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Colorado Supermax Manual

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Program Overview..................A..................................................................................:.................1
Placement Criteria.........................................................................................................................2
Program Evaluation/ Orientation...................N..................N........................................................3
Progressive Regressive Movement..............................NH..........N.H......M..H.....................N......N...4
Program Delivery ..••••••.••••••..•.•...•••••.••••••.......•.•.••N••••••••y..•..•..•••••...•••••.••••••..............................5


How To Do Your Time ....................... N........ ................
Cognitive Re-Structuring ............................... .....................................
Topics for Discussion - Ethics & Moral Dilemmas .....:..........................................N.......5
Vocational Janitorial Competency-Based Education ..................................... :.......... H.... 6
Inmate Work Assignments...........H...................H........................:............:....................................7
Recreation .......................................................................................................................................7
Mental Health..................................................................................•..,...........................................7
Inmate MovementfUse Of Restraints...........................................................................................7
Allowable Property........................................................................................................................8
Inmate Mail.............................:......................................................................................................9
Library Services................................................................................:......................•.....................9
Pastoral Care............................................................:...................................................................10
Food Sexvices.:..............................................................................................................................10
Inmate Telephones......................................................H........H.:.....N....N......................................11
Operations Staffing...............................

.......... N........ .....................................

Quality of Life Level System.................................................N...................................................13


Colorado State Penitentiary is recognized internationally as a leader in the management of high
risk administrative segregation inmates. The Progressive Reintegration Opportunity Unit (PRO
Unit) is a continuation of the CSP inmate management philosophy to provide a behavior driven
program for structured transition of these irunates from administrative segregation to a general
population facility. Levels 4 and 5 of the PRO Unit operates as a continuation of Levels 1, 2,
and 3 currently in place at CSP. In this system, inmates work their way to increased incentive
levels which offer increased privileges through demonstration o£ appropriate behavior and self
The PRO Unit at CSP serves to:
Provide a structured transition program for inmates progressing from Administrative Segregation
to a general population environment. These inmates were originally placed in Administrative
Segregation due to behavior which threatened the safety of others or the security of the facility at
which they were housed. The physical barriers and operational philosophies in Administrative
Segregation maintain control of the inmate's behavior but hinder an objective evaluation of the
inmate's behavior concerning reintegration into a general population setting. * The PRO 'Unit .
allows for an objective evaluation of the inmates' behavior in a controlled setting prior to
placement in a general population setting.
. .
CSP is behavior driven, based on goal oriented inmate/staff interaction and programs to
encourage and support positive and responsible behavior. The PRO Unit allows for an extension
of this successful program philosophy for the reintegration of inmates into a general population
facility and serves as a cornerstone for eventual return to society.
A Program Compliance Plan (PCP) is developed by the assigned case manager for each inmate
entering the PRO Unit. The PCP identifies specific program needs and behavioral expectations
of the inmate while in the program. The inmate can only progress out of the program to a
general population facility by completing the requirements of the PCP. Staffing may occur
during the inmate's participation in the PRO Unit to determine if non-compliance with the PCP
warrants modification of the plan or inmate removal from the PRO Unit:
Level 4 is the first step for inmates to begin progressing from administrative segregation offering
limited group program involvement and opportunity to observe the inmate in group interactions.
Prior to being approved for movement into Level 4, the inmate MUST be approved for
movement from CSP by the classification board, superintendent, STG review board; and
offender services with the stipulation of successful completion of Level 5.
Level 5 remains a highly structured and controlled setting that approaches, but is not considered,
a general population setting. Inmates at this level are housed with the Level 4 inmates and
participate in some of the same programs. In addition, these inmates participate in work
programs outside of the living unit and have access to the outside yard. When the inmate
successfully completes Level 5, the inmate will be progressed to a general population facility.

