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Colorado Correctional Industries Brochure

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2862 S. Circle Drive • Colorado Springs, CO 80906 • 719.226.4200 • 303.370.2200

We build opportunity.

Table of Contents
Message from the Director
Mission Statement 
Division Overview
CCi Executive Staff 
Correctional Industries Advisory Board
Organizational Chart
State Facilities
CCi Operations



Marketing and Business Development


Support Services









The Future




Message from the Director
Thank you for your interest in the work of Colorado Correctional Industries – we
are pleased to share our success story with you.
Our professional staff provide a unique service to the State of Colorado. They
use their private sector skills to train, encourage and demand the best efforts
and productivity from the state’s most unlikely employees: incarcerated men
and women. While our challenges include an unskilled workforce, an economic
downturn, a limited demand for our products and services, numerous constraints
in the acquisition of raw materials and increased customer expectations, we are
encouraged every day by the success of our employees.
The Department of Corrections has an abundant supply of inmate labor that reflects the changing political and social environment within Colorado. Committed
to changing the cognitive processes and behaviors of this population to reduce
recidivism, they provide treatment services for inmate addictions and antisocial
behavior, and academic and vocational education in preparation for work
assignments in the outside world. CCi works in close partnership with the Department in these efforts by putting inmates to work.
Inmates who become eligible for employment with CCi are interviewed and
matched to a position within one of our manufacturing, agricultural or serviceoriented industries. We provide intensive training, supervision and evaluations,
reinforcing inmates’ positive behavior with modest compensation and a great
deal of pride. The time an inmate spends with CCi in training and work experience provides relief to the custody and control section of the Department. With
an estimated annual savings of approximately $5,000 per employed inmate in
reduced custody costs, CCi reduces the burden placed on Colorado taxpayers
by $7,500,000 annually. The return on this investment of time and training in skills,
expertise and pride is even more impressive.
CCi is committed to educating Colorado citizens about our benefits and to
fulfilling our mission of providing meaningful skills and work ethics to all employed
inmates. We look forward to the opportunities ahead – and the success stories
yet to come.

Steve Smith


Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Division of Correctional Industries to:
• Reduce inmate idleness and the demand for general-funded programs
by working as many inmates as possible in self-supporting and productive
• Train inmates in meaningful skills, work ethics and quality standards
which better enable them to secure long-term employment after release
from prison.
• Operate in a business-like manner so that enough revenues are realized
each year by the Division to meet the ongoing capital equipment, working inventories and operating cash needs of the Division.

CCi programs save Colorado taxpayers $7.5 million
annually in supervision and programming costs.

Division Overview
In 1977, legislative bill CRS 17-24-101 created the Division of Colorado Correctional
Industries within the Colorado Department of Corrections. This partnership works
to effectively manage offenders in controlled environments which are efficient,
safe, humane, and appropriately secure, and provide meaningful work and selfimprovement opportunities to assist offenders with community reintegration.
Although we are a division within the DOC, we are a cash-funded entity with
enterprise status that receives no tax monies for support. CCi programs result in
a cost avoidance for the State of approximately $5,000 per inmate when compared to general-funded alternatives for training and employing inmates. With
the employment of approximately 1,500 inmates at 16 DOC facilities located
throughout Colorado, this equates to nearly $7,500,000 per year saved by our
state taxpayers.
Our customers include State agencies; city, county and government entities; and
non-profit organizations. Sales of products and services to these customers generate earnings that must cover 100% of our Division’s operating, personal services
and capital equipment costs.
Through the Division, inmates can take advantage of training and work ethicrelated abilities. Many of our operations are coordinated with other educational
programs to provide employment skills and necessary literacy prior to employment. Our programs are diverse to offer maximum opportunity and choice and
include manufacturing, agricultural and service-oriented operations.
CCi programs provide benefits for taxpayers, inmates, victims and the DOC.
These benefits include:
• $7.5 million saved yearly by Colorado taxpayers. Every inmate employed
by CCi saves approximately $5,000 per year in supervision and
programming costs.
• Inmates employed within the CCi Prison Industries Enhancement
program have contributed more than $.5 million in victims’ restitution
and assistance since 1995.
• CCi jobs reduce inmate idleness, teach marketable skills and improve
prison safety.
• Studies show that recidivism rates are significantly lower for inmates who
work and train in correctional industry programs.


