Expert Report-Gary M. VIlke -05.22.2017
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I Gary M Vilke, MD., FACEP, FAAEM 11582 Normanton Way San Diego, California 92131 (619) 666-8643 May 22, 2017 Kevin Osterberg Haight Brown & Bonesteel LLP 3750 University Ave Suite 560 Riverside, CA 92501 Samuel C. Gazzo Daley & Heft, LLP 462 Stevens A venue, Suite 201 Solana Beach, CA 92075 James M. Chapin, Senior Deputy San Diego County Counsel 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 355 San Diego, California 92101-2469 RE : KJP, et. al. v County of San Diego, et. al. Case No.: 3:15-cv-02692-H-MDD Introduction I am a board-certified emergency department physician with substantial experience in emergency medicine as well as Emergency Medical Services (EMS). My qualifications are delineated at the end of my report. I have been retained as an expert to review relevant materials and provide expert opinion on whether the use of the TASER Electronic Control Device (ECD) by the San Diego Sherriff's Deputies who arrested Mr. Lucky Phounsy or if any actions or inactions by the Lakeside and Santee EMS personnel who transported Mr. Lucky Phounsy on April 13, 2015 caused or contributed to his death. After careful review, it is my opinion to a reasonable degree of medical probability that neither the use of the TASER ECD by the deputies nor any actions or inactions of the EMS personnel caused or contributed to the death of Mr. Phounsy. He died of a cardiac arrest due to severe hyperkalemia resulting from acute kidney failure related to drug use and associated with acute drug induced agitation and underlying cardiac disease. These opinions and related opinions are set forth in the expert report. Materials Reviewed I have reviewed extensive materials pertaining to the above referenced case. This includes, but is not limited to: Case-Specific Materials. 1. Complaint 2. Expert Witness Disclosures by Plaintiffs, City of Santee, and Lakeside Fire Protection District 3. San Diego County Sheriffs Crime/Incident Report# 15118678 for the incident of April 13, 2015, with Lucky Phounsy. 4. Santee Fire and Lakeside FPD EMS Reports for the incident of'April 13, 2015, with Lucky Phounsy. 5. Grossmont Hospital Medical Records 6. Medical Records from Dr. Jeffrey Dysart 7. Scene photographs and of officers' injuries 8. County of San Diego Medical Examiner's Investigative Report, Autopsy Report, and Toxicology Report for Case No. 15-00926 regarding Lucky Phounsy. 9. Deposition of David Csik 10. Deposition of Aaron Hackett 11. Deposition of Adam Daniels 12. Deposition of Aaron Do 13. Deposition of Aaron Bagley 14. Deposition of Daniel Nenow 15. Deposition of Marc Poynter 16. Deposition of Dean Allen 17. Deposition of Jenny Martinson 18. Deposition of TamaniPugh 19. Deposition of Aaron Brooke 20. Deposition of Billy Tennison III 21. Deposition of Sandra Carbajal 22. Deposition of Richard Fisher 23. Deposition of Janae Krull 24. Deposition of Marcos Collins 25. Deposition of Michael Lee 26. Deposition of Steven Charles Chapman, M.D. Medical and Scientific Literature Vilke GM, Payne-James J, Karsch SB. Excited Delirium Syndrome (ExDS): Redefining an Old Diagnosis. J Forens Legal Med. 2012;19:7-l l. Vilke, GM, Bozeman WP, Dawes DM, DeMers, G, Wilson MP. Excited delirium syndrome (ExDS): Treatment options and considerations. J Forens Legal Med. [Epub 2012 Jan 24] Vilke GM, DeBard ML, Chan TC, Ho JD, Dawes DM, Hall C, Curtis MD, Costello MW, Mash DC, Coffman SR, McMullen MJ, Metzger JC, Roberts JR, Sztajnkrcer MD, Henderson SO, Adler J, Czarnecki F, Heck J, Bozeman WP. Excited Delirium Syndrome (ExDS): Defining Based on a Review of the Literature. J Emerg Med. [Epub 2011 Mar 24] Bell, L. On a form of disease resembling some advanced stages of mania and fever, but so contradistinguished from any ordinary observed or described combination of symptoms as to render it probable that it may be overlooked and hitherto unrecorded malady. American Journal oflnsanity. 1849; 6:97-127. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Neuman T, Clausen JL: Restraint position and positional asphyxia. Ann Emerg Med 1997;30(5):578-586. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Neuman T: Reexamination of custody restraint position and positional asphyxia. Am J Forensic Med Pathol 1998;19(3):201-205. Vilke GM, Chan TC, Neuman T, Clausen JL: Spirometry in normal subjects in sitting, prone, and supine positions. Respir Care 2000;45(4):407-410. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Clausen J, Clark R, Schmidt P, Snowden T, Neuman T: The impact of oleoresin capsicum spray on respiratory function in human subjects in the sitting and prone maximal restraint positions, final report. NCJ 182433. Washington, DC: United States Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, 2000, 68 pages. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Clausen J, Clark RF, Schmidt P, Snowden T, Neuman T: The effect of oleoresin capsicum "pepper" spray inhalation on respiratory function. J Forensic Sci 2002; 47(2):299-304. Chan TC, Neuman T, Clausen J, Eisele J, Vilke GM: Weight force during prone restraint and respiratory function. Am J Forensic Med Pathol 2004;25(3):185-189. Michalewicz BA, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Levy SS, Neuman TS, Kolkhorst FW. Ventilatory and metabolic demands during aggressive physical restraint in healthy adults. J Forensic Sci 2007;52(1): 171-175. Reay DT, Howard JD, Fligner CL, Ward RJ. Effects of positional restraint on oxygen saturation and heart rate following exercise. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 1988 Mar;9(1):16-8. Schmidt P, Snowden T. The effects of positional restraint on heart rate and oxygen saturation. J EmergMed 1999;17:777-782. Vilke GM, Sloane C, Castillo EM, Kolkhorst FW, Neuman TS, Chan TC. Evaluation of the Ventilatory Effects of a Restraint Chair on Human Subjects .. J Emerg Med. 2011;40(6):714-8. Epub 2010 Jan 13. Savaser DJ, Campbell C, Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Sloane C, Neuman T, Hansen AV, Shah S, Chan TC. The effect of the prone maximal restrained position with and without weight force on cardiac output and other hemodynamic measures. j Forens Leg Med. 2013 Nov;20(8):991-5. Epub 2013 Aug 30. Sloane C, Chan TC, Kolkhorst F, Neuman T, Castillo EM, Vilke GM. Evaluation of the Ventilatory Effects of the Prone Maximum Restraint Position (PMR) on Obese Human Subjects. Forens Sci Int 2014;237:86-9. Epub 2014;46(6):865-72. Epub 2014 Feb 14. Cary NRB, et al: The effect of simulated restraint in the prone position on cardiorespiratory function following exercise in humans. J Physiol 1998;525:30. Ho JD, Dawes DM, Moore JC, Caroon LV, Miner JR: Effect of position and weight force on inferior vena cava diameter--implications for arrest-related death. Forensic Sci Int. 2011 Oct 10;212(1-3):256-9. Kroll MW, Still GK, Neuman TS, Graham MA, Griffin L V. Acute forces required for fatal compression asphyxia: A biomechanical model and historical comparisons. Med Sci and the Law. 2017 Jan l :25802417695711. [Epub ahead of print] Bozeman WP, Rauda WE 2nd, Heck JJ, Graham DD Jr, Martin BP, Winslow JE. Safety and injury profile of conducted electrical weapons used by law enforcement officers against criminal suspects. Ann Emerg Med. 2009 Apr;53(4):480-9. Epub 2009 Jan 21. Eastman AL, et al. Conductive electrical devices: a prospective, population-based study of the medical safety oflaw enforcement use. J Trauma. 2008 Jun;64(6): 1567-72. Strote J, et al. Conducted Electrical Weapon Use by Law Enforcement: An Evaluation of Safety and Injury. J Trauma. 2009 Dec 22. [Epub ahead of print]. Vilke GM, Sloane CM, Suffecool A, Kolkhorst FW, Neuman TS, Castillo EM, Chan TC. Physiologic effects of the TASER after exercise. Acad Emerg Med. 2009 Aug;l6(8):704-10. Vilke GM, Sloane CM, Bouton KD, Kolkhorst FW, Levine SD, Neuman TS, Castillo EM, Chan TC. Physiological effects of a conducted electrical weapon on human subjects. Ann Emerg Med. 2007 Nov;50(5):569-75. Epub 2007 Aug 24. Vilke GM, Bozeman WP, Chan TC. Emergency Department Evaluation after Conducted Energy Weapon Use: Review of the Literature for the Clinician. J Emerg Med 2011;40(5):598604. Epub 2011 Jan 4. Overview of Opinions (all opinions within this report are to a reasonable degree of medical or scientific probability) An overview of my opinions is as follows with more description of each below: 1. The care provided to Mr. Phounsy by the prehospital EMS providers was appropriate and consistent with the applicable standard of care for prehospital providers including both paramedics and EMTs. 2. The paramedics treating Mr. Phounsy with two doses of midazolam was appropriate and did not breach standard of care and did not cause or contribute to Mr. Phounsy going into cardiac arrest. 3. The paramedics not using supplemental oxygen, not starting an IV and not using the cardiac monitor in the back of the ambulance prior to the cardiac arrest of Mr. Phounsy was reasonable, did not breach standard of care and did not cause or contribute to Mr. Phounsy going into cardiac arrest. 4. The use of the spit sock on Mr. Phounsy did not cause or contribute to his cardiac arrest or death. 5. The use of police maximal restraints, including the hogtie restraint, and weight force on Mr. Phounsy in the back of the ambulance did not cause or contribute to his cardiac arrest or death. 6. The significant hyperkalemia (elevated potassium levels) that Mr. Phounsy developed due to acute renal failure, in combination with his underlying cardiac disease, drug use and agitation was the probable cause of his sudden cardiac arrest that ultimately resulted in his death. 7. The use of the TASER Electronic Control Device (ECD) on Mr. Phounsy did not cause or contribute to his cardiac arrest or death. Analysis After reviewing the above listed materials, it appears that on April 13, 2015, at around 2200, 911 was called in order to gain assistance for Mr. Lucky Phounsy who was acting paranoid and thinking somebody was trying to kill him. Mr. Phounsy was 32 years old, 5'7" and weighed 185 lbs at the time of autopsy. Family reported that Mr. Phounsy had gone to Coachella and tried different illicit drugs while there, which may have included ecstasy, LSD, whippets, and cocaine. Sheriffs Deputy's arrived and found Mr. Phounsy acting very paranoid. When they attempted to assess him for weapons, an altercation ensued. Santee EMS had been summoned and were awaiting until the scene was clear to come in and evaluate. Additional deputies were called to assist and gain control of Mr. Phounsy. A TASER electronic control device was used on Mr. Phounsy in both probe and drive stun mode. Deputies were injured during the restraining process, but ultimately Mr. Phounsy was able to be handcuffed, and due to his degree of resistance and combativeness, his legs were hobbled and then clipped to his handcuffs in a hogtie position. After the Santee EMS personnel were cleared to enter the scene, an additional EMS unit was dispatched from Lakeside to assist with multiple patients. Mr. Phounsy was evaluated by paramedic Hackett and treateµ with 5 mg of midazolam intramuscularly to treat to his combativeness. Lakeside paramedic Poynter arrived on scene and also assisted in taking care of Mr. Phounsy. Mr. Phounsy was still extremely combative and struggling, and due to this extreme nature, the paramedics opted to give a second 5 mg ofmidazolam intramuscularly. Mr. Phounsy was then placed onto a paramedic gurney on his left side, and taken to the ambulance for transport. Due to his degree of combativeness, EKG probes were determined to not be placed as they would be either dislodged, or not offering accurate readings due to motion artifacts. Cardiovascular status was monitored by using capillary refill and assessments of radial pulse as well as physical evaluation of the patient. An oxygen saturation probe was attempted to be placed at least two times, but again due to Mr. Phounsy's combativeness it kept falling off and would not give an accurate read. Similarly, the blood pressure cuff would not give a reading due to the degree of agitation and struggle of Mr. Phounsy. Evaluation of his ventilatory status was maintained clinically, based on breathing pattern, rate and depth. A spit mask was applied in the ambulance on Mr. Phounsy to protect the personnel from exposure to spitting. During the transport as the ambulance was approaching the hospital, there was a sudden change in status of Mr. Phounsy. He stopped resisting and struggling, and the deputy that was maintaining control of Mr. Phounsy's head noted that he was doing some grinding with his teeth. The paramedics reassessed at this time and noted that he was not breathing nor did he have a pulse. CPR was initiated and Mr. Phounsy was taken into the emergency room for further resuscitation. Mr. Phounsy had a return of spontaneous circulation in the emergency department after using advanced cardiac medications. During the course of the emergency department evaluation, a serum potassium level was noted to be elevated at 6.6. Mr. Phounsy was treated with medications to emergently lower this very high level. He was stabilized, but in critical condition and was admitted to the hospital. He was found to be in renal failure and ultimately ended up dying on April 21, 2015. The medical examiner performed an autopsy and reported the cause of death to be anoxic encephalopathy due to cardiopulmonary arrest with resuscitation following a physical altercation and restraint, due to a stimulant drug-related psychotic state along with cardiac atherosclerosis as a contributing factor. Given this history, there are a number of issues that need to be addressed in more detail below. All opinions given are to a reasonable, or higher, degree of medical probability based on the information currently available. Detailed discussion and basis of opinions 1. The care provided to Mr. Phounsy by the prehospital EMS providers was appropriate and consistent with the applicable standard of care for prehospital providers including both paramedics and EMTs. In reviewing the care provided to Mr. Phounsy by the paramedics, I did not see any deviations from standard of care. He received an assessment, evaluation and treatment. He was repeatedly reassessed and monitored. Protocols were followed within reason with the paramedics utilizing critical thinking which was reasonable based on the presentation and circumstances involved in this case. 2. The paramedics treating Mr. Phounsy with two doses ofmidazolam was appropriate and did not breach standard of care and did not cause or contribute to Mr. Phounsy going into cardiac arrest Mr. Phounsy was suffering from an acute behavioral emergency, reported to the paramedics from the family at the time of the event to be associated with illicit drug usage. He was exhibiting signs and symptoms consistent with a stimulant induced sympathetic crisis. The paramedics utilized midazolam intramuscularly, which is part of their treatment protocols for both psychiatric/behavioral emergencies as well as for excited delirium. If the 5-mg dose of midazolam does not improve symptoms, a second dose of midazolam 5 mg is recommended. This is what the paramedics did to treat Mr. Phounsy. This utilizing of two doses ofmidazolam is what Mr. Phounsy needed to try to help calm him down and reduce his level of agitation. This dosage of midazolam is standard practice and in a severely agitated individual such as Mr. Phounsy, would not cause any respiratory issues or lead to ventilatory failure or cardiac arrest. The use of this medication by the paramedics was appropriate, met standard of care, and did not cause or contribute to Mr. Phounsy going into cardiac arrest. 3. The paramedics not using supplemental oxygen, not starting an IV and not using the cardiac monitor in the back of the ambulance prior to the cardiac arrest of Mr. Phounsy was reasonable, did not breach standard of care and did not cause or contribute to Mr. Phounsy going into cardiac arrest. There was no clinical indication for the paramedics to utilize oxygen on Mr. Phounsy in the back of the ambulance prior to him going into cardiac arrest. There was no evidence that he was in respiratory distress, or showing symptoms of hypoxia. There was no cyanosis and there was no slowing of his heart rate. Though the excited delirium protocol notes to start high flow 02 as soon as able, this is open to the judgement of the paramedics. If there is no evidence of respiratory distress or hypoxia and the risks of trying to place the mask would be outweighing the unlikely benefits, the paramedics exercised sound judgement and were appropriate in not trying to place the oxygen mask. Under the same excited delirium protocol is written to ventilate the patient as soon as able. As Mr. Phounsy was spontaneously breathing and moving air in and out, there was no indication to ventilate Mr. Phounsy. Once again, the paramedics exercised appropriate judgment in weighing the risks of trying to ventilate Mr. Phounsy which would clearly outweigh any unlikely benefits, not to mention putting him at increased risk for inducing vomiting and aspiration into his lungs. Patients who are breathing faster than normal due to drug intoxication or exertion or struggle typically have levels of oxygen in the blood that are above normal, and the addition of supplemental oxygen or ventilating would not have any clinical impact physiologically. Supplemental oxygen does not neutralize or have any clinical effects to improve metabolic acidosis. Not using supplemental oxygen did not lead to or cause the cardiac arrest of Mr. Phounsy. The paramedics did not place an IV into Mr. Phounsy because he was being so aggressive and struggling so much that trying to place an IV was a hazard to both Mr. Phounsy and the paramedics. The protocol notes to give an IV bolus of fluid as soon as able, but with Mr. Phounsy struggling and moving around, the paramedics were unable to safely start an IV. This decision to hold off on starting the IV until Mr. Phounsy was calmer was sound and appropriate and did not breach standard of care. Even if the paramedics had started an IV, the fluid that would have gotten into Mr. Phounsy's system would not have prevented the subsequent cardiac arrest. The paramedics did not place the cardiac monitor on Mr. Phounsy while he was aggressively struggling and resisting because they knew that all of the movement would lead to motion artifact on the monitor and would not be useful or accurate data. Waiting until Mr. Phounsy was calmer before attempting to place the leads was reasonable and did not breach the standard of care. The paramedics decisions to not initiate the use of high flow oxygen, starting an IV, not ventilating and not using a cardiac monitor due to the degree of agitation and movement was sound reasoning, appropriate, meeting standard of care, and did not cause or contribute to Mr. Phounsy going into cardiac arrest. 4. The use of the spit sock on Mr. Phounsy did not cause or contribute to his cardiac arrest or death. Mr. Phounsy had a spit mask placed on him for the personal protection of the deputy working with him in the back of the ambulance. This is reasonable and prudent given his agitation and lack of compliance coupled with the close proximity of the deputy near the face of Mr. Phounsy and the blood noted on Mr. Phounsy's face. The mask is made of a thin mesh material that covers the entire head. This material allows for air to pass through and does not impede one's ability to breathe. Even if pulled tightly over the nose and mouth, air passes through and allows for respirations. The material of the spit mask is much more permeable compared with masks covering the noses and mouths of physicians and nurses in the operating room or construction workers who breath for hours at a time without problems. There was no clinical evidence that Mr. Phounsy was unable to breathe through the spit mask, as demonstrated by no reported labored breathing, no cyanosis, coughing or gagging. He was active and moving as well until he became suddenly unresponsive, which is more consistent with a sudden cardiac arrest, not an asphyxiation. And to date, there are no reports in the medical literature that identify spit masks as a cause of asphyxiation. The use of the spit mask was certainly within the standard of care and was not a causal factor in Mr. Phounsy's sudden cardiac arrest or death. 5. The use of police maximal restraints, including the hogtie restraint, and weight force on Mr. Phounsy in the back of the ambulance did not cause or contribute to his cardiac arrest or death. During the period that Mr. Phounsy was being handcuffed, he was restrained in a prone position with a certain amount of weight placed on him initially to gain control over him. He was handcuffed and because he was still struggling vigorously, a hobble was placed around his ankles and then attached to his handcuffs to complete a hogtie position. He was attempted to be maintained on his side, but kept struggling and wiggling back and forth. After Mr. Phounsy was evaluated and initially treated by the EMS providers, there was discussion and consideration to change the police maximal restraints for the paramedic restraints. However, after observing the aggressive behavior of Mr. Phounsy and learning of the difficult struggle that the deputies had to try to get him handcuffed initially, the decision was made not to remove the police maximal restraints and transport him with the handcuffs in place, with him lying on his side. Given the circumstances, this decision was sound and appropriate. He was not reported to complain of shortness of breath or difficulty breathing after being restrained and being tended to by the paramedics. He was reported to have shallow but effective unlabored breathing at a rate of 30 breaths/minute and a strong pulse of 120 beats/minute. Once Mr. Phounsy was placed on the ambulance gurney, he was maintained in the hobble position on his side as best as could be maintained with all of his wiggling and struggling. He had seatbelts from the gurney placed across him to hold him in position but were reported to be loose enough to allow him to breathe and even move his position. In the back of the ambulance, Deputy Fisher, who weighed approximately 220 lbs at the time, was reportedly holding Mr. Phounsy's head and torso on the gurney to keep him from sitting up and moving. Throughout this period, the paramedics assessed his breathing and noted it to be appropriate. There was no cyanosis, and no signs of any respiratory distress. His heart rate was not reported to slow down, and Mr. Phounsy continued to struggle as he had been all the while. The amount of weight being placed on the torso by the deputy is not enough to limit ventilations or cause asphyxiation by compression. Research using up to 220 lbs. of weight on a subject's back has not shown to cause physiologic changes that would imply asphyxiation is even possible with that amount of weight. The cardiac arrest of Mr. Phounsy was caused by his heart stopping, not due to asphyxia or other ventilatory issues. The decision to transport Mr. Phounsy using the police maximal restraints with him on his side was appropriate and met standard of care. And since there were no physiologically significant amounts of weight being placed on him by Deputy Fisher during the transport, and given that the cardiac arrest was sudden, there is no evidence that position, restraint or body weight caused or contributed to Mr. Phounsy's sudden cardiac arrest and death. 6. The significant hyperkalemia (elevated potassium levels) that Mr. Phounsy developed due to acute renal failure, in combination with his underlying cardiac disease, drug use and agitation was the probable cause of his sudden cardiac arrest that ultimately resulted in his deatk Mr. Phounsy was found to have a potassium level of 6.6 at the time of his emergency department evaluation at 2320. The cause of this elevation is most likely due to acute kidney failure that often accompanies drug use like MDMA, especially after several days of repeated use as was reported in the case of Mr. Phounsy. This elevation was not caused by or worsened by the interaction with the deputies or EMS providers. Mr. Phounsy had an elevated creatinine of2.0. This is consistent with renal failure and predated the arrival of the deputies and paramedics. CPK is an enzyme released when muscle cells break down. When muscles are overworked or damaged, they release the enzyme into the blood stream that can be measured on laboratory evaluation. CPK is very non-specific in that many different activities can cause it to rise. One of the most common is recreational muscle activity. Athletes and non-athletes alike after even a moderate work out can see measurable elevations in CPK. In the emergency department, we see elevations in patients with seizures, who are on statin medications for cholesterol, or who have been involved in altercations or done repetitive muscle contraction activities. A mild rise to 841 like seen in Mr. Phounsy is typically not even a concern as is considered clinically insignificant. When we see elevations into the tens of thousands range, there is an increased risk for the complications of rhabdomyolysis including renal failure. Renal failure can occur in patients with severely elevated CPK levels. CPK damages the kidneys and causes the kidneys not to function correctly. When this occurs, creatinine levels start to rise and this is diagnostic of renal failure. If this goes on for a long enough period of time, potassium levels will elevate. In the case of Mr. Phounsy, the CPK levels were not significantly elevated at the time of his arrival to the hospital. However, his creatinine was already elevated as was his potassium level, but this was not due to rhabdomyolysis from elevated CPK, because his CPK levels were not high enough to cause this. The kidney dysfunction pre-dated the arrival of the deputies and EMS providers. If exertion and struggling and fighting were to cause kidney failure, first the CPK levels have to be elevated, and that takes many hours to occur. The timeframe from the deputies' and paramedics' interactions with Mr. Phounsy and his lab work done about an hour later is inconsistent with struggle or exertion induced rhabdomyolysis or renal failure. The potassium level of Mr. Phounsy at the hospital was 6.6 which was noted after being given bicarbonate as part of his cardiac arrest resuscitation. Bicarbonate is one of the urgent therapies used to treat and lower hyperkalemia. This means that his initial level of potassium was even higher than 6.6 prior to the bicarbonate at the time of his cardiac arrest. By way of comparison, a normal potassium level is 3.5-5.0. Patients with chronic kidney failure on dialysis can get up to levels of 6.0 to 7 .5 with little in the way of clinical findings, but other patients with acute elevations in potassium will have EKG changes at these levels and are already at significant risk to go into sudden cardia(? arrest. Mr. Phounsy, with a potassium of greater than 6.6 was at increased risk to go into cardiac arrest at any moment, with or without any involvement by law enforcement or EMS providers. This severe hyperkalemia in combination with his severe agitation and continuing to struggle, and from his :MDMA use is the probable cause of Mr. Phounsy's sudden cardiac arrest and ultimately his death a week later. 