Appropriate and positive staff/iumate interaction has had a significant impact on the
success of the program at CSP. Highly developed staff interpersonal communication skills
which involve praise and support, constructive comment or criticism, and clear direction
helps to facilitate improvement in the inmate's self-esteem and personal growth.
Staff assigned to the PRO Unit will be required to communicate and interact with the
inmates at a high level similar to general population. Pod staff s interaction with -the
inmates is viewed as a critical aspect of inmate evaluation and re-socialization.Programs are an essential part of CSP and also for the PRO Unit. All of the cognitive restructuring programs provided in the PRO Unit have been designed specifioally for the type of
inmate assigned to a Maximum Administrative Segregation facility and are not available at other
lower level general population facilities.
Programing in the PRO Unit will provide for:
Cognitive re-structuring and mental health programs specifically designed to help the anti-social
inmate develop appropriate thinking and coping sldlls.
Re-socialization of the inmate through structured activities, work, recreational, and social group
Development of inmate self discipline through increased inmate responsibilities.
Objective observation of inniate .participation in these programs also provides for meauingful
assessment of the inmate's potential for success when transferred to a general population facility.

Inmates currently assigned to Administrative Segregation may be submitted to the facility
Classification Committee for placement into the PRO Unit following an interview with the
inmate's Case Manager and the Case Manager III. Inmates submitted for review will be closely
scrutinized by the committee to evaluate potential for successful adjustment in general
population. Acceptance into the program will indicate the committee has determined the inmate
is ready for progressive movement as demonstrated by the inmate's behavior. Inmates are
submitted for possible transfer to the Transition Program by the assigned Case Manager using
the following guidelines:

The inmate has not been convicted of any Class I COPD violations in the past twelve (12)
months or Class II COPD violations in the past 3 - 6 months.


The inmate has actively participated in facility programs as directed by the Case


The inmate has successfully maintained Level 3 status for a minimum of three
consecutive months.

The review by the Classification Committee will include consideration of the inmate's original
reason for placement in Administrative Segregation, any previous placement (s) in
Administrative Segregation, conduct at CSP, program participation, and any other factors
considered relevant by the committee. Input concerning the inmate may also be provided by
facility mental health staff, facility STG Coordinator, Unit Supervisors, and others having
information deemed pertinent concerning the inmate.
Following approval by the facility Warden, the inmate is interviewed by a representative from
Offender Services.
Upon placement into the PRO Unit, Level 4 inmates are assigned to a cell and receive an
evaluation/orientation program.
Evaluation Period -1st Phase
Upon arrival to the PRO Unit, newly assigned inmates will be managed as administrative
segregation. Pod staff will provide a unit operational orientation consisting of reviewing
Posted Operational Rules, staf ings, pod and day hall operations, behavioral expectations
and consequences for unacceptable behavior. Consequences includes but are not limited to:
Loss of day hall activities, television, telephone, gym and library services. Pod staff will
also ensure that all new arrivals receive the PRO UNIT INMATE HANDBOOI L Case
Managers will visit the inmate at the cell door during this phase for follow-up aud to give
the inmate the self-help program "How To Do Your Time." Staffwill continue to evaluate
CSP custody issues, the inmate's attitude and' his overall comrhitment to the program. After a
minimum of two weeks and upon approval from CSP Administration, the 2nd phase of the
evaluation will begin.
Evaluation Period - 2nd Phase
Phase 2 consists of individual unescorted movement for day hall activities such as shower,
exercise, and telephone. Inmates will remain on 23 hour lockdown and be fed in cells. Case
managers will meet with the inmate to sign all contracts and Performance Compliance
Platy. Pod Staff will interact with the inmate at cell door to review and discuss the inmate's
responses to the "How To Do Your Time" program. Pod staff will make notation(s) in the
"Pod Chrous" of this interaction. After a minimum of two weeks and upon approval from
CSP Administration the 3rd phase of evaluation will begirt.
Evaluation Period - 3rd Phase
During Phase 3, the inmates will be allowed out for an abbreviated day hall schedule. The .
inmates will participate in 45 minutes of regular day hall schedule. Four inmates will be allowed
out for the first half of the day hall. The other four inmates will be allowed out for the second
half of the day hall time. The goal is for staff to observe all inmates assigned to that tier
interacting with each other in a small group setting. (Max - 4 inmates)
Extensive WO observation will occur during this time. Inmates will be evaluated on P.O.R.
compliance as well as their ability to take direction. Inmates will be fed in their cells. Day hall
schedule will coincide with the established pod schedule.. The case manager will review the

