Deuel Vocational Inst Staff Safety Eval Corrective Action Plan 2006
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Deuel Vocational Institution Staff Safety Evaluation Corrective Action Plan November 2006 Corrective Action Plan Finding Issue Staffing Shift replacement of custody positions may be a contributing factor to staff assaults. Administrative staff responsible for the Prison Industry PIA funding not available for staffing Authority facilities reported a need for additional relief staff to provide supervision of inmate workers. Responsible Partv Completion Date Headquarters Staff Assault Incident Reports After a collective review and discussion of the above No action necessary. listed documents, there were no obvious trends identified relative to the issue of staff battery, Other than inmate classification (see discussion below), no issues were identified as being significantly consistent among the various incidents. PIA Administrator Nov-06 N/A N/A ., With the exception of age, the victim demographics are Continued training and supervision of AW-CS AND AW-RC On-going generally consistent with those of the overall institution, inexperienced staff. All staff assaults are referred Younger officers were involved in a higher incidence of to the D. A,'s office for prosecution. staff assaults. Race. age and county of commitment of the involved No action necessary. inmates do not appear to be significant assault factors. N/A N/A The vast majority of the staff assaults did not result in No action necessary. serious injury to the victim staff member or to other personnel involved in the emergency response. N/A N/A Accidental Injuries are not a frequent occurrence. N/A N/A No action necessary. 1 Deuel Vocational Institution Staff Safety Evaluation Corrective Action Plan November 2006 Timely documentation of reviews for incidents of Supervisor of injured employee completes self AW-BS form 3067, Employer's Report, within 24 hours of accident/injury of custody staff needs to occur. the accident and the form is received and signed by the Manager. The SelF form 3301, Employee's Report, is issued to the injured employee for completion within 24 hours of the accident. The SCIF 3067 and 3301 forms are reviewed by the Return to Work Coordinator for contents and completeness then forwarded to Workers' Compensation. On-going Inmates with high security classifications or serious mental health issues are more likely to commit assaults on staff. Length of stay for these inmates may also be an influencing factor. Inmate manufactured weapons were not factors in assaults on staff. Insufficient data were available to determine if gang affiliation was a contributing factor related to staff assaults. Hours of the day and months of the year may be factors in assaults on staff. On-going Departmental policy requires this action, AW-RC however; institutions are limited to the beds available within the Department. No action necessary. N/A N/A No action necessary. N/A N/A No action necessary. Differences between # of N/A assaults on third watch vs. second watch are statistically insignificant. N/A Training Documentation received by the evaluation team No action necessary. N/A confirmed that custody staff, non custody staff, and all new employees at DVI are receiving mandated training in addition to all other required departmental and site specific training. No special training is provided to staff members who All employee orientation instructors are certified 1ST LT. act as training officers for purposes of orientation through the T for T process. training 2 N/A On-going Deuel Vocational Institution Staff Safety Evaluation Corrective Action Plan November 2006 No formal training program is in place to provide "field training" to newly appointed peace officers. The team suggests the CDeR Adult Division consider developing a formalized institutional training program for new recruits and an abbreviated program for newly transferred officers. Headquarters The review team was unable to find documentation Oi Orientation is provided on site by staff assigned 1ST LT. institutional orientation training being provided to to that Division Head contract employees who provide short-term services at the institution. Safety Equipment The COCR requires that the institution provide No action necessary. N/A identified custody staff with specific personal safety equipment. The institution is required to provide personally fitted statrresistant vests to specific employees. DVI is compliant in issuing equipment as specified in policy. The Medical Technical Assistants (MTA) and Headquarters Correctional Counselors (Ce) who are custody staff. are not fitted and issued stab-resistant vests. On-going Officers transferring 10 other institutions are not Policy Changed permitted to keep their vests. The institutional armory and sub-armory used for the No action necessary. storage and ready dispersal of lethal weapons, less lethal weapons, munitions and related emergency equipment are maintained in proper and secure order. Headquarters Jan-oS N/A N/A Physical Plant Within the receiving/intake area, an inadequate Capital Outlay Budget Change Proposal AW-BS amount of space is available for processing up to (COBep) submitted - approved 10-31-05 and funded, scheduled for construction to 500 intakes received each week. start July 2006 by Inmate Day Labor (lOll 3 N/A Jun-07 Deuel Vocational Institution Staff Safety Evaluation Corrective Action Plan November 2006 The facility is crowded. As a result, 960 emergency-beds are utilized throughout the institution. This was accomplished by placing double bunks in the hallways of the housing units (known as Broadway beds), converting inmate program spaces into dormitories and converting the entire gymnasium into inmate housing areas. Headquarters Headquarters The evaluation team encourages the Division of Adult Institutions to consider utilizing a facility