Doj Report Re Abuses at King County Wa Jail 2007
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11/21/2007 13:51 FAX 2064642261 THE SEATTLE TIMES u.s. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division OffiCi! oftltl! As.rlrtallt AttorJll!Y GtrllsraI Wa.l'hll'lgrorr. D. C. 20530 NOV 73 '1IiJl The Honorable Ron Sims King County Ex~cutive 701 Fifth Ave. Suite 3210 Seattle, WA ,98104' Re: King County Correctional Facility, Seattle, Washington Dear Executive Sims: I write' to report the findings of the Civil Rights Division's investigation of conditions at the King County Correctional Faqility (nKCCF").~ On October 3D, 2006, we notified you, of our intent to conduct an investigatiQn of KCCP pursuant to the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act ("~RIPAIf), 42 U. S. C. § 1997. As we noted, CRIPA gives the Department of ,Justice authority to seek a remedy for a pattern or practice of conduct that violates the constitutional rights of inmates in adult detention and correctional facilities. On March 6-8, 2007 and August 1-2, 2007, we conducted onsite inspections at Kecp with expert consultants in cqrrections and custodial sexual misconduct, medical care and contagious disease prevention and treatment, and suicide prevention. We interviewed security staff, medical staff, administrative staff, and inmates. Before, duringi and after our visits, we reviewed an extensive number of documents, including policies and procedures, incident reports, ,investigative reports, grievances from inmates, staff personnel files, unit logs, orientation materials, and staff training materials. In keeping with our pledge of transparency and to provide technical assistance where appropriate, we conveyed ovr preliminary findings to King County officials at the close of each of our on-site visits. 1 The King County Correctional Facility, also referred to as the King County Jail, is located at 500 5th Avenue, Seattle, Washington. ~001/027 11/21/2007 13:51 FAX THE SEATTLE TIMES 2064642261 - 2 - During our August 2', 2007 exit meeting, and by letter on August 8, 2007/ we notified King County officials of lifethreatening deficiencies in medical care for certain inmates at KCCF. In particular, we indicated that certain inmates were . being depriYed of urgent medical attention. On August 10, 2007, the County responded by indicating that a number of corrective measures were being implemented to address our concerns. We comm@nd.the staff at RCCF for their helpful and professional conduct throughout the course of the investigation.' We received complete cooperation with our investigation and appreciate the County's receptiveness to our consultants' on-site recommendations. It is particularly noteworthy that King County provided us with unfettered acc@ss to records and personnel, and responded to all of our requests in a transparent and forthcoming manner. We have every reason to believe that the County is committ@d to remedying all known deficiencies at KCeF,. Consistent with the statutory requirements of CRIPA, we now write to advise you of the 'findings of our investigation, the facts supporting them, and' the minimum remedial 'steps that are address the deficiencies we have identified. 42 § U.S.C. 1997b. As desc~ibed. more fully below, we conclude that certain conditions. at KCCF violate the constitutional rights or inmates. In particular, we find that inmates confined at KCCF are not adequately protected. from harm, including physical.harm and custodial sexual misconduct. In addition, we find that inmates are not adequately protected from self harm. Finally, we find that inmates do not receive adequate m@dical care. t. BACKGROUND KCCF serves King County, including inmates from the City of Seattle. The facility houses both pre-trial inmates and inmates serving sentences of up to one year. The facility opened in 1986 and has a capacity of 1,700. The average daily population 'for January 2007 was 1,368, with a high count of 1,443 and a low count of 1,298. KCCF is currently undergoing rolling renovations, with one floor closed at a time. Security functions at KCCP. are administered by the King County Department of Ad~lt and Juvenile Detention (~DAJD"). Health care services at KCCF are provided by Jail Health Services (~JRsn), a division of Public Health Seattle-King County, the County's public health department. ~ 002/027 11/21/2007 13:52 FAX THE SEATTLE TIMES 2084842281 - 3 II • CRIPA gives the LEGAL STANDARDS Attor~ey General authority to seek ~njunctive relief when a jurisdiction violates the constitutional rights of inmates. See 42 u.s.c. § 1997; U.S. Canst. amend. In defining the scope of jail inmates' Eighth and Fourteenth Amendmen~ rights, the Supreme Court has held that corrections officials must take reasonable, steps to guarantee inmates' safety and 'provide ~humane conditions" of confinement. Farmer v. Brennan, 511 U.S. 825, 832 (1994); Bell v. Wolfi~, 441 U.S. 5~O' (1979) (holding pre-trial detainees protected by Fourteenth Amendment); Hydrick v. Hunter, - F.3d -/ 2007 WL 2445998 (9th Cir. 2007) (stating right to reasonably safe conditions clearly established for prisoners and civilly committed persons); Hoptowit v. Ray, 682 F.2d 1237, 1250 (~h Cir. 1982)., Providing ~humane conditions" requires that a corrections system must 'satisfy inmates' basic needs, such as their need for safety, medical care, food, clothing, and shelter. ~ Additionally, jail officials have a duty to take reasonable steps to protect inmates from physical abuse and the use of ' excessive force. ~ Hydri~, 2007 WL 2445998, at *15; Hoptowit, 682 F.2d at 1250. VIII, XIV. The duty to protect inmates from physical abuse includes' protecting inmates from custodial sexual 'abuse. Schwenk v~ Hartford, 204 F. 3d 1187, 1197-98 (9th Cir. 2000) (the Eighth Amendment right of prisoners to be free from sexual abuse has been unquestionably and clearly eS'tablished.). "'Rape, coerced sodomy, unsolicited touching of women prisoners' vaginas, breasts pnd buttocks by prison employees are simply not part of the penalty ~hat criminal Offenders pay for their offensea against society.'" Sohwenk, 204 F.3d, at 1197, quoting Women Prisoners of the Diet. of Columbia DePt. of Correctio~, 877 F. Supp. 634, 665 (D.D.C. 1994). The federal cQurts have also held that the right to "humane conditions" includes a right to adequate medical care. Hoptowit at 1255 (citing Estelle v. Gamble, 429 U.S. 97, 104 (1976) (quoting Gregg v. Georgia, 428 U.S. 153, 182-83 (1976». Under the Supreme Court's standard for relief, a jurisdiction fails to meet constitutional requirements if local Officials exhibit udeliberate indifference" to inmates' serious medical needs. The standard for relief has three components; (1) subjective knowledge of the risk of serious harm; (2) disregard of that risk; and (3) conduct that is more than mere negligence. Farm~, 511 U.S. at 834. The Supreme Cou~t has said that "prison officials show deliberate indifference to serious medical needs , if ,prisoners are unable to make their medical problems known to 141 003/027 11/21/2007 13:52 FAX 2064642261 THE SEATTLE TIMES ~ 004/027 - 4 - the medical staff." Estelle, 429 U.S. at 103-04. The Ninth Circuit has stated that deliberate indiffe~ence may appear "when prison officials deny, delay, or intentionally interfere with medical treatment, or it may be shown by the way in which prison physicians provide medical care. Jett v. Penner, 439 F.3d 1091, 1096 (9th Cir. 2006). Moreover, the Ninth Circuit has explained that the "medical staff must be competent to deal with priso~ers' problems." Gibson ¥; County of Washoe, 290 F.3d 1175, 1187 (9th Cir. 2002), (quoting HoptQwit, 682 F.2d at 1252-55) (internal quotation marks omitted). The prison must provide "adequate facilities and staff to handle emergencies within the prison_If Id. Corrections officials may be constitutionally liable when they "know or should know of a particular vulnerability [of an inmate]," such as an inmate in severe emotional _distress, and fail to protect the inmate· from that vulnerability. Redman v. County of San Diego, 942 F.2d 1435, 1443 (9th Cir; 1991) (citing Colburn Vo Upper Darby Township, 838 F.2d 663, 669 (9th Cir. - 1988). The pri$on mu-st·provide "adequate facilities and staff to handle. emergencies.within the prison. H Hoptowit, 682 F.2d at 1252-55. Further, tbese requirements apply to mental health care. Id.