Doc California Prisoners and Parolees 2008 Statistics
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California Prisoners & Parolees CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION OFFENDER INFORMATION SERVICES BRANCH ESTIMATES AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SECTION DATA ANALYSIS UNIT CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 2008 Summary Statistics On Adult Felon Prisoners and Parolees, Civil Narcotic Addicts and Outpatients and Other Populations Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Offender Information Services Branch Estimates and Statistical Analysis Section Data Analysis Unit Sacramento, California 95811 2009 This page intentionally left blank. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION MATTHEW CATE Secretary SCOTT KERNAN Undersecretary, Operations KATHRYN P. JETT Undersecretary, Programs MARY FERNANDEZ Undersecretary, Administration ADULT OPERATIONS VACANT Chief Deputy Secretary, Adult Operations SUZAN L. HUBBARD Director, Division of Adult Institutions THOMAS G. HOFFMAN Director, Division of Adult Parole Operations This page intentionally left blank. OFFENDER INFORMATION SERVICES BRANCH RUDY HAAPANEN Chief Offender Information Services Branch JAY R. ATKINSON Research Manager II Estimates and Statistical Analysis Section ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Data Analysis Unit LORI ASUNCION Staff Services Manager I STEPHEN KRIMETZ DAVID WEISHAHN Associate Information Systems Analyst Associate Information Systems Analyst CYNTHIA WAGSTAFF RAVINDERPAL VAID Research Analyst II Research Analyst II ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 1515 S STREET SACRAMENTO, CA 95811 TELEPHONE (916) 445-1310 This page intentionally left blank. PREFACE California Prisoners and Parolees, 2008, is a presentation of statistical data about the adult felons, civil narcotic addicts and other populations under the jurisdiction of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). Statistical data on felons in CDCR have been published since 1950 when the first issue of California Prisoners, covering the years 1945 through 1949, was released. Statistical data on civil narcotic addicts have been published since 1967 when the first issue of Summary Statistics, Civil Commitment Program for Narcotic Addicts, covering the years 1961 through 1966, was published. Beginning in 1981, the two were combined into one publication. In 2008, CDCR’s publication Historical Trends was incorporated into this publication. Historical Trends described changes to CDCR’s population over a 20 year time period. This publication is organized into six sections containing information about different types of populations under CDCR jurisdiction. The Reference Guide provides a list of prisons by name and location; maps identifying counties, areas of commitment, and parole regions; and a glossary of terms and acronyms used throughout the publication. The Chief Deputy Secretary of Adult Operations administered 33 prisons, four detention centers, four parole regions, and 42 camps during 2008. The types of commitments received by CDCR are felons, civil narcotic addicts, County Diagnostic Cases (under Penal Code Section 1203.03), some Juvenile Justice commitments, safekeepers, federal prisoners, and prisoners from other states. This publication contains only a portion of the data available in report format. If you have a request for additional data or have any questions regarding the presentation of these data, we can be contacted at: Internet: Intranet: http://intranet/PED/Offender-Information/Reports/OffenderInformation.asp E-mail: Telephone: (916) 445-1310 FAX: (916) 327-5836 This page intentionally left blank. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 - California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Page CDCR Population Highlights ......................................................................................................................... 1 Table 1 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Population, 2008.............................. 5 Table 2A Total Institution Population Movements, 2008 .......................................................................... 6 Table 2B Male Institution Population Movements, 2008........................................................................... 7 Table 2C Female Institution Population Movements, 2008 ....................................................................... 8 SECTION 2 - Institution Population Table 3 Institution Population, Rate per 100,000 California Population, 1989-2008 ............................. 9 Chart 1 Institution Population, Felons and Non-Felons, 1989-2008 ......................................................10 Table 4 Institution Population by Location and Design Capacity, 2008 ................................................11 Table 5 Institution Population, Design Bed Capacity and Rate of Occupancy, 1989-2008 ...................12 Chart 2 Institutions and Camps Design Bed Capacity and Population, 1989-2008 ..............................13 Table 6 Institution Population by Arrival Status, Commitment Type and Gender, 2008 ......................14 Table 7 Institution Population by Commitment Type and Gender, 1989-2008 .....................................15 Table 8 Felon Institution Population by Offense and Gender, 2008 ......................................................16 Table 9 Felon Institution Population by Offense Category and Gender, 1989-2008 .............................17 Chart 3 Felon Institution Population, Person and Drug Offenses, 1989-2008 ......................................18 Table 10 Institution Population by Racial/Ethnic Group and Gender, With Chart, 2008 .....................19 Table 11 Felon Institution Population by Racial/Ethnic Group and Gender, 1989-2008.........................20 Chart 4 Total Institution Population Racial/Ethnic Composition, 1989-2008 .......................................21 Table 12 Institution Population by Age Group, Mean Age and Gender, With Chart, 2008.....................22 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 2 - Institution Population (Continued) Page Table 13 Felon Institution Population by Age Group, Mean Age and Gender, 1989-2008 .....................23 Chart 5 Total Institution Population Age Groups, 1989-2008 ...............................................................24 Table 14 Institution Population by County of Commitment, With Chart, 2008 ......................................25 Table 15A Total Felon New Admissions and Parole Violators Returned With a New Term, Number And Rate per 100,000 County Population, by County and Area of Commitment, 2008 ..........26 Table 15B Male Felon New Admissions and Parole Violators Returned With a New Term, Number And Rate per 100,000 County Population, by County and Area of Commitment, 2008 ..........28 Table 15C Female Felon New Admissions and Parole Violators Returned With a New Term, Number And Rate per 100,000 County Population, by County and Area of Commitment, 2008 ..........30 Table 16 Felon Institution Population by Admission/Return Status and Gender, 1989-2008 .................32 Chart 6 Total Felon Institution Population by Admission/Return Status, 1989-2008............................33 Table 17 Civil Narcotic Addict Institution Population by Gender, With Chart, 1989-2008 ....................34 Table 18 Civil Narcotic Addict Institution Population by Racial/Ethnic Group and Gender, With Chart, 1989-2008 ..............................................................................................................35 Table 19 Civil Narcotic Addict Institution Population by Age Group, Mean Age and Gender, 1989-2008 ..................................................................................................................................36 Table 20 Community Correctional Center Population by Program Type, With Chart, 2008...................37 Table 21 Community Correctional Center Population by Racial/Ethnic Group and Gender, With Chart, 1989-2008 ..............................................................................................................38 Table 22 Community Correctional Center Population by Age Group, Mean Age and Gender, 1989-2008 ..................................................................................................................................39 Table 23 Number of Escapes from Institutions and Camps, Rate per 100 Average Daily Population (ADP), With Chart, 1989-2008 ...............................................................................40 Table 24 Number of Escapes from Community Based Programs, Rate per 100 Population at Risk, With Chart, 1989-2008 ...............................................................................41 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 3 – Felon New Admissions Page Table 25 Felon New Admissions, Commitment Rate per 100,000 California Population, By Gender, With Chart, 1989-2008 ..........................................................................................42 Chart 7 Total Felon New Admissions Rate Per 100,000 California Population, 1989-2008 .................43 Table 26 Felon New Admissions by Offense and Gender, 2008 ..............................................................44 Table 27 Felon New Admissions by Offense Category and Gender, With Chart, 1989-2008 .................46 Table 28 Felon New Admissions by Racial/Ethnic Group and Gender, With Chart, 1989-2008 ............47 Table 29 Felon New Admissions by Age Group and Mean Age, 1088-2008 ..........................................48 SECTION 4 – Felon Parole Violators Returned With a New Term Table 30 Felon Parole Violators Returned With a New Term, Number and Rate per 100 Average Daily Felon Parolee and Parolee-at-Large (PAL) Population (ADP), By Gender, 1994-2008 .............................................................................................................49 Chart 8 Felon Parole Violators Returned To Prison With a New Term (PV-WNT), 1989-2008 ..........50 Table 31 Felon Parole Violators Returned With a New Term (PV-WNTs) by Offense and Gender, 2008 ............................................................................................................................51 Table 32 Felon Parole Violators Returned With a New Term by Offense Category and Gender, With Chart, 1994-2008 ...............................................................................................53 Table 33 Felon Parole Violators Returned With a New Term by Racial/Ethnic Group And Gender, With Chart, 1994-2007 .........................................................................................54 Table 34 Felon Parole Violators Returned With a New Term by Age Group, Mean Age And Gender, 1994-2008.............................................................................................................55 SECTION 5 – Felon Parole Violators Returned to Custody Table 35 Felon Parole Violators Returned to Custody (PV-RTC), Number and Rate per 100 Average Daily Felon Parolee and Parolee-at-Large (PAL) Population (ADP) by Gender, 1994-2008 ...................................................................................................................56 Chart 9 Felon Parole Violators Returned To Custody (PV-RTC), 1989-2008.......................................57 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 5 – Felon Parole Violators Returned to Custody (Continued) Page Table 36 Felon Parole Violators Returned to Custody (PV-RTC) by Racial/Ethnic Group and Gender, With Chart, 1994-2008...............................................................................58 Table 37 Felon Parole Violators Returned to Custody (PV-RTC) by Age Group, Mean Age and Gender, 1994-2008 ............................................................................................59 SECTION 6 – Parole and Outpatient Population Table 38 Parole and Outpatient Population Supervised in California, Rate per 100,000 California Population, 1989-2008..............................................................................................60 Chart 10 Felon Parole and Civil Narcotic Addict (CNA) Outpatient Population Supervised in California, 1989-2008 ................................................................................................................61 Table 39 Total Parole and Outpatient Population, 1989-2008 .................................................................62 Table 40 Felon Parole Population Supervised by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation by Offense and Gender, 2008 .............................................................................63 Table 41 Parole Population Supervised in California by Offense Category and Gender, With Chart, 1989-2008 ...................................................................................................................................64 Table 42 Parole and Outpatient Population Supervised in California by Racial/Ethnic Group And Gender, 1989-2008 .............................................................................................................65 Chart 11 Parole and Outpatient Population Supervised in California, Racial/Ethnic Composition, 1989-2008 ..................................................................................................................................66 Table 43 Parole and Outpatient Population Supervised in California by Age Group, Mean Age and Gender, 1994-2008 .....................................................................................................................67 Chart 12 Parole and Outpatient Population Supervised in California, Age Groups, 1989-2008 .............68 Table 44A Total Felons Paroled and Reparoled from an Institution by Region and County of Parole, 2008 .............................................................................................................69 Table 44B Total Male Felons Paroled and Reparoled from an Institution by Region and County of Parole, 2008 .............................................................................................................71 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 6 - Parole and Outpatient Population (Continued) Page Table 44C Total Female Felons Paroled and Reparoled from an Institution by Region and County of Parole, 2008 .............................................................................................................73 Table 45A Total Felons First Releases to Parole by Offense and Time Served on Prison Sentence, 2008 ...........................................................................................................................75 Table 45B Male Felons First Releases to Parole by Offense and Time Served on Prison Sentence, 2008 ...........................................................................................................................77 Table 45C Female Felons First Releases to Parole by Offense and Time Served on Prison Sentence, 2008 ...........................................................................................................................79 Table 46 Median Time Served on Prison Sentence Felons First Releases to Parole by Gender, 1989-2008 ..................................................................................................................................81 Chart 13 Median Time Served on Prison Sentence Felons First Releases to Parole by Gender, 1989-2008 ..................................................................................................................................82 Table 47 Felon Parole Movements by Gender, 2008 .............................................................................83 Table 48 Felons Paroled From an Institution and Change Since the Previous Year by Gender, With Chart, 1989-2008 ..............................................................................................................84 Chart 14 Felon Releases to Parole, 1989-2008 .........................................................................................85 Table 49 Felon Parolees-at-Large (PALs) by Gender, With Chart, 1989-2008 .......................................86 Table 50 Civil Narcotic Addict Releasees-at-Large (RALs) by Gender, With Chart, 1989-2008 ...........87 Table 51 One and Two Year Follow-up Recidivism Rates, Felons Under the Supervision Of The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, First Released to Parole In 2004 By Principal Commitment Offense .............................................................................88 Table 51A Definitions and Formulas for Recidivism Rates for Felons Paroled to the Supervision of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, First Released to Parole in 2004 .................................................................................................89 Reference Guide Institution Acronyms, Names and Locations .....................................................................................90 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES TABLE OF CONTENTS County and Area of Commitment Map .............................................................................................93 County and Region of Parole Map ....................................................................................................94 Glossary of Terms and Acronyms .....................................................................................................95 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES Section 1 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Total Population This page intentionally left blank. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES CDCR POPULATION HIGHLIGHTS On December 31, 2008, the total California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation population was 316,229. On December 31, 2008, there were 123,597 felons and civil narcotic addicts on parole in California, a 2.6% decrease from 2007. The institution population on December 31, 20087 was 171,085 which was a 0.2% decrease from the previous year. The design bed capacity of CDCR institutions and camps on December 31, 2008, was 84,066. The population was 189.1% of the design capacity. During 2008, 142,954 offenders were admitted to an institution as a new admission or a parole violator and 139,535 offenders were paroled, discharged or otherwise released from custody. 1 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES TOTAL CDCR POPULATION TOTAL CDCR POPULATION The total California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) population was 316,229 on December 31, 2008. • The institution population included: Total CDCR Population 158,931 in institutions and camps. December 31, 2008 5,804 in Community Correctional Centers. 184 in Department of Mental Health (DHM) State Hospitals. Other Populations 6.2% 6,166 in out-of-state institutions. • 0.6% Non-CDCR Jurisdictions The California supervised parole population included: 122,193 California felons and civil narcotic outpatients. Paroles 39.1% Institutions 54.8% 1,404 parolees from other states being supervised in California through the Interstate Compact Agreement (Cooperative Cases). • Other populations totaling 19,755, included: 17,470 felons and civil addicts who absconded from parole supervision (PALs/RALs). Source: Table 1 2,067 felons and civil addicts temporarily released to other jurisdictions. NOTE: Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding. 218 inmates on escape status. • There were 1,792 California offenders supervised by other jurisdictions, including: 1,153 California parolees supervised under the jurisdiction of other states. 639 inmates and parolees supervised by federal, juvenile, and other state jurisdictions. 2 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES TOTAL CDCR POPULATION ARRIVALS During calendar year 2008, there were 415,217 inmate arrivals at institutions. Of these, 243,739 were transfers between CDCR institutions. • Admissions accounted for 47,878 arrivals. There were: Type of Arrival 46,380 felon new admissions. Calendar Year 2008 862 county diagnostic cases. 559 civil narcotic addict admissions. (ounty Diagnostic 63 admissions from federal jurisdiction, the Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) and other states. Civil Narcotic Addict Admissions lind Returns Returns from Temporary Release 14 admissions of safekeepers. • Parole returns accounted for 95,076 arrivals. There were: PV·WNTs Felon New AdmiSSions 74,531 felon parole violators returned to custody (PV-RTC) (including those pending revocation hearings and psychiatric returns) for violating a condition of parole. PV·RTCs +----,-----,----,-----, a 19,937 felon parole violators returned with a new term (PV-WNT). 20,000 Arrivals Source: Table 2A 629 civil narcotic addict outpatient returns. 128 were returned from other jurisdictions (federal, other state or DJJ). • Returns from temporary releases (court, jail, hospital/medical or others) accounted for 28,350. 46 were returned from escape status. 3 40,000 60,000 80,000 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES TOTAL CDCR POPULATION DEPARTURES During calendar year 2008, there were 415,624 departures from CDCR institutions, including 243,739 intra-institutional transfers. Type of Departure • 136,376 offenders paroled. Of these: Calendar Year 2008 65,089 were felons first released to parole. Civil Narcotic Addict Releases 70,148 felons were reparoled.