Fbop Scr Monthly Reports 2000sep-dec
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(i~ ( iJ 1-e;,.-rf h l 1,'0 . ~.:partment of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons South Central Regional Office Dallas, Texas 75219 October 10, 2000 MEMORANDUM FOR CHRISTOPHER ERLEWlNE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL FROM: Michael D. Hood, Regional Counsel SUBJECT: Monthly Report - September 2000 ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NO· DEC V RECEIVED ANSWERED 227 105 220 132 304 162 219 182 255 169 329 203 257 241 296 158 244 218 TORT CLAIMS PENDING RECEIVED ANSWERED PENDING OVER SlX MO JAN 257 61 62 256 FEB 256 76 62 270 MAR 0 0 0 280 53 82 251 APR 261 46 40 267 0 MAY JlJN 279 70 82 267 0 290 72 70 292 0 JtJL 272 68 69 271 0 266 78 75 269 1 MA Y JU N JU AU L 45 74 88 31 0 31 84 62 53 0 53 58 69 42 0 G 42 AUG SEP 275 59 68 266 1 OCT NOV DEC OC NO T V DB C FOI/PRIVACY PENDING RECEIVED ANSWBRED PENDING OVER 20 DAYS ( JA N 5 48 40 13 0 FE MA AP B R 10 98 73 35 0 R, 35 81 71 45 0 13 58 61 10 0 I LITIGATION 3529 6~ 77 31 2 SE P 32 89 63 58 0 ( CASES RECD CASES CLOSED HABEAS CORPUS BIVENS FTCA OTHER LIT REPORTS HEARINGS/ TRIALS SETTLEMENTS/ AWARDS JA N FE B MA AP . MA JU JU R R Y N L 12 11 7 9 24 10 12 7 5 13 15 16 7 7 11 2 6 3 2 2 6 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 4 0 11 4 1 10 0 12 1 3 7 12 2 0 7 0 0 2 2 1 0 9 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 6 - 1 1 AU G SE P 20 20 35 13 5 15 7 1 12 0 9 0 5 3 0 1 9 5 0 0 OC T NO V DE C CASES WITH HEARINGS OR TRIALS FMC FORT WORTH ( Rhi",'" Md~ujr'" v 'J'llrnhn et aJ . On September 26, 2000, a mandatory mediation hearing was held in the chambers of Judge Bleil in this previously reported case. No settlement was reached . A tentative pretrial conference is slated for .October 17, 2000; however, it will likely be postponed until a later date due to scheduling conflicts . FPC EL PASO Garner v II S A. On October 4, 2000, after a two day trial in this FTCA case, judgment was rendered in our favor based on our Motion for Judgment. FMC Fort Worth inmate Charles Garner sued alleging medical malpractice due to delayed medical treatment of cervical HC)WE~V,er, the inmate refus our 0 ers case for a reasonable sum. Therefore, the case was trial. to FCI THREE RIVERS . \. I ,enard Earl Dayjs y Wjl1jam Gerth. On September 15, 2000, a telephonic Spears hearing was held in this Bjvens case in which the inmate is alleging (i) he was assaulted by a staff member while in handcuffs, and (ii) he did not receive proper medical attention while in four point restraints . There has been no service; however, Judge Cooper-Hill ordered the production of any ·investigatory reports to the court within 20 days, and a copy of • .. 3530 (-,. the inmate's medical chart from the date of the alleged incident to be given to the inmate. CASES Wl'l'R SETTLEMENTS OR AWARDS a. Adverse judgments None b. Tort Claim settlements None c. Other settlements None SIGNIFICANT CASES FCI BEAUMONT (Low) Bruce T Tames V. John M. Tornbooe. This is a Bivens action in which an Asian American inmate claims that he was denied due process and equal protection when he was not transferred to a more desirable UNICOR work detail, while other less experienced inmates were transferred to the detail despite the fact that they were non-citizens with INS deportation detainers. The plaintiff seeks $500,000 in damages. FCl BEAUMONT (Medium) Favis CJ all Martin V Gary I, Johnson, et ale In this matter, a Texas state boarder currently designated at BMM is attempting to sue in Texas state court his sister-in-law (the Director of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ» and his BOP Unit Manager. The plaintiff alleges that his Unit Manager, at the direction of plaintiff's sister-in-law, has submitted materially false and misleading information in progress reports to TDCJ. The plaintiff alleges that this information "will surely affect the outcome of his parole review in May 2001," but does not claim to have sustained any actual injury as of yet. The plaintiff seeks injunctive and declaratory relief, $50,000 in compensatory damages, and $10~000 in punitive damages. The U.S. Attorney's Office has filed a Notice of Removal to federal court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1442 on behalf plaintiff's Unit Manager. SIGNIFICANT TORT CLAIMS PCC OAKDALE 3531 ( While returning from training in his POV, an employee had an automobile accident. The employee had a friend with him and the friend was injured in the accident. The friend filed for medical treatment through the employee's personal insurance, GEICO, who paid the claim in the amount of $59,956.91. GEICO is now seeking to subrogate the claim. (TRT-SCR-2000-02098) GEICO. SIGNIFICANT ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES Several FMC Carswell inmates have alleged that female inmates with medical designations do not have the availabil~ty to RDAP that non-medically designated inmates have. Additionally, they allege that male inmates qualify for the one year reduction more often than female inmates due to their gender. UPCOMING TRIALS OR HEARINGS FMC PORT WORTH Haliq V. united States. As previously reported, FMC Fort Worth inmate Haliq alleges he slipped on water on the floor of the Dallas Unit Laundry Room. He also alleges that the defendant had knowledge of the water prior to his accident. Trial is set on the November 2000 docket. Local settlement approval for up to $2,000 is being sought. FCI THREE RIVERS John Abie Reese v M Campbell. As previously reported, this defendant's-summary judgment motion was recently denied in this Bivens case. The inmate alleges that the defendant assaulted him during a pat search, causing him to suffer pain that required medical treatment. The court determined the defendant failed to establish as a matter of law that the injury the inmate received was de minimis. A jury trial is scheduled for November 13, 2000. Also, see CASES WITH HEARINGS OR TRIALS heading. MEDICAL MALPRACTICE LITIGATION James David Crow, III y U S. Department of Justice, et ale This Bivens action was recently transferred to the u.s. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas from the District of Columbia. The plaintiff, who is presently designated at BML, alleges that he has received unconstitutionally inadequate medical care for Osteomyelitis of the heel at MIL, PBX, and OKL. No Beaumont defendants are named. The plaintiff seeks injunctive relief and $1,000,000 in damages. 3532 ENSIGN AMENDMENT ( None LITIGATION None TORT CLAIMS None RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RESTORATION ACT LITIGATION None TORT CLAIMS None PRISON LITIGATION REFORM ACT ORDERS (, None SITUATIONS OF INTEREST FCI EL RENO -, 3533 ( FDC HOUSTON On Thursday, September 21, 2000, Judge Lynn Hughes quashed an instanter subpoena issued by defense counsel in United States ,James Col J ins and yank Barry (SD/TX), a case related to the public corruption cases against former Louisiana Edwards a former Houston mayor, and 17 others. y bs ( ~CII~cr 11, 2000, the Court had considered a defense SUbpoena and ordered the release of all p documentation concerning Graham's incarceration at FDC Houston but later limited that order following an in-camera review. CRIMINAL MATTERS AND PROSECUTIONS FCI EL RENO We were informed last month that inmate Jesus MaciaS-Nevarez pled guilty to introduction of contraband (narcotics) into a federal institution. No sentencing date has been set . FCI THREE RIVERS Gabriel Gonzalez was indicted on September 13, 2000, for Possession Of A Weapon. He is a·w aiting sentencing. Five sharpened metal rods were found in the inmate's high-top tennis shoe during a pat search on June 20, 2000. PERSONAL ISSUES .( • .. 3534 u.s. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons South Central Regional Office Dallas, Texas 75219 November 9, 2000 MEMORANDUM FOR CHRISTOPHER ERLEWINE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL FROM: Michael D. Hood, Regional Counsel SUBJECT: Monthly Report - October 2000 ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JON JUL AUG SEP OCT NO DEC V ~ ... RECEIVED ANSWERED 227 105 220 132 304 162 219 182 255 169 329 203 257 241 296 158 244 218 257 160 TORT CLAIMS PENDING RECEIVED ANSWERED PENDING OVER SIX 140 JAN 257 61 62 256 0 FEB 256 76 62 270 0 280 53 82 251 0 JA FE )fA N B 5 48 40 13 0 13 58 61 10 0 R 10 98 73 35 0 MAR APR 261 46 40 267 0 MAY JUN JUL 279 70 82 267 0 290 72 70 292 0 272 68 69 271 0 AP R 35 81 71 45 0 MA Y JU N JU L 45 74 88 31 0 31 84 62 53 0 53 58 69 42 0 AUG 266 78 75 269 1 SEP 275 59 68 266 1 OCT 279 49 93 235 0 NOV DEC AU G 42 66 77 31 2 SE P 32 89 63 58 0 OC T 58 61 77 42 2 NO V DE FOI/PRIVACY PENDING RECEIVED ANSWERED PENDING OVER 20 DAYS 3983 C LITIGATION CASES RECD CASES CLOSED HABEAS CORPUS BIVENS FTCA OTHER LIT REPORTS BEARINGS/ TRIALS SETTLEMENTS/ AWARDS JA N MA R AP JU AU R MA Y JU B N L G SE P OC T 12 12 7 3 2 0 12 1 11 5 7 2 2 0 11 4 7 11 2 2 0 3 7 2 9 13 6 2 0 1 10 2 24 15 16 6 1 1 12 1 10 7 6 2 2 0 7 0 20 35 13 0 0 9 1 20 5 15 1 4 0 12 0 9 0 5 3 0 1 9 5 17 7 7 9 1 0 19 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 FE 7 NO V DE C CASES WITH HEARINGS OR TRIALS FPC EL PASO Garner y. United States, EP-99-CA-423. This previously reported FTCA action went to trial on the merits on October 3, 2000. Mr. Garner alleged medical malpractice against staff at the FPC El Paso and FCI La Tuna. The plaintiff represented himself. Once plaintiff rested his case, Defendant made a Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law pursuant to Rule 52(c). Judgment in favor of the United States was granted on October 4, 2000. FMC PORT WORTH Haliq y United States of America, Civil Action 4:97-CV-1030-Y, Northern District of Texas, Fort Worth Division. A mandatory settlement conference was held on October 11, 2000. No settlement was reached. This is a slip and fall case, wherein the plaintiff alleges the government was negligent in not warning him of water that was allegedly on the floor at or near the ice machine of his housing unit. The trial was held on November 8, 2000. CASES WITH SETTLEMENTS OR AWARDS 3984 ~ a. Adverse judgments FCI FORREST CITY Allen B Ware y. Marvin D Morrjson, 2:99CV00210. Plaintiff filed a complaint alleging that the defendants violated his First, Fifth and Eighth Amendment rights when they suspended the visitation privileges of his wife for eighteen months. The BOP filed a Motion for Summary Judgment which was denied, stating that there were troubling circumstances surrounding the suspension of the Plaintiff's visitation privileges with his wife. The court ruled that suspending visitation was atypical under the Sandin analysis, violated a clearly established right, and that due process should have been afforded. Thus, our Motion for Summary Judgment was denied. The AUSA and SCR plan on recommending an appeal. An appeal/adverse decision memo will be forwarded to OGC. b. Tort Claim settlements FPC BRYAN A $40,OOO.l3ettlemeDt.was accepted by Executrix of the estate of inmate Hortencia Floresrae te Flores-Cabrera died on September 1995, from drug-induced renal failure following treatment by FPC Bryan medical staff. FCI FORREST CITY Donald Walters v. U.S.A., LR-C-99-913. Plaintiff alleged that the Medical Department at FCr Forrest City refused to give him the proper care resulting in the loss of his left great toe. Plaintiff was seeking $250,000.00. Due largely to a shift in our expert's position,th.