- Delay in providing hospitalization to a prisoner in need of immediate constitutes deliberate indifference. Gibson v. county of Washoe, Ne~, 290 F.3d 1175, 1190-91 (9th Cir. 2002), cert.· denied, 537 U.S. 1106. Finally, prison officials have an obligation to act when there is a strong likelihood that an inmate will engage in self-injurious behavior, including suicide. ~ Funtanilla v. Rubles, 5 Fed. Appx. 590 (9th Cir. 2001). .III. FINDINGS We find that KCCF fails to adequately protecD inmates from harm and serious risk of harm by staff, fails to adequately protect inmates from self-harm, and fails to provide inmates with adequate medical care. A. INADEQUATE PROTECTION FROM HARH Corrections officials must take reasonable steps to guarantee inmates' safety and provide "humane conditions" of confinement. Providing "humane conditions" requires that a corrections system must satisfy inmates' basic needs, such as their need for safety. Additionally, jail officials have a duty to take reasonable steps ·to protect inmates from physical abuse. --~ - _. - - -_._._- 11/21/2007 13:52 FAX 2064642261 THE SEATTLE TIMES - 5 To ensure reasonably safe conditions, officials must take measures to prevent the use of unnecessary and inappropriate force by staff. In addition, officials must provide adequate systems to investigate staff misconduct, including alleged physical and sexual abuse of inmates. For the reasons set forth below, KeeF fails in both these regards. 1. Unnecessary and Inappropriate Uses of Force A determination of whether force is u~ed appropriately requires an evaluation ot the 'need for the use of, force, the relationship between that need and the amount of forced used, the se~iousness of the threat reasonably believed to" exist, and efforts made to temper the severity of a forceful response. Hudson v. McMillian, 503 U.S. 1, 7 (1992). Generally accepted corrections practices provide that appropriate uses of force in a given circumstance should include a continuum of interventions, and the amount of force used should not be disproportionate to the threat posed by the inmate. Lesser forms of intervention, such as issuing disciplinary infractions or passive escorts, should be used or considered prior to more serious and forceful interventions. Inmates at KCCP'are routinely subject~d to unnecessary uses of serious force. Staff at KCCF are quick to resort to-serious physical force or pepper spray, even when the inmate is passive or poses no immediate security threat. In addition, inmates are pepper sprayed often, despite being confined in mechanical res~raints, making the use of pepper spray unnecessary. Als9, staff use pepper spray on inmates even when several staff are present and could gain control of the inmate using far less severe methods. Further, there is little evidence that staff employ a continuum of interventions when faced ~ith a resistant inmate. We also found the frequent and routine use of a technique known as the "hair-hold technique." specifically, the hair-hold technique, involves grabbing and pulling the inmate's hair in order to direct the inmate's movement, or otherwise obtain compliance. According to our corrections consultant, the hairhold technique is a highly painful and degrading technique that carries a high risk of injury when compared to equally effective control techniques commonly taught in 'self-defense training courses at correctional academies. It is an especially dangerous tactic when utilized as a takedown technique on a handcuffed inmate who is unable to break his/her fall to the ground. 141 005/027 11/21/2007 13:53 FAX 2064642261 THE SEATTLE TIMES I4J 006/027 - 6 The following examples of unnecessary and inappropriate USes of force are taken from KCCF's incident reports; • On January 23, 2007, a restrained female inmate in the Intake Release Unit ("ITR") was "angry and uncooperative as soon .as she arrived at the facility." Staff used hair-hold and counter joint techniques "to restrain her against the counter" although nothing in the use. of force report provided justification for use of the hair-hold technique. Thereafter, staff applied pepper spray on the inmate while she was in a fetal position and posing threat to the staff. Accordingly,· the use·of force in this incident was both excessive and unneoessary. no • On January 10, 2007, a female inmate in·the ITR was being "verbally abusive," threw her clothes on the floor, and tlien picked them up and threw them at staff. Staff grabbed her by the hair and "Spun" her to the floor, at which time th~ inmate sustained a head injury (bleeding ear). The hairhold technique was excessive and disproportionate to the nature of the threat po~~d by the inmate. • On October 16, 2006, a female inmate in the ITR who was to be housed on the psychiatric floor for suicidal statements refused to "pick up her underwear and put them in a bag." security staff applied a ·hair-hold on the inmate in order to gain compliance. The hair-hold technique was an extreme and unnecessary use of force given the nature of the inmate misconduct. • On September 11, 2006, a female inmate showing signs of mental diatress was being escorted to .the mental health unit on the seventh floor. She was placed in a wheelchair with both waist and leg restraints. As she was wheeled from the elevator to seven North, she "continued to yell, scream, and tried to stand up out of the wheelchair.» Staff used hai~ holds "to keep her in her wheelchair until [they] got to seven North." The use of the hair-hold technique against an inmate in arm and leg mechanical restraint·s is inexplicable. • On September 9, 2006, an inmate who is developmentally disabled was observed having a seizure on the seventh floor. When staff arrived, the inmate appeared "disoriented.» He was moved to a cell for psychiatrio care. The inmate was in an "agitated" state when he was subjected to pepper foam, which had "little or no effect.