Fbop Scr Monthly Reports 1994oct-dec
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2 SIGNIFXCANT CASES John Gibbs- v. Inmate claims needs because seeks $50,000 Ron Thompson, et al., CIV-94-1399-A, W.O. OK deliberate indifference to serious medical he is not housed at a medical facility, and transfer to medical facility. Coupar v. Samford, EP-92-CA-244(B) - united states Court for the Western District of Texas imposed a court sanction of $180.00 against Coupar for filing frivolous lawsuit. u.s. Attorney Office is sending a letter to the Warden at Florence requesting that this debt be a federal obligation and be collected through the Inmate Financial Responsibility Program. MEDICAL MALPRACTXCE NO MEDICAL MALPRACTXCE LITIGATION OR TORT CLAXMS TO REPORT THXS MONTH TRAVEL Mike Hood Scott Bomson Alma Lopez November November November November 13 - 17 - Aurora, CO 7 - 11 - Washington, D.C. 13-17 - Aurora, CO 28 - December 16 - Glynco 3216 BUREAU OF PRISONS - SOUTH CENTRAL REGIC8NITED STATES GOVERNMENT . .. (lDATE' . memorandum ,' De~~' 1994~,:.: , ,. . ...·r·· rflv......- LYTO ATTN OF: Hie ~e SUBJECT: Monthly Report - November 1, 1994 - November 30, 1994 TO: Wallace H. Cheney, Assistant Director/General Counsel Central Office • Hood, Regional Counsel Attention: Nancy Redding, Executive Assistant ADH:INISTRATZVB REHEDZES JAB FEB DR APR KAY JUII JUL 68 55 80 50 92 99 86 76 70 88 67 82 76 66 JAB FEB MAR APR HAY JUB JUL 266 Pending 64 Received 62 Answered 268 Pending 0 Over Six Mon 268 47 68 247 0 247 69 73 243 0 243 83 73 253 0 253 63 87 229 0 229 50 65 214 0 JAIl FEB MAR APR HAY 146 Pending 38 Received 32 Answered 152 Pending Over 30 Days 152 57 40 169 169 38 69 138 138 37 46 129 JAB FEB MAR 15 20 13 7 3 7 19 14 9 7 #'R~ceived # Answered AUG 115 69 SEP 118 114 OCT NOV 63 106 DEC 73 63 AUG 146 55 25 176 0 SEP 176 32 59 159 0 OCT 159 40 79 120 27 NOV 120 27 107 40 0 DBC 214 40 108 146 0 JOlt JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DBC 129 31 33 127 127 100 30 197 197 32 64 165 165 66 29 202 202 42 43 201 201 27 31 197 197 44 18 223 46 APR HAY JUIf JUL 14 6 22 2 8 9 22 AUG 18 15 8 8 0 SEP 15 3 9 5 0 OCT 21 11 5 7 NOV 18 2 2 2 10 1 2 4 13 TORT CLAZHS # # # # # QI'OI/PRXVACY # # # # # LITIGA'l'IOIf New Cases Recd Cases Closed Habeas Corpus Bivens FTCA 6 7 1 6 6 3 7 10 20 6 8 6 6 18 1 1 12 3 12 15 10 17 7 16 0 1 2 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 2 1 1 Other 14 11 Lit Reports Cases With Hearing 0 0 or Trials Cases with Settlements 3 0 or Awards Tort Claim 0 Settlements 0 1 12 1 2 2 3 DBC 1 0 OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 (REV. 1-80) 3182 . GSA FPMR (., CFR) 101-11 •• SOlG-l1. oU.8. GPOa1993-342-199/60133 ,.. 2 .. . . • SIGHII'l:CANT CASES OR MEDICAL TORTS, LITIGATION '1'0 REPORT. ( ~AL LEAVB Mike Hood Linda Nutt Julie Holliway steve Abney Patsy Davis - December December December December December. 23-30, 1994 and January 3-6, 1995 23 - December 30, 1994 23 - December 30, 1994 December 29, 1994 27 January 4, 1994 30 -- 3183 ... BUREAU ~DATE' ~YTO ( •.... TTNO,., SUBJECTt TOt OF PRISONS - SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONUNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ~. meAgrQnd~ . - January, 5; .1995/ . '. J~7r~ ~<.t· .-, M-r"e,·' D. Holl: Regional Counsel Monthly Report - December 1, 1994 - December 31, 1994 ~ Wallace H. Cheney, Assistant Director/General Counsel Central Office Attention: Nancy Redding, Executive Assistant ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES FEB 80 50 MAR APR HAY JUIJ JUL 92 99 86 76 70 88 67 82 76 66 FEB 268 47 68 247 MAR APR HAY J1JIf JUL 266 64 62 268 247 69 73 243 243 83 73 253 253 63 87 229 0 0 0 0 . 