Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00002562
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Department'of JJ,Jstic,e In~pedpr Geller·al ~uestionnaire R~9.a-r.din~ petain,ees. D.OJ-orG INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE FO~ R:E;VIEWANI) USE: b"NLY BYINOiVIDl)AL FBI ItESP'(jNOENTS . ",..' QP NOT' FP~WARD,OR.cii:S:SEMI~:A:rE' , . QVESTION NAIR'E 10: teSt-o.O.00:25.62 ·AS'Qf ~h~ tl:lis:·q~~tlonJ1~irewa~. ~~~~r some re'q~ire.d'fiel~s: tlav~ rt9t: "e~n ~Q.mpl~~ed. Ph:~as'!!" re).iieJ/\f Vo.ur responses. ." Please pr'ovitle: the following information: ~. Fkst I i c l m ¢ ' i. MldQJe Inm~r: 3~ Last name; 4•. Ente;-ed bI'1 DlIty Date (EOO): ',5: turJ~ht 'C!""i!Field Office: ,0, (-::urrept job. title; ,7; Direct 'dial office.lelephone hU'niber: 8: fBI :Cell pnqn'e' nl,lriltier: 9. f$J ~ger.;nUtn~'er: to. Be,?t contact number for-you: fj . _. ~ ' .. , ." . . &; 7¢. PER 4C7REEMFNT 6 &.'7C PER AGREEMEJliT 6 & 7,C PERAf;REEME!JT 6 &,7C :6'i& 7C Ihteflig~nce'AJ1a!ys~: ,6 ~'1c. PER AGREEMENT ~ ~. 7C PER.AG~EMENi ~ ~..1~ P!=~J!.G~EMENT' 6 & Ie PERA~REEMENt B. Backg round ~f SpetifiC D.e'pl,o:yn\ents or Assignntents 11.· At'any time a"ftehSeptember 1'1, 2.0.01, Qid ybu -serve' as ,a merhb-er of Ute U!'S. Militaryr. or' a'S c'ln :employee .or contractor or the FBI :or any other government agency, at Guantanamo Bay; 'CiJba~ Iraq; : Afgh?l.n'~tC!rr;"orln areC!s'C9nJroll~ I:lY'~h.e.u.-S·. Militqry <?ra U.. S. int~lr!gen~e s~r.vLce 'll"cOrm~<;tj0n:'Wit~· t~e: 919bal W?lr on' terror? l;2. ~:nter the numbe:~ .of'tirne:s you. w!3r.e..d~piQye.d or;2jsslg ned t6, each of the· fo;howi ng I~)'~a,tiori~. :(Gtia~tanamo ~~ba.;, Iraq,i.Afghanistan; or in any: areas controlled by the.U.S. 'IYUlitary or a U.S.. jntell!ge.nq~ servi~.e-hl, For ,each deplo.y.ment or .assi~riri1ent.complete the followi~Q section. De'playm~_ntc;ir 8~signljlen't'Qeg1Jn location (s'eleet' one) " , .. ., bit ~r Dep!Qyn\em: "r assigm:nenten,dE\i;I on. 'orab.out. alla.lll' :ii:~q! 10/2004 Q1/14/2005 'i 2~" \Alb'll was .ttJe 9eneta I nat\-! r'e ~~~ Pl,l rp'q~e Of yqur:asslg ri)1i.erit· a't)d -a~!Viti~,~? Int~lIigence Analy-stj:ReiJorts· respohsible for:draftii1~ IIRS .aoo disseminati~ the.-4aily' situation report. Ialso' assisted In any other capacity· needed. Ph: .P.leas~,n~m¢s'of the'ppecific ca01ps/ ba? o.rf?cilftie~. wt:rer~ -yoowor~~d .. 1 worked at tne Bag h:d,at;l Oper~~iciiJ~ C~.lit~r (BOG) ill hd~rd.." IrpQ'. '1 ~jjefl~ OI1.a df;lY :at the. Balad Tempo'r~ry $c'r~enillg Facility to meet with tby count~rpatt. ' facilitY is classified abov.e SECRET, 12c. N'ote: If informati0n about specific camp, base; please.check here 0, inClude in your · that" you haVe. "additfomil·infor'mation.c1assified aboVe 1 was ai) a or " OIGQ-004809 'SECRET,'" ahd, if yo,u kl19w, identifY th:e c1assifi,cationlevel, ticketj <;ompartment, program, or other d,Ei$igncitf6n lhat,applie$ to th~ information, 1;.>0 not inClude' the,-additiomil ¢!<lssified information in;YQur questionnair.e res'ponses. OIG personnel with the, necessary "clearance will contact you to receiv.e it. ,Nam"e I. L Position , ~ b6 ,__ ":~~7U!y_~.IJ-§s~ile_<;oJ'lJ!l~fld_er ,i12e. Did youj6io.tly interView, or'interrogate':any detainee with non-FBI personnel?- ,' , :" .:. ' 0 Yes 0 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------, ·:.l~f. Di~ .you.j~intly plan ,any d~talnee j~terview··orTnterrogatibn .strategy,. objectiv~1. 9r ta<;:tic~ with non- l' ~~~~ I ~ Q'i'es@ No ------;-----------------~_._------~-~~--------- I ~ ~ __ - I' , ';12Q. Wer.e you ever otherw.ise ihvolvea indetaineeointerviews;or 'interro-gations With' no.n;·FBI personnel? :' : "-- s @ No . - --'-'- --'-- - - - - -- - - -'- - - - - - - - 0 -'-Y- e -'- - - -'--- - -'- -'- - -'- - - - -'-'- -- - --~- ~~~~'~JJ~,~,.ID8~j~:~J~~" .~,~~~.,~'.~'.~'L.._.:..-.-:.-:.- -'..- ..... ~ -- -'-- - : " ---.:",::,-~,_',_:'_'_.-.,--------'-1 :. Training Prior to :Overse,as" D..ep,loyment ~r Assignment ------=---------! 13. Old you receive anyt'"ralnlng( Ins:ttl-ictlon( 6r.;guldalice speclficallV In preparatler tor a'ny,.ofy.o.ur 'o:V'erseas d'eployments or assignments? '0Y~~ C),No ODo NotHeql1l ,13'~, W.ho. prQvided this,. jns!rudion/ or glJipance, and tqhere,did y~)U ~ecejve In' FBl persOnnel cinhe FBI AcaderT1y. 13b.. b~5triQ~ .th'e SUbject Of), which you rece.ivet! ,thfs"trpin'in~r, instruct:!oii pr'gl,l jdan'c~, ~e9al'~ining pr0.~!id~ :qy. FBi Pers.~nne!;.Fqrc.e'p.rotectlolJ", prOV\Q~ !>'y:F~r~RJ;. Fire,arm!we2\PQn'training, jlrovided Qy'FBlp:ersonrie,l; e'mergency ir::a I training" prdY'id'ed by the UniVerSity 0f .Geor~fia Med jeal Sta'ff;: cultura.l ,,g, provided by FBI LanguageS'p'eclallst; P'reparatlon lectures,. proVided by. previous FBI staff Who traveled t9" Bagh~gd. Thetrain"ing too!