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Cca Saguaro Az Ship Segregation Unit Policy 2009

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CCA/Saguaro Correctional Facility
1250 E Arica Road
EIoy, AZ 85231

Assistant Warden
Assistant Warden
Chief of Security
Assistant Chief of Security
Chief of Unit Management
Classification Supervisor
Health Services Administrator
Business Manager
Grievance Coordinator
Shift Supervisors


Mr. T. Thomas
Mr. ]. Bradley
Mr. B. Griego
Mr. M. Lopez'
Mr. S. Meiner
Mr. N. Carrier
Ms. C. Frappiea
Ms. Sells
Mr. Miller
Ms. P. Sells
Ms. DBaker
Mr. Valenzuela
Mr. Guilin
Mr. Balderrama
Mr. Sanchez
Ms. Olson
Mr. Kalani


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Unit Managers

Mr. F. Garcia
Ms. B. Worden
Mr. T. Dobson
Mr. ]. Henson
Mr. ]. Keesling
Mr. M. Beatrice


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Chief of Unit Management: The Chief of Unit Management is responsible for
the units and lnmate programming opportunities. These programs include case
management, classification, programs and jobs.
Classification Supervisor- The classification supervisor reviews all classification
documentation. Supervises the Jobs Coordinator and Records Supervisor.
Shift Supervisor: The Shift Supervisor is responsible for the supervision of the
administrative and operational security activities on a specific shift.
Assistant Shift Supervisor: The Assistant Shift Supervisor assists the Shift
Supervisor in the supervision of the administrative and operational activities in a
correctional facility.
Unit Managers: Unit Managers are supervisors who work in the living units.
They hire workers to work in their area of responsibility as well as coordinate
workers for the other departments such as Education, Maintenance, Food
Service, Medical Department, etc... The Unit Manager is also responsible for
bed/unit moves. They will help you with your "inmate requests" and answer
your questions. The Unit Manager will order and ensure hygiene items are
handed out according to the posted schedule. Your personal issues should be
directed to the Unit Manager before it reaches Administrative staff.
Case Managers: Case Managers will help you with questions about your
classification, custody, court hearings, detainers, and pending transfers/releases.
They will work closely with your arresting agencies and the Courts to help
answer your questions. Case Managers are charged with the responsibility of
keeping your records in order while you are at the Saguaro Correctional Center.
Upon arrival, each inmate will be interviewed to determine program needs, and
develop a program plan.
Correctional Counselor:
Correctional Counselor comes from a security
background and has experience as a corrections officer, is part of the unit team
with the primary responsibility for resolving daily inmate issues before they
become significant matters, incidents or grievances.

The Special Housing unit is a 264 bed housing unit within the Saguaro Correctional
Center. This unit will house Hawaiian contracted inmates for our contracting
agency. Inmates in this unit will be placed into the Special Housing Incentive
Program (S.H.J.P.), Administrative and/or Disciplinary Segregation. The inmate
will be placed and or recommended for this the S.H,I.P. based on the following

Current conviction of a m~or disciplinary infraction
Disciplinary history within the institution
Current management problem

All inmates who enter the segregation unit will be properly stripped searched, given a
clean uniform, and allowable personal property. Each cell will be thoroughly inspected
before being occupied.
All inmates will be placed into segregation under Pre-Hearing Detention status pending
their disciplinary hearing or completion of an investigation. A Segregation Activity
Record (SAR) will be maintained for each inmate who is placed into Segregation.
At the completion of an iumate's disciplinary time, he may be considered for SHIP
placement depending on the reasons for initial segregation placement. S.H.I.P. is divided
into three levels. To successfully complete a step, the inmate must maintain a clear
disciplinary history during each level. This will include but is not limited to, keeping a
sanitary living area, overall good behavior to staff and surrounding inmates and
participation in programs.



Each inmate recommended for S.H.I.P. will begin in Step I and will remain for a minimum of 180
days before advancing to the next step. If at any time the inmate fails to meet the expected for
mentioned criteria, the inmate will remain in Step I and/or be demoted in steps.
The duration of each step is as follows:
• Step I: Minimum of 180 days
• Step II: Minimum of 180 days
• Step III: Minimum of 180 days

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Inmates will have telephone access as follows:
• Step I and/or AdministrativelDisciplinary: One (I) phone call every thirty (30) days.
This will upon the approval of the Unit Team.
• Step II and Step III inmates will be allowed telephone usage during their scheduled
dayroom recreation time.
All calls will be 15 minutes In length. Anyfailure to follow this rule wili terminate
personalphone calls for a period ofone month and thell with the Unit Manager's
Inmates with the SffiP will be allowed visits based on the following schedule:
• Step I and/or Administrative: Two (2) non-contact visits per month in two (2) durations.
• Step II: Two (2) contact visits per month in one (I) hour duration.
• Step III: Four (4) contact visits per month in two (2) hour durations.
Segregation visits wili be scheduled on Wednesday s only and by approval ofthe Unit Team
and CltiefofSecurity. A visit may be terminated based on the Inmate's behavior and due to the
security needs ofthe Institution.
Medical will provide pill call on the unit. Sick call appointments will be provided upon
approval of the medical authority on duty. STEP I and/or segregation inmates will be escorted to
medical in full restraints for appointments.