CCi Executive Staff

Steve Smith
is our Colorado Correctional
Industries Director and was
promoted to this position in 2008.
Steve first joined CCi in 1985 as
a construction supervisor, and
soon promoted to supervisor in
the furniture factory. While serving in this position he significantly
increased yearly sales, enhanced
the product lines and increased
the number of inmate jobs. Subsequently, Steve again promoted
within CCi to Manufacturing
Division Manager supervising 12
separate programs. Steve was
challenged to take over the
agricultural division of CCi, and
in 2001 he was appointed the
Agricultural Division Manager
gaining national recognition for
implementing cutting-edge programs. With more than 22 years
of hands-on experience, Steve’s
knowledge, leadership skills, energy and expertise will continue
to move Colorado Correctional
Industries forward. He is an enthusiastic person looking to open
doors for inmates, staff and the
organization. Steve believes the
diversity of operations is one of
the greatest advantages for CCi.

Richard Curry
joined CCi from the private
sector in 2001 as our Sales
Manager and was promoted
to Marketing Director/
Sales Manager in 2002.
He enjoys working for CCi because of the dynamic business
environment and progressive
correctional operations in
Colorado. Richard truly focuses
on the gratification of working
for an industry that receives
no taxpayer assistance and
provides a large array of skills
and opportunities for inmates’

CCi Executive Staff

Mike Jordan
Manager. Mike began his
is our CCi

career with the State in 1979
with the Colorado State Auditor’s office, working closely
with Colorado Department of
Corrections. Mike joined CCi
in 1990 as a cost accountant.
Mike explains that his years
within CCi have provided him
the opportunity to work with
highly motivated people who
are constantly challenged with
operating a profit-oriented
division within a governmental,
correctional setting.

Andy Klinkerman
serves as our Manufacturing
Division Manager. Andy
began his career with CCi in 1992
in our agriculture division. In 1997,
Andy transferred to become a
facility site supervisor at AVCF
and five years later Andy was
promoted to his current position.
Andy believes the best part of
working for CCi is the diversity of
our products and services. This
allows us to provide a meaningful experience for inmates while
meeting the equally diverse
needs of our customers.

Jack Laughlin
has performed as our Service
Division Manager since
2001 and oversees canteen
operations, transportation, fleet
services and the statewide
inmate firefighting programs.
From 1996 to 2001 Jack was
CCi’s Administration Director,
overseeing all financial operations of the organization. Jack
explains the best part of working
for CCi is the variety of business
opportunities and the challenges
encountered in a correctional
industry environment.

Jim Heaston
Division Manager, ap-

is our

pointed in 2008 and overseeing
more than a dozen ag-related
programs. Jim first joined CCi in
1987 working in our Dairy. With
more than 20 years work experience in this program, Jim has
been a key player in the major
expansions. Jim has seen the
CCi milking herd grow from 250
head to 850 head and from
a twice a day operation to
three times a day, seven days
a week. During 2007, Jim was
extremely instrumental in assisting in the development and
implementation of the largest
goat herd and dairy within the
state of Colorado. Jim believes
in looking for opportunities
that will continue to move the
agricultural division forward in
today’s world.


Correctional Industries Advisory Board
Colorado Correctional Industries has an advisory board, defined through legislation, which is responsible for making recommendations to CCi before any industry
is established to utilize the services of prisoners. The members of this board represent the State of Colorado, correctional entities, private industry and organized
labor. These members serve for the duration of their term of office or a term of
three years, as appointed by the Governor.
• State Treasurer
• Four members of the General Assembly/ 2 Senators, 2 House Representatives
• Director of the Office of State Planning and Budgeting
• Executive Director of the Department of Personnel
• Two members from the business community
• Two members from organized labor
• Executive Director of the Department of Corrections
• A County Sheriff

CCi is consistently ranked among the top 10
innovative correctional industries in the U.S.

