Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00002241
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Department'of J~s,ti~,e In~pector Gener,ar ~u~s~ionnaire'Re9ar.di~g. ~etain,ees Dol-01G INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE FOIt ,R:EVIEW' AtH:> USE ONL-Y BYIN[)'x'VlDUAL FBI ~ESPONDENTS ., .. ,. Q'O NQT FORWARD ¢R' DI,s.sEMir~rATE" .' " . QUESTIONNAIRE 10,: teSt-O,O,OO:l:t41 AS'-af tf:1.~ la,st time thi.s·q~~t1onnair~w~s ~a\(~dr ~pme r!,!qIJi,re.d liel~s" h.av~ n9t"~elJ- C;:9~pleted. Plea~.r,e.v,iew your r~sp·ons~. _:·~ijsi,~/::::.:'.:;,:.-:' ~:.:: ':: A. P'~r~on~1 "..:, . . . .:··'·'::;}«:~?:;:·'~·:').·~\;.:\f::·i?~;:·:·!~;·Y· ',' '.' .' InfprmaJ;ion Please provide:the following ii'lFormatiQn:' 1. liarTi¢' § ~,7C FER AqREE/YIFNT ;~. MI~qJe 1 l ) ! t l ? l r : 6J.'7C PER AGREEMEN·" :3~. Last Ii ~ 7.C PER AGREEMENT .6 &, 7C f; ~:7C $peelp,l .Ag,~[1t 6 &; 7C. PER. AGREEMENT fi ~.7(;. PERl\(~8EE1V1.cNi .~ ~.'!e,pE.RAGFEi:.M!=Nr: 6'& rCPER.A'GREEJViENT name: 4. Eliter.ed bn nuw" Date (EO!:>}: '~;. Curr.ebt 'Di'{isi'qrVFielp Office: ,6. 9~rre!)t Job title: ]; Direct-dial office,telephone nU'mber: 8_,fBI c~1l pnorie' nlJri1l:jer: . 9~ fBI p,agenlUtQber: io. Bes~ cQn.taet nUlJ1berfor'You'~ B. Background of S'pecifi'C D.eploynie'r1ts'oi' Assig'nm'ents 11. At'any time 11.( 2'001, aid :Y0u'sefVe' a~,a meml)er',oftlie U.-S. MmtarY, or' as i:lh emplo¥ee ,or .contractor Of the FBI,or any otheqjovemment agency.( at Gua ntanamo Bay, 'ClJ ba; Iraq; ·Afgh~nls'?!,IT;'or'J.n .areq~rq:m~roll~ ~y tt)'e .g'I.!:>!jal yIl'!ir on je(ro11, 1'2. !=nter·,the V.S'. o Yes 0 No, number:o't time'.s:y.ou, wg![e,depIQy.ed o.r:ilss.\gn~d to each 'of the-.failowing i<iGa.t!.9lis; .(Guantanainb Bay~ CiJba·;..1raq;,AfghcHlistan; of in any areas confrolled j!1t~lIige~e by ffie-U.s, MJlitary.,oF'a:u.S~ seriif,:e).;1, ' For,each deployment or Location- 'select- one) ... ,,, ...: :,_'..". : Mjl!tc)ry -qr:a U.S. int~lIig~n~e's~r¥!~.e llr~~!JQe.c~ion,-wit~ \/:le' .. assl~.nrf1e'rit,complete . tile followi~~ section. Dei!)0Y.m,~ntor ~!pigiJrrtent'~egjm j:iil,~( abo.u.t ~ep,~~e6~ pt:'5~igm;i'll!iJt:~n:dei! qil . or i1~ut ;Afganis1atl 02/09/20:02 0.3/12/2002 ....... - ... :'. "... . l~a. What Wa,!? j:/ie ;ger'tera:l nattJf'~ ~,M p:u.rp·o~¢. ~fYQur ,aSsigrimen.~ ~in<;f ,a¢t.iYitj¢:s? Investig'ator, i'nterviewiiig· -d.etaiij'ees( \col[e¢!:i ng eyjdeht~ 12'b. Please provide. the' names cif the, speCific,camps, basest or facilities where you worked. ~ ~. Ba,gram, Afg't@nistal1,;Kabu.l : :abP.V~ SECRE1, plea~.:che¢'k her.e 0, 'in.c1ude In 'yo~r answer that you' hav.:e ·1lC!l:l:Oi~.i9nal information dassllled -'above 'SECRET/~' and, if ,yo'U know, 'id.entlfy 'the:c1assiflcatlon.lev..el, llcket, ;compart'rT\I:~nt, prograrrvor·.0ther desIgnation .th?~,ap'p'lIe~ !9·t~e. !nforrnatlon, po n9t In.c!uqe,the ,adq I~jol')~l clqsslfied fnfprf1Jjltfon. II) -your ric;. NQ~; . It lnfqrmj3jipn: ~bput a ~p'e,cifiJ:'.camp", ba,se" Qrfacilit;tis.dqs~ifjed OIGQ-005271 questionnaire re,spbnses. DIG personnel with ,the necess~ry clearance Will cQntact yo'u to rec~ive it. Position Name L--------------- _~s..!Y~~1i - -- - --'- -- - - - - --'- - - - -- - -~ --- I '~1?¢'. Pid YQ!.J joint I\,,' illt¢rYiew Qr il1l¢rrbgate any de~irje~ Vlith h,9(l-F~l pers(>tirJel? ~ ~ ........ ' "'" ....' __ ... ~ _ _ .... _ 0~ ..... " __ O~ ....... 0.- • _ _ . _ ..... ' _" ..... ..... _ .... b6 b7C :, : _0-. _":'" - With what 'kinds 'of l1on-F~J personnel 019 YQI,.! workjoi.ntly?' : D.cITF ' ;: &1 'Other U.S. MiIi~ary : 0 ',Ll,;s, iO!eliigetl!=e: ag'ei'i~ :~ 0: Fprelg'n -rnJlltary or intelUgenc,e.agel1CY ;: 0 O.ther ' ", ~-------------------------'-------~--~---------------'--------~-------~-,: :;fif DId'y;uj~~iiv piaii :"any. det-aln~ ini:~rvie;:'or-I nterr~giti0ri,"St~teg V;' objectlY-e;;.·-or ia""ctlGs-w~~ n;n--, ~F~I per.s.onn~l? .i 0~ .. O~ .~ .' ~ ::W~h~~t ki~ds~;f-~6n:Feil;~r~;;n""e'i did :Y~U:W~;kj~jntiY? -- --'.~ - -~- -- _.. - - ~'- ----.- ---'- -'-'- --', : 0 CITF' ': 0 ;0 :0 • ' ' ,. ,Other U.S. Military U.,.S: lntelfjg~n~~. agem:y' ·For~ig'n·.m.i! Ini:elilgenc~ a,genyy ,~ 0¢r ~ .•- ..... - '- - - - -' - - - ..... - - '7 - ... - - - .... - - - - - ' - - ,., ..... - _ ..... :129. ~Were Y6,U ~~er-6therWl$einVblveli ':' " "=" - - ~ - :- - - - -.- - ...r - - - - - - - -, - - ' .. - - - - - - ..... - 1'"' - - . ..... '.-, , ; In-:detalil~,e,lntirVleW$Or Intiri6gatiorl$~~ith- nO~:::FBI -pers7>nnir?" -:. o Yes 0Nd' . ---~~-------------'---'---'------~-~-'------'-'-~-----_._--_._--~~-~--~~._----- . A. Trainin.g Prior t;o'Qv~,r~e~s~eplQyment'orAss.ignm~nt l~. Did 'loti reGeive ~lny, tr:ainin-g~ iii,sti'.iJctio.n, 'o"rguidan<ie ·speeificall.y in"prepaiatiprr for ariy,6fyour overseas.deployments or assi~nilients? Ddo Not Recall 14. In pC~Paratidri for anY ofyout ,overs.eas deploy.mElits pI' ,assighme,hts"did you' receive 'any training, in·sfriktiori,.