Fbop Mxr Monthly Report 1994oct
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NDU-04-1994 15:50 FROM TO 9-2023072995 P.02 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ~ memorandum ". 1t{jd-Atlanlk R~gionnl Office, Annapolis JUJlctiOIl, MD 2070J November 4, 1994 DATE: REPL.,.TO AT...'N ot: SUB/~(.7: ~W~ urlington, Regional Counsel Bill Mid-Atlantic Region October 1994 Monthly Report TO: Wallace H. Cheney, General Counsel .-.l1'H: Nancy Redding, Executive Assistant REMEDIES MAR APR MAY JUN 92 122 94 110 157 93 112 84 93 93 111 120 131 124 102 110 MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 206 74 187 204 61 221 183 lao 67 63 53 50 96 99 206 93 '87 61 63 183 1 180 0 204 3 221 5 1 155 0 AUG SEP OCT 94 82 78 45 69 31 JAN FEB Answered 104 111 TORT CLAIMS JAN FEB MAR APR # Pending 231 ~ved . ered .71 224 60 92 . ~ .. ·iding :I Over Six Month 224 0 182 0 182 85 61 215 0 FOJlPRIVACY JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN· JUL # Pending # Received 194 140 159 117· 91 58 66 32 42· 115 120 52 ADMINISTRATIVE Received 78 215 62 70 JUL 0 AUG SEP OCT NOV 63 63 59 # Answered .# Pending 112 122 103 72 58 48 81 57 98 74 95 74 140 159 153 91 42 120 74 94 # Over 30 Days 79 79 72 62 25 30 43 13 94 82 24 LITIGATION JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Cases Pending New Cased Received Habeas Corpus Bivens 177 186 201 22 197 19 199 224 224 263 267 6 7 29* 7 12 8 218 24 10 5 13 6 7 0 18 1 16 4 2 9 4 2 11 7 1 2 6 224 237 263 267 21 3 28 19 0 0 19 0 0 0 1 1 $.07 0 0 19· 26 6 11 FTCA 1 8 14 2 Other Cases Closed :ases Pending ..it Reports Completed ~earing or Trials ents/Awards .lements/Awards ($ in Thousands) ·Corrected figure. 1 2 6 8 11 201 21 197 12 25 0 0 1 1 1 1 $0 $0.1 ~10 186 1, 0 0 $0 23 a 3 8 2 4 3 4 19 6 218 199 16 23 2 1 $155 3199 17· 9 , $.05 2 DEC NOV OEC 59 1 2 12 283 22 0 a a NOV DEC •• NOU-04-1994 15:50 FROM TO Page 2 MXR Monthly Report ITEMS OF INTEREST, PERSONAL LEAVE, BUSINESS TRIPS, MOVES, ETC. Bill Burlington, Regional Counsel will be in Lexington for the ITS hearing November 2 - 3 and November 14-17 will attend the New Attorney Training/Regional Counsel Meeting in Denver. Wanda Hunt. Deputy Regional Counsel. will be on annual leave November 9 and 18 . Marian Callahan. Assistant Regional Counsel, will attend a FOrA training session in D.C. November e-9. and be on annual leave November 23 and 25. Kathy Harris, Paralegal Specialist. will be on annual leave November 21-25 . Randy Smith. Paralegal Specialist, Fcr Ashland. will be on annual leave October 31-November 4. Teresa Leneave. Paralegal Specialist. USP Terre Haute. will be the staff duty officer November 1-8, and on annual leave November 14-18. Randy Everett, Legal Tech. USP Terre Eaute. will be on annual leave November 7-11. Joseph Tang. Attorney. FMC Lexington, will be on annual leave November 25 and 28. congratulations to our Honors Attorney, Cheryl Behymer. who was sworn in to the Virginia State Bar on Tuesday. November 1. after passing the bar exam. SITUATION OF INTEREST, CONTACT WITH FEDERAL BENCH, HAZARDOUS WASTE SITES, ETC.: Meeting with Federal Judges - On oc~ober 20. 1994. Warden Dennis Bidwell, Wanda Hunt and r met with Judge Motz (soon to and) and the Chief Judge, District of rmer Chief e) FeI Cwnb,;!rland - Wancla Hunt :,~oor: also tou.red Fcr C,:,mberland with 11ag~strate Rosenberg. wno appears to De very l~beral and outspoken in his views regarding' prison management. L.I sense NDU-04-1994 15:51 FROM TO 9-2023072995 P.04 Page 3 MXR Monthly Report 7 W may' encounter a very activist Court who has had difficulty Department of Corrections. w~th the Maryland USP Terre Haute - Indiana University Legal Assistant Clinic students will tour the institution cn November lOth. Staff Familiarization Visit • We want to extend our thanks to ward~n· Thompson and his staff, pa~ticular Bob Eabineau, for prov~ding Cheryl Beh~~er with a tour of'the inscitution and . inviting her to the Department Heads Meeting on October 18-19. W.e also want to thank Warden ~-lise and his staff, part~cularly Faye Pollard, for the tour.and warm reception Cheryl received during her visit there on October 13-20. FeI Memphis - Tom Read, At'torney at Nemphis, is working. with the FBI and u.s. Attorney's Office to get 'indictments iri four different criminal drug cases. The U.S. Attorney's Office has been very cooperative in prosecuting any criminal case/we take to them.from Memphis. These drug cases will all fall under the enhancement for this activity under the Crime Bill. The sixth Circuit has requested a transcript of a case that's on appeal, Henthorn v. Hester, Appeal No. 94-5090. The AUSA