7. The use of the TASER Electronic Control Device (BCD) on Mr. Phounsy did not cause or contribute to his cardiac arrest or death. There are no peer-reviewed published scientific or medical literature that concludes that TASER ECDs cause cardiac dysrhythmias or cardiac arrest in humans utilized in the probe mode or drive stun mode away from the chest transcardiac axis. There is theoretical modeling that describes how a TASER ECD could possibly cause cardiac arrest over the transcardiac axis, but the circumstances are not present with Mr. Phounsy. More than 1.5 million volunteer subjects have undergone TASER BCD activations, and none have ever been reported to develop sudden cardiac arrest or die. Just because a TASER BCD was being used in proximity to his death, does not imply causation. The TASER X26 BCD data download from Deputy Collins' s device shows six trigger pulls over two time periods. The first time-period was three trigger pulls for a total of 11 seconds of activation over 16 seconds, and the second was three trigger pulls for a total of 10 seconds of activation over 14 seconds. Both sets of activations were in probe mode into the torso. The time periods were approximately 3 minutes apart. The deputy reported that Mr. Phounsy pulled out the probes each time. The TASER X2 BCD data download from Deputy Brooke's device shows two trigger pull arcs for a total of 4 seconds of activation, a 3 second activation followed by a 1 second activation. He reported to use the TASER BCD in drive stun mode with the contact points located on the right side of Mr. Phounsy' s back, under his shoulder. The T ASER X2 BCD data download from Deputy Krull's device shows one trigger pull for a total of 5 seconds of activation. She reported to use the T ASER BCD in probe mode with the laser location at the shoulder and thigh of Mr. Phounsy. For an BCD to deliver a charge to the person, the electrical circuit must be completed and maintained. Thus, as a point of clarification, just because the TASER BCD downloads recorded 30 seconds of activation time from the three TASER ECDs, does not mean that the TASER BCD were indeed in contact with the subject and delivering the electrical stimulus for that amount of time. Often with moving, squirming, rolling and kicking, probes can become dislodged or wires broken. In this case, Mr. Phounsy was reported to pull out the probes as well as rolling around and at the end of the final TASER ECD activation, the wires were reported to no longer be attached. Even after the final TASER ECD activation, Mr. Phounsy was still struggling and fighting for quite some time before he went into cardiac arrest. If the TASER ECD had "electrocuted" Mr. Phounsy, his heart would have gone into a ventricular fibrillation (VF) at the time the electricity was being delivered and he would have immediately lost consciousness at the time that the TASER ECD was firing or within 1-2 seconds after stopping. Subjects in VF cannot fight or struggle, let alone remain conscious as the blood flow to the brain ceases immediately. This time of struggle that Mr. Phounsy had after the last TASER ECD activation support that the TASER ECD did not cause his heart to go into cardiac arrest. This conclusion is also supported in that the first rhythm reported by the defibrillator that was used to treat Mr. Phounsy after he went into cardiac arrest recorded the first rhythm as asystole, flatline. Asystole is not a rhythm caused by electricity, VF is. For one to possibly conclude that a TASER ECD could even be considered to cause cardiac arrest, basically all the following facts would need to be present: 1) The device probes would need to be penetrating deep into the chest wall for the tips to be close to the heart (a close dart to heart ratio); 2) The subject would need to have a thin chest wall; 3) The subject to be standing at the time of the TASER ECD activation and leaning forward so that the heart is closer to the anterior chest wall; 4) The subject would need to lose consciousness immediately during the TASER ECD activation or with 1-2 seconds after; and 5) The first cardiac rhythm would need to be ventricular fibrillation. All of these would be needed to even consider the TASER ECD as the cause of death, but in this case with Mr. Phounsy, these facts are not present. So again, the published scientific data as well as the objective evidence available in this case confirms that the use of the TASER ECD was non-contributory to the cardiac arrest and death of Mr. Phounsy. Background My background is that I am a full-time faculty member in the department of emergency medicine at the University of California, San Diego Medical Center. I am residency trained and board certified in Emergency Medicine. I work full time as a practicing clinician in the Emergency Department of a busy urban hospital and serve and the clinical operations chief for our two emergency departments with a combined annual census of approximately 70,000 visits. I currently serve as the Medical Director for Risk Management for the UC San Diego Health System. I also serve as the UCSD Medical Center's Medical Risk Management Committee Chair and Allocation Committee Co-Chair, as well as previously having served as the Chair of the Patient Care and Peer Review Committee, each of which are charged with the task of reviewing medical records and making determinations of standard of care. I am also the former Chief of Staff for the UCSD Medical Center. I have worked for almost 20 years as a faculty emergency physician at an urban-based emergency department that is contracted to receive patients who are in custody, both as field arrests and for on-going care while incarcerated. I served as the UCSD Director of Custody Services overseeing hospital services for the San Diego County Sheriffs Department Medical Services for 16 years. I also have worked in a jail setting for over 18 years, staffing weekly sick call clinics on site at the San Diego Sheriffs jails throughout San Diego County. I have also served as the on-site medical director for the San Diego Sheriff's medical clinics for 16 years where I have trained staff physicians, participated in quality assurance, resource utilization, policy and protocol development and peer review. I have also overseen the physician staffmg for seven jails in San Diego County over that time. During my career, I have evaluated thousands of patients over the last 20 years who have been under the influence of drugs, were in cardiac arrest and/or had elevated potassium levels My Emergency Medical Services (EMS)/prehospital background and experience includes having been a flight physician with Life:flight of San Diego and with Mercy Air, taking care of acutely injured patients at the scene. My EMS administrative roles include having been the Base Station Medical Director for UCSD, the Medical Director for the Palomar and Southwestern Paramedic College Training Programs, and the former Medical Director for the County of San Diego Emergency Medical Services (EMS) one of the largest EMS systems in the nation. In this role, I was responsible for protocols and quality assurance of over 1000 paramedics and 4000 EMT's. I started the UCSD EMS/Disaster Medicine Fellowship Training Program and was the first Fellowship Director and currently serve as the Assistant Director of the EMS/Disaster Medicine Division in the UCSD Department of Emergency Medicine and as the Medical Director for Carlsbad Fire Department and AirLinkUSA Air Ambulance Service. I have been a paramedic base hospital physician in San Diego County for over 25 years. Other previous roles include have been the Medical Director for the San Diego County Metropolitan Medical Strike Team (MMST) and serving as EMS medical back up for many SWAT operations. I was also the Principal Investigator for San Diego's Resuscitative Outcomes Consortium (ROC) site, a National Institute of Health (NIB) funded study consortium that evaluated treatment options for out of-hospital cardiac arrest and severe traumatic injury including gunshot injuries for over a decade. I was the lead author on work requested by the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) to review the totality of the body of literature on the topic of Excited Delirium Syndrome (ExDS) and wrote up the findings of the expert consensus panel's white paper. I have published a number of papers on the topic, have been grant funded by the National Institute of Justice to study patients with ExDS and invited to write multiple text book chapters on the topic of ExDS. I have also been invited to lecture nationally and internationally on the topics of Excited Delirium Syndrome. I am knowledgeable of peer-reviewed medical and scientific research on the physiological effects of positional restraint and positional asphyxia conducted by others. I have also performed extensive clinical research on human subjects who have been restrained in various positions and with various amounts of weight being placed (articles included in my curriculum vitae) which includes having directly been involved with hundreds of subjects being restrained and studied, hundreds of patients restrained during my work in the emergency department and have personally been restrained with weights placed on me as well. I have been invited to lecture nationally and internationally on this subject. Given my own interests in this area, I regularly perform a complete review of the literature regarding restraints and in custody death. I am knowledgeable of peer-reviewed medical and scientific research on TASER electronic control devices (ECDs) conducted by others. In fact, I was the lead author on work requested by the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) to review the totality of the peer reviewed published medical literature on humans and come to conclusions regarding the necessary emergency department evaluation of patients being seen after receiving a TA SER ECD activation. I have received federal grant funding and performed extensive clinical research on human subjects who have received TASER ECD applications (articles included in my curriculum vitae) which includes having been involved with over 200 TASER ECD activations and have personally received I multiple applications of the device. I have written several book chapters on this topic and have lectured internationally about the physiologic effects of T ASER ECDs. As per Rule 26 formatting, Appendix A is a copy of my current Curriculum Vitae, which includes a list of all publications authored by me. Appendix B is a list of all cases in which I have testified as an expert in trial or deposition within the preceding four years. Appendix C is my fee schedule. The knowledge base that I utilize has been developed over time from my years of clinical practice and experience, reading and training as well as research. Under penalty of perjury, I hereby swear that the opinions stated above are true and correct within a reasonable degree of medical probability. I also reserve the right to review the Rule 26 Reports of other expert witnesses retained in this case by all parties, and review other materials as they become available in the case, and provide additional opinions as appropriate. Respectfully submitted, Gary M. Vilk:e, M.D., FACEP, FAAEM Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine Emergency Medicine Clinical Service Chief and Co-Medical Director Medical Director, Risk Management, UC San Diego Health System Director, Clinical Research for Emergency Medicine CURRICULUM VITAE APPENDIXA GARY MICHAEL VILKE, MD., FACEP, FAAEM HOME ADDRESS: OFFICE ADDRESS: 11582 Norman.ton Way San Diego, CA 92131 Phone: (619) 666-8643 Department of Emergency Medicine UCSD Medical Center 200 W. Arbor Drive San Diego, CA 92103-8676 Phone: (619) 543-6210 Fax: (619) 543-3115 E-mail: PERSONAL: Born September 12, 1966 in Cleveland, Ohio EDUCATION: Academic: 1983-88 B.S. in Zoology, University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California Medical School: 1988-92 M.D., University of California, San Diego School of Medicine La Jolla, California Internship: 1992-93 Department of Surgery University of California, San Diego Medical Center San Diego, California Residency: 1993-96 Department of Emergency Medicine University of California, San Diego Medical Center San Diego, California (Chief Resident: 1995-96) Physician Leadership Academy: 2007-09 University of California, San Diego Medical Center San Diego, California LICENSURE: California Medical License Number G-78057 BOARD CERTIFICATIONS: National Board of Medical Examiners, 1993 American Board of Emergency Medicine, 1997, renewed 2007 APPOINTMENTS: 9/11 - Present Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine and Medicine, University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine 1/16 - Present Emergency Medicine Clinical Service Chief, UC San Diego Health System 1/16 -Present Co-Medical Director, Department of Emergency Medicine, UCSD Medical Center 10/15 - Present Medical Director, AirLink:USA Air Ambulance Service 9/15- Present Staff Physician, El Centro Regional Medical Center Department of Emergency Medicine 2/14- Present Assistant Chief, Division of Emergency Medical Services (EMS)/Disaster Medicine, UCSD Medical Center, Department of Emergency Medicine 1/13 - Present Medical Director, Carlsbad Fire Department 7/12 - Present Medical Director, Risk Management, UC San Diego Health System 6/12-Present Associate Director, Department of Emergency Medicine Behavioral Emergencies Research (DEMBER) Lab 10/09-Present UCSD Department of Emergency Medicine Clinical Research Scholar Fellowship Director 4/07 - Present Medical Director of the American Heart Association Training Center at the UCSD Center for Resuscitation Science 2/06 - Present Chief, Division of Clinical Research, UCSD Medical Center, Department of Emergency Medicine 7/96 - Present Assistant Director, Department of Emergency Medicine, UCSD Medical Center 7/94 - Present Base Hospital Physician, University of California Medical Center PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE/APPOINTMENTS: 7/13 -9/15 Chief, Division of Custody Medicine, UCSD Medical Center, Department of Emergency Medicine 4/99-9/15 Director, Custody Services, UCSD Medical Center (Co-Director 1999-2013) 3/13 - 9/15 Medical Director, AviaMedix Air Ambulance Service 10/11- 2/14 Chief, Division of Emergency Medical Services (EMS)/Disaster Medicine, UCSD Medical Center, Department of Emergency Medicine 4/12-3/13 Medical Director, Aeromedevac Air Ambulance Service 7/09- 6/12 Chief of Staff, UCSD Medical Center 7/07 - 6/09 Vice Chief of Staff UCSD Medical Center 7/04-6/09 EMS/Disaster Medicine Fellowship Director, Department of Emergency Medicine. 3/02 - 2/06 Medical Director, San Diego County Emergency Medical Services 3/03 - 12/05 Medical Consultant, San Diego Chapter Red Cross Disaster Health Services 6/04 - 2/05 Interim Chief, San Diego County Emergency Medical Services 1/01 - 2/04 Medical Director, Southwestern College Paramedic Training Program 7/00 - 2/04 Medical Director, Palomar College Paramedic Training Program 7/97 - 1/03 Director, Prehospital Services, UCSD Medical Center 6/97 - 1/03 Medical Director, Paramedic Base Hospital, UCSD Medical Center 7/96 - 1/03 Medical Director, Mercy Air Medical Transport Service, San Diego, California 4/99 - 3/01 Medical Co-Director, San Diego Central Jail Medical Services 1/96 - 7/96 Flight Physician, Mercy Air Medical Transport Service, San Diego, California 7/95 - 7/96 Associated Emergency Physicians Medical Group, San Diego, California 12/94 - 7/96 Kaiser Permanente Emergency Department, San Diego, California 10/94 - 7/96 Med America Health Resource Company, San Diego, California 4/94 - 7/95 Sharp-Rees-Stealy Urgent Care, San Diego, California 7/93 - 12/95 Flight Physician, Life Flight Air Medical Transport Service PREVIOUS ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS 7/05-9/11 Professor of Clinical Medicine, UCSD School of Medicine 7/01 - 6/05 Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, UCSD School of Medicine 7/96 - 6/01 Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCSD School of Medicine HONORS AND AWARDS: 1990 Random House Medical Student Award 1996 American College of Emergency Physicians, California Chapter Challenge Bowl Winner 1996 Council of Residency Directors (CORD) Resident Academic Achievement Award 1996 Outstanding Emergency Medicine Resident 1996 UCSD Emergency Department Staff Support Award l 996 Journal ofEmergency Medicine Outstanding Contribution Award 1999 "Golden Apple" Teaching Award, UCSD Emergency Medicine Residency Graduating Class of 1999 2000 Faculty of the Year, UCSD Emergency Medicine Residency Graduating Class of2000 2000 Best Research Poster Presentation, California Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians (CAL/ACEP) Scientific Assembly, Dana Point, California 2000 Outstanding Scientific Abstract, State of California EMS Authority Annual Emergency Medical Services for Children Conference, San Diego, California, November 2000 2001 Best Oral Presentation, CAL/ACEP Scientific Assembly, Santa Clara, California 2004 Academy of Clinician Scholars, University of California San Diego 2004 Top Doctor in San Diego County, San Diego Magazine 2004 Top Peer Reviewer, Annals ofEmergency Medicine 2005 Top Doctor in San Diego County, San Diego Magazine 2005 Clinical Investigation Institute, University of California San Diego 2006 Top Doctor in San Diego County, San Diego Magazine_ 2007 Finalist San Diego Business Journal Health Care Champion Award 2007 Top Doctor in San Diego County, San Diego Magazine 2007 Top Peer Reviewer, Annals ofEmergency Medicine 2008 Top Doctor in San Diego County, San Diego Magazine 2008 UCSD Undergraduate Campus Outstanding Faculty Mentor of the Year 2009 Clinical and Translational Research Institute, Charter member 2009 Top Doctor in San Diego County, San Diego Magazine 2010 Top Doctor in San Diego County, San Diego Magazine 2011 Top Doctor in San Diego County, San Diego Magazine HONORS AND AWARDS, continued: 2012 Top Doctor in San Diego County, San Diego Magazine 2013 Top Doctor in San Diego County, San Diego Magazine 2014 Top Doctor in San Diego County, San Diego Magazine 2015 "25 Emergency Medicine & EMS Professors You Should Know" From Medical Technology Schools at: CERTIFICATIONS: Basic Cardiac Life Support Instructor Pediatric Advanced Life Support Provider Advanced Cardiac Life Support Instructor Hazardous Material Training, Level I Advanced HAZMAT Life Support Provider PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIPS: American Medical Association, 1988-97 California Alumni Association, 1988 American College of Emergency Physicians, 1991-2000 Fellow, American College of Emergency Physicians, 2000 California Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians, 1991 Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 1995 National Association of EMS Physicians, 1998 Fellow, American Academy of Emergency Medicine, 2000 California Chapter of tlie American Academy of Emergency Medicine, 2000 American Association of University Professors, 2002 California Conference of the American Association of University Professors, 2002 San Diego Faculty Association, .2002 San Diego County Medical Society, 2003 California Medical Association, 2003 American Association of Emergency Psychiatry, 2014 PATENTS: # WO 2010/011976 A2: Medication Delivery Devices Having Penetrable Sterility Barriers and Alignment Features (January 28, 2010) # WO 2010/011976 A2: Medication Delivery Devices Having Penetrable Sterility Barriers and Alignment Features (January 28, 2010) # US 2010/011966 A2: Medication Delivery System (January 28, 2010) # US 2010/0022987 Al: Medication Delivery System (January 28, 2010) # US 61476836 Medication Delivery Apparatus (April 19, 2011) CURRENT ACTMTIES: Objective Structured Clinical Examiner, Introduction to Clinical Medicine, UCSD School of Medicine, 1997 UCSD Alumni Preceptor, UCSD School ofMedicine,. 1997 Physician Member, San Diego County Metropolitan Medical Strike Team, 1998 Quality Assurance Reviewer, Department of Emergency Medicine, UCSD Medical Center, 1999 Evaluator, UCSD Physician Assessment and Clinical Evaluation (PACE) Program, 2000 Tactical EMS Care Provider for San Diego Sheriffs Special Enforcement Detail (SED), 2007 San Diego State Pre-Med Preceptor, SDSU, 2008 Phi Delta Epsilon Faculty Mentor, UCSD, 2008 LIFESHARING, A Donate Life Organization Advisory Board, 2010 Journals Editor-in-Chief, Advances in Legal Medicine, Longdom Publishing, 2014-2015. Senior Associate Editor/Editorial Board, Journal ofEmergency Medicine, Elsevier Science, Inc., 2013 (Associate Editor since 2007, Editorial board since 2000; reviewer since 1994) Editorial Board, Prehospital Emergency Care, Taylor & Francis Group, 2006 (Reviewer since 2004) Editorial Board, Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Elsevier Science, Inc. 2012 (Reviewer since 2011) Editorial Board, Emergency Medicine and Healthcare, Herbert Publications, 2013 Senior Reviewer, Annals ofEmergency Medicine, Mosby, 2007 (Reviewer since 1998) Reviewer, European Journal ofEpidemiology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996-97 Reviewer, Western Journal ofEmergency Medicine, 2001 Reviewer, American Journal ofEmergency Medicine, Elsevier Science, Inc., 2005 Reviewer, Emergency Medicine Journal, BMA House, 2006 Reviewer, Forensic Science International, 2007 Reviewer, California Journal ofEmergency Medicine, 2007 Reviewer, Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 2009 Reviewer, BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 2009 Reviewer, Bioelectromagnetics, 2010 Reviewer, Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology, 2010 Reviewer, Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 2010 Reviewer, Academic Emergency Medicine, 2010 Reviewer, Medicina, 2012 Reviewer, Injury Prevention, 2013 Reviewer, Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, 2013 Reviewer, Pediatrics, 2013 Reviewer, Journal ofForensic Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2014 Reviewer, Journal ofInjury and Violence Research, 2014 Reviewer, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2015 Reviewer, Emergency Medicine International, 2015 Content Expert Reviewer, Practical Summaries in Acute Care, Thomson American Health Consultants, 2006 Expert Editorial Advisor, Managing the Ankylosing Spondylitis Patient in an Emergency Setting for the Spondylitis Association of America (SAA). 2008 Content Expert for Cable News Network (CNN), 2009 Content Expert for ABC News, 2011 PREVIOUS ACTIVITIES: Vice-President, California Chapter of Emergency Medicine Residents Association, 1994-95 Editor-in-Chief, California Chapter of Emergency Medicine Residents Association Newsletter, 1994-95 Co-Director, School of Medicine 225: Introduction to Emergency Medicine, UCSD School of Medicine, 1994-95 Strike Team Leader, DMAT Olympics 1996 Biological & Chemical Antiterrorist Medical Support Director, Mercy Air Medical Transport Services Continuing Clinical Education, 1996-2003 Member, San Diego County 911 Dispatch Quality Review Board, 1997-98 Co-Director, University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, Course SOM 2241, Pediatric Advanced Life Support Course Director, 1997-2002 Editor-in-Chief, UCSD Medical Center EMS Run Review, 1997-2003 Sponsor, Palomar College Emergency Medical Education Department Paramedic Training, 1997-2003 Medical Support Physician, Super Bowl XXXII, San Diego, California, January 25, 1998 Medical Support Physician, Suzuki Rock-n-Roll Marathon, San Diego, California, June 21, 1998 Marketing Director, California Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians (CAL/ACEP) Scientific Assembly, 1998-99 Member, Program Committee, CAL/ACEP Scientific Assembly, 1998-99 Howard Hughes Foundation Undergraduate Preceptor, 1998, 1999 Co-editor, Pearls from PAC Newsletter, 1998-2000 Preceptor, Introduction to Clinical Medicine 201-B, UCSD School of Medicine, 1999 EMS Team Leader, San Diego County Metropolitan Medical Strike Team, 1999 Co-Chair, Program Committee, CAL/ACEP Scientific Assembly, 1999-2000 and 2000-01 Member, San Diego County Bio-Terrorism Planning Group, 1999-2003 Moderator, EMS Poster Section, Western Regional Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Conference, Portland, Oregon, April 2000 Preceptor, California State University Dominguez Hills Statewide Nursing Program, 2000 Affiliate Faculty, Southwestern College Paramedic Training Program, 2000-03 PREVIOUS ACTIVITIES, continued: Medical Director, EPIC "Eliminate Preventable Injuries of Children" Medics, San Diego County, 2000-03 San Diego Port DistrictAED (Automated External Defibrillator) Program RPF Panel, 2001 Peer Reviewer, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Reports, 2001 Reviewer, Scientific Abstract Presentations, CAL/ACEP Scientific Assembly, 2001-02 Member, Board of Directors, CAL/ACEP, 2001-03 Moderator, Western Regional SAEM Research Presentations, San Diego, California, April 2002 Clinical Coordinator, Southwestern College Emergency Medical Technician Program, 200103 Santa Clara County/Regional Medical Center Trauma Designation Review Committee, 2004 San Diego County Health Services Capacity Issues Task Force, 2002-06 San Diego Regional Safety Consortium Inter-facility Transfer Protocol Task Force, 2004-06 San Diego Regional Fire Prevention Emergency Preparedness Task Force, 2004-2006 San Diego County Task Force on Fire Prevention, 2004-06 President-Elect, EMS Medical Director's Association of California, 2005-06 Medical Director, San Diego County Metropolitan Medical Strike Team, 1998-2008 American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) Task Force on Excited Delirium Syndrome 2009-10 National Institute of Justice Task Force on Excited Delirium, 2011 Member, Disaster Medical Assistance Team (CA-4), 1994-2011 Operations Committee, San Diego County Metropolitan Medical Strike Team, 1998-2010 . CURRENT UCSD COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS: Research Committee, Department of Emergency Medicine, 1997 UCSD Faculty Association, 2002 Quality Improvement/Peer Review Committee, Department of Emergency Medicine, 2002 UCSD Academy of Clinician Scholars Executive Committee, 2005 UCSD Medical Staff Executive Committee, 2007 Chair, UCSD Medical Risk Management Committee, 2012 UCSD Allocation Committee, 2012 UCSD Significant Events Committee, 2012 Rady Children's Root Cause Analysis Committee, Ad hoc, 2012 UCSD/Rady Children's Joint Risk Management Committee (JRMC), 2013 UCSD Department of Emergency Medicine Academic Affairs Committee, 2013 UCSD Patient Experience Executive Committee, 2013 UCSD Faculty Leadership Group, 2014 Patient Advocacy Reporting System (PARS) Oversight Team, 2014 Rady Children's Emergency Department Faculty Search Committee, 2015 PREVIOUS UCSD COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS: President, UCSD Academy of Clinician Scholars, 2013-15 UCSD Board of Governor's Committee, 2013-15 UCSD Academic Senate Representative Assembly, Alternate, 2011-13 UCSD Sheriff Managed Care Oversight Committee Ladder Rank Recruitment Committee, UCSD Department of Emergency Medicine, 2013 UCSD Medical Staff Bylaws Work Group, 2014 Chair, Emergency Department Staffing Committee of Process Action Team, 1994-95 Hospital Infection Control Committee, 1994-95 Emergency Medicine Housestaff Association Representative, 1994-96 Emergency Department Clinical Practices Committee, 1994-96 Emergency Department Peer Review/Quality Assurance Committee, 1995-96 Emergency Department Critical Care Room Process Action Team, 1996 Paramedic/Emergency Department Interface Task