ICE Detention Standards Compliance Audit - Atlanta City Detention Center Annual Review, Atlanta, GA, ICE, 2008
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Office ofDetention and Removal Operations U.S. Department of Homeland Security 801 I Street, NW Washington, DC 20536 u.s. Immigration and Customs Enforcement MEMORANDUM FOR: Raymond A. Simonse Field Office Director Atlanta Field Offi FROM: b6,b7c b6,b7c Acting Chief Detention Standards Compliance Unit Atlanta City Detention Center Annual Review SUBJECT: The annual review of the Atlanta City Detention Center conducted on May l3-15, 2008 in Atlanta, Georgia has been received. A fmal rating of Good has been assigned. No further action is required and this review is closed. The rating was based on the Reviewer-In-Charge (RIC) Summary Memorandum and supporting documentation. The Field Office Director must now initiate the following actions in accordance with the Detention Management Control Program (DMCP): 1) The Field Office Director, Detention and Removal Operations, shall notify the facility within five business days of receipt of this memorandum. Notification shall include copies of the Form G-324A, Detention Facility Review Form, the CC-324A Worksheet, RIC Summary Memorandum, and a copy of this memorandum. 2) The next annual review will be scheduled on or before May 13,2009. b6,b7c Should your staff have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Detention and Deportation Officer, Detention Standards Compliance Unit at (202) 732 cc: Official File ICE:HQDRO: b6,b7c , b6,b7c :2-2436:05/22/2008 b2High FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) i .ICE Detention Standards ' .Compliance Review Atlanta City Detention Center May 13-15,2008 REPORT DATE - May 23, 2008 reative corrections Contract Number: ODT"6-D-0001 Order Number: HSCEOP-07-F-OI016 b6 Executive Vice President Creative Corrections 6415 Calder, Suite B Beaumont, TX 77706 b6 COTR U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Detention, Standards Compliance Unit , 801 I Street NW Washington, DC 20536 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 1 .} . ..#.4';r.:~'J' ~l;· .. - \,: C · reatlve 1 1• cor r e c t ion s 6415 Calder, Suite B • Beaumont, Texas 77706 409.866.9920 • Making a Difference! May 23, 2008 MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: Gary E Mead, Acting Director Office of Detention and Removals b6,b7c Reviewer-In-Char Creative Corrections b6,b7c b6,b7c r .. Atlanta City Detention Center Annual Review SUBJECT: Creative Corrections conducted an Annual Detention Review (ADR) of the Atlanta City Detention Center, located in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 13-15,2008. The facility is operated by the City of Atlanta, Georgia. The City has an Intergovernmental Services Agreement for housing federal detainees dated . As noted on the attached documents, my team of b6,b7c Subject Matter Experts included Security; , Health Services; b6,b7c b6 b6,b7c b6 Safety; and Food Services. b6,b7c A closeout meeting was conducted on May 15, 2008, with Chief r, Assistant Chief Major b6,b7c , Immigration Enforcement Agent , and several facility b6,b7c b6,b7c supervisory staff. The closeout included a discussion of all concerns and recommendations noted during this review. Type of Review: This review is a scheduled Detention Standard Review to determine general compliance with established ICE National Detention Standards for facilities used for over 72 hours. Review Summary: The Atlanta City Detention Center is not accredited by American Correctional Association (ACA), National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC), or the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). Standards Compliance: The following statistical information provides a direct comparison of the 2007 ADR and this ADR conducted for 2008. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 1/3 May 13-15. 2008 Review May 8-10, 2007 Review Compliant Deficient At-Risk Not-Applicable 35 o o 3 Compliant Deficient At-Risk Not-Applicable 35 o o 3 RIC Issues and Concerns Emergency Plans: Facility policies should be amended to emphasize the protection of detainees from disease, property damage, or harassment from other detainees. The Emergency Plans should also address confidentiality, accountability, annual review procedureS/schedule and revisions. A comprehensive general section with procedures applicable to most emergency situations should accompany the contingency plans. Locations of shut-offvalves and switches for all utilities (water, gas, electric) should be included in the Emergency Plans. Written procedures should also cover work/food strikes, internal searches, detainee transportation system plans, and civil disturbances. Environmental Health and Sa(etv: Fire drills are currently being conducted and documented quarterly. It is recommended the fire drills be conducted and documented monthly. These drills should be conducted during every shift at least once per quarter. Security Inspections: The facility does not have a comprehensive security inspection policy. Several policies address inspections, but are fragmented and do not address guidelines for checking all security features with procedures for reporting weak spots, recurring problems, areas needing improvement, failure to take corrective action, or inconsistencies. The facility does not have written procedures in place to compel searches of storage/supply rooms, plumbing fixtures, accesses, and drains. It is recommended the policies be amended to address these concerns. Use of Force: Written procedures should direct a health professional be consulted as part of the confrontation avoidance procedures, and that medication not be used for restraint purposes unless authorized by the Medical Department The use of protective gear when restraining detainees with open cutS or wounds, in order to prevent injury or exposure to communicable disease, should be reflected in written procedures. Standard procedures associated with using four-point restraints should also be defined in written policy. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 2/3 Recommended Rating and Justification It is the Reviewer-in-Charge (RIC) recommendation that the facility receive a rating of "Good". RIC Assurance Statement All findings of this review have been documented on the Detention Review Worksheet and are supported by the written documentation contained in the revIew file . . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 3/3 't:~' rea t i v e ~corrections I I DETENTION FACILITY INSPECTION FORM i FACILITIES USED LoNGER THAN 72 HOURS A. TYPE OF FACILITY REVIEWED ICE Service Processing Center ICE Contract Detention Facility ICE Intergovernmental Service Agreement Other Charges: (If None, Indicate N/A) ; IZI N/A Estimated Man-days Per Year 62,000 B. CURRENT INSPECfION [:0e ofInspection , Field Office IZI HO Inspection Date[s] of Facility Review May 13-15,2008 G. ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATES IZI N/A List all State or National Accreditation[s] received: D D IZI C. PREVIOUslMoST RECENT FACILITY REVIEW Date[s] of Last Facility Review May 8-10 2007 Previous Rating D Superior D Good IZI Acceptable 0 Deficient D At-Risk D. NAME AND LOCATION OF FACILITY Name Atlanta City Detention Center Address 254 Peachtree Street, SW City, State and Zip Code Atlanta GA 30303 County Fulton Name and Title of Chief Executive Officer (Warden/O IC/Superintendent) b6,b7c Chief Telephone Number (Include Area Code) 404-865 b6,b7c Field Office / Sub-Office (List Office with Oversight) Atlanta Field Office Distance from Field Office 1 Mile E. CREATIVE CORRECfIONS INFORMATION Name of Inspector (Last Name, Title and Duty Station) b6,b7c RIC / Creative Corrections m Member / Title I Duty Location b6 SME I Food Name of Team Member I Title / Duty Location b6,b7c SME I Safety Name of Team Member / Title I Duty Location SME I Security b6,b7c m Member / Title I Duty Location / SME I Medical b6 Name of Team Member / Title I Duty Location I I F. CDFIIGSA INFORMATION ONLY Contract Number Date of Contract or IGSA 05-01-1991 J-B19-M-958 Basic Rates per Man-Day $68.00 I i I I it Cr H. PROBLEMS I COMPLAINTS (COPIES MUST BE ATTACHED) Facility is under Court Order or Class Action Finding Court Order D Class Action Finding The Facility has Significant Litigation Pending D Major Litigation Life/Safety Issues -0 ~None I. FACILITY HISTORY Date Built 1995 Date Last Remodeled or Upgraded 2001 Date New Construction / Bed Space Added 20011300 Future Construction Planned DYes l8l No Date: Current Bed space Future Bed Space (# New Beds only) Number: Date: 1314 J. TOTAL FACILITY POPULATION TQtal Facilily Intake for Previous 12 months 33,492 Total ICE Man Days for Previous 12 months 62,233 K. CLASSIFICATION LEVEL (ICE SPCs AND CDFs 'ONLY) L-2 L-l L-3 Adult Male Adult Female L. FACILITY CAPACITY Rated Adult Male 1,000 Adult Female 314 Ooerational 899 284 Emergency 101 30 i l Facility Holds Juveniles Offenders 16 and Older as Ad ults M. AVERAGE DAILY POPULATION ICE Adult Male 138 Adult Female 22 N. FACILITY STAFFING LEVEL b2High FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) «:> 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) USMS 899 11 : Other 101 45 I SIGNIFICANT INCIDENT SUMMARY WORKSHEET In order for Creative Corrections to complete its review of your facility, you must complete the following worksheet prior to your scheduled review dates. This worksheet must contain data for the past twelve months. We will use this worksheet in conjunction with the ICE Detention Standards to assess your detention operations with regard to the needs ofICE and its detainee population. Failure to complete this worksheet will result in a delay in processing this report, and may result in a reduction or removal of ICE detainees from your facility. P P P 0 2 0 20 13 17 20 p p 0 p 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Offender I Detainee Medical Referrals as a Result of Injuries 3 2 Escapes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 172 151 171 2 79 33 18 N/A N/A NlA 0 0 0 352 301 314 330 227 339 347 321 Assault: Offenders on Offenders' Assault: Detainee on Staff # Times FourlFive Point Restraints AppliedlUsed Grievances: P 5 Deaths Psychiatric I Medical Referrals # Psychiatric Cases Referred for Outside Care Any attempted physical contact or physical contact that involves two or more offenders Oral, anal or vaginal penetration or attempted penetration involving at least 2 parties, whether it is consenting or non-consenting Routine transportation of detainees/offenders is not considered "forced Any incident that involves four or more detaineeS/offenders, includes gang fights, organized multiple hunger strikes, work stoppages, hostage situations, major fires, or other large scale incidents. . K FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) <02007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 2 of4 -. _ _-_-__----------- - - _.._........ .. ..... .. DHSIICE DETENTION STANDARDS REVIEW SUMMARY REpORT 3. AT-RISK 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.· 13. 14. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. . 4. REPEAT FINDING S.NOT MPUCABLE .. Admission and Release . Classification System Correspondence and Other Mail Detainee Handbook Food Service . Funds and Personal Property Detainee Grievance Procedures Issuance and Exchange of Clothing, Bedding, and Towels Marriage Requests Non-Medical Emergency Escorted Trip Recreation · . Religious Practices Detention Files Disciplinary Policy . Emergency Plans Environmental Health and Safety Hold Rooms in Detention Facilities Key and Lock Control Population Counts Post Orders Security Inspections Special Management Units (Administrative Detention) Special Management Units (Disciplinary Segregation) Tool Control Transportation (Land management) Use of Force Staff / Detainee Communication (Added August 2003) Detainee Transfer ALL FINDINGS OF DE~CIENT AND AT~J.tISK REQUIRE wRI'I'TEN COMMENT DESCRIBING THE FINDING AND WHAT IS NECESSARY TO REACH COMPLIANCE. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) (:) 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 1218/07) Page 3 of4 -------------------------------- RIC REVlEW ASSURANCE STATEMENT By signing below, the Reviewer-In-Charge (RIC) certifies that: All fmdings of non-compliance with policy or inadequate controls, and findings of noteworthy accomplishments, contained in this Inspection Report, are supported by evidence that is sufficient and reliable; and Within the scope of this review, the facility is operating in accordance with applicable law and policy, and property and resources are being efficiently utilized and adequately safeguarded, except for any deficiencies noted in the report. b6,b7c b6,b7c Title & Duty Location RIC, Creative Corrections Ma 15,2008 Print Name, Title, & Duty Location Print Name, Title, & Duty Location b6 SME Food b6,b7c Print Name, Title, & Duty Location b6,b7c , SME, Security RECOMMENDED RATING: SME, Safety Print Name, Title, & Duty Location b6 SME, Medical DSUPERIOR [gIGOOD D ACCEPTABLE DDEFICIENT OAT-RIsK COMMENTS: In September 2007, a 41 year old female inmate (not ICE detainee) collapsed in her cell. CPR was initiated and she was transferred to Grady Medical Center where she was pronounced dead. Autopsy revealed the cause of death "Natural Causes". The mortality review concluded no further action was required. . The Atlanta City Detention Center is in the process of seeking ACA Accreditation and it is evident that a lot of effort has exerted towards meeting this goal. In recognition of the improvements made the reviewing team recommends a rating of "Good". FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Correction~. TJ ,C (Rev. 121&107) P8.Qe 4 of4 HEADQUARTERS EXECUTIVE REVIEW I Review Authority The signature below constitutes review of this report and acceptance by the Review Authority. OIC/CEO will have 30 days from receipt of this report to respond to all findings and recommendations. HQDRO EXECUTNE REVIEW: (please Print Name) b6,b7c b6,b7c Title Actin Chief Final Rating: 0 Superior [8l Good o Acceptable o Deficient OAt-Risk ONoRating Comments: The Review Authority concurs with the "Good" rating. Form CC-324A FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) Creative Corrections 6415 Calder, Suite B Beaumont, Texas 77706 Condition of Confinement Review Worksheet (This document must be attached to each Inspection Form) This Form to be used for Inspections of Facilities used longer than 72 Hours reative corrections Detention Review Worksheet [8J o o Local Jail- IGSA State Facility - IGSA ICE Contract Detention Facility Name Atlanta City Detention Center Address (Street and Name) 254 Peachtree Street SW City, State and Zip Code Atlanta, Georgia 30303 County Fulton Name and Title of Chief Executive Officer (Warden/OIC/Superintendent) b6,b7c , Chief Name and Title of Reviewer-In-Charge b6,b7c , RIC Date[s] of Review May 13-15,2008 TJf2tHeadquarters of Review D Operational DSpecial Assessment o Other FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 02007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) T ABLE OF CONTENTS · SECTION I. LEGAL ACCESS.STANDARDS ..................................................................................................................................... 3 ACCESS TO LEGAL MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................. ...................... .. GROUP PRESENTATIONS ON LEGAL RIGHTS .................................................... ~ ................................................................................ . VISITATION ....................................................................................................................................................................................... .. ACCESS TO TELEPHONES ......................................................................................... ;................... ~ ......... ~; ....................................... :. SECTION II. DETAINEE SERVICES STANDARDS ........................................~ ......................;.......................................... 11 ADMISSION AND RELEASE ............................................................................... , ................................................................................ . CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ............................................................................... :................... ............................................................... CORRESPONDENCE AND OTHER MAIL .........................................\ ................................................................................................... . DETAINEE HANDBOOK ..................................................................................................................................................................... . FOOD SERVICE ................................................................................................................. ............................................................... ... FuNDS AND PERSONAL PROPERlY .................................................................................................................................................. . DETAINEE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES ................................................................................................................... :......................... .. ISSUANCE ·AND EXCHANGE OF CWTHING, BEDDING, AND TOWELS ............................................................................................... . MARRIAGE REQUESTS ..................................................................................................... ................................................. , ................. . NON-MEDICAL ESCORTED TRIPs ............................................................................................ .......................................................... .. RECREATION ........................................................................................................................................... ........................... ............... . RELIGIOUS PRACTICES ................ , ............................................... :.................................................................................................... .. VOLUNTARYWORKPROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................................ . SECTION III. HEALTH SERVICES STANDARDS .................. ;...................................................................................................... 31 HUNGER STRIKES ........................................................................................................................ ;.................................................... .. MEDICAL CARE ........ :........................................................................................................................................................................ . SUICIDE PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION ............................................................................................................. ........................ . TERMINAL ILLNESS, ADVANCED DIRECTIVES AND DEATH .......................................................................................: ........ ............ . SECTION IV. SECURffY AND CONTROL STANDARDS .............................................................................................................. 40 CONTRABAND ................................................... ................................................................................................................................ . DETENTION FILES ...... ....................................................................................................................................................................... . DISCIPLINARY POLICY ......................................................................................................................................................... ............. . EMERGENCY PLANS .......................................................................................................................................................................... . ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ............................... :......................................................................................................... . HOLD ROOMS IN DETENTION FACILITIES ................................................................................... ;................................................... .. KEy AND LOCK CONTROL ..................................... :......... :............................................................................................................... .. POPULATION COUNTS ........ ;............................................................................................................................................................. .. POST ORDERS .................................................................................................................................................................................. .. SECURITY INSPECTIONS ................................................................................................................................................................... . SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT (ADMINISTRATIVE SEGREGATION) ................................................................................................. . SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT (DISCIPLINARY SEGREGATION) ............................................. ........................................................... ' TOOL CONTROL ............................................................................................................................................................................... .. TRANSPORTATION (LAND) ..................................................... :....................................................................................................... .. USE OF FORCE .............................................................................................. :.................................................................................... . STAFFIDETAINEE COMMUNICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................. .. DETAINEE TRANSFER STANDARD .................................................................................................................................................... . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) @ 2007 <;;reative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 2 of72 SECTION I. LEGAL ACCESS STANDARDS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) C 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 1218/07) Page 3 of72 .. 'P()LICY: FAcli~~>~6LDn:;oI2Eriir..