# He was·then re-handcuffed· ., 11/21/2007 13:53 FAX 2064642261 THE SEATTLE TIMES - 7 - with a hobble cord. There is no explanation for why pepper spray was justified against a,disabl@d inmate who was in medical and mental distress. Effective measures to prevent excessive and inappropriate uses of force include adequate staff training, and adequate, use of force polici@s and procedures. KeeF fails to provide adequate use of force training for staff and relies upon inadequate and outdated policies and procedures. . a. Inadequate Staff Training CQmprehensive annual staff training in appropriate use of force techniques is an essential element of a jail's required in-service training. However, training personnel at KCCF conceded that there is currently no in-service training of staff in use of defensive tactics. In addition, as described below, the remainder the use of force curriculum is.inadequate. This lack of t~ainin9 contributes to the prevalence of inappropriate uses of force at KCCF, and creates a significant danger of inmates being unnecessarily subjected to se~ious bodily harm and even death. . of b. Inadequate'Policies and Procedures Adequate policies and procedures regarding proper use of force are essential to ensuring that inmates ar~ not unnecessarily injured by security staff. The policies should be comprehensive and clear; and should reflect currently accepted practices. Keep's policies and procedures are lacking on all three counts. As of the time of 'our March 2007 corrections tour, KCCF was operating with outdated USe of force policies and procedures. The basic policy is undated and contains numerous handwritten interlineations. Moreover, it includes unauthorized control tactics such as the choke hold and carotid sleeper hold, however, both of these control holds have handwritten annotations prohibiting their use. The policy is devoid of guidance on the use of chemical agents such as pepper spray, which is routinely use~ by security staff at the facility. The policy contains no guidance on the use of non-lethal weaponry on restrained inmates. Further, the policy contains no guidance or reference to a continuum of force o~interventions. We were provided with a copy of a single-page chart entitled "Use of Force Continuum" that simply lists response tactics equated with resistance levels. The continuum contains responses ~ 007/027 11/21/2007 13:53 FAX 2064642261 THE SEATTLE TIMES IaJ 008/027 - 8 - that are either no longer authorized or may be unlawful. In a stark departure from generally accepted corrections practice l the continuum authorizes ~lethal force" as a response to "active aggr~vated aggressive u but fails to define "active aggravated aggressive." This lack of definition causes a serious danger that lethal force may be used without adequate justification. Moreover., we reviewed a document that claSSified two incidents as an "aggra~ated aggressive," where neither of the pre~ented circumstances would have justified the use of lethal forc~. 2. Inadequate Systems to Investigate Staff Misconduct (Physical and Sexual Abuse) The number and nature of allegations involving custodial sexual misconduct at KCCF are generating an abnormally high number of Internal Investigations Unit ("IIUU ) investigations. A review of lID's report on "Internal Investigations 2006-Current" indicates in excess of twenty-five investigations related to allegations of staff misconduct of a sexual .nature. A number of these investigations remain open, while others have been closed with ftundetermined H or "non-sustained" findings and "no discipline due to timeliness." However, sust~ined investigations ,or incidents resulting in suspensions, terminations, and criminal charges since at least 2002 reflect a pattern of sex-related staff misconduct 'by an alarming number of security staff. 3 To ensure reasonably safe conditions'for inmates, facilities must develop and maintain adequate systems to investigate staff misconduct, including alleged physical and sexual abuse by staff. Essential elements of an internal investigation system 'incl~des a comprehensive investigation procedures manual, and adequately trained investigators to implement the investigations process. ·KCCF is lacking in both of these essential elements. co~rectional a. Lack of Investigative Policies and P~ocedures Generally accepted correctional practices require clear and comprehensive policies and procedures governing the investigation of staff use of force and misconduct. Adequate policies and procedures include, at a minimum, screening of all use of force 2 Three former KCCF staff have recently been convicted of crimes relating to custodial sexual misconduct, including Harland Richmond (second-degree sexual misconduct), Cedric McGrew (second-degree custodial sexual misconduct and third-deg~ee assault)j and Loui5 G. Laurencio (custodial sexual misconduct)", ,, ) .:; > .' :~ 11/21/2007 13:54 FAX THE SEATTLE TIMES 2084842281 - 9 - incident reports, specific criteria for initiating.investigations_ based upon the incident report screening, specific criteria for initiating investigations based upon allegations from any source, timelines for the completion of internal investigations, and an organized structure and format for recording and maintaining information in the investigatory file. As of the time of our March 2087 corrections tour, KCCF had no policy for conducting investigations. The IIU is guided by a regulation of the General Policy Manual, Section 3.01.000. This regulation p~ovides only that the IIU ~establish methods and procedures to investigate complainta. u However, there was no formal investigato~y methods and procedures manual. '-- b. Lack of Training in Investigatory Techniques and Procedure.s Adequate internal investigation systems require investigators to receive appropriate training in investigatory processes, techniques, and procedures. While we found the rIU staff to be committed and professional, we determined that the IIU leadership and staff lacked any formalized t~aining requirement or· process. For example, the IIU commander has substantial experience as a correctional administrator, . but lacks any prior experience, expertise, or training in managing and conducting internal cqrrectional investigations, Similarly, the lIU sergeants are not required to complete formal investigative. training priqr to or during their assignment to the unit. * * As a result of these failures, there are serious operational deficiencies in KCCF's internal investigations. Investigations are inadequate,. poorly documented, and often disorganized. For example: • Case Number OGOS-018 - Reported Sexual Assault The IIU case file indicates that a female inmate purportedly submitted a four-page grievance to staff alleging that she was sexually assaulted on October 26, 2005. The inmate also supplemented the grievance the following day. IIU staff could not locate either the grievance or the' supplement, and closed the case as non-sustained. There is no evidence that staff conducted appropriate follow-up or contacted the inmate to discuss her complaint. ----_._--- 141 008/027 11/21/2007 13:54 FAX 2064642261 THE SEATTLE TIMES I4J 010/027 - 10 - • Cas@ Number 0612-008 - Sexually Explicit Behavior A KCCF captain was accused of engaging in sexually explicit behavior while on the job in the presence of another captain and a female sergeant. The captain has acknowledged that he did indeed simulate a sexual gesture in the presence of the two staff. This same captain, on three prior occasiona, between January 2005 and October 2006, has been counseled for inappropriate workplace behavior. He was promoted to captain in June 2006 after having been assigned as an rIU investigator from approximately 2003 through ~anuary 2006. It is noteworthy that this commander/supervisor, who himael·f was recently in charge of conducting investigations of staff sexual misconduct, has been allowed to develop a chronic record of workplace misconduct while being promoted to positions of greater authority at KCCF. • Case Number 0610-015 - Excessive Use of Force On September 23, 2006 a nurse in the ITR believed she had witnessed excessive force when she observed' staff ~slamming [anJ inmate's head on the counter, holding the inmate on the floor with his knee/foot, and yelling at the inmate. She further alleged that the staff's supervisor took no action to intervene in the incident. The nurse contacted the ITR shift commander to report the incident. The commander .advised her to report the matter to the ITR sergeant, who was the very supervisor the nurse had claimed failed to intervene in the incident_ The shift commander, in a memo entitled "Preliminary Investigation," in effect exonerated both the sergeant and staff based on his general discussion, rife with his personal opinions, of the difficulty in