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Dc Doc Inmate Handbook

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Inmate Rights
Admission and Orientation
Personal Property
Housing Unit Rules
Personal Hygiene, Laundry and Grooming
Smoke Free Facility
Inspections-Search, Counts, Lockdown, Sanitation, Emergency Drills,
Staff Contact
Movement, Escorted Trips
Emergency Procedures
Use of Force
Medical Service
Drug Testing and K-9 Drug Surveillance
Inmate Finance-Receiving and Releasing Money from Inmate
Legal Access – Attorney Visits, Legal Mail, Law Library
Inmate Grievance Program (IGP)
Media Access
Telephone, Visiting, Mail
Inmate Records
Programs-Case Mgmt., Recreation, Work, Education, Religious,
Substance Abuse, Reentry, Release
Prevention and Elimination of Sexual Abuse
PM 5300.1 Inmate Disciplinary and Administrative Hearing
Inmate Disciplinary Code of Offenses
Prehearing Detention, Criminal Prosecution
Disciplinary Report, Investigation
Informal Resolution – Class III and Class IV offenses
Disciplinary Hearings
Representation, Hearing Board/Officer
Appeals and Dismissals
Disciplinary Detention Restrictions
Administrative Segregation
Housing Board Hearings
Housing Board Re-hearings
Administrative Segregation Privileges