-.OI<!jllidanee ,d:mcer'nlhg Jh"e.sta ridatas. 6fcon.du€t·a pp Iicable to the treatoieiit~ .. interv.ie1ll!" or interrog.atiomor"detainees by FBI personnel? 'bYes ado Not;,Reca.1I OIGQ-005272 15. In preparation for any of your overseas dep loyments ,or assignments, did you receive any training; Instrug:lon, or guTdam:e wocemlng the.standards 9f cqnd!Jct-applicabl{} to ~he.tre<ltm~.r!ti i'nterview{ pr jhter.rQ~atjQn of-detainees by non-FBI pers,onn~l? 'OYes , 0No DDQ NQt Recall 16. In preparation rqr any of'yOU( overs~?!~ QeplQYlT1erJtsor q~sigm:nents, dfd yOl:! recei,ve,?!ny train!ng r instruction, ()r'guldcmce cbn~emlng WhClt 'lOp wer~ :S,UPP9sed. to do if you obs~rved or llecfr9 ag,out the''treatni¢nt, interview,> 9r iriten'bg!"itipn,of aetaine,es bY FBI pei"SbhneJ, which YQU I5elieyeUJo be lnapproprialel' iYnJ:>rofes'siohal, coercive! ·abuSiV€t or urilawn.lI? ' 0Do Not,Recall iT. In prepar;:itip)l fQr ~nY;Q(Y6ur overseas (J,ep!trym:ents or ~!::s.lgnl'nents, did Yb,LJ' reCeiVe ,any training, ibstruCtion, 6r:guidance cdntemhig what 'you W,er.e'supposed, to do if you obserVed 'or' heard abci,ut the treatment, interview;, or i1'lterrhgati6il.of detainees by non-FBI personnel"Which y.ou 'believed: to b~ inapl?rapriate;,:ul)prof~,stoflal, -werdve, ,abusive, er unlawfuf?' ,I lB. Training During ',Over-seas tieploy'nl'ents orJ1:ssi9 nmen'ls 18. During any of your,ov.erseas deployments or assignments" did y.ou receive any'training~ ihstructiolT; ,qrg.\.Jlqance !=onc:~rn\n.g the ?tC;lnda.r4s oT,condup: the,tr-eatm~ntJ lnterv!~w;: '?[ Int!9rrogatio,n .Qf !iet:i3in~:n)y FBI ~~so.l)n~l7. ' i~, 04rinJji-qn.v:9f ;Y0\.lr Q\I;e.r$e?,s'depl,oym~nt~ ,or aS~ignfller:!tsr. d.ld you receiv~ ?lnY t@il]ing, instr[,lctign, Qrlli.liQ.<:m~e'qjnt~rning the, sta:ndard~ qf'cQndu<;;i: '9PplitC),Qle to th¢'treS'ltmer:Jt ]{lt~rvi~wr Qr 'int~rrdga~jQn ofd,~tain:e~s b,y h'Qn-FBI p,e'tsi:)hn¢"? OY¢'S, '2Q. I?4rtng ,FlllY qrYQlJ.r~o\\$'deploYIl1-en!,? qr ass!g:.nmen~id!t;! yqu, r~celye ;:;l1')Y'tl:a)lllpg, fnstn.lctlon, Qr~,!-!i!:t9rice,'q;>nGe.rn·ing WIl:aPtQu W~r~ ~upp:Q$e:d tg; dp if ¥,Qu :Qb:~erve.d 'pt he51r.tJ .ab,out the.. , treatment] jnt~rvl¢Wl,'Qf ,1r:i~rJogatidn ofP.etaiMes by fB:I: pe~l:'inell which you believed to be', ina;l?propflate~ i.l'nptofessioilal~ cee'rGilie" abusive,: or hlaWfu I?: . , u eNo OD.o Not Recall z1. D~rj!1g a,ny gf YOur Qy¢r$eq's"Cl~pJqYr:n~nt~ Pt q:S$'lgrimeiit~~ pi~ y'QI,J r~c~iV~ ~ny t!'ai!1ifl9, Insti1icj:ion', , treatment, interviewr , ,or lnterwg,ation ofdetainees by non-FBI 'personnel, which )':OU believed to .IJe'.inapprop,rfa~~l".mp:ror~~~iqn?i~,:co@'r9iV'er,ab.usfv~]·9r'.!J!1laWful.? ' or:,9 ~ IdanCe.concernirig 'What 'yb'tr were ,sLlppoSed .tQ do, if \Iou .o,bserv-ed p rhea rd ,abo.u f t h¢ OIGQ-005273 dyes ,00'0 Not Recal.l Ie. Ad~quacy' Q'fTrai.ning ,., ~YIfi :Y6.~~ opi~brt; d--'rd:'yd~- (~eiv~ :ad~qya~e trainirii~. lr;·;tru-cti6t),-6~g~d,a7~~~·~~I~tln~ t¢,st~hci~·~d~· of condUct by FBLahd non-FBI pers6nnel relating to treatment, inteIVieWr or lriterrogatlon,of 'detainees prior to your deployment ',or assignment? . OYes '0 No ... _ .... _ .... .. _ ..... _ '" ... .... _ ... ,..., _ ... _ .- ._ .... ..... _ "" i2i\, pfease des.cdb:e the w:aVs-in whidi YOl,! b:elie.v:e tn~ .tt~ining, jnstructic!i'l qr gUid,an~e w~,s '*' ... _ .,. __ """ _ "'"' ..... _ ~ .... -. ... '" _. _ .... .... _ ,A 'r '*' ...",.. ~ ~ • _ ..... , ..... ~ i natle<fu:ate: ' I,don"t remember having any tr.aining or instrudi011. I had beendepJoyed ;overseas 'on sevefcil prior 'oC()C!$i<?ns~and had interyie~~d p~ople being inwstigi;lt~d forterrO[iSI11' Still, I~don't· ~1}i.!1.k 1 haq artY ., :5p'.ec!~iqt~a}n.iry~ !e[.atep1;~ t~},S~ d~pl~Yl11:e!:1t..._... ' _ ,. . •. " ~ ...' ~.. < " " " .... ", _', . '. ' , • , • ~ ' •• ~2~. In yqur opiniop, ,did yoq rece!v.e',ac;!.eguate traifling( iqstruq1911r"9r gL!iqC!flce rela~jng·t0 standarqs 'of «lndUct by F~I,qnd non-FBI p~r!?Qnnel r~lq~ing. to tre;:ltlTlent/,ihtervi~w,..orir:rt:errogation.6f :d~taln¢~s,.di.Jrlng - .~ ..- ,. ~ ,~ - - .......... - ......... ~/ ... ~. yOJJt' l;Iepl(jym~nt - ... - ..... - . -~. '" ..... - or a~slglin'jEmt7 .,,~ - - ... - - - . - - .... - - - -- .... - - -...." ~.. ~ - - , '- . -- '" ~ -..