inmate's progress with pod staff and make notation of the progress in the "Pod' Chrons". After a

minimum of two weeks and upon approval of CSP Administration, the 4th phase will begin.

Evaluation Period - 4th Phase
Eight inmates (1 tier) will participate in day hall activities, as well as feed as a group of 8. Based
upon staff discretion inmates at this level maybe allowed limited visits at the cell door in their
pod. Case Managers will evaluate inmate's progress with pod stall' and make notation to
the "Pod Chrons". Pod Staff and case managers wfll review "How to Do Your Time"
booklet and return to the inmate with comments. Inmates will remain at this level until
authorized by CSP Administration to participate in classes, gymnasium, and recreational yard

Level 4 to Level 5
After 120 days at Level 4 status with successful behavior control and program participation, the
inmate may be considered for movement to Level 5. The case manager will submit a custody
reclassification to the classification committee along with supportive documentation. This
review, if approved, will result in a reclassification of the inmate to Close custody. The inmate
will be granted a facility override to close custody if he meets the Level 5 criteria. Based upon
staffs discretion, inmates maybe allowed limited visits at the cell door in their pod,
Inmate Transfer to General Population
Successful completion of Level 5 will result in the inmate being progressed•to a general
population facility.
Level 4 Regression to Level 1
An inmate in Quality of Life Level 4 failing to comply with the Program Compliance Plan or

exhibiting unacceptable behavior in. violation of the COPD will be subjected to a staring review
for regression to Level 1 status and placed on restricted privileges. Staffing Committee will
include the case manager, pod supervisor, case manager supervisor and other affected staff
Inmates are to be notified by their case manager of staffing reviews utilizing •CSP Form 650100F; Staffmg Review.
Level 5 regression to Level l
Au inmate 'in Quality Level 5 failing to comply with the Program Compliance Plan will be
placed on Level 1 status and placed on restricted privileges in Pods A, B, C, E, or F and the
formal process for placement to, Administrative Segregation initiated per Administrative
Regulations 600-1, Inmate Classification & 600-2, Administrative Segregation.

Staffing committee consist of representatives from each area within the PRO Unit. The purpose
of the staffing is to assess an inmate's behavior and to make a determination if the inmate is to
remain in the PRO Unit. If determined by this multi-disciplinary team that the inmate's behavior
was such that removal from the PRO Unit is appropriate, the inmate will be escorted to intake
where he will wait for a bed. If the committee determines an inmate will stay in the PRO Unit,
then the committee will determine what sanctions or assignment the inmate must successfully
complete in order to remain in the PRO Unit. The inmate will be informed of the committee's
decision immediately or as soon as possible. All decisions made by this committee will also be
docummtcd in the "POD CHRONS" by the case manager.
Cognitive restructuring, vocational and mental health programs for Level 4 and 5 inmates serve
several purposes. The programs offer an opportunity to assess the inmate's behavior in small
group settings and farther decisions concerning progression out of CSP. The programs help
increase the inmate's opportunity for successful reintegration into a less secure facility and
ultimately back into society. The behaviors and self responsibilities instilled by this program
help to serve as the cornerstone for further personal growth.
The programs are delivered in three pod classrooms which are monitored visually and by
CATV. One classroom is dedicated to the Hands-On Vocational Trades Janitorial Program.