* 1,139 civil narcotic addicts were released to outpatient status. Discharges • 32,350 temporary releases for court appearance, jail, medical treatment, or other types of departures. Temporary Releases • 2,830 discharges. Felon Re-paroles • 41 escapes. • 194 offenders died. • 94 releases to other jurisdictions to serve their prison term (federal, other states, and CYA). Felon First Releases to Parole ° 20,000 40,000 Departures Source: Table 2A * Offenders may be counted more than one time when they are re-paroled. 4 60,000 80,000 TABLE 1 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION POPULATION DECEMBER 31, 2008 MALE FEMALE CHANGE SINCE 12/31/07 DESIGN PERCENT STAFFED NUMBER PERCENT CAPACITY OCCUPIED CAPACITY TOTAL INSTITUTIONS IN-STATE Institutions/Camps Institutions Camps (CCC & SCC) * Community Corr. Ctrs. DMH State Hospitals Out-Of-State 159,694 153,528 148,180 144,103 4,077 5,186 162 6,166 11,391 11,391 10,751 10,458 293 618 22 0 171,085 164,919 158,931 154,561 4,370 5,804 184 6,166 -359 -6,525 -3,910 -3,876 -34 -566 6 4,111 -0.2 -3.8 -2.4 -2.4 -0.7 -8.8 3.3 200.0 PAROLE Community Supervision Cooperative Cases (ICOOP) 110,207 109,004 1,203 13,390 13,189 201 123,597 122,193 1,404 -3,309 -3,243 -66 -2.6 -2.5 -4.4 NON-CDCR JURISDICTION Other State/Federal Inst. Out of State Parole (ISPU) O t off S Out State t t PAL DJJ-W&I 1731.5(c) Institutions Parole 1,622 491 962 53 170 27 131 7 1,792 518 1,093 60 -83 2 -87 -13 13 -4.4 0.3 -7.3 -17.8 17 8 116 0 5 0 121 0 15 14.1 17,256 1,865 205 15,186 2,499 202 13 2,284 19,755 2,067 218 17,470 -1,385 -195 0 -1,190 -6.5 -8.6 0.0 -6.3 288,779 27,450 316,229 -3,081 -0.9 OTHER POPULATIONS Out to Court, etc. Escaped Parolees (PAL/RAL) TOTAL CDCR POPULATION 84,066 79,828 4,238 POPULATION AND PERCENTAGE CHANGE FROM ONE YEAR AGO 12/31/07 12/31/08 CHANGE SINCE 12/31/07 INCREASE PERCENT INSTITUTIONS Male Female 158,437 148,069 10,368 154,561 144,103 10,458 -3,876 -3,966 90 -2.4 -2.6 0.8 PAROLE Male Female 126,906 112,789 14,117 123,597 110,207 13,390 -3,309 -2,582 -727 -2.6 -2.2 -5.1 * Figure excludes institution based camps. Total persons in camps, including base camps, are 4,388. Base camp at CMC is included in institution count. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 5 189.1 193.6 103.1 161,530 157,171 4,359 TABLE 2A TOTAL INSTITUTION POPULATION MOVEMENTS CALENDAR YEAR 2008 Movement Types Total POPULATION Beginning Ending December 31, 2007 December 31, 2008 NET CHANGE INTAKE Transfers In New Admissions Felons Commitment Type Civil County Narcotic Diagnostic Safe- Federal Addicts Cases keepers Cases From Other States Div. Juv. Justice Wards 171,444 171,085 -359 170,129 170,020 -109 992 802 -190 166 127 -39 7 5 -2 9 9 0 84 85 1 57 37 -20 243,739 47,878 241,216 46,380 1,886 559 501 862 7 14 2 0 37 9 90 54 Parole Returns PV-RTC and OPR-TFT PV-WNT and OPR-WNT Pending Revocation SUBTOTAL 12,768 19,937 62,371 95,076 12,160 19,916 62,371 94,447 608 21 0 629 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Arrivals Federal/State/DJJ Escape Court Jail Hospital/Medical Temp Community Leave Other SUBTOTAL 128 46 8,131 551 19,437 1 230 415,217 127 45 8,027 551 19,257 1 220 410,271 0 1 97 0 142 0 0 3,314 1 0 1 0 25 0 0 1,390 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 57 0 0 3 0 1 0 10 158 243,739 241,216 65,711 65,089 70,665 70,148 2,830 1,759 194 192 94 94 41 41 9,782 9,495 624 624 19,963 19,781 1 1 1,980 1,975 415,624 410,415 1,886 622 517 64 0 0 0 273 0 144 0 2 3,508 501 0 0 902 0 0 0 4 0 25 0 0 1,432 7 0 0 13 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 26 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 37 0 0 6 2 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 56 90 0 0 86 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 3 184 1 3 181 1 186 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 OUTGO Transfers Out Paroled Discharged Deceased Other Outgo First Parole Re-parole Federal/State/CYA Escape Court Jail Hospital/Medical Temp Community Leave Other SUBTOTAL Temporary Release Paroled First Parole Re-parole Discharged Deceased SUBTOTAL 1,840 1,801 303 151 4,095 1,839 1,798 116 150 3,903 Note: NET CHANGE may not equal INTAKE less OUTGO SUB TOTAL due to uncategorized moves. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 6 TABLE 2B MALE INSTITUTION POPULATION MOVEMENTS CALENDAR YEAR 2008 Movement Types Total POPULATION Beginning Ending INTAKE Transfers In New Admissions Parole Returns Other Arrivals OUTGO Transfers Out Paroled Discharged Deceased Other Outgo Felons Commitment Type Civil County Narcotic Diagnostic Safe- Federal Addicts Cases keepers Cases From Other States Div. Juv. Justice Wards December 31, 2007 December 31, 2008 NET CHANGE 160,028 159,694 -334 159,022 158,878 -144 724 592 -132 140 100 -40 7 5 -2 8 8 0 72 75 3 55 36 -19 PV-RTC and OPR-TFT PV-WNT and OPR-WNT Pending Revocation SUBTOTAL 225,586 41,543 11,287 18,169 57,519 86,975 223,664 40,306 10,794 18,149 57,519 86,462 1,330 417 493 20 0 513 459 744 0 0 0 0 7 13 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 35 9 0 0 0 0 89 54 0 0 0 0 Federal/State/CYA Escape Court Jail Hospital/Medical Temp Community Leave Other SUBTOTAL 125 37 6,858 484 16,594 1 223 378,426 124 37 6,787 484 16,483 1 213 374,561 0 0 64 0 79 0 0 2,403 1 0 1 0 20 0 0 1,225 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 54 0 0 3 0 1 0 10 157 225,586 57,979 64,620 2,597 189 86 33 8,302 539 17,069 1 1,807 378,808 223,664 57,547 64,194 1,657 187 86 33 8,073 539 16,957 1 1,804 374,742 1,330 432 426 54 0 0 0 215 0 80 0 0 2,537 459 0 0 785 0 0 0 4 0 20 0 0 1,268 7 0 0 12 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 25 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 35 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 51 89 0 0 85 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 3 182 1,665 1,601 267 142 3,675 1,664 1,600 104 141 3,509 1 1 157 1 160 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 First Parole Re-parole Federal/State/DJJ Escape Court Jail Hospital/Medical Temp Community Leave Other SUBTOTAL Temporary Release Paroled First Parole Re-parole Discharged Deceased SUB TOTAL Note: NET CHANGE may not equal INTAKE less OUTGO SUB TOTAL due to uncategorized moves. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 7 TABLE 2C FEMALE INSTITUTION POPULATION MOVEMENTS CALENDAR YEAR 2008 Movement Types Total POPULATION Beginning Ending INTAKE Transfers In New Admissions Parole Returns Other Arrivals OUTGO Transfers Out Paroled Discharged Deceased Other Outgo Felons Commitment Type Civil County Narcotic Diagnostic Safe- Federal Addicts Cases keepers Cases From Other States Div. Juv. Justice Wards December 31, 2007 December 31, 2008 NET CHANGE 11,416 11,391 -25 11,107 11,142 35 268 210 -58 26 27 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 12 10 -2 2 1 -1 PV-RTC and OPR-TFT PV-WNT and OPR-WNT Pending Revocation SUBTOTAL 18,153 6,335 1,481 1,768 4,852 8,101 17,552 6,074 1,366 1,767 4,852 7,985 556 142 115 1 0 116 42 118 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Federal/State/CYA Escape Court Jail Hospital/Medical Temp Community Leave Other SUBTOTAL 3 9 1,273 67 2,843 0 7 36,791 3 8 1,240 67 2,774 0 7 35,710 0 1 33 0 63 0 0 911 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 165 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 18,153 7,732 6,045 233 5 8 8 1,480 85 2,894 0 173 36,816 17,552 7,542 5,954 102 5 8 8 1,422 85 2,824 0 171 35,673 556 190 91 10 0 0 0 58 0 64 0 2 971 42 0 0 117 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 164 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 175 200 36 9 420 175 198 12 9 394 0 2 24 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 First Parole Re-parole Federal/State/DJJ Escape Court Jail Hospital/Medical Temp Community Leave Other SUBTOTAL Temporary Release Paroled First Parole Re-parole Discharged Deceased SUBTOTAL Note: NET CHANGE may not equal INTAKE less OUTGO SUB TOTAL due to uncategorized moves. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 8 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES Section 2 Institution Population This page intentionally left blank. TABLE 3 INSTITUTION POPULATION RATE PER 100,000 CALIFORNIA POPULATION DECEMBER 31, 1989 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2008 RATE PER 100,000 CALIFORNIA POPULATION DECEMBER 31 ESTIMATED CALIFORNIA POPULATION* 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 29,558,000 30,296,000 30,812,000 31,303,000 31,661,000 87,297 97,309 101,808 109,496 119,951 295.3 321.2 330.4 349.8 378.9 11,126 10,012 4,499 7,688 10,455 14.6 11.5 4.6 7.6 9.5 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 31,910,000 32,223,000 32,670,000 33,226,000 33,773,000 125,605 135,133 145,565 155,276 159,563 393.6 419.4 445.6 467.3 472.5 5,654 9,528 10,432 9,711 4,287 4.7 7.6 7.7 6.7 2.8 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 34,336,000 34,650,000 35,230,000 35,802,238 36,363,502 160,687 160,655 157,142 159,695 161,785 468.0 463.7 446.0 446.0 444.9 1,124 -32 -3,513 2,553 2,090 0.7 0.0 -2.2 1.6 1.3 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 36,810,358 36,854,224 37,380,870 37,810,582 38,246,598 163,939 168,035 172,528 171,444 171,085 445.4 455.9 461.5 453.4 447.3 2,154 4,096 4,493 -1,084 -359 1.3 2.4 2.6 -0.6 -0.2 INSTITUTION POPULATION ANNUAL CHANGE Number Percent * The estimated California population was obtained from the Department of Finance. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 9 CHART 1 INSTITUTION POPULATION FELONS AND NON-FELONS December 31, 1989 - December 31, 2008 Inmate Population 200,000 180,000 160,687 163,939 171,085 160,000 140,000 125,605 120,000 100,000 87,297 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 10 TABLE 4 INSTITUTION POPULATION BY LOCATION AND DESIGN CAPACITY AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2008 DESIGN CAPACITY PERCENT OCCUPIED STAFFED CAPACITY 148,180 78,726 188.2 150,537 Avenal State Prison California Correctional Center California Correctional Institution California Institution for Men 6,556 5,594 5,759 5,646 2,920 3,883 2,783 2,976 224.5 144.1 206.9 189.7 6,878 5,724 5,835 5,832 California Medical Facility California Men's Colony California Rehabilitation Center (Men) California State Prison, Calipatria 2,873 6,445 4,369 4,258 2,297 3,838 2,491 2,308 125.1 167.9 175.4 184.5 3,060 6,488 4,408 4,218 California State Prison, Centinela California State Prison, Corcoran California State Prison, Los Angeles County California State Prison, Sacramento 4,976 5,737 4,938 2,951 2,308 3,116 2,300 1,828 215.6 184.1 214.7 161.4 5,136 5,653 5,027 3,059 California State Prison, San Quentin California State Prison, Solano California SATF and State Prison , Corcoran Chuckawalla Valley State Prison 5,256 5,213 7,073 3,197 3,082 2,610 3,424 1,738 170.5 199.7 206.6 183.9 5,259 5,427 7,264 3,328 Correctional Training Facility Deuel Vocational Institution Folsom State Prison High Desert State Prison 6,409 3,847 4,024 4,387 3,312 1,681 2,469 2,324 193.5 228.9 163.0 188.8 6,527 3,811 4,078 4,536 Ironwood State Prison Kern Valley State Prison Mule Creek State Prison North Kern State Prison 4,161 4,797 3,859 5,394 2,200 2,448 1,700 2,694 189.1 196.0 227.0 200.2 4,445 4,820 3,748 5,454 Pelican Bay State Prison Pleasant Valley State Prison Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility 3,429 5,084 305 4,773 2,380 2,308 0 2,200 144.1 220.3 0.0 217.0 3,502 5,162 250 4,814 Salinas Valley State Prison San Bruno County Jail Santa Rita County Jail Sierra Conservation Center Wasco State Prison 4,014 1 816 6,068 5,971 2,388 0 0 3,736 2,984 168.1 0.0 0.0 162.4 200.1 4,099 30 750 6,067 5,848 10,751 5,340 201.3 10,993 2,596 4,082 15 4,058 1,356 2,004 0 1,980 191.4 203.7 0.0 204.9 2,669 4,166 0 4,158 TOTAL INSTITUTION POPULATION Male Institutions/Camps 171,085 Male Community Correctional Centers Male DMH State Hospitals Male Out-of-State Female Institutions/Camps 5,186 162 6,166 California Institution for Women Central California Women's Facility Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center Valley State Prison Female Community Correctional Centers Female DMH State Hospitals CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 618 22 11 TABLE 5 INSTITUTION POPULATION DESIGN BED CAPACITY AND RATE OF OCCUPANCY June 30, 1989 - June 30, 2008 COMMUNITY AS OF JUNE 30 1989 TOTAL 82,872 INSTITUTIONS AND CAMPS TOTAL CORRECTIONAL CENTERS/ POPULATION STATE HOSPITALS MALE 77,327 FEMALE TOTAL 5,545 3,023 MALE 2,733 RATE OF OCCUPANCY** POPULATION FEMALE 290 DESIGN BED CAPACITY* TOTAL MALE FEMALE 79,849 74,594 5,255 TOTAL 47,120 MALE 44,358 INSTITUTIONS/CAMPS ONLY FEMALE TOTAL MALE FEMALE 2,762 169.5% 168.2% 190.3% 1990 93,810 87,435 6,375 3,405 2,998 407 90,405 84,437 5,968 51,013 47,735 3,278 177.2% 176.9% 182.1% 1991 101,995 95,340 6,655 6,065 5,329 736 95,930 90,011 5,919 54,042 49,796 4,246 177.5% 180.8% 139.4% 1992 104,352 98,008 6,344 5,966 5,539 427 98,386 92,469 5,917 57,986 53,740 4,246 169.7% 172.1% 139.4% 1993 115,534 108,302 7,232 5,880 5,428 452 109,654 102,874 6,780 61,983 57,737 4,246 176.9% 178.2% 159.7% 1994 124,813 116,879 7,934 5,845 5,398 447 118,968 111,481 7,487 66,183 61,937 4,246 179.8% 180.0% 176.3% 1995 131,342 122,514 8,828 5,757 5,326 431 125,585 117,188 8,397 70,717 65,515 5,202 177.6% 178.9% 161.4% 1996 141,017 131,273 9,744 5,723 5,276 447 135,294 125,997 9,297 73,121 66,891 6,230 185.0% 188.4% 149.2% 1997 152,506 141,669 10,837 5,850 5,404 446 146,656 136,265 10,391 75,952 69,722 6,230 193.1% 195.4% 166.8% 1998 158,207 147,001 11,206 7,476 7,013 463 150,731 139,988 10,743 79,877 73,647 6,230 188.7% 190.1% 172.4% 1999 162,064 150,581 11,483 7,624 7,210 414 154,440 143,371 11,069 79,873 73,643 6,230 193.4% 194.7% 177.7% 2000 162,000 150,793 11,207 7,986 7,522 464 154,014 143,271 10,743 80,272 74,042 6,230 191.9% 193.5% 172.4% 2001 161,497 150,785 10,712 7,848 7,392 456 153,649 143,393 10,256 80,467 74,237 6,230 190.9% 193.2% 164.6% 2002 157,979 148,153 9,826 6,400 6,080 320 151,579 142,073 9,506 79,957 73,727 6,230 189.6% 192.7% 152.6% 2003 160,931 150,851 10,080 7,148 6,681 467 153,783 144,170 9,613 80,187 74,357 5,830 191.8% 193.9% 164.9% 2004 163,500 152,859 10,641 5,605 5,146 459 157,895 147,713 10,182 80,890 75,060 5,830 195.2% 196.8% 174.6% 2005 164,179 153,323 10,856 5,342 4,855 487 158,837 148,468 10,369 81,008 75,178 5,830 196.1% 197.5% 177.9% 2006 172,561 160,812 11,749 6,014 5,403 611 166,547 155,409 11,138 87,370 81,420 5,950 190.6% 190.9% 187.2% 2007 173,312 161,424 11,888 6,640 5,903 737 166,277 155,126 11,151 84,653 78,843 5,810 196.4% 196.8% 191.9% 2008 170,973 159,581 11,392 6,499 5,742 757 160,169 149,534 10,635 84,066 78,726 5,340 190.5% 189.9% 199.2% * Design Bed Capacity is the number of inmates a facility was originally designed to house. Increases or decreases indicate beds lost or gained due to conversions, additions, or deactivations. ** Rate of Occupancy is the population divided by number of design beds multiplied by 100. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 12 CHART 2 INSTITUTION AND CAMP DESIGN BED CAPACITY AND POPULATION JUNE 30, 1989- JUNE 30, 2008 200,000 Total Population 180,000 Design Bed Capacity Institutions/Camps Population 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 13 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 TABLE 6 INSTITUTION POPULATION BY ARRIVAL STATUS, COMMITMENT TYPE AND GENDER AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2008 COMMITMENT TYPE AND GENDER FELONS MALE CIVIL COUNTY NARCOTIC DIAGNOSTIC ADDICTS CASES OTHERS* TOTAL FELONS FEMALE CIVIL COUNTY NARCOTIC DIAGNOSTIC ADDICTS CASES OTHERS* ARRIVAL STATUS TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 171,085 159,694 158,878 592 100 124 11,391 11,142 210 27 12 New Admissions 109,349 101,475 100,909 342 100 124 7,874 7,688 147 27 12 PV-WNTs 42,594 40,439 40,439 0 0 0 2,155 2,155 0 0 0 PV-RTCs** 18,460 17,170 17,170 0 0 0 1,290 1,290 0 0 0 Outpatient Returns CSTCU Escape Returns 313 203 166 250 203 157 0 203 157 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 0 9 0 0 9 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESCTFT ESCWNT 116 50 109 48 109 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 2 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Includes California Division of Juvenile Justice Wards, County Diagnostic Cases, Safekeepers, and prisoners from other states or the federal prison system. ** Includes parolees returned pending revocation proceedings and psychiatric returns. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 14 TABLE 7 INSTITUTION POPULATION BY COMMITMENT TYPE AND GENDER DECEMBER 31, 1989 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2008 TOTAL CIVIL NARCOTIC FELONS ADDICTS OTHERS* DECEMBER 31 TOTAL 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 87,297 97,309 101,808 109,496 119,951 84,338 94,122 98,515 105,467 115,573 2,564 2,723 2,779 3,586 3,869 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 125,605 135,133 145,565 155,276 159,563 121,084 131,232 142,381 152,225 156,860 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 160,687 160,655 157,142 159,695 161,785 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 163,939 168,035 172,528 171,444 171,085 MALE CIVIL NARCOTIC ADDICTS OTHERS* TOTAL FEMALE CIVIL NARCOTIC FELONS ADDICTS OTHERS* TOTAL FELONS 395 464 514 443 509 81,297 90,807 95,506 102,749 112,371 78,911 88,264 92,837 99,494 108,828 2,045 2,127 2,192 2,862 3,097 341 416 477 393 446 6,000 6,502 6,302 6,747 7,580 5,427 5,858 5,678 5,973 6,745 519 596 587 724 772 54 48 37 50 63 4,112 3,577 2,815 2,699 2,376 409 324 369 352 327 117,390 126,079 135,481 144,392 148,078 113,705 122,969 132,986 141,944 145,997 3,314 2,822 2,158 2,139 1,798 371 288 337 309 283 8,215 9,054 10,084 10,884 11,485 7,379 8,263 9,395 10,281 10,863 798 755 657 560 578 38 36 32 43 44 158,208 158,117 155,037 157,754 160,011 2,168 2,205 1,777 1,596 1,423 311 333 328 345 351 149,513 149,677 147,391 149,899 151,331 147,555 147,690 145,662 148,328 149,914 1,696 1,700 1,449 1,289 1,119 262 287 280 282 298 11,174 10,978 9,751 9,796 10,454 10,653 10,427 9,375 9,426 10,097 472 505 328 307 304 49 46 48 63 53 162,352 166,389 170,995 170,129 170,020 1,252 1,312 1,218 992 802 335 334 315 323 263 152,966 156,573 160,770 160,028 159,694 151,681 155,313 159,626 159,022 158,878 994 969 873 724 592 291 291 271 282 224 10,973 11,462 11,758 11,416 11,391 10,671 11,076 11,369 11,107 11,142 258 343 345 268 210 44 43 44 41 39 Instution population includes offenders sentenced to state prison who are incarcerated in a prison, camp, community correctional center, or a Department of Mental Health hospital. * Others include California Division of Juvenile Justice Wards, County Diagnostic Cases, Safekeepers, and prisoners from other states or the federal prison system. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 15 TABLE 8 INSTITUTION POPULATION BY OFFENSE AND GENDER AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2008 TOTAL TOTAL MALE FEMALE Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent 171,161 100.0 159,753 100.0 11,408 100.0 CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS Homicide Murder 1st Murder 2nd Manslaughter Vehicular Manslaughter Robbery Assault and Battery Assault Deadly Weapon Other Assault/Battery Sex Offenses Rape Lewd Act With Child Oral Copulation Sodomy Penetration With Object Other Sex Offenses Kidnapping 91,371 27,967 12,237 11,750 3,285 695 20,600 24,852 12,282 12,570 15,344 2,396 8,515 751 238 533 2,911 2,608 53.4 16.3 7.1 6.9 1.9 0.4 12.0 14.5 7.2 7.3 9.0 1.4 5.0 0.4 0.1 0.3 1.7 1.5 87,616 26,535 11,740 11,168 3,024 603 19,667 23,676 11,742 11,934 15,247 2,388 8,467 745 237 528 2,882 2,491 54.8 16.6 7.3 7.0 1.9 0.4 12.3 14.8 7.4 7.5 9.5 1.5 5.3 0.5 0.1 0.3 1.8 1.6 3,755 1,432 497 582 261 92 933 1,176 540 636 97 8 48 6 1 5 29 117 32.9 12.6 4.4 5.1 2.3 0.8 8.2 10.3 4.7 5.6 0.9 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.0 PROPERTY CRIMES Burglary Burglary 1st Burglary 2nd Theft Grand Theft Petty Theft With Prior Receiving Stolen Property Vehicle Theft Forgery/Fraud Other Property 34,012 13,683 7,155 6,528 10,902 3,036 4,278 3,588 5,499 2,715 1,213 19.9 8.0 4.2 3.8 6.4 1.8 2.5 2.1 3.2 1.6 0.7 30,076 12,546 6,789 5,757 9,411 2,605 3,600 3,206 5,091 1,959 1,069 18.8 7.9 4.2 3.6 5.9 1.6 2.3 2.0 3.2 1.2 0.7 3,936 1,137 366 771 1,491 431 678 382 408 756 144 34.5 10.0 3.2 6.8 13.1 3.8 5.9 3.3 3.6 6.6 1.3 DRUG CRIMES CS Possession CS Possession For Sale CS Sales CS Manufacturing CS Other Hashish Possession Marijuana Possess For Sale Marijuana Sale Marijuana Other 31,565 11,981 11,490 5,226 643 687 39 932 457 110 18.4 7.0 6.7 3.1 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.5 0.3 0.1 28,461 10,562 10,519 4,693 608 606 37 888 440 108 17.8 6.6 6.6 2.9 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.6 0.3 0.1 3,104 1,419 971 533 35 81 2 44 17 2 27.2 12.4 8.5 4.7 0.3 0.7 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.0 OTHER CRIMES Escape Driving Under the Influence Arson Possession of Weapon Other Offenses 14,213 97 2,701 454 6,552 4,409 8.3 0.1 1.6 0.3 3.8 2.6 13,600 91 2,536 410 6,437 4,126 8.5 0.1 1.6 0.3 4.0 2.6 613 6 165 44 115 283 5.4 0.1 1.4 0.4 1.0 2.5 NOTE: Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 16 TABLE 9 FELON INSTITUTION POPULATION BY OFFENSE CATEGORY AND GENDER DECEMBER 31, 1989 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2008 MALE DECEMBER TOTAL 31 POPULATION FEMALE TOTAL PERSON Percent PROPERTY Percent DRUG Percent OTHER Percent TOTAL PERSON Percent PROPERTY Percent DRUG Percent OTHER Percent 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 84,338 94,122 98,515 105,467 115,573 78,911 88,264 92,837 99,494 108,828 44.0 43.2 44.4 45.1 44.9 27.0 26.3 25.6 25.9 25.4 24.4 24.5 23.1 22.8 23.1 4.6 6.1 7.0 6.2 6.6 5,427 5,858 5,678 5,973 6,745 25.8 24.4 25.2 26.3 25.3 34.3 33.9 33.5 34.0 34.2 36.8 38.4 37.2 35.4 36.2 3.0 3.4 4.0 4.3 4.3 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 121,084 131,232 142,381 152,225 156,860 113,705 122,969 132,986 141,944 145,997 45.3 44.0 44.2 44.1 45.0 24.4 24.5 23.5 22.8 21.8 23.8 24.7 25.4 26.2 26.6 6.6 6.8 6.8 6.9 6.7 7,379 8,263 9,395 10,281 10,863 25.5 23.7 23.9 23.8 23.8 33.3 33.8 31.7 30.4 29.5 36.3 38.0 40.2 41.7 42.7 4.9 4.4 4.2 4.1 4.0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 158,208 158,117 155,037 157,754 160,011 147,555 147,690 145,662 148,328 149,914 45.9 46.7 49.0 50.0 50.8 20.6 20.4 20.2 20.7 20.8 26.7 26.1 23.9 22.1 20.9 6.8 6.8 7.0 7.2 7.5 10,653 10,427 9,375 9,426 10,097 24.1 25.2 28.3 29.9 29.9 28.6 28.2 32.0 33.4 34.8 43.0 42.2 35.1 31.8 30.6 4.3 4.3 4.6 5.0 4.7 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 162,352 166,389 170,794 170,129 171,161 151,681 155,313 159,436 159,022 159,753 51.6 51.8 52.2 53.5 54.8 20.5 20.4 19.9 19.2 18.8 20.2 20.2 19.9 19.2 17.8 7.6 7.6 8.0 8.1 8.5 10,671 11,076 11,358 11,107 11,408 29.6 29.7 29.9 32.1 32.9 36.2 35.5 35.5 34.1 34.5 29.4 29.9 29.7 28.6 27.2 4.8 5.0 4.9 5.1 5.4 NOTE: Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 17 CHART 3 FELON INSTITUTION POPULATION PERSON AND DRUG OFFENSES December 31, 1989 - December 31, 2008 MALE-PERSON OFFENSES MALE-DRUG OFFENSES FEMALE-PERSON OFFENSES FEMALE-DRUG OFFENSES Percent of Male and Female Felons With Person or Drug Offenses 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 18 TABLE 10 INSTITUTION POPULATION BY RACIAL/ETHNIC GROUP AND GENDER AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2008 Racial/Ethnic TOTAL Group Number Total MALE Percent Number FEMALE Percent Number Percent 171,161 100.0 159,753 100.0 11,408 100.0 White 44,536 26.0 40,383 25.3 4,153 36.4 Hispanic 66,672 39.0 63,319 39.6 3,353 29.4 Black 49,823 29.1 46,493 29.1 3,330 29.2 Other 10,130 5.9 9,558 6.0 572 5.0 NOTE: Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. White 26.0% Hispanic 39.0% Other 5.9% Black 29.1% CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 19 TABLE 11 FELON INSTITUTION POPULATION BY RACIAL/ETHNIC GROUP AND GENDER DECEMBER 31, 1989 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2008 MALE FEMALE DECEMBER 31 TOTAL TOTAL Number WHITE Percent HISPANIC Percent BLACK Percent OTHER Percent TOTAL Number WHITE Percent HISPANIC Percent BLACK Percent OTHER Percent 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 84,338 94,122 98,515 105,467 115,573 78,911 88,264 92,837 99,494 108,828 29.7 29.1 28.5 28.1 27.9 28.4 30.7 32.1 33.2 34.7 37.3 35.6 34.6 33.4 32.4 4.6 4.7 4.9 5.3 5.0 5,427 5,858 5,678 5,973 6,745 33.0 33.9 35.5 34.9 35.7 22.1 22.4 22.4 20.2 24.6 37.8 37.3 36.5 36.2 35.4 7.1 6.3 5.6 8.7 4.3 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 121,084 131,232 142,381 152,225 156,860 113,705 122,969 132,986 141,944 145,997 28.2 28.6 28.8 29.2 28.7 34.9 35.3 35.1 35.0 35.0 32.0 31.2 31.2 30.9 31.2 5.0 4.9 5.0 4.9 5.1 7,379 8,263 9,395 10,281 10,863 35.4 35.9 35.1 36.9 37.1 23.6 23.1 23.8 23.8 23.8 35.4 34.6 34.6 33.8 33.7 5.6 6.4 6.5 5.5 5.4 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 158,208 158,117 155,037 157,754 160,011 147,555 147,690 145,662 148,328 149,914 28.4 28.5 28.3 28.2 27.9 35.0 35.7 36.2 36.7 37.5 31.2 31.0 30.5 29.9 29.4 5.3 4.8 5.0 5.1 5.2 10,653 10,427 9,375 9,426 10,097 37.7 37.1 37.7 38.1 38.4 23.6 24.6 24.8 26.0 26.8 34.0 33.7 32.9 31.2 30.1 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.8 4.8 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 162,352 166,389 170,794 170,129 171,161 151,681 155,313 159,436 159,022 159,753 27.6 27.2 26.6 25.8 25.3 37.9 38.7 39.1 39.8 39.6 29.1 28.8 28.8 28.9 29.1 5.3 5.3 5.5 5.5 6.0 10,671 11,076 11,358 11,107 11,408 38.3 37.9 37.5 36.1 36.4 27.0 27.9 28.4 29.5 29.4 29.8 29.2 28.9 29.0 29.2 4.9 5.0 5.2 5.3 5.0 NOTE: Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 20 CHART 4 TOTAL INSTITUTION POPULATION RACIAL/ETHNIC COMPOSITION FELONS AND NON-FELONS December 31, 1989 - December 31, 2008 40.0% 39.0% 37.3% 1989 35.0% 30.0% 29.9% 29.1% 28.0% 1993 26.0% 25.0% 25 0% 1998 20.0% 2003 15.0% 2008 10.0% 5.9% 4.8% 5.0% 0.0% WHITE CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES HISPANIC BLACK 21 OTHER TABLE 12 INSTITUTION POPULATION BY AGE GROUP, MEAN AGE AND GENDER AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2008 Age Group Total TOTAL Number Percent MALE Number Percent 171,161 100.0 18 - 19 2,072 1.2 1,990 1.2 82 0.7 20 - 24 20,997 12.3 19,844 12.4 1,153 10.1 25 - 29 29,663 17.3 27,709 17.3 1,954 17.1 30 - 34 25,984 15.2 24,241 15.2 1,743 15.3 35 - 39 24,112 14.1 22,362 14.0 1,750 15.3 40 - 44 23,125 13.5 21,300 13.3 1,825 16.0 45 - 49 20,740 12.1 19,205 12.0 1,535 13.5 50 - 54 12,891 7.5 12,102 7.6 789 6.9 55 - 59 6,372 3.7 6,014 3.8 358 3.1 60 and Over 5,205 3.0 4,986 3.1 219 1.9 Mean Age 37 159,753 FEMALE Number Percent 100.0 37 37 NOTE: Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. 18 - 29 Years 30.8% 30 - 39 Years 29.3% 50 + Years 14.3% 40 - 49 Years 25.6% CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 22 11,408 100.0 TABLE 13 FELON INSTITUTION POPULATION BY AGE GROUP, MEAN AGE AND GENDER DECEMBER 31, 1989 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2008 Percent Under 20 Percent 20 - 24 Percent 25 - 29 Percent 78,911 88,264 92,837 99,494 108,828 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.6 19.1 18.8 18.7 19.0 18.7 27.3 26.2 25.2 24.0 23.0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 113,705 122,969 132,986 141,944 145,997 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.4 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 17.9 16.4 15.7 15.0 14.7 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 147,555 147,690 145,662 148,328 149,914 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.3 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 151,681 155,313 159,436 159,022 159,753 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 DECEMBER 31 TOTAL 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 MALE 30 - 34 Percent 35 - 39 Percent 40 - 44 Percent 45 - 49 Percent 50 and Over Percent Mean Age 22.7 22.6 22.8 22.4 22.5 14.2 14.6 15.0 15.6 16.1 7.8 8.4 8.7 8.7 9.1 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.4 4.7 3.9 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 32 32 32 32 32 22.3 21.7 20.4 19.9 18.7 22.3 21.8 21.0 20.1 19.3 16.9 17.7 18.5 18.7 19.0 9.7 10.6 11.4 12.4 13.2 5.0 5.6 6.0 6.4 7.2 4.5 4.7 5.1 5.7 6.3 33 33 33 34 34 14.3 14.1 14.2 14.2 14.1 17.8 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.1 18.6 18.2 17.6 17.2 16.6 18.9 18.5 17.8 17.0 16.4 13.9 14.6 15.0 15.2 15.1 7.8 8.4 8.9 9.4 9.9 7.0 7.7 8.3 8.8 9.5 35 35 35 35 36 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 13.8 13.5 12.9 12.5 12.4 17.4 17.6 17.9 17.8 17.3 16.1 15.7 15.4 15.2 15.2 15.9 15.4 14.9 14.5 14.0 15.1 14.7 14.3 14.0 13.3 10.3 10.9 11.4 11.8 12.0 10.2 11.0 12.1 13.2 14.5 36 36 36 37 37 20 - 24 Percent 25 - 29 Percent 35 - 39 Percent 40 - 44 Percent 45 - 49 Percent 50 and Over Percent Mean Age FEMALE 30 - 34 Percent DECEMBER 31 TOTAL PERCENT Under 20 Percent 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 5,427 5,858 5,678 5,973 6,745 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.4 13.3 12.2 10.9 11.4 9.9 27.7 26.1 25.4 22.6 21.3 26.6 26.8 26.8 27.1 27.5 17.1 18.0 19.0 19.4 20.9 8.7 9.1 9.3 10.5 11.5 3.4 4.1 4.6 5.0 5.0 3.0 3.4 3.7 3.5 3.4 32 33 33 33 34 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 7,379 8,263 9,395 10,281 10,863 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 9.2 8.5 7.7 7.3 7.7 20.0 19.6 18.3 16.4 14.9 26.6 26.3 25.5 23.3 23.3 22.6 23.1 23.8 25.1 24.9 12.0 12.5 13.6 15.7 16.0 5.4 5.9 6.3 6.9 7.6 3.9 3.7 4.1 4.6 5.1 34 34 35 35 36 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 10,653 10,427 9,375 9,426 10,097 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.7 7.4 8.1 8.3 9.7 9.9 14.0 12.7 13.4 13.7 14.6 21.0 20.4 19.8 18.6 17.3 25.2 24.3 22.3 20.8 21.1 17.7 18.3 18.8 18.9 18.5 8.4 9.1 9.6 10.1 10.0 5.8 6.3 7.1 7.6 8.1 36 36 36 36 36 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 10,671 11,076 11,358 11,107 11,408 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.7 10.2 10.4 10.1 10.1 10.1 15.2 16.1 16.2 17.2 17.1 16.3 15.5 15.2 15.0 15.3 19.7 18.1 17.6 16.2 15.3 18.3 18.1 18.0 16.7 16.0 11.0 11.9 12.4 13.4 13.5 8.7 9.1 9.8 10.8 12.0 37 37 37 37 37 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 23 CHART 5 TOTAL INSTITUTION POPULATION AGE GROUPS FELONS AND NON-FELONS December 31, 1989 - December 31, 2008 50.0% 47.2% 1989 45.0% 40.0% 37.3% 1993 35.0% 30.8% 30 8% 30.0% 1998 29.3% 25.6% 2003 25.0% 20.0% 2008 14.3% 15.0% 11.6% 10.0% 3.9% 5.0% 0.0% 18 - 29 YEARS CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 30-39 YEARS 40-49 YEARS 24 50+ YEARS TABLE 14 INSTITUTION POPULATION BY COUNTY OF COMMITMENT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2008 COUNTY OF COMMITMENT Number COUNTY OF COMMITMENT Percent TOTAL COUNTIES 171,161 100.0 Alameda Alpine Amador Butte Calaveras Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte El Dorado Fresno Glenn Humboldt Imperial Inyo Kern Kings Lake Lassen Los Angeles Madera Marin Mariposa Mendocino Merced Modoc Mono Monterey Napa Nevada 4,530 3 217 1,377 119 83 1,883 150 494 5,410 147 600 400 88 5,105 1,455 503 174 56,754 800 446 73 380 1,204 31 27 1,810 408 141 2.6 0.0 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.0 1.1 0.1 0.3 3.2 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.1 3.0 0.9 0.3 0.1 33.2 0.5 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.7 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.2 0.1 Number Orange Placer Plumas Riverside Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Yuba Other* 9,448 1,053 64 11,113 7,560 122 12,616 12,770 1,603 3,571 776 1,768 1,632 5,919 541 1,508 14 243 1,703 1,238 , 2,469 545 503 69 2,870 277 2,273 1,118 603 360 Percent 5.5 0.6 0.0 6.5 4.4 0.1 7.4 7.5 0.9 2.1 0.5 1.0 1.0 3.5 0.3 0.9 0.0 0.1 1.0 0.7 1.4 0.3 0.3 0.0 1.7 0.2 1.3 0.7 0.4 0.2 * Includes California Division of Juvenile Justice Wards, County Diagnostic Cases, Safekeepers and Other State/Federal Custody. NOTE: Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. Remander of the state 22.8% Southern California 65.8% San Francisco Bay Area 11.4% CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 25 TABLE 15A TOTAL FELON NEW ADMISSIONS AND PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM NUMBER AND RATE PER 100,000 COUNTY POPULATION BY COUNTY AND AREA OF COMMITMENT CALENDAR YEAR 2008 TOTAL Number TOTAL ADMITTED AREA OF COMMITMENT* Southern California San Francisco Bay Area Remainder of The State 66,336 Percent 100.0 RATE PER FELON 100,000 NEW COUNTY ADMISSIONS POPULATION Number Percent 173.4 46,386 100.0 PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM Number Percent 19,950 100.0 45,318 68.3 193.4 30,688 66.2 14,630 73.3 7,034 10.6 97.1 5,232 11.3 1,802 9.0 13,984 21.1 184.9 10,466 22.6 3,518 17.6 Alameda Alpine Amador Butte Calaveras 1,485 1 74 520 62 2.2 0.0 0.1 0.8 0.1 97.0 74.4 187.8 232.6 132.9 1,115 1 62 381 56 2.4 0.0 0.1 0.8 0.1 370 0 12 139 6 1.8 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.0 Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte El Dorado Fresno 30 494 50 199 2,268 0.0 0.7 0.1 0.3 3.3 131.4 46.9 165.0 108.5 239.7 26 387 38 154 1,673 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.3 3.6 4 107 12 45 595 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.2 2.9 Glenn Humboldt Imperial Inyo Kern 45 245 167 40 2,219 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.1 3.3 150.3 183.8 92.9 210.4 265.7 34 159 100 35 1,521 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.1 3.2 11 86 67 5 698 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.0 3.4 543 154 72 21,555 364 0.8 0.2 0.1 31.8 0.5 344.6 233.5 193.4 207.6 235.7 422 134 62 14,705 269 0.9 0.3 0.1 31.3 0.6 121 20 10 6,850 95 0.6 0.1 0.0 32.9 0.5 131 29 160 0.2 0.0 0.2 51.7 154.5 174.3 106 24 139 0.2 0.1 0.3 25 5 21 0.1 0.0 0.1 COUNTY OF COMMITMENT Kings Lake Lassen Los Angeles Madera Marin Mariposa Mendocino *The counties covered under each area of commitment are identified in the Reference Guide. NOTE: Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. (Continued) CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 26 TABLE 15A (Continued) TOTAL FELON NEW ADMISSIONS AND PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM NUMBER AND RATE PER 100,000 COUNTY POPULATION BY COUNTY AND AREA OF COMMITMENT CALENDAR YEAR 2007 TOTAL Number Percent RATE PER FELON 100,000 NEW COUNTY ADMISSIONS POPULATION Number Percent PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM Number Percent Merced Modoc Mono Monterey Napa 418 5 10 580 157 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.2 159.8 47.3 69.7 135.6 113.0 284 5 9 408 125 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.3 134 0 1 172 32 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.2 Nevada Orange Placer Plumas Riverside 36 4,646 369 35 4,466 0.1 6.9 0.5 0.1 6.6 35.6 147.4 110.5 161.5 210.7 31 3,199 280 30 2,867 0.1 6.8 0.6 0.1 6.1 5 1,447 89 5 1,599 0.0 7.0 0.4 0.0 7.7 Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco 2,335 49 6,244 4,261 630 3.4 0.1 9.2 6.3 0.9 164.1 80.6 297.9 135.8 77.8 1,716 36 4,162 2,902 457 3.7 0.1 8.9 6.2 1.0 619 13 2,082 1,359 173 3.0 0.1 10.0 6.5 0.8 San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Clara 1,153 291 687 631 2,376 1.7 0.4 1.0 0.9 3.5 163.1 109.3 93.9 147.8 131.3 911 202 504 444 1,744 1.9 0.4 1.1 0.9 3.7 242 89 183 187 632 1.2 0.4 0.9 0.9 3.0 159 537 5 65 643 0.2 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.9 59.9 287.9 136.7 139.4 149.0 132 412 5 51 449 0.3 0.9 0.0 0.1 1.0 27 125 0 14 194 0.1 0.6 0.0 0.1 0.9 Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity 431 1,046 335 166 20 0.6 1.5 0.5 0.2 0.0 88.4 194.0 342.5 260.6 134.7 345 714 264 139 17 0.7 1.5 0.6 0.3 0.0 86 332 71 27 3 0.4 1.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Yuba 935 89 838 562 219 1.4 0.1 1.2 0.8 0.3 209.4 153.0 100.0 282.0 286.1 675 62 586 451 165 1.4 0.1 1.2 1.0 0.4 260 27 252 111 54 1.2 0.1 1.2 0.5 0.3 Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano NOTE: Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 27 TABLE 15B MALE FELON NEW ADMISSIONS AND PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM NUMBER AND RATE PER 100,000 COUNTY POPULATION BY COUNTY AND AREA OF COMMITMENT CALENDAR YEAR 2008 TOTAL Number TOTAL ADMITTED AREA OF COMMITMENT* Southern California San Francisco Bay Area Remainder of The State 58,482 Percent 100.0 RATE PER FELON 100,000 NEW COUNTY ADMISSIONS POPULATION Number Percent 152.9 PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM Number Percent 40,303 100.0 18,179 100.0 39,793 68.0 169.8 26,495 65.7 13,298 73.2 6,332 10.8 87.4 4,674 11.6 1,658 9.1 12,357 21.1 163.4 9,134 22.7 3,223 17.7 Alameda Alpine Amador Butte Calaveras 1,378 1 67 463 59 2.3 0.0 0.1 0.8 0.1 90.0 74.4 170.0 207.1 126.5 1,030 1 55 334 53 2.5 0.0 0.1 0.8 0.1 348 0 12 129 6 1.8 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.0 Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte El Dorado Fresno 28 457 41 172 1,986 0.0 0.8 0.1 0.3 3.3 122.6 43.4 135.3 93.8 209.9 24 356 30 130 1,448 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.3 3.5 4 101 11 42 538 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.2 2.8 Glenn Humboldt Imperial Inyo Kern 44 218 151 35 1,881 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.1 3.1 146.9 163.6 84.0 184.1 225.3 33 139 85 30 1,258 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.1 3.1 11 79 66 5 623 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.0 3.3 461 139 53 19,018 298 0.8 0.2 0.1 31.7 0.5 292.6 210.8 142.4 183.1 193.0 349 120 45 12,747 233 0.8 0.3 0.1 31.0 0.6 112 19 8 6,271 65 0.6 0.1 0.0 33.2 0.3 122 26 143 0.2 0.0 0.2 48.2 138.5 155.8 100 22 123 0.2 0.1 0.3 22 4 20 0.1 0.0 0.1 COUNTY OF COMMITMENT Kings Lake Lassen Los Angeles Madera Marin Mariposa Mendocino *The counties covered under each area of commitment are identified in the Reference Guide. NOTE: Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. (Continued) CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 28 TABLE 15B (Continued) MALE FELON NEW ADMISSIONS AND PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM NUMBER AND RATE PER 100,000 COUNTY POPULATION BY COUNTY AND AREA OF COMMITMENT CALENDAR YEAR 2007 TOTAL Number Percent RATE PER FELON 100,000 NEW COUNTY ADMISSIONS POPULATION Number Percent PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM Number Percent Merced Modoc Mono Monterey Napa 386 4 10 509 142 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.2 147.6 37.9 69.7 119.0 102.2 259 4 9 350 113 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.3 127 0 1 159 29 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.2 Nevada Orange Placer Plumas Riverside 31 4,020 324 27 3,928 0.1 6.7 0.5 0.0 6.5 30.7 127.5 97.0 124.6 185.3 26 2,726 243 22 2,487 0.1 6.6 0.6 0.1 6.0 5 1,294 81 5 1,441 0.0 6.9 0.4 0.0 7.6 Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco 2,117 42 5,435 3,777 578 3.5 0.1 9.1 6.3 1.0 148.8 69.1 259.3 120.3 71.4 1,538 30 3,556 2,535 409 3.7 0.1 8.6 6.2 1.0 579 12 1,879 1,242 169 3.1 0.1 9.9 6.6 0.9 San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Clara 1,032 274 606 562 2,093 1.7 0.5 1.0 0.9 3.5 146.0 102.9 82.8 131.6 115.6 821 185 447 392 1,520 2.0 0.5 1.1 1.0 3.7 211 89 159 170 573 1.1 0.5 0.8 0.9 3.0 Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano 143 457 5 62 555 0.2 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.9 53.8 245.0 136.7 133.0 128.6 116 340 5 48 382 0.3 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.9 27 117 0 14 173 0.1 0.6 0.0 0.1 0.9 Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity 401 935 297 144 20 0.7 1.6 0.5 0.2 0.0 82.2 173.4 303.7 226.1 134.7 317 629 234 120 17 0.8 1.5 0.6 0.3 0.0 84 306 63 24 3 0.4 1.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Yuba 831 77 747 491 179 1.4 0.1 1.2 0.8 0.3 186.1 132.4 89.2 246.4 233.8 590 50 524 385 129 1.4 0.1 1.3 0.9 0.3 241 27 223 106 50 1.3 0.1 1.2 0.6 0.3 NOTE: Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 29 TABLE 15C FEMALE FELON NEW ADMISSIONS AND PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM NUMBER AND RATE PER 100,000 COUNTY POPULATION BY COUNTY AND AREA OF COMMITMENT CALENDAR YEAR 2008 . RATE PER FELON PAROLE VIOLATORS 100,000 NEW RETURNED WITH TOTAL COUNTY ADMISSIONS A NEW TERM Number Percent POPULATION Number Percent Number Percent TOTAL ADMITTED 7,854 100.0 20.5 6,083 100.0 1,771 100.0 5,525 70.3 23.6 4,193 68.9 1,332 75.2 702 8.9 9.7 558 9.2 144 8.1 1,627 20.7 21.5 1,332 21.9 295 16.7 Alameda Alpine Amador Butte Calaveras 107 0 7 57 3 1.4 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.0 7.0 0.0 17.8 25.5 6.4 85 0 7 47 3 1.4 0.0 0.1 0.8 0.1 22 0 0 10 0 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte El Dorado Fresno 2 37 9 27 282 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.3 3.6 8.8 3.5 29.7 14.7 29.8 2 31 8 24 225 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.4 3.8 0 6 1 3 57 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.2 3.0 Glenn Humboldt Imperial Inyo Kern 1 27 16 5 338 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.1 4.3 3.3 20.3 8.9 26.3 40.5 1 20 15 5 263 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.1 4.5 0 7 1 0 75 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.0 3.9 82 15 19 2,537 66 1.1 0.2 0.2 32.5 0.8 52.0 22.7 51.0 24.4 42.7 73 14 17 1,958 36 1.2 0.2 0.3 33.3 0.6 9 1 2 579 30 0.5 0.1 0.1 30.1 1.6 9 3 17 0.1 0.0 0.2 3.6 16.0 18.5 6 2 16 0.1 0.0 0.3 3 1 1 0.2 0.1 0.1 AREA OF COMMITMENT* Southern California San Francisco Bay Area Remainder of The State COUNTY OF COMMITMENT Kings Lake Lassen Los Angeles Madera Marin Mariposa Mendocino *The counties covered under each area of commitment are identified in the Reference Guide. NOTE: Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. (Continued) CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 30 TABLE 15C (Continued) FEMALE FELON NEW ADMISSIONS AND PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM NUMBER AND RATE PER 100,000 COUNTY POPULATION BY COUNTY AND AREA OF COMMITMENT CALENDAR YEAR 2007 TOTAL Number Percent RATE PER FELON 100,000 NEW COUNTY ADMISSIONS POPULATION Number Percent PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM Number Percent Merced Modoc Mono Monterey Napa 32 1 0 71 15 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.2 12.2 9.5 0.0 16.6 10.8 25 1 0 58 12 0.4 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.2 7 0 0 13 3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.2 Nevada Orange Placer Plumas Riverside 5 626 45 8 538 0.1 8.0 0.6 0.1 6.9 4.9 19.9 13.5 36.9 25.4 5 473 37 8 380 0.1 8.0 0.6 0.1 6.5 0 153 8 0 158 0.0 8.0 0.4 0.0 8.2 Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco 218 7 809 484 52 2.8 0.1 10.4 6.2 0.7 15.3 11.5 38.6 15.4 6.4 178 6 606 367 48 3.0 0.1 10.3 6.2 0.8 40 1 203 117 4 2.1 0.1 10.6 6.1 0.2 San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Clara 121 17 81 69 283 1.6 0.2 1.0 0.9 3.6 17.1 6.4 11.1 16.2 15.6 90 17 57 52 224 1.5 0.3 1.0 0.9 3.8 31 0 24 17 59 1.6 0.0 1.2 0.9 3.1 Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano 16 80 0 3 88 0.2 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 6.0 42.9 0.0 6.4 20.4 16 72 0 3 67 0.3 1.2 0.0 0.1 1.1 0 8 0 0 21 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 1.1 Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity 30 111 38 22 0 0.4 1.4 0.5 0.3 0.0 6.2 20.6 38.9 34.5 0.0 28 85 30 19 0 0.5 1.4 0.5 0.3 0.0 2 26 8 3 0 0.1 1.4 0.4 0.2 0.0 Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Yuba 104 12 91 71 40 1.3 0.2 1.2 0.9 0.5 23.3 20.6 10.9 35.6 52.2 85 12 62 66 36 1.4 0.2 1.1 1.1 0.6 19 0 29 5 4 1.0 0.0 1.5 0.3 0.2 NOTE: Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 31 TABLE 16 FELON INSTITUTION POPULATION BY ADMISSION/RETURN STATUS AND GENDER December 31, 1989 - December 31, 2008 MALE AS OF DECEMBER 31 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Population 78,911 88,264 92,837 99,494 108,828 NEW ADMISSIONS Percent 63.4% 63.0% 62.5% 62.3% 61.9% FEMALE PV-RTC PV-WNT Percent 15.5% 14.0% 12.2% 10.7% 10.8% Percent 21.1% 23.0% 25.3% 27.0% 27.2% Population 5,427 5,858 5,678 5,973 6,745 NEW ADMISSIONS Percent 69.7% 68.7% 68.7% 68.9% 66.9% PV-RTC PV-WNT Percent 15.6% 14.6% 12.2% 10.7% 12.0% Percent 14.7% 16.6% 19.1% 20.4% 21.1% 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 113,705 122,969 132,986 141,944 145,997 60.6% 60.2% 59.5% 57.8% 58.4% 13.8% 14.6% 15.5% 17.4% 16.8% 25.6% 25.2% 25.1% 24.7% 24.8% 7,379 8,263 9,395 10,281 10,863 64.1% 64.1% 63.3% 61.6% 61.3% 15.3% 16.7% 17.6% 20.0% 19.9% 20.7% 19.2% 19.0% 18.3% 18.8% 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 147,555 147,690 145,662 148,095 150,613 58.3% 58.1% 58.8% 59.4% 61.4% 16.5% 16.7% 16.5% 16.5% 14.3% 25.2% 25.2% 24.7% 24.1% 24.3% 10,653 10,427 9,375 9,644 9,890 60.4% 59.7% 62.9% 62.1% 64.7% 19.6% 20.5% 18.8% 20.0% 17.2% 20.0% 19.8% 18.2% 17.9% 18.1% 2004 151,681 63.4% 11.6% 25.0% 10,671 68.2% 2005 155,313 63.6% 11.0% 25.4% 11,076 68.3% 2006 159,626 62.9% 11.7% 25.4% 11,369 66.4% 2007 159,022 63.1% 11.2% 25.7% 11,107 66.5% 2008 159,753 63.6% 11.0% 25.4% 11,408 69.2% Note: PV-RTCs are parolees returned to prison for violating their parole conditions and parolees returned pending a parole revocation hearing. PV-WNTs are parolees returned with a new felony court commitment to prison. Offenders may be counted more than one time. Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. 13.2% 13.2% 13.6% 13.0% 11.9% 18.6% 18.5% 20.0% 20.6% 19.0% CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 32 CHART 6 TOTAL FELON INSTITUTION POPULATION BY ADMISSION/RETURN STATUS December 31, 1989 - December 31, 2008 100% 90% 16% 24% 24% 27% 25% PV-WNT 80% 70% PV-RTC 60% 50% NEW ADMISSIONS 40% 30% 63.8% 62.2% 64.0% 61.6% 58.6% 20% 10% 0% 1989 1991 1993 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 1995 1997 1999 2001 33 2003 2005 2007 TABLE 17 CIVIL NARCOTIC ADDICT INSTITUTION POPULATION BY GENDER DECEMBER 31, 1989 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2008 DECEMBER 31 TOTAL MALE Number Percent FEMALE Number Percent 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 2,564 2,723 2,779 3,586 3,869 2,045 2,127 2,192 2,862 3,096 79.8 78.1 78.9 79.8 80.0 519 596 587 724 773 20.2 21.9 21.1 20.2 20.0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 4,112 3,577 2,815 2,699 2,376 3,314 2,822 2,158 2,139 1,798 80.6 78.9 76.7 79.3 75.7 798 755 657 560 578 19.4 21.1 23.3 20.7 24.3 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2,168 2,205 1,777 1,596 1,423 1,696 1,700 1,449 1,289 1,119 78.2 77.1 81.5 80.8 78.6 472 505 328 307 304 21.8 22.9 18.5 19.2 21.4 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1,252 1,312 1 312 1,218 992 802 994 969 873 724 592 79.4 73.9 73 9 71.7 73.0 73.8 258 343 345 268 210 20.6 26.1 26 1 28.3 27.0 26.2 4,500 4,112 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,564 2,376 2,000 1,596 1,500 1,000 802 500 0 1989 1991 1993 1995 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 1997 34 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 TABLE 18 CIVIL NARCOTIC ADDICT INSTITUTION POPULATION BY RACIAL/ETHNIC GROUP AND GENDER DECEMBER 31, 1989 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2008 DECEMBER TOTAL 31 POPULATION MALE TOTAL WHITE Percent MALE HISPANIC Percent BLACK Percent OTHER Percent FEMALE TOTAL WHITE Percent FEMALE HISPANIC Percent BLACK Percent OTHER Percent 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 2,564 2,723 2,779 3,586 3,869 2,045 2,127 2,192 2,862 3,096 39.6 39.1 38.3 40.3 39.9 29.8 25.6 24.0 22.6 23.0 27.2 32.3 34.9 33.6 33.7 3.4 3.1 2.8 3.5 3.4 519 596 587 724 773 42.8 41.1 43.8 43.8 42.0 29.9 28.9 24.7 22.9 24.1 20.0 22.8 24.0 26.7 30.0 7.3 7.2 7.5 6.6 3.9 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 4,112 3,577 2,815 2,699 2,376 3,314 2,822 2,158 2,139 1,798 42.8 45.5 47.8 49.6 52.6 22.6 21.5 21.3 20.3 19.2 31.9 30.2 28.9 28.0 25.1 2.7 2.8 2.0 2.1 3.1 798 755 657 560 578 46.5 48.3 46.7 45.5 49.8 23.4 22.0 20.4 21.4 21.5 25.2 24.8 29.2 28.2 24.2 4.9 4.9 3.7 4.8 4.5 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2,168 2,205 1,777 1 596 1,596 1,423 1,696 1,700 1,449 1 289 1,289 1,119 53.5 52.7 54.1 54 2 54.2 52.7 17.9 19.2 16.8 16 1 16.1 20.6 26.2 26.4 27.2 26 8 26.8 23.6 2.4 1.7 1.9 30 3.0 3.0 472 505 328 307 304 53.2 56.2 53.7 56 7 56.7 62.2 19.9 16.0 21.3 16 6 16.6 16.8 23.9 25.1 22.3 25 1 25.1 19.1 3.0 2.6 2.7 16 1.6 2.0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1,252 1,312 1,210 992 802 994 969 862 724 592 53.8 56.4 56.1 53.6 57.6 20.0 19.9 21.3 20.9 20.8 23.4 20.0 19.0 21.3 17.4 2.7 3.6 3.5 4.3 4.2 258 343 348 268 210 59.7 63.3 60.9 63.1 60.0 17.1 20.4 20.1 19.8 20.5 19.4 14.3 16.1 15.3 15.7 3.9 2.0 2.9 1.9 3.8 Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. Percent of Total Civil Narcotic Addicts 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% White 30.0% Hispanic 20.0% Black 10.0% 0.0% 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 35 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Other TABLE 19 CIVIL NARCOTIC ADDICT INSTITUTION POPULATION BY AGE GROUP, MEAN AGE AND GENDER DECEMBER 31, 1989 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2008 DECEMBER 31 MALE TOTAL Under 20 Percent 20 - 24 Percent 25 - 29 Percent 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 2,045 2,127 2,192 2,862 3,096 1.3 1.2 0.7 0.9 0.9 20.3 19.0 18.7 15.5 16.3 28.1 27.0 25.0 25.4 23.3 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 3,314 2,822 2,158 2,139 1,798 0.9 0.6 1.0 0.6 0.7 13.7 13.3 11.4 11.1 11.5 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1,696 1,700 1,449 1,289 1,119 0.9 1.3 0.6 0.7 1.1 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 994 969 862 724 592 DECEMBER 31 MALE 30 - 34 Percent 35 - 39 Percent 40 - 44 Percent 45 - 49 Percent 50 and Over Percent Mean Age 24.0 24.0 26.7 26.2 27.4 15.3 16.8 16.4 18.7 17.0 7.1 8.1 8.7 8.6 9.4 2.5 2.5 2.3 3.2 3.6 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2.1 31 31 31 32 32 22.8 22.1 21.4 19.4 16.6 26.1 24.1 22.7 21.7 22.7 19.2 20.1 20.4 22.6 22.2 10.4 11.8 13.3 14.4 14.6 4.9 5.4 6.2 6.3 7.0 2.1 2.5 3.5 3.9 4.7 33 33 34 34 35 10.6 10.3 12.2 13.0 15.4 16.3 13.3 12.4 15.1 11.6 22.1 20.1 18.9 18.4 18.5 20.8 22.7 21.7 19.8 17.8 15.7 17.5 19.0 18.2 17.6 8.2 9.7 9.2 8.5 11.6 5.4 5.1 6.0 6.4 6.4 35 35 36 35 36 1.4 1.7 0.9 0.3 1.4 14.4 15.8 11.9 11.5 12.8 14.9 17.6 19.4 18.9 17.6 16.2 14.9 14.5 13.1 14.2 17.9 16.7 16.6 15.3 15.7 16.1 14.7 15.9 16.6 14.4 12.2 11.0 11.1 13.7 13.5 6.9 7.6 9.6 10.6 10.5 36 36 36 37 36 FEMALE TOTAL Under 20 Percent 20 - 24 Percent 25 - 29 Percent 30 - 34 Percent 40 - 44 Percent 45 - 49 Percent 50 and Over Percent Mean Age 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 519 596 587 724 773 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.3 17.7 14.1 12.6 11.7 10.2 30.4 28.0 27.3 27.2 22.6 30.1 33.2 29.0 31.1 32.3 13.7 15.6 19.9 17.1 20.7 6.6 6.4 7.5 9.0 8.7 1.0 2.0 2.2 2.3 3.4 0.4 0.7 1.4 1.1 1.8 30 31 32 32 33 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 798 755 657 560 578 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.7 0.3 7.4 6.5 5.6 5.9 6.6 20.9 22.4 17.8 15.2 12.6 28.8 29.3 29.8 25.0 23.2 24.8 24.8 26.0 29.3 29.2 10.9 10.3 13.9 15.7 19.0 4.4 4.9 5.2 5.9 6.7 2.1 1.6 1.5 2.3 2.2 34 34 34 35 36 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 472 505 328 307 304 258 343 348 268 210 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.0 6.4 9.5 8.5 10.1 12.2 9.3 13.1 14.4 15.7 12.4 16.1 14.9 11.0 19.2 12.5 11.6 15.2 17.0 17.9 25.2 22.2 18.8 22.6 11.7 19.1 17.8 13.4 19.0 10.4 12.4 25.6 26.1 24.1 24.1 20.1 20.9 21.6 13.8 21.3 12.4 19.1 17.6 22.3 20.8 20.1 21.3 15.7 17.8 15.7 14.8 8.1 8.9 7.9 9.8 10.9 10.5 13.7 11.8 13.1 15.2 2.1 3.6 3.4 3.9 5.3 8.5 6.7 5.7 5.6 7.6 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 35 35 36 NOTE: Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 36 FEMALE 35 - 39 Percent TABLE 20 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONAL CENTER POPULATION BY PROGRAM TYPE AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2008 Commitment Type Total Felon Civil Addict Community Correctional Centers 5,804 5,800 4 Community Correctional Facility - Private 2,886 2,885 1 Community Correctional Facility - Public 2,367 2,367 0 0 0 0 369 366 3 Prison Mother 70 70 0 Family Foundation 63 63 0 Work Furlough In Custody 49 49 0 Private Work Furlough* Drug Treatment Furlough * Private Work Furlough was discontinued during 2008 3,500 2,886 3,000 2,367 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 369 500 70 0 63 49 0 CCF-Private CCF-Public Private Work Furlough CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES Drug Treatment Furlough 37 Prison Mother Family Work Furlough Foundation In Custody TABLE 21 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONAL CENTER POPULATION BY RACIAL/ETHNIC GROUP AND GENDER DECEMBER 31, 1989 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2008 DECEMBER 31 MALE TOTAL TOTAL WHITE Percent MALE HISPANIC Percent BLACK Percent OTHER Percent FEMALE TOTAL WHITE Percent FEMALE HISPANIC Percent BLACK Percent OTHER Percent 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 3,122 3,210 5,911 5,396 5,448 2,672 2,813 5,188 5,022 5,056 29.3 30.1 27.1 30.4 31.3 43.5 40.8 35.1 34.9 32.4 24.1 25.4 34.3 30.6 32.5 3.1 3.6 3.5 4.0 3.9 450 397 723 374 392 33.6 31.0 37.9 37.4 39.8 36.0 37.5 36.0 37.2 20.7 22.7 26.7 22.0 17.4 35.2 7.8 4.8 4.1 8.0 4.3 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 5,365 5,493 5,579 5,847 7,280 4,939 5,066 5,147 5,445 6,888 32.8 35.9 35.2 37.4 34.5 33.1 32.7 32.8 30.1 33.9 30.2 27.5 28.6 29.0 27.8 3.9 3.9 3.4 3.5 3.8 426 427 432 402 392 43.7 41.5 38.2 39.6 42.3 20.2 18.3 21.5 20.1 19.1 31.9 34.9 33.3 35.1 32.4 4.2 5.4 6.9 5.2 6.1 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 7,687 7,575 7,326 7 317 7,317 6,003 7,293 7,184 6,924 6 926 6,926 5,567 34.9 33.9 31.5 29 6 29.6 29.2 34.0 38.1 40.6 44 5 44.5 46.3 27.2 24.7 23.9 21 8 21.8 20.7 3.8 3.4 3.9 41 4.1 3.8 394 391 402 391 436 42.6 46.0 46.0 39 6 39.6 39.6 17.5 19.4 19.4 25 3 25.3 25.3 36.3 29.9 29.9 30 2 30.2 30.2 3.6 4.6 4.6 49 4.9 4.9 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 5,473 5,344 5,015 6,370 5,804 5,026 4,863 4,688 5,654 5,186 32.3 27.6 25.1 23.8 25.5 47.7 52.0 53.2 54.5 52.4 16.4 15.5 16.2 17.0 17.4 3.7 4.9 5.4 4.8 4.7 447 481 327 716 618 39.6 44.5 44.6 43.9 48.5 25.3 28.1 29.1 31.0 30.4 30.2 22.2 21.1 20.9 18.0 4.9 5.2 5.2 4.2 3.1 Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. 60.0% Percent of Total CCF Population 50.0% 40.0% White 30.0% Hispanic 20.0% Black 10.0% Other 0.0% 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 38 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 TABLE 22 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONAL CENTER POPULATION BY AGE GROUP, MEAN AGE AND GENDER DECEMBER 31, 1989 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2008 DECEMBER 31 MALE TOTAL Under 20 Percent 20 - 24 Percent 25 - 29 Percent MALE 30 - 34 Percent 35 - 39 Percent 40 - 44 Percent 45 - 49 Percent 50 and Over Percent Mean Age 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 2,672 2,813 5,188 5,022 5,056 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.3 1.9 17.7 16.1 18.7 19.8 20.8 26.5 28.3 26.0 24.1 23.2 23.9 24.9 23.9 23.4 23.6 16.9 15.4 16.0 15.8 16.3 8.6 8.2 8.6 9.4 8.5 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.6 2.7 3.1 2.5 2.7 2.1 30 30 30 31 30 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 4,939 5,066 5,147 5,445 6,888 2.0 1.7 2.4 1.9 1.9 19.4 18.6 16.2 15.1 17.0 24.9 23.4 21.3 20.5 20.3 22.5 23.1 22.0 20.9 20.2 16.8 17.3 19.4 20.5 19.0 8.7 9.0 10.5 12.6 12.7 3.6 4.3 5.4 5.4 5.5 2.1 2.6 2.9 3.2 3.4 30 31 32 33 32 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 7,293 7,184 6,924 6,926 5,567 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.2 16.8 18.3 19.3 20.1 19.7 19.2 18.2 20.0 20.6 20.8 19.5 20.0 18.2 18.1 18.4 19.9 18.2 17.8 15.8 17.0 12.6 13.6 13.0 13.4 12.7 6.6 6.6 6.4 6.7 6.2 3.7 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.9 33 33 33 33 33 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 5,026 4,863 4,688 5,654 5,186 1.2 1.6 1.1 1.2 1.2 19.3 18.4 19.8 19.7 20.2 23.2 23.3 25.6 25.6 26.7 17.7 18.1 17.3 18.0 17.8 16.4 15.8 15.0 14.5 13.8 12.4 12.3 11.3 11.0 10.2 6.1 6.8 6.3 6.5 6.3 3.6 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.7 33 33 32 32 32 DECEMBER 31 FEMALE TOTAL Under 20 Percent 20 - 24 Percent 25 - 29 Percent FEMALE 30 - 34 35 - 39 Percent Percent 40 - 44 Percent 45 - 49 Percent 50 and Over Percent Mean Age 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 450 397 723 374 392 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.3 8.2 8.3 10.5 11.8 9.2 27.6 28.0 28.4 22.5 24.0 29.8 29.7 25.2 21.4 32.4 22.2 22.9 18.3 22.5 16.3 8.4 8.3 11.1 12.6 10.7 2.4 2.3 4.1 5.6 4.8 1.3 0.5 2.2 3.2 2.3 32 32 32 33 32 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 426 427 432 402 392 0.0 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.3 8.0 8.2 6.0 7.0 9.2 21.1 19.2 22.0 18.4 14.8 27.9 28.1 23.4 21.9 23.5 25.6 24.1 24.3 27.6 27.3 9.9 13.1 14.6 15.4 12.8 4.9 4.9 5.1 6.2 8.7 2.6 2.1 3.9 3.2 3.6 33 33 34 35 35 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 394 391 402 391 436 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.7 7.6 9.7 11.2 11.8 16.7 16.5 16.9 14.9 17.6 18.8 22.6 19.4 21.1 23.5 22.7 25.4 26.9 20.1 19.9 17.7 14.0 16.4 17.4 14.3 13.3 7.1 6.6 9.0 5.6 5.0 5.8 3.6 5.2 7.2 5.0 35 35 35 35 33 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 447 481 327 716 618 0.4 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.0 13.0 16.8 16.2 11.0 11.8 20.8 22.0 25.4 20.4 22.8 21.0 15.4 19.9 20.9 20.2 18.6 16.6 17.7 15.9 16.5 14.8 17.3 8.0 14.1 13.1 7.2 7.3 8.3 11.3 8.7 4.3 3.7 4.0 6.0 6.8 34 33 33 35 35 NOTE: Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 39 TABLE 23 NUMBER OF ESCAPES FROM INSTITUTIONS AND CAMPS RATE PER 100 AVERAGE DAILY POPULATION (ADP) CALENDAR YEAR 1989 THROUGH CALENDAR YEAR 2008 MALE CALENDAR YEAR GRAND TOTAL NUMBER RATE TOTAL NUMBER RATE INSTITUTIONS NUMBER RATE FEMALE INSTITUTIONS AND CAMPS Number Rate CAMPS NUMBER RATE 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 76 81 74 83 72 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.07 71 76 72 80 72 0.10 0.09 0.07 0.09 0.07 25 19 27 29 23 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.02 46 57 45 51 49 1.42 1.76 1.16 1.43 1.38 5 5 2 3 0 0.10 0.08 0.03 0.05 0.00 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 56 75 57 51 26 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 56 74 57 51 21 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 10 23 25 29 11 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 46 51 32 22 10 1.26 1.34 0.85 0.59 0.26 0 1 0 0 5 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.05 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 22 24 14 15 16 0.01 0.02 0.01 0 01 0.01 0.01 22 24 13 15 16 0.02 0.02 0.01 0 01 0.01 0.01 7 13 8 9 10 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 01 0.01 0.01 15 11 5 6 6 0.39 0.29 0.13 0 13 0.16 0.16 0 0 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.01 0 01 0.00 0.00 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 20 21 21 10 23 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 20 19 21 10 23 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 11 6 10 6 18 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 9 13 11 4 5 0.23 0.32 0.27 0.10 0.12 0 2 0 0 0 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 NOTE: Does not include Inmates who escaped from Community Correctional Centers. 90 80 70 72 76 75 60 57 50 40 30 22 20 23 10 10 15 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 40 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 TABLE 24 NUMBER OF ESCAPES FROM COMMUNITY BASED PROGRAMS RATE PER 100 POPULATION AT RISK CALENDAR YEAR 1989 THROUGH CALENDAR YEAR 2008 YEAR OF ESCAPE NUMBER OF ESCAPES POPULATION AT RISK RATE OF ESCAPES PER 100 POPULATION AT RISK 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1,434 1,324 1,122 1,409 1,327 15,314 17,001 22,919 22,336 21,262 9.4 7.8 4.9 6.3 6.2 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 985 740 652 484 406 20,473 22,051 21,896 23,245 28,384 4.8 3.4 3.0 2.1 1.4 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 364 275 202 216 218 29,149 30,358 29,733 27,711 25,796 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.8 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 103 20 16 23 18 20,194 18,501 17,390 21,487 22,578 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Community Based Programs include Community Correctional Facilities (CCF), Re-entry Facilities (RENT) and Prisoner Mother Programs. The population at risk is the total number of inmates in the program on January 1st plus those received during the year as new admissions, parole returns or transfers from institutions. 1,600 1,400 1,434 1,324 1,4091,327 1,200 1,000 740 800 652 600 406 400 364 200 216 16 18 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 41 This page intentionally left blank. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES Section 3 Felon New Admissions This page intentionally left blank. TABLE 25 FELON NEW ADMISSIONS COMMITMENT RATE PER 100,000 CALIFORNIA POPULATION BY GENDER CALENDAR YEAR 1989 THROUGH CALENDAR YEAR 2008 TOTAL CALENDAR YEAR ESTIMATED CALIFORNIA POPULATION* RATE PER 100,000 CALIFORNIA POPULATION FELON NEW ADMISSIONS MALE FEMALE FELON NEW ADMISSIONS FELON NEW ADMISSIONS 1989 29,142,000 34,226 117.4 30,872 3,354 1990 29,976,000 39,272 131.0 35,669 3,603 1991 30,655,000 38,252 124.8 34,785 3,467 1992 31,306,000 40,158 128.3 36,519 3,639 1993 31,746,000 43,149 135.9 39,210 3,939 1994 32,140,000 41,580 129.4 37,545 4,035 1995 32,063,000 45,459 141.8 40,896 4,563 1996 32,383,000 46,487 143.6 41,515 4,972 1997 32,957,000 46,823 142.1 41,611 5,212 1998 33,494,000 46,589 139.1 41,236 5,353 1999 34,036,000 42,936 126.1 38,158 4,778 2000 34,480,000 40,276 116.8 35,733 4,543 2001 2002 35,230,000 35,802,238 35 802 238 37,932 38,662 38 662 107.7 108.0 108 0 33,762 34,521 34 521 4,170 4,141 4 141 2003 36,363,502 43,422 119.4 38,449 4,973 2004 36,810,358 46,798 127.1 41,031 5,767 2005 36,854,224 48,609 131.9 42,617 5,992 2006 37,380,870 48,639 130.1 42,509 6,130 2007 37,810,582 46,987 124.3 41,110 5,877 2008 38,246,598 46,386 121.3 40,303 6,083 * The estimated California population is provided by the Department of Finance. FELON NEW ADMISSIONS 45,000 37,545 40,000 38,158 41,031 40,303 35,000 30,000 30,872 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 4,035 3,354 5,767 4,778 6,083 5,000 0 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 Male CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 42 1999 Female 2001 2003 2005 2007 CHART 7 TOTAL FELON NEW ADMISSIONS FROM COURT RATE PER 100,000 CALIFORNIA POPULATION CALENDAR YEARS 1989 - 2008 Rate per 100,000 California Population 160 140 120 129.4 126.1 117.4 127.1 121.3 100 80 60 40 20 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 43 TABLE 26 FELON NEW ADMISSIONS BY OFFENSE AND GENDER CALENDAR YEAR 2008 GENDER TOTAL FEMALE MALE Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent 6,083 100.0 40,303 100.0 46,386 100.0 MURDER 1ST 24 0.4 489 1.2 513 1.1 MURDER 2ND 31 0.5 550 1.4 581 1.3 MANSLAUGHTER 34 0.6 355 0.9 389 0.8 VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER 39 0.6 190 0.5 229 0.5 ROBBERY 270 4.4 2,953 7.3 3,223 6.9 ASSAULT DEADLY WEAPON 206 3.4 2,814 7.0 3,020 6.5 OTHER ASSAULT / BATTERY 271 4.5 3,190 7.9 3,461 7.5 3 0.0 222 0.6 225 0.5 10 0.2 1,367 3.4 1,377 3.0 ORAL COPULATION 2 0.0 70 0.2 72 0.2 SODOMY 1 0.0 25 0.1 26 0.1 PENETRATION WITH OBJECT 2 0.0 82 0.2 84 0.2 OTHER SEX OFFENSES 18 0.3 831 2.1 849 1.8 KIDNAPPING 17 0.3 176 0.4 193 0.4 SUBTOTAL 928 15.3 13,314 33.0 14,242 30.7 BURGLARY 1ST 134 2.2 1,528 3.8 1,662 3.6 BURGLARY 2ND 563 9.3 2,369 5.9 2,932 6.3 GRAND THEFT 361 5.9 1,396 3.5 1,757 3.8 PETTY THEFT WITH PRIOR 457 7.5 1,130 2.8 1,587 3.4 RECEIVING STOLEN PROPERTY 301 4.9 1,264 3.1 1,565 3.4 VEHICLE THEFT 267 4.4 1,687 4.2 1,954 4.2 FORGERY / FRAUD 578 9.5 873 2.2 1,451 3.1 99 1.6 546 1.4 645 1.4 2,760 45.4 10,793 26.8 13,553 29.2 TOTAL OFFENSE CATEGORY OFFENSE GROUP CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS RAPE LEWD ACT WITH CHILD PROPERTY CRIMES OTHER PROPERTY OFFENSES SUBTOTAL (Continued) Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 44 TABLE 26 (Continued) FELON NEW ADMISSIONS BY OFFENSE AND GENDER CALENDAR YEAR 2008 GENDER TOTAL FEMALE MALE Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent OFFENSE CATEGORY OFFENSE GROUP DRUG CRIMES CS+ POSSESSION 1,101 18.1 4,179 10.4 5,280 11.4 CS+ POSSESSION FOR SALE, ETC. 570 9.4 3,813 9.5 4,383 9.4 CS+ SALES, ETC. 192 3.2 