Earl Warren Institute on Law and Social Policy Report on Secure Communities 2011
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RESEARCH Report | October 2011 BerkeleyLaw UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute on Law and Social Policy Secure Communities by the Numbers: An Analysis of Demographics and Due Process By Aarti Kohli, Peter L. Markowitz and Lisa Chavez* Berkeley Law Center for Research and Administration 2850 Telegraph Avenue Suite 500 Berkeley, CA 94705 Introduction Like earlier programs such as the 287(g) pro- The United States will deport a record num- Phone: (510) 642-8568 ber of individuals this year, due in large part Fax: (510) 643-7095 to rapidly expanding federal immigration pro- www.warreninstitute.org grams that rely on local law enforcement. The numbers are sobering: annual deportations have increased over 400% since 1996 and more About the Warren Institute The Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute on Law and Social Policy is a multidisciplinary, collaborative venture to produce research, research-based policy prescriptions and curricular innovation on the most challenging civil rights, education, criminal justice, family and economic security, immigration and healthcare issues facing California and the Nation. than a million people have been removed from this country since the beginning of the Obama administration.1 Almost 300,000 individuals are currently in deportation proceedings but have not yet been removed.2 The newest and most controversial immigration enforcement program partnering with local law enforcement is Secure Communities. Secure Communities was introduced by the Bush administration in March 2008 and piloted in 14 jurisdictions beginning in October 2008.3 Under President Obama, the program has expanded dramatically. As of the drafting of this report, Secure Communities is active in 1,595 jurisdictions in 44 states and territories, a 65% increase since the beginning of this year.4 The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has stated that it plans to have the program active in all jurisdictions in the United States by 2013.5 gram and the Criminal Alien Program (CAP), Secure Communities mobilizes local law enforcement agencies’ resources to enforce federal civil immigration laws.6 Whereas earlier programs such as 287(g) trained law enforcement agents to assist with immigration enforcement, Secure Communities relies heavily on almost instantaneous electronic data sharing.7 This data sharing has transformed the landscape of immigration enforcement by allowing ICE to effectively run federal immigration checks on every individual booked into a local county jail, usually while still in pre-trial custody. It has long been the case that local law enforcement agencies electronically share fingerprint data from the people they arrest with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). If that data comes from a Secure Communities jurisdiction, however, the FBI now forwards the fingerprints to the DHS.8 DHS checks the fingerprints against the Automated Biometric Identification System, also known as IDENT, a fingerprint repository containing information on over 91 million individuals, including travelers, applicants for immigration benefits, and immigrants who have previously violated immigration laws.9 When a match is detected, * Aarti Kohli is Director of Immigration Policy at the Warren Institute at the University of California, Berkeley Law. Peter L. Markowitz is Associate Clinical Professor of Law at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law where he directs the Kathryn O. Greenberg Immigration Justice Clinic. Lisa Chavez is a Senior Research Associate at the Warren Institute. Secure Communites by the Numbers | O c t o b e r 2 0 11 1 ICE reportedly examines its records to determine whether Key findings include: the person is deportable. If ICE believes an individual may be deportable, or if ICE wishes to further investigate an • Approximately 3,600 United States citizens have individual’s immigration status, then ICE issues a detainer. been arrested by ICE through the Secure Communities The detainer is a request to the local police to notify immi- program; gration authorities when the individual is going to be • More than one-third (39%) of individuals arrested released from criminal custody and to hold the individual through Secure Communities report that they have for up to two days for transfer to ICE. a U.S. citizen spouse or child, meaning that approxi- 10 Despite the scrutiny that the program has generated in the public sphere,11 the federal government has conducted limited systematic analysis of its own data on individuals who have been impacted by Secure Communities; • Latinos comprise 93% of individuals arrested are arrested under Secure Communities. To address this through Secure Communities though they only gap in knowledge, the Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute comprise 77% of the undocumented population on Law and Social Policy at UC Berkeley School of Law has in the United States; 12 undertaken a comprehensive study of data provided by the • Only 52% of individuals arrested through Secure federal government to the National Day Labor Organizing Communities are slated to have a hearing before Network (NDLON), the Center for Constitutional Rights, an immigration judge; and the Kathryn O. Greenberg Immigration Justice Clinic at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law pursuant to a partial settlement in NDLON v. ICE.13 This initial report is the first in a series based on that data. • Only 24% of individuals arrested through Secure Communities and who had immigration hearings had an attorney compared to 40% of all immigration court respondents who have counsel; In this report, we attempt to better understand the profile • Only 2% of non-citizens arrested through Secure of individuals who have been apprehended through Secure Communities are granted relief from deportation Communities and the process they have encountered by an immigration judge as compared to 14% of all as they are funneled through the system.14 Overall, the immigration court respondents who are granted relief; findings point to a system in which individuals are • A large majority (83%) of people arrested through pushed through rapidly, without appropriate checks or opportunities to challenge their detention and/or deportation. This conclusion is particularly concerning given Secure Communities is placed in ICE detention as compared with an overall DHS immigration detention rate of 62%, and ICE does not appear to be that the findings also reveal that people are being appre- exercising discretion based on its own prioritiza- hended who should never have been placed in immigration tion system when deciding whether or not to detain custody, and that certain groups are over-represented in an individual. our sample population. 2 mately 88,000 families with U.S. citizen members O c t o b e r 2 0 11 | Secure Communites by the Numbers The Troubled History of Secure Communities The Secure Communities program was designed by DHS, together with the FBI, and touted as a tool to improve public safety by deporting dangerous “criminal aliens.”15 ICE first introduced Secure Communities on a countyby-county basis, beginning with Harris County, Texas,16 and suggested that participation would be voluntary for localities, as CAP and 287(g) had always been.17 However, after several counties expressed a desire not to participate in Secure Communities, the federal government reversed its position. DHS announced that since memorandums of agreement (MOAs) were signed at the state-level,18 once a state had signed an MOA, then DHS maintained that localities in that state would not be able to “opt-out” of Secure Communities.19 The role of states in Secure Communities was tested recently, when Illinois, Massachusetts, and New York sought to withdraw from the program or declined to sign MOAs authorizing initiation of the program in 2011.20 In response, DHS declared that participation is compulsory for all jurisdictions nationwide; states and localities do not have the option to opt-out.21 Some counties have now begun using other mechanisms to limit ICE’s jail based enforcement programs, such as refusing to hold certain individuals on ICE detainers for transfer into immigration detention.22 officials and advocates have critiqued it on a number of fronts.24 First, the program is criticized for its spillover effects on local and community policing. ICE has maintained that Secure Communities does not impact local policing because it is merely a data-sharing program related to routine fingerprint checks.25 However, there is a strong perception in immigrant communities that local police are acting as ICE agents.26 Advocates maintain that this perception results in victims and witnesses not coming forward to police in fear of deportation.27 In addition, community and advocacy groups have asserted that Secure Communities is creating an incentive for some local law enforcement agencies to engage in racial profiling through the targeting of Latinos for minor violations or pretextual arrests.28 Demographic data in our research provides some support for these assertions but further research needs to be conducted on this issue. A second major critique is that the program has not stayed true to its stated goal of removing only those serious offenders who pose a threat to public safety. Instead it has led to the mass deportation of low-level offenders, such as people who violate traffic laws and people without criminal histories at all.29 Secure Communities was introduced administratively, rather than through Congressional mandate, although Congress did comply with the administration’s request for funding by appropriating $200 million in each of FY 2009 and 2010 to fund Following the opt-out requests by states and mounting Secure Communities.30 