During the first phase of the orientation and evaluation period, prior to beginning actual
classroom instruction, the pod staff will deliver How To Do Your Time in house. This self-help I
independent study program is a cognitive behavioral approach that deals with expectations of
interaction, communication, managing anger, and preventing recidivism.
The cognitive program that we deliver is a unique "hybrid" a combination of educational
methods and cognitive restructuring. The instructor essentially becomes a teacher/therapist. Our
goal is to get the inmate to confront past behavior through self-examination. and explore the
possibility of change.
Personal change cannot be forced or mandated. If the inmate believes we are telling him he
must change, telling him what values he should have, what belief system he should practice, he
becomes very resistant. He is not likely to attempt meaningful change because "society" or DOC
'wants him to. To be truly effective in reducing recidivism, the program must allow the inmate to
find his own motivation to change - one which goes beyond DOC compliance. Through
cognitive restructuring, we attempt to help the inmate realize that the behaviors which brought
him here are self-destructive and. interfere with the accomplishment of his goals. Therefore, our
first step is to help the inmate see that this program, like the progressive level system throughout

CSP, is about accepting responsibility and control of self. He alone is responsible for his quality
of life. This process begins the moment the inmate enters CSP at Quality of Life Level 1. Only
as he modifies his own behavior and accepts responsibility for his actions does he progress from
level to level - eventually entering the PRO Unit program and ultimately progressing to a less
secure facility,
The resources used in our curriculum development have been carefully chosen for their
credibility, relevance, and universal application. We have incorporated a great deal of
contemporary ideology on restructuring thought process. Behaviorists such as Yochelson and
Samenow essentially help the inmate see what needs to change. They stress the direct
relationship between thinking patterns and behavior, and the effects of irresponsible thinking.
The writings of Young and Klosco on "life-traps" and the familiarity principle essentially address
issues of recidivism - why is the change process so difficult? What often causes us to fail or
stumble in the change process? Authors such as Covey and McGraw address how to change by
offering effective strategies to actually implement and maintain the change process. Covey's
approach with, the recognition of paradigms, empathetic communication, and "win/win" conflict
resolution have proven highly effective in improving the inmates interpersonal and
communication skills.
Material is presented from the "non-threatehing" to the "confrontational." We have learned that
by not initially focusing on the inmate, by not demanding personal disclosure, a level of trust
and safety quickly develops within the group. We consistently find that the inmates choose to .
offer a great deal of personal disclosure. They disclose the issues and anti-social attitudes they
struggle with. They constructively confront one another as they recognize distorted thinking and
"allow" the instructor to challenge and confront their thought processes as well.
Although sessions are always approached with a specific set of objectives, they cannot be
scripted. The instructor must have a thorough knowledge of the resource material in order to
continually adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of the specific group. The curriculum is
continually reviewed and fine-tuned. We find it is most effective when it is relatively fast paced
and areas conducive to "smoke screens" and distractions are minimized.
Finally, the success of the program is intricately linked to the level of teamwork Change is not
an isolated event that takes place in the classroom with one instructor and eight inmates. It is a
direct result of the effort and communication of administrators, instructors, case managers,
recreational, vocational, and pod staff working toward the same goals and objectives.

The goal of utilizing offender workers will not only be to provide practical, on-the-job (OJT)
training and job placement outside of the facility, but also to provide another evaluation tool to
be considered before placing the offenders in general population facilities.
The Vocational Janitorial program curriculum, for the PRO Unit will focus on basic skills and
consists of 8 modules of instruction. Each module contains instructional directions designed to
achieve specific "Enabling Objectives" and "Expected Outcome(s)." In addition, the curriculum