- 2~9, PI~qse descr.lbe,~he \:\lays :In wJllclT you, believe the tri'lin.lng" Ipstr.!jc~10ni'0r .gul<;l~rJc~ wa~ - -- -- ~ -' ... : : jrii;l.dequa.le : ,. , , .Ld ~m'nh'lrik we, I:!a!t alw~ra In I~y 111 Ulls ;ar~~, :spe1:lflc l<Hhe:se. detal.n~,E;s·. How~v~r~ ql,lr rn lJ1d,set!lQIt)9 in ,i'nd througho.Ut .toe .intervieW'S- was that these .detai.hees should be inter:\liewed and interrogated liKe ~_ .?!1y.~!h~~ !~~O!LslJl:..s~~p.e .. ~n_~~!~"!.ti?~:.CLn ..t~~ y§ ~or 2~~s~d~)b~ y§): _ .. , ...... " .... "" _ .. :.. .. ~ .. ~ _ , ~-\ <1 24. In )'0Ur',opinib'J1, ;dld you receiVe :adequate: traiiiirig( iri'strUttioh, :or.gUidarice:t6nce~hih~· wtiat yoll were su pposeO to.:do- if-you, obse'rYed or heard about the treatment, interview ,:0r interrogation' of ' :q~t~in~r by f~I 'Of n9n-F~I ~'ers(>nn~.Ir. that YQ,ul.Jelieve.~.wa~ inappr,opriate,; ~!,!p'rbfes~fon?ll;' ,q)en:::i'ye~ abusive; or u:nlawfu.l? ' 0!\1o Q'¥e? - 24a. prease describe the.ways, in-which you believe the training f, Instruction or- g.uidance was inadequate: 'W~hatl ri9 trplnlng .sp~Clflc~IIy::de$!gn~d on th'e(prqp:~p!1r~s: InJh'l~ ;qrea. , -'-'- ..... - - - , _ .... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - ' - ... - <- - - -'- - -~- - .... - --- - - - - - _ .... _ ... - ' - -,.. - - ' - - - - - _.- - ~ 2$. (O'ptj9nal) In :yvha~way? c::al'1 th~F~I improve:tra1fl!nQ. Or) t~l~ ~ubjelrt for fytur~ QeplC?yments:or ~ssig nmen~s! ' ~ hav.e. f1~!:lrcl that 1h~ FB~ has~' mUch improVe.9 t)'Ah1ing p:r;qgranl f9f pgopl~'belhg:d~ployecf Gurrently. As long as M.enls. know wliat tlie Bureau' policy is r~iirding occeptii'ble standa'ids'and pra,otices-, !'think Agents 'wlll be· fine, secondly{ as an A~ent deployed overseas" r n~ed .to ·know·who, n:itn reportIng' to ahd' w~o nw "!i.nk!· is with th~' FBI :at HQ. Thj? was 1J0t'fujly dev~.Ioped.puring ~b,e time .of my d.eploYlTIenf to' . Afgha,oistan. 10. C~ri1ment~ 26. Please provide:aii'y' additional il1formation ,concerning 'train'fhg for overseas deploymehtS or OIGQ-005274 9ssignfnents of FBI p'ersbhliel yOlJ IntrQ,du~t~9n tQ belieV~ is relevah~< Part III: Jil t/1i~ s:eC,tiQ,n·,we,.ar:eseeking in~oniiati9.Ji regcrr~Hng i;l:wid'e r~'mge:9f to have occurr.ed. You sliourd not as,sume; just because' we are asking about a parliclilartechnique or-ji(actice t thatwe',hav~ 'C9l)cIuqeq th~t it. in fa<;t' ,occ;urr.ed'. We .recqg,n:iz~ that §ome of these ~fechnique~ '0(' 'practtces: D;lFlY at tit1T~ '~e:n.~c~~~ry fClr:$f€!tY f1n,d's~ur'ity rn 9:~f¢.t¢ntiQ.n s,e~,tjng~ rrc<:tdgij:iptJ',:W~ rec9g:ni.?~ tJ1gt'~9rTieQft~~~.e .illt~rview 0.1' .int~rrog,atfo.n' J:et:hlliq\J.~?' ,ana Qthet type.s bf _d~taiJ1J:~e.treatment .all~ged lechn'lqu~s pr'pra,c~iges,mav; '119V~Q~el1' qUlhWlzg~ fgr',u~~ by mlli~i?~Qr'Qther ~~v~rnm~tt~ perS9!1n.~I. W!th re~peet to each identlfied'technique; practice{ or- type ,of conductdescribed below/weare seeking jl'Jfo,om~.tjQn abpu} It§ .Qc,l!4r~encedl,lri~gorjnq::ill'n~GtiQf..I wi~~ th~ inte,rvi~v\",o,rint~rrogatio,n 9f ,Cl :d~t~jn,e¢l ~r duri~g, th~ ,d~~~h,ti.9.n pf a' qetaiti!'!& b~YQntl ;\iVha1: is'n~~!Jetl 'fqi' ~af¢tv ang :seclfri~y., In: thal: :J;:"Ontext:lIVe 'Will. as.k yi;>u 'tq .tell u~ WhE;~h~r ,Qn~ 0'1" more :Qfth~ following .,stat~m~ji~S are: HUI;:!,:, . - , 1.. I personally 'observed thls'conduct. I:l?1>s~ryed, ~detain.~(s) in a 'con.Pjt(olJ.·thClt leq' m~r~9.,b~lieve tha~ .thl~; con..duet.lJad Q~G~r~ed.. ':? De~.iIJ~,e(~l to.lQ J.n~ thqt cCl..ndl19t h~d ~ccl,lrr~q,. 4. Qtners'WhQ ohs,ervect,.this cQO'dDl:ldescrib:edit to me. 5i, Lhave':r~lev.ant: iiifb'rriJatioll classified OoY,e:"SECR6P . ,6'. I never observed this conduct nor heard aIJout'it-rrom,someone:who:dld. ·z. a a~ ~b~ G; d. '~, q r perSeiially obse-rved this conaucl. 0 ~pbserv.ed detairiee(s) In c3.C'0,hditioh that led me t6, bellevethatlh'ls conduct had ,oecutrecl 0 , Oetainee(s) -told me that this: conduct. had :occurr.ed. 0 others who observed this conduct'described it to me. 0 f. have releyan~ jnformatiOn c1a~sjff~d~bove I~SEC~EJ:\ t 0 I never observed, thJ~ -cond,uct nor heard ;abq~t it ff0rn solJ1e9f1ewho did. 2&.·'Oeprivj,ng:a getair1~ ~ftloth'iri.!}, a. b',c.' _ o II p'ersonally oliserVed this coiiduct. 0, lLobserYed detafnee(s) in a cona ition that led me to, believe 'that this conduct had :occurred. o \Oetaihee(s) told me that this conduCt had :6ccurred. 0 Others who observed ,this conduct described it to me. ~'. D. I I}av.e re~va,J)t,lt'lforn)ati.on ch:l':?sifiej:l pb9V~ "S:I;CREr". T: ltI r neyer o~?e,rved thls·copciuct (lor hearp :a~8uq~ from:so~eone~~o .. d. ,. '. " - --- c;I.I,d. .. OIGQ-005275 :2:9', Depriving a·,detaine.eof steep, Qf interrupting ,sleep by fr.eejuentJ':ell re(b¢ati!:>ns,or'other methods a., 0 I personally obs~rv~d (his cqnauct. I ;Qbse('(~d. d.etqinee(s) in ~'cqndftiqn thqt led .me to' b~!ieye that thi,s <:o)ld4Q: !lad o'ccurred. d,. 