DHHS - Vera contract HHSP233200900316G
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OllB No.099G0'll5 goucrAnoMcorfiRrcTroRomFoi ooffincut|' fTE]t dtwRoR to gilP&glE uJ{rrt t, t, nEi aa 90ucrAnoil DA'E P233200900315G OATE/LOCAI IIIIC FOnScllcr^lpll t{FoiraAlKnl c6|l! rHr8^f,,orJFmoil€ El umcrrnpreoc ..B$FET DHIT$/PSC/SAS/DAM ParkLawn Bulldlng, Lane 5600 Fishers UD 20857 Rockville fl eerlsroe Roon 5-101 lllsueu ruan:gc EExERotroeil rL tugtfet Elrruso*anru" Ogousounce 6Ud}C!E nghvtcEots ButvErqA$ ots{EDoiltr&arG3s lf rle. mcco+nnlorsr TtoiluNLE€|aocrB t^ru(b Eseae+lsu,e Multiple trtru RATEORERI}OER oPAE (lt cFR too) DHBS/PSC/SAS/DAU Parklawn Bldg., Room 5-101 5600 Flshets lane Rockville MD 20857 Destlnations @tfrR^crffi, Iti. FAllEtlf |ll.l l€llADE Er OFFEROR -^ VERA INSIITUTE OT .'USTICE r N c 3 5 6 3 ? 0 VERA INSTITUTE OF 'JUSTICE, I N C . 233 BROADIIAYFI, 12 NElr YOBK NY 1o279-L299 r \-:.r -EP-.. lritPfFf{El,ro, tlh gEll|T mreEErg t(l ADfiE33 €llollil ltl BLOCKttr UNt€lS llrcl( loong$$toF tt clGo|(FREUrru{C!r8 te. oaaro z" 21, t0. of qtftEruffi\llcEl lclHrr 19.. IELOW 24. Ar|OrritT uil]I PftcE lax ID Nurnberr 13-194162? )I'NS Nunber: 073299835 Mr. B 1 Pro-Bono Legal Sage Yeat Requisltion Servlc€8 for No: ACFlt997, lontinucd ... (Uc}Me dr.ttqifd$rAdtrol|.t Unacconpanied lan Mil.ler 13 1 ) 4 4 3 - 5 2 4 1 . 5 , 0 5 0 ,0 0 0 , 0 0 Childretl rcF2778 Srr*.r rvr6rilry, OAT 2e.ACCO(.[{nIrctAilOAppR0PRAtrc|N See gcher l u l e F. TOTAT A\i\rARD Al,lot t{T(Fot@vi. Uc. Obt | $5,050,000.00 gCr.tcrAnoN AN(XI fiE(]N"*iATE3 . 62 'I'1. F N ALil2g AND EA'.I'.5 ARE ATTA'IT&D ADDEND 8YNEFRBTNE nEFsEp€ FAN FARP.'12.I &.212.1, r{cont(HAT€sBY o ztn covrneormrncrns! oib€R NcmFoRArEsByREFERET|cE F Rcelr 2.a.F REa2r2{ElATTAcHED. ADOENOA trra ccihnnecronts REoufrED ro 6roxrHE DoctfiteilTetp frllrnn Al€ DELTVER To FuRl{l8H coFGsTotstil,lt{croFFrct.cotrfRAcToR AGREES AlI |IEM6 6€T FOfirtI Oi OiHERWSE bEhMFE elSETss[rEJEcrror{ElERirs Atlb (b)(6) AEC'VEANP OII A}IY ADDITIOI,|^L SPFCFED}ENEN, 29.AWARDOFCq{1R CTREF. oerco T'I APE trARE F'I A DC NAr NARENOTATTAC}IED. Fiexs LlARENorArrcHGD. _OFFER O7/ 2'l / 2009 , yot RqFFER (6LocK6), ot{ sottctTATtoN INCLIJOINO At{YADDTTK'N8 OR C}IANGES WTIICH AREgETFORTH ASTO'IEM$ HEREIN. ISACCEPTED (b)(6) 7/7/, PRE1/KIUS dlrmoN 18NOTt SAli,g firrctlDdl !yCaA. P R l'll CfRl tl.lla 24 of zt. te, rTErlto. iE t ttttt QU NIW Location Delivery Adroin for Children for Adninistration 6. It{ItprRlol 24. AIttOtItT Code: ACF + fanllies Chlldren and Fam Promenad€, S.W. 3?0 trrgnfa[t DC 20447 IIS ltashington Amount: $1r0001000.00 Accounting Info: 2009.G99UPR9.25L02Appr. Yr. z 2009 CAN: G99UPR9 lect C a s : 25102 Funded:91,000,000.00 Location Delivery Code: PERRYPOINT-2ol PerryPoint-201 228 3RD S?REET ROOI.I350 HARRISBURGPA 1?101 US hnount: $4,050,000.00 Accounting Infoi 2009-G99UPR9-25LO2Appr. vr.: 2009 CAI{: G99UPR9 ect t 25t02 C Funded: $4,050,000.00 Perlod of Performance: 2 Pro-Bono Legal Serviqes 08/01/2009 to O7/31/20L0 for Unacconpanled 0.00 Chlldrer option Year I e o o u n t : $ 5 , 3 0 3 , 3 8 5 . 0 0 ( O p t l o nL I n e l t e n ) Period of Performance: 08/01/2010 to 07/31/zOlL Continued ... 3:la otHNTlw lt{ coN.u,N21H s EEEN fl REcewED n NSPECTED TOTHECONTRACT, O(CEPTA8 ACCEfiEO.AI'IDCONFONTiS D noreo: OFAUI}IORIZED 3Ab,sIGNATURE Sh I [il€ ADOREBSOF I{TIHORIZED OOVERNTGIT REPRESENTATI\G PRhITEO NAMEA}D TITTEOFAUTHORIZED Go\/ERNTIET{T REPRES€NTAT]VE TEIEPHOITIET{ilBER OF AUTTIORIZEDGO\ERNUE$T REPRESENTATM E.ITAILOF AUilORIZED OOI/ERNI/ENT REPRESENIATTVE OO.8HF NUUBER P AaAr 8I. PAWENT D Frrut [:l coliprETE S'. CHECKMJMBER fl PARrur n F|ML t8. S,RACCOi f{f ilUMER .Ir ICERTFY RECEIVEDBY {Ptrd, Ib, 6IGI|^11,NE $D IT]LE OF CERTTYS{OOfFEER ATfi4c.br, RECEIVEO v TOTALCONTAINERS lT loaio lttrt t+atGEv.Jrooatt ct( GOtirNNUANOilSHEET 10F010sN/HHSP23320090031 6c ldrm OFFERoROnCO||TR INSTITUTE OF .'USTICE IHC 355370 ffc||||o. AJ'FUTI'ESVIIEs (A) 3 OUAMTTY uttl (c) (B) Pro-Bono Legal Servlces for {D |}IF PRICE AilOUin (r) (E) Onaccompanied Childrer 0.00 lptlon Year II Anount! $5,519,828.00(Optton Line ltem) Perlod of Performancaz 08/0X/201L to 07/3I/2012 4 Pro-Bono LegaL Servlces for Unacconrpanied Childrer 0.00 )ption Year III Smount: $5,?53, 983.00(Option Line It.en) Period of Performance: 08/01/2012 to 01/3L/2013 5 Pro-Bono !ega1 Services f,or Unacconpanied