\INI3Es SHALL ~E~])E;iriiEEt; A~Es'S TO ~.ii~ LIJ3RARV;ANDPR()W,E LE()AL~~RIAi:.s; :PAciLrrrEs,EQUll?MENT, DQCiJMEmCOPYING ~RIVILEGES,ANDTIlEOPPORTUNrr/TopRiw~LEGAL OOcuMmITs. . ' . COMPONENts V .. The facility provides a designated law library for detainee use. The law library contains all materials listed in the "Access to Legal Materials" Standard, Attaclunent A. The listing of materials is posted in the law library. . The library contains a sufficient number of chairs, is well lit, and is reasonably isolated from noisy areas. The law .library is adequately equipped with typewriters ancl/or computers and has sufficient supplies for daily use by the detainees. In addition to the physical law library, detainees have access to the Lexus Nexus electronic law library. Where provided, the Lexus Nexus library is updated and is current. Outside persons and organizations are permitted to submit published legal material for inclusion in the legal library. Outside published material is forwarded and reviewed by ICE prior to inclusion. There is a designated ICE or facility employee who inspects, updates, and maintains/replaces legal materials and equipment on a routine basis. Detainees are offered a minimum 5 hours per week in the law library. Detainees are not required to forego recreation time in lieu Qf library ~. Detainees facing a court deadline are given priority use of the law library. Detainees may request materials not currently in the law library. Each request is reviewed and, where appropriate, an acquisition request is timely initiated. Requests for copies of court decisions are accommodated within 3 - 5 business days. Detainees are permitted to assist other detainees, voluntarily and free of charge, in researching and preparing legal documents, consistent with security. Illiterate or non-English-speaking detainees without legal r.epresentation receive access to more than just English-language law books after indicating their need for help. Detainees may retain a reasonable amount of personal legal material in the general population and in the special management unit. Stored legal materials are accessible within 24 hours of a written request. Detainees housed in Administrative Detention and ' Disciplinary Segregation units have the same law library access as the general population, barring security concerns. Detainees denied access to legal materials are documented and reviewed routinely for liftingof sanctions. All denials of access to the law library fully documented. Facility staff informs ICE Management when a detainee or group of detainees is denied access to the law library or law materials. Detainees who seek judicial relief on any matter are not subjected to reprisals, retaliation, or penalties. ~ ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT D AT-RISK . ... NA ·. REMARKS . o o There is a designated law library; in addition LexisNexis is available in the housing area. o LexisNexis is available to detainees. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Time allowable per SOP-500-02 exceeds this time frame. o o SOP-500-02 provides for these requests and states material will be provided within 48 hrs. excluding weekends. o o This is an acceptable practice per Majorb6,b7c . o o A free legal assistance list is provided. o o o o [] lJ o o o N o o o ICE Agent states b6,b7c that update whenever they are issued. There have been no requests, however; Major b6,b7c states they would be forwarded to ICE for a decision. There have been no such instances. Included inHandbook Amendment. REPEAT FINDING FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) . © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 1218/07) . .. Page 4 of 72 REMARKS: In a memo dated 06-14-2007, Gary E. Mead, Assistant Director (currently Acting Director), ICE Management states "facilities which have Lexis N exis do not have to also have the hard copy oflegal references in attachment A. " b6,b7c /May 15.2008 b6,b7c AUDITOR'SSIGNATURE/DATE p.~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LA W ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 5 of 72 " p<>Llcf: GROUP LEGAL RIGHTS PRESENTATIONS, FACILrirns HOUSING ICE DETAINEES SHALL PERMIT AUTHORIZED PERSONS TO MAKE PRESENTATIONS lUGROuPS OFDETA!NEES'FOR 'TmiPuRPoSE OF INFORMING OF U.S. IMMIGRATION LAW AND PROCEDURES; CONSISTENT WUH rnESECORiTY ANDORDERIXOPERATION ., OFEACHFACILrrY. ICEENCOURAGEs SUCH PRESENTATIONS, WHICH mSTRUCTDETAINEES ABOUT THE IMMIGRATION SYSTEM AND THEIR AND ()wONSWriHIN I T . ' " . . . . . nffiM RIqms . Cfu CO:ECKHERE Il" N6GROUP PRESENTATIONS WERE CONDUCTED WlnllN THE PAST 12 MONTHS. MARK STANDMm As ACCEPTABLE .' OvERALL AND CoNTINUE ON wi:mNEXT PORTION OF WORKSHEET. ..' COMPONENTS YES No NA The Field Office is responsive to requests by attorneys and accredited representatives for group presentations. Upon receipt of concurrence by the Field Office Director, the facility or authorized ICE Field Office ensures timely and proper notification to attorneys or accredited rej>resentatives. The facility follows policy and procedure when rejecting or requesting modifications to objectionable material provided or presented by the attorney or accredited representative. Posters announcing presentations appear in common areas at least 48' hours in advance and sign-up sheets are available and accessible. Documentation is submitted and maintained when any detainee is denied permission to attend a presentation and the reason(s) for the denial. When the number of detainees allowed to attend a presentation is limited, the facility provides a sufficient number of presentations so that all detainees signed up may attend. Detainees in segregation, unable to attend for security reasons, inay request separate sessions withj)I'esenters. Such requests are documented. Interpreters are admitted when necessary to assist attorneys and other legal representatives. Presenters are afforded a minimum of one hour to make the presentation and to conduct a Question-and-answer session. Staff permits presenters to distribute ICE-approved materials. Presenters are permitted to meet with small groups of detainees to discuss their cases after the group presentation. ICE or authorized detention staff is present but do not monitor conversations with legal providers. Group presenters who have had their privileges suspended are notified in writing by the Field Office Director or designee; and the reasons for suspension are documented. The Headquarters Office for Detention and Removal, Field Operations and Detention management Division, is notified when a group or individual is suspended from making presentations. facility plays ICE-approved videotaped presentations on legal rights at regular opportunities, at the request of outside organizations. A copy of the Group Legal Rights Presentation policy, including attachments, is available to detainees upon r~quest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D D D D D D 0 0 D 0 D D D D D D D [ ] [ ] [J D D D D D D 0 D D D D D The [g] ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT OAT-RISK REMARKS - o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: There have been no requests for Group Legal Rights Presentations in the past year. b6,b7c I May 15.2008 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I DATE b6,b7c 'Y 0'. I'- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) <C 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 6 of72 COMPONENTS y N ... .· NA There is a written visitation schedule and hours for general visitation. o 0 Included in SOP-500-03 and Inmate Handbook Amendment. The visitation hours tailored to the detainee population and the demand for visitation. o D Facility allows 2 visits per week. o o Included on facility web page andQ<>sted in lobby. o o Included on web page and posted in lobby. The detainees are pennitted to retair. personal property items specified . in the standard. o o o o o A visitor dress code is available to the public. o Visitors are searched and identified according to standard requirements. o o o The requirement on visitation by minors is complied with. o o The visitation schedule and rules are available to the public. The hours for all categories of visitation are posted in the visitation waiting area. A written copy of the rules regulating visitation and the hours of visitation is available to visitors. A general visitation log is maintained. o Visitors must produce 2 forms of identification and pass through a metal detector. At facilities where there is no provision for visits by minors, ICE arranges for visits by children and stepchildren, on request, within the first 30 days. o o Minors are allowed to visit if accompanied by an adult. After that time, on request, ICE considers a transfer, when possible, to a facility that will allow minor visitation. At a minimum, monthly visits are allowed. o o See above. Detainees in special housing are afforded visitation. o o Legal visitation is available seven (7) days a week, including holidays. o On regular business days legal visitation hours are provide .for a minimum of eight (8) hours per day, and a minimum of four hours per ' day on weekends and holidays. o o o On regular business days, detainees are given the option of continuing a meeting with a legal representative through a scheduled meal. All categories in special housing except disciplinary are allowed. Legal visiting is allowed 2417 . SOP-500-03 provides for 24 hour legal visits 7 days per week. o o o o Contact visits are allowed for attorney visits. [] [J o o Prior to each visit, legal service providers and assistants are identified per the standard. o o SOP-06-13 Inmate Searches. Legal visits can be non-contact based on wishes of either the detainee or attorney. Attorneys must produce proper identification including their bar card. The current list ofpro bono legal organizations is posted in the detainee housing areas and other appropriate areas. o The decision to pennit or deny a tour is not delegated below the level of Field Office Director. o o o Private consultation rooms are available for attorney meetings. There is a mechanism for the detainee and his/her representative to exchange documents. There are written procedures governing detainee searches. When strip searches are required after every contact visit with a legal representative, the facility provides an option for non-contact visits with legal representatives. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 02007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev, 12/8/07) Page 7 of72 r"""";"'~"""'<~''''''''''''1J!I!?'1'''r.'''=",,~~=' -~"m"'_1'R"'"=l'''''''''F'""s-;-'e'",'", ""',,,,-. i~JI~l~1;~f;~~~~'~!ijiii~;~~;.~'Y4&~~Jl~IIl~~~~1i~~\~~1~~~~ ot~~·i.)-&Y,llii .~~"j,' ~~2'~:l :6!i~.ib""~~~~;~W&1~i~f~I.rt:'~~~~f~f'1 ~~~~~~~ "l.ioi. _ c\;~,1;(~ :.c...w: .!L..oi...1. • s.;_~\.I,; ~:o:Q.;ii; ~ ... ~~ ~~ ~ n> J~ ', X~~\: Law enforcement officials who request to visit with a detainee are referred to the ICE Field Office for approval. 18'1 0 0 Fonner detainees or aliens in proceedings, requesting to visit with a detainee, are referred to the OIC or ICE Field Office. 121 0 0 Procedures are in place, consistent with the detention standard, for examinations by independent medical service providers and experts. 121 0 0 [8J ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT OAT-RIsK ~r .,,;: This is a requirement per SOP500-03. o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The standard operating procedures of this facility provide that adequate access to detainees by family, law enforcement, special interests, attorneys, and the news media is guaranteed. b6,b7c {May 15.2008 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I DATE b6,b7c ~ () FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 8 of72 I , DETAIl\ffi:E TELEPH9N.E.{CC~ . ",-,,,.-, ' .. '. . ..POUCV: . ALL FAciLITIES HOUSIN(J ICE DETAINEES WILL i:>ERMITDETNNEES' REi\sONABLEAND EQuITABI.E ACCESS TO TELEPHONES. . COMPONENTs ... REMARKs' Y N NA ..... . Detainees are allowed access to telephones during established facility waking hours. t8I 0 Upon admittance, detainees are made aware of the facility's telephone access poli(;Y. Access rules are posted in housing units. The facility makes a reasonable effort to provide key information to detainees in languages spoken by any significant portion of the facility's population. Telephones are provided at a minimum ratio of one telephone per 25 detainees in the facility population. t8I 181 0 0 [] [] Telephones are inspected regularly by facility staff to ensure that they are in good working order. 0 t8I 0 0 18I 0 0 t8I 0 0 The facility administration promptly reports out-of-order telephones to the facility's telephone service provider. t8I 0 0 The facility administration monitors repair progress ,and takes appropriate measures to ensure that required repairs are begun and completed timely. t8I 0 0 0 0 t8I 0 0 , Detainees are afforded a reasonable degree ofprivacy for legal phone calis. A procedure exists to assist a detainee who is having trouble placing a confidential call. The facility provides the detainees with the ability to make non-collect (special access) calls. t8I l8J 0 0 Special Access calls are at no charge to the detainees. The DIG phone number for reporting abuse is programmed into the detainee phone system and the phone number was checked by the inspector during the review. In facilities unable to fully meet this requirement initially because of limitations of its telephone service, ICE makes alternate arrangements to provide required access within 24 hours of a request by a detainee. No restrictions are placed on detainees attempting to contact attorneys and legal .service providers who are on the approved "Free Legal Services List". l8J [] [] l8J 0 0 0 0 l8J l8J 0 0 Special arrangements are made to allow detainees to speak by telephone with an immediate family member detained in another Facility. 0 l8J 0 Any telephone restrictions are documented. The facility has a system for taking and delivering emergency detainee telephone messages. IZJ lJ [J l8J 0 0 Emergency phone call messages are immediately given to detainees. l8J 0 0 Detainees are allowed to return emergency phone calls as soon as possible. Detainees in disciplinary segregation are allowed phone calls relating to the detainee's inunigration case or other legal matters, including consultation calls. l8J 0 0 l8J 0 0 Housing unit phones are available during day room activity. Included in Inmate Handbook and its amendment. Both the Handbook and its amendment are published in English and Spanish. There are 6 phones in each 80 bed housing unit There is an Information Technology Specialist responsible for monitoring and coordinating repairs. Special provisions can be made to accommodate specific needs. SOP-07-09 provides for these provisions. Programmed into the system. Programmed into the system and checked weekly by the ICE Officer who visits each Weds. Facility is able to meet this requirement. Has not happened and would be a highly unusual situation per Majo b6,b7c SOP-07-09 After verification by a supervisor. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) (02007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 9 of 72 I': '· DETAlNEKTELE~llO~:A~cESS :. " .. : , ,. ". , .POLICir:.i\LL ~ACILrrIES HOUSING ICE DETAIN~ESWILL PERMITDE1'AJ1IffiEs'REASO:N~tE~E94rrABLE ACCESS TO TELEPHONEs. . . .. .. COMPONENTS Y;N· NNe REMARKs Detainees in disciplinary segregation are allowed phone calls to consular/embassy officials. Detainees in disciplinary segregation are allowed phone calls for family emergencies. Detainees in administrative detention and protective custody are afforded the same telepJlone privileges as those in general population. When detainee phone calls are monitored, notification is posted by detainee telephones that phone calls made by the detainees may be monitored. Special Access calls are not monitored. [8] ACCEPTABLE 0 DEFICIENT OAT-RIsK o o o o o o o o This notice is not posted; it is in the Handbook amendment and is in a recorded message. .D REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: ICE provides access to their "PCS Platform" from the facility's system; therefore, detainees have easy access to the required toll free numbers. b6,b7c May 18.2008 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE / DATE b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL Y (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) <02007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 10 of72 SECTION II. DETAINEE SERVICES STANDARDS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) «::l 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 11 of 72 ~; ,: ADMISSION AND RELEASE .. .' ' ,'" " .. " 'r', potlcriALl. DETArnEEs WILL BE ADMITTED ANDRELBASED IN A,SAFETY; AND WELFAJffi.THE "ADMiSSiONS PROCEDURE wiLL, AMONG OTHER THINGS INCLUDE: MEDICAL SCREENING; A FILE:'BASEDASSESSMENT AND CLAsSIFICATION PRocEss; A JlODY SEARCH; AND A SEARCH OF PERSONAL BELONGINGS; WlJIC:H rNvmrrOR.lEP, DOCUMJ3NTED, ~ SAFEGUARDED AS ..... NECESSARY; .' WILL B¥ . Staff completes Form 1-387 or similar form for CDFs and IGSAs for every lost or missing property claim. Facilities forward all 1-387 claims to ICE. Detainees are issued appropriate and sufficient clothing and bedding for the climatic conditions. The facility provides and replenishes personal hygiene items as needed. Gender-specific items are available. ICE Detainees are not charged for these items. All releases are properly coordinated with ICE using a Form 1-203. Staff completes paperwork/forms for release as required. IZI ACCEPTABLE N Y . COMPONENTS In-processing includes an orientation of the facility. The orientation includes: Unacceptable activities and behavior, and corresponding sanctions; How to contact ICE; The availability of pro bono legal services, and how' to pursue such services; schedule of programs, services, daily activities, including visitation, telephone usage, mail· service, religious programs, count procedures, access to and use of the law library and the general library; sick-call procedures" and the detainee handbook. Medical screenings are performed by medical staff.2! persons who have received specialized training for the purpose of conducting an initial health screening. Each new arrival is classified according to criminal history and threat levels. Criminal history is provided for each detainee by the ICE field office. All new arrivals are searched in accordance with the "Detainee Search" standard. An officer of the same sex as the detainee conducts the search and the search is conducted, in an area that affords as much privacy as possible. Detainees are stripped searched only when cause has been established and not as routine policy. Non-criminal detainees are not strip-searched but are patted down unless reasonable suspicion is established. The "Contraband" standard governs all personal property searches. IGSAslCDFs use or have a similar contraband standard. Staff prepares a complete inventory of each detainee's possessions. The detainee receives a copy. DDEFIClENT NA REMARKS I8l 0 0 At initial reception each detainee is issued an Inmate Handbook. In addition throughout the intake procedure the Intake Officers make verbal presentations of material contained in the Handbook. I8l 0 0 Initial medical screening is done by the intake officer. I8l 0 0 r.gJ 0 0 Procedures for all types of searches are contained in SOP06-13 and meet these requirements. r.gJ 0 0 These procedures are included in the above SOP. r.gJ 0 0 Upon initial entry into the facility all property and funds are inventoried, the detainee signs the inventory and it is placed in his file. r.gJ 0 0 A report of incident is filed and investigated by a supervisor. r.gJ 0 0 r.gJ 0 0 181 181 [] [] LJ OAT-RISK lJ Replenished to indigent detainees. o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: Appropriate procedures are in place to ensure that all admissions receive proper screening to ensure the safety of other detainees as well as their own. b6,b7c / May 15,2008 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE / DATE b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL Y (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 02007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 12 of72 . ;" , .:': -.. " CLASSIFlCATION SY$TJ;M;" •• " . ', "';'.:-' , ' . "" '; ', ' ', '.,'.:, ' . . v: ",. ' . , .", WILLDEVELOP ' AND SYSTEM AGCQRJjINO .TOwHId.iICEDIIT~ARB CLASSIFmV. THE CLASSIFI~TION SYSTEM WIll ENSURE THAT EACH DETAINEE IS'PLACED IN THE A.PPROPRIATE CATEGORY; PHYSlOOLYSEPARATED FROM, DEtAINEEs rN()TIlER CATEGORIES " " ,',. . ' ' " ". .', '". " ". , ,.. . ' IMl'r.EMeNTA IlqLICY: AtLfACILITIES , . ,'. . . COMPONENTSY " " The facility has a system for classifying detainees. In CDFs and IOSAs, an Objective Classification System or similar is used. The facility classification system includes: • Classifying detainees upon arrival; • Separating from the general population those individuals who cannot be classified upon arrival; and • The rust-line supervisor or designated classification specialist reviewing every classification decision. The intake/processing officer reviews work-folders, A-files, etc., to identify and classify each new arrival. Staff uses only infonnation that is factual, and reliable to detennine classification assignments. Opinions and unsubstantiated! unconfrrmed reports may be filed but are not used to score detainees classifications. Housing assiJmments are based on classification-level. A detainee's c1assification~level does not affect hislher recreation opportunities. Detainees recreate with persons of similar classification designations. Detainee work assignments are based upon classification designations. The classification procesS includes reassessment/reclassification. At IOSA's detainees may request reassessment 60 days after arrival. Procedures exist for a detainee to appeal their classification assignment. Only a designated supervisor or classification specialist has the,authority to reduce a classification-level on appeal. Classification appeals are resolved within five business days and detainees are notified of the outcome within 10 business days. Classification designations may be appealed to a higher authority, such as the Warden or equivalent. The Detainee Handbook or equivalent for lOSAs explains the classification levels, with the conditions and restrictions applicable to each. ' ~ ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT N 'REMARKs ' " NA D D Facility uses a 3-tier~ system described in SOP-06-S7. D D These requirements are all included in SOP-06-S7. D D SOP-06-87, section 8.4. D D [J [J D o o o D D medical requirements. Initial classification is reassessed after 72 hours. f8I D D There is a classification appeal form. f8I D D SOP-06-S7, section 8.12.1. D Highest level of appeal is the Classification Supervisor. The Inmate Handbook Amendment has a brief explanation. f8I 0 I8J OAT-RISK D D o Must be no higher than minimum plus must meet all REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The facility uses a 3-tiered classification system which considers charge, history, and current behavior. The system insures that violent detainees are housed separately from non-violent detainees. b6,b7c /MayJS,2QOS b6,b7c AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE / DATE tJ-~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL Y (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) CO 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 13 of72 ·. ' . CORRE~PONDENCEANDQ'i'~~MAIL . .poLicy: ;ALL FACILITIES '.VILL:ENSORE THAT DErAINEESS:cNDANoRECElVir COIUtEsP6NDENCE IN A TIMELY MANNER, SUBJECT TO . .· ·i!MirATI6NSREQUIREDFOI~.TImSAFE1Y,SECUrurY,ANDORDERLYOPERAfIONO~TIIEFAcn;riY.OtHERMA.iLwiILl3EPER,MIT:fED,SUBJECT'TO .· ,THE S'MmLIMITATIONS.