Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00002223
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D~partment'of JJ.I~t,ic.e In'~pecJ:or Gener,al'~u~stiQnnaire R~Qardin'g Detain~es O,OJ.-.QlG INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIONNAIR.E FOR ItEV1EWANo USE dNL¥ BYIND'tV1DUAL FBI RESPONDENTS . , ' QP ~OT.FPliwARD·ORDI~SEMINATE"' . -, QUESTIONNAIRE 10: teSt-()0002223' ,As of '~h~ time,tr9nn~irew~s ~V~c;J, s~me requir~d tields; hav~ nQ~ been cQl11pl~ted. Pleas',a~r¢Y'ieviryourresponses. ~rn~ liIirson~1 Infprmatipn Please pi'ovide'the'folloWing information: 1. hame 2. M.i<:l~le Inlt.l~r: 3: Last name~, 4., Eritered, btl Duty Delte' (EOD): ~:. tiu:r:ent Di~jsfQniFiefcf .6., p.~rrent jpb ,title! Office: .7: Direct,dial office:tele'phone number: 8• .FBI :Cell pnolie' num~er: 91 f$,i p~geroulT:lf?ep. 10. ·Best qmtact number for you.:, I ~ &, 7¢ PERA~REEJV]FNT 68. '7e PERAGREEJfJ1ENT 6 &,1.C PERAGREEME/:JT ~ & '1C 6 ~ 76 Opere;t'tQr 6 & 7C,PERAGREEMENT ~ &;:76 P'E~.AGREEMENT ~? 70, PER ~GREEJV]ENT' 6 & 7C PER,AGREEMENT. B. Ba'ckground of S'peciflc D,E!ployniEfl1ts or Assignntents 11.. At any time a'ft,er,1Sep.tem'ber H, 20.01-; did 'ydQ serve: a's:,a member of tHe U. S. Military, or as ~:fri ,employee .or contractor ef the FBlc:>r any dther.government agency, at Guantanamo Ba'l'~ Ci.Jbailraq~ : Afgh9,ni.stan;"or"in areas:controll,ed by-We U.S. Military Qr a U.~. int.ellig~n~e,s~rvi~~ in ~onnect!on:'with the: glpl;lal waf on t~lror? 0, Yes 0 No. 12. Enter the number of times 'ypu. W¢r.e:.d~piQy~d or"c:jssi,g ned to 'eaco of thE:d9.iloWingIQt,a~i.9Jis. IGiJantanaino Bay, 'Cuba;"Iraq,i,.Afgh;:fnistan; .or il'j':any ,areas controlled by the.U:S. 'Militaryoi a U.S. int~lIlgel1~~ serir~e};.z " , For .each deployment or .assl~l,menf ,complete 'the followi~Q. section. LocatioI') r ..--, ;I~gf (sel~ct. onE!) D~pfoYnie.irt~.r'a~ji!glil)ieri1;'beg!lripiMl1' De'p'I~iitelJ): ~r",~,~!i!ilinmeirt,en,de~ on, aboll.t or. about. ,~ 1.0/15/20:03: 112.!15/20,03~ ,12,a. What was the ;ger're~ci'l natli re and rutP'Q~¢ qt your assig nmen,t an~ ae:tiv(ties,? b6 b7C fLb. ~Iease provide, the· names of the;.specific cam PSI- bases!, or facilities where you worked. erAP~,JnternationarZ0,ne.. Abu Ghraib; and Ar I$hamadi L2.c. NQJ~,: If ii1fprm~jion-:ab!:lU.t !3 .spE:.dflc ,camp, b~se" or fQcjlitil-is da:ssffiect :ab'6,Ve §E~RET, plea~'·O, in:c1ud,e iii YQ~r':ansWer that ypu-hav~ "Cli:Jdl~j(mal Information t1a$'sifled,a'boYe 'SECRET,?' and, if you know, 'itt.entitY the,c1assification lev.el, ticket, ,compaifmeJit, program",or,other d~ig!1ati0,n t~at,applle,s !9 fhe lnformatlqn. Do n9t include the 'agd Itlonal. classified informatIon In your OIGQ-005534 qu-es.tionnglire're,sponses. OIG, personnel with the n:eces~~ry clearance will c9ntact yotl to rec~Jve it. Name Position b6 b7C I :12e• .D ld YQ,~ JOIntly' int~~hiw ~ini¢trb~~t~-~ny ~~~irie;~~-~~;~f~IJ~~9~neJi -----'- ~ --------: 9~ ~~ : bYes ,@ No - Ofu @~ : , : :12f Did-'Youj~fntIY ~lafl:~~y ~'gt~iriee jnt~~feW~brlht~rrb~ati~ ~st~teg y; bbj'ecti~ei br ta-cti~s- with' h~n--} IFBI personnel? ' I :. :iig,~W~re:YQ~ ~yer~othir:Wf~ih;'!v~ in det:~rn~~ fj,i;r~r~w$,o,(:ini~rr.og;,ti~rY$- with- ~oO:F!i(~rsoii,nil.i -:, ," ~,~;a-"tio-;;,-'{:;:;~,n:)- - - - -'-- - - - - D;PTo~e""nt';;-'Q;sig~;;nt b~;';- ;0-0;'- -'DePlo~;nf';r~,;~ig~;;nt;nd;cfo";. -, -, \; about" or about l~!9~D(ii~~' '07/01/L:004, 09/30/20'04 12a. What was tne general nattire and purpose of:'yOlij-'assignmehl::and <activities?' I , ' b6 b7C I 12b', .R1~ase:p,rovld~:th~"narT;les Qnhe;sp,edflf;c?mps"bases, 9r fa~iliti~s wh,er~.yoJI Worked. B'agram Air field cl'nd .Qhahdahar' , . t:LG; Not~: If ihfcfrmation about a ,specific-,ciliilp~ 'oasej or facility is.classifled above SECRET, tnat pJea'se che0k; here Dr, ihcltld¢: in your iansWeryou hay~,"at:lditibi1al infor.mation,cJassified ,abQve 's,:EGR.!=f{" a,n~1 if Y.R~ ~JlQw:l' !d,~~tify'tlJ~·c1?s?,It!~at~qn I~ve'!f 'tlcketr g?,mp9rtm_~n.~~ pr9gr-?rnl' ~wQther :designatioli t!1atalipJie$' to tlle"ihforiiiatiori. 00 not rfJ~Jup~"the ~add i~ibi'\aldasslfied iilf6rni.a~io.n in y.our ql(esti~ilihair.e' resp6rfses. OlG pl=fsbrm,el w,ith' the rl'ecessary :clearanc'e.will cOhtact 'you to .receiY,e it. n '~-"---- ' , ---- -- - ----------------- -- ---.~--,- -~-- --- --r---- -- - --- - - -.- --~---..._; -._- - - -~. ::!~«!·Yl~a.§~ ld~!!!!fY L. ~'t ~~rn~ ~n~LR~slt.Lo11..:aj JI!~ Brn§:'t:.tJ1~ f~I E,~,§c;f!.05!L t.9,-~1l9.!1lY~U_ C! ir~!ly L~2rt~~· ;~.du~~ng~ i9~;: d~pl;im;n1 t;'@~sjgnrD;rit;: ---~--------------~--~._---- Name 1. ~12e .. : '- _,- ~ Position ~ ~i~~ _~ ~ .