will include a pre-test to prepare the students to continue this course and be able to obtain a
certificate once they arrive at their general population facility. Throughout the curriculum, job
performance will be evaluated by testing and OJT training. Both testing and OJT are designed to
challenge the student.
The purpose of this curriculum is to facilitate a standard, competent method of vocational
instruction. Students who enroll and complete the following course studies will present suitable
skills and sufficient practical experience to obtain a position in the growing field of custodial
PRO Unit inmates are assigned to a variety of defined work assignments commensurate .with
their program level. These work assignments-will provide additional opportunity to observe and
evaluate the inmate's behavior and work ethics in a controlled setting. Work assignments consist
of barbers, day hall porters, and janitors.
The PRO Unit recreation program serves as an incentive for the inmate's towards maintaining
appropriate behavior and provides a valuable opportunity to assess the inmates behavior and self
control. The gym schedule is structured so that no more than eight inmates wiJ1 be in the gym at
a time. Recreation activities are structured to challenge the inmate physically, develop team
building skills and to follow staff direction during competitive activities. Inmates are eligible to
participate in a once a week gy1nnasium activity at Level 4 phase 4, upon administration
approval. Level 4 phase 4 inmates who are housed in a Level 5 day hall will not be eligible for
gymnasium activities until the Level 5's graduate from the program. Level 5 inmates are eligible
to participate once a week in gymnasium activity plu$ an additional day on a. rotating basis on
Fridays. Upon graduation, Level 5 inmates who are housed with Level 4 phase 4 inmates, are
eligible to participate in gymnasium activities on Fridays on a rotating basis.

All inmates assigned will be required to participate in the mental health programming. Mental
health groups will be conducted Monday through Thursday beginning at 6 p.m. in a PRO Unit
classroom. Mental health groups will be a minimum of 6 weeks on a rotating basis.

Controlled and carefully executed movement of the inmates in the PRO Unit is vitally important
in maintaining safety of staff and inmates and the security of the facility. Stringent escorting
procedures to include restraints are used when moving inmates outside of the pod areas. Inmates
in the Pro Unit will not be brought into contact with other inmates at CSP.
Movement of .8 inmates to the PRO Unit classrooms or recreation are accomplished by a
minimum of two correctional officers. Inmate WR be is full restraints when being escorted to a
sta mg. The officers shall maintain the standard "escort position" while escorting. Each inmate
will be thoroughly pat searched whenever leaving the day hall for any purpose. All mate

movement outside of the day hall is coordinated and cleared by Master Control staff for
tracking and security purposes, inmates are returned to their assigned Pod before being escorted
to another location.
Classrooms (Mar. Cap. 8)
There are up to two classes of eight inmates during each session. Inmates are escorted
unrestrained by two officers from the day hall in their respective groups to the specific class they
are attending.
(Mar, Cap. 8)
The gym is limited to inmate groups of eight or less. Inmates will be escorted by a minimum of
two recreational officers to and from the gym.
(Mar. Cap. 13 & 1 Attorney Booth)
Inmates arc escorted individually by two officers to and from visiting. Inmates are pat searched
electronically scanned and restraints applied to the ankles and behind the back for escort to the
visiting area. Items taken to attorney visits are searched in front of the inmate for contraband.
Escorting staff carry the inmate's items to and from the visit.
When possible, inmates receive medical treatment in the pod medical exam room. Inmate
escorts to the pod medical exam room are done one at a time. When necessary for the
examination to occur at medical on the 100 Level, inmates are pat searched electronically
scanned, restraints applied to the ankles and wrists in front with a belly chain, and escorted
individually by two officers.

Inmates in the PRO Unit will be afforded more personal property than permitted the Level 1, 2,
& 3 inmates. The greater amount of property will help to provide programs incentive as well as
giving the inmate the opportunity to provide his own items such as gym shorts and athletic shoes
that would otherwise have to be provided by the facility. Stipulations will also be attached to. the
use of these personal items. Inmates will not be allowed to wear any personal clothing except in
the day hall or during gymiyard activities.
Allowable personal property will include the following:
Level 4

(2) Fleece shorts
(2) Sweatshirts
(2) Sweatpants
(1) Pair of jogging/tennis shoes
(1) pair shoe strings 54"
(5) Books
(6) Magazines