- .EACH FACILITY WILL WIDELY DisTRIBUTE ITS GUIOELINESCONCERNmO CORRESPO~ENCE ANDOTImR MAIL. :' ".COMPONENfS ' 'YES . No ' • NA . . . REMARKS The rules for correspondence and other mail are posted in each housing or common area, or provided to each detainee via a detainee handbook. The facility provides key infonnation in languages other than English; In the language(s) spoken by significant numbers of detainees. List any exceptions. Incoming mail is distributed to detainees within 24 hours or I business day after it is received and inspected. Outgoing mail is delivered to the postal service within one business day of its entering the internal mail system (excluding weekends and holidays). Staff does not open and inspect incoming general correspondence and other mail (including packages and publications) without the detainee present unless documented and authorized in writing by the Warden or equivalent for prevailing security reasons. Staff does not read incoming general correspondence without the Warden's prior written approval. Staff does not inspect incoming special Correspondence for physical contraband or to verify the "special" status of enclosures without the detainee present. Staff is prohibited from reading or copying incoming special correspondence. Staff is only authorized to inspect outgoing correspondence or other mail without the detainee present when there is reason to believe the item might present a threat to the facility's secure or orderly operation, endanger the recipient or the public or might facilitate criminal activity. Con:espondence to a politician or to the media is processed as special correspondence and is not read or copied. The official authorizing the rejection of incoming mail sends written notice to the sender and the addressee. The official authorizing censorship or rejection of outgoing mail provides the detainee with signed written notice. Staff maintains a written record of every item removed from detainee mail. The Warden or equivalent monitors staff handling of discovered contraband and its disposition. Records are accurate and up to date. The procedure for safeguarding cash removed from a detainee protects the detainee from loss of funds and theft. The amount of cash credited to detainee accounts is accurate. Discrepancies are docwnented and investigated. Standard procedure includes issuing a receipt to the detainee. Original identity documents (e.g., passports, birth certificates) are immediately removed and forwarded to ICE staff for placement in Afiles. Staff provides the detainee a copy ofhislher identity document{s) upon request. Staff disposes of prohibited items found in detainee mail in accordance with the "Control and Disposition of Contraband" Standard or the similar prevailing policy in IGSAs. o 0 0 Page 25 of Inmate Handbook. 0 0 Handbook is in Spanish and English. 0 0 Excluding weekends and holidays. 0 0 l'8I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o o o o All incoming general correspondence is opened and .inspected prior to delivery. This is the procedure as outlined in SOP-07-05. o o o Only U.S. Postal and Western Union money orders are accepted. The detainee is issued a receipt. o o o o o o o Only if the need is justified. o Procedures are outlined in SOP07-05. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 10 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 14 of 72 CORRESPONDENCE," ANDOTHERMAn>:· .' ..... ... . ... .. .. , .~.-: POLIcY: Au · F~CILITIES~IlL ENSURE TIIAT DETAINEES ·SEND AND-REcll'iECO_roNoENtE -~ ATiMEI.Y_ ~R, StmJECf TO·- LI;"UTATIONS REQUIRED FOR THE SAFETY, SECtJRITy,ANDORDERLYOPEAAno~'OFTHEFACILITY. OTImRMAIL WILL aEPERMfITED, StiBJEcTTO · EACH FACILITY WILL WIDELY DISrRmUT~ ITS GUIDELINES CONCERN CORRESPOND£~CE OTHER INa ··TIffi SAME LIMITATIONS. Every indigent detainee has the opportunity to mail, at govenunent expense, reasonable correspondence about a legal matter, in three one ounce letters per week and packages deemed necessary by ICE. The facility has a system for detainees to purchase stamps and for mailing all special correspondence and a minimum of 5 pieces of general correspondence per week. The facility provides writing paper, envelopes, and pencils at no cost to ICE detainees. [8J ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT [8'J 0 AND 0 [8'J 0 0 [8'J 0 0 OAT-RISK MAIL. Handbook Amendment makes this provision. May have up to 4 books of stamps in their possession. There is no specified limit for general correspondence. This material is provided to indigent detainees. o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: Procedures for mail ensure that detainees are able to have sufficient contact with the public, legal, and govenunental officials. b6,b7c 1 May IS. 2008. AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE 1DATE b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 10 2007 Creative CorreCtions, LLC (Rev. 1218/07) Page 15 of72 , , .. DETAINEE HANDBOOK ' " " ': ' " " , POJj.CY:EVERy6ICWlLLDEVELOPASrril~SPECIFICDrrrArNEEHANDBoOK ·T6SER~ASANOVERViEWOF,ANDGUIDETO,THEDETPNl19N , ~qGIES> R~ES, AND, PROCEDURES IN EFi/Ecr AT THE FACILITY. THE HAN'DBOQKWILL ALSO DESciuBE THE SERVICES,PROQRAMS~' AND ,OPPOR1VNITIES AVAn.ABLE 1JiROUqH VAIUOUS SOURCES~ INCLUDINOrHEFACILiTY, ICE, PRlVATE OR,GANIZATIONS, ETC. EVEIWDETAINEE "WILL RECErVEA COPY OFTHISHANDBoO~ uPON ADMISSION TO TIlE FACILITY. ' ' y COMPONENTS N NA REMARKS The detainee handbook is written in English and translated into Spanish, 18I 0 0 or into the next most-prevalent Lang\}ag€:(s). The handbook is supplemented by the facility orientation video, where 18I 0 0 one is provided. All staff members receive a handbook and training regarding the Training is conducted during 18I 0 0 initial orientation. handbook contents. The handbook is revised as necessary and there are procedures in place 18I 0 0 for immediately. communicating any. revisions to staff and detainees. There an iumual review ofthe handbook by a designated committee or 18I 0 0 staff member. The detainee handbook addresses the following issues: Atlanta City Detention Center Handbook Personal Items permitted to be retained by the detainee; and • t8l 0 0 Issuance ofAmendments Clothing and Hygiene • Initial issue of clothes, bedding and personal hygiene items. Items The detainee handbook states in clear language the ' basic detainee Atlanta City Detention Center responsibilities. 18I 0 0 Inmate Handbook - Inmate Rights and Responsibilities Page 5. The handbook clearly outlines the methods for classification of Atlanta City Detention Center detainees, explains each level, and explains the classification appeals t8l 0 0 Handbook Amendments process. Classification / Preciassification. The handbook states when a medical examination will be conducted. Atlanta City Detention Center t8l 0 0 Inmate Handbook - Medical and Mental Health Services page 15 The handbook describes the facility, housing units, dayroorns, in-dorm Atlanta City Detention Center activities, and special housing units. Handbook - Typical [81 0 0 Inmate Housing Area Daily Schedule, Page 3 The handbook describes official count times and count procedures; meal times and feeding procedures; procedures for medical or religious diets; Atlanta City Detention Center smoking policy; clothing exchange schedules; and, if authorized, clothes 18I 0 0 Handbook Amendments washing and drying procedures, and expected personal, hygiene practices. The handbook describe times and procedures for obtaining disposable Atlanta City Detention Center razors, and allows that detainees attending court will be afforded the t8l 0 0 Handbook Amendments - Razor opportunity to shave fIrst. and Hair Care Services The handbook'describes barber hours and hair cutting restrictions. Atlanta City Detention Center l'8I 0 0 Handbook Amendments - Razor and Hair Care Services The handbook describes the telephone policy; debit card procedures; Atlanta City Detention Center [81 direct and free calls; locations of telephones; policy when telephone Handbook Amendments 0 0 demand is high: and policy and procedures for emergency phone calls. Telephone Calls The handbook addresses religious programming. Atlanta City Detention Center [81 0 0 Inmate Handbook - Religious Services page 23 The handbook states times and procedures for commissary or vending Atlanta City Detention Center [81 machine usage, where available. ' 0 Inmate Handbook - Commissary, 0 page 17 The handbook describes the detainee voluntary work program. A voluntary work program is in 0 ~ 0 place but ICE detainees are not allowed to participate. , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 16 of72 hlU1tdb<x>k np.•,,,rilhp... the library location and hours of operation, and schedules. The handbook descnoes attorney and regular visitation hours, policies, and procedures. o o o o o o o o C8I o o Atlanta City Detention Center Inmate Handbook - Rules of Conduct, page 6. C8I o o Atlanta City Detention Center Handbook Amendments Grievances C8I o o C8I o o C8I o o C8I 0 o Atlanta City Detention Center Inmate Handbook - Medical and Health 15. Atlanta City Detention Center Handbook Amendments Recreation Atlanta City Detention Center Handbook Amendments - Issuance and Items Atlanta City Detention Center Inmate Handbook - Inmate Rights and 5 The handbook describes the facility contraband policy. The handbook describes the facility visiting hours and schedule, and visiting rules and regulations. C8I The handbook describes the correspondence policy and procedures. The handbook describes the detainee disciplinary policy and procedures, including: • Prohibited acts and severity scale sanctions; • Time limits in the Disciplinary Process; and • of the Process. The grievance section of the handbook explains all steps in the grievance process - Including: . • Informal (ifused) and formal grievance procedures;. • The appeals process; • I.!l..Q2f facilities: procedures for filing an appeal of a grievance with ICE. Ii Staff/detainee availability to help during the grievance process. • Guarantee against staff retaliation for filing/pursuing a grievance. • How to file a complaint about officer misconduct with the of Homeland detainee handbook descnoes the medical sick call procedures for general population and segregation. The handbook descnoes the facility recreation policy including: • Outdoor recreation hours. • Indoor recreation hours. The handbook describes the detainee dress code for daily living; and work assignments. The handbook specifies the rights and responsibilities of all detainees. C8l ACCEPTABLE REMARKS: ::::."2::; 7 ~p~ ro b6,b7c AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE 1DATE D AT-RIsK DDEFICIENT b6,b7c Atlanta City Detention Center Handbook Amendments Contraband Atlanta City Detention Center Handbook Amendments - Inmate Visitation Atlanta City Detention Center Inmate Handbook - Incoming 1 25. o REPEAT FINDING moetilien«d, ofili' fudliW. (J FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 17 ofn The food service program is under the direct supervision of a professionallY trained and certified food service admin.i.strator. Responsibilities of cooks and cook foremen are in writing. The Food Service AdministratOr (FSA) determines the responsibilities of the Food Service Staff. o o Food Service b6 Manager, has an extensive training record and is Serv-Safe certified. The Cook Supervisor is on duty on days when the FSA is off duty and vice versa. o o The staff schedule reflects supervisory coverage 7 days per week. The FSA provides food service employees with training that specifically addresses detainee-related issues. • In ICE Facilities this includes a review of the ICE "Food Service" standard o o ICE detainees are not assigned to the food service department. Knife cabinets close with an approved locking device, and the on-duty cook foreman maintains control of the key that locks the device. o o All knives not in a secure cutting room are physically secured to the workstation and staff directly supervises detainees using knives at these workstations. Staffmonitors the condition of knives and dining utensils. When necessary, special procedures govern the handling offuod items that pose a-security threat. o o o Operating procedures include daily searches (shakedowns) of detainee work areas. The FSA monitors staffirnplementatioo of the facility's population counts procedures. Staff is trained in count procedures. The detainees assigned to the food service department look neat and clean. Their clothing and grooming comply with the "Food Service" standard. The FSA annually reviews detainee-volunteer job descriptions to ensure they are accurate and up-to-date. The Cook Foreman or equivalent instructs newly assigned detainee workers in the rules and procedures of the food service department. During orientation and training session(s), the CS explains and demonstrates: • Safe work practices and methods; • Safety features of individual products/pieces of equipment; and • Training covers the safe handling of hazardous material[s] the detainees are likely to encounter in their work. The Cook Supervisor documents all training in individual detainee detention files. Detainees at CDFs are paid in accordance with the "Voluntary Work Program" standard. Detainee workers at IGSAs are subject to local and state rules and regulations regarding detainee pay. Detainees-are served at least two hot meals every day. No more than 14 hours elapse between the last meal served and the first meal of the following day. o o o o o o o The facility does not use food items which require special securi.tymeasures. o o o o o o o o o o o b2High Food service workers receive instruction on rules and procedures the department. of ICE detainees are not assigned to food service. o Hot meals are served at breakfast and dinner. Meal times are Breakfast, 4:30 AM; Lunch, 11 :00 AM; Dinner, 4:30 PM. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, ILC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 18 of72 .: ... . .... . . .. .. ~ FOOD,SERVICE . ., . " " ,' . ' .. ItoAN6E Wl1li J»OLICY:. EvERY FACILITY Wq.LPROVIDE OETAlNEES IN ITS CARE WIU-l NirrRnrou'SANDAPPETIZING MEAls; PREPA:REO IN ACco '. _.: . ..' ': ,' , . ' . ... THE HIGHEST SANITARYSTANOARDS. · .. .... :y ." · . NA COMPONENTS . " N REMARKS -.' , ."- ' - , .. - For cafeteria style operations, a transparent "sneeze guard" protects both the serving line and salad bar line. The facility has a standard 35-day menu cycle. IGSAs use a 35 day or similar system for rotating meals. The FSA or facility considers the ethnic diversity of the facility's detainee population when developing menu cycles (provide examples). A registered dietitian conducts a complete nutritional analysis of every master-cycle menu planned. The FSA has established procedures to ensure that items on the mastercycle menu are prepared and presented according to approved recipes. The Cook Foreman has the authority to change menu items ifnecessary. • If yes, documenting each substitution, along with its justification • With copy to FSA All staff and volunteers know and adhere to written "food preparation" .procedures. Detainees whose religious beliefs require the adherence to particular religious dietary laws are referred to the Chaplain or FSA. - , 0 0 l8J l8J 0 0 There are no cafeteria style operations at this facility. The facility has a 4-week cycle menu. ~ 0 0 Spaghetti, Chili, Grits, etc. ~ 0 0 A complete nutritional analysis of the cycle menus is on file. ~ 0 0 0 l8J 0 ~ 0 0 l8J A common-fare menu available to detainees whose dietary requirements cannot be met on the main line. Changes to the planned common-fare menu can be made at the facility level; Hot entrees are offered three times a week; • The common-fare menus satisfY nutritional recommended daily allowances (RDAs); • Staff routinely provide hot water for instant beverages and foods; Common-fare meals are served with: 0 • Disposable plates and utensils . • Reusable plates and utensils . • Staff use separate cutting boards, knives, spoons, scoops, etc., to prepare the common-fare diet items. A supervisor at the command level must approve a detainee's removal from the Common-Fare Program. The Warden, in conjunction with the chaplain and/or local religious leaders, provides the FSA a schedule of the ceremonial meals for the following calendar year. The common-fare program ~ccommodates detainees abstaining from particular foods or fasting for religious purposes at prescribed times of the year. • Muslims fasting during Ramadan receive their meals after sundown. Jews who observe Passover but do !lot participate in the Common-Fare Program receive the same Kosher-for- Passover meals as those who do participate. • Main-line offerings include one meatless meal (lunch or dinner) on Ash Wednesday and Fridays during Lent. 0 The Cook Foreman must contact the Food Service Administrator to have the menu changed. 0 Interviews with the Chaplain and Food Service Manager revealed resources are available to quickly obtain religious menu . items when required. A common-fare program is not utilized. Religious diets are addressed on a case-by-case basis. The facility is pork-free. • • • 0 l8J 0 l8J 0 0 0 [8J 0 A schedule of ceremonial meals is not provided to the FSA annually. 181 0 0 Religious fasting needs are accommodated on a case-bycase basis. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) C 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 19 of 72 F()OI) SERVICE .' .. , .. . ' ,PoLicY: EVERY FACILITY WILL PROVIDE DET~EIlS IN ITS CARE wrmNUTRITIOU~ AND APPETIZING MEAts, PREPARED IN ACCORDANCEWITH THE mGHEST SANITARY STANDARDS. COMPONENTS . Y Satellite-feeding programs follow guidelines for proper sanitation. Hot and cold foods are maintained at the prescribed, "safe" temperature(s) while being served. r' All meals are provided in nutritionally adequate portions. Food is not used to punish or reward detainees based upon behavior. The food service staff instructs detainee volunteers on: • Personal cleanliness and hygiene; • Sanitary techniques for preparing, storing, and serving food; and • The sanitaryoperation care and maintenance of equipment. Everyone working in the foOd service department complies with food safety and sanitation requirements. A medical diet program is in place to accommodate detainees' dietarY needs. Standard operating procedures include weekly inspections of all food service areas, including dining and food-preparation areas and equipment. • Who conducts the inspections? Equipment is inspected for compliance with health and safety codes and regulations. • When was the most recent inspection? • Which agency conqucted the inspection? Reports of discrepancies are forwarded to the Warden or designated department head, and corrective action is scheduled and completed. Standard procedure includes checking and documenting temperatures of all dishwashing machines after each meal. Staff documents the results of every refrigerator/freezer temperature check. The cleaning schedule for each food service area is conspicuously posted. Procedures include inspecting all incoming food shipments for damage, contamination, and pest infestation. Storage areas are locked when not in use. [8J ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT [gI 0 0 [gI 0 0 0 0 0 0 [J [] [gI [gI [gI 'REMARKs ,NA N The food service program addresses medical diets. [gI 0 0 [gI 0 0 Food service workers are instructed on hygiene and sanitation. ICE detainees are not assigned to work in food service. [gI 0 0 Inspections are conducted daily by the food service staff and annually by the Fulton County Health Department. Inspection documentation is maintained on file. [gI 0 0 The Fulton County health Department conducted an inspection in June 2007. [gI 0 0 [gI 0 0 [gI 0 0 [gI 0 0 [gI 0 0 0 0 , [gI OAT-RIsK Cleaning requirements are posted in each area throughout the operation. o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The food service program provides nutritionally adequate meals to detainees, prepared in a safe and sanitary environment. The medical diet program effectively satisfies the dietary requirements of all detainees. Observations indicated a high level of sanitation is being maintained throughout the ,department. The Cook Foreman is not allowed to make menu changes without contacting the FSA, who then acquires approval from the dietician. A common-fare menu is not in place. The facility is pork free and religious diet requests are addressed by the Chaplain and FSA. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) «::l2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 20 of72 -------~-----------------.- --~-.---. Resources are available to immediately acquire religious food items if necessary. A list of ceremonial meals is not provided to the FsA for the following calendar year. Ceremonial meals are provided on an as-needed basis. b6,b7c . / May 15.2008 b6,b7c b6,b7c AUDITOR.SSIGNATURE/DATE r-. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 21 of72 FUNDS AND PERSONA.I:'PROP~RTY ',' " POllCY: ALL fAcIiITIES WILL IMPLEMENT PROCEDinrns TO CONTROL AND SAFEGUARD DETAINEES; PERs~NAL PROPERTY. PROCEDURES wn.L PROVIDE JlOR Tim SECURE STORAGE OF, FUNDS, VALUABLES, BAGGAGE AND OTHER PERSONAL PROPERTY; THE'DOCUMENTATION AND 'R,ECEWrINGOF SURRENDERED PROPERTY; AND THE INITIAL AND REGULARLY SCHEDUIED INVENTORYING OF ALL FuNDs, VALUABLEs, AND 'OTHER PROPERTY. ·..,STANDARD NA: (IGSA ONLY)CHECInIDSBox IF ALLICE DETAIl'iEE FUN.DS, VALUABLESAND PROPERTY ARE HANDLED ONLY , ,BY THE ICE FIELD OFFICE OR SUB-OFFICE IN CONTROL OF THE DETAiNEE CASE. COMPONENTS YES NA 'REMARKS No o Detainee funds (U1d valuables are properly separated, stored, and are accessible only by designated supervisor(s). Detainees' large valuables are secured in a location accessible to designated supervisor(s) or processing staff only. Staff itemizes the baggage and personal property of arriving detainees (including funds and valuables). For IGSAs and CDFs, using a personal property inventory form that meets the ICE standard? Staff forwards an arriving detainee's medication to the medical staff. Audits of baggage and non-valuable property occur each quarter and audits are logged and verified. Two officers are present during the processing of detainee funds and valuables during in-processing to the facility. Both officers verify funds and valuables. Staff searches arriving detainees and their personal property for contraband. Staff procedures follow written policy for returning forgotten property to detainees. Property discrepancies are immediately reported to the CDEO or Chief of Security. Staff fo llows written procedures when returning property to detainees. CDFIIGSA facility procedures for handling detainee property claims are similar with the ICE standard. The facility attempts to notify an out-processed detainee that he/she left property in the facility: • By sending written notice to the detainee's last known address; • Via certified mail; and • The notice state that the detainee has 30 days in which to claim the property, after which it will be considered abandoned. The facility disposes of abandoned property in accordance with written procedures. • If a CDFIIGSA facility, written procedure requires the prompt forwarding of abandoned property to ICE. [gI ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ [] [J 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 OAT-RISK o Policies and procedures do not address a time frame or schedule for conducting audits. Forgotten property belonging to ICE detainees is forwarded to ICE. Standard Operating Procedure 06-16 (Inmate property management) Standard Operating Procedure 06-16. REPEAT FINDING REMARKS The facility's policies and procedures maintain proper accountability and storage of detainee funds and property. b6,b7c / May 15,2008 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE/DAT 2.,,--.