Force, 1998-99 Emergency Department Staffing Committee, Department of Emergency Medicine, 1999 Credentials Committee, 1997-2000 Faculty Search Committee, Department of Emergency Medicine, 1999, 2000, 2002 Medical Director's Group, 1997-2002 Patient Care Review Committee, 2003 Medical Risk Management Committee, 2002-07 Patient Improvement and Outcome Committee, 2003-05 Medical Staff Executive Committee Reorganization Ad Hoc Committee, 2005-2006 UCSD Phasing Strategy Ad Hoc Committee, 2005-06 Clinical Representative, Trauma Quality Assurance Program, 1998-2006 Vice Chief of Staff, UCSD Medical Center, 2007-2009 UCSD/San Diego Sheriff Security -Working Group, 2003-10 Chief of Staff, UCSD Medical Center, 2009-2012 Vice-Chair, Quality Council Committee, 2009-2012 (member since 2003) Chair, Medical Staff Executive Committee, 2009-2012 UCSD Governance Advisory Committee, 2009-2012 UCSD Department of Medicine Clinical Operations Redesign Enterprise (CORE) Initiative Team, 2009-2012 PREVIOUS UCSD CO11.tvfITIEE MEMBERSHIPS, continued: Director of Risk Management Selection Committee, 2007 Chair, Medical Risk Management Committee, 2003-07 (member since 2002) Medical Risk Management Executive Committee, 2003-07 UCSD Medical Center Allocation Committee 2005-07 Patient Safety Committee, 2003-07 Vice Chair, Medical Staff Executive Committee, 2007-09 Chair, Patient Care and Peer Review Committee, 2007-09 (member since 2005) Trauma Multidisciplinary Committee, 2000-09 Department of Medicine Committee on Advancement and Promotions (DOMCAP), 2007-09 Vice Chair, Quality Council Committee, 2009-2012 UCSD Medical Center Syncope Task Force, 2010-11 UCSD Director of Risk Management Selection Committee, 2012 Secretary-Treasurer, UCSD Academy of Clinician Scholars, 2005-12 UCSD Root Cause Analysis Committee, 2013 UCSD Department of Emergency Medicine Chair Selection Committee, 2012-13 UCSD Department of Emergency Medicine Faculty Coverage Committee, 2012-13 UCSD Integrated Delivery Network Design Team, 2012-13 UCSD Department of Emergency Medicine Patient Satisfaction Committee, 2012-13 UCSD Department of Emergency Medicine Faculty Search Committee, 2013 CURRENT COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS: American Academy of Emergency Physicians, Clinical Practice Committee, 2011 Carlsbad Fire Department EMS Oversight Committee, 2013 San Diego County Base Station Physicians' Committee, 2013 PREVIOUS COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS: Practice Management Committee, CAL/ACEP, 1994-95 Committee on Prehospital Stroke Triage, San Diego County Medical Society, 1998 Research Subcommittee, San Diego County Prehospital Audit Committee, 1997-99 Prehospital RSI Task Force, San Diego County Prehospital Audit Committee, 1997-99 Chair, San Diego County Prehospital Audit Committee, 1998-2000 San Diego County Pediatric CPR Task Force, 1999-2000 San Diego Sheriff's Source Selection Committee, 2000 Steering Committee, San Diego County Metropolitan Medical Strike Team, 1998-2001 Program Committee, CAL/ACEP Scientific Assembly, 1998-2001 (Co-Chair for 1999-2001) Awards Committee, CAL/ACEP Scientific Assembly, 1999-2001 EMS Committee, San Diego County Metropolitan Medical Strike Team, 1999-2001 San Diego Metropolitan Medical Response System Bio-Terrorism Planning Group, 1999-2001 San Diego County EMS QA Net Prehospital Design Steering Committee, 2000-01 Chair, CPR Subcommittee, San Diego County Prehospital Audit Committee, 1998-2002 San Diego County SlPs (Serial Inebriate Program) Task Force, 2000-02 Task Force Leader, CAL/ACEP Scientific Assembly, 2001-02 Chair, Training Committee, San Diego County Metropolitan Medical Strike Team, 2001-02 Co-Chair, EMS Committee, CAL/ACEP, 2001-02 Policy Committee, CAL/ACEP, 2001-02 Chair, Research Subcommittee, San Diego County Prehospital Audit Committee, 2000-02 Governmental Affairs Committee, CAL/ACEP, 2001-02 Didactic Subcommittee, SAEM Program Committee, 2001-02 Program Mgmt Committee, San Diego County Metropolitan Medical Strike Team, 2001-03 Air Medical Transport Section, American College of Emergency Physicians, 2001-03 San Diego County Sheriff's Mortality Review Committee, 2001-03 San Diego County Sheriff's Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, 2001-03 City of San Diego EMS Physicians' Advisory Committee, 1998-2006 City of San Diego Prehospital Cardiac Advisory Committee, 1998-2006 Education Committee, CAL/ACEP, 2000-03 SAEM EMS Interest Group, 2001-2006 (Co-chair 2003-04) PREVIOUS COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS, continued: San Diego County EMS for Children (EMSC) Advisory Committee, 2002-05 Scientific Subcommittee, SAEM Program Committee, 2002-05 Police Executive Research Forum Task Force on Conductive Energy Weapons Use, 2005 San Diego County EMS for Children (EMSC) Advisory Committee, 2002-05 Scientific Subcommittee, SAEM Program Committee, 2002-05 Member-at-large, EMDAC Officer Board, 2004-05 San Diego County Fire Chiefs Association, 2004-06 San Diego County Sheriffs Helicopter Program Ad Hoc Advisory Committee, 2004-06 Chair, San Diego County HRSA Work Group, 2004-06 San Diego County Regional Helicopter Advisory Committee, 2004-06 San Diego County HRSA Executive Steering Committee, 2004-06 San Diego County Critical Care Transport Working Group, 2005-06 San Diego County Prehospital Patient Record IT Steering Committee, 2005-06 San Diego County Cardiac Advisory Committee, 2005-06 San Diego County Stroke Advisory Committee, 2005-06 San Diego County Emergency Medical Care Committee, 2006 Co-Chair, San Diego County Medical Society EMS Medical Oversight Committee, 2002-2006 Chair, EMS Committee, American Academy of Emergency Medicine California Chapter, 2000-06 EMS Medical Director's Association of California, 2002-06 San Diego County Trauma Administrators Committee, 2002-06 Chair, San Diego County EMS Research Committee, 2002-06 Chair, San Diego County Paramedic Protocol Revision Committee, 2002-06 San Diego County Public Health Services Physicians Group, 2003-06 SAEM EMS Interest Group, 2001-2006 (Co-chair 2003-04) San Diego County Healthcare Advisory Committee on Terrorism, 2003-06 San Diego County Paramedic Training Joint Advisory Committee, 2000-06 San Diego County Public Health Preparedness Team, 2001-06 EMS Section, American College of Emergency Physicians, 2001-06 Chair, San Diego County Aeromedical Protocol Committee, 1998-2006 San Diego County Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 1998-2006 PREVIOUS COMMITTEE MEMBERSHJPS, continued: San Diego County Base Hospital Physicians Committee, 1997-2006 San Diego County Trauma Audit Committee, 1997-2006 San Diego County Prehospital Audit Committee, 1997-2006 EMS Medical Director's Association of California, 2002-06 SAEM Program Committee, 2001-2007 Chair, Photography Subcommittee, SAEM Program Committee, 2002-2007 Training Committee, San Diego County Metropolitan Medical Strike Team, 2001-09 San Diego BEACON/EMS Hub Technical Committee, 2012-13 San Diego Central Jail Quality Assurance Committee, 1999-2013 San Diego Central Jail Medical Oversight Committee, 1999-2013 Resuscitative Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Executive Committee, 2014-15 Resuscitative Outcomes Consortium (ROC) EMS Operations Committee, 2014-15 Resuscitative Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Management Committee, 2014-15 Resuscitative Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Hospital Practices Cardiac Committee, 2014-15 Resuscitative Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Publications Committee, 2014-15 Resuscitative Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Cardiac Committee, 2014-15 Resuscitative Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Trauma Committee, 2014-15 CURRENT FUNDED RESEARCH: i. Principal Investigator (PI) for study entitled, "EXCITATION Study: Un~lained In-Custody Deaths: Evaluating Biomarkers of S_!ress and Agitation." Study funded by the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, 11/1/2012 to 6/30/2016. USDOJ Federal Award# 2012-R2-CX-K006. Amount: $431,943 2. Principal Investigator (PI) for the study titled, "Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Protocol -ALPS", funded by the NIH, 7/1/13 to 6/3/16. 5U01HL077863-11 subaward 758500. Amount: $289,003 3. Co-Investigator with Edward Castillo (PI) for study entitled, "Acute Home Care as an Alternative to Inpatient Admission from the Emergency Department". Funded by the Gary and Mary West Health Institute, 2015-2016. Amount: $499,125. 4. Co-Investigator with Theodore Chan (PI) for study entitled, "The Gary and Mary West Geriatric Center of Excellence (West COE): Phase 1 Research Development". Funded by the Gary and Mary West Health Institute, 2015-2016. Amount: $243,610. PREVIOUS FUNDED RESEARCH: 1. Co-Investigator with Tom Neuman (PI) for evaluation of positional asphyxia in the hobble restraint position, funded by the County of San Diego, 1995--$33,900 2. Co-Investigator, with Theodore Chan (PI), for evaluation of the Melker percutaneous cricothyrotomy kit in human cadavers, funded by Cook Medical Products, 1997--$10,000 3. Co-Investigator with John Eisele (PI) for the evaluation of positional asphyxia in the hobble restraint position with weight on subjects' backs, funded by the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 1998--$2,500 4. Co-Investigator, with Theodore Chan (PI), for study entitled, "The Impact of Oleoresin Capsicum Spray on Respiratory Function in Human Subjects in the Sitting and Prone Maximal Restraint Positions." Study funded by the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department ofJustice, 1998-99. UCSD No. 98-7107; USDOJ Federal Award #98-IJ-CX0079. Amount: $128,176 5. Principle Investigator (PI) for study entitled "Evaluation ofHurricaine anesthetic in patients with dyspepsia" funded by Beutlich Pharmaceuticals for, 2001. Amount: $1,500 6. Co-Investigator, with Theodore Chan (PI), for evaluation of the Melker percutaneous cricothyrotomy kit in human cadavers, funded by Cook Medical Products, 2003. Amount: $12,000 7. Co-Investigator, with David Hoyt (PI) for the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium: UCSD / San Diego Resuscitation Research Center, funded by the NIH, 9/1/04 to 6/30/09. UOl HL077908. Amount: $2,250,522 8. Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI), with Theodore Chan, for study entitled, "The effect of Taser on Cardiac, Respiratory and Metabolic Physiology in Human Subjects." Study funded by the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, 10/1/2005 to 9/30/2007. UCSD No. 2006-0846; USDOJ Federal Award #98-IJ-CX-0079. Amount: $213,941.4 9. Co-Investigator, with Daniel Davis (PI) for the study entitled, "ROC Interventional Trials: Hypertonic Resuscitation for Traumatic Injury, Trauma Epistry, PRIMED", funded by the NIB, 7/1/06 to 6/30/08. UOl HL077863. Amount: $331,320 10. Co-Investigator, with Daniel Davis (PI) for the, "ROC Cardiac Epistry", funded by the AHA, 7/1/06 to 6/30/08. Amount: $133,427 11. Co-Investigator, with Theodore Chan (PI) for study entitled, "Multi-Center Study of the Impact of Nurse-Patient Ratios on Emergency Department Overcrowding." funded by the Emergency Medicine Foundation, 7/1/07 to 6/30/08. Amount: $50,000 12. Principal Investigator (PI) for study entitled, "Evaluation of the Ventilatory and Respiratory Effects of a Restraint Chair on Human Subjects." Funded by the Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, Inc, 1/1/07 to 12/31/07. Amount: $11,658 PREVIOUS FUNDED RESEARCH (cont): 13. Co-Investigator, with Edward Castillo (PI) for study entitled, "California ED Diversion Project Evaluation." funded by the California Healthcare Foundation, 5/15/08 to 10/15/08. Amount: $50,990 14. Principal Investigator (PI) for study entitled, ''Ventilatory Effects of Prone Restraint on Obese Human Subjects." Funded by the Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, Inc, 1/1/09 to 12/31/09. Amount: $13,423 15. Principal Investigator (PI) for study entitled, "FAST TRAC: Finding ACS with Serial Troponin Testing for Rapid Assessment." Funded by the Nanosphere, Inc. 2/1/09 to 2/1/11. Amount: $85,000 16. Principal Investigator (PI) for study entitled, "CHOPIN: Copentin Helps in the Early Detection of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction." Funded by Brahms AG, 8/1/09 to 8/1/12. Amount: $103,950 17. Co-Investigator, with Christine Hall for the study titled, "RESTRAINT - Risk of dEath in Subjects That Resisted: Assessment of Incidence and Nature of fa Tai events", funded by the Vancouver Island Health Authority. 7/1/09 to 6/30/11. Amount $50,000 18. Co-Investigator for study titled "STAT MERCURY: Studying the Treatment of Acute HyperTension: A Multicenter EmeRgency Department Clevidipine Utilization RestrY" funded by the Medicines Company, 7/27 /10 to 11/1/11. Amount $1400 19. Co-Investigator for study titled "A Phase II, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebocontrolled Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of MN-221 when Administered Intravenously as an Adjunct to Standard Therapy to Adults with an Acute Exacerbation of Asthma." Study funded by MediciNova, Inc. 1/1/11 to 1/31/12. Amount $50,000 20. Principle Investigator for study titled "AKINESIS: Acute Kidney Injury N-gal Evaluation of Symptomatic heart failure." Study funded by Alere and Abbott, 4/1/11 to 6/30/12. Amount $32,000 21. Principle Investigator for study titled "Evaluation ofEcallantide (DX-88) for the Acute Treatment of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Induced Angioedema, a Phase II, double-blind study. Study funded by Dyax Corporation. 4/1/11 to 6/30/12. Amount $20,000 22. Principle Investigator for study titled "REAL: Rapid fvaluation of Acute Kidney Injury with NGA1 in Acutely Ill Patients in the ICU." Study funded by Alere, 5/1/11 to 6/30/12. Amount $74,435 23. Principle Investigator for study titled "A Mulit-Center, Open-Label, Surveillance Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of a Shortened Infusion Time of Intravenous Ibuprofen Protocol CPI-CL-015." Study funded by Cumberland Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 6/1/11 to 6/30/12. Amount $50,000 PREVIOUS FUNDED RESEARCH (cont): 24. Co-Investigator, with Edward Castillo (PI) for the study titled, "Restraint Chair Literature Review and Policy Gap Analysis", funded by the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, 7/1/13 to 9/30/13. COS-0010. Amount: $15,000 25. Co-Investigator, with Daniel Davis (PI) for the study titled, "Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Regional Clinical Center, San Diego", funded by the NIH, 3/1/10 to 6/30/14. U0I HL077908-09. Amount: $1,389,389 26. Co-Investigator with Edward Castillo (PI) for study entitled, "Diagnostic Evaluation using ClearView in Decision Making in the Emergency Room". Funded by EPIC Research and Diagnostics, Inc, 2012-2014. Amount: $650,840.10 (based on 570 total participants). 27. Co-Investigator with Edward Castillo (PI) for study entitled, "Point-of-Care Testing for Illicit Drugs and Alcohol Intoxication in an Emergency Room". Funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse through Seacoast Science, Inc., 2013-2015. Amount: $50,163. 28. Co-Investigator with Edward Castillo (PI) for study entitled, "Evaluation of downward force placed onto prone subjects." Funded by the Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, Inc., 2014-2015. Awarded, contract in process. Amount: $7,500. 29. Co-Investigator with Edward Castillo (Pl) for study entitled, "Acute Bacterial Skin and Skin Structure Infection (abSSSI) Practice Pattern Assessment." Funded by Durata Therapeutics International B.V., 2014-2015. Amount: $15,000. 30. Co-Investigator with Edward Castillo (PI) for study entitled, "Exploring emergency room physician's knowledge and attitudes concerning the use of appropriate and safe home care as an alternative to hospital admission." Funded by the Gary and Mary West Health Institute, 2014-2015. Amount: $l18,021. 31. Co-Investigator with Allyson Kreshak (PI) for study entitled, "Telephone, Text or Type? Comparing Tools for Improving Physician-Patient Communication Beyond the Walls of the Emergency Department after Discharge." Funded by the UCSD Academy of Clinician Scholars, 2014-2015. Amount: $10,000. 32. Principal Investigator (Pl) for the study titled, "Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Regional Clinical Center, San Diego", funded by the NIH, 7/1/14 to 12/31/15. U0l HL077908-09. Amount: $1,389,389 PUBLICATIONS: Texts/Books 1. Atlas of Emergency Procedures. Rosen P, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Sternbach G (Eds.); St. Louis: Mosby, Inc., 2001. 2. Atlas of Emergency Procedures. (Edition translated into Spanish) Rosen P, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Stembach G (Eds.); St. Louis: Mosby, Inc., 2005. Book Chapters 1. Vilke GM: Head Trauma, Blunt. In: The 5 Minute Emergency Medicine Consult. Rosen P, Barkin RM, Hayden SR, Schaider JJ, Wolfe R (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999, pp 472-473. 2. Vilke GM: Head Trauma, Penetrating. In: The 5 Minute Emergency Medicine Consult. Rosen P, Barkin RM, Hayden SR, Schaider JJ, Wolfe R (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999, 4 74-4 7 5. 3. Vilke GM: Urethral Catheterization. In: Atlas of Emergency Procedures. Rosen P, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Stembach G (Eds.); St. Louis: Mosby, Inc., 2001, pp 124-127. 4. Vilke GM: Cystostomy. In: Atlas of Emergency Procedures. Rosen P, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Sternbach G (Eds.); St. Louis: Mosby, Inc., 2001, pp 128-129. 5. Vilke GM: Bladder Aspiration. In: Atlas of Emergency Procedures. Rosen P, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Stembach G (Eds.); St. Louis: Mosby, Inc., 2001, pp 130-131. 6. Vilke GM: Dorsal Slit in Phimosis. In: Atlas of Emergency Procedures. Rosen P, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Stembach G (Eds.); St. Louis: Mosby, Inc., 2001, pp 132-133. 7. Vilke GM: Manual Paraphimosis Reduction. In: Atlas of Emergency Procedures. Rosen P, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Sternbach G (Eds.); St. Louis: Mosby, Inc., 2001, pp 134-135. 8. Vilke GM: Zipper Removal. In: Atlas of Emergency Procedures. Rosen P, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Stembach G (Eds.); St. Louis: Mosby, Inc., 2001, pp 136-137. 9. Hayden SR, Silfvast T, Deakin CD, Vilke GM: Surgical Procedures. In: Prehospital Trauma Care. Soreide E, Grande CM (Eds.); New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2001, pp 323-354. 10. Hayden SR, Thierbach A, Vilke GM, Sugrue M: Patient Turnover: Arriving and Interacting in the Emergency Department. In: Prehospital Trauma Care. Soreide E, Grande CM (Eds.); New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2001, pp 737-751. 11. Vilke GM: Cervical Spine Injury, Adult. In: Rosen and Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (second edition). Schaider J, Hayden SR, Wolfe R, Barkin RM, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003, pp 1048-1049. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Book Chapters 12. Vilke GM: Extremity Trauma, Penetrating. In: Rosen and Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (second edition). Schaider J, Hayden SR, Wolfe R, Barkin RM, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003, pp 394-395. 13. Vilke GM: Head Trauma, Blunt. In: Rosen and Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (second edition). Schaider J, Hayden SR, Wolfe R, Barkin RM, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003, pp 476-477. 14. Vilke GM: Head Trauma, Penetrating. In: Rosen and Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (second edition). Schaider J, Hayden SR, Wolfe R, Barkin RM, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003, pp 478-479. 15. Vilke GM: Ring/Constricting Band Removal. In: Rosen and Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (second edition). Schaider J, Hayden SR, Wolfe R, Barkin RM, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003, pp 980-981. 16. Vilke GM: Warts. In: Rosen and Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (second edition). Schaider J, Hayden SR, Wolfe R, Barkin RM, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003, pp 1222-1223. 17. Vilke GM: Fournier's Gangrene. In: Rosen and Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (second edition). Schaider J, Hayden SR, Wolfe R, Barkin RM, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003, pp 430-431. 18. Vilke GM: Variants of Normal. In: ECG in Emergency Medicine and Acute Care. Chan TC, Brady WJ, Harrigan RA, Ornato JP, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Elsevier Mosby, 2005, pp 12-15. 19. Vilke GM: Keloid Formation. In: Greenberg's Text-Atlas of Emergency Medicine. Greenberg MI, Hendrickson RG, Silverberg M (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2005, p 684. 20. Vilke GM: Distal Digital Amputation. In: Greenberg's Text-Atlas of Emergency Medicine. Greenberg MI, Hendrickson RG, Silverberg M (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2005, p 685. 21. Vilk:e GM: Painful Syndromes of the Hand and Wrist. In: Harwood-Nuss' Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine fourth edition. Editor-in-chief: AB Wolfson. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2005, pp 536-540. 22. Vilke GM: Neck Holds. In: Sudden Deaths in Custody. Ross DL, Chan TC (Eds.); New Jersey: Humana Press, 2006, pp 15-38. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Book Chapters 23. Sloane C, Vilke GM: Riot Control Agents, Tasers and Other Less Lethal Weapons. In: Sudden Deaths in Custody. Ross DL, Chan TC (Eds.); New Jersey: Humana Press, 2006, pp 113-138. 25. Vilke GM: Clostridium botulinum Toxin (Botulism) Attack. In: Disaster Medicine. Ciottone GR (Ed.); Boston: Elsevier Mosby, 2006, pp 701-704. 26. Vilke GM: Viral Agents (Section 10, Part 2). Section Editor. In: Disaster Medicine. Ciottone GR (Ed.); Boston: Elsevier Mosby, 2006, pp 661-697 .. 27. Patel R, Reynoso J, Vilke GM: Genitourinary Trauma. In: Emergency Medicine Handbook. Clinical Concepts for Clinical Practice. Roppolo LP, Davis D, Kelly SP, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Elsevier Mosby, 2007, pp 164-173. 28. Vilke GM: Extremity Trauma, Penetrating. In: Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (third edition). Schaider JJ, Hayden SR, Wolfe RE, Barlcin RM, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007, pp 392-393. 29. Vilke GM: Fournier's Gangrene. In: Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (third edition). Schaider JJ, Hayden SR, Wolfe RE, Barkin RM, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007, pp 428-429. 30. Vilke GM: Head Trauma, Blunt. In: Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicme Consult (third edition). Schaider JJ, Hayden SR, Wolfe RE, Barkin RM, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007, pp 474-475. 31. Vilke GM: Head Trauma, Penetrating. In: Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (third edition). Schaider JJ, Hayden SR, Wolfe RE, Barkin RM, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007, pp 476-477. 32. Vilke GM: Spine Injury: Cervical, Adult. In: Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (third edition). Schaider JJ, Hayden SR, Wolfe RE, Barkin RM, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007, pp 1040-1041. 33. Vilke GM: Warts. In: Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (third edition). Schaider JJ, Hayden SR, Wolfe RE, Barkin RM, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007, pp 1224-1225. 34. Vilke GM, Sloane CM, Chan TC. Accelerated Triage for Medical Evaluations Following CED Activations. In: Critical Issues in Policing Series: Strategies for Resolving Conflict and Minimizing Use of Force. Ederheimer JA (Ed); Washington DC, Police Executive Research Forum, 2007, pp 108-109. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Book Chapters 35. Christensen EF, Deakin C, Vilke GM: Prehospital Care and Trauma Systems. In: Trauma: Emergency Resuscitation, Perioperative Anesthesia, Surgical Management, Volume I. Wilson WC, Grande CM, Hoyt DB (Eds.); New York: Informa Healthcare USA, Inc, 2007, pp 43-58. 36 Chan TC, Vilke GM. In: TASER® Conducted Electrical Weapons: Physiology, Pathology, and Law. Kroll MW, Ho JD (Eds.); New York: Springer, 2009, pp 109-118. 37. Vilke GM: Hand and Wrist Pain. In: Harwood-Nuss' Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine fifth edition. Editor-in-chief: AB Wolfson. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2010, pp 711-714. 38. Wilson MP, Vilke GM. Not all ear pain is acute otitis media ... and not all require antibiotics! In: A voiding Common Errors in the Emergency Department. Mattu A, Chanmugam AS, Swadron SP, Tibbles CD, Woolridge DP (Eds) Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2010, pp 520-522. 39. Oyama LC, Vilke GM. In: Emergency Medicine Review Preparing for the Boards. Harrigan RA, Ufberg JW, Tripp ML (Eds) St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders, 2010, pp 303-315. 40. Vilke GM: Extremity Trauma, Penetrating. In: Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (fourth edition). Schaider JJ, Barkin RM, Hayden SR, Wolfe RE, Barkin RE, Shayne P, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011, pp 392393. 41. Vilke GM: Fournier's Gangrene. In: Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (fourth edition). Schaider JJ, Barkin RM, Hayden SR, Wolfe RE, Barkin RE, Shayne P, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011, pp 428-429. 42. Vilke GM: Head Trauma, Blunt. In: In: Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (fourth edition). Schaider JJ, Barkin RM, Hayden SR, Wolfe RE, Barkin RE, Shayne P, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011, pp 476-477. 43. Vilke GM: Head Trauma, Penetrating. In: In: Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (fourth edition). Schaider JJ, Barkin RM, Hayden SR, Wolfe RE, Barkin RE, Shayne P, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011, pp 478479. 44. Vilke GM: Spine Injury: Cervical, Adult. In: In: Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (fourth edition). Schaider JJ, Barkin RM, Hayden SR, Wolfe RE, Barkin RE, Shayne P, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011, pp 10441045. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Book Chapters 45. Vilke GM: Warts. In: In: Rosen &'s 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (fourth edition). Schaider JJ, RM, Hayden SR, Wolfe RE, Barlcin RE, Shayne P, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011, pp 1226-1227. 46. Heegaard WG, Vilke GM: Factitious Conducted Electrical Weapons Wounds: Injuries and Considerations. In: Atlas of Conducted Electrical Weapon Wounds and Forensic Analysis. Ho JD, Dawes DM, Kroll MW (Eds.) New York: Springer, 2012, pp 131-142. 4 7. Wilson MP, Vilke GM. The patient with excited delirium in the emergency department. In Zun LS, Chepenik LG, Mallory MNS editors. Behavioral Emergencies: A handbook for emergency physicians. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2013. 48. Vilke GM: Extremity Trauma, Penetrating. In: Rosen &'s 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (fifth edition). Schaider JJ, RM, Hayden SR, Wolfe RE, RE, Shayne P, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2015, pp 398399. 49. Vilke GM: Fournier Gangrene. In: Rosen &'s 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (fifth edition). Schaider JJ, RM, Hayden SR, Wolfe RE, RE, Shayne P, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2015, pp 434-435. 