Fbop Ser Monthly Report 1994oct
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c ~ 3. ORLANDO BENIGNO LORENZO v. MICHAEL W. GARRETT, et al Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF /lUBAMA Docket No.: CV 94-PT-2376-E Institution: FC., Talladega Type of Case: Personal liability Action (Bivens) Subject: AD DETENTION, INMATE DISCIPUNE, VISlnNG, RECREATION, CONDITIONS OF CONRNEMENT . Facts Alleged: TOG detainee In 1994 alleges he was United States Government Memorandum Date: November 2. 1994 Reply to Attn. of: Sherree L SturgIs. RegIonal Southeast RegIon. Bureau of Pri'" SUbJect: October. 1994 SER Litigation To: SER CEOs. Regional Administrators Institution Paralegals and Attorneys Wallace H. Cheney. General Counsel Joyce Zoidak, Associate General Counsel - Cou~ New Cases T arbitrarily placed In administrative detention. Conditions In administrative detention were severe; no heat, restrictions on hygiene, etc. exercise period was very short and visitation was limited. Damages Req: unspecffied: Special Monitoring: ICS. Publicity /Impact on staff morale, Other.: SERO: Regional office staff are alleged to be Involved In this ~se. - Rec.'d In Legal: October 24.1994; Due: NONE. NO SUMMONS 1. ENEL DESIR v. JANET RENO, et al Court. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: 94-1479-CIV-DAVIS Institution: MCC, Miami Type of Case: Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) Subject MEDICAL TREATMENT " _~ts Alleged: Inmate at DAN In 1994 alleges while at MIA In ( . ~, he was not given adequate medical treatment ..... following exploratory surgery In liver/spleen area. He suffered continued bleeding and pain. Damages Req: $1,750,000; Special Monitoring: 1C7, Publicity I Impact on staff morale, Medical Malpractice; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd in Legal: September 30. 1994; Due: NONE, NO SUMMONS ISSUED. Assigned to: Marilyn Lindsey; Assistant U.S. Attorney. Miami, FL; Michael Pybas, Sen for Attorney Advisor, FOC. MCC, Miami ISSUED. Assigned to: Richard Mahler, Torts Branch, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.: Van Vandivier. Deputy Regional Counsel, SERO ~ 4. SALVADOR MAGLUTA v. F. P. SAM SAMPLES, at •• Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: 1:94-CV-2700-0DE Institution: USP, Atlanta Type 01 Case: Personal LlabUIty Action (Bivens) Subject: INMATE DISCIPUNE AD DETENTION, CONDITIONS OF CONFINEMENT Facts Alleged: ATL detainee 1994 alleges whUe at TOG In 1992 he was arbitrarily placed In administrative detention. Conditions In administrative detention were severe: temperature cold, no control over hygiene, no space, etc. Recreation time and visitation hours were shortened. Damages Req: unspecffied; Special Monitoring: 105, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Pu~lclty/lmpacton~mo~~Othe~:SERO:Reg~n~ .' ,. \ ..... office staff are alleged to be Involved In this case. 2. NARCISO CARRILLO v. UNITED STATES Rec'd In Legal: October 24, 1994; Due: -1994 Court: SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FlORIDA Assigned to: Sharon Douglas Stokes; Assistant U.S. Docket No.: 88-684-CR-MAACUS 1 Attorney, Atlanta, GA : Van Vandivier, Deputy Regional Institution: MCC, Miami Counsel. SERO Type of Case: Other, Petition for Corum Nobis Subject SENTENCING Facts Alleged: Inmate at MIA In 1994 alleges that Inaccurate Information exists In his PSI. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to speclaJ monitoring; SERO: Regional office staff are not lIeged to be Involved In this case. ec'd in Legal: October 24, 1994; Due: NONE, NO SHOW CAUSE Assigned to: Robyn J. Hermann; Assistant U.S. Attorney, Deputy Chief, Civil DMslon, Miami, Fl; Michael Pybas. Senior Attorney Advisor, FOC. MCe, Miami 319 f CEO Litigation Report (0'. November 2, 1994 . ., JOSE R. DE lA FE Y. UNITED STATES, et al ~urt: NORTHERN DISTRJCT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: 1:94-CV-1639-FMH Institution: USP, Atlanta Type of Case: Personal liability Action (Bivens) Subject. SAFETY TORT Facts Alleged: BSP Inmate alleges he received several Injuries when he fell out of a bus at ATl in 1992 because of the faDure of staff to take appropriate safety precautions. Damages Req: $6,000.000; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring; SERO: Reg ional office staff are alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 24, 1994; Due: Unknown Assigned to: Curtis E. Anderson; Assistant U.S. Attorney, Chief, CivD Division, Atlanta, GA; Mike Bredenberg, Staff Counsel, USP, Atlanta 8. UNITED STATES v. PEDRO ANTONIO MOJICA Coult. DISTRICT OF PUERTO RICO Docket No.: 94-000 Institution: MDC, Guaynabo Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: INS SENTENCING Facts Alleged: Inmate at GUA In 1994 alleges that he Is ~I~g required to serve his full sentence prior to deportation. '-'.' ~ages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 24, 1994; Due: NONE, NO SHOW CAUSE Assigned to: Gulllermo Gil; United States Attorney. Hato Rey, PR; Zoe Laboy, Attorney Advisor, MOC, GUAYNABO ------------------7. PAUL E. SHAVER v. UNITED STATES Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: 94-50122\LAC Institution: FCI. Marianna Type of Case: Federal Tort Calms Act (FTCA) Subject: PROPERlY Facts Alleged: Inmate at MNA In 1994 alleges his crutches were lost after he was transferred to JES in 1993. Damages Req: $120.00; Special Monitoring: O. Not assigned to special monitoring; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 24,1994; Due: NONE. NO SUMMONS '. C ISSUED. AssIgned to: Michael Finney; Assistant U.S. Attorney, Pensacola, FL; Angle Grider, Legal Assistant, SERO Page 2 8. DAVID BRASWELL v. BUREAU OF PRISONS. et 81 Court: SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: CV294-63 Institution: FCI, Jesup Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: CLASSIFICATION FOI-PRIVACY Facts Alleged: Inmate at JES In 1994 alleges that Incorrect Information in his PSI has resulted In a higher classHicatlon leVel. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 24, 1994; Due: NONE. NO SHOW CAUSE Assigned to: Dolora L Kennebrew; Assistant U.S. Attorney, Savannah, GA; Michael Dedman. Paralegal Specialist. FCI, Jesup . 9. UNITED STATES, et al v. ANTONIO JOSE LOPEZ·PEREZ, et al Court: SOUTHERN DISTRJCT OF flORIDA Docket No.: 94-8097-CR-KiNG In~tltution: MCC. Miami Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: VISITING Facts Alleged: Court orders MIA to permit pre-trial detainee to visit with his wife. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: O. Not assigned to special monitoring; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 24, 1994; Due: ·1994 Assigned to: Kevin S. Kozak; Assistant U.S. Attomey, Miami, FL; Michael Pybas, Senior Attorney Advisor, FOC, MCC. Miami ~ 10. FREDEL WIWAMSON v. GEORGE E. HURST Coult. NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORJDA Docket No.: 94-000 Institution: Fel. Marianna Type of Case: Mandamus Subject LAW UBRARIES Facts Alleged: Inmate at MNA in 1994 alleges that the law library Is not being operated per policy requirements. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 1013. Case management may be a problem, Multiple use of form pleading; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 24, 1994; Due: NONE, NO SHON CAUSE ------------------~ed~:~~~~~~~M~ , ( . Pensacola, Fl; Steriing Dawson, Paralegal Speclalfst, Fel, : ~~ 319 Page 3 CEO Litigation Report November 2, 1994 GEORGE WILSON v. BUREAU OF PRISONS • NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: 94-000 Institution: FCI, Marianna Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject TRANSFERS ACCESS TO COURTS Facts Alleged: Inmate at MNA in 1994 seeks a transfer back to MEM In order to adequately address several cases that he has presently pending. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 24, 1994; Due: NONE, NO SHOW CAUSE Assigned to: P. Michael Patterson; U.S. Attorney, Tallahassee, FL; Stertlng Dawson, Paralegal Specialist, FCI, Marianna 12. CLAYTON P. CROWE v. FRED J. STOCK ( '-. "'" • Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: 1:94-CV-2173.JTC Institution: USP. Atlanta Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject SENTENCING cts Alleged: Inmate at ATL In 1994 alleges that he has n placed In federal custody without explanation. He eges that there has been an Improper use of a writ ad prosequendum. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 24, 1994; Due: 10-11·1994 Assigned to: Sharon Douglas Stokes; Assistant U.S. Attomey, Atlanta, GA ; Mike Bredenberg, Staff Counsel, USP, Atlanta Docket No.: 94-000 Institution: FCI, Marianna Type of Case: Mandamus Subject LAW UBRARIES Facts Alleged: Inmate at MNA In 1994 alleges that the law library Is not being operated per policy requirements. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 1013, Case management may be a problem, Multiple use of form pleading; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 24, 1994; Due: NONE. NO SHOW CAUSE Assigned to: Michael Finney; Assistant U.S. Attorney, Pensacola, FL; Stertlng Dawson, Paralegal Specialist, Fel, Marianna ~ 15. JORGE DURANGO v. GEORGE E. HURST ~ Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF fLORlDA Docket No.: 94-000 Institution: FCI, Marianna Type of Case: Mandamus Subject LAW UBRARIES Facts Alleged: Inmate at MNA In 1994 alleges that the law library Is not being operated per policy requirements. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 1013, Case management may be a problem, Multiple use of form pleading; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 24,1994; Due: NONE. NO SHOW CAUSE Assigned to: Michael Finney; Assistant U.S. Attomey, Pensacola, FL; Stertlng Dawson, Paralegal Specialist, Fel, Marianna tC;t 18. RAYMOND OLSEN v. GEORGE E. HURST ~ Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Court: SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: 94-000 Docket No.: 94-000 Institution: Fel, Marianna Institution: FCI, Jesup Type of Case: Mandamus Type of Case: Injunction Subject LAW UBRARIES Subject MEDICAL TREATMENT Facts Alleged: Inmate at MNA In 1994 alleges that the law Facts Alleged: Inmate at JES In 1994 alleges that he is not library Is not being operated per policy requirements. receiving adequate medical care, including physical Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 1013, Case therapy, for several conditions that stem from a birth defect management may be a problem, Multiple use of form which resutted in his being a paraplegic. pleading; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: IC7, Publicity I Impact be Involved In this case. on staff morale, Medical Malpractice; SERO: Regional Rec'd In Legal: October 24, 1994; Due: NONE, NO SHOW CAUSE offlce staff are not Illeged to be involved in this case. Assigned to: Michael Finney; Assistant U.S. Attorney, ec'd In Legal: October 24, 1994; Due: NONE, NO SHOW CAUSE Pensacola, FL; Sterling Dawson, Paralegal Specialist, Fel, Igned to: Dolora L Kennebrew; Assistant U.S. Attorney. Marianna Savannah. GA; Michael Dedman, Paralegal Specialist, Fel, Jesup 919 T . ( ~ 14. NELSON SARDINA v. GEORGE E. HURST Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF flORIDA ~ 13. DANIEL J. FEDERLE v. VIC lOY, et al Page 4 CEO Litigation Report November 2, 1994 ( '. 17. GREGORY SOWEll v. GEORGE E. HURST Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: 94-000 Institution: FCI, Marianna Type of Case: Mandamus Subject: LAW UBRARIES Facts Alleged: Inmate at MNA In 1994 alleges that the law library Is not being operated per policy requirements. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 1013, Case management may be a problem, Multiple use of form pleading; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 24,1994; Due: NONE, NO SHOW CAUSE Assigned to: Michael Anney; Assistant U.S. Attorney, Pensacola, FL; Sterling Dawson, Paralegal Specialist, FCI. Marianna ~ 18. LEROY BUSH v. GEORGE E. HURST ~ Court. NORTHERN DISTRICT OF flORIDA Docket No.: 94-000 Institution: Fel, Marianna Type of Case: Mandamus Subject: LAW UBRARIES ',·Alleged: Inmate at MNA In 1994 alleges that the law C, . . . .ry is not being operated per policy requirements. -' Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 1013, Case management may be a problem, Multiple use of tonn pleading; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd in Legal: October 24, 1994; Due: NONE, NO SHOW CAUSE Assigned to: Michael Finney; Assistant U.S. Attorney, Pensacola, FL; Stertlng Dawson, Paralegal Specialist, FCI, Marianna . A:is ~ 19. LEONARDO RUBIO v. GEORGE E. HURST ~ Court. NORTHERN DISTRICT OF flORIDA Docket No.: 94-000 Institution: FCI, Marianna Type of Case: Mandamus Subject LAW UBRARIES Facts Alleged: Inmate at MNA In 1994 alleges that the law library is not being operated per policy requirements. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 1013, Case management may be a problem, Multiple use of form pleading; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. ec'd In Legal: October 24, 1994; Due: NONE, NO SHOW CAUSE . signed to: Michael Finney; Assistant U.S. Attorney, (,.,... ensacola, FL; Sterling Dawson, Paralegal Specialist, Fel, Marianna ~ 3194 20. CHARLES ELLENBERG, JR. v. BUREAU OF PRISONS, et 81 Court: DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROUNA Docket No.: 6:94-2445--3AK Institution: USP, Atlanta Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: SENTENCING COMMUNITY TREATMENT CENTERS Facts Alleged: Inmate at ATL In 1994 alleges that his sentence should be modified to allow for CTC placement Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monftoring; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 24. 1994; Due: 10-21-1994 Assigned to: William C. Lucas; Assistant U.S. Attomey, GreenvDle, SC; Ken Hyle, Attorney/Advisor, SERO 21. CHARLES ELLENBERG, JR. v. BUREAU OF PRISONS, et al Court. DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROUNA Docket No.: 6:94-2445-3AK Institution: USP, Atlanta Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: SENTENCING COMMUNITY TREATMENT CENTERS Facts Alleged: Inmate at ATl In 1994 alleges that his sentence should be modified to allow for CTC placement. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be involved In this case. Rec'd in Legal: October 24. 1994; Due: 10-21-1994 Assigned to: William C. lucas; Assistant U.S. Attorney, Greenville, SC; Ken Hyle, Attorney/Advisor, SERO 22. DEXTER CONROD v. JAMES MOSELY, et al Court. NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA Docket No.: 94·H~788-E Institution: FCI, Talladega Type of Case: Personal Uabnity Action (Bivens) Subject: VISlnNG Facts Alleged: Inmate at TOG In 1994 alleges that his wHe and chDdren were denied visitation rights. Damages Req: $50,000; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this ca ••• Rec'd In Legal: October 24. 1994; Due: 10-07-1994 Assigned to: Winfield' J. Sinclair; Assistant U.S. Attorney, Birmingham, AL; Kathleen Kenney, Attomey Advisor, FCI, Talladega CEO Litigation Report November 2, 1994 ( Page 5 26. GLENN AUN MARTINOFF v. _ DUKES, et al Court. DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROUNA Docket No.: 9:94-2609-1IhJC Institution: FCI, Estill Type of Case: Personal liability Action (Bivens) Subject. MEDICAL TREATMENT, WORK, FOOD SERVICE Facts Alleged: Inmate at EST In 1994 alleges that he was assigned to work In food services In violation of his medical order. Damages Req: $835,000; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 24,1994; Due: Unknown Assigned to: Jay Preston Strom; U.S. Attorney. Columbia, SC; Jon M. Adduci, Paralegal Specialist, FCI, EstUI JORGE MUNOZ v. U.S. GOVERNMENT Court. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: 94-000 Institution: FPC, Eglin Type of Case: Injunction Subject: CLASSIFICAnON Facts Alleged: Inmate at EGL in 1994 alleges he has been placed In an Institution In vfolatlon of his judgment and imprisonment order. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 24, 1994; Due: NON~ NO SHOW CAUSE Assigned to: Robyn J. Hermann; Assistant U.S. Attorney, Deputy Chief, CtvU DMslon, Miami, FL; Gerelene Gooden, Paralegal Specialist, Southeast Regional Office 24. ROBERT M. BROWN, JR v. MIKE PElTlFORD, et al Court. DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROUNA Docket No.: 9-94-2611-17-JC Institution: Fel, Estill Type of Case: Personal UabDity Action (Bivens) Subject. PROPERTY ," __ . : t s Alleged: Inmate at EST In 1994 alleges that his Bible ( yer was taken and not returned. "'" ages Req: $300,000; Special Monitoring: O. Not . assigned to special monitoring: SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 24. 1994; Due: Unknown Assigned to: Jay Preston Strom; U.S. Attorney, Columbia, SC; Jon M. Adduci, Paralegal Specialist, Fel, Estill 27. ANDREW WALKER Y. UNITED STATES, et al Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: 1:94-CV-2567-ODE Insmutlon:USP,At~~ . 25. CALVIN R. MAmSO" Y. TONY BROWN, et al Court. DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROUNA Docket No.: 9:94-2610-6-JC Institution: FCI, Estill Type of Case: Personal Uabllity Action (Bivens) Subject. CORRESPONDENCE Facts Alleged: Inmate at EST In 1994 alleges that his maO is being tampered with In the maflroom. Damages Req: $500,000; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring; SERO: Regional Office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 24. 1994; Due: Unknown Assigned to: Jay Preston Strom: U.S. Attorney, Columbia, SC; Jon M. Adduci, Paralegal Specialist, FCI, Est"' ------------------ (~ Type of Case: Personal Uabnlty Action (Bivens) Subject. PROPERTY Facts Alleged: Inmate at AlL in 1994 alleges that his property was conflscated and destroyed whOe In SHU. Damages Req: $1,250,000; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 31. 1994; Due: 12·20-1994 Assigned to: Curtis E. Anderson; Assistant U.S. Attorney. Chief, CIvU DMsion, Atlanta, GA; Mike Bredenberg, Staff Counsel, USP, Atlanta, . 28. JERRY D. ASHMORE v. KATHLEEN HAWKE, et al Court. NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: 94-000 Institution: USP J Atlanta Type of Case: Personal Uability Action (BiYens) Subject. ASSAULTS WORK Facts Alleged: Inmate at FPC. ATL In 1994 alleges that he was assaulted by a staff member at work. Damages Req: $350,000; Special Monitoring: 0, Not aSSigned to special monitoring; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 31,1994; Due: NONE. NO SUMMONS ISSUED. Assigned to: Curtis E. Anderson; Assistant U.S. Attorney, Chief, CIvD Division, Atlanta, GA; Mike Bredenberg, Staff _Co_u_n_seJ_,_U_S_P_,A_tl_8_nta _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3195 Page 6 CEO Litigation Report November 2, 1994 .. , ( '" . SELBIE MCNAIR-BEY v. FEDERAL BUREAU OF ISONS, et al Court. NORTHERN DISTRICT OF flORIDA Docket No.: 94-1941-CIV-OAVIS Institution: MCC, Miami Type of Case: Personal liability Action (Bivens) Subject AD REMEDIES . Facts Alleged: Inmate at MIA In 1994 alleges he submitted a BP-9 to the Regional Office due to Its sensitive nature. It was rejected sent back to the Institution arbltrarUy. When it was resubmitted at the Institution. it was lost. Damages Req: $75.000; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring; SERO: Regional office staff are alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 31. 1994; Due: 12·19-1994 Assigned to: Peter Outerbridge; Assistant U.S. Attorney. Miami. FL; Michael Pybas, Senior Attorney Advisor. FOC. MCC. Miami 30. DAVID EARL HUGHES v. FRED STOCK, et al Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: 1:94-CV-2523-ODE Institution: USP, Atlanta Type 01 ease: Habeas Corpus " _bJect: SENTENCING CLASSIFICATION ( ' .. • cts Alleged: Inmate at ATL In 1994 alleges that the BOP Is not computing his sentences correctly which has placed him In a different severity level. Damages .Req: 0; Special Monitoring: O. Not assigned to special monitoring; SERO: Regional office staff are alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 31.1994; Due: NONE. NO SHOW CAUSE Assigned to: Curtis E. Anderson; Assistant U.S. Attorney. Chief. CIvI DMslon. Atlanta. GA; Mike Bredenberg. Staff Counsel.USP.Adanm ------------------31. GEORGE TERZADO v. FRED STOCK, et al Coult: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: 1;94-cv-1n1.JEC Institution: USP, Atlanta Type of Case: Personal Uability Action (Bivens) Subject: ASSAULTS Facts Alleged: Inmate at ATl In 1994 alleges that he was assauJted by two officers. Damages Req: $2,050,000; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. . 1 : ' d In Legal: October 31, 1~; Due: NONE. NO SUMMONS .. SUED. \., '.. Igned to: Curtis E. Anderson; Assistant U.S. Attorney. Chief. Clvl DMslon. Atlanta. GA; Mike Bredenberg. Staff Couns~,USP.AHaRm 319 A. 32. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROUNA v. DAVID ~JEPSEN Court: SOUTH CAROUNA STATE COURT. Docket No.: 94GS25-0486 Institution: FCI, Estill Type of Case: Other, Criminal Prosecution Subject CRIMINAL PROSECUTION Facts Alleged: SC Is prosecuting Inmate for the murder of Inmate Solomon Gilbert at EST on 07-10-1994. Crime will be prosecuted by the state because federal Jurisdiction of EST property has not yet been obtained. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: IB1, All cases Involving a death.; SERO: Regional office staff are not alleged to be Involved In this case. Rec'd In Legal: October 31. 1994; Due: 11·14-1994 Assigned to: Randoph Murdock, 98th Circuit Solicitor. Eart L Cotton. Assistant Regional Counsel, SERO Significant Activity on Existing Cases ANTHONY EUGENE CASH v. JOSEPH P. CLASS, et al Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: MCA 92-50199/RV; Type of Case: Personal LlabDity Action (Bivens); Damages Req: $200,000 Subject: REUGION Institution: FCI, Marianna Facts Alleged: Hebrew Israelite Inmate at MNA In 1992 alleges that he has not been allowed to use the Institution chapel for his religious worship. Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring Date Case Filed: 04-27-1993 Significant Activity: 10-03-1994 Order adopts magistrate's report. dismisses case. 09-13-1994 The magistrate's report recommends dismissal after applying the standard established by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. ClaimS for declaratory and Injunctive relief are moot because the Inmate Is no longer housed at the same institution. The court finds the defendants are entitled to qualified Immunity protection because the actions In question occurred In 1992. Prison officials are not required to forecast future legislative or judicial decisions. In 1992 there was no clearly established law requiring prison officials to permit Inmates to attend congregational religious services Instead of or In addition to providing Inmates with reading materials. religious counseling. and time for prayer. The prisoner failed to present any evidence showing that the exercise of his religion was substantially Infringed by the denial of a Kosher diet CEO Litigation Report November 2, 1994 NICK CINDIA Y. ROGER F. SCOTT, et II Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA Docket No.: CV-93-AR-1547-E: Type of Case: Habeas Corpus; Damages Req: $ Subject. COMMUNITY TREATMENT CENTERS CLASSIFICATION, DISCRIMINATION Institution: FCI, Talladega Facts Alleged: Inmate at TOG in 1993 alleges that he was denied "full'· placement at a CTC due to racial discrimination. Also challenges PSF based on weapon. Spec/al Monitoring: IA1. Precedent\ Public Safety Factor Date Case Filed: OS..()3-1993 Significant Activity: 10-05-1994 Order adopts maglstrate·s report. dismisses case. 09-13-1994 The maglstrate·s report recommends dismissal because the granting of CCC placement Is discretionary and the Inmate has presented no evidence to support his claim of racial discrimination. -----------------JON MICHAEL HUNTER v. UNITED STATES PAROLE COMMISSION, et al Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: MCA 92-50252/WEA; Type of Case: Habeas Corpus; Damages Req: 0 Subject. PAROLE Institution: FCI, Marianna '.....cts Alleged: Inmate at MNA In 1993 alleges that the C. . . .role Commission has arbitrarOy and capriciously not ,~ given him credit for state time toward the parole guidelines. Special Monitoring: O. Not assigned to special monitoring Date Case Filed: 01-12-1993 Significant Activity: 10-14-1994 Order adopts magistrate·s report. dismisses case. 09-09-1994 The maglstrate·s report recommends dismissal based on Inmate·s petition for voluntary dismissal. Page 7 JOE MOWISH v. MATTHEW ARNOLD, et al Court: SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: CV294-69; Type of Case: Injunction; Damages Req:O Subject: ASSAULTS Institution: FCI, Jesup Facts Alleged: JES inmate alleges he has been subjected to staff assaults In retaliation for another clvD action. FGAS. 294-11. TRO hearing scheduled for 05-26. Special Monitoring: O. Not assigned to special monitoring Date Case Filed: 05-16-1994 Significant Activity: 10-25-1994 Dismissed without prejudice for faOure to seNe defendants with 120 days. PHIWP N. NORMAN v. ANDRE IVORY, et 8. COUrt. NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: 1:92-CV-1833-RLV; Type of Case: Personal liability Action (Bivens); Damages Req: $ Subject: INMATE DISCIPUNEInstltut/on: USP, Atlanta Facts Alleged: ATL Inmate claims false information was put in his Progress Report resulting In USPC not Issuing a parole date. He also alleges discriminatIon based on race and Inmate assault at the request of staff In retaliation for filing administrative remedies. Special Monitoring: O. Not assigned to special monitoring Date Case Filed: 07-30-1992 Significant Activity: 09-13-1994 Order grants the govemment·s motion for summary Judgement. dismisses case. Material facts are not In Issue because the Inmate challenges the staff membefs version of the facts by submitting affklavits containing Inadmissible hearsay. W RICHARD PELLEGRINO v. UNITED STATES _ Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: 93-50124-WEA; Type