Alabama Police Officer Decertification
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HEARING Data NAME AGENCY DISF CHARGES Patrick, Rodney Bwch, Ronald B. Tucker, Aaron Ray Binkerd, BNan E Yancey, Garland Stokee, Ollie Lee McCord, Jeff Kaley Williams, Scott Glem Tice, A. C. Martin, James Walker Waters, Walter Jamison Harris, Richani G MoblePD MoblePD Walk•Co Shelby Co Fyffe PD Pell City Pelham PD Clanton PD Marton Co Lawrance Co REV REV REV REV REV Gordon, Henry Kee MoasesPO I i---.bPD Croesvllle PD Decatur PD REV Possession of a Controlled Substance, Interference with Commerce by Threats or VIOience 200$40N 3l26l2003 5113/2003 511~ 1otl/2003 10/1/2003 12111/2003 12111/2003 12111/2003 2M004 IW1l2004 91'21l2004 IW1l2004 ~ 917/2005 917/2005 917/20CJS en/2005 917/2005 917/2005 91712.{X)5 917/2005 917/2005 917/2005 917/'lOOS 917/2005 917/2005 917/2005 917/2005 917/2005 9/7/'ES)S 917/2005 .,. Hines, Chartas Russell West, Ronald Dale Malone, Ravmond Graaorv Clem8nts, David Wavne Jr Johnson, Graaory Lamar Metcalf, Jbnmv Stafford Grace, Johnny Lee Easterwood, Todd Olen Gulladaa. Kevin Joe REV REV REV Birmingham REV MoraanCo REV Midland Citv P REV Haynevltle PO REV Birminaham REV Branchvtlla PD REV RusselCo MobfleCo Baskerville, Charlaa Edwal"Cl BirmlndMun McKinney, Jerome Patrick ABCBoard Corsbie, Leslie Harold Corractions Bothwell, Cedric Lynard Corrections Brooks, Donald Clark REV REV REV REV REV Corraction& ALA&MUniva REV Bowden, Otis Preston Linden PD Boster, Harold Boyd MobilaCo Mallard, Fletcher Laflavette Attalla PD Bwldrick, .!::;;:h Michael REV Theft of ;-- ~· •:r 1st I Theft of Prooertv 2nd Assault 2nd Dearae Possession with intent ID 10 Oi8trlbl.te steroids Se>aal Abuse 1st Dearae Sexual Abuse 1st Dearee-3 Cts, Enticina a Chlld-2 cts Abuse and Nealect Murder Sodornv1st Commerce-Racketeering, Income Tax Evasion False Statement in Connection with Acquisition of a Rraarma Receiving Stolen Property 2nd POS188Slon of a Foraed Instrument 2nd P0888881on of Forged Instrument 2nd - 3 counts IRape 1st, Sexual Abuse 1st, Sexual Abuse 2nd Sexual - · ·· .. , c:A Chldren, POS88881on of Child P... llaaal Gambling Business, Criminal Forfeiture Unlawful Distrbution of Mariiuana R___. ,-·111 Stolen Rraarms-8 Cts Interference with Commerce by Extortion Sodomy 1st Sodomy 1st (2Cts),SexualAbuse1st ":r REV Theft of -,.._;lF 2nd REV Theft of Property 2nd REV Bribe Receiving by a Witness REV Solicitation of a Chld bv t".IVnN•ar REV Soctomy2nd REV Biqlary 1st, Domestic Vlolance 2nd REV UnlawfU Posaesslon of a Controlad Slbstance REV Poesesslon d Marijuana 1st, P ,_,_~"'Prison Contraband REV Unlawful Distrtbution of a mixture and substance co,,_;,"' .. a detectable amowrt of marijuana 9f//2005 9f/l2005 9f/l2005 Kennemer, Darreon Terrel Corracllons REV :Conso. to 0088888 with intent to distribute in excess of 100 klo. of marijuarm., and Poss. w/ Intent Stokes, Ottie Lee PelCityPD REV Abuse and Nealect Lavton, Richard Jason Trussvile PD REV Sexual Abuse 1et 2008 6J29'2006 ~ GMlis, Derek Hanis, Bobby D Langston, John M Bush, Dariel Oum, Quentin T Atkinson, David Bowden, David Lyn IScoain, David Diaz, ,,,,.._,,.,, A_..._ __ Prichard PO REV IDeprivation of Rights Under the Color~ Law 6l29f2006 IRav, Alfred D York PD REV Blountsville PC REV MobilePD REV Yol't(PD REV New Hooe PD REV Pine Hill PD REV Lauderdale Co REV Prichard PO REV Citronelle PD REV 6'29/2006 IBailev, Lany D Mobilelnfinnm REV ~ Pubnan, Michael Griffith, Jody E Boatwright. Ron ~ &'29/2006 6'29/2006 6f2SW006 6l'af2006 6'29/2006 &'29/2006 8l29l2006 Davidson.Stuart 9119/2006 ...... · - I 9119/2008 Jackson, James L Willlame, Emest Sherwood, Leonard E Ducker, Richard Harrison, Robin Wilson, Patrick R Hammondville REV St. Clair Correc REV Red Bay PO REV UncolnPD REV Gulf Shores PC REV PelhamPD REV Houston Co REV Bi, ...:_ ...... Pl REV Mt Vernon POI REV Level Plalne Pl REV Houston Co REV Moble Airport REV FlorancePD REV 2007 Alldradae, Chrietor>her Hester, Lowery J Walace, Standford Lee Eaton, Jonathan E Stanley, Basil Arab Police De REV CherokeeCo REV MobilePD REV Piedmont PD REV Florence PO REV 6l29ll008 6f29fa)()6 6f29l2006 6f'29f2008 9119/2006 11121/2006 11121/2006 11121/2006 11121/2006 3/712007 3/7/2007 3/7~7 3/7~7 3/7/2«J7 Pollard, Kenneth Prince, Romney Michael l.Aaaravatad Assault Community Nollftcatlon AQ P0888881on of stolen firaarma-one count Aaaravated Assa~ Bribery, one count (1) Posseasion wJlntent to distribute crack cocaine & Uee of a firearm d&Ming a drug Traffick Crime ,, of Funds, and False Statements Extortion, M _ · n of Rlahls Under the Color of Law (1) lmoeraonatlna a Peace Officer & (1) Unlawful Imprisonment 2nd Degree (1) Possession w/lntent to distribute crack cocaine (1) tmerference with Commerce bv threat or violence Capliol Murder (2) Uee of Official Position or Office for Personal Gain, (1) Offer.Solictlna or Rec.thing of value Murder (2) :....:... ..; 1st Dearae (1) :....:... ...,, 2nd Degree Domestic VIOience 3rd (Aesalt) & Recldaae Endangerment UnlawfuU Poss8881on of a Controlled Subatance Murder one cooot Domestic Vlolence-Harasement (2) counta Bribery Theft of Prooartv 1st Criminal Poesession of Foraed lnstrurnart 2nd and Burglary 3rd Sexual Abuse 2nd I pied auittv to lesser Assault 3rd misdemeanor charne M (4) counts of Felony Ethics VIOiation (1) Theft of Property let and 15 Counts of ethics.;~-(1) Falae Statement pertaining to Revenue and Taxation (1) count of Unlawful Pose8881on (or~) of a Controled Substance Using a ComplPr to Transport or mall Child Pomography and for P088. of Child P.... , . •J 311/2007 317/2007 6/2fWOf11 6/28/2007 6/28/'J007 6/28/2007 6/28/2007 8/28/2Cm 6128/2007 6128/2007 6f28l2007 6/2fWOf11 9/7l2007 917/2007 917/2007 Gn/2007 Haga. Kemeth Woodward, Jimmy Salum, :._. -Youna, Richard Hunt, Jason H Campbell, Michael S Whlte,Tvrone IKelleY, Joel Brown,Jonathan D Whtte, Harold p Parker, Daryl Signore, Andrew J Perez, Rolando Landers, Christopher T c Does, Bii1Y G. Thompson, Gregory 917/2007 Conner, T.J. 1/291Z>OB Willaev, Wlliam .__.. Leight, Gregory L Phelps, James B. Smith, Tenance L Wood, Frederick Maurice 1Ci'--:, Undzev K C8rmlchael, David Elia Rucker, Michael T Young. Perry Frost. Harold Nelms, James Bernard Green, Jason M Mattox, Wesley Wayne Maturi, Christopher Preer, Everatt Keith Kallv, Jason Huntsville PD REV Federal Child Po........ _ .." Jefferson Co REV 2 Federal felonies (1) 18 USC 371and(2)18 USC 641 . ···-···-·· ;; Pl REV lnfluaicelObstruct lustlce, Aiding and Abetting and Fraud ActivltY Connected with ComD&Hrs New Hope POI REV Manslauahter Prichard PIO REV (1) Daatruclion, Alternation, Falsification of Records In Federal Inv. ion of cocaine w/ intent to distribute and 1 cooot Unlawful fireann sales tbmtonCo REV 1 cooot REV :_.._:racy to Defraud the US, 2 lnterfeRtnCe W/ commerce 2 Interference w comerce etc. AubumPD Andakasia PD REV one Sexual Torture/Abuse, 1 Assaul, and 1 sodomy Columbiana Pl REV Theft 3rd, misdemeanor Florance PD REV Trafficlna and Unlawful Distribution of Cocaine · ... of Firearms to a Convicted Felon and 1 Obtaining Cash Hobson City Pl REV (2) Counts :_:: .. _ , Unlawful Possession of Col rtrolled Substance and DUI "·-·JI Pl REV ,_ 2ndC_. __ Geneva PO, SI REV SomeMlePD REV (2 )Sodomy 1st, (1) Enticing a Child (1) Sexual Abuse 1st Montgomery p1 REV (3) Attemoted .