Chl.ldrer 0.00 )ption Year IV lnount: $5,008,896.00(Optlon Line lten) Period of Performanse: 08/01/2013 to 07/31/20L4 the total rox 25. amount of, award: lZ'1,646,092.00. The obl rr this award is shown in --, --' ,:i;l'q? flS{ tgoal.rtt roat oPnoilAt Foil 3!o(+!r) toilxndbrOeA FAR(ar CrRr6E.tr0 STAI.IDARD FORM 1449,continued ffiISP233200900316G ORRPro Bono Legal Servioesfor UnaccompaniedChildren of thework of satisfactoryperformance Considerationand Payment- In consideration firm fixed the pay the Contactor will asdescribedthroughoutthis order,the Government price minus travel eachmonth in performanceof the work describedherein. Pleasesee AttachmentI - Pricing Templatefor completebreakdowns. Total BaseYear: $5,050,000 Total Option Year I: $5,303,385 Total Option Year II: $5,519,828 Total Option Year III: $5,763,983 Totdl Option Year fV: $6.008"896 Total Baseand Option Years: $27,646,092 4 STAI{DARD FORM 1449,continued IIHSP233200900315G ORR Pro Bono Legat Se,lvicesfor UnaccompaniedChildren Statementof Work Scopeof Work: The U.S. Deparfinentof Health and Human Services,Administration for Children and Families, Office of RefugeeResettlement(ORR) requires a confractor to develop and coordinatea progmm to increasecapacityof pro bono legal servicerepresentationefforts before the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) for unaccompaniedalien children(UAC) in HHS custodyand care, to recommendmodelsfor recruiting, training, and supervisinglinguistically capableand independentvolunteerchild advocates,and to for UAC who arereleasedto sponsors,including facilitateaccessto legal representation providing in legal orientationpresentationsto the sponsors. coordinationwith EOIR Background: on March 1,2002,the HomelandSecurityAct of 2002, 5462,6U.S.C. S 279,transferred the functions under U.S. immigration laws regarding the care and placement of unaccompaniedalie,nchildren (UAC) from the former Immigration and Naturalization Serviceto the Director of the Office of RefugeeResettlement(ORR). The Division of UnaccompaniedChildren's Senrices(DUCS) was createdwithin ORR to serve this pupose. The UAC populationincludesthosewho: (1) haveno lawful immigrationstatus in theUnited States;(2) havenot attained18 yearsof age;and(3) with respectto whom(i) there is no parent or legal guardianin the United States;or (ii) no parent or legal guardianin the United Statesis availableto provide careandphysical custody. On December 23, 2008, the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2008 (TVPRA) was passed. The law modified and expanded Reauthorization IilIS' role in the careof UAC. Relevantto this Statementof Work, section235(c)(5)of the (TVPRA), 8 U.S.C. $ 1232(c)(5)states,"[t]he Secretaryof Health and Human Seryicesshall ensure,to the greatestextentpracticableand consistentwith section292 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. L362), that all unaccompaniedalien children who are or have beenin the custodyof the Secretary[of IIHS] or the Secretary of HomelandSecurity. . . havecounselto representthemin legalproceedings. . . To the greatestextentpracticabtre, the Secretaryof Health andHuman Servicesshall makeevery to effort to utilize the servicesof pro bono counselwho agreeto providerepresentation such children without charge." In addition,section235(c)(6),8 U.S.C. $ 1232(c)(6) notes, "[t]he Secretary of Health and Human Services is authorized to appoint independent child advocates for child tafficking victims and other vulnerable unaccompanied alien childre,n."l DUCS identifies careoptions andplacementsfor UAC in licensedshelters,grouphomes, securefacilities,or fostercare,accordingto their specificneeds. In makingplacements, DUCS is guidedby the principlesthat all UAC shouldbe treatedwith dignity, respect, I Section235 of the TVPRA becameeffectiveon March 23. 