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Bop Operation and Security of the Cmu 11-13-2008

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Prisons
U. S. Penitentiary
Marion, IL 62959




Communication Management
November 13, 2008
Operation & Security of the
Communication Management
Unit ( I Unit)

PURPOSE AND SCOPE This institution supplement establishes guidelines and procedures for
the operation and security of the Communication Management Unit (CMU) in I Unit, at the
United States Penitentiary, Marion, Illinois.

The CMU is established to house inmates who, due to their current offense of conviction,
offense conduct, or other verified information, require increased monitoring of communication
between inmates and persons in the community in order to protect the safety, security, and
orderly operation of Bureau facilities, and to protect the public.
The CMU is a self-contained general population housing unit where inmates reside, eat, and
participate in all educational, recreational, religious, unit management, and work programming
within the confines of I Unit. Additionally, the unit contains a block of cells located on B Range
which are dedicated to segregated housing for those inmates in need of being placed in
administrative detention or disciplinary segregation status. All national policies applicable to
general population inmates apply with conditions specified within the supplement.




Directives Referenced
P.S. 1330.16, Administrative Remedy Program (August 23,2001)


Directives Rescinded

____MAR-5270.07A, Operation & Security of the Communication Management Unit
(March 20, 2008)



assistant is responsible for administering the Admission and Orientation Program (A&O). The
purpose of the program is to familiarize each inmate with the unit staff, unit procedures,
expected behavior, and programs available. All items on the A&O Checklist will be covered and
utilized for verification of participation. As part of A&O, I Unit inmates will receive a copy of this
institution supplement and an I Unit A&O Handbook. A&O has been recorded on a DVD and
will be presented to each inmate in I Unit.


November 13, 2008

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Classification and reviews of I Unit inmates will occur according to national policy. Additionally,
within five calendar days of arrival, I Unit inmates will be provided a "NOTICE TO INMATE OF
TRANSFER TO COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT UNIT" form indicating the reasons for their
placement in the unit. A blank copy of the form is included with this Institution Supplement,
Attachment "A".
B. CONTACT WITH PERSONS IN THE COMMUNITY: The purpose of the CMU in I Unit is to
provide increased monitoring of communication of the inmates assigned to it. By operating a
self-contained housing unit, staff may adequately regulate and monitor all communications
between inmates and persons in the community.
(a) Written Correspondence. Mail call is held Monday through Friday between the hours
of 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. You must be present to receive your mail. Mail leaving the
institution must be hand-delivered to unit management staff. Mail leaving the institution
must contain a return address which includes your name and register number. Legal and
special mail will ordinarily be delivered by the case manager. Outgoing special mail (I.e.,
attorney, federal courts, probation officers, etc.) may be sealed, and delivered to the unit
management staff during mail call hours.
(b) Telephone Communication. All telephone communication between inmates and
persons in the community (except properly placed, unmonitored legal calls) will:
1. be conducted using monitored ITS phone lines;
2. be live-monitored by staff;
3. be recorded;
4. occur in English-only (by both the inmate and community cali-recipient) unless
previously scheduled for and conducted through simUltaneous translation
5. be limited to a single 15-minute cali per week;
6. be scheduled Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays between the
hours of 8:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Persons from whom an inmate requests placement on the approved telephone list must
complete the "Acknowledgment of Conditions for Telephone Contact with Inmates in
the Communication Management Unit, USP Marion," form included with this institution
supplement as attachment "B", as proof of their acknowledgment and acceptance of these
conditions. Monitored calls where either party speaks in non-English will be immediately
terminated by the staff monitor unless previously scheduled and conducted through
simultaneous translation monitoring. In the event of terminated calis, inmates may be
subject to disciplinary action, and the person may be removed from the inmate's approved
telephone list.
(c) Visiting. Ali visiting between inmates and persons in the community (except properly
scheduled, unmonitored legal visits) will:
1. be conducted in the main visiting room using non-contact facilities (I.e., secure
partitioned rooms, telephone voice contact);
2. be live-monitored;
3. be subject to recording;

November 13, 2008


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occur in English-only (by both inmate and visitor) unless previously scheduled for
and conducted through simultaneous translation monitoring;
Nonverbal communication (I.e. hand signals, sign language) may result in
termination of the visit;
be scheduled Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays between the
hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Each inmate is authorized four hours of visiting
each month (two 2-hour visits or one 4-hour visit.)