Organizational Chart


State Facilities

CCi Products & Services


Air Filters 16


Dormitory Furniture 10e

Canteen 6 10a

Embroidery 15

Construction & Maintenance

Fiberglass Tanks 10e

Services 5 11

Flags 15

Culinary Arts 1

Garments 7 14

Customer Service 4

License Plates & Tabs 8

Delivery & Installation 4

Leather Products 3a

EBay Sales 5

Mattresses 17

Facility Maintenance 18

Metal Fabrication 10e

Fingerprinting Services 4

Modular Office Systems 14

Fire Fighting & Reclamation 1 3b 10d

Office Furniture 10e

Fleet Services 10a

Plastic Bags 14

Forms Distribution 4

Seating 17

Heavy Equipment 10f

Security Cells & Furnishings 10e

Highway Cleanup 5

Signs 8

K-9 Adoption & Training 3a 7 8 9 10a 16 17

5 10a



Office Assistance 4 5 9


Printing Services 7

Composting 10d

Public Information Services 14

Dairy 10d

Recycling 10f

14 18
Farming 10f 10f

Reupholstery 17

Fish Farming 3b 10a

Sales and Showroom 4 5

Fish Processing 10a

State & Federal Surplus 4 5

Goat Dairy 10f

Trails Program 3b

Greenhouse Products 10a

Transportation & Tech Training 10a

Honey Production 10a

Web Design 14

Orchard 10f
Ranching 3b
Vineyard 10f
Wild Horse Inmate Program (WHIP) 10d



CCi Operations

The Division Director’s office is located in the Depart-

ment of Corrections headquarters building in Colorado Springs. This provides accessibility for DOC executive staff to discuss, plan and execute business decisions
that involve both divisions.
All matters related to planning, personnel, legal affairs, departmental affairs, public information and strategic goals are administered from this office for the organization. Department staff provide strategic direction focusing on our customers,
both internal and external, to allow CCi’s continued growth and diversification.

Marketing and Business Development

CCi under-

stands that we must provide price, quality, and service comparable to our competitors to deserve our business. Through marketing efforts and the development
of new programs and businesses, CCi strives to become the vendor of choice for
our customers. Educating current and potential customers about the benefits of
doing business with CCi is a primary task for our marketers.
CCi uses a variety of avenues to market our products, services and story. Over the
years we have evolved from word-of-mouth advertising to printed brochures and
catalogs, mass emailings, a professionally designed sales & showroom, a website
for information and purchasing, and the ability to purchase electronically with
credit cards.
To continue to meet the needs of our customers, CCi has established partnerships
with several private companies. These partnerships include the supply of product
components and materials used in the manufacture of CCi products. Developing partnerships with well-known established companies allows us to increase our
level of service and provide a dependable, reputable product.


Located in Denver, the CCi sales office is staffed with four account rep-

resentatives. They are responsible for serving existing customers and increasing
our customer base in Colorado. Each of our customers is assigned an account
representative based on their geographical location or purchasing agency relationship. With extensive backgrounds in sales and customer service, our account
representatives continually enhance their product knowledge and participate in
training featuring the diverse products and services available through CCi.
The sales area also provides opportunity for our customers to visit our showroom
where they can view and purchase products on-site. Increasing the availability
of our best-selling furniture products within the showroom has increased sales and
customer satisfaction.


CCi Operations
Support Services

CCi keeps operating costs down by maintaining

self-sufficient staff rather than contracting for support services from the private
sector. This also allows CCi to maintain a close-knit organization and experienced,
dedicated employees.
Our support service staff provide a wide variety of functions that assist in the
multiple operations of our organization. Customer Service, Warehouse, Transportation, Financial, Facility Safety & Maintenance, Information Technology and Web
Design all play an important role in making CCi a successful organization.

Customer Service
This group has Northern and Southern divisions that are responsible for the delivery,
installation, service and repairs of CCi products throughout the state. CCi service
staff receive training from our manufacturing operations to enhance their knowledge in products and service, allowing them to better serve our customers.

Our main furniture warehouse is located in Denver and serves the majority of our
customers as the distribution center. A smaller warehouse, located in Cañon City,
serves our customers in southern Colorado.

CCi transportation is located in Cañon City and coordinates product pick-up and
warehouse deliveries throughout the entire state. Trailers are staged at various
manufacturing facilities to be loaded for transport to our warehouses or customer
sites. Each of our drivers maintain current and thorough product knowledge,
should they encounter a service request during delivery.

Fiscal Office
While the piles of paper have lessened with the advancement of the electronic
world, this office never sits still. Functions include recording and tracking of all
sales orders, purchase requisitions and invoices; accounts receivable and accounts payable; general accounting responsibilities, cash-flow forecasts, budget
reviews and inventory adjustments; and end-of-year reconciliation of CCi’s financial report with the State of Colorado Financial Reporting System (COFRS).

Information Technology
CCi provides our customers organizational information and product purchasing
opportunities through our website. Our site is designed, implemented and maintained by knowledgeable staff who provide daily, on-the-job training to inmates
in web design, computer programming and other electronic informational programs including GIS and CAD.