1,127 2.8 1,319 2.8 CS+ MANUFACTURING 17 0.3 137 0.3 154 0.3 CS+ OTHER 58 1.0 189 0.5 247 0.5 1 0.0 23 0.1 24 0.1 MARIJ. POSSESS FOR SALE 43 0.7 584 1.4 627 1.4 MARIJUANA SALES 15 0.2 213 0.5 228 0.5 OTHER MARIJUANA OFFENSES 1 0.0 75 0.2 76 0.2 1,998 32.8 10,340 25.7 12,338 26.6 2 0.0 20 0.0 22 0.0 143 2.4 1,772 4.4 1,915 4.1 ARSON 20 0.3 119 0.3 139 0.3 POSSESSION OF WEAPON 62 1.0 2,351 5.8 2,413 5.2 OTHER OFFENSES 170 2.8 1,594 4.0 1,764 3.8 SUBTOTAL 397 6.5 5,856 14.5 6,253 13.5 HASHISH POSSESSION SUBTOTAL OTHER CRIMES ESCAPE DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 45 TABLE 27 FELON NEW ADMISSIONS BY OFFENSE CATEGORY AND GENDER CALENDAR YEAR 1989 - 2008 MALE CALENDAR YEAR TOTAL PERSON Percent TOTAL FEMALE PROPERTY Percent DRUG Percent OTHER Percent PERSON Percent TOTAL PROPERTY Percent DRUG Percent OTHER Percent 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 34,226 39,272 38,252 40,158 43,149 30,872 35,669 34,785 36,519 39,210 26.5 27.4 29.1 30.4 29.4 29.0 27.3 26.8 27.6 27.2 36.8 33.8 31.3 30.8 31.8 7.6 11.4 12.8 11.2 11.5 3,354 3,603 3,467 3,639 3,939 14.6 13.4 13.9 16.0 14.2 33.9 34.9 35.0 35.6 36.0 47.7 47.0 45.8 42.2 43.5 3.8 4.7 5.3 6.2 6.3 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 41,580 45,459 46,487 46,823 46,589 37,545 40,896 41,515 41,611 41,236 28.7 27.2 29.0 29.7 30.3 27.0 27.3 25.4 24.0 23.6 32.9 34.6 35.6 36.1 36.3 11.4 10.9 10.1 10.2 9.9 4,035 4,563 4,972 5,212 5,353 14.7 12.5 14.1 12.9 13.4 36.0 37.3 35.0 33.6 33.6 42.0 43.9 46.1 48.4 48.5 7.3 6.3 4.8 5.1 4.5 1999 2000 2001 42,936 40,276 37 917 37,917 38,158 35,733 33 748 33,748 30.2 31.7 34 1 34.1 22.7 22.6 24 4 24.4 36.5 34.8 29 9 29.9 10.5 10.9 11 6 11.6 4,778 4,543 4 169 4,169 12.5 13.7 14 8 14.8 32.2 33.2 40 1 40.1 50.1 47.9 38 9 38.9 5.1 5.2 62 6.2 2002 2003 38,662 43,422 34,521 38,449 34.2 32.9 27.3 28.2 26.7 26.7 11.8 12.3 4,141 4,973 15.2 15.3 43.4 45.5 34.9 33.3 6.5 5.9 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 46,798 48,609 48,639 46,987 46,386 41,031 42,617 42,509 41,110 40,303 31.1 29.9 30.2 31.0 33.0 29.1 28.7 28.2 27.0 26.8 27.5 28.8 28.2 27.7 25.7 12.4 12.7 13.4 14.3 14.5 5,767 5,992 6,130 5,877 6,083 13.2 13.2 12.8 14.6 15.3 46.6 45.7 45.8 44.2 45.4 33.7 35.2 35.5 33.9 32.8 6.5 5.9 5.8 7.3 6.5 NOTE: Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. Percent of Total New Admissions 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% Person Crimes 25.0% 20.0% Property Crimes 15.0% 10.0% Drug Crimes 5.0% 0.0% Other Crimes 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 LIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 46 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 TABLE 28 FELON NEW ADMISSIONS BY RACIAL/ETHNIC GROUP AND GENDER CALENDAR YEAR 1989 - 2008 CALENDAR YEAR TOTAL TOTAL WHITE Percent MALE HISPANIC Percent BLACK Percent OTHER Percent TOTAL WHITE Percent FEMALE HISPANIC Percent BLACK Percent OTHER Percent 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 34,226 39,272 38,252 40,158 43,149 30,872 35,669 34,785 36,519 39,210 28.8 28.8 28.3 28.2 28.0 32.2 37.6 39.2 39.7 42.1 33.8 29.2 27.3 26.4 25.2 5.2 4.5 5.1 5.8 4.7 3,354 3,603 3,467 3,639 3,939 33.6 36.4 39.3 37.4 40.3 20.8 22.3 23.4 18.5 25.3 39.2 35.6 33.0 34.2 31.4 6.4 5.6 4.2 9.8 2.9 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 41,580 45,459 46,487 46,823 46,589 37,545 40,896 41,515 41,611 41,236 29.3 29.7 29.4 30.0 29.3 41.3 42.3 42.2 41.6 42.0 24.6 23.5 23.6 23.5 23.4 4.8 4.4 4.8 4.9 5.3 4,035 4,563 4,972 5,212 5,353 38.3 39.7 38.3 42.1 40.5 23.0 21.8 24.0 23.8 24.9 31.5 30.5 30.4 28.9 29.6 7.2 8.0 7.3 5.2 5.0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 42,936 40,276 37,932 38,668 43,422 38,158 35,733 33,762 34,525 38,449 28.7 29.3 29.0 28.9 28.7 41.6 42.5 43.5 43.7 44.1 24.4 23.1 22.1 21.9 21.7 5.3 5.1 5.4 5.4 5.5 4,778 4,543 4,170 4,143 4,973 41.7 40.3 40.5 42.2 43.0 24.2 25.6 26.2 27.9 28.5 30.8 29.7 28.7 25.9 24.5 3.3 4.4 4.6 4.1 4.0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 46,798 48,603 48,639 46,987 46,386 41,031 42,612 42,509 41,110 40,303 28.5 27.8 26.9 26.0 25.0 44.6 45.4 45.4 46.7 46.4 21.5 21.5 22.3 21.9 23.2 5.4 5.2 5.4 5.3 5.4 5,767 5,991 6,130 5,877 6,083 42.6 40.6 40.0 38.0 38.2 29.5 30.4 31.1 32.7 32.6 23.9 24.2 24.1 24.1 24.8 4.0 4.8 4.8 5.2 4.4 NOTE: Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. 50.0% Percent of Total New Admissions 40.0% 30.0% White 20.0% Hispanic 10.0% Black Other 0.0% 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 LIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 47 DECEMBER 31 TOTAL Under 20 Percent TABLE 29 FELON NEW ADMISSIONS BY AGE GROUP AND MEAN AGE CALENDAR YEAR 1989 THROUGH CALENDAR YEAR 2008 MALE 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent 50 and Over Percent Mean Age 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 30,872 35,669 34,783 36,519 39,210 4.6 5.5 5.9 6.2 6.2 27.1 26.3 26.1 26.9 26.1 25.8 23.9 23.1 22.2 21.7 19.0 19.3 19.1 18.7 18.9 11.4 11.8 12.4 12.4 13.3 6.0 6.7 6.8 6.8 7.1 3.1 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.1 3.4 3.3 3.3 3.2 28 28 28 28 29 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 37,545 40,896 41,515 41,611 41,236 5.7 6.0 6.5 6.9 7.2 24.5 22.8 21.3 21.2 21.2 21.6 20.7 19.6 19.5 17.7 19.4 19.1 19.1 17.8 17.6 13.8 15.0 15.6 15.4 15.8 7.7 8.5 9.3 9.9 10.3 3.9 4.4 4.7 5.1 5.5 3.4 3.5 3.8 4.2 4.6 29 30 30 30 31 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 38,158 35,733 33,762 34,525 38,449 7.0 6.3 6.2 6.2 5.9 21.1 22.1 23.7 24.5 24.4 16.8 16.4 17.1 17.0 17.1 16.6 16.4 15.9 15.5 15.0 15.9 15.6 14.4 14.2 13.7 11.2 11.2 11.0 11.0 11.2 6.1 6.5 6.3 6.4 6.8 5.3 5.4 5.4 5.3 5.8 31 31 32 32 32 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 41,031 42,612 42,509 41,109 40,303 5.6 3.6 5.9 5.9 6.2 24.1 23.3 22.6 21.7 21.8 17.9 18.4 18.0 18.5 17.8 14.8 14.6 13.6 13.6 13.9 13.7 13.1 12.9 12.3 12.1 11.2 11.4 11.4 11.2 10.5 7.1 8.2 8.3 8.8 8.6 5.6 7.6 7.6 8.1 9.1 32 33 33 33 33 DECEMBER 31 TOTAL Under 20 Percent 20 - 24 Percent 25 - 29 Percent 30 - 34 Percent FEMALE 35 - 39 Percent 40 - 44 Percent 45 - 49 Percent 50 and Over Percent Mean Age 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 3,354 3,603 3,466 3,639 3,939 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.0 20.0 16.8 15.6 16.0 13.8 29.0 27.1 25.7 24.2 22.9 23.5 25.8 24.9 25.6 26.8 14.8 16.1 17.5 17.3 19.4 6.6 7.0 9.0 9.1 9.6 2.6 3.4 3.3 4.3 4.3 2.3 2.7 2.8 2.4 2.2 29 30 31 31 32 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 4,035 4,563 4,972 5,212 5,353 1.5 1.1 1.6 1.6 1.8 12.8 11.1 10.4 10.1 11.0 21.9 21.0 19.7 17.3 16.1 26.4 27.3 24.6 24.1 23.1 19.5 21.1 23.0 23.5 23.9 10.9 10.5 12.3 13.9 14.2 4.3 5.2 5.2 6.2 6.1 2.9 2.8 3.2 3.3 3.7 32 33 33 34 34 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 4,778 4,543 4,170 4,143 4,973 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.7 10.2 12.0 12.9 16.2 15.2 15.7 14.6 14.6 16.3 16.3 20.6 19.7 20.2 18.9 18.0 24.0 22.6 21.7 19.4 20.2 15.8 16.7 15.8 14.9 15.9 7.3 7.5 8.2 7.5 7.7 4.4 4.9 4.7 4.9 5.0 35 35 35 34 34 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 5,767 5,991 6,130 5,877 6,083 1.9 1.1 2.0 1.8 2.1 14.9 15.0 15.4 15.3 14.0 17.0 17.2 17.3 18.8 18.9 17.3 16.1 15.4 14.3 14.8 18.4 16.9 16.6 15.8 14.8 16.0 16.5 16.3 15.6 14.9 8.8 10.7 10.4 11.8 11.9 5.6 6.5 6.5 6.6 8.6 34 35 35 35 35 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 48 This page intentionally left blank. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES Section 4 Felon Parole Violators Returned with a New Term This page intentionally left blank. TABLE 30 FELON PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM NUMBER AND RATE PER 100 AVERAGE DAILY FELON PAROLEE AND PAROLEE-AT-LARGE (PAL) POPULATION (ADP)* BY GENDER CALENDAR YEAR 1994 - 2008 TOTAL CALENDAR YEAR NUMBER RATE MALE FELON PAROLEE/PAL ADP NUMBER RATE FEMALE FELON PAROLEE/PAL ADP* NUMBER RATE FELON PAROLEE/PAL ADP* 1994 17,009 18.2 93,536 15,767 18.6 84,854 1,242 14.3 8,682 1995 17,454 17.1 102,182 16,217 17.5 92,896 1,237 13.3 9,286 1996 17,525 16.0 109,659 16,145 16.2 99,403 1,380 13.5 10,256 1997 17,662 15.3 115,299 16,250 15.6 104,198 1,412 12.7 11,101 1998 17,383 14.1 122,981 15,829 14.3 110,528 1,554 12.5 12,452 1999 17,094 13.2 129,709 15,501 13.3 116,264 1,593 11.8 13,444 2000 16,011 11.9 134,821 14,568 12.1 120,493 1,443 10.1 14,328 2001 14,532 10.6 136,932 13,379 11.0 121,979 1,153 7.7 14,953 2002 14,365 10.6 136,133 13,242 10.9 121,200 1,123 7.5 14,934 2003 15,694 11.9 131,693 14,399 12.3 117,412 1,295 9.1 14,281 2004 17,842 13.9 128,501 16,310 14.2 114,630 1,532 11.0 13,871 2005 19,767 15.1 131,087 18,130 15.5 116,837 1,637 11.5 14,250 2006 20,769 15.6 133,118 18,912 16.0 118,219 1,857 12.5 14,899 2007 2008 20,808 19,950 14.7 14.3 141,231 139,747 18,885 18,179 15.1 14.6 125,301 124,333 1,923 1,771 12.1 11.5 15,930 15,414 * The Average Daily Felon Parolee and Parolee-at-Large (PAL) Population includes the average daily population of felon parolees supervised in California plus the average daily felon PAL population. Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 49 CHART 8 FELON PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED TO PRISON WITH A NEW TERM (PV-WNT) CALENDAR YEARS 1989 - 2008 25,000 19,950 20,000 17,009 17,383 15,694 15,000 11,040 10,000 5,000 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 50 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 TABLE 31 FELON PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM (PV-WNTs) BY OFFENSE AND GENDER CALENDAR YEAR 2008 GENDER TOTAL FEMALE Number TOTAL 1,771 MALE Percent 100.0 Number 18,179 Percent Number Percent 100.0 19,950 100.0 OFFENSE CATEGORY OFFENSE GROUP CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS MURDER 1ST 0 0.0 60 0.3 60 0.3 MURDER 2ND 1 0.1 61 0.3 62 0.3 MANSLAUGHTER 0 0.0 33 0.2 33 0.2 VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER 1 0.1 8 0.0 9 0.0 ROBBERY 37 2.1 687 3.8 724 3.6 ASSAULT DEADLY WEAPON 40 2.3 658 3.6 698 3.5 OTHER ASSAULT / BATTERY 38 2.1 1,253 6.9 1,291 6.5 RAPE 0 0.0 37 0.2 37 0.2 LEWD ACT WITH CHILD 1 0.1 50 0.3 51 0.3 ORAL COPULATION 0 0.0 13 0.1 13 0.1 SODOMY 0 0.0 4 0.0 4 0.0 PENETRATION WITH OBJECT 0 0.0 6 0.0 6 0.0 OTHER SEX OFFENSES 3 0.2 344 1.9 347 1.7 KIDNAPPING 1 0.1 29 0.2 30 0.2 122 6.9 3,243 17.8 3,365 16.9 BURGLARY 1ST 26 1.5 436 2.4 462 2.3 BURGLARY 2ND 223 12.6 1,595 8.8 1,818 9.1 74 4.2 550 3.0 624 3.1 PETTY THEFT WITH PRIOR 212 12.0 1,101 6.1 1,313 6.6 RECEIVING STOLEN PROPERTY 106 6.0 987 5.4 1,093 5.5 VEHICLE THEFT 108 6.1 1,247 6.9 1,355 6.8 FORGERY / FRAUD 138 7.8 463 2.5 601 3.0 46 2.6 303 1.7 349 1.7 933 52.7 6,682 36.8 7,615 38.2 SUBTOTAL PROPERTY CRIMES GRAND THEFT OTHER PROPERTY OFFENSES SUBTOTAL (Continued) Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 51 TABLE 31 (Continued) FELON PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM (PV-WNTs) BY OFFENSE AND GENDER CALENDAR YEAR 2008 GENDER TOTAL FEMALE Number OFFENSE CATEGORY DRUG CRIMES Percent Number Percent Number Percent OFFENSE GROUP CS+ POSSESSION 404 22.8 3,178 17.5 3,582 18.0 CS+ POSSESSION FOR SALE, ETC. 128 7.2 1,516 8.3 1,644 8.2 62 3.5 700 3.9 762 3.8 0 0.0 17 0.1 17 0.1 19 1.1 115 0.6 134 0.7 1 0.1 12 0.1 13 0.1 11 0.6 264 1.5 275 1.4 MARIJUANA SALES 3 0.2 86 0.5 89 0.4 OTHER MARIJUANA OFFENSES 0 0.0 15 0.1 15 0.1 628 35.5 5,903 32.5 6,531 32.7 1 0.1 7 0.0 8 0.0 13 0.7 357 2.0 370 1.9 4 0.2 18 0.1 22 0.1 POSSESSION OF WEAPON 28 1.6 1,410 7.8 1,438 7.2 OTHER OFFENSES 42 2.4 559 3.1 601 3.0 SUBTOTAL 88 5.0 2,351 12.9 2,439 12.2 CS+ SALES, ETC. CS+ MANUFACTURING CS+ OTHER HASHISH POSSESSION MARIJ. POSSESS FOR SALE SUBTOTAL OTHER CRIMES MALE ESCAPE DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE ARSON Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 52 TABLE 32 FELON PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM BY OFFENSE CATEGORY AND GENDER CALENDAR YEAR 1994 - 2008 CALENDAR YEAR TOTAL PERSON Percent TOTAL MALE PROPERTY Percent DRUG Percent OTHER Percent TOTAL PERSON Percent FEMALE PROPERTY Percent DRUG Percent OTHER Percent 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 17,009 17,454 17,525 17,662 17,383 15,767 16,217 16,145 16,250 15,829 15.4% 14.5% 16.0% 15.5% 15.7% 42.2% 40.5% 38.1% 35.2% 32.6% 32.5% 35.4% 36.1% 40.3% 42.9% 10.0% 9.6% 9.8% 8.9% 8.9% 1,242 1,237 1,380 1,412 1,554 6.0% 5.2% 4.1% 4.2% 4.0% 50.5% 48.3% 44.6% 43.8% 38.0% 39.8% 43.2% 47.5% 48.9% 54.1% 3.7% 3.4% 3.8% 3.1% 3.9% 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 17,094 16,011 14,532 14,365 15,694 15,501 14,568 13,379 13,242 14,399 15.9% 15.5% 17.3% 18.2% 16.5% 31.0% 31.0% 34.1% 37.4% 37.7% 44.7% 44.7% 38.8% 33.4% 35.0% 8.3% 8.8% 9.8% 10.9% 10.8% 1,593 1,443 1,153 1,123 1,295 5.1% 4.2% 5.2% 4.7% 5.6% 36.5% 36.7% 46.3% 55.8% 54.3% 54.9% 55.2% 44.7% 35.7% 35.9% 3.5% 3.9% 3.8% 3.7% 4.2% 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 17,842 19,767 20,769 20,808 19,950 16,310 18,130 18,912 18,885 18,179 16.8% 16.6% 16.1% 16.5% 17.8% 37.8% 36.9% 35.8% 35.2% 36.8% 34.1% 35.8% 36.2% 35.9% 32.5% 11.3% 10.8% 11.9% 12.4% 12.9% 1,532 1,637 1,857 1,923 1,771 6.6% 5.9% 5.8% 5.5% 6.9% 53.7% 51.1% 51.7% 49.3% 52.7% 35.5% 39.3% 38.2% 40.8% 35.5% 4.2% 3.7% 4.3% 4.4% 5.0% Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. 50.0% Percent of Total PV-RTC 45.0% 40.0% Person Crimes 35.0% 30.0% Property Crimes 25.0% 20.0% Drug Crimes 15.0% Other Crimes 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 1999 2000 2001 2002 53 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 TABLE 33 FELON PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM BY RACIAL/ETHNIC GROUP AND GENDER CALENDAR YEAR 1994 - 2008 CALENDAR YEAR TOTAL TOTAL White Percent MALE Hispanic Percent Black Percent Other Percent TOTAL White Percent FEMALE Hispanic Black Percent Percent Other Percent 1994 1995 1996 1997 17,009 17,454 17,525 17,662 15,767 16,217 16,145 16,250 27.2 29.0 29.3 30.8 32.9 32.4 32.2 31.7 37.0 35.4 35.4 34.5 3.0 3.2 3.2 3.1 1,242 1,237 1,380 1,412 31.4 30.5 31.3 32.1 24.2 25.6 23.4 22.7 40.8 40.3 41.4 41.5 3.6 3.6 3.9 3.8 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 17,383 17,094 16,011 14,532 14,365 15,829 15,501 14,568 13,379 13,242 30.9 31.0 32.6 31.0 31.3 31.7 30.7 31.5 33.1 34.6 34.3 35.1 33.0 32.9 31.3 3.0 3.2 2.9 3.0 2.8 1,554 1,593 1,443 1,153 1,123 34.7 34.1 34.9 34.2 31.3 20.8 21.9 22.3 23.3 26.9 40.3 40.5 39.8 40.5 39.0 4.2 3.5 3.0 2.0 2.8 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 15,694 17,842 19,767 20,769 20,808 19,950 14,399 16,310 18,130 18,912 18,885 18,179 31.0 31.4 31.0 30.0 29.3 29.3 34.9 35.5 37.1 37.3 38.9 38.3 30.8 29.4 28.1 28.7 28.0 28.3 3.4 3.7 3.7 4.0 3.8 4.1 1,295 1,532 1,637 1,857 1,923 1,771 35.2 36.1 36.6 36.5 35.0 34.7 25.7 26.0 29.9 29.6 29.8 30.1 36.4 34.3 30.4 30.4 31.8 31.1 2.7 3.6 3.2 3.5 3.4 4.2 Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. Percent of Total PV-WNT 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% White 25.0% Hispanic 20.0% 15.0% Black 10.0% Other 5.0% 0.0% 1994 1995 1996 1997 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 1998 1999 2000 2001 54 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 TABLE 34 FELON PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM BY AGE GROUP, MEAN AGE AND GENDER CALENDAR YEAR 1994 - 2008 CALENDAR YEAR TOTAL Under 20 Percent 20 - 24 Percent 25 -29 Percent 30 - 34 Percent MALE 35 - 39 Percent 40 - 44 Percent 45 - 49 Percent 50 and Over Percent Mean Age 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 15,767 16,217 16,145 16,250 15,829 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.3 15.7 14.2 13.5 12.7 12.1 26.0 25.3 23.1 22.9 21.3 24.6 24.9 23.6 23.8 22.9 17.4 18.5 19.9 19.6 20.3 9.7 10.2 11.5 11.9 13.0 4.0 4.4 4.9 5.6 6.4 2.3 2.4 3.0 3.2 3.7 31 32 32 32 33 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 15,501 14,568 13,379 13,242 14,399 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.2 12.7 13.0 14.1 15.0 15.2 19.6 18.9 18.8 19.7 19.6 21.9 21.6 20.2 20.5 18.6 20.4 20.1 19.3 18.9 18.0 14.0 14.3 15.0 13.9 14.5 7.0 7.4 7.5 7.2 8.3 4.1 4.4 4.7 4.5 5.6 33 34 34 34 34 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 16,310 18,130 18,912 18,885 18,179 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.3 16.4 14.5 16.2 15.7 14.7 20.7 22.3 22.2 22.9 23.8 17.3 16.9 15.9 15.2 15.5 17.1 16.5 15.6 15.2 14.2 14.0 14.3 13.8 13.4 13.1 8.5 9.1 9.0 9.8 10.1 5.6 6.2 6.9 7.4 8.3 34 34 34 34 35 Under 20 Percent 20 - 24 Percent 25 -29 Percent FEMALE 30 - 34 35 - 39 Percent Percent 40 - 44 Percent 45 - 49 Percent CALENDAR YEAR TOTAL 50 and Over Percent Mean Age 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1,242 1,237 1,380 1,412 1,554 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.2 5.9 5.0 5.2 4.3 22.9 19.7 19.3 15.9 13.9 27.8 29.2 28.7 27.0 27.7 23.6 25.3 24.7 27.3 27.7 11.9 13.8 14.6 15.7 15.8 5.7 4.4 5.5 6.0 7.1 1.9 1.6 2.1 2.8 3.5 33 34 34 35 35 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1,593 1,443 1,153 1,123 1,295 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 5.2 5.5 7.0 7.3 6.7 12.2 11.2 12.7 12.3 14.1 25.5 23.7 23.1 21.8 19.2 28.8 28.8 25.7 24.5 25.3 16.8 18.8 18.6 20.3 20.8 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.8 9.7 3.1 3.7 4.8 5.0 4.1 36 36 36 36 36 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1,532 1,637 1,857 1,923 1,771 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 9.2 7.1 8.9 9.4 10.1 18.1 17.5 20.6 19.7 20.0 19.6 17.4 17.1 18.3 17.3 20.5 22.5 19.1 18.0 19.0 19.6 18.2 18.1 17.3 16.1 8.7 11.1 11.0 10.8 11.6 4.4 6.1 5.2 6.4 5.9 35 36 36 36 36 Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 55 This page intentionally left blank. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES Section 5 Felon Parole Violators Returned to Custody This page intentionally left blank. TABLE 35 FELON PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED TO CUSTODY (PV-RTC) NUMBER AND RATE PER 100 AVERAGE DAILY FELON PAROLEE AND PAROLEE-AT-LARGE (PAL) POPULATION (ADP)* BY GENDER CALENDAR YEAR 1994 THROUGH CALENDAR YEAR 2008 TOTAL CALENDAR YEAR Number Rate MALE Felon Parolee/PAL ADP* Number Rate FEMALE Felon Parolee/PAL ADP* Number Rate Felon Parolee/PAL ADP* 1994 45,471 48.6 93,536 41,690 49.1 84,854 3,781 43.5 8,682 1995 52,430 51.3 102,182 47,999 51.7 92,896 4,431 47.7 9,286 1996 57,984 52.9 109,659 52,759 53.1 99,403 5,225 50.9 10,256 1997 67,380 58.4 115,299 61,428 59.0 104,198 5,952 53.6 11,101 1998 70,245 57.1 122,981 63,908 57.8 110,528 6,337 50.9 12,452 1999 70,969 54.7 129,709 64,544 55.5 116,264 6,425 47.8 13,444 2000 73,352 54.4 134,821 66,753 55.4 120,493 6,599 46.1 14,328 2001 74,444 54.4 136,932 68,167 55.9 121,979 6,277 42.0 14,953 2002 71,246 52.3 136,134 65,345 53.9 121,200 5,901 39.5 14,934 2003 62,377 47.4 131,693 57,385 48.9 117,412 4,992 35.0 14,281 2004 58,902 45.8 128,501 54,331 47.4 114,630 4,571 33.0 13,871 2005 61,241 46.7 131,087 56,096 48.0 116,837 5,145 36.1 14,250 2006 69,133 51.9 133,118 63,432 53.7 118,219 5,701 38.3 14,899 2007 2008 71,837 74,615 50.9 53.4 141,231 139,747 65,828 68,389 52.5 55.0 125,301 124,333 6,009 6,226 37.7 40.4 15,930 15,414 These rates should not be considered to be CDCR's recidivism rates. For recidivism rates see Table 49 and Table49A. NOTE: PV-RTC refers to parolees returned to prison for violating a parole condition, parolees returned pending a parole revocation hearing, and parolees returned to alternative placement in a substance abuse program without having their parole revoked. PV-RTC does not include revoked parolees housed in non-state facilities or those returned with another prison commitment (PV-WNT). Previously published numbers may vary due to modifications to the database. * The Average Daily Felon Parolee and Parolee-at-Large (PAL) Population includes the average daily population of felon parolees supervised in California plus the average daily felon PAL population. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 56 CHART 9 FELON PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED TO CUSTODY (PV-RTC) CALENDAR YEARS 1989 - 2008 80,000 74,615 70,245 70,000 62,377 60,000 50,000 , 45,471 39,976 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 LIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 57 TABLE 36 FELON PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED TO CUSTODY (PV-RTC) BY RACIAL/ETHNIC GROUP AND GENDER CALENDAR YEAR 1994 - 2008 CALENDAR YEAR TOTAL TOTAL White Percent MALE Hispanic Percent Black Percent Other Percent TOTAL White Percent FEMALE Hispanic Percent Black Percent Other Percent 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 45,469 52,430 57,984 67,832 70,418 41,688 47,999 52,759 61,815 64,038 32.7 34.2 34.7 35.4 34.6 26.7 28.0 27.4 28.0 27.7 37.5 34.8 34.8 33.6 34.8 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.0 2.9 3,781 4,431 5,225 6,017 6,380 34.8 36.0 36.5 37.4 36.2 23.9 23.8 22.0 21.6 20.6 38.4 37.0 37.4 37.0 38.9 2.9 3.2 4.1 4.0 4.3 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 70,670 73,340 74,279 71,185 62,314 64,267 66,745 68,008 65,292 57,329 34.9 34.5 34.5 35.3 34.6 27.7 28.0 28.3 28.9 29.0 34.6 34.5 34.4 32.5 32.9 2.9 3.1 2.9 3.4 3.5 6,403 6,595 6,271 5,893 4,985 37.0 37.5 39.0 40.0 37.5 21.0 21.0 21.1 22.6 24.0 38.7 38.6 37.4 34.6 35.4 3.3 2.9 2.6 2.9 3.0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 58,712 61,182 69,127 71 995 71,995 74,615 54,149 56,018 63,426 65 982 65,982 68,389 35.2 35.6 35.0 34 8 34.8 34.1 29.0 29.8 30.8 31 5 31.5 31.9 32.2 30.8 30.1 29 3 29.3 29.8 3.5 3.9 4.1 43 4.3 4.3 4,563 5,164 5,701 6 013 6,013 6,226 39.1 39.4 40.0 40 5 40.5 39.5 24.2 26.0 26.2 28 4 28.4 28.1 34.1 31.7 30.5 27 2 27.2 28.4 2.5 2.9 3.3 39 3.9 4.0 Percent of Total PV-RTC 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% White 25.0% Hispanic 20.0% Black 15.0% Other 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 These rates should not be considered to be CDCR's recidivism rates. For recidivism rates see Table 49 and Table 49A. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 58 2008 TABLE 37 FELON PAROLE VIOLATORS RETURNED TO CUSTODY (PV-RTC) BY AGE GROUP, MEAN AGE AND GENDER CALENDAR YEAR 1994 - 2008 CALENDAR YEAR TOTAL Under 20 Percent 20 - 24 Percent 25 - 29 Percent MALE 30 - 34 Percent 35 - 39 Percent 40 - 44 Percent 45 - 49 Percent 50 and Over Percent Mean Age 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 41,688 48,824 54,118 61,815 64,038 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 12.2 11.4 10.5 10.5 10.3 22.9 21.6 20.6 19.7 18.9 25.1 24.5 23.4 22.3 21.8 19.7 20.6 21.3 21.5 21.5 11.7 12.5 13.2 14.3 14.8 5.0 5.8 6.7 7.0 7.5 3.1 3.5 4.0 4.5 4.8 32 33 34 34 34 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 64,267 66,745 68,008 65,292 57,329 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 10.5 11.1 11.4 11.3 11.8 17.9 17.1 16.3 16.2 17.0 20.8 19.6 19.0 18.4 17.3 21.2 20.7 20.2 19.6 18.7 15.6 16.2 16.8 17.2 17.0 8.4 9.0 9.6 10.1 10.7 5.3 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.3 35 35 35 36 36 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 54,149 56,018 63,426 65,982 68,389 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 12.2 12.4 12.2 11.7 11.6 17.3 18.4 18.9 19.6 19.8 16.7 15.5 14.9 14.8 15.1 17.7 17.3 16.8 15.7 15.0 17.0 16.3 16.1 15.6 14.9 10.9 11.1 11.8 12.3 12.4 8.1 8.5 9.0 10.2 10.9 36 36 36 36 36 20 - 24 Percent 25 - 29 Percent 35 - 39 Percent 40 - 44 Percent 45 - 49 Percent CALENDAR YEAR TOTAL Under 20 Percent FEMALE 30 - 34 Percent 50 and Over Percent Mean Age 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 3,781 4,508 5,360 6,017 6,380 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.6 5.9 5.1 4.3 3.8 23.0 21.8 19.0 17.6 16.6 31.7 30.5 30.3 28.7 26.9 23.4 24.3 24.8 26.4 26.7 10.3 11.7 13.9 14.9 16.6 3.4 4.4 5.1 5.9 6.8 1.5 1.3 1.7 2.2 2.6 33 33 34 34 35 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 6,403 6,595 6,271 5,893 4,985 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 4.4 5.2 5.3 5.9 6.3 14.3 12.9 13.1 12.2 13.0 24.1 22.6 21.3 20.5 19.0 27.5 28.0 25.6 25.3 25.0 19.7 19.6 21.5 21.4 20.9 7.1 8.6 10.0 10.0 11.1 2.8 3.0 3.2 4.6 4.6 36 36 36 37 37 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 4,563 5,164 5,701 6,013 6,226 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 6.6 8.3 8.2 7.7 6.9 14.5 16.3 16.4 17.7 17.9 17.8 16.7 17.5 16.4 17.5 24.2 21.6 21.4 20.0 18.3 20.6 19.6 18.3 18.4 19.0 11.4 12.1 11.9 12.7 13.6 4.8 5.2 6.2 6.9 6.8 37 36 36 37 37 These rates should not be considered to be CDCR's recidivism rates. For recidivism rates see Table 49 and Table49A. NOTE: PV-RTC refers to parolees returned to prison for violating a parole condition, parolees returned pending a parole revocation hearing, and parolees returned to alternative placement in a substance abuse program without having their parole revoked. PV-RTC does not include revoked parolees housed in non-state facilities or those returned with another prison commitment (PV-WNT). Previously published numbers may vary due to modifications to the database. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 59 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES Section 6 Parole and Outpatient Population This page intentionally left blank. TABLE 38 PAROLE AND OUTPATIENT POPULATION SUPERVISED IN CALIFORNIA RATE PER 100,000 CALIFORNIA POPULATION DECEMBER 31, 1989 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2008 CALIFORNIA RATE PER SUPERVISED 100,000 DECEMBER ESTIMATED PAROLE/OUTPATIENT CALIFORNIA 31 CALIFORNIA POPULATION * POPULATION POPULATION 1989 29,558,000 59,313 200.7 1990 30,296,000 70,479 232.6 1991 30,812,000 82,603 268.1 1992 31,303,000 86,389 276.0 1993 31,661,000 85,886 271.3 1994 31,910,000 89,609 280.8 1995 32,223,000 96,110 298.3 1996 32,670,000 100,934 309.0 1997 33,226,000 105,449 317.4 1998 33,773,000 111,875 331.3 1999 2000 34,336,000 34,650,000 117,612 121,414 342.5 350.4 2001 35,230,000 121,820 345.8 2002 35,802,238 117,138 327.2 2003 36,363,502 114,136 313.9 2004 36,810,358 113,768 309.1 2005 36,854,224 115,001 312.0 2006 37,380,870 121,808 325.9 2007 37,810,582 126,906 335.6 2008 38,246,598 123,597 323.2 * The estimated California population was obtained from the Department of Finance. LIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 60 CHART 10 FELON PAROLE AND CIVIL NARCOTIC ADDICT (CNA) OUTPATIENT POPULATION SUPERVISED IN CALIFORNIA December 31, 1989 - December 31, 2008 Parolees/Outpatients 140,000 123,597 117,612 120,000 113,768 100,000 89,609 80,000 59,313 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 61 TABLE 39 TOTAL PAROLE AND OUTPATIENT POPULATION DECEMBER 31, 1989 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2008 Total Parole and December Outpatient 31 Population Supervised by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation California Offenders From Parolees From Civil Narcotic Felon Other States Other States Addict Total Parolees on Parole (ICOOP) Outpatients 1989 61,665 59,313 55,383 1990 73,096 70,479 65,420 1991 85,470 82,603 77,120 1992 89,453 86,389 1993 88,858 85,886 1994 92,958 1995 1996 99,911 104,542 1997 1998 1,850 2,077 2,352 992 1,360 2,241 2,818 2,617 1,084 1,533 1 2,232 3,250 2,867 1,074 1,793 80,815 4 2,178 3,392 3,064 1,025 2,039 79,504 3 2,271 4,108 2,972 927 2,045 89,609 83,778 2 1,789 4,040 3,349 957 2,392 96,110 100,934 90,450 95,631 1 2 1,429 1,422 4,230 3,879 3,801 3,608 1,037 1,090 2,764 2,518 108,610 105,449 100,926 0 1,275 3,248 3,161 797 2,364 114,593 111,875 107,645 0 1,284 2,946 2,718 525 2,193 1999 119,620 117,612 113,720 1 1,350 2,541 2,008 1 2,007 2000 123,295 121,414 117,377 2 1,294 2,741 1,881 1 1,880 2001 123,554 121,820 117,675 1 1,405 2,739 1,734 0 1,734 2002 118,837 117,138 112,992 1 1,587 2,558 1,699 0 1,699 2003 115,691 114,136 110,173 0 1,636 2,327 1,555 0 1,555 2004 115,163 113,768 110,130 0 1,589 2,049 1,395 0 1,395 2005 116,227 115,001 111,658 0 1,541 1,802 1,226 0 1,226 2006 123,000 121,808 118,551 0 1,529 1,728 1,192 0 1,192 2007 2008 128,086 124,690 126,906 123,597 123,739 120,730 0 0 1,470 1,404 1,697 1,463 1,180 1,093 0 0 1,180 1,093 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 3 Total Other Jurisdictions California Felons California Parolees Supervised by Supervised by by DJJ Another State 62 TABLE 40 FELON PAROLE POPULATION SUPERVISED BY THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION BY OFFENSE AND GENDER DECEMBER 31, 2008 TOTAL TOTAL NUMBER PERCENT 123,778 100.0 MALE NUMBER PERCENT 110,364 100.0 FEMALE NUMBER PERCENT 13,414 100.0 CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS 33,897 27.4 32,006 29.0 1,891 14.1 Homicide Murder 1st Murder 2nd Manslaughter Vehicular Manslaughter 2,169 45 762 884 478 1.8 0.0 0.6 0.7 0.4 1,970 37 714 805 414 1.8 0.0 0.6 0.7 0.4 199 8 48 79 64 1.5 0.1 0.4 0.6 0.5 Robbery 6,787 5.5 6,300 5.7 487 3.6 Assault and Battery Assault Deadly Weapon Other Assault/Battery 17,282 7,415 9,867 14.0 6.0 8.0 16,186 6,930 9,256 14.7 6.3 8.4 1,096 485 611 8.2 3.6 4.6 Sex Offenses Rape Lewd Act With Child Oral Copulation Sodomy Penetration With Object Other Sex Offenses 7,246 648 3,648 219 74 174 2,483 5.9 0.5 2.9 0.2 0.1 0.1 2.0 7,157 646 3,610 213 74 172 2,442 6.5 0.6 3.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 2.2 89 2 38 6 0 2 41 0.7 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 413 0.3 393 0.4 20 0.1 PROPERTY CRIMES Burglary Burglary 1st Burglary 2nd Theft Grand Theft Petty Theft With Prior Receiving Stolen Property Vehicle Theft Forgery/Fraud Other Property 36,152 11,184 3,853 7,331 13,564 3,680 5,248 4,636 6,587 3,491 1,326 29.2 9.0 3.1 5.9 11.0 3.0 4.2 3.7 5.3 2.8 1.1 30,450 9,775 3,559 6,216 11,271 3,107 4,176 3,988 5,911 2,348 1,145 27.6 8.9 3.2 5.6 10.2 2.8 3.8 3.6 5.4 2.1 1.0 5,702 1,409 294 1,115 2,293 573 1,072 648 676 1,143 181 42.5 10.5 2.2 8.3 17.1 4.3 8.0 4.8 5.0 8.5 1.3 DRUG CRIMES CS Possession CS Possession For Sale CS Sales CS Manufacturing CS Other Hashish Possession Marijuana Possess For Sale Marijuana Sale Marijuana Other 36,847 18,823 10,999 3,639 641 748 69 1,292 492 144 29.8 15.2 8.9 2.9 0.5 0.6 0.1 1.0 0.4 0.1 32,080 15,997 9,789 3,178 599 618 68 1,227 463 141 29.1 14.5 8.9 2.9 0.5 0.6 0.1 1.1 0.4 0.1 4,767 2,826 1,210 461 42 130 1 65 29 3 35.5 21.1 9.0 3.4 0.3 1.0 0.0 0.5 0.2 0.0 OTHER CRIMES Escape Driving Under the Influence Arson Possession of Weapon Other Offenses 16,882 103 3,412 380 7,037 5,950 13.6 0.1 2.8 0.3 5.7 4.8 15,828 91 3,176 320 6,864 5,377 14.3 0.1 2.9 0.3 6.2 4.9 1,054 12 236 60 173 573 7.9 0.1 1.8 0.4 1.3 4.3 Kidnapping Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 63 TABLE 41 PAROLE POPULATION SUPERVISED IN CALIFORNIA BY OFFENSE CATEGORY AND GENDER DECEMBER 31, 1989 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2008 DECEMBER 31 TOTAL TOTAL MALE PERSON Percent MALE PROPERTY Percent DRUG Percent OTHER Percent TOTAL FEMALE PERSON Percent FEMALE PROPERTY Percent DRUG Percent OTHER Percent 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 55,369 65,420 77,121 80,815 79,504 50,693 59,537 69,759 73,177 72,397 30.4 28.1 26.2 26.8 27.9 35.2 32.5 31.7 31.2 30.0 29.4 32.1 32.3 31.3 30.9 5.0 7.3 9.8 10.7 11.2 4,676 5,883 7,362 7,638 7,107 15.8 14.8 13.4 13.6 14.5 46.4 41.1 39.3 39.1 38.2 34.1 40.0 43.0 43.2 42.1 3.6 4.2 4.3 4.1 5.2 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 83,778 90,450 95,631 100,926 107,645 76,610 82,482 86,904 91,286 96,988 27.9 28.1 28.2 27.9 27.2 29.7 28.3 27.3 26.4 25.9 30.9 32.2 33.4 34.7 36.2 11.5 11.3 11.1 11.0 10.7 7,168 7,968 8,727 9,640 10,657 14.2 13.5 13.1 12.7 12.8 37.9 37.4 37.6 37.1 35.8 42.5 43.1 43.3 45.0 46.6 5.3 6.1 5.9 5.2 4.9 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 113,720 117,377 117,675 112,992 110,173 101,967 105,037 104,893 100,931 98,054 26.7 26.4 26.1 27.0 27.5 25.5 24.8 24.6 25.3 26.9 37.3 38.3 38.6 36.8 34.2 10.5 10.5 10.6 10.9 11.4 11,753 12,340 12,782 12,061 12,119 12.4 12.2 12.1 11.5 12.1 34.5 33.3 32.8 36.5 39.4 48.3 49.7 50.2 46.7 42.8 4.8 4.8 4.9 5.3 5.7 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 110,130 111,658 118,551 123,739 123,778 98,016 99,376 105,510 110,128 110,364 28.0 27.9 27.2 27.6 29.0 28.3 28.2 28.8 28.4 27.6 31.8 30.1 30.0 29.8 29.1 11.9 13.8 14.0 14.3 14.3 12,114 12,282 13,041 13,611 13,414 12.4 12.9 13.1 13.2 14.1 42.0 43.0 43.6 43.6 42.5 39.6 36.5 36.1 36.0 35.5 6.0 7.6 7.2 7.3 7.9 Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. Percent of Total Parolees 45.0% 40.0% 35.0% Person Crimes 30.0% 25.0% Property Crimes 20.0% 15.0% Drug Crimes 10.0% Other Crimes 5.0% 0.0% 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 64 TABLE 42 PAROLE AND OUTPATIENT POPULATION SUPERVISED IN CALIFORNIA BY RACIAL/ETHNIC GROUP AND GENDER DECEMBER 31, 1989 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2008 DECEMBER 31 TOTAL POPULATION TOTAL MALE WHITE Percent MALE HISPANIC Percent BLACK Percent OTHER Percent TOTAL FEMALE WHITE Percent FEMALE HISPANIC Percent BLACK Percent OTHER Percent 1989 55,386 50,696 29.3 31.8 34.6 4.3 4,690 35.2 25.7 31.4 7.7 1990 65,420 59,537 29.3 32.1 34.3 4.4 5,883 34.7 24.2 34.6 6.5 1991 77,120 69,758 29.3 33.4 32.8 4.5 7,362 34.1 24.8 35.8 5.4 1992 80,815 73,177 28.5 34.2 32.5 4.7 7,638 34.3 24.2 36.8 4.6 1993 79,504 72,397 28.3 36.3 30.6 4.7 7,107 35.6 25.0 35.3 4.0 1994 83,778 76,610 28.0 38.3 29.0 4.6 7,168 37.0 25.1 33.8 4.1 1995 90,450 82,482 28.1 39.5 27.8 4.6 7,968 38.2 24.4 33.0 4.4 1996 95,631 86,904 28.0 41.3 26.1 4.7 8,727 38.7 23.9 31.9 5.5 1997 100,926 91,286 27.9 41.7 25.5 4.9 9,640 38.7 24.1 31.5 5.8 1998 107,645 96,988 29.0 41.6 24.6 4.8 10,657 39.0 24.2 31.5 5.3 1999 113,720 101,967 28.8 41.5 24.9 4.8 11,753 38.3 24.9 32.3 4.4 2000 117,377 105,037 28.4 41.6 25.2 4.8 12,340 38.6 24.6 32.6 4.2 2001 117,675 104,893 28.4 41.4 25.4 4.7 12,782 37.6 25.3 33.1 4.0 2002 112,992 100,931 28.4 41.3 25.4 4.9 12,061 38.0 25.6 32.7 3.7 2003 114,255 101,948 30.1 39.2 25.7 4.9 12,307 39.6 25.5 31.1 3.8 2004 113,994 101,777 30.4 39.0 25.5 5.1 12,217 40.9 26.6 29.0 3.5 2005 115,184 102,654 30.4 39.9 24.7 5.1 12,530 41.5 27.5 27.1 3.9 2006 122,381 108,609 30.0 41.0 23.8 5.2 13,772 41.2 28.8 26.0 4.0 2007 126,906 112,789 29.4 42.0 23.5 5.1 14,117 40.7 30.0 25.3 4.0 2008 123,778 110,364 28.2 42.4 24.2 5.2 13,414 39.2 30.8 25.6 4.3 Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 65 CHART 11 PAROLE AND OUTPATIENT POPULATION SUPERVISED IN CALIFORNIA RACIAL/ETHNIC COMPOSITION December 31, 1989 - December 31, 2008 45.0% 41.2% 40.0% 1989 34.3% 35.0% 30.0% 29.8% 1993 31.3% 29.4% 1998 24.3% 25.0% 2003 20.0% 2008 15.0% 10.0% 5.1% 4.6% 5.0% 0.0% WHITE CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES BLACK HISPANIC 66 OTHER TABLE 43 PAROLE AND OUTPATIENT POPULATION SUPERVISED IN CALIFORNIA BY AGE GROUP, MEAN AGE AND GENDER DECEMBER 31, 1994 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2008 DECEMBER 31 TOTAL Under 20 Percent 20 - 24 Percent 25 - 29 Percent 30 - 34 Percent MALE 35 - 39 40 - 44 Percent Percent 45 - 49 Percent 50 and Over Percent Mean Age 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 76,610 82,482 86,904 91,286 96,988 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 13.9 13.0 12.5 11.7 11.5 23.4 23.3 22.8 22.0 21.0 23.2 22.9 22.5 21.8 21.1 17.7 18.4 18.5 19.0 19.3 11.1 11.3 12.0 13.0 13.5 5.7 5.9 6.3 6.8 7.3 4.8 4.9 5.2 5.5 6.0 32 32 33 33 34 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 101,967 105,037 104,893 100,931 101,948 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 11.5 11.0 10.6 10.5 10.9 19.7 18.5 17.9 17.7 18.1 20.4 19.9 19.1 18.6 17.6 19.4 19.1 18.6 18.0 17.0 14.1 15.1 15.8 15.9 16.1 7.9 8.8 9.5 10.3 10.7 6.6 7.3 8.2 8.8 9.4 34 35 36 36 36 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 101,777 102,654 108,609 112,789 110,364 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 11.4 11.6 11.4 10.9 10.9 18.8 19.6 19.9 20.2 19.9 16.7 16.3 16.3 16.5 16.9 16.6 16.2 15.8 15.3 14.7 15.7 15.1 14.5 13.9 13.5 10.8 10.9 11.2 11.4 11.6 9.7 10.1 10.6 11.6 12.3 36 36 36 36 37 FEMALE Under 20 Percent 20 - 24 Percent 25 - 29 Percent 30 - 34 Percent 35 - 39 Percent 40 - 44 Percent 45 - 49 Percent 50 and Over Percent Mean Age DECEMBER 31 TOTAL 1994 1995 1996 1997 7,168 7,968 8,727 9,640 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.9 4.8 5.0 4.6 20.1 18.5 16.6 15.8 27.8 27.0 25.7 25.0 23.7 24.3 25.3 25.4 13.2 15.0 15.9 16.8 6.1 6.6 7.7 7.9 3.2 3.7 3.8 4.5 34 34 35 35 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 11,753 12,340 12,782 12,061 12,307 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 5.0 4.8 5.3 5.2 6.2 12.2 11.8 11.1 11.7 12.8 21.8 19.6 18.6 18.1 16.9 25.9 25.3 24.5 23.5 21.3 19.9 21.5 21.9 21.5 21.8 9.5 10.9 11.5 12.2 13.0 5.5 6.1 7.0 7.7 7.9 37 37 38 38 38 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 12,217 12,530 13,772 14,117 13,414 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 6.7 7.3 7.6 7.3 7.2 14.9 15.7 16.5 16.5 16.9 16.0 15.4 15.8 16.1 16.8 21.0 19.9 18.6 17.9 16.3 20.3 19.6 19.1 18.6 17.9 12.9 13.1 13.3 13.8 14.3 8.0 8.7 9.1 9.7 10.4 37 37 37 37 37 Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 67 CHART 12 PAROLE AND OUTPATIENT POPULATION SUPERVISED IN CALIFORNIA AGE GROUPS December 31, 1994 - December 31, 2008 45.0% 41.8% 1994 40.0% 36.6% 35.0% 31.8% 1998 30.3% 30.0% 25.8% 2003 25.0% 20.0% 17.0% 2008 15.0% 12.1% 10.0% 4.6% 5.0% 0.0% 18 - 29 YEARS CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 30-39 YEARS 40-49 YEARS 68 50+ YEARS TABLE 44A TOTAL FELONS PAROLED AND REPAROLED FROM AN INSTITUTION BY REGION AND COUNTY OF PAROLE CALENDAR YEAR 2008 TYPE OF PAROLE TOTAL NUMBER TOTAL FIRST PAROLE PERCENT NUMBER REPAROLE PERCENT NUMBER PERCENT 138,876 100.0 66,930 100.0 71,946 100.0 REGION I/ISPU 37,840 27.2 15,160 22.7 22,680 31.5 REGION II 28,101 20.2 10,513 15.7 17,588 24.4 REGION III 31,884 23.0 21,667 32.4 10,217 14.2 REGION IV 41,051 29.6 19,590 29.3 21,461 29.8 7,012 5.0 2,752 4.1 4,260 5.9 ALPINE 15 0.0 9 0.0 6 0.0 AMADOR 64 0.0 38 0.1 26 0.0 1,203 0.9 474 0.7 729 1.0 CALAVERAS 52 0.0 35 0.1 17 0.0 COLUSA 37 0.0 16 0.0 21 0.0 1,927 1.4 558 0.8 1,369 1.9 DEL NORTE 94 0.1 48 0.1 46 0.1 EL DORADO 458 0.3 166 0.2 292 0.4 6,204 4.5 2,168 3.2 4,036 5.6 GLENN 143 0.1 50 0.1 93 0.1 HUMBOLDT 840 0.6 273 0.4 567 0.8 IMPERIAL 400 0.3 159 0.2 241 0.3 INTERSTATE PAROLE UNIT (ISPU) 130 0.1 124 0.2 6 0.0 41 0.0 26 0.0 15 0.0 4,824 3.5 2,130 3.2 2,694 3.7 KINGS 961 0.7 385 0.6 576 0.8 LAKE 375 0.3 172 0.3 203 0.3 LASSEN 114 0.1 52 0.1 62 0.1 31,957 23.0 21,730 32.5 10,227 14.2 728 0.5 285 0.4 443 0.6 MARIN 74 0.1 39 0.1 35 0.0 MARIPOSA 40 0.0 23 0.0 17 0.0 326 0.2 87 0.1 239 0.3 1,173 0.8 414 0.6 759 1.1 MODOC 37 0.0 16 0.0 21 0.0 MONO 19 0.0 11 0.0 8 0.0 REGION OF PAROLE COUNTY OF PAROLE ALAMEDA BUTTE CONTRA COSTA FRESNO INYO KERN LOS ANGELES MADERA MENDOCINO MERCED CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 69 TABLE 44A TOTAL FELONS PAROLED AND REPAROLED FROM AN INSTITUTION BY REGION AND COUNTY OF PAROLE CALENDAR YEAR 2008 TYPE OF PAROLE TOTAL NUMBER MONTEREY FIRST PAROLE PERCENT NUMBER REPAROLE PERCENT NUMBER PERCENT 1,429 1.0 564 0.8 865 1.2 171 0.1 93 0.1 78 0.1 NEVADA 82 0.1 40 0.1 42 0.1 ORANGE 10,449 7.5 5,911 8.8 4,538 6.3 PLACER 728 0.5 274 0.4 454 0.6 PLUMAS 58 0.0 23 0.0 35 0.0 RIVERSIDE 8,872 6.4 4,050 6.1 4,822 6.7 SACRAMENTO 8,258 5.9 3,783 5.7 4,475 6.2 80 0.1 45 0.1 35 0.0 12,163 8.8 5,540 8.3 6,623 9.2 SAN DIEGO 9,113 6.6 3,886 5.8 5,227 7.3 SAN FRANCISCO 2,362 1.7 592 0.9 1,770 2.5 SAN JOAQUIN 3,964 2.9 1,248 1.9 2,716 3.8 914 0.7 466 0.7 448 0.6 SAN MATEO 1,265 0.9 531 0.8 734 1.0 SANTA BARBARA 1,064 0.8 520 0.8 544 0.8 SANTA CLARA 4,284 3.1 1,743 2.6 2,541 3.5 515 0.4 157 0.2 358 0.5 SHASTA 1,425 1.0 529 0.8 896 1.2 SIERRA 6 0.0 4 0.0 2 0.0 190 0.1 67 0.1 123 0.2 SOLANO 2,020 1.5 655 1.0 1,365 1.9 SONOMA 1012 0.7 401 0.6 611 0.8 STANISLAUS 2,423 1.7 955 1.4 1,468 2.0 SUTTER 413 0.3 228 0.3 185 0.3 TEHAMA 405 0.3 143 0.2 262 0.4 TRINITY 29 0.0 9 0.0 20 0.0 TULARE 1,963 1.4 853 1.3 1,110 1.5 81 0.1 58 0.1 23 0.0 2,328 1.7 807 1.2 1,521 2.1 YOLO 861 0.6 258 0.4 603 0.8 YUBA 701 0.5 257 0.4 444 0.6 NAPA SAN BENITO SAN BERNARDINO SAN LUIS OBISPO SANTA CRUZ SISKIYOU TUOLUMNE VENTURA CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 70 TABLE 44B TOTAL MALE FELONS PAROLED AND REPAROLED FROM AN INSTITUTION BY REGION AND COUNTY OF PAROLE CALENDAR YEAR 2008 TYPE OF PAROLE TOTAL NUMBER TOTAL FIRST PAROLE PERCENT NUMBER REPAROLE PERCENT NUMBER PERCENT 125,005 100.0 59,211 100.0 65,794 100.0 REGION I/ISPU 34,213 27.4 13,467 22.7 20,746 31.5 REGION II 25,774 20.6 9,413 15.9 16,361 24.9 REGION III 28,477 22.8 19,120 32.3 9,357 14.2 REGION IV 36,541 29.2 17,211 29.1 19,330 29.4 ALAMEDA 6,687 5.2 2,605 4.4 4,082 6.2 ALPINE 12 0.0 8 0.0 4 0.0 AMADOR 60 0.0 35 0.1 25 0.0 1,094 0.9 412 0.7 682 1.0 CALAVERAS 45 0.0 32 0.1 25 0.0 COLUSA 35 0.0 15 0.0 20 0.0 1,811 1.4 500 0.8 1,311 2.0 DEL NORTE 85 0.1 42 0.1 43 0.1 EL DORADO 432 0.3 152 0.3 280 0.4 5,475 4.4 1,901 3.2 3,574 5.4 GLENN 130 0.1 47 0.1 83 0.1 HUMBOLDT 784 0.6 248 0.4 536 0.8 IMPERIAL 373 0.3 145 0.2 228 0.3 INTERSTATE PAROLE UNIT (ISPU) 115 0.1 110 0.2 5 0.0 38 0.0 24 0.0 14 0.0 4,256 3.4 1,835 3.1 2,421 3.7 KINGS 849 0.7 328 0.6 521 0.8 LAKE 331 0.3 143 0.2 188 0.3 LASSEN 101 0.1 43 0.1 58 0.1 28,545 22.8 19,178 32.4 9,367 14.2 642 0.5 242 0.4 400 0.6 MARIN 65 0.1 31 0.1 34 0.1 MARIPOSA 39 0.0 22 0.0 17 0.0 304 0.2 79 0.1 225 0.3 1,079 0.9 383 0.6 696 1.1 36 0.0 15 0.0 21 0.0 REGION OF PAROLE COUNTY OF PAROLE BUTTE CONTRA COSTA FRESNO INYO KERN LOS ANGELES MADERA MENDOCINO MERCED MODOC 71 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES TABLE 44B TOTAL MALE FELONS PAROLED AND REPAROLED FROM AN INSTITUTION BY REGION AND COUNTY OF PAROLE CALENDAR YEAR 2008 TYPE OF PAROLE TOTAL NUMBER MONO FIRST PAROLE PERCENT NUMBER REPAROLE PERCENT NUMBER PERCENT 18 0.0 10 0.0 8 0.0 1,270 1.0 496 0.8 774 1.2 156 0.1 81 0.1 75 0.1 NEVADA 81 0.1 39 0.1 42 0.1 ORANGE 9,286 7.4 5,295 8.9 3,991 6.1 PLACER 671 0.5 239 0.4 432 0.7 PLUMAS 51 0.0 17 0.0 34 0.1 RIVERSIDE 7,878 6.3 3,545 6.0 4,333 6.6 SACRAMENTO 7,694 6.2 3,520 5.9 4,174 6.3 70 0.1 38 0.1 32 0.0 10,758 8.6 4,777 8.1 5,981 9.1 SAN DIEGO 8,190 6.6 3,406 5.8 4,784 7.3 SAN FRANCISCO 2,157 1.7 532 0.9 1,625 2.5 SAN JOAQUIN 3,583 2.9 1,094 1.8 2,489 3.8 861 0.7 444 0.7 417 0.6 1,118 0.9 447 0.8 671 1.0 958 0.8 470 0.8 488 0.7 3,797 3.0 1,514 2.6 2,283 3.5 473 0.4 134 0.2 339 0.5 SHASTA 1,259 1.0 452 0.8 807 1.2 SIERRA 5 0.0 4 0.0 1 0.0 180 0.1 62 0.1 118 0.2 SOLANO 1,812 1.4 567 1.0 1,245 1.9 SONOMA 938 0.8 353 0.6 585 0.9 2,204 1.8 840 1.4 1,364 2.1 SUTTER 366 0.3 197 0.3 169 0.3 TEHAMA 359 0.3 123 0.2 236 0.4 TRINITY 29 0.0 9 0.0 20 0.0 TULARE 1,766 1.4 752 1.3 1,014 1.5 73 0.1 52 0.1 21 0.0 2,092 1.7 681 1.2 1,411 2.1 YOLO 788 0.6 230 0.4 558 0.8 YUBA 641 0.5 216 0.4 425 0.6 MONTEREY NAPA SAN BENITO SAN BERNARDINO SAN LUIS OBISPO SAN MATEO SANTA BARBARA SANTA CLARA SANTA CRUZ SISKIYOU STANISLAUS TUOLUMNE VENTURA 72 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES TABLE 44C TOTAL FEMALE FELONS PAROLED AND REPAROLED FROM AN INSTITUTION BY REGION AND COUNTY OF PAROLE CALENDAR YEAR 2008 TYPE OF PAROLE TOTAL NUMBER TOTAL FIRST PAROLE PERCENT NUMBER REPAROLE PERCENT NUMBER PERCENT 13,871 100.0 7,719 100.0 6,152 100.0 REGION I/ISPU 3,627 26.1 1,693 21.9 1,934 31.4 REGION II 2,327 16.8 1,100 14.3 1,227 19.9 REGION III 3,407 24.6 2,547 33.0 860 14.0 REGION IV 4,510 32.5 2,379 