Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00002191
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D~partment'ofJJ.f~tiG.e· In~pector Gener·al "Ques.tionnaire Regar.ding Deta'in,ees D.oJ.-:on:; INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIC5NNAIRE FOR: REVIEW AND USE dNLY BYINDIV1DUAL FBI ~E'Sp.ONDErHS - qp NOT FORWARD,OR Di$EMI~ATE' . _. " QUESTIONNAIR'E 10: test-O,O,00219,1 ·As·of tlJ~ I~sttime this q~es.ti(>nn~ire.w~~ ~\(~dr $ome require,d fields: hav~ nQt, .,eel'!-~9mplete·d. PI$s~.r;eView:y6ur respons¢S. .~,.~.~ -,.~. ... :.. ~"",,\.:::: .. 'f " :.::::~ .....~~,,~~.:,,";:., f?: .... ,<~: ....;.; ~ ~·"··:t~~·-1·;~\;.::::!:""·;··"':A,~ ~. .~<. "'. ,,'. ','. . ~.: ... :.~.~. ';. '.~'~~~, -:\. ~:. P~r~Qn~1 Infprmation A. Please· provide. the'foJlewin(:l iJiformatiQn: 1, Flr:st liClm¢~. Mld~lJeJnltrp:l: 3; Last name:, 4. Enter:.ed, ali .Duty Date ([OD): ?:: CurJeot Dl,?lsfqnlField bffiGe: ,6~ Cl\rrent jpb title; ,7: D-itectdial Officie.telephone humber: 8, .FBI '¢~II phqrie' .nurtll:5er: Q• .FB,t p,ager number~ to.. Best contact number for YQU~ ~ ~::7c. PER AqREEJY1FNT 6' 8. '7C 'PER.AGREEIVIENT Ii & 1..C PER. AGREEMENT 6,&'.7C Ii 8. 7C; $St\ 6 8; 7C.PER..A~REEMENT ,fi iJ.:.,7¢ pliR.AGREErVtENT '6 ~ ,7CPERAG~EE,N[EN:F '6 & 7C PER,AGREEJViENt B'o BackgroLi'nd of S'pedfiC D.eployme'ntsor Assignments :11. At any time alte't'Septemoer 1'1, '2"0.01, aid yeil, ~fVe'a's a member ofthe U. S,. Military, or' as an ; .E;mployee,or contractor of fhe. FBI.or any other gpvernment agency; at Guantanamo Bay~, Cuba; Iraq; : Afg'h9 !1i.stC!rT; 'or ih ar~C!s,~controll~ ~y,t!Ie ~,EJ. MII!tary: Qf ~ll;J.S. il1tellig-eD~e ~,~r'-:lce, i1r(;!=Uln~ct~on:wit~the ~ .gl~bal war on .t~rror? o Yes ,0 No 1.2. f:n.~er tl1~ number ,of time:syou. wer.e,.depioy,e.d o.r:asl>ig ned' to. each 'Of 19.~ati.9r)~; .(Guantanafno Bay~ -Cubaj, 'Iraq;-~A(gha'nistan; ;ot in ·any areas controlled by the. U.S. 'Military or a U.S., int~lllgenc;:e serii~,e};1, . F.or,each deployment or assignment ,complete the 'f6J1owi~g section.. location ", >(~... • • 'select one" \;, . '/ ,?epJoym~_ni: lit a~.5ignrrE,.nt·Il~"n "bou.t • 9ii or ~ept~.YJ:"~rit,or,a5$!gnljJeiit,en,deilo n, or·ab!l!lt. . ~l~~ 03/01/2004 05fl~/2Q04 12a. vl/h~t wa~ JJie ~g,eri:e(a) riat~.r¢ ~nq P:l,Itp'q~e. Qf YQu'r',,erit a~nd a!:':tivit~.s? I worked with:the B.ureaLl',sTFOS' iR Bag'hdad a'od was associated 'witli'ttle.CJTF7. t2b. Please provide·the names of the.speCific.camps,. bases; or facilities where you worked. ¥Jithjn t~e BJAP I"{\Ior~ed .",t ¢qlflP.sJ'~(C!yer<?IlP VI9tPry- (n0ft}1, ang :s'out.h:) anq !Jn~now!!lJam~' (to m~) .m:'!t;:l.iiiee, Interrcigatiqn FqtiJitYl1ri, BIAP. 1~2d. Note: If ififo-rriiatJptr abollt a ;spe~lffc ,carhp~ base" <WfaqilitY-js;classifi$d .aboite SECRET, please thetk. h¢re, D L in,elUde hi youtimswer that yoohave."additional information cIaiisifieil,anove JSE~~ET,'" am;!, If you, kno,w, ;Id~ntify the,cI?lssif!c~tion',evel, ticket,;co!TIpartrn~nt, pr()Q.ram, or'other . . , . , OIGQ-005115 designation tha,t applies to: the 'information. Dp, not i,m;:'lude the ~pd(tipnal.classified infqrmatipn: in 'your ques~ioilnaire'r.espon'sesl, o.IG, p¢rsotm~1 witli the neq;sSarY ~r~arahce will 'C,onta(j: .you to receive' it. Name I. I ' ,Position On $.t:ene <;::orTuna.od_er , ~~~~y"'92.?