All inmates in SHIP and/or segregation will be allowed to send and receive mail in the
same manner as general population. Inmates in SHIP I and/or segregation will leave their mail
open so a Correctional Officer may visually inspect for contraband. This may be done in the
inmate's presence. This also counts for any and all legal maiVpackages.
Library services will be afforded to all inmates in Segregation. This will be done on
Tuesdays (NA, NB & NC) and Thursdays (ND & NE) by an Education staff member.
Books will be given on a one for one basis. Any destruction of unit books will result in
disciplinary action. Law library services may be terminated for the day for security
Religious services:
Religious services will be provided to all Segregation inmates. The Chaplain will visit
the unit at least once per week. Inmates may have additional visits upon approval of the Unit
Team and Chaplain.




4.)When exiting ones cell all inmates will back out and follow staff direction. (This
applies to inmates on SHIP I and/or Administrativeillisciplinary segregation).
Failure to comply will result in cancel elation of recreation, showers and other
5.)AlI inmates will be strip searched prior to exiting and returning to their cells,
NO EXCEPTIONS. This includes recreation, visitation, law library etc.
6.) At no point in time will inmates cover their windows, light fixtures, place any
items on the wall, have clothe lines, block the air vents or utilize any items as a
barricade. Failure to follow will result in disciplinary action.
7.) Cell Searches will be performed on a daily basis. All contraband and/or
unauthorized items will be confiscated, and disciplinary reports will be issued.
8.) Make sure that all your property is on your inventory sheet(s) when you sign
them. Segregation staff will not be responsible for anything that is not listed.
9.) All beds will be made by 8:00 am or prior to exiting cell. This includes recreation,
and showers. Any violation of this housing rule will result in disciplinary action
and/or considered a refusal to shower or recreate. Cells will remain clean and
orderly at all times.
10.) Inmates will not stand on toilets, sinks, tables and/or chairs for any reason.
II.) The listed items from the matrix are the only items allowed in the cells. All
unauthorized items will be confiscated.
12.) No plastic bags will be allowed in the cells at any time.
13.) Meals will be offered three times a day. All trays will be picked no later than one
hour from the start of feeding. No canteen food will be stored in the cells. (Any
inmate that uses food and/or food trays in an inappropriate manner, ie.
throwing, smearing or breaking will be placed on an Alternative Meal Menu.
This will include a sack lunch with the basic needs. This will last for seven
days and may repeat itself based on the individual's behavior).
14.) Toilet paper will be issued every Sunday ONLY by the Unit Staff. This includes
two rolls per inmate on this day. In order to obtain a new roll of toilet paper, you must
provide the core ofthe used toilet paper foil. !fyou require more than two rolls
per week, you may purchase through the commissary.
15.) Clothing exchange will be done every three months per request and if supplies
allow for SHIP I, SHIP II, SHIP III and Administrative Long Term inmates.






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24.) Recreation will be offered five (5) days a week (Monday through Friday) for one
hour. If you refuse recreation at the time it is offered, you will not be allowed to go to the
recreation yard at a later time. Only clothing items to exercise in are allowed out to
recreation. No other property will be allowed to be taken out to recreation. Under no
circumstances will any items be passed to another inmate. Any property brought out to
recreation and/or any items passed to another inmate will result in disciplinary action.
This includes drinking cups. Water will be provided on the recreation yard.
• Inmate(s) on SHIP I and/or Administrativeillisciplinary will be allowed
outdoor recreation for one hour five days a week.
• Inmate(s) on SillP II will be allowed outdoor recreation one hour a day
five days a week and dayroom time one hour per day Monday through
Friday ONLY.
• Inmate(s) on SHIP III will be allowed outdoor recreation one hour a day
five days a week and dayroom time two hours per day Monday through
Friday ONLY.

Any inmate displaying disruptive behavior will lose recreation privileges until
the furtlter notified by tlte Unit Manager. Recreation may be
canceled any time due to tlte security needs oftltefacility.


25.) All medical requests will be handled by the medical staff ONLY. The
Segregation staff will not be responsible for picking up medical requests.
26.) All grievance forms will be picked up by the Grievance Coordinator(s) only, and
will be dealt with in a timely manner. Segregation Staff will not pick up any
grievance forms.
27.) Showers are limited to TEN (10) MINUTES. Showers are offered three times a
week. The schedule is as follows:
The following will be allowed to be taken to showers: One (1) towel, one (1) bar
of soap, one (1) bottle of shampoo and one (1) face towel. Any items not listed here
that are taken to the shower will result in disciplinary action and confiscation of item.
Razors will be issued at the time of shower. Once complete, the Segregation
officer will retrieve the razor and dispose of it properly. At no time will all
inmate in Segregation have a razor in their possession or person.


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