•• 1st, (4) Enticing a ChHd (1) Sexual Abuse 1st Wetumpka, PC REV (1) Interference with Commerce-Extof1ion Montgomery P REV Misdeminor Criminally Negligent Homicide (DUI) .. 200I 1~ 1/29/2008 1/29l'l008 4'J<W008 7/18'l008 7/11WOOB 7/18l2008 7/11W008 7/1Bl2008 7/11WOOB 7/1&'2008 7/18l2008 7/18'2008 7/18/2008 7/1Bl2008 EufauaPD Birmingham Pl CulbnanCo uer•._...;;.., PD Bessemer Po& Pardons and p Dothan Police REV REV REV Rev (1) Felony Child Abuse, (2) misdwneanor counts of Sexual AbUH - __:...,." 3rd Dearee (2) ccua felony Sollcltation-Murder (2) counts Rape second degree REV Th8ft of Lost Property 3rd REV Custodial Sexual Misconduct REV 4 counts of Domestic Violence Tuskeaee PD REV Birmingham Pl REV NewtonPD REV TuskeaeePD REV Wadfl/PD ~PO Theft Sodomy (2) Sexual Abuse I Count of Sodornv Domestic Violence 3 Assault REV Theft of Property and burglary 3rd dearae REV 2 mis Ethics Vlolationa Al Pardons anc REV 7 felony counts obtai'1ing criminal records under false pretenses REV Misdemeanor Sexual Abuse 2nd IOoelika PD St. Clair Co REV 2 felony Attempt to Obtain Control Substance 7/18/2008 7118/2008 7/1812008 7/18/2008 11119/2008 11/1SWOOB 11119/2008 Bowle, Tirall Aponte,Franciaco Gilmore, Scott Dllard, Gerald T. Ferrell, .2=:::-0 D. Isbell,~ Sim Brooks. Deamond Ryan False Claims Aaainst the United States SexLBI Mlaconduct Voluntary surrenderad certlficat& Theft of Property 2nd One count Assault 1st dearae and one count disc;_,~ .. firearm into occupied Blda. ABCBoard REV Sexual Abuse 1st dearae. Citv of Mobile I REV One count P088888ion of Cocaine and one COlM'1t Theft of ;--......... ,,. 3rd. MoblePD REV Millbrook PD REV Jefferson Co REV Mental Health REV Chambers COl REV 3/1'l/2«1!J .. Holmes, MlchaelJ. Mosses PO REV One count of Theft of Government Property 3/11/2009 Yancev Guff Shonts POd REV One count of Transportlns SecuaUy Expldt Meterlal In Interstate Commerte by REV A. Cherolcee County SO Lee, Wiibur E. Odenville PD REV .,... Hf.MING NAME Edward Scott 3/11/2f#J 4/14/'IJKYJ Graves, Mark SSN AGENCY DtSP OWlGES ComDUter. One count of Sexual Abuse 1st dqree and one count of Possession w/lntent to Disseminate Obscene Material Knowlrwlv and Wiiifuiiy Falslfylna Documents 4/14/'IJX1J Moore, Jeffrey Wendell 4/14/2009 Benson, Jemison PD REV Knowlnaly and Wiiifuiiy Falslfyfna Documents Chilton Co. so REV Johnathan Knowlnlly and Wiiifuiiy Falsifylna Documents lam« Adams, Michael RedBayPD REV Recelvtr11 Stolen Property 3rd desree Heard, Johnathan w. RoanolrePO REV Robbery 2nd dearee Henry, Conec:tlons REV Huntsvflle PO REV Unlawful Distribution of a Controlled Substance, Marijuana and Unlawful Possession of Marijuana 1st detlree Theft of Property 3rd..,_ Moss, Ervin J. Glencoe PD REV Assault Payne, Conlin Lipscomb PO REV Bad Conduct Olscharp 11/12/2009 Jung, Kevin UncolnPO REV Murder 11/12/2009 Oliver, UABPD REV TWO counts of Rape 2nd and one count of Entld"I a Chlld Oliver, Ronald Dora PO REV Theft of Property 2nd 8/12/ll#.J 8/12./'l009 8/12/lfD.J Shannonc. 8/12/2009 Madry, ShannonL 8/12/20fll 8/12/2tKYJ 11/12/200!J v w. Royderldc u. L. 3rd..,.. 