dealing with inmates during the intake process. The memo did not in any fashion address the actual substantive evidence related to the incident notwithstanding that the staff acknowledged in his report, among 9ther things, that during the use of force incident, he held the inmate by the ear and told him he was going to "rip his ear off. d The IIU investigator entered a finding of "non-sustained,u not~ithstanding the nurse's initial detailed observations of the incident. The investigator did note that a letter of corrective counseling "may be in·order" for the staff's threatening remark. However, there was no record of the staff having received any form of disciplinary action. N , " j 1 1 I 11/21/2007 13:54 FAX 2064642261 THE SEATTLE TIMES - 11 - • Case Number 0612-005 - Unnecessary"US@ of Force handcuffed behind his back, was under escort by two staff when a verbal exchange occurred regarding escort procedures. The inmate was returned to his cell and was asked to get on his knees for the handcuffs-to be removed. He refused and was taken to the floor. While the inmate was handcuffed and on the floor, staff administered two applications of pepper spray _because h@ was "refusing to coope:r:ate." According to a grievance filed by the inmate, he was "slammed" to t~e ground while handcuffed, hitting his head on the "metal side of [his] bed." He was then subjected to pepper spray while another staff member held him by the neck. The investigation conclud@d that the allegation of unn@c@ssary force was "unfounded." Nothing in the case file indicated ari assessment of why it was necessary to utilize the chemical agent on a handcuffed inmate who had been taken to the ground with no fewer than four staff present. In addition, there is no indication that the involved staff were recommended for remedial or corrective training in escort procedures and available options. An inmate, In addition, some incidents that merit an investigation are never investigated. Our review of a sample of incident reports revealed that none "of the following incidents were inves~igated by IIU or even questioned"by supervisors: • On "January 22, 2007, a handcuffed inmate was not cooperative during an escort. The inmate was ~placed" against the wall and then taken to the floor, at which time security staff applied pepper spray. Staff then placed his head under the bunk, ostensibly ~to facilitate a safer way to take the handcuffs off." The inmate sustained a nose injury, a swollen cheek, and an eye-laceration that required hospitalization for sutures. The number and nature of the injuries sustained by a handcuffed inmate clearly merited some level of investigative inquiry_ " • On January 1, 2007, an into~icated inmate was being moved "from a holding cell in the ITR when he ~raised a sandai in the direction of staff." He was restrained and ~pinnedn against the cell wall. Pepper spray was utilized with ~little ef~ect." The inmate was then handcuffed by utilizing "wrist locks and hair-holds," While on the floor in handcuffs, another burst of pepper spray was administered_ The inmate sustained multiple head contusions, including an injUry to his eye. In reviewing ~011/027 11/21/2007 13:55 FAX THE SEATTLE TIMES 2064642261 IdI 012/027 - 12 - the matter, a supervisor commented that staff "were unaware of how the injuries occurred because .they Uwere" focused on getting him processed into clean clothing and did not notice the facial contusions." Unexplained multiple head injuries and the use of a chemical agent on a fully restrained inmate" in the control and presence of a supervisor with no less than five staff present, merits some level of investigative inquiry. • An inmate alleged that, on November 7, 2006 in the ITR, security staff placed his boot on the head and neck of the inmate. Nursing staff "noted some swelling to the left side of the face and contusions to the bac~ of the head." The incident report failed to explain the injuries. This incident came to the attention of a supervisor only when . nursing staff notified a sergeant of the allegations and injuries. Indeed, contrary to generally accepted practice~, the security staff did not promptly report the use of torce, but instead provided report two days after nursing staff notified the supervisor. a B. INADEQUATE PROTECTJ:ON FROM SELF HARM Corrections officials have the obligation" to protect " vulnerable inmates from harm, such as those who are at risk of suicide.· Three ,inmates committed suicide in the "past three years under circumstances that indicate that XCCF faile: to take reasonable "measures to prevent and manage these risks. An adequate "suicide prevention program requires that. all staff be adequately trained and be aotive participants in executing a comprehensive 'plan. . ~ .L'ack of Training in Suicide Prevention Measures Correctional' facilities must provide "adequate suicide prevention training to staff to ensure the safety of all inmates. Pre-service "and annual in-service training requirements should be clearly set forth in the relevant policy and should include an array of topics to ensure that staff are able to recognize the verbal and behavioral signs that indicate a suicide risk, what,to do when such a risk is suspected, and how to respond when there is a suiCide attempt. Successful suicide prevention is a collaborative· process among all staff; however, training is particularly critical for security staff because they are often the only staff available 24 hours per day" and have regular contact with inmates. ·Because KCCF policy fails to specify I . ~ 11/21/2007 13:55 FAX 2064642261 I4J 013/027 THE SEATTLE TIMES - 13 - adequate suicide prevention training requirements, and the facility fails to provide adequate hours of training, suicide prevention training at KCCF falls far below generally accepted correct~onal practices. First, pre-service and in-service training requirements are not clearly set forth in DAJD or JHS policies.- For example, during our March 2007 suicide prevention tour, DAJD Policy 7.02.006 (Suicide Prevention an~ Psychiatric Procedures) required only that ,"all staff that have regular contact with inmates ShAll be trained in the identification'and management of suicidal inmates -offi'cers rec'eive on-lirietraining each year related to suicide prevention. u JHS Policy (Suicide Prevention Program) requires "training for staff members who work with inmates." ' ,These statements are too general to be useful. F~~ example, they, do not state how many hours of pre-service and in-service training staff are required to complete. 'w • • Second, KCCF does not provide significant training hours, and the training that is provided is cursory at best. Specifically, training for new staff is limited to three hours during a four-week training program provided at ,the Washington State Trainin9 Academy, and only one hour completed during the ll-day New Employee "Training Program prOVided by KeeF. As for existing staff; training on suicide prevention is even more limited, consisting of a one-hour computer course of 25 PowerPoint' slides and a ru~imentary true/false test of ten queBtionB~ , The course refers ,to DAJD's suicide prevention policy, but'merely advises 'employees to review it. Monthly workshops offered by JHS have included topics concerning suicide; howe~er the workshops are on~y Offered to security B~aff assigned to the mental health housing units 'and participation is riot required by policy. -, Four hours of suiCide prevention training for new staff and one hour of annual training for existing gtaff are grossly inadequate. Moreov@r, the one-hour computer course observed by our consultant does not ensure that staff are adequately t~ained on this criticffl topic. ~uicide prevention is a collaborative proces's. ,If all staff are not adequately trained on how to prevent and manage suicides, they will be unable to identify the risks and respond appropriately. 