The Secure Communities program criticism from advocates and government officials, the funding was part of a larger appropriation for identify- federal government established a Task Force on Secure ing and removing non-citizens convicted of crimes.31 Yet, Communities as a subcommittee of the Homeland Security according to ICE’s own figures, well over half of those Advisory Council (HSAC). The task force included state deported through Secure Communities had either no and local government officials, as well as representatives criminal convictions or had been convicted only of very of law enforcement, the private sector and academia, and minor offenses, including traffic offenses.32 This picture was charged with identifying ways to reduce the impact has remained relatively constant in the year since this of Secure Communities on local community policing. initial data became available. An examination of the offenses The task force released a draft report in September 2011, leading to a deportation through Secure Communities which recommended more transparency, accountability will be contained in our next report. and a stronger focus on individuals who pose a threat to public safety.23 Some task force members resigned because they did not feel the recommendations went far enough, instead, they urged that the program should be ended. A final set of concerns which has received somewhat less attention relate to a lack of due process for the individuals identified for removal by Secure Communities. These concerns reflect the challenges for all immigrants facing The HSAC report acknowledged that while ICE has deportation since the passage of the Illegal Immigrant hailed Secure Communities as the new face of immi- Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) and gration enforcement, policy-makers, law enforcement Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA) Secure Communites by the Numbers | O c t o b e r 2 0 11 3 custody. One of the most disturbing findings Although the level of detail varies, this form describes the current charge and the criminal and immigration history of the person. The I-213s are not the main focus in our research is that 1.6% of cases of this research, they will instead be the subject of our next we analyzed were U.S. citizens... We find report examining the criminal and immigration history of that approximately 3,600 U.S. citizens have been apprehended by ICE. those individuals processed through Secure Communities. Who is Affected by Secure Communities? While some general characteristics of deportees in the United States are known, such as their countries of in 1996. Together these pieces of legislation created a origin, much harsher framework by broadly expanding the types population. As Secure Communities expands, it is impor- of crime that can lead to deportation and by establish- tant to understand information such as age, gender, ing a mandatory detention system for certain criminal and family characteristics to provide a fuller picture of offenses.33 IIRIRA also instituted certain administrative who is being placed in deportation proceedings. Family removal mechanisms that allow immigration officials to characteristics in particular are important to gauge summarily remove noncitizens without a hearing before whether children and/or spouses39 are being impacted an immigration judge.34 Further, IIRIRA constrained the by deportations. ability of immigration judges to grant relief even in com- U.S. Citizens Apprehended pelling deportation cases.35 Advocates and immigration On its Secure Communities website, ICE acknowledges lawyers have argued that individuals who enter deportation that there might be IDENT matches, or hits, for U.S. citi- proceedings through Secure Communities and similar zens for a number of reasons, including that naturalization programs experience even more limited due process rights data has not been updated in its databases.40 ICE has never and protections than the already very limited protections published any data indicating the number or percentage in place since IIRIRA.36 These claims are substantiated by of citizens who have been apprehended through Secure the data in this report. Communities. If Secure Communities were working Data and Analysis remains unknown regarding this properly, U.S. citizen hits should never result in the apprehension of such individuals for deportation because U.S. The findings in this report are based on a random national citizens cannot be deported. One of the most disturbing sample of 375 individuals who were identified as “IDENT- findings in our research is that 1.6% of cases we analyzed Matches” by the Secure Communities Program and were were U.S. citizens and all were apprehended by ICE.41 If we apprehended37 by ICE after October 1, 2008, the pro- extrapolate that number to the 226,694 cumulative admin- gram’s formal start date. As noted above, this sample was istrative arrests and/or bookings into ICE custody from obtained pursuant to a partial settlement of a Freedom of Secure Communities’ inception, then we find that approxi- Information Act lawsuit against the federal government mately 3,600 US citizens have been apprehended by ICE by NDLON, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and the from the inception of the program through April 2011.42 Kathryn O. Greenberg Immigration Justice Clinic at the What do these apprehensions indicate? Our dataset con- Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law. The ICE data consists of demographic information, detentions and enforcement actions. We also received data on immigration court proceedings from the Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR) regarding bond and court proceedings.38 Pursuant to the stipulation, ICE provided the narrative portion of the I-213, a form filled out by the ICE official who administratively arrests and questions the individual in immigration 4 much O c t o b e r 2 0 11 | Secure Communites by the Numbers tains limited information, but we know that the U.S. citizens were not officially booked into an ICE detention facility, but were arrested, held in custody for some period and presumably subject to questioning regarding their immigration status. No data is available on their length of time in ICE custody. One of the U.S. citizens in our dataset appears to have been arrested on a criminal not on an immigration charge, which indicates that all U.S. citizen apprehensions are not necessarily unlawful. However, Demographic Data the best available data on the remaining five U.S. citizens There is no definitive dataset on the characteristics of apprehended in our dataset suggests that they were wrong- individuals who are placed in deportation proceedings in fully apprehended for civil deportation. the United States. To see whether any patterns emerge in Recent litigation on wrongful deportations and detentions this report, we compared the age, gender and country of indicates that the consequences for U.S. citizens appre- origin of people in our sample population with existing hended by ICE may be severe. If Secure Communities is datasets on noncitizens and on unauthorized immigrants.48 to continue, at the very least ICE must improve its record- Age & Gender49 keeping to indicate the circumstances under which U.S. Previous research indicates that 43% of the population of citizens are apprehended by ICE and to indicate if and undocumented residents in the U.S. are women and 57% for how long, the person is held for questioning by an are men.50 By contrast, 93% of individuals in our Secure ICE official. Communities sample were categorized as males. The U.S. Citizen Family Members median age of individuals in our data is 29-years-old with Notably 39% of the people identified for deportation by 11% age 21 or younger. Since our data does not contain 43 ICE in our study reported having a U.S. citizen family member. Thirty-seven percent reported a U.S. citizen child and 5% reported a U.S. citizen spouse. This may reflect an undercount as immigrants may fear disclosing personal information to immigration authorities, particularly if they live in mixed-status families and fear negative consequences for family members. As the number of individuals who are placed in deportation proceedings grows, so does the impact on their families and communities. Demographers have noted that over 4 million children have undocumented parents in the United States.44 A recent research report in the Harvard Educational Review highlights the negative impacts of the fear of deportation on both U.S. citizen children and undocumented children of unauthorized parents. Researchers note, “[t]he implications of growing up in an unauthorized family span a variety of developmental contexts . . . including psychological well-being, mental health, physical health, education, and employment.”45 These findings are particularly worrisome as the number information on length of residence in the United States, it is difficult to ascertain whether these individuals are recent migrants or were brought to the U.S. as children. The federal government’s data indicates that 61% of the current unauthorized population entered before the year 2000.51 If that percentage is applied to our population then a significant portion can be assumed to have entered the U.S. as children. These figures indicate that individuals processed through Secure Communities are, on average, younger than the general noncitizen population, which has a median age of 40.52 Since Secure Communities is intended to target criminal aliens, these data might be interpreted to reinforce the notion that men are more likely to commit crime than women. While that is true generally, FBI data indicates that females represented 25% of arrests nationwide in 2009.53 In contrast, the share of females in our sample population is 7%. Without more information, it is difficult to reach conclusions as to the significance