~~C n Did, you jointly! interview or interrog,ate-.any detainee with non~FBI personnel? '~~ b~ what kinds oi'rion-FBI perSonnel 'did you workjointly?, - 0 CITF· ~ 0' O;ther.U.S; Military :: 0 'us: intellig,ence agency .: 0 rqrt;ig n rn1lifc!ry or im.:ellig¢nre-i;lg,ej1~ ,~ O:o,!her : With -----------------~~-----~-----~--------------------------~----------~-. ~:i2f~ uTi You-J6tntlY pla~ ~y, d~taln~ i;tervle;;;r:'j nte;~~atio~-d~te~y!-obj~i~~ ~('tacti;s,;lth ~on- -,: '.FBI persorl'nel? I ,I I O""Y" • ,es '"VN'0 -~ , _ ,~i~g-. ~We;~'y~u'~v;r-~herWfu~ i;v~iV~;j'in'" d;;t~i~~;:~t;~i~;;;'or'~t;~rogati;n,s ,: " 'b,Yes '0 No, ", -with- ~o-~:FBTp~rs~h~~?_'-:: : A-------,--'- -'-'-,- ----- - - ------ - -- -- --- ----- ----,- -,- - ----- --- --'-'-- - --'-----', OIGQ-005535 Aw Triiining prior to Oversef1ls Oeployment or Assignment 13:. Did you r~ce.iv.e any traininQ, irisJru'~tiOn, Qr guidance sp~ifi<;c:UIy in preparation fdr an\' of v,our . overseas deploynients or assignments? ,0yes ' @No :ODo Not,: Recall 14. In prepEllC\tion for ~my Qf 'fQur 'over~'eas depI.QYm'~ts or :assignnie,rj1;s, did' ygu receive:any:trainfng" ' insfrjJcti6Fir :Qr' gUidan'ce concemm.9 tlle.staridar.ds' ofcondutt applicilble to :the treato'-ent, interview, 'Of' Interrogatlon of';detafnees by F81 personnel? bVes DDo 'Not Recall 1.5~Ill pr;.eparciJ;iori for' any bf:;Y6!1r:ovet~,eas' d,epl.6yments ot.asslgnme·n~r dId you' receive';:lriy training,.: ihsfruCtibh r or,guidance '¢Qhcemliig lh~.s'tan'dar.ds:of.c::ondi:tCt applicable' to the treatment, intervlewr: or fnterrogatl0n 0f-deta'lnees by non-FBI personnel? ... :Opo ,N.ot RecaJI overseas t1¢ployments ,or 'assigrimerits/dJd '1,O,u: recelye,any tralhlng, . instrudior1r 'or,g"ll ida nee cOncemil1g what -you were"supposed to do ifyou 6bserNed ,or'heard:aboul : ,.t_he'tr~~tr'n~nt, ·interview.r or (nte.rrogatiQn.'of detainees by F,Bl p'~rs<)nnE!l, Which yo 1,1 belr~ve~ ~o p~ irf~r'propriat~~ unprofe~~itihi'll, cQ'~r:civ:ei cihl,JsIV¢i or unlaWful? ' 16: Itl·preparatlon. for 'fiiy70.f yoar .11'. In preparation-for any 0fY0ur:overseas' deplo.yments'or assignments,'did' you receiv.e,any trainlng,r . ir~ruetion; or,'guIc;lanee qonc13mil1g what you.w~~~·:supp·P~dto ~~Jfypu obselYe.d '9f hedr~ta~l:Ju:t ,: th.e treatment, intentiel/V,,6r interrpgatiQn of 'd~tCfinee$ by n.on-FBI per:sonrie~, 'which yaLl b'elieved' :to.6~ inapp-r6p'i'ia~~f.l.JnprOfe:ssionaJ; cQe'rciv.$, -abu'sive, unl;3wfUI? or '0 Db Not Re¢'illl . -ayes la., Tr~ining_l)llring , Q'epl()ymen~~ 'or A~ignn:l~nts ;J.~., D'uring anY .bf'your 6v~rSea5.. d~pjoymel)tS' o't' a:;;signm:e,ritS, aip you t~(;eive any training,. ilistru'ctio'n,. '''ir guidance..con.'cetniryg the standards bLconouctClpplicabJe to:thetreatmetat, intentiew,.,or interro.gation·of detainees by FBI- personnel? . Dyes ,0N,o 'GDo NotRecalJ 19. During any ofyou'l'·bverseas,t1epibYrhents or assignments, dip you rec;eive any, training', instruction, erg uidanee concerning ttie'st~mdards Elf cond'udapplfcab'le to, thelr:eatment, ihtehtiew~ ot' ' OIGQ-005536 fnterrogation of detainees by non-FBI pe~on"el? 'eNo :OYes 'ODo Not Recall .2"(). During any.of your overseas deployments or assignments; did you receive any traTning, instruction, or 9,ufdanee concerning what you were !;ljpposed to do-if you ,observed or heardaboufthe, , trep.trnent/ interyi.ewr. or int~rn)g,ation of d~t?ljnees by FBI per~l)nel,.wniqh you helieved to )Je in'ap,prbprlate, .unprof~siorfal, :c6erciVe/ abl,lslve, or unlaWfulT O.Q~ I\lQt Re~all 'OYes :i.1,. Durjng~ny' af YQ.ur over~a~ deplqYr[lE;ln~s or assf9nrnen~si dl9 'you recejve ?!oy{rainl'19, Ii)stru(:ti()n,. Qr g-uidahce cQli9~rn ing What you were .~u ppos"ed ,to'~Q if you dbS~I"l¢d or h~rd 'aq9(Jttb~, 'treatmerit, inter'vi\:!'w~ or interrogatiOli of dgtaiii~es by noh-FB:! per:s.ohnel, wbichyou' beli~Ved J6 be inappro.p'r:iate,. unprofessIonal, coercive, ablrsive~ u nlawfu I?' . . ,or 000 NofRecall 0Nb OYes I 2,2'.;1n your '9pini9.'\ :~H~ Y~lU ceceiYe .aqequ~t~ tr~i.n!ng,.. In?truqt:ioDl Or.9.~lqan~e .r~r~Jtl)g to,:st(;'lnd~rds .of (or'iduP: by FBLand npri"'F.BI pe,r$CjIi·ne.l 'r~r.~tjng to treatment, ilitervi~w,. or illter~(;>gptipn.of .Cf~tain:ees.p:ri6rtb your d$[j}oymMt Pi' .as_si~,hmei1t?· . - ............. ,~ .., - ... ' - -, ~ --,., O'y~ .- -. - ¥ ....... - -,"" - ........ - ....... ..., "'" •• ,.. .... - ~.Q 0 ,...'- ... , - ,...., ... "'" .~ ' .. -. - .......... - •• ~. - ,.,. " ........ '.- -- ;. - _ - , 22a. prease'd,~db~tlJe;wi3Ys in whh:h Vall belf~y'e ~h~ trainil1.9j. irj~tr!J~tion :or~~'id,fU'1C~ was ... ,.. .... _ - _. inapeq)Jat~: ... Did __ • no±lec¢iv.~·qhytrainjng • • _ , __ '_ . ~ _ _ • • •~ _ u .. . __ ~. ... ' 23:. Iii Y0l,lr' opihlqni (l.i~r yqiJ r¢Geiv.