0 0 0 e. 0 I have relevi3nt iriformatioh' .cIa'ssifie:d 'aboVe, "SEdREf". b. ,c\ D~.ta'ine~{s) tol~ m!= .that this, t9ndu~t hapo<;curred. Others' who observ~p 'this ~pnd1Jct d~sl;:rll:!ed it to me, '3Q'. 'Beatiijg a ,detainee 0 I p~~soryC!ljy' ~,b~ryed ~h!s~conduct. ~. 0 I-a!;lser,ved det;.ain~~rs) in :a:«;"C:H19 itJol1:th?i~ t~ me to' lhgt this cQfTdu<:t'haq 'Qq~lJrr:ed. c~ D. De~a,in~.(s) t91~ :r:ne tnClt thJs: ,t.oru:!:u.c.t hp',d :O,e;;cur:r:~: ,g. 0 Others wl)p. 'ob~etY.ed this, GQng u~t. ~:es'crib~ inl1m~. ·a! 0 I have rele'\lant i(lforf1J~tion r;lassified ~bove 1~S.~t,~". f. M I, ri~y.¢t'6D5er\ied this:cQnduc.t flQr h~r'd ':abp_ul it f!:q{n'SQIn-eone whq tHd. 'e', :31. UsIng' w:ater to. preve'nt breathing by.a 'detarnee<ort.o. cr.eate :tile seosatlbii pfdrownlri:g . a. 0 r p,ersonafly oQserved this :<;(?flclu~t. b', 0 Lobs~rv~ddetq'[nee.<s).lna:conc;rltl.9rrthat led me to believe thaUhis c:ondu,ct, had occurred. ,Co 0 E>e,~aJnee(sHo]~ m~ that this conduct had o:q::urrec!. d. o IQtne~ whp ob$erv~eJ :tITTs, GQndl1ct des,criQe9 i,t t<t me, e: 0 t ha)'{e relevant lbfbrmation i;:1!'issitJed 'abOVe' "'$Ec'I:~ET". 1'. 0 t- fieve:r ob~ell(ed' this:co.riduct npr h!'!dl'.d ,abtiu.t'it from so'r'n'e:bn¢ Whq ~ifl,. " ,32" W;ih9 hands, rape, of'-ahylhirig else 00 \rpersonafly to thOk~ of strangle a detaihee observed,this,;coni:luct. OIGQ-005276 ,- 0 c. 0 d. 0 e:. 0 f. 0' b, I observed detainee(s) In a condition th at led me to believe that this conduct had 'occurred. Detainee(s) to'id me 'that this conduct ha d 'occurred. O~hers w.ho observed this CQIldu9t descri I haV~ releyant ihformation c1a!?sifled gb oV~. ".SEC~". I n!'ob~rve'9 th,is 'cpnd I]Gt nor ,hear51 abqut it frorT! ~meo'lewho did. 33. ' other s:lction to c~use eh:t:sj~al a. 0- r personally o,bserved thiscondtiet. b., 0 [observed detainee(s} In a'condition th at led me to' believe that tllis C0nduct had :occurred. ,c, [J Detalnee(s)'told me that this Gond uct had occu rr.ed. cf. 0 01hers who Qbser,v~d t~is condu(;t~e~cr il:!e9 it to me. 0 I. ha.Y;~.relevalit rnfor~atjon G!a!?~iti~ !3~ t 0 r n~y~r th~$.'c<?np\lpt n9f ,h~.r9 ~: , ' 34. 'Other tr¢atOient qr a~fi9n;cqusing signlfitant phy.siqll p:airi or injury, .Qr !=?iu"~Jrig pisflg\Jtemeii,t or 9.~~,(b...,,,_,_.,,_,.__,~_,. _:_ ...__.~, __.....__ a; 0 I. personal!y,observed this_condu.ct. . led me to' b~,l.leve tbc;lnni$ copduC;.t )la~ 'occ:;urrec::1. ~" 0 f ob,served. c;I.~t.a.lnee($') 1!1 a .cond \tion th a~ 9; 0 bet-ainee(s) tQld me th:~t this QQn9uct ha~ 'occo-rree!. 0 e. 0 cj, f. l;Jthef?' ~hQ bq'~erv~d 'tl1i?: 'Ggn~ uC:t Q,~!?!3[ tbeq it to. m~ I.liav~ rele~ant InfQrma}l~n~Jassifjed a~ 0' t n!=Ver qJiservep this ·cQnctu.ct hdr heard 'qqouf it frptn.sq,hiebne:w!:ip. did. . 35. p:rat"iilg. a ri'etainee on a hot sutfat~ of l:iurni "9. .a deta,iriee, a. 0', I, personally observed' this 'conduct. b. 0 ~,ob~~rve9.· d~tC!.if.1ee{!,»' il'! :a :c0l'!9J):\on a~. ied ~~ t9 belie"'~t!lSlt;'thisc::on:du~ had 'G~~urrep: ~. 0 De~C!!nee(s) tr;>ld me tb.a~ th~s t;;On(jw::t h,a.d .Qccu rred . d, 0 pthers whp o~':?enl~d thiS Ggnd)1<;:t, d.~scr. Ibed it ~o m~!, . 0... I hav~ rel~yant il)f(;mlJatio:n...da?~ined.. i'l~ ove "SEem"; . ~....... ~ • .. " ¥.~ •••• •• _ ••••••••• _ .w• • • _ , OIGQ-O052,7? -. [!]]Ilr never observed this conduct nor heard about It from someone who dId. ~6. \.}sing -sh9 skles or other' rest ra.i nts in Ci prolonged manner 0 r per.sonally observed ,this condoct. 0 I obs~rVed . detciinee(s) ill acond itidn th~t led me to belieye that. this conduct had 'occurred. c. 0 Detainee:(s) told me th-at this condlict nad:o,cturred. d. 0 Others who .obselited thls ednd ud described it to me. e. 0- r bave relevant i'nformation Classified 'above "SECRET". f: ~ I, never ebserved'this:conduct nor heard about It from someone who did, a. b. ,37', Requiring, a detain~~'10 m,aintain, 'or restlOirjing a ,detainee (n, a ,stressful 'or paInful po~ition 0 i· p:e:rsOilally , ,thls.:cq.n,d,lict. b. 0 r obse'rYed d:etaine.e(s) in :a ',cbhd itibn that led me t6: beUeve .that this conduct had :occurred'.. c, 0 Defain~(s) told ,me that this conduc,t hild ,occiJrrea. ;a. 'd. o lQtherS' who observ~d thiS' tend'Uc! described It tb me', "e: D I have releyarit inmrtnation c1assiTied aboye "S'ECRET" . f. ~ I neV'er 'o.bserv.ea. this 'c6'Mud nor' heard a biut: it fr'om'"someone Wh0 did, 38. Fqrdn9 a '9~tall)ee to p~rfQf!TI,d~m<;lndrngp,-h-,Y,-s_lc_a_l'e_x~~~~c,"",!..i..~e..:.... _ ,a. D I p~r.s6r'1aliy 6pserve:d' this condu.ct. 0e. 0 d. D e. D b. f. ~ 0' " r observeldetaltiee.