Coos County Sheriff's Office Contract Summary With Correct Care Solutions, LLC, 2018
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CJ 2018-000360 COMMISSIONERS' JOURNAL COOS COUNTY, OREGON Coos County Filing Cover Sheet TO: Coos County Clerk's Office FROM: Office of Legal Counsel 06/27/2018 8:43:18 AM Please file the attached document in the selected category indicated in the box below using the following information: . ;. • • .: · :rourna . 'i "f?t1··:· ~- -.. .·.;_:-:~·•:,."•i,,: , ;,. ::-·•..-•.:r..-. /·: ,··. ,.::.• .-· Comm1ss1oner ..11ngs ·· ..· ,.-.-·=·1.~··.,-,: :., ..··:·:· ,·.e,_. .· ·· . ·••·· ·· ... :·-=-·•., . ., • . • •;- :·.. ,·\,•!-=~· ·.. ._,,_, _,. __ . :,-· -,-: .. __.,._. , •: X • ~ •. ~ ~ ' '! . .'• • • •' ..... • • L, •• ' • • !t , Affidavit of Publication Board of Commissioners BoPTA Contracts & Agreements County Budget County Code ,•,; • ' ' • • , ' I • • ,:• If•., ' • ••••"., ;,.• , :,,, ', Orders and/or Resolutions Payroll Resolutions Registry of Offices Special District Budget Ispec1al District Formations, Annexations, Olssoultions, ElectlOn Results Vacation Proceedings INDEXING INFORMATION Affected Parties Names: Correct .Care Solutions, LLC Sheriffs Dept. & BOC Subject of Document : (brief description - minutes, contract, order, etc.) Second Amendment to Agreement (02016-0005989) Resolution or Order #: n/a Document Remarks: amend Section 8.0 Annual Amount/Monthly Payments and Section 8.1.1 Adjustmenl Date of Meeting or of Document: Signed by Sheriff 6/26/18 r--- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - · - - - CONTRACT/GRANTSUMMARYFORM Clerk's CJ No.: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Contract/Agreement/Grant No. : (completeafterfiledwithClerk) Name/Agency Name and Address: Correct Care Solutions, LLC; 1283 Murfreesboro Rd.Ste.500;Nashville.TN 37217 Contact Person: Cris Bove, President Phone No. 800.592.2974 Amount of Contract/Grant Award: $ 631,1 20.20 for period of 12 mos. Payment Terms: monthly installments of $52,593.35 (state lump sum or amount and time of payments) Start Date: July 1, 2018 End Date: June 30, 2019 with auto renew (this is first of 3 renewal 1·yr. terms) County Department and Employee Responsible for Performance: Sheriffs Office/Sheriff Zanni & Darius Mede Description: Amend Section 8.0 for annual amount/monthly payments and Section 8.1.1 Adjustment for MADP. STATE% OTHER% FEDERAL% (CFDA # ReQuired) Catalog of Federal Domestic Asst. •(CFDA) Number •c FDA is a five digit number in the following format: The first two digits designate the federal agency and the last three the grant description. The following is a partial listing of the two digit agency identifier: USDA HUD USDOT EPA Dept. of Education D~pt. of Commerce USDOJ General Svs. Admin. FEMA USDHHS NOTE: If the contract/grant is associated with more than one CDFA number, each segment must have it's own summary form. D New D Renewal Previous Amount: $ Previous Date: Automatic Renewal? □Yes □No Will unemployment cost be incurred? □Yes □No D Modification Original Amount: $ Original Date: Staff Requirements: □New □ Existing □Subcontract Method of Selection: Bid D None Quote D Other _ _ D Proposal T-ype of Contract: D New (complete sections below) [81 Renewal (no need to complete sections below) [81 Modification (no need to complete sections below) D D Type of Contract: D Goods and Services - If Not Using Bid or Proposal, Mark Exemption: D Under $10,000 D Under $50,000 for Quotes D Under $150,000 & Approval from Board for Quotes D Sole Source · D Contract with Public Agency D Equipment Maintenance Office Supplies Used Vehicles State Purchasing Other _ _ Public Improvement - If Not Using Bid, Mark Exemption: D D D Under $5,000 Under $50,000 for Quotes Under $100,000 & Not a Transportation Project for Quotes D D D D D D D Alternative Contracting Method Approved by Board □ Other _ _ Personal Services Contract- If Not Using Proposal, Mark Exemption: D D Under"$50,000 Under $150,000 & Approval from Board Will project be reported to Bureau of Labor for Prevailing Wages under ORS 279C.800? □Yes 0No Certificate of insurance required? ~Yes □ No Form of contract: D Oral ~ Written (attach the written contract) . ·Re:v!ewed by Cqunsel:_~-- Contract and Grant Summary Form Revised 5/21/2015 .---- -- - - - - - · ·- SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR INMATE HEALTH CARE SERVICE S AT COOS COUNTY, O~GON This Second Amendment, effective July 1, 201 8 (this "Amendment''), to the Agreement for Inmate Health Care Services, effective September 1, 2016 (the "Agreement"), is by and between the County of Coos, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon (hereinafter "County") and Correct Care Solutions, LLC (hereinafter "CCS). · WHEREAS, the Agreement automatically renews on July 1st of each year pursuant to Section 9.0; WHEREAS, the Parties agree to increase compensation for each successive year pursuant to Section 9.0.1; WHEREAS, on or around February 27, 2018, the County increased the base ADP from 49 to 98; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 11 .15, the Parties desire to amend the Agreement and memorialize such changes. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1. RECITALS. The Parties hereto incorporate the foregoing recitals as a material portion of this Amendment. 2. AMENDMENT TO SECTION 8.0 OF THE AGREEMENT. The Agreement shall be amended by deleting Section 8.0 in its entirety and inserting the following language in lieu thereof: 8.0 ANNUAL AMOUNT/MONTHLY PAYMENTS. The base amount to be paid by the County to CCS under this Agreement is $631,120.20 for a period of 12 months, payable in equal monthly installments. Each monthly installment shall equal $52,593.35, pro-rated for any partial months and subject to any reconciliations as set forth below. Each monthly installment is to be paid by COUNTY to CCS on or before the pt day of the month of service. 3. AMENDMENT TO SECTION 8.1.1 OF THE AGREEMENT. The agreement shall be amended by deleting Section 8. 1.1 in its entirety and inserting the following language in lieu thereof: 8.1.1 . ADJUSTMENT FOR MADP. For each month reconciled, if the JAIL's MADP is greater than 98 INMATES/DETAINEES, the compensation payable to CCS by the COUNTY shall be increased by the number of INMATES/DETAINEES over 98 at the per diem rate of $1.12. Page 1 of2 ,--- - - -- - -- --- -- -- . . .. -- -- --- - -- - -- -- .. . 4. SEVERABILITY. If any terms or provisions of this Amendment or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall to any extent be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Amendment or the application of such term or provision to person or circumstance other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable shall not be affected thereby and each term and provision of this Amendment shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 5. DEFINITIONS. Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them under the Agreement. 6. REMAINING PROVISIONS. The remaining provisions of the Agreement not amended by this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Amendment to be executed in their names or their official acts by their respective representatives, each of whom is duly authorized to execute the same. AGREED AND ACCEPTED AS STATED ABOVE: Correct Care Solutions, LLC ~~ By:_ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ Name: Brad Dunbar Title: Date: ~/21£,C Q'b/21p~ Title: Executive Vice President Date: June 19, 2018 I Page2 of 2