- b6,b7c b6,b7c - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 22 ofn DETAINEE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES EVERYFAdLITY WILL DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT STANDARD OPERATING l'ROCEJ)URES (SOPS) FOR AoDlrnSSINGDETAINEE GRIEVANCES. IN TrivmLYFASHION. EACH STEP IN THE PROCESS WILL OCCl,JR WITHIN THE PRESCR.I6BD TIME FRAME. AMONG OTHER TlIINGS, A GiuEVANCEWILL BE PROCESSED, INVESTIGATED, AND DECIDED (SUBmcr TO APPEAL) iN' ACcORDANCE wmITHE SOPS; A GRIEVANCE cOMMiTTEE WILt CONVENE AS PROVIDED IN THE SOPS. STANDARD PROCEDURE WILL INCLUDE PROVIDING THE DETAINEE WITH AWRITTEN RESPONSETO ANy FORMAL GRIEVANCE; WHICH WILL INCLUDE Tim BASIS F()R THE DECISION. TIlE FACILITY WILL ALSO ESTABLISH STANDARD . PRoCEDURES FOR HANDLING EMERGENCY GRIEVANCES. ALLGRIEVANCES WILL RECEIVE SUPERVISORY REVIEW. REPJU<lALAGAlNSTTHE FILER OF A GRIEVANCE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. POLlet:. COMPONENTS Written' procedures provide for the infonnal resolution of oral grievances (Not mandatory). • If yes; the detainee has up to five days within which to make hlslher concern known to a member of the staff. Detainees have access to the grievance committee (or equivalent in IGSA), using fonnal procedures. • Detainees may seek help from other detainees or facility staff when preparing a grievance. • Illiterate, disabled, or non-English-speaking detainees receive special assistance when necessary. Every member of the staffknows how to identify emergency grievances, including the procedures for expediting them. There are documented or substantiated cases of staff harassing, disciplining, penalizing, or otherwise retaliating against a detainee who lodged a complaint: • If yes, explain. Procedures include maintaining a Detainee Grievance Log. • If not, an alternative acceptable record keeping system is maintained. • "Nuisance complaints" are identified in the records. • For quality control purposes, staff document nuisance complaints received but not filed. Staff is required to forward any grievance that includes officer misconduct to a higher official or, in a CDFIIGSA facility, to ICE. ~ ACCEPTABLE D DEFICIENT D Y N NA ~ 0 0 Standard Operating Procedure 07-08, Section 8.4.1 ~ 0 0 Standard Operating Procedure 07-08, Section 8.2.2 REMARKS The Inmate Services Supervisor reviews each grievance prior to assignment. Any grievance that appears to be emergency related is expedited Quickly. There were no cases of staff harassing, disciplining, or retaliating against a detainee reported. ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 o o A log is maintained by the Program Manager / Inmate Services Supervisor. o D. Verbal verification was received from Inmate Services staff. AT-RISK D REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The facility has developed and implemented standard operating procedures (SOPs) for addressing detainee grievances in timely fashion. Grievances are processed, investigated, and decided (subject to appeal) in accordance with the SOPs. b6,b7c / May 15,2008 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE / DATE b6,b7c t~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) to 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 23 of72 ISSUANCE AND EXCHANGE OF CLOTH,ING,.BEDDING,AND TOWELS :. . . . .... ..'-" ';"" , . '.' .'. ,'. '. POLICY: ICE REQUIRES THAT ALL FACILITIES HOUSING ' .... . .' .' . .. . . ' .. ICE DETAINEES PROVIDEci.EAN CLOTHING, B:EDDING; UNENS AND TOWELS TO EVERY" . ICE DETAINEE UPoN ARRN..v.: FURTHER, FACILITIES SHALL PROVIDEICE DETAINEES wrmRECmLAREXCHANGES OF CLOTHING, UNENS, AND TOWEls FOR AS LONG AS THEY REMAIN IN DETENTION. . . COMPONENTS The facility has a policy and procedure for the regular issuance and exchange of clothing, bedding, linens, and towels. • The supply of these items exceeds the minimum required for the number of detainees. All new detainees are issued clean, temperature-appropriate, presentable clothing during in-processing. Detainees receive: • One uniform shirt and one pair of uniform pants, or one jumpsuit; • One pair of socks; • One pair of underwear (Daily change); and • One pair of facility-issued footwear. Additional clothing is available for changing weather conditions, or as seasonally appropsiate. New detainees are issued clean bedding, linens, and towels. They receive at a minimum: One mattress; • One blanket; • Two sheets; • One pillowcase; • One towel; and • Additional blankets are issued based on local weather conditions. Detainees assigned to special work areas are clothed in accordance with the requirements of the job. Detainees are provided clean clothing, linen and towels. • Socks and undergarments - exchanged daily. • Outer gannents - twice weekly. Sheets - weekly. • Towels - weekly. Pillowcases - weekly. Food service detainee volunteer workers are permitted to exchange outer garments daily. Volunteer detainee workers are permitted to exchange outer garments more frequently. YES No - NA 181 o 0 Standard Operating Procedure 06-53 181 o 0 Standard Operating Procedure 06-53 Section 8.4.1 181 o 0 [8J 0 0 Standard Operating Procedure 06-53 Section 8.4 181 0 0 Standard Operating Procedure 06-53 Section 6.2 181 0 0 Standard Operating Procedure 06-53 Section 8.4 [8J 0 0 181 0 0 • • • [8] ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT OAT-RIsK o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The facility provides clean clothing, bedding, linens, and towels to every ICE detainee upon arrival. They also provide regular exchanges of clothing, linens, and towels for as long as they remain in detention. . b6,b7c I Moy 15. 2008 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I DATE b6,b7c b6,b7c )trv FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL Y (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) ~ 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 24 of72 ' : ';:',.' , . MARRlAGE REQtJE~ .-···::r.:.:'" ;" "., . " : poi.~CY:ALLDETAmEE MARRIAGE REQimsTS WIlL'REcENE CASE-BY~~B&NSIDERATi~N FRb~.iICE MAN~GEMENT. Y N NA t8I D D The Field Office Director reviews every marriage request rejected by a Warden/OlC or IGSA. Rejections are documented. It is standard practice to require a written request for pennission to marry. t8I D D t8I D D The written request includes a signed statement or comparable documentation from the intended spouse confuming marital intent. The Warden/OlC provides a written copy of his/her decision to the detainee and hislher legal representative. When permission is denied, the Warden/OlC states the basis for hislher decision. The Warden/OlC provides the detainee with a place and time to make wedding arrangements. t8I D D t8I D D t8I D D t8I D D COMPONENTS The Field Office considers detainee marriage requests on a case-by-case basis. IZI ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT OAT-RISK o REMARKS. Standard Operating Procedure 04-101 (Inmate Marriages) REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: A review of policy and procedures indicates a program is in place to acCommodate marriage requests. Standard Operating Procedure 04-10 1 (Inmate Marriages) b6,b7c May 15. 2008 b6,b7c b6,b7c AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I DAT ~ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LA W ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) IC 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 25 of72 I .' NON-MEDICAL EMERGENCY ESCORTEDT:iUJ>S • • ' ,," - , •• ,0 •• ~".', - ._. rOLtCY: THE IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT(ICE)MAY PROVIDEDETAJNEES WiTH STfJ'F-ESCO~TED tRIP$~OTHE cOMMuNITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF VISITING CRmCALLYILL MEMBERS OF THE DETAINEE'S IMMEDIATE FAMILY, .. OR FOR ATTffiII])iNG FUNERALS; .. .- I8lSTANDARDN/A:, CHECKTms BOXlF ALL ICE NON-M:EDICAL EMERGENCY ES(:ORTEllTRIPS ARE HANDLED ONLY BY THE.ICE FIELD OFFICE OR SUB-OFFICE IN CONTROL OF THE DETAiNEE CASE•. . COMPONENTS The Field Office Director considers and approves, on a case-by-case basis, trips to an immediate family member's: • Funeral; or • Deathbed' The facility recognizes mother, father, brother, sister, spouse, child, stepparent, and foster parent as "immediate family". The IGSA facility notifies ICE of all detainee requests for non-medical escorts. The detainee's Deportation Officer reviews the file before forwarding a detainee's request, with recommendation, to the approving official. Each recommendation addresses the individual's suitability for travel; e.g., the kind of supervision required. Each escort includes at least two officers. Escorting officers report unexpected situations to the originating facility as a matter of procedure, and the ranking supervisor on duty has the authority to issue instructions for completion of the trip. Escorting officers have the discretion to increase or decrease minimum restraints in accordance with written procedures and classification level of the detainee. Escort officers are precluded from accepting gifts/gratuities from a detainee, or detainee's relative or friend for any_ reason. Escort officers ensure that detainees: • Conduct themselves in a manner that does not bring discredit to the ICE; • Do not violate federal, state, or local laws; • Do not purchase, possess, use, consume, or administer narcotics, other drugs, or intoxicants; • Make no unauthorized phone calls; and • Know they are subject to search, urinalysis, breathalyzer, or comparable test upon return. Standard procedure requires the immediate return to the facility of any detainee who violates trip rules. o ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT " YES No "NA. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [J [J [J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OAT-RISK REMARKs o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: All detainee transportation is accomplished by ICE. b6,b7c / May 15. 2008 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I DATE b6,b7c b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LA W ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8107) Page 26 of72 " " RECREATION . '· P6f.IcY: 'IT is ICE poLICY TO PROVIDE ACCESSTO RECREATIONAf;PROORAMs Al-JD ACrWITIES TO ALL ICE DETAINEES, TO THE EXTENT 'pdSSrotE, ANDWEl.2ARE. . ' , . . . . uNDER 'CONDITIONS OF SECUlUTY AND SUPERVISION :. . THAT PROTECT TImIRSAFETY ,. ,' ., ' " -." .' .. "",' ' . .' COMPOJliENTS . '. .. Y N ', . The facility has a recreation program and facility. 181 0 0 A recreational specialist (for facilities with more than 350 detainees) tailors the program activities and offerings to the detainee population. Regular mamtenance keeps recreational facilities and equipment in good condition. The recreational specialist or trained equivalent supervises detainee recreation workers. The recreational specialist or trainee equivalent oversees recreation programs for special housing units (SHU) and special-needs detainees. Dayrooms offer sedentary activities e.g., boardgames, cards television. Outside activities are restricted to limited-contact sports. 0 181 0 181 0 0 0 0 [gI 0 [gI IZI LJ [gI 0 0 0 0 Each detainee has the opportunity to participate in daily recreation. Detainees have access to recreation activities outside the housing units for at least one hour daily, 5 days a week. [gI [] [] [gI 0 0 Staff checks all items for damage and condition when equipment is returned. Staff conducts searches of recreation areas before and after use. 181 0 0 [gI 0 0 [gI IZI [] [] [] [] ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 All recreation areas under constant staff supervision. Supervising staff is equipped with radios. The facility provides detainees in the SHU at least one hour of outdoor recreation time daily, five times per week. Detainees in disciplinary/administrative segregation receive a written explanation when a panel revokes his/her recreation privileges. Special programs or religious activities are available to detainees. ~ 0 ,,' NA 0 REMARKS The facility has indoor and outdoor recreation facilities. Recreation is supervised by correctional staff. Detainees are not assigned to the recreation program. There is no recreation specialist on staff. Outside activity is limited to basketball. Detainees have access to recreation at a minimum of 1 hour per day, seven days per week. Observations indicated searches are conducted during population counts. Each housing unit has a program room available to detainees for special activities and religious programs. Volunteers are required to sign a waiver ofliability before entering a secure IZI 0 0 portion of the facility where detainees are present. ' Visitors, relatives or friends are not allowed to serve as volunteers. ~ [] [] f8J If outdoor recreation is offered, check this box. No further Information Is required when outdoor recreation is offered. If the facility has no outside recreation, are detainees considered for transfer after six months? • If yes, written procedures ensure timely review of all eligible detainees. Case officers make written transfer recommendations about every sixmonth detainee to the OIC. [] The OIC documents all detainee-transfer decisions whether yes or no. [J lJ The detainee's written decision for or against an offered transfer D documented in his/her A-me. Staff notifies the detairiee's legal representative of his/her decision to accCQtldecline a transfer. If no recreation is available, the ICE Districts routinely review transfer eligibility for all detainees after 60 days. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) (:) 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 27 of72 :. . . .. . . . ... .. ; •...; , .... " , . .. ...... '; .. POP~y: IT ISICE fPLicVTO PROVD;>E ACCESSrORECRM110NALPR()()RAMS ANoAciivti:ms l'o.AiLICEOETAINEES, TO THEmcrENT pOSSIBLE, uNDSRCoNPmONS OF SECuRrrYAND SUPERVISION'mATPRo-rncrTIffim:'sAiirry:ANi> WELFARE. : .' . . ' . '. . .'. /.:.. . . . .. . . ' ':. ' .. .. . .. . . .. . .... ." . ' ' The A-file of every detainee who is held more than 60 days without accesS to recreation contains either a transfer-waiver signed by the detainee, or the 0 rc' s written determination of the detainee's ineligibility for transfer. The detainee's legal representative is notified of the detainee'sIOrC's decision. t8l ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT .•... . . ... ' 0 0 0 o o o OAT-RISK o . . REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: Indoor and outdoor recreation is available to all detainees throughout the facility. A minimum of one hour per day is offered. I May 15. 2008 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I DATE b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c I'~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) to 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 28 of 72 , REUGIOUS PRACfICES> - ·;C ' ,', " POLlCY:FACILITJESWlLL PROVIDE ICE DETAINEES OF MLFAITHs WITHREAS.ONABLEJ\Nl) EQUITABLEOPpORTTJNffrnS TO PARTIClPATB IN mE " PRAel1~ES OF THEm FATIH, LIMITED ONLYBYTIIE CONSTRAINTS OF SAfETY, SECpruTI, Tiffi ORDERLY OPERATIONS OF THE FACILITY AND BUDGETARY CONSIDERATIONS. COMPONENTS REMARKs' NA .Y N Detainees are allowed to engage in religious services. Space is available for detainees to conduct religious services. The facility allows detainees to observe the major "holy days" of their religious faith. • List any exceptions. The facility accommodates recognized holy-day observances by: • Providing special meals, consistent with dietary restrictions; Honoring fasting requirements; • Facilitating religious services; and • Allowing activity restrictions. Each detainee is allowed religious items in his/her immediate possession. Volunteer's credentials are checked and verified before allowing participation in detainee programs. • Members of faiths not represented by clergy may conduct their own services within security allowances. Detainees in the Special Management Unit are allowed to participate in religious practices Wlless otherwise documented for the safety and security of the facility. rgj ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT IZI [J [J IZI 0 0 IZI O· 0 181 0 0 181 [] [] IZI 0 0 lZJ 0 0 181 0 0 OAT-RISK Religious services are held in the program rooms of each , housing area. Standard Operating Procedure 07-06 (Inmate Access to Religious Services) Background checks are performed on all prospective volunteers. o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: Religious programs offered are available to all detainees. Detainees are allowed soft cover reading materials, prayer rugs, rosaries, etc. in their possession. Religious services are performed in the program rooms of each housing unit. b6,b7c May 15,2008 b6,b7c b6,b7c AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE 1 DAT ~ a- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 29 of 72 , . .•. VOLUNTARYWORKPR()GRAM , . . PdtI<~Y: ·. IN .EVERY FACnxrvOFFERINO AVOLUNTARY WORK PROGRAM; ICE DETAINEEs WILL iiAVETHa oPPOlrrul-nTv TO V;;ORK ~EARN' . MONEY BYPARTICIPATINO~ WHILE NOT LEGALLY REQUIRED, iCE AFFoRIisPlITAJNE~'wORK.ERS BAstc OCcUPATIONAL SAFij"rv AND.1IEALm ADMINISTRAtION (OSHA) Pit9TEcrIONS. . . . " . . . '" . ' . ' . I2SICHECKHEREIFICEDETAINEESARENOTAUTHORIZEDTOWORKATTHEIGSAFACILITY; MARKNAONF()RMG-324A,PAGE3 ANn MOVE TO NID(,f SEctl()N; .' . . ' , '. ' ,' , .. COMPONENTS . Does the facility have a voluntary work program? • Do ICE detainees participate? Detainee housekeeping meets neatness and cleanliness standards. Detainees have the opportunity to participate in special details, however, are never allowed to work outSide the secure perimeter. Written procedures govern selection of detainees for the Voluntary Work Program. Where possible, physically and men-tally challenged detainees participate in the program. The facility complies with work-hour requirements for detainees, not exceeding: • Eight hours a day and Forty hours a week. Detainee volunteers generally work according to fixed schedule. If a detainee is removed from a work detail, staff places the written justification for the action in the detainee's detention file. Staff, in accordance with written procedure, ensure that detainee volunteers understand their responsibilities as workers before they join the work program. The voluntary work program meets: • OSHA, NFPA, ACA standards Medical staff screen and formally certify detainee food service volunteers. • Before the assignment begins; and • As a matter of written procedure Detainees receive safety equipment! training sufficient for the assignment. Proper procedure is followed when an ICE detainee is injured on the job. o ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT ., y N NA 0 0 0 [J [J [] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [] [] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [] [] [] [] [] [] OAT-RISK REMARKS D o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS The facility's voluntary work program is offered to sen b6,b7c May 15,2008 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE IDAT b6,b7c d detainees, therefore; ICE detainees do not qualify for participation. b6,b7c ~ ~ . . ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 02007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 30 of72 SECTION TIl. HEALTH SERVICES STANDARDS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 31 of72 '., iNo ADMn-iciTRATIVE MANAOEMENT'OF ICE DETAINEES ENOACHNO INinJNOER sTRIKEs. By MqNITOruNOOF Tlffii-rBALri:I ANti WELFARE OF THE INDivIDUAL DETAINEES, FACILITIES WILL STRIVE TO . SUSTArN THEIR LIVES. <, , '. .' POLICY: ALL FACILITIES WILLPOLL6WSTANDN:U;6UIDELlNESFORTHE MEDICAL .. ' .' ...' COMPONENTS . . . Y: ••.. . •. . ; N .... ···NA: When a detainee has refused food for 72 hours, it is standard practice for staff to refer himlher to the medical department. CDFs and IGSAs immediately report a hunger strike to the ICE. The facility has established procedures to ensure staff respond immediately to a hunger strike. Policy and procedure require that staff isolate a hunger-striking detainee from other detainees. • If yes, in an observation room? Medical personnel are authorized to place a detainee in the Special Management Unit or a locked hospital room. Medical staff records the weight and vital signs of a hunger-striking detainee at least once every 24 hours. The OIC of the facility obtains a hunger striker's consent before medical treatment. A signed Refusal of Treatment form is required of every detainee who rejects medical evaluation or treatment. During a hunger strike, staff document and provide the hunger-striking detainee three meals a day. Staff maintains the hunger striker's supply of drinking water/other beverages. During a hunger strike, staff removes all food items from the hunger striker's living area. Staff is directed to record the hunger striker's fluid intake and food consumption; Does staff always use Hunger Strike Monitoring Form 1839 or similar IGSA form. The medical staffhas written procedures for treating hunger strikers. Staff documents all treatment attempts, including attempts to persuade hunger striker of mediCal risks. Staff has received training in identification of hunger strikes. Medical staff receives early training in hunger-strike evaluation and treatment. Staff remains current in evaluation and treatment techniques. IZI ACCEPTABLE DDEFICIENT D D D D D D D D o D o D D D D D D D D D D D D o D D D D D AT-RISK REMARKs Per Atlanta City Detention Center SOP # 06-86 titled lNMATE HUNGER STRIKES "When staff consider it prudent to do so, a referral for medical evaluation may be made without waiting 72 hours." The facility commander will authorize re-assignment to a dry cell for monitoring of all food and liquid intake and output. This is done by custody in conjunction with medical. . This is done by medical staff. SOP # 06.86 cited above. D D There is no indication that staff receives training in recognition of hunger strikes although the Director of Nursing states this is being done. D REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: There were two documented hunger strikes in 2007, but none so far in 2008. Records show that protocol was followed. The hunger strike policy in place is very good with the exception of the m~ntion of training. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) (02007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 32 of72 There is currently no indication that staff receives training in recognition of hunger strikes. b6,b7c / May 15,2008 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I DATE b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) C 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 33 of72 -------------------------------------..... . .... ' .•...... . ": ..... ,. .....'.::. · t · ACtESS;TOMEDICALC~ ....:.:. ,-. ..:.: - . . . .. ". .:'" . '.:' '. .... .- ":L" ".' -."! .', -' :., . " . . ,.: ..' .'. '..,. POLlCY: EVERYFACILITY~EST,ABIJSHAND MAINTAIN AN,ACCREDITED/ACCREOITATION'WORTHYHEALTH PROGRAM FOR THE GENERAL. .... . '.' .' '. .... " WELL~BEIN'GOFI~DETAlNEES. :. ' .. ' ...... ' : . - '. .' .'. COMPONENTS . _. .:....'. '. -' Y N -. . NA Facilities operate a health care facility in compliance with state and local laws and guidelines. The facility's in-processing procedures for arriving detainees include medical screening. All detainees have access to and receive medical care. The facility has access to a PHSIDIHS Managed Health Care Coordinator. D D D D D D D D D D D D D D [] [J D D [J [J D D [1 [J D D The medical staff is large enough to provide, examine, and treat the facility's detainee population. The facility has sufficient space and equipment to afford detainee privacy when receiving health care. The medical facility has its own restricted-access area. The restricted access area is located within the confines of the secure perimeter. The medical facility entrance includes a holding/waiting room. The medical facility's holding/waiting room is under the direct supervision of custodial staff. Detainees in the holding/waiting room have access to a drinking fountain. Medical records are kept apart from other files. They are: • Secured in a locked area within the medical unit; • With physical access restricted to authorized medical staff; and • Procedurally, no copies made and placed in detainee fIles. Pharmaceuticals are stored in a secure area. Medical screening includes a Tuberculosis (TB) test. • Every arriving detainee receives a TB test during the admission process; • Detainee's TB-screening does not occur more than one business day after his/her arrival at the facility; and • Detainees not screened are housed separate from the general population. ,.