(~y In ia cc>ndition that Ii='d me tb beUevi=' that this ton.du,cr had ,occurred., D.etainee(s:) told m~ ihat this c,ond,uet had 'occurr.ed. OtherS' who observed 'thiS conduct d'escril5~ it r hatte 'releva'nt'lrfforriiatlbn classified to me. ~ boye "SECRET", I........ neVer obserVed this ,conduct Iior heara :about it from sori'iebhe:whb did, ., ....... ...,. • ..... A . . _ . ___ ........... ..,~v_ ~~,. ....... _ .-.........,.,_._ . . . . . . ,. ... .,.,..,.. ..- ..... ;,. _ _ ' .............. _ .............. "' . . . _ _ . . . . 01 .. " ... ~,. ~""-"- -- .... :39, Using' ,eleetri,G.'aJ s,hock,0n a Qetalnee OIGQ-005278 I I , a: i---- b. c. 0 ' I personally observed this conduct. o h,'observed detainee(s) in a'cond itiot) that <I~ me to believe that this c6nduct had occurred. o iD~~ainee(s) told !'De th,at thi? condLJd: ~ad 'occyrred. ,g, Olathe!'$- vtho 'ot?,served this cqnduct'g:e~qibeq It to me: D I hav~ relevant information c1assifi¢p ,a,bove, "SEC,RET":. t: 0' r ne,ver ~b~eryed thi~ ,ton,cfu<;t nor. hE$ni 'abol!t it from.sqrneon~ Whq ,qid. e. 40. Thr.eatening to use,electrical sh6c\(on a detainee a: q L personally observed thls,conduct. b. D I 'observer:!' de'talnee(s) In 'a <::ond itlon that led me to belleY'e that this conduct nad ,oclZurred. e; D 'Detai,nee(s) tqlcj rn~ that this <i:onduct h:ad 'Qc<.;qrred.. q~ e., f. 0 Otl:!er-? wh9 'OJ:? '~{1is cO,nd Clqt d:~s~n~'ed it to Jtle:, D I h?lve rel~varit I.ofqrrnatlon ~1i;l?,~lfl~ Ab<;>ve, "S'EC~'1 ~ 0' !I ll~ver'ob$E!rv¢,~ thjs:<.;onduet n~... h~r~ ,!'iQQutit'frorn sOlTJepJ1e'Whb d,id. ·fu. rntE;intIQhally'delay/n:g '9(den){Jlig :<:i.etajri~e rt'l'edfcal ~are ; a-·IO I per-Sen'ally,o.bserVed this·e6ndi1d. b, [j lI,observed detainee(s) ina cond itlan' that led me to believe that this conduct had ·'Occurred. €: O· Detainee(s) tOld me that this conduct had :occurr.ed. e', o lathers Who observed tnis cO'lJdU,G!'9,escri~ed it 1:9 me. o !I have relevant information classified above "SECR:ET"'. f: M t d '. , • • ~. ' ~ ••• ..~, , ". .,., > • • .... ' "~ ••••• • " • never-observed thfs,·coni:lud llOr ,heard 'about it .from ~omeone who did. ..> ' • ':.., '... ,.. '" • ~ " " , . . . . . . ',',,' .. , ,. .... : ' " : 4~. Hp,Qdfrig or blintlfolding a~d~tajhee'Qther ,than ,~uting t@nsP9rtSltlon a. D b. 0 c. q~ I personally observed this.conduct. I,observed' de'tainee(s} ill ,a.i:oriditkjn fhatl&! me to, believe thanlifs'coilduct had .ocdirred. o petainee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occurred. o lathers whp opsery~d, this !;:0nqu~t~e~eribed It tp f!le... ~.l 0 I : ;t ~ave r~Jevant Information classifie<;!'above 1!'$:!=C~Er"'. OIGQ-005279 [!J I~ql never obse~e~ thl~:con~uct nor heard aboutlt from ~omeone who did. 43. Subjeq:ing a detainee to extremely ~91d or hot'ro9m temperatur~s for emend~ perioc:!s a. 0 b. 0 G. 0 .d. 0 e. 0 f: Itf 1 per.sonally ohserved this .conduct.· I ob~l\fed ·detainee.(s) in a cond ition th'~t Detaine~:(s)t6Id led tn~ to believe that this cMr:l!.J\:t hadoc¢uned. 'me that this tonauet li'ad ;occurred. Otherswhb observed this conduCt described it to me. I have relevant information classified aboVe "SECRET't, I never observed this:conduet nor heard ab0utft from.someone who did. ::4.4,.. -Supjecting, a ·det.ainee to 104d music a:. 0 [: p:erSQJi~lIy .o,brerv.ed thrs::c~n.dHc.t. b. 0 r:observed'd,etain¢¢(s) in:a '.conctitibn that led 'me. to belieVe thaUi'lis conduct had :occurreiL c. d. 0 Detain~(s') told me that this co'ndutt had .occDrreCI. o PthBrS .wno ·o..oser:ved thiS Gond'uct des'ctibed It to me. .e. 0 t have,relevant ibforini:ition classified c3Doye' "SECRET". f. 6111 never·observ.ed,this:cehduet n6r'11earCi abciiit it from someone who aid. '45. Sl.! bjectihg '9 d.etajnee· t9 ..a- O.II pe);s9naliy'6l;l.$erve~r bri~..:.;.ht.;;..' . :.;.fla;.;.;s,:..:.n;:;;.in.;..g~!....,;;.illg~"r;,;;~s;:..·..::.o,-r ~qa;:;;.r;..:.!<;;.:;n.;;;;.es;;.;s,-- ---::-- _ this.conduct. b:. 0 tobser.vep' ~:cbnditidn that led me to b'ellevethatthis conduct had 'pccurred. C-.' D !m::tai'nee(s) told me that thiS: cbnd uct ha'd :o.ccurred. 0 Other:5: Who :oo.served ;this i:::6fidud,d'escfiDed 'if to'me. eo; 0 [ hd\le ....erev~:fnt InformatIon ClassIfied abdve ':SECREf". t rtf I never observed this,conduct "nor' heard 'about it from someone "who did. , - -" ""'.. ... - ......... --, ,. . _,..¥_ . . ., . . d, • _ _ A" •• , .... "'~-'''' ....... ~- " --.. _ A ..... · - . . "...... ~._._.., ... , . . . " - - . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . - . ........................... " '" ..... _- ..... - .... - 4,6', lsoJating-a detafneefo,r an'e~ended period OIGQ-005280 . .a'. D .. , ... . , I personally observed thls,conduct. b~ [j Lobserved detainee(s) in ,a'cond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. c. D h~~ainee,(s) told me that this'cQndl,ld had ·occurreQ. ,d .. 