Fbop Mcrae Corr Fac Contract With Cca Amendment 2011
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AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION/MODIFICATION SOLICITATION iMODIFICATION OF OF CONTRACT CONTRACT OMB 41103-0018 . PAGE OF PAGES 1 CONTRACT ID CODE _.. -------------,~>.-,' ., """-' ,',·" "----~~"-','~'C'i"ii'~'~" CODE cr)), BY o6. ISSUED SS"E""," Federal Fo J ... " Bureau "w.~ u of " Prisons ~""'" Contract ct Administration Office O~"" McR.~ Correctional CO 'IoOl",,1 Facility r.o It'/ McRae 112 ;i Jim 11? m Hammock ~ ' '''' ' ot.' Drive, Dri'''', P.O. P 0 Box [lox 368 368 M,H •• GA Ci\ 31055 ,,,0,, McRae, c,·, .... Au'''''"r'''''' 7. ,, ADMINISTERED BY (If other ' UN 'S ' '''"'"'':'·,." ..... than ''''' - Item ''''''' 6) :;1 CODE JJames ar"" , "J.C.L. C l. Spence Sp<o"" Contracting Officer Co,tr",,' 'IO om,e' '2l'l:· _ '2" (229) 86~ 868-4292 S~ ""il~ )f,L N - OF ':Ji SOLICITATION ';Ol'-' " , ~-,,;.~--------AMENDMENT NO 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No., street, county, State and ZIP Code) Correct on> Corporation CO-PO'o( -on of -of America A,·. ·,·" Corrections 10 Serton ~ 1~ Boulevard 10 Burton Hills Nashville, TN 37215 DATED (See Item 11) Bou"",,,,, N",,,,. 'IN ]"" MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT/ORDER NO. X CODE Tax ID# 62-1750964 1 RCA 11-89S-10 See Block 16C 0085 - ,.,,' I 1 ,3. lEFFECTIVE ll'_C " ;",;';";'C"-----rc,;,;,;,,;;';,,;-coc -,,o-;,C;,;,,,; .;""";,;,;-",;" Applicable). PROJECT NO. "(If;,;,;~.,,,,,, 4 REQUISITION / PURCHASE REQ. NO -,~c:""~~ DATE 2. AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION NO. FACILITY CODE: J1PCc-008 / DATED (See Item 13) ,or.; "',' , " ''''''.'.~," "'.; DUNS #159734151 05/30/2002 ".",~""" 111. 1 THIS L Y APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS SOLICITATKJNS THIS ITEM ITEM O~ ONLY [ ] The above number solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers [ ] is extended, '"' rio,''' """ (a) By Items ,8 ",.; and '" 15, ..., and returning ": ')"completing ~ """' T ~ ''''''' ..,"" '" ono'" "., "" . ... [ ] is not extended. ."""" -.",," Offers "must the following methods. O<~, "-,,, acknowledge receipt lOC' '" of ,_"< this , ~ , amendment ~ ' _ - eo , prior to the hour and.1 date "'-• specified .".,; ....in, the ...solicitation ,,'W -" "" or,-as " amended, _ •.by '"one or .of ·""' ~' ,,,,<e'" 'm ,-'" """,nor' ,,,-,,.., If '" by '," virtue of U this amendment DESIGNATED r.-F =.N' ~EO FOR FO ~ THE r.-E RECEIPT ~"CE "T OF 0' OFFERS OFFERS PRIOR OR"," TO TC- THE HOUR H"')f; AND .''''' DATE D.'E SPECIFIED SPEC"'EO MAY ~AY RESULT ~ES'. l T IN '" REJECTION REJECT''''' OF 'Yf' YOUR YOUR OFFER. C"'E ~ 1 "" oI .. "'""""' - ~" ,o" desire . , to "' change if"',., "'' '--''submitted, such = ." change """-';' may be made by,.-,' telegram _,'om or letter, provided ",,,.•,.;,, '"letter makes ","""reference _· ...coto-,the,...solicitation "'""'.. and ",jthis• you an offer already each--, telegram or copy c' of hthe """''''no''' amendment; (b) By """"'-,. acknowledging of this amendment © By co,," .' ", " '" '," receipt 01 ""'-" ""~' " on each c·,., - copy """' of oI the ·t ~' offer ,>/\:- submitted; ,,,,,,,, • ."'" or ~" ",. separate letter c·' or e< telegram which ,., includes reference to uthe and numbers. FAILURE AT THE .. , me< lot" ."'''''' .~""', -'"<-" •a "'~"""':C" ~ ,solicitation ~ .C ~ ." , ~ '" "amendment " ',"cU'"OF 0 ' YOUR YCU I<ACKNOWLEDGMENT t,G<"'-W,'" '0 .'1 N'TO' 0BE '" RECEIVED ., C, 'vr '-'." , .. ,PLACE " , "Of ", ~ ~, c" ~ · , "' '' ~ ..,., . ~ .,.. t~ ~ _ ,,~ " '" .",,~. ~_ ~" t~ amendment, and is ...-d - o" ..... r, received ,,,. ,.