·REMARKS Per City of Atlanta DOC SOP # 07-11 titled .ADMINISTRATION OF lNMATE MEDICAL SERVICES/SICK CALL states, "It is the policy of the Health Authority (Medical Directory) to make decisions relating to medical services." This is reviewed within 8 hours by a Health Care Professional. Per City of Atlanta DOC SOP # 07-11, "It is the policy of the Atlanta Dept of Corrections to provide all inmates with the opportunity to report a medical illness or other health problem and to receive diagnosis and/or treatment by a qualified health care professional." This is accessed via the ICE field office in Atlanta and Washington, DC. There is a doctor here' 7 days per week and on-call 2417. A dentist is here 2 days per week for 8 hours per day. There is a total of 15 nursing/tech staff to cover 2417. Severnl exam rooms are available in the medical area along with a triage room on each cell block floor. This is done on arrival at the facility during medical/mental health screening. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 34 of72 .<, . ~,:o . ' . . ; 'ACCESST() MEDICALCARE· . : .. · ' .~'" , ..... '. ~ :':. 0" • -~." : )'()Licv:EVERY ~ACtt;rrY W]u;ESTAB'UsHAND MAwr~iNACcR~D~D/~cGREbrrAi16N~w(irHY ~fu PROORAMF~R THE GENERAL 'WELI>BElN9 OF ICE DET~ES. '.': .'- ", .' :'. .' ," . ' .' All detainees receive a mental-health screening upon arrival. It is conducted: • By a health care provider or specially trained officer; and • Before a detainee's assignment to a housing unit. The facility health care provider promptly reviews all 1-794s (or equivalent) to identify detainees needing medical attention. The health care provider physically examines/assesses arriving detainees within 14 days of admission/arrival at the facility. C8l 0 0 C8l 0 0 C8l 0 0 C8l 0 D Detainees in the Special Management Unit have access to health care services. Staff provides detainees with health services (sick call) request slips daily, upon request. • Request slips are available in languages other than English, including every language spoken by a sizeable number of the facility's detainee population. • Service-request slips are delivered in a timely fashion to the health care provider. The facility has a written plan for the delivery of 24-hour emergency health care when no medical personnel are on duty at the facility, or when immediate outside medical attention is required. The plan includes an on-call provider. The plan includes a list of telephone numbers for local ambulance and hospital services. The plan includes procedures for facility staff to utilize this emergency health care consistent with security and safety. Detention staff is trained to respond to health-related emergencies within a 4-minute response time. Where staff is used to distribute medication, a health care provider properly trains these officers. The medical unit keeps written records of medication that is distributed. The Form 1-819 (or IGSA equivalent) is used to notify the WardenlFacility ofa detainee that has special medical needs. A signed and dated consent form is obtained from a detainee before medical treatment is administered. This is done in the intake/receiving area and reviewed by a health care provider. This is completed within 8 hours of admission to the facili!Y, Per SOP # 06-71 titled INMATE HEALTH APPRAISALS, "An appropriate health care provider will conduct a health appraisal on inmates within 14 days of their arrival to the facility." Per SOP # 07-11, "A Health Care Provider will perform daily rounds in special management housing units and check directly with (detainees) as to whether they have any medical concerns." C8l 0 D Request slips are not available in Spanish but a number of staff speaks Spanish and a language telephone line is available 2417, C8l 0 0 Grady Medical Center is the designated backup treatment facility. ~ lJ LJ C8l D D C8l 0 0 C8l D 0 0 D C8l ~ LJ C8l 0 [J D C8l D 0 Per ACDC SOP # 05-119 titled EMERGENCY CARE AND CPR TRAINING states, "Both health trained and correctional personnel are trained and certified in CPR at least every two years." The only people who distribute medication are nursing staff. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) <C 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 35 of72 . .AC<;ESSTQMEDICAL.CA,RE • ~< " , " POllCY: EVERyFACll..lTY wui ESTABLISH ANDMAwrAlNAN ACCREbrfEOIACcREDITA11ON~WORnlY-HBALTH PR~RAMFOR tim OENERAL WELL-BEiNO OF ICE DETAINEES~' ' '. . '.'.. . . . Detainees use the 1-813 (or IGSA equivalent) to authori~ the release of confidential medical records to outside sources. The facility health care provider is given advance notice prior to the release, transfer, or removal of a detainee. Detainee's medical records or a copy thereof, are available and transferred with the detainee. Medical records are placed in a sealed envelope or other container labeled with the detainee's name and A-number and marked "MEDICAL CONFIDENTIAL". !ZI ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT 18I D D 18I D D 18I D D 18I D D OAT-RIsK o ' ACDC SOP # 06-62 titled HEALTH RECORD FILES mdicates requests for reviewing or copying a medical record will require proper consent or release of information form. This sometimes is very short notice but medical is staffed 2417 and records for transfer are easily obtained. REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The medical area is located on the 3rd floor with an adjacent cell block that is handicap accessible. The area is clean and well lighted. No expired medications were noted. Narcotics are in a double locked cabinet behind a locked door. Needles/syringeS/sharps are in locked cabinets and accounted for on a running inventory every shift. All staff providing care to detainees are licenSed, certified, or . registered in the State of Georgia. b6,b7c / May 15. 2008 b6,b7c AUDITOR'SS'GNATUR.IDATE ~ I~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) (02007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 36 ofn ... ----- . --~----------------- SUICIDE )JREVEl'ffION;ANDINT~VENTI()N: .. .... ·~Q(ICY:·.· ALi~lITENnO~·S;~F WbRKING"~ ICgDk~~·.~·~~·~~()·~~~·St1;CIDE-RlSK INtiicATORS.·. ·STAFp·wrrL· HANbm POTENTIm.YSUIcIDAL IWNWUALS WrrHSBNSITIVriY, SUPERVIsIOkANDREFE~'; Aa.ooCALLySUICIDAL DETAINEE WILL 'RECEIVEPREVIDmVESUPERVISIONANoTREATMENr:: ., . . ',,: ' ., ". ~ . '. ." ,' . .. ..' , , . . .. .. . . COMPONENTS' , : y . N NA : REMARks Every new staff member receives suicide-prevention training. Suicideprevention training occurs duriilg the employee orientation program. ~ Training prepares staff to: • Recognize potentially suicidal behavior; • Refer potentially suicidal detainees, following facility procedures; and • Understand and apply suicide~prevention techniques. A health-care provider or specially trained officer screens all detainees for suicide potential as part of the admission process. • Screening does not occur later than one working day after the detainee's arrival. Written procedures cover when and how to refer at-risk detainees to medical staff andprocedures are followed. The facility has a designated isolation room for evaluation and treatment. The de~ignated isolation room does not contain any structures or smaller items that could be used in a suicide attempt Medical staffhas approved the room for thispurQose. Staff observes and documents the status of a suicide-watch detainee at least once every 15 minutes. [8J ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT OAT-RISK 0 0 o o o o o o [J [] o o [J [] o o o Per ACDC SOP # 06-68 titled SUICIDE PREVENTION, "All staff members who have contact with inmates will be trained in the recognition of verbal and behavioral clues which indicate potential suicide risk. " Per above referenced policy, "During the initial screening process, the Health Care Provider will complete the 'Intake Screening' form which will include aD assessment of suicide risk. " REPEAT FINDING ' REMARKS: There have been no suicides in the last year. The suicide program/policy in place is very adequate. Mental health is accessible from 0700 to 2300 and on call during the remainder of time. b6,b7c I May 15.2008 b6,b7c AUDITOR'SS'GNATURE/DAB I .' ~. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 4) 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 37 of72 TE~AL ILLNESS, AnVANCED DIl{ECTIVES,AND DEATH . ANn .'JioLicy ALL FACILITIES HOUSING ICE DETAINEEs sHAll. HAvB POLIcIEs PROCEDURES ADDRESSING TIIE ISSUES OF TERMINAL rrllrnsSOR' , INJURY;.MEoICAL AnvANCED DIRECTIVES, AND J)ETAlNEE DEAm,TO INC~UDErnE PROCEDURES TO E~SURE PROPER NOTIFICATION IS. PROVroEI) TO ICEOFFICIALS, FAMILYMEMBERS AND OTHJ3R INTERESTED PARTIES INTIIEEVENTOF ADETAJNEE BECOMINGTERMlNALI,YILLOR' u.trtJRED OR DEATHOF A DETAINEE OCCURS .. IN ADDmON, THE POLICY WILL COVER PROCEDmrnsro BE TAKEN IFTIIEDEATH OF A DETAINEE , 6cCURSWHILEIN TRANSIT. 18I',C:~'cKTHISBQX IFTHE FAOLITY DOFS NOT ACCEPT ICE DETAINEFS WH.O ARE SEvERELY OR TERMINALLY ILL. INDICATE NA IN TIlE APPROPRIATE BOX FOR THIS PORTION OF mE WORKSHEET. AiWAYS COMPLETE ALL REFERENCFS TO DETAINEE DEATH AND 'IaLATEDNOTIFICATiONS, .....•.. COMPONENTS " Detainees who are chronically or tennina\ly ill are transferred to an appropriate offsite medical facility. The facility or appropriate ICE office promptly notifies the next of kin of the detainee's medicalcondition, to include: • The detainee's location; and • The limitations placed on visiting. There are guidelines addressing the State Advanced Directive Fonn for Implementing Living Wills and Advanced Directives. • The guidelines include instructions for detainees who wish to have a living will other than the generic fonn the D IHS provides or who wishes to appoint another to make advance decisions for him or her. The guidelines provide the detainee the opportunity to have a private attorney prepare the documents. There is a policy addressing "Do Not Resuscitate Orders" . .'. Y N o o o o o o o o o Detainees with a "Do Not Resuscitate" order in the medical record receive maximal therapeutic efforts short of resuscitation? The facility notifies the DIHS Medical Director and Headquarters' Legal Counsel of the name and basic circumstances of any detainee with a "Do Not Resuscitate" order in the medical record. In the case ofIGSAs, this notification is made throuJdl the local ICE representative. The facility has written procedures to address the issues of organ donation by detainees. The facility has written procedures to notify ICE officials, deceased family members and consulates when a detainee dies while in Service. The facility has a policy and procedure to address the death of a detainee while in transport. At all ICE lOCations the detainee's remains disposed of in accordance with the provisions detailed in this standard. In the event that neither family nor consulate claims the remains, the Field Office schedules an indigent'S burial, consistent with local procedures. • Ifthe detainee's is a U.S. military veteran, is the Department of Veterans Affairs notified? An original or certified copy ofa detainee's death certificate is placed in the subiect's a-file. o NA o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o REMARKS ACDC SOP # 06-55 titled INMATE TERMINAL ILLNESS states, "The Director of Nursing is responsible for ensuring that each inmate is infonned ofthe right to establish a DNR order upon hislher admittance to the facility." These detainees would not be housed at this facility. This is covered in the above sited policy. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LA W ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 38 of 72 The facility follows established policy and procedures describing when to contact the local coroner regarding such issues as: • .Perfonnance of an autopsy; • Who will perfotnl the autopsy; • Obtaining state approved death certificates; and • Local of the ICE staff follows established procedures to properly close the case of a deceased detainee. ~ ACCEPTABLE o OAT-RIsK DEFICIENT o o o o o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: According to the ICE agent, this facility would not house tenninally ill detainees. They would be transferred to a facility that had United States Public Health Service staff and a compassionate release would be pursued or the individual may be deported to their COWltry of origin. b6,b7c /May 15. 2008 b6,b7c AunITOR'SSIGNATUREIDATE L.. ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, ILC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 39 of72 SECTION IV. SECURITY AND CONTROL FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 40 of 72 · .. coNTRABAND· . PoiicY: ALL DETENTION FACILITIDS. WILL BNSURETHE PROPER HANDLING AND D,ISPoSAL OF CONTItAaAiID DESTRUCTION IS REQUI:R.ED.· • .... .y COMPONENts The facility follows a Written procedure for handling illegal contraband. Staff inventory, hold, and report it when necessary to the proper authority for action/possible seizure. N AlL coNfiwjAND. DoCuMENTATION OF. NA D D D o o o o o o o Contraband that is government property is retained as evidence for potential disciplinary action or criminal prosecution. as evidence to the proper authority. Staff returns property not needed Written procedures cover the return of such property. Altered property is destroyed following documentation and using established procedures. . Before confiscating religious items, the OIC or designated investigator contacts a religious authority. Staff follows written procedures when destroying hard contraband that is illegal. . Hard contraband that is illegal (under criminal statutes) may be retained and used for official use, e.g. training purposes. If yes, under specific circumstances and using specified written procedures. Hard contraband is secured when not in use. [8J ACCEPTABLE D DDEFICIENT AT-RIsK o o o o ... REMARKs ... SOP 200-6 (Control, Handling and Disposal of Contraband) outlines procedures for inventorying, holding, and reporting contraband for action/possible seizure. SOP 06-29 (Cell Search Security) states that evidence to be used in a disciplinary hearing will be secured in the Watch Commander's custody. SOP 06-29 (Cell Search Security) directs that property not needed as evidence is returned to the proper authority. SOP 200-06 (Control, Handling and Disposal of Contraband) states that hard contraband will be transferred to the responding or investigating police personnel for disposition. D REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The facility policy governing contraband was significantly revised during the review resulting in an acceptable rating in this section. b6,b7c /MayI5,2008 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I DAT b6,b7c b6,b7c ~ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 41 of72 DETENTION' FiL"tS.... P6LICY(~VERY FACilITY OOATE ADE-mNrIONFILE FOR EVERY ICE DjITkum BoOI<.ED TIIEFACILITY, EXCLuD~G ONLY DETAINEESScirnDULED TO DEPART WITHIN 24 HOURS. THE DETENTION FILE WILL CONTAIN COPIES AND, IN SOME CASES,THE ORIGINAL OF · 'SPECIFIEDDOc()MENTSCONCERNINQ DETAiNEE'S STAYIN THEJ!A6LITY: :cLASsIFI0TIO~SHEBT, MEDICAL QuEsTIONNAIRE, PROPERTY INVEN'rORY SHEE-r, DISCIPLINARY OOCMNTS, ETC. ... , .... . ... . C O M P O N E N r s Y .. •. N: NA REMARKs , · m n:tro TIIE A detention file is created for every new arrival whose stay will exceed 24 hours. The detainee detention file contains either originals or copies of documentation and forms generated during the admissions process. The detainee's detention file also contains docwnents generated during the detainee's custody. • Special requests • Any G-589s and/or 1-77s closed-out during the detainee's stay • Disciplinary forms/Segregation forms • Grievances complaints and the disposition(s) of same The detention files are located and maintained in a secure area. If not, the cabinets are lockable and distribution of the keys is limited to supervisors. The detention file remains active during the detainee's stay. When the detainee is released from the facility, staff adds copies of completed release documents, the original closed-out receipts for property and valuables, the original 1-385 or equivalent and other docwnentation. The officer closing the detention file makes a notation that the file is complete and ready to be archived. Staff makes copies and sends docwnents from the file when properly requested by supervisory personnel at the receiving facility or office. Appropriate staff has access to the detention files, and other departmental requests are accommodated by making a request for the file. Each file is properly logged out and in by a representative. of the responsible department. IZI ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT OAT-RIsK o o o o o o Special requests and grievances are filed in the Program's section of the facility. o o Detention files are secured in a locked cabinet in a separate room. o o A review of25 ICE detainee files revealed release related documents were included. o o o o o o o An activity log tracks files. REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: 25 detainee files were reviewed. All contained medical questionnaire forms, property forms, classification docwnentation, and disciplinary information (when applicable) . b6,b7c I May 15.2008 b6,b7c b6,b7c AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I DAT 0~ . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 42 of72 ,, " ' . .' : . " -;. ... ,"-.•. ". . .. •. ... .. ....mSCIPLIN)\RYPOIJCY " . " ;, •· P~I-ICY:.C~~t~~~~~~~Ru;~~~it~i~EIl~o· u.wd~E.DlS¢WUNE()NhET~EEs·· WHOSE.U~~OR IS.Ndr·W .. . . .... COMPONENTs ' ..... . Y. N NA ' . . .• The facility has a written disciplinary system using progressive levels of reviews and appeals. The facility rules state that disciplinary action shall not be capricious or retaliatory. Written rules prohibit staff from imposing or permitting the following sanctions: • corporal punishment • deviations from normal food service • clothing deprivation • bedding deprivation • denial of personal hygiene items • loss of correspondence privileges • deprivation of physical exercise The rules of conduct, sanctions, and procedures for violations are defined .in writing and communicated to all detainees verbally and in writing. The following items are conspicuously posted in Spanish and English, and other dominate languages used in the facility: • Rights and Responsibilities • Prohibited Acts • Disciplinary Severity Scale • Sanctions When minor rule violations or prohibited acts occur, informal resolutions are encouraged. Incident reports and Notice of Charges are promptly forwarded to the designated supervisor. Incident reports are investigated within 24 hours of the incident. The Unit Disciplinary Committee (DDC) or equivalent does not convene before an investigation ends. [gI o o o o 0 REMARKS Standard Operating Procedure 07-25 (Inmate Discipline Procedure) provides a written disciplinary system using progressive levels of reviews and appeals. SOP 07-25 (Inmate Discipline Procedure) precludes staff from imposing discipline in a capricious or retaliatory manner. 0 SOP 07-25 (Inmate Discipline Procedure) prohibits staff from imposing or permitting corporal punishment or other deviations and deprivations. The rules of conduct, sanctions, and procedures for violations are defined in writing and communicated to all detainees verbally by a staff member during orientation. [gI 0 0 [gI 0 0 o o o o D o o o An intermediate disciplinary process is used to adjudicate minor infractions. A review of disciplinary packets confirmed that incident reports are investigated within 24 hours of incidents. The facility endorses a "negative contact" method as an intermediate disciplinary process to adjudicate infractions of moderate severity. Detainees may receive 8 hours of cell restriction as a sanction imposed by the shift commander. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) o 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 43 ofn ... : .. " ., .' DISCIPLINARY I'OLICY ., , ' . , POLuN:,'ALiFACIUTIES HOUSING ICE DETAINEES.ARE AUTHORIZED:TO IMPOSEDISCWLINE'ONI;>ETAINEES WHOSE BEHAVIOR IS NOT IN . . cOMPLIANcE WITH FACILITY RULES AND REGULATIONS. . . . . -'". . ," .y ,NA COMPONENTS REMARKs N A disciplinary panel (or equivalent in IGSAs) adjudicates infractions. The panel: Conducts hearings on all charges and allegations referred by the UDC; • Considers written reports, statements, physical evidence, and oral testimony; • Hears pleadings by detainees and staff representatives; • Bases its findings on the preponderance of evidence; and • Imposes only authorized sanctions A staff representative is available if requested for a detainee facing a disciplinary hearing, • 181 181 0 0 0 0 The inmate discipline hearing coordinator (Sergeant) conducts hearings on all charges. Standard Operating Procedure 07-25 (Inmate Discipline Procedure) affordS detainees staff representation during disc~lin~proceedin~. The facility permits hearing postponements or continuances when conditions warrant such a continuance. Reasons are documented. The duration of punishment set by the OlC, as recommended by the disciplinary panel, does not exceed established sanctions. The maXimum time in disciplinary segregation is limited to 60 days for a single offense. Written procedures govern the handling of confidential-informant information. Standards include criteria for recognizing "substantial evidence" 181 0 0 181 0 0 0 181 0 All forms relevant to the incident, investigation, committee/panel reports, etc., are completed and distributed as required. 181 0 0 I:8J ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT OAT-RISK o The facility does not have written criteria governing the handling of confidentialinformant information. REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The facility does not have written criteria governing the handling of confidential-informant information. LMay1S,2008 b6,b7c AUDITOR'SSIGNATURE/D b6,b7c b6,b7c ~ I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 44 of72 ..... .' ':", . :.- .:~." .': ',: " ., · J!:MEJlGENGy:«:pmlNGEN~Y),PLANS ··' , . 'POiI~~ AllFA~ILtrIES HOU)lNhICibEf~~WIiL~I'O~~~~~ENcwi~APREoim~sr~AiwIZED PLAN TO MINiMizE .' .. rnBl-WwIl'lO OF HuMAN LIFE 00 THE DaSTRl)CfIONOFPROPERT'l.: It)S'Rii!cOM:Ml3NDEDTHI\.T SPCSANJ)CDFSmtrERflI!TO AOREEMENT,VlA MEMORANDUM OF.UNDERSTANDINQ·(MoU),wrm FEDERAL,L6CAL AND STATE AOENCllisTo ASSIST IN TIMES OF EMEROENCY. COMllONOOS ..... Policy precludes detainees or detainee groups from exercising control or authority over other detainees. Detainees are protected from: • Personal abuse • Corporal punishment • Personal injury • Disease • Property damage • Harassment from other detainees Staff is trained to identifY signs of detainee unrest. • What type of training and how often? Y ", N NAREMARKS o o 0 jgI 0 I8J 0 0 o o o o D I8J 0 0 I8J 0 o o o o Staff is trained to disregard instructions from hostages, regardless of rank. Within 24 hours after release, hostages are screened for medical and psychological effects. o o Emergency plans include emergency ' medical treatment for staff and detainees during and after an incident. o o Staff effectively disseminates information on facility climate, detainee attitudes, and moods to the Officer In Charge.