30.8 2,131 34.6 325 2.3 147 1.9 178 2.9 ALPINE 3 0.0 1 0.0 2 0.0 AMADOR 4 0.0 3 0.0 1 0.0 109 0.8 62 0.8 47 0.8 CALAVERAS 7 0.1 3 0.0 4 0.1 COLUSA 2 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 116 0.8 58 0.8 58 0.9 DEL NORTE 9 0.1 6 0.1 3 0.0 EL DORADO 26 0.2 14 0.2 12 0.2 729 5.3 267 3.5 462 7.5 GLENN 13 0.1 3 0.0 10 0.2 HUMBOLDT 59 0.4 25 0.3 31 0.5 IMPERIAL 27 0.2 14 0.2 13 0.2 INTERSTATE PAROLE UNIT (ISPU) 15 0.1 14 0.2 1 0.0 3 0.0 2 0.0 1 0.0 KERN 568 4.1 295 3.8 273 4.4 KINGS 112 0.8 57 0.7 55 0.9 LAKE 44 0.3 29 0.4 15 0.2 LASSEN 13 0.1 9 0.1 4 0.1 3,412 24.6 2,552 33.1 860 14.0 86 0.6 43 0.6 43 0.7 MARIN 9 0.1 8 0.1 1 0.0 MARIPOSA 1 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.0 MENDOCINO 22 0.7 8 0.1 14 0.2 MERCED 94 0.0 31 0.4 63 1.0 MODOC 1 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.0 REGION OF PAROLE COUNTY OF PAROLE ALAMEDA BUTTE CONTRA COSTA FRESNO INYO LOS ANGELES MADERA 73 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES TABLE 44C TOTAL FEMALE FELONS PAROLED AND REPAROLED FROM AN INSTITUTION BY REGION AND COUNTY OF PAROLE CALENDAR YEAR 2008 TYPE OF PAROLE TOTAL NUMBER MONO FIRST PAROLE PERCENT NUMBER REPAROLE PERCENT NUMBER PERCENT 1 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.0 159 1.1 68 0.9 91 1.5 15 0.1 12 0.2 3 0.0 NEVADA 1 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.0 ORANGE 1,163 8.4 616 8.0 547 8.9 PLACER 57 0.4 35 0.5 22 0.4 PLUMAS 7 0.1 6 0.1 1 0.0 RIVERSIDE 994 7.2 505 6.5 489 7.9 SACRAMENTO 564 4.1 263 3.4 301 4.9 10 0.1 7 0.1 3 0.0 1,405 10.1 763 9.9 642 10.4 SAN DIEGO 923 6.7 480 6.2 443 7.2 SAN FRANCISCO 205 1.5 60 0.8 145 2.4 SAN JOAQUIN 381 2.7 154 2.0 227 3.7 53 0.4 22 0.3 31 0.5 SAN MATEO 147 1.1 84 1.1 63 1.0 SANTA BARBARA 106 0.8 50 0.6 56 0.9 SANTA CLARA 487 3.5 229 3.0 258 4.2 SANTA CRUZ 42 0.3 23 0.3 19 0.3 SHASTA 166 1.2 77 1.0 89 1.4 SIERRA 1 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0 SISKIYOU 10 0.1 5 0.1 5 0.1 SOLANO 208 1.5 88 1.1 120 2.0 SONOMA 74 0.5 48 0.6 26 0.4 219 1.6 115 1.5 104 1.7 SUTTER 47 0.3 31 0.4 16 0.3 TEHAMA 46 0.3 20 0.3 26 0.4 TULARE 197 1.4 101 1.3 96 1.6 8 0.1 6 0.1 2 0.0 236 1.7 126 1.6 110 1.8 YOLO 73 0.5 28 0.4 45 0.7 YUBA 60 0.4 41 0.5 19 0.3 MONTEREY NAPA SAN BENITO SAN BERNARDINO SAN LUIS OBISPO STANISLAUS TUOLUMNE VENTURA 74 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES TABLE 45A TOTAL FELONS FIRST RELEASES TO PAROLE* BY OFFENSE AND TIME SERVED ON PRISON SENTENCE CALENDAR YEAR 2008 Commitment Offense Groups ___________________________________ Groups Sub-groups Grand Total Total Paroled 66,933 Total Months Served Mean Median 24.9 15.4 Crimes Against Persons Homicide Murder 1st (Pre 11-8-78) Murder 1st Murder 2nd (Pre 11-8-78) Murder 2nd Manslaughter Vehicular Manslaughter 15,262 654 11 10 1 51 364 217 43.1 100.4 374.1 315.9 39.1 274.1 99.4 37.7 25.7 73.7 369.8 328.2 39.1 276.7 103.7 27.5 6.6 11.0 12.5 11.1 12.0 11.2 13.8 6.1 5.0 8.8 12.8 10.4 12.0 10.0 12.0 3.6 36.5 89.4 361.7 304.7 27.1 262.9 85.5 31.7 19.6 63.1 358.6 316.1 27.1 263.5 88.1 22.7 Robbery 3,103 54.1 37.5 6.6 5.1 47.5 31.5 Assault Assault With Deadly Weapon Attempted Murder 1st Attempted Murder 2nd Other Assault/Battery 8,556 3,459 9 223 4,865 32.4 38.8 189.9 112.8 23.8 20.0 24.5 190.4 112.5 18.2 6.3 7.2 12.3 12.1 5.5 4.9 5.7 9.9 10.2 4.0 26.0 31.6 177.6 100.8 18.3 14.5 17.3 182.3 103.3 11.8 Sex Crimes Rape Lewd Act With Child Oral Copulation Sodomy Penetration With Object Other Sex 2,804 225 1,255 63 27 72 1,162 48.3 84.5 64.3 76.0 84.7 59.3 20.9 30.8 61.7 61.3 61.4 68.5 41.0 15.3 6.4 8.1 7.2 6.8 8.8 7.5 5.0 4.8 6.6 5.6 5.7 8.6 5.7 3.6 41.9 76.4 57.0 69.3 76.0 51.9 15.9 25.3 58.5 50.9 54.7 52.1 36.6 10.5 145 82.1 54.7 9.1 7.0 73.0 46.4 21,789 6,666 2,018 4,648 18.8 23.1 36.8 17.2 13.0 14.0 22.2 12.6 4.1 4.4 5.8 3.8 2.6 2.8 4.1 2.4 14.8 18.7 31.0 13.4 10.2 10.9 17.2 9.2 Theft Grand Theft Petty Theft With Prior Receiving Stolen Property 8,135 2,238 3,044 2,853 16.3 16.3 16.9 15.7 12.5 12.6 12.4 12.4 3.8 4.2 3.3 3.9 2.3 2.8 1.9 2.5 12.6 12.1 13.6 11.8 8.7 8.7 9.3 8.4 Other Vehicle Theft Forgery/Fraud Other Property 6,988 4,065 2,104 819 17.6 18.1 17.7 15.2 13.3 13.6 13.2 12.3 4.1 3.9 4.3 4.4 2.6 2.5 2.9 3.1 13.5 14.2 13.4 10.8 10.5 11.0 10.1 7.6 Kidnapping Property Crimes Burglary Burglary 1st Burglary 2nd Jail Months Served Mean Median 4.8 3.3 CDCR Months Served Mean Median 20.1 11.3 *First releases to parole include new admissions paroled for the first time and parole violators returned with a new term by the courts who were paroled for the first time following the new offense. NOTE: The median time served in CDCR and prior to CDCR may not add to the total median time served because the medians were calculated separately. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 75 TABLE 45A TOTAL FELONS FIRST RELEASES TO PAROLE* BY OFFENSE AND TIME SERVED ON PRISON SENTENCE CALENDAR YEAR 2008 Commitment Offense Groups ___________________________________ Groups Sub-groups Total Paroled Total Months Served Mean Median Jail Months Served Mean Median CDCR Months Served Mean Median Drug Crimes Sales Related CS Possession For Sale CS Sales CS Manufacturing Marij. Possess For Sale Marijuana Sale 21,470 10,368 6,683 2,278 287 821 299 20.6 25.3 23.9 31.9 44.0 13.7 19.5 15.1 19.4 19.0 24.0 36.9 10.3 14.4 4.5 4.8 4.6 5.6 8.2 3.5 4.8 3.2 3.4 3.2 3.9 5.5 2.5 3.6 16.1 20.4 19.3 26.3 35.8 10.2 14.7 11.2 15.8 15.1 17.5 28.8 7.5 10.9 Possession CS Possession CS Other Hashish Possession Marijuana Other 11,102 10,540 409 46 107 16.2 16.0 22.4 12.4 16.4 12.5 12.4 13.2 9.5 10.6 4.1 4.1 4.1 3.6 3.9 3.0 3.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 12.1 11.9 18.3 8.8 12.4 7.9 7.8 10.8 7.3 7.8 Other Crimes Escape Driving Under Influence Arson Possession Weapon Other Offenses 8,412 45 2,071 161 3,963 2,172 18.4 19.2 15.5 35.1 18.2 20.1 12.9 12.2 12.3 26.8 13.0 13.9 4.3 2.7 3.6 8.1 3.9 5.6 2.9 1.4 2.5 6.5 2.4 4.5 14.0 16.5 11.9 27.1 14.3 14.5 9.5 8.0 7.7 17.3 10.5 8.9 *First releases to parole include new admissions paroled for the first time and parole violators returned with a new term by the courts who were paroled for the first time following the new offense. NOTE: The median time served in CDCR and prior to CDCR may not add to the total median time served because the medians were calculated separately. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 76 TABLE 45B MALE FELONS FIRST RELEASES TO PAROLE* BY OFFENSE AND TIME SERVED ON PRISON SENTENCE CALENDAR YEAR 2008 Commitment Offense Groups ___________________________________ Groups Sub-groups Grand Total Total Paroled 59,218 Total Months Served Mean Median 25.8 16.5 Crimes Against Persons Homicide Murder 1st (Pre 11-8-78) Murder 1st Murder 2nd (Pre 11-8-78) Murder 2nd Manslaughter Vehicular Manslaughter 14,382 582 10 9 1 44 337 181 43.6 102.6 374.7 313.4 39.1 276.5 100.4 39.2 25.9 77.9 370.7 328.2 39.1 276.3 103.8 28.5 6.6 11.2 12.2 11.1 12.0 11.0 14.0 6.1 5.0 9.3 10.3 10.0 12.0 9.9 12.1 3.6 37.0 91.4 362.5 302.3 27.1 265.5 86.4 33.1 20.0 67.6 358.7 314.8 27.1 263.4 88.3 23.3 Robbery 2,880 55.2 40.7 6.6 5.0 48.6 33.0 Assault Assault With Deadly Weapon Attempted Murder 1st Attempted Murder 2nd Other Assault/Battery 8,016 3,232 8 209 4,567 32.8 39.6 192.5 114.2 24.0 20.2 25.0 190.9 112.8 18.3 6.3 7.2 11.4 11.9 5.4 4.8 5.7 9.1 10.2 4.0 26.5 32.4 181.1 102.3 18.6 14.8 17.8 183.1 103.7 11.9 Sex Crimes Rape Lewd Act With Child Oral Copulation Sodomy Penetration With Object Other Sex 2,765 224 1,239 61 27 72 1,142 48.4 83.9 64.5 78.1 84.7 59.3 21.0 30.8 61.7 61.3 61.4 68.5 41.0 15.3 6.4 8.1 7.2 6.9 8.8 7.5 5.0 4.8 6.6 5.6 5.7 8.6 5.7 3.6 42.1 75.9 57.2 71.2 76.0 51.9 16.0 25.4 58.4 51.0 55.6 52.1 36.6 10.5 139 83.8 57.4 9.2 7.0 74.6 49.3 18,225 5,785 1,863 3,922 19.6 24.1 37.6 17.8 13.3 14.3 22.4 12.7 4.1 4.5 5.8 3.9 2.6 2.9 4.1 2.4 15.5 19.7 31.8 13.9 10.5 11.1 17.5 9.6 Theft Grand Theft Petty Theft With Prior Receiving Stolen Property 6,713 1,870 2,386 2,457 16.8 16.6 17.7 16.1 12.5 12.6 12.5 12.5 3.8 4.2 3.4 3.9 2.3 2.8 1.9 2.5 13.0 12.4 14.3 12.2 9.2 8.8 9.8 8.8 Other Vehicle Theft Forgery/Fraud Other Property 5,727 3,638 1,376 713 18.2 18.5 19.0 15.4 13.6 14.0 13.8 12.4 4.1 3.9 4.4 4.6 2.6 2.5 2.9 3.2 14.1 14.6 14.5 10.8 10.8 11.2 10.4 7.6 Kidnapping Property Crimes Burglary Burglary 1st Burglary 2nd Jail Months Served Mean Median 4.8 3.3 CDCR Months Served Mean Median 20.9 11.5 *First releases to parole include new admissions paroled for the first time and parole violators returned with a new term by the courts Who were paroled for the first time following the new offense. NOTE: The median time served in CDCR and prior to CDCR may not add to the total median time served because the medians were calculated separately. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 77 TABLE 45B MALE FELONS FIRST RELEASES TO PAROLE* BY OFFENSE AND TIME SERVED ON PRISON SENTENCE CALENDAR YEAR 2008 Commitment Offense Groups ___________________________________ Groups Sub-groups Total Paroled Total Months Served Mean Median Jail Months Served Mean Median CDCR Months Served Mean Median Drug Crimes Sales Related CS Possession For Sale CS Sales CS Manufacturing Marij. Possess For Sale Marijuana Sale 18,678 9,204 5,900 1,982 267 773 282 21.2 25.9 24.5 33.0 44.5 13.8 19.7 16.2 19.6 19.2 24.4 37.3 10.3 14.7 4.5 4.9 4.6 5.8 8.1 3.5 4.9 3.2 3.4 3.2 4.0 5.5 2.4 3.6 16.8 21.0 19.9 27.2 36.4 10.3 14.9 11.5 16.0 15.6 17.9 29.1 7.5 11.0 Possession CS Possession CS Other Hashish Possession Marijuana Other 9,474 8,992 333 44 105 16.7 16.5 23.5 12.3 16.5 12.6 12.6 13.4 9.4 12.1 4.1 4.1 4.0 3.5 4.0 2.9 2.9 2.4 3.0 3.0 12.7 12.4 19.5 8.8 12.6 8.5 8.4 11.0 7.3 7.8 Other Crimes Escape Driving Under Influence Arson Possession Weapon Other Offenses 7,933 37 1,911 137 3,866 1,982 18.4 20.7 15.5 36.0 18.2 20.4 12.9 12.4 12.3 26.5 13.0 14.0 4.3 2.5 3.6 7.6 3.9 5.6 2.9 1.2 2.5 6.5 2.4 4.5 14.1 18.2 11.8 28.4 14.4 14.8 9.6 9.2 7.7 18.2 10.5 9.1 *First releases to parole include new admissions paroled for the first time and parole violators returned with a new term by the courts Who were paroled for the first time following the new offense. NOTE: The median time served in CDCR and prior to CDCR may not add to the total median time served because the medians were calculated separately. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 78 TABLE 45C FEMALE FELONS FIRST RELEASES TO PAROLE* BY OFFENSE AND TIME SERVED ON PRISON SENTENCE CALENDAR YEAR 2008 Commitment Offense Groups ___________________________________ Groups Sub-groups Grand Total Total Paroled 7,715 Total Months Served Mean Median 17.8 12.9 Jail Months Served Mean Median 4.5 3.1 CDCR Months Served Mean Median 13.3 9.2 880 72 1 1 0 7 27 36 35.0 82.4 368.0 338.1 0 258.5 86.3 30.3 20.9 42.4 368.0 338.1 0 276.7 83.1 24.7 7.1 8.9 14.8 11.2 0 12.2 11.8 5.9 5.8 7.3 14.8 11.2 0 10.3 8.7 3.6 28.0 73.5 353.2 326.9 0 246.3 74.4 24.4 16.2 35.8 353.2 326.9 0 266.5 70.4 17.4 Robbery 223 40.2 30.8 6.8 5.4 33.4 24.8 Assault Assault With Deadly Weapon Attempted Murder 1st Attempted Murder 2nd Other Assault/Battery 540 227 1 14 298 26.4 28.4 168.8 92.2 21.4 18.2 19.0 168.8 83.6 15.4 6.9 7.1 19.5 14.2 6.3 5.8 6.2 19.5 12.2 5.2 19.5 21.2 149.3 78.0 15.0 11.2 11.9 149.3 72.7 10.4 39 1 16 2 0 0 20 36.4 222.4 50.0 13.9 0 0 18.6 24.5 222.4 37.2 13.9 0 0 18.6 7.3 19.0 7.9 3.6 0 0 6.6 5.7 19.0 5.7 3.6 0 0 5.4 29.1 230.4 42.0 10.4 0 0 12.0 16.6 230.4 32.7 10.4 0 0 7.7 6 42.3 47.0 7.5 6.9 34.8 37.5 3,564 881 155 726 14.9 16.5 27.6 14.2 12.4 12.6 20.6 12.2 3.8 4.1 6.2 3.7 2.5 2.6 5.1 2.4 11.1 12.4 21.4 10.5 8.0 8.8 14.7 7.6 Theft Grand Theft Petty Theft With Prior Receiving Stolen Property 1,422 368 658 396 13.9 14.7 14.1 13.0 12.0 12.5 12.1 10.0 3.6 4.2 3.1 3.8 2.1 2.7 1.9 2.4 10.4 10.4 11.0 9.2 7.5 7.7 7.6 7.2 Other Vehicle Theft Forgery/Fraud Other Property 1,261 427 728 106 14.9 14.2 15.4 13.7 12.5 12.4 12.6 10.4 3.9 3.9 4.0 3.4 2.7 2.5 2.8 2.1 10.9 10.4 11.4 10.3 8.9 9.6 8.9 7.6 Crimes Against Persons Homicide Murder 1st (Pre 11-8-78) Murder 1st Murder 2nd (Pre 11-8-78) Murder 2nd Manslaughter Vehicular Manslaughter Sex Crimes Rape Lewd Act With Child Oral Copulation Sodomy Penetration With Object Other Sex Kidnapping Property Crimes Burglary Burglary 1st Burglary 2nd *First releases to parole include new admissions paroled for the first time and parole violators returned with a new term by the courts Who were paroled for the first time following the new offense. NOTE: The median time served in CDCR and prior to CDCR may not add to the total median time served because the medians were calculated separately. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 79 TABLE 45C FEMALE FELONS FIRST RELEASES TO PAROLE* BY OFFENSE AND TIME SERVED ON PRISON SENTENCE CALENDAR YEAR 2008 Commitment Offense Groups ___________________________________ Groups Sub-groups Total Paroled Total Months Served Mean Median Jail Months Served Mean Median CDCR Months Served Mean Median Drug Crimes Sales Related CS Possession For Sale CS Sales CS Manufacturing Marij. Possess For Sale Marijuana Sale 2,792 1,164 783 296 20 48 17 16.1 20.4 19.0 24.6 37.2 12.2 15.8 12.9 18.7 17.4 20.3 24.3 10.1 12.9 4.5 4.6 4.5 4.9 8.4 3.7 4.5 3.2 3.4 3.3 3.4 6.8 3.0 3.2 11.7 15.8 14.5 19.7 28.8 8.5 11.2 9.0 14.1 11.8 16.6 17.6 7.4 10.1 Possession CS Possession CS Other Hashish Possession Marijuana Other 1,628 1,548 76 2 2 13.1 12.8 17.7 13.1 8.9 10.3 10.2 12.6 13.1 8.9 4.3 4.3 4.7 4.3 3.0 3.2 3.2 2.9 4.3 3.0 8.7 8.5 12.9 8.8 5.9 6.9 6.9 10.5 8.8 5.9 479 8 160 24 97 190 17.0 12.1 16.0 30.3 16.5 16.6 12.6 9.6 12.1 30.9 12.5 13.1 4.8 3.5 3.9 10.5 3.7 5.5 3.4 2.0 2.7 6.4 2.4 4.8 12.2 8.6 12.2 19.8 12.8 11.1 7.8 7.1 7.7 15.5 9.8 7.5 Other Crimes Escape Driving Under Influence Arson Possession Weapon Other Offenses *First releases to parole include new admissions paroled for the first time and parole violators returned with a new term by the courts Who were paroled for the first time following the new offense. NOTE: The median time served in CDCR and prior to CDCR may not add to the total median time served because the medians were calculated separately. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 80 TABLE 46 MEDIAN TIME SERVED ON PRISON SENTENCE FELONS FIRST RELEASED TO PAROLE BY GENDER CALENDAR YEARS 1989 - 2008 CALENDAR YEAR TOTAL FELONS FIRST RELEASED TO PAROLE MALE TOTAL TIME SERVED* RELEASES (months) FEMALE TOTAL TIME SERVED* RELEASES (months) 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 37,224 44,421 49,204 50,911 54,213 34,057 40,354 44,724 46,567 49,618 17 16 16 16 16 3,167 4,067 4,480 4,344 4,595 16 14 14 14 14 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 58,044 56,861 57,520 60,329 60,500 53,102 51,630 51,956 54,146 53,994 16 18 19 19 19 4,942 5,231 5,564 6,183 6,506 13 14 14 14 14 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 59,553 57,940 55,479 50,927 53,520 52,958 51,626 49,412 45,712 48,044 19 19 19 20 19 6,595 6,314 6,067 5,215 5,476 14 14 14 14 14 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 60,553 64,371 67,278 67,967 66,933 53,938 57,062 59,479 60,012 59,218 17 16 15 16 17 6,615 7,309 7,799 7,955 7,715 13 13 13 13 13 * Time served includes time spent in custody prior to reception by CDCR and time served in a CDCR institution. Note: First releases to parole include new admissions and parole violators with new terms. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 81 CHART 13 MEDIAN TIME SERVED ON PRISON SENTENCE FELONS FIRST RELEASED TO PAROLE BY GENDER CALENDAR YEARS 1989 - 2008 25 20 M o n t 15 h s S e 10 r v e d 5 25 MALE MALE FEMALE FEMALE 20 20 19 M o 17 n 16 16 16 16 16 t 1516 h 14 14 14 14 s 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 17 17 16 16 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 S e 10 r v e d 5 0 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 82 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 TABLE 47 FELON PAROLE MOVEMENTS BY GENDER CALENDAR YEAR 2008 MOVEMENTS TOTAL MALE NUMBER FEMALE NUMBER POPULATION Beginning December 31, 2007 Ending December 31, 2008 NET CHANGE 123,739 120,730 (3,009) 110,278 107,961 (2,317) 13,461 12,769 (692) TOTAL ARRIVALS 177,296 158,519 18,777 135,731 65,588 70,143 122,183 57,993 64,190 13,548 7,595 5,953 From Court 1,300 1,126 174 From Temp Release 3,637 1,839 1,798 3,264 1,664 1,600 373 175 198 36,509 31,836 4,673 119 110 9 180,765 161,230 19,535 Parole Supervision Terminated Discharged Deceased 49,176 48,318 858 42,287 41,495 792 6,889 6,823 66 Absconded From Parole Supervision (PAL) 46,582 40,970 5,612 Parole Violators Returned to Custody With a New Term (PV-WNTs) Without a New Term (PV-RTCs) 83,980 19,370 64,610 77,072 17,667 59,405 6,908 1,703 5,205 1,027 901 126 Institution Releases to Parole First Parole Reparole* First Parole Reparole* Reinstated to Parole Status Other Arrivals TOTAL DEPARTURES Other Departures NOTE: NET CHANGE may not equal ARRIVALS less DEPARTURES SUB TOTAL due to uncategorized moves. * Offenders may be counted more than once when reparoled. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 83 TABLE 48 FELONS PAROLED FROM AN INSTITUTION AND CHANGE SINCE THE PREVIOUS YEAR BY GENDER CALENDAR YEARS 1989 - 2008 CALENDAR TOTAL RELEASES RELEASES TO PAROLE FEMALE TO PAROLE CHANGE SINCE PREVIOUS YEAR YEAR MALE Number Percent 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 67,795 75,428 81,324 77,648 79,389 5,868 6,991 7,800 6,926 7,085 73,663 82,419 89,124 84,574 86,474 11,686 8,756 6,705 -4,550 1,900 18.9% 11.9% 8.1% -5.1% 2.2% 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 88,466 96,822 101,958 109,397 114,407 8,207 9,402 10,597 11,618 12,547 96,673 106,224 112,555 121,015 126,954 10,199 9,551 6,331 8,460 5,939 11.8% 9.9% 6.0% 7.5% 4.9% 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 113,747 113,596 113,708 106,569 105,169 12,837 12,588 12,397 10,856 10,404 126,584 126,184 126,105 117,425 115,573 -370 -400 -79 -8,680 -1,852 -0.3% -0.3% -0.1% -6.9% -1.6% 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 107,150 110,821 118,896 125,066 126,573 11,103 12,205 13,340 14,030 14,095 118,253 123,026 132,236 139,096 140,668 2,680 4,773 9,210 6,860 1,572 2.3% 4.0% 7.5% 5.2% 1.1% * Offenders may be released and counted more than once. 140,000 126,573 120,000 107,150 113,747 100,000 88,466 80,000 MALE 60,000 67,795 FEMALE 40,000 11,103 12,837 20,000 14,095 8,207 5,868 0 1989 1991 1993 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 1995 1997 84 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 CHART 14 FELON RELEASES TO PAROLE CALENDAR YEARS 1989 - 2008 Felon Releases To Parole 160,000 138,874 140,000 125,991 118,018 120,000 108,797 100,000 84,574 80,000 73,663 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 85 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 TABLE 49 FELON PAROLEES AT LARGE (PALs) BY GENDER DECEMBER 31, 1989 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2008 DECEMBER 31 MALE TOTAL NUMBER FEMALE NUMBER PERCENT PERCENT 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 9,054 10,560 9,354 9,871 13,245 8,020 9,351 8,319 8,744 11,611 88.6 88.6 88.9 88.6 87.7 1,034 1,209 1,035 1,127 1,634 11.4 11.4 11.1 11.4 12.3 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 15,012 17,055 18,034 19,294 19,665 13,172 15,054 15,969 17,020 17,357 87.7 88.3 88.5 88.2 88.3 1,840 2,001 2,065 2,274 2,308 12.3 11.7 11.5 11.8 11.7 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 19,867 20,099 20,875 20,895 19,736 17,596 17,743 18,292 18,312 17,374 88.6 88.3 87.6 87.6 88.0 2,271 2,356 2,583 2,583 2,362 11.4 11.7 12.4 12.4 12.0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 19,056 19,936 18,965 18,481 17,382 16,696 17,402 16,542 15,978 15,115 87.6 87.3 87.2 86.5 87.0 2,360 2,534 2,423 2,503 2,267 12.4 12.7 12.8 13.5 13.0 Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. 22,500 19,056 20,000 19,867 17,500 17,382 15,000 15,012 12,500 10,000 7,500 9,054 5,000 2,500 0 1989 1991 1993 1995 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 1997 86 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 TABLE 50 CIVIL NARCOTIC ADDICT RELEASEES AT LARGE (RALs) BY GENDER DECEMBER 31, 1989 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2008 DECEMBER 31 MALE TOTAL NUMBER FEMALE NUMBER PERCENT PERCENT 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 273 285 418 416 494 193 203 303 300 365 70.7 71.2 72.5 72.1 73.9 80 82 115 116 129 29.3 28.8 27.5 27.9 26.1 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 654 853 728 556 470 475 643 565 401 357 72.6 75.4 77.6 72.1 76.0 179 210 163 155 113 27.4 24.6 22.4 27.9 24.0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 393 258 316 311 342 301 197 256 249 280 76.6 76.4 81.0 80.1 81.9 92 61 60 62 62 23.4 23.6 19.0 19.9 18.1 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 272 249 230 179 88 219 199 185 146 71 80.5 79.9 80.4 81.6 80.7 53 50 45 33 17 19.5 20.1 19.6 18.4 19.3 Components may not add to totals due to independent rounding. 