0 Oth~r'? Who 'ob'$ervElC! this CObdllct 9~~~ribed It, to me. e; 0 I hav.e refevarit information c1assifi~ ,apove' 11S-ECREfJl,. i-f: I~r r n~er ()bserved this 'q>n!1tlc:t nor h~r~ 'about it from 'SOmeone who d19. ---- ' __ . I . ·47. Uslng.duct tape to restrain, .gag4 or 'PuniSh a detalne'e ' .q a- b, ~. L personally' observed thiS conduct. L:observed'detalnee(s) In·a condition that. led meto believe thatthlsaonauct hacLoc~urred. q o :pet~l!1ee(s) told rn~ tha~ t,his conduct h~~, ·occ4rred.. 0 Others who observed this mtrd uct' d'escribed it to me;, 0 I h'?lve'r~l~va'rit IlJf~rmatIQI)"c1,rs~JfleQ 'l1}9ve "$EC'RET". f. 0' ~ (1~Y,en~b~ervE;'!,~ this/corid,uct nor heprd~~QQl it from $<;lmeo.n~'W~b di~. ~.~ e., a'. b. c. ... A,.., __ w. • . . . . ,.,~.. .... ' . ' , , , ' , , . , 0 I peroonaUy'nbseNed this,conduct. 0 i,observed'detainee{s), in a'c:::ondition that led me to believ.e that this, c0nduct hadoccurrea. o tDetainee(s) tdld me that this conduct had ,occurr.ed. lb~her.s whn observed this coOduc,t-'~~scriqed it- ,to 1']1€;" e~, o i~ hav~ r~levant !'ntorma,tlo[l ,cJasslfi~g above: "~EC~EJ'I'. . f. 1tJ' I n~v~r:ob~.erv~g this'cpn~h.JGt 'O'Qr,heejr:d ',apq.ut it ,from -?qmeol'!€ Who eliq.. 'd, o ,4Q'. 0,51ng a: mHitary wQrking 'dtlQ on ,6r n~ar ,a de,t~tinee, o~her thaI) 'durili'g d¢,taln'eenra'nsP9rtcition a. o II persOnallY observed this co,nduct. ]: 0 c. ci I,ol)se't¥.ed'delainee(s) in ,a:cond ition 'that led me fo, believe thaftHfs condiict: had ,ocdjrred. Detalnee(s) told me that thIs-conduct tladoccurred. d.. 0 Othe~ whG> op:?eryed. ~~is G(),l,ldut;t~escrll:!e~ jt 19 rne., ~. 0 ll)a~1? rel,evant ll)fgrmation c1as!iifi~ a~ov~ '''S:EC~'''. . OIGQ-005281 ItI' I never observed thIs conduct nor heard about It from someone who did. 50. Threatening tq lise rnlilt.ary· working dQgson or n~ar a detaine~ 0 b. 0 c. 0 d. 0 a. I perSonaHy'observel:( this condi:fct. I 6bserv"ed,detain~e(sJ. iii ,a <;ond ition thi:lt Detaine!'=fs) told led me~ to that this ~ori.duct had pccurred. 'me that this cona tict had ·occurred. Others' who .observed tms conduct described it to me. e. 0- r have relevant information Classified above "SECREfI'. t: Itf L neverobserved this '.conduct nor heard about itfmm someone. who did. . .sf.. Using spidersr;sc9rpion~, snakes,. or'other anim~ls on 'or l1e~r a ,detainee 0 . p~et:>9nqllY.:.Qb~rve9 this:q$ndu~t. ,b,. 0 r ohseryed tletain~.e(s) in:a 'j:otidltion th$t led me to believe that this cti'n'du!=t had pccurretL C. 0 Detailiee(s} told me that this. (:oncl'uct had .occurtea. a. d. o tothers: who 'Qbserved this conduct t1estribed It to'me: e: 0 t 0 r have relevant iomrmation crlassifiea ab0~ '~SE.CREJ". 1 neverobserv.ed. this 'c0ncfuet nor' heard '8 f:kiut. it from ,sOmeone. who· clid. 52", Threatenin9 to ~se $plc;fers,'scorpjon$, 'SnaKes, ()roth,~r -aIJlm~ls 9n ·a, ~eta:if"!ee a. 0 r p~r.s6naliy QJfserve:cf tl1is cond,uc!. b. 0 l' .ob'serv:e:d. d.etalri~e(s): In ·a :cdnd itldn that led me to, believe- that this' tond uct' Mq Ie. 0 Detainee(s) told me that thiS: condlfct ha'd 'o,ccurr.ed. tI. 0 o.therS: who 'ob,$'eiVed this' concl'u.d de~"dilje<l itlci m.e. e: 0 I have releva'nt Ihformatlon classified abo.lie "SECREr". _.f; -g. ()c(:urr~d, r never-observed this,conduct nor'heara -about it from someone-who did. . ___''"_.__,, ________.....". _v. '''___ . _ . __ ,____ ____.• ./1",;_, .•..- ..~ ~. ¥ ~. M' . , _ . _ ........ '53'. Dlsr.espectful statemel1ts; handling, :or.actions invo!ving~t;:,;.;h:.;:e..:.K.:.;·o;.:.ra;;;,;n~ _ OIGQ-005282 . 'a~ D .. . I personally observed thls..conduct. b. [j I observed detainee(s) in a'cond ition that led 'me to believe that this conduct had 'occurred. c. ~. ~. D D D D~~ainee(s) tolp !"fie that thi?,condljet h,ad · bthe~ who 'ob'~rved this condu.ct.Qes~,riped It to me. I have reievant information dassifiep a.bove "SEC.REP'. _. f. I~r rn~ver ~Q.seryed. this .ton.duc:;t ndr heard 'ab()ut it from'sqmeone Wh9 4id. 54. 'ShaVln,ga. detaln~'s; facial or other tial;l,o embarrass.or humiliate' a .dt;:!tCllnee 8'. q L personallY obserVed this'conduct. Cl Lobserved detalnee(s) In a Gond ition-that led me to that this Gonduct had occurred. c. D. pet<;ti.pee(sj.told mE; that this ~OndUl;:t ni:ld 9ccl)rred.~ C!!- D otlJerp w!l9 obsery~d t~is ~o.rrd.q~~!b~ me.; e.. D r h?lV~He~varit 1I)f~rm~~lon ·~lcrs.sJfl~ ?JP<;lVe "'$-EC·RE1""·. b. n~'l:erGP?er.