0 229 50 65 214 0 214 40 108 146 0 JAIl' FEB MAR APR KAY J1JIf 146 Pending 38 Received 32 Answered 152 Pending 0 Over 30 Days 152 57 40 169 0 169 38 69 138 0 138 129 37 31 33 46. 129 127 0 0 JAB FBB 15 13 20 7 6 3 7 7 1 2 FTCA 1 Other 1 11 14 Lit Reports Cases With Hearing 0 0 or Trials Cases With Settlements 3 or Awards 0 Tort Claim 0 settlements 0 HAll APR 19 14 9 7 2 15 3 JD # Received # Answered 68 55 TORT CLAIKS JAIl # Pending # Received # Answered # Pending # Over six Mon ()x/PRIVACY # # # # # AUG 115 69 SBP 118 114 OCT NOV 73 63 63 106 AUG 146 OCT NOV 0 SEP 176 32 59 159 0 159 40 79 120 27 120 32 107 40 0 DBC 161 28 60 129 0 JUL AUG SBP OCT NOV DBC 127 100 30 197 0 197 32 64 165 0 165 66 29 202 202 42 201 27 31 197 0 197 44 18 223 46 223 26 25 224 0 KAY JUJI JUL AUG O~ NOV 14 22 8 18 15 8 21 11 5 7 2 18 2 6 10 1 DBC 10 6 6 22 3 7 10 2 LITIGATIOII - . New Cases Reed Cases Closed Habeas Corpus Bivens ( 9 2 25 176 0 43 201 0 SD 20 6 4 5 8 8 6 2 4 17 7 1 15 0 2 10 16 13 0 10 0 0 3 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 1 9 1 0 1 1 12 18 12 3 12 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 5 5S DBC 67 50 2 3 5 0 ~ OPTIONAL FORM NO. 1O (REV. 1-80) 3156 GSA FPMR (4' eP'R) '01.".1 5010-1'4 o U.S. cpo. \993-342-199/60133 2 () SIGNIFICANT CASES Ahmad v. ortiz. et al., No. 94-50195 (Fifth eir.). This is a Bivens case originally filed in the western District of Texas, alleging Eighth Amendment constitutional violations for deliberate indifference to medical needs, and retaliation, against numerous BOP employees at Fel, Bastrop. The District Court granted summary judgment on all claims as to all defendants, and the inmate appealed. The Fifth Circuit upheld the dismissal of five of the six claims, but held that the sixth claim - alleged placement in administrative detention for a month without a hearing - was not properly raised in our motion for summary judgment. without intimating any decision as to whether the claim can withstand an appropria·tely filed motion to dismiss or for summary judgment, the Circuit Court vacated and remanded as to this one issue. Ramos v. Ortiz, EP-94-CA-342-BR - Plaintiff alleges that FPC, La Tuna does not have adequate facilities for the handicapped. As a result, plaintiff alleges her daughter's Wheelchair hit a clump of cement, her daughter was thrown forward, and sustained injuries. CASES WITH BBARZBGS OR TRXALS Hieu Duc Tran v. George Killinger, 4:94-CV-B09-A, ND/TX, Fort Worth Division - Spears hearing was scheduled for December 8, 1994. We declined the judge's· invitation to attend. Hearing was cancelled and judge ordered the issuance of summonses on the case. Marie Fleming v. United states, 4:93-CV-0094-Y, ND/TX, FTCA claim regarding fender bender. A settlement conference had been scheduled but plaintiff failed to appear. Conference was rescheduled for January. UPCOKIBa nZAL8 Marie Fleming v. united states, 4:93-CV-0094-Y, ND/TX Second attempt at settlement conference on January 4, 1995. Settlement offer of $2,000.00 was rejected, trial set for 9:00 a.m., January 5, 1995. TUrner v. Wooten, EP-93-CA-172-F - Case is scheduled for trial on February 6, 1995. Requests for production of documents and answers to interrogatories completed. 3157 3 c·. SIGNIFICANT TORT CLAIM Mary Ann Rounsaval~Re • No. 92713-012 raped by employee while at FPC, Bryan. See s 3158 (claims she was on December 18, 1992, \Alo 5 million). J