~ ,aff~gl-i.ate ~ra'{niI')9r fristr(J¢tiQn, Q.r ,gu(d~nce r~I~,titig, tP sVmtl~rds :of i;:Qnd.Lict by FBI.a tid 'non-FBI p'ersonnel reiating to tr:eqtmentrlntervieWr, 6f intefrQgatipn of defainees .during YC:lUf deployment~or:assjg . nment?" , . ,0 Ye$ ~ No - 23~:;- PI~;sede;c~ib~th~ ;~i;i~'W"hiGh-y~p -b~li;v~ }h; fr~ini"g;jn;trucl~;r 9r,gui<i.~n:c~~~;- '" -- ......-.. il);fd~q'uaf~: _PJc! ·~~tJ~~~~e_·~nj}t~f~i!.Jg __ . _.. . ~ , . _. . 2.4.JI'i ;YQur:~dpiilion, did: y;dU reteive ;ad~', ihStructianr ot gu.idanGe co'ncernibg .wnat you' were sU pposed 00.00 Tf-you observed :or heart! about the n.eatment( iriterviewt .or lliterrogaliOn ,of 'detainees" by, FBI ,or non-FEn ,personnel/, that y.ou believed was inappropriate, unpmfessional, ,cq,erGive, aql!sive, Qr un1i:wJfi-!f? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- '.- ... _"_)000 _')000 _- - - .... _ _ ......... ..,.( _ -.- .... - -- 24a. Pleasedescribe:the'ways in whiCh you oelieve the train1ng,. iristruction,or-$l.uidance Wei's inadequate: . _Plq !:l~tJ~'SeJ'{e_ C!nJ}~qi~il)9 ,~( ~~i~anc~ _ " ~ ~ _ ., .. __ ~ "_ - ~ • OIGQ-005537 25. (Optional) In what w.ays· can the FBI imprO:ve training qn thissubjec,t for f.uture: d~~loyments or 'assig nmelits? Deccfnflid what the .FBI is suP.I?osed to'do during a DOn' operations concernIng these. issues. \0. Comments· ?Q. pro\tJd.e ~my ~:dditioni3I'jnformatlon cpncernJng training fqrover;se~sit~p'loyments.l;lr assignments of FBI persohnel you believe is relevant. . part Intro.du.tli.9n :1:9, tIl: In Jhis sec.tiorl', .w:e:ar~:s_eekif1g ihfonifati6n regar..d.fntLa ·Wid:e. range, of .inteNiew or intef,ro~atiQil t~d'lhiqu~ ,and ·otl1'er typ:es; of,d:etairi~e. tr~atrn.en.t 'l:llle,ged to.' have oc~urred. Yo.u should not'assume" j'ustbecause-we.are·asking. about a particular tech niq,ue 'or pra.ctice" that we. have 'c<;>ndud-ecj' t~aF WIII fcl,<;:~ oc~urreQ ~ w~ recog.rliz~ t,h?lt.sof)le of thes~ t.echl1jque~·or pra,dices: rPi;lY. at times be~ n~ceSSi=lry fur:sFif¢t.Y i;!nd ~~urity in <;l.~~te,ntipn:$~ttfng. In.aJ:lqitIQh~ :V~.¢ tec.9g:n:t?~,tl1~t;~'Qrtje.Qf tbe!ie .te¢hn iq'u~~ ,Ql"j:>r~cti(~ ma't'hav~ ,been authoriz¢d f<irO~1:r by ri,lilitary' Qr p~heF ~pv~Jijrtient>'nn~1. With respecl to .each identified technique, practicer' or ,type ofconducLdescribed below, we 'are seeking. 111(~~TJg.~i9n 'Cf.99ypt§' Qc~.u:rr.e9~e ch.lril)g .or ;n f().nnec,tl9,l1· w.oi.tll·-thfi! iJI.t~.fVi~,w:·~r .iri~~:r.n)gat!9n 9f .~ d~t~in¢~l'0.1" durin.tJ ~h~~e.t~i1tiQn :C?f:a detai'nee 1J~Y9nqwhatts~n¢.e.C!..~d'fqr ~c;IIf~ty p.nq se~urity>. Ih :that t:6IitexX, we will as.k to tell us whether .one or mots' .of the: followrnQ statements true: " you :ate 1. r personaHy;observed thls:conduct. 2~, I :9bs!=.l1Z~~ ·det,,!.!n~(~) in a . cPrTQ ition that leg. me tQQeli.~ye.~hat ~hfs'<:onr;i(JcrDi3d ·occurrecj. ,3'. Detg,i'i'ee(s) t6.10 Uii;it, this.; h'i3d 'Q¢¢urreq., ·4, Qlhi:!rs;Wno. QPg:!rved .thls;.cQnductd~t:rlb~.d It to m~; 5~. 1. haY-e. televant. information classified abo\re: '~s.EC~Epr: ;()'. I.. observed this 'condoct nor hear~. ,~~6u.t,ltTrom some.Qrre Who ~Ig. me. a~ o II p·erScinaJlro.bserved this conduct. , b, D Lobserved detafnee(sI in'a condition that led me to believe thaNhis conduct had·occurred. c. 0 Detalnee(s) told me thaUhlsconduct.had occurred. d.. D 'e. f, !Cifhef? ,!,r.~o oQsel)fed .this cO!TduGt described it ~9 me: o 1r, have Jeltwarit information classified -, .... above . "SECro:T"'. @ !I. never o.~?erved this C;Qnc;!us::t 'npr .h~r~ a bo.!,"t it frolT1sqrT!~9ne: wl)o (tid.. . ~. ." . 28.. D.ep,riving·a deta ii1ee; of-clothing OIGQ-005538 o -a. II personalJY'obsel'\led this COt:lQ,u<;t. b. 0 observe~ .detainee(s) ih'=l condJtlqn ~hat jed l'J'Ie to ~elieve that c. 0 D~tainee{s)'tol~ l:rr~ toat t,hls: con9uct had m;curreP. g. 0 Others wlw ·obs~rved.'t,his l::P;jglj~t de$~fibed it to me, fe, 0, r h~v~ rer~Ya:nt infQrmatioh' t1assifi~d -abOve "SEGREC", f. Itt I n:e\(er Qb:~erVed tl1i~- <;:onduCt hap oGcurre,d, rhl? conduc.t npr'hi=Qrd ,ab9u,t'it from soll1e~me wh~' ~td. '29. Oeprivinga detainee' of sleep, or intefn:l,ptiJJg sleep by frequent -Cell relOtations or other methods 0 r, per~nalJy abservec;! tbiscor:t~LJct. I?', 0 r oJ;)'S~rve~ ,d~tainee{~1 in ,a 'qmq itlQlY'that,leq l11e ~9' p~Ii~¥e th~t'th]s_ conduct- ha,d 'Q~qJrr~d., c. 0 D~tajnee(s} tqldrne tl1at th,is Gpnduf:t h~d 'QcC;:\Jrreej. ~f. 0 Of hers' whp Db:$ery!:=~'t~i~s:qnduct'd.~sqib~ it tQ' me. ~: 0 I' hcwe rel~Yi3nt InTori11~tio.D -,cla's,sifie,<f ab.we. ":SEeREf,l'. f. 0 I ri~\i~r Qbserveq thi~,cQn~u~~ m).r-h~td :abbut It frQm;someone.whq di~, ~. .3.0. ,Beating a detainee, , 9: 0 r: pe~~naUY'obs~rved t~{~ condl,J<;t,' 'b:. 