and Tom Read are concerned that the Sixth Circuit might remand for trial. This was a Bivens action against a correctional officer alleged to have committed a homosexual assault on the plaintiff during a routine shakedqwn. SUBSTANTIVE PLEADINGS (COMPLAINT, MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUbGMENT, ETC.): None SETTLEMENTS: None ADVERSE DECISIONS OR SIGNIFICANT DECISIONS: woods v. Bogan, 93-CV-72383-DT, E.D.Mich., FCI Milan The portion of the case dealing with Bivens defendants has been dismissed. The only remaining issue involves injunctive relief regarding BOP's handling of legal mail. Judge Woods suggest he may strike our policy if, pursuant to that policy, we open a letter outside the inmate's presence, where the letter is from a law firm (but not necessarily from an identifiable attorney) and there is a claim for special handling which is not real close to our suggested wording "Legal Mail -- Open Only in the Presence of the Inmate." However, inmate Woods has been redesignated for transfer co Petersburg which will moot the issue, at least in the Eastern District of Michigan. 3201 NDU-04-1994 r 15:52 FROM TO 9-2023072995 p.es page 4 MXR Monthly Report UPDATE ON CASES, TRIALS OR HEARINGS, ETC. NOTED IN PRIOR REPORTS: c Fer Ashland - Four staff members at FC! Ashland received subpoenas in the matter of U.s. v. Charles William O'Brien. Inmate O'Brien, Reg. No. 51875-060, is c~rrently a· criminal defendant who is scheduled to have his criminal trial on November 28, 1994. Inmate O'Brien had filed a motion with the criminal.court judge alleging that he had been denied access to the law library, and denied special time allowances in order to prepare for his criminal trial (O'Brien is proceeding pro se with stand by counsel). The hearing was held on October 27, 1994, in u.s~ District Court for the Southern District of Ohio. Though Bureau staff worked to get the subpoena quashed, efforts wire unsuccessful due to the short tirneframe involved and the AUSA assigned to the case being unavailable. During the hearing the AUSA objected to the issuance of the subpoenas and asserted that the defendant failed to follow procedures as outlined in 28 C.F.R. § 16.22 et. seq. The judge agreed, and staff returned without. having to testify. FMC Lexington - A hearing was held October 19, 1994, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 4245 before a District Court Magistrate Judge regarding Marie Zemek, Reg. No. 19104-086. At the hearing Inmate Zemek was committed td the custody of the Attorney General under § 4245 and placed in the Mental Health Unit at FMC Lexington. An administrative hearing was held at the institution on November 1, 1994, to determine if Inmate Zemek's condition warranted forced medication. It was determined that forced medication was warranted in this case at this time. Shelton v. U.S., 1:94-0233, S.D.W.Va., FPC Alderson FTCA case out of FPC Alderson arises from salmonella food poisoning in Aprill May 1993. Plaintiff, represented by . couns~l, seeks $250,000. Cheryl Behymer attended a depositio~ of plaintiff by Stephen Horn, AUSA, at plaintiff's residence in Ferrum, Virginia, on October 21, 1394. Trial dace is set for January 10, 1995, in Bluefield, West virginia. Goggin v. USA,91-2735-TU/A, \·1.D.TE:nn., Fer f-1ernphis o It has now been eleven months since the conclusion of the trial in this medical malpractice case and the Judge has not entered a judgment. The plaintiff is seeking $1 million. The BOP admitted liability at trial based on altered medical records. However, our expert witness testified that the outcome would have been the same regardless of the altered records. At best, we anticipate that damages will be based on the plaintiff's pain and suffez*ag for two days. ,-..--..,--,------ NDU-04-19g4 15:53 -------- -•.. ,." ,. -.' ... '. 9-2023072995 TO FROM P.06 Page 5 ·MXR u.s. Monthly Report v. Casteaneda and Perez, 94-20178-Ml, FeI Memphis This criminal murder case is expected to go to trial ~n January 1995. Tom Read, Attorney at t-1emphis, has been \-/orking with the u.s. Attorney's Office and the FBI preparing for trial. REPRESENTATION NOT RECOMMENDED FOR STAFF: SIGNIFICANT FTCA CLAIMS: None None SIGNIFICANT ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES: None MEDICAL MALPRACTICE CASES: Dusenberv v. Eeeler, 94-371, E.D.Ky., FeI Lexington In this petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus filed September 22, 1994, inmate Dusenbery request-s compassionate release, proper medical care and cites the General Accounting Office Report as evidence that the Bureau is not providing appropriate medical care .. 3203