of the over-representation of males who are being processed through of deportations increase. No data exists as to what per- Secure Communities. centage of children and spouses leave the United States Ethnicity along with their deported family members but anecdotal There are different points of comparison for national- evidence points to increasing family separations. ity data. Data on all foreign-born persons54 in the United 46 Extrapolating out to the total cumulative administrative arrests and/or bookings into ICE custody since the inception of Secure Communities we find that approximately 88,000 families with US citizen members were affected by Secure Communities from its inception through April 2011.47 States indicate that 53% are from Latin America, 28% from Asia and 13% from Europe.55 The unauthorized population has a different composition, with 77% from Latin America, 13% from Asia and 6% from Europe and Canada.56 By either measure, however, Latinos57 are disproportionately impacted by Secure Communities. The data indicate that 93% of the people identified for deportation Secure Communites by the Numbers | O c t o b e r 2 0 11 5 charged with removal based on a criminal conviction while others were charged with removal for a civil immigration Over 8 in 10 (83%) of the individuals violation or were issued no charge at all.62 Moreover, previous research studies have demonstrated that noncitizens in our sample were booked into an are less likely, not more, to engage in criminal behavior. ICE detention facility as compared to representation in state and local jails and prisons thereby Research has shown that immigrants have lower rates of questioning the perception of immigrant criminality.63 a 6 in 10 (62%) detention rate for all Our next report will examine more closely the criminal his- DHS immigration apprehensions. tory of the individuals in our Secure Communities sample but these initial data raise further questions as to why young Latino men are disproportionately represented in Secure Communities enforcement actions. through Secure Communities are from Latin American countries, while 2% are from Asia and 1% are from Europe and Canada.58 The overwhelmingly large percentage of Latinos among those identified for deportation by Secure The Secure Communities Program technically should not Communities raises serious questions. affect the due process rights and protections for individu- ICE has consistently maintained that Secure Communities does not impact local policing because it is merely a fingerprint check and that it actually protects against racial profiling because the fingerprint checks are run on all persons arrested or booked into local facilities. However, as the Homeland Security Advisory Council found, there is a strong perception in immigrant communities that the local police are acting as ICE agents.59 Community and advocacy groups have also asserted that Secure Communities is, in some jurisdictions, masking local law enforcement agen- als in immigration proceedings, given that it is supposed to be a simple data sharing mechanism. Nevertheless, the rollout of the program has resulted in dramatic increases in the number of people entering deportation proceedings,64 and little is known about what happens to these individuals once they are in ICE custody. In the following section, we examine four key issues: the availability of hearings before an immigration judge, detention pending removal, legal representation during the process, and immigration arrest outcomes.65 cies’ practice of racial profiling.60 These jurisdictions are Hearings Before an Immigration Judge criticized for targeting Latinos for minor violations and Given that the “severe penalty”66 of deportation is at issue pre-textual arrests with the actual goal of initiating immigration checks through the Secure Communities system.61 6 Due Process in Secure Communities Proceedings for everyone who is apprehended and detained because of Secure Communities we might assume that individu- As outlined above, the data in our sample indicate that als processed through Secure Communities have access noncitizens who are arrested and brought to a local jail, to an immigration judge. Unfortunately, not every type of and thus subject to Secure Communities, fit a particular removal process entitles the person to appear before an profile, namely a young Latino male. Some might assert immigration judge. These categories include administrative that since Secure Communities targets criminal aliens, this and expedited removals. Through administrative remov- profile makes sense because they presume that this popu- als, ICE officers can deport individuals with an aggravated lation (young immigrant Latino males) is more likely to felony conviction who are not lawful permanent residents engage in criminal behavior than the average U.S. citizen. or conditional permanent residents when removal pro- This assertion is, however, not supported by the data. When ceedings begin. Expedited removals involve the removal of ICE begins deportation proceedings against an individual, certain individuals who have not been formally admitted it issues a removal charge indicating the reason for depor- to the United States or who arrive in the United States.67 tation. As explained further below, only approximately In addition, ICE can simply have orders of removal rein- one quarter (27%) of the individuals in our sample were stated without a further hearing for individuals who have O c t o b e r 2 0 11 | Secure Communites by the Numbers Detention Pending Removal Figure 1 | Type of Proceeding Initiated Whether or not they are deported, immigrants identified through the Secure Communities program face potential Administrative Removal 4% Voluntary Return 11% due process infringements arising from their detention Expedited Removal 1% while they await the disposition of their cases. Whether a person is in or out of custody during their removal proceedings has a tremendous impact on their ability to obtain counsel and on their ultimate chances of prevailing and being allowed to remain in the United States.72 Over 8 in 10 (83%) Unknown 6% of the individuals in our sample were booked into an ICE detention facility as compared to a 6 in 10 (62%) detention rate for all DHS immigration apprehensions.73 Detention for immigrants facing possible deportation is, by DHS’ own assessment, the equivalent of criminal incarceration. Hearing 52% Reinstatement 26% Notably unlike criminal defendants, however, immigration detainees are not afforded the basic procedural protections that come with criminal proceedings. Immigration detainees are not provided with attorneys; large categories are not previously been ordered removed—even if such previous afforded the right to bond due to harsh mandatory deten- orders were entered in absentia. In some limited circum- tion laws; and are not guaranteed a trial in the venue where stances such as a claim of fear of persecution upon return, they were arrested, but rather are routinely transferred these categories of persons may be eligible for a hearing in thousands of miles away to remote detention facilities in far front of an immigration judge. off jurisdictions. In a 2009 audit of the immigration deten- 68 The data reveals that slightly more than half (52%) of people identified through the Secure Communities program had the opportunity to appear before an immigration judge following their Secure Communities apprehension (see Figure 1).69 One percent of our population was returned through expedited removal, and only 4% through administrative removal. Eleven percent accepted voluntary return, a discretionary grant by ICE officials that allows an individual to leave without a formal order of removal. The last 26% had their removal order reinstated and thus were only entitled to a hearing if they claimed a fear of persecution or torture if returned to their country of origin. For a significant number of people in the sample (6%), the data does not indicate the type of removal process initiated. Notably our sample does not indicate whether anyone was subject to stipulated removal—an increasingly common process where individuals agree to be deported and waive their right to a hearing. Recent research suggests stipulated removals may 70 be counted in ICE data as hearings in immigration court because a judge signs the removal order.71 Thus, we may be overestimating the share of our population who receive a hearing before an immigration judge. tion system, Dr. Schriro, former DHS Special Advisor on ICE Detention and Removal, recommended that detention should be used only when necessary and that ICE consider implementing a risk-based approach to curb punitive detention since immigration is supposed to be a civil system. Although the current administration has made a public commitment to reform the immigration detention system, progress has been slow and widely criticized.74 Length of Detention We found that individuals in our sample population spent an average of 28 days in detention and 28% spent more than one month in detention. One person spent over 500 days in detention. Examining those in our sample with ICE detention book-out dates and departure dates,75 we found that only 10% were released prior to their departure. A substantial share of those who left the country, 90%, were in detention until the date of their departure (see Figure 2).76 These data indicate that the vast majority of those who are detained and subsequently removed do not have the opportunity to return to their homes to gather their belongings, get their affairs in order or say good-bye to family members once they enter detention. Secure Communites by the Numbers | O c t o b e r 2 0 11 7 The critical questions are who gets bond hearings, who Figure 2 | ICE Detention Release Date Compared with Departure Date gets bond, and who gets out? Partially as a result of the policy and judicial