<:pl<;lce, Oct 6 :. ~4/1004., Three priya,t~ firearrn.ssessJons· too.k p,Ia'ce lJrlo,r tC) th~ forrn~'1 ~rainilJ9 during Oc;t 6, - 1,4,. mea ONo' is', In pr;eparatfQn fqr prW Qf'yQ~r 'Qv~r~e?lS: qeploymen~s or assignmen~_Sfdid' you recei'?~any tra.iJ1llJg~ il1sttU,ctiqn, 'ottluidante :COncerning the standardS' 6f.cqnduct applij:able, to .t!ie tr.e~thieiltr. inteNiew, or intefro,gatldn of,detaitiees bY. norf·FBI pe'rsonn~l? 0No· 000 Not Recall !6. ~n' preparation fQr i;"my Qf 9veiseas dJ:pl~yments,or a~sJgn-m~:int$/did ¥o.!J: [~c~i'{e-any training, ins,trU'ctioh!,brguidari~tonce'riling what y.ou we~e supp,bsed 'to, do ifybu obseiVed"Dr heard .about the,treafment, ihterview;_ or fnterrogatfon,bf aeta in'ees' liy FBI personnel" 'wh ich you believeo to: be, tl"!approprlate; unpro"fesslonal, cOercIve, ,<;!busiV~, or uI")J<;lIo/f!.lI? ' "OYes .0 bq !'Iot.,Recall ---------------------------- OIGQ-004810 b 7C 17. In preparationfor any-of your overseas deployments or assIgnments, did you recelv:eany training; Instrw;:tlon, orguldan~ co!lcemln~ Wh;;l~. you were>supp~ to d9" ffypu -Ob~rve~ 'qr h~rd .abol,Jt, intervlew.r Qr int,errQga:tjon-,9f:d~tainees by non-FA! pj:lrsonn'el! ~hiclt.ypu b-elleved tb .b~ InC'''pprb~tlati~r'un'profe:ss)ol'ial; c~,-er<::l.iJeJ :al1usj\ler, or unlawful''' . 0Nb- -oDo fIIot Recall e. Training D~ring ,Qyers~c;ls Deployment$. Qr Assig.nmeots 1~. !;lurln,g:;:lny 'ory-our d\)erseas-dep:fo-ym~t.s or asslghm.ent~, r~IVe: ~hy·tralillri!)( Ins.truttlotJ, or:guldi:'fric;e-concerning th.e standafds.of;cQh'duct "aj:lplicabl¢ f6. the-treatment, inteiVieW~ or interrogation of detainees by" FBI personnel? .@Y"" Ma. Who Rrov-i~e:d -tills teainin Pn-Seene Commande QNo instruction- or-g,u!9_ilna;:? OI;Q Not~~.JI b6 h7C 180. Bfi~f1f.desarib~ the ,soJb"s"ta"-n;;:c"e.-::o".;;th"""l"",-I--i'nin9,)l'!5ri,. or gUidance,: provided to'You. TO,1d theAgenw~o.,b~ r::~sp¢Gtful.and ~hatall FB:r~.taff sh~uld be P(ot¢~?k>ni;lf.a~ all ' .time~s: t~c. f,f!as,aoy 9:fthe:tr<;iin!i1g, in~t~4ction, qr gull;1Sl't:l~ provide4 in, wrjting? O¥eS. 0No. -0 Do'Not Reefl i9. t>u.ring an? QfYOl.l.fOVerseps (:I~pJo'Y'm~nts Qra~igilments, did Yo:u reC¢iv¢ ariy·t@iliii')g, instr!.lctiOn, oJ gUldaric¢'.cQnc.e;rnlng ~/1~ stan1:lards; QfJ;.Qnduq: applicable. tp th.e treatment, fn,tervl"ew; Qr Interr.'Q9atbh'6f den:lInees by ii'on-FBI personlie:!? . O¥es eNo 'ODo Not:R:ecall '20:.: During'any pf yoW!>-rQyrtleiJts 0:[ a~igflt:r1erii~i did yp.~ re~iV¢ any·trqinihg; inst;hlc.tidti, 6r guidance coliCerhiflg what'YQu we:r¢ sOpp6s€<fto' do·if you opsefv,ed or h~rd aOl)'ut th~ treatnient, interVieW:"r::or iritertogafion;of"detainees by FBI persoilliel, whlth you bel1eved te:be. ina'P.prQpitat~J,unprof~S!9~lf coerciv~.r ~bu~jve;;, pr u nl.a\ifhll? of 'your ,ov.erseasdepI6yments or asslgilments/ did yo_" rexreive a'n,y,tr.a.inlng/ iilstru.ction, what·you were'.supposed to' do.'if you ~observed or heard about the treatment; intervIew, or interrogation of detaioe'es by non'..,FEU personnel, wllich you believed fQ b,~ liia.PP'i-opdate~ Yr"!'prp~sional;'aierdvEl, abusive, _or lmlawf.uf?" ,-". .". , 'ZL Durjn.~~aoy ,or gUidartGe:concerning Ie. AdequaCy .of Training. 22.1n ,your opihion, did y.ou receive adequatehciining,~ instruction, .or'g.tiidancie relating to standards 'qf conduct by FBJ,anq non,.FBI personnel relating to treatml;!nt t IntelView, or i,nterrogatlon of OIGQ-004811 detainees prior to yout deployment.or assig}inieot? :0 Yes 0 JlJO -2~a;p~~~d~!iliet~;~~is~nWP~hY0ub~~e~;j~etra~~g;~~t~~~n~r9.u~~nc~-~~~--------· inadequate: J 'did 'not Iiave,.contat,l: witti any',detciinees r _!~r!'1~1 ~~i_n~n,g:. _ . , _ ' ,. .. " _ .' nor <lid I perform any intervi~Ws;so I'd idnol r.eceiV.e:',a'nY ,, "• . _ ., .. .. " • "' . ,2.3.Jn your .opinionr,dld. yOQ receive ,ad~qtJate, training r instriJctibhror guipa'nte reiating to standards :of ee-riduC!: by FBI and noh-FBI personnel. relating to treatment, ihterview;, or interrQgation .of ,detainees during your deploymenLor'asslgnmentt ',' 24,111 YO\1{' 'Qpini'oo,;q id:.VO,t,l r~eive :aqequate tr~h;Jing, ins.tru,cti9n,br 'cO,ncerning what you, ~ere sUPPQs¢:<;I to,db, Jf}(o'u Q\J~rerv¢d.or h~ar<:l ciQ'out ,the tr~atmgntJ i,6~er:vieV'l, ,q r-in,terrogC'.!tio11 of ,deta.inees, (j.y FBI ,or nOh-FBI p'ersohnel, that youbeliev.e;(\ :was inappr,6p.riette,. unprofessional, .coercive, abusivej, 'd"r imli:iwfuI? , . ' :OYef5 @No . 24~~- P.1~;$~-~~iib_~:th~w~is:Tn'Whith~y'~,ub;lieY.