Inmate mail for the PRO Unit will be processed in the mail room consistent with facility
procedure. Pod staff will pick up the mail from the mail room, sort the mail, and deliver the mail
to inmate cells.
Level 4 and Level 5 inmates will be permitted non-contact visits in the B side non contact
visiting area. Level 1, 2, and 3 inmates will continue to utilize the F side non-contact visiting
area. This procedure is one added measure to help prevent the passage of contraband and the
contact between the Level 1, 2 and 3 inmates and the Level 4 and 5 inmates. This procedure will
also serve as an added incentive by helping to ensure more available visiting time for the Level 4
and 5 inmates.
Level 4 & 5 inmates shall be placed in the visiting booth and the wrist restraints removed
through the tray slot opening. The leg restraints shall remain secured.
At the conclusion' of the visit, the inmate shall be placed in wrist restraints through the tray slot,
pat searched, and escorted back to his cell.
visiting privileges for Level 4 & 5 are:
Level 4
. One (1) three hour visit per week on Saturday or Sunday
One (1) three bbur visit per week on Friday
Level 5
Two (2) three hour visits per week on,Friday and/or Saturday and/or
Sunday -AM and/or PM

Access to the library shall be provided to PRO Unit inmates through the current CSP library

Delivery of library services will be provided to the inmates at the day hall sliders. Each inmate is
responsible to receive and return books and other material directly to the library representative.
Inmates must sign a Library Agreement Forma prior to using the library services. These are made
available at intake orientation or from the library upon request.
Inmates requesting materials and information shall make their requests from printed catalogs
provided in the pods for their use. Requests shall be submitted to the librarian on the Library
Service Request Form.
The librarian or library representative will then deliver the requested material, if available, to the
inmate during regular rounds.

Delivery'of religious programs and services for the PRO Unit mates are restricted due to the
security structure of the PRO Unit. Religious programs are provided through the CSP closed
circuit television system.
Religious volunteers offer a variety of short term programs to groups of eight or less that will be
designed to be appropriate for a variety of religious beliefs. These programs are strictly
voluntary and not a part of the inmate's Program Compliance Plan. The Volunteer Chaplain will
provide individual counseling and guidance as requested by the inmates.

The delivery system for food to the PRO Unit will be similar to that currently being used. Meals
will be prepared in the food services area by minimum security inmates under the supervision of
food service personnel. The :meals will be placed in individual hot and cold food trays. The
meals will then be placed in hot and cold food carts for delivery to the pods.
PRO Unit inmates are served meals in the day halls in groups of eight in four day halls daily.
The remaining izunates are served the meals in the cells. The schedule for inmates being served
meals in the day halls rotates as follows:
Day 1: Lower 1-4
Day 2: Upper 1-4
Day 3: Lower 5-8
Day 4: Upper 5-8
Pod staff will take the food carts to the pods and deliver the meals to the inmates at each day hall
door. All, inmates are required to be in the day hall during meal period. Inmates wishing to eat,
receive a meal (in its entirety) directly from the staff member at the day hall door. All. inmates
are required to eat the meals at the tables in the day halls. At the conclusion of the meal period,
each inmate returns the food trays to staff at the day hall doors to be accounted for and placed
back in the food carts by the pod staff.
When passing out and retrieving the food trays, the pod staff will check the food trays for
damage and any contraband. The food trays and utensils will also be counted before and after
serving the meals to ensure that all items are returned to food services.
Meal Periods are:

6:15 a.m. - 7:15 a.m.
11:00 am.- 12:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Inmate clothing and linen will be washed once each week. Bags (undergarments, socks, towels,
and wash clothes) will be washed twice each week. Blankets will be washed once each month.
On designated days, inmates will deposit the soiled items in the laundry carts under the direct

supervision of a staff member. The inmate will be required to hold out each item so that it can be
inspected for proper tagging and any damage.
,AAer being cleaned, the laundry items will be electronically scanned for any contraband. The
laundry will then be taken back to the pods to be delivered to the inmates by the pod staff.