0 t observed detafneeks} in ;a~q:>n9 ~io.n that i!OO me to' believ~ ~hi;!t-~nis .conflu'ct <;; 0 D'(:!~ain~.(~) -to19 rn~ thqt -this. ~9ndu~,t ha:do'q:urr:~ . d. 0 gtbefS: ~ho ob~~rv~9 '~hl~ ~Qnd~c~de~,~-r1be<! I~.tome. e: 0 t' haYt;:relevant iDforrna~ii:m; Gjasiified 9bov~ i\S~E¢RET", f.; 0 ( never ob's,¢tV,ed this q5ndl!~t r'lpr'h¢'atd ab-~tu} it tram '~Qrri'eQnt;:wtiQ, !i)d. , h!=ld otcPF<;!d" g. PI~ase: provide the approXimate tinie·frarne;.during w.hidi this, conduct occurred. {M10'jYY.VY or- M]YYYY) to CM/O(YYYY format or M/YWYJ 0'0'0 No~ Recp,1 format h. The. .detaihee(~) treated in tl)(s way were the time in: 1,0 'Guantariamd2: 0 'Iraq 30 Afghanistan 4 5, 0 0 Otjl~r Loca~!on DQ N,ot ~~~II OIGQ-005539 i. Please identify the.Cletainee(s) by name and number.: 09 not have detainees name . ). P.lea's¢ Idebmy the P'el:s6ri{s) Who tre~ted tM det.aln'e'E!{S) in this, mc,lnherr IhJ::iudlng their riame(s) and goVernment agency(ies): I did not observe nor did someone describe to methe beating ofa·detainee. What occurred was that a CITFinvestigatio'n was initi.aled :c.Jf!;e,r''?IlIegations of>.a'buse: by err.F pe~nnel on a detain'ee: :T,h.eCITF pe.r.~nne.l W~re NerS inve~tig~t9tS. NcrSOPR (?) ,p~rspnnel,sp\)ke to rri¢ In thepteserice of FBI OPR r~garding these allegatiOns. I'advised all i.nvestigative.entiti~ th;3t lwas,prese'ot only. during .the raid and sensitive site .ex'ploitation and had no knowledge nor-was r pfeserit{ nor did I hear abo~t any beating 0fl'~-'detalnee, by NqS Inv~~tl.9ators.r only hear9 about It aft~r-the rnv,e~tig,ation started aJJ~ they Were attemptiJ.\g t9 interview personnel <HI $ite', ~, p,ease, i~el1t'fy ~ny!()ther F131 p,erS9nne! pr non"fBi'\el wh<1 qb!?,€rved detainee.t~J tr~tep . r including their nalTle{s)al1d :qgency(ie$): _ rn this.'mqnner I.. This:c.onpuct 'occurr~. in t @ One. detqjn~e Gonrr~ctiQn with~ 2 Q dercHn~s. (2-4)< 30 Many,detaine,es (rftorethatt 4). '4,0 Qo. Not Recall .m. ,;:r. ('QP.tlorfai) D. PleqS¢ d~rlb,e..therelevant circUmstances; Iii rnqr.e:detaii;, I' p~rspriciliy. QW~rved th{s'<;onpu~t. 16. 0, i 'obser{!=d detaine~(s) 1;:. iii ,a cbrid itiorftllat led m~ to' that this conduct h'ad occurr¢i1. 0 O~tain~e(sl told m~ tn,at this; c,onduct had ,Qccurrcll. .d. 0 Others' Who Qb.servea thIs cond Lic! de~crifjed it to. me. e. 0' 1 have relevaht inrormatio,n dassified Clbove. "SECRET", f. never: observed this'conQuot nor heardabotit it from:someone who did, o II' '32. UsIng hpnds,, or 'anything els'e.-to'choke or strqt]glea 'deti;linee p, [j II' persql'lally observed' ~his ,conduct b:, 0 I obse,rveci de_taltie~.(s) In ~ concf!.tlon·'thpt ied ,me:tO b'ellev.e.rh~~ this cqn~dut:t had'o'q~urred. c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this tond uct had J)C:curt'ed. d. O' Oth,e'rs wno ,observed 't,his Cdtid Litt d~scribed it to, m,e: OIGQ-005540 e. f: 0 !I have relevant Information classified above !\SECRET". IiI!I never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from'someone who did. 33'. Th.r.e?t~ning other action to caUl?e physfC;:91 pain,. injury, d isng~u:.;.re;;;;;;.m",,-,.~e:.;.nt~~'...:;o.:..r'..:;d.;;.ea;;.:.t~h;....' a. D. 0 _ I persdnally, obserVed this conduct. o II.ooserVed de(aineefsJ iii 'a cond itjorf that led me ,to believe that this conduct tiatl,oc:clir.reti. c. 0 Oetain'ee(s}told me ttiat this cond'uCt had ,occurred. ,d. 0' Others who observed this co.nduct it to me. 'e. 0 I have relevant inl'0rmatron classified above: I'SECREf". f. IiI 1 never,observed thls:conduat norhear.d about it fromsomeone;who did. . 3~. ,q~h~r. t.reatme!1t q.r 90ti9.n ~l,l~'l1g ?ign.ifi~nt p,hysi~1 p~in 9r injIJrv, qr causing d~sf]g,~rement'or t!i':::!ath a. b. c: o 11 perSonally' observed this (:()'riducf. o 11 observed detalnee{s): in a ,cond ltion that led me'to believe that'this'c::onduct had occurred. o !Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occurred. d. 0 Q:thers, who 'Obsel'Ved this conduct described it to me., e. 0 r have relevant Information classlfie~ ~99v~ '~'S.EtI{EP'" 'f: 0' !I never'Q.b,s,eryed t,l:lis,.~ondl:ll:t 'no'rheard 'abollt, it .from ,someone who' (Jip. a. 'O'!I. persanally',6bs,erV¢d this,conduct. b. o ir,,(:>bservea detaineeIs) in a,c::ondition thaL led, me to believe that'this <::ondiJct had "occUrred. c. O~ IOetainee(s) told me thcitthis' Gonduct had ,0CQlI-'roo. 0 e., 0 t. 0' d. O.thers who observed this c"mductdescrfbea it to me: ~'~ave fel~v,ant ll}fbrm?lti9n ~1i;lS?ifieq above n~ECB.I;T"). [; n~ver'o.psel\!'ed thJs 'Conduct 'norh~rg .aboutlt from'someone who, ~id. OIGQ-005541 , , 36. Wsing shackles or othe"t'(estt"aihts in a prolonged manner a. b~ 0 D. I personally observed this"c::onduct. I{observed detainee(s) in a'condition that led me to lJelieve that this conduct had .0cGurred. ,,' c·lo O~tai~ee(s) told me that this c0nQu~t had oecurred. d{ 0 o.thers who .oQserv~ this cO,nduct deserib~ e, 0 r have relevant inrQrmatic)n c1a'ssjfie.d 1': 0 !