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The DC Department of Corrections (DOC) Central Detention Facility
(CDF also popularly called the DC Jail) is a multi-custody level facility
located at 1901 D Street SE, Washington, DC 20003. CDF is the point
of entry after arraignment and commitment by DC Superior Court, U.S.
District Court or US Marshal detainment. CDF houses pretrial
detainees, misdemeanants, unsentenced felons, as well as convicted
and sentenced felons pending transfer to another facility, jurisdiction or
It is DOC policy to provide a safe, secure and orderly environment for
employees, inmates and the surrounding community.
This handbook explains facility rules, regulations and procedures that
you must follow. Security and safety are in place for everyone’s
protection and will not be compromised.
DOC will post policy or rule changes that might affect you, on housing
unit bulletin boards, make them available in the library and otherwise
communicate them to you via housing unit staff.
If you have questions concerning any matter, ask the employee
stationed in your housing unit, your case manager or send an Inmate
Request slip to the department that is responsible for your particular
INMATE RIGHTS. It is DOC policy to ensure that you are treated fairly
and your legal rights are respected. You have the following rights:
(1) To access legal assistance (courts, attorney, law materials,
diplomatic representation, grievance procedures);
(2) To be protected from personal abuse, corporal punishment, personal
injury, disease, property damage or harassment;
(3) To be protected from other inmates having power over you;
(4) Freedom in personal grooming as outlined in DOC policy;
(5) Access to health care;
(6) Adequate food/nutrition;
(7) Freedom from discrimination based on race, religion, national origin,
gender, sexual orientation, disability and any prohibited discrimination
provided in DC law when determining housing and program participation;
(8) Access to uniform procedures at disciplinary and housing hearings;
(9) Access to programs, services and activities (except when
participation presents a threat to the security, safety, or orderly operation
of the facility). If you cannot attend a program because of administrative
reasons, DOC will attempt to make reasonable accommodations. You
cannot participate in programs while you are in disciplinary segregation.
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Receiving and Discharge (R&D)
While in R&D you will be asked basic personal information; you must
submit to a strip search; shower and change into a CDF issued uniform;
be fingerprinted and photographed; and a wristband ID will be placed on
you. You must surrender all unauthorized personal belongings (See
“Personal Property” section). You will sign a property receipt of items
taken and items you were allowed to keep. DOC will store your ID (ex:
Drivers license) until you are released. CDF will allow family to pick up
your personal property within 15 days. Personal property (except
jewelry) is destroyed after 15 days.
Medical Screening
You will receive a medical, dental and mental health screening. Health
care providers will discuss any applicable treatment plan with you. They
will advise you on important health precautions and how to access
health care services.
Medical Hold
To protect you and others from communicable diseases, you may be
held in restricted housing if you do not submit to medical screening.
Communications Assistance
Translators or the AT&T Language Line will help if you do not speak
English. DOC provides signing or related communications devices to
assist if you have a hearing impairment.
Intake Unit
You will be placed in an intake unit or other appropriate housing. You
may be housed in Intake for several days during which time your case
manager will interview you. Initial classification will be held to determine
your custody and where you will be housed. You will receive information
about the facility to include programs, services and activities, rules,
housing and discipline procedures.
You may keep the following items when you are admitted:
One plain wedding band (no stones, gems) valued at $50 or less
Prescribed medical devices: (prescription glasses, dentures, medical
alert bracelet/necklace, hearing aids, artificial limbs, brace, etc)
One religious medallion or rosary valued at $50 or less. It must not be a
size or shape that can be used a s a potential weapon or escape device
One watch valued at $50 or less
One approved religious headgear
Tennis shoes that you wore into the facility (value limit of $50)
Legal documents about your current case
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CDF will issue the following items to you. You must sign for and are
responsible for proper care of all items that CDF issues to you.
A bedroll containing one blanket, 1 towel, 2 sheets and a hygiene kit.
Males. 2 pairs of under shorts, 2 pairs of socks, 2 undershirts, and 2
jumpsuits (clean, properly fitted and in good condition). 1 pr. of thermal
underwear--issued October 15-March 30 upon your written request.
Females. 2 pairs of underpants, 2 bras, 2 undershirts, 2 pairs of socks
and 2 jumpsuits (clean, properly fitted and in good condition). 1 pr. of
thermal underwear –issued Oct 15-March 30 upon your written request.
You will be able to exchange your soiled clothing and linen including
towels for clean items at least once a week. You may request
replacement underclothing using the Inmate Request Slip every 60 days.
Hygiene kits are available to inmates who have no money to purchase
You may purchase underclothing and hygiene items from canteen. You
are limited to the number of clothing articles as listed below.
Personal Clothing Limits
Males: 1 pr. tennis; 1 pr. shower shoes; 1 religious headgear; 7 pr. each
of socks, under-shorts and T-shirts.
Females: 1 pr. tennis; 1 pr. shower shoes; 1 religious headgear; 7 pr
each socks, bras and panties.
Other Approved Items:
Toiletries (1 each), pens/pencils, writing paper, stamps, legal papers, 10
photos (no nudity, swimsuits or exotic poses), and prayer rug.
You must be able to store all items, including legal materials, in your
locker. You may store books and toiletries on your desk. You can only
store your shoes and prayer rug on the floor.
You cannot sell, give or trade your personal property. You are subject to
discipline if you do or if another inmate’s property is found in your
possession. DOC shall seize unauthorized/excess property and either
release it to someone you designate or destroy it.
Claims for Lost/Stolen Property
You may file an Inmate Grievance (IGP) regarding property that is lost,
stolen or damaged through no negligence of your own. You will not be
compensated property loss when you do not have a property receipt.
Release of Property to Law Enforcement Officials
While in custody, your personal effects and clothing may be turned over
to law enforcement officials with or without a warrant or subpoena.
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CDF has single and double cell housing.
All inmates are expected to respect others when sharing common
equipment such as telephones, television, chairs, tables, recreational
games and equipment and all inmates must respect others property.
Television is for everyone’s use. Only staff shall control programs that
are viewed.
Inmates shall not be verbally or physically abusive to staff or each other.
No shouting, running, horse playing or other loud or disorderly behavior.
You shall not bang on windows, cell bars/doors or tables.
You shall not loiter or stand around the cell of any inmate who is on
You cannot loiter on the tiers or stairs between the upper and lower tiers.
You shall not crowd around the control bubble or exit doors. You must
stay at least 5 ft away from exit doors.
You shall not loiter around program offices unless authorized when
awaiting services.
You shall not deface, tamper with or destroy DOC issued property.
You shall help keep common areas clean when assigned.
You shall place trash in provided trashcans. You shall not stand or sit
on trashcans.
You are responsible for damage to DOC property issued to you and
when you deliberately damage your cell. The Officer in Charge (OIC) or
other correctional staff will inspect your cell before you are placed in it.
You must report any broken items to the OIC with 24 hours,
Only a supervisor or the Compliance Officer can change your cell or bed
You must ensure that staff secures your cell when you exit.
You must keep your cell area clean and your property neatly stored in
your locker. You will be issued cleaning supplies for this purpose.
You shall not sleep in the nude or on the floor.
You shall make your bed by 8 am and it must remain made until 10 pm.
You shall not hang clothes or covers on cell doors or the tier and you
shall not cover windows.
You shall not cover vents, light fixtures, cell doors or cell bars. You shall
not clog toilets and sinks.
You shall be fully clothed when exiting your cell to include going to and
returning from the shower area.
You shall not attempt to hang photographs or other items on cell walls.
You can not bring your pillow, blanket, wash cloth/ towel into the
dayrooms, dining area or gym.
You shall eat in the dining area unless you are on restricted status.
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You cannot take uneaten food to your cell except for 2 pieces of fruit
which you must eat the same day.
You must tightly cover and store canteen food items so they will not
attract pests.
You must maintain an acceptable level of personal hygiene. Showers,
laundry, linen & clothing exchange, barber and shaving are regularly
made available. You are subject to discipline for failure to keep yourself
and your cell clean and sanitary.
SMOKE FREE FACILITY. No one can smoke in the CDF. Tobacco
products, matches and cigarette lighters are contraband.
DOC shall search inmates, inmate housing units, individual cells,
program and work areas. Most searches (shakedowns) are randomly
conducted. Narcotics detection dogs are also used during searches.
You do not have the right to be present during the search. If you are
present during the inspection, you must cooperate with staff. Staff will
confiscate contraband and excess property during searches.
You are subject to regular and random pat searches.
You are subject to a strip search when (1) there is reason to believe that
you are concealing contraband on your person; (2) before placing you in
a special housing unit; (3) before and after contact visits, escorted trips,
or when returning from a community status; and (4) when you are first
admitted. Only medical staff are authorized to conduct inspections of
body cavities. Generally you will be placed in a dry cell for detection and
release of concealed contraband.
Inmates must return to their housing unit and individual cell for counts.
You will not be released from your cell, housing unit or the facility until
the count has cleared. TV’s and radios shall be turned off. You must
remain in plain view, in full uniform and you must be prepared to display
your armband to staff. You must be silent and shall not attempt to talk to
or distract staff who are conducting the count.
You shall be locked in your cell at night, during counts and at other times
as authorized. When lockdown is announced, you must immediately
return to your cell and doors will be secured.
Emergency lockdowns may be ordered at any time.
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Each morning or afternoon the Housing Unit supervisor will conduct an
inspection to make sure everything is clean and orderly. Your bed must
be made, you must be in full uniform and standing by your bunk. You or
the inspector will check plumbing, lights, vents and your general living
area. The Zone Lieutenant may also regularly inspect housing units.
Emergency Drill Inspections
You may be required to participate in mock lockdown and evacuation
drills. You must move quickly and quietly and obey officer and Fire
Safety staff’s orders.
Warden’s Inspection
The Warden, Deputy Wardens, correctional supervisors and other
managers shall regularly inspect the facility and conduct other mass
inspections. Generally, managers will allot time to your address general
issues during the inspection period.
Your case manager and housing unit staff are your primary contacts to
address issues. You may obtain a request slip from the housing unit
officer to request assistance from the Chaplain, Chief C&P, law library,
Records Officer, Deputy Wardens or the Warden.
Inmates move through the facility to authorized areas with passes or
correctional escort. You must move quickly and quietly and go directly
to your approved destination. You must obey instructions from staff
along the way. You are subject to searches before, during and after
DOC provides armed transports for court appearances; outside medical
care and institutional transfers. You may be considered for escorted
local trips to private viewing of a deceased relative, to visit a dying
immediate family member and for community work programs.
You must immediately report any signs of fire or smoke to staff. In
emergencies, staff may direct you to move to another area in the unit,
take cover in your cell or evacuate the unit/facility. Evacuation routes are
posted in your housing unit and throughout the facility.
Should a riot or disturbance occur, inmates not involved will be given a
chance to leave the area of trouble. You must follow staff instructions.
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Correctional Officers will use force and apply restraints when
necessary to protect a person from injury, to prevent property damage,
prevent escapes or to enforce rules and regulations. Force will be just
enough to maintain control of the situation.
You may be separated from another inmate(s) when needed. The
court may order your separation from the entire population. You may
request protective custody (PC) or DOC may place you in involuntary
PC when there is evidence of safety or security issues. You will
receive regular reviews to determine if it is appropriate to remove the
DOC serves 3 nutritionally balanced meals daily. Pork and pork byproducts are not used. A physician may place you on a medical diet.
You may request a religious diet through the Chaplain. General
population inmates eat in the dayroom; segregated inmates eat in their
cell. You will receive a bag lunch when you are at Court or are out of
the facility for medical care.
DOC does not charge inmates a co-pay fee for medical treatment.
At Medical Screening and Orientation, you will learn how to access