-od prior " '" to b the h opening .,.. ,...., hour 'lC·.' and ,, ~ date 0",' specified. "'",<-COJ 12. ACCOUNTING .'AND APPROPRIATION " .'CG·"'.NT'NG "" H O"O'",-.l "-" DATA '''.'' (If" required) ,"" " i"J FP090009S6-S-89S-25CN-YREGDOC ,f'OtoOO'l ... -.... OS_2OCN_YREGOO C #KNP10093 . KN P1 ""'" 13. TH IS ITEM APPLIES ONLY ONLY TO TO MODIFICATIONS MODIFICATIO~S OR OR CONTRACTS/ORDERS, CONTRACTSIORDERS, THIS IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT/ORDER CO~TRACTIORDER NO. NO. AS AS DESCRIBED DESCRIBEDIN IN ITEM ITEM14. 14. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO (Specify Authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A " J.,.."",' ""'''0'' , "'-"'" '" '" <0"'" ,.... "',.... , "" '.-0 '-.""" :' <"., .... , -"', THE ABOVE .. NUMBERED co CONTRACT/ORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as ".changes T' " t-.a-:"J: , T"''' ~,"' in "'paying .,~ ; office, _appropriation "" T~ ' . ' ~ - data. etc.) c- . SET 8FT FORTH '0.n, IN .. 'ITEM F~ " P1 '< ~.rm- TO TOTHE TI , AUTHORITY ' i n >O<'T¥ OF r:.- FAR ,oc 43.103(b). ., - ,: ~ " 14, PURSUANT THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D " XX ',,..-,0, . ".... ,. OTHER modification "and ",-, ~ , (Specify type of ,,>c' ._ authority) . _,."",, Contract J1 PCc-008 Award FFee Determination Contract J1 PCc-OO ~ Aw..-tl e~ Dete""i", t""" Plan P' ,n IMPORTANT: Contractor [ XX] is not [ ] is required to sign this document and return copies to the issuing office. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION (Organized by I./OF section headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible). t"" Modification earned for the p" period of p" performance Modilic>lion #0085 .OOB~ to Contract Co ntraot J1PCc-008 J 1PC,-;:~ S obligates oI:>';9,t •• an ,n Award Aw.rd Fee F• • of $779,704.52, $ 17"-,~ 4 .52 _ •• '"~" for , r<>d ~f '/o",,.n o. commencing CUmln " "W", July 01, ~1 2010 mu g h December December 31, 31, 2010, rm i" ed ;n . with the t t.. Award Aw"tl Fee F•• Determination Det. rmina! ion Plan. PI, n. 2010 th through 2010, c1eto determined in ac<ortl,n, accordance See attached letter from Matthew D. Nace, Fee Determination Official. Except as provided herein, all items and conditions of the document referenced in item 9A or 10A. as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect. NAME '''''' AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or print)' '''' "'M' "' " 0' S ')" ''' i;'· '''''''''~''.'. 16A. 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type or print) J>m", JCl Spence s" ..... James J.C.L. Contracting Officer" Com""' , ,. (',,",0 15B. ,,," CONTRACTOR/OFFEROR CO"TRACTOROFFERC" (Signature of person authorized to sign) NSN 7540-01-152-8070 PREVIOUS EDITION UNUSABLE 15C. DATE JATE "SIGNED ", "ED 16B. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA "C 16C. !:'AII DATE SIGNED '''N," BY Ailbn • .tu - o Contracting Officer) o 3 1133 1 / STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10-83) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 SuppBOP05388 U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prison ,~brua<1 24, 24, 2011 2011 February Gart E. VerHulst P",,,dcnt Bart VerHulst, Vice President F"ucml L(Jeal Customer Customor Relations Relations Federal and Local Curr~ l"'n' Corporation Curpomlion of of America Am~TL"a Corrections 10 Burton Hill, B()ulevard 10 Hills Boulevard Nu.hville. Tennessee 37215 Nashville, Tennessee 37215 Rc: Award feeDetermination Dclcrminat;IJD Re: Award Fee CIJntract 0-0011, McRae 1\-1 c Rae Correctional Correctional Facility Facility Contract .111'C J1PCc-008, I'{'rform~ncc Period.July .1 uly 1,I, 2010 20 III— - December 31, 31, 2010 201 I) Performance Period DcarMr. VerHul~t Dear Mr. VerHulst: A;, stipulated in the Award AWaO"d Fee Determination D~tcrminatio" Plan wilhm J I PCc-OOS, the the As within comract contract11PCc-008, ha_, an has an opportunity to to eam earn an an award award r"" fee commensurate commensurate ",ilb with the the achievem~nt achievement of performance above above the acceptable acceptable kvd. level. The p"rfonnanc~ The maximum Ilta.