~ t9 me; ab'~)Ve "$.ECRET", I never observed this'G:onduct,nor'heard about it from someone who did, . " ' . " " " . 37'., ReqPirin'g a 'cj~t~ine~'~o l1Ja!nt~ili, Qr testrairiin,Q a :Qetairi$e.ini-astre!?$fl,Jl Pf painfl,l! p.Q!?itrdh 'a. 0 r personally observed this.conduct. b. 0 r observed 'detafnee(s) In·a Gond ition that led me to [j Detalnee(s}tc>ld me that this <;:ondud had ;Occurred~ c. q, 0 Qt.l:lers whp 'Observeq this ~o.n:d uct d~scribed berieN'e that. this conduct had occurred. : It. .to. me.. 0 r hi=\)/e 'rel~Vpn't i.Qf9rm~~iQn· c;lcrs~ified,a b,ove '~$.ECRET'!. T. ~ I o.b~~rve;~ thls'CQndU<;:tnor h-eard .about Inrom sqrr;1e9n~w~p.dlp. ~. 38: Eorcfng:a ·d eta inee. to. p:erl'oim:derhand',ntJ BilysJeal ',exercise a. C! l' perSorfally observed thls~cQhduct, b:! 0 !I.,obserVed detaine.e(s) In a'conalt:ion that led -I' me to! believe that'this conduct, hiid .occu'rred. 0 !Oetainee(s} told me that this cond.uct had occurred. ' d. 0 Others. who this eonduct'descrlbed [f to me. " . obserVed . . .... ~., 0 r have relevarit informatfon classified above "SECRET"', f: ® I.11~'it\,!r·Qp'g!rv~q ~hrs ctQf)p~~f'!1pr h~uf ,ClQQut:!qrorn SQIJ1~oJl~,,0ho c;lip .. ,Co , --' , ' " ' ", " , >,.". ,,", , ' .'. : ,g9.lJ~ing ~I.ectdcal sh,qtlt:or'l ,8 dl'!t8ine~ a. 0 r personal!y observ,ed : tliis conduCt. b·lo I observed detainee(s) in a',condition that led me to believe thafthis eonduct had ,occ'llr'red, c. 0 Oetainee(s) told me that this' conduct had occurred. d. 0 Others who observed thiS condl:lct described it to me. " , OIGQ-005542 , . D f: It! e. I have relevant Information classified above lIS ECRET" . I never observed this,conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. 40, Threatening to use'ele'<;j:riGC!l·s.hoc~on a detaine~ D b.. 0 c. 0 d. D e. D .a. f. 0 I p~rs6liaTIy' obs~rVed tliis ,tondoct. I.observed de'tairiee(s} in;a 'cond ition t,hat.led me to believe thanl'iis contlud: had oc.GUrteCl. Detainee(s) told me that this cO'nduct had .o.cturred. Other'S: who observed this cend iJct d.escribed it to me I nave rel!=varit Information classified j3'boye' !'SECRET". I ne.ver·observed thls.:'COnduet nor heard aboutlt from someone. who did. ·41. lQt~ntiQm:lI/Y ~eli;lying '9r denying ·4ei<;linee mediCal care ,a'. .- 0 '-b. 0 c; 0 ·d. 0 e. r persbilaily observed tliis ..t ondttct. I ooserved.·dett\inee(S) ill :a..cond ition that 1e4 ·me to believe that. this conduct .bad .~.t(Jrred, Deraln~(s) tQld the thiltthls Cbilduct l:ia,doccu rred. o.therS who :Qbsenred thiS Ciiiilduct'described it to rile, O· I f. 0' I 42. have releyant iriformation classified .cibdv.e "S'ECREf",. never',observed' thrs~conduct nor heard ab0ut it from 'someone'who did. tjooding or blind.ftilping a 'detain~ oth~r than.during 'b:anspoitation a. 0 b. 0 I per.:sonaUy,6bserved thl,S:cQTiduc;:t. I obs~rv.ed detainee(s) Ih.a tbhdition that C. U!,Detain~e.(s) told ~ D led me. to beiieve that this cOhduct had ,oc,curfed. me t'h'at this co'r'!cl.uCt ha-a ·occiirred. lathers; v-rhb observed this cOnouct.described It tb. me. .e. 0 f: 0 r never 0.bserved tfiis'coildlict nor· heard :aoouf it from <someone· wh0 did. I haVe relevant information dassified above '!SECRET"·• OIGQ-005543 43. SUbJectilig·a det~ine!=!, t6 eXt~errfely cold6r hot 0 0 c. 0 Q: 0 a', b', e. o (oam temperatl!tesf.cirextended periods I I personally observed this,.conduct. Lobserved detainee(s) in a·condition that led me to believe that this conduct had ,occurred, Detainee(s) tQld me that thisC0ndUC~ l1ad 'occurre9. Others whQ o~serv~ t,his c~nductdes€ri,bed i~ t9 m~ II have relevant in'formatiorr dassiffed al1.ove,"SECRE'T'!. T. 0 I nev~r ob5.erve~L this'conquc;tnor' h.eCjrd a~Ql.Jt it a. 0 b. 0 I 'observed detainee(s) in a cond itlen that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. G. d from someon~ whp did. personally'observed thiS.conduct. Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occurred', 0 Others. w~o obse",ed~his' c0.nd,uc;t des~ri~~Jt tp. me.: ¢. 0 l h?\ve releyant i.nf9rmatiQn da~~j'fie,d.a~.ove "$ttREJ'I) d. t 0 I nev~r ob.~e'rve·9 th.lscondy~t nor h~rd about It from some~n~ Wh.o.dld. 4'5:. 'Subjec:ting a detainee. to .brlt(ht flashing I1g111S .<it darkness a. o Ir perspnal!y obSEirV.ed thls,conduct. b~. cr II 'ooSe'rved detafnee(s) in a,corid ition that led me .t6 bel ieve that"thi's conduct- had .accurred. c. D d. o lqthers who obselYed this ro.l1du~td~~crll:!ed It t<;> r:ne.,.. e; 0 f; ~ . ~. n~y.