Any violations may result in immediate termination of the visit. Persons for whom an
inmate requests placement on the approved visiting list must complete the
"Acknowledgment of Conditions for Visiting with Inmates in the Communication
Management Unit, USP Marion," form included with this institution supplement as
attachment "C," as proof of their acknowledgment and acceptance of these conditions.


(a) Cell Assignments: Ordinally, I-Unit inmates will be housed in single bunk cells. The
unit contains a range of cells dedicated to segregated housing of those inmates in need of
being placed in administrative detention or disciplinary segregation status. Cells 102-010L
thru 102-016L are designated as segregation housing for I Unit inmates placed in
administrative detention status or disciplinary segregation status.
(b) Health Services: Health Services staff will provide sick call in the morning on
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in the unit examination room. Medications will be
delivered and/or administered in the unit twice daily. Inmates may request to be seen by a
physician. Specialized services may be provided in the institutions's main health services
unit as needed.
(c) Mental Health Services: Psychology staff will make regular rounds within the unit.
Inmates may request to be seen by psychology staff, which will occur within the unit.
(d) Meals: All inmate meals will be served and consumed in the unit.
(e) Education/Recreation Services: Inmates will ordinarily be permitted to leave their
cells and participate in activities in the unit from 6:00 a.m. to 9:45 p.m., except during
A basic leisure and law library are located within the unit. Additional materials may be
requested from the main leisure and law library. A photocopier has been provided for
inmate use at their expense.
Inmates will be provided table games such as chess, checkers and cards. Hobby craft

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November 13, 2008

opportunities wHl also be provided.
Earphones wHl be utilized when playing radios at all times. Radios may be played on the
recreation yard, walkways during off-duty hours, and in individual inmate cells. Alteration
of a radio is not permitted and will be confiscated as contraband.
Televisions are available in the unit for viewing. The recreational areas contain various
recreation activities to include handball, basketball courts, sit-up benches, stationary bikes,
stair-stepping machines, and walking.
(f) Religious Services. Religious service opportunities wHl be provided in the unit.

(g) Ice Machine: An ice machine is provided. This area must be kept clean at all times.
Water drainage lines must remain unclogged and wHl not be used to dispose of food items.
The ice machine may be turned off for an indeterminate amount of time if contraband is
found in this area.
(h) Commissary/Trust Fund Operations. Commissary purchase forms will be issued on
Tuesday of each week by Unit Management staff. After completion of the forms, they will
be hand-delivered by staff to the commissary for processing by COB Wednesday. The
commissary items wHl be delivered to the unit and distributed by commissary staff on
Thursday of each week. Any special purchases (personal radios, etc.) must be approved
by Unit Management staff. Commissary items wHl be neatly stored in your assigned locker
ONLY. Under no circumstances are commissary items to be stored on the floor. Items not
stored in their original container are considered contraband and wHl be confiscated.
Original containers are to be disposed of when empty and wHl not be used for other
(i) Sanitation/Personal Hygiene. I-Unit inmates are responsible for sanitation of their
living areas. Unit orderly job assignments will be made by the unit staff. Clean,
serviceable clothing will be issued to each inmate upon his arrival to the unit. Unit laundry
service are available in the unit. I-Unit inmates are responsible for laundering their own
personal clothing. Barber services for I Unit wHl be conducted within the all inmates are
required to make their beds, clean their rooms, empty their trash containers and turn off
their lights prior to leaving for work, on a daily basis. Daily inspections will be made by unit
staff for cleanliness and sanitation unit.
Each inmate will be issued basic hygiene items. Additional items may be purchased by the
inmate from the institution commissary. Inmate showers are available. Staff wHl make
regular rounds within the unit to assure proper sanitation is being maintained.