50. Vilke GM: Head Trauma, Blunt. In: Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (fifth edition). Schaider JJ, RM, Hayden SR, Wolfe RE, RE, Shayne P, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2015, pp 486-487. 51. Vilke GM: Head Trauma, Penetrating. In: Rosen &'s 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (fifth edition). Schaider JJ, RM, Hayden SR, Wolfe RE, RE, Shayne P, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2015, pp 488-489. 52. Vilke GM: Spine Injury: Cervical, Adult. In: Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (fifth edition). Schaider JJ, RM, Hayden SR, Wolfe RE, RE, Shayne P, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2015, pp 10541055. 53. Vilke GM: Warts. In: Rosen &'s 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (fifth edition). Schaider JJ, RM, Hayden SR, Wolfe RE, Barkin RE, Shayne P, Rosen P (Eds.); Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2015, pp 1240-1241. 54. Vilke GM: Hand and Wrist Pain. In: Harwood-Nuss' Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine sixth edition. Editor-in-chief: AB Wolfson. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2015, pp 707-710. PUBLICATIONS. continued: Book Chapters 55. Vilke GM: The Question of Positional and Compression Asphyxia. In: The Thin Blue Line. Amdur E and Hutchings J (eds.) Edgework, 2015, pp 287-290. 56. Vilke GM: The Question of Positional and Compression Asphyxia. In: Safe Behind Bars. Amdur E, Blake M, De Villeneuve C (eds.) Edgework, 2015, pp 321-324. 57. Vilke GM: The Question of Positional and Compression Asphyxia. In: Cooling the Flames Amdur E, Murphy JK (eds.) Edgework, 2015, pp 247-250. 58. Castillo EM, Vilke GM. Road Traffic Accidents: Air Bag-Related Injuries and Deaths. Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine (Second Edition), 2016, pp 162-174. 59. Vilke GM, Castillo EM. Restraint Techniques, Injuries, and Death: Use of Force Techniques. Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine (Second Edition), 2016, pp 142-14 7. 60. Roberts EE, Vilke GM. Restraint Techniques, Injuries, and Death: Conducted Energy Devices. Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine (Second Edition), 2016, pp 118-126. 61. Castillo EM, Vilke GM: How to design a study that everyone will believe. In: Doing Research in Emergency and Acute Care: Making Order Out of Chaos. Wilson MP, Guluma KZ, Hayden SR (Eds.); Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015 pp 79-84. 62. Vilke GM, Castillo EM: Privacy in research: How to collect data safely and confidentially. In: Doing Research in Emergency and Acute Care: M aking Order Out of Chaos. Wilson MP, Guluma KZ, Hayden SR (Eds.); Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015, pp 155-160. 63. Wilson MP, Vilke GM. Mental Illness and Substance Abuse. In: Cooney D. EMS Medicine. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2015, pp 362-366. 64. DeMers G, Vilke GM. International Deployment. In: Cooney D. EMS Medicine. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2015, pp 531-538. 65. Vilke GM. Payne-James JJ. Excited Delirium Syndrome: aetiology, identification and treatment. In: Current Practice in Forensic Medicine Volume 2. Gall JAM, Payne-James JJ (Eds.) West Sussex: Wiley, 2016, pp 97-117. VIDEOS: 1. Vilke GM, Davis DP, Robinson A: "Glasgow Coma Scale and the Field Neurological Exam" Instructional Video, San Diego County Emergency Medical Services, Copyright 1997. 2. Vilke GM, Chan TC: "Excited Delirium" Instructional Video, San Diego County Sheriff's Department, 2007. 3. Morris B, Vilke GM: "Ankylosing Spondylitis" Educational Video. Bill Morris Production Group for the Ankyslosing Spondylitis Association of America, 2009. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Articles 1. Vilke GM, Hoyt DB, Epperson M, Fortlage D, Hutton KC, Rosen P: Intubation techniques in the helicopter. J Emerg Med 1994;12(2):217-224. 2. Rockwell E, Jackson E, Vilke G, Jeste DV: A study of delusions in a large cohort of Alzheimer's disease patients. Am J Geriatric Psychiatry 1994;2(2):157-164. 3. Chan T, Vilke GM, Williams S: Bi-directional ventricular tachycardia in a patient with digoxin toxicity. J Emerg Med 1995;13(1):89. 4. Vilke GM: Misplaced intravascular catheters in a patient with acute renal failure. J Emerg Med 1995;13(3):379. 5. Vilke GM, Vilke TS, Rosen P: The completeness ofMEDLINE for papers published in the Journal ofEmergency Medicine. J Emerg Med 1995;13(4):457-460. 6. Bauman BH, Vilke G, Chan T: Dexamethasone use in croup. West J Med 1996;164(1):66. 7. Vilke GM, Hayden SR: Intraorbital air in a patient status post-facial trauma. J Emerg Med 1996;14(1):77. 8. Vilke GM, Jacoby I, Manoguerra AS, Clark R: Disaster preparedness of poison control centers. Clin Toxicol 1996;34(1):53-58. 9. Vilke GM: "No worries." J Emerg Med 1996;14(5):641-642. 10. Vilke GM, Honingford EA: Cervical spine epidural abscess in a patient with no predisposing risk factors. Ann Emerg Med 1996;27(6):777-780. 11. Vilke GM, Honingford EA: Diabetes and neck pain (Letter to the editor). Ann Emerg Med 1996;28(6):731. 12. Vilke GM, Wulfert EA: Case reports of two patients presenting with pneumothorax following acupuncture. J Emerg Med 1997;15(2):155-157. 13. Vilke GM: Chest pain in an elderly patient. J Emerg Med 1997;15(4):523. 14. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Neuman T, Clausen JL: Restraint position and positional asphyxia. Ann Emerg Med 1997;30(5):578-586. 15. Moss ST, Chan TC, Buchanan J, Dunford N, Vilke GM: Outcome study of prehospital patients signed out against medical advice by field paramedics. Ann Emerg Med 1998; 31(2):247-250. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Articles 16. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Neuman T: Reexamination of custody restraint position and positional asphyxia. Am J Forensic Med Pathol 1998;19(3):201-205. 17. Howard JD, Reay DT [32(1):116-117] / Chan TC, Vilke GM, Neuman T, Clausen J: Positional asphyxia (Reply to letter to the editor). Ann Emerg Med 1998;32(1):117-118. 18. GM, Mahoney G, Chan TC: Postpartum coronary artery dissection. Ann Emerg Med 1998;32(2):260-262. 19. Rosa CM, Schwartz BL, GM: The prehospital electrocardiogram: Future standard of care? Top Emerg Med 1998;20(3):23-29. 20. Davis DP, Bramwell KJ, GM, Cardall TY, Yoshida E, Rosen P: Cricothyrotomy technique: Standard versus the rapid four-step technique. J Emerg Med 1999;17(1):17-21. 21. Davis DP, Stephen KAC, Vilke GM: Inaccuracy in endotracheal tube verification using a Toomey syringe. J Emerg Med 1999;17(1):35-38. 22. Friedman L, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Hayden SR, Guss DA, Krishel SJ, Rosen P: Emergency department airway management before and after an emergency medicine residency. J Emerg Med 1999;17(3):427-431. 23. Bramwell KJ, Davis DP, Cardall TY, Yoshida E, Vilke GM, Rosen P: Use of the Trousseau dilator in cricothyrotomy. J Emerg Med 1999;17(3):433-436. 24. Cardall TY, Chan TC, Brady WJ, Perry JC, Vilke GM, Rosen P: Permanent cardiac pacemakers: Issues relevant to the emergency physician, Part I. J Emerg Med 1999; 17(3): 479-489. 25. Cardall TY, Brady WJ, Chan TC, Perry JC, GM, Rosen P: Permanent cardiac pacemakers: Issues relevant to the emergency physician, Part II. J Emerg Med 1999;17(4): 697-709. 26. GM, Buchanan J, Dunford N, Chan TC: Are heroin overdose deaths related to patient release after prehospital treatment with naloxone? Prehosp Emerg Care 1999;3(3): 183-186. 27. Roppolo LP, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Krishel S, Hayden SR, Rosen P: Nasotracheal intubation in the emergency department, revisited. J Emerg Med 1999;17(5):791-799. 28. GM: FOOSH injury with snuffbox tenderness. J Emerg Med 1999;17(5):899-900. 29. Chan TC, Neuman T, Vilke GM, Clausen J, Clark RF: Metabolic acidosis in restraintassociated cardiac arrest' (Letter to the editor). Acad Emerg Med 1999;6(10): 107 5-1076. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Articles 30. Chan TC, Vilk:e GM, Bramwell KJ, Davis DP, Hamilton RS, Rosen P: Comparison ofwireguided cricothyrotomy versus standard surgical cricothyrotomy technique. J Emerg Med 1999;17(6):957-962. 31. Reay DT, Howard JD [20(3):300-301] I Chan TC, Vilke GM, Neuman T: Restraint position and positional asphyxia (Reply to letter to the editor). Am J Forensic Med Pathol 2000; 21(1):93. 32. Vilke GM, Chan TC, Guss DA: Use of a complete neurological examination to screen for significant intracranial abnormalities in minor head injury. Am J Emerg Med 2000; 18(2): 159-163. 33. Sloane CM, Vilke G: The other olive associated with vomiting. J Emerg Med 2000; 18(3):375. 34. Vilke GM, Chan TC, Neuman T, Clausen JL: Spirometry in normal subjects in sitting, prone, and supine positions. Respir Care 2000;45(4):407-410. 35. Ma G, Vilke GM: Amoebic abscess. J Emerg Med 2000;18(4):465-466. 36. Davis DP, Bramwell KJ, Hamilton RS, Chan TC, Vilke GM: Safety and efficacy of the rapid four-step technique for cricothyrotomy using a Bair Claw. J Emerg Med 2000;19(2): 125-129. 37. Sloane C, Vilk:e GM, Chan TC, Hayden SR, Hoyt DB, Rosen P: Rapid sequence intubation in the field versus hospital in trauma patients. J Emerg Med 2000;19(3):259-264. 38. Gerling MC, Davis DP, Hamilton RS, Morris GF, Vilke GM, Gartin SR, Hayden SR: Effects of cervical spine immobilization technique and laryngoscope blade selection on an unstable cervical spine in a cadaver model of intubation. Ann Emerg Med 2000;36(4):293-300. 39. Ochs M, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Moats T, Buchanan J: Successful prehospital airway management by EMT-Ds using the Combitube. Prehosp Emerg Care 2000;4(4):333-337. 40. Vilke GM, Marino A, Iskander J, Chan TC: Emergency department patient knowledge of medications. J Emerg Med 2000;19(4):327-330. 41. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Clausen J, Clark R, Schmidt P, Snowden T, Neuman T: The impact of oleoresin capsicum spray on respiratory function in human subjects in the sitting and prone maximal restraint positions, final report. NCJ 182433. Washington, DC: United States Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, 2000, 68 pages. 42. Gerling MC, Davis DP, Hamilton RS, Morris GF, Vilke GM, Garfin SR, Hayden SR: Effect of surgical cricothyrotomy on the unstable cervical spine in a cadaver model of intubation. J Emerg Med 2001 ;20(1 ): 1-5. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Articles 43. Vilke GM, Chan TC: Physician effect on out of hospital patients signing out against medical advice. Pre-hospital Immediate Care 2001;5(1):38-40. 44. Davis DP, Kimbro TA, Vilke GM: The use ofmidazolam for prehospital rapid-sequence intubation may be associated with a dose-related increase in hypotension. Prehosp Emerg Care 2001;5(2):163-168. 45. Patel RJ, Vilke GM, Chan TC: The prehospital electrocardiogram. J Emerg Med 2001; 21(1):35-39. 46. Davis DP, Videen JS, Marino A, Vilke GM, Dunford N, Van Camp SP, Maharam LG: Exercise-induced hyponatremia in marathon runners: A two-year experience. J Emerg Med 2001 ;21(1):47-57. 47. Seltzer AG, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Fisher R, Dunford N: Outcome study of minors after parental refusal of paramedic transport. Prehosp Emerg Care 2001;5(3):278-283. 48. Vilke GM, Marino A, Fisher R, Chan TC: Estimation of pediatric patient weight by EMT-Ps. J Emerg Med 2001;21(2):125-128. 49. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Pollack M, Brady WJ: Electrocardiographic manifestations: Pulmonary embolism. J Emerg Med 2001;21(3):263-270. 50. Morgan J / Sloane C, Vilke GM: Rapid sequence intubation in the field versus hospital in trauma patients (Reply to letter to the editor). J Emerg Med 2001;21(4):443-444. 51. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Clausen J, Clark R, Schmidt P, Snowden T, Neuman T: Pepper spray's effects on a suspect's ability to breathe. Research in Brief (NCJ 188069), December 2001. Washington, DC: United States Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice. 52. Vilke GM, Steen PJ, Smith AM, Chan TC: Out-of-hospital pediatric intubation by paramedics: The San Diego experience. J Emerg Med 2002;22(1):71-74. 53. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Clausen J, Clark RF, Schmidt P, Snowden T, Neuman T: The effect of oleoresin capsicum "pepper" spray inhalation on respiratory function. J Forensic Sci 2002; 47(2):299-304. 54. Vilke GM, SharieffGQ, Marino A, Gerhart AE, Chan TC: Midazolam for the treatment of out-of-hospital pediatric seizures. Prehosp Emerg Care 2002;6(2):215-217. 55. Vilke GM, Chan TC: Agitated delirium and sudden death (Letter to the editor). Prehosp Emerg Care 2002;6(2):259-260. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Articles 56. Vilke GM, Fisher R, Chan TC: An evaluation of the risk for latex allergy in prehospital EMS providers. J Emerg Med 2002;22(4):345-348. 57. Vilke GM: Food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis. Prehosp Emerg Care 2002; 6(3):348-350. 58. Vilke GM, Snyder B: High pressure paint spray gun injury. J Emerg Med 2002;23(2): 203-204. 59. Chew GS, Vilke GM, Davis DP, Chan TC: Toomey™ syringe aspiration may be inaccurate in detecting esophageal intubation following gastric insufflation. J Emerg Med 2002;23(4): 337-340. 60. Vilke GM: Aeromedical Emergencies: Intro to the section. J Emerg Med 2002;23(1):49. 61. Vilke GM, Sardar W, Fisher R, Dunford JD, Chan TC: Follow-up of elderly patients who refuse transport after accessing 9-1-1. Prehosp Emerg Care 2002;6(4):391-395. 62. Vilke GM: Great toe pain. J Emerg Med 2003;24(1):59-60. 63. Davis JM, Vilke GM: An elderly patient with intussusception. J Emerg Med 2003;24(2):221. 64. Austin T, Vilke GM, Nyheim E, Kelly D, Chan TC: Safety and effectiveness of methohexital for procedural sedation in the emergency department. J Emerg Med 2003;24(3):315-318. 65. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Smith S, Sparrow W, Dunford N: Impact of an after-hours on-call emergency physician on ambulance transports from a county jail. Prehosp Emerg Care 2003; 7(3):327-331. 66. Vilke GM, Chan TC, Neuman T: Patient Restraint in EMS: Prehosp Emerg Care 2003; 7(3):417. 67. Deitch S, Davis DP, Schatteman J, Chan TC, Vilke GM: The use of etomidate for prehospital rapid-sequence intubation. Prehosp Emerg Care 2003;7(3):380-383. 68. Vilke GM, Sloane C, Smith AM, Chan TC: Assessment for deaths in out-of-hospital heroin overdose patients treated with naloxone who refuse transport. Acad Emerg Med 2003; I 0(8):893-896. 69. Davis DP, Valentine C, Ochs M, Vilke GM, Hoyt DB: The Combitube as a salvage airway device for paramedic rapid sequence intubation. Ann Emerg Med 2003;42(5):697-704. 70. Calkins T, Chan TC, Clark RF, Stepanski B, Vilke GM: Review ofprehospital sodium bicarbonate use for cyclic antidepressant overdose. Emerg Med J 2003;20:483-486. PUB LI CATIONS, continued: Articles 71. Vilke GM, Brown L, Skogland P, Simmons C, Guss DA: Approach to decreasing emergency department ambulance diversion hours. J Emerg Med 2004;26(2):189-192. 72. Vilke GM, Smith AM, Chan TC: Leaving against medical advice after out-of-hospital naloxone: a closer look is needed. Acad Emerg Med 2004;11(3):323-324. 73. Vilke GM, Harrigan RA, Ufberg JW, Chan TC: Emergency evaluation and treatment of priapism. J Emerg Med 2004;26(3):325-329. 74. Davis DP, Wold RM, Patel RJ, Tran AJ, Tokhi RN, Chan TC, Vilke GM: The clinical presentation and impact of diagnostic delays on emergency department patients with spinal epidural abscess. J Emerg Med 2004;26(3):285-291. 75. Vilke GM, Harrigan RA, Ufberg JW: Technical Tips: Intro to the section. J Emerg Med 2004;26(3):323. 76. Doney MK, Vilke GM: Large osteosarcoma not apparent on conventional radiography. J Emerg Med 2004;26(3):351-352. ' 76. Chan TC, Ufberg J, Harrigan RA, Vilke GM: Nasal foreign body removal. J Emerg Med 2004;26(4):441-445. 77. Vilke GM, Smith AM, Upledger Ray L, Steen PJ, Murrin PA, Chan TC: Airway obstruction in children aged less than 5 years: The prehospital experience. Prehosp Emerg Care 2004; 8(2):196-199. 78. Vilke GM, Jin A, Davis DP, Chan TC: Prospective randomized study of viscous lidocaine versus benzocaine in a GI cocktail for dyspepsia. J Emerg Med 2004;27(1):7-9. 80. Poste JC, Davis DP, Ochs M, Vilke GM, Castillo EM, Stern J, Hoyt DB: Air medical transport of severely head-injured patients undergoing paramedic rapid sequence intubation. Air Medical Journal 2004;23(4):36-40. 81. Chan TC, Neuman T, Clausen J, Eisele J, Vilke GM: Weight force during prone restraint and respiratory function. Am J Forensic Med Pathol 2004;25(3):185-189. 82. Ufberg JW, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Harrigan RA: Anterior shoulder dislocations: Beyond traction-countertraction. J Emerg Med 2004;27(3):301-306. 83. Vilke, GM: San Diego County wildfires: Perspective of county officials. Disaster Manag Response 2004 Oct-Dec;2(4):99. PUBLICATIONS. continued: Articles 84. Vilke, GM, Castillo EM, Metz MA, Up ledger Ray L, Murrin PA, Lev R, Chan TC: Community trial to decrease ambulance diversion hours: The San Diego County patient destination trial. Ann Emerg Med 2004;44(4):295-303. 85. Vilke GM, Stepanski BM, Ray LU, Lutz MW, Murrin PA, Chan TC: 9-1-1 responses for shopping cart and stroller injuries. Pediatr Emerg Care 2004;20(10):660-663. 86. Vilke GM, Castillo EM, Ray LU, Murrin PA, Chan TC: Evaluation of pediatric glucose monitoring and hypoglycemic therapy in the field. Pediatr Emerg Care 2005;21(1):l-5. 87. Vilke GM, Chan TC, Dunford N, Metz M, Ochs G, Smith A, Fisher R, Poste JC, McCallum-Brown L, Davis DP: The three-phase model of cardiac arrest as applied to ventricular fibrillation in a large, urban emergency medical services system. Resuscitation 2005;64(3):341-346. 88. Davis DP, Peay J, Sise MJ, Vilke GM, Kennedy F, Eastman AB, Velky T, Hoyt DB: The impact of prehospital endotracheal intubation on outcome in moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. J Trauma 2005;58(5):933-939. 89. Davis DP, Grossman K, Kiggins DC, Vilke GM, Chan TC: The inadvertent administration of anticoagulants to ED patients ultimately diagnosed with thoracic aortic dissection. Am J Emerg Med 2005;23(4):439-442. 90. Davis DP, Pettit K, Rom CD, Poste JC, Sise MJ, Hoyt DB, Vilke GM: The safety and efficacy of prehospital needle and tube thoracostomy by aeromedical personnel. Prehosp Emerg Care 2005;9(2):191-197. 91. Davis DP, Peay J, Serrano JA, Buono C, Vilk:e GM, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Eastman AB, Velky T, Hoyt DB: The impact of aeromedical response to patients with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Ann Emerg Med 2005;46(2):115-122. 92. Davis DP, Vadeboncoeur TF, Ochs M, Poste JC, Vilke GM, Hoyt DB: The association between field glasgow coma scale score and outcome in patients undergoing paramedic rapid sequence intubation. J Emerg Med 2005;29(4):391-397. 93. Davis DP, Wiesner C, Chan TC, Vilke GM: The efficacy ofnebulized albuterol/ipratropium bromide versus albuterol alone in the prehospital treatment of suspected reactive airways disease. Prehosp Emerg Care 2005;9(4):386-390. 94. Davis DP, Douglas DJ, Smith W, Sise MJ, Vilke GM, Holbrook TL, Kennedy F, Eastman AB, Velky T, Hoyt DB: Traumatic brain injury outcomes in pre- and post-menopausal females versus age-matched males. J Neurotrauma 2006;23(2): 140-148. PUBLICATIO S, continued: Articles 95. Davis DP, Idris AH, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Brent Eastman A, Velky T, Vilke GM, Hoyt DB: Early ventilation and outcome in patients with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Crit Care Med 2006;34(4):1202-1208. 96. Dunford N, Castillo EM, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Jenson P, Lindsay SP: Impact of the San Diego Serial Inebriate Program on use of emergency medical resources. Ann Emerg Med 2006;4 7(4):328-336. 97. Vadeboncoeur T, Davis DP, Ochs M, Poste JC, Hoyt DB, Vilke GM: The ability of paramedics to predict aspiration in patients undergoing prehospital rapid sequence intubation. J Emerg Med 2006;30(2): 131-136. 98. Davis DP. Serrano JA, Vilke GM, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Eastman AB, Velky T, Hoyt DB: The predictive value of field versus arrival Glasgow Coma Scale Score and TRISS calculations in moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury. J Trauma 2006;60(5):985-990. 99. Ramanujam P, Vilke GM: Prehospital management of the difficult airway. Clinical Foundations 2006;7-11. 100. Vilke GM, Tornabene SV, Stepanski B, Shipp HE, Upledger Ray L, Metz MA, Vroman D, Anderson M, Murrin PA, Davis DP, Harley J: Paramedic self-reported medication errors. Prehosp Emerg Care 2006;10(4):457-462. 101. Goldstein EH, Hradecky G, Vilke GM, Chan TC: Impact of a standardized protocol to address methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus skin infections at a large, urban county jail system. J Correctional Health Care 2006;12(3):181-188. 102. Chappell S, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Harrigan RA, Ufberg JW: Peripheral venous cutdown. J Emerg Med 2006;31(4):411-416. 103. Lev R, Vilke G, Dunford J. San Diego Regional STEMI Summit. San Diego Physician. 2006;4:l 1-13. 104. Vilke GM, Smith AM, Stepanski B, Shipp HE, Upledger Ray L, Murrin PA, Chan TC. Impact of the San Diego County firestorm on Emergency Medical Services. Prehosp Dis Med 2006;21(5):353-358. 105. Soroudi A, Shipp HE, Stepanski BM, Ray LU, Murrin PA, Chan TC, Davis DP, Vilke GM. Adult foreign body airway obstruction in the prehospital setting. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2007 Jan-Mar;l 1(1):25-9. 106. Michalewicz BA, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Levy SS, Neuman TS, Kolkhorst FW. Ventilatory and metabolic demands during aggressive physical restraint in healthy adults. J Forensic Sci 2007;52(1): 171-175. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Articles 107. Vilke GM, Tornabene SV, Stepanski B, Shipp HE, Upledger Ray L, Metz MA, Vroman D, Anderson M, Murrin PA, Davis DP, Harley J: Paramedic self-reported medication errors. Prehosp Emerg Care 2007;11(1):80-84. 108. Dolkas L, Stanley C, Smith AM, Vilke GM. Deaths associated with choking in San Diego county. J Forensic Sci. 2007;52(1):176-9. 109. Harrigan RA, Chan TC, Moonblatt S, Vilke GM, Ufberg JW. Temporary transvenous pacemaker placement in the Emergency Department. J Emerg Med 2007;32(1):105-111. 110. Davis DP, Kene M, Vilke GM, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Eastman AB, Velky T, Hoyt DB. HeadInjured Patients Who "Talk and Die": The San Diego Perspective. J Trauma. 2007 Feb;62(2):277-28 l. 111. Ma G, Davis DP, Schmitt J, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Hayden SR. The sensitivity and specificity of transcricothyroid ultrasonography to confirm endotracheal tube placement in a cadaver model. J Emerg Med 2007;32(4):405-414. 112. Davis DP, Fisher R, Aguilar S, Metz M, Ochs G, McCallum-Brown L, Ramanujam P, Buono C, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Dunford N. The feasibility of a regional cardiac arrest receiving system. Resuscitation. 2007;74(1):44-51. 113. Levine SD, Sloane CM, Chan TC, Dunford N, Vilke GM. Cardiac monitoring of human subjects exposed to the taser. J Emerg Med. 2007;33(2):113-7. 114. Firestone D, Wos A, Killeen JP, Chan TC, Guluma K, Davis DP, Vilke GM. Can urine dipstick be used as a surrogate for serum creatinine in emergency department patients who undergo contrast studies? J Emerg Med. 2007;33(2): 119-22. 115. Khaleghi M, Loh A, Vroman D, Chan TC, Vilke GM. The effects of minimizing ambulance diversion hours on emergency departments. J Emerg Med. 2007;33(2):155-9. 116. Davis DP, Graydon C, Stein R, Wilson S, Buesch B, Berthiaume S, Lee D, Rivas J, Vilke GM, Leahy DR. The positive predictive value of paramedic versus emergency physician interpretation of the prehospital 12-lead electrocardiogram. Prehosp Emerg Care 2007;11(4):399-402. 117. Vilke GM, Chan TC. Less lethal technology: medical issues. Policing 2007;30(3):341-357. 118. Vilke GM, Sloane CM, Bouton KD, Kolkhorst FW, Levine SD, Neuman TS, Castillo EM, Chan T Physiological Effects of a Conducted Electrical Weapon on Human Subjects. Ann Emerg Med. 2007:.50(5):569-75. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Articles 119. Conroy C, Eastman AB, Stanley C, Vilke GM, Vaughan T, Hoyt DB, Pacyna S. Fatal Positional Asphyxia Associated With Rollover Crashes. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2007 ;28(4 ):330-332. 120. Vilke GM, Sloane C, Levine S, Neuman T, Castillo E, Chan TC. Twelve-lead electrocardiogram monitoring of subjects before and after voluntary exposure to the Taser X26.Am J Emerg Med. 2008;26(1):l-4. 121. Sloane CM, Chan TC, Vilke GM. Thoracic Spine Compression Fracture after TASER Activation. J Emerg Med. 2008:34(3):283-5. 122. Sloane C, Vilke GM. Death by Tasercution Rare. Emergency Medicine News. 2008;30(3):7. 123. Chan TC, Harrigan RA, Ufberg J, Vilke GM. Mandibular Reduction. J Emerg Med. 2008;34(4 ):435-40. 124. Tornabene SV, Deutsch R, Davis DP, Chan TC, Vilke GM. Evaluating the use and timing of opioids for the treatment of migraine headaches in the emergency department. J Emerg Med. 2009 May;36(4):333-7. Epub 2008 Feb 14. 125. Vilke GM, Ufberg JW, Harrigan RA, Chan TC. Evaluation and Treatment of Acute Urinary Retention. J Emerg Med. 2008;35(2):193-8. 126. Sloane CM, Chan TC, Levine SD, Dunford N, Neuman T, Vilke GM. Serum Troponin I Measurement of Subjects Exposed to the Taser X-26(R). J Emerg Med. 2008;35(1 ):29-32 127. Tornabene S, Vilke GM. Gradenigo's Syndrome. J Emerg Med. 2010;38(4):449-51. Epub 2008 Feb 23. 128. Vilke GM, Sloane CM, Neuman T, Castillo EM, Chan TC, Kolkhorst F. In reply to Taser safety remains unclear. Ann Emerg Med. 2008 Jul;52(1 ):85-86. 129. Sloane CM, Vilke GM. Medical Aspects of Less-Lethal Weapons. Law Enforcement · Executive Forum. 2008;8(4):81-94. 130. Conroy C, Stanley C, Eastman AB, Vaughn T, Vilke GM, Hoyt DB, Pacyna S, Smith A. Asphyxia: A Rare Cause of Death for Motor Vehicle Crash Occupants. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2008;29:14-18. 131. Ramanujam P, Castillo E, Patel E, Vilke G, Wilson MP, Dunford N. Prehospital transport time intervals for acute stroke patients. J Emerg Med. 2009 Jul;37(1):40-5. Epub 2008 Aug 23. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Articles 132. Chan TC, Killeen JP, Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Guss DA, Feinberg R, Friedman, L. Impact of an Internet-Based Emergency Department Appointment System to Access Primary Care at Safety Net Community Clinics. Ann Emerg Med 2009;54(2):279-84. Dec. Epub 2008 Dec 13. 133. Vilke GM, Johnson WD 3rd, Castillo EM, Sloane C, Chan TC. Tactical and subject considerations of in-custody deaths proximal to use of conductive energy devices. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2009;Mar;30(1):23-5. 134. Firestone DN, Band RA, Hollander JE, Castillo E, Vilke GM. Use of a Urine Dipstick and Brief Clinical Questionnaire to Predict an Abnormal Serum Creatinine in the Emergency Department. Acad Emerg Med. 2009;16(8):699-703 . 135. Vilke GM, Sloane CM, Suffecool A, Kolkhorst FW, Neuman TS, Castillo EM, Chan TC. Physiologic Effects of the T ASER After Exercise. Acad Emerg Med. 2009; 16(8):704-710. 136. Vilke GM, Wilson MP. Agitation: What ever.y emergency physician should know. EM Reports. 2009 30(19):1-8. 137. Doney MK, Vilke GM. Case Report: Aortoenteric Fistula Presenting as Repeated Hematochezia. J Emerg Med. 2012;43(3):431-34. Epub 2010 Jan 23. 