health care and basic health precautions you should follow.
Medical Records. Your medical records are confidential. Information
is only shared with appropriate staff on a need-to-know basis.
Types of Medical Care: Health screening and assessment; medical
clearance for work details; sick call to receive medication or routine,
chronic and emergency care and hospitalization; detoxification; eye
glasses; dental; pharmacy; specialty clinics and OB-GYN (females).
Refusing Medical Care. You may refuse medical, dental and mental
health care services. Your refusal must be in writing. When you
refuse, medical staff may explain the importance of the care they
Sick Call. You should be seen within one day (Monday-Friday) of
submitting a sick call request.
Interpreters (staff or via telephone) shall help you to communicate
with medical staff when your English is limited.
Condoms may be obtained during medical intake, sick call, medical
visits, discharge planning interviews and at release. DOC prohibits
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sexual activity between inmates but is obligated to provide the added
health precaution.
You are subject to random testing and targeted testing when there is
reason to believe you have used or are under the influence of illegal
drugs. Drug dogs are used inside/outside CDF to detect narcotics.
Receiving Money in Your Account
Inmate Finance shall deposit money you had at admission; from work
detail; and postal money orders, bank and cashiers checks mailed by
family and friends. The check/money order must be payable to you and
include your full name and DCDC#. Inmate Finance will issue you a
receipt. Posting to your account for spending takes 10 business days.
Contact your case manager if you have problems with your account.
Releasing Money from Your Account
You may authorize DOC to release funds from your account to an
attorney, bail bondsman, family member or friend. DOC will issue cash
from the Inmate Finance Office 1901 D St SE Tues-Fri 1pm-2pm. The
person must have positive photo identification. Mailing your funds to
someone takes 15 business days.
Inmate Finance will deduct a percentage of your funds each month when
restitution is court ordered.
When transferred to another institution, Inmate Finance will send your
funds by check or money order within 30 days.
When released from custody you may claim your funds in person at the
Inmate Finance Office, Tues-Fri 1pm-2pm.
You may spend $75 a month. There is a limit on the number/amount of
some products you can buy. Special management inmates may not be
able to purchase everything canteen sells. Inmate Finance will
determine if you have enough money in your account. If not, you may
receive a partial order. Your purchase will be directly delivered to you.
Legal Visits
Your attorney of record, your attorney’s agents/investigators and
practicing legal interns can visit you 24 hours per day 7 days a week.
You can refuse a legal visit. You must sign consent to allow the legal
visitor to take photographs, video or audio recordings.
You may be escorted or sent by pass to the visiting hall. You are subject
to pat search when leaving the housing unit and before the visit. You
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will be strip searched after the visit. The visitor cannot give you any
items (including legal documents to keep after the visit). You will
remain partially hand-cuffed during the visit if under special status.
Legal Mail
Incoming. Legal mail shall be opened in your presence only to inspect
for contraband. Staff cannot read your legal mail. You must sign a
receipt when you receive legal mail.
Outgoing. You can seal mail that is addressed to the courts,
attorneys and public officials. It will not be read, censored or copied.
General population inmates may visit the law library. See your
housing officer for the schedule. Both inmates in segregation and
general population may send a request slip for legal materials.
You should try to resolve matters by sending a request slip or
discussing the complaint with the staff member or a supervisor.
If this does not work, you may file an IGP within 15 days of the
incident. You cannot file a IGP about any of the following issues.
a. Parole Commission decisions,
b. Decisions of the Adjustment or Housing Boards
c. Classification Committee decisions,
d. Requests under Freedom of Information Act,
e. Inmate Accident Claims, Tort Claims,
f. Complaints filed on behalf of other inmates, and
g. Group complaints.
Your IGP must be about one (1) specific incident or complaint.
Do not file more than one copy of the same complaint.
You may obtain the IGP (Blue form) from the housing unit staff. You
can use plain paper too. Include your name, DCDC #, tell what
happened, when it happened and what you think will settle the matter.
Sign your name.
Place the IGP in the locked box marked “Grievances”.
The IGP Coordinator or designee collects IGPs Monday--Friday.
A supervisor or manager shall investigate your complaint and respond
to your issue with 3 weeks.
The Warden shall review the supervisor’s recommendation and make
a decision.
You will receive the written decision with reasons for the action taken.
First Appeal. You may file an appeal to the Deputy Director within 5
days of receipt of the Warden’s decision. Attach a copy of the
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Warden’s decision. The Deputy Director will respond in writing in 21
Final Appeal. You may appeal the Deputy Director’s decision to the
Director, DOC within 5 days of receipt of the Deputy Director’s report.
Include a copy of the Warden’s and the Deputy Director’s decision. You
should receive a response within 21 calendar days.
Emergency IGP. If you are in harm’s way and the matter is an
emergency or very sensitive, you may send your IGP straight to the
Director. Write “Emergency IGP” on the sealed envelope and send it
through regular institutional mail or place it in the IGP locked box. The
Director will respond in 3 days of receipt.
DOC may allow the media to interview you by phone for 30 minutes with
your written consent. DOC does not permit interviews for entertainment
magazines or entertainment television.
Case managers will assist with emergency and program related calls.
Social Calls. Telephones are in each housing unit. Use your Personal
Identification Number (PIN) to make the collect call. Three-way calling is
not permitted. You can only make one call at a time. The call may be for
up to 10 minutes. No matter how short your call is, you must move to
the end of the line before you can make another call. You shall not
shout or curse when talking on the phone. DOC records/monitors phone
conversations for security reasons.
Eligible: All inmates except those on disciplinary detention
Visits are Non contact
Hrs: Mon-Fri 12 noon – 7pm Length: Two (2) 30-minute visits a week
Visitors must arrive at visitor’s control by 6pm
# Visitors: Up to two (2) adults and three (3) minors (18 & under)
Visitor ID: 18yrs and older – valid DC/State issued photo ID
Former inmates/Probation/Parole require the Warden’s permission to
visit (see your case manager).
DOC employees need the Warden’s permission to visit inmate who is an
immediate relative.
Emergency Visits. Contact your case manager
You may refuse a visit.
The Warden may temporarily suspend or modify the visiting schedule.
There is a Notice Posted at Visitors Control telling visitors that searches
are required; about items they can bring; possible arrest for illegal
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items; the dress code; and reasons visits can be denied/terminated.
Inmate Dress Code: Jumpsuits buttoned/zippered, white t-shirts under
You will be searched before and after visits
Long Term Visitor Suspension. Visitors may be suspended as
followed. You or your visitor can appeal to the Deputy Director.
Minor contraband – 30 days to 1 year suspension
Major Contraband – 1 year to permanent and criminal prosecution
Disorderly Conduct – 30 days to 1 year
Refusing Search – 30 days to 1 year
Minor Incidents – 30 days to 1 year
Major Incidents – 1 year to permanent termination
You can mail three (3) regular size letters free of charge each week if
you do not have funds in your account.
You may purchase writing paper and postage stamps via canteen.
Staff picks up outgoing mail from the unit mailbox and incoming mail is
delivered to you Mon-Fri.
Magazines, Books and Newspapers: You may only purchase
magazines and newspapers mailed directly from the publishing
company. You cannot receive pornographic magazines.
The Records Office has your official file with commitment papers, face
sheet, classification etc. The Federal Bureau of Prisons computes
sentences for felons. Send your case manager or Records Office staff
a request slip when you have questions about sentence computation.
Your institution records are confidential and you must sign consent to
release information except when it is a matter of public record.
Public Records: Upon written request, DOC will issue information
about you without your consent such as your name, DCDC number,
full description (e.g., sex, race, height, weight, complexion, hair color,
eye color, build, and any identifying marks), criminal charges,
sentence, date of sentence(s), mandatory release date, full term date,
dates of jail credits, earned good time, detainers, judgment &
commitment order, date of birth. Your institutional photograph (“mug
shot”) shall only be released upon your consent or the Director’s
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Records Review: You may review your institutional record and obtain
copies of documents by writing a request to the Records Administrator.
Records will contact your case manager to further assist in this process.
DOC will not show you reports prepared by other agencies (ex: Pretrial
Services or MPD). You must mail a request to that agency’s Freedom of
Information Officer. For more information ask your case manager or
request a copy of PM 1300.1 FOIA from the law library.
Case Management
A case manager will interview you at intake. Case Managers have
offices on each housing unit and will meet with you within 72 hours of
assignment to a housing unit. Case Managers shall assist you with
orientation, classification, employment and program participation, and
release planning.
Indoor/Outdoor Recreation
Schedules for outdoor recreation are posted on each housing unit.
Indoor recreation includes board games, gym, general & educational TV.
Inmate Work Programs/ Details
Sentenced inmates are required to work. Pre-trial inmates can volunteer
to work. CDF has a variety of jobs. Pay varies by job type and the length
of time in the position. Some jobs require a medical clearance.
Youth: DC law requires you to attend school until your 18th birthday.
DOC enforces this rule. DC Public Schools (DCPS) conducts classes at
Special Education: If you were in special education or it is determined
that you need services, DCPS will provide services until you turn 22
years old.
Adult Education: CDF provides Adult Basic Education and GED classes.
Send a request to the Academic Program or contact your case manager.
Educational Good Time: Sentenced inmates who maintain good conduct
and who complete educational programs may receive good time credits
to reduce the time served.
Chaplain and Religious Services
Inmates have the right to attend or practice the faith of choice. Religious
service schedules are posted in your unit. Submit a request slip to the
Chaplain for additional help. Chaplains give religious counseling.
Chaplains also recommend approval/denial of inmate marriage requests.
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Substance Abuse Programs
The courts or your case manager may refer you or you may request it.
You may receive release preparation and counseling. Prior to release
you may be referred for community based health care, family and child
services, housing, employment and educational assistance.
Release: (This section does not include transfers to other facilities or
state/federal jurisdiction).
Inmates are released from CDF by court order or sentence expiration.
You will be released by 10pm with your personal property, a DOC
issued photo ID card (good for 60 days), community resources manual
and a public transportation token or fare card.
Sexual Assault
DOC prohibits sexual assault and shall seek criminal prosecution of
staff and inmates who violate the law. Sexual assault is forced sexual
contact through violence or intimidation.
Sexual Abuse
Even if you consent, the law requires and DOC strictly enforces the
rule that employees who engage in sexual acts or sexual contact with
you will be disciplined, terminated or referred for criminal prosecution.
Sexual Acts is penetration of your vulva or anus using the penis,
mouth, finger or an object. (This does not include when a health care
provider uses their hands or fingers or medical devices while
investigating sexual abuse/assault or appropriate medical treatment
unrelated to sexual abuse/assault; or when performing body cavity
searches for security and safety within the facility consistent with
constitutional requirements).
Sexual Contact is fondling your body (clothed or unclothed).
Sexual Misconduct. You are also protected from:
Sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is when (1) staff makes
obscene or sexually offensive advances, gestures and comments; (2)
makes promises in return for sexual acts/contact or threatens you for
refusing sexual acts/contact or (3) for making a complaint of sexual
misconduct. Promises include, among other things, influence over
your safety, custody, privacy, privileges, work detail or program status.
Invasion of Privacy: When staff watches or attempts to watch you for
their sexual pleasure.
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Inmate Discipline for Sexual Assault and Sexual Contact
Inmates who engage in the sexual assault of another individual shall
be referred for criminal prosecution. DOC shall take appropriate
administrative actions to ensure that the predator is segregated.
Inmates who engage in sexual contact with another inmate shall be
disciplined in accordance with PM 5300.1C.
Inmates will be disciplined for knowingly and deliberately making false
reports or complaint of sexual abuse/assault or sexual misconduct.
What to Do When You Have Been Sexually Assaulted, Abused or
Subjected to Sexual Misconduct
Tell a staff member. They will confidentially report information directly to
the Warden or the highest official on duty.
Call the Confidential Sexual Misconduct Hotline at (202) 671-2851 from
any inmate telephone. The Office of Internal Affairs monitors the hotline.