2OO9 . STANDARDFORM 1449,continued HHSP233200900316G ORR Pro Bono l-egal Servicesfor UnaccompaniedChildren and specialconcernfor their particular wlnerability, all UAC must be placedin the least restrictivesettingthat is in the bestinterestof the UAC, and eachUAC shall be provided care and servicesfree from discriminationbasedon race, religion, national origin, sex, handicap,or political belief. UAC are particularly vulnerable, having faced traumatic situations in their home counhies,suchas dire poverty, war, forcedmilitary recruitrnent,domesticviolence,gang violence, and governmentneglect. Some are also very young, most have little or no formal education,and are primarily non-Englishspeaking. After apprehensionby DHS, andhousedin DUCS confractedshelters,thesechildren facea complicatedlegal system. Professional legal counsel assists in determining if the children qualify for any immigrationrelief from removalbackto their homecountries.Otherformsof relief may be availableif the child hasbeena victim of humantrafficking or otherformsof criminal violence. In addition,UAC in IIHS custodymay haverelativesin the United Statesto whom they canbe releasedwhile their immigrationcasesarepending. Legal representationfor UAC canallow for increasedefficiency in the immigration court system. Without dedicated,professionallegal counselto write persuasive,detailed applications,gathersupportingdocumentation,and in somecases,provide compelling oral arguments,UAC may have very limited successin obtaining relief in immigration court. Furthermore,UAC without any relief from removalmay needassistanceto ensure a safe return back to his or her home country. In addition, the immigration system becomesmore efficient becauseimmigrationjudges do not needto delay casesto allow children to find attorneys. Qualified and competentlegal serviceproviders can provide legal representation or can successfullyrecruit and train pro bono attorneys.Moreover, thesesamelegal serviceproviderscan facilitatethe continuationof legal representation oncea UAC is releasedto a sponsor. Moreover,appointinga child advocateto vulnerableUAC in ORR custodycanensurethe child's best interestsare identified. An assignedchild advocatespendstime with the child and developsa relationshipof trust with the child. Someof the dutiesof the child advocatewill be to develop a serviceplan with the shelterfacility staff and child's attomey,visit the child regularly, explain communicationlimitations and confidentiality to the child, obtain background information on the child, including information concerningthe child's departurefrom his or her country or origin, the child's journey to the United States, the child's arrival in the United States, the period between apprehensionand tansfer to HHS custody, and time in the United States before apprehension, if any, Significantly, the child advocatespendstime with the UAC and speakswith the child's Clinical Counselor,Family ReunificationSpecialist,teachers,and other shelterstaff to understandthe child's current situation (for example, education,therapeuticservices, socialsupport,etc). The child advocatehelpsthe child processinformationand explains the consequences of decisions,and assiststhe child to make decisionsin situationsin which the child requestshelp. For childrenwho are not ableto make decisions(dueto 6 STANDARDFORM 1449,continued rrr{sP2332009003r6G ORR Pro Bono Legal Serrricesfor UnaccompaniedChildren cognitive or other reasons),the child advocatewill identiff the options that are in the child's best interestsin a written report and will explain why other apparentoptions are excluded.The child advocatedevelopsrecommendationsand advocatesas to the best interestsof the child with respectto issuesrelatedto the child's custody,care,detention, releaseand repatriationas well as with respectto any stateand federal court proceedings involving the child. I{HS intendsto developa programbasedon the findings of a three yearpilot programon capacitybuilding to enhancepro bono representationwith the result of increasingthe capacityof non-profit legal serviceprovidersthat can provide high-qualitypro bono seruicesfor UAC in HHS custody.In addition,this legal accessprogramwill facilitate the legal re'presentationfor UAC who are releasedfrom HHS and coordinate the developmentof a child advocateprogrurmfor vulnerableUAC in IIHS custody. This will to developand facilitatepro bono be achievedby building the capacityof organizations (including in custody efforts focusedon recruiting, for IIHS representation UAC legal training, mentoring, and retainingpro bono attorneysfor UAC upon releasefrom HHS custody),and by implementing a child advocatemodel to serveUAC in IIHS custody. Such a model will be implementedafter researchingbest practicesand models for appointnent of child advocates,including evaluating