138. Vilke GM, Sloane C, Castillo EM, Kolkhorst FW, Neuman TS, Chan TC. Evaluation of the Ventilatory Effects of a Restraint Chair on Human Subjects. J Emerg Med. 2011;40(6):714-8. Epub 2010 Jan 13. 139. Chan TC, Killeen JP, Vilke GM, Marshall JB, Castillo EM. Effect of Mandated Nurse-Patient Ratios on Patient Wait Time and Care Time in the Emergency Department. Acad Emerg Med. 2010; 17:545-552 140. Vilke GM, Chan TC. Evaluation and Management for Carotid Dissection in Patients Presenting after Choking or Strangulation. J Emerg Med. 2011;40(3):355-8. Epub 2010 Apr 2. 141. Wilson, MP, MacDonald KS, Vilke GM, Feifel D. Potential complications of combining intramuscular olanzapine with benzodiazepines in emergency department patients. J Emerg Med. 2012;43(5):889-96 Epub 2010 Jun 12. 142. Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Williams M, Turner P, Boyle J, Chan TC. Collaborative to Decrease Ambulance Diversion: The California Emergency Department Diversion Project. J Emerg Med. 20'11;40(3):300-7. Epub 2010 Apr 10. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Articles 143. Hostler D, Thomas EG, Emerson SS, Christenson J, Stiell IG, Rittenberger JC, Gorman KR, Bigham BL, Callaway CW, Vilke GM, Beaudoin T, Cheskes S, Craig A, Davis DP, Reed A, Idris A, Nichol G; The Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators. Increased survival after EMS witnessed cardiac arrest. Observations from the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Epistry-Cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2010 Jul;81(7):826-30. Epub 2010 Apr 18. 144. Macdonald K, Wilson MP, Minassian A, Vilke GM, Perez R, Cobb P, Tallian K, Becker 0, F eifel D. A retrospective analysis of intramuscular haloperidol and intramuscular olanzapine in the treatment of agitation in drug- and alcohol-using patients. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2010 July- August;32(4):443-445. Epub 2010 Jun 12. 145. Schranz CI, Castillo EM, Vilke GM. The 2007 San Diego wildfire impact on the emergency department of the University of California, San Diego Hospital system._Prehosp Disaster Med. 2010 Sep-Oct;25(5):472-6. 146. Vilke GM, Bozeman WP, Chan TC. Emergency Department Evaluation after Conducted Energy Weapon Use: Review of the Literature for the Clinician. J Emerg Med 2011 ;40(5):598-604. Epub 2011 Jan 4. 147. Vilke GM, Douglas DJ, Shipp H, Stepanski B, Smith A, Ray LU, Castillo EM. Pedatric poisonings in children younger than five years responded to by paramedics. J Emerg Med. 2011;41(3):265-9 Epub 2011 Jan 5. 148. Vilke GM, DeBard ML, Chan TC, Ho JD, Dawes DM, Hall C, Curtis MD, Costello MW, Mash DC, Coffman SR, McMullen MJ, Metzger JC, Roberts JR, Sztajnkrcer MD, Henderson SO, Adler J, Czarnecki F, Heck J, Bozeman WP. Excited Delirium Syndrome (ExDS): Defining Based on a Review of the Literature. J Emerg Med. 2012;43(5):897-905. Epub 2011 Mar 24. 149. Davis DP, Salazar A, Chan TC, Vilke GM. Prospective evaluation of a clinical decision guideline to diagnose spinal epidural abscess in patients who present to the emergency department with spine pain. J Neurosurg Spine. 2011;14(6):765-70. Epub 2011 Mar 18. 150. Vilke GM. Pathophysiologic changes due to TASER devices versus excited delirium: Potential relevance to deaths-in-custody? J Forens and Legal Med. 2011:18(6):291. Epub 2011 May 24. 151. Wilson MP, Macdonald K, Vilke GM, Feifel D. A Comparison of the Safety of Olanzapine and Haloperidol in Combination with Benzodiazepines in Emergency Department Patients with Acute Agitation. J Emerg Med. 2012;43(5):790-7. Epub 2011 May 19. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Articles 152. Stiell IG, Nichol G, Leroux BG, Rea TD, Omato JP, Powell J, Christenson J, Callaway CW, Kudenchuk PJ, Aufderheide TP, Idris AH, Daya MR, Wang HE, Morrison LJ, Davis D, Andrusiek D, Stephens S, Cheskes S, Schmicker RH, Fowler R, Vaillancourt C, Hostler D, Zive D, Pirallo RG, Vilke GM, Sopko G, Weisfeldt M. Early versus Later Rhythm Analysis in Patients with Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. N Eng J Med 2011;365(9):787-97. 153. Wilson MP, Vilke GM, Ramanujam P, Itagaki MW. Emergency physicians research commonly encountered patient-oriented problems in the proportion with which they are encountered in the emergency department. West J Emerg Med. 2012 Sep;13(4):344-50. Epub 2012 Feb 6. 154. DeMers G, Lynch C, Vilke GM. Retail store-related traumatic injuries in paediatric and elderly populations. J of Paramed Pract 2012;3(11):632-636. 155. Vilke GM, Payne-James J, Karsch SB. Excited Delirium Syndrome (ExDS): Redefining an Old Diagnosis. J Forens Legal Med. 2012;19:7-ll. Epub 2011 Nov 2. 156. Vilke GM, Bozeman WP, Dawes DM, DeMers, G, Wilson MP. Excited delirium syndrome (ExDS): Treatment options and considerations. J Forens Legal Med. 2012;19:117-121. Epub 2012 Jan 24. 157. Kroening-Roche JC, Soroudi A, Castillo EM, Vilke GM. Antibiotic and Bronchodilator Prescribing for Acute Bronchitis in the Emergency Department. J Emerg Med. 2012;43(2):221-7. Epub 2012 Feb 16. 158. Nordt SP, Vilke GM, Clark RF, Lee Cantrell F, Chan TC, Galinato M, Nguyen V, Castillo EM. Energy Drink Use and Adverse Effects Among Emergency Department Patients. J Community Health. 2012: Oct;37(5):976-81. Epub 2012 Feb 25. 159. Vilke GM, Sloane CM, Chan TC. Funding source and author affiliation in TASER research are strongly associated with a conclusion of device safety. Am Heart J. 2012 Mar;163(3):e5. Epub 2012 Feb 2. 160. Vilke GM, Sloane CM, Chan TC. Clarification of Funding Sources in "Electronic Control Device Exposures: A Review of Morbidity and Mortality". Ann Emerg Med 2012;59(4):336. 161. Gault TI, Gray SM, Vilke GM, Wilson MP. Are oral medications effective in the management of acute agitation? J Emerg Med. 2012;43(5):854-9. Epub 2012 Apr 26. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Articles 162. Macdonald KS, Wilson MJ>, Minassian A, Vilke GM, Becker 0, Tallian ~ Cobb P, Perez R, Galangue B, Feifel D. A naturalistic study of intramuscular haloperidol versus intramuscular olanzapine for the management of acute agitation. J Clin Psychopharm. 2012;32(3):317-22. Epub 2012 Apr 26. 163. Repanshek ZD, Ufberg JW, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Harrigan RA. Alternative treatments of pneumothorax. J Emerg Med 2013;44(2):457-66. Epub 2012 May 21. 164. Wilson MJ>, Chen N, Vilke GM, Castillo EM, Macdonald KS, Minassian A. Olanzapine in ED patients: differential effects on oxygenation in patients with alcohol intoxication. Am J Emerg Med 2012;30(7):1196-201. Epub 2012 May 23. 165. Almazroua FY, Vilke GM. The captain morgan technique for the reduction of the dislocated hip. Ann Emerg Med 2012;60(1):135-6. 166. Hall CA, Kader AS, McHale AMD, Stewart L, Fick GH, Vilke GM. Frequency of signs of excited delirium syndrome in subjects undergoing police use of force: Descriptive evaluation of a prospective, consecutive cohort. J Foresn and Leg Med 2013;20:102-7. Epub 2012 June 22. 167. Perkins J, Perkins K, Vilke GM, Almazroua FY. Is culture-positive urinary tract infection in febrile children accurately identified by urine dipstick or microanalysis? J Emerg Med 2012;43(6):1155-9. Epub 2012 July 13. 168. Demers G, Meurer WJ, Shih R, Rosenbaum, S, Vilke GM. Tissue plasminogen activator and stroke: Review of the literature for the clinician. J Emerg Med 2012;43(6):1149-54. Epub 2012 July 18 169. Wilson MJ>, Vilke GM, Govindarajan P, Itagaki MW. Emergency physicians research common problems in proportion to their frequency. West J Emerg Med 2012;13(4):344-50. 170. Ronquillo L, Minassian A, Vilke GM, Wilson MP. Literature-based Recommendations for Suicide Assessment in the Emergency Department: A Review. J Emerg Med. 2012;43(5):836-42. Epub 2012 Oct 2. 171. Vilke GM, Chan TC, Karch S. Letter by Vilke et al Regarding Article, "Sudden cardiac arrest and death following application of shocks from a TASER electronic control device". Circulation. 2013 Jan 1;127(1):e258. Epub 2013 Jan 1. 172. Wilson MJ>, Vilke GM. Why all the yelling and screaming? Dealing with agitation in the ED setting. Cyberounds. 2013 Feb 09. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Articles 173. Ali SS, Wilson MP, Castillo EM, Witucki P, Simmons TT, Vilke GM. Common hand sanitizer may distort readings ofbreathalyzer tests in the absence of acute intoxication. Acad Emerg Med 2013; 20(2):212-5. 174. Maisel A, Mueller C, Neath SX, Christenson RH, Morgenthaler NG, Nowak RM, Vilke G, Daniels LB, Hollander JE, Apple FS, Cannon C, Nagurney IT, Schreiber D, Defilippi C, Hogan C, Diercks DB, Stein JC, Headden G, Limkakeng AT Jr, Anand I, Wu AH, Papassotiriou J, Hartmann 0, Ebmeyer S, Clopton P, Jaffe AS, Frank Peacock W. Copeptin Helps "Copeptin Helps in the Early Detection of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction": the primary results of the CHOPIN Trial. J Arn Coll Cardiol.2013; 62(2):150-30. Epub 2013 Apr 30. 17 5. Minassian A, Vilke GM, Wilson MP. Frequent Emergency Department Visits are More Prevalent in Psychiatric, Alcohol Abuse, and Dual Diagnosis Conditions than in Chronic Viral Illnesses Such as Hepatitis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus. J Emerg Med. 2013;45(4):520-5. Epub 2013 Jul 8. 176. Darracq MA, Clark RF, Jacoby I, Vilke GM, Demers G, Cantrell FL. Disaster Preparedness of Poison Control Centers in the USA: A 15-year Follow-up Study. J Med Toxicol. 2014;10(1):29-25. Epub 2013 Jul 12. 177. Winters ME, Rosenbaum S, Vilke GM, Almazroua FY. Emergency Department Management of Patients with ACE-Inhibitor Angioedema. J Emerg Med 2013;45(5):77580. Epub 2013 Aug 26. 178. Savaser DJ, Campbell C, Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Sloane C, Neuman T, Hansen AV, Shah S, Chan TC. The effect of the prone maximal restrained position with and without weight force on cardiac output and other hemodynamic measures. J Forens Leg Med. 2013 Nov;20(8):991-5. Epub 2013 Aug 30. 179. Wilson MP, Macdonald K., Vilke GM, Ronquillo L, Feifel D. Intramuscular Ziprasidone: Influence of alcohol and benzodiazepines on vital signs in the emergency setting. J Emerg Med 2013:45(6):901-8. Epub 2013 Sep 24. 180. Perkins J, McCurdy MT, Vilke GM, Al-Marshad AA. Telemetry Bed Usage for Patients with Low-risk Chest Pain: Review of the Literature for the Clinician. J Emerg Med 2014;46(2):273-7. Epub 2013 Nov 22. 181. Del Portal DA, Hom AE, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Utberg JW. Emergency department management of shoulder dystocia. J Emerg Med 2014;46(3):378-82. Epub 2013 Dec 18. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Articles 182. Vilke GM, Bozeman WP, Chan TC. Re: Emergency Department Evaluation of Conducted Energy Weapon (CEW)-Injured Patients. J Emerg Med 2014;46(4):533-4. Epub 2014 Jan 9. 183. Jalali N, Vilke GM, Korenevsky M, Castillo EM, Wilson MP. The Tooth, the Whole Tooth, and Nothing But the Tooth: Can Dental Pain Ever Be the Sole Presenting Symptom of a Myocardial Infarction? A Systematic Review. J Emerg Med. 2014;[Epub 2014 Jan 25]. 184. Sloane C, Chan TC, Kolkhorst F, Neuman T, Castillo EM, Vilke GM. Evaluation of the Ventilatory Effects of the Prone Maximum Restraint Position (PMR) on Obese Human Subjects. Forens Sci Int 2014;237:86-9. Epub 2014;46(6):865-72. Epub 2014 Feb 14. 185. Wilson MP, Minassian A, Bahramzi M, Campillo A, Vilke GM. Despite expert recommendations, second-generation antipsychotics are not often prescribed in the emergency department. J Emerg Med. 2014;46(6):808-83. Epub 2014 Mar 19. 186. Vilke GM, Chan TC, Savaser D, Neuman T. Response to letter by Michaud Regarding Article, "Hemodynamic consequences of restraints in the prone position in excited delirium syndrome" J Forens Legal Med 2014;27:82-4. 187. Davis DP, Aguilar SA, Smith K, Husa RD, Minokadeh A, Vilke G, Sell R, Fisher R, Brainard C, Dunford N . Preliminary Report of a Mathematical Model of Ventilation and Intrathoracic Pressure Applied to Prehospital Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2015 Apr-Jun;19(2):328-35 . Epub 2014 Oct 7. 188. Wilson MP, Minassian A, Ronquillo L, Vilke GM. Wilson reply to Ryan. J Emerg Med. 2015 Mar;48(3):336. Epub 2014 Nov 20. 189. Rowh AD, Ufberg JW, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Harrigan RA. Lateral Canthotomy and Cantholysis: Emergency Management of Orbital Compartment Syndrome. J Emerg Med. 2015 Mar;48(3):325-30. Epub 2014 Dec 15. 190. Hall C, Votova K, Heyd C, Walker M, MacDonald S, Eramian D, Vilke GM, Restraint in police use of force events: Examining sudden in custody death for prone and not-prone positions, J Forens Legal Med. 2015;31:29-35. Epub 2015 Jan 5 191. Wilson MP, Brennan JJ, Modesti L, Deen J, Anderson L, Vilke GM, Castillo EM. Lengths of stay for involuntarily held psychiatric patients in the ED are affected by both patient characteristics and medication use. Am J Emerg Med. 2015 Apr;33(4):527-30. Epub 2015 Jan 20. 192. Warren SA, Prince DK, Huszti E, Rea TD, Fitzpatrick AL, Andrusiek DL, Darling S, Morrison LJ, Vilke GM, Nichol G; the ROC Investigators. Volume versus Outcome: More Emergency Medical Services Personnel On-scene and Increased Survival after Out-ofHospital Cardiac Arrest. Resuscitation. 2015 Sep;94:40-8. Epub 2015 Feb 24. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Articles 193. Nakajima Y, Vilke GM. Editorial: Ambulance Diversion: the Con Perspective. Am J Emerg Med. 2015 Jun;33(6):818-9. Epub 2015 Mar 10. 194. Perkins J, Ho JD, Vilke GM, DeMers G. Safety ofDroperidol Use in the Emergency Department. J Emerg Med. 2015 Ju1;49(1):91-7. Epub 2015 Mar 30. 195. Hopper AB, Vilke GM, Castillo EM, Campillo A, Davie T, Wilson MP. Ketamine Use for Acute Agitation in the Emergency Department. J Emerg Med. 2015 Jun;48(6):712-9. Epub 2015 Apr 2. 196. Vilke GM, DeMers G, Patel N, Castillo EM. Safety and Efficacy of Milk and Molasses Enemas in the Emergency Department. J Emerg Med. 2015 Jun;48(6):667-70. Epub 2015 Apr 4. 197. Shah KS, Marston NA, Mueller C, Neath SX, Christenson RH, McCord J, Nowak RM, Vilke GM, Daniels LB, Hollander JE, Apple FS, Cannon CM, Nagurney J, Schreiber D, deFilippi C, Hogan CJ, Diercks DB, Limk:akeng A, Anand IS, Wu AH, Clopton P, Jaffe AS, Peacock WF, Maisel AS. Midregional Proadrenomedullin Predicts Mortality and Major Adverse Cardiac Events in Patients Presenting With Chest Pain: Results From the CHOPIN Trial. Acad Emerg Med. 2015 May;22(5):554-63. Epub 2015 Apr 23. 198. Shi E, Vilke GM, Coyne CJ, Oyama LC, Castillo EM. Clinical outcomes of ED patients with bandemia. Am J Emerg Med. 2015 Jul;33(7):876-81. Epub 2015 Mar 18. 199. Castillo EM, Coyne CJ, Chan TC, Hall CA, Vilke GM. Review of the medical and legal literature on restraint chairs. J Forens Legal Med. 2015;33:91-97. Epub 2015 May 1. 200. Vilke GM, Kass P. Retroperitoneal Hematoma After Femoral Arterial Catheterization. J Emerg Med. 2015 Sep;49(3):338-9. Epub 2015 July 4. 201. Campillo A, Castillo E, Vilke GM, Hopper A, Ryan V, Wilson MP. First-generation Antipsychotics Are Often Prescribed in the Emergency Department but Are Often Not Administered with Adjunctive Medications. J Emerg Med. 2015 Dec;49(6):901-6. Epub 2015 Sep 30. 202. Wilson MP, Nordstrom K, Vilke GM. The Agitated Patient in the Emergency Department. Curr Emerg Hosp Med Rep. 2015 Oct 12. [Epub ahead of print] PUBLICATIONS. continued: Articles 203. Lev R, Lee 0, Petro S, Lucas J, Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Coyne CJ. Who is prescribing controlled medications to patients who die of prescription drug abuse? Am J Emerg Med. 2016 Jan;34(1):30-5. Epub 2015 Sep 8. 204. Wilson MP, Nordstrom K, Shah AA, Vilke GM. Psychiatric Emergencies in Pregnant Women. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2015 Nov;33(4):841-51. 205. Nordstrom K, Vilke GM, Wilson MP. Psychiatric Emergencies for Clinicians: Emergency Department Management of Serotonin Syndrome. J Emerg Med. 2016 Jan;50(1):89-91. Epub 2015 Oct 7. 206. Lev R, Petro S, Lee A, Lee 0, Lucas J, Castillo EM, Egnatios J, Vilke GM. Methadone related deaths compared to all prescription related deaths. Forensic Sci Int. 2015 Oct 22;257:347-352. 207. Abraham MK, Perkins J, Vilke GM, Coyne CJ.'' Influenza in the Emergency Department: Vaccination, Diagnosis, and Treatment: Clinical Practice Paper Approved by American Academy of Emergency Medicine Clinical Guidelines Committee. J Emerg Med. 2016 Jan 4. [Epub ahead of print] 208. Lev R, Petro S, Lee 0, Lucas J, Stuck A, Vilke GM, Castillo EM. A description of Medical Examiner prescription-related deaths and prescription drug monitoring program data. Am J Emerg Med. 2015 Dec 14. 209. Meurer WJ, Walsh B, Vilke GM, Coyne CJ. Clinical Guidelines for the Emergency Department Evaluation of Sub arachnoid Hemorrhage. J Emerg Med. 2016 Jan 25. [Epub ahead of print] 210. Lam SH, Majlesi N, Vilke GM. Use of Intravenous Fat Emulsion in the Emergency Department for the Critically Ill Poisoned Patient. J Emerg Med. 2016 Mar 10. [Epub ahead of print] 211. Kudenchuk PJ, Brown SP, Daya M, Rea T, Nichol G, Morrison LJ, Leroux B, Vaillancourt C, Wittwer L, Callaway CW, Christenson J, Egan D, Ornato JP, Weisfeldt ML, Stiell IG, Idris AH, Aufderheide TP, Dunford N, Colella MR, Vilke GM, Brienza AM, Desvigne-Nickens P, Gray PC, Gray R, Seals N, Straight R, Dorian P; Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators. Amiodarone, Lidocaine, or Placebo in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. N Engl J Med. 2016 Apr 4. [Epub ahead of print] 212. Wilson MP, Vilke GM, Hayden SR, Nordstrom K. Psychiatric Emergencies for Clinicians: Emergency Department Management of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome. J Emerg Med. 2016 May 28. [Epub ahead of print] PUBLICATION S, continued: Articles 213. Healy ME, Kozubal DE, Horn AE, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Ufberg JW. Care of the Critically Ill Pregnant Patient and Perimortem Cesarean Delivery in the Emergency Department. J Emerg Med. 2016 Jun 29. [Epub ahead of print] 214. LasoffD, Vilke G, Nordstrom K, Wilson M. Psychiatric Emergencies for Clinicians: Detection and Management of Anti-N-Methyl-D-Asparate Receptor Encephalitis. J Emerg Med. 2016;51(5):561-63. Epub Jul 15. 215. Corbett B, Vilke GM, Nordstrom K, Wilson M. Psychiatric Emergencies for Clinicians: Diagnosis and Management of Steroid Psychosis. J Emerg Med. 2016;51(5):577-60. Epub Aug 15. 216. Hornbeak K, Castillo EM, Sloane C, Vilke GM. The Role of Subject Intoxication and Other Characteristics in Law Enforcement Use-of-force Incidents. J For Med Leg Aff. 2016 1(3): 112. 217. Maisel AS, Wettersten N, van Veldhuisen DJ, Mueller C, Gerasimos Filippatos C, Nowak R, Hogan C, Kontos MC, Cannon CM, Mtiller GA, Birkhahn R, Clopton P, Taub P, Vilke GM, McDonald K, Mahon N, Nunez J, Briguori C, Passino C, Murray PT. Neutrophil GelatinaseAssociated Lipocalin for Acute Kidney Injury During Acute Heart Failure Hospitalizations: The AKJNESIS Study. JACC. 2016;68(13):1420-31. 218. Coyne CJ, Abraham MK, Perkins J, Vilke GM. Letter: Influenza in the Emergency Department: Vaccination, Diagnosis, and Treatment. J Emerg Med. 2016 Sep 26. [Epub ahead of print] 219. Motov S, Rosenbaum S, Vilke GM, Nakajima Y. Is There a Role for Intravenous Subdissociative-Dose Ketamine Administered as an Adjunct to Opioids or as a Single Agent for Acute Pain Management in the Emergency Department? J Emerg Med. 2016 Sep 29. [Epub ahead of print] 220. Degner NR, Joshua A, Padilla R, Vo HH, Vilke GM. Comparison of Digital Chest Radiography to Purified Protein Derivative for Screening of Tuberculosis in Newly Admitted Inmates. J Correct Health Care. 2016 Oct;22(4):322-330. [Epub ahead of print] 221. Granata RT, Castillo EM, Vilke GM. Safety of deferred computed tomographic imaging of intoxicated patients presenting with possible traumatic brain injury. Am J Emerg Med. 2016 Sep 30. [Epub ahead of print] 222. Beri N, Marston NA, Daniels LB, Nowak RM, Schreiber D, Mueller C, Jaffe A, Diercks DB, Wettersten N, Defilippi C, Peacock WF, Limkakeng AT, Anand I, McCord J, Hollander JE, Wu AH, Apple FS, Nagurney IT, Berardi C, Cannon CM, Clopton P, Neath SX, Christenson RH, Hogan C, Vilke G, Maisel A. Necessity of hospitalization and stress testing in low risk chest pain patients. Am J Emerg Med. 2016 Oct 29. [Epub ahead of print] PUBLICATIONS, continued: Articles 223. Meurer WJ, Barth BE, Gaddis G, Vilke GM, Lam SH. Rapid Systematic Review: IntraArterial Tbrombectomy ("Clot Retrieval") for Selected Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke. J Emerg Med. 2016 Nov 15. [Epub ahead of print] 224. Winters ME, Sherwin R, Vilke GM, Wardi G. Does Early Goal-Directed Therapy Decrease Mortality Compared with Standard Care in Patients with Septic Shock? J Emerg Med. 2016 Nov 19. [Epub ahead of print] Consortium Publications 1. Davis DP, Garberson LA, Andrusiek DL, Hostler D, Daya M, Pirrallo R, Craig A, Stephens S, Larsen J, Drum AF, Fowler R, and the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators. A Descriptive Analysis of Emergency Medical Service Systems Participating in the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Prehospital Research Network. Prehospital Emergency Care 11 :369-382, 2007. (role: site investigator) 2. J Christenson, D Andrusiek, S Everson-Stewart, P Kudenchuk, D Hostler, J Powell, CW Callaway, D Bishop, C Vaillancourt, D Davis, TP Aufderheide, A Idris, J Stouffer, I Stiell, R Berg, and the ROC investigators. Chest Compression Fraction Determines Survival in Patients with Out-of-hospital Ventricular Fibrillation. Circulation 120(13): 1241-7, 2009. (role: site investigator) 3. Newgard CD, Koprowicz K, Wang H, Monnig A, Kerby JD, Sears GK, Davis DP, Bulger E, Stephens SW, Daya MR; ROC Investigators. Variation in the type, rate, and selection of patients for out-of-hospital airway procedures among injured children and adults. Acad Emerg Med. 2009 Dec;16(12):1269-76. (role: site investigator) 4. Bulger EM, May S, Brasel KJ, Schreiber M, Kerby JD, Tisherman SA, Newgard C, Slutsky A, Coimbra R, Emerson S, Minei JP, Bardarson B, Kudenchuk P, Baker A, Christenson J, Idris A, Davis D, Fabian TC, Aufderheide TP, Callaway C, Williams C, Banek J, Vaillancourt C, van Heest R, Sopko G, Hata JS, Hoyt DB; ROC Investigators. Out-ofHospital Hypertonic Resuscitation Following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA 304(13):1455-1464, 2010 (role: site investigator) 5. Newgard CD, Rudser K, Atkins DL, Berg R, Osmond MH, Bulger EM, Davis DP, Schreiber MA, Warden C, Rea TD, Emerson S; ROC Investigators. The availability and use of out-of hospital physiologic information to identify high-risk injured children in a multisite, population based cohort. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2009 Oct-Dec;13(4):420-31. (role: site investigator) 6. Rea TD, Cook AJ, Stiell IG, Powell J, Bigham B, Callaway CW, Chugh S, Aufderheide TP, Morrison L, Temdrup TE, Beaudoin T, Wittwer L, Davis D, Idris A, Nichol G; Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators. Predicting survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: role of the Utstein data elements. Ann Emerg Med. 2010 Mar;55(3):249-57. (role: site investigator) 7. Newgard CD, Schmicker RH, Hedges JR, Trickett JP, Davis DP, Bulger EM, Aufderheide TP, Minei JP, Hata JS, Gubler KD, Brown TB, Yelle JD, Bardarson B, Nichol G; Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators. Emergency medical services intervals and survival in trauma: assessment of the "golden hour" in a North American prospective cohort. Ann Emerg Med. 2010 Mar;55(3):235-246.e4. Epub 2009 Sep 23. (role: site investigator) Consortium Publications (cont.) 8. Newgard CD, Rudser K, Hedges JR, Kerby JD, Stiell IG, Davis DP, Morrison LJ, Bulger E, Temdrup T, Minei JP, Bardarson B, Emerson S; ROC Investigators. A critical assessment of the out-of-hospital trauma triage guidelines for physiologic abnormality. J Trauma. 2010 Feb;68(2):452-62. (role: site investigator) 9. Brooks SC, Schmicker RH, Rea TD, Aufderheide TP, Davis DP, Morrison LJ, Sahni R, Sears GK, Griffiths DE, Sopko G, Emerson SS, Dorian P; ROC Investigators. Out-ofhospital cardiac arrest frequency and survival: evidence for temporal variability. Resuscitation. 2010 Feb;81(2):175-81. (role: site investigator) 10. Weisfeldt ML, Sitlani CM, Omato JP, Rea T, Aufderheide TP, Davis D, Dreyer J, Hess EP, Jui J, Maloney J, Sopko G, Powell J, Nichol G, Morrison LJ; ROC Investigators. Survival after application of automatic external defibrillators before arrival of the emergency medical system: evaluation in the resuscitation outcomes consortium population of 21 million. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010 Apr 20;55(16):1713-20. (role: site investigator) 11. Hostler D, Everson-Stewart S, Rea TD, Stiell IG, Callaway CW, Kudenchuk PJ, Sears GK, Emerson SS, Nichol G, and the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators. A prospective cluster-randomized trial of real-time CPR feedback during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest resuscitation. BMJ 2011;342:d512 (role: site investigator) 12. Aufderheide TP, Nichol G, Rea TD, Brown SP, Leroux BG, Pepe PE, Kudenchuk PJ, Christenson J, Daya MR, Dorian P, Callaway CW, Idris AH, Andrusiek D, Stephens SW, Hostler D, Davis DP, Dunford N, Pirrallo RG, Stiell IG, Clement CM, Craig A, Van Ottingham L, Schmidt TA, Wang HE, Weisfeldt ML, Omato JP, Sopko G, and the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Investigators. A Trial of an Impedance Threshold Device in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. New England Journal of Medicine. 365:798-806, 2011 (role: site investigator) 13. Reinier K, Thomas E, Andrusiek DL, Aufderheide TP, Brooks SC, Callaway CW, Pepe PE, Rea TD, Schmicker RH, Vaillancourt C, Chugh SS; Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators. Socioeconomic status and incidence of sudden cardiac arrest. CMAJ. 2011 Oct 18;183(15):1705-12. Epub 2011 Sep 12 (role: site investigator) 14. Wang HE, Devlin SM, Sears GK, Vaillancourt C, Morrison LJ, Weisfeldt M, Callaway CW; ROC Investigators. Regional variations in early and late survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2012 Nov;83(11):1343-8. (role: site investigator) 15. Kudenchuk PJ, Brown SP, Daya M, Morrison LJ, Grunau BE, Rea T, Aufderheide T, Powell J, Leroux B, Vaillancourt C, Larsen J, Wittwer L, Colella MR, Stephens SW, Gamber M, Egan D, Dorian P; Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators. Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium-Amiodarone, Lidocaine or Placebo Study (ROC-ALPS): Rationale and methodology behind an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest antiarrhythmic drug trial. Am Heart J. 2014 May;l67(5):653-9. (role: site investigator) Consortium Publications (cont.) 16. Ian G. Stiell, Siobhan P. Brown, Graham Nichol, Sheldon Cheskes, Christian Vaillancourt, Clifton W. Callaway, Laurie J. Morrison, James Christenson, Tom P. Aufderheide, Daniel P. Davis, Cliff Free, Dave Hostler, John A. Stouffer and Ahamed H. Idris and the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators What Is the Optimal Chest Compression Depth During Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation of Adult Patients? Circulation 2014;130:19621970; epub 2014 Sep 24. (role: site investigator) 17. Idris AH, Guffey D, Pepe PE, Brown SP, Brooks SC, Callaway CW, Christenson J, Davis DP, Daya MR, Gray R, Kudenchuk PJ, Larsen J, Lin S, Menegazzi JJ, Sheehan K, Sopko G, Stiell I, Nichol G, Aufderheide TP; Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators. Chest Compression Rates and Survival Following Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Crit Care Med. 2015 Apr;43(4):840-8 . (role: site investigator) PUBLICATIONS, continued: Abstracts 1. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Hayden SR: Structured curriculum in domestic violence and child abuse for emergency medicine residents. Acad Emerg Med 1996;3(5):51 l. 2. Moss ST, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Dunford JD: Outcomes study of out-of-hospital patients signed out against medical advice by field paramedics. Acad Emerg Med 1997;4(5):413. 3. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Neuman TS, Clausen JL: Does the hobble restraint position result in respiratory compromise? Acad Emerg Med 1997;4(5):459. 4. Evans SD, Fisher RP, Vilke GM, Chan TC: Accuracy of urban field paramedics estimating blood loss. Acad Emerg Med 1997;4(5):459. 5. Davis DP, Bramwell KJ, Vilke GM, Rosen P: Cricothyrotomy technique: Standard technique versus the rapid four-step technique. Acad Emerg Med 1997;4(5):488. 6. Bramwell K, Vilke G, Davis D, Rosen P: Cricothyrotomy technique: Use of the Trousseau dilator for initial widening and subsequent stabilization of the opening during endotracheal tube passage. Ann Emerg Med 1997;30(3):419. 7. Neuman TS, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Clausen JL: Changes in pulmonary function associated with position. Undersea & Hyperbaric Med 1997;24(Suppl):13. 8. Moats T, Chan TC, Ochs M, Buchanan J, Vilke GM: Successful out-of-hospital airway management by emergency medical technician-Is using the Combitube. Acad Emerg Med l 998;5(5):388. 9. Hamilton RS, Davis DP, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Hayden SR: The effect of blade type and cervical spinal immobilization on laryngoscopy in a cadaver model of intubation. Acad Emerg Med 1998;5(5):397. 10. Vilke GM, Chan TC, Neuman T, Clausen JL: The effect of body position on pulmonary function. Acad Emerg Med 1998;5(5):397. 11. Friedman L, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Hayden SR, Krishel SJ, Rosen P: Emergency department airway management before and after the start of an emergency medicine residency training program. Acad Emerg Med 1998;5(5):444. 12. Davis DP, Bramwell KJ, Hamilton RS, Chan TC, Vilke GM: Cricothyrotomy speed and safety: A comparison between standard open technique and rapid four-step technique using a novel device. Acad Emerg Med 1998;5(5):483. 13. Davis DP, Fisher RP, Chan TC, Dunford N, Vilke GM: Rapid-sequence induction for out-of-hospital intubations: A multimedia course designed for paramedics. Acad Emerg Med 1998;5(5):502. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Abstracts 14. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Buchanan J, Anderson M: Patient ethnicity and age in prehospital emergency ambulance use and acuity rates. Prehospital Emerg Care 1998;2(3):223. 15. Marino AT, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Buchanan J: Precision ofprehospital diazepam dosing for children in status epilepticus. Prehospital Emerg Care 1998;2(3):232. 16. Marino AT, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Buchanan J: Comparison of prehospital IV and rectal diazepam for the treatment of pediatric seizures. Prehospital Emerg Care 1998;2(3):233. 17. Vilke GM, Chan TC, Buchanan J, Dunford JV: Are opiate overdose deaths related to patient release after prehospital naloxone? Prehospital Emerg Care 1998;2(3):236. 18. Vilke GM, Dunford JV, Buchanan J, Chan TC: Are opiate overdose deaths related to patient release after naloxone? Ann Emerg Med 1998;32(3)Part 2:S6. 19. Gerling MC, Hamilton RS, Davis DP, Morris GF, Vilke GM, Hayden SR, Garfin SR: Effects of cervical spine immobilization technique and laryngoscope blade selection on an unstable cervical spine injury in a cadaver model of intubation. Ann Emerg Med 1998;32(3)Part 2:S13. 20. Marino AT, Chan TC, Buchanan J, Vilke GM: Precision ofprehospital diazepam dosing for children in status epilepticus. Ann Emerg Med 1998;32(3)Part 2:S30. 21. Marino AT, Vilke GM, Buchanan J, Chan TC: Comparison ofprehospital intravenous and rectal diazepam for the treatment of pediatric seizures. Ann Emerg Med 1998;32(3)Part 2:S30. 22. Davis D, Bramwell K, Hamilton R, Chan T, Vilke G: The fresh-frozen cadaver free-larynx model for cricothyrotomy training. Ann Emerg Med 1998;32(3)Part 2:S34-S35. 23. Sloane C, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Hayden SR, Krishel SJ, Rosen P: Rapid sequence induction intubation of trauma patients in the prehospital versus hospital setting. Ann Emerg Med 1998; 32(3)Part 2:S50. 24. Chan TC, Bramwell K, Hamilton R, Davis D, Vilke GM: Comparison of Melcker cricothyrotomy versus standard technique in human cadaver model. Ann Emerg Med 1998; 32(3)Part 2:S50-S51. 25. Chew GS, Chan TC, Bramwell K, Davis DP, Vilke GM: Does the syringe esophageal detector device accurately detect an esophageal intubation following gastric distention from air insufflation? Ann Emerg Med 1998;32(3)Part 2:S51. 26. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Kramer M, Buchanan J, Dunford J: Does a complete neurologic examination adequately screen for significant intracranial abnormalities in minor head injury? J Emerg Med 1998;16(5):804. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Abstracts 27. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Kramer M, Buchanan J, Dunford J: Does GCS score affect prehospital intubation success rates in trauma patients? J Emerg Med 1998;16(5):804-805. 28. Vilke GM, Chan TC, Guss DA: Prospective study on the utility of head CT scan in patients with minor head injury and GCS scores of 15. J Emerg Med 1998;16(6):984. 29. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Ray LU, Anderson ME: Use of prehospital crash injury data to assess regional automobile safety restraint use. Prehospital Emerg Care 1999;3(1):83-84. 30. Vilke GM, Chan TC: Effect of a physician speaking directly to prehospital patients who want to sign out against medical advice. Prehospital Emerg Care 1999;3(1):90. 31. Marino A, Vilke GM, Chan TC: Urban paramedics experience, comfort, and accuracy in the estimation of pediatric weights. Prehospital Emerg Care 1999;3(1):92. 32. Chan TC, Bramwell KJ, Davis DP, Hamilton RS, Vilke GM: Comparison of wire-guided percutaneous Melcker cricothyrotomy versus standard cricothyrotomy technique in human cadaver models. Acad Emerg Med 1999;6(5):514. 33. Ma G, Hayden SR, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Schmitt J, Chan D: Using ultrasound to visualize and confirm endotracheal intubation. Acad Emerg Med 1999;6(5):515. 34. Hamilton RS, Davis DP, Nordt SP, Vilke GM, Chan TC: Lidocaine administration through an esophageally placed Combitube in a canine model. Acad Emerg Med 1999;6(5):519-520. 35. Chew GS, Chan TC, Bramwell K, Davis DP, Vilke GM: Does gastric distention from air insufflation affect the accuracy of the syringe esophageal detector device in detecting esophageal intubation? Acad Emerg Med 1999;6(5):520. 36. Vilke GM, Marino A, Iskander J, Chan TC: Knowledge of prescribed medications by emergency department patients. Acad Emerg Med 1999;6(5):539. 37. Davis D, Marino A, Vilke G, Dunford J, Videen J: Hyponatremia in marathon runners: Experience with the inaugural rock 'n' roll marathon. Ann Emerg Med 1999;34(4)Part 2: S40-S41. 38. Davis DP, Kimbro T, Vilke GM: The use ofmidazolam for prehospital rapid-sequence intubation may be associated with a dose-related increase in hypotension. Prehosp Emerg Care 2000;4(1):90. 3 9. Marino AT, Sharieff G, Gerhart AE, Chan TC, Vilke GM: The efficacy and complication rate of prehospital midazolam for the treatment of pediatric seizures. Prehosp Emerg Care 2000; 4(1):92. PUBLICATIONS. continued: Abstracts 40. Eisele JW, Chan T, Vilke G, Neuman T, Clausen J: Comparison ofrespiratory function in the prone maximal restraint position with and without additional weight force on the back. Proceedings of the American Acadamy of Forensic Sciences 2000;VI:202. 41. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Neuman T, Clark RF, Clausen J: Effect of oleoresin capsicum. Acad Emerg Med 2000;7(5):471. 42. Vilke GM, Marino A, Chan TC: Survey of paramedics for latex allergy risk factors. Acad Emerg Med 2000;7(5):483. 43. Schmitt JM, Ma G, Hayden SR, Vilke G, Chan T: Suprasternal versus cricothyrqid ultrasound probe position in the confirmation of endotracheal tube placement by bedside ultrasound. Acad Emerg Med 2000;7(5):526. 44. Schmitt JM, Ma G, Hayden SR, Vilke G, Chan T: Use of new air absorbing ultrasound contrast in the confirmation of endotracheal tube placement by bedside ultrasound. Acad Emerg Med 2000;7(5):526. 45. Wold RM, Davis DP, Patel R, Chan TC, Vilke GM: Original clinical decision guideline to identify patients with spinal epidural abscess. Acad Emerg Med 2000;7(5):574-575. 46. Ma G, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Schmitt J, Hayden SR: Confirming endotracheal intubation using ultrasound. Ann Emerg Med 2000;36(4)Part 2:S20-S21. 47. Deitch S, Vilke GM, Marino A, Vroman D, Chan TC: Effect ofprehospital use of nitroglycerine on EKG findings in patients with chest pain. J Emerg Med 2001 ;20(3):321. 48. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Neuman T, Clausen J, Schmidt P, Snowden T, Clark RF: Does oleoresin capsicum "pepper spray" exposure impact cardiovascular function in human subjects? Acad Emerg Med 2001;8(5):442. 49. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Bender S, Saldamando V, Smith J, Dunford JV: Effect ofa multidisciplinary community homeless outreach team on emergency department visits by homeless alcoholics. Acad Emerg Med 2001;8(5):486. 50. Davis DP, Ochs M, Hoyt DB, Vilke GM, Dunford JV: The use of the Combitube as a salvage airway device for paramedic rapid-sequence intubation. Acad Emerg Med 2001;8(5):500. 51. Vilke GM, Simmons C, Brown L, Skogland P, Guss DA: Approach to decreasing emergency department ambulance diversion hours. Acad Emerg Med 2001 ;8(5):526. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Abstracts 52. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Clausen J, Clark R, Schmidt P, Snowden T, Neuman T: Impact of oleoresin capsicum spray on respiratory function in human subjects in the sitting and prone maximal restraint positions positions, 1998 (computer file). Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (distributor), 2001. 53. Cardall TY, Glasser JL, Davis D, Vilk.e GM: Cricothyrotomy training in emergency medicine residencies. Ann Emerg Med 2001;38(4):S9. 54. Chan TC, Dunford N, Vilke GM, Hix A, Schnell S, Liening J, Edgar J: Effect of a multidisciplinary serial inebriate program on emergency department visits by chronic alcoholics in two urban area hospitals. Ann Emerg Med 2001;38(4):S33. 55. Valentine C, Davis D, Ochs M, Hoyt D, Bailey D, Vilke G: The use of the Combitube as a salvage airway device for paramedic rapid-sequence intubation. Prehosp Emerg Care 2002;6(1):144. 56. Chan TC, Dunford N, Smith S, Sparrow W, Vilke GM: Impact of an on-call physician on emergency 911 transports from a county jail. Prehosp Emerg Care 2002;6(1):162. 57. Vilke GM, Sardar W, Fisher R, Dunford N, Chan TC: Follow-up of elderly patients who refuse transport after accessing 9-1-1. Prehosp Emerg Care 2002;6(1):164. 58. Vilke GM, Steen PJ, Smith AM, Chan TC: Out-of-hospital pediatric intubation by paramedics: The San Diego experience. Prehosp Emerg Care 2002;6(1):165. 59. Jin AS, Chan T, Davis D, Vilke G: Prospective randomized study of viscous lidocaine vs Hurricaine in a GI cocktail for dyspepsia. Acad Emerg Med 2002;9(5):381-382. 60. Jenson P, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Leining J, Schnell R, Chester R, Berthelet J, Marcotte A, Simmons C, Kelly D, Dunford J: Impact of a multi-disciplinary, community serial inebriate program on ED visits by chronic alcoholics to three urban emergency departments. Acad Emerg Med 2002;9(5):389. 61. Austin T, Chan TC, Nyheim E, Kelly D, Vilke GM: Does the addition of parenteral opiate pre-medication increase risk for complications when combined with methohexital for moderate procedural sedation in the ED? Acad Emerg Med 2002;9(5):407. 62. Glasser JL, Cardall TY, Podboy M, Vilke GM: Out-of-hospital pediatric rapid-sequence intubation by an aeromedical provider. Acad Emerg Med 2002;9(5):422-423. 63. Chan TC, Austin T, Nyheim E, Kelly D, Vilke GM: Does parenteral opiate premedication increase risk of complications when combined with methohexital for orthopedic reductions in the emergency department? Ann Emerg Med 2002;40(4):S7-S8. PUBLlCATIONS, continued: Abstracts 64. Davis D, Tokhi R, Wold R, Patel R, Chan T, Vilke G: The clinical presentation and outcome of emergency department patients with spinal epidural abscess. Ann Emerg Med 2002;40(4): S103. 65. Vilke GM, Loh A: A prospective study of minimizing ambulance diversion and its effects on emergency department census and hospital admissions. Prehosp Emerg Med 2003;7(1):l 71. 66. Buono C, Vilke GM, Schwartz B, Brown L, Swabb C: Identifying reasons for and outcomes of patients who access 9-1-1, then sign out against medical advice. Prehosp Emerg Med 2003;7(1):l 72. 67. Vilke GM, Sloane C, Smith AM, Chan TC: Assessment for deaths in prehospital heroin overdose patients treated with N aloxone who refuse transport. Prehosp Emerg Med 2003;7(1):190. 68. Vilke GM, Lev R, Castillo EM, Murrin PA, Chan TC: prospective countywide trial to decrease ambulance diversion hours. Acad Emerg Med 2003;10(5):465. 69. Tran A, Davis DP, Wold RM, Patel R, Chan TC, Vilke GM: The use of risk factor assessment to screen for spinal epidural abcess in emergency department patients with spine pain. Acad Emerg Med 2003;10(5):569. 70. Chan TC, Kelso D, Dunford N, Vilke GM: Can trained health educators provide screening, brief intervention and referral services in an academic teaching hospital emergency department? Acad Emerg Med 2003;10(5):515. 71. Vilke GM, Lev R, Castillo EM, Metz MA, Murrin PA, Chan TC: The effect of decreasing ambulance diversion hours on emergency department interfacility transfers. Ann Emerg Med 2003;42(4):S6. 72. Vilke GM, Lev R, Castillo EM, Metz MA, Murrin PA, Chan TC: San Diego County improved patient destination trial to decrease emergency department diversion hours and diverted patients. Ann Emerg Med 2003;42(4):S2. 73. Chan TC, Clausen J, Neuman T, Eisele JW, Vilke GM: Does weight force during physical restraint cause respiratory compromise? Ann Emerg Med 2003;42(4):S17. 74. Davis D, Grossman K, Vilke G, Kiggins D, Chan TC: Inadvertent anticoagulation of emergency department patients with aortic dissection. Ann Emerg Med 2003;42(4):S99. 75. Vilke GM, Wiesner C, Davis DP, Chan TC: The efficacy of adding ipratropium bromide to albuterol for the prehospital treatment of reactive airways disease. Prehosp Emerg Care 2004; 8(1):112. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Abstracts 76. Vilke GM, Vadeboncoeur T, Davis DP, Poste JC, Ochs M, Hoyt DB: The predictive value of paramedic assessment of aspiration in patients undergoing RSI. Prehosp Emerg Care 2004; 8(1):88-89. 77. Vilke G, Castillo E, Metz M, Murrin P, Ray LU, Lev R, Chan T: Community trial to decrease ambulance diversion of patients and hours. Prehosp Emerg Care 2004;8(1):84. 78. Chan TC, Killeen JP, Kelly D, Vilke GM, Guss DA: Impact of a rapid emergency department entry and an accelerated care initiative on patient wait times and length of stay. Acad Emerg Med 2004;11(5):485. 79. Davis DP, Vadeboncoeur TF, Paste JC, Vilke GM, Ochs M, Hoyt DB: The use of field Glasgow coma scale to screen severely head-injured patients to undergo paramedic rapid sequence intubation. Acad Emerg Med 2004;11(5):492. 80. Patel RJ, Davis D, Vilke GM, Chan TC: Comparison of wire-guided cricothyrotomy technique with and without balloon-cuffed endotracheal tubes vs. standard surgical cricothyrotomy. Acad Emerg Med 2004;11(5):522. 80. Vilke GM, Chan TC, Dunford N, Poste JC, Metz M, Ochs G, Smith A, Fisher R, Mccallum-Brown L, Davis DP: The three-phase model of cardiac arrest as applied to ventricular fibrillation in a large, urban emergency medical services system. Acad Emerg Med 2004; 11 (5):604. 82. Hutton K, Swanson E, Vilke G, Davis D, Jones S, Hoogeveen B: Cricothyrotomies by air medical providers in 2853 patient intubations. Air Med J 2004;23(5):33. 83. Davis D, Buono C, Vilke G, Sise M, Eastman B, Kennedy F, Vilke T, Hoyt D: The efficacy of air medical response to patients with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Air Med J 2004;23(5):3 l. 84. Hutton K, Swanson E, Vilke G, Davis D, Jones S, Hoogeveen B: Laryngoscopic visualization grade predicts difficult intubations by air medical crews in the prehospital setting. Air Med J 2004;23(5):30. 85. Hutton K, Swanson E, Vilke G, Davis D, Jones S, Hoogeveen B: Success and failure rates of RSI versus non-RSI intubations by air medical providers in 2853 patients. Air Med J 2004; 23(5):30. 86. Metz M, Marcotte A, Vilke GM: The effect of decreasing ambulance diversion hours on ed interfacility transfers. J Emerg Nurs 2004;30(5):411. 87. Metz M, Murrin P, Vilke GM: Community trial to decrease ambulance diversion hours: the San Diego county patient destination trial. J Emerg Nurs 2004;30(5):410. PUBLICATIONS. continued: Abstracts 88. Metz M, Murrin P, Vilke GM: The three-phase EMS cardiac arrest model for ventricular fibrillation. J Emerg Nurs 2004;30(5):405. 89. Vilke GM, Murrin P, Gardin.a L, Upledger Ray L, Stepanski B, Chan TC: Impact of a new booster seat law. Ann Emerg Med 2004;44(4):S39-S40. 90. Vilke GM, Marcotte A, Metz M, Upledger Ray L: Pain management in the out-of-hospital setting. Ann Emerg Med 2004;44(4):S63. 91. Vilke GM, Murrin PA, Marcotte A, Up ledger RL: Impact of the San Diego County firestorm on emergency medical services. Ann Emerg Med 2004;44(4):S102-S103. 92. Davis DP, Pettit K, Poste JC, Vilke GM: The efficacy of out-of-hospital needle and tube thoracostomy in major trauma victims. Ann Emerg Med 2004;44(4):S103. 93. Buono CJ, Davis DP, Vilke GM, Stepanski B. Esophageal Intubation in an EMS system: a six-year experience. Prehosp Emerg Care 2005; 9(1 ): 113. 94. Dunford N, Vilke GM, Chan TC. Utilization of EMS and hospital resources by serial inebriate program (SIP) clients. Prehosp Emerg Care 2005; 9(1):116. 95. Davis DP, Serrano JA, Buono CJ, Vilke GM, Sise MJ, Hoyt DB. The predictive value of field and arrival Glasgow coma score in moderate-to-severe brain injury. Prehosp Emerg Care 2005; 9(1):124. 96. Vilke GM, Castillo EM, Upledger-Ray L, Davis DP, Murrin PA, Kennedy F, Cox S, Coimbra R. Evaluation of paramedic field triage of injured patients to trauma centers and emergency departments. Prehosp Emerg Care 2005; 9(1):125. 97. Vilke GM, Harley J, Metz M, Stepanski B, Vroman D, Anderson M, Shipp H. Paramedic selfreported medication errors in an anonymous survey. Prehosp Emerg Care 2005; 9(1):127. 98. Bush J, Chan TC, Killeen JP, Vilke GM. The effect of changing from a latex agglutination DDimer to an ELISA D-Dimer on emergency physicians ordering imaging studies practices to evaluate for pulmonary embolism. Acad Emerg Med 2005;12{5):41. 99. Vilke GM, Michalewicz B, Kolkhorst FW, Neuman T, Chan TC. Does weight force during physical restraint cause respiratory compromise? Acad Emerg Med 2005;12{5):16. 100. Levine SD, Sloane C, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Dunford J. Cardiac monitoring of subjects exposed to the Taser. Acad Emerg Med 2005;12{5):71. l.>UBLICATIONS, continued: Abstracts 101. Davis DP, Buono C, Serrano J, Vilke GM, Sise MJ, Hoyt DB. The impact of hyper- and hypoventilation on outcome in traumatic brain injury. Acad Emerg Med 2005;12(5): 138-139. 101. Davis D, Buono C, Ramanujam P, Fisher R, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Metz M, Dunford J: The potential safety of designated cardiac arrest receiving facilities. Ann Emerg Med 2005;46(3):Sl 7. 102. Chan TC, Killeen JP, Kelly DL, Vilke GM, Guss DA: Accelerated care at triage: Physiciandirected ancillary testing at triage for patients waiting in an emergency department. Ann Emerg Med 2005;46(3):S107-Sl08. 103. Lev R, Vilke G, Dunford J: San Diego Regional STEM! Summit. San Diego Physician. 2005;4:1 l-13. 104. Davis D, Reynoso J, Harley J, Kanegaye J, Buono C, Vilke G: The natural history of pediatric patients meeting criteria for paramedic intraosseous catheter insertion. Prehosp Emerg Care 2006;10(1):110. 105. Davis D, Ramanujam P, Buono C, Vilk:e G: The sensitivity of capnometry to detect endotracheal intubation: Where should we draw the line? Prehosp Emerg Care 2006; 10(1):118. 106. Levine S, Sloane C, Chan T, Dunford J, Vilke G: Cardiac monitoring of subjects exposed to the Taser. Prehosp Emerg Care 2006;10(1):130. 107. Levine SD, Sloane C, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Dunford J: Cardiac monitoring of human subjects exposed to the taser. Acad Emerg Med 2006;13(5 Supp 1):S47. 108. Vilke GM, Dolkas L, Stanley C, Smith AM, Chan TC: Evaluation of deaths associated with choking. Acad Emerg Med 2006;13(5 Supp 1):S49. 109. Chan TC, Vilk:e GM, Michalewicz BA, Neuman T, Levy S, Kolkhorst F: Does physical restraint impact metabolic oxygen consumption during exertion? Acad Emerg Med 2006; 13(5 Supp 1):S46. 110. Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Sturgis KN, Chan TC, Lindsay SP, Dunford JV: Decrease of health care service utilization among chronic public inebriates. Acad Emerg Med 2006;13 (5 Supp l):S105-106. 111. Vilke G, Johnson W, Castillo EM, Ederheimer JA, Wexler C, Sloane CM, Chan TC: Evaluation of in-custody deaths proximal to use of conductive energy devices. Ann Emerg Med 2006;48(4 Supp 1):S23-S24. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Abstracts 112. Tornabene SV, Chan TC, Davis DP, Deutsch R, Vilke GM: Evaluating the use and timing of opioids for the treatment of migraine headaches in the ED. Ann Emerg Med 2006;48 (4 Supp 1):S59-S60. 113. Killeen JP, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Buono C, Griswold W, Rao R, Lenert L: Wireless computerized rapid triage in the field: How well does technology perform during mass casualty incidents and disaster events? Ann Emerg Med 2006;48(4 Supp 1):S69. 114. Davis D, Salazar A, Vilke G, Chan T: The utility of a novel decision rule to diagnose spinal epidural abscess in ED patients with back pain. Ann Emerg Med 2006;48(4 Supp 1):S66. 115. Vilke GM, Castillo EM, Stepanski BM, Murrin PA, Upledger-Ray L, Metz MA, Chan TC: San Diego County patient destination trial to decrease ambulance division hours: Three year follow-up. Ann Emerg Med 2006;48(4 Supp 1):S90. 116. Graydon C, Wilson S, Leahy D, Berthiaume S, Buesch B, Stein R, Vilke G, Davis D: The positive predictive value of paramedic versus emergency physician interpretation of the prehospital 12-lead ECG. Prehosp Emerg Care 2006; 10(1 ): 116. 118. Ramanujam P, Stepanski B, Smith A, Upledger-Ray L, Vilke GM. Impact of a state booster seat law on compliance in pediatric traffic crash victims. Ann Emerg Med 2006; 48(4 Supp 1):S56. 119. Michalewicz BA, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Levy SS, Neuman TS, Kolkhorst FW. Ventilatory and metabolic demands during aggressive physical restraint in healthy adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2006;38(5) Suppl:S452-S453. 120. Chan T, Sloane C, Neuman T, Levine S, Castillo E, Vilke G, Bouton K, Kohokorst F. The impact of the taser weapon on respiratory and ventilatory function in human subjects. Acad Emerg Med 2007; 14(5 Suppl 1): S191-192. 121. Buono C, Lyon J, Huang R, Brown S, Liu F, Vilke G, Killeen J, Chan T, Kirsh D, Lenert L. Does wireless technology improve patient tracking in mass casualty incidents? Acad Emerg Med 2007; 14(5 Suppl 1): S190. 122. Vilke G, Sloane C, Levine S, Neuman T, Castillo E, Chan T. Does the Taser Cause Electrical Changes in Twelve Lead ECG Monitoring of Human Subjects? Acad Emerg Med 2007; 14(5 Suppl 1): S104. 123. Vilke G, Sloane C, Bouton K, Levine S, Neuman T, Castillo E, Kolkhorst F, Chan T. Cardiovascular and metabolic effects of the taser on human subjects·. Acad Emerg Med 2007; 14(5 Suppl 1): S104-105. 124. Sloane C, Vilke G, Chan T, Levine S, Dunford J. Serum troponin I measurement of subjects exposed to the taser x-26. Acad Emerg Med 2007; 14(5 Suppl 1): S103-104. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Abstracts 125. Bouton KD, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Sloane C, Levine S, Neuman TS, Levy SS, Kolkhorst FW. Physiological effects of a five second Taser exposure. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2007;39(5 Suppl):S323. 126. Firestone D, Band RA, Hollander JE, Castillo EM, Vilke GM. Can Urine Dipstick and Brief Questionnaire Predict Abnormal Serum Creatinine in Emergency Department Patients? Ann Emerg Med 2007; 50(3):S24. ( 127. Vilke GM, Sloane C, Suffecool AC, Neuman TS, Castillo EM, Kolkhorst FW, Chan TC. Physiologic Effects of the TASER on Human Subjects After Exercise. Ann Emerg Med 2007; 50(3):S55. 128. Chan TC, Killeen JP, Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Guss DA. Impact of Electronic Medication Reconciliation on Triage Times for Patients Seen in the Emergency Department. Ann Emerg Med 2007; 50(3):S71. 129. Marsan Jr RJ, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Davis DP, Stepanski BM. Description and Efficacy of Treatment ofHemodynamically Significant Bradycardia in a Large, Urban, Pacing-capable EMS System. Ann Emerg Med 2007; 50(3):S80. 130. Chan TC, Killeen JP, Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Kennedy S, FeinbergR, Guss DA. Impact of an internet based referral appointment system community clinic access and follow-up for ED patients with no primary care. Acad Emerg Med 2008; 15(5 Suppl 1): S104. 131. Vilke GM, Sloane CM, Suffecool A, Neuman T, Castillo EM, Kolkhorst F, Chan TC. Crossover-controlled human study of the physiologic effects of the Taser after vigorous exercise. Acad Emerg Med 2008; 15(5 Suppl 1): S155. 132. Vilke GM, Chan TC, Killeen JP, Castillo EM. Impact of psychiatric patient holds in the emergency department on overcrowding. Acad Emerg Med 2008; 15(5 Suppl 1): S221. 133. Barnard AC, Sloane C, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Neuman TS, Kolkhorst FW. Physiological effects of TASER X-26 after intense exercise. Med and Sci in Sports and Exercise 2008; 40(Suppl 5): S475. 134. Chan TC, Killeen JP, Vilke GM, Guss DA, Jones K, Marshall J, Moore T, Castillo EM. Impact of mandated nurse-patient ratios on emergency department crowding. Ann Emerg Med 2008; 52(4):S44. 135. Davis D, Fong T, Lawrence B, Vilke GM. Psychosocial variables influence the decision to call 9-1-1 in emergency department patients with abdominal pain. Ann Emerg Med 2008; 52(4):S71. PUBLICATIONS. continued: Abstracts 136. Bizek G, Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Chan TC. Characteristics and rates ofrewarming of emergency department patients with moderate to severe accidental hypothermia. Ann Emerg Med 2008; 52(4):S105-6. 137. Ramanujam P, Castillo EM, Patel E, Vilke GM, Wilson M, Dunford J. Pre hospital transport time intervals for acute stroke patients. Ann Emerg Med 2008; 52(4):S154. 138. Vilke GM, Killen J,P, Chan TC, Crumpacker J, Castillo EM. Risk factors and characteristics of falls among emergency department elderly patients. Ann Emerg Med 2008; 52(4):S 160. 139. Marsan R, Castillo EM, Chan TC, Stepanski B, Vilke GM: Comparison ofprehospital retrospective chart review to prospectively obtained data. Acad Em erg Med 2009; 16(4)Suppl 1: S85-S86. 