900 800 700 654 600 500 400 393 300 200 272 273 100 88 0 1989 1991 1993 1995 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 1997 1999 87 2001 2003 2005 2007 Table 51 * Recidivism Rates within One and Two Year Follow-up Periods for Felons Paroled to California Supervision California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation First Released to Parole1 in 2006 By Principal Commitment Offense Principal Commitment Offense Returned to Prison Within:2 One Year Two Years 3 Number Paroled Murder First (old law) Murder First (new law) Murder Second (old law) Murder Second (new law) Manslaughter Vehicular Manslaughter Robbery Assault/Deadly WP Attempted Murder First Attempted Murder Second Other Assault/Battery Rape Lewd Act With Child Oral Copulation Sodomy Sexual Penetration with Object Other Sex Kidnapping Burglary First Burglary Second Grand Theft Petty Theft With Prior Receiving Stolen Property Vehicle Theft Forgery/Fraud Other Property CS Possession CS Possession for Sale CS Sales CS Manufacturing CS Other Hashish Possession Marijuana Possession for Sale Marijuana Sale Marijuana Other Escape Driving Under Influence Arson Possession Weapon Other Offenses TOTAL Number 1 3 2 27 310 191 2,844 3,275 14 200 4,982 235 1,206 118 23 60 1,141 138 1,991 4,479 2,238 3,766 3,186 4,985 2,375 659 11,532 6,837 2,030 673 409 35 722 312 84 95 1,859 142 3,668 2,197 69,044 0 0 0 1 68 19 963 1,189 2 31 2,043 64 275 38 7 12 536 26 778 1,948 885 1,689 1,597 2,687 786 300 5,265 2,160 689 126 188 16 225 94 17 40 395 54 1,662 845 27,720 Percent 4 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3.70% 21.94% 9.95% 33.86% 36.31% 14.29% 15.50% 41.01% 27.23% 22.80% 32.20% 30.43% 20.00% 46.98% 18.84% 39.08% 43.49% 39.54% 44.85% 50.13% 53.90% 33.09% 45.52% 45.66% 31.59% 33.94% 18.72% 45.97% 45.71% 31.16% 30.13% 20.24% 42.11% 21.25% 38.03% 45.31% 38.46% 40.15% Number 0 0 0 1 105 41 1,438 1,647 2 61 2,707 83 388 47 7 19 684 40 1,067 2,530 1,134 2,177 1,955 3,248 1,044 368 6,752 2,835 904 176 236 21 298 133 23 54 545 66 2,173 1,127 36,136 Percent 4 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3.70% 33.87% 21.47% 50.56% 50.29% 14.29% 30.50% 54.34% 35.32% 32.17% 39.83% 30.43% 31.67% 59.95% 28.99% 53.59% 56.49% 50.67% 57.81% 61.36% 65.16% 43.96% 55.84% 58.55% 41.47% 44.53% 26.15% 57.70% 60.00% 41.27% 42.63% 27.38% 56.84% 29.32% 46.48% 59.24% 51.30% 52.34% * See back page for definitions and formula 1 First releases to parole include those paroled for the first time from prison on a new admission to prison and paroled for the first time following return to prison with a new court commitment. 2 Returns to prison on new court commitments following discharge on this parole are not included. Returns within two years include returns within one year. Percentages not computed for less than 20 releases to parole. 3 4 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 88 TABLE 51A DEFINITIONS FOR RECIDIVISM RATES FOR FELONS PAROLED TO CALIFORNIA SUPERVISION CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION FIRST RELEASE TO PAROLE IN 2006 Recidivist: A felon who returns to prison for any reason during a specified follow-up period. Recidivism cohort: The number of felons first released to parole during a given year. Return to prison: Includes felons who are returned to Substance-Abuse TreatmentControl Units in correctional facilities; returned pending a revocation hearing by the Board of Prison Terms on charges of violating the conditions of parole; returned to custody for parole violations to serve revocation time; or returned to prison by a court for a new felony conviction. First release to parole: The first release to parole for felons with new admissions and parole violators returned with a new term (PV-WNT) during a calendar year. Recidivism rate: The ratio of the number of recidivists in the cohort to the number of felons at risk of recidivating in the cohort during the specified time period, times one hundred. How California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) calculates recidivism: The recidivism rate starts with a cohort of felon offenders who are released to parole in a given year. They are tracked for a period of three years to determine if they return to prison. The release cohort includes only offenders, who are paroled for the first time from prison on a new admission to prison or paroled for the first time following return to prison with a new court commitment. The recidivism rate does not include parole violators who are re-released. For more information on recidivism please contact: Paula Agostini, Chief CDCR Adult Research Branch P.O. Box 942883, Rm 508-S Sacramento, CA 95811-7243 Phone # (916) 323-2919 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 89 CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES Reference Guide This page intentionally left blank. REFERENCE GUIDE INSTITUTION ACRONYMS, NAMES AND LOCATIONS ASP Avenal State Prison - Avenal CAL Calipatria State Prison - Calipatria CCC CCC-CAMPS CCI CCI-RC CCWF CCWF-RC California Correctional Center - Susanville California Correctional Center - Camps - Susanville California Correctional Institution - Tehachapi California Correctional Institution - Reception Center - Tehachapi Central California Women’s Facility - Chowchilla Central California Women’s Facility - Reception Center - Chowchilla CEN CIM-RCE CIM-MIN CIM-RCC CIM-RCW CIW CIW-RC Centinela State Prison - Imperial California Institution for Men – Reception Center East - Chino California Institution for Men - Minimum - Chino California Institution for Men - Reception Center Central - Chino California Institution for Men - Reception Center West - Chino California Institution for Women - Frontera California Institution for Women - Reception Center - Frontera CMC-EAST CMC-WEST California Men’s Colony - East - San Luis Obispo California Men’s Colony - West - San Luis Obispo CMF California Medical Facility - Vacaville COR California State Prison, Corcoran - Corcoran CRC California Rehabilitation Center - Norco CTF-C CTF-N CTF-S Correctional Training Facility - Central - Soledad Correctional Training Facility - North - Soledad Correctional Training Facility - South - Soledad CVSP DVI DVI-RC CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES Chuckawalla Valley State Prison - Blythe Deuel Vocational Institution - Tracy Deuel Vocational Institution - Reception Center - Tracy 90 REFERENCE GUIDE INSTITUTION ACRONYMS, NAMES AND LOCATIONS FSP Folsom State Prison - Represa HDSP HDSP-RC High Desert State Prison - Susanville High Desert State Prison - Reception Center - Susanville ISP Ironwood State Prison - Blythe KVSP LAC LAC-RC Kern Valley State Prison - Delano California State Prison, Los Angeles County - Lancaster California State Prison, Los Angeles County - Reception Center - Lancaster MCSP Mule Creek State Prison - Ione NKSP NKSP-RC North Kern State Prison - Delano North Kern State Prison - Reception Center- Delano PBSP Pelican Bay State Prison - Crescent City PITCH Pitchess Detention Center - Saugus PVSP Pleasant Valley State Prison - Coalinga RIO-RC Rio Consumnes Correctional Center - Reception Center - Sacramento RJD RJD-RC Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility - San Diego Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility - Reception Center - San Diego SAC California State Prison, Sacramento - Represa SATF California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility & State Prison at Corcoran Corcoran SBRN San Bruno County Jail – San Bruno SRITA Santa Rita County Jail - Pleasanton SCC SCC-CAMPS Sierra Conservation Center - Jamestown Sierra Conservation Center - Camps - Jamestown SOL CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES California State Prison, Solano - Vacaville 91 REFERENCE GUIDE INSTITUTION ACRONYMS, NAMES AND LOCATIONS SQ SQ-RC California State Prison, San Quentin - San Quentin California State Prison, San Quentin - Reception Center - San Quentin SVSP VSPW VSPW-RC Salinas Valley State Prison - Soledad Valley State Prison for Women - Chowchilla Valley State Prison for Women - Reception Center - Chowchilla WSP WSP-RC Wasco State Prison - Wasco Wasco State Prison - Reception Center - Wasco CALIFORNIA OUT-OF-STATE CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES AZ-FLORE Florence Correctional Center - Arizona AZ-LAPAL La Palma Correctional Center - Arizona AZ-REDRK Red Rock Correctional Center - Arizona MS-TALLA Tallahatchie County Correctional Facility – Mississippi OK-NFORK North Fork Correctional Facility – Oklahoma TN-WTNDF West Tennessee Detention Facility - Tennessee CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 92 REFERENCE GUIDE COUNTY AND AREA OF COMMITMENT SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA San Francisco Bay Area: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma. Southern California: Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura. Remainder of the State: Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Humboldt, Inyo, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Madera, Mariposa, Mendocino, Merced, Modoc, Mono, Monterey, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Benito, San Joaquin, Santa Cruz, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tulare, Tuolumne, Yolo and Yuba. . CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 93 REFERENCE GUIDE COUNTY AND REGION OF PAROLE REGION II REGION I REGION III REGION IV Region I: Covers Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Lassen, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Modoc, Mono, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tulare, Tuolumne, Yolo and Yuba Counties. Region II: Covers Alameda, Contra Costa, Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Monterey, Napa, San Benito, San Francisco, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, Sonoma and Ventura Counties. Region III: Covers Los Angeles County. Region IV: Covers Imperial, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego Counties. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 94 REFERENCE GUIDE GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND ACRONYMS ABSCONDER: see PAROLEE AT LARGE (PAL) and RELEASEE AT LARGE (RAL). ADP: see AVERAGE DAILY POPULATION. ADMISSION: The first commitment from the court for felons, civil narcotic addicts, safekeepers, county diagnostic cases, and those received for the first time from other jurisdictions. ADMISSION RATE: The number of felon new admissions received by CDCR from court during a specified time period, per 100,000 California population. AREA OF COMMITMENT: California counties are grouped into three areas for statistical purposes: San Francisco Bay Area, Southern California and the Remainder of the State (refer to the map in the Reference Guide). ARRIVAL STATUS: The offender’s status upon receipt by CDCR, e.g., New Admission, Parole Violator with a New Term (PV-WNT), Parole Violator Returned to Custody (PV-RTC), Civil Narcotic Addict, or Escape Return. AVERAGE DAILY POPULATION (ADP): The average population per day for a stated population for a specified time period, usually one year. BASELINE CAMPS: see INSTITUTION BASED CAMPS. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION (CDCR): The state agency which has jurisdiction over the California prison and parole systems. CALIFORNIA FELON PAROLEES: Offenders committed to CDCR as felons serving their parole period in California. CALIFORNIA REHABILITATION CENTER (CRC): A facility operated by the CDCR to house Civil Narcotic Addicts (CNA) and selected felons. CAMPS: Facilities that house 60-160 minimum custody inmates to work on conservation projects or fight fires. CDCR: see CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION. CIVIL ADDICT: see CIVIL NARCOTIC ADDICT. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 95 REFERENCE GUIDE GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND ACRONYMS CIVIL COMMITMENT: A type of commitment in which criminal proceedings are suspended while a defendant undergoes substance abuse treatment at the California Rehabilitation Center (CRC) as a Civil Narcotic Addict. CIVIL NARCOTIC ADDICT (CNA): An offender civilly committed to CDCR for treatment of narcotic addiction. See Welfare & Institutions Code section 3000, et seq.. CNA: see CIVIL NARCOTIC ADDICT. COMMITMENT RATE: The number of felon new admissions from court and PV-WNTs committed to CDCR during a specified time period, per 100,000 California or county population. COMMITMENT TYPE: Felons, Civil Narcotic Addicts, County Diagnostic cases (under Penal Code Section 1203.03), some Division of Juvenile Justice commitments, Safekeepers, federal prisoners and prisoners from other states. COMMUNITY BASED PROGRAMS: see COMMUNITY CORRECTIONAL CENTERS. COMMUNITY CORRECTIONAL CENTERS: County, state, and private facilities located in local communities and administered by or under contract with CDCR to house inmates in community correctional facilities, work or drug treatment furloughs, prisoner mother programs and county jails. COMMUNITY CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES (CCF): A secured facility in the community that is operated by local authority (Public) or a private organization (Private). CCFs house inmates and PV-RTCs. CONTINUED ON PAROLE (COP): Parolees who are returned to CDCR custody and then returned to parole instead of having revocation time assessed and their parole revoked. CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE (CS) SCHEDULE: A schedule that categorizes drugs, substances, or precursors according to their potential for abuse and provides penalties (Health and Safety Code Sections 11054 through 11058). COOPERATIVE CASES (ICOOP): see INTERSTATE COMPACT AGREEMENT. COP: see CONTINUED ON PAROLE. COUNTY DIAGNOSTIC CASE: An offender placed by the court in CDCR custody for a presentence diagnostic evaluation (Penal Code Section 1203.03). CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 96 REFERENCE GUIDE GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND ACRONYMS COURT COMMITMENT: A commitment imposed by the court sentencing a defendant to CDCR. CRC: see CALIFORNIA REHABILITATION CENTER. CSTCU: CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE TREATMENT CONTROL UNIT: Status of parolee upon return by Board action for temporary substance abuse treatment. CS: see CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE SCHEDULE. CYA: see DIVISION OF JUVENILE JUSTICE. DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH (DMH) STATE HOSPITALS: State Mental Health Hospitals under contract with CDCR to provide psychiatric treatment to inmates who require treatment that is not available in CDCR facilities. DESIGN BED CAPACITY: The maximum number of beds a facility was originally designed to contain, plus or minus beds eliminated or added due to conversions, additions or deactivations. DIAGNOSTIC CASE: see COUNTY DIAGNOSTIC CASE. DISCHARGE: When an offender has completed his or her court sentence and is no longer under CDCR’s jurisdiction. DIVISION OF JUVENILE JUSTICE (DJJ): The Division within CDCR that has jurisdiction over juvenile offenders who are wards of the juvenile court or committed to DJJ by a criminal court. The Division was formerly known as the California Youth Authority (CYA). DMH: see DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH STATE HOSPITALS. ESCAPEE RETURNED TO FINISH TERM (ESCTFT): An escapee returned to prison to finish the term that was being served at the time of escape. ESCAPEE RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM (ESCWNT): An escapee returned to prison with a new term. ESCTFT: see ESCAPEE RETURNED TO FINISH TERM. ESCWNT: see ESCAPEE RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 97 REFERENCE GUIDE GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND ACRONYMS FELON: A person convicted of a felony offense and sentenced to state prison by the court. FIRST RELEASE TO PAROLE: The first release to parole for felon new admissions or parole violators returned with a new term (PV-WNT). ICOOP: see INTERSTATE COMPACT. INCIDENT: A violation of the laws, regulations, or rules of the Director of Corrections and Rehabilitation by an inmate. INSTITUTION: As used in this publication, an institution is a state prison or a community correctional center. INSTITUTION BASED CAMPS: Conservation camps that are adjacent to the California Correctional Institution (CCI), California Men’s Colony (CMC) or California Rehabilitation Center (CRC). INSTITUTION TRANSFERS: Inmate movement between CDCR institutions. INTERSTATE COMPACT AGREEMENT (ICOOP): An agreement between California and other states that allows CDCR to supervise parolees from other states. INTERSTATE PAROLE UNIT (ISPU): A CDCR parole unit that coordinates the supervision of California parolees who reside in other states. ISPU: see INTERSTATE PAROLE UNIT. MEAN: The sum of individual values divided by the total number of cases; an average of all values. MEDIAN: The middle value in a distribution, above and below which lie an equal number of values. NEW ADMISSION: See ADMISSION. OFFENSE: As used in this publication, the principal or controlling offense for which a person was committed to CDCR. See also PRINCIPAL OFFENSE. OFFENSE CATEGORIES: Similar offenses grouped into four major categories: Crimes Against Persons, Property Crimes, Drug Crimes, and Other Crimes. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 98 REFERENCE GUIDE GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND ACRONYMS OFFENSE GROUPS: Similar offenses grouped together for reporting purposes, e.g. murder, burglary, possession of a controlled substance, etc. OPR-TFT: see OUTPATIENT PAROLEE RETURNED TO FINISH TERM. OPR-WNT: see OUTPATIENT PAROLEE RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM. OUT-OF-STATE INSTITUTION: Private correctional facilities located outside California that are under contract with CDCR to provide housing for California inmates. OUT-OF-STATE PAROLE: See INTERSTATE PAROLE UNIT. OUTPATIENT: A civil narcotic addict on parole. OUTPATIENT PAROLEE RETURNED TO FINISH TERM (OPR-TFT): An outpatient parolee who violated the conditions of parole and has been ordered by the Board of Parole Hearings to return to prison to finish their remaining term. OUTPATIENT PAROLEE RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM (OPR-WNT): An outpatient parolee who received a court sentence for a new crime and was returned to CDCR to serve the additional term. PAL: see PAROLEE AT LARGE. PAROLE: Offenders who are supervised in the community by CDCR for an established period of time. PAROLE REGION: There are four parole regions that administer parole supervision throughout the state. The boundaries are identified on the maps contained in this Reference Guide. PAROLE VIOLATOR RETURNED TO CUSTODY (PV-RTC): condition of parole and was returned to CDCR. A parolee who violated a PAROLE VIOLATOR RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM (PV-WNT): A parolee who received a court sentence for a new crime and was returned to CDCR to serve an additional term. PAROLEE AT LARGE (PAL): A felon parolee who absconds from parole supervision. PENDING REVOCATION: A parolee who has been charged with violating a condition of parole and placed in CDCR custody pending investigation to determine if revocation time will be assessed. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 99 REFERENCE GUIDE GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND ACRONYMS PMP: see PRISON MOTHER PROGRAM. POPULATION AT RISK: Offenders in a population on January 1 of any given year plus offenders entering the population during the year. PRINCIPAL OFFENSE: The controlling offense designated by the court as the offender’s base term, usually the offense that keeps the offender in custody for the longest period of time. The principal offense is used by CDCR for statistical purposes. PRISON: A state correctional institution where offenders are confined after being sentenced by a court. PRISON MOTHER PROGRAM (PMP): Community based facilities operated by private profit or nonprofit organizations that house mothers and their small children while the mother serves a court imposed term. PV-RTC: see PAROLE VIOLATOR RETURNED TO CUSTODY. PV-WNT: see PAROLE VIOLATOR RETURNED WITH A NEW TERM. RACIAL/ETHNIC GROUPS: Grouping of racial and ethnic origins into four major groups, White, Black, Hispanic, and Other, for summary statistical purposes. RAL: see RELEASEE AT LARGE. RATE: As used in this publication, the ratio of the number of a specific group to a population base. REINSTATED: A parolee at large (PAL) who is reinstated to active parole status. RELEASEE AT LARGE (RAL): A civil narcotic addict (CNA) on outpatient (parole) status who absconds from CDCR supervision. REPAROLE: When a parolee, who was returned to custody for violating a condition of parole, completes the assessed revocation time and is released to serve the remaining time on the original parole period. REVOCATION: The suspension of parole and return of an offender to custody for a parole violation. REVOCATION TIME ASSESSED: The amount of time in custody that is assessed for a parole violation. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 100 REFERENCE GUIDE GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND ACRONYMS SAFEKEEPER: County prisoners housed in state prison during sentencing when the county facility does not have adequate facilities to provide for the prisoner. SUSPENSION: The interruption of a parole period. Time on suspension is not credited to the period of parole. TEMPORARY RELEASE: When an offender is temporarily released from a CDCR institution and placed in jail, an outside hospital or medical facility, or on leave to the community. TERM: A specific period of time the court sentences an inmate to serve in prison. WORK FURLOUGH: nonprofit organizations. Community based facilities operated by the state and private profit and WORK FURLOUGH IN CUSTODY: Inmates housed in Community Correctional Centers who are placed in local custody for either disciplinary reasons or for an arrest by local jurisdiction. YOUTH AUTHORITY: see DIVISION OF JUVENILE JUSTICE. CALIFORNIA PRISONERS AND PAROLEES 101 Map of California’s Correctional and Rehabilitation Facilities 0ELICAN