If you have been sexually assaulted by an employee or another inmate
or if you have had sexual contact with an employee, it is very important
that you immediately report it so you can receive medical attention,
protection and local law enforcement can be notified. Follow all
instructions because there may be evidence on your body or clothing
that can help in the investigation.
Internal Investigation Procedures
The Office of Internal Affairs shall interview you and take action.
DOC may transfer the employee away from where you are housed and
forbid the employee from further contacting you. Both you and the
employee are not allowed to discuss this matter with each other.
DOC will try not to disrupt your housing or programming during the
investigation, but when appropriate you may be placed in Administrative
Segregation or transferred to another unit or institution.
DOC will notify you of scheduled interviews in advance and allow you to
contact your attorney. Your attorney cannot testify at the interview but
you can consult with him/her before answering questions. The
Investigator may tape-record all testimony and shall draft a statement
detailing testimony from each person who is interviewed.
DOC will notify you in writing of investigation findings and appeal
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a. Referral for Criminal Prosecution. Any of the following Class I
offenses alleged to have been committed in the institution may
be referred for prosecution.
b. Referral for prosecution does not restrict DOC from imposing
administrative discipline with corresponding penalties, outlined
in this Chapter, Section 3 “Penalties for Class I Major
101 Murder/Homicide
102 Manslaughter
103 Any Act of Terrorism - use, dissemination, or
detonation of a weapon of mass destruction,
manufacture or possession of a weapon of mass
104 Kidnapping
105 Burglary – First degree
106 Armed Robbery
107 Assault with Serious Injury is when the victim sustains
serious injury that requires urgent and immediate
medical treatment and restricts the victim’s usual
activity. Medical treatment is more extensive than first
aid such as the application of bandages to wounds.
Medical treatment might include stitches, setting broken
bones, treatment of concussion, etc.
(a) Willfully or forcefully causing serious bodily injury
to another inmate, a correctional employee,
volunteer, contract worker or visitor; or
(b) Willfully or forcefully causing serious bodily injury
with a weapon or by any means to any person; or
(c) Physically assaulting, resisting, opposing,
impeding or interfering with any person.
108 Assault by Throwing Substances such as liquids,
blood, waste, chemicals, urine, etc.
109 Sexual Abuse Inmate-Upon-Inmate
(a) The carnal knowledge, oral sodomy, sexual assault
with an object or sexual fondling of a person,
forcibly or against that person’s will;
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(b) The carnal knowledge, oral sodomy, sexual assault
with an object or sexual fondling of a person not
forcibly or against the person’s will where the victim is
incapable of giving consent because of his/her youth
or temporary or permanent mental or physical
incapacity; or
(c) The carnal knowledge, oral sodomy, sexual assault
with an object or sexual fondling of a person achieved
through the exploitation of the fear or threat of
physical violence or bodily injury.
• Carnal Knowledge -- Contact between the penis
and the vulva or the penis and the anus, including
penetration, however slight.
• Oral Sodomy -- Contact between the mouth and
the penis, the mouth and the vulva or the mouth
and the anus.
• Sexual Assault with an Object -- The use of any
hand, finger, object or other instrument to
penetrate, however slightly, the genital or anal
opening of the body of another person.
• Sexual Contact -- The touching of the private
body parts of an inmate (including the genitalia,
anus, groin, breast, inner thigh or buttocks) for the
purpose of sexual gratification.