~·t.h'~ t~j~iiJ~: fl1~i~ctiqfi~:r gUi~an~',w~~"- --.. ---, Inadequate': ' J do. hot: think it Was inadequate, but the OrH:;cene CCllTlmander- tn'ade:,it very dear'that he .WotJld assist In any way. Iwould 'have' felt comfortable seeking his asslstance'lf I witnessed an,yth1n.g.'lnappropriate•.I _jl!!':.'<.:o_I)~~~r:t !b~tL~O_lJl~. Q~Y~~Ii!)!!l~i2t~Jt ~9..ds.~~~,~~ '~bJ~ ~~t~ 'rlp!~ .... . _.' . , '2'5-. (l)'ptiona') ·In w'hat way.s can the FBI improve training, on'this .subject for future deplo,yments or ~s~gn~~gls7. ' . 10. Comments 2'Q, Please pro\lid~'any 'aAtlition~linfQtmatj9:n cp'oc,erningtrajnlng for'over:~ea's ,deplo.Yrti'entsor assignments of Fel personnel YOiJ .believe is relevant. . Perhaps since this~ha5 become an interest to'the lJSG( prior to:qeploymertt, personnel aHhe FBI A9ade,mv 'c~uld :.Cjddr~!? ttl~ proper !=lJann~(s'~Q repprt ?nY'!TI1~-:cqn9ucfal")~f tp"Or, 99' over th~' Rr~p:er,Gon~ U~tl what i~ acc~r>table'i and whClt .j~r(t. Thi:> i's ~o ',indude' wh<;l,t the Ur:J' a~~epi5 in-a' time of "'""at, :etq..1!10 riot Know Irsom~ meth9.ds bf IhJert6~'atI6n!Treatrfletit.ate!ar~not:ad;epfableialid may I1'6t know if r:need to report: sQmething.,. ,Introduction'to .Part III: III tbis section', weare 'seeKfng infol'Tilation 'iegar.ding 'a Wide': range. of interview·.or interrogation teG:hniqqes 'and othertypes' of detainee. treatment alle,ged to. haye occu rred. You ~bouLc:I 09t a:~~um~, jl,l~~b~ys~·w~·ace'as~il1g~.b9ut 13 p'arttcy!.artet~hniquE:}or p@ctir::~r th.~t we tglVe ¢~mclu:.c;leq ~ha~ -i.t in fac~.9~curr~d: Vve r~o:gJ1i;ze tha~ 'sprrie <)f the~e p~<;ticeS' m'ay i3t tim¢s b~ n~\;:essaty, for,safetY :anq ~~url.ty iii a:d~t~ntipti,s~ttl.h9.. In c!, W~ (e.cognjz~',that,~6ni~'pfth¢.se , . OIGQ-004812 techniques 'Of practic~ may J1~ve bee,ll authQrized for-use by mIlitary 9fother g'overl.lme[1t pc.rsonnel. ,With tesP.ect"to. each idc"otffieo technique. practice, 'ot typ.e .of l:.b.rid.u~r.descr.ibed "oelow,. w.e"Eire .5!'!eking infolmation·.abOtlt its.occurrence during, or iii ,connection with the interview or interrog.ation ul a, detainee, 'or during, the'detention .of a detainee beyond what is'needed for safety and"security: 10 'that 'CQn~xt, we wl.!1 C!~k y~ ~q tell u~ Wheth~r. one or m9re olth.~ fqlfqwiog '~at~QlefJts :are true~ l.. I.pei'sqri'ally'oJ)S$'V'.eJj'this CQnduc.t. In a ;CbndlJ:lotJ that' led me to believe :ttiat tlil.s;.MMuct had. occurred. ·3. Detainee{s) told me that this conduct had 'oa:urred .. 4. Q~~rs;who'qb~rve.p :t~'ls CC1nqu~td~c:;rlpe~ l~.tQ· m~.. ~, I haye, r~'eva"tl-t i'tifottn;:atiQI). c1;:a.sSi(!¢d ;:abQve;·SEbJ~.~' ~ , 1)., I.h~v·et ob$erved "thi.s cOnd.uQ; nor h.eard :aboJJt i~ fi'<>.ID .5Qff!ecineWh9 did. :2\ I.obs.eFlied detalnee(s) 2:7, Deprivlnl;J a de~atnee' of food or w;:ater a. [j I'j1~rwrtally Qtt)ieNed l.his.condl,ict, b. 0 I olJ~etVe.d ,d~l~ln.~~(s} in$! CQnd itjQn Je;d me. to i:i~lieve. th~.nhi!>. conduj:t hctl ;~<urre,l;I., 'C: 0 Detalne.e{s) toip m'e that thlsc.onQutt had Q¢(:ur-rEtl: d'. 0 otherS who bhSer:;ved this tpn'duetde'SCfib.ed itt6. me: -- I have relevant Information classified aboYe'~.sECRET"', e. 0 f. 0 I. neVer obSeNed this eon'dutt tior heard 'a bO.u t it frOm·sOmeone,who did. ·28. Depriving·a detainee of'ciothing a, 0 p~r.g>nail'y qbservep th'ls ~onpuct. 0 9bse:rved deta'{ri~(:S) In.t:l,cQndltion that Ie:;! m.e tb benev.e that thiS: cor.filuct 'h"a(j 6c~urred. C. 0 ~De.tajn~(5).tbld me t.hat thls.'cQrid,I,re!: ha:d oc~urr~. d. 0 Others. whO observed this t.dn~(Jct d,escflbed It to me:. e. 0 I'have re.'levant Inform'atian classified 'abQ.\le "SECRET'i. f. 0 r never.ot5serVea. this:ctiilduct hor"heard abOut. it from·SljmeO·ne woo did. &. , 2.9. DeprivIng a detainee of,sleep, or InterruptIng ,sleep by frequent cell relocatlons:or:other methods 0 r p¢r~nai!y:observ~d tlJi~ C:Qilduet. b. 0 I o,b.served ~etaln'ee(s). in a''co,ndltl,on that It;!d .m~ to belJe\,e ,th~t this cond.uet had 'oi;:c;:urr~d, <. 0 D¢;l;airtee'($:) tpld tTi~ that .thl~, wr)d uj:.t. had .Od:urrEtl: ~, . OIGQ-004813 ,. " Itf ·Others who observed this conduct described It to me. e. 0 r have relevant rnformation classified above nSEtREf'·. f. 0 r nev~r' Qbs~rvE?d thrs 'a;>nd uct n9r hea rd ~bqutit fr\?m s9meon~ wh9 qiq~ d. g:. Please prqyiqe t!Je,9Pproxirna~e tirrIefraJTle during whiGh this'condL!ct,oc;:curr~. Fr~m 10/200'4 t,o Qlj2QP5 OD'o Not Recall I:i. 111~ d~~!=l'i.nee($) 1 0 ~uantat1?LmO ~r~ted,.in thIs W9.Y wer~ IQc:::atep 9fth~ tirn~ In: 2 ltj'Iraq 3D Afghahist:;rn ,4 0 other LilcatiOn sO Do Not Recall i. Please,'id~fltify the.;detaJnee(s) by natn:e cihd number: r can not recall j, PI.e~se· i~~ntlfy'th~;p.~.r?on(:s)'Wh9 ~r:e~ted the; .d.e,aln~~.ts,) hatn,eCs) ahd ,gd:ve.rnrilent.