11/U/2009 Little, Wesley Huntsville PD REV Possession of Firearm with an Altered Manufactured Number One CIOunt of Rec:elvl!W Chlld Pornolraphy that had been Transported In Interstate c. 11/'12/2rrl9 Gilley, KentP. Brlcfseport PD REV 11/12/2009 Beck, James T.Jr. Brkfleport PD REV and Forelln Commerce bv ComPllter 1l/U/2lK19 12/U/2009 offender record Information. REV Theft of Property 1• Desree LoxleyPD REV One count of Obtalnlns records under false pretenses and one c:owrt of Offenses qalnst Intellectual property. Surrendered APOST certttlcatlon JOI.ti Burks, Buford Lee Blrmif'llham PD REV Rlc:hlrdson, Corrections REV Maddox, Cullman MartcW. County SO Yetter, Olfford B. l/21/2010 l/21fJJJ11J Communk:atlon, etc., of atmlnal Under •Other Than• Honorable Conditions Dlscharp from Armed Fortes. WoodlowW. One munt of Promottnc Prtson Contraband, one oount of Possession d, and one count of Attempting to Distribute Theft from Government Recelvliw Federal Funds. •ncy 1/21/2010 White, Faron E. Decatur PD REV 1/21/'lJJlO Willams. Otis Wetumpka PO REV Tuscaloosa PD REV Midland City PO REV PledmontPO REV University of · REV Under "Other Than• Honorable Conditions Olscharp from Armed Forces. Theft of Property 3.., Public Intoxication, and Criminal Trespass 1st. (Person Prohlbltlad from Possesslftl Firearm) Unlawful Possession of Marijuana 1• R. 1/2l/2D10 Balle, G"'IOl'Y K. 6/3/2010 Ford, Christopher A. 6/3/2010 Hsris-Brown, Deon 6/3/20JD Helton, MlchaelS. South Alabama Manard, PD Cullman Co SO REV Huntsville PD REV 6/3/2010 KevlnL 6/3/2010 Moore, Ryan Obtalnfnl Criminal Records Information under False Pretenses, Falslftc:atlon of lnfurmatfon, etc. Non-Prosecution Agreement permanent forfeiture of Certification and never to work In law enforcement Buralary 3N Dearee, Domestic Vlolence J 19 Dearee, Menacln& and Vlolatlon of a Protection Order. Custodial Sexual Mlsc:IOnduct o. Dqree 6/3/2010 Rowry, David York PO REV M1nslauahter 6,,/2010 Spikes, Todd Florala PO REV One munt of lewd and lasc:Mous Exhibition, one count of Use of 1 Computer to Seduce, Solldt, Lure a Child. Transporttrw a Minor In Interstate Commerce for the Purposes of ERPlfl"ll In Sexual .......... ......_. 'Theft of Property 1st. use of Position for Person Gain M. 8/3/2JJ10 Whitworth, RonaldL Vestavia Hiiis PD REV 12/10/2010 Brown, WHiie Mack Autaup REV 11/10/2010 OWens, Ricky Lovell CotmtySO Coosa County so REV & Counts of Use of Position for Personal ~ 12/10/2010 Porter, Jacbonlee Corrections REV Domestic Violence 3rd-Harassment 12/10/2010 Stanton, Qu1stopher Lee Talley, Dale Wayne Public safety REV One Count of Possessll"ll Child Pornoanphy Corrections REV CUstodlal Sexual Mlsconduc:t ll/10/2010 20.U 2/24fl.011 Finley, Chevis Brf&hton PD REV Manslauahter 2/24(JIJ11 Fowler, MichaetT. LelahtonPD REV Vokmartly swrendered certification 2/24/2011 Henson, KlnardJ. UthJudldal Orcult D.A.'s REV Briblnt a Witness and Attempted M..-.r 2/Z4(JIJ11 Jones, Rowena Office Blrmlnaham PD REV Theft of Property 1• Dqree and Theft by Deatptlon 2rrd0qree 2/24/2011 Kuykendall, JamesK. Dekalb County REV Domestic Vlolence 318 Detree Assault 2/24/2011 Scott, WOiiam Dewayne Corrections REV Theft of Property 318 Depe Dekalb County REV Theft of Property 2nd dearee 5/24/2011 Chandler, (rNLee so so 5/24/2011 Hannen, Eufaula PD REV 3 counts Theft of Property 1st Dearee, 3 counts al Use of Position for Personal Gain FoleyPO REV Domestic Vlolenca 3,. ~ Tusteaee University PD REV Rape 2nd . . . . . Sodomy 1st depe, and Enlldna I Child to Enter Vehicle, House for REV 4 counts of Theft of Property 1st dqree REV 2 Counts of Obtalnlna Criminal Offender StephenP. 