a ctnrcrfi child advocatepilot progfilmin Chicagoto assessif this modelcanbe appliedat additionalsiteswhereHHS haschildrenin custody. TaskRequirements: A) Contractorwill identify legal serviceprovidersand organizationslocatednear HHSfundedfacilities.Criteriafor the identificationof organizations: l) Average Daily Number of UAC in HHS-funded facilities located near the Organizations; 2) CapacityandResourcesof the Organization; 3) Organization'sexperiencein providingimmigrationlegalservices; 4) Organization'sexperienceworking with children who suffer from hauma and/or who arevictims of abuse,war, or politicalpersecution. B) Contractorshall sendrequestsfor proposalsto the identified organizations,evaluate submittedproposals,and award 10-15subcontracts over the period of this award (this may increaseif DUCS capacityincreases)which will be subject to HHS approval. Subcontractorsshall, in conjunction with and guidance from, the Contractor: l) Develop and implementproceduresfor screeningUAC in IIHS custody and identi$ing the children'slegalneeds; STA].IDARD FORM 1449,continued IrHSP233200900316G ORR Pro Bono I-eg1l Sernicesfor UnaccompaniedChildren 2) Develop and implement strategiesto conduct outreach to legal community surrormdingthe site to increasethe pool of attorneyswilling to volunteer their time to representthe children. This will alsoinclude: i) Protocol for screeningeachvolunteerto ensurethat they have the appropriate experience,adequateresources,and the skills to work appropriately with childre,n. ii) Training for volunteer attorneysto enterinformation for the children into the contractordesignedcasemanagementsystem 3) Coordinateassignmentof pro bono atlomeysfor UAC in ItrIS custody; 4) Track scheduledimmigration court dates and immigration judge decisionsfor UAC screenedby the program; s) Coordinatewith other legal serviceproviders andpro bono attorneysto ensure before immigrationcourtscontinuesfollowing releasefrom HHS representation custodyor tansfer to anotherDUCS facility; 6) Perform on-site record keeping and maintenanceof cixe managementsystem createdby contractor. This shall include,arnongother areasof information: i) Children screened; ii) Attorneysrecruited; iii) Childrenrepresentedby the volunteerattorneys. 7) Conduct taining on immigration law and procedures for newly recruited attorneys. C) Contractorshall awardsubcontractsbasedupon: Averagenumberof childrenin IIHS custodyin the locality of the subcontractor Costof living wherethe organizationis based andthe costof the capacityincrease Existingcapacityof the subcontractor Subcontractfunds are specifically resticted to the services outlined in this Statementof Work, and must be consistentwith $ 292 of the Immigrationand NationalityAct, 8 U.S.C.1362. will include: 5) Measuresofperformancefor subcontractors 1) 2) 3) 4) i) ii) iii) iv) v) Numberof children screened; Time takento securelegal representation; Numberof children receivinglegal re,presentation; Numberof children receivingformal legal representation; Duration and level of commiftnent for each trained attorney, i.e. has the attomey taken more than one case, how many were asylum or SIJV as opposedto voluntary departure? STANDARD FORM 1449,continued rrr{sP233200900316G ORR Pro Bono Legal Servicesfor UnaccompaniedChildren 6) Contractorshall provide technicalassistanceto Subcontractorsincluding, but not limited to, the following areas: i) Gathering information on national practices related to the outeach and mainte,nance of a pool of pro bono attorneysfor UAC in IIHS custody; ii) Maintaining clear channels of communication,involving onsite visits, teleconferences and/orvideo conferences,andmonthly datareview; iii) Sharinginformation on practicesandresourcesamongSubcontractors. D) Contractorshall: 1) Research and evaluate various models for the recruitrnent, training, and supervisionof linguistically capablevolunteerchild advocates. 2) Providea reporton bestpracticesandbestmodelsfor appointingchild advocates forUAC. 