(Ole) There is a designated person or persons responsible for emergency plans and their implementation. Sufficient time is allotted to the person or group for development and implementation of the plans. The plans address the following issues: Confidentiality • Accountability (copies and storage locations) .Annual review procedures and schedule Revisions Contingency plans include a comprehensive general section with procedures applicable to most emergency situations. • • • The facility has cooperative contingency plans with applicable: • Local law enforcement agencies • State agencies • Federal agencies All staff receives copies of Hostage Situation Management policy and procedures. Facility policies protect detainees from personal abuse, corporal punishment, and personal injury, but do not address disease, property damage or harassment from other detainees. Facility staff receives two hours of Jail Climate training during Basic Jail Training. Information relevant to facility climate, detainee attitudes, and moods is documented in individual unit log books. Additionally, this information is documented in the Supervisor's "pass on" book for further dissemination. The Emergency Management Coordinator (Lieutenant) is responsible for emergency plans and their implementation. The Emergency Plans do not address confidentiality, accountability, annual review procedures/schedule or revisions. Contingency plans do not include a comprehensive general section with procedures appliCable to most emergency situations. The facility has memorandums of understanding with local, state and federal agencies, including Fulton County and . the USP Atlanta, Ga. All staff signs for their individual copies of the Hostage Situation Management policy and procedures. SOP 06-04 (Riot and Hostage Situations) states that all staff members relinquish all power and authority if taken hostage. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW-ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 02007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 45 of72 < ' . " EMERGENCY(COra'lNGENcy) .. . - PLANs: " ~ ,.' ' . ' " 'POilb~ALL ~ACIiITIESHbLDINO ICEDIITMNEES,WniRESP0ND TO EMmtG~cri3SwITHAPREDErnRimrno,STANDARDIZED PLAN TO MINIMIZE '. THE ~GOF HUMANLIFEANDTHE PESTRUCTIONOFPROPERTY. IT IS RECoMMENDEoTIlAT SPCS OOCPFSENTERINTO AGREEMEm,VIA MEMORANDUM OF'UNDERSTANDING {M()U),wrrn FEDERAL LOCAL AND STArBAGENCIEs.TO,ASSIST IN TIMES OF EMERGENCY. ",'" , ' , ' 'CoMPONENTs Food service maintains at least 3 days' worth of emergency meals for staff and detainees. Written plans identitY locations of shut-off valves and switches for all utilities (water, gas, electric). ",' Y o Written procedures cover: • WorkIFood Strike • Disturbances • Escapes • Bomb Threats • Adverse Weather • Internal Searches • Facility Evacuation • Detainee Transportation System Plan • InternalIIostages • Civil Disturbances ~ ACCEPTABLE o o DEFICIENT OAT-RISK N, NA o o o The facility contingency plans do not identitY locations of shut-offvalves and switches for all utilities (water, gas" electric). SOP 06-10 (Bomb Threats) states that maintenance staff would be summoned to terminate utilities if necessary. o Written procedures cover disturbances, escapes, bomb threats, adverse weather, facility evacuation, and hostages, but do not cover work/food strike, internal searches, detainee transportation system plan, or civil disturbances. o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: Facility policies protect detainees from personal abuse, corporal punishment, and personal injury, but do not address disease, property damage, or harassment from other detainees. The Emergency Plans do not address confidentiality, accountability, annual review procedures/schedule, or revisions. Contingency plans do not include a comprehensive general section with procedures applicable to most emergency situations. The facility contingency plans do not identitY locations of shut-off valves and switches for all utilities (water, gas, electric). SOP 06to (Bomb Threats) states that maintenance staff would be summoned to terminate utilities if necessary. Written procedures cover disturbances, escapes, bomb threats. adverse weather, facility evacuation, and hostages, but do not cover work/food strike, internal searches, detainee transportation system plan, or civil disturbances. b6,b7c / May 15.2008 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I D b6,b7c b6,b7c ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) CO 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) ' REMARKS Page 46 of 72 ENVIRONMENTALlIEAI..TH AND SAll'ETY . , . ,. . ." _,·ft. '~':. . ~ "." POLICY: EVERY FACILITY WILL CONTRO~FLAMMA:aLE; TOXIC, AND CAUsTICM!-TEruALs TIIRCJlrGHAHAZARDC)uS MATERwB PR()ORAM. THE PItOGRAMwiLLINCLUDE. AMONO OTIffiR THINGS, THE IDENTIFICATION ANDuBELINO OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IN ACCOIwANCE WITH APPLiCABLESTANDARoS (E.O.; NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION AsSOCIATION [NFPAj); 'IDENTIFICATION OF. INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS, ANn 'SAFE-lIANDLlNO PROCEDURES . . . . .' COMPONENTs. Y REMARKs N NA The facility has a system for storing, issuing, and maintaining inventories Inventories are maintained in the of hazardous materials. ~ 0 0 food service and maintenance areas. Constant inventories are maintained for all flammable, toxic, and caustic Inventories are maintained in the substances used/stored in each section of the facility. ~ 0 0 food service and maintenance areas. The manufacturer's Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) file is up-to-date for every hazardous substance used. • The files list all storage areas, and include a plant diagram and ~ 0 0 legend. • The MSDSs and other infonnation in the files are available to personnel managing the facility's safety program. All personnel using flammable, toxic, and/or caustic substances follow the prescribed procedures. They: ~ 0 0 • Wear personal protective equipment; and Report hazards and spills to the designated official. • The MSDSs are readily accessible to staff and detainees in work areas. ~ 0 0 Hazardous materials are always issued under proper supervision. All Cleaning solutions are ~ 0 0 diluted in the laundry area prior • Quantities are limited; and to issuance to the housing units. • Staff always supervises detainees using these substances. All "flammable" and "combustible" materials (liquid and aerosol) are Flammable storage cabinets are ~ 0 0 located in the maintenance area. stored and used according. to label recommendations. Lighting fixtures and electrical equipment installed in storage rooms and No flammable storage rooms 0 0 ~ other hazardous areas meet National Electrical Code requirements. were noted. The facility has sufficient ventilation, and provides and ensures clean air ~ 0 0 exchanges throughout all buildings. Vents, return vents, and air conditioning ducts are not blocked or ~ 0 0 obstructed in cells or anywhere in the facility. Living units are maintained at appropriate temperatures in accordance with industry standards. (68 to 74 degrees in the winter and 72 to 78 ~ 0 0 degrees in the summer.) Shower and sink water temperatures do not exceed the industry standard ~ 0 0 of 120 degrees. All toxic and caustic materials are stored in their original containers in a ~ 0 0 secure area. Excess flammables, combustibles, and toxic liquids are disposed of ~ 0 0 properly and in accordance with MSDSs. Staff directly supervise and account for products with methyl alcohol. Material Safety Data Sheets Staff receives a list of products containing diluted methyl alcohol, e.g., were reviewed and there were shoe dye. All such products are clearly labeled. "Accountability" ~ 0 0 no products containing methyl includes issuing such products to detainees in the smallest workable alcohol noted. qUantities. Every employee and detainee using flammable, toxic, or caustic materials is provided during ~ 0 Training 0 receives advance training in their use storage and disposal. initial orientation. The facility complies with the most current edition of applicable codes, Sprinkler, smoke alann, and standards, and regulations of the National Fire Protection Association and ~ 0 0 portable fire extinguisher testing the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). is current FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 10 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 47 of72 :,' .. ... . . . '. . -. ENVI:jU,)NMENTAL lIE.-\LTHAN.DSA~'fY ",< ' , .\ I: . . .' . " ': iPOLICv: EvER.Y MClLrrY WILL CoNTROL FLAMMABLE;:i6Xic, OOCAUirICMATBRrALS!HROUGHA~{JS MArERW.s PROGRAM. THE· PR()oRAMWILL INCLUDE, AMONG <YrHERniIN(jS,T~ IDENTIFICATION ANI? tABELiNGOF~US MATERWS IN ACCORDANCEWfm APPLiCABLE8TANDARDS (RG.,N~TIONAL FIRE PROTEctION ASSOCIATION [NFPA]); IDENTIFICAiio~OFINCOMPATIBLE MATERIALs, AND >: . '. SAFE~HANDLING PROCEDURES . ' . .. y .. .. .. COMPONENTS ' N NA REMARKs Five officers have received A teclmically qualified officer conducts the fife and safety inspections. training from the local fire department to conduct weekly ~ D D fire safety inspections. These officers conduct aU weekly fife safety insp_ections. [] The Safety Office (or officer) maintains files of inspection reports. [J ~ Standard Operating Procedure The facility has an approved fire prevention, contro~ and evacuation plan. - ~ D D ~ D D Standard Operating Procedure D ~ D Fire drills are being conducted quarterly. A sanitation program covers barbering operations. ~ D 0 The barber shop has the facilities and equipment necessary to meet sanitation requirements. The sanitation standards are conspicuously posted in the barbershop. ~ D D ~ 0 0 Written procedures regulate the handling and disposal of used needles and other sharp objects. All items representing potential safety or security risks are inventoried and a designated individual checks this inventory weekly. Standard cleaning practices include: • Using specified equipment; cleansers; disinfectants and detergents. An established schedule of cleaning and follow-up inspections. • ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 The facility follows standard cleaning procedures. ~ 0 0 Spill kits are readily available. ~ 0 0 A licensed medical waste contractor disposes of infectiouslbio-hazardous waste. Staff is trained to prevent contact with blood and other body fluids and written procedures are followed. ~ D D The plan requires: • Monthly fife inspections; • Fire protection equipment strategically located throughout the facility; • Public posting of emergency plans with accessible building/room floor plans; • Exit signs and directional arrows; and • An area-specific exit diagram conspicuously posted in the diagrammed area. Fire drills are conducted and documented monthly. 07-24 07-24 Sanitation standards are laminated on the barber tool case. Standard Operating Procedure 400-03 Section 8.1 Standard Operating Procedure 400-03 Section 8.1 • Do the methods for handling/disposing of refuse meet all regulatory requirements? Standard Operating Procedure 06-61 section 8.7.1 Standard Operating Procedure I8l 0 D ~ D 0 06-61, Section 8.6.1. Standard Operating Procedure 400-06, section 8.8.1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LA W ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 10 ,2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 48 of 72 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY'. , .•. . "I" .. POLICY: EVERY FACILITY WILL CONTROL FLAMMABLE,TOXIC; AND CAUSTIC MAT'BRIAlS THROUoHAHAZA:RDoUS MATERIAlS PROGRAM. THE PROGRAM WilL INCLUDE, AMONG oTHERTHmGS, THE IDENTIFICATION AND LABELING OFlIAZARDoUS MATERIALS rNACCoRDANCE WITH APl'LICABLE S1'ANDARDS (E.G.; NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION AsSOCIATION [NFPA]); IQENTIFICATION OF INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS, AND SAFE-HANDLING PROCEDURES· ... ... .. .. . . . . COMPONENTS Y· A licensediCertifiedlTrained pest-control professional inspects for rodents, insects, and vennin. • At least monthly. • The pest-control program includes preventative spraying for indigenous insects. Drinking water and wastewater is routinely tested according to a fixed schedule. Emergency power generators are tested at least every two weeks. • Other emergency systems and equipment receive testing at least quarterly. • Testing is followed-up with timely corrective actions (repairs and replacements). [gI ACCEPTABLE D DEFICIENT D [8l At-RISK N NA REMARKS· o o Orkin has a city contract to treat all buildings weekly. o o The city water department tests drinking and waste water. 0 o Generators are tested weekly and load tested quarterly. D RE,PEAT FINDING REMARKS: Fire drills are being conducted quarterly. ICE standards require monthly fire drills. b6,b7c I May 15.2008 AUDlTOR'SSIGNATIJ.EIDATE b6,b7c b6,b7c 1,..0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) CO 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 49 of 72 ... '. ';' 1./·. . . . . . . . HOLD R,OQMS IN DErENTIONF'ACILI:flES ' .... . ..... '. .. '. . '.' .'. . ...<, ; .• . •:;: .'~". ,': <' " . . '. '. : ., .•.. .. . .., . '.. " .' POLICY: HOLD ROOMS WILL BE USED ONLY FOR TEMPORARY DETENTION OF DETAINEESAWAITING REMOVAL,TRANSFER, EOIR HEARINGS; .' MEbICALTREATMENr,INTRA-iw::ILriYMOVEMEmOR OTHERPROCEsSINOOOOOR ouT OF T~ FACILITY. . .. ' ... ; ..'. . . . ." COMPONENTS ' .' Y N . INA :REMARKs The hold rooms are situated within the secure perimeter. ~ [J [J 0 0 o o o o [] [] o o Male and females are segregated from each other. Detainees under the age of 18 are not held with adult detainees. Detainees are provided with basic personal hygiene items such as water, soap, toilet paper, cups for water, feminine hygiene items, diapers and wipes. In older facilities, officers are within visual or au4ible range to allow detainees access to toilet facilities on a regular basis. [J [J [J o o o o All detainees are given a pat down search for weapons or contraband before being placed in the room. Officers closely supervise the detention hold rooms using direct supervision (Irregular visual monitoring.). • Hold rooms are irregularly monitored every 15 minutes. • Unusual behavior or complaints are noted. When the last detainee has been removed from the hold room, it is given a thorough inspection. There is a written evacuation plan that includes a designated officer to remove detainees from hold rooms in case of rue and/or building evacuation. o o o o o o o o An appropriate emergency service is called immediately upon a detennination that a medical emergency may exist. o o The hold rooms are well ventilated, well lighted, and all activating switches are located outside the room. The hold rooms contain sufficient seating for the number of detainees held. ~ Bunks, cots, beds, or other related make-shift sleeping apparatus are precluded from use inside hold rooms. The walls and ceilings of the hold rooms are tamper and escape proof. Individuals are not held in hold rooms for more than 12 hours. ~ ACCEPTABLE 0 DEFICIENT D AT-RISK The facility has six hold rooms with each having a capacity of three detainees. Detainees are not normally held in hold rooms in excess of two hours: [J o Officers are within easy audible range for detainees to summon assistance if needed. Each hold room is equipped with toilet facilities. The Intake Officer is responsible for removing detainees from hold rooms in case of fire or evacuation. REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The ACDC has a sufficient number (6) of hold rooms to accommodate detainees awaiting removal, transfer, medical treatment, or other processing needs. b6,b7c I May 15.2008 b6,b7c b6,b7c AUDlTOR'SSIGNATURE/DA ~~ 0"'- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 1218/07) Page 50 of72 .,. :. .' . ," KEY AND LOCK CONtJlOL . . "' C . . '(SECURItY;ACGOUNTABILITY '·ANQ· ~kANCE) . . . . . :. ... . ,,;:: ,- -' .. :,.. .~ .- .' ' .' ' ". ' '. PQud i'r IS THii POLICY OF THE ICE,SERVICB TO MAlNTAlNAN I3FFICrENT SYSTEM FOR.TIrnUSE,ACCOUNfABiLITYAND~ANCEOF'ALL' :KEySANoWcKs. .... ... .... COMPO~ .' . , . " ' ,' ' : The security officer(s], or equivalent in IGSAs, has attended an approved locksmith training program. The security officer, or equivalent in IGSAs, has responsibly for all administrative duties and responsibilities relatin~ to keys, locks etc. The security officer, or equivalent in IGSAs, provides training to employees in key control. The security officer, or equivalent in IGSAs, maintains inventories of all keys, locks and locking devices. The security officer follows a preventive maintenance program and maintains all preventive maintenance documentation. Facility policies and procedures address the issue of compromised keys and locks. The security officer, or equivalent in IGSAs, develops policy and procedures to ensure safe combinations integrity. Only dead bolt or dead lock functions are used in detainee accessible areas; Only authorized locks (as specified in the Detention Standard) are used in detainee accessible areas. Grand master keying systems are prohibited. AU worn or discarded keys and locks are cut up and properly disposed of. Padlocks andlor chains are prohibited from use on cell doors. The entrance/exit.door locks to detainee living quarters, or areas with an occupant load of 50 or more people, conform to: • Occupational Safety and Environmental Health Manual, Ch. 3; • N ationa! Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code 101. The operational keyboard is sufficient to accommodate all the facility key rings, including keys in use, and is located in a secure area, Procedures are in place to ensure that key rings are: • Identifiable; • The numbers of keys are cited; and • Keys cannot be removed. Emergency keys are available for all areas of the facility. The facilities use a key accountability system. ~uthorization is necessary to issue any restricted key. .. . . .. Y N . . . NA REMARKS The Maintenance Supervisor has attended a 100 hour ACME locksmith accreditation course. I8'J 0 0 I8l 0 D Staff receive 40 hours annual refresher training during which time the locksmith provides 30 minutes of key control training. IZI 0 D IZI 0 0 IZI 0 0 IZI 0 0 Maintenance records confirmed that preventive maintenance is performed every 6 months. SOP 06-27 addresses the issue of compromised keys and locks. 0 0 181 The facility does not have a safe. 181 0 0 IZI IZI 0 [J 0 [J 181 0 0 I8l [] [J 181 0 0 I8l D 0 D b2High SOP 06-27 (Key and Access Card Control) addresses the disposal of worn and discarded keys and locks. 0 o o o b2High 0 0 0 SOP 06.27 (Key and Access Card Control) addresses the issuance of restricted keys. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) \C 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 51 of72 .' .: ... - " ,.. . , .. '. , KEYANDWCKCOIffROL :· ' ""." " , " ' (SECUruTY;AC¢O:lJNTABIii~~~M~;T:EN~f:i9~) " ' " .'!&V§AND ~~L;~~ITLOCKS. ISTHE POLICY OFTHE ICE SERVtCETO MAlNT~J\N EFFicmm SYS~~oiTim. USE; A~Oum ABILITY AND MAlNrENANCE OF ALL . . . . .' " ... . . .. . . .. . . ' . . '" ;, ' . N NA Individual gun lockers are provided. • They are located in an area that pennits constant officer observation. • In an area that does not allow detainee or public access. D, o The facility has a key accountability policy and procedures to ensure key accountability. The keys are physically counted daily. D o D D COMPONENTS : Y ' All staff members are trained and held responsible for adhering to proper procedures forthe handling of keys. • Issued keys are returned immediately in the event an employee . inadvertently carries a key ring home. • When a key or key ring is lost, misplaced, or not accounted for, the shift supervisor is immediately notified. • Detainees are Dot permitted to handle keys assigned to staff. [gI ACCEPTABLE DDEFICIENT D AT-RISK REMARKS b2High D REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: b2High b6,b7c b6,b7c M.y 15.2008 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE/DATE b6,b7c !~r'-./ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) (C 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 52 of 72 , :,,: ' > , .' '.PQ)JULA'fION C.OUN"rS c . ... . . ' '. ;P6LI~: A4DBlEm:rON FACrUTIEssHAtlENSURE ~OON~riIE~ACCC;UNTM.JI£rrY FORALLDETA.lNEEs. TmsREQUIRES niATnmy .' CONDUCT AT LEAsT ONE FORMAL COUNT OF mE DETAINEE PoPULATION PEidHrFT, 'WITH ADDITIONAL FORMAL AND INFORMAL COUNTS CONPUcTEDAs NECESSARY. ' . . , '. ' " . . .' . .' . '.. . . ' . ... ... . .. . COMPONENTS Staff conduct a fonnal COWlt at least once each shift. Y Activities' cease or are strictly controlled while a fonnal COWlt is being conducted. Certain operations cease during fonnal counts. All movement ceases for the duration of a fonnal count. Fonnal counts in all units take place simultaneously. Detainee participation in COWlts is prohibited. A face-to-photo COWlt follows each unsuccessful recount. N .. · 'NA ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 • The control officer (or other designated position) maintains an out count record of all detainees temporarily leaving the facility. ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 [81 This trainin~ is documented in each officer's training folder. [2'J ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT OAT-RISK _ Photographs of each detainee are maintained in each individual housing unit and are used to facilitate face-to-photo counts. Staff observations con finned that officers positively identify each detainee before counting himlher as present. Additionally, staff utilizes a computer-generated roster and calls each detainee by name during count. Standard Operating Procedure 06-20 (Inmate Counts) offers clear definition to infonnal and emergency counts. The shift commander maintains an out count record of all detainees temporarily leaving the facility. o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The Atlanta City Detention Center ensures around-the-clock accountability for all detainees. b6,b7c 1 May 15,2008 b6,b7c b6,b7c AUDmlR'SSIGNATURE/DAT ".a~ v - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) (> 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) " )< Officers positively identify each detainee before counting himlher as present. Written procedures cover infonnal and emergency counts. They are followed during infonnal counts and emergencies . REMARKs · Fonnal COWlts are conducted during each of the three shift changes daily. Page 53 of72 . .' ....../ .. ' .' .' - ... .. ..:: .. . .PO~~<;Y; Ic:E PROYmESorncarciAiLNECI3SS,'\RY GuIDAN¢EF9tt C~Y1NGo&r~IRDll1'lES' THis GUIDANCE'INCWDEs THE P()ST ORDERS . ESTABLISHED FOR EvERY POST wHICH ARE~vn=:viED AT LEASTANNuALLY AND GIVEN TO EACH OFFICER UPON AsSIGNhlENTTOTHAT POST~ ' :. .: COMPONENTs .. . y. Every fixed post has a set of post orders. 'rgj Each set contains the latest inserts (emergency memoranda, etc.) and revisions. One individual or department is responsible for keeping all post-orders current with revisions that take place between reviews. The IGSA maintains a complete set (central flle) of post orders. The central file is accessible to all staff. The OIC or Contract / IGSA equivalent initiates/authorizes all post-order changes. The OIC or Contract / IGSA equivalent has signed and dated the last page of every section. . N NA . [] [] o o o o [J [J [] o o o REMARKs Each set of post orders contains latest inserts and relevant policies (standard operating procedures). The Accreditation Manager (Lieutenant) is responsible for keeping all post orders current with revisions that take place between reviews. (] o The Ole authorizes all postorder chall&es. The frrst page of every section is signed and dated by the OIC instead of the last page of every section. A review/updating/reissuing of post orders occurs regularly and at a minimum annually. Procedures keep post orders and logbooks secure from detainees at all times. o o o Every armed-post officer qualifies with the post weapon(s) before assuming post duty. o o Armed-post post orders provide instructions for escape attempts. The post orders for housing units track the event schedule. Housing-unit post officers record all detainee activity in a log. The post order includes instructions on maintaining the logbook. [] [] l] lJ o o o REPEAT FINDING IZI ACCEPTABLE 0 DEFICIENT OAT-RISK o The general section of the post orders specifically state that all post orders are sensitive documents. Every armed-post officer qualifies with post weapons annually. REMARKS: The first page of every section is signed and dated by the OIC instead of the last page of every section. b6,b7c / May \5, 2008 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I DAT b6,b7c b6,b7c fk FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 54 of 72 ":.: ....: ,".:... ... ::>, ~.....:;. ',.