~rqb.?eryec! tl1fs;<;Qng4~t'!1gr h~~<! ,"1 ~c:)Ut itfrQr:n. S9rT!~OnE; w!lo'cjid. I I !oetainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred', I. ~aye infor~ation classified :ab</ve "SEC.R~'''. .a. 0, .r personal!y' o-bseiVed this conduct• b. 0 I observ.ed detainee(s) In a"c6ndition that led me te believe thaUhis c{mduct had Dcdmed. c [) iDetainee(s)·told me that this conduct had occurred. d. [j Others who observed this .conduct described it to. me; OIGQ-005544 e. f. D I have relevant Information classified above '!SECRET". 0 I never observed this:Gonduct nor heard aboutit froll) someone who did. 4-7. USing duet tape to r;,e~tldrnf gag'-'-,..;;0.oc.f-"p.... u..; ni;. :; .$.:.;,h. ;:.a;. .;d;.;.;e:;. ;.ta.:.;,·i; ;.:n.: ;.ee.; :.· _ a. D I p-ersdlially, ob~iVed this:cof!duct. .b~, D 'LbDserYed.aetairieels). in a·condition t.hat led me to believe thatlhis conduct hatt occurred. I C. D Det'ainee(s) told me that this. cond'UCt had o.ccufred. d. e, D f. 011 ne.ver'observed thls:conduot nor'heard about It from someone who did. others' who observed this G0ridiJct described it tame. o it have relevant inr0rmatfon classified <3bove' 'tSEGRET.... 4-8. ·lJsing, ri;lpid ,a. D tesponse tegm~ .and/or ror~d. cell extracti9ns II personailyobserved this conduct. b. D II observed:detainee(s)' iii 'cLcpnditiori that fed me' to believe thaUhis conduct bad ,pcctJrired" c. D !Detainee.(sj told me that thIs cbnd,u,ct had ,occurred. :-d. o !Others' who observed this cOiJduct i:Iescribed it to me. e. [j f. II have releVant information elassified a'b,6v.e "S'ECRH". 0':I never obs.erved this,mndud nor heard about it from 'someone who did. :49. Using a military working 'dqg 'Q,nor ne~r g 'detainee'oJher tha.o 'during cjetaine,e trans~orb'a'tion a: D I: per.son'a)jY cibserv~d this conduct. I), 0 I ohs¢tv.ed ·,detc'Hiie~{ s), ih ,a cbhd ition that led me: to believe that: this' cbnduet had ',ac,curred. c; 0 .Detaine~,('sl tbld 'me that this condLic.t nad :occurred. d. 0 Others: who observed this c6hduct described It tb me. e. 0 -I haVe relevant information dasslfied aboVe !!SECRET". f. 0 r never ohserved this 'cohduct nor-heard,p ti6tif it{rorn someone who, dio. 'g. Please p.fov!de the approximate time 'fra.lJle during, whieh this'cond.l!cLaccurred. OIGQ-005545 From (M/D/YYYY format or M/YYYY) to (M/D/YYYY format ,or M/YYYY) 10Do Not Recall h. The petailJ~e(s) treated in ~t)is w.ay were lo.catep ~t th~ ~ime 'in: 1 0 §Uantanarno 2.DJraq 30' ,Afg nan istali 2J: 0 ,Other Location 5,0 Do Not R.ecall r.Please identify the detainee(s) by name and number: Qo not have de(aine€?,name ' j, PI!=i3se. id~ntify the person(s} "",ho .treated the qet.aine~(s) hith is mqnnE(~r in~lud ing their name(s) and g6v~rnmerit·qgencY.(ies): .' . I did not· observe nor did I hear about this treatment from someone else, so no' one..described It to me, What I heard W9S that ,an: investigation was being ~ond.ucteQ9n the :~~e of th~ rriilitarydog' and his, ha,n~ler whq .\:Vera! tl!. the ~~m;. t w~~ nE;Ve~ ~skedG1~Qut. it 1}9r di!t I..e,v¢r Wi~nes.s ,any improperactibns; Ii)f'the d09. or his: hahdler. ' ~. please identify' <;iny;:ot'her ~I pers9hl\el qr n9n-~I 'p~rsl?lJne,1 whp O~$nied l;I.etciitleefs) treated in' mii'nher,. Induding, tnei'r n~tile{~) anti agetity(ies): '. I. This ,conduct occurr.ed in cOnhection .w,ith~ :1.0 One detairie.e ·20 'Several detainees (2-4), .:3 0 Many. deta,in~es (r;nore: than 4'.) 4 Do Not Recall a m. (qptional) p'lease, describe the relevant circumstances, in more.detail:· a', 0 b, 0 c. 0 d. 0 I personally observ.ea, this co hdllct. I oDse·rVed.,detarriee(sJ In 'a:,condltion that led Detainee(s) me to believe that:thls conduct had ,occu'rred': told me that this conduct had :occurred. Others who observed ,this conduct descri'bea it to me. D. II, ttClve ,relevant !hrorrnfltl<m: dassr(i~ ~pove "SEGR:ET'!, 'f.. 0: ~', pe''o.bsertted tbl$ ~'C9IJal;lQt nor hea.~d C! bput it from. ~l')1eone WhO' did. ~': OIGQ-005546 . , b. 0 0 Iobserveddetainee(s) in:a 'cond ition that led me to believe that this cand uct had occurred. c. o ,D~~~inee(s) tol.d me that ~hisc0ndyct ~ad ·oc~UlTed,. d, 0 bth'e~ wh9 'ob'$erved a~ tIJis cond~d 9.e~~Jlbed It'tO me: e. ~4 have refevant information classified ab'ove, "SECRETJ~. ...:- t: ,.- I personally observed this_conduct. 0' ;1' nev~r 0 b~erv~d this .tQnd u~t nor hea rd '~~;4tit from, sqmeone wno did. .,------ 52. Threatening to use spiders, scorpions, snakesi. or other animals- on a dl:!1:alnee' a. 0 ~. personally. observed this conduct. b. 0 I'observed detainee(s) In'a G0nd Itlon that led me to bellelle thatthis c;:onduct haiLoccurred. <:':. D. pet9iDee(s) tqld rn~ that this. ,?ond uc.t hpd 'Qc<;lJrr~. <!