3) Implementa child advocateprogrirmin a site to be determinedby HHS and,after evaluatingwhetherthe programcan serveas a national model, expandthis same progfirmto multiple locationsasadditionalfunding will allow. E) Contractor shall make on-going qualitative analysis to HHS on a quarterly basis related to the effectivenessof sites' legal accessprograms and child advocate programusing: a. Data b. Information gatherd from site visits, interviews with representedUAC, and tecbnicalassistance continued STANDARDFORM144t9, HIISP233200900316G ORRProBonoLegalSewicesfor Unaccompanied Children INSPECTION AND ACCEPTAI\CE t. The Confractor'sperformanceandthe quality of servicesprovidedhereundershall be subjectto final inspectionandacceptance by the ContractingOfficer in conjunctionwith the ContractingOfficer'sTechnicalRepresentative (COTR). PERIODIC INSPECTIONS: The COTR shall periodically conducton-the-jobinspectionsto determinethe overall quality of conhactperformance,thejob knowledgeof individual employees,the effectivenessof training, andto observeanddeterminethe conductand appearanceof uniformedpersonnel. TERM OF THE COUTN.I,CT: Performance of this contractshallbe 12months,with the anticipatedstartdate Augustt,2009. This confact containsfour (4), twelve(12) monthoptionperiods which maywhich maybe exercisedat the Government'sdiscretionin accordance with FAR Clause52.217-9,"Optionto Extendthe Termof the Contract"(March 2000)[30 days]. TYPE OF CONTRACT This contractshallbe FixedPricewith re-imburseable travel expenses. SCHEDULE OF DELIVERABLES Informaldraft materialsmay be e-mailedto the COTR for review. Deliverables shall not containany identification or logosof the contractor. A) Identify legal serviceprovidersand organizationsnearDUCS facilitiesand whereUAC arereleasedto sponsors.Assesswhereaccessto legal services shouldbe expanded.[60 daysafter contractsigning] B) Identiff siteswherelegalorientationservicesfor sponsorswill be setup. [60 daysafter contractsigning] C) Provide a draft plan for a national referral network that will facilitate pro bonolegalrepresentation for UAC oncereleasedto a sponsor.[90 daysafter confractsigningl. D) Provide a draft plan for a national child advocateprogramto serveUAC in HHS custody which allows for IIHS to appoint such advocates for vulnerableUAC. [90 daysafterconhactsigning]. STAIIDARD FORM 1449,continued III{SP233200900316G ORR Pro Bono Legat Seryicesfor UnaccompaniedChildren E) Develop and expand training for pro bono attomeys and legal service provider attorneyson T-visas, U Visas, SU visas, and child welfare and child development, in order to improve the effectivenessof the legal orientationpresentationsfor UAC. F) Notiff legal serviceprovidersand organizationsof requestfor proposals. [45 daysafter contractsigning] G) Award of subcontractsto organizations [90 days after contract signingl. H) Technical Assistancerelating to outreachand training efforts from Conftactorto Subcontractor[Ongoingduring contractlife] D National training conferencesshall occur in the base year and any awardedoption years. J) A final report with recommendationssubmittedto HHS shall be produced within four weeks of the conclusionof the conhact and shall demonstrate performance-based results,suchas the overall impact of the child advocate programandlegalaccessprograms,how manychildrenwere served,etc. K) On-goinganalysis[Quarterlyfollowing awardof subcontacts] Unlessotherwisespecified,all reportsor copiesof reportsshallbe deliveredto: Departnent of Health andHumanServices ProgramSupportCenter Division of AcquisitionManagement 5600FishersLane,Room5-l0l Rockville, Maryland 20857 Brendan Miller and Deparfrnentof Health andHumanServices Office of RefugeeResettlement AerospaceBuilding 901D Street,S.W. Washington,DC 20447 Atbr: MaureenDunn STANDARD FORM 1449,continued rrHSP233200900316G ORR Pro Bono Legal Servicesfor UnaccompaniedChildren 6. CONTRACTORPERFORMANCE At the COTR'sdiscretion,he/sheandthe contractor'sprogrammanagerwill meet quarterlyto evaluatethe mannerin which the contractorperformedin accordance with the confractrequirementsand standardssuchas:goodworkmanship,the contractor'srecordof forecastingandcontrollingcost;the contractor'sadherence to contractschedule,contractor'shistoryofreasonableandcooperativebehavior andcommiftnentto customersatisfaction,and generally,the contractor'sbusiness like concernfor the interestof the customer.The contractingofficer may attend thesemeetings. 1. FEDERAL HOLIDAYS The Contractorshallobservethe following Federalholidayson the daysobserved by the FederalGovernment: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (e) (h) (i) 0) New Year'sDay Martin Luther King's Birthday PresidentsDay MemorialDay Independence Day Labor Day ColumbusDay VeteransDay ThanksgivingDay Christnas Day STANDARD FORM 1449,continued HHSP233200900316G ORR Pro Bono tegal Seryicesfor UnaccompaniedChildren CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 1. INVOICE SI,]BMISSION: In additionto the information requiredby FAR clause52.212-4ContractTerms ltems(MAR 2009),the following informationis also andConditions-Commercial requiredfor submissionof a properinvoice. a. Signatureof an authorizedofficial certifyingthe invoiceto be correctand properfor payment; b. Periodof performancefor which costsareclaimed;and c. Tax idelrtification number(employer'sidentification number)or social securitynunber. d. The Contactor shallsubmitanoriginalandone(1) copy of its invoiceto: SupportCenter FinancialManagementServices/Program ParklawnBuilding,Room l6a-12 5600FishersLane Rockville, Maryland 20857 16G Attn: IIHSP2332009003 e. Oneadditionalcopy shallbe sentto the following: DIilIS, ProgramSupportCenter Division of AcquisitionManagement, SAS ParklawnBuilding,Room5-101 5600FishersLane Rockville, Maryland 20857 I 6G Atfru HHSP2332009003 and De,parhnentof HealthandHumanServices Office of RefugeeResettlement AerospaceBuilding 901D Sheet,S.W. Washington,DC20447 Atfir: MaureenDunn Paymentshallbe madeby: STAI.IDARDFORM1449,continued IrHSP233200900316G Children ORRProBonoLega,lServicesfor Unaccompanied SupportCenter FinancialManagementServices/Program ParklawnBuilding, Room l6a-12 5600FishersLane Rockville, Maryland 20857 ElecfronicTransferof FundsPayment Paymentof ElechonicFunsTransferPusuantto FAR 52.232-33, Cenhal ContractorRegistration,paymentsunderthis contractshall be madeby elechonicfundsftansfer(EFT) INVOICE PAYMENT: In considerationof satisfactoryperformanceof the work asdescribedthroughout this order,the Governmentshallpay the Contractorlll2 theyearlyprice of the contractexcludingtravel, plus anytravel expensesincurredduring that month. This amountwill be payableuponpresentation of a properinvoiceandupon receiptand acceptanceby the Governmentof the servicesspecifiedin the Schedule.It is the requirementof the Governmentto obtain completeand with thetermsof the specificationsand satisfactoryperformancein accordance quality standardsof this contract. The Governmentis conhactingfor satisfactory performanceof all work identifiedin the specifications, anddeductionswill, provided. The Govemmentwill determine therefore,be madefor any servicenot monetarydeductionsfor nonperformanceof work underthis contract,or for deficienciesin the performanceof work andsupplements"Termination for Cause." It is agreedthat failure to: accomplishanywork requiredunderthis contract;to satisfactorilyaccomplishsuchwork; or to complywith anyprovisionsof this contract,wheredueto the carelessness, neglect,or fault of the contractor,shall constitutea deficiencyfor which a reductionof paymentwill be madein accordance with the provisionsof this conhact. 3. TECHNICAL MONITORING: ContractingOfEcers' TechnicalRepresentative AppointmentandAuthority (a) Performance of work underthis contact mustbe subjectto the technical directionof the ContractingOfficers' TechnicalRepresentative identifiedabove, a representative or designatedin writing. The term "technicaldirection" includes, without limitation, directionto the contractorthat directsor redirectsthe labor effort, shifts the work betweenwork areasor looations,fills in detailsand L4 STANDARDFORM 1449,continued trHSP233200900316G ORRPro Bono Legal Senricesfor UnaccompaniedChildren otherwiseservesto ensurethat tasksoutlinedin the work statementare accomplished satisfactorily. (b) Technicaldirectionmustbe within the scopeof the specification(s)/work statement. The ConfractingOfficers' TechnicalRepresentative doesnot have authorityto issuetechnicaldirection that: (l) Constitutesa changeof assignment or additionalwork outsidethe specification(s/statement of work; (2) Constitutesa changeasdefinedin the clauseentitled"Changes"; (3) In any mannercausesan increaseor decreasein the contact price, or the time requiredfor contact performance; (4) Changesany of the terms,conditions,or specification(s)/workstatementof the contract; (5) Interfereswith the contractor'sright to perform underthe termsand conditions of the contract;or I (6) Directs, supervisesor otherwiseconfrolsthe actionsof the contractor's employees. (c) Technicaldirection may be oral or in writing. The ContractingOfficers' TechnicalRepresentativeshall confirm oral direction in writing within five work days,with a copyto the ContractingOfficer. (d) The contractorshall proceedpromptly with performanceresultingfrom the technicaldirection issuedby the ContractingOfficers' TechnicalRepresentative. If, in the opinion of the contractor,any directionof the ConhactingOfficers' TechnicalRepresentative,or his/herdesignee,falls within the limitations in (c), above,the contractorshallimmediatelynotifythe ContractingOfficer no later thanthe beginningof the next Governmentwork day. ' (e) Failureof the contractorandthe ConhactingOfficer to agreethat technical directionis within the scopeof the contractshallbe subjectto the termsof the clauseentitled"Disputes." 15 STA\IDARD FORM 1449,continued rrHsP233200900316c ORR Pro Bono Legal Servicesfor UnaccompaniedChildren Contracting Officer's TechnicalRepresentative(COTR): The COTR responsiblefor the technicalrequirernentscoveredby this contract,as conternplated above,"TechnicalMonitoring"hereo{ will be designated by separatecorrespondence. PerformsnceStandards: Contractorperformancewill be evaluatedbasedon A. Adherenceto order scheduleanddelivery dates; B. Extentto which the final deliverablesaddressthe statement-of-work; C. Extentof relevanceandapplicabilityof conceptsin the deliverablesto HHS constraints. D. Quality of content,including text, figures,and linkage. CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT The Confractor'sperfonnanceshallbe evaluatedannually. This evaluationshall becomea part of the contractfile and shallbe usedaspastperformance informationin evaluatingthe Contractor'sand any significant subcontractors'or affiliates'pastperformanceon futurecontracts.The Contractorshallbe givena minimum of 30 daysto submitcomments,rebuttingstatements,or additional information. A sampleof the "ContractorPerformanceReport" form that may be usedto condtrcttheseevaluationsis locatedat http://cps.od.nih.gov. Conhactors arerequiredto registerwith the NIH ContractorPerformanceSystemat http://cpscontractor.nih. gov. 7. KEy PERSOTYNEL HHSAR 352.270-5(JAN 2006): Thepersonnelspecifiedin this contractareconsideredto be essentialto the work beingperformedhereunder.Prior to diverting any of the specifiedindividuals to otherprograms,the Contractorshall notify the ContractingOfficer reasonablyin advanceand shall submitjustification (includingproposedsubstitutions)in sufficient detail to permit evaluationof the impact on the program. No diversion shallbe madeby the Contractorwithout written consentof the Contracting officer; provided,that the contracting officer may ratify in writing such diversionand suchratification shall constitutethe consentof the Contracting Officer. The contractmay be modified from time to time dwing the courseof the contractto either addor deletepersonnel,asappropriate. t6 STANDARDFORM1449,continued HHSP233200900316G Children ORRProBonoLegalServicesfor Unaccompanied Title Name (b)(6) GOVf, RITMENT FUR}IISHED MATERIALS : The Governmentwill provide the confiactorwith any pertinentandexisting information and/ordatato assistthe contractorin the performanceof the task requirements. 9. FACILITIES : CONFERENCE/TVTEETING The Contractor, if responsiblefor the selectionof a conference/meeting facility for 30 or rnore attendees,shall considera minimum of three sitesand selectthe site offerlng the most costsavingsto the Government The Conftactorshall €nsurethat all facilities, meetingsand seminarsheld pursuantto this conhactare accessibleto personswith disabilitiesper the stipulationssetforth in IIHSAR Clause352.270-1. 10. TRAVEL COSTS: The Contractorwill be reimbursed,not to exceedthe amountsstatedbelow, for all domestictravel asdescribedbelow, incurreddirectly and specifically in the performanceof this contract,claimedby the Contactor andacceptedby the ContractingOfficer. The travelexperu;e for this acquisitionis not to exceed$225,578for the baseyear, andthe subsequentoption years. A. Airfare costsin excessof the lowestcustomarystandard,coach,or equivalent airfareoffered during normalbusinesshoursareunallowableexceptwhen requirecircuitousrouting, requirehavel during suchaccommodations unreasonable hours,excessivelyprolongtravel,resultin increasedcoststhat would offset fransportationsavings,arenot reasonablyadequatefor the physicalor medicalneedsof thetaveler, or arenot reasonablyavailableto meetmissionrequirements.However,in orderfor airfarecostsin excessof the abovestandardairfareto be allowable,the applicableconditionssetforth mustbe documented andjustified. STAI{DARD FORM 1449,continued rrHSP233200900316G ORR Pro Bono Irgal Serrdcesfor UnaccompaniedChildren B. Costsof rail travel by most direct route,first-classwith lower berth or nearest equivalent. actualexpense C. Travelby motorvehicleshallbe reimbursedon a reasonable basis,or at the Contractor'soption,on a mileagebasisat the currentFederal Travel Regulationrate (at the time of contractaward),plus any toll or ferry charges. subsistence not in excessof actualiternizedexpenses not to D. Reasonable exceedthe ceilings in the FederalTravel Regulationsin effect at the time of incurredcost. 11. PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO DIRECT COSTS: NotwithstandingFAR 52.216-7,AllowableCostandPayment,andFAR 52.2442, Subcontracts(Cost-Reimbursement andLetter Contracts),unlessotherwise expresslyprovidedelsewherein this conhactor in anymodification thereto,the costsof the following itemsor activitiesshallbe unallowableasdirectcosts: A. Acquisition,by purchaseor lease,of anyinterestin realproperty; B. Specialrearrangementor alterationof facilities; C. Purchaseor leaseof any item of generalpurpose,office furnitureor office equipment;and D. Travelto foreigncounhies. Any equipmenthavinga unit acquisitioncostin excessof $1,000.00,of which the Contractorwishesto be reimbursedasa direct item of cost,shall not be acquired by the Contractorwithout the specificadvancewritten approvalof the ContractingOfficer. 12. FAR s2.2s2-2CLAVSES TNCORPORATEDBy REFERENCE (FEB 1998) This contractincorporatesoneor moreclausesby reference,with the sameforce andeffect asif they were given in full text. Upon request,the ContractingOfficer will maketheir full text available.Also, the fulItext of a clausemaybe accessed electronicallyat this address:'http://www .amet.gov lfarI ." 1. FEDERAL ACQUISTTION REGULATION (48 CFR CHAPTER 1) CONTRACT CLAUSES l. 52.217-8Optionto ExtendServices(NOV 1999)[30 days] 18 STANIDARDFORM 1449,continued IIHSP233200900316G ORR Pro Bono Legal Servicesfor UnaccompaniedChildren 2. 13. (JAN 1991) 52.237-3ContinuityofServices DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AI\D HUMAN SERYICES ACQUISITION REGULATION (IIHSAR) (48 CFR CHAPTER 3) CLAUSES 3s2.z}2-lDefinitions - AlternateI (JAN 2006) 352.224-70Confidentialityof Information(JAN 2006) 352.232-9Withholdingof ContractPayments(JAN 2006) andSeminars 352.270-lAccessibilityof Meetings,Conferences, to Personswith Disabilities(JAN 2001) 5. 352.270-5Key Personnel(JAI'{2006) 6. 352.270-6PublicationandPublicity (JAN 2006) 7. 352.270-7PaperworkReductionAct (JAN 2006) 1. 2. 3. 4. l9 Attachment I - Pricinq Temolate BaseYear:Auoust1 ?009- Julv 31.2010 Rate8/1Rate12l111/30 Davs 7t31 Days 6 0 (b)(4) 0 0 0 1,007,438.56 fotal Labor Sub€ontract Goste GonsultantGosts OtherDirect Material Costs fravelGosts TOTAL $3,614,000 $180,150 $22,833 $225,578 $ 5,050,000 Altrchmcnt l - Pricins Template OptionYearl: Awust 1, 2010- Julv 31 2011 Rate8/1Rate121111t30 7131 Dare Days 7 0 (b)(4) Total Labor Sub-GontractGosts GonsultantGosts OtherDlrect Material Costs fravelGoats TOTAL 0 0 6 0 $ 1,080,123.63 $3,794,700 $180.150 $22.833 $225,578 $ 5,303,385 Affachment | - Pricins Template OptionYearll: Ausust1, 2011- July 3', 2012 Rate1211Rate8ll7131 Days Days 1',|130 0 (b)(4) Iotal Labor Sub-GontractGosts ConsultantGosts 5 0 0 0 1,123,331.52 $3,984,435 $163.650 9ther Dlrect Matenal Costs TravelGosts TOTAL $22,833 $225,578 $ 5.519.828 Attachment| - PricinoTemolate QptionYearIII: August1 2012- July 3 2013 Rate8/1Rate121111130 Days 7131 Days 3 5 (b)(4) fotalLabor Sub-GontractGosts ConsultantGosts 0 0 0 6 0 $ $4,183.657 $163.650 other Dlrect Material Gosts Travel Costs TOTAL $22,833 $225,578 $ 5,763,983 Ailechrnent l - Pricins Template OotionYearlV: Ausust1, 2013- Julv 3 2014 Rate1211Rate8/17t31 Days 11/30 Da\rs 86 0 0 (b)(4) 0 0 TotalLabor Sub-GontractGosts GonsultantCosts OtherDirect Material Costs fravel Gosts TOTAL $ 1.214.995.06 $4.392.840 $152.1 $22.833 s225.578 $ 6,008,896