with a modern podular design as the regional reception center. The constant non-stop program movement of Headquarters inmates in a "telephone poleu design institution creates opportunities for inmates to attack each other or staff. Security cameras are currently located in several Additional areas have been addressed AW-RC AND AW-CS Continuous locations, including employee entrances to the including Visiting and the Medical B-Ward evaluations are institution and in the Z and Y dorms, PIA shop Unit for the safety and security of the going areas and on the J and K Wing exercise yards. institution. Adding cameras in other locations may enhance safety and security. The placement of convex mirrors within the law A work order was submitted and convex AW-CS library would allow staff to provide better inmate mirrors have been installed within the Law supervision. Library indicated that they were Library. The Law Library no longer has any unable to view around corners into blind spots. blind spots or obstructed views. Oct-oe Clergy staff were unaware of emergency Training has been conducted with the Clergy AW-CS procedures or their responsibilities during an staff. The date of the last training was emergency. Additionally, office equipment located November 1, 2006. Training will continue to within the chapel areas has not been regularly be provided to ensure Clergy staff are inventoried. current with the emergency procedures as they change or are updated. On-going 4 on- Deuel Vocational Institution Staff Safety Evaluation Corrective Action Plan November 2006 The asphalt surface areas of the outside exercise The Special Repair Project (SRP) for the AW-BS areas located between East and West Halls and area between EastlWest Hall was approved the K Wings are in need of repair. Large chunks with funding. A contract request was of loose asphalt and rocks accessible to the submitted in October 2006, therefore, inmates were observed within these exercise pending contract processing and awarding to yards. The loose material can be used as vendor. The K-Wing small management weapons and the sUbsequent potholes create a yard project began September 18, 2006. trip hazard for staff responding to incidents. Institution administrators have secured funding to resurface these areas. Ensuring that the necessary repairs to these exercise yards are completed is encouraged. The EastlWest Hall project estimated completion date is August 2007. The KWing project estimated completion date is April 2007. The railing along the stailWay leading up to the X Installed appropriate to code at time of AW-BS Wing is low. The low railing height presents a risk construction. Plant Operations has to officers and inmates. The department should submitted il request to Architectural B! consider raising the height of the stair rail along Engineering (A&EJ for evaluation of railing this stairway. and there has been no response. ~ RESPONSE IS NOT APPROPRIATE. One of the window frames in the stairwell leading Plant Operations will install restrictive device AW-BS to L3 protrudes into the stairwell when opened. on all windows in stairway corridor. These windows are opened during the summer months as a means of providing ventilation to the stairwell. Because of the low height of this window, staff is at risk of striking the window frame. Considerations should be given to restricting the distance the window can be opened into this stailWay, or preventing the window from opening at all. Request submitted February 1, 2006 5 1-Jan-07 Deuel Vocational Institution Staff Safety Evaluation Corrective Action Plan November 2006 Some of the individual standup holding tanks Plant Operations placed protective sheilds AW-BS located in the release and receiving area and in on all holding cages as directed by Custody. the K Wing are not equipped with Plexiglas shields to prevent inmates from spitting at passing inmates or staff. The department is encouraged to place Plexiglas shields on all individual standup holding tanks. Staff and inmates reported the drinking water at Reverse Osmosis plant will be constructed. AW-BS the facility had a bad taste. odor and color. Plant Funding has been approved and operation staff reported the facility water is safe construction wiU begin in March 2007. for drinking, but fails to meet a "secondary" water quality standard (unforceable) due to the taste and smell. Elevated levels of manganese in the drinking water are responsible for the poor water quality. Plant Operations staff said repairs to the water supply system are in the works. The institution is encouraged to expedite these repairs. AW-BS The DVI Fire Department fire truck holding tank Water leak repaired. has a significant water leak. Staff reports the truck must be refilled several times per day. Records indicate the DVI Fire Department responded to 160 fires last year and 130 this calendar year. The department is encouraged to make the necessary repairs to the fire truck. 6 Completed March 2006 Estimated completion date is November 2008 5-Dec-05 Deuel Vocational Institution Staff Safety Evaluation Corrective Action Plan November 2006 The kitchen is in desperate need of repair and An environmental health audit was AW-BS refurbishment. Much of the cast iron has conducted on May 31, 2006. and DVI is deteriorated, large portions of the floor tiles are currently completing a Corrective Action broken or missing, paint is peeling and electrical Plan. The preventative maintenance of Pest conduits are rusted exposing electrical wires. Control is on-going. Painting of the facililty is Evaluation team members observed a rodent and also on-going in the five (5) year plan. roaches in food preparation areas during the tour of this area. An environmental health evaluation is needed to assess the extent of repairs. On-going Fire Department Staff reported the fire The Special Repair Project for the fire AW-BS suppression sprinkler system in the PIA portion of supression sprinkler system is being the facility has obstructions in the pipe (resulting submitted. Meanwhile, the Fire Captains are in low water flow) and is in need of repair. Due to walking through the PIA areas once a day the age and function of this portion of this facility, after PIA staff leave in the evening and walk it is essential that the fire suppression system is through three times on weekends and fUlly functional. The department is encouraged to holidays. ~ REVIEW BY DEPT. ensure the fire suppression system is in proper HEALTH & SAFETY. FIRE WATCH IS working order. HOURLY WHEN UNOCCUPIED. SRP request will be completed by November 3D, 2006. The walk throughs are on-going The roof at the staff living quarters at the DVI Fire A Special Repair Project has been approved AW-BS Department appears to leak. Water damage is and is pending funding. evident in the cemng and walls. The department is encouraged to obtain an environmental health evaluation and make necessary repairs to the roof of this area. The fire exit in the Muslim Chapel, as identified on The furniture by the fire exit has been AW-CS the posted emergency fire exit map, is blocked by removed. Training has been provided to both staff and inmates. The fire exit was several items of furniture. inspected on Ocober 30. 2006, to ensure compliance. Pending funding 7 The fire exit is on a checked quarterly basis during quarterly fire drills. On-going Deuel Vocational Institution Staff Safety Evaluation Corrective Action Plan November 2006 Evaluation staff noted a large amount of Periodic sweeps are done by Custody staff combustible material in the staff areas and in inmate sleeping areas. AW-BS, AW-RC, AND On-going AW-CS Interview Process Deuel Vocational Institution was not designed as a reception center. Therefore, adequate resources (physical plant, staffing, and ancillary resources to support RC) are lacking. Headquarters Managers said there is a need to provide Staff Meeting and OJT is provided several AW-BS, AW-RC, AND On-going additional staff training beyond the mandated 1ST times a week during the assigned work shift. AW-CS topics. The training/OJT that is provided is on current departmental changes, updates on Ipoliqy and_proced ure, etc. Inmates held at the RC are transient, pending Inmates caught destroying or damaging ALL STAFF On-going their transfer to a suitable institution (e.g.; right State property will receive disciplinary action. inmate, right mission, and right prison) and, consequently, exhibit destructive behavior. Post and bid prevents managers from filling posts with the best-aualified staff. Managers indicated that staffing shortages are contributing to an increase in sick leave use for line staff. Managers expressed frustration about the inequity in pay resulting from compensation contracts negotiated by the R06 and S06 groLips. In addition, the pay inequity has resulted .in little incentive for qualified staff to assume managerial resDonsibilities. CustodyfTreatment SUDervisors Staff-Interviews Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters with 8 Deuel Vocational Institution Staff Safety Evaluation Corrective Action Plan November 2006 Reception Center (RC) inmates are averaging This is an on-going process. However, RC AW-RC more than 90 days at DVI before they are inmates are currently averaging 73 days before being transferred. This is based on transferred to another institution. the Third Quarter 2006 COMPSTAT data. On-going Crowding at DVI increases the pressure on staff Training is provided to all Custody staff on all AW-RC AND AW-CS On-going to provide the basic services to the inmates. As a inmate services result. supervisory staff indicate that custody staff take shortcuts to com plete these basic activities. Supervisors said that custody and non-custody Weekly Quality Management Committee 1ST LT., AW-CS. AW- On-going staff would benefit from additional mental health meetings are held with Custody Staff and RC,AW-BS traininQ. Medical Staff. CustodY Staff-Interviews with Line Staff N/A Staff reported that they felt comfortable and No action necessary. uNOTE: On page 3, N/A satisfied with the safety equipment that is issued there is finding regarding safety vests not to them at the institution. being issued to MTA's and CC-I's. They arA "Une staff" as well MTA and CCI staff reported they have not been Same as above. fitted or issued a stab-resistant vest at DVI Crowding is a major safety concern with line staff. Headquarters Headquarters Line staff expressed a desire to be better Safety alerts are shared with staff when the informed of relevant safety issues (e.g., riot at prison receives the documentation. Other prison Watch Commanders are contacted another institution) for information when reports come out on possible safety issues etc. To get the most updated information to share with staff. Interviews with Non-Custodv Staff Some short-term contract employees have not A Orientation and Clinician Evaluation HeM received the mandated CDCR employee Tracking Log is faxed every Monday to the orientation. Compliance Unit 9 On-going On-going Deuel Vocational Institution Staff Safety Evaluation Corrective Action Plan November 2006 During a one-hour period each morning (3:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m.) there is no uniformed officer assigned to supervise 25-30 inmates as they are preparing breakfast in the kitchen area. Covered by the North Corridor Officer. AW-CS Culinary staff and safety staff are authorized to supervise inmates. Culinary staff have received training and are compensated for supervising inmates. On-going The psychiatric staff assigned to the Reception Weekly Quality Management Committee HCM, AW-RC, AW- On-going Center stated that they would like a better line of meetings are held with Custody Staff and CS communication between their office and custody Medical Staff. staff. 10