determinations described above, and partially as a result of the discretion (or lack of discretion) Released from ICE Detention Before Departure 10% exercised by ICE, our dataset revealed that only 2% of individuals booked into detention under Secure Communities were given bond by ICE, and only 6% got bond redetermination hearings before immigration judges. Our data does not reflect whether individuals were able to post bond Released from ICE Detention Same Day as Departure 90% in order to be released from custody. The average initial bond amount set by ICE was $7,000 in our sample population and the average amount after a redetermination hearing was $5,000, which is slightly below the national average of $5,941.80 From these data, we conclude that ICE Bond Individuals in the standard criminal process are entitled to a bail hearing which normally focuses on an opportunity to be released on bond. individualized determination of whether their detention is Discretion in Detention As mentioned above, a significant necessary to secure their presence at trial (flight risk) or to percentage of our population (83%) was booked into an prevent them from doing some harm (danger to the com- ICE detention facility. In order to determine whether ICE munity). In the immigration system, bonds provide the was exercising discretion in detention determinations we same function as bail but not all immigrants receive a bond analyzed detention rates by both removal charges and by hearing to determine if they can be released from an immi- ICE’s own Secure Communities prioritization categories. gration jail. Congress has deprived some immigrants of In the first analysis we looked at detention rates by ICE the right to such an individualized determination and the removal charges, which indicate the reason ICE is seeking Supreme Court has upheld Congress’s determination.78 to deport an individual. The Immigration and Nationality Generally, when ICE apprehends an individual for poten- Act (INA) contains many grounds for removal. We have tial deportation, an ICE deportation officer makes an initial placed the charges in our data in the following categories determination about the individual’s detention. The officer according to INA charges: Aggravated Felony,81 Other may make one of four decisions: release on own recogni- Criminal Grounds, Other Immigration Grounds (indi- zance, release subject to supervision, release on bond, or cating various civil immigration violations, including for detain. If the officer determines that the person can be example overstaying one’s visa), and Present Without released on bond, ICE can either exercise its discretion Admission (indicating someone who entered the country and set the bond amount or decide not to set a bond. If without authorization). Approximately 93% of cases we an individual is unhappy with ICE’s custody determination, analyzed were issued at least one removal charge and the she can, in some instances, ask an immigration judge to distribution of type of removal charges are shown in Figure hold a custody redetermination hearing. However, as noted 3.82 Nearly half (45%) of the cases we analyzed were solely above, in certain cases immigration judges are deprived of charged with being Present without Admission (PWA)--a jurisdiction to set bond. For example, immigration judges charge that does not indicate any criminal history. Only are completely deprived of jurisdiction to review ICE’s 8% of individuals were charged with being removable fol- custody determination for many people with even minor lowing an aggravated felony conviction and 7% were not criminal convictions and people deemed “arriving aliens.” 79 issued a removal charge at all.83 We found high rates of This means that immigration judges—presumably neutral detention for all categories of removal charges. Individuals fact-finders—cannot balance factors in favor of releasing a whose removal charges were solely immigration-related or person from custody, including serious medical conditions, PWA have similar detention rates to people who are likely a child’s dependence on the person, or community ties. subject to mandatory detention based on their Aggravated 77 8 is providing a small share of people in its custody with the O c t o b e r 2 0 11 | Secure Communites by the Numbers two or more other felonies;86 Level 2 includes individuals Figure 3 | Removal Charge Issued convicted of one felony or three or more misdemeanors; No Removal Charged Issued 7% Aggravated Felony 8% and Level 3 consists of individuals convicted solely of misdemeanors, including minor traffic offense.87 ICE records the offense levels of individuals placed in deportation proceedings due to Secure Communities. These data are reported in the interoperability reports ICE updates on a regular basis and appear to be one method the agency uses to measure its success in deportations of Other Criminal Grounds 19% criminal aliens.88 Although the accuracy of the offense levels is questionable and will be examined further in our next report, for the purposes of this analysis, we analyze Present Without Admission (PWA) 45% Other Immigration Grounds 21% detention rates based upon ICE’s own classification system. We found that 63% of individuals in our sample population were issued at least one Secure Communities offense level and the distribution of Secure Communities Levels are shown in Figure 5. Over one-third of our population (37%) was not issued a Secure Communities offense level, Figure 4 | ICE Facility Detention Rates by Removal Charge Issued suggesting that those individuals were the non-criminals who are being ensnared through Secure Communities. Approximately a quarter (28%) of those in our sample 100% were issued the highest level (Level 1). Figure 6 also shows 75% 50% detention rates by Secure Communities offense level; 82% 80% 86% 87% 62% 25% 0% again, there is little difference among those who vary by Secure Communities offense level. Even for those individuals not assigned an offense level, the large majority were Aggravated Felony Other Criminal Grounds Other Immigration Grounds Present Without Admissions (WPA) No Removal Charge Issued detained. Accordingly, the data suggests that the government’s determinations about whether or not to detain individuals are arbitrary and do not follow the risk-based recommendations of Dr. Schriro.89 Moreover, it suggests Felony charges or Other Criminal Ground (see Figure 4). Even for people with no removal charge, 62% were booked ICE is not appropriately using its discretion when non-citizens are placed in detention. into an ICE detention facility.84 In our second analysis, we examined detention by the Secure Communities offense level assigned by ICE. When Even for those individuals not Secure Communities began in 2008, it contained a con- assigned an offense level, the troversial three-tier system to determine threat levels of various “criminal aliens” based on whether an individual large majority were detained. had been convicted of or charged with particular crimes.85 Accordingly, the data suggests that Level 1 crimes were ostensibly the most violent, dangerous crimes, although they did include some nonviolent the government’s determinations misdemeanor offenses. A memo issued in March 2010 by about whether or not to detain ICE Assistant Secretary John Morton changed this definition of Level 1 offenses to refer to individuals convicted of individuals are arbitrar y. “aggravated felonies” under § 101(a) (43) of the INA, or Secure Communites by the Numbers | O c t o b e r 2 0 11 9 Figure 5 | Secure Communities Offense Level Issued transferred two or more times (see Table 1). One person was transferred 10 times in less than five months. Of those transferred, 28% were sent out-of-state. We also found that NO SC Offense Level Issued 37% Level 1 28% the number of days individuals spent in detention correlated with the number of times they were transferred (see Figure 7). These data indicate that individuals who wait an average of three months for an immigration court hearing91 are more likely to be moved away from their place of initial encounter. Therefore, they are more likely to be Level 2 12% away from family and friends who could potentially help them get representation. Access to Legal Advice and Representation The practice of immigration law has become a highly speLevel 3 23% cialized area because of the complexity of the laws and regulations. Despite the high stakes, the government does not provide counsel to individuals appearing before an Figure 6 | ICE Facility Detention Rates by Secure Communities Offense Level Issued immigration judge because deportation is not considered to be a criminal proceeding. Thus, only those individuals who can pay for an attorney or who find a pro bono attor- 100% ney have legal assistance during their proceedings. Even then, however, non-citizens in deportation proceedings face 75% 50% many barriers to accessing counsel, including locating coun86% 88% 87% 77% 25% 0% sel while in detention, collecting the needed paperwork for their case, and staying in contact with their attorney while they are in custody and being moved by ICE.92 Scholars and advocates have raised concerns that as the numbers of SC Level 1 SC Level 2 SC Level 3 No SC Offense Level Issued immigrants in deportation proceedings increase because of programs like 287(g), the Criminal Alien Program (CAP), and Secure Communities, fewer people will have access to a 10 Transfers We analyzed the number of times individuals lawyer.93 These concerns are borne out by our analysis. were transferred during their detention period. The num- Nearly half (46%) the people in our sample had an ber of times a person is transferred and the distance of immigration court proceeding. The Executive Office of their transfer is crucial for individuals having access to Immigration Review (EOIR) indicates in its annual report legal representation and to