~agehtY(i~s}: US' M')lit~frY r: Special Forcesr . In this mC1nn~r:r Includ ing their . Plea~' identify any other' FBi personnel or nbn-F,Br .p~rsohnel1.'itid o'tiserVed det.ailiee(s) treated in tbls 'manner, including tlieir name(sl·and agency(i€s): . . k. ISA~ $~ I I; This conduct :oc.curred in CQOl'reGtion W.ith·:. 1 '0 01i~ d.etainee .2: Severa! d~.t.ainees: (2-4) 3'0 Many detainees (r.i)dre than 4):- .a :4 '0 Do· Not Recall rOo ( Please desGri:Q~ the, relevant drcur:nstanGes, in mo(~'.~feta!J: Dl,Jring the:fnterro~atlQIiSI .th¢y WQu'jcf lle;~'IIIQw:ed t6 :sleepfor 10 ~ l'5'miolltes~:and then be ,awoken 'again fot mote :questionfn,g: They w6'Uld again, lenliem 'sleep, but WaKe·t!i.em up. in the' 'riliddle'·oflhe hight so as to <::onfuse·them to. whattirrie'of da.x it was. '3d,. Beatiii~ a :deta'iriee a.. 0 r. personally 'observeg t\1!? 'CQoduct. , fro' 0 1. observeq de!qll')ee,{s} 1n ~:cQm;flti(;m tha,t I~d me t<;,. befieve t1l9t this condu,ct llad ·oGcurrecl. 0 QeJafn~(sJ to'l~ m~Jh?t this' c()ndu!=t ha,d :~)~ct,Jrr.~; d, 0 Others Whp 'Observ~r;I ;tois p"Ond,uct gesC;:"ribed i~ ~b m~ C;:. e. o it have relevant ilJfomiation t;:lassified above' i\.S'ECR.Er 'I • OIGQ-004814 b6 b7C II] I~f II never obse~ed'thls,cond~ct nor heard about It from s~meoneWho did. 31. w9t~do prev.ent' ~teathing IN a ,qetainee or tQ create ,the s~n?atlon .pt-drowning 0 I,nally- bbservetl this ,cond'tJ¢!:. b. 0 I observed 'detaihee,(sy io 'a, tbnd itibn th~t led me: to th~t this Cdndlict had 'occurred. c. 0 Detain~~,(s) tbld 'me thatthis cdhdllct had :occurred. d. 0 C>tbers: whb ,obse.nred this conduCt described it to me. e. 0 I have'relevant Information Classified aboVe "-SECRET'!. a. f. 0 I. never observed this'cdnducf nor heardab.out it from,someone;who did. .'32., Usirg h!3nds; rape, 'or',anything else to':E;tlOke or strangJe:a detainee' 0 I' p:erSQtiallY:'d,bse'l'\I.e~thfs.:c,cmpl1c.t. jJ.. 0 l' observed d.etainee.(s)' in:'a ',condltibn that led m~ to ~e[je.v~ thi:lUhis c6ndu~ had :occu'rretl.. c. 0 Detl:iinee(s) told me that thisc'onduc,t hail ,occurred. d, 0 Others'Who obser.iied this fiond'uct described It to'me'. ,e: 0 I have relevant information classified cib6:ve ,"SECRET"" f: 0 I never'o.bserved this,'conduct nor"heard :abb'ut it from'·s6m¢ohe who did,. cj:, a, 0 (p~(spnaliy,6l;iserve,d' this corid.uct. 0', 0 I. obse-rv:e.rl .d.E:tairi~e($)' In;a 'cond itidn that I.e-d. me' to b'el,leve that, t.hlS' ~onduct hZl.d :occu.rred., c. 0 Detai'nee(s) told me , this:.condlic.t ha'd 'O,cturrfff. O. 0 Others' whb ·ob.served thfs cena uct des:cfil5¢<1 it to' me. e. 0 r ha\ie'releva'nt Information classified a\)o)Je "SECRET". f. ~ ~_ne~~r~~~~_e~~~, !~i~:~?~~.~~~ .~9::: ~.~~~.:a.??~~~i~, !"?!!1-_:O~~?~~~,!J~ did:..".____ , ....___..,_ . ' ~~ Other treatme,nt or adi,ofl.-cau?ib9, sig,~!ficat!~ dec;ltlJ plws1c~J pain ' or iQjUl:Y,. or .cClusi!'!9 . qi~figurerpen,t:or . OIGQ-004815 a. 0 1. personally'qb?erved thi~ ~QnO,uGt. 0 ~QbsefVeO·d, in -a'cpnditiqn ~hat led J!l~ to b.~lieye th?t tfJis c;:orrdu,<t 0 D~t~in~fs}tdI9 mg tbat '~hl~ c;onqu~t had o~c\,lrred .. g. 0 bth~(S: Wh~ obs~ty~~.:t.hi~. (:::OJ)~:h;lct (fescifl,iec\ 1\ tQ me, .e. .0 IIiiav;e relevant infQrmatioh' t1ifs'sifi¢d ~l?Oil¢. "SEC~'I'. ha,d acqurr~d. b. c. f. :as. ~, . r n'e~er Qb:S,erved this cQn~U~r n:~rh~rd'abgl,J.t It 'from:sPn:!e:on~Wh~ «;Ii~. Placing a detainee 'on a hot sU'rfute or burning a"d.efuin'ee a. 0 I. per~nalJy' obse{Ye9l!1is :COr9lJCt. ~', 0 r-01;J'serve~!, detpinee,(s) In :a' cpn9 ifiQrr·that led me J9 ,~elieve thi?nbj~. cC;:l.IJd,l1cr had 6cc(Jrr~~1. 'C f 0 iD~taine~(sJ told me thC!t t~rSS0)19Uc.t .h~d 'qcc:urreq. ,~, 0 9tb,ers ~h9 .qb:~er:yed tnJ?, !=on~ \,let d.~s<:ri.b~d it tb'm~, e'. 0 I have reie\(pnt lnformatfo,n ~Ias:sified ab,We: "S,ECRET h'. 1: !r' never ol)Senled thi$ 'ccmci uct rrot:hl=;;lrd :ab'0ut it 'frbm:Scirtre~)neWh9 did, o 16. U.s.iJig :shackles .orQther·n~straints:iira p,rolobged ma'nner, 9:' o II' persqnal1Y'O'I)served thl~l:;onq4ct. iI observed·detainee.(s.) in ia'cpnt;! Itkm that led me tp' believe ~hat tbis Gon~u'ct o lD~t.aJ nee(?] tol,d tTi~ th.c1t tbls'l:;.~nd u~t h<;'ld 'Q'q:u r~~. o Lot'berS: Who Pb~erv~~ \I:tl~ cqndJ..{ct de$!;:Tlbed It to tn~: o ir have relevant. roforma~idn'~las'sifjed!!i boye' 'l.S:i:caEf", 0, It: l.1!=y¢r observed' this C9iidu(:,t npt h~r~ :abQ~l it -from 'sdrrieQile W!:io. ~ld. , , b', 0, 9; di. e;' f. . 37" Re,gprrlrig a·.tIetalriee:to malntall" or restraining a det-al'tiee in, a. ,b: l;. d" ., 1:t9P occurred. . a'stressfuJ or painful position o rIo p~rso,n~HY ob'5~rved this ~onc!u~t. o ir,~0~se,rved det9Inee(s) In ',a :cond itlol) that leg me.J:O' belJev~ that, this con.du~ had :aero,rred. 0 ~Oetaine~($) t,qld me that tbis cPt:K!