Cdcr Memo Compensation for Cell Search Damages 2007
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Slale of California Califomia Department of Corrections lind Rehabiliialion MEMORANDUM Date: January 29,2007 To: Marvin Mutch MAC Chairman 1-N-42 Lower From: California State Prison - San Quentin, San Quentin, CA 94964 Subject: INMATE CLAIMS FOR REIMBURSEMENT- NORTH BLOCK This memo is to give you and fellow North Block inmates' information on the CDC 602'5 related to the October 2006 ceil searches. The Inmate Trust Office is providing help to any North Block inmate who has already filed an appeal for any personal property destroyed or lost during the October 2006 cell search. This applies to inmates who have not already had their appeal settled by the Correctional Sergeant or any other North Block officer. If a North Block inmate has already received some form of compensation and this issue was settled, then this process does not apply to you. This only applies to inmates who have had their appeals answered at the informal level by the Correctional Sergeant involved in the 602 process, and have not been compensated. This process only allows for inmate claims that do not exceed $1,000.00. What I will need from each inmate seeking compensation is your original informal (granted or partially granted) appeal, with proof (copies of receipts, invoices, etc.) of payment, an itemized amount and or total amount of property lost, and a signed Release of Liability form (Attachment D). Please see the copy of this attachment for its detail and explanation. Inmates are to complete Parts 1,2 and 3. Without a signed form by the inmate no claim for compensation will go to Sacra.'llento. For blank copies of the Release of Liability form please see the MAC Chairman. I will be in the North Block Housing Area on Wednesday thru Friday, January 31 thru February 2, 2007, at 3:30 p.m. thru 4:30 p.m., collecting all documentation just described. If I need more time to finish collecting this documentation I will be available the following week. A11602's given to me at the stated times above will be reviewed by the Correctional Sergeant in order to make certain that the inmate has not already been previously compensated in some form or another. If an inmate attempts to double dip and wastes my time and slows down the process for the inmates who have valid 602's I will personally write you up. Page 2 When the Inmate Trust Office has a sufficient number of 602's and signed Release of Liability Letters, we will send those documents to Sacramento requesting separate checks for each inmate. We will also create a fonn of receipt and assign each inmate a claim number for their records (inmates will receive copy of the receipt form and signed Release of Liability). When we get enough 602'8 and Release Letters again, we will repeat the same process. It is expected that 'payment will happen within 5 to 6 weeks after sending these documents to Sacramento. Upon getting these checks in the hunate Trust Office (not sent to the inmate), we should be able to deposit these funds in 2 or 3 business days. There will be no restitution taken from these deposits. Each inmate claimant will receive a trust account statement showing deposit of these funds. Again, I am only collecting documentation from inmates who have not already been compensated by North Block Custody staff for the loss of inmate property that does not exceed $1000.00. If you have any questions, please contact me. LarryW d Sr. Accounting Officer Inmate Trust Accounting Attachment c: CDW S.Petrakis J.C. Allen Tina Cherry Capt. P. Speer MAC' STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation INMATEIWARDIPAROLEE GOVERNMENT CLAIMS RELEASE FORM INSTITUTIONIREGION LOG NUMBER~ INSTITUTIONIFACILITYIREGION NAME. G) Upon receipt of payment of @ _ _ dollars ($ ...J), (InmatelWard/Parolee, CDC number,) hereby agrees to release and discharge the State of California, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability arising from and under the matters recited in Claim No. approved by the Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board (payment to be made by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation in accordance with Government Code Section 965) and from and all claims and demands which he/she now has or may hereafter have against the State of California or any officer, agent and employee thereof, for damages of any nature arising out of the matters alleged in his/her claim. This release is freely and voluntarily entered into by the undersigned. CDC Number Date Staff Witness Signature ntle Date Staff Witness Signature Title Date ATTACHMENT D _