5/24/2011 Klein, James A. 5/24/2011 Moon, John Davie 5/24/2011 Moultrie, Montaomerv Phlllp PO Wood, Noel COnservatlon Immoral Puraoses 5/24/2011 c. Record lnformltlon Under False Pretenses 8/17/'IDll Chrlstlm, Marvfnl Hurtsboro PD REV Asslutt 3rd ..,... Ordered to Surrender APOSTC CertlflcatJon 8/17/'llJ11 Weed, ChlriesT. DozlerPO REV Mansllulhter 8/17/2011 Vodenlchar, BryonR Vlc:torylMd REV Domestic Violence 3rd .-.ree 8/17/'lDll Kendrtck, JamesL Blrmlnahlm PD REV ManslaUBhter 8/17/2011 Gist, Nlcholls A. Public Safety REV Attempted ADautt first de8ree 11/9/2011 Accardi, Vito COrrectlons REV PD 11/9/2011 Horton, Kerry A.k. Public Safety REV Deallna In Firearms without a Uciense, twv counts of Sale of a Firearm to Prohibited Persons, ln1etslate Transfer of a Firearm, Poss. of Unrealstered Flrunn, and Unlawful Transfer of a Machine Gun. Assault 2nd Dear- 12/9/'IDll Kelley, Keith Public Safety REV Sexual Misconduct U/9/2011 Lewis, James M. Corrections REV sexual Abuse 2nd Desree 11/9/2011 Pemberton, Bradlev H. MOnqp>mery REV M. w. PD Fraud by Wire and Fraud with ID Documents 12/9/2011 11/9/2011 SllenUne, Ronald K. Corrections REV Wood, Joshua Andalusia PD REV c. 2/23/'ID12 2/23/2012 Promotfna Prison Contraband 1st Degree Unllwful Distribution of a Controled Substance. 20JZ Baskin, Juan T. Corrections REV Felony Murder Dllon, Wesley Besseiner PD REV Domestic Violence 3rd depee REV Keith 2/23/'ID12 2/23/2012 2/ll/'llJ12 Deprivation of Rllhts Underthe Color of Dollar, Kirby Russell County E. so Evans, Ryan Keith secttonPD REV Unlawful Mm1ufactunt of Controlled Substance Russel County REV Deprivation of Rfahts Under the Color of Watford, Law Timothy A. so Clark, Arron GeneYaPO REV Remlvtr11 Stolen Property 3rd delrwe Tuscaloosa County SO REV Three counts of Deprivation of Rl8fltS Under the Color of Law F. Sac:cocdo, David Uttlevllle PD REV Makfnl a Terrorist Threat Warren, Bessemer PD REV Theft of Property 3rd Delree 11/14/2012 Wooten, Mlc:haelW. Jefferson Co REV 1 munt of 5eJul Exploitation of a Child ll/14/2012 Flowers, WUamDllle University of West Alabama REV 1 count of Obtalnlna Crlmlnal Offender 5/16/2012 law Keith 5/16/'ID12 Malllshlm (Hom) Althea 5/16/2012 5/16/2012 Anthony Lovell so Records Under False Pretenses PD 11/14/2012 Roach, AnnlstonPD REV 3 Counts of Unlawful Distribution of a Controlled Substanm Otronelle PO REV 2 counts of Possession of stolen RreamlS Jeremy Darryl 12/14/2012 Newburn, Biii Eupne 11/14/2012 11/14/2012 Gaskin, Danny Ray OUrtPO REV ChddAbuse Wiikins, Jasper PO REV Theft or Bribery Concerlftl Prosrams Recelvlftl Federal Funds ScottleD. 11/14/2012 Fuller, Jessie A. Fort Deposit PO REV 1 Count of Conspiracy aplnst RWtb of Dtlzens, 1 count of Deprivation of Ovit 11/14/2012 Matt, James E. MountVemon PO Rev 2 Counts of Custodial Sacual Misconduct 11/14/2012 Owens, Kevin D Andalusia PD REV Sexual Misconduct and Assault 3rd decree REV Unlawful Distribution of a Controlled SUbstance 1 Count of Conspiracy Aplnst Rfahts, 4 counts of Deprivation of Rilhts Under the Color of law 1 count of Use of Position for Personal Gain Ri8hts iau ATICINSON, Alabama MM Jennifer PD 2/27/2013 8£NNm, Cartos Tyson Fort Deposit PD REV 2/Tl/2013 DEES, Jonathan Wavne Atmore PD REV '1./1:7/2013 DRIVER, Nicholas Mount Vernon PD REV Manslaugtar 2/27/2013 GRANTLAND, Darby lee MorpnCo.SO REV Theft of Property 2nd Dearee KIRK,, East Brewton PD REV Use of Position for Personal Gain Matthew Grant · LLOYD, Tarrant PD REV 2/27/2013 2/27/2013 '1./27/2013 Geo• 6/19/2013 WINne GRISSETT, Harassment I Surrendered APOST Certlftc:atlon PUbllc