-uct had 'Qc<::,ur~eQ. o IOtnel? Who 'Qb~rv~q 'this tOiJdu~t'd:es~ribed me, .. .. ... ... . . ... .. ... ... . ..... .- .. . .. -. "... .- " . , ~ , • vo • o. _ ~ OIGQ-004816 .. e. 0 - t' !1 ha\le relevant Information c1asslfled above ·!S.ECRET". f. 0" I observed this ,conduct nor'heard about it from 'someone'who did. 38_ For~ing a de~alnee. ~o pelfomrdemanding,_p,-,h,;.,y"",$.;;.k..;.a.;..1ex:. ;. .;. e. ;.rc..;. ·I.s~ .....,'... _ a. 0 I p¢rsdnally ob_~rVed this.t6n·ali~t. b. 0 I.b15servep de'tair'lee(s) in -a·cond itioii that led me',to believe thantiis c6nduGt had o,c,cllrre,tl. c; 0 Detai nee(s} told ,me that this cond'uet had ,o.ccur're1. d. 0 others' who observed this conduct.described it to me. e. f. 0 10 I hav.e relevant Information classified above ~SEGRET'I. [·observ.ed thls"eonduct nor hear.d 'a bout it from someone. who did. .3 9. l)sin9 ele,ctrlcal sh(l'ck~QJi a det~jnee ,a. 0 I' pEi'I'$0nl;-lIly'ob'served this :ConC!tJct. - " , b. 0- r ob'served'd¢tc'linee(s) In'a corid itiori' that led 11)¢ to. belieV'e tliat'tflis condu.ct haa·o'Gcurreo. t. o 'lJetalne,e.(s') to.ld me that this cond.u.ct ha,d .occurred. , d. ,e. 0 Others who obserVed this Gand uct ·i:Iescribed if to me: 0 I have relevarYt information' classified abov.e '~SECREf!J,. f. I~f t never observed this-:conduct nor hear,d' about if from someone who did. -:40, Threatening to use' electrica I sho'ckon_a 'qetainee a. 0 1,nal.1y b:bserv.M thIs :Co.nd'uqt. b. 0 I ohserv:ed detaiilee(s) ifi ,a condition that red me. to belie:ve thaUhis-cbhdu'ct had oC,currea. ·t: 0, Detaineg(s) told 'j:i1'e' that this Gorid Lid: had 'occu i'i'ed. d. 0 Others' who observed ,thIs conduct described It to. me. ,e~ '0 I have relevant: fnformation classified above "SEC REP' . f. 10 never observed this.,conduct iior'heard:aD0ofit from some,one wHo dio. 41. Intentlolially delaying 'or ci~nyihg detainee medical ,care 0 I personallY'0bserved this,.conduct, b. 0 I.·observed detainee(s) in a,cond itiOlT that led me to l1elle\le that this conduct had .occurred .. a', o l[h~~j:a!nee(s) tQld"r::ne that ttds c0nduct had ·oc~rreq. o 'Others' Who o~serv~q ~~is c~nd L.!ct des<:rtbed [~t~>" rn~;' c. d{ 0 I. hav~ relev~mt inrqrmati6n c1assifiep .al1oye "S,EC.REf'~. 0 I neverol;J~erve9 th,is'com}uct !1<;wh5:!rd abo{Jt it,who did. e. r: ;42. Hoqqihg Qr 1i1l1J:dfqldfrig ,a ,d¢:ta)ne~,9therthari dJ,.Iring tra'n~p6.r:tation 0 I perSonally observed'nduct. b. 0 I ·observed 'detarnee(s) in·a co.nd iti0lT that led me to believe thaUhls conduct had .occurred. c. D !Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct, had >occurr:ed~ d. 0 ,~ther;; wh.o 01?served t,~is CEln:ductdescribed it to. e .. '~" D I hswe r~!evqnt tof9rmptiQn ~Iassffied ,a~.9ve, ":~ECRET'!; 1'. 0 r l)ever'ob~rv;~-9 thl~·cQn(!.uct 1l9r h~rq about It frOt:rrSQn;1eDf1~\lJhodip. ct. n: g.. P.h~.ase pra.vfere the ClPprqXimt)t~ frame,during Whk,h thjs:coridll~J QCGurreq. F~nilli:2.D04 to 11i20,04 h, Ttre'detalrt~e(sJ tr:j::~te~ intlii,s ~~y VIf<er~ JO"¢~.t~9 -at the tim'~ 'in': i 0 Guantanam9, ' OD'a Not Recall . 2: ® Iraq 3D AfgHanistan '4 o Other Location 50 Do. Not Re~n i., Please:identifythe·detainee(s) by name and, UJ;1abJe to;all'at thfs<time. j. identify the. persQri-(:s) who treated the. dejainee(s). in th i$' manner, indud il1'g' their iiame(s)arrct goverrimeflt:agencYties)::, ' . FBI and US Military . . > k. PleaSe, identify'-anY·bther FBI 'persOnnel or' lion-FBI personnel Wno,obser'JeCl detaiiiee(s)'treateCl In tpls manner;'lncludln g .their name('s) and agencyr1e's): ' .. ~}t sAl I i. ThJs,~o~n'dljct 'oc!=urre!;l tn' q>hri¢ctiqn WitH: 1 0 Qn.e.detainee b6 b7C " 20 Several detainees. (2-4). OIGQ-004818 . , Many detain.~es (rnor~ th~n'4) 4.Q Do Not Retail 3. <.!) m~ (Optional) Please:-d~r.ihe.the re[eyabt cj(cUni~tcmc~s:in mQre,det~i1; b2 ,b7E :4;3. Subjecting, a det<:linee to extremely mid or hot room t~mperatures for extended periods b.. 0 1~,9b~-erved deta'irtee.(s) in:a,cOriditiortthat led me to b'eljeve ~ha.t tHiS corrdutt bad occurred. c. 0 De~ainee(s).told.tne th cit this conduct had ,occurred. d, 0 Otb~'rs who , t his <:Ond.uct destri.bed It'to me, ,e. 0 r have relevant information Classified above '~SECRET". if from·sdmeone-yJfio did. If. o ,I never observed this','conduct .nor heard ab6iJt , I ,'44. :Su bjectlng a ,deta Inee to loud music . ,a~. 0 I per:sol'lailY' op~rv:e,p this'cQildu<;:t: t observ¢ct petaii1ee(s) in .~cohd itlpn that I~d me, to b'eiieYe Jhp)::thIS.CO ri'Ouct hal;! occl,lrre~. o iDetainee(s) told 'me tH at this< C:orid.tict ha'd ;occtrrred. b', 0 c~ d. o IOtherS. who observea ' 1: have ,reiev,alit Inf.ormallon,'c1asslfied above '~SECRET". f. 0' ~ neVer observed this,coMuct nor hear.d 'abbut it from sOmeone 'who,did. -'0 e.,! 