2~ Lack of Adequate supervision of Suicidal Inmates correctional facilities must prot@ct inmates from suicide by providing adequate supervision. When an inmate attempts suicide, his or,her life depends on the time it takes for staff to learn 0:S 1 ~ " " 11/21/2007 13:55 FAX 2064642261 THE SEATTLE TIMES - 14 - of the event and respond to it. The promptness o£ staff's response to a suicide attempt is often driven by the level of supervision. KCCF, inmates who h~ve been identified as suicidal and'who are placed on suicide precautions are purportedly observed every fifteen 'minutes~ However, in addition to ,the ~5-minute' obserVation'usually performed' by security staff, suicidal inmates must alao be assessed daily by a mental health professional. 'Currently, KeeF'mental health 'staff only assess inmates once per week, which falls ,far short of generally accepted correctional .practice~L Moreov-er, @ach assessment is only five' to ten mj.nutes in length. This is not adequate time to evaluate the inmate's status to properly determine whether he or she should remain on suicid@ pr@cautions. Thus, mental health staff may overlook an inmate whose status is in rapid decline. On the other hand, it is also critical for mental health staff to identify those , inmates who are no longer in need of being ,on suicide precautions, because the restrictive 'environment can quickly become antitherapeutic. Five to ten minutes, once per week, is not adequate to make this determination. C. :INADHQ'D'ATR MEDICAL CARE Jail officials are responsible for providing adequate medical ca~eto inmates. Moreover, a jail may ~ot deny or int@nt~onally interfere with medical treatment. A delay in providing medical treatment may be so significant that it amounts to a deni~l of tre~tment. Our investigation revealed' that " medical care' provided at KCCF falls below the constitutionally required standards of care. W@ found the following serious defic,iencies": (1) inadequate assessment of acute conditions; (2) inadequate treatment of chronic conditions; (3) inadequate emergency care; '(4) inadequate medication management; (5) inadequate prevention and treatment of communicable diseases, particularly skin'infections 'and MRSA; and (6) inadequate intake screening. 1. ":Inadequate Assessment of Acute Conditions Jail officials are required to adequately assess inmates so that jail officials can provide appropriate and timely treatment. Keep fails to provide adequate assessments, which has resulted in serious delays in treatment for inmates who require urgent medical attention. Delays, and outright denials, can cause' urtnecessary pain, suffering, and morbidity in 'inmates, and ,can contribute to the unnecessary transmission of illness. ~014/027 11/21/2007 13:56 FAX 2064642261 THE SEATTLE TIMES ~015/027 - 15 The most egregious example of KeeF's systematic failure to adequately assess and treat inmates ~- and the grave harm that can ~e5ult -- is a recent inmate death t which we found was likely preventabl·e. The inmate had a history of alcohol withdrawal seizures and active skin infection'on his legs and buttocks. The day he was admitted to the jail, he was sent to the emergency room at,Harbo~iew Medical Center. There, he was diagnosed with multiple abscesses, profound anemia and either cellulitis (a potentially serious bacterial infection) or deep yein thrombosis. Although the hospital arguably should have admitted him, it did not do'so. Upon his return to'KCCF, the inmate was not 'seen by a physic~an, even though he should have been. Instead, he was forced to wait more than 30 hours to receive his first dose of the antibiotic that had been prescribed for his skin infection, When the inmate requested care and was finally examined by a KeCF physician, he had a tender abdomen with questionable bowel sounds, highly abnormal and unstable vital signs, and a very low oxygen saturation. Even after observing this, the KCCF physician failed to send the inmate back to the hospital. Early in the morning on his third day back at KCCF 1 the inmate developeq severe abdominal pain, was sweating and doubled over, and had a tender ~bdomen. Nonetheless, he was' forced to wait for seven hours before he was examined by a physician, whO ultimately sent him to the hospital. The inmate died at the·hospital, apparently of a peiforated'gastric ulcer. KeeF's inadequate diagnosis and inordinate delays in providing treatment likely contributed to this inmate's' death. Under KCCF's current health care system, inmates who request or present for· medical attention are prioritized by using .the designations Pl through P4. These priority designations are designed to represent a need for follow-up care within one day, three days, dne week, and four weeks, respectively. Due· to yerceived staffing and resource shortages, however, KeeF'a current ~±ce--tifcoo.eny follow-up scheduling and treatment to any inmate classified as P3 or P4. Instead, inmates classified as P3 or P4'are expected to re-request medical care if their 3 conditions·do not improve in one or three weeks, respectively. As we explained in our August 8/ 2007 emergency letter regarding an inmate whom we encountered during our August tour, we found that miaclaasification of inmates as a P3 or P4 has had Medical staff routinely do not record P3 or P4 designations because inmates classified as such are not being seen. AccordinglYI an unknown and undocumented number of additional inmates have informally been determined to fall under this category. 'J, ; 11/21/2007 13:58 FAX 141 018/027 THE SEATTLE TIMES 2084842281 16 - life-threatening consequences. Specifically, one day prior to our tour, the inmate presented to a KeeF physician with shortness of breath and a lump in his neck. The physician classified him as P3 and sent him back to general population without orders for referral or any follow-up. However, a physical exam by our consultants revealed that the inmate required urgent evaluatio~ at an acute care hospital to rule out the risk of sudden death from obstruction of his trachea. The physician's failure to adequately a~sess the inmate falls far below generally accepted standards of correctional health care and placed the inmate's li.fe in· j.eopa:rdy.· . In reviewing the medical records of seven inmates who had been classified as P3 or P4 we found that six had been misclassified. The following inmates required prompt medical attention and should have been designated as PI or P2 so .that they. would receive follow-up care aocordingly: j • An inmate with a skin infection had been treated·with three failed courses of antibiotics and never received a wound . ,culture. •. An·inmate· on ·medications for a pituitary tumor had no evaluation medication, or lab teats. j • An inmate' had bladder symptoms related either to a sexually transmitted infection or acute prostate disease who should have had·· an evaluation and treatment but did not receive them .. • (elev~ted heart· rate) for fou~ days. Notably, this inmate had seen nursing staff, who did not provide for immediate access to a physician. By the t·ime a physician finally examined the inmate, the inmate's medical problems. had exacerbated significantly, and he was complaining of serious urinary symptoms. Rather than working him up to finding a diagnosis, the physician coded the inmate for no further follow-up. These symptoms could indicate a potentially life-threatening condition such as alcohOl withdrawal or shock, and should not have been An inmate had a sustained tachycardia j igriored~ 4 By letter dated August 10, 2007; the County responded to our emergency letter and stated that it was "taking imrnedia~e steps" to. address the deficiencies.we identified. 