Escape includes:
(a) Breach of the perimeter of a secure facility, or
(b) Attempted Escape - The attempted breach of the
perimeter of a secure facility or tampering with and/or
damaging any part of the perimeter including but not
limited to windows, bars, and cell doors;
(c) Instigating and/or assisting the perimeter breach or
attempted perimeter breach by another inmate; or
(d) Escape From Outside of a Secure DOC Facility –
When in the custody of the DOC and while under the
supervision of DOC personnel or its agents, escapes
from supervision while outside of the secure
perimeter (including from a work detail, medical or
court visit or while being transported);

Page 17

(e) Willfully failing to return to the facility by the time
designated on a community release activity pass.

Possession of Major Contraband. Major
Contraband is any item in an inmate’s possession or
control (to include within his or her cell, clothing or
immediate surroundings) that is illegal by law or
expressly prohibited by those legally charged with the
administration and operation of the facility. Items of
Major Contraband include but are not limited to:
(a) A knife; blackjack; gun; sharp, blunt or pointed
objects; other articles used as dangerous weapons;
tool; rope; civilian clothing; uniform; toxic or
flammable fluids or substance or syringe.
(b) Unauthorized locking device, key, lock, pick or
other device capable of destroying, altering,
interfering with or damaging any security
(c) Illegal drug, marijuana, a controlled substance or a
narcotic unless a doctor has authorized its use to
include possession, having control of, using,
making or being under the influence. Possessing a
another inmate’s prescription medication that
contains a narcotic or controlled substance.