45. :Subjecting a detainee to brig ht flashing.J!.ghts '0 r da rkness a'; 01t per~naHY'QQ~t"(e.gihis,cond'u¢t b. [j I.bhse.rved 'detaln~e(s) in;a cohd ition that I~ 'me, to b~liev~ ~hci.t,t!ii~ c,:qliqlJt:t Iia-d Qccurrep. : , OIGQ-004819 .. d, , D Others who observed this conduct described It to me. 0 I have rele~ant information classified above "SECRET". f. 0 r m~verob.s~rv~d thi~ i~9na uct nor Ilea rd qbeut it from some0n~ wh<;> did. e. 'g. ~Iea$.e prqYi~~ Ute !'lPIJroximate, time fr9rne 'during whiGh this c~ndL!c,t q~qufred. Fr:~rn 10/200'4 tp Q1/2Qd~ OD'o No,t Retail, h. Th~ ~~~'il1ee(~} ~I:"~g~e~, 1 0 <,?i,lantq n?3,l1lQ In 'this WQY w~r~ Iq~at~ SIt 'th~ ~lm~ ll1 ~ 20'Iraq 3 0 Afgha,nistan ,4 0 Other Location 5 d Do Not Recall i. identify'tfie:detaUiee(s) ;unable to recall at this time by name an'd number: j. Pl,eqs¢' iq~n1:ifY' ,the: p,~r.son (-5) 'Who tre.ated th!3: detaih~.e(~) in t,bj~ rna n n~r" 'Inclu,d ing their iiatne(-s) ahd,i:nment:,agehty(ies): US' Military" SpeCial Fo,fc'es ,k. pi'ease' identify any other' FBI personnel or .non-FBI p~rs'ohnel 'who observea' d~:tainee(s) in this manner; includind their naT'e(s) aM agency(ies): $AI I sA[ _ " ' . ' treate"ti " b6 b7C ,t. Th'is ,condud ,octutred in 'cQonei:ti9.IT with: .1 :0 ,01l~ d_etaine~ _~ d ,severaJ tI¢,tainees: (2-4) , 3 '0 Many detainees ,(r.r)'dre'tha'n 4): A 0 Do'Not Recall rOo (Op~ioriai) PI~se des<;:rib.C: the- relevant circumstantes. in m6f,e detail~' Wtlen' tti¢y weren't tieIng' intervieWedr they were jn boxe5r,:small enou~h that the. average size. rilan:cc5ii1d iibt'st'anil 'Straight in. The, b'o.xes w¢r,e dark inside, Ia'. 0 b, 0 c. 0 d, personally o,bserved this..€onduc::t. I.observed detaihee(s) in'a condition that led me to believ.e that this <mnc;luct had occurred. Detainee(s) told me that this: c:ondud had :occurred. o jOtl1ers, who observed thiS cond uct described (t to me. OIGQ-004820 [.ll~r II never observed this conduct ~or heard about It from 'someone w,hQdld. 4-7. Us(ng duct tape to nest~fni:gi3~b 'Qr punish <;f detainee a. 0 b. 0 c. 0 d. 0 e. 0 p~r.spn211Iy,observetf this conduct. I bb.S:e)'y~d:de,t,aiile.e:(5). in a condition that red me to b~lie.~e that this c.oh.du(:t Detaine~(s)t6Id had , 'me ttfcit thiS'conalict h"ad .oecurrei::l, ,Others' wbb observed this cOnduct described it to me. I have relevant Information dasslfied aooVe "SECRET'!. f. ~ [,never obselVed tnis:c:onducl nor'l1eiard aboutit 'from~someone'whodid. :48. Using rapid response t~m~ and/0r "fo~ced <;ell extractions', ac 0 I" p."e"rs9n~:lIly ob5t!Ned b. 0 c. ~hls,:cqn,dUc~. robse'rv.ed detain'~.e(§)" in :a:tolidititm that led me to, belieVe thaUhis c6ncllct had .o:Cb.i.r.reci. o 'Detalne,e(s) told me that this .conduct had ix:curred. d. 0 ottferS' who obser:ved this tonctUct oes~rlbed It to file. .e. 0 ( have 'relevant itlfGrma'tion «lassified aDoYe ~SECREr'. f. 0 [ never'observed. this'cOncflict'n,or heard 'aDo'ut it from:someone who. did. 49. us!ng ~'millt3ry wor,klng dog'on'or near a de~rnee'-9ther· than d!Jrlrig detaln,ee ~ra,nsp.Qr'tatlon a. 0 I pe;r,s9naliy";6~serveo this tPnduct, . ~. 0 Itofise"JVed .d¢t~llnee<!h In·-a :cond Itldn that le(I'me to beUev.e tba~. this' Cohducr hqd octur.r~, c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this-conduct had -occur'r.ed. d. 0 IOthers: who oo.served thiS c-OilduCtdes.criIJed, it to me. <'. 0 [ have relevant in'forniatfon classified a!5.ove "$ECRET P • f; _ nor heard :about-it from Sofneone'whO did. "I' never obserVed ..this:conduct '" ..• -.. .. ... , .. .. , . _ - " , , , " '-"- -.. ~, .---,'-- .--_ -- _--- ~-- ~._ _._.'~_.~"'._--- ,SQ. Thr.eatening to use· military working. degs'on or near a detainee OIGQ'00482I .. a, b. c. d. 0 0 I personally observed thls,.conduct. I observed detainee(s) in a'condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. o !D~tajnee($) told me that this-cond!:!d ~aq ·occl;lrre9. o !qthe~ \NhQobsery~ this f,;!=ribed it t9 me: 0 I have relevant informatiolJ classified .a~ove. "SECRET". f: 0 r never obse.rved. thiston9'w:t n.(jr heprd 'abou~ it (rom SQmeone'~ho 5iid. ~. 5-1. Uslngsplders;..scorplons-,.,snakesr Or other anlniais on or near a detainee: a. 0 b. 0 .. ~ 1. personally .observed thIS cond!Jct. I'-observeddetalnee(s) Ina co-nd Itlon that led me to that· this (Conduct had Dc€Urred. o iDetai!'lee{s) told rn~ ,thClt this. condu~t hAd occurred .. 