Andrews Letter to Durbin Re Judiciary Subcommittee on Solitary Confinement 2012
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Nelson Mullins Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP Stuart M. Andrews, Jr. Tel: 803.255.9461 Fax: 803.255.5506 Attorneys and Counselors at Law 1320 Main Street / 17th Floor / Columbia, SC 29201 Tel: 803.799.2000 Fax: 803.255.5506 June 15, 2012 Senator Dick Durbin United States Senate 711 Hart Senate Bldg. Washington, DC 20510 Senator Lindsey Graham United States Senate 290 Russell Senate Office Bldg. Washington, DC 20510 RE: Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights Hearing on Solitary Confinement and U.S. Prisons and Jails Dear Chairman Durbin and Ranking Minority Member Graham: Please find enclosed the testimony I am prepared to present to the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights at the hearing on solitary confinement and U.S. prisons and jails scheduled on June 19, 2012. I have also enclosed exhibits that are referenced in my testimony and my relevant biographical information. Thank you for your interest in solitary confinement. The issue has been a crucial element of the representation my firm has provided for the past decade to a class of inmates in South Carolina prisons diagnosed with serious mental illness. With offices in the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia June 15, 2012 Page 2 I look forward to the opportunity of testifying and welcome any questions members of the Subcommittee may have. Very truly yours, Stuart M. Andrews, Jr. SMA:ckh Enclosures