~,-'~-:. ' ,., SECUlU'(Y~SPEqI'()'NS < ' , 7 ; , , >'-"::"':: . -.:' .: ,:." >~_;:'.'~~;.~:':<, ":~;:'::;:'>: ~'~ "">':~.~''-:': .<. :~>~../.'_>.;.:_ .:' ... _, ".; : /.' ,,:""::·.Y-:,<::> \:; , :.": .: ', : ··i'···· '.' '.. . POLICY: .POST AsSIGNMENTS IN THE FACILITY'S HIGH-RisK AREAs, 'wHERE SPECIAL 'SECURffYPROCEOUREs MUSTBE FOLLOWED; WILL BE .RESTRIcTEI) TO EXPERIENCED PERsoNNEL Wrrn ATFlOROUCJHOROUNDING rNFAGILITY OPERATIONS. . .. , ' .. . .. _ . '. COMPoNENTS 'j:'_: ". The facility has a comprehensive security inspection policy. The policy specifies: • Posts to be inspected; Required inspection forms; • • Frequency of inspections; • Guidelines for checking security features; and • Procedures for reporting weak spots, inconsistencies, and other areas needing improvement YES - 0 No. NAREMARKS The facility does not have a IZI 0 o o o o Every officer is required to conduct a security check ofhis/her assigned area. The results are documented. Documentation of security inspections is kept on file. Procedures ensure that recurring problems and a failure to take corrective action are reported to the appropriate manager. The front-entrance officer checks the ID of everyone entering or exiting the facility. All visits are officially recorded in a visitor logbook or electronically recorded. The facility has a secure visitor pass system; Every Control Center officer receives specialized training. The Control Center is staffed around the clock. Policy restricts staff access to the Control Center. Detainees are restricted from access to the Control Center. Communications are centralized in the Control Center. Officers monitor all vehicular traffic entering and leaving the facility. The facility maintains a log of all incoming and departing vehicles to sensitive areas of the facility. Each entry contains: • The driver's name; • Company represented; • Vehicle contents; • Delivery date and time; • Date and time out; • Vehicle license number; and • Name of employee responsible for the vehicle during the visit o o o o o o comprehensive security inspection policy. Several policies address inspections, but are fragmented and do not address guidelines for checking all security features with ' procedures for reporting weak spots, inconsistencies or areas needing improvement. SOP 08-04 (Random Cell Security Searches) and SOP 0629 (Cell Security Search) give clear definition for housing unit officers to conduct security checks ofhislher assigned areas with documented results. Each shift commander maintains security .inspection files. Facility policy does not ensure that recurring problems and failure to take corrective action are reported to the appropriate manager. SOP 200-0 I (Facility Perimeter and Access) directs the frontentrance officer to check the ID of everyone entering or exiting the facility. All visits are manually recorded in a visitor logbook. ] o o Control Room Officers receive approximately 80 hours of onthe-job training. o o The control center officers monitor all vehicular traffic by use of video surveillance. o SOP 200-01 (Facility Perimeter and Access) attachment (delivery inspection log) of all incoming and departing vehicles includes all pertinent . information. o FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 55 of 72 ',: ., . ' . .... SEctJRITYINSPECfIONS \ ,. ., POLICY: .PosT AsSI~NTSIN THE FAcILirYig HIGl-f·rusK. AREAs, WHElm SPECIAL SECUIUTY PRoCEDUR:eSMuST BE FOLLoWED, WILL BE . REsTructEDTO EXPERlENCEI) PERSONNELWtrH ATHOROUGHGROUNDINGINFACILITY OPERATIONS . .' YES .. ' No NA . CoMPoNENTs ". Officers thoroughly search each vehicle entering and leaving the facility. '. ", ' C8J 0 0 C8J 0 0 C8J 0 0 0 The facility has a written policy and procedures to prevent the introduction of contraband into the facility or any of its components. Tools being taken into the secure area of the facility are inventoried before enteringandJ)rior to departure. The SMU entrance has a sally port. Written procedures govern searches of detainee housing units and personal areas. C8J ,C8J Housing area searches occur at irregular times. Every search of the SMU and other housing units is documented. Storage and supply rooms, walls, light and plumbing fixtures, accesses, and drains, etc., undergo frequent, irregular searches. These searches are documented. Walls, fences, and exits, including exterior windows, are inspected for defects once each shift. Daily procedures include: • Perimeter alarm system tests; • Physical checks of the perimeter fence; and • Documenting the results. Visitation areas receive frequent, irregular inspections. [8J ACCEPTABLE DDEFICIENT D ~ [81 [] 0 0 [J [J [J (1 0 131 0 C8J 0 0 C8J 0 0 ~ [] [] AT-RIsK REMARKs All vehicles entering and leaving the loading dock are thoroughly searched. SOP 200-01 (Facility Perimeter and Access) provides a thorough written policy with procedures to prevent the introduction of contraband into the facility and any of its components. SOP 06-29 (Cell Security Search) and SOP 06-13 (Inmate Searches) give clear defmition for searching detainee housing units and personal areas. The facility does not have written procedures in place to compel searches of storage/supply rooms, plumbing fixtures accesses and drains. A microwave motion detection system in concert with video surveillance cameras and physical checks of the perimeter afford the facility with sound perimeter security. D REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The facility does not have a comprehensive security inspection policy. Several policies address inspections, but are fragmented and do not address guidelines for checking all security features with procedures for reporting weak spots, inconsistencies or areas needing improvement. Facility policy does not ensure that recurring problems and failure to take corrective action are reported to the appropriate manager. The facility does not have written procedures in place to compel searches of storage/supply rooms, plumbing fixtures, accesses, and drains. b6,b7c / May 15.2008 b6,b7c b6,b7c AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I DATE -!u-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 02007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 56 of72 SPF;CIAtMA,NAGEME~TUNiT(SMu) . Ai>MImsiRA:TMSEGREGA nON: .•. • ' . . - ".' . . .... .. ". " ", ":"..;.: ."• . <" .: ...... .. > ~ . POLICY: THE SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNITREQUIREDrN EVERY IlACILrtY ISOLATESCERTAIN PETAINEES.PR(>MTIm GENERAL POPULATION . .nmSPECIALMANAGEMENT UNIT WILL CONSIST OF TWQ imcTIONS. ONE~ ~TRATIVE SEGREGATION, HoUSES Din'AINEESISOLATEb FOR .THEIR· owN PROTECfION; THE OTImR FOR PETAlNEES BEING DISCIPLINED .FOR, WRONGDOING (SEE THB"SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT . n)ISCWLIN-A.RYSEGRBGATION1"STANDARo), ' . . . . ... . COMPONENTS The Administrative Segregation unit provides non-punitive protection from the general population and individuals undergoing disciplinary segregation. • Detainees are placed in · the SMU (administrative) in accordance with written criteria. In exigent circumstances, staff may place a detainee in the SMU (administrative) before a written order has been approved. • A copy of the order given to the detainee within 24 hours. Y NA . o o o The OIC (or equivalent) regularly reviews the status of detainees in administrative detention. • A supervisory officer conducts a review within 12 hours of the detainee's placement in the SMU (administrative). A supervisory officer conducts another review after the detainee has spent seven days in administrative segregation, and: • Every week thereafter for the first month; and • Every 30 days after the first month. • Does each review include an interview with the detainee? • Is a written record made of the decision and the justification? The detainee is given a copy of the decision and justification for each review. • The detainee is given an opportunity to appeal the reviewer's decision to someone else in the facility. The OIC (or equivalent) routinely notifies the Field Office Director (or staff officer in charge of IGSAs) any time a detainee's stay in administrative detention exceeds 30 days. • Upon notification that the detainee's administrative segregation has exceeded 60 days, the FD forwards written notice to HQ Field Operations Branch Chieffor DRO. The OIC or equivalent) reviews the case Of every detainee who objects to administrative segregation after 30 days in the SMU. A written record is made of the decision and the justification. • • The detainee receives a copy of this record. The detainee is given the right to appeal to the OIC (or equivalent) the conclusions and recommendations of any review conducted after the detainee have remained in administrative segregation for seven consecutive days. Administratively segregated detainees enjoy the same general privileges as detainees in the general population. N o o o o o o o o o REMARKS Staff may place a detainee in the SMU before a written order has been approved; however, copies of such orders are not provided to detainees. The Facility Commander regularly reviews the status of detainees in administrative detention and conducts a review within 72 hours of the detainee's placement in the Administrative SMU. A review team consisting of a security sergeant, classification officer and mental health professional conduct weekly reviews of detainees for the first sixty days. The team then conducts reviews every 30 days after the 60 day period has expired. Review decisions and justifications are documented, but detainees are not provided copies. o o o o o o Detainees do not receive copies . of reviews when they object to administrative segregation after 30 days in the SMU. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 57 ofn .. I·.··· . I··... ' ', ' · '. '\ . ..... .' ,. ,, ". .' . SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNrr(sl\1tJ) ··: ". : ' .tjMJi.risTIiATIVESEG'REGATION :, , " " :i • ," " :',':" " .. ' . . .. . .. ,.' " .~ " .... . . . j ... . ... " POUCY:THE SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT REQUlR\3J)IN EVERYI'ACILITY IS()LATEScERTAINOETAINEESFiWM TImGENEAALPOPULATION. ·.Tim SPECli\L MANAGEMENTUNrr WuCPNSIST OF TWO SEcnONS, ONB,AI>MOOsTRATlvE SEGREGAPON, HOVSE$'OETMIEES ISOLATED FOR THEiR OWN PROTECTION; THE' OTHERFOR DETAINEES BErNGoiscIPLINED FOR\VRONGOOING(SEE nm"SPECIALMANAGEMENT 0Nrr . rDrSCJ;PLINARYSEGREGATlON1" STANDARD); .' . .. . , .. ' --,- ' . " , COMPONENl's Y N NA REMARKs The SMU is: • Well ventilated; • Adequately lighted; ~ 0 0 • Appropriately heated; and • Maintained in a sanitary condition. All cells are equipped with beds. ~ 0 0 • Every bed is securely fastened to the floor or wall. The number of detainees in any cell does not exceed the occupancy limit. • When occupancy exceeds recommended capacity, do basic ~ 0 0 living standards decline? • Do criteria for objectively assessing living standards exist? • If yes, are the criteria included in the written procedures? The segregated detainees have the same opportunities to [gJ exchange/launder clothing, bedding, and linen as detainees in the 0 0 general population. Detainees receive three nutritious meals per day, from the general population's menu of the day. [gJ 0 0 • Do detainees eat only with disposable utensils? • Is food ever used as punishment? Each detainee maintains a nonnallevel of personal hygiene in the SMU. Standard Operating Procedure 07.14 (Special Management • The detainees have the opportunity to shower and shave at Procedures) directs that least three times a week. r8I 0 0 detainees be afforded the • Ifnot, explain. opportunity to shower and shave at least three times a week. The detainees are provided: • Barbering services; Barbering services are provided • Recreation privileges in accordance with the "Detainee once weekly. SOP 07.14 Recreation" standard; (Special Management • Non-legal reading material; Procedures) directs that all other r8I 0 0 • Religious material; privileges are afforded to • The same correspondence privileges as detainees in the general detainees in Administrative population; Detention status. • Telephone access similar to that of the general population; and • Personal legal material. A health care professional visits every detainee at least three times a week. A health care professional visits r8I 0 0 every detainee twice daily. • . The shift supervisor visits each detainee daily. Weekends and holidays. • Procedures comply with the "Visitation" standard. • The detainee retains visiting privileges; and r8I 0 0 The visiting room is available during normal visiting hours. • Visits from clergy are allowed. [J ~ LJ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) !O 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 58 of72 . SPECIAL MANAGEMEN',I' UNIT(SMU) ..... . .' ADMINISTRATIVE ' SEcRiGAnON . -" ,. ~. . ', "I,.' . . ., ' . POLIC)': nrn SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT REQUIRED IN EVERY FACILITY ISOLATES CERTAIN DETAINEES FROMlHE GENERAL POPULATION. ',TiffisPOCIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT WJLL.CONSIST OFTWO SECfIONS: ONE; ADMINisTRATIVE'SEGREGATION, HOusEs DETAINEES IsOUTED FOR THEIR· ()WN: PROTECfION; THE oureR FOR- DETAINEES. BEING DIscIPLINED F()R· WRONGDoING (SEE lHE "SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT roISCiPLINARY SEGREGATiON)" STANnARD). . . .. COMPONENTs· Y N NA REMARKS Detainees have the same law-library access as the general population. Detainees are afforded legal • Are they required to use the law library DSeparately, or C8J D 0 materials upon written request DAs a group? Are legal materials brought to them? • A seven day log is affixed to The SMU maintains a permanent log of detainee-related activity, e.g., each detainee's cell door to meals served, recreation, visitors etc. D C8J D record all detainee-related activity. SPC procedyres include completing the SMU Housing Record (I-888) immediately upon a detainee's placement in the SMU. D, D C8J • Staff completes the form at the end of each shift. • CDFs and IGSA facilities use Form 1-888 (or local equivalent). Staff record whether the detainee ate, showered, exercised, and took any applicable medication during every shift. • Staff logs record all pertinent information, e.g., a medical condition, suicidal/assaultive behavior, etc; C8J D D • The medical officerlhealth care professional signs each individual's record during each visit; and The housing officer initials the record when all detainee • services are completed or at the end of the shift. A new record is created for each week the detainee is in Administrative Segregation. 0 D • The weekly records are retained in the SMU until the C8J detainee's return to the general population. ~ ACCEPTABLE o DEFIC,IENT OAT-RISK o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: Staff may place a detainee in the SMU before a written order has been approved; however, copies of such orders are not provided to detainees. Review decisions and justifications are documented, but detainees are not provided copies. Detainees do not receive copies of reviews when they object to administrative segregation after 30 days in the SMU. b6,b7c (May IS. 20Q8 AUDITOR'SSIGNATURE/D b6,b7c b6,b7c /! ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 59 of72 SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT, , ' DISrnI.I:NARYSEGREGAnON " , , < - '~ , " ' POLICY: EACH FACILITY WILL ESTABLISH A SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT IN WHICH TO ISOLATE CERTAIN DETAINEES F~OM THE GENERAL POPULATION. THE SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT WILL HAVE TWO SECTIONS; ONE FOR DETAINEEs IN ADMINISTRATIVE SEGREGAnON; THE , OTHER FOR DETAINEES BEJNG SEGREGATED FoRDISCIPLINARY REASONS;, ' REMARKS COMPONENTs Y N NA Officers placing detainees in disciplinary segregation follow written [gJ 0 0 procedures. The sanctions for violations committed during one incident are limited [gJ 0 0 to 60 days. A completed Disciplinary Segregation Order accompanies the detainee A disciplinary disposition form into the SMU. [gJ 0 0 accompanies detainees into the • The detainee receives a copy of the order within 24 hours of SMU. placement in disciplinary segregation. Standard procedures include reviewing the cases of individual detainees Standard procedures include housed in disciplinary detention at set intervals. reviewing the cases of detainees housed in disciplinary detention • ,After each formal review, the detainee receives a written copy of [gJ at seven day intervals; however, the decision and supporting reasons. 0 0 detainees do not receive written copies of decisions and supporting reasons. The conditions of confinement in the SMU are proportional to the [gJ 0 0 amount of control necessary_ to protect detainees and staff. Detainees in disciplinary segregation have fewer privileges than those Detamees in disciplinary SMU [gJ housed in administrative segregation. are not afforded commissary 0 0 privileges. Living conditions in disciplinary SMUs remain the same regardless of behavior. ' [gJ 0 0 • Ifno, does staff prepare written documentation for this action? Does the OlC sign to indicate approval. Every detainee in disciplinary segregation receives the same humane [gJ 0 0 treatment. regardless of offense. The quarters used for segregation are: • Well-ventilated. [gJ • Adequately lighted. 0 0 • Appropriately heated. • Maintained in a sanitary condition. All cells are equipped with beds that are securely fastened to the floor or [gJ 0 0 wall of the cell. The number of detainees confined to each cell or room is limited to the [gJ number for which the space was designate. 0 0 Does the OIC approve excess occupancy on a telllPUHUY basis? • When a detainee is segregated without clothing, mattress, blanket, or [gJ pillow (in a dry cell setting), a justification is made and the decision is 0 0 reviewed each shift. Items are returned as soon as it is safe. Detainees in the SMU have the same opportunities to exchange clothing, Clothing and bedding exchanges [gJ 0 0 bedding, etc. as other detainees. are accomplished weekly. Detainees in the SMU receive three nutritious meals per day, selected [gJ from the Food Service's menu of the day. 0 0 Food is not used as punishment. • Detainees are allowed to maintain a normal level of personal hygiene, [gJ 0 0 including the opportunity to shower and shave at least three times/week. • FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL Y (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 60 of72 SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT ·' .',: ",'DISCIPLiNAiiy SEGREGATION'., <, '.· phil<:\': 'Rt\CH FACILllYWILL ESTABUSHA ~PEc:IAL MANAGI?MENT UNIT IN \VHI~TC)ISO~TBCEKrAINPE:rAINEESFROMTHE GENERAL · ' POPULAtiON. THE SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT WILL HAYE TWO SEcTIONS, ONE FOR DETAiNEES IN ADMiNIS'fRATNESEGREGATION; THE OTHERF()RDETAINEESBEING SEGREGATEo FOR DISCIPl.IN.AAyREAsONS. .' . ' ., " .. ' .' . . . COMPONENTS Detainees receive, unless documented as a threat to security: • Barbering services; • Recreation privileges; • Other-than-Iegal reading material; • Religious material; • The same correspondence privileges as other detainees; and • Personal legal material. When phone access is limited by number or type of calls, the following areas are exempt: • Calls about the detainee's immigration case or other legal matters; • Calls to consular/embassy officials; and • Calls during family emergencies (as determined by the OIClWarden). A health care professional visits every detainee in disciplinary segregation every week day. • The shift supervisor visits each segregated detainee daily • Weekends and holidays. SMU detainees are allowed visitors, in accordance with the "Visitation" standard. SMU detainees receive legal visits, as provided in the "Visitation" standard. • Legal service providers are notified of security concerns arising before a visit Visits from clergy are allowed. • The clergy member is given the option of visiting/not visiting the segregated detainee. • Violent/uncooperative detainees are denied access to religious services when safety and security would otherwise be affected. SMU detainees have law library access. • Violent/uncooperative detainees retain access to the law library unless adjudicated a security threat in writing. • Legal material brought to individuals in the SMU on a case-bycase basis. • Staff documents every incident of denied access to the law .Y N' NA' REMARKs o o Barbering services are offered to detainees on a weekly basis. o o o o A Health Care Professional visits each detainee twice daily. o Detainees in SMU (Disciplinary) are not afforded visits in accordance with the "Visitation" standard. o o o o o o o o o o o libr~. All detainee-related activities are documented, e.g. meals served, recreation activities visitors etc. The SPC's, the Special Management Housing Unit Record (I-8880r equivalent), is prepared as soon as the detainee is placed in the SMU. • .All 1-888s are filled out by the end of each shift. • The CDFaGSA facility use Form. • 1-888 (or equivalent local form). FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) <02007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 61 of72 ..... SPECIALMANAGEMENtuNrt· ,·. ". .' DISCrPLINARYSEG~GATIO~ ' ,, i p~Li~~: EACH FACILITY WILL EsTABUSll A SPECIAL ~AGEMENT UNrf 'lNwWCH'TO iSOLATIiCE~+AlNDETAINEES FROM THE GENERAL . WrrL POPtrrATION:THE SPEGIALMANAGEMENT UNIT HAVE1WO SECTIONS, ONE FOR DETAINEES lNADMlNISTRA1WE SEGREOATION; THE ()Ti-niR'FOR DETAwEESBElNG SEGREGATED FOR DISCIPLINARY REASC)NS. · . . ; .. .. . . ' . '. . . . . " < COMPONENTS '..' Y . . N ." . NAREMARKs SMU staff record whether the detainee ate, showered, exercised, took medication, etc. • Details about the detainee logged, e,g., a medical condition, suicidaVviolent behavior, etc. • The health care official sign individual records after each visit. • The housing officer initials the record when all detainee services are completed or at the end of the shift. • A new record is created weekly for each detainee in the SMU. • The SMU retains these records until the detainee leaves the SMU. .. ' ,:. o o '. ,' " .....;:: .. .... . : rgJ ACCEPTABLE " o DEFICIENT OAT-RISK :'" D REpJ!;AT FINDING REMARKS: Standard procedures include reviewing the cases of detainees housed in disciplinary detention at seven day intervals; however, detainees do not receive written copies of decisions and supporting reasons. Detainees in SMU (Disciplinary) are not afforded visits in accordance with the "Visitation" standard. b6,b7c b6,b7c May 1;,200S AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE/DA b6,b7c 'r-h'- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LA W ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) ¢) 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/S/07) Page 62 of72 TOOLCON1'ROL -: POLICY: It IS nmPOLICY OF ALL FACILITIES THAT AtLEMPLOYEES SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING WITH TIffiTOOL CONTROL roUCy. THE MAINTENANCE SUPERVIsOR SHALL A COMPUTER GENERATED OR rnEWIUITEN MAsTER INVENTORY LIST OF TOOLS AND. EQtJIPMENT AND THE LOCATION INwlnCHTOOis ARE STO~D.THEsE INVENTORIES SHALL BE CURRENT, FILED ANn READILY AVAU.ABLE FOR . TOOL INVinrrORY AND ACCOUNTABILITY DURING AN AuDIT. . . . . MAINTAIN . COMPONENTS Y N· NA 181 0 0 181 0 0 181 0 D There is an individual who is responsible for developing a tool control procedure and·an inspection system to insure accountability. Department heads are responsible for implementing this standard in their departments. Tool inventories are required for the: • Maintenance Department; • Medial Department; • Food Service Department; • Electronics Shop; • Recreation Department; and • Armory. The facility has a policy for the regular inventory of all tools. • The policy sets minimum time lines for physical inventory and all necessary documentation. • ICE facilities use AMIS bar code labels when required. 