} o '9tJ:ler§ \l'fl'190p~ery~q thiS co.n4Q~tdescrjg~ 0 I "to 0' I e., it to me." h~ve:rel~varit IlJforma1:19,n, fl~'fs,sJflegi AP9V~ "$'ECRJ,:T'! ~ lleVer 0b~erve:d thj~ 1<;<'>l1d uct .n9f ht=,a:rd ';:l.bE:lOl it from. sOlT)~~n~'Whq dip. S3. o.isrespeGUUJ :stateh:f¢nl$~ h'and f1n9, Qr;a~tibn$' fnVQlving the koran a'. o it person'alfyobse'rved this eoildiid. b. d lr,observed detainee(s) in a'<:':ondition that< led me to believe that this conduct had 'ocGurred.· k o ;Detainee(s) tOld me that this conduct had :occurred. ~ o )Others who Qbserved this condu,ct-gescrlbed it to rne~ Ie- ]f)I h~ve rel~val)t !nl'orm?l~iOn.cJassiJi~~ above I~SECRET'!·.•. f. ItJ II. n~vepo,b,5!=rv~#. thi.s 'coJ19~d '.Jlt,l! ,h~ q:l :<;lbqut i~ ;frqrn .~m!=ol1e.whp ~ -' ~ 5;4. Shayim;J $:n:l.etain~'~fdtia! I did. or pj:hetJjairtt> embarraSs'br humiliCij:e.a .getairi~ a. 0 I personaHy observed this.conduct. me' to. belieY'e thatlhis condild:' had occurred. b', 0 r·obsetVed detainee(s)' iri'a,cohdifion'fncit led c d !Detainee(s) told me thatthis, conduct had occurred. q, 0 ~. O!hers who 'Opseryt;:d this ~nduc;t pe!?criqed !t to me. o it' ~a,!,~ rete~ant !I)formation classjfied a~ove IJSECR'ET"', -. OIGQ-005547 I ne\ler observed thls,conduct nor heard aboutlt from someone who did. 5~. PI.acing, a WQman's clothing -qn a,detainee 0 I per.sonally obserye(J this condo¢t,' b. 0 I bbserV,ed:detpin~~.(s) ih a cond ition th?it led m¢: to beli~v.e that. this cbn.duct· ha,d ,oc¢Urred. c; ,0 Detaine.e.(s) toRI me th-at this cohd tict liad .occurred • .d. 0 Others who .observed ttrls cond uct described it to me. a. e. 0 I h2t'Je relevaht information dassifiedaboVe "SECRET". f. 0 rnever.observed this:conduat nor heard about. it from someone who did. ,56', Tou~hing 'crdetai"nee' or a~ting toward a in ·a' sexual m9nm~r a:. 0 I' p:-e.:rSQI1"?!lly ,ob~rv.E;d ~his<:c,(m~.uc.t. .b,. 0 r'obse~ed,tletain~.e.(s) in ~a ',cbhditiOii'that led' ... .......c.onduct had :occurr.eCi., ... .,. ---- tnatthi5 , c. 0 D,et"ainee(5) told ,meHhat this, condl!c.t had ,occurrea. d, o lotherS' who obseriled thiS conduct,aescrlbed It to' me; .e: 0' I ha\le"releYan~ iOformation classified aboYe. '~Sl:tRET" . f. 0 r never o.bserv.ed, this,cotiduchlor'lleartfabO'ut it from-sOmeone. Wh0 did,. , - .-~ 57';; H0jd.l.[I,9, detallJ~(sJ wqt;? .w~r~' nJ)~ Q"ffIc;JaI.fY',C!dq~ow.)e<;Ig~ or r~.'s(e.req ~!.!, ~l,I€h by.thl:!';~"9,enc;y tletaining th'~' person.. ,a. 0' I persan"ally observed this .cotJtlud. 0 ! ,o!:5s.erv.ep :t1et.airie.e(s)' ii'i :a GPhp ition'that led me: to bel ieve that this cand act hci'd ~o<icufrea. c. D Detaihee( s:) told me that this C0"n€l'uc1: had ,6ccu rr;ed. ld. O· dlhers' who obsehted this tciriduct described it to, me. -e. 0 1. have relevant information classified a'boye: "·SECREf'l.. f.. 0 I, ':l~v~r o;~s~rv~~, tJ1is-<;~na.u~t nQf ,I:!,eard C!.~0.l!,~ i~ frpm,$C!mE?!'lI.1~, Wh~ q!d, b.. 58', Sending.a detainee to ~mother.~untryfor mOTe aggre$slye iriterrQg~iion OIGQ-005548 0 .r personally-,o,bservec:j thi.s c;oncl.uct. b. 0 {observed detain,e!=(s) in a c()f1dJtionthat jed 'l}1e' to believe th~t-tl1i~ <;:Qn:du~t had oc;~urret!., c. 0 Detainee'(s) tolp me .tha~ l,hls I;bn(j uct' had 'oc;:currel:f. .g. 0 oibers whQ Qb~.ery¢d :this. CMg uct desc:ifb!=d it to me, e. 0 I hav~ releva'nt infqriij,atiorf dclssifie:d .above' ·!SECRET". ·a. f. @1 r n:e\?er <;>b:served thl.s conduct npr h$rd ab~lJ,t it from s~JrT\ei:m~ wh~' gtd. 59. Threatening to s.e·nd .a tletainee to ariotherco.t.fntty for detention, Qr more a'ggressive; interrogation 0 I, per; op~rve~ th{~ ,conduct. 0 I observe~' d.e~ain~e($) in ~~'e9n~ ition·,that led l}1e ~9 b,~lieve th~n,bl~, tQn5J.uct had 9Gclirr~p.<, ·c. 0 De~a!.ne~(s) told .rne tpaJ.: tll..fs q)!ldu.c.t hpd 'OC;:C\1rreq. q', 0 bthers- whp .Qb:~tyl;~ tm? s:qnd u:ct it tQ' tng', e: 0 r' !l'i;lve r~lev~mt il)fQrmc;l~jon clp~~MiE# ah.we. "S:ECRETi ". t 0" I Ii!=.ver 6D~erv.ed thi$·C;6nau¢.t norhi:Er~:abb~t itfrOm·· did. ?t. ~'.. '60. Threatenhig to :take 13ctio'tragains.ta detainee's fa'rnily. a: O. r' R~r~nar!y'O"b~~rved ,1J1st;ondqct" I opser-vep · in ,a:Cl:>nc;l~io!l tDat. i!=d me to·.b~lieve.that this condu'ct hp~ occurred .. 0 c, 0 d; 0 e··'. D T have relevant itifo rrtia~fon'~Iassiffed !=l b'ove' i~S EC'RET" ; f.: ~. i n'~v¢r'enzed' this-.,cg.ndq~t lY,¢($l tQ.ld r,n¢ ~hg~ Jtll$: c:;ond u~t had o'ce\:! rr~, qthers- Who ob~~~e9 :~hl~ CQn~J.l:~t des~Tlbeti It to me. n:oth~rq .abQm. i.t from 'scirneoneiwhO, ~Jd. /.61, ·O'ther'treatment b'r aCti<5fj causIng' sever;e emotional·or pSYGhological trauma to a :detainee, 0 1- perS0P?ll(y ob~rved' ~hi~ ~qpd.uct. b, 0 17ol;>.seryed detajn"ee(s} In 'a 'cand ition' that led me. to' b~lI.ev.e:that,'~.hls c0r::!d.u~ ,had ·occ{J!.T~d< 'C;:;. 