on criminal charges resulting from threats against staff and staff's family. Inmate detained, two Count grand jury indictment returned on September 25, 1997. Jane Haschemeyer Legal staff. Wilson v. Crabtree (SHE), hearing September 26, 1997 on Emergency Motion for Immediate Release for inmate who was returned to SHE from halfway house as a OAP program failure. Judge Haggerty ruled that early release date vested prior to halfway house participation, because not until CN-01 was community transition clearly indicated as a required part of the OAP. Court held that because inmate had entered the DAP in March 1996, Cort applied and BOP could not revoke the early release date. Wilson was ordered immediately released. Toni Brown Legal staff, Dr. Gary George, Regional DAP Coordinator called as expert witness. TRIALS/HEARINGS: Kalka and Mitchell v. Megathlin, et al (TCN) , depositions of staff at TCN and Warden Pontesso at PHX took place September 12-15, 1997 prior to close of discovery in this Bivens case. Low v. Clarke-Cain (BRN) , Religious Freedom Restoration Act case in which inmate sought injunctive relief for practice of Satmar sect of Hasidic Judaism. Trial held September 29-30, 1997 in Los Angeles, but recessed for settlement discussions. Previously the Court ordered Low placed in a halfway house for High Holidays. u.S. v. Alex Aguirre, et ale (LOS), sentencing September 1-5, 1997 of twelve Mexican Mafia defendants; ten life sentences imposed. u.s. v. Sylvia Valdez (TCN), hearing on FPD's Motion for New Trial after inmate's wife was convicted of introduction of controlled sUbstances (heroin and cocaine)in violation of 18 u.s.c. 1791. FPD contended that government had failed to prove its case because language at 28 C.F.R. 6.1 required proof that Warden had not consented to the introduction. Judge Zapata disagreed and sentenced Valdez to 5 years probation (1st offense, 3 children). 3621 (e) LITIGATION: Archer v. Hayes (DUB), 922(g) (3) and 924(a) convictions. Floyd v. Adams (SAF) , "old law" inmate challenging failure to award early release incentive after he completed the 500 hour and institution transitional portion of OAP. Graham v. Crabtree (SHE), inmate alleges early release vested with completion of the 500 hours portion of OAP, and that failure to complete community transition portion of OAP is not a bar to early release. Harmon v. Crabtree (SHE), habeas challenging denial of early release eligibility due to prior history for robbery. RELIGION: Low v. Clarke-Cain (BRN), see above. MEDICAL MALPRACTICE TORT CLAIMS/LITIGATION REFERENCING GAO REPORT ON AGENCY MEDICAL CARE: None CASES INVOLVING THE E!NSIGN AMENDMENT: None ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS: NOV received at TCN for autowash discharge water was successfully negotiated after contact with Pima County Compliance Office. Institution had previously received verbal approval for operation. Excellent coordination between institution and Central Office staff. NOV received at PHX regarding underground fuel storage tanks. All non-compliance items have"been resolved and proof of compliance will resolve the NOV. PHX also continuing discussions with Del Webb regarding their proposal for a regiollal waste water treatment plant (Del Webb has a large developDent planned near the institution). MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS: Honors Attorney Abigail Brown arrived for duty on September 15, 1997. Institution Legal staff Toni Brown, Matt Carney and Dennis Wong attended Regional DAP Coordinator's Training on September 9 with Regional Legal staff. Jay Furtick, MOC Seatac, and A~gie