181 D D 181 0 D Department heads are responsible for implementing tool-control procedures. The facility has policies and procedures in place to ensure that all tools are marked and readily identifiable. The facility has an approved tool storage system. • The system ensures that all stored tools are accountable. • Commonly used tools (tools that can be mounted) are stored in such a way that missing tool is readily notice. 181 D D 181 D D 181 D D Each facility has procedures for the issuance of tools to staff and detainees. The facility has policies and procedures to address the issue oflost tools. The policy and procedures include: • Verbal and written notification; • Procedures for detainee access; and • Necessary documentation/review for all incidents oflost tools. 181 0 0 The facility has a tool classification system. Tools are classified according to: • Restricted (dangerous/hazardous); and • Non-Restricted (non-hazardous). 181 0 D REMAlU<S Officer is the designated staff m b6,b7c esponsible for developing tool control procedures with an inspection system to insure accountability. The food service department, medical department, maintenance department, and armory personnel are responsible for implementing the tool control standard. Tool inventories are required for all departments that maintain tools. Standard Operating Procedure 200-04 (Tool Control Procedures) directs that inventories be conducted weekly and Quarterly. SOP 200-04 (Tool Control Procedures) classifies tools into two categories (Class A and Class B). A visual observation confirmed that the Class A (restricted) tools were afforded additional security and control in contrast to the Class B Tools. All tools were etched and readily identifiable. A chit system is in place to ensure accountability of tools . Commonly used tools are displayed neatly on shadow boards in such a way that a missing tool would be readily noticed. SOP 200.04 (Tool Control Procedures) addresses the issue oflost tools, including written and verbal notification. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LA W ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 63 of72 .. ' ···pouci;:IT IS TOOL . .. . CONTROL . .. . .. .. nm POLICY OF ALLFACIlirIES THATALLIlMPLoYEES SHALL IJEREsP6Nsmu~roR COMPLYINo \VITHTIIB TOOL CONlROL POLICY. rim ~CE SUPERVISORSHALLMAINrAIN ACOMPlITER GENERATED OR TYPEWRITTEN M'AsTERINVENTORY LIST OF TOOLS .AND EQUIPMENT AND THE LocATION IN WHICH TOOLS ARESTORED. THEsE INVENTORmsSlWL BE cliRRENT, FILED AND READILY AVAIl.ABrEFOR .' TOOL INV:ENTORY AND ACCOuNrABILTty DURING AN AUDIT. ' . ' . . .' COMPONENTS REMARKS Y N NA Broken or worn out tools are surveyed and disposed of in an appropriate 0 t8J 0 and secure manner. All private or contract repairs and maintenance workers under contract to SOP 200.04 (Tool Control ICE, or other visitors, submit an inventory of all tools prior to admittance Procedures) directs the into or departure from the facility. inventory of tools of contractors 0 t8J 0 and vendors upon entrance and prior to departure from the facility. .' [8] ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT OAT-RISK D REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: Tool control at the Atlanta City Detention Center is excellent. b6,b7c I May 15,2008 b6,b7c AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I DA aPAY'- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 10 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 64 of 72 , .... TRANSPORTATION LANOTAANSPORl'ATI()N POl,ICY:THEIMMIGRATIONANoNATURALIZATIONSERVICEWILLTAKEALLNECESSARYPRECAunONStOPROTECTTIm UVES,'SAFmY, AND WELFARE OF OUR OFFICERS, TIm GENERAL PUBLIC, AND THOSE IN ICE CUSTODY DURIN011!E TRANSPORTATIONOFDETAINEES~ STANDARDS I:lAVE.BBEN,ESTA/3LISHED FOR PROFESSIONAL TRANSPORTATION UNDER THE SUPERVISIC)N OF EXPERIENCED AND~ED DETENTION ENFORCE~NT OFFICERS OR AUTHORIZED CONTRACT PERSONNEL. l8J STANDAru; NA: CHECK THIS BOX IF ALL ICE TRANSPORTATION IS IWmLED ONLY BY TIm ICE FlEW OFFICE OR SUB-OFFICE IN .. CONTROL OF THE DETAINEE CASE. COMPONENTS NA REMARKS YES No Transporting officers comply with applicable local, state, and federal motor vehicle laws and regulations. Records support this finding of 0 0 0 compliance. Every transporting officer required to drive a commercial size bus has a valid Commercial Driver's License (CDL) issued by the state of 0 0 0 employment. [] [] [] Supervisors maintain records for each vehicle operator. Officers use a checklist during every vehicle inspection .. • Officers report deficiencies affecting operability; and 0 0 0 • Deficiencies are corrected before the vehicle goes back into service. Transporting officers: • Limit driving time to 10 hours in any 15 hour period; • Drive only after eight consecutive off-duty hours; • Do not receive transportation assignments after having been on duty, in any capacity, for 15 hours; 0 0 • Drive a 50-hour maximwn in a given work week; a 70-hour 0 maximum during eight consecutive days; • During emergency conditions (including bad weather), officers may drive as long as necessary and safe to reach a safe area-exceeding the 10-hour limit. Two officers with valid CDLs required in any bus transporting detainees. • When buses travel in tandem with detainees, there are two 0 0 0 qualified officers per vehicle. • An unaccompanied driver may transport an empty vehicle. Before the start of each detail the vehicle is thoroughly searched. LJ LJ LJ [J Positive identification of all detainees beinAtransported is confmned. [J [l All detainees are searched immediately prior to boarding the vehicle by 0 0 0 staff controlling the bus or vehicle. The facility ensures that the number of detainees transported does not 0 0 0 exceed the vehicles manufacturer's occupancy level. [J Protective vests are provided to all transporting officers. [J LJ The vehicle crew conducts a visual count once all passengers are on board and seated. 0 0 • Additional visual counts are made whenever the vehicle makes a 0 scheduled or unscheduled stop. Policies and procedures are in place addressing the use of restraining 0 0 0 equipment on transportation vehicles. Officers ensure that no one contacts the detainees. 0 0 • One officer remains in the vehicle at all times when detainees 0 are present. Meals are provided during long distance transfers. 0 0 • The meals meet the minimwn dietary standards, as identified by 0 dieticians utilized by ICE. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 02007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 65 of72 'tRANSPORTATlQN .. ..... . , ": LAND TRANSPORTA;l'ION .' .. , . ... ~, POLict: THE IMMIGRATION AND NATURALlZATIONSERVICEWILL TAim AIL NECEs~ARY PRECAUTIONS TO PROTECr'ritE L~S,SAFEiY,'oo WELFARlIOF OURomCERS; nrn G~ERAL PUBLIC, ANDTIIOSE IN ICE CUSTODYDuruNO TIrnTRANSPORTATION OIl DETAINEEs. STANDARDS HA~: a,EEN' EsTABLISHED FOR, PROFEsSIONAL TRANSPORTATION (,lNDER nm'SUPERVIsiON-OF: EXPERmNam AND TRAINED DETENTION . E~RCEMENT OFFICERS OR AU11IORIZED CONTRACT PERSONNEL. I81.S:rArWARD NA: ~IIECK nus BOX IF AliICE TRANSP. O~TATION IS HANDLED ONLY By'1m ICEFD:LDOFFicEORSlJB,.OFFI~JlI! . '. . . CONtROLOF rilE DETAINEE CASE. . COMPoNENTS . . YES The vehicle crew irispectS all Food Service pickups before accepting delivery (food wrapping, portions, quality, quantity, thennos-transport containers, etc.). • Before accepting the meals, the vehicle crew raises and resolves .questions, concerns, or discrepancies with the Food Service representative; • Basins, latrines, and drinking-water containers/dispensers are cleaned and sanitized on a fixed schedule. Vehicles have: • Two-way radios; • Cellular telephones; and • Equipment boxes stocked in accordance With the Use of Force Standard. The vehicles are clean and sanitary at all times. Personal property of a detainee transferring to another facility is: • Inventoried; • . Inspected; and • Accompanies the detainee. The following contingencies are included in the written procedures for vehicle crews: • • • • • • • • • • • • Attack Escape Hostage-taking Detainee sickness Detainee death Vehicle fire Riot Traffic accident Mechanical problems Natural disasters Severe weather Passenger list includes women or minors o ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT NoNA o o o o o o [J JJ 1J o o o o o o OAT-RISK REMARKS o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: Detainee transportation is facilitated by ICE. b6,b7c / May 15.2008 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I DAT b6,b7c b6,b7c I~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL Y (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 1218/07) Page 66 of 72 '. ,USE:QFFORCE: '. .. POLlCY: n-ffi U:S: DEPARTMENT OF HoMEi:.ANDSEcillurr'Ath1loRizES;HE US~OF FOR~ ONLY ~ A LAST ALTERNATIVE AFTER.AIi OTIIER REASONABLE EFFORisTO RESOLvE ASmJATION. .HAVE . . .FAILED. . OF ONLY riiAi AMouNT ' ,'. . ,.' . ' .. . FORCE NECESSARY TO GAIN CONTROL OF THE DETAlNEE, TO PROTECT AND ENSURE THE SAFETY OF DETAINEES, STAFF AND OTHERS,.TO PREVENT SERIOUSPROPERTv DAMAGE ANDTO ENSuRE)NSTITunON SECtJRrrvAND oOOD ORDmtMAY BE USED. PHYSICAL RESTRAINTS NECESSARY TO CONTROL OF A DETAINEE WHO . . APPEARS TO BE DANGEROUS MAYBE EMPLOYED WHEN THE DETAINEE: . No COMPONENTS YES , ' . (JAIN Written policy authorizes staff to respond in an immediate-use-of-force situation without a supervisor's presence or direction. o o When the detainee is in an area that is or can be isolated (e.g., locked cell, a range), posing no direct threat to the detainee or others, officers must try to resolve the situation without resorting to force. o o Written policy asserts that calculated rather than immediate use of force is feasible in most cases. o o a The facility subscribes to the prescribed Confrontation Avoidance Procedures. • Ranking detention official, health professional, and others confer before every calculated use offorce. When a detainee must be forcibly moved and/or restrained, and there is time for a calculated use of force, staff uses the Use-of-Force Team Technique. • Under staff supervision. Staff members are trained in the performance of the Use-of-Force Team Technique. All use-of-force incidents are documented and reviewed. Staff: • Do not use force as punishment; • Attempt to gain the detainee's voluntary cooperation before resorting to force; • Use only as much force as necessary to control the detainee; and • Use restraints only when other non-confrontational means, including verbal persuasion, have failed or are impractical. Medication may only be used for restraint purposes when authorized by the Medical Authority as medically necessary. Use-of-Force Team follows written procedures that attempt to prevent injury and exposure to communicable disease(s). o o o o o o LJ (] o o o o o o Standard Operating Procedure 06-77 (Use of Physical Force) directs that a staff member is authorized to respond to an immediate-use-of-fQrce situation without a supervisor's presence or direction. SOP 06-77 states that an officer will first exhaust all lesser means of restraints to control a recalcitrant or assaultive inmate, including verbal persuasion. The facility subscribes to Confrontation Avoidance Procedures; however, written procedures do not direct that a health professional be consulted as part of the avoidance . procedures. The facility has a Corrections Emergency Response Team (CERT) to facilitate calculated use of force situations. SOP 06-77 (Use of Physical Force) prohibits staff from using force as punishment. Facility policy does not prohibit the use of medication for restraint purposes unless authorized by the Medical Authority. Facility policy and procedures do not address the prevention of injury or exposure to communicable disease. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) (;) 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 67 of 72 , .,' ., ' , ' USEOg¥9RC~> '. ' :' . :. " ". ,. ' ,. POU¢y::iI)~VJ DEPARTMBNrOFHOMEL~~ SI!CIDUTY'A~O~~~~EOFI'~~SEo~~As), LAsTJ\I/fERNA11VEAFrER~onrni REASONABLE EFFORTS TO RESOLVE A SITUATION HAVE FAILED: ONLY'rnATAMOUNTOPF0RCENECESSARY TO GAIN CONTROL OF THE DirMmE, TPPROTECrANDE;NSURE THE SAFBTYOF DETAJlIlEE8, STAFF~QTIiERS;TO~REvENrSERI6US PROfERTYDAIvlAOE ANDTO .:' ENSUR.EINSTITUTlONSEcURrrY AND GOOD ORDERMAVDE USED~ PHYSICALRESTRA.INTs NECESSARY TO GAIN CONTROL OFA DETA1Nim WHO APPEARS,T O BE DANGEROUS.MAY BE EMPLOYED WI:iENTHE DETAINEE: . ,REMARKs . COMPONENTS No,: . NA .,. ' YEs Standard procedures associated with using four-point restraints include: • Soft restraints (e.g., vinyl); SOP 06-117 (Use of Physical • Dressing the detainee appropriately for the temperature; Restraints) addresses the use of • Abed, mattress, and blanket/sheet; four-point restraints and • Checking the detainee at least every i 5 minutes; checking the detainee at least • Logging each check; every fifteen minutes and 0 IZI 0 • Turning the bed-restrained detainee often enough to prevent observation by medical staff soreness or stiffness; every two hours, but does not • Medical evaluation of the restrained detainee twice per include other standard eight-hour shift; and procedures. • When qualified medical staffis not immediately available, staff position the detainee "face-up". The shift supervisor monitors the detainee's position/condition every two Facility policy does not direct hours. the shift superVisor to monitor IZI 0 the detainee's position/condition • He/she allows the detainee to use the rest room at these 0 every two hours with use of the times under safeguards. restroom. All detairiee checks are logged. SOP 06-117 (Use of Physical D 181 0 Restraints) direct that all detainee checks be logged. In immediate-use-of-force situations, staff contacts medical staffonce the SOP 06-77 (Use of Physical detainee is under control. Force directs that staff contact 181 0 0 medical personnel once the detainee is under control. When the OIC authorizes use of non-lethal weapons: • Medical staff is consulted before staff use pepper facility does not employ the _ spray/non-lethal weapons. 0 0 181 The use of non-lethal weapons. • Medical staff reviews the detainee's medical file before use of a non-lethal weapon is authorized. Special precautions are taken when restraining pregnant detainees. 0 181 0 • Medical personnel are consulted Protective gear is worn when restraining detainees with open cuts or Facility policies do not address wounds. the use of protective gear when 0 IZI 0 restraining detainees with open cuts or wounds . . Staff documents every use of force and/or lion-routine application of SOP 06-77 (Use of Physical restraints. Force) directs that staff submit a use of force incident report to D 181 0 the supervisor when use of force is used or non-routine application of restraints are applied. It is standard practice to review any use of force and the non-routine 181 0 0 application of restraints. All officers receive training in self-defense, confrontation-avoidance techniques and the use of force to control detainees. 0 0 • Specialized training is given and Officers are certified in all IZI devices they_use. , '. ' .'_ , ,. '. . ' - • • ; . ' . - " • ' - "' , ," ' 0' - - ' . ' • ' _ . ' . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 02007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 68 of72 - ' 181 ACCEPTABLE o D EFICIENT OAT-RISK o RUEAT FINDING REMARKS: The facility subscribes to Confrontation Avoidance Procedures; however, written procedures do not direct that a health professional be consulted as part of the avoidance procedure. Facility policy does not prohibit the use of medication for restraint purposes unless authorized by the medical authority. Facility policy and procedures do not address the prevention of injury or exposure to conununicable disease. SOP 06-117 (Use of Physical Restraints) addresses the use offour-point restraints and checking the detainee at least every fifteen minutes and observation by medical staff every two hours, but does not include other standar~ procedures listed in the checklist for four point restraints. Facility policy does not direct the shift supervisor to monitor the detainee's position/condition every two hours with use of the rest room. Facility policies do not address the use of protective gear when restraining detainees with open cuts or wounds. b6,b7c {MayI5.2008 b6,b7c b6,b7c AUDlTOR'SSIGNATURE / D ~ ~. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 1218/07) Page 69 of72 STAFFDET COMMUNICATIONS ' . . " '-".-AlNEE . ........ '. . .. . . ... " . " P()LICY: : ': ' ", ," ," PRoCEDUR:ES·MtJSTBE~ PLAtE'to AiLow~Oi~6JUvfALANDINF6~ C6NTACT B~ENKEY FACll..ITY sTAFF AND ICE STAFF ..ANoICE DIITAINEE AND TOPERMrr.DlITA1NEES To MAKE wruTrENREQlJEsTSTo ICE STAFF AND RECElVEANANSwER IN.ANACCEPTABLE TIME '. .... . . -. " . . ' .. . ", ', -'- . ". . . .. . . ·PRAME. y . COMPONENTs · The ICE Field Office Director ensW'es that weekly announced and unannounced visits occw' at the IGSA. Detention and Deportation Staff conduct scheduled weekly visits with detainees held in the IGSA. Scheduled visits are posted in ICE detainee areas. . ... . . - NA 0 IZSI .0 0 jgJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICE detainees are notified in writing upon admission to the facility of their right to correspond with ICE staffregarding their case or conditions of confinement. OAT-RISK ' " ' ,. . ', . , 0 ICE staff responds to a detainee request from an IGSA within 72 hoW's. o DEFICIENT : ., IZSI Visiting staff_observe and note current climate and conditions of confinement at each IGSA. ICE information request Forms are available at the IGSA for use by ICE detainees. The IGSA treats detainee correspondence to ICE staff as Special Correspondence. 1.81 ACCEPT ABLE N' : o , .. REMARKs Unannounced visits oCCW' usually due to a request from a detainee of an urgent nat\U'e. ICE conducts scheduled visits every Wednesday. The detainees are infonned that the ICE Officer will visit each Weds. In addition the officer sees each detainee on every visit. All mail to government officials is treated as special correspondence. Usually within 24 hrs per Agent b6,b7c REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: According to Agen a high level. b6,b7c b6,b7c and Major b6,b7c conununication between ICE and the detainees and ICE and the facility are functioning at / May 15, 200 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I DATE b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) , Page 70 of72 .' . 'DETAINEE '.I'IUNSFER.STANpARQ ' .. '.' •POLICY; 'iCE"WlLLlvfAKE ALL NECESSARY NOTIFICATIONS WHEN ADBTAINEEis TRANSFERPJIDi IF kDEtAiNEE IS BEiNG TRANSFERRBovrA TIm .' JUSTIcE PruSONER ALmN TRANSPORTATION SySTEM (Jl>ATS), ICE WILL ADHERE TOJPAi's PROTOCOLS. ,IN DocIDINGWHETHER TO TRANSFERADErAINEE, ICE Wni TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION WHETHERTHEDETAThlliEIs IWPlU3SENTED BJWORE 'IHli lMMIGRATION COURT.· IN SUCH CASES, THE FmLD OFFICE DIRECTOR WILL CONSIDER TIm DETAlNEE'S STAGE WIIl'IiNTImREM:O'lALPROCESS, WHB11IER THE DETAINEE'S ATTORNEY IS LOCATEDWTUIIN REASONABLE DRIVING DISTANCE OF THE FACiLirY, AND WHERE rim IMMIGRATION COURT PROCEEDINGS ARE TAIaNG PLACE. . ' . .' COMPONENTS When a detainee is represented by legal counselor a legal representative, and a G-28 has been filed, the representative of record is notified by the. detainee's Deportation Officer. • The notification is recorded in the detainee's fIle; and • When the A File is not available, notification is noted within DACS Notification includes the reason for the transfer and the location of the new facility. The deportation officer is allowed discretion regarding the timing of the notification when extenuating circumstances are involved. The attorney and detainee are notified that it is their responsibility to notify family members regarding a transfer. Facility policy mandates that: • Times and transfer plans are never discussed with the detainee prior to transfer; • The detainee is not notified of the transfer until immediately prior to departing the facility; and • The detainee is not permitted to make any phone calls or have contact with any detainee in the general population. The detainee is provided with a completed Detainee Transfer Notification Form. Form G-391 or equivalent authorizing the removal ofa detainee from a facility is used. For medical transfers: • The Detainee Immigration Health Service (or IGSA) (DIHS) Medical Director or designee approves the transfer; • Medical transfers are coordinated through the local ICE office; and A • medical transfer summary is completed and accompanies the detainee. Detainees in ICE facilities having DIHS staff and medical care are transferred with a completed transfer summary sheet in a sealed envelope with the detainee's name and A-number, and the envelope is marked Medical ConfidentiaL For medical transfers, transporting officers receive instructions regarding medical issues. Detainee's funds, valuables, and property are returned and transferred with the detainee to hislher new location. Transfer and documentary procedures outlined in Section C and D are followed. Meals are provided when transfers occur during normally schedule meal times. An A File or work folder accompanies the detainee when transferred to a different field office or sub-office. Files are forwarded to the receiving office via overnight mail no later than one business day following the transfer. Y N NA REMARKS According to Agent b6,b7c this notification is part of the Deportation Officer's check list and is a routine step. ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 These are the routine procedures followed by the facility per Major b6,b7c and SOP-Q7-09 section8.1.5 . ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 Per Agent ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 Meals would be provided if requested. A-Files either accompany him or precede him. ~ 0 0 See above. There is no DIHS staff at this facility. b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAWENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 10 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 71 of72 '. ,', : ' DETAINEE.TRANSFERSTANDARD . ': :. " ,, ' ,' ~()LIc.v: ICEW1LLM<\KEALL NE~S.#Y~OT1FICATioNSwtm}J A'I)E1'AINEEISiRANS~'- IF ADeTAINEE IS BEiNG lRANSPeRRED ~ THE" 'USTICE PRISONER ALIEN 'fRAl'ISPoRTATION,SYSTEM·(.n>A.T:S), ·IGE WJI.L ADHERE TO WATS PROTOCOLS. 'n.r DECIDrNG.WH,ETIlER TO ' TRANSFER A DETAINEE; ICE WILL Ti\KEiNTOCClNSIDERATION 'WHETHERTHEDETAiNm;ISREPRESENfED BEFORE nffi nviMioRAnONCoURT. IN: . SUC~CASES, tHEFIELb OFFICEDIREcrOR WILL CONSIDER THE DETMNEE'S STAciE WirHINTI-m REMOVALPRoCESS,WHETHERTHE DETAINEE'S ArtORNEYISLOCATED WrrlirnRE;\soNAin.;E DRIVING DISTANCED!? THE FAcir..frr,ANDWHEIW niB ~GRATION COURT PRocEEDINGS ARE TAK.INO PLACE; .. . . .. . . . .. 1.y . COMPONENTs .' IZI ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT I NINA OAT-RISK 0 I· REMARKS REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: According to Agent b6,b7c b6,b7c these are the standard procedures for transfers and'any exception to them would be rare. May 15. 2008. AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE / DATE b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL Y (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) © 2007 Creative Corrections, LLC (Rev. 12/8/07) Page 72 ofn