0 Det-aine~(sJ ~qld rTIl:! ~hc;lt tbi~ c()oduct bad -qcqJrrecj.. d.; 0 Other,; w.ho 'ob~erveg 'this CQhd uct de$~~ibed i.t to me: _. - _- -_ .. .. .... . ___ - ---.--.-0---· ---. .. .. ----- a. " . .. . . OIGQ-005549 e. 0 f . I~f r have releval1t Information classified above' ·!SECREf". r never observed this,conduct nor heard about it from someone who'did. •1)";Z,·QtherreligiQu!? or'sexual. haras~ment·or humiliation of 13 detain~ 0 D.• 0 t. o a. d. e. f. I pers<;inaUy· dbs~rved tliis:tonduct. I.bose'rved detailiee(s), in 'a cond ition that led tne'to believe thanhis conduct had occurred. petainee(s) fold me tHat thiS. conduct had .o.ccurred. n lo'thers'who observed this coiiduct described it to me. 0 I hay,e relevant inT0rmation classified above. "SECRET"'. 0 I ne.ver'observed this ,conduct nor 'heard about It from someone who' did. ·63. ·qther treatment of ~'~et:q[ne~ th?lt 'in' Y9!:lr qp ini!'?11 Wa$:\,J.nprofe.~si~jQ~I; ,u.nduly h9 rsb '9f'Qgg res,s1v~r 'c~r~l\l~~ abu-siver or .unlaWfjJl a. Cl II petoonalfy ooserved thiscoilduct. b. o iI observeCi .detalne.e(~)' In a~,cond Ifi,0h-that led me te believe that'tnis conduCt had ·occUrred. c, q. ;Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had ·occurred. 0 O:thers who observed this c0nduct'describeo it to me. e.. 0 r: ha~e Je~vC\n.t Information c1assltle.d ~99ye '\S,~bRET'''. f; 0" it n~ver'opserv;ed this 'conduct 'nt>r :heard 'about, it from,sqrn~Qnewho gid. d,· •• • .. 0 0 D : () :l:. . ·/~,.t :'.. ;;" .j;.. .64.: .Did YQ!.I Qb~erve} gOY .imper..SQf1ClUon :of Far 'perso,rinel bY'anY,<'H1~:rdl)fjng, i;1n Inter1leW Qr.intermgatipJl.of "«, :a, d.e:fa:in,e¢?· . , -a'Yes: 0 No ·.~S . .Did .aJiY·ge~aiPe:~ per'SQ.n .t~1.I YQu t~~~ h~ 'br'~l1e had Witness,ecI. the ,rnp:~~~n'atl9ri.(')f FBI persOhnel in ccHinection with ·a.detainee. interview br interrogation? . O~ ~~ {j6~: Are y()u 9w~r~ ofplw. ';sharn:!' or'" stqgeCI II d~.tailJ~~i.ntervjews, odnter~og~tIQ!1S cond ucted f9r M~ bers ,of the·.\):;:; .Cong res~:or:th~lr ~tdff? , Q '{~s' ,@. N\>' OIGQ-005550 ·67. Tb Y9ur knoWledge, dij:i ,any military pr ,intellige.n¢~ pers.'Qliriel .deny Qr delay FBI acc~$ to a detaihee.the FBI Wanted to.questlon because tlle,detainee,had 'sustained Injutles after he was capwred? OYes '~NO :68. D!q 'YQu ~ver end. y:o~r Pfi'1lc;ipatlon II,l ~r o.b~e.rva~(ol1.of a:de1C!ffl~~ Int~rvl~¥'f. or interroga~lon lieca.use .of the intervi~w_Qr in,tei"'rogatiol) methOds being- ,u5e'd? {j' y~s, '0 No' 6:9. Were you ever told that':doother FBI ,employ,ee ended his oj ber participatioi:l in·orob,seFVatlbn bf,. a detainee intendew 'Of' lAterrogation belZause 'of the: interview 'or'interrogation methods. being used1' " 0 ¥:es:. 0' No' ' , 10'. o.urilfg :a-ny o'f'yo1Jr·a~er'se~s"d~'p'loym.etlt.s aj' a'ssig n'ri'l~rjts~ ti i:d :yo.u .r¢pott :any coi'fc.erns. regarWfi'q any. ·d,ettlinee; interview infer-rogation prai::tites, .ar. ,other type's cif..d·etailie~;(treatment( to: an' FBI .~up~rvi,sQr?: . . '0 Yes. @ No; ?i. DUrjng :any c)'f yo,or Ov~rseas ·et~pjoym,ent~ pr ;:rp..sJgnm~I1,t;sj.c:!I~ YQu r~p.9rt ?lny cQnt~rn.'$ r'¢'gzm1ing any -deta'i1'~ intervieW',or interrogation prcktices'oY of her fyp'eS:'of d etainee:treatrrlent you' or observed or heard about, to a non-FBr. supelVisor or other non-FBI,perso'nneI1 0. Y.e~, '0 . . NG: 1'4- J:Ia~eyq~ ~'lEi!r ,~eefl b.r~ere~r qrdir¢!:;tE14 n9t t~ r~p.t?rtr·or'.~iS'C9Ilra.g~in ;3 n?'W.ay from r~p.l;lJtipg, 'ob,servatibns 'or aiiegatibns r.elated to d~tainee trea,trit'eht or' interVieW' o'r io'terr,ogatiQn actiQn~ o.r' p:r.actlces7 ' C' Y.e.s' 0' No) '13'. H§lve ygu ~p~~i~nteq:an~'a9tu<;ll.or thr~atel'!ed re!aliation:fQr f~pqrtiJ19 Qb.s~rvatioJ)~-qr. allegati.on? of'tl¢t~.ine~ tr~~tfnet:it 'qr' ir'(te.rv.iew. 'Qr irlt.~rrqg~tit?rj· ~.Gtlons 9( p'r~lc.tic¢s] QYe.~ $- N~ . 7~., (C)lltlo~!), Plea~ Pfoyl(fe :any:adqit,lonal. ~oroment,s r:~9'<:!fd!ng t~e r-ep~.r~!I}9. .of t9~er(lS' relate~ to irjteryiew or intetro,gqti9n·t~cl1riiq!lesi'det~nti.Qn p'rp«tit~,.or·othe.l"d,eta,in¢e. tr~q~ment. ," 1i#j,mt6~f'~~~' P '0.. ' .. • ...,... ~. ., ,""'l . .,.~ :.>-., •• ' :- . rout $, W¢r~ you :debrjefeC!, otti~r' than .~!1e'~lal'!dard dehrlef in' fD- '],72" ~qli~~tnJn'g' '6~etse'qs~ 'assij:inment(s) .or .deplriyment{s) .after·you :coiiIpleted toe depkl'ymerit(~Y6rassi9nment(s)?' 7. ~ Q'yes @,No 7.6.. Additional Comments'-and Recommendations: OIGQ-005551 Thank you for your cooperation in completing this questionnaire OIGQ-005552