Wiesma~, LOM, participated in training at WRO September 15, 16,& 17. CASES DISMISSED PURSUANT TO PRISON LITIGATION REFORM ACT: None SETTLEMENTS: None CRIMINAL CASE TRACKING 1. TOTAL CRIMINAL CASES RE~~RRED THIS MONTH: 14 NOTE: Pre-indictment FBI investigation continuing in the prosecution of Inmate Roy Green, Reg. No. 21545-044, for the murder of 80S Scott Williams and assaults of four other staff at LaM. 2. CRIMINAL CASES ACCEPTED FOR PROSECUTION AWAITING TRIAL/ DISPOSITION: ASSAULT: None ESCAPE: None FRAUD/FORGERY: None HOMICIDE: u.S. v. Carlos ~iranda and Chris Anderson (LaM), 1993 murder of i~rnd~e James Jackson, trial began September 23, 1997 in Los Angeles. u.S. v. Aaron Stone (LaM), 1995 hostage situation. Plea agreement reached, sentencing scheduled for November 10, 1997. INTRODUCTION/POSSESSION OF CONTRABAND: u.S. v. Chavira (PHX), trial not yet schedule~. u.S. v.·Greenwood and Cain (PHX), trial not yet scheduled. u.S. v .. Venegas (PHX), trial not yet scheduled. PROPERTY: None WEAPONS: None 3. CRIMINAL MATTERS REFERRED (MATTERS DECLINED ARE NOTED) : ASSAULT: ". Joiner, Cynthia, Reg. No. 03751-025 (DUB), assault on staff Assault cases f~om PHX declined: Garcia, Carlos, Reg. No. 32800-080, assault on inmate Cadotte, Douglas, Reg. No. 40157-008, assault on staff Mitchell, Rayfield, Reg. No. 60839-065, assault on staff Assault (inmate fight) 9ases from TRM declined: Magnum, Lawrence, Reg. No. 53865-097 Jones, Darryl Lee, Reg. No. 14850-116 Rosales, Luis, Reg. No. 07280-041 Sparks, Charles, Reg. No. 08429-112 Knox, Gemora, Reg. No. 06530-112 Webb, Marty, Reg. No. 06015-112 Livingston, Matthew, Reg. No. 49176-008 Gutierrez, Amador, Reg. No. 11772-051 ESCAPE: Hanson, Teresa, Reg. No. 27158-013 (DGB furlough transfer) FRAUD/FORGERY: None HOMICIDE: None CONT~~: INTRODUCTION/POSSESSION OF Veal, Bruce, Reg. 02517-089 PROPERTY: None WEAPONS: None ~~ STATISTICS ...... Tort Claims: NOV DEC Received 44 Closed 55 Reconsidered Pending 130 Over 6 Mo. JAN FEB MAR 34 30 134 58 105 0 87 28 25 0 90 0 130 0 5 3 4 0 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 65 26 53 67 1 116 59 63 0 57 35 11~ 131 57 21 2 167 5 1. 2 4 6 ~ SEP 0 Investigations Pending Over 60 Days: BRN DUB LOM LOF LOS NEL PHX 0 o 21 1 0 0 3 1 SAF 3 SDC 0 SHE TRM 0 TCN ~ FOILpA: JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT &-TAN FEB MAR APR MAY OCT TOTAL 30 NOV DEC Received Closed Pending 30 days 27 44 19 6 28 16 31 8 32 28 35 10 24 29 30 9 36 30 36 15 36 38 34 9 39 39 33 4 21 26 28 19 23 24 13 9 Over 6 Months - 0 FOI/PA Pending More than 30 Days on Sept. 30, 1997: LOP LOS NEL PHX SAF SDC SHE LOM BRN DUB 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 TRM 1 TCN 0 TOTAL 0 DEC *Does not include inmates transferred out of Region or CCMs. Administrative Remedies: MAR FEB JAN APR 71 106 92 99 Litig,ation: JAN DEC Open Cases: 342 New Cases: 27 HC 2 FTCA Bivens 3 Other Closed Lit Reports 10 JUN 83 JUL 90 AUG 102 SEP 102 OCT NOV 108 OCT MAY FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 326 14 15 2 335 15 8 3 352 22 11 1 2 2 369 21 16 1 3 2 18 387 16 4 348 14 17 1 3 0 12 376 12 16 1 7 0 344 21 8 0 3 1 6 9 .12 2 29 10 1 30 9 9 10 8 2 0 4 9 0 2 5 5 6 9 1 5 NOV .,--' , U.S.Depa~entofJusdce Federal Bureau of Prisons Dublin, CBllfomla 94S68 November 6, 1997 HEKORANDON TO WALLACE H. CBENBY, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL FROM: SUBJECT: Harlan W. Penn, Regional,Counsel \Monthly Report for Octob~r 199~ la ~~ CASES OF INTEREST NINTH CIRCUIT 44 IG.