2. The following offenses may incur the maximum penalties outlined
in this Chapter under Section 3 “Penalties for Class I Major
112 Assault Without Serious Injury
113 Restraint is willfully constraining another person under
circumstances which expose the other person to a risk
of bodily injury.
114 Arson is willfully starting a fire or causing an explosion,
which damages personal or institutional property.
115 Tampering With a Witness or Informant is:
(a) Attempting to induce, inducing, or otherwise
causing a witness or informant to testify or inform
falsely or to withhold any testimony or information
or other evidence; or
(b) Retaliating or attempting to retaliate for anything
done by another person in his or her capacity as a
Page 18




witness or informant.
Bribery is willfully, directly or indirectly, giving, offering, or
promising anything of value to another inmate, employee,
volunteer or other authorized visitor with the intent:
(a) To influence any official act or any act within the
official responsibility of any person;
(b) To induce any person to do or omit doing any act in
violation of his or her duty; or
(c) To induce any person to introduce contraband into
the facility.
Inciting to Riot. A riot is a wild or violent disorder,
confusion or disturbance. Inciting to riot is purposefully:
(a) Urging a group of two or more other inmates to
engage in a current or impending disturbance or
disruptive event; or
(b) Giving direction to a group of two or more inmates to
cause, continue, or enlarge a violent or tumultuous
disturbance or disruptive event.
Engaging in a Disruptive Event. A disruptive event is an
incident brought on by the inmate’s action that resulted in
serious injury to staff or other inmates and/or loss of
control of the facility or a portion of the facility and required
extraordinary measures to regain control. Loss of control
of the facility is defined as a situation in which inmates are
acting in concert to disrupt facility operation and refuse to
comply with lock down orders. They may take hostages or
appear to be prepared for physical conflict. Hostile intent
is apparent and threats are noted. Extraordinary
measures are required to regain control such as sending in
a significant number of ERT, firing shots.

found guilty at the disciplinary hearing, shall be subject to one or
more of the following:
a. Disciplinary Detention may be for up to the remainder of your
sentence or release from custody. Only the Warden shall
approve continuous disciplinary detention for more than 30 days.
b. Referral to Classification for consideration in a change in custody
status that may also result in a change in an inmate’s housing
Page 19

c. Loss of privileges for up to ninety (90) days (privileges are
defined in this Chapter, Section 10 “Restrictions While In
Disciplinary Detention”); or Loss of work assignment.
d. Repetition of a Class II Offense. If found guilty, an inmate who
is found to have three (3) or more repeated violations of a
particular Class II offense during the current period of
incarceration, may receive allowable penalties of a Class I
201 Class II Assault. Willfully subjecting an employee of
the DOC to offensive bodily contact
202 Extortion, blackmail protection is demanding or
receiving money or anything of value in return for
protection against others, to avoid bodily harm, or under
threat of informing.
203 Threatening conduct is
(a) Communicating intent to injure another person or
commit a crime of violence or an unlawful act
dangerous to human life that:
(1) Places another person in fear of serious bodily
(2) Causes evacuation of a building; or
(3) Causes serious disruption or alarm.
(b) Willfully compelling or inducing another person to
engage in conduct from which the latter has a legal
right to abstain or prohibiting conduct in which
he/she has a legal right to engage, by means of
instilling in that person a fear that non-compliance
with the demand will result in one of the following:
(1) Cause bodily injury to someone;
(2) Cause significant damage to property;
(3) Accuse someone of an offense or cause
charges to be instituted against someone.

Page 20







Possession of Serious Contraband. Serious
Contraband is any item in an inmate’s possession or
control (to include within his or her cell, clothing or
immediate surroundings) that is expressly prohibited by
those legally charged with the administration and operation
of the facility. Items of Serious Contraband include but are
not limited to:
Any intoxicating beverage to include possession,
having control of, making, using or being under
the influence.
Smoking materials and tobacco products.
Currency or coins.
Cell phones and accessories.
Creating a Minor Disturbance is willfully causing a nonviolent disorder that disrupts the orderly operation of the
Sexual Activity is consensual activity between two
inmates or an inmate and a family member or another
during a social visit as follows:
(a) Homosexual Activity -- physical contact with the
genital parts, oral or anus of another person of the
same sex.
(b) Heterosexual Activity -- physical contact of the
breasts, genitalia, oral or anus of a person of the
opposite sex.
(c) Sexual Contact -- The intentional touching or fondling,
either directly or through clothing, of the private body
parts of another (including genitalia, anus, groin,
breast, inner thigh or buttocks) for the purpose of
sexual gratification.
Indecent Exposure is the intentional exposure of genital
parts to any person.
Theft is willfully taking or withholding the property of
another person or entity without permission, authorization
or authority.
Damage or destruction of property occurs when an
inmate destroys property belonging to the institution or to
any person or does damage to property of the District of
Columbia or any individual.
Possession of Stolen Property is having the property of
Page 21

another without written authorization of relinquishment that the
owner has submitted to the CDF property officer.
211 Disrespect is making any profane, obscene, or abusive
remark to, about, or in the presence of any employee,
volunteer or visitor.
212 Lack of Cooperation is:
(a) Willfully disobeying a valid order of a correctional
employee; or
(b) Failing to respond to any question or direction of
any employee of the Department or other custodial
213 Fighting is when two or more inmates engage in a
physical altercation leading to the exchange of blows or
bodily contact.
214 Illegal Enterprise is running a store or stockpiling
canteen in excess of authorized limits for the purpose of
profit or personal gain or providing unauthorized
services for payment.
215 Falsifying Physical Evidence is:
Altering, destroying, concealing, or removing anything,
with intent to impair its authenticity or
availability in any official investigation or
proceeding; or
Presenting or using anything that is known to be false
with intent to deceive an employee or anyone who is or
will be involved in the proceeding or investigation.
216 Forgery or Tampering is the fraudulent reproduction or
alteration of a document or other written item.
217 Lying is:
Making a willful, malicious and false report or
statement about an employee;
Making a false statement with intent to avoid
disciplinary action for violation of an institutional
regulation or to aid another inmate in such an
endeavor; or
Knowingly making a false statement about
another inmate with the intent of affecting the
inmate’s housing or program status.
Page 22





Impeding an Employee in the Performance of Duties is
intentionally obstructing, interfering, opposing or resisting
any employee in an investigation or the performance of
any duties.
Giving a False Alarm is communicating an untrue report
concerning a fire, explosion, or the present commission of
an assault, forcible sexual assault or kidnapping, or other
catastrophe or emergency where the report is likely to
cause the evacuation of a building or to cause the staff to
respond to an alarm.
Out of Bounds includes:
(a) Failure to report to an appointed place of duty or
assignment or any other place to which directed by
a valid order of an employee or regulations;
(b) Leaving any place where directed to remain by an
employee or institutional regulations; or
(c) Being in an unauthorized area.
Tampering with a locking device to include but not be
limited to cell doors, bars, grills, handcuffs, leg irons.