CCi Operations
Manufacturing The diverse operations of CCi manufacturing programs
provide products that serve the citizens of Colorado, governmental entities and
CCi. Most Colorado citizens know us as the manufacturer of their license plates,
yet our organization produces a variety of products that meet the everyday
needs of our customers. We pride ourselves on our production of high quality
office furnishings, ergonomic seating products, metal products and institutional
items from inmate garments to steel security cells and their interior furnishings.
CCi also manufactures many of the components used in the production of our
products, helping to reduce our cost of operations and allowing CCi to pass
these savings on to our customers. With more than 15 manufacturing operations
in place, CCi can easily address the diverse needs of our customers. Excellence is
our standard and perfection is our goal.

Services Our most diverse operations exist within our Services division. Each of
our four Division managers shares in the responsibilities of administering the numerous programs. More than 20 programs provide services that address the needs of
Colorado inmates, the Colorado DOC, CCi staff and customers, and the citizens
of Colorado. These programs operate from 15 DOC facilities located throughout
the state and include providing inmates with canteen services; DOC with facility
and vehicle maintenance; Colorado citizens with highway cleanup, public information, dog adoption and training; governmental entities with forms printing and
distribution, wild land firefighting and reclamation, and trail construction.


Start with the first 8 letters of the alphabet and you can identify

an agricultural product provided by CCi: azaleas, beehives, chickens/cows, dairy
milk, eggs, farming/fish, grapes/greenhouse, hay/honey. Continue through the alphabet and near the end you will discover our vineyard and wild horse programs.
Although the majority of correctional industries throughout the country are downsizing their agriculture programs, CCi has introduced and/or expanded operations. These programs operate to address the needs of DOC, CCi, or the private
partners we have established through the years.


CCi Operations
PIECP PIECP (Prison Industries Enhancement Certification Program) was created
by Congress in 1979 to establish employment opportunities for inmates that would
mirror private sector opportunities. This important program benefits inmates, CCi,
participating private sector partners and society. Inmates acquire marketable
skills that will assist in their success when they are released from prison. Correctional industries have the opportunity to sell manufactured goods in interstate commerce. Participating partners benefit with a steady workforce focused on quality.
Finally, our taxpayers share less of the burden for incarceration costs.
Wages earned by inmates participating in a Colorado PIECP operation are subject to federal and state taxes, deduction for costs of incarceration, victim compensation deduction, family support and a mandatory savings program. Since
1995, more than one-half million dollars has been paid in victims’ restitution and
assistance by participating PIECP inmates.
CCi became certified in 1990 under the Prison Industries Enhancement Certification Program beginning with our saddle making and leather goods operation.
CCi has five additional programs designated and products vary from furniture,
garments, security cells and furnishings to 10,000 gallon fiberglass fish tanks.

With nearly 50 programs, CCi provides a
strong foundation for growth and adaptability.

The Future
Nearly every state correctional industry program faces the same difficulties. How
can we create a profit, sustain inmate jobs, attract customers and expand programs? Change is inevitable. CCi challenges its organization, employees, inmate
workers, customers and major stockholders to address those needed changes
that will help make the future successful. Every participant must be encouraged
to contribute individually in a manner that will support the organization and its
employees, our valued customers, Colorado DOC and the taxpayers. The steps
we take today toward our future must always address the needs of our society.
Inmates benefit from increased knowledge and skills, thus reducing their risk of
recidivism. DOC benefits from a more efficient, safer environment. CCi benefits
by addressing our mission objectives. Colorado citizens benefit through reduced
costs of incarceration.
With an increasing inmate population, CCi continues to work closely with the
Colorado DOC to address the challenges of more inmate workers while providing security, safety, education, work ethics and marketable skills. Increasing the
number of productive inmate workers also allows for growth with more advanced
products and services as our customer requirements change.
Stated more than ten years ago, our number one strategic goal was to emphasize quality and dedication to:
The organization
Our employees
Inmate workers
Our products
Our customers
Our stockholders (executive and legislative branches of government)
This strategic goal has become a way of life for CCi. The general expectation
within a successful correctional industry is to build customer satisfaction for all
products and services offered. When achieved, that satisfaction is also experienced by organizational employees, inmate workers, valued customers and major stockholders. We have dedicated ourselves to achieving that satisfaction and
establishing quality, service, cooperation, trust and loyalty from all involved.


We build opportunity.



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