maintaining contact with fam- that approximately 41% of individuals in immigration ilies. In a review of all transfers between 1999 and 2008 court from 2008 through 2010 had an attorney.94 The data and interviews with immigrants and their families, Human reveals that individuals who are processed through Secure Rights Watch found that transfers were increasing and that Communities, however, have far lower rates of represen- “the impact on detainees and their families is profound.” tation (see Figure 8).95 Among those individuals in our Out of state transfers are particularly onerous personally sample with an EOIR proceeding in front of an immigra- and legally; moving a person to a different state can lead to tion judge just 24% of those individuals were represented changes in the way the law is applied to their case, and “can by a lawyer unlike 41% of those in immigration proceed- ultimately lead to wrongful deportations.”90 ings nationwide. Analysis of our data found that nearly half (47%) of The number of individuals who were granted relief or individuals placed in deportation proceedings were trans- who appealed their decision to the Board of Immigration ferred to a different ICE facility at least once; 22% were Appeals is small (8 and 5, respectively). As a result, we are O c t o b e r 2 0 11 | Secure Communites by the Numbers TABLE 1 | Patterns of Detention Among Individuals Booked into an ICE Facility Number of Days in Detention Number of Times Transferred to a Different Detention Facility In-Out Same Day 27% Never 53% 1-30 Days 45% Once 25% 31+ Days 28% Two or More 22% TOTAL 100% TOTAL 100% Figure 7 | Average Number of Days in ICE Detention by Number of Times Transferred to a Different Facility 67 days 32 days 28 days 10 days All ICE Detentions Never Transferred Transferred 1 Time The Value of Legal Representation – Insight from ICE narratives Very few of the ICE I-213 narratives mention legal representation, but those that do paint a picture of individuals who are much more empowered in their decision-making when they have an attorney. SC-LA-1867 was a Mexican man arrested for driving under the influence in San Bernardino County in August 2009. He had no criminal history and no immigration history in the United States, and when he was handed to ICE in September 2009, they offered him a voluntary return. The respondent was one of the few to have a lawyer, and after obtaining legal advice over the phone, made a conscious decision to stay in custody and await a hearing before an immigration judge. SC-4888 was a woman from an unnamed country who was arrested for handling of a controlled substance in August 2008 and was identified as a deportable noncitizen by a 287(g) officer (local police officer trained by ICE). The charges against the respondent were dropped and she had no prior criminal or immigration history, but she was nevertheless immediately turned over to ICE instead of being released. The respondent was able to contact her lawyer, and on her lawyer’s advice refused to sign any paperwork. Transferred 2 or More Times unable to draw statistically significant conclusions about Figure 8 | Legal Represention Status in Immigration Court the legal representation status of these two small groups as subsamples. However, it is noteworthy that of the small share of people who were granted relief from deportation, nearly two-thirds (63%) had an attorney of record and 5 out of 5 of those who filed an appeal had legal representation.96 This suggests that having access to counsel makes 59% 76% a difference. Immigration Arrest Outcomes Even those noncitizens entitled to have a hearing may 41% 24% All Completed EOIR Proceedings (2008-2010) Did Not Have Legal Representation Secure Communities Apprehensions with EOIR Proceedings Had Legal Representation not always appear before a judge because of the enormous backlog in the system. Currently, approximately 285,000 cases are waiting to be heard in the immigration courts.97 Recent research suggests that as a result of lengthy wait times, more immigrant detainees give up valid claims for relief or agree to waive their rights and sign stipulated orders of removal, presumably to get out of custody sooner.98 Although the dataset for this report did not record when there was a stipulated order of removal, we do know that Secure Communites by the Numbers | O c t o b e r 2 0 11 11 A meager 2% of individuals in our Figure 9 | Outcomes Among All Individuals Arrested Under Secure Communities dataset were granted relief from Outcome is Unknown 20% deportation, while the majority were removed or ordered removed. Yet, nationwide 14% of proceedings EOIR Case was Terminated 0.3% Was Removed or Was Issued Removal Order 63% in immigration courts resulted in grants of relief. Granted Relief 2% individuals detained through Secure Communities wait an average of 88 days, nearly three months, for an immigration judge decision. 99 Although immigration judges hear cases of those detained faster than those out of custody three months can be a long time, particularly for those who have never been in jail before. For those who are not detained in our sample population, the average wait time for a decision from an immigration judge is 208 days. Finally, even if an individual does appear before a judge, their chances of relief may be slim. IIRIRA eliminated the 212(c) waiver, which allowed immigration judges to grant relief from deportation for lawful permanent residents convicted of aggravated felonies.100 Immigration judges can no longer take mitigating factors, including rehabilitation, length of residence and the impact of deportation on lawfully residing family members, into consideration in removal proceedings for aggravated felonies; these individuals are subject to mandatory deportation. 101 IIRIRA also limited avenues for relief for long-term undocumented residents with family ties in the U.S. Prior to IIRIRA, judges could suspend the deportation of undocumented immigrants who had lived in the U.S. for 7 consecutive years 12 O c t o b e r 2 0 11 | Secure Communites by the Numbers Voluntary Return/ Departure 15% and could show extreme hardship to a US citizen or LPR family member. IIRIRA narrowed the criteria to require 10 years of residence and a showing of ‘exceptional and extremely unusual hardship’ in order for an immigrant to receive what is now called ‘cancellation of removal’.102 A meager 2% of individuals in our dataset were granted relief from deportation, while the majority were removed or ordered removed (see Figure 9). Yet, nationwide 14% of proceedings in immigration courts resulted in grants of relief.103 EOIR reports that 75% of those with immigration proceedings in 2010 resulted in a removal. Based on EOIR’s data, it is likely that a significant percentage of our currently unknown cases will also result in removal. These might include cases that have not yet been adjudicated and other cases where the results were not recorded. Conclusion Programs like Secure Communities are understudied, These disturbing findings indicate that our system of jus- largely because of their rapid implementation and expan- tice is not working well for those who are being detained sion and because the data has been kept, in large part, and deported under Secure Communities. If Secure confidential. Given that its expansion does not appear to Communities is to continue, we recommend the following be slowing down, it is all the more imperative that research to address the concerns raised by this analysis: on the impact of Secure Communities continues. Our analysis provides a fuller picture of the population being processed through Secure Communities and raises serious concerns about the level of screening and potential targeting of certain social groups. In particular, we find that US citizens are significantly impacted by the Secure Communities program, both through their own apprehension, and through the impact on UC citizen family members. We are also concerned that Latinos appear to • Implement improved safeguards to protect US citizens from wrongful arrests and to provide further transparency about the impact of Secure Communities on US citizen populations; • Conduct a thorough investigation into the potential racial profiling of Latinos as a result of Secure Communities and implement safeguards to protect against such abuses; be disproportionately impacted by Secure Communities. • Overhaul the mechanism and guidelines by which Further, we have noted that those who are identified detention decisions are made by ICE to ensure that through Secure Communities enter a complex legal pro- only individuals who pose a significant flight risk or cess, often while in detention, and rarely with legal advice genuine danger to the community are detained; about their rights and options. The adjudication process • Provide access to government-appointed counsel, for those processed through Secure Communities points particularly for detained populations. In the alterna- to minimal procedural and due process protections. Thus, tive, improve access to pro-bono representation. individuals who are not meant to be in the system, may • Improve transparency by providing regular public have little opportunity to get out. reporting on the topics covered in this report • Halt the expansion of Secure Communities until the recommendations above can be implemented and further research can be done to determine whether due process can be adequately protected for individuals affected by Secure Communities. Secure Communites by the Numbers | O c t o b e r 2 0 11 13 APPENDIX A The findings in this report are based on a data obtained pur- Pursuant to the stipulation, ICE also provided the narrasuant to a partial settlement of a Freedom of Information tive portion of the I-213, a form generally filled out by the Act lawsuit brought by the National Day Labor Organizing ICE official who administratively arrests a person to be