11/21/2007 13:56 FAX 2064642261 THE SEATTLE TIMES - 17 - 2. Inadequate Treatment of Chronic Conditions KeeF .fails to provide adequate treatment to inmates with chronic conditions or diseases that require monitoring and follow-up medical' care. This failure place~ inmates who are already p~ysically and/or ·mentally ill at risk of even greater· sUffering and harm. Specifically, in examining a sampling of medical records of inmates who have chronic conditions and/or are'on certain medications, we found the following serious deficiencies: • ,We reviewed the records of 20 inmates who were on lithium, Dilantin, or valproic acid. (The first is commonly used in the treatment of bipolar disorder and the latter ·two are anti-seizure medica~ions.) These three medications have very narrow therapeutic indexes; if an inmate is given too little, the medication will be ineffective, but if the inmate is given too much, he or she will experience substantial detrimental effects. It is absolutely critical that patients' blood levels are monitored to ensure that there are appropriate levels of the medication. Accordingly, laboratory,measurement of the levels of these medications in a patient's blood is a nationally accepted staridard of care. Only six of the twenty inmates Whose' records we reviewed had their levels checked and documented in the record. Some ,of the records contained no·ordera for such checks, and othe~s contained orders that nurses had failed to pick up. • Similarly, we reviewed the reco~ds of the six inmates at the facility who are on coumadin, a blood-thinner prescribed for those at high risk·for a blood clot and for some heart conditions. Like the medications discussed above, coumadin has a· very narrow therapeutic index. Accordingly, frequent measurement of the blood-clotting ability of inmates taking it is critical. We found that one of the inmates on coumadin was not being monitored appropriately/ p~tting him at risk for a potentially life-threatening blood clot or a hemorrhage. • We reviewed the records of nine inmates on antipsychotic medications. Inmates on antipsychotic medications should have documented screening for abnormal involuntary movements and for metabolic syndrome, a forerunner to diabetes. Not one of the files contained documentation indicating that the inmates had been screened for either of these potentially dangerous side effects. ~017/027 11/21/2007 13:57 FAX THE SEATTLE TIMES 2084842281 - 18 :.. • In reviewing the records of nine diabetic, inmates who had been at KCCF for more than a month, we looked for seven nationally accepted interventions. s There is substantial evidence that selective interventions with diabetics will prevent organ failure such as blindness, stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, and peripheral vascular disease. Review of the inmates' files revealed that KCCF does not adequately monitor these inmates through chronic care visits or consistently screen them for'the conditions that they are at risk of developing. 6 . • We·reviewed the treatment of 14 inmates with moderate or severe asthma, as determined by their medications. Chronic. follow-up care and regular monitoring of peak expiratory flow (a test that measures how well the airways are working) are critical in the proper care of asthmatics. Only five had been seen for Chronic care within the past three months and only three had 'any measurement of their peak expiratory flow. . 3. , Inadequate Emergency Care KCCFfails to'provide adequate emergency care to inmates, putting them at risk of grave harm. We observed a life- . threatening example of this during our first tour, when we encountered a female inmate who was known by KCCF staff to be depressed 'and suicidal.' While we were on her housing' unit, the inmate 'swallowed multiple medications. Disturbingly, despite the 1.lll:folding emergency,. security staff. did not call 'for medical help fQr a crucial eight minutes after the inmate had swallowed the medicat10ns. A nurse did not arrive at the housing unit with the crash cart for a total of 15 minutes after the incident. And, it took total of'25 minutes for EMS to arrive. Further compounding this situatiori~ this suicidal inmate did not speak a 5 These interventions are: measurement of sugar levels upon intake, measurement of urinary microalbumin, dilated examination of the retina, cholesterol measurement, measurement of Alc hemoglobin, chronic care visit with physician, and aspirin therapy. 6 For example, not .one of the inmates had had a measurement of ·his or her urinary microalbumin or a dilated examination 6£ the retina: Only one had had a cholesterol measurement, only two had had their Alc hemoglobin measured, only three had had a chronic care visit at all, and only four were on aspirin. ~018/027 11/21/2007 13:57 FAX 2064642261 THE SEATTLE TIMES - 19 - , English. The mental health staff who prescribed medication fo~ her had done so without the use of a translator,' even though one was reportedly available by telephone.? In observing this incident, we learned of some unwritten "policies" that, according to security staff, must be followed before a medical nurse may respond to an emergency cal~. Firat, a psychiatric nurse must evaluate the inmate,. even if the inmate is experiencing clearly life-threatening physical symptoms, like crushing ,chest pain or hemorrhaging. Second, the page system must be used, even if it would be much faster to summon the nurse from an 'adjacent medical office or 'housing unit. These ~policie8n favor process over provision of critical care of inmates whose lives ,are at risk. Moreover, although correctional facilities typically keep logs of inmates they send, to hospital emergency rooms, KCCF lacks such logs, making it difficult to ascertain the full extent of the KCCF's,deficiencies in this area. We were able to ,review care for 11 inmates who were sent to the emergencY,room, however, and found that one of them was forced to wai~ two days to see Kcep's in~house physician for an infection before finally receivi~g treatment in the emergency room.' This inmate's trip to the emergency room may have been prevented altogether if Keep had provided the inmate with timely care. 4.· Inadequate Medication Administration and Managament We 'found numerous systematic problems with medication administration and management. Kcep places inmates at risk of grave harm through significant delays and lapses' in providing critical medications to inmates and the practice of giving nurses "standing ~ordersn to admi~ister antibiotics for skin infections. First, 'orders for diagnostic tests and medications are picked up by nursing staff on an inconsistent basis. The failure to perform this important task regularly results in significant delays and lapses in providing critical medications to inmates~ For example: • An HIV-positive inmate who had an abscess was forced to wait 26 days for his first dose of antibiotics and medications for HIV. 7 Sinc~ our first tour, DAJD and JHS staff have made increasing use of telephonic translation services. I4i 018/027 11/21/2007 13:57 FAX 2064642261 THE SEATTLE TIMES - 20 - • An inmate was admitted to the jail on linezolid, a medication for drug-resistant staph skin infections. Once at KeCp, he received only one of his six prescribed doses, putting him at risk of a more serious infection and further drug resistance. • An inmate ~ad a persistent skin infection because of a • An inmate who arrived at intake with infectious skin lesions ten~day lag between the day he was prescribed an