0 others who observed this conduct d'escribed it to me:' 0 I. hcwe rel~.varitllJ~b:rmatlo.n cla:s.sjfl.ed oC!bQve ":S'EC~ITJ~ 1 0 t n~v~r ob~.erJe~. thjs/c;ondutt nor h~rd aQ'put inrom'some~newhQ ~:er a'. O. ·c, _ 0 _ •• A .. " . , ' . _ . . .~, ,." • ", ., did. I personafly observed this.eoridiJet: o !I observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had oCGurred. o ~Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had .occurred. 0 e', 0 f. 0 d, bthers who Qbser,ve.d t/lis condu,ct- described i~ to me, I tlave relevant inTorm~tio'Oc:lassIfi~above "SEGRET"'. T never obser\l~:d' this. 'cQncl uC3t -nor,hea rd ·Clb.qut it ;trp'TI ~qmeone wllo did. 5,3-. D.1sresp'E~ctful :~taterrients, h:analing" orla~tions involvIng jh~ Kgri?r) a. 0 I persOnalry observed this.. condllct. 'I). 0 I·obSerVed'de'taih¢e(s) irj.a.coliditlohfhat' led me 1:C).oeiieve'.thatlliis-conduCt h'ad occurred.· c. [j .Detainee(s:) told me that this-conduct had occurred. q. o Pthers wl,1o 'Observe~ ·t.~is amduc;t c;I'e~cribed it. t~ l1Ie.. e· 0 I bave retevant information c1assif[eq Clbove "S.ECREf R ,. OIGQ-004822 [!J [~r 11 never observed thls,conduct nor heard about It from someone who did. 54. $hClving a cjetainee's fudal or other hair to t$lQ'arra~.orhlimiliqt~,a detainee a. 0 I tJ~r.sonallY observeCl this ,cohduct. b. 0 I ohsetv.¢d 'detainee(s) in a.cond'itibn th?lt led me to b~lieye that this, !=bhduct, had ,occurred., e. 0 Detain$e.(s) tolCl 'm,e that this'conduct. had iocturred. 0 OtherS: whb .obseiited this conduct described it to me. 0 I haVe relevant information classified above "-SEC REf'!• f: It! c; d. Lnever.observed this:conduct nor heard about ft'from.someone:who did. 55. P-1aCi(lg ;3:; b. -6. d. e~ cr woman's:GJothi,ng o II' p~rSQMlly:ob~rv~d on o'detaine,e, thls,,:c(mJ;lU~~. o II' observed C1,etaine,e(s} in :acotid itibn th~t led me: to believe that ,this 'cOnduct had 'bccurrecL o ~tainee(S) told me that this to'nd'uct had ,occurred. o !Oth¢r'S' whb observed this ,i::onduct destribed It to me; o II have 'relevant iofCirmalion 61assifiea aboy-e "SECREf". f. iii II never·o.bserVed, this :condud nor"lleard it from-,sOmeone who,d id; 56. Touc!'ring adeti31nee o,rCl(:itJng .tQwarQ a ge~~J.n~ 1,1',1 a s~\.lal ,m~l1ner a' .. b'. ¢. d. o ~r p~r.5()naliy 6~serve,d .this cOndu¢t. o II obse.rv.~d detcilriee:(s) In --a cand itlan th;:lt -led. m~ 'to bellev.e that, this ton.duct' had ,otcurr~d. o lDetailJee(s) toid me th,at thiS- cond uC,t had :o.ccurr.ed. o tOthers~ who ,observed this cond'u.ct described it to me. e. o f.... !I ha'\le-relevant Informatlbli Classified aboVe ",SECRE[". °11 neVer .observed this :condlict nor heard aboUt: it from someone-who did. ".,' ~~ ........... ,.~ ...... " • u • . ,. ,,,. v'_. • ..... • ............... < v . ' _ .......... ", ...... : ... .......... • ... v .. • ."........._ ........ , ...- _ ..... _"i ' - - ''''''._' TOW". 57. H01ding who were not officially,qcknowledged or fegis~ered as such by the',agency 'detaining the' person;' .. > ' - ., ,. - - -', • " .. OIGQ-004823 e. 0 I personaliy ob~ervecj thi~ c;ond~u~t. 0 r -observed d~tain,ee(s) in il Q)l1d}l;i"on that ied lTl~ to ~~liev~ ~h~t thi$ con:dtJc.t 0 D~tqineeti),tol~ m~ that this con9~ci: had 'Q'(;:<;urr~L 0 Otbers' whQ 'pb,$~ry~d. 'this ~~.rj9u~t t1esc'rib~d It t<1 tn~. 0 i 1i~\I.e releva'pt infOrmation' i:!as'5ifi~~ :abpv¢ "SEeREr". f. ~ I: n:e\!er 9b?erveq rhl?'.conQuq npr'h~rq ·~b9i).t' it lrom's(jrrre:~m~wh~' (ltd. a" b, ~. cr. 58. Sending ·a. ~; ·c~ ~, e~ had 9GcUrred., a detainee to elriot her coUlitrY fo:r,aggressive interrO,gatibfJ 0 I. per,sqry~IJY' qbserve9. t h\s corduct. 0 I opserv~~' ~.etaihee.(s) iii :~'c9n~H~.i(mthat Ie(! me ~9 believe thi?nbi~ CQI)Quc~, had 0 D~tajne~(s) told .rn~ th ~t thiS; qmdlJ~,t hpd 'Q:cq;rrre:J. 0 Others' It\!bp .qb~etyi'!P t hi~ cqndU'<;:t, destrib~ it tQ'Ill~ 0 r bave re:rey~nt ,'nforma f. ~ I occ!-!rred. riiaver ooserv.ed thi~'c .5.9. 'Threatening 'to .send a d.eta iJiee fo, ,CPU ntrY fuf d,ete lit ion: or 'more: agg'ressiv.e, inte'tibgati6.n 9: 0 r' perso,nalJY' o~!i~rved ~ his t;oncjlJc~.. lY, 0 t opst=Jv,ed detainee(s) In :a<conditien that I~d ,me tQ'-believe'that thi~ conpu'ct h<;l9 ocqme.d.. ~; 0 oe~piJ:l~(?) told m~ th qHIJi$'c;.ondu:ct hC';l:d ~'q;\Jfr:~. d, ,0 Others.. "'{ho 'bb?,ervw t. e. ,0 r have relevarit infbrmatlon' '(;Iassified ~b9V~ ''S.ECREr''; f; 0, (' r..~v¢r observed' t.hiS·.c, '6'0. Threatening to take action a., o R- perS0f1~l[yO'b~ry~d !. • t that this conduct' 0 I;o~.served cje\alrre'e(sJ In'a .l:ond Itlonthat . . ... led me to' - - believe . '. .' ."had .Dccarred. , . <;.. 0 Detajn~(s.) tqld fh¢ th qt thIS conduct bad Cilcc,urreq. d. i;)thel? Who 'o!?serveg 't .. - . _.0 . .