Cca Staff Misconduct Report Reece-gardner 2009
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3-3A CCA FACrLITY EMPLOYEE PROBLEM SOLVING NOTICE CONFrOENTIAL: nus FORM IS TO BE MAINTA.INED IN ACCORDANCE WITH POL'CY 3-9, EMP'LOYEE RECORDS Facility; WhitevUle Correctional Facility Employee: _-=L"",'I"""le...,R...>;e""e~c;;.:::e,-,-G",-,a::.:.r~d,-"ne,,,-,r _ _Titte: Hearth Services Administrator Name of Supervisor initiating Problem Sorving Notice: _ _---'T""'a::.:..m'-"m"-'-J..y..:..F,;,:.o'-"rd"'-!-:.A""'s""'s""'is~ta::.:..n ...t..:.W"'_'a"...r_=d.".,en~ Po'icy Violation: [gJ Yes 0 _ No tf yes, policy Violated (Indie-ere Policy g and Title): 3-3 Code of CondUct and 3-3M Code of Conduct Guide "Business and Confidential Information: Accuracy. Retention. and Disposal of Documents and Records" Date of Notice; _ _....!fI..!.-'!la'""r!.:;c::.:h~3'-'-'-"'2:>:.O,:;:;09~ Date of Situation: _---"-J;:;::,an;.:.:u",a"...f.,J...,,;;;.v2"""'O..:.O;:..9 Description of Situation.: An internal investigation conducted by the eCA Ethics Office found that in January 2009 employees reporting to and operating directly under you falsified documents "",ith the intent to .mislead auditors assigned by the Tennessee Department of Corrections. The investigation also found that it is more likely than not that you directed, approved andlor had knowledge ofthe employees' misconduct, and that you were not truthful when interviewed during the investigation. Based on these findings, I bave concluded that you have conducted yourself in a manner inconsistent vvitb the eCA Guiding Principles (in particulat,. "Integrity") and in violation of CCA Policy 3-3, Code of Conduct,. specifically the sections headed "Business and Confidential Information: A,ccuracy. Retention and Disposal of Documents and Records" of 3-3AA. Code of Conduct Guide ('<Each employee is responsible for the integrity and accuracy of the company's docwnents and records ... No employee m.ay alter or falsify information on any record or docum~nt:~); "'Business Conduct and Fair De.a1ing: Relationships \vith Customers" ('''No employee shall misrepresootlcirc~m1Yent or conceal the nature of any material aspect of any transaction v.lhen dealing with a customer."); and «Reporting Misconduct and Seeking Guidanc;c (<<Employees are expected to cooperate in investigations of alleged mjsconduct .. Employees who fail ... to cooperate in an investigation are subject to disciplinary action. up to M.d including tennination of employment ..."). On J 1/30/05, 1126/07, and 2/5/08, you signed the CCA Ethics and Conduct Ackno\'V!edgement Form affi.rming that you were responsible for being familiar with the standards of conduct in policy 3-3 as wen as other policies, procedures and guidelines applicable to your position. ! Corrective Action Recommended: I8l Yes 0 No ff yes: OWritten Reprimancl ORe-Assignment OSusper'Jslon OOemotion ~Tennlnation Oother Tammy Ford Sr;pervi~r's _ Assistant Warden Signature Match 3,2009 TItle PAGE 1 OF 2 001/06 Pl'Qprtlrtary tnfonnation - Not For DistrIbution - Copyrigtited Property of Corrections C'orporation cf America