antibiotic and the day he received his first dose. did not get the necessary antibiotic treatment until his fourth day·at KCCF/ by which time he had developed cellulitis. (Cellulitis is potentially serious bacterial infection/ which left untreated, may 'turn into a lifethreatening condition.) Moreover, KCCF nurses haYe standing o~ders to administer antibiotics to inmates with skin infections. Standing orders for prescription drugs are beyond the scope of nurses' licenses. The only acceptable standing orders are for over-th~-counter medications., vaccines, standard treatment for sexually-transmitted infections, and emergency medications. KCCF's standing orders for·antibiotics puts inmates at risk of harm. 5. Inadequate Prevention. and Treatment of Communicable Diseases Prevention and treatment o"f communicable diseases is particularly critical in places where individuals live in confined. quarters, such as jails. Skin 1nfections among inmates/ including methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (1'MRSA H ) / a potentially dangerous drug-resistant bacteria that can cause serious systemic illness, 'permanent disfigurement, and death, is rising across the United States. Transmission among inmates and staff· can be·prevented through attention to laundry and personal hygiene, as well as environmental cleaning. We found serious deficiencies in these critical areas at KCCP. Moreover, we found that KCCF fails to provide adequate treatment for inmates with akin infections,· which places the infected inmate, other inmates, and staff; all at risk of harm. TO prevent the transmission of infection, jails must ensure that inmates are able to maintain proper hygiene and that inmates' living qua~ter8 are kept reasonably clean. Laundry is also an important component. Inmates should have access to clean underwear and regular changes of un~£orm. KeCF, however, fails 141 020/027 11/21/2007 13:58 FAX 2084842281 THE SEATTLE TIMES - 21 - t·o launder inmates' underwear at all, thereby increasing the risk of infection transmission. Inmates informed us that the only way .to obtain clean underwear is to purchase it from the commissary or to wash. it themselves in the cell area using their hand/shower soap. Inmates further· informed us that even when they do wash their own underwear, they are prohibited from hanging it to dry in the cell area. B Moreover, the jail provides only one uniform per week. These deficiencies greatly increase the risk of intramural transmission of skin infections. Surface disinfection is a also critical to the prevention·of skin infections. We learned that, while moat of t~e cracked mattresses we foUnd on our first tour had been replaced, and the mattresses used in the jail are cleaned· with quaternary ammonium disinfectant, this disinfectant is not being used prope~ly. Quaternary ammonium disinfectant should have ten minutes of contact time with a mattress surface before it is wiped dry. Currently, the disinfectant is being wiped dry nearly immediately ,after it is sprayed, which likely makes it ineffective ~t killing bacteria and viruaes. . Moreover, Keep fails to provide adequate treatment· to inmates with skin infections, Not only does inadequate' treatment. place the inmate at risk of harm, but it also increases the risk of transmission to· other inmates and staff. 9 For example, prior to our investigation, in January 2004, a 40-year-old inmate who had been held at the Jail for about 20 days died from a combinat~on of· flesh-eating disease and MRSA, which was linked to chronic inject~bn drug abuse. The inmate's wound purportedly had spread to 10 inches and was leaking fluid for.two days before he received medical attention. 10 Staff have expressed concern over B We certainly appreciate that thiS restriction is likely intended to epsure line of sight for security and to minimize fire risk. According to a' King· 5 News investigative report, staff have reportedly contracted MRSA at KCCP and passed the infection· on to family members. Additionally, seven staff have filed workers.compensation claims involving MRSA, and haYe missed an aggregate of 530 days of work due to the illness. Inyestigators: Dangerous Infection Thriving at King County Jails, King 5 News, November,?, 2005. j 10 2005. Contagion in the Jail, Seattle Weekly, December 7, IaJ 021/027 11/21/2007 13:58 FAX 2064642261 IdI 022/027 THE SEATTLE TIMES , - 22 - .l ,.\ transmission of communicable diseases to the media stating that the KeeF is understaffed, lacks an efficient medical record-keeping system, and puts inmates at risk unnecessarily.~l During our tour, we reviewed the charts of nihe inmates who were seen in sick call in June 2007. Of those· nine inmates, four had skin infections, and· all four experienced serious deficiencies in treatment, as follows: • ... The most dangerous situation was that of an inmate who had been seen for his skin infection on five separate occasions. Each time, KeeF practitioners prescribed the same medication, and each time, the medication was ineffective . . The inmate had developed cellulitis and an abscess, neither of which could improv~ until the abscess was drained. Another inmate ~ith a skin infection was forced to wait three days to get medication and five days to see a nurse practitioner. • The third inmate "had to wait four days before receiving prescription for·his skin inf@ction. • For the fourth inmate, m@dication was ordered, but the order"· was never picked up by nursing staff. There was no indication that· the inmate ever received the medication. ~ ) our investigation"also"reveal@d that KCCF performs very few diagnostic' cultures of·skin infections. A culture, which· is· an examination· of a sampling of cells taken from the affected 'area, may be done to ··identify the microorganism causing the skin infectidn and to determine the antibiotic or other treatment that will effectively treat it. Keep reported that it performed only 13 to 21 diagnostic cultures per month for the six months prior to our s@cond tour. KCCF was unable to produce laboratory ~ecords for recent months, sO we were unable to quantify baqterial cultures actually performed. Moreover, while KceF tracks the incidence of skin infections in its surveillance log, this log apparently does not present the full state of skin infections at the jail. This is because the log is likely incomplete due to problems with intake screening, access (appointment backlogs and inadequate physician staffing), inadequate methods of tracking data (absence of emergency room utili~ation,logs), poo~ medical reco~ds (notably, lack of charted 11 11/21/2007 13:58 FAX 2064642261 THE SEATTLE TIMES I4J 023/027 - 23 - wound culture results), and inadequate laboratory testing (few cultures). Thus, it was not possible for us to determine the full extent of the jail's problem with intramural transmission of skin infections. ·wo~d 6. Inadequate Intake Procedures Adequate intake procedures are essential for ensuring that inmates are properly screened by staff· who are trained to tdentify and triage serious medical needs. KCCP fails to adequately train and supervise intake staff, and exhibits serious lapses and delays in treatment during its intake process. These failures prevent inmates from receiving adequate treatment for acute or chronic medical needs, placing them at risk of serious harm. For example: • • We witnessed the processing of an inmate who had been stopped by a state trooper. The trooper told ue the inmate was staring into space and had been arrested for driving under the influence. The inmate clearly had an altered state of consciousness, either from drugs or psychosis. Neither the· intake officer nor the intake nurse recognized this altered state of consciousness. Only after our expert ·noted the inmate's condition to several staff members did the inmate receive appropriate monito~ing and treatment. An inma'te who had sustained a sexual assault and was suicidal on intake was seen by psychiatry, but KCCF made·no attempt to determine whether she had a sexually transmitted infection·or to· conduct its own tests. • We encountered a 'seriously ill inmate on the women's housing unit, whom the booking officer found had "no observed medica~.problems," Her medical intake was ·not completed because ·the nurse said the inmate was manic and could. not be interviewed.