of Case: Tort; FREESTON LEWIS v. ROGER BAXTER, et al Damages Req: $1.200.00 Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Subject. PROPERTY Institution: FCI, Marianna Docket No.: 92-50326-RV; Type of Case: Personal liability Facts Alleged: Inmate at MNA In 1993 alleges that some of his property was lost. destroyed. misplaced. or stolen as a Action (Bivens); Damages Req: $272,500 Subject. INMATE DISCIPUNE AD DETENTION, result of his transfer due to Hurricane Andrew in 1992. TRANSFERS Institution: FCI, Marianna Spec/al Monitoring: ICS. Publicity I Impact on staff morale. Facts Alleged: Inmate at THA In 1993 alleges that while he Resulting from OS-92 Hurricane Andrew 1 was In MNA 1n 1992. a false Incident report was knowingly Date Case Filed: 08-30-1993 written against which resulted In an Institutional transfer and Significant Activity. 10-17-1994 Order grants the inmate segregation. Drugs were found In package government·s motion for summary judgement. dismisses addressed to him. case. 09-08-1994 Maglstrate·s report recommends Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring dismissal. The United States Is immune under Date Case Filed: 08-17-1993 FlCA because the discretionary function exception because Significant Activity: 10-13-1994 Order adopts magistrate·s the handling of Inmate property Immediately prior to and ~Port. grants summary Judgement, dismisses case. after Hurricane Andrew was clearty discretionary (_ ~29-1994 The maglstrate·s report recommends dismissal. implementation of policy within the scope of this exception. ',,- A prisoner has no right to be protected from false The claim would also be barred under 28 U.S.C. 2680(c) allegations. This prisoner had the process due to him In the because the items In question were property detained by DHP proceeding. mw enforcement officials. 31 L ..... CEO Litigation Report November 2, 1994 PageS ORY RICHARDSON Y. JOHN E. HAHN Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: 93-000; Type of Case: Habeas Corpus; Damages Req: 0 Subject SENTENCING Institution: FPC, Pensacola Facts Alleged: Inmate at PEN In 1993 alleges that he should be given credit towards his sentence for time spent In a T MARVIN YIZAR Y. WARDEN R. HONSTED, at 81 Court: SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: CV 292-166; Type of Case: Personal liability Action (Bivens); Damages Req: $4,000.212.25 Subject MEDICAL TREATMENT Institution: FCI, Jesup Facts Alleged: Inmate formerty at JES complains about housing conditions In ATlin 1990. He also complains about the medical treatment at ASH In 1990 for Injury from Special Monitoring: O. Not assigned to special monitoring a fall. Medical condition was not property treated at JES. Date Case Filed: He claims a staff member at JES stole money from him and SignNicant Activity: 10-04-1994 Closed for Inaction. No his good time credit was cancelled at JES. He also Show Cause order Issued. complains that JES staff has Interfered with his maD. Lastly - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - he alleges that the U. S. Marshalls stole some of property MICHAEL LEE SAMMONS Y. ROGER F. SCOTT during transport to ATlin 1990. Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring Docket No.: CV-93-H-1291-E; Type of Case: Personal Date Case Filed: 10-14-1992 UabDfty Action (Bivens): Damages Req: $500.000 Significant Activity. Appeal to Eleventh Circuit, 93-8536. Subject: LAW UBRARIES Institution: Fel, Talladega 06-16-1994 Order vacates district court decision and remands for consideration of a possible FTCA claim. Facts Alleged: Inmate at TOG In 1993 alleges that the law 04-06-1993 Order grants government's motion for summary library Is Inadequate. Judgement. dismisses case. Exhaustion of remedies Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring argument was denied because Injunctive relief claims Date Case Filed: 06-28-1993. became moot when the Inmate was released. The Inmate Significant Activity: 10-07-1994 Order adopts maglstrate's faDed to establish that this was a serious medical need port, grants summary Judgement dismisses case. within the constitutional definition. 12-1994 The magistrate's report recommends dismissal , . r Inmates failure to respond to the government's motion. '- . The cases the prisoner alleges he needed were available to him. ecc. (f (~ . ~ .. 31 8