~imum award award fee tee may may not not exceed exceed five live percent per"ent (l1'11w tot,,1 pHj-ment fur the evaluated cvaillalcd period. !X,rio<l. of the total payment received for CO[ltra~tm contractor iewed the recommendation of of the Performance Pcrformance Evaluation Evalwttion Board Boaru based bHsedupon upon I have re, reviewed Ih~ performance p."TI(lnnmlC~ monitoring information infomml;on and the ,;elf .... s,"ssmcn'. ,ubmilted the self-assessment submitted by Corrections Aftcr aHthorou thorough Corporation of America (CCA) (CCA)., After gh re,·jew review oflhi$ of this information, an award fee in the 5779,704.52 (or 73% 730/0 of the maximum award fee) f~~) is hereby authorized for the Ih" "mount amount of $779,704.52 alorcmenl;">ncd performance perfonnancc period. aforementioned Corr~etio",,1 Facility Facj];t~' (eceived ,e(, deficicncies dunng McRae Correctional received th three deficiencies and and no no rcpc~t repeat dcfi"i~n~ics deficiencies during 20 10CI'\-1 R.vic',,". Three ThreeNotices Notice,of ofConcern Conc~rn were were issued i",ued for rnrnoncompliance J)",)Complianccinin the No,'ember November 2010 CFM Review. C",rc~tional Correctional &rviccs Services and and in in Foo" Food ServlCe,_ Services. On several "<':<':dsi,ms. occasions, tl-ter~ there Wil, was aa lack lack of communication between Executive ExecUlive staff, staff Correctional Correctional Services ge",iccs Supervisors Supc,,"'iwl'.' and andCorrectional Correctional Om<.:er>, ,nstanc es regarding regardin£ security ,ecmi ty breaches breach. , and/or and/or reporting '""lxllting inaccuracies. inaccllraej~s Officers, resulting in instances .\otcwortt.y perfonnancc includes: implementation of an OnThe-Job Case Manager \-lailager Training Traini ng Noteworthy performance On-The-Job Pwgrarr:, Hispanic GED UED and anulI fQrtlcultu,c VT program, pmgram . scoring ~eorin~ a 92% 92% on nn the the State State Health Health Program, lorticulture VT lmrcct;nn, au average awr,..;e staffing $laffing rate mtc of of 89.9%. 89 ,9'%. Inspection, and maintained an Responsiveness during this award fee period, including the implementation Rc'ponsi ""['I,"., has !la, improved imp'oved dUrLug tillS a"-a:-d tee period. ind~ding !h implementation of six contract modifications modific,~tions and operational operatioNI changes ~hanges in in response rcs!XJ!l><: to W eight ~ight technical technicaldirection dIrection tett~". Your Your Quality QualilY Control Conl",1 Program l'T"l-,'1"am (QCP) (OCP) has ha, been b<:"n effective < ITc,,' j, c in in decreasing dcrn,",ing deficiencies ddi~lcncie" 40% 40% letters. perfonnanee period, [It.'1"I(><i, as well as meeting meeting 100% I Olr/, of ~t-bnlh mandatory and andnon!Ionfrom the priOT from prior performance both mandatory durin);g American Correctional Correctinnal Association A,,,,,,,iat;on re-accreditation. r~ -accrcdl1.allon. mandatory standards standard, durin SuppBOP05389 You may dllach attach a wpy copy ofthLl of this corrcsp()]ukrlC<: correspondence to to aa "~p~ml~ separate bilhng billing r~qcu.sling requesting payment payment of Y"u rna}' the award fct. fee. We during Ihc the pcrfonnan~e performance p<.Tiod. period. Please the award We appreciate appre~latc the \he efforts eflorts of CCA staff durin!; Plea"" let let me know if if you yo" have hav~ questions questions regarding regardmg this this award award fee fee determination. dct~nninatlOn Sincerely, Sincerel}', Manhew f\'ac~ Matthew D. Nace Fee Dctclluitla\ioo Official Otl:icial Fee Determination SuppBOP05390