· Despite the knowledge that the inmate was me~tally ill, neither the nurse nor anyone else called-for any, much less the·necessary immediate, psychiatric or medical evaluation. By the time we observed the inmate on the housing uriit, it was ,evident that she was seriously ill. The inmate was shaking, vomiting, and showing signs of serious malnourishment. • We witnessed an inmate who reported a history of bipolar disorder. She had been screaming and pounding her fists on the door for two· hours in the intake area, yet she had not had a medical screen and no one called for a mental health evaluation. ,~ 11/21/2007 13:59 FAX ,. THE SEATTLE TIMES 2064642261 ~ 024/027 - 24 - A sixty-year-old inmate arrived at the jail uncooperative and lethargic, with sutured head wounds, a stiff neck, and unequal pupils (possibly a sign of acute brain ~amage). He was not, seen by a physician for 24 hours. • Keep • KeeF also failed to evaluate and treat a woman with a history of suiCide attempts and alcohol withdrawal ~eizures 'Who ha¢l an abscess and cellulitis upon admiSSion. failed to provide evaluation or treatment at intake' to a hypertensive alcoholiq who had abnormal vital signs consistent with alcohol withdrawal syndrome. '~ ~ ,~ .IV. REMEDIAL MEASURES In order to rectify the identified deficiencies and protect the constitutional rights of inmates confined at KCCF, this ' ,facility should implement, at a minimum, the following remedial meas'ures: A. Protection from HanD. 1. B. Develop and maintain comprehensive and contemporary policies-and procedures regarding'permiss~ble use of force. 2. Ensure that staff receive adequate competency-based ,training'in use of force and'defensive tactics. 3. Develop and maintain comprehensive-policies, , procedures,', and practices for the investigation of alleged staff misconduct. 4. Ensure that incident reports and inmate grievances are screened for allegations of staff misconduct and, if the incident or allegation ~eets established criteria" :r:eferred for 'investigation. 5. Ensure that IIU management and staff receive appropriate competency-based training in conductinginvestigations. ' Suicide Prevention Measures 1. Ensure that the number of hours of pre-service and annual in-service suicide prevention training are adequate. , 0, I 11/21/2007 13:58 FAX 2064642261 THE SEATTLE TIMES - 25 - c. 2. 'Provide a curriculum for pre-service and annual inservice competency-based suicide prevention training that includes an array of topics so that staff are adequately trained to identify and manage .suicide. 3. Ensure that, prior to assuming their duties and on a regular basis 'thereafter, all staff who work directly with inmates have demonstrated competence in identifying and managing suicide. 4. Ensure that DAJD and JHS suicide prevention policies include an operational description of the requirements for both pre-service and annual in-service training. 5. Ensure that any staff who are exempt from sUlcide prevention training, i.e. "contract" JHS staff, have limited inmate contact and'are prohibited from working in the ITR area. 6. Ensure that inmates on SUicide precautions receive adequate mental status 'examinations by a mental health clinician. Medical Care 1. Frovide adequate and timely, medical care for all inmates~ 2. Provide adequate medical intake procedures. 3. Ensure that medical staff cl~ssify inmates, properly and examines and treats inmates 'in a timely manner,: 4. Ensure that inmates with chronic diseases receive adequate medical care, inclUding appropriate monitoring and diagnostic testing. 5. Develop and implement a system to review emergency room' visit and hospitalization logs to effectively monitor the care of ambulatory-sensitive conditions (e.g., preventable deaths, diabetic ketoacidosis) . 6. Provide adequate competency-based training to security staff, medical care staff, and intake staff regarding responding to medical emergencies. 7. Ensure that sanitized. ma~tresses are frequently and effectively ~ 025/027 11/21/2007 13:59 FAX THE SEATTLE TIMES 2064642261 ~ 026/027 - 26 - 8. Provide adequate and sanitary laundry services to inmates. 9. Develop and implement adequate clinical guidelines regarding akin infections. 10. Ensure that reliable data on the incidence of skin infections are maintained, and analyze this data to identify sources of intramural transmission. 11. Ensure that inmates with skin infections receive timely and app~opri~te wound CUltures, case identification,' treatment, wound care, and monitoring. 12. Ensure that inmates with persistent and, -recurrent skin infections are referred to a physician. 13. Ensure that inmates receive adequate and timely' medication management,. 14. Eliminate standing ord~ra for nurses to administer antibiotics for skin infections. * * '~ * Please note that this findings letter is a public 'document. It \tIill be posted on the Civil Rights Division's website,. While we will provide a copy, of this letter to any individual or entity upon request, as a matt'er of courtesy, we will not post this letter on the Civil Rights DiVision'S website until ten calendar days from the date of this letter.' We hope to continue working with the county in an amicable and cooperative fashion to resolve our outstanding concerns regarding KCCF. Assuming there is a continuing spirit of cooperation from the CQunty, we also would be willing to send our consultants' evaluations under sepa~ate cover. These reports are not public documents. ~lthough the consultants' evaluations and work do not necessarily reflect the official conclusions of the Department of Justice, their observations, analysis, and recommendations provide further elaboration on the issues discussed this letter and offer practical technical assistance in addressing them. in We are obligated to advise you that, in the entirely unexpected event that we are unable to reach a resolution regarding our concerns, the Attorney General may initiate a , ! 11/21/2007 14:00 FAX 2084842281 THE SEATTLE TIMES 141 027/027 - 27 lawsuit pursuant to CRIPA to correct deficiencies of ~he kind identified in this letter 49 days after appropriate officials have been notif,ied of them. 42 U, s. C. § 1997b (a) (1) . We would prefer, however, to resolve this matter by working cooperatively with you and are confident. that we will be able to do so in this case. The lawyers assigned to this investigation will be contacting the facility's attorney to·discuss thi~ matter in further detail. If you have any ,questions regarding this letter, please call Shanetta Y. Cutlar, Chief of the Civil Rights Division's Special Litigation Section" at (202) 514-0195. Sincerely, .... -.. Rena J. Comisac Acting Assistant Attorney General cc: Dan Satterberg Interim King· County Prosecutirtg Attorney Reed Holtgeerts Director King County·Department of Adult an~ Juvenile Detention GOl:don Karlsson Facility Commander K~ng County Correctional Facility (Seattle Division Jail) The Honorable Jeffrey C. Sullivan United States Attorney Western District of. washington Kelly L. Harris Assistant United States Attorney Western District of Washington ~