~,. case, was settled for $12,500.,. c. Other settlements None SIGNIFICANT CASES FCI BASTROP In Warren y Miles, No. 00-50117 (5 th Cir., oct. 13, 2000) (appeal taken from A-99-CA-136-JN, USDC/WOTX). The Fifth Circuit affirmed on two significant grounds the District Court's decision upholding the BOP's denial of early release eligibility based upon a two-point enhancement for possession of a dangerous weapon. The first ground was that the BOP's modification of 3985 -.. .~.~) . .. ... 28 CFR § 550.58 on May 17, 1996, which distinguished between ~.' violent and non-violent offenses, merely clarified the e x i s t i n g , ) rule regarding ineligibility of violent offenders, and hence did not violate the ex post facto clause of the Constitution. The second ground was that the BOP's construction of 18 USC § 3621(e) (2) (B) was permissible, and hence not an abuse of discretion. FCC BEAUMONT Small, No. 1:99-CV-520 (E.D. Tex.). By letter dated October 30, 2000, the Torts Branch advised that representation of the defendants by private counsel at government expense was approved. Representation by private counsel was sought because the allegations in this case are presently pending in a criminal investigation by the Office of Inspector General. As previously reported, in this Bivens suit, a former BMP inmate alleges staff improperly housed him in a SHU cell with two other inmates and made him sleep on the floor after he returned from the University of Texas Medical Branch hospital in Galveston, where he had received ear and nose surgery. He also alleges that when he refused to continue sleeping on the floor, he was placed in ambulatory restraints for 55 days, assaulted by staff on two occasions, and denied both meals and medical attention on two occasions. The plaintiff seeks $600,000 in damages. Alejandro Rodriguez-Rodriguez y. B FMC CARSWELL Samford, 4:99-CV-797-A, United States District Court, Northern District of Texas, Fort Worth Division. Subsequent to a remand by the 5th Circuit on the issue of inmates being subjected to excessive cold, Judge McBryde denied our Motion for Summary Judgment, which included the defense of qualified immunity, in this Bjve ns case filed by a former FMC Carswell inmate. The U.s. Attorney's Office will not be filing an interlocutory appeal. Judge McBryde is considering sanctions against the AUSA originally assigned to this case. The AUSA has filed a response to the court regarding possible sanctions against him. A decision is pending. Strothers V FTC OKLAHOMA CiTY Hunnjcutt v Hawk, CrV-98-1717-A. In this case, inmate Hunnicutt was convicted under 21 U.S.C. § 846 (for which he was given a two-point enhancement for possession of firearms) and 18 U.S.C. § 371, Conspiracy. Despite being deemed ineligible for early release due to his two-point enhancement, inmate Hunnicutt started the drug abuse program at FCr El Reno in November of 1997. Inmate Hunnicutt filed a BP-9 challenging the determination, and he was advised he was ineligible based on the 3986 ~ ~ \ Director's discretion due to the two-point enhancement: He petitioned the Western District of Oklahoma for habeas relief. While drafting the Government's response, it was discovered that the underlying offense to the § 371 Conspiracy conviction was a crime of violence (18 U.S.C. 924(c», thus making the conspiracy conviction a crime of violence. The final order by District Judge Wayne Alley held the BOP did not exceed its statutory authority when the BOP made an amended decision that inmate Hunnicutt's ineligibility was based on his conviction of the violent crime of conspiracy to violate 924(c). Inmate Hunnicutt then appealed, and on October 16, 2000, the 10th Circuit affirmed. FCI TEXARKANA " CO¥ Lynn Owens v United States of Amerjca, 5:00cv25S. Inmate alleges·staff at FTC Oklahoma applied his leg irons too tightly prior to his transfer, his foot and ankle had been affected .by polio, and that when he complained, staff refused to adjust them. Inmate Owens further alleges that when he arrived at FCI Texarkana, there were visible injuries to his ankle to include a knot. He alleges he received inadequate medical treatment, and he is requestin~ $2,000,000.00. ~. FCI THREE RIVERS CUellar v Purdy, CA-H-00-201, USDC/SDTX, Houston Division. The petitioner, a deportable alien not eligible for CCC placement, claims that he was discriminated against by virtue of his deportability when he was denied early release pursuant to "., 18 USC § 3621(e) (2) (B). Kinder, et al v USA et al., CA-C-00-17S, USDC/SDTX, Corpus Christi Division. In this hybrid Bivens- FTCA suit, three inmates complain that while confined in SHU at FCI Three Rivers, their cells were flooded, causing them to be exposed to human waste; they also claim that they were not allowed to clean up properly, and that they were injured by the exposure. SIGNIFICANT TORT C~IMS FeI BIG SPRING Inmate states that on February 3, 2000, staff were negligent in categorizing him as a sex offender and because of this categorization, staff have treated him as a sex offender. He is requesting compensation in the amount of $ 9 7 5 , 000 . 00. .( TRT - S CR - 2 d 0 0 - 02.590 ) Bertram Inmate states that on February 3, 2000, staff were negligent by placing him in a two man cell with Bertram. 