~I1.-~_c;9_~~~~d~!: ,12e, Djc;l yO!J jpjntly intervil:wor interrQgate':i=Uly ~t;taj'ne~ With npn-FBl . (!) NQ yes :wjt~ ~h~t- kl~d~- ~TnQ~;FBi p~isq~'Q~ b6 b7C 0 d!d 'y~~ ;io;,kj~lntly?' ~. per~onriel? ,- ,. - -- - ~ '. - • -'. ~ • - .... - - - •..• - - '. .. -- - - D.CtrF ; 0 'Qth,er U.$. Ml\It~rY 0'u..$ . ihteliigente. i:i'genq . '~ ; :0 t:ior¢i~rn military' or iht~lIigenteage'ncy : 0 Otlier )00-1""" -- _ ,: ' .... -... ..... , . , _.. - _ - . . . . . - _.. _ . _ -: - - _ -"- ~ - __' " . - _ . _ ..... - " '_ ~ - ~ , . . - _._~- ..... _ _ ""Il _ - _ _ .... '~2f. Did~yo~ti6i;;tIYp~'j;,-anyd~tain~,frit~Nie;;br-ilite:r~~tibn stra~y';;bi;:tiv~~brta-ctits- ~ith ~'0n" -:' ~FBI,persanl'Jel~ ~' Cf)' y~~ . 0 ~o :; ----~-------~_._---------------~--_._--_._---_._---------~---~-~--'-------- : With ~what kinds :of non-FBI per:sdriliel did yoLi work jOlntly.? :: 0 CITF-' ' : 0' ·Other-U.S. M iI1tary . ~ '~ 0l):~" !rtel1jg~rT<;~ ~g~!l~' :: 0 F.Q(eig,h,military,or ihteJli~,¢:a[en9Y ~ q :O!h.¢t' " ... - -~- ... - __ - -- - - - - ..- -- - - - - - - -. - - .l"'" V' .' - - - - .... - ~ - r - _ ... - '-"- -~_. - - _ - - - - -. ,.. .... - ... - - - - - - ~ - - .- - - - " ~2g,:Wer;::Y6~ e~~r~~[irn.i$~ in~iit~ in-,cf;;t;in~~.iriterv~W;;~~ iht.e~;o~~tiohs-;i~h~h6h-=FBi~;-so~~ir~: - ~: : ' , 9Y~s'@No . . : --~----'~-------------------.----'------~-------~-'--- ---_._-----_._---_._-_.- IA. Tr,"inin,g Pri91: tp:Qv~r~ea~, QeplQ,yment or ,As.signm~nt 13~ Did :you r:ecewe e'ny training', ilistructiO:n, 'of ,guidan.c,e ,specificaJly over-seas ,deployments or assignments?" In preparatidrY for any:of ~our ' , ' , o Yes ONo 000 Not- Recall 13a. Who provided this training, instr.uction(:or'guidanc~i.and where did you receive it?' TFOS:rferr'0rjst BnanGing QPerations Sectio'or 13b.·~.the su~j~o: oh:Which Y9~ I'~ceiv'ed t./'lis trpiliin'gr instru.:ctiQri ot'~~!daht¢. , , ' r}y,al tQ .j31l\P. ~ h~d ~PRroXlm;:tt~!y:2 d?y~ lq lnte,,?ctwlth '~,SA.1 c,q:lic~rJ.1ing ,g,aily m~llngS'~ QOgbing Iiroj¢cts, 'etc. relaf~ tq T,FOS. I b6 b7C OIGQ-005116 'eVes ODo Not Recall 15.. In pr:~p~lI'~tidr1 for any bLyour .bVers.~s' d,epf6ym.en.ts!;1.igntne.h~, did you re,ceive:any training! . iristfuction,.0r gHidance .Concerning 'the~staridards of conduct ~pplicable to the,treatment, Interview, or lriterrog.atlen ,of detainees by non-FBI personnel1 ' 000 ·.[ilo.t Reca.H 16: In, ptepatatloh for. cl'ny of your overseas t1eployiTI.enls.'prasslgnnielifs,:d id yo.u· r~celve(any training, . instrudion,'or·gJ,iida'nce c-ohcemillQ ,what }ioiJ wereslippoSed to de if-you observed or; heard 'about. t,he'tre?tlJl~nt, 'Ihtervl~~l or interrQg~u~n:of~~tslh~es b,v FBI person,n~I, Wh.ichvpu believed to b~ ina~prop:ripte~ !.Jr'l~rp.fe~$iOhal, coerciVe] ,abu.sJ,\le,.or un[awfu.l? . DOd Not. Retail 17" In preparatiol'l (or any'0f your o~erseas: d~'ployments'<Dr assignments;, did you receiv.e any'training;. i!1structijjn,..