Network, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and the deported. Although the majority of key data fields were Kathryn O. Greenberg Immigration Justice Clinic at the populated, we did not have complete data on every indiBenjamin N. Cardozo School of Law (collectively “the vidual in the sample. plaintiffs”) against several federal agencies involved in A total of 502 individuals (out of the 1650) had data availadministering Secure Communities, most significantly the able in ICE databases (with the majority having an I-213 U.S Immigration Customs and Enforcement agency. narrative) and 359 had EOIR data. Presumably the IDENT Per the settlement, data fields were extracted from vari- matches for whom no ICE or EOIR records exist were not ous federal government databases in two steps. First, an subject to deportation; they could, for example, be U.S. citinitial random sample of 1,650 individuals was drawn from izens, or lawful immigrants who have committed no crimes. all IDENT matches (Secure Communities fingerprint que- Among the 502 individuals for whom data was available, ries that resulted in “hits” in the Department of Homeland 127 were excluded from the analysis for three reasons: Security’s databases) between October 1, 2008 and January 1) they had enforcement actions that pre-dated Secure 31, 2010. An IDENT match indicates previous contact with Communities, and/or 2) they were issued detainers but DHS officials and does not necessarily indicate that the per- were not apprehended by ICE, and/or 3) we were unable son is subject to deportation. IDENT matches may occur to draw reasonable conclusions about them given the forfrom any contact ranging from obtaining a tourist visa, to mat of data received. The ICE data fields were provided becoming a naturalized U.S. citizen, to being previously at the individual level rather than the encounter level and ordered deported. Random identification numbers were all data fields were provided in separate files that were to assigned to the initial sample with identifying information be merged using individual identification codes. Given this structure, we were unable to determine which data fields redacted. Next, information was extracted from two data sources for each identification number where available: ICE databases (ENFORCE, EID, IIDS, and GEMS) and the Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR) Case Access System (CASES). The ICE data consists of demographic data fields such as age, gender, country of citizenship, relatives and their countries of citizenship, and marital status, and data fields describing enforcement actions including status at entry, detainer date, apprehension date, Secure Communities offense level, Notice to Appear date, bookin and book-out of ICE detention facilities dates, facility name(s), type of proceeding initiated, removal charge(s), and date of departure from the U.S. The EOIR data fields pertained to immigration court proceedings include: information on custody redetermination, representation status, date of court proceedings, immigration judge decision, and date of appeal to Board of Immigration Appeals. 14 O c t o b e r 2 0 11 | Secure Communites by the Numbers corresponded to which ICE apprehension event for individuals with multiple ICE apprehensions. As a result, the analyses in this report are based on 375 individual cases that had an ICE apprehension date that occurred after October 1, 2008 when Secure Communities formally began. The majority (over 72%) had apprehension dates in 2009 while 22% had these enforcement dates in 2010. A small share took place in 2008 and 2011. The last apprehension date was in April 2011. Of the 375 apprehended individuals in our sample, 46% had EOIR data with a post-Oct 1, 2008 proceeding and 91% had an I-213 narrative. We conducted one-sample t-tests on all sample-based percentages discussed in this report and all are statistically significant at the 95% confidence level unless specifically noted. We confirmed that there were no differences in detention rates by removal categories (Figure 4) and Secure Communities offense levels (Figure 6) by performing Chi-Square tests of significance. Endnotes 1. Office of I mmigration Statistics, U.S. Dep’t of Homeland Sec ., 7. Although the centerpiece of Secure Communities is a data- 2010 Yearbook of I mmigration Statistics (2011), 15, 94 available at sharing program, local officials and governments have been http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/statistics/yearbook/2010/ concerned that police are now being perceived as a “gateway” ois_yb_2010.pdf. The administration has indicated that it will to immigration enforcement. Homeland Sec . A dvisory C ouncil , deport over 400,000 people this year. U.S. Dep’t ties 2. Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Immigration, Rising Immigration Backlog At All-time High Yet Criminal, National Security, and Terrorism Cases Fall, (Sept. 14, 2011), available at http://trac.syr.edu/immigration/reports/261/. 3. U.S. I mmigration & C ustoms Enforcement, U.S. Dep’t of Home land Sec ., Activated Jurisdictions (2011), available at http://www. ice.gov/doclib/secure-communities/pdf/sc-activated.pdf (statis- of F indings Homeland Sec ., Task Force and on Secure C ommuni - R ecommendations 16 (2011), available at http:// www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/hsac-task-force-on-secure-communities-findings-and-recommendations-report.pdf (hereinafter “HSAC Task Force Report”). 8. DHS is the umbrella agency which houses Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and other immigration enforcement agencies. 9. U.S. Dep’t Of Homeland Security, DHS E xhibit 300 tics as of September 27, 2011). 4. Id. In January 2011, after over two years of implementation, only 969 jurisdictions were active. See also http://www. newyorkimmigrationlawyersblog.com/2011/01/secure-commu- P ublic R elease B y10/Nppd —US-Visit—Automated Biometric I dentification S ystem (IDENT) (2010), http://www.exercise.dhs. gov/xlibrary/assets/mgmt/e300-nppd-usvisit-ident2010.pdf. 10. U.S. I mmigr ation & C ustoms Enforcement, supra note 5. See in nities-activation.html. 5. U.S. I mmigration & C ustoms Enforcement, U.S. Dep’t of Home - particular “The Secure Communities Process”. Sec ., Secure C ommunities F requently A sked Q uestions, 11. See, e.g., Julia Preston, States Resisting Program Central to Obama’s http://www.ice.gov/secure_communities/ (last visited Oct. 12, Immigration Strategy, N.Y. Times, May 6, 2011, at A18, available at 2011). http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/06/us/06immigration.html; land 6. The 287(g) program and CAP are two other ICE administered programs that have the same goal of screening inmates in local jails and state prisons for the purpose of identifying deportable non-citizens. The 287(g) program, introduced in 1996, allows local police to be trained to act as immigration enforcement officers in their jurisdictions. U.S. I mmigr ation & and 24052748704681904576321404203166580.html; Editorial, Resistance Grows: Massachusetts, New York and Illinois Reject the Obama Enforcement-Only Way, N.Y. Times, June 8, 2011, at A22, available at http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/08/opinion/08wed1.html. Homeland Sec ., Fact Sheet : 12. Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Immigration, Current ICE Removals of Noncitizens Exceed Numbers Under Bush Nationality Act, http://www.ice.gov/news/library/ Administration (Aug. 2, 2010), http://trac.syr.edu/immigration/ of of factsheets/287g.htm (last visited Oct. 6, 2011). CAP, which has existed in various forms since the mid-1980’s, involves police interviews of new inmates. U.S. I mmigration & C ustoms Enforce ment, 2011, at A3, available at http://online.wsj.com/article/SB100014 I mmigration Authority Section 287(G) I mmigr a- C ustoms Enforcement, U.S. Dep’t Delegation tion Miriam Jordan, States Rebel Over Deportations, Wall St. J., May 14, U.S. Dep’t of Homeland Sec ., C riminal A lien P rogr am, http://www.ice.gov/criminal-alien-program/ (last visited Oct. 6), http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/sites/default/files/docs/ Criminal_Alien_Program_021710.pdf. Secure Communities is reports/234/. 13. NDLON v. ICE, 10-cv-3488 Dkt. #84 (S.D.N.Y. July 12, 2011) (stipulation and order), available at http://ccrjustice. org/files/4-8-11%20Sampling%20Stipulation.pdf. For more information about the case, visit http://www.ccrjustice.org/ secure-communities. the third technology-based arm of this strategy. Secure Communites by the Numbers | O c t o b e r 2 0 11 15 14. An “apprehension” in this context is an administrative arrest 22. Jen Sabella, Cook County Votes To Free Immigrant Inmates of an individual believed to be present in the United States in Wanted By Feds, Huffington Post C hicago, Sept. 9, 2011, http:// violation of immigration laws. See 8 U.S.C. § 287(a)(2), 8 C.F.R. w w w.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/10/cook-county-votes-to- § 287.8(c). We use apprehension and arrest interchangeably in free_n_954158.html this report. 23. HSAC Task Force Report, supra note 7, at 25-27. 15. Supra note 5. 24. Id. at 25-27. 16. Under President George W. Bush, the program was piloted in 14 counties in 2008: Harris County, Texas (October 27), Suffolk County, Massachusetts (November 5), Wake County, North Carolina and Dallas County, Texas (November 12), Buncombe, 25. Id. at 11. 26. Id. at 12. Gaston and Henderson Counties, North Carolina (November 27. A merica’s Voice Educ . F und, P ublic Safety 17), Maverick and Val Verde Counties, Texas (December 9), You Police A C ommunity That Won’t Talk To You ? (2011), Bucks and Montgomery Counties, Pennsylvania and Kinney and available Real Counties, Texas (December 16), and Pinal County, Arizona bdm6iy3u2.pdf. at on Ice : How Do http://amvoice.3cdn.net/73093e2eeae748d60d_ (December 23). See ACTIVATED JURISDICTIONS, supra note 3. 