pursuant to Disciplinary Board procedures, the accused is found to
have committed a Class II Serious Offense, the inmate is subject to
any one or more of the following:
a. Disciplinary segregation for up to thirty (30) days. When an
inmate is found guilty of multiple Class II offenses, the maximum
sanction may be increased to up to sixty (60) days for the
combined violations that arose out of the one incident;
b. Loss of social visits, telephone or canteen purchase privileges for
up to ninety (90) days;
c. Extra duty; or
d. Loss of work assignment.
e. Execution of the imposed sanction may be suspended upon
conditions of the inmate maintaining clear conduct for a specified
time period;
f. Repetition of Class III Offenses. If found guilty, an inmate who is
found to have three (3) or more repeated violations of a particular
Class III offense during the current period of incarceration, may
receive allowable penalties of a Class II offense.
Page 23

301 Minor Contraband is:
(a) Possession of any article other than those defined as
major or serious contraband, which is not issued by the
institution, not purchased from the canteen, or not
specifically authorized by the Warden or designee; or
(b) The use of any article in a manner contrary to the intent or
provisions of issuance, purchase, or authorization.
302 Interference with the Orderly Operation of the
Facility is:
Engaging in loud or boisterous talk, laughter, whistling,
or other vocal expression, if such is, or may tend to be,
disruptive of order or a disturbance to others; or
(c) Willfully failing to proceed from place to place within the
institution in a prompt and orderly way; or
(d) Approaching or speaking to any visitor, unless first
authorized to do so by a correctional employee.
303 Gambling is:
(a) Playing any game for money or other things of
value, including, but not limited to cards or dice;
(b) Betting by those observing a game in person or
while listening to the radio or looking at television;
(c) Organizing any game of chance, lottery, betting
pool, or other means of gambling.
304 Misuse of Authorized Medication is hoarding or giving
personally prescribed medication to another inmate.
305 An Inmate Detail Worker’s Refusal to Work, Failure
to Perform Work as Instructed by the
Supervisor/Other Authorized Employee or
Unexcused Absence from Work or any Assignment.
pursuant to disciplinary procedures or through informal resolution
pursuant to this directive, the accused is found to have committed
a Class III Moderate Offense, the inmate is subject to any one or
more of the following. Execution of the imposed sanction may be
suspended upon conditions of the inmate maintaining clear
Loss of social visits, telephone or canteen purchase
privileges for up to sixty (60) days;
Page 24


Extra duty;
Loss of work assignment; or
If after a hearing and a finding of guilt, the imposition of
disciplinary segregation status that does not exceed ten days
Execution of the imposed sanction may be suspended upon
conditions of the inmate maintaining clear conduct for a
specified time period;
8. Repetition of Class III Offenses. If found guilty, an inmate who is
found to have three (3) or more repeated violations of a particular
Class III offense during the current period of incarceration, may
receive allowable penalties of a Class II offense.
Disorderly Appearance is an inmate’s failure to keep his
or her clothing and person reasonably clean and orderly;
Creating a Health, Safety, or Fire Hazard includes any
activities, which may cause a fire or creates a danger to
health and safety.
Abuse of Privileges is violating any institution regulation
dealing with a privilege such as telephone use or
removing food from the culinary area.
Abuse of Living Quarters is an inmate’s:
Failure to make his or her own bed neatly each
Failure to keep his or her own living quarters
clean and orderly; or
Failure to keep articles issued by the institution
or purchased from the canteen neatly in an
approved place.
Unauthorized Use of Property is taking, exercising
control over, or otherwise using property without consent
or authorization.
10. PENALTIES. If, after a hearing pursuant to disciplinary procedures
or through informal resolution pursuant to this directive, the accused
is found to have committed a Class IV Moderate Offense, the inmate
is subject to any one or more of the following.
a. Loss of social visits, telephone or canteen purchase privileges for
up to 30 days;
Page 25


Reprimand and Warning;
Confiscation of the item;
Extra duty; or
If after a hearing and a finding of guilt, the imposition of
disciplinary segregation status that does not exceed seven (7)
f. Execution of the imposed sanction may be suspended upon
conditions of the inmate maintaining clear conduct for a specified
time period;
g. Repetition of Class IV Offenses. If found guilty, an inmate who
is found to have three (3) or more repeated violations of a
particular Class IV offense during the current period of
incarceration, may receive allowable penalties of a Class III
A Lieutenant or a higher authority can place you in prehearing detention
pending the disciplinary hearing when there is evidence that you pose a
clear and present danger to yourself, others or to the security of the
facility. The Shift Commander will review placement within 24 hours to
determine if you should remain in segregation. The Warden will conduct
further review with 72 hours.
The DR shall include your name, DCDC #, Housing Unit, Cell # and the
squad when the incident occurred at your work site; the charges against
you including: (1) the specific rule(s) violated [example: Assault with
Serious Injury] and (2) the Code Reference [example: Class I, Section
106 (a)], (3) witnesses to the alleged offense; (4) a formal statement of
the charge to include who was involved, what happened and the time
and location of the incident, (5) any unusual behavior; (6) any physical
evidence and its disposition, (7) confidential information and any other
reports, memoranda, or records concerning an alleged offense shall be
attached to the investigative report, (8) any immediate action taken,
including the use of force, and (9) the reporting staff member’s signature
and date and time of the report.
Filing. The writer shall file the DR with the Shift Supervisor before
completion of the tour of duty on the day of the incident. With the Shift
Supervisor’s approval the DR may be submitted within 48 hours.
Completed by the Investigating Officer within 72 hours of the DR being
Page 26

