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Bop Re Hurst Foia Request Spectometry 2009

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· U.S. Department of Justice



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Federal Bureau of Prisolls



September 2, 2009
Jay Hurst
6409 Fayetteville Road
Suite 120, PMB 326
Durham, NC 27713


For Further Inquiry Contact:
Federal Bureau of Prisons
320 First Street NW
Room 841, HOLC Building
Washington, DC 20534

FOrA Request No. 2009-11103

Dear Mr. Hurst:
This is in response to your Freedom of Information Act
request for (1) all records dated between April I, 2008, and the
present, which re-authorize the use of ion spectrometry equipment
at any BOP correctional facility; and (2) all records regarding
manufacturer hardware and/or software updates to any ion
spectrometry devices re-authorized for use by any BOP agent since
April 2008.
In response to your request, five (5) pages were forwarded
to this office for a release determination.
After careful
review, we have determined all five (5) pages can be released in
their entirety.
We trust this has been responsive to your request.
If you
have any further inquiries, please contact the undersigned at the
address above.

Ana L. Velilla-Arce,
Senior Paralegal
for Wanda M. Hunt
Chief, FOIA/PA Section

Enclosures: 5 pages

U.S. Oepal'tmcnt of Justice
Federal Bureau of Prisons

lI'as"i",\:/(JIl, DC 20534

April 10, 2008








Suspension of Use of Ion Spectrometry Equipment

This memorandum is to advise you that you are to immediately
suspend all use of any ion spectrometry drug detection equipment.
The software for th€:se machines reqUires correction, and we have
contacted the manufacturers to ensure they make the necessary
modifications. After the problems associated with these machines
ar.e resolved, we will notify you regar.ding bringing the equipment
back online.
Any visitor whose visiting privileges are currently suspended as
a result of the use of ion spectrometry drug detection equipment
may request the Warden consider r.einstatement of visiting
In addi.tion, inmates can make requests to unit s~aff
to have such a visitor considered for reinstatement of visiting
Inmate~1 are to be advised through normal staff-toinmate communications channels (such as, town hall meetings) that
they can make such .01 request.
Appropr'iate staff will review each request from an inmate or a
visitor and make a written recommendation to the Warden as to
whether privileges ~,hould be reinstated. Reinstatement. of
visiting privileges should not occur in these instances where the
basis of the sll.spemiion was not due to the use of ion
spectrometry drug d€!tectian equipment (e.g., the suspension is
based on inappropriate behavior in the visiting room).

In addition, ion spectrometry drug detection equipment may not be
used to test for the presence of illegal substances on inmates,
on inmates' personal belongings, in housing units, or in work
Please maintain all ion spectrometry drug detection equipment and
all relevant documentation until further notice.
We have a.ttached talking points for use by staff in addressing
questions from inmates and visitors and for posting as a notice
to inmates.

Ion Spectrometry Dnlg Detection Equipment

We have discovered that our ion spectrometry drug detection equipment has software
The Office ofSccurily Technology COST) has notified the manufacturers of these
problems and they are working on corrective action.
The Bureau of Prisons is suspending the use of ion spectrometry drug detection
equipment until the problems are COIT«:tcd by the manufacturers and the resulls are
confirmed by CST.
Irunates can make a request to wlit staff that the Warden consider reinstating a visitor's
visiting privileges if the visitor is currently under suspension based solely on a positive
tcsl by ion spectromeLry drug detection equipment.
Likewise, the suspended visitor can make a written request to the Warden to consider
reinstating his or her visiting privileges if the visitor is currently under sllspension based
solely 011 a positive test by ion spectrometl)' dnlg detection equipment.
The Warden will designate specific staff to investigate and confirm whether the
suspension currently in etTect on a specific visitor was based on the use orion
spectrometry drug dctl.--ction equipment and was not taken because ora violation of the
institution's mles or practices.

U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Prisons

Washington, D.C. 20534
March 24, 2009


JO~'(;nl~;. (~


Correctional Programs Division


Thomas R. Kane, Assistant Director
Information, Policy, and Public Affairs Division

Ion Spectrometry Drug Detection Program

This memorandum updates you on the use of Ion Spectrometry (IMSl
equipment within the BOP.
IMS equipment use was suspended on April 10, 2008.
Since that
time, the Office of Security Technology (OST) has conducted
testing on both the GE Security Itemiser3 and Smiths Detection
IonScan 400B equipment using pharmaceuticals, hand
sanitizers/lotions and illicit drugs.

As a result of this testing, the IMS program will be re-instated
immediately under the following conditions:
IMS equipment is authorized [or use on inmates ONLY, in
accordance with Program Statement No. 5522.01, IQn
Spectrometry Device Program (02/24/051, and this memorandum.
Either Smith's or GE Security IMS machines may be used to
test inmate mail, inmate personal belongings, lockers, work
areas, and the visiting room.
TMS equipment is NOT
authorized for testing inmates themselves (i.e., clothing,
hands. shoes, etc.).
Both the Smiths Detection and GE Security equipment are to
be used in the Narcotics mode to test for the main six
drugs: Heroin, Cocaine, Methamphetamine. Amphetamine, THC,
and MOMA.
Other substances can be added/removed based on

regional and/or institution drug trends, but only with the
approval of the Central Office Ionscan Program Manager, and
after analyzing positive hit information cross-referenced
with inmate urinalysis data.
IMS equipment is NOT authorized for use on any visitors.
Institution supplements related to or referencing PS 5522.01
shall be updated to comply this memorandum.
Please direct further questions and requests for assistance to
the Office of Security Technology at 202-307-3191.




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