()r:g.uld.~nce conc~llliJig WhaJ Y<;>JI wer~:s!J.pp~d ·to:,d,9 JfyOl.l "()b.serve~ :()f hed~ctabout , the. treatment, interview,. or interrogation oCdetain'ees bY npri-FBI pers'oiu:1el, "Which %u b'eliev¢d to .b.e inapprop.riater U'lip.rofessio'n:al,r. ;co.erci'J.e, .afjusiye~ '<!)No. or' unlawful? . .000 Ndt.Reci:l1l B. Tr;aining D~rinQ Oy~rseas'DepI9yment~ or Assi,gnments 11),.. Durin9 any ,of youI' b'v¢J:seas<q~pJoymei)ts ot' a~sign'rTle,ht$, tlid YO\J i'~(;ehte a'ny trcHliingJ illS~ru'Ctipn,: o:r QUiaahce·:c0ndei"'riili.~ the'.stand·ards of:conduct: 'a ppIitabIe to. th~,treatn1ent, interview,;, or interrogation of detainees by FBI personnef? .eND, " . 19, Durihga·nyof'¥our:·oVefs·e~is".deploYments or assigti'mEmts, ,did you 'i'eeeive .any:,tra.iriin~1 ilistruction, d.rglJidanceconcerning tlie.::standards ofcond urn: applii:abJe· 1:'0. the:lreatmerit, interview,.o.r ' . interrogatJon ·of d'etajh~es, ,I?Y non,.,F~~ personnel?; 'ODc> Not.Re~alf. ·ZD. Duting 'any ,of your' ov.erSeas-:deploymerits or as~ig nrrients,. did you receive ari.Yltraining l instruction, or,guicfance:cancerning what :you were'su pposed to· do'if you :obserned. or hea'rd about the, treatrnepti j'nte,tVi~w;. pf il1~en:og~tiWH)(d~tqin~¢~ by FBI- p'e.r~nneli wl1i~1.1 Y.9U Q.elieveq to ~e Iliap'!.coercivE:r, .a~usive, IJr' unlaWflJll 'Qr,E$, 21- I!ur:lng :~ny of your Qverseas·d~pl()y.mentsqf asslgnmentsr. did yeu receive any'tra!I1'l1gLlnstructiQnj Qr gUidq.n!=etQ~erl)ing -What you wenfSWPIJ9$-ed .tp d.o if Y9JI :~bserv~'p 'dr heard 'ab.QfJt the: treatment, inteMeW~::or inte,rrdg;;ltioJi b('d~talnees bV non-FB:I pe,l's~hnei, Which you bejf~v,~d't6 , OIGQ-005117 be in:appropriate; unprofessional, coerciyej,abusive, or IJnlgwfuI? :QYes :0No ODq NQt-Recali ~ 22.Jn Your.oPlnion,.dic( you receive .a-dequate tra-iliinQ, Instruction, or gUld,ance rera~lng 'to staMards ,of Conduct by,FBLahd noon-FBI personnel relating to treatment, interview" or interrogation,of 'detainees prior toyour'deployment or assignment? . ' " G)-yes ONo Z$.'ln youf'opil)ion, did you rece.iVead~q\Jat~'trainingr instrudion"or'guidam:e re'~tlng to standards 'qf tqnduc:;t by'FBhmd l)on-FBi: persplinel relating tQ treatment, Int~rview,- Pf !nterrq'ga,tI9n:,Qf ,d~tain.e:e~ (Juring. YcM' d'epI6yrrient, 6J~8ssi,9 nmen!? , ~ 24.1n Y0ur~plliloh,.did you reaeive adeqL(ate.trainifl~t, instru,dio'h,.:or'Jjuidarice concei'nin'g what you ,were su pposed to,db- observed or heard .:lbout -the treatment~. Interview, 'or fnterrogatl0n of 'deti;l,ilieesi by .F~~ or rlPr:!.-F~i jJersOnneJi. that you believe'd ~a~ .inapPNPJiat~;-l!llpro'fe$~iqnaJi· 'Goer~lver :abusrveJ 'or ~.n lawful? . " .'2.S.,(Optional) Jo' 'what ways: can the FBI-iIiiprov'e; training .9n this ;subj~ctfQdutur~, d¢plqymeri.ts.or' ssi~rriments? " :a rwas--on the advance,team- for' my partiailar: deployment and I·u nderstaml there-was .some tra ining., cO[l.c!uct~d, at <l4an~icq -for: tho?e 9~P<;lrtj!1g wjth tl1~ [e.