-.. .... b~ ~. '. '. ,., ~ :., ~ , OIGQ-004824 , ! I ,I . e. 0 f. 0 r. ha\fe relevant lnformatk>n dasslfJed above 'lS·ECRET~. . r never observed this:conduct nor heard 'about it from-someone,who" did. ..61.- Q.thep· or acti\:lrr,talJ~ing seVere emotional or p5'lchQ\oglcql'trauma, to a detaInee a. 0 p~rscir\allY ob~rVed this:cl,)"ntluct. 0 DOserved detajnee(s). in Q.conditiorft.h'2t led me"JQ believe thanhls c;o-nauct had oqctlrted. C- D Detainee(s)-told 'me tliat this Conduct had .o.ctorrm. d. 0 OtherS' Who obse'rved this Gondilct d.eScrlbed It tO'me. e .. 0 r. have r~levan't inrormatfon dassified aboye: "·SECRET". f. 0 L never"observed thls:oonduGt norheard -about It from 'someone who did. b.. • . 62•. ·o.ther religiow~ of'sexlK!1 harassm~nt or humillC'!tibn o:f"a detainee' a: 0 r p~~'nally ooserve(l this ,conduct b. 0 r observ;ed.detalnee(s) In;a .condltioJi that led me fo believe thaftlils conduct c, 0 Detalnef;:l(s'J told me that this !"ondu.ct had :6cciJrrea. d. 0 Others who 'obserVed this ronifuct deScribed it fa me: .e. 0 £. have releva'nllriformatiOh' Classiffed iibri\le "S1:CRErI. f. G2I I never observed this..ronduct nor heard about it from "Someone who did. h'oo pceurr,etl. '.63, .Q1,her treatQ:lent oF-a, d~tainE:'e tha£ ',n"your opinion was'unprmessiol;li;l,I, .undli!Y·ha~h or agg.(essive, tQertilie, ;;jbu"siveJ . 9r l,miawfl,ll a. 0 I personally..obse..ved this:C"oridud. b. o. o ![:obsei'Ved detalne.e{s) in it eo,ndition that led me to belleve thafUils conduct had .octtirred. o 10etainee(-sJ tOld me tha"t this C"onduct had .otaJ(rErl. d. 0 others who 'observed tnis cond uct describea It to me; ~. o 1~ ~av:~ rele'(c!l)t, (nf.orm?Jti9n das~I.(i~ qbov~ "'~EC~~'. i. 0" l[n~.E~ro.pse~ed th!s "GOnduct nor h~r9abol:lti~'fro!Tl sqm~n!=-who' ~Id. OIGQ-004825 - _. &00 ~.~®1~~ ij' :64. Did y,ou impersonation of FBI p.erson'nelby anyone durhig an 'interviE:w·or interrogation :of ;a.:detainee? observe~any .' . '0 Yes . '0 No :6:5. Qid any d~tarne,e. Qi" other p.el'sOn tell yb\.l that h~ or she had witn!=lE!sed. the iIiJP13rsol1aJ:,ion :perSon'liel connecticin with a detainee interviewer interrogation? in of FBI 0 No. '6!?; Are you q)N9r~ot anY "sham." '0'.1:' ·st~g~· d~t,~in~'in~~rvrew~'Qrinterrq'gC!tip'ns ~onplfcJ~(t fgr M~rnb~r~, :q(-the.\J,.s. c()n~~s:s:o.r:th,elr staff?' ' q'Yes ~ Ncr 067. To'your ICnQWll;rlge,. did "qny ntilit.arv.or io.tellig¢.tlGe p,l=rson'rfeI ~ver d~nY' pr ~I:!ray FB.I,~.c.!=es~ toa , FBI want~ .to· quesW~ri' be.~aus~ the ~~~inee baq ,sus~~lried jnjurie:s .after he was <;aptyred? QYes G)NQ :aetain~eth'e ~~13>Dia;you :c;v~r :en~ YOllr participafipn ip -or 9b$e,rv9tion':of p d,~taire~: rnt.e!vie~ or interrogqti~n .be~.use .of the interview or Int~rrogatfonmethod.s: ~el og G1 Yes, 1J~d? '0 Ncr '69. Were you e,ver told :that~Cltiother FBI e'n)'pRiYee. enciM I)is,o:t her pa.r:ti.cipa,tio,n jn o.robservatloh ofr,:a ,detaihe~ inteNiew, of inteYro.gation beta,use' 6ft he jJi.t~rVlewi~Pihtertq9atio'tl methods, being lised? () Y~s' ,@: N.o' . 10:. Outing anY:of your overseas depJOVme:nts. qr ~ssigniii~JjtS',.plpyou. r~p:Qrt any concerri.s reQ.arplng .any 'q~t,a in~ .in~erVleW,b.r i riterrpgiition p.ta~j:!~,es',,' ,OJ ct~h~r tYpe~d,f d:etaii1ee: :treatril~Jitl'. ~P pl:1~ ,FlU supelitis.or? 0; Yes 0 NQ, 7'1.1?.!:!r.iJ)g 'al1Y (jf your ~y~r~e~5'~el>loYll)e,nt§~r a'~.sig.n[T1el)t~~,!:lid 'YQ!) ~~P(jri: ~nytt?ncern,s regard ing ;;(ny',g~t<3'(n~"llitervie\:\1.or ifiterrp'gatiQrl p(q~ic~~pt bth!=r WP.~'9HI~tah'1ee, tr~1;ril¢ht YQlJ pb'setv,ea pr heqr:d .abo:litr tQ a no'n-fBI $uper:v:isor or p,ttier noh-FEU p~~orln~l? O'YeS: 0 No tir 7~" Hav~ you ever geen ordere~ or directed !lot ~<? rep,0rt, <?r.d-iscouxag~d ~ny way from reporting}' 9't;>servalic:ms Qr <;lllegpJiol1s related to ct.etainee treatm~nt qr iriterview or interrogation adions or p.t~ctic.¢s? 0. Yes .@ ~o 7'3. Have you ,experienced any'actual or threatened retallatron for reporting .observatlonsorallegatlons oNet.aine~'tre~ttnent:qr Interview qr interrqgatiol1"a:cti~n.sor p@<;tiG~.s1: '0 Y~s· '0 No' OIGQ-004826 74. (Optional) Please provide any ,addition~1 comments. ,the rep<?rtlng 'of conaerns related toIn~elv:r~w. or In~errO'g_atlon-te~Jrnlq!1~;'~e~~,ntIQ'1!~i or .l?thr;!r:~e~aJne~~r~~~mel)!. ~.\Ydjg"-'~~• 7.:q; W~re ·y'~,U t1,ebriefed" 9t h~r thap :the stahgard de.bri~nn FD-;772;' <:;Qncern'ing yqu r 'oy.erS¢as: after'you ~orilpl.etea tb'~ aeplpYm~nt(~) <Yr.assig nment(~)7 D'Yes. 0, ~o 'assi9hm~nt(s) ,pr-d¢pk>)im,ent(s) 76. Additional COmments a'nd Rec6mmendaiions~ .A.n :A'!1 R~p.ort c9mWi~~~ '0f Ol,lr R9t~tlons au.ti~s; (~spon$ibjlitiesJ prooletTIsl. $UCC~~Si' etc. was ,com'p.95,ed. a~the·,«;:omple.t!On o.f1:he tow, '" ,_ .. OIGQ-004827