3987 b\ ~ six other inmates in boxer shorts and canvas shoes only. Inmate Bertram further states that staff were negligent when staff took him outside to a holding pen, still in boxer shorts and canvas shoes, in sub-freezing weather and kept him outside for appro~imately 45 minutes without clothes .. He is requesting qompensation in the amount of $7,500.00. (TRT-SCR-2001-02975) Bertram. Inmate states that from FebrUary 4, 2000, through October 13, 2000, staff were negligent when denying him full prog.ramming afforded to U. s. citizen inmates and waiving his right to have fully staffed unit team meetings. He is requesting compensation in the amount of $8,000.00. (TRT-SCR-2001-030S1) .~ ~~C FTC OKLAHOMA CITY ~ Inmate claims he has a fear of flying and accommodations have. always been made for him to travel. by bus or van with the except10n of his movement on April 19, 2000. Inmate claimed on that date he was forced out of the cell by a "cell abstraction riot team" and forced onto the plane. He claims he was choked, dragged, and restraints were placed on so tight that his circulation was cut off.. Inmate Lee also made allegations that the U.S. Marshals used electrical masking tape and taped his head to the seat of the plane. Inmate Lee is seeking $1,000,000 for the alleged physical assault, pain and suffering, and mental and demeaning attack on his psyche, back, head and neck injuries. (TRT-SCR-2000-02881) SIGNIFICANT ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES None UPCOMING TRIALS OR HEARINGS FCI THREE RIVERS Reese V Campbell, CA-C-99-237, USDC/SDTX, Corpus Christi Division, is scheduled for trial in Corpus Christi on November 13, 2000 ...... The plaintiff in this givens-style suit alleges that a,correctional officer intentionally kicked him, thus inflicting cruel and unusual punishment upon him. Martin Sweaney will be the representativ~ fo! F~I Three Rivers. Also, see CASES WITH HEARINGS OR TRIALS heading. MEDICAL MALPRACTICE LITIGATION 3988 \",,1 C t) ~ Also, see CASES WITH HEARINGS OR TRIALS heading. ENSIGN AMENDMENT None LITIGATION None TORT CLAIMS None RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RESTORATION ACT LITIGATION None TORT CLAIMS ~- None PRISON LITIGATION REFORM ACT ORDERS None SITUATIONS OF INTEREST FMC FORT WORTH On October II, 2000, Karen Summers, Paraleg,al Specialist, and Russ Purdue, Executive Assistant, Fe! Seagoville, provided Michael Gill, Special Assistant United States Attorney, Northern District of Texas (Dallas Division) with a tour of Fe! Seagoville and the Detention C~nter. ...• FDC HOUSTON , On October 20, 2000, Judge Lee Rosenthal stayed a previously ·issued -order for the production of t t s to defense counsel .representing inmate Although inmate ~ a pretrial inmate, claimed that he had participated in telephone conversation which included exculpatory statements, he did not know the date or time'of the call, nor was he even certain as to' which of the telephone numbers on his telephone list the call had been placed. The Court reconsidered the matter on October 24, 2000, following a probable cause hearing, 3989 \)l V at which time the Court directed FDC Houston to provide the United States Attorney's Office with a list of telephone calls inmate'~laced to a specified number. From that list of fourteen calls, defense counsel selected four calls that were copied and provided to the A~SA. The AUSA is to review the calls and provide the defense with any Brady material those tapes may contain. CRIMINAL MATTERS AND PROSECUTIONS FCl: BEAUMONT (ADMIN) On October 3, 2000, the services of a contract teacher were . - terminated after she admitted to the investigating SIA staff that she had engaged in sexual or otherwise inappropriately personal relations with several inmates at each of the FCC Beaumont institutions. U. S. Attorney's Office staff have" advised that they intend to indict the contract teacher on appropriate charges. FCl: BEAUMONT (LOW) The beginning of the t,rial of inmate has been continued until November 27, 2000. As previously reported, inmate Lee has been charged with Possession With Intent to Distribute Marijuana in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 841(a) and Possession of a Prohibited Object in Prison in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1719(a) in connection with his attempt to smuggle marijuana into the institution through the Visiting Room in June. On October 19, 2000, a former FCC Beaumont - Low Correctional Officer was indicted for Possession With Intent to Distribute Cocaine in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 841(a) (1). As previously reported, on September 29, 2000, the officer was arrested in a hotel parking lot after accepting $1,500 and approximately V2 a kilogram of powder and crack cocaine from an undercover .agent qf the Office of Inspector General. The arrest was the culmination of a joint investigation by FCC Beaumont SIA staff, the Office of Inspector General, and the Jefferson County Joint Drug Task Force. The office,I" believed that the agent from whom he obtained the cocaine wa~ a relative of an inmate to whom the officer was to deliver the cocaine. In exchange for the delivery, the officer was to keep the $1,500 a~d a small quantity of crack for 'either· sale or personal use. The off'icer's arraignment is currently scheduled for November 21, 2000. FCl: BIG SPRING On October 13, 2000, inmate Michael Wayne Groves, II, was sentenced for Escape and Aiding and Abetting to a term of 18 3990 .