~TERS: Jacks v. Crabtree, Anderson v. Crabtree, Mason v. Crabtree 9th Cir.Nos. 97-35029, 97-35030, 97-35039 (SHE) Public Defender's Petition for Rehearing was denied on October 14, 1997. The decision of the three judge panel, written by Judge Kosinski which upheld the Director's discretion to include prior convictions for violent crimes as eligibility criteria for the DAP early release incentive. The decision also held that 3621(e) (2) (B) did not create a liberty interest in the one-year sentence reduction. DISDICT COURT IG.TTBRS: Evans v. Reese, (DUB), Temporary Restraining Order/Preliminary Injunction granted September 26, 1997 to permit independent urinalysis/retest and suspend discipline proceedings. Hearing October 1,' 1997 and subsequent Order October 8 - order remains in effect. Inmate provided new urine/blood on October 16th. "- Graham v. Crabtree (SHE), 3621(e) year off was granted to inmate who failed community transition component and was returned to closer custody. In a Hearing on Motion for Immediate Release, Court stated that inmate did not have notice of requirement to complete third phase until CN-01 to 5530.10 was issued, and therefore Cort v.Crabtree requires original eligibility determination to stand. Regional Counsel is seeking appeal of the Order. Appeal memorandum to be submitted. Jacobson v. Urriste Bivens case filed in Utah against staff at MDC-LA, FPC NEL and FCI FLO by inmate now at Ft. Worth, alleging deliberate indifference to medical needs, inadequate treatment of diabetes and resulting disorders/conditions. Plaintiff was a practicing M.D. prior to conviction. Lucas, Mercadel, and Douthit v. White (DUB), three former female inmates allege they were sexually assaulted and harassed by male inmates and staff while housed in SHU at FDC Dublin. Mediation suspended while Plaintiffs consider settlement offer and parties exchange injunctive proposals. Sevier .v. Crabtree (SHE) 3621(e). Order granting inmate/petitioner's Motion to Enforce Judgment, and holding that inmate who failed the community transitional services portion of the DAP was still eligible for year-off sentence reduction, but only because of the language agreed to in the Stipulated Order entered.into previously. Inmate was released on bail after the August 24, 1997 hearing in this case, pending the issuance of the Order. The importance of the decision is that it holds the DAP consists of three phases, all of which must be completed in order to successfully complete DAP and be eligible for year-off. aStipulated Orders n are unique to District of Oregon 3621(e) litigation. Sitton v. Adams, (SAF), 3621(e) Dismissed as moot after current conviction determined not a crime of violence per Downey, and inmate received year-off sentence reduction. Vaccaro v. Dobre, (NEL) ,MSJ filed Bivens case a.gainst staff at FPC Nellis for deliberate indifference to medical needs (in 1990) after 9th Cir. reversed and remanded District Court dismissal of the case. DZALS/BEJUUNGS: Low v. Clarke-Cain (BRN), Religious Freedom Restoration Act case in which inmate sought injunctive relief for practice of Satmar sect of Hasidic Judaism. Trial held September 29-30, 1997 in Los Angeles, but recessed for settlement discussions. Previously the Court ordered Low placed in a halfway house for High Holy Days. ,.- I 3621(e) LI~IGA~ION: DUB petitions re INS detainer/exclusion from CCC placement: Andalon v. Hayes Arboleda v. Hayes Ocoro v. Hayes Onate v. Hayes RELIGION: Low v. Clarke-Cain (BRN) , see above. Harvin v. BOP (LOF) , settled, see below. MEDICAL KALPRAC~ICE ~OR~ CLAIMS/LI~IGA~ION RE~CING GAO REPORT ON AGENCY MEDICAL CARE: None CASES INVOL'VmG THE ENSIGN AHENDMEN'l: None CASES DISMISSED PORStJANT TO PRISON LITIGATION REi'OBH ACT: Walter Smith v. H. Harrison, M.D. (TCN) No service, Court dismissed Bivens action alleging inadequate medical care, based on plaintiff's failure to pay the $120.00 filing fee, pursuant to PLRA. ENVl:RONHZN'l!AL MATTERS: LOM: Base Realignment and Closure conference teleconference on tOM Wood Dump Site held October 9, 1997. PHX: Notice of Violation issued regarding the water treatment lagoons. Letter regarding violations and timetable for remedy sent, no public posting necessary. TCN: Notice of Violation issued for a vehicle washing station which had previously been inspected and approved. Coordinated efforts of Inst. Staff, Region and Commercial Law branch resulted in an informal resolution of the matter. SBT~S: Harvin v. BOP (LOF), Bivens action filed by inmate who alleges he is Native American and claims he was denied Sweat Lodge. Inmate stipulated with Government that he was permitted to sweat, has now been released. No admission of liability, no financial compensation. 1. ro~AL CRIMDtAL CASES REFBIUUm ~HIS HO~H: 23 NOTE: Pre-indictment FBI investigation continuing in the prosecution for the murder of SOS Scott Williams and assaults of four other staff at LaM. 2• CRIMDtAL CASES ACCEP~ I'OR PROSEctJTIOH AWAI~IHG TRIAL/ DISPOSI~ION: ASSAOL~: u.S. v. Twitty, (PHX) assault on staff, indicted last month, now involved in pleas agreement with u.S. Attys Office. ESCAPE: None FRAUD/FORGERY: None HOMICIDE: u.S. v. Carlos Miranda and Chris Anderson (LOM) , 1993 murder of inmate James Jackson. Trial began September 23, 1997 and ended in hung jury rescheduled for November 18, 1997. u.S. v. Aaron Stone (LaM), 1995 hostage situation. agreement reached, sentencing November 10, 1997. ~ODUC~ION/POSSESSION u.S. v. Chavira (PHX) , Plea OF CONTRABAND: tr~al not yet scheduled. u.S. v. Greenwood and Cain (PHX) , trial not yet scheduled. u.S. v. Venegas (PHX) , trial not yet scheduled~ PROPERTY: None WEAPONS: None 3. CRIMINAL .MAT'mRS REI'BIUUm (MA'lTERS DECLINED ARB NOTBD) : ASSAULT: Alvina, Reg. No. 02519-112 (LaM) Codes 224, 109 declined Barker-Hernandez, Reg. No. 14318-004 (SHE) Cain, Reg. No. 66049-198 (LOF) , Code 101 declined Dunn, Reg. No. 300'58-037 (LOM) , Codes lOlA, 104, 109, 307 accepted Ferrell, Reg. No. 29531-048 (PHX) pending Herrera, Esequel, Reg. No. 44302-080 (SHE) pending Johnson, Reg. No. 01871-070 (LOM) Codes 101, 198 declined Olivares, Reg. No. 27117-013 (PHX) pending Patterson, Jermey, Reg. No. 59890-065 (SHE) pending Rosado, Reg. No. 39331-066 (LOM) Codes lOlA, 198, 307 declined Shadzad, Reg. No. 07476-112 (LOM) declined Williams, Reg. No. 01797-112 (PHX) pending Yarborough, Reg. No. 82470-012 (DUB) declined ESCAPE: Custard, Reg. No. 02728-031 (LOM) pending Galindo, Reg. No. 03104-112 (LOM)accepted FRAUD/FORGERY: None HOMICIDE: Colasanti, Reg. No. 60983-065 (LOM) declined r.NT.RoDUCTION/POSSESSION OF CONTRABAND: Hawkins, Reg. No. 06077-097 (LOM) declined Orozco, Reuben (staff - LOS) pending Smallwood, Reg. No. 42708-080 (LOM) declined Walmsley, John, Reg. No. 58274-065 (SHE) PROPERTY: None WEAPONS: Grover, Reg. No. 02040-112 (LOM) declined Linningham, Reg. No. 60684-080 (LOM) declined Roque-Baranco, Reg. No. 09696-000 (LOM) pending ~~ STATISTICS •• Tort Claims: NOV DBC Received 44 Closed 55 Reconsidered Pending _ l30 JAN 34 30 o l34 FBB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SBP 58 28 65 l05 25 26 000 87 90 l30 S3 67 59 63 57 46 89 III 35 1 l3l 57 2l 2 l67 l24 5 1 2 'f SAF SDC SRB TRM TCN 2 0 o o MAY JUN JUL AUG SBP OCT 36 30 36 36 38 34 9 38 39 33 4 2l 26 28 9 19 23 24 l3 37 053 OVer 6 Mo. 4 Investigations Pending OVer 60 Days: BRN DUB LOM LOF LOS NBL PBX o 2 l5 0 0 0 7 1 FOI/PA: DBC Received Closed Pending 30 days -JAN FBB MAR APR 28 19 16 31 32 28 35 6 8 10 24 29 30 9 27 44 15 0 1 ll6 6 o OCT 0 3 TOTAL 26 NOV 31 30 o OVer 6 Mon ths - 0 FOI/PA Pending More than 30 Days on Sept. 30, 1997: BRN DUB LOM LOF LOS BEL PBX SAF SDC SHB o 0 0 0 000 0 0 TRM 0 TCN 0 TOTAL 0 DBC o *Does not include inmates transferred out of Region or COMs. Administrative Remedies: JAN FBB MAR APR 99 71 106 92 Litigation: JAN DEC Open Cases: 342 New Cases: 27 HC FTCA 2 Bivens MAY 108 JUN 83 JUL 90 AUG 102 SBP 102 OCT 121 NOV OCT FBB MAR APR MAY· JUN JUL AUG SBP 326 l4 15 2 7 335 l5 8 3 4 344 2l 8 348 l4 17 352 22 11 369 2l 376 l2 o 16 16 387 l6 9 1 3 1 1 3 ~ o 3 2 2 2 NOV 396 20 9 J 1 12 3 t .. Q Other' 3 Closed Lit Reports 10 o 1 .29 1 30 10 9 9 6 o 2 12 9 10 8 2' 18 12 o o 4 2 5 5 6 2 5 14 11 . u.s. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons December 8, 1997 MEMORANDUM TO WALLACE H. CHENEY ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL FROM: SUBJECT: ~~ Harlan W. Penn, Regional Counsel ~rlfi '~{QJ.1fiHil$ fiJ;RfSin"X?5StpJlIWf!tf CASES OF INTEREST •• NINTH CIRCUIT MATTERS: Montano -Figue roa v. Crabtree, CV97-1108 (District of Oregon) . No tice of Appeal filed 11 / 1 9/9 7. District Court denied inmate's habeas petition cha ll enging the IFRP with a finding that IFRP is constitutional because it is vo lu ntary. Webber v. Crabtree, CV97 -493 (District of Oregon). Notice of Appeal filed October 22, 1997. District Court granted summary judgment for BOP upholding the ban on sale of tobacco pr oduct s at FPC Sheridan. Blum v. Stauffer, CIV96-863 PHX (District of Arizona) Ninth Circui t affirmed District Court's dismissal. DISTRICT COURT MATTERS: Evans v. Reese (DUB), Temporary Restraining Order/Preliminary Injunction granted September 26, 1997 to permit independent urinalysis/retest. Stay of discipline proceedings lifted November 21, 1997. A DHO Hearing was held on November 25, 199 7. . Figueroa v. Macy/U.S. (DUB), Consolidated Bivens/FTCA actions involving death of former DUB female inmate from stroke following transfer to FMC Carswell in 1995. Settlement conference scheduled for December 12, 1997. No offer will be made.. Jacobson v. Urriste (NEL) , Bivens case filed in Utah against staff at LOS, NEL and FLF by inmate now at FTW, alleging deliberate indifference to medical needs, inadequate treatment of diabetes and resulting disorders/conditions. Plaintiff was a practicing M.D. prior to conviction. Lucas, Mercadel, and Douthit v. White (DUB), Bivens/FTCA cases in which three former female inmates allege they were sexually assaulted and harassed by male inmates and staff while housed in SHU at FDC Dublin. Mediation suspended while Plaintiffs consider settlement offer and parties exchange injunctive proposals. Vaccaro v. Dobre (NEL), Bivens case against staff at NEL for deliberate indifference to medical needs in 1990. Motion for Summary Judgment filed after 9th Circuit reversed and remanded District Court dismissal of the case, holding service of U.S. Attorney is not necessary in a Bivens case. Government has filed a Motion to Dismiss on numerous grounds, which is under submission. TRIALS/BEARINGS: Low v. Clarke-Cain (BRN) , Religious Freedom Restoration Act case in which inmate sought injunctive relief for practice of Satmar sect of Hasidic Judaism. Trial held September 29-30, 1997 in Los Angeles, but recessed for settlement discussions; scheduled to resume February 10, 1998. RELIGION: Houston v. Fitzpatrick (LOF) , Bivens action filed by Nation of Islam inmate alleging denial of First and Fourteenth Amendment rights in allocation of Chapel resources, rejection of incoming publications, housing assignments. Low v. Clarke-Cain (BRN) , see above. MEDICAL MALPRACTICE TORT CLAIMS/LITIGATION REFERENCING GAO REPORT ON AGENCY MEDICAL CARE: None CASES INVOLVING THE ENSIGN AMENDMENT: None. CASES DISNcrSSED PURSUANT TO PRISON LITIGATION REFORM ACT: Q .Huckleberry v. Adams CIV 96-714, Dist. Arizona. dismissed for failure to pay filing fees. Judge Roll ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS: None SETTLEMENTS: None CRIMINAL CASE TRACKING 1. TOTAL CRIMINAL CASES REFERRED THIS MONTH: NOTE: Grand Jury proceedings continuing in the murder of SOS Scott Williams and assaults of four other staff at LOM. 2. CRIMINAL CASES ACCEPTED FOR PROSECUTION AWAITING TRIAL/ DISPOSITION: ASSAULT: None ESCAPE: None FRAUD/FORGERY: None HOMICIDE: U.S. v. Matt Lindsey (PHX) , prosecution of inmate Matt Lindsey, Register No. 02331-061 for November 1, 1997 murder of inmate Bernard Jackson, Register No. 41722-008. AUSA Pat Snyder is assigned to prosecute the case. U.S. v. Theodore Kaczynski, UNABOMBER trial now in jury selection in Sacramento. DUB legal staff has respond~d to all defense subpoenas. U.S. v. Carlos Miranda and Chris Anderson (LOM) , 1993 murder of inmate James Jackson. Trial began September 23, 1997 and ended in hung jury; new trial in progress. U.S. v. Aaron Stone (LOM) , 1995 hostage situation. agreement reached, sentencing still to be scheduled. INTRODUCTION/POSSESSION OF CONTRABAND: U.S. v. Chavira (PHX),. trial not yet scheduled. Plea .. u.s. v. Greenwood and Cain (PHX) , trial not yet scheduled. u.s. v. Venegas (PHX) , trial not yet scheduled. PROPERTY: None WEAPONS: None 3. CRIMINAL MATTERS REFERRED (MATTERS DECLINED ARE NOTED) : ASSAULT: DUB - 2 inmate/staff assault referrals declined 1 inmate/staff assault referral pending LOM - 1 referral declined (Norris, Reg. No. 01604-087) SDC - 2 inmate/inmate sexual assault referrals declined TRM - 1 inmate/inmate referral declined SHE - 1 inmate/inmate referral declined PHX - 1 inmate/inmate referral declined ESCAPE: LOM - 1 attempt referral declined FRAUD/FORGERY: None HOMICIDE: LOM - 1 attempt referral pending INTRODUCTION/POSSESSION OF CONTRABAND: LOM - 2 possession referrals pending PROPERTY: None WEAPONS: LOM - 4 referred/2 declined Q ~~ STATISTICS •• Tort Claims: JANFEB DEC 34 Received 44 55 30 Closed 0 Reconsidered 1 130 Pending 144 Over 6 Mo. 0 5 MAR APR 58 105 0 28 25 0 134 87 3 4 MAY 65 26 0 90 JAN 27 44 19 6 FEB MAR APR 28 16 31 8 32 28 35 10 24 29 30 9 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 53 67 1 59 63 0 57 35 1 57 21 2 46 89 0 35 14 0 116 111 131 167 124 130 6 Investigations Pending Over 60 Days: LOF LOS NEL DUB LOM BRN TOTAL 1 9 1 0 3 0 18 FOIL.PA: DEC Received Closed Pending 30 days JUN 5 1 PHX SAF 0 1 2 4 3 7 SDC SHE TRM TCN 2 0 1 0 SEP OCT NOV 19 23 24 13 37 31 30 0 37 41 26 0 TRM 0 TCN 0 TOTAL 0 DEC MAY JUN JUL AUG 36 30 36 15 36 38 34 9 38 39 33 4 21 26 28 9 Over 6 Months - 0 FOI/PA Pending More than 30 Days on Nov. 28, 1997: NEL LOM LOF LOS PHX SAF SDC SHE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BRN DUB *Does not include inmates transferred out of Region or CCMs. Administrative Remedies: FEB JAN MAR APR 99 71 106 92 Li tig,ation: JAN DEC Open Cases: 342 New Cases: 27 HC 14 MAY JUN JUL 83 90 AUG 102 SEP 102 OCT 121 NOV 108 OCT' FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 326 14 15 335 15 8 344 21 8 348 14 17 352 22 11 369 21 16 376 12 16 387 16 9 74 J96 20 9 NOV 400 16 12 Q FTCA 2 Bivens 2 7 3 4 0 3 1 3 0 1 29 30 1 6 10 9 9 9 1 2 1 3 1 2 0 2 12 10 2 18 8 12 0 2 3 1 1 3 5 5 2 5 0 4 2 6 14 1 Other Closed 3 0 11 12 Lit Reports 10 6 u.s. Department of Justice Federa1 Bureau of Prisons Dublin, Califomia 94568 January 13, 1998 MEMORANDUM TO WALLACE H. CHENEY ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL FROM: Harlan W. Penn, Regional Counsel -~ StJB.JECT: ~~ CASES OF INTEREST ~~ NINTH CIRCUIT MATTERS: .Harris v. Turner, et al (NEL) CA9 dismissed appeal for lack of jurisdiction. Appeal of District Court's decision to dismiss Complaint with leave to amend and dismissal of several Bivens defendants from original complaint. Sevier v. Crabtree (SHE) 3621(e) case. Notice of Appeal filed challenging District Court's Order that eligibility is determined by Stipulated Order, regardless of inmate's ability to complete all three phases of DAP. Wilson v. Crabtree (SHE) 3621(e) case. Notice of Appeal filed challenging District Court's Order finding that halfway house component was not adequately noticed as an early release eligibility requirement until CN-01 was issued 5/17/1996. DISTRICT COURT MATTERS: Berry v. Crabtree, Frank v. Crabtree (SHE), Habeas cases, both challenging 3621(e) early release ineligibility due to . o 18 U.S.C. §924(c) conviction. Cleary v. Benov (SAF) , 3621(e) case, in which District Court has held that BOP must find an aold law" inmate "eligible" for early release after completion of DAP, only because all DAP paperwork notes that inmate is aold law" (estoppel theory'), and inmate was never advised that he was not otherwise eligible. Order also clearly states that actual decision to grant early release is in discretion of the Director and Court has no authority to order early release. Inmate is now in halfway house completing community transition component, mandatory release date will occur simultaneously with CCC completion. Figueroa v. Macy/U.S. (DUB), Consolidated Bivens/FTCA actions involving death of former DUB female inmate from stroke following transfer to FMC Carswell in 1995. U.s. Attorney's Office urging reconsideration of our position that no settlement offer should be made. Awaiting further comments from government expert , physician. Johnson v. Crabtree (SHE), 3621(e) case. District Court granted habeas for inmate finding that 18 U.S.C. 842(h) is not a crime of violence and issue of eligibility is ripe upon notification of provisional eligibility determination. Motion for reconsideration filed on issue of ripeness Lucas, Mercadel, and Douthit v. White (DUB), Bivens/FTCA cases in which three former female inmates allege they were sexually assaulted and harassed by male inmates and staff while housed in SHU at FDC Dublin. Mediation suspended while Plaintiffs consider settlement offer and parties exchange injunctive proposals. U.S. v. Artt (DUB), Defense counsel filed motion to return inmate to DUB from Alameda County Jail. Judge merely recommended the transfer. Two co-defendants are now housed at DUB and inmate is subject to deportation. Warden has agreed to the transfer. Vaccaro v. Dobre (NEL) , Bivens case against staff at NEL for deliberate indifference to medical needs in 1990. Previously reported, still under submission. TRLALS/~NGS: Low v. Clarke-Cain (BRN) , Religious Freedom Restoration Act case in which inmate sought injunctive re~ief for practice of Satmar sect of Hasidic Judaism. Trial held September 29-30, 1997 in Los Angeles, but recessed for settlement discussions; scheduled to resume February 10, 1998. RELXGXON: o Low v. Clarke-Cain (BRN), see above. MEDICAL MALPRACTICE TORT CLAIMS/LITIGATION REFERENCING GAO REPORT ON AGENCY MEDICAL CARE: None CASES INVOLVING THE ENSIGN AMENDMENT: None CASES DISMISSED PURSUANT TO PRISON LITIGATION REFORM ACT: Huckleberry v. Adams, (SAF) District Court dismissed for failure to pay $120 filing fee. ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS: None SETTLEMENTS: Janice West v. u.s. (DUB), FTCA slip and fall case involving broken walkway at DUB settled by U.s. Attorney's Office for $50,000.00. CRIMINAL CASE TRACKING 1. TOTAL CRIMINAL CASES REFERRED THIS MONTH: 13 NOTE: Grand Jury proceedings continuing in the murder of SOS Scott Williams and assaults of four other staff at LOM. 2• CRIMINAL CASES ACCEPTED FOR PROSECUTION AWAITING TRIAL/ DISPOSITION: ASSAULT: None ESCAPE: None FRAUD/FORGERY: None HOMICIDE: U.s. v. Theodore Kaczynski, UNABOMBER trial in Sacramento. DUB legal staff has responded to all prosecution requests and defense subpoenas. U.s. v. Matt Lindsey (PHX), prosecution of inmate o Matt Lindsey, Register No. 02331-061 for November 1, 1997 murder of inmate Bernard Jackson, Register No. 41722-008. AUSA Pat Snyder is assigned to prosecute the case. u.S. v. Carlos Miranda and Chris Anderson (LOM), 1993 murder of inmate James Jackson. Retrial began November 18, 1997, resulting in jury verdict of guilt for manslaughter December 15, 1997. Sentencing February 23, 1998. u.S. v. Aaron Stone (LOM) , 1995 hostage situation. agreement reached. Sentencing Janua~y 23, 1998. Plea INTRODUCTION/POSSESSION OF CONTRABAND: u.s. v. Chavira (PHX), trial not yet scheduled. u.s. v. Greenwood and Cain (PHX), trial not yet scheduled. u.S. v. Venegas (PHX) , trial not yet scheduled. PROPERTY: None WEAPONS: None 3. CRIMINAL MATTERS REFERRED (MATTERS DECLINED ARE NOTED) : ASSAULT: Winston, Reg. No. 19697-016 (LOM) Pardon-Guerra, Reg. No. 09418-000 (SHE) Cantillo, Reg. No. 13148-018 (SHE) McGee, Reg. No. 97157-012 (SHE) Villegas, Reg. No. 84226-011 (PHX) - declined ESCAPE: Custard, Reg. No. 02728-031 (LOM, attempt) - declined FRAUD/FORGERY: None HOMICIDE: Colasanti, Reg. No. 60983-065 (LOM, attempt) - declined INTRODUCTION/POSSESSION OF CONTRABAND: Paniagua, Reg. No. 09267-112 (LOS) Sadler, Reg. No. 54754-065 (LOM) South, Reg. No. 54283-065 (LaM) Sanchez, Reg. No. 62403-008 (SAF) PROPERTY: None WEAPONS: Best, Reg. No. 16161-083 (LaM) Roque-Baranco, Reg. No. 09696-000 (LaM) - declined ~~ STATISTICS ...... Tort Claims: JANFEB DEC Received 44 34 42 55 74 Closed 30 Reconsidered JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 65 53 59 57 57 46 35 26 67 63 35 21 89 14 1 0 1 2 130 116 111 131 MAR APR 58 28 105 25 0 0 0 134 87 90 3 4 0 MAY 0 0 1 0 Pending 130 167 124 114 144 Over 6 Mo. 0 5 6 5 1 PHX SAF 2 4 7 3 7 Investigations Pending Over 60 Days: LOM LOF LOS NEL BRN DUB TOTAL 4 31 JAN 0 SDC SHE TRH TCN 1 1 4 0 SEP OCT NOV 19 37 37 1 1 1 2 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 28 32 32 24 36 36 38 21 1 47 FOIt.PA: DEC Received 27 Closed 44 16 38 19 31 Pending 20 8 6 30 days 5 Over 6 Months - 0 28 29 30 38 39 26 23 31 41 35 30 36 34 33 28 24 30 26 10 9 15 9 4 9 13 0 0 TRM TCN 0 TOTAL 0 DEC 101 F,OI/PA Pending More than 30 Days on Nov. 28, 1997: PHX SAF SHE LOM LOF LOS NEL SDC BRN DUB '0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 *Does not include inmates transferred out of Region or COMs. Administrative Remedies: JAN FEB MAR APR 71 106 99 92 Li tiga. tion: JAN DEC Open Cases: 342 407 New Cases: 27 90 AUG 102 SEP 102 OCT 121 NOV 74 OCT MAY JUN JUL 108 83 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 326 335 344 348 352 369 376 387 396 15 21 14 22 21 12 16 20 16 8 11 3 8 17 11 16 16 9 9 12 0 1 1 1 ·1 0 3 1 4 3 3 2 3 2 2 1 3 3 14 15 15 14 2 0 7 3 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 5 2 0 30 8 9 6 12 10 18 4 5 5 11 Lit Reports 10 29 12 10 9 9 8 12 2 6 14 HC FTCA 2 Bivens 1 Other NOV 400 1 Closed 7 6