Coos County Sheriff's Office Contract Summary With Wellpath-5th Amendment, 2019
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CJ 2020-0007 COMMISSIONERS' JOURNAL COOS COUNTY, OREGON Coos County Filing Cover Sheet TO: Coos County Clerk's Office FROM : Sheriff's Office 01/03/2020 9 :38:44 AM Please file the attached document in the selected category indicated in the box below using the following information: ·~ .·. . ,'ii. ') . . --~: :;,:-;. · -: to•inmissionef..journaf Falfo;gs .. ~- . ·..:· .. .< • .-~ ,-1,t ,,• . ., . . . . ..,. . . ... - - .... . . . .... ·--· - . .. . ..: : --· .·': - ---~ '•._ Affidavit of Publication Orders and/or .Resolutions Board of Commissioners Payroll Resolutions BoPTA Registry of Offices X Contracts & Agreements Special District Budget I::,pec1a1 U IStrlC[ Formations, Annexations, Dissoultions, Election Results County Budget County Code Vacation Proceeqings Minutes - BOC . .. .: . .". . .k- .. A ~· ' ' ~ ' ··-· INDEXING INFORMATION Affected Parties Names: Wellpath Subject of Document : _ __ _ Fifth Amendment Effective October 1, 2019 Resolution or Order#: Document Remarks: Amended by Removing Section 1.1.1 in its entiety and replacing it with the following - See Attached Date of Meeting or of Document: • • • . . • . ___ J December 3, 2019 FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR INMATE HEALTH CARE SERVICES AT COOS COUNTY, OREGON · This Fifth Amendment. effeclive October I, 2019 (this "Amendment"), to the Agreement for -Inmate Health Care Services, effective September I, 20'I 6 (the "Agreement"), is by and between the County of Coos, a political subdivisioT) of the State of Oregon (hereinafter, "County") and Wellpat~ LLC (hereinafter, ·'Wellpath"). WHEREAS, the Parties wish to ·modify the Agreement to set new timetables for initial screenings and to futther clarify the duties and obligations of the Pa.rties; and WHE~EAS, in accordance with Section I 1.15, the Patties desire to amend the Agreement and memorialize such changes. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contafoed and other good and vaiuable consideration, the r~ceipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: I. RECITALS. The Patties hereto incorporate the foregoing redtals as ·a material portion of this Amendment. · · 2. AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE I OF THE AGREEMENT. The Agreement shall be amended by removing Section 1. 1.1 in its entirety and replacing it with the following: 1.1.1 RECEIVING ·scREENING. A receiving screenfog of a COVERED PERSON shall be ·performed as soon as possible after the COVERED PERSON's booking into the JAIL, not to exceed 16 hours after the COVERED PERSON's arrival at the JAIL. Wellpath staff shall be responsible for prioritizing the screening of COVERED PERSONS based on all_available information and in accordance with the professional judgment of We II path staff. 3. SEVERABILITY. If any terms or provisions of this Amendment or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall to any extent be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Amendment or the application of such tenn or provision to person or circumstance other than those as-to.which it is held invalid or unenforceable shall not be affected thereby and each term and provision of this Amendment shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 4. DEFINITIONS. Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them under the Agreerilent. 5. REMAINING PROVISIONS. The remaining provisions of the Agreement not amended by this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. · Page I of2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Amendment to be executed in their names or their official acts by their respective representatives, each of whom is duly authorized to execute the same. AGREED AND ACCEPTED AS STATED ABOVE: COOSCOUNTY,OREGON WELLPATH LLC By:L;!_ By: L b/l(l(l,(S Name: /#1:t>r' ~.d/1 17: vv tU17/rlYV Name: Cindy Watson., . :JA, <- tlw,,,m,u.J.lJE/?... Title: President, Local Government Health Title: · Date: //- /4-- / 9 Date: 11/14/2019 Page2 of2