filed. The Investigating Officer shall review the DR for accuracy (correct
charge(s), misspelled words, etc). The Investigation Officer will interview
and obtain statements from you and witnesses. The Investigating Officer
can (1) reject the DR when charges are not supported, (2) reduce the
charges, (3) with your cooperation, informally resolve a Class III or Class
IV offense or (4) refer the DR for a Hearing.
Informal Resolution Determination of Class III and Class IV
The Investigating Officer may accept your admission of guilt and impose
discipline like loss of privileges. Informal resolution does not include
disciplinary detention. Disciplinary detention requires a formal hearing.
You must sign paperwork that you agree with the informal resolution.
Any offers at informal resolution are not binding in any way on a Hearing
Officer or the Disciplinary Board in a formal hearing on the charges.
Admissions you made during informal resolution discussions can not be
used in a formal hearing on the charges if at the hearing you deny
previous statements, plead not guilty or decline to make a statement.
Notice of Formal Disciplinary Action and Procedures
The Investigating Officer will advise (1) you that discipline is pending, (2)
of your right to remain silent and that what you say can and may be used
against you at this and any subsequent proceedings.
The Investigating Officer will write down your statement or note when
you did not want to make a statement.
The Investigating Officer will give you a copy of the DR
You have the option of:
(1) a single Hearing Officer or a 3 member Disciplinary Board and
(2) a Public Defender Service representation for Class I offenses or a
DOC staff representative for Class II offenses.
You have a right to present evidence at the hearing and you should
advise the Investigating Officer of witnesses you want to call.
You will be asked to sign the Investigation Report to show you received
it. This is not admitting guilt.
Hearings are held Monday through Friday, except holidays.
You should have a hearing within 7 days (not including weekends and
holidays) of the alleged offense. The Hearing Officer will let you know 24
hours in advance of the hearing.
You may request a 3 business day continuance if your representative or
an important witness is not available or further investigation is needed.
Page 27

The legal representative or staff representative will (1) interview you
prior to the hearing, (2) talk to witnesses, (3) review statements and
charges, (4) make a statement and present evidence at the hearing and
(5) help you to present your defense.
Individuals selected to hear your case are staff who did not participate in
the incident in any way and must provide an impartial hearing.
You are required to attend the hearing unless you waive this in writing.
DOC may remove you from the hearing if your conduct dictates.
You will be informed or your rights.
The hearing will be taped or detailed notes will be taken. All reports and
evidence will be read to you.
You are allowed to make a statement/present evidence or remain silent.
You may hear witness testimony but only your representative or the
Board/ Officer can question witnesses. The number of witnesses will be
limited to those who can provide testimony to the incident without
everyone repeating the same testimony or when bringing the witness
poses a security problem.
The Board/Officer will decide and advise you of the finding of guilt or
innocence; if the finding is guilt, you or your representative can make a
final statement on your behalf.
The Board/Officer may review your institution record for past disciplinary
reports or your behavior to help determine appropriate discipline.
The Board/Officer will tell you its decision.
Within 5 business days, the Warden/designee will either (1) approve the
action, (2) dismiss the case, (3) reduce disciplinary detention time or (4)
send your case back for more review when the Board/Officer failed to
consider relevant evidence.
You or your representative may send a written appeal to the Warden
within 3 business days based upon challenge to the evidence of the
amount of punishment.
The Warden will provide you with a written decision within 5 business
days of receipt of your appeal.
The Disciplinary Officer shall remove the DR and evidence from your
record when you are found not guilty of the entire DR.
Page 28

No visits and phone calls for social reasons
30 minutes to shower and shave
No program participation (unless school is mandatory by law)
NOTE: Inmates placed in pre-detention are not subject to the following
A Lieutenant or higher official may place you on AS because of (1) a
court order; (2) for voluntary or involuntary protective custody when
there are identified enemies and/or threats; (3) when evidence supports
that you are a serious threat to others; (4) when evidence supports that
you are a definite escape risk because of actual or attempted escapes or
you are found with escape instruments; or (5) you are pending
prosecution for a crime you committed while incarcerated.
The Warden or designee shall review your status within 72 hours.
You will have a formal hearing within 7 business days of placement
unless facility emergency circumstances delay the hearing.
You can request a staff representative to assist you at the hearing.
Hearings are tape recorded or detailed notes are taken.
The reasons for AS placement and evidence used shall be read to you.
You or your representative may make a statement and present evidence
The Board will consider testimony, documents, witnesses and evidence
You will be verbally informed of the decision.
You must submit the appeal within 3 business days stating why you feel
the decision should be reversed. The Warden will issue a written
decision to your appeal within 3 business days of receipt of your appeal.
The Housing Board will review your status every 7 days for the first two
months to determine if you can be placed in less restrictive status. You
can send evidence on your behalf. You will only attend the hearing every
30 days during the first sixty days of AS.
After the first two months, the Housing Board will review your status
every 30 days and you will appear in person every 90 days. You will be
able to send evidence every 30 days.
When the Board determines there is no longer a risk, you may be
released to general population.
Page 29

Medical care, medication and access to basic personal care
Shower three times per week, hair care
Laundry exchange like general population
Books, visits, mail and telephone calls; religious counseling, canteen
Five (5) hours per week out-of-cell recreation
Special education and related services for eligible youthful offenders.
1270.1 Victims Information & Notification Everyday (VINE)
1300.1 Freedom of Information FOIA
1300.2 Consent to Release of Information
1340.2 Media Relations
3350.2 Prison Rape Elimination Act
Employee Code of Ethics
4020.1 Admissions and Orientation Program, Inmates
4030.1 Inmate Grievance Process (IGP)
4050.1 Inmate Property
4070.1 Telephone Access, Inmate
4070.4 Inmate Correspondence
4080.1 Inmate Visiting Regulations
4090.3 Classification and Reclassification
4110.7 Educational Programs
4151.1 Inmate Recreation Program
4160.3 Attorney Client Relationship
4160.4 Law Library
4160.6 Inmate Marriages
4161.1 Recording Legally Changed Name
4210.2 Non-Industrial Pay System
4220.1 Release Gratuities
4340.2 Educational Good Time Credits
4350.1 Sex Offender Registration
4353.3 Separation Cases
4410.1 Religious Program
4740.1 Culinary Workers Exam & Daily Workers Inspection
4923.1 Work Release Program
4923. 6 Mandatory Release to Supervision
5300.1 Inmate Disciplinary and Administrative Hearings
6060.1 Smoke Free Workplace
Page 30



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