28. C enter For C onstitutional R ights, National Day L aborer 17. See Dep’t of Homeland Sec. Appropriations for 2010: Hr’g Organizing Network and C ardozo S chool of L aw I mmigr ation Jus - on Priorities Enforcing Immigration Law Before the H. Appro- tice priations Comm. Subcommittee on Homeland Sec., 11th Cong. available at http://uncoverthetruth.org/wp-content/uploads/ 917-1280, at 1238 (2009), see also Uncover the Truth, Newly Secure-Communities-Fact-Sheet-Briefing-guide-8-2-2010-Pro- Released Secure Communities Documents Signal Opening duction.pdf.; R ights Working G roup, Faces of Racial Profiling: for http://uncoverthetruth.org/featured/ A Report From Communities Across America 7 (2010), available at newly-released-secure-communities-documents-signal-opening- http://w w w.rightsworkinggroup.org/sites/default/files/rwg- for-local-opt-out/ report-web.pdf. 18. See Shankar Vedantam, Wash. Post, No Opt-Out for Immigration 29. Restoring Community supra note 19 and see A arti K ohli & Deepa Enforcement, Oct. 1, 2010, available at http://www.washingtonpost. Varma , C hief Justice E arl Warren I nstitute Local Opt-Out, on R ace, Ethnicity com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/09/30/AR2010093007268. & Diversity Borders, Jails And Jobsites: An Overview Of Federal html. Immigration Enforcement In The U.S. (Feb. 2011) at 23. 19. For a more detailed exploration of the opt-out controversy 30. U.S. I mmigr ation and C ustoms Enforcement, Secure see Restoring Community, A National Community Advisory Report C ommunities : Q uarterly R eport, F iscal Year 2010, Report to on ICE’s Failed ‘Secure Communities’ Program, 25-28, August 2011, Congress (Aug. 11, 2011), http://www.ice.gov/doclib/foia/ available at http://altopolimigra.com/s-comm-shadow-report. secure_communities/r_congressionalfy10rdquarterreport.pdf. 20. New York State, Illinois and Massachusetts have all sought to 31. Id. leave the program. See e.g., Resistance Grows, supra note 9. 21. Kirk Semple & Julia Preston, Deal to Share Fingerprints Is 32. Secure Communities: IDENT/IAFIS Interoperability Monthly Statistics through April 30, 2011, U.S. I mmigr ation and C ustoms Dropped, Not Program, N.Y. Times, Aug. 6, 2011, at A11, available Enforcement, retrieved from http://www.ice.gov/doclib/foia/ at sc-stats/nationwide_interoperability_stats-fy2011-feb28.pdf; http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/06/us/06immig.html; Elise Foley, Secure Communities Agreements Canceled, Participation Still Required, Huffington Post, Aug. 5, 2011, http://www. huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/05/secure-communities-updatedepartment-of-homeland-security_n_919651.html. 16 C linic Briefing Guide to Secure Communities, 3 (Aug. 2, 2010), O c t o b e r 2 0 11 | Secure Communites by the Numbers See also C enter For C onstitutional R ights, supra note 28. 33. Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, 8 U.S.C. (hereinafter 8 U.S.C.) § 236(c) (2011). 34. Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility 43. In many of the litigated cases the U.S. citizens concerned had Act of 1996, Pub. L. 104-208, § 321, 110 Stat. 3009, 3009-627. mental disabilities and were left in highly vulnerable situations after deportation. See Ian James, Wrongly Deported, American Citi- 35. Id. zen Sues INS for $8 million, A ssoc . P ress, Sept. 3, 2000; Guzman 36. See e.g., A merican C ivil L iberties Union The Policies A nd Politics tion of L aws : 287(G) P rogram in of North C arolina , L ocal Enforcement of I mmigr a- North C arolina , 16, Feb. 2009, available at http://acluofnc.org/files/287gpolicyreview_0.pdf (noting that 287(g) leads to increased due process violations because of inadequate training and unfamiliarity of local officials with the complexities of immigration law and procedure); Teresa A. Miller, Lessons Learned, Lessons Lost: :Immigration Enforcement’s Failed Experiment, 38 FORDHAM URB. L. J. 217, 238-241 Nov. 2010 (arguing that immigration detainers, which are the lynchpin of programs like CAP and Secure Communities, lead to increased due process violations). 37. Supra note 14. 38. For a complete list of data fields see Appendix A. 39. We do not have data on non-traditional family structures such as domestic partnerships. v. Chertoff, No. 08-01327 (C.D. Cal. filed Feb. 27, 2008) (detention and deportation of USC with mental disabilities, settled in December 2009); Elise Foley, Lawsuit Claims ICE Deported Mentally Ill U.S. Citizen, Wash. I ndependent, Oct. 14, 2010, discussing Lyttle v U.S.A, .http://www.aclu.org/immigrants-rights/lyttlev-united-states-america-et-al filed by the ACLU on behalf of Hispanic USC with mental disabilities who was detained and deported). 44. Jeffrey S. Passel & Paul Taylor , Unauthorized I mmigr ants and Their U.S.-B orn C hildren, P ew H ispanic C tr ., 1 (2010), available at http://pewhispanic.org/files/reports/125.pdf. 45. CAROLA SUÁREZ-OROZCO, ET AL., Growing Up in the Shadows: The Developmental Implications of Unauthorized Status, 81 HARV. EDUC. REV. 438, 462 (2011). 46. Id. and Damien Cave, Crossing Over, and Over, N.Y. Times, Oct. 3, 2011, at A1, available at www.nytimes.com/2011/10/03/ world/americas/mexican-immigrants-repeatedly-brave-risks- 40. Secure Communities supra note 32 at 50. to-resume-lives-in-united-states.html. 41. None were issued ICE detainers. 47. We generated this estimate by following the same methodol- 42. The cumulative number of administrated arrests and/or bookings was retrieved here: Secure Communities: IDENT/ IAFIS Interoperability Monthly Statistics supra note 32 at 2. We extrapolated the number of U.S. citizens apprehended by ICE by multiplying 226,694 by 0.016 (the estimated proportion of U.S. citizens in the sample). The proportion of 0.016 is statis- ogy used to extrapolate to apprehended U.S. citizen, see supra at note 42, except we multiplied 226,694 by 0.39. Based on the upper and the lower boundary of the 95% confidence interval, we estimate the maximum and minimum number of families with U.S. citizens affected by Secure Communities to be 99,498 and 77,021, respectively. tically significant at the 95% confidence level according to a 48. Data on the undocumented population in the U.S. is an apt one-sample t-test against zero. We also used the upper and the point of comparison because at least 80% of our sample con- lower boundary of the 95% confidence interval of the estimated sists of individuals whose status upon entry was Present without proportion of U.S. citizens among our sample to estimate the Admission (PWA) indicating they are likely to be undocumented. maximum and the minimum numbers of U.S. citizens being apprehended by ICE, which are 6,574 (226,694 x .003) and 680 (226,694 x .029). The federal government no longer reports the number of administrative arrests and/or ICE bookings in their interoperability reports; as such, it is impossible to calculate the number of U.S. citizens apprehended after April 2011 using the same methodology. 49. ICE maintains data for males and females. Therefore, the number of transgendered persons impacted by Secure Communities is unknown at this time. 50. M ichael Hoefer , Nancy R ytina , & Bryan C. Baker , Office I mmigr ation Statistics, U.S. Dep’t of of of Homeland Sec ., E stimates The Unauthorized I mmigr ant Population R esiding in the U.S.: January 2010, 5 (February 2011). Although women comprise just 7% of arrests under Secure Communities, as noted above they are impacted by the deportation of their partners, siblings and fathers. Although our population consists of immigrants in all statuses (unauthorized, visitors, lawful permanent residents) the majority are unauthorized. Secure Communites by the Numbers | O c t o b e r 2 0 11 17 51. Id. at 3. 52. William A. K andel , C ong. R esearch Serv., the U.S. Foreign - B orn Population : Trends and Selected C haracteristics 15 (2011), available at http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/R41592_20110118. pdf. 64. Janet Napolitano, U.S. Secretary of Homeland Secu - rity, on Smart E ffective R emarks B order Security A merican University and I mmigr ation Enforcement (Oct. 5, 2011), (transcript available at http://www.dhs.gov/ynews/ speeches/20111005-napolitano-remarks-border-strategy-andimmigration-enforcement.shtm.) 53. F ederal Bureau of I nvestigation, C rime in the United States, 2009, (2010). naturalized citizens and undocumented residents. of Birth of the Foreign -B orn Population : 2009 2 (2010), available at http://www.census.gov/prod/2010pubs/ acsbr09-15.pdf. alty.”) (citing Fong Yue Ting v. United States, 149 U.S. 698, 740 (1893). 67. 8 U.S.C. § 1225(b)(1)(A)(i), (iii) (ordering removal, without further hearing or review, of arriving aliens who are inadmissi- 56. Jeffrey S. Passel, Pew Hispanic Ctr., The Size teristics of the 66. Padilla v. Kentucky, 130 S. Ct. 1473, 1481 (2010) (“We have long recognized that deportation is a particularly severe pen- 55. E lizabeth M. G rieco & Edward N. Trevelyan, U.S. C ensus Bureau, P lace 65. The remaining analyses in this report are based on the 369 non-U.S. citizens who were arrested by ICE. 54. Foreign-born persons include lawful permanent residents, Unauthorized Migrant Population and Charac - in the U.S. 5 (2006), available at http://pewhispanic.org/files/reports/61.pdf. 57. For the purposes of this analysis we categorize all individuals who claim a Latin American country as their country of citizenship as Latino or Hispanic, which are interchangeable terms. We use Latino in this report. 58. The remaining 3% of the population is from Africa and other countries. PASSEL supra note 56. 59. HSAC Task Force Report, supra note 7, at 12. ble because they lack proper documentation or have committed fraud or willful misrepresentation to procure an immigration benefit and persons who have entered the United States without inspection within the prior two years). 68. 8 U.S.C. § 1225(b)(1)(B)(iii)(IV). 69. Two individuals had a “voluntary departure” proceeding initiated and we coded these as having a “Hearing” because voluntary departure can only be granted by an immigration judge. 70. For a critical analysis of the stipulated removal process see Jennifer L ee K oh, Jayashri Srik antiah, K aren C. Tumlin, Depor tation 60. Briefing Guide, supra note 28. 61. Restoring Community supra note 19, at 10. 62. See Figure 3. We see a similar demographic pattern in the portion of our sample that did not have criminal removal charges: 95% are Latino, 92% are men, and the median age is 29. 63. P ublic Policy I nstitute of C alifornia , I mmigrants and C rime, (2008), available at http://www.ppic.org/content/pubs/jtf/ JTF_ImmigrantsCrimeJTF.pdf. See also Brad Myrstol, Noncitizens Among Anchorage Arrestees, 20 A lask a Just. F. 1, 7 (2003), available at at http://justice.uaa.alaska.edu/forum/20/1spring2003/201. spring2003.pdf. Immigrants do have higher rates of representation in federal prisons but that is mainly attributed to immigration-related offenses such as misdemeanor unlawful entry (8 USC 1325) or felon re-entry (8 USC 1326). Without Due P rocess 5 (Sept. 2011), available at: http:// www.nilc.org/immlawpolicy/arrestdet/Deportation-WithoutDue-Process-2011-09.pdf. 71. “ [O]ther records suggest that immigration judges are given “case completion” credit for stipulated removals as if they had completed a regular court hearing, thereby providing an incentive for them to sign stipulated removals as quickly as possible in order to claim higher individual case closures and manage their extraordinarily high caseloads.” fn20 [Email from S. McDaniel to S. Griswold and S. Rosen, re: Stips (Apr. 25, 2008) (EOIR2008-5140(5)-000039-42) (noting that a San Francisco court was able to meet “case completion goals” due to the large number of stipulated removals in the jurisdiction).] Id. at 5. 72. K atzmann Immigrant R epresentation Study Group and the Vera Institute of Justice, The New York Immigrant Representation Study Preliminary Findings (May 3, 2011), available at http://graphics8. nytimes.com/packages/pdf/nyregion/050411immigrant.pdf. 18 O c t o b e r 2 0 11 | Secure Communites by the Numbers 73. We use DHS’s 2009 statistics here for comparison since the 80. A mnesty I nternational , Jailed Without Justice : I mmigr ation large majority of our sample are 2009 apprehensions. In 2009 Detention DHS had approximately 613,000 immigration apprehension and www.amnestyusa.org/pdfs/JailedWithoutJustice.pdf. detained approximately 383,000 of them, for a 62% detention rate. U.S. Dep’t of Homeland Sec ., I mmigration Enforcement Actions : 2009, ANNUAL REPORT (Aug. 2010), available at http://w w w.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/statistics/publications/ enforcement_ar_2009.pdf. This likely understates the disparity between the detention rate for Secure Communities versus other ICE arrestees since that large majority of DHS apprehensions in 2009 were Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) not ICE apprehensions and CBP is likely to have a higher detention rate. See Dr . Dora S chriro, Dep’t of Homeland Sec ., I mmigration and C ustoms Enforcement, I mmigration Detention O verview and R ecommendations 2, 4 (Oct.6, 2009), available at http://www.ice.gov/doclib/ about/offices/odpp/pdf/ice-detention-rpt.pdf (last visited Oct. 12, 2011); Anil Kalhan, Rethinking Immigration Detention, 110 Colum. L. Rev. Sidebar 42 ( July 21, 2010); and Ellis Johnston, Once a Criminal,Always a Criminal? Unconstitutional Presumptions for Mandatory Detention of Criminal Aliens, 89 Geo. L.J. 2593, 2596 (August 2001). 74. See e.g., Human R ights F irst, Jails ing the and Jumpsuits Tr ansform - U.S. I mmigration Detention S ystem —A Two -Year R eview, in the USA, (March 2009) 18, available at: http:// 81. Aggravated felonies are defined in section 101(a)(43) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The term is often called a misnomer. For a criminal offense to be deemed an aggravated felony, it need not be a felony nor involve aggravating circumstances. For example, shoplifting with a one-year suspended sentence can be considered an aggravated felony under immigration law. 82. Twenty-two percent of those with at least one removal code had more than one code (and most had just two codes). For these cases, we categorized them in the following priority order: Aggravated Felony, Other Criminal Grounds, Other Immigration Grounds, Present Without Admission. For example, if someone had two removal codes and one was for Other Criminal Grounds and the other was for Other Immigration Grounds, they were categorized as the former for purposes of this analysis. 83. Almost half of the 7% without removal charges were slated to have an immigration hearing. 2011, available at http://www.humanrightsfirst.org/wp-content/ 84. While the data provides no explanation for the detention uploads/pdf/HRF-Jails-and-Jumpsuits-report.pdf (last visited of individuals without removal charges, it does raise serious Oct. 12, 2011). questions about whether individuals not subject to removal were 75. We assume that a departure date indicates that the person physically left the U.S. 76. Individuals with detention book-out dates and departure dates comprised 65% of our sample. 77. Bail Reform Act of 1984, 18 U.S.C. § 3142. 78. 8 U.S.C. § 236(c); Demore v. Hyung Joon Kim, 538 U.S. 510 wrongfully detained. 85. This classification raised serious due process issues since not everyone charged with an offense is ultimately prosecuted or found guilty. 86. M emor andum F rom John Morton, Director , Dep’t Homeland Sec ., I mmigr ation and of C ustoms Enforcement Civil Immigration Enforcement: Priorities for the Apprehension, (2003). Detention, and Removal of Aliens (Mar. 2, 2011), available at 79. See 8 U.S.C. § 1226(c) (mandating detention of certain tondc.pdf. criminal aliens); 8 U.S.C. § 1226(e) (denying judicial review of discretionary decisions regarding application of apprehension and detention of aliens); ); 8 U.S.C. § 1225(b)(1)(A)(i), (B)(iii) (IV) (ordering removed arriving aliens who are inadmissible because inter alia they lack a valid entry document and providing http://www.ice.gov/doclib/news/releases/2011/110302washing 87. Id. 88. See note 32, supra. 89. See note 73, supra. mandatory detention for such individuals who indicate a credible fear of persecution or an intention to seek asylum); 8 C.F.R. 90. Human R ights Watch, L ocked Up Far Away : The Tr ansfer § 1003.19(h)(2)(i) (denying immigration judges with ability to I mmigr ants re-determine conditions of custody for inter alia arriving aliens 2 (2009), available at http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/ in removal proceedings). reports/us1209web.pdf. to R emote Detention C enters Secure Communites by the Numbers in the | of United States, O c t o b e r 2 0 11 19 91. See discussion infra Immigrant Arrest Outcomes. 92. See e.g., A mnesty I ntl ., Jailed Without Justice, supra note 99. For this analysis we compared the Notice to Appear date with the immigration judge’s decision date. 80; and Peter L. Markowitz, Barriers to Representation for Detained 100. 8 U.S.C. § 1182(c) (1988). (repealed by IIRIRA). However, Immigrants Facing Deportation: Varick Street Detention Facility, A Case in Immigration and Naturalization Service v. St. Cyr, the Court ruled Study, 78 Fordham L. R ev. 541 (2009). that certain categories of non-citizens with convictions pre-dat- 93. See Mark Hamblett, Forum Stress Plight of New York’s Unrepresented Immigrants, New York L. J., (May 6, 2011), available at ing IIRIRA may be eligible for 212(c) relief. 533 U.S. 289, 326 (2001). http://www.law.com/jsp/law/international/LawArticleIntl.jsp? 101. See 8 U.S.C. § 1229b(a) (2006). Cancellation of Removal is id=1202493130604&slreturn=1. not available to noncitizens convicted of aggravated felonies. 94. U.S. Dep’t of Justice, E xecutive Office of I mmigration R eview, FY 2010 Statistical Year B ook , G1 ( Jan. 2011), available at http:// www.justice.gov/eoir/statspub/fy10syb.pdf. 95. These were identified as those having a date of E-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Representative. 96. Also, 70% of those who had a new bond hearing had lawyers. 97. Rising Immigration Backlog supra note 2. Even for LPRs who are eligible for Cancellation do not always prevail. In FY 2010, approximately 3700 cases of Cancellation of Removal were granted. E xecutive Office For I mmigr ation R eview, U.S. Dep’t of Justice, F y 2010 Statistical Year B ook , at R3 (table 15), available at http://www.justice.gov/eoir/statspub/ fy10syb.pdf. 102. 8 U.S.C. § 240A. 103. U.S. Dep’t of Justice supra note 94, at D2. 98. Jennifer L ee K oh, Et A l ., supra note 70. This report was made possible by generous grants from Unbound Philanthropy, Ford Foundation, Walter and Evelyn Haas Jr. Foundation and the Akonadi Foundation. The authors thank Bridget Kessler for her invaluable contributions during the initial stage of the data analysis. We are also indebted to Eleanor Taylor-Nicholson, Su Li, Rebecca Silbert, Elaine Mui, and Janet Velazquez for their feedback and support. We are grateful to Catherine Barry, Amy Barsky, Margaret Chen, Sharada Jambapulati, Taneisha Means and Jennifer Park for their expert research assistance. We would not have been able to conduct this research without the efforts of the National Day Labor Organizing Network, the Center for Constitutional Rights and the Cardozo Immigration Justice Clinic who obtained federal Secure Communities data through litigation and made it available to the Warren Institute for analysis. In particular, we are grateful to Caroline Glickler, James Horton, Jessica Karp, Chris Newman, Sunita Patel, Sarahi Uribe, and Hannah Weinstein. The conclusions contained in this report are those of the authors and should not be attributed to our funders. 20 O c t o b e r 2 0 11 | Secure Communites by the Numbers