Work Assignments. All work assignments will be made by the unit team.

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ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDY PROGRAM: You may appeal your transfer to I Unit, or any
conditions of your confinement, through the Bureau's Administrative Remedy Program, 28
C.F.R. 542.10 through 542.19, and Program Statement 1330.16. Unit staff will provide you with
the necessary form upon request.


EFFECTIVE DATE: This supplement is effective upon issuance.


Lisa J. W. Hollingsworth, Warden

November 13, 2008

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Attachment A

Inmate Name (Last, First, Middle):

Register Number:

Warden (print and signature):


Lisa J. W. Hollingsworth, Warden

USP Marion, Illinois

NOTICE: This notice informs you of your transfer to a Federal Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) facility
that allows greater management of your communication with persons in the community through
more effective monitoring of your telephone use, written correspondence, and visiting. Your
communication by these methods may be limited as necessary to allow effective monitoring. Your
general conditions of confinement in this unit may also be restricted as necessary to provide
greater management of your communications. Your transfer to this unit, by itself, will have no
effect on the length of your incarceration. You will continue to earn good-conduct sentence credit
in accordance with Bureau policy.
Your transfer to this facility under these conditions is based on the following specific information:

Based on this information, your transfer to this facility for greater communication management is
necessary to the safe, secure, and orderly operation of Bureau institutions, or protection of the
public. Your continued designation to this facility will be reviewed regularly by your unit team under
circumstances providing you notice and an opportunity to be heard, in accordance with the Bureau's
policy on Classification and Program Review of Inmates.

OPPORTUNITY TO APPEAL TRANSFER DECISION - You may appeal this transfer decision,
or any conditions of your confinement, through the Bureau's Administrative Remedy Program, 28
C.F.R. §§ 542.10 through 542.19, and corresponding policy. A member of your unit team will
provide you with the necessary form upon request.

INSTRUCTIONS TO STAFF· Provide the inmate a copy ofthis form and complete the following
information documenting delivery.
Staff Member Name and
Position (printed):

Staff Member (signature):

Date Issued:

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November 13, 2008

Attachment B



(Inmate Name)

--;::=---:-:--:--' an inmate housed in the eMU

(Reg. No.)

at the United States Penitentiary, Marion, Illinois, requests your name be placed on his approved
telephone list.
As a condition of being placed on this inmate's approved telephone list, you agree to the following

All telephone communication between you and the inmate will be subject to monitoring and
recording by Bureau of Prisons' staff;


Your telephone conversation with the inmate will occur in English-only, unless previously
scheduled for, and conducted through, simultaneous translation monitoring; and


Monitored calls where either party speaks in non-English will be immediately terminated by
the staff monitor unless previously scheduled and conducted through simultaneous
translation monitoring. In such cases, inmates may be subject to disciplinary action, and
you may be removed from the inmate's approved telephone list.


Date Signed

Printed Name

Phone Number

November 13, 2008


Page 8

Attachment C



- __- - - ' __=--__.,--" an inmate housed in the CMU

(Inmate Name)

(Reg. No.)

at the United States Penitentiary, Marion, Illinois, requests your name be placed on his approved
visiting list.
As a condition of being placed on this inmate's approved visiting list, you agree to the following

All communication between you and the inmate will be subject to monitoring and recording
by Bureau of Prisons' staff;


Your conversations with the inmate during the visit will occur in English-only, unless
previously scheduled for, and conducted through, simultaneous translation monitoring; and


Monitored conversations where either party speaks in non-English will be immediately
terminated by the staff monitor unless previously scheduled and conducted through
simultaneous translation monitoring. In such cases, inmates may be subject to disciplinary
action, and you may be removed from the inmate's approved visiting list.


Printed Name

Date Signed



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