$1 of tr~ t~c;mli plJl 'am' no~ awar~''0f tQPi~s~rief~ ; ~r·1nstJ:U<;.tlonSt give!] D,ther ~~~n fam!l.ip'ri~y ~Ith Is lam it;: reglpn~ ~n9 ,c~~t.9ms, . 'jo. Comments 26. Please provide'anY, additional informati6n:concerning trarnin~ for'overseas deployments·or assignments. cif FBI per.sonnel you 'believe is relevant. ' ,Introduction to Part.III: In tllis:.s.ection".w.e are's,eekiiig' informatibn regarding a 'wlded~lOg,e of i.nter:vlewor interrogatrqn)e.~b.niqu~s a!1d,ott}~r types Qf·d·e~q\flee ~1Ie.ged to' hC!~eoc.c.4rred. You sho.ul,d notqSSUm~i jUs.~ b~~u5e. we: are'a21slng abo,ut a p,~rtlq.ila.r tec.h,nlq~~'Or p~~ige, th~twe h.~v~ <9.tic;:.I.!.J.~~ tli,i?J iJ, in @.~t,gC(;lJHe.q, W~ r~¢¢ tMX SPfn~ Qf tne~et~llhiqU~~J)t pr'p:G.tit~~ may !;1t time:~ be net,essar.y for ,s.afety :and, secLitlty: 1!1 a,detentio.n 'se~tlng: m;add iti0l'!~ we'je'cog'rjJze :ttip,t,some of these techniques or practices may, have been authorized for use by military or other g.overnment personnel. With ~sped: t<;> :8flc;h !9~I)t.ifie~f t~c;nn!qu~, PJ(:i:Gt1c~i.or'typ~ <;>1' q:>nQvct d~crib.~ beloyV, we:t;lr~ ·st=~kin.g. information atio!Jt. it:s o!=¢!Jr.renc:e during, 'orcin 'connection With th'~ ln~¢rvi.ew or inl:¢rrcigation . 9f 'a' - OIGQ-005118 detainee,. or .dur~ng_th~ c!et.e!1ti9n of'a,petarn~ beyond what is needed .for s~fety and security. In' .that t'ontext,·w~ will ~s.~ Y9U tQ. j:ell us wl).ether ·on~ 'qr more of ~he following :?t~~ern.en~.s ar~ true:' 1.. 2, 3\ A, 5. 6" . r: pe·r.sqhqlly QbSl'!r.Ij~ct ~hj~n~()li.duc~. I.observed :detailiee(s) fil :condition that led· me to believe that thiS-conduct had ·occurred.· Detainee(s) told >m~that this:conduct.had ·occurred. a Wh!=>: pJ~~etv~i;I ~his con~y~tdes..cri!;l¢t:t It rei'ro£:!. r have rel~va'nt inf6rm~tiQn !=la5:sjfied a·QPYe."'SECRE.T~·. I nev'erobserVed this:conduct not heard abdut'itfrom,s.omeone,who.dld. :-27. l1~priving . afdetaIr~, of food or water: .a. 0 I persOnally' observed this:condu.cj:. D, 0 I obserVf:d detaifiee(s) in a,cbnditRHi th?ct ied me to bel1eve thi~:coh:qlitt ha~ ·:otcurretl. c, 0 Detainee:(s) told me that ttiis- corid uet hado.ccar-rea. ·d, 0 Others Wh.o 'observee thiS cofrduCt desCribed it to me. e. 0 I have relevant information dassifled aboVe, l!SECRET" . f. 0 r never observed thIs 'conduct nor"heard 'about' It from·.someone who dId. :'2"EL Depriving 'i;l''detainee of'c1Qt!:iing a. 0 t per.soJiailYdbserv.e9' this. CQodlic;:.t. b. o lr oh$erxeq. detailJ~g($J in .a 'C9nditj~1) that l~d trie: t9 beli~'ye ~h~t thl~ co'nl:l.u!=.t .h~d o~(;urr¢ti. c'.' tl Detainee(s) told m¢ tl'iat this' co!iduct had .occurrect. d. 0 e. o f, Other's> who o.bserved this co.nduct t1~sctibed it to me. II; haVe relevant informatfo.n Classified .ab.bYe. "SECREf". ~ r neVer observed, thisJ:onifuct nor heard aboutit'from.·someone who did. ~priving a ~etai!}~ of sleep, er interrupting sl~ye:J2y frