Fbop Ser Monthly Report 2001aug
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UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT memorandum September 5, 2001 Date: Reply to Attn of: Sherree L. Sturgis, Regional Counsel, Southeast Region Federal Bureau of Prisons, Atlanta, GA 30331 Subject: Monthly Report - August 2001 Christopher Erlewine, Assistant Director/General Counsel Federal Bureau of Prisons Washington, D.C. 20534 To: I. ADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL ACTMTIES - SUMMARY REPORT A. Administrative Tort Claims - 2001 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP Pending on lSi 155 138 140 105 113 112 136 146 166 Rec'd in month 35 21 30 40 32 54 50 60 Recons. rec'd 4 2 1 0 1 3 1 3 Ans'd in month 62 38 50 61 64 55 42 45 Pending at end 138 140 105 113 112 136 146 162 Over 180 days 28 54 10 9 9 9* 17* 15· * OIA Referrals-7 ocr Pending Settlement, Settlement Authority, OQM and/or AFlP Referral-7 DEC NOV Pending Add. Info from Inst.-l Tort Claim Investigation Status: As of August 1. 2001 B. ATL COL EDG EGL EST GUA JES MIA MIM MNA MON PEN TAL TOG YAZ SEQ PENDING 69 7 5 2 3 12 9 17 1 4 3 3 9 3 6 15 >60 DAYS 18 0 0 0 2 1 3 11 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 7 ,,' 4682 , SER Monthly Report -August 2001 Page 2 c. FOJIPrivacy Act Reguests - 2001 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 15 Pending on 1 ut 6 21 23 29 25 17 19 20 Rec'd in month 29 37 39 25 28 28 32 31 Ana' d in month 19 33 29 31 37 37 31 37 Pending at end 21 23 29 25 17 17 20 15 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 MNA MON Over 30 days D. DEC NOV FOIA Requests for records: As of September 2001 ATL COL EaL EST OUA JES MIA PENDING 4 2 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 >30 DAYS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E. OCT MIM PEN TAL TOO YAZ EOG 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 Administrative Remedies 2001 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY ruN JUL AUG 133 136 211 178 272 182 ISS 221 \. 4683 SEP OCT NOV DEC ,,' SER Monthly Report -August 2001 Page 3 II. LITIGATION ACTIVITY - 2001 SOUTHEAST REGION A. Summary Re.port JAN Cases Open FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 310 212 213 222 231 236 217 234 12 11 19 20 19 20 30 25 Habeas Corpus 5 6 14 8 16 13 21 16 FTCA 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 2 Bivens 5 5 5 9 3 5 5 6 Other 2 0 0 2 0 1 2 1 Bivens/F'I'CA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lit Reports 6 5 1 1 5 5 10 14 110 10 10 11 14 39 13 28 New Cases Cases Closed B. Settlements and Awards: None reported C. Significant Cases. Trials. Hearings. Other: 1. SEP OCT NOV DEC 231 NEW CASES: a. Dale Robinson v Forbes, 99-CV-3376-JEC BivenslFTCA Case. USP Atlanta. hnnate alleges staffwas indifferent to his medical condition and assigned him strenuous labor giving him a heart attack. This case was closed December 18, 2000. Case reopened July 25,2001. Lisa Cooper, AUSA. h. Andre Twitty v. Willie Scott. et aI., OI-CV-1538-TWT Bivens Case. USP Atlanta. Plaintiff alleges that staff assaulted him. Plaintiff seeks $25,000,000. AUSA has not yet been assigned. c. Idris Enlow v. U.S., 1-01-CV-2165 FTCA Case. USP Atlanta. Plaintiff alleges that USP Atlanta staff failed to protect him from an assault. Plaintiff alleges that he was stabbed 16 times by another inmate. Plaintiff $2,000,000. d. James Kimball v. U.S., 5:01-CV-2570c-lO FTCA Case. FCC Coleman. Plaintiff alleges that he is not receiving appropriate medical care and treatment for a breathing and coughing problem, his back and neck injury, and ongoing dental problems. Plaintiff sought a Temporary Restraining Order and Injunction, but both were denied. Court has ordered Plaintiff to prove that he has exhausted available· administrative remedies. 4684 1 SER Monthly Report -August 2001 Page 4 e. Anthony Hunter v. Cathleen Hawkins. et a1. , 7:01-261 0-19BG Bivens Case. FCr Estill. Plaintiff alleges that he has not received medical treatment for his skin condition. Plaintiff seeks $1,000,000. f. Harold Wood v. U.S., 5:01-cv-222-RH FTCA Case. FCr Marianna. Plaintiff alleges that he has not received appropriate medical treatment for his seizure disorder. Plaintiff seeks $30,000,000. ,. g. Leslie Perez v. Kathleen Hawks Sawyer, 4:01-cv-268-SP Bivens Case. Florida Department of Corrections. The Petitioner alleges he is presently being illegally detained by the Florida Department of Corrections because of an agreement between the FBOP and the State ofFlorida. The Petitioner also alleges discrimination by the FDOC because they refuse to provide him the same benefits as a federal prisoner. . h. Hiram Martinez v. BOP et.. al Case No.01-CV-1929-KinglSorrentino This is a 2241 habeas petition from FDC Miami. The Petitioner argues that the period during which he was on appeal bond should be awarded as credit against the service of the six year term of imprisonment imposed by Judge Moore. The Petitioner contends that this period ofrelease is similar to parole and was served concurrent to his supervised release tenn, therefore, it is creditable towards his first sentence. 1. Note Received five Habeas Corpus Petitions from Fer Talladega concerning the retroactive application ofnew regulations concerning Section 3621 (e) releases where the inmates had an early expectation of release. 2. HEARINGS: No Significant Hearings Reported 3. TRIALS: None Reported 4. OTHER a. Layland v. United States of America. 2:01-CV-0076-ST, District of Utah Inmate attacking his conviction for ineffective assistance of counsel in District of Utah sought recordings of conversations between him and his attorney maintained by the FCC Coleman srs Office. Assistant United States Attorney defending .2255 action advised FCC Coleman the recordings had to be provided to inmate pursuant to an order from federal'district court allowing limited discovery. FCC Coleman Legal arranged for Layland to listen to recordings in the Captain's Office because of the nature of Layland's offense of conViction (child pornography). Layland declined and successfully motioned the Middle District of Florida to order the BOP to grant him possession of tapes. After Layland was provided tapes, he detennined the sound quality was poor and has threatened suit under the Freedom of Information Act. 4685 ~ \ SER Monthly Report -August 2001 Page 5 5. CLOSED CASES a. McCain v. Hawk-Sawyer (FCI Edgefield) Civil Action Number 2:99-3602-12 (FSC) Summary Judgement August 21, 2001 b. United States v. Norberto Morlaes (MDC,Guaynabo) CR No. 99-185 (CCC) Dismissed (Failure to Exhaust) August 2, 2001 c. Robert Muoio v USA, ol-CV-1269-CC Matter was moot/dismissed August 23, 2001 d. Ro~al Allen v Bureau of Prisons, 99-CV-2946-WBH, Northern District of Ga. Motion to dismiss granted August 15,2001 e. Michael Thomas v. R. OO-PWG-0118-E Writ Denied August 4, 2001 f. Stenhen James Moncour v. Warden R. 99-PWG-3228-E Motion to Dismiss/Granted August 29, 2001 g. Theron J. Porter v. Warden R. 00-pt-0305-e Motion to Dismiss/Granted August 29, 2001 h. J effre~ T. Miller v. R.D. Swoge2 et al. 5:01-cv-163-oc Dismissed August 2, 2001 « t ~. Wile~2 Warden Wile~ Wile~ D. RELIGIOUS CASES; None Reported E. ENSIGN AMENDMENT CASES: None reported. ./- 4686 SER Monthly Report -August 2001 Page 6 PLRA 1915 DISMISSALS: F. In 1. Lee v. Holder S:01-cv-164-0c-10GRJ (1vIDFL) Imnate claimed his right to participate in Unicor was denied in violation of the United States Constitution and filed this Bivens action. District Court dismissed suit under PLRA and has ordered FCC Coleman to forward the $150 filing fee from the inmate's trust account. 2. United States v. Amparo Concepcion CRNo. 01-050 (DRD) Habeas Corpus petition. The Court dismissed the petition based on the petitioner's failure to exhaust administrative remedies. CRIMINAL CASES: During a pat search of the inmate on August 1, 2001, 17 balloons of brown leafy were found taped to the leg of the inmate. The substance tested positive for marijuana. j/ IV TRA VEL SCHEDULE FOR JULY 2001 August 14-17,2001: the National Advocacy Center in Columbia, South Carolina. rtte1rlCle~C1 Prisoner Liti2ation Seminar at August 13-16,2001" attended FOIA Conference at the Central Office. August 20-24, 2001: _attended Advocacy Skills For Aeency Counsel at the National Advocacy Center in Columbia, South Carolina. V MISCELLANEOUS: United States vs. Cruz Mangual 98-194 (CCC) On August 9, 2001, Jose Cruz Mangual, a former officer at MDC Guaynabo who pled guilty for having unauthorized sexual contact with an inmate was sentenced to a prison term of three months. The Honorable Cannen Vargas de Cerezo sentenced the defendant to a tenn of incarceration for three months. United States v. Algarin Fonner Correctional Officer was found guilty of having sexual contact with an inmate. The defendant was sentenced to a term of imprisonment for four months and completed his time. Algarin has recently filed an appeal as a pro se litigant contending ineffective assistance of counsel as his defense attorney did not request certain documents that he understands were absolutely necessary for his defense. I provided the USAO infonnation regarding the inmate's length and place of incarceration in order to respond to the defendant's motion. 4681