~ 1 months to be served consecutive to his sentence previously imposed. FCI LA TUNA At 6:30 p.m. on September 22, 2000, the SHU officer intercepted a handwritten letter written by inmate Ramon Sanchez. The letter was addressed to inmate Oscar Vela-Avalos. The letter stipulated inmate Sanchez intended to introduce Black Tar Heroin into the Main Institution through the Visiting Room. Inmate Sanchez was placed in Dry Cell Status. When he subsequently defecated, eight balloons were recovered containing an unknown substance. Testing proved positive for Marijuana and inconclusive for Black Tar Heroin. The inmate subsequently defecated and two more balloons were recovered that tested positive for marijuana and inconclusive for Black Tar Heroin. The matter was referred to FBI on September 25, 2000, and the case was accepted for prosecution on September 27, 2000 . FTC OKLAHOMA CITY At approximately 3:45 p.m., a unit officer was in the process of securing the last unit orderly who was putting his cleaning supplies away in the unit supply closet. She instructed him to hurry in order to lock-down for count. At this time, inmate Damon Childers turned around, approached her, grabbed her genitalia area, and returned to his assigned cell. The officer secured the inmate in his cell and immediately notified the operations lieutenant. There were no injuries to staff or inmate. The inmate was placed in the Special Housing Unit without further incident, pending investigation. The FBI has been notified and has accepted the matter for referral to the U.S. Attorney's Office for prosecution. FCI SEAGOVILLE FCI Seagoville SIS worked a drug introduction case with the FBI in May 1998. Inmate Taylor's girlfriend, Elvie Bell, was supplying Taylor's younger sister, Shilita Taylor, with cocaine. Shilita would bring .cocaine-filled balloons to Taylor in the inmate Visiting Room, where he would swallow them. FCI Seagoville SIS'" confiscated 29 balloons, obtained cooperation from inmate witnesses, and helped obtain a confession from inmate Taylor with the FBI. Inmate Taylor confessed to the SIS and FBI. It was referred to the AUSA, who accepted it for prosecution. Trial is scheduled for November 27, 2000 . PERSONAL ISSUES 3991 u.s. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons South Central Regional Office Dallas. Texas 75219 December 8, 2000 MEMORANDUM FOR CHRISTOPHER ERLEWINE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL FROM: Michael D. Hood, Regional Counsel SUBJECT: Monthly Report - November 2000 ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JON JUL AUG SEP OCT NO DEC V ( RECEIVED 227 220 304 219 255 329 257 296 244 257 ANSWERED 105 132 162 182 169 203 241 158 218 160 ".. ~ ~ .. 23 7 20 5 TORT CLAIMS JAN PENDING RECEIVED ANSWERED PENDING OVER SIX MO JUL 272 68 69 271 0 AUG 266 78 75 269 1 SEP 275 59 68 266 1 JU JU N 31 84 62 53 L AU G 42 66 77 31 2 SE P 32 89 63 58 0 257 61 62 256 0 FEB 256 76 62 270 0 MAR 280 53 82 251 0 APR 261 46 40 267 0 JA N 5 48 40 13 0 FE B 13 58 61 10 0 MA AP MA R 10 98 73 35 0 R Y 45 74 88 31 0 0 MAY 279 70 82 267 0 JON 290 72 70 292 0 OCT 279 49 93 235 0 NOV 223 50 49 224 0 DEC DE C FOI/PRIVACY PENDING RECEIVED ANSWERED PENDING OVER 20 DAYS 35 81 71 45 0 4013 53 58 69 42 0 OC NO T V 58 61 77 42 2 42 61 60 43 2 LITIGATION CASES RECD CASES CLOSED HABEAS CORPUS BIVENS FTCA OTHER LIT REPORTS HEARINGS/ TRIALS SETTLEMENTS/ AWARDS JA N FE MA AP MA JU JU AU B R R Y N L 12 12 7 3 2 0 12 1 11 5 7 2 2 0 11 4 7 11 2 2 0 3 7 2 9 13 6 2 0 1 10 2 24 15 16 6 1 1 12 1 10 7 6 2 2 0 7 0 20 35 13 7 0 0 9 1 G 20 5 15 1 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 SE P OC NO DE T V C 17 7 7 9 1 0 19 2 15 6 10 3 2 12 0 9 0 5 3 0 1 9 5 9 3 0 0 1 0 0 ( 0 CASES WITH HEARINGS OR TRIALS FCI THREE RIVERS Reese V Cambell, C-99-237 (USDC/SD/TX). On November 13, 2000, this case was tried before u.s. Magistrate Judge Cooper-Hill in Corpus Christi. The plaintiff alleged that the defendant, a correctional officer, by kicking hi~ without justification in the back of the foot, had used excessive force, thus inflicting cruel and unusual punishment on him. The seven-person jury was charged with answering two questions: first, whether the defendant had used excessive force, and second, if the defendant had used excessive force, what, if any, compensation was owed the plaintiff. The jury's first finding was that the defendant had used excessive force. The jury's second finding was that the plaintiff had not suffered a compensable harm. Because judgment could be entered for the plaintiff only if the jury answered both questions in the affirmative, the court, based upon the findings of the jury, entered judgment for the defendant, and the plaintiff took nothing. . FTC OKLAHOMA CITY Trentadue V United States. Case is currently at trial. CASES WITH SETTLEMENTS OR AWARDS a. Adverse judgments FCl FORREST CITY Jeff King V Morrjson. In this § 3621(e)/922(g) RDAP case, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit remanded the case to the district court with directions for the Bureau of Prisons to reconsider the inmate's eligibility for early release consideration in light of the 8 th Circuit opinion. 