. Inmates in the PRO Unit will be allowed to purchase a variety of canteen items. Inmate
possession and appropriate treatment of the canteen items will serve as another evaluation tool of
the inmate's behavior. Inmates caught bartering, selling, giving, receiving, or using canteen
items to pay gambling debts will be charged appropriately for COPD violations and risk being
regressed from the PRO Unit.
Level 4 inmates may order and receive a maximum of $30.00 of canteen items, excluding
telephone time, footwear, and television purchases once each week
Level 5 inmates may order and receive a maximum of$35.00 of canteen items, excluding
telephone time, footwear, and television purchases once each week
PRO Unit inmates will not be permitted to possess more than $40.00 of consumable items at any
Canteen purchases will be electronically scanned for possible contraband before being delivered
to the inmates. Canteen orders are delivered to and receipted by the inmate at the day hall door.

Level 4 and 5 inmates will be permitted eight telephone calls per month: The pod specialist will
check each inmate's account once per month to ensure he has not exceeded the allowable number
of calls. Inmates violating this restriction will be charged with a COPD Class Ill, Violating a
Posted Operational Rule. Note: Four Class III convictions during a six month period will result
in COED charges for Class I1-29, Habitual Class III Convictions.

Operations Staff
One CO N is assigned to provide supervision of the PRO Unit pod.
One CO III is assigned to the PRO Unit pod on day shift and swing shift to provide hands-ou
supervision of the pod activities.
Officer I and officer II posts for the PRO Unit Pods are as FollowsD POD
Day shift
4 - CO I (Floor)
3 - CO I (Control Room)
Swing shift
3 - CO I (Floor)
3 - CO I (Control Roam)
1 - COIl

2 - CO I (Floor)
f' - CO I (Control Room)
Note: Minimum staffing for day shift is eight staff.
Minimum staffing for swing shift is seven staff.
Minimum staffing for nightshirt is four staff.

Quality Of Life Level System
(New Arrival)
Canteen Purchase Of Up To $5.00 Per Week
One, Two Hour Visit Per Month
One Fifteen Minute Phone Call Per Month
No Television Privileges
Five, One Hour Exercise Periods Per Week
Five Showers Per Week
(Seven Days Consecutive Appropriate Behavior)
Canteen Purchase Of Up To $15.00 Per Week
Two, Two Hour Visits Per Month
Two Fifteen Telephone Calls Per Month
Television Privileges
Five, One Hour Exercise Periods Per Week
Five Showers Per Week
(90 Days Of Consecutive Appropriate Behavior)
Canteen Purchase Of Up To $20.00 Per Week
Four, Three Hour Visits Per Month
Four Fifteen Minute Phone Calls Per Month
Television Privileges
Five, One Hour Exercise Periods Per Week
Five Showers Per Week
Opportunity For Porter Or Barber Jobs
* 90 Days Of Consecutive Appropriate Behavior At Level 3

* Active Participation In Facility Programs
* No Class I COPD Convictions In 12 Months Or
* Class 11 Convictions In Past 3 - 6 Months
* Approved For General Population Upon Completion Of PRO UnitCanteen Purchases Of Up To $30.00 Per Week
One, Three Hour Visit Per Week
Eight Fifteen Minute Phone Calls Per Month
Television Privileges
Participation In Group Programs Four Days Per Week
Passive Day Hall Recreation Seven Days Per Weep
Indoor Gym Recreation Two Days Per Week
Opportunity For Porter Or Barber Jobs

120 Days Consecutive Appropriate.Behavior At Level 4
Canteen Purchase Of Up To $35.00 Per Week
Two, Three Ilour Visits Per Week
Eight, Fifteen Minute Phone Calls Per Month
Television Privileges
Participation In Group Programs Four Days Per Week
Passive Day Hall Recreation Seven Days Per Week .
Indoor Gym Recreation Minimum One Day Per Week





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