Safety REV Theft of Property 2• Dearee Blrmlnlham PO REV DeprfYatlon of Rl&hts Under the Color of Law Elberta PO REV Shoot1ns 1nto an Occupied Bulldlrw, Tamperlna with Physical Evidence and False Reportlna to a Law Enforcement Officer Kenneth 6/19/2013 HOOPER, Corey 6/19/2013 PLEDGER, Mickey 6/19/'1.013 STALLWORTH, Terry Public Safety REV Use of Position for Personal Gain 6/19/2013 THOMPSON, DanlelB. Flomaton PO REV Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance &/19/201'J WIWAMS, Nathan Union Sprfnp PD REV Theft of Property 3rd Dearee and use of Position for Personal Gain BLAND, Corrections REV Theft of Property 1st Oqree, Theft of Property 2nd Dep!e, 7 counts of Fradulent Use of a Credit card 10 counts of Use of Position for Personal Gain and 19 counts of Obtalnlns Records Under False Pmenses 3 ClOUnts of Assault 3rd Dfllp'ee and ordered to SW'n!nder APOSTC certification 9/17/'2013 Shondra 9/17/2013 DAVIS,Amy TalasseePD REV 9/17/2013 HAU, Jeremy Riasellvllle PO REV 9/17/2013 RASAVONG, Lyvanh Montaornerv REV PD 9/17/2013 THORNTON, Curtis Blrn*tlham PD REV U/19/2013 DAVIDSON, Matthew Corrections REV ll/19/2013 DAVIS n, John Lockhart PD REV Use of Position for Personal Glln 11/19/2013 FORD, Mlchael Patrick Alexander City PD REV GLENN, Scottie Terrell Corrections Incest, Sexual Abuse 2• Decree, two counts of Sodomy Dearee, five counts of Sexual Abuse of Chlld < 12, Theft of Property Dearee, Tarnpertrw w/ Physical Evidence Deprivltlon of Clvll Rlahts, Conspiracy to MUNDY, Brandon Town Creek PD REV Deprivation of Civil RWtts Conspiracy to Distribute/ Possess with Intent to Distribute Marijuana 4 counts of Arson 2nd Depee, one coll'lt of Attempted Anon 2nd Deple, and one count of CrlmNI Mischief 1st o.ree Two counts of Deprivation of Clvll Rfahts, one cowrt of Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice U/19/2013 11/19/2013 r r REV Defraud Shane U/19/2013 POmR, Greaory Brtdaeport PO REV Use of Position for Personal Gain 11/19/2013 SANDERS, JoseDh t.orrectlons REV Obstruction of Justice Charfes 11/19/2013 11/19/2013 11/19/2013 1/13/2014 l/'13/2014 REV Montaomery PO REV Tuscaloosa PO REV Deprivation of Civil RWwts 2014 NEAL, James Blake Jackson Gap REV Offerlnl, Sollcltln& or Recelvll'll to Influence Offlclal Action SNYDER, Tuscaloosa PO REV Theft Concerning a Pro&ram Recelvlna PO Federal Funds Jeffrey 5/2l/'ID14 TWo counts of Deprivation of Clvll Rllhts, Qmsplrac:y to Obstruct Justice, four counts of Obstruction ofJustice Theft of Property 2nd Desree, Use of Position for Personal Gain Corrections SMITH, Michael Anthony STROTHER, Miiton Emene THOMAS, Jason Glenn ARNOLD, Jason Birmlftlham PD REV Arson 2nd OeBree 5/21/2014 BODINE, Dennis ACHS REV Obtalnlrw Records Under False Pretenses 5/21/2014 HARRIS. Christopher 5elmaPD REV Sexual Abuse 1st Oesree 8/20flJJ14 JONES, Steven Dothan PD REV REV TransmlttlflB Obscene Material to a Chlld, Dlssemlnatlna Obscene Material, ttarassin. Cornmunlcltlons Receipt of Stolen Property 2nd Dearee MCCWRE, Machon Shawn County SO 8/20/2014 PEARS, Donald MoblfePD REV Wiiifui Attempt to Evade or Defeat a Tax/ Wiiifui Fraud and False Statements 8/20/2014 RALEY, Jason Hokes Bluff PD REV Ordered to Surrender his APOSTC Certification 8f1D/2014 THOMPSON, Corrections REV Seven counts of Wire Fraud, Consplrar.y to 8fJlJfl014 Bryant 8/20/2014 WALlON, Corrections REV Maplesvile PO REV Quincy 11/18/2014 BURROUGHS, MlcahCralg Defr.ud the Government, seven counts of ldentltv 'Theft Conspiracy to Defraud the Govemment and~ ldentltylheft Tamperlna with Physical Evidence (Ordered to Surrender his APOSTC Certification) ll/18/2014 ll/18/2014 MCCRAY, Jesse Keith so Macon County REV Deprlvltlon of Rllhts Under the Color of law PHIUFS, Section PD REV Theft of Property 2nd Dearee Wiicox County REV Wesley Brent 11/18/2014 BARGE. Greaory Glenn so Extortion, Possession with Intent to Distribute Qx:alne, Use of a Flreann In Furtherance of a DruR Trafflddmr Crime 2015 3/11/2015 GRAY, Marcus Jovan Alabama Department of Corrections 3/11/2015 HOOD, Jerry Wayne MCGUIRE, Darrell Lee Maplesville Police Department Hale County Sheriff's Department Clayton Police Department Lafayette Police Department 3/11/2015 3/11/2015 3/11/2015 6/24/2015 6/24/2015 6/24/2015 6/24/2015 9/23/2015 9/23/2015 RIVERS, Jonathan Paul VINES, Kenneth BURGIN, Phillip Edward THOMSON, Ryan Christian GRIMMETT, Bryan Mark CONCORD, Grady Keith PULLEN, Paul Adam REID, Dennis R. 9/23/2015 9/23/2015 BONDS, Lanice Clifton LUSTER, T'Derek Trimayne 9/23/2015 RUSSELL, Brett McAlbin Alabama Deoartment of Corrections Enterprise Police Department Alabama Department of Public Safety REV Domestic Violence 3rd Degree REV Theft of Property 2nd Degree Theft by Deception 2nd Degree (2 Counts) Electronic Solicitation of a Child & two counts of Sexual Abuse 2nd Dearee Perjury 2nd Degree, Ordered to Surrender his APOSTC Certification Conspiracy to Distribute Methamphetamine Electronic Solicitation of a Child REV (Plea Agreement to Surrender APOSTC Certificate) Altering Computer Eauioment **Revocation on appeal•• REV REV REV REV REV Winston Countv Sheriff's Office Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Enterprise Police Department Dothan Police Department REV Extortion Under Color of Off. Right; Manufacturing Meth.; Manufacturing Meth on Prem. Where Childer are Present REV Delinquent CEU's • Non Compliance REV Possession of Meth, Possession of Marijuana, Possession of Drug Related Objects REV School Employee Sex Act Birmingham Police Department Huntsville Police Department REV Robbery 1st Degree, Use of Position for Personal Gain x 4 REV Deprivation of Rights Under the Color of Law, Destruction of Records in Federal Investigation 9/23/2015 HALL, Lewis 9/23/2015 11/4/2015 BURKE, Edmond BROOKS, David Allen Huntsville Police Department Prichard Police Department Alabama Department of Corrections REV Conspiracy to Defraud the US Government REV Trafficking in Cocaine, Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance, Unlawful Possession of Marijuana 2nd REV Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance 11/4/2015 11/4/2015 HOLIFIELD, Clifton MCCOY, Dennis Mobile County Sheriff's Office Brookside Police Department 11/4/2015 11/4/2015 11/4/2015 MILES, Christopher MOSS, Richard PADGETT, Kenneth ROBERTSON, Danny Tallassee Police Department Coffee County Shefirr's Office Birmingham Police Department REV Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance x 2 REV Computer Tampering, Obt. Crim. Offender Record Information, Use of Position for Pers. Gain REV Burglary 3rd Degree, Theft of Property 2nd Degree REV Theft of Property 1st Degree x 3 REV Unlawful Possession of Marijuana 1st Degree Hanceville Police Department REV Assault 3rd in connection with DV Lanett Police Department Franklin Police Department 11/4/2015 2016 2/24/2016 BANDY, Tracy Jamar 2/24/2016 2/24/2016 CLEMENTS, Michael Tyrone BIGHAM, James Daniel Tuscaloosa Police Department REV Obstructing Govt. Operations • Condition of Plea • Not to Apply for APOSTC REV Selling Firearms to Addicts, Felons, Fugitives REV Domestic Violence 3"' Degree - Reckless Endangerment and Driving Under the Influence 2/24/2016 2/24/2016 2/24/2016 FANNING, Donald Steve HEARD, Ervin Lee HEGWOOD, David Michael Morgan County Sheriff's Office REV Assault 3rd in connection with DV 2/24/2016 2/24/2016 HUBBARD, David Lee WATSON, Justin Adam Bibb County Sheriff's Office Clanton Police Departmet Chilton County Sheriff's Office REV Cust. Sexual Misc., Sex Abuse 1st, Human Trafficking 2nd, Int. a Witness, Unlawful Imprisonment 2nd, Harassment REV Theft of Property 3rd Degree. As a condition of his plea agreement, he is never to apply for LEO position REV Rape 2nd, School Employee Engaging in Sex Act with a Student Under Age 19 x4, Enticing a Child Immoral Madison County Sheriff's Office 6/29/2016 GARDNER, Nathaniel Jerome REV Obstruction of Justice - Misleading Conduct REV Theft of Property 2"° Degree, Criminal Trespass 1• Degree, and two (2) counts of Burglary 3"' Degree 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 HILL, Laverne Dewaun Jr. INMAN, Nikki Dale 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 MCHENRY, Samuel II WAKEFIELD, Jeremy Page WILLIAMS, Tyrone Alabama Law Enforcement Agency Moulton Police Department Union Springs Police Department 9/21/2016 BROWN, Stacy Benard Jr. Alabama Dept. of Corrections 9/21/2016 GAVIN, Timothy Andrew HUNT, James Thomas Orange Beach Police Department Montgomery County DA's Office 9/21/2016 Oneonta Police Department Jasper Police Department Cherokee Police Department REV Interference With Commerce by Threat or Violence and Converts to Own Use the Property of Another REV Tampering with Physical Evidence· surrender APOSTC certification REV Sexual Misconduct • court ordered for his APOSTC certification to be permanently revoked REV Theft of Property 1st Degree REV Theft of Property 3rd Degree ·court ordered that he surrender his APOSTC certification for life REV Promoting Prison Contraband 2nd Degree and Unlawful Possession of Marijuana 1st Degree REV two cnts. of Sex Abuse of Child, Sex Abuse 2nd, Enticina a Child , and two counts of Poss. of Porn. of a Minor REV two counts of Harassment • Surrender APOSTC Certification REV two (2) counts of Unlawful Distr. of a Contr. Subst., Att. Distr.of a Contr.Subst.and Unlawful Poss. of a Contr.Subst. REV Deprivation of Rights Under the Color of Law 9/21/2016 9/21/2016 Russell County Sheriff's Office Stevenson Police Department Alabama Department of Corrections Alabama Department of Corrections REV Promoting Prison Contraband 2nd Degree 11/17/2016 DAVISON, Deonta Terrell 11/17/2016 GASSAWAY, Thomas Anthony Anniston Police Department REV Sodomy 1st Degree (2 Counts) 11/17/2016 OWEN, Eddie Duane Alabama Law Enforcement Agency REV Altering Computer Equipment 11/17/2016 SIMMER, Charles Thomas Dothan Police Department REV Trafficking in Stolen Identities and False Reporting an Incident Vance Police Department REV Tampering with a Witness I Surrender APOSTC certification WILLIAMS, Branden Howard WINTERS, Daniel Gordon 11/17/2016 ANKUM, Jessie Lee Jr. REV Unlawful Possession of Marijuana 1st Degree 2017 2/15/2017 BURNELL, Ralph Joseph 2/15/2017 DANIEL, Brandon Howard 2/15/2017 PADGETI, Tamario Kejuan 2/15/2017 TANNEHILL, Jeh'Michael Jamal Birmingham Police Department REV Soliciting/Receiving for the Purpose of Influencing Official Action Alabama Department of Corrections REV Conspiracy to Distribute Marijuana REV Attempt to Possess with Intent to Distribute Marijuana Alabama Department of Corrections