4014 "- Tort Claim settlements None c. Other settlements None SIGNIFICANT CASES USP BEAUMONT Robert Sepeda v Unjted States et aJ., No. 00-2685-RWR (D.D.C.) This case involves a Bivens complaint in which inmate at BMP satellite camp challenges denial of early release eligibility based on application of two-point .firearms enhancement under U.S.S.G. § 2Dl . l(b) (1) Plaintiff seeks unspecified damages. FCI BIG SPRING ~ .. Skjnner. A habeas has been filed in this FCI Big Spring case . The petitioner alleges that the BOP failed to follow the WO/TX court order that BOP assign him to the ICC program, despite BOP's determination that he was ineligible. He seeks a time served order. See Reese above, and Trentadue above. SIGNIFICANT TORT CLAIMS USP BEAUMONT Tuhhs (Civilian) The claimant alleges that on May 27 , 2000, .she was "illegally arrested" by USP Beaumont staff and improperly detained outdoors in full sunlight and 100 degree tempe~ for approximately one hour after her v isit with inmate . . . . . . . . . "Ii.~ was terminated based on the suspicion that the claimant had attempted to pass contraband to inmate . . . . . . in the visiting room. The claimant alleges that she was on allergy medication that caused her to heed to urinate frequently, and that she was denied the opportunity to use the restroom while she was detained . She seeks $50,000 . 00 compensation for alleged personal injury. (TRT-SCR-2001-03302) FCI BIG SPRING Bert ram. Inmate states that on October 9, 2000 , staff we~e negligent in . d~nying him emergency medical treatment. He is requesting compe n sation in the amount of $125,000.00. (TRT -SCR-2000-03090) 4015 Prado-Yepez. Inmate states that from October 3, 1999 to October 12, 2000, sta were negligent by denying medical treatment ,due to racial discrimination and status. He is requesting compensation in the amount of $125,000.00. (TRT-SCR-2001-03177) FTC OKLAHOMA CITY Workman. Inmate claims he fell from the upper bunk on December 22, 1998, and the government was negligent for failing to equip the bunk with a ladder or handrails. Inmate Workman's attorney claims he was found in a pool of blood from a 'large laceration on his head and he fractured his #6 and #7 cervical vertebrae. Claimant is seeking ten million dollars for his injury and pain and suffering. (TRT-SCR-2001.-03049) Workman. In a related matter to the above claim, has filed a claim in the amount of five hundred thousand dollars for loss of consortium caused by the alleged serious and permanent injuries ,to her husband. Our initial examination of this matter reveals inmate Workman was found lying in a puddle of blood with a large laceration on top of his head and was sent to the local hospital via ambulance. Records are being reviewed to determine if there was any history of seizures or any other reason why he should not have been on the upper bunk. (TRT-SCR-2001-030S0) FCI THREE RIVERS Bruce. The claimant, who has been released from custody, alleges, with the help of an attorney, that the BOP negligently failed to diagnose and properly treat advanced periodontal disease, with resultant loss of all teeth. Also, he alleges staff negligently failed to properly fit and provide dentures, resulting in intense pain and suffering, the inability to eat, and humiliation. (T-SCR-2001-03134) ,SIGNIFICANT ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES None ..... UPCOMZNG TRZALS OR HEARINGS FMC FORT WORTH McGuire v s USe. A court ordered settlement conference was conducted on December 1, " 2000, ;n this previously reported case. No settlement was reached. 4016 (' FCl OAKDALE ( \ The Kennedy trial has been continued. been set. A new trial date has not FCl THREE RIVERS Wjlcox y. purdy,et al, C-98-S01, USDC/SDTX. the allegation that the defendant, This suit involves who at the was SIS Lieutenant at Three Rivers, retaliated against the plaintiff because the plaintiff had filed written grievances against him. ti~e ~~~ ,U The plaintiff, who was in SHU during this time, alleges first " that the defendant confined him in a cell with an inmate who wished to hurt him. Second, the plaintiff alleges that while th~ def'endant' investigated the plaintiff's complaint that his cellmate wished to hurt him, the defendant had him placed in a shower cell. Third, the plaintiff alleges that while he was in the regular SHU cell, he was denied an additional mattress which he requested as a place on which to store his legal materials.· This mattress, he alleges, was necessary to keep his legal materials dry during the occasional flooding in SHU, occasioned by the stuffing of foreign 'objects into the drain by inmates. Trial is scheduled before u.s. Magistrate Judge El~ington in Corpus Christi on December ,14. Martin Swe will be attending the trial, ~ MEDiCAL MALPRACTiCE LITIGATION Mjchael G McClure y U.S Bureau of Prisons, Civil Action No. 3:00-CV-079S-G (ND/TX) Dallas Division. Petitioner alleges he sought medical care while at FC! Seagoville, for urinary incontinence, but he was refused treatment and "Depends," an aduit undergarment. As a result, he alleges he was subjected to a series of humiliat~Bg circumstances causing significant emotional distress and de~ression. ENSIGN AMENDMENT None LITIGATION None TORT CLAIMS 4017 None RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RESTORATION ACT LITIGATION None TORT CLAIMS None PRISON LITIGATION REFORM ACT ORDERS None SITUATIONS OF INTEREST FCC BEAUMONT On November 2, 2000, Magistrate Judge Earl S. Hines issued two Report and Recommendations recommending dismissal of the United States and the sole BOP employee named as a Bivens defendant in . 1: 99-CV-478 '(EDI TX). In this case, former BMp . inmate filed a hybrid FTCA/BiYens complaint in which he claimed that a BMP officer and the United States failed to adequately protect him from an assault by another inmate on February 26, 1998 and negligently failed to provide him adequate medical care for his injuries. Plaintiff sustained second and third degree burns over 12% of his body when another BMP inmate assaulted him by throwing an extremely hot unknown liquid substance on him while he slept during the early morning hours. When the case was originally filed, plaintiff was represented by retained counsel. However, in the wake of the Report and Recommendations, plaintiff's counsel filed a motion in which he agreed to voluntariLy dismiss the United States and the sole BOP Bivens defendant, l~aving only the Univers"ity of Texas Medical Branch (the contraC't.or which provides health care services at FCC Beaumont) and another inmate (plaintiff's alleged assailant) as defendants. Plaintiff now alleges that his counsel took this action without his knowledge or consent, and has advised the court that he wishes to fire his counsel. Additionally, -plaintiff has filed a motion to withdraw his counsel's voluntary dismissal of the United States, as a defendant. We are awaiting an"order on t~e Report and Recommendations and plaintiff's motions. CRIMINAL MATTERS AND PROSECUTIONS 4018 .' ( FCI FORREST CITY United States v. Bunton. A jury trial was held November 20-22, 2000, in this inmate-an-inmate assault case. The inmate was found not guilty. FCI SEAGOVILLE Inmate Frank Taylor and his girlfriend, Elvie Bell, pled guilty to drug introduction charges. Inmate Taylor is scheduled for sentencing in January 2001; Ms. Bell in May 2001. Elvie Bell was 'supplying Taylor's younger sister, Shilita Taylor, with cocaine. Shilita provided cocaine-filled balloons to Taylor in the . Visiting Room. The SIS confiscated 29 balloons filled with cocaine .. FDC HOUSTON On October 10, 2000, designated short-term female inmatetilla . . . . . .-.approached staff and requested,to speak with a Lieutenant concerning information that a friend of hers had engaged in sexual contact with a staff member. Inmate ~ subsequently informed the Operations Lieutenant that she herself had engaged in sexual contact with a Correctional Officer. Inmate reported that during the early morning hours of October 8, 2000, she had engaged in oral sex and sexual intercourse with the Officer in the staff restroom located in the female housing unit. Staff transported inmate ~to an outside hospital for an examination. The matter 1S being investigated by OIG and the FBI. Inmate II....~ projected release date was December 2, 2000. FTC OKLAHOMA CITY At approximately noon on October 26, 2000, inmate ~ demanded the PA to refill his medication. The inmate became verbally assaultive when he was advised he had to go through appropriate channels, and he shoved the PA in the chest area. Once outside the unit, the inmate shoved the officer in the chest area as well. The FBI has been notified and an investigation is pending. .... At approximately 4:45 a.m. on November 20, '2000, staff were e~co~ti~g inmate from SHU to R&D for the outgoing airlift when he started spitting on the officer, striking him in the left eye. I n m a t e " was immediately placed on the floor. One staff sustained a contusion of the right hand and the other was e~amdine~ for bthe ~pit in bhishlef~ eye. Inmate sllsta1ne ,m1no~ a ras~ons to o~ wr1sts and ankles where he had struggled against restraints .. The FBI has not determined whether this matter will be referred for prosecution. a 4019 ,~~ l/ Last month it was reported that inmate . . . .t ~ had gtrabbedtha femlale. staff's 19~nital.ia atrea has she waited for hl.m to pu away e c eanl.ng supp l.es prl.or 0 t e 4 p.m. count. It was reported the FBI has agreed to refer the matter to the U. S. Attorney's Office for prosecution; however, the FBI has subsequently indicated they declined referring the matter for prosecution, because the BOP had no witnesses. The Warden concurs with this decision. CORRECTION: (: ... FCl TEXARRANA On November 19, 2000, inmate Jose Castillo walked away from the Satellite Camp. The u.S. Marshal Service has been notified. PERSONAL :ISSUES ..... , ... - Scheduled Annual/Sick Leave: - December 7.' January 5 ',.. December 13 - 20 - December 20-22 December 26-29, January 2 - LWOP - Sick Leave - Annual Leave Annual Leave - December '26-29 Annual Leave - January 2-5 Annual Leave 4020 ~-+- ( u.s. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons South Central Regional Office Dallas. Texas 75219 January 10, 2001 MEMORANDUM FOR CHRISTOPHER ERLEWINE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL FROM: Michael D. Hood, Regional Counsel SUBJECT: Monthly Report - December 2000 ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JON JUL AUG SEP OCT NO DEC V ( ... RECEIVED 227 220 304 219 255 329 257 296 244 257 ANSWERED 105 132 162 182 169 203 241 158 218 160 23 7 20 5 153 129 TORT CLAIMS PENDING RECEIVED ANSWERED PENDING OVER SIX MO JAN 257 61 62 256 0 FEB 256 76 62 270 0 MAR APR 280 53 82 251 0 261 46 40 267 0 MAY 279 70 82 267 0 JA FE B 13 58 61 10 0 MA AP MA R 10 98 73 35 0 R Y 45 74 88 31 0 JON JUL 290 72 70 292 0 272 68 69 271 0 JO N JO L 31 84 62 53 0 53 58 69 42 0 AUG 266 78 75 269 1 SEP 275 59 68 266 1 OCT 279 49 93 235 0 NOV 223 50 49 224 0 DEC 223 61 56 228 0 AU G 42 66 77 31 2 SE P 32 89 63 58 0 OC NO T V 58 61 77 42 2 42 61 60 43 2 DE C 43 61 54 50 5 FOI/PRIVACY N PENDING RECEIVED ANSWERED PENDING OVER 20 DAYS 5 48 40 13 0 35 81 71 45 0 4021 LITIGATION CASES RECD CASES CLOSED HABEAS CORPUS BIVENS FTCA OTHER LIT REPORTS HEARINGS/ TRIALS SETTLEMENTS/ AWARDS JA N FE B MA AP MA JU JU AU R R Y N L G SE P OC T 12 12 7 3 2 0 12 1 11 5 7 2 2 0 11 4 7 11 2 2 0 3 7 2 9 13 6 2 0 1 10 2 24 15 16 6 1 1 12 1 10 7 6 2 2 0 7 0 20 35 13 0 0 9 1 20 5 15 1 4 0 12 0 9 0 5 3 0 1 9 5 17 7 7 9 1 0 19 2 0 9 3 20 3 15 4 0 1 4 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 7 NO V 15 6 10 3 2 DE C CASES WITH HEARINGS OR TRIALS FCl FORREST CITY Jeff King, Sr y. Marvin D. Morrjson. Hearing date was December 20, 2000. The Judge ordered that the BOP release inmate King on or before December 28, 2000, to begin his supervised release immediately. The decision was based on the district court's desire to allow the inmate to receive early release based on his favorable ruling in the 5 th Circuit. The BOP decided not to appeal this decision. \, FMC FORT WORTH McGuire y United States, et al , 4:91-CV-831-Y. The McGuire case is a previously reported wrongful death case. Plaintiff, Rochelle McGuire, filed a Bivens and FTCA case on behalf of the two minor children of her daughter, Sheila A. Moore, a former inmate at the Federal Correctional Institution, Fort Worth, Texas. Ms. Moore died on January 3, 1988, as a result of ingesting cocaine while confined as a federal inmate at FPC, Fort Worth. A court ordered settlement conference was held; however, no settlement was reached. The trial was held on January 9, 2001. The plaintiff moved for a voluntary court dismissal, which was granted. CASES WITH SETTLEMENTS OR AWARDS a. Adverse judgments See King above. Tort Claim settlements GEICQ General Insurance. A settlement offer was accepted in the amount of $4,569.20 as a result of an automobile accident that occurred on April 20, 2000. This accident occurred when an 4022 ( inmate from the Federal Prison Camp in El Paso, operating a UNICOR transport bus, rear-ended a 1994 Nissan Altima, owned by Mr. Joe Ogle. (TRT-SCR-2000-01659) c. Other settlements None SIGNIFICANT CASES FTC OKLAHOMA CITY On December 15, 2000, the day after closing arguments were heard in Trentadue v. u. S. A, et al., ~,l:t¢' j:ury,'!"'etUrnedcf ,verdic.t. , for, the', Plaintiff' in the amount of $20, 000 .. ocr; finding former BOP Lieutenant Stuart Lee had been deliberately indifferent to the inmate's medical need. This was a jury verdict against Mr. Lee in his individual capacity. The Judge has not yet ruled on the FTCA claim against the government. SIGNIFICANT TORT CLAIMS None SIGNIFICANT ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES None UPCOMING TRIALS OR HEARINGS None MEDICAL MALPRACTICE LITIGATION None ENSIGN AMENDMENT None LITIGATION None TORT CLAIMS 4023 None ( RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RESTORATION ACT LITIGATION None TORT CLAIMS None PRISON LITIGATION REFORM ACT ORDERS None SITUATIONS OF INTEREST FMC FORT WORTH Judge Melinda Harmon and five officers from the U. S. District Court, Houston, Texas, conducted a hearing regarding inmate Jorge Collazo. The hearing was conducted at FMC Fort -Worth because the inmate is paralyzed from the waist down and the court does not have related accommodations. On January 4, 2001, the inmate was arraigned on the charges and the case is set for trial. CRIMINAL MATTERS AND PROSECUTIONS FeI BEAUMONT (LOW) The trial of inmate b,0 is currently scheduled to begin on January 22, 2001. As previously reported, inmate blGhas been charged with Possession With Intent to Distribute Marijuana in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 841(a), and Possession of a Prohibited Object in Prison in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1719 (a) , in connection with his attempt to smuggle marijuana into the institution through the Visiting Room in June 2000. I USP BEAUMONT The trial of a former correctional officer is currently scheduled to begin on January 16, 2001. As previously reported, on April 3, 2000, the officer was arrested in Houston after accepting a delivery of crack cocaine intended for introduction 4024 ( ( into the institution and distribution to inmates. Also arrested in connection with this incident were two civilians who delivered the cocaine to the officer. On April 20, 2000, the officer and his co-defendants were indicted on charges of Conspiracy to Possess With Intent to Distribute Crack Cocaine in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 846, and Possession·With Intent to Distribute Crack Cocaine in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 841. Both of the office~s co-defendants have entered into plea agreements and plead guilty to Conspiracy to Possess with Intent to Distribute Cocaine. The officer has refused to enter into a similar plea agreement and has elected to go to trial. FeI EL RENO On December 23, 2000, a Hispanic inmate was seriously assaulted by a rival Hispanic gang member in one of the housing units. The inmate-victim remains hospitalized. During the incident, Correctional Officer Doyle was assaulted by the attacking inmate but sustained minor injuries. Both assaults have been referred to the FBI for criminal prosecution. FTC OKLAHOMA CITY On November 30, 2000, at approximately 11:06 a.m., inmate Lujan-Elizondo became agitated and loud in front of other inmates after the Captain conducted town hall regarding sanitation issues. The inmate was brought out of the housing unit to talk with the Captain when the inmate turned and struck the Captain in the face. The Unit Officer, Acting Associate Warden (P), and Counselor were present, and brought the inmate to the floor. The Captain sustained a laceration above his right eye, and the inmate had minor bruising. On December 1, 2000, the U.S. Attorney's Office agreed to accept this matter for prosecution and it is currently scheduled for the January 2001 grand jury docket. PERSONAL ISSUES Scheduled Annual/Sick Leave: - January 19 4025 - Annual Leave