\(~.d: tbis.'C:;Qnd.u~t 1).91: heprd ~aoQl:lt it frorn'?ome(;:l}le'Whb l 011 a'. D 1 persbriany o.bserVed qi9. fhls·eondud. b. [j I observed'detainee(s) In a'condition that led me to believe that this conduct had oc(;;urred. c. D IDetainee(s) tOld me that this conduct had :occurred. D lathers wno obserY~d ·thi? cooduqt describ.ed i~ to r:n.~. D ~ haverelev~nt !nforma~\Q[r above II,S.EQRW'I': f. !tI. I n!·ob?e~~.g' thts 'C!;!}1~ u<;t 'll<?r .h~rp 'ab,Qut. il: :fn;llD .'?9rneone: w~o <J '. e.· qid. 5.6. T6.ul:;.!iinQ, -a deti'llne¢ qr actiffg toward.a'.detafnee in ~ t'~·U.aI -m'anner a. D r personallY, ebserved t1lis_colidlkt. I h. D [·obserVed delainee(s} iria·.c6nd itioh-fhat led me to believe- thilFtt1rs conduct. Mad . c. [j Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred • q: D ~. D b~hers who Dbsei:v~ 't.~is m;:mQuct~~t;:riqe9 11: to r:ne: r \:1av:~ relevant iIJfgrmatipn c1a:ssifiec! al? I!S:EC~'\ OIGQ-005283 ~I never observed this conduct nor heard about It from someone who did. 57. JI<;>lq Lng d~t9in~(~). vyhb ~erie opt 9fficia,IIY':qc~J:lQwledg~d or reg ister~d q~ ~(Jch by tlle ,ag~n<;y Jlej:al,ning th~ p~rson. a. 0 r persOnalty obserVed b. p Lobsetved ,detalnee(s) In :a,co,hd Itlon that led, me to believe that this' eonduct had 'occurred. G. 0 0 0 Detainee(s),told me that this; conduct had :occurred. d. c-'e. this ,conduct. Others who observed this conduct described it to me. I hew,e re!evapt information t:;:lassiJj(;c! <;J~ove "'S'~CRETJI·. f. 61 I, never ,~bsel\!eq this 'GOl)d,uct nor hei:\rd ia b9l!,t it from sOlT].e,~n~ ~,fio' d I~. ,~a. $~nding a..detaitl~ t~' pnotner coun~ry 'fqr mbre:aggressiv~'irit~n:ogati~m '-"---'---'---'-'-"-....._~---------- D I persOhally,obselv:ed this con'auct. b. 0 ~ observed 'detaihee(s) in a ,conCl ition that lea :me to, believe that this Gbnduct had .bciiu'rred; 'a. c. 61 IDefaihee(s) tbld me thcitthis conduct had ,occurre:L d. 0 Others who observed thiS condl:Jctdescrfbed it to' me. ,e., D I, have relevant inf0rmatfon classified -above 1!S,ECREfIl'. f. 0, f !1~~er'O'~,~rve,d tbl,~ 'mndlJct no.r h~rd a ~OUt It ,fro~ somepne'wh()' dId. 'Q.. Pte9,S~ prov[qe t.he aPP[m(.iPJat~ tJrn.~Trfime durfng'Whiq~ thJs;cond~~t,o~C\.lrreg., Fr:om' 03/04)200210 03io,al20,02: n. the deta'j,ri~~(:s):tr~~e~ In t!'lIS w<aY wer~ l()~?lt~ ,at the time Jp;, l, D Gu~n~an.amo ~ ',DDtiNot Recall P Jic!q 3 '0 Afgnahistan 4 D other Locatioh 5 D D(j.Not Reca'1I b2 Per DOD b6 b7C .i: Ple'qse identify the- p~rS6ri(s)' who treated the deta,inee.(s) narrie(s~ a'nd governmeiit,age'ncy(ies):: in th,is- mariner, ihJ~iud.ih~ t!ieir " ' OIGQ-005284 Detainee told me he. had pre\liously,been detained ,by' Jordanians. He.said tie had been'yelled at but nothing, further had occurred. I k. Ptease Itlentify,anv. 'Qth'er FBI personnel o'r non-FBI personn'el who observed detainee(s) treated " ).is Army' 'alsO in intel'Yi~~'qnd translating in ~4ssiC!h in this manner: incluOing their name(s) and agency{ies): b6 b7C I. This cdndu,ct bcturted in ,tonri¢ctiorr with: i 0 One' detain~ 20 several detaln~ (2-4} 3 ,0 Many detainees Jmore than 21-) 4 :0, Do Not Recall tn. (.Optional). Please'describelhe.r'elevant Circumstances in more.defail: 'The,~'~taih~ Ii~J~d .a;b.Q~~ told th~:,ilit~rvl~w~~s, ,(m.Y~\f:a.ri4 that he, h~d pr.eVlously'mterv.tewed/mterrogated by tlie,Jqrd.amans p.~lor to b~mg 'sent to' Afg hahlstan. The, 'detainee said thaUhe Jordanian Interrogators had yelled at him but done.. nothing, further, '59. Thre.atenfng ~S' ~tm~~ b6 b7C to ,seno a detainee to anQth,~r cpuntry' for d'eteritroh. br,more.agg<resslve Interrogation -~ a.• b., 0 I personalJY q-bserve,d' Ws 'condl!Gt~ o I c;>b~erveq qetainet::!(s) In <;l.'c9ndlti0!1',!.~)::2:~_~e.!?~~lev~ ~~a~J2~_~o~'du~~lJi3d ~:?~rret;l:, c; ,0, 'Q~tainee(sltQld m¢ thfjt thiS tond,u~t bap ~occurred; d: 0 'Others' Wh~ 'obseryel;l ;this pOlJdud: de$C'ribe,9 it to me; $.. 0 r have relevant informatio,n' ~ia$:sffigd flQ'pye, i"S'I:.CRET"'. .- f. 0' !I' neyer dbserv.ecf this:conBuc.t n'ot',hie6td aboul it .from SOmeoh,e. Who dJd. ,GU. Threatening to take action. agc;.;;.:;.s.; . t.:.;,a. .;:,Q;.; e.; ;ta;.;.;.in:.;.;e; ;.;'e:. ;'s:. ;t';.;;;;;l.;;;m.:.;,i""IY_' a; 0 b. P ,c; 0 t: per~,nanY'9h~rve'l;l _ this . condu<::t, ' IqbserVe.9 ·d~t~in,~e(s) in ::r qmd it,ibn t,hat jed ,me to ~eli,ey~ th~~ thi$ CQl)'du,qr. hpd :(j<;:<;:urred. 8et<;line~(~) !oJd me thqt t~js:,"ond4ct had 'q-q:(jrreq,: g, 0 Others-who this: c:OJi~uc;;t des,C'rfbed it,tqme; 0 I.h'ave relevant jnf9rm.a~io,O ~1~SsifiM :a~6v.~, '~5j:¢REr"~. t: 0 L n:ever 9b;;~.rved this,cQn~uct np'r·h~rQ.'abpl,!,t it trom'?oIT1e~J1e wii~-l;Ild. e:, .61. ',other treatment or action ,<::aiising severe emotional ,or psy.chological trauma to a 'detainee. OIGQ-005285 " . a- D 1. p~rsonaIlY'Qbserved this ~on<:luct. b. 0 t -observed detain~e(s) in a con~_~iein' that ied 1'Jl~ to I,)el!ey~ thpUJ:tis <;ol)dl;le.t had oc;<;urretj. - 0 Detainee(s)'toI9 m:e that :thl~ C"on~u~t had occl,lrreP. g~ 0 OtberS' whQ pb.s,eIYed :t.his, cPJi~uGt ~esc:ribed it tq me,. e. 0 I ,hav$. re(e~~nt ihf«;>rm'atioh' class!fi¢.d ~bove "SEC.RET". f. Itt I, n:ever ob~rve4 ~hls ,condu~t n9r'h$rd abtlu.t ldrom ~;, i , .' . Qtd. , .a2. ·~lther religious-:Gr-sexl.J'al harassment or hUniiliation'.ofa~detainee 0 r, p~r~lJalJy- qb~rveg. \hi,s CQDduc,t. p, 0 ['op"5erv~t! ~,e,t.alnee(st in ~a 'cc;md itJo,n ·that·le<l me t<;> b~nev~ 'c: 0 D~~aj.IJe(;f(s) th~.t. th,is,c9hd.u,¢t hi;ld ·q:C;C;:\Jn:eq •. ~. 0 6th~rs wbp .cjb:$ety~9 -thi$.l=qn~hict d.estrib¢d it tQ' n1!=!": a. e: D r: ~a~.e rel~:v~nt infQrrn~~JolJ th~t'tj11$. CQn..dlfc~· 'h,ad 'Q~qurre~.: , r;:la'5,sifi~i Qb.o,V"e', "SEORET "'. f. 0 I ri'?ver obSer\!ed thi$'c6J1cru¢t rYor'h$~d 'abbL!t it frpm sQlTf~9n~'Whq did. ,:63. Other't'reatmel1t of a' C1etaiAee .that in your. ojjihiofrwas: uO"I>rofesslbncilr unduly harsh .0J ~~Q resshre,t .coercive,.abusive/, or unlawful" " a'. 0 1 pet-sqoa'l1y,observed tl)is t:onauct. 0 t ol?~rv.~d get~tne~.ts) i!i;a 'q),ng it\,?!) th~t I~~ I'D¢; 1'9' ~e\jeye that ,this ¢ond!Jt;~ '0 c: o:etaine:e($) told· me t.ha.t thl~;t;.1;:1I1ciutt: hi;l"d ·Q,ccu[r~. d., 0 Qthers: wh'O this to.nduct It to, tne. ~. h~'~ ·o<;qurrep., iriforrfiation i:;ias.sifiecl 'ab'ov.e "SECRET"'. ¢. 0 r h;:(ve relevant . .. . f. 0 I neVer.obseiV.ed thls,oontllict lior'heai'd abOut It fron1$Omeorie"whO' did. : _Wt"MJlt,~@l~~:''- :~.;." .'~':~J -.; :':~. "i> ,'" ......,' -;·--it ·64.· Did you observ-8,ani1mpersonatib"n of FBI anyohe during an interJlew·or'inte'rrogation of a: cf~tainee?' '0 Yes: .0 No 6~._ Did ,a,ny' ~~tairle~ or _o~her person t~n -you th~t ..~e.or sh~ h.a~ w.i~ne,ss~ .the 'il}lp,~r-?Onat!on :of FBI. ~ OIGQ-005286 persq!1nelln connec):!on with a'detainee interview pr o Yes:. ~66. Int~rrog~tlon? 0 No-. -Are you aware of ah'i"~sham" or ·staged" detainee: interviews or interrogations conducted for Members ofthe us; :Congress or their staff?: o Yes ., '0 No 67. TO. your kflQwtedge, did ·~mY' or :irtteIli9~nGe persoonel eVer deny or delay ,fBI access: to a detainee the FBI wanted to question because the detainee had sustained injuries after he was captured? , .6B~ "DVes ·0No. . Did you ever :end your pa'rticipati6ri in :6r bbs.erVation of a · or intertq~atibr'i because Qfthe.: interVieW·or· interrogation methods. ceilig, used1 .b9"/Were, you eVE:!rto!c! .t11~.t'aQother.FBI '0. Ye.s: :0 No .em.ploy~e:-e.TJ.qed hIs :or. ~er .pa.rtic;ip~tlon hor :d.bservCl,t!9F1 ofi'?l !i~.t9inee: inte:rvi~Vj 21" !nterrQg9.t.!Qn. Rec;~c.'.!?e ·Qft.~~ i!1tervi~'qr'infe.rrogati911IJ1.efhog~; p&,ing yseQ?' o '{gp' 0 N9' 70'. Du'ring any of your,overseas deployments .of assilinmen'tqi. did you -report any'eoricerns· regarding a,ny' :de!ajn.~..JO~~rYl~W·9r'Jn~~rr~gat(of1 p:~~t!c;esi '<?r :o,th~F type§ .~~ 9¢ta!n~·.t~~atmen~j to ~I)' F~I .s.~p~~~s!Jr? :Q y~,~ :G>. ~o' 71. D.Ur:iA~ any .of~our p.verseas..depJo¥menfs OJ ass.i9nr:ne·nt'sr di9 YOil report ai')y-'.coi:k:erils le· any deta inee'interview or inter-rogation pra<rtices or .othertypes of'deta'Jnea treatment .You o.b·?~rved 9r h~~rq .?l.90Ut,. tp'a ,non~FB~.~~pery:i~~n~roth'E;lr llon;'FBlp~rs9nn~l? G) '(e's: ;0 NO' 72~ H.~ye yoq ~eve( b~5;ti praere~r Qr,' nbn9 r.eport:, o:r:dis¢ur~g:ed. in Ci.h.y·way fmhl rep·orting.!: obsetvations ,or allegations related:to detarriee.'treatmeht or fnterview or I'nterrqgatioh actiOns 'Or' ~~ . 0"Yes ·0 No gxperi¢p~ed i3,ni/-acflJalpr thr~alet\~d ret~li~tron fQr rep,Qlj;ing .gQsj:rvatigns· Of :ait~g~tl()n$ ,of detaineeJtecitment or. fnterii'jew or roterrog.~tiori:actions or: pJ:a:ctilies? 73, H,~ve.ygl.j Q Yes:' ·0·l'Jo 74. (Q'ption'csJ) Plea-:se, p.rovic;l¢ any .additional ~6mments regarping t~~ rep.ortlng :9.f c:;oncerns related' .1;0' iht$riJi~w or irire'rro~fati6h~~.hliiql,lE3.S,. detehtfori pr:aGt.ic~~, p.r~ot:h:e( d,etci ir:i~~ ' Th~ ,Ag:ent wIth .m.e. during' thiS: deploymehqSAI b: ifiform.edthe.supervlsor c::=JLNU {Retired J b6 b7C Mjlitary, cfvUi~.n C9[lt.@ctor)J over~eern:~ ~et~ineE!!' in~ervieV!? ft1at t~e ,FBI ~'(qylp' .not pa.rljtiRa,~e 10 praetlc;e'S beyqnd norroal int~'N(ewlng/lnterrqga1.1ng technlq!Je5\ OIGQ-005287 75. Wer.e you debriefed, other. than the standard debrief in FD-?72., c.otJcernil1g, you,r overseas or .deployment(-$) after you c9m.p!ete~ the deploymerit(s) pr as.sig nmerit(~)? asslgnmen~(s) o.Ves '0· No .76. Additional CQmm'ents:and Re,commendatIQns.; .! have provided (on several occasions) cQmments,as·to whether we observed detainee abuse, 01GQ-005288