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Dora Co Dr Oba Disciplinary File Prisoner Death Dec 2012

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Division of Professions
and Occupations
Lauren Larson

Colorado Medical Board
Marschall S. Smith
Program Director

Department of Regulatory Agencies

John W. Hickenlooper
Barbara J. Kelley

December 6, 2012
Case No. 2012-1036-A
David M. Oba, M.D.

Dear Dr. Oba:
Inquiry Panel A of the Colorado Medical Board ("Panel") has concluded its inquiry
regarding your role in the care and treatment of patient T.G. It was the Panel's decision
not to commence with formal proceedings against your license to practice medicine.
However, the Panel did vote to administer disciplinary action -to you in the form of this
letter of admonition.
Patient T.G., a 25-year-old correctional facility inmate with poorly controlled
hypertension, had a history of urinary pJ;oblems and elevated serum creatinin~ when he
presented for treatment in December 2009. Patient T.G. complained he had difficulty
passing urine for the previous two months. You performed a physical examination
and prescribed a thirty-day course of antibiotics for patient TG. You subsequently
saw and treated patient T.G. for a knee injury. On the evening of October 22,2010
patient T.G. presented to the nursing staff complaining of abdominal pain, diarrhea,
dizziness, tingling in his extremities, and a feeling that his throat was closing. Patient
T.G. reported an odd smell in his nose similar to ammonia. You were contacted by
phone. You verbally ordered tests and prescribed Bactrim for a presumed urinary tract
infection. You signed the orders the following day. You did not see patient T.G.
before his death on October 28,2010.


After a review of all the information in this matter, the Panel found that your care and
treatment of patient T.G. fell below the generally accepted standards of practice for a
physician, constituting a violation of section 12-36-117 of the Colorado Revised
Statutes. Specifically, although patient T.G. had a history ofpoorly-controUed
hypertension, urinary problems, and elevated serum creatinine levels, you failed to
recognize and take appropriate action in connection with the signs and symptoms of
chronic kidney disease.

1560 Broadway,. 5uite 1350

Denver, Colorado 80202

Phone 303.894.7690





David M. Oba, M.O.
Case No. 2012-1036-A
December 6,2012
Page 2

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By this letter, the Panel hereby admonishes you and cautions you that complaints
disclosing any repetition of such practice may lead to the commencement of fonnal
discipJinary proceedings against your license to practice medicine, wherein this letter
of adrilonition may be entered into evidence as aggravation.
You are advised that it is your right to have this case reviewed in an administrative
proceeding. To do so, you must submit a written request within twenty (20) days after
receipt of this letter. In your request, you must clearly ask that fonnal disciplinary
proceedings be initiated against you to adjudicate the propriety of the conduct upon
-. 'whIch this letter~ of ai:fmoriitlon-isbased-. ' 1fsuChre(iueSf isTiffieWmade~"dlls-letter of
admonition will be deemed vacated and the matter will be processed by means of a
-, formal complaint and hearing. This is in accordance with the provisions of the
Medical Practice Act governing the discipline of licensed physicians. Sincerely,


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cc: Emma Skivington, Esq.

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