140. Killeen D, Killeen J, Castillo EM, Chan TC, Vilke GM: Emergency department patient evaluation of internet and email access for healthcare information. Acad Emerg Med 2009;16(4)Suppl 1: Sl32-S133. 141. Sloane CM, Chan TC, Kohlkorst F, Castillo EM, Neuman T, Vilke GM: Can a restraint chair cause respiratory or ventilatory compromise? Acad Emerg Med 2009;16(4)Suppl 1: Sl37. 142. Castillo, EM, Vilke GM, Killeen J, Guss DA, Marshall J, Chan TC: Impact of mandated nurse-patient ratios on ED medication delivery. Acad Emerg Med 2009;16(4)Suppl 1: S157S158. 143. Slattery D, Pierson B, Stanley K, Vilke GM: Bridging the training gap in cardiac arrest: identification of cardiac arrest decision-making deficits in lay rescuers. Acad Emerg Med 2009;16(4)Suppl 1: Sl82. 144. Slattery D, Stanley K, Vilke GM, Pierson B: non-medical responders are not accurate at identifying agonal respirations? A cad Emerg Med 2009; 16(4 )Suppl 1: S 182. 145. Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Killeen J, Guss DA, Feinberg R, Friedman L, Chan TC: Factors associated with community clinic follow-up from an ED internet-based referral system. Acad Emerg Med 2009;16(4)Suppl 1: S247-S248. 146. Marmon J, Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Killeen J, Chan TC: The effect of admitting team resident turnover on emergency department patient flow. Acad Emerg Med 2009;16(4)Suppl 1: S257-S258. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Abstracts 147. Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Williams M, Turner P, Boyle J, Chan TC. Collaborative to decrease ambulance diversion: The California ED Diversion Project. Ann Emerg Med 2009; 54(3):S79. 148. Lev R, Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Chan TC. Multi-center study ofleft without treatment rates from Emergency Departments serving a large metropolitan region. Ann Emerg Med 2009; 54(3):S86. 149. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Killeen JP, Gus DA, Marshall J, Castillo EM. Impact of mandated nurse-patient ratios on time to antibiotic administration in the Emergency Department. Ann Emerg Med 2009; 54(3):S97. 150. Vilke GM, Robertson NB, Castillo EM, Killeen JP, Chan TC. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate compared to C-reactive protein as a screening marker in the Emergency Department. Ann Emerg Med 2009; 54(3):S121. 151. Stiell IG, Nichol G, Leroux BG, Rea TD, Omato JP, Powell J, Christenson J, Callaway CW, Kudenchuk PJ, Aufderheide TP, Idris AH, Daya M, Wang HE, Morrison L, Davis D, Andrusiek D, Stephens S, Cheskes S, Schmicker RH, Fowler R, Vaillancourt C, Hostler D, Zive D, Pirrallo RG, Vilke G, Sopko G, Weisfeldt M, the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Investigators: Resuscitation outomces consortium roe primed trial of early rhythm analysis versus later analysis in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation 2010;81S:S16. 152. Castillo EM, Chan TC, Luu B, Prabhakar N, Vilke GM. Factors Associated With Injuries Among Subjects and Deputies During Law Enforcement Use of Force Events. Ann Emerg Med 2010; 56(3):S138. 153. Wilson MP, MacDonald KS, Vilke GM, Feifel D. Potential Complications of Olanzapine and Benzodiazepines Compared to Haloperidol and Benzodiazepines In Emergency Department Patients. Ann Emerg Med 2010; 56(3):S155. 154. Killeen JP, Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Marshall JB, Chan TC. Impact of Mandated NursePatient Ratios on Emergency Department Discharge Time. Ann Emerg Med 2010; 56(3):S182. 155. Chan TC, Castillo EM, Humber DM, Killeen JP. Frequency of Pharmacy Interventions and Emergency Overrides Foilowing Implementation of Electronic Pharmacy Review In the Emergency Department. Ann Emerg Med 2010; 56(3):S343. 156. Chan TC, Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Killeen JP. Do Computerized Medication Alerts Change Medication Orders In the Emergency Department. Ann Emerg Med 2010; 56(3):S372. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Abstracts 157. Wilson MP, Vilk:e GM, Govindarajan P, Itagaki MW. Emergency Physicians Research Commonly Encountered Patient-Oriented Problems in the the Proportion with Which They Are Encountered in the Emergency Department. Acad Emerg Med 2011;18 (5)Suppl:S67. 158. Vilk:e GM, Anthony E, Castillo EM. Factors Associated with Ambulance Use Among Emergency Department Patients. Acad Emerg Med 2011;18 (5)Suppl:S114. 159. Nordt SP, Castillo EM, Galinato M, Nguyen V, Clark RF, Cantrell FL, Chan TC, Vilk:e GM: Energy Drink Use and Adverse Effects Among Emergency Department Patients. Clin Toxicol 2011; 49(6):579. 160. Savaser DJ, Campbell CC, Chan TC, Shah V, Sloane CS, Hansen AV, Castillo EM, Vilk:e GM. The Effect of Prone Maximal Restraint (PMR, aka "Hog-Tie") Position on Cardiac Output and Other Hemodynamic Measurements. Acad Erner Med 2012;19(4):S78. 161. Castillo EM, Vilk:e GM, Killeen JP, Brennan JJ, Chan TC. Visit Urgency Between Frequent Emergency Department Users In A Large Metropolitan Region Network. Acad Erner Med 2012; 19(4):S96. 162. Killeen JP, Castillo EM, Chan TC, Vilk:e GM. Emergency Department Patients on Warfarin - How Often Is the Visit Due to the Medication? Acad Erner Med 2012;19(4):Sl21. 163. Killeen JP, Chan TC, Vilk:e GM, Rafie S, Dunlay R, Castillo EM. Does Pharmacist Review of Medication Orders Delay Medication Administration in the Emergency Department? Acad Erner Med 2012;19(4):S166. 164. Killeen JP, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Oyama L, Carey M, Castillo EM. Does the Residency Selection Cycle Impact What Information Is Accessed on the Web? Acad Erner Med 2012;19{4):S202. 165. Vilk:e GM, Ali S, Simmons T, Witucki P, Wilson MP. Does An Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizer Affect Breathalyzer Levels? Acad Erner Med 2012;19(4):S278. 166. Vilk:e GM, Patel N, Castillo EM, Demers G. Safety and Efficacy of Milk and Molasses in the ED. Acad Erner Med 2012;19(4):S287. 167. Castillo EM, Chan TC, Brennen JJ, Killeen JP, Vilk:e GM. Multiple Hospital Emergency Department Visits Among "Frequent Flyer" Patients With a Pain Associcated-discharge Diagnosis. Acad Erner Med 2012;19(4):S321. 168. Wilson MP, Chen N, Minassian A, Vilk:e GM, Castillo EM. In Combination With Benzodiazepines And Alcohol Intoxication, Intramuscular But Not Oral Olanzapine Is Associated With Decreased Oxygen Saturations. Acad Erner Med 2012;19(4):S356. PUBLICATION S. continued: Abstracts 169. Killeen JP, Vilke GM, Dunford N, Fisher R, Pringle J, Castillo EM, Chan TC: Impact of 12-lead ECG Wireless Transmission on Hospital STEM! Activations. Ann Erner Med 2012;60(4)S25. 170. Castillo EM, Brennan JJ, Chan TC, Killeen JP, Vilke GM: Factors Associated With Frequent Users of Emergency Department Resources. Ann Erner Med 2012;60(4)S32. 171. DeMers G, Graydon C, Stein M, Wilson S, Buesch B, Berthiaume S, Lee DM, Rivas J, Vilke GM, Davis D: Analysis of Inter-facility Transfer Rates After Initiation of a Regional PCI System. Ann Erner Med 2012;60(4)S44. 172. Vilke GM, Brennan JJ, Castillo EM, Killeen JP, Chan TC: Multiple Hospital Emergency Department Visits Among Frequent Users With a Pain-Associated Discharge Diagnosis. Ann Erner Med 2012;60(4)S54. 173. Benaron D, Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Guluma KZ: Emergency Department Patient Perception of Stroke. Ann Erner Med 2012;60(4)S58. 174. Castillo EM, Chan TC, Killeen JP, Vilke GM: Knowledge of Acute Myocardial Infarction Symptoms: Do Sex Differences Still Exist? Ann Erner Med 2012;60(4)S83. 175. Chan TC, Castillo EM, Dunford N, Fisher R, Jensen AM, Vilke GM, Killeen JP: Hot Spots and Frequent Fliers: Identifying High Users of Emergency Medical Services. Ann Erner Med 2012;60(4) S83-S84. 176. Brennan JJ, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Killeen JP, Castillo EM: Identification of Frequent Users of Hospital Emergency Department Resources Using a Community-wide Approach. Ann Erner Med 2012;60(4)S102. 177. Chan TC, Killeen JP, Brennan JJ, Vilke GM, Castillo EM: The Forgotten Emergency Department Visit When Assessing Hospital Readmissions. Ann Erner Med 2012;60(4)S105. 178. Brennan JJ, Chan TC, Killeen JP, Castillo EM, Vilke GM: Multiple Hospital Emergency Department Visits Among "Frequent Flyer" Patients With a Psychiatric-Associated Discharge Diagnosis. Ann Erner Med 2012;60(4) S146-S147. 179. Campillo A, MacDonald KS, Vilke GM, Wilson MP: The B52 Combination Is Not Frequently Used in Emergency Departments and Causes A High Proportion of Patients to Fall Asleep. Ann Erner Med 2012;60(4) S147. 180. Lin GK, Vilke GM, Castillo EM, Chen N, Wilson MP: A Comparison of Oral Aripiprazole and Oral Olanzapine Use in the Emergency Department. Ann Erner Med 2012;60(4) S147S148. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Abstracts 181. Sloane C, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Castillo EM, Kolkhorst F, Neuman T: The Ventilatory Effects of the Prone Maximal Restraint Position on Obese Human Subjects. Acad Erner Med 2013;20(5):SIOS. 182. Hogen R, Brennan JJ, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Castillo EM: Visit Urgency amongst the Chronic Disease Population in a Large Metropolitan Region Emergency Department Network. Acad Erner Med 2013;20(5):Sl 72. 183. Castillo EM, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Killeen JP, Brennan JJ: Factors Associated with Super Users of Emergency Department Resources Admitted to Acute Care. A cad Erner Med 2013;20(5):S183. 184. Brennan JJ, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Castillo EM, Killeen JP: Comorbidity among Frequent Emergency Department Users with Psychiatric Associated Discharge Diagnoses. Acad Erner Med 2013;20(5):S229. 185. Brennan JJ, Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Killeen JP, Chan TC: Factors Associated with Frequent Users of California Emergency Department Resources. Acad Erner Med 2013;20(5):S230. 186. Chan TC, Brennan JJ, Killeen JK, Stevenson ME, Kuntz KE, Vilke GM, Castillo EM: Impact of Social Services Case Management on Homeless, Frequent Users of Emergency Departments. Acad Erner Med 2013;20(5):S231. 187. Castillo EM, Chan TC, Brennan JJ, Roberts EE, Vilke GM. What Contributes to Subject and Officer Injuries During Law Enforcement Use of Force Events? Ann Emerg Med 2013, 62(4), S107. 188. Brennan JJ, Castillo EM, Wilson M, Chan TC, Killeen JP, Vilke GM. Psychiatric-Associated Visits to California Emergency Departments: Presence of Licensed Psychiatric Beds and Admission. Ann Emerg Med 2013, 62(4), S118. 189. Granata RT, Vilke GM. Impact of deferred CT imaging of intoxicated patients presenting with altered mental status. J Invest Med 2014;61(1):214. 190. Nowak RM, Schreiber D, Hollander J, Nagurney J, Hogan C, Wu A, Vilke GM, Apple F, Cannon C, Daniels L, Anand I, deFillippi C, McCord J, Shah K, Marston N, Neath SX, Christenson R, Diercks D, Limkakeng A, Jaffe A, Mueller C, Maisel A, Peacock F: Copeptin Provides Prognostic Value in Emergency Department Patients Presenting with Acute Undifferentiated Chest Pain. Acad Emerg Med 2014;21(5):S89. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Abstracts 191. Peacock W, Nowak R, Neath SX, Hollander J, Cailllon C, Nagumey IT, Schreiber D, Hogan C, Diercks D, Stein JC, Headden G, Limkakeng AT, Mueller C, Vilke GM, Maisel A: Can a Second Measurement of Copeptin Improve Acute Myocardial Infarction Rule Out? Acad Emerg Med 2014;21(5):S90. 192. Vilke GM, LassoffD, Chan TC, Hall CA, Bozeman WP, Castillo EM. Proning: Outcomes of Use of Force Followed with Prone Restraint. Acad Emerg Med 2014; 21(Supp 1): S161. 193. Vilke GM, Chan TC, Roberts EE, Moore JD, Parra KM, Castillo EM. Does Law Enforcement Use Different Levels of Force if the Subject Appears to be Mentally Impaired? Acad Emerg Med 2014; 21(Supp 1): S238. 194. Hopper A, Dee J, Vilke GM, Castillo EM, Chen V, Hall D, Wilson MP. Hypotensive Effects of Risperidone Are Not Increased When Used in Conjunction with Benzodiazepines or in Alcohol Intoxicated Patients but May Increase in Elderly Patients. Acad Emerg Med 2014; 21(Supp 1):S56. 195. Castillo, EM, Brennan JJ, Hsia RY, Killeen JP, Vilke, GM, Chan TC. Thirty-day Readmissions Through the Emergency Department in a Large, Metropolitan Region. Acad Emerg Med 2014; 21(Supp 1):S108. 196. Castillo EM, Chan TC, Hsia RY, Killeen JP, Vilke GM, Brennan JJ. Should Rural Hospitals be Concerned about Frequent Users of Emergency Department Resources? Acad Emerg Med 2014; 21(Supp 1):S218. 197. Brennan JJ, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Hsia RY, Killeen JP, Castillo EM. Traveling Super Users of California Emergency Departments. Acad Emerg Med 2014; 21(Supp 1):S220. 198. Killeen JP, Castillo EM, Brennan JJ, Vilke GM, Chan TC. Does Emergency Department Interrogation Reduce ED Time for Patients with Pacemakers or ICDs? Acad Emerg Med 2014; 21(Supp 1):S274. 199. Castillo EM, Brennan JJ, Hsia RY, Killeen JP, Vilke GM, Chan TC. Multiple Emergency Department Use and 30-day ED Visits. Acad Emerg Med 2014; 21(Supp 1):S322. 200. Marston N, Shah K, Mueller C, Neath SX, Christenson R, McCord J, Nowak R, Vilke G, Daniels L, Hollander J, Apple F, Cannon C, Nagumey J, Schreiber D, Defilippi C, Hogan C, Diercks D, Limkaken A, Anand I, Jaffe A, Peacock WF, Maisel A, Wu, A: Can a second measurement of copeptin improve acute myocardial infarction rule out?. J Am Coll Cardiel 2014;63(12_S). PUBLICATIONS, continued: Abstracts 201. Chan TC, Killeen JP, Vilke GM, Castillo EM. Impact of the Affordable Care Act on the Health Care Coverage of Patients Seen in the Emergency Department: Initial First Quarter Findings. Ann Emerg Med 2014; 64(4s):S84-S85.Smith C, Hopper AB, 202. Castillo EM, Dang AQ, Chan TC, Vilke GM. Mortality and Timing of Death in Patients With Runaway Pacemakers. Ann Emerg Med 2014; 64(4s):Sl 1 l. 203. Brennan JJ, Chan TC, Hsia RY, Vilke GM, Killeen JP, Castillo EM. Predicting Frequent Use of Emergency Department Resources. Ann Emerg Med 2014; 64(4s): S118 - S 119. 204. Campillo A, Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Wilson MP. Use ofQuetiapine in the Emergency Department for Acute Agitation and Associated Physiologic Effects. Ann Emerg Med 2014; 64(4s):S138. 205. Vilke GM, Lev R, Chan TC, Lucas J, Smith J, Painter NA, Castillo EM. Prescription Drug Prescribing Patterns in a Large Regional Area. Ann Emerg Med 2014; 64(4s):S139-S140. 206. Hopper AB, Deen J, Smith C, Campillo A, Vilke GM, Castillo EM, Wilson MP. Hypotensive Effects of Oral Second Generation Antipsychotics in the Emergency Department. Ann Emerg Med 2014; 64(4s):S140-S141. 207. Marston N, Shah K, Mueller C, Neath SX, Christenson R, McCord J, Nowak R, Vilke GM, Daniels L, Hollander J, Apple F, Cannon C, Nagumey J, Schreiber D, deFilippi C, Hogan C, Diercks D, Limkakend A, Anand I, Wu A, Clopton P, Jeffe A, Peacock F, Maisel A. Does Copeptin Provide Additional Risk Stratification in Chest Pain Patients With a Mild Troponin Elevation? Circulation 2014; 130:A12996. 208. Egnatios J, Lev R, Petro S, Castillo E, Vilke G. Long Active Death: Medadone. Ann Emerg Med 2015; 66(4s):S140-S141. 209. Vilke GM, Guss DA. Pilot Study ofTelemedicine in a County Jail to Assess and Treat Acutely Ill Inmates. Ann Emerg Med 2015; 66(4s): S14. 210. Brennan JJ, Vilke GM, Hsia RY, Chan TC, Killeen JP, Huang J, Castillo EM. Transient Ischemic Attack "Bouncebacks": Emergency Department Discharges Who Return as Admissions Within Seven Days. Ann Emerg Med20l5; 66(4s):S112. 211. Brennan JJ, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Killeen JP, Hsia RY, Tehaney K, Castillo EM. Admissions Within Seven Days of an Emergency Department Discharge. Ann Emerg Med 2015; 66(4s):S89. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Abstracts 212. Lev R, Lee 0, Petro S, Lucas J, Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Coyne CJ. Specialty-Specific Prescribing Patterns to Patients Who Die From Prescription Drugs: How Do Emergency Physicians Compare? Ann Emerg Med2015; 66(4s):Sl 19. 213. Castillo EM, Chan, TC, Vilke GM, Hsia RY, Ishamine P, Shah S, Kapoor K, Brennan JJ. A Description of Pediatric Frequent Users of Emergency Department Resources. Ann Emerg Med2015; 66(4s):S8. · 214. Chan TC, Brennan JJ, Vilke GM, Hsia RY, Killeen JP, Castillo EM. The Changing Landscape of Emergency Department Visits in California. Acad Emerg Med 2016; 23:S15 215. Castillo EM, Vilke GM, Killeen JP, Hsia RY, Wilson MP, Brennan JJ. ED Utilization Prior to a Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injury Related ED Visit. Acad Emerg Med 2016; 23:Sl 7. 216. Supat B, Brennan JJ, Vilke GM, Ishimine P, Shah S, Hsia RY, Castillo EM. Assessing Factors Associated with Pediatric Frequent Emergency Department Utilization. Acad Emerg Med 2016; 23:S32. 217. Coyne CJ, Chiu C, Brennan JJ, Castillo EM, Vilke GM. Medication Adherence in the Emergency Department: What are the Barriers? Acad Emerg Med 2016; 23:S41. 218. Spinosa DL, Brennan JJ, Castillo EM, Hsia RY, Vilke GM. Multivariate Analysis of 30Day Readmission for Acute Myocardial Infarction. Acad Emerg Med 2016; 23:Sl 18. 219. Castillo EM, Brennan JJ, Shah S, Vilke GM, Hsia RY, Nguyen M. Asthma and AsthmaMimicking Pediatric ED Revisit Within Three Days of an ED Discharge. Acad Emerg Med 2016; 23:S120. 220. Castillo EM, Brennan JJ, Chan TC, Killeen JP, Hsia RY, Vilke GM. ED Utilization 3Days Prior to a Fall-Related ED Visit Among Elderly Patients. Acad Emerg Med 2016; 23:S139. 221. Coyne CJ, Le V, Brennan JJ, Castillo EM, Shatsky RA, Vilke GM. Low-Risk febrile Neutropenia: Can These Patients be Safely Discharged from the Emergency Department? Acad Emerg Med 2016; 23:S161. 222. Brennan JJ, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Killeen JP, Hsia RY, Castillo EM. ED Revisits Within 3 Days of an ED Discharge Among Elderly Patients. Acad Emerg Med 2016; 23:S169. 223. Nakajima Y, Vilke GM, Castillo EM, Brennan JJ, Hsia R. Asthma Bouncebacks Emergency Department Discharges Who Return as Admission Within Three Days. Acad Emerg Med 2016; 23:S202. PUBLICATIONS, continued: Abstracts 224. Benaron D, Castillo E, Vilke G, Guluma K. Emergency Department Patient Perception of Stroke: A Comparison of Elderly and Nonelderly Knowledge of Stroke. Acad Emerg Med 2016; 23:S256. . ORAL PRESENTATIONS AT NATIONAL MEETINGS: 1. Chan TC, Buchanan J, Anderson M, Vilke GM: Patient ethnicity and age in prehospital emergency ambulance use and acuity rates. NAEMSP Mid-Year Meeting, Lake Tahoe, Nevada; July 1998. 2. Vilke GM, Dunford N, Buchanan J, Chan TC: Are opiate overdose deaths related to patient release after naloxone? ACEP Research Forum, San Diego, California; October 1998. 3. Gerling MC, Hamilton RS, Davis DP, Morris GF, Vilke GM, Hayden SR: The effects of cervical spine immobilization on technique and laryngoscope blade selection on an unstable cervical spine injury in a cadaver model of intubation. ACEP Research Forum, San Diego, California; October 1998. 4. Vilke GM, Chan TC, Ray LU, Anderson ME: Use ofprehospital crash injury data to assess regional automobile safety restraint use. NAEMSP Annual Meeting, Marcos Island, Florida; January 1999. 5. Chew GS, Chan TC, Bramwell K, Davis DP, Vilke GM: Does gastric distention from air insufflation affect the accuracy of the syringe esophageal detector device in detecting esophageal intubation? SAEM Western Regional Research Forum, Redondo Beach, California; March 1999. 6. Davis DP, l(jmbro T, Vilke GM: The use ofmidazolam for prehospital rapid-sequence intubation may be associated with a dose-related increase in hypotension. NAEMSP Annual Meeting, Dana Point, California; January 2000. 7. Marino AT, Sharieff G, Gerhart AE, Chan TC, Vilke GM: The efficacy and complication rate of prehospital midazolam for the treatment of pediatric seizures. NAEMSP Annual Meeting, Dana Point, California; January 2000. 8. Eisele JW, Chan T, Vilke G, Neuman T, Clausen J: Effect of weight placed on the back of subjects in the bobble restraint position. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada; February 2000. 9. Chan TC, Vilke GM, Neuman TS, Clark RF, Clausen JL: The effect of oleoresin capsicum spray inhalation on pulmonary and respiratory function. SAEM W estem Regional Research Forum, Portland, Oregon; April 2000. 10. Vilke GM, Chan TC, Seltzer A, Fisher R, Dunford N: Outcome of out-of-hospital refusal of paramedic transport by parents of pediatric patients. State of California EMS Authority EMS for Children Annual Conference, San Diego, California; November 2000. 11. Deitch S, Vilke GM, Marino A, Vroman D, Chan TC: Effect ofprehospital use of nitroglycerine on EKG fmdings in patients with chest pain. American Academy of Emergency Medicine Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida; March 2001. ORAL PRESENTATIONS AT NATIONAL MEETINGS. continued: 12. Vilke GM, Steen PJ, Smith AM, Chan TC: Pediatric intubation by paramedics: The San Diego County experience. SAEM Western Regional Research Forum, Irvine, California; March 2001. 13. Davis DP, Ochs M, Hoyt DB, Dunford N, Vilke GM: The use of the Combitube as a salvage airway device for paramedic RSI. SAEM Western Regional Research Forum, Irvine, California; March 2001. 14. Chan TC, Dunford N, Vilke GM: Impact of a community multidisciplinary homeless outreach team. SAEM Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia; May 2001. 15. Chan TC, Dunford N, Vilke GM: Impact of a community multidisciplinary homeless outreach team. CAL/ACEP Scientific Assembly, Santa Clara, California; June 2001. (Won Award for Best Oral Presentation) 16. Valentine C, Davis D, Ochs M, Hoyt D, Bailey D, Vilke G: The use of the Combitube as a salvage airway device for paramedic rapid sequence induction. NAEMSP Annual Meeting, Tucson, Arizona; January 2002. 17. Vilke GM, Lev R, Castillo EM, Metz MA, Murrin PA, Chan TC: Prospective countywide trial to decrease ambulance diversion hours. SAEM Western Regional Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona; April 2003. 18. Vilke GM, Lev R, Castillo EM, Murrin PA, Chan TC: Prospective countywide trial to decrease ambulance diversion hours. SAEM Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, May 2003. 19. Vilke GM, Lev R, Castillo EM, Metz MA, Murrin PA, Chan TC: San Diego County improved patient destination trial to decrease emergency department diversion hours and diverted patients. American College of Emergency Physicians Research Forum, Boston, Massachusetts; October 2003. 20. Vilke G, Castillo E, Metz M, Murrin P, Ray LU, Lev R, Chan T: Community trial to decrease ambulance diversion of patients and hours. NAEMSP National Conference, Tucson, Arizona; January 2004. 21. Marcelyn Metz, Patricia Murrin, Gary M. Vilke: The three-phase EMS cardiac arrest model for ventricular fibrillation. ENA Annual Meeting; San Diego, California; October 2004. 22. Michalewicz, BA, TC Chan, GM Vilke, SS Levy, TS Neuman, and FW Kolkhorst: Ventilatory and metabolic demands during aggressive physical restraint in healthy adults. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO; June 2006. [Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 38(5 Supplement), 2006]. 23. Vilke GM, Ali S, Simmons T, Witucki P, Wilson MP. Does an alcohol-based sanitizer impact breathalyzer levels? SAEM Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois; May 2012. SELECTED SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS: 1. "Death of a Child: How to Treat the Survivors" -- Grand Rounds, Department of Emergency Medicine, UCSD Medical Center; April 1996. 2. "Assessing GCS and the Field Neurologic Exam" -- Palomar College Paramedic Training; June 1998. 3. "Prehospital Shock"; "Management of the Field Trauma Patient" -- Mercy Air, Ventura County Lecture Series; August 1998. 4. "ER: Not Just a Television Show, But a Field of Research" -- Howard Hughes Foundation Lecture Series,,University of California, San Diego; November 1998. 5. "Multi-Casualty Incident" -- UCSD Medical Center Trauma Conference; March 1999. 6. "Managing the Prehospital Multi-Casualty Incident" -- Southwestern College Paramedic Training Institute; May 1999. 7. "Aeromedical Transport: The Past and Current Environment" -- Trauma Morbidity and Mortality Conference, Children's Hospital, San Diego, California; July 1999. 8. "Altitude Medicine"; "Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Treatment Options"; "Aeromedical Transport Options"; "Emergent Airway Management Options" -- Rural Emergency Medicine Conference, Jackson Hole, Wyoming; August 1999. 9. "Abdominal and Chest Trauma in Sports" -- First Annual San Diego County Athletic Coaches Workshop, San Diego, California; June 2000. 10. "Tabletop Discussion on Chemical Weapon of Mass Destruction" -- Facilitator of Tabletop Training for San Diego County Metropolitan Medical Strike Team; July 2000. 11. "Pediatric IV Access"; "Spinal Immobilization"; "Children with Special Health Care Needs"; "Cardiovascular Emergencies" -- American Academy of Pediatrics Pediatric Education for Prehospital Professionals Conference, San Diego, California; November 2000. 12. "New Frontiers in Field Management of Pediatric Status Epilepticus" -- State of California EMS Authority Annual EMS for Children Conference, San Diego, California; November 2000. 13. "EMS Medical Control: Avoiding your Day in Court" --ACEP's Emergency Medicine Connection Conference, San Diego, California; March 2001. 14. "Pediatric Intubations by Paramedics" -- San Diego Chapter of the Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine; April 2001. 15. "Warfare and Terrorism: A Review of Chemical Agents -- San Diego County Metropolitan Medical Strike Team Training; August 2001. SELECTED SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS, continued: 16. "Bioterrorism and San Diego County" -- Council of Community Clinics Meeting; October 2001. 17. "Bioterrorism and San Diego County Readiness" -- CTN interview with Bill Horn; October 2001. 18. "Future of Prehospital Care" -- Keynote Speaker, Southwestern Paramedic College Graduation; November 2001. 19. "Biological Agents for Terrorism" -- San Diego County Metropolitan Medical Strike Team Training; November 2001. 20. "Clinical Aspects ofBioterrorist Agents" -- Palomar Paramedic College; November 2001. 21. "Clinical Aspects of Bioterrorism" -- Grand Rounds, Fallbrook Hospital; January 2002. 22. "Bioterrorism and San Diego County Readiness" -- Poway Town Hall Meeting; January 2002. 23. "Bioterrorist Preparedness" -- National Medical Association, San Diego County; January 2002. 24. "Chemical Agents of Terrorism: Diagnosis and Treatment" -- Topics and Advances in Internal Medicine, San Diego, California; March 2002. 25. "Bioterrorism: Implications for the Legal and Domestic Community" -- Thomas Jefferson School of Law, San Diego, California; April 2002. 26. "Prehospital Management of Pediatric Seizures" -- EMS-Children Annual Conference; San Diego, California; November 2002. 27. "Paramedicine-Past, Present and Future" -- Keynote Speaker, Southwestern Paramedic College Graduation; San Diego, California; December 2002. 28. "Medical Group Preparedness: How would you Respond to a Possible Victim of Bioterrorism?" -- Bioterrorism Preparedness Training Conference; San Diego California; January 2003. 29. "Update on Bioterrorism" -- The Western States Winter Conference on Emergency Medicine; Park City, Utah; January 2003. 30. "Academic Emergency Medicine and Research Opportunities" -- San Diego Health Information Association, San Diego, California; February 11, 2003. 32. "Blast and Radiological Injuries: Myths and Realities" -- San Diego County Metropolitan Medical Strike Team Training; San Diego, California; August 2003. SELECTED SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS, continued: 33. "Clinical Aspects ofBioterroism" -- American Correctional Health Services Association, California and Nevada Chapter Annual Conference, San Diego, California; September 2003. 34. "Bioterrorism" -- UCSD/SDSU General Preventive Medicine Residency Lecture Series, La Jolla, California; October 2003. 35. "Prehospital Pediatric Airway Obstruction" - Children's Hospital Grand Rounds, San Diego, California; July 2004. 36. "Future of Healthcare in San Diego: Trends Impacting our Delivery System" -- San Diego Organization of Healthcare Leaders, San Diego, California; August 2004. 36. "Firestorm 2003" -- Children's Hospital Grand Rounds, San Diego, California; January 2004. 37. "EMS research: Unique ethical and regulatory issues" -- Applied Research Ethics National Association Annual meeting, San Diego, California; October 2004. 38. "What happens when you call 911 ?" -- San Diego Sports Medicine Foundation, San Diego, California; October 2004. 39. "Making the Metropolitan Medical Response System Work for You" -- Emergency Response 2004 Conference, San Diego, California; November 2004. 40. "San Diego County Emergency Department Ambulance Bypass - Past, Present, Future" -Urgent Matters Briefing, San Diego, California; November 2004. 41. " San Diego County Emergency Department Ambulance Bypass - Past, Present, and Future" -San Diego Community Emergency Departments, San Diego, California; December 2, 2004. 42. "Emergency Response Management for Efficiency of Care and Fiscal Consideration" -American Correctional Health Services Association, Oakland, California; April 2, 2005. 43. "Conducted Energy Devices -Medical Updates and Issues" -- Police Executive Research Forum, Houston, Texas; October 18, 2005. 44. "Conducted Energy Devices Proximity Deaths and Medical Response" -- 2005 Critical Issues in Policing Series, Police Executive Research Forum, San Diego, California; December 8, 2005. 45. "Conductive Electrical Devices (Tasers®) and Patients with Excited Delirium for Law Enforcement and Emergency Medical Personnel" -- The U.S. Metropolitan Municipalities EMS Medical Directors Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas; February 16, 2006. 46. "Tasers and Sudden Death" -- Keynote speaker at One Day Symposium on In-Custody Deaths by the Florida Sheriffs Association, Orlando, Florida; June 1, 2006. SELECTED SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS. continued: 47. "Medical Aspects of the Use of Force Continuum" -- Department of Justice Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Conference, Washington, DC; July 29, 2006. 48. "Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium" -- 7th Annual University of California Neurotrauma Meeting, Carmel, California; August 3, 2006. 49. "Use of Force: Sudden Death Myths and Excited Delirium" -- The Commission of Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) Less Lethal Technology Working Group Meeting, Washington, DC; September 10, 2006. 50. "Police In-Custody Deaths and the Taser Controversy" -- UCSD/SDSU General Preventive Medicine Residency Lecture Series, La Jolla, California; September 2006. 51. "Conductive Energy Devices: The medical aspects of Taser Electronic Control Devices (ECDs) and other Energy Devices" - Sudden Death, Excited Delirium and In-Custody Death Conference by the Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, Inc. Las Vegas, Nevada; November 16-17, 2006. 52. "Cardiac, Respiratory and Metabolic Effects ofEMD" - Study of Deaths Following Electro Muscular Disruption, Meeting of the Chief Medical Panel for the National Institute of Justice. Washington D.C.; January 9, 2007. 53. "The Medical Implications ofTasers and the Impact on EMS" -National Association of EMS Physicians National Conference. Naples, FL; January 12, 2007. 54. "Excited Delirium" - Solutions For Corrections Seminar for the California State Sheriff's Association. Ontario, CA; February 7, 2007. 55. "Excited delirium, positional asphyxia and restraint" -- EMS Today Conference, Baltimore, Maryland; March 10, 2007. 56. "Medical implications ofTasers and other Conductive Energy Devices" -- EMS Today Conference, Baltimore, Maryland; March 10, 2007. 57. "Excited Delirium" -- American Correctional Health Services Association, Oakland, California; September 19, 2007. 58. "Human Physiologic Effects of Tasers" - Study of Deaths Following Electro Muscular Disruption, Meeting of the Chief Medical Panel for the National Institute of Justice. Washington D.C.; September 27, 2007. 59. "The clinical impacts ofTASER and other Conductive Energy Devices on Humans: A Review of the latest Medical Research" - Sudden Death, Excited Delirium and In-Custody Death Conference by the Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, Inc. Las Vegas, Nevada; November 28-30, 2007. SELECTED SPEAKING E GAGEMENTS. continued: 60. "Physiological Effects ofTasers" -The City Council of Miami-Dade. Miami, Florida; January 17, 2008. 61. "Excited Delirium: What is it? Why does it kill? What do we need to know about it? Western States Winter Conference on Emergency Medicine. Park City, Utah, February 8, 2008. 62. "Medical Effects ofTasers" -The City Council of Houston. Houston, Texas; March 10, 2008. 63. "Less Lethal Weapons" - Emergency Nurses Association, San Diego Chapter. San Diego, California; April 18, 2008. 64. "The Clinical Impacts ofTASER and other Conductive Energy Devices on Humans and Why People Die Afterwards" -- American Correctional Health Services Association, San Diego, California; September 17, 2008. 65. "Police In-Custody Deaths and Excited Delirium" -- UCSD/SDSU General Preventive Medicine Residency Lecture Series, La Jolla, California; October 2008. 66. "The Clinical Impacts of TASER and other Conductive Energy Devices on Humans" Sudden Death, Excited Delirium and In-Custody Death Conference by the Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, Inc. Las Vegas, Nevada; October 29, 2008. 67. "Agitated Delirium - Role of Illicit Drug Use in Sudden Restraint Death" Western Medical Toxicology Fellowship Conference. San Diego, California; April 29, 2009. 68. "Conducted Energy Devices: Are They Safe Options?" Excited Delirium Conference by the Canadian Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, Inc. Niagara Falls, Canada; May 26, 2009. 69. "The Physiologic Effects of the Taser on Humans" UCSD Biomedical and Clinical Research Seminars. San Diego, California; June 2, 2009. 70. "The Taser-Plastic Surgery Interface" UCSD Department of Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds. San Diego, California; June 17, 2009. 71. "ECD Research Update and Safety Issues" - Sudden Death, Excited Delirium and In.Custody Death Conference by the Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, Inc. Las Vegas, Nevada; November 12, 2009. 72. "Use of the Restraint Chair and Positional Asphyxia" - Southern California Jail Manager's Association. Temecula, California; January 21, 2010. SELECTED SPEAKlNG ENGAGEMENTS, continued: 73. "Excited Delirium Challenges and Best ER Practices" Excited Delirium Conference by the Canadian Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, Inc. Niagara Falls, Canada; April 19, 2010. 74. "Excited Delirium and TASERs: What Physicians Need to Know" -Grand Rounds Scripps Encinitas Hospital. Encinitas, California; July 15, 2010. 75. "Excited Delirium and TASERs: What Physicians Need to Know" - Grand Rounds University Medical Center. Las Vegas Nevada; August 10, 2010. 76. "Review ofECD Research and Reported Cardiac Capture" - Sudden Death, Excited Delirium and In-Custody Death Conference by the Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, Inc. Las Vegas, Nevada; November 17, 2010. 76. "The Science Behind the American Heart Association ACLS Guidelines" -Puerto Vallarta ACLS Resuscitation Conference. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; February 18, 2011 . 77. "The Science Behind the American Heart Association ACLS Guidelines" - Cabo San Lucas ACLS Resuscitation Conference. Caho San Lucas, Mexico; March 25, 2011. 78. "ROC Cardiac Arrest Outcomes" - San Diego Resuscitation Conference. San Diego, California; April 9, 2011. 79. "Do Electronic Control Devices Kill Humans: Review of the Data" - Sudden Death, Excited Delirium and In-Custody Death Conference by the Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, Inc. Las Vegas, Nevada; November 16, 2011. 80. "Evaluation After Choking or Strangulation" - UCSD Forensic Nursing Conference. San Diego, California; April 28, 2012. 81 . "Prehospital Hypothermia for Cardiac Arrest" - Santa Clara County EMS Conference. San Jose, California; May 23, 2012. 82. "The Science Behind the American Heart Association ACLS Guidelines" - Cabo San Lucas ACLS Resuscitation Conference. Caho San Lucas, Mexico; August 21, 2012. 83 . "Acute Cerebral Accidents" - Hermosillo ACLS Resuscitation Conference. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico; September 11, 2012. 84. "Excited Delirium Syndrome: TASERS, Restraints, and Sudden Death" -Emergency Nurses Association Annual Conference. San Diego, California; September 15, 2012. 85. "Electronic Control Devices and the not so Shocking Truth about their Lethality" - Sudden Death, Excited Delirium and In-Custody Death Conference by the Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, Inc. Las Vegas, Nevada; November 14, 2012. SELECTED SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS, continued: 86. "Medical Evaluation and Detection of Dementia and Delirium" -Annual Update on Behavioral Emergencies Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada, December 5, 2012. 87. "Acute Cerebral Accidents" - Puerto Vallarta Resuscitation Conference. Puerto Vallarta Mexico; January 17, 2013. 88. "Excited Delirium Syndrome: TASERS, Restraints, and Sudden Death" -San Diego County Emergency Nurses Association 911 Conference. San Diego, California; April 19, 2013. 89. "Acute Cerebral Accidents" - Caho San Lucas Resuscitation Conference. Caho San Lucas Mexico; April 27, 2013. 90. "Acute Myocardial Infarction" -Mazatlan Resuscitation Conference. Mazatlan Mexico; May 7, 2013. 91. "Hypothermia Post Cardiac Arrest" -Acapulco Resuscitation Conference. Acapulco, Mexico; May 28, 2013. 92. "Bath Salts and In-Custody Death"- National Sheriffs Association. Charlotte, NC; June 25, 2013. 93. "Updates in Cardiac Arrest: The ROC Trials" -Mexico Association of Emergency Medicine Emergency Update Conference. Mexico City, Mexico; June 28, 2013. 94. "Management of Head Trauma" -Mexico Association of Emergency Medicine Emergency Update Conference. Mexico City, Mexico; June 28, 2013. 95. "Hypothermia Post Cardiac Arrest" -La Paz Resuscitation Conference. La Paz, Mexico; July 22, 2013. 96. "Management of Head Trauma" -Mexico Association of Emergency Medicine Emergency Update Conference. Monterrey, Mexico; September 26, 2013. 97. "Updates in Cardiac Arrest: The ROC Trials" -Mexico Association of Emergency Medicine Emergency Update Conference. Monterrey, Mexico; September 26, 2013. 98. "Risk Management and Minimizing Malpractice Exposure" - UCSD Department of Orthopedics Grand Rounds, San Diego, CA October 2, 2013. 99. "Decreasing Your Risk in Labor and Delivery" - UCSD 9th Annual Perinatal Symposium, San Diego, CA October 11, 2013. 100. "Excited Delirium Syndrome: TASERS, Restraints, and Sudden Death" - UCSD Department of Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, San Diego, CA November 11, 2013. SELECTED SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS, continued: 101. "Excited Delirium Syndrome" - Annual Update on Behavioral Emergencies Conference. Orlando, Florida; December 12, 2013. 102. "The importance of CT on the initial evaluation of a trauma patient: ABC or AB-CT ?" Primero Simposium Internacional BNH con UCSD Celebrado en Los Cabos. Los Cabos, Mexico; December 7, 2013. 103. "Management of Head Trauma" -Emergency Medicine Update Conference. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; December 18, 2013. 104. "Updates in Cardiac Arrest: The ROC Trials" - Emergency Medicine Update Conference. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; December 18, 2013. 105. "Pulmonary Embolism: Evaluation and Treatment"- 25 th Annual Mexico Emergency Medicine Congress. Acapulco, Mexico; February 20, 2014. 106. "Management of Head Trauma" -Emergency Medicine Update Conference. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; March 5, 2014. 107. "Updates in Cardiac Arrest: The ROC Trials" - Emergency Medicine Update Conference. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; March 5, 2015. 108. "Management of Burns" -Trauma Update Conference. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; April 3, 2014. 109. "Management of Head Trauma" -Trauma Update Conference. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; April 3, 2014. 110. "Cuffs, Chains and Chairs" - Restraint and In-Custody Death Conference by the Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, Inc. Las Vegas, Nevada; April 24, 2014. 111. "Management of Burns" -Trauma Update Conference. Los Cabos, Mexico; June 5, 2014. 112. "Management of Head Trauma" - Primera Feria Annual de la Salud. Guadalajara, Mexico; July 18, 2014 113. "Management of Burns" - Primera Feria Annual de la Salud. Guadalajara, Mexico; July 18, 2014. 114. "Updates in Cardiac Arrest: The ROC Trials" -Primera Feria Annual de la Salud. Guadalajara, Mexico; July 18, 2014. 115. "Pulmonary Embolism: Evaluation and Treatment"- Primera Feria Annual de la Salud. Guadalajara, Mexico; July 18, 2014. 116. "Risk Management and Minimizing Malpractice Exposure" - UCSD Department of Anesthesia Pain Service Grand Rounds, San Diego, CA September 24, 2014. 117. "The AB Cs of CPR" -Huatulco Resuscitation Conference. Huatulco, Mexico; October 2, 2014. 118. "Risk Management and Minimizing Malpractice Exposure" - UCSD Division of Gastroenterology Grand Rounds, San Diego, CA October 16, 2014. 119. "Identification and Treatment of Excited Delirium Syndrome" - Annual Update on Behavioral Emergencies Conference. Scottsdale, Arizona; December 11, 2014. 120. "Autopsy of an In-Custody Death" - Defense Research Institute Annual Conference, San Diego, CA January 30, 2015. 121. "TASERS: The shocking truth"- 26th Annual Mexico Emergency Medicine Congress. Mazatlan, Mexico; February 5, 2015. 122. "Resuscitation Update: CPR, Hypothermia and new devices" - 26th Annual Mexico Emergency Medicine Congress. Mazatlan, Mexico; February 5, 2015. 123. "Management of Head Trauma" - Segundo Feria Annual de la Salud. Guadalajara, Mexico; May 22, 2015. 124. "Updates in Cardiac Arrest: The ROC Trials" - Segundo Feria Annual de la Salud. Guadalajara, Mexico; May 22, 2015. 125. "Pulmonary Embolism: Evaluation and Treatment"- Segundo Feria Annual de la Salud. Guadalajara, Mexico; May 22, 2015. 126. "Resuscitation Update: CPR, Hypothermia and new devices" - Altitude and Travel Medicine Symposium. Cusco, Peru; August 21, 2015. 127. "Approaches to Stabilization, Transfer and Disposition of Tourist with Multiple TraumaAltitude and Travel Medicine Symposium. Cusco, Peru; August 21, 2015. 128. "Risk Management and Minimizing Malpractice Exposure" - UCSD Department of Orthopedics Grand Rounds, San Diego, CA December 2, 2015. 129. "Ketamine and EMS" -Annual Update on Behavioral Emergencies Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada; December 3, 2015. 130. "Pulmonary Embolism: Evaluation and Treatment"- 27th Annual Mexico Emergency Medicine Congress. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; February 4, 2016. 131. "The importance of CT on the initial evaluation of a trauma patient: ABC or AB-CT ?" - 27th Annual Mexico Emergency Medicine Congress. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; February 4, 2016. SELECTED SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS, continued: 132. "Risk Management and Minimizing Malpractice Exposure" - UCSD Department of Dermatology Grand Rounds, San Diego, CA February 11, 2016. APPENDIXB Deposition Testimony September 6, 2013 Gail Waters v City and County of Denver, et al. U.S. District Court, District of Colorado Case No. 12-cv-1856-MSK-BNB Attorney: Wendy Shea Defense: In custody death, TASER, weight force December 3, 2013 Edwin Burris, plaintiff v Lester E. Cox Medical Centers, et al Circuit Court of Green County, Missouri at Springfield Case No: 1231-CV30973 Attorney: Randy Cowherd Defense: Alleged Missed CVA March 13, 2014 Charlene Nelson v. County of Riverside, et al Superior Court of the State of California, County of Riverside Case No.: RIClO0l 1174 Attorney: Art Cunningham Defense: In custody death, restraint asphyxia, TASER April 10, 2014 Jason Patti v The State of Arizona, et al. Maricopa County Superior Court Case# CV2012-011263 Attorney: Bob Grasso Defense: SBO from ingesting a glove April30,2014 Estate of William D. Mackey, et al v Horizon Human Services, Inc, et al Maricopa County Superior Court Case # CV 2011-022086 Attorney : Marshall Humphrey Defense: Choking death July 29, 2014 Irving Marquez v. Eddy County, et al U.S. District Court, District of New Mexico Case#: 11-CV-838 DJS/WDS Attorney: Jonlyn Martinez Defense: West Nile Virus Encephalitis in custody delay in diagnosis August 13, 2014 Rickey Burtchett v Lester E. Cox Medical Center, et al The Circuit Court of Greene County, Missouri Case#: 1231-CV13544 Attorney: Randy Cowherd Defense: Delay in diagnosis of arterial occlusion August 23, 2014 Louis DePasquale, et al v Garrett Emery, M.D. District Court Of Utah, Third Judicial District, Salt Lake County Case#: 130907530 Attorney: Pete Summerill Plaintiff: Missed perforated duodenal ulcer September 2, 2014 Estate of George Salgado, et al. v. Miami-Dade County, et al. U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida Case# 12-cv-24458 King/Torres Attorney: Oscar Marrrero Defense: In custody death, TASER, ExDS September 30, 2014 Estate of Ronald H. Armstrong v. Pinehurst, et al. Superior Court of North Carolina, Moore County Case No. l:13-CV-407 Attorney: Dan Hartzog Defense: In custody death, TASER, Positional Asphyxia, ExDS November 11 , 2014 Brejanea Burley, et al v. County of Los Angeles, et al. Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles, South District Case No. TC027341 Attorney: Tim Kral Defense: In custody death, TASER, OC Spray, Asphyxia, ExDS March 2, 2015 Khang Le, et al v. City of El Monte, et al Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles, South District Case No. BC497169 Attorney: Peter Ferguson Defense: In custody death, neck hold, positional restraint, TASER May 8, 2015 Laura Wilbanks v Banner Health, et al Superior Court For The State Of Alaska Fourth Judicial District At Fairbanks Case No. 4FA-13-1917 CI Attorney: Mike Stepovich Plaintiff: Missed CVA June 18, 2015 Frederick Ronald Thomas, Jr. v. City of Fullerton, et al Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Orange Case No. 30-2012-00581299 Attorney: Barry Hassenberg Defense: In custody death, TASER, positional restraint September 10, 2015 Bridget Wiseman v. City of Fullerton, et al Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Orange Case No. 30-2013-00643502-CU-PO-CJC Attorney: Barry Hassenberg Defense: Hanging at a jail October 9, 2015 Damion Russell v. City of Los Angeles, et al U.S. District Court, Central District of California Case No. CV14-9433-JFW-(Ex) Attorney: Christian Bojorquez Defense: In custody death, positional restraint, TASER January 13, 2016 Michelle Ernst v. Creek County Public Facilities Authority, et al U.S District Court, Northern District of Oklahoma Case# 14-CV-504-GKF-PJC Attorney: Mickey Walsh Plaintiff: Jail suicide February 12, 2016 V.W, minor v. City of Vallejo et al U.S. District Court, Eastern District of California, Sacramento Div Case# 2:12-CV-01629-LK.K-AC Attorney: Sean Conley Defense: In custody death, positional restraint, TASER, neck hold February 23, 2016 Aimee Bevan v. Santa Fe County, et al State of New Mexico, County of Santa Fe First Judicial Court Case# D-101-CV-2015-00061 Attorney: Mark Komer Defense: In custody death, heroin OD July 29, 2016 Jeremy Leon Bordegaray v. County of Santa Barbara, et al. U.S. District Court, Central District of California Case No. 2:14-cv-08610-CAS-JPR Attorney: Mary Pat Barry Defense: Officer involved shooting and AED use October 26, 2016 James Mayfield v. County of Sacramento, et al U.S. District Court, Eastern District of California Case No. 2.13-cv-2499 JAM AC PS Attorney: Van Longyear Defense: Jail medical care, spinal injury from suicide attempt November 1, 2016 Donald Liess, Individually and as Successor-In-Interest to Darren Liess, et al vs. City of Los Angeles, et al U.S. District Court, Central District of California Case No. CV14-4374-PA-FFM Attorney: Christian Bojorquez Defense: In Custody Death, position restraint November 11, 2016 Rose v. Coconino County, et al. U.S. District Court, District of Arizona Case No. 3:15-cv-08150-PGR Attorney: Milt Hathaway Defense: In Custody Death, position restraint, TASER December 2, 2016 Gary Everett and Donald Everett v. Bristol Hospital, et al Judicial District of Hartford at Hartford Case No: CV 07-60553331-S Attorney: Tim Grady Defense: Spinal Epidural Abscess December 16, 2016 Juan Isaac Garza v County of Los Angeles, et al. Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles, Central District Case No.: BC553211 Attorney: Lou Pappas Defense: Self-induced head injury at jail January 9, 2017 William Mears v. City of Los Angeles U. S. District Court, Central District of California Case No.: CVlS-08441 JAK (AJWx) Attorney: Christian Bojorguez Defense: In custody death, taser, ExDS, restraint January 20, 2017 Cheryl Marden v. Midland County U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Michigan, Northern Division Case No. 1:15-CV-14504-TLL-PTM Attorney: Patrick Aseltyne Defense: In custody death, restraint, spit mask February 3, 2017 Circuit Court of Cape Girardeau County, State of Missouri Mary Williams v St. Francis Medical Center Case# 15CG-CC00160 Attorney : Stephen Woodley Plaintiff: Missed CVA April 13, 2017 Leon Howard (Boscon) v Town of Bernalillo, et al U.S. District Court, Eastern Stae of New Mexico, County of Sandoval, Thirteenth Judicial District Court Case No. D-1329-CV-2015-01602 Attorney: Nick Autio Defense: In custody death, meth intoxication, ExDS April 26, 2017 Ryan v County of Los Angeles, et al Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles - Western District Case No. SC120113 Attorney: David Weiss Defense: EMS cervical spine injury May 10, 2017 Huai Wang et al v SSM Health Care St. Louis, et al. Circuit Court of St. Louis County, Missouri Twenty-first Judicial Circuit Case No. 15SL-CC00725 Attorney: Joan Lockwood Plaintiff: Delay in treatment of ACS Trial Testimony December 16, 2013 People of the State of California v. Jay Cicinelli Superior Court, Orange County Attorney: Michael Schwartz Defense: Murder/manslaughter case, positional restraint January 22, 2014 Gail Waters v. City and County of Denver, et al. U.S. District Court, District of Colorado Case No. 12-cv-1856-MSK-BNB Attorney: Wendy Shea Defense: In custody death, TASER, weight force March 7, 2014 Charles Kretek, et al v. Board of Commissioners of Luna County, et al. U.S. District Court, District of New Mexico Case No. CIV-11-676 RB/GBW Attorney: Jonlyn Martinez Defense: In custody death, TASER, OC spray, weight force April 22, 2014 Carole Krechman v County of Riverside, et al U.S. District Court, Central District of California, Riverside County Case# CV 10-08705 Attorney: Bruce Disenhouse Defense In custody death, compression asphyxia May 13, 2014 Audry Henry v. City of Los Angeles, et al U.S. District Court, Central District of California, Western Division Case No. CV13-03151 JAK (MRWx) Attorney: Christian Bojorquez Defense: In custody death, positional restraint, neck hold, TASER August 22, 2014 Ester Katz, et al v County of Riverside, et al Superior Court of the State of California, County of Riverside Case#: RIC 1213947 Attorney: Arthur Cunningham Defense: In custody death, OC spray October 7, 2014 Estate of Marvin L. Booker, et al v. City and County of Denver, et al U.S. District Court, District of Colorado Case No: 11-cv-00645-RBJ-KMT Attorney: Tom Rice Defense: In custody death, positional restraint, TASER, neck hold December 9, 2014 Brejanea Burley, et al v. County of Los Angeles, et al. Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles, South District Case No. TC027341 Attorney: Louis Pappas Defense: In custody death, TASER, Asphyxia, ExDS March 3, 2015 Steve Kassab v. San Diego Police Department, et al U.S. District Court, Southern District of California Case No. 07cv1071 Attorney: Stacy Plotldn-Wolff Defense: Hyperthermia allegation from being in police car October 14, 2015 Tevin Bell v. County of San Diego, et al U.S. District Court, Southern District of California Case No. 14cvl 767-H (MDD) Attorney:CarraRhamy Defense: TASER, neck hold, blunt force trauma October 27, 2015 Donald Ivy Grand Jury Investigation Albany County Supreme Court Case No. 1503156 Attorney David Rossi Expert: TASER November 4, 2015 Frederick Ronald Thomas, Jr. v. City of Fullerton, et al 402 Hearing Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Orange Case No. 30-2012-00581299 Attorney: Barry Hassenberg Defense: In custody death, TASER, positional restraint November 4, 2016 Gladis Herrera, et al., v. City of Ontario, et al. Central District of California Case No. EDCV 15-1370 JGB (SPx) Attorney: Daniel Roberts Defense: TASER, gunshot wound to head December 14, 2016 Donald Liess, et al vs. City of Los Angeles, et al U.S. District Court, Central District of California Case No. CV14-4374-PA-FFM Attorney: Christian Bojorquez Defense: In Custody Death, position restraint May 2, 2017 Yolanda Erickson v City of Phoenix, et al U.S. District Court, District of Arizona Case No. 2:14-cv.:.01942 Attorney: Kathleen Weineke Defense: In Custody Death, taser, neck hold APPENDIXC Gary Michael Vilke, A1D, FA CEP, FAAEM 11582 Normanton Way San Diego, California 92131 (619) 666-8643 Fee Schedule FEE SCHEDULE For case material review, research, report writing, deposition and trial preparation, and telephonic or in person meetings: 500.00/ hour A retainer for 3 hours (1500.00) may be requested in advance. For deposition and trial testimony: $3000.00 for depositions lasting up to 4 hours. Additional deposition and trial testimony time will be billed at the hourly rate of $750.00/hour. For depositions, a check for $3000.00 needs to be provided prior to the start of the deposition. TRAVEL If travel out of county (more than 100 miles) for deposition or trial is required: Business class airline tickets to and from to be arranged and paid for by the requesting firm/agency. Hotel accommodations to be arranged and paid for by the requesting firm/agency. Transportation to and from the airport in the host city will be arranged and be paid for by the requesting firm/agency. Time for travel will be billed at the standard review rate up to 4 hours each direction. The time starts at departure from home until arrival in host city, and from departure from host city until arrival home. If travel is within the county (less than 100 miles) for deposition or trial is required: Time for travel will be billed at the standard review rate up to 2 hours each direction. The time starts at departure from home until arrival at the depo/trial site, and from departure until arrival home. CANCELLATION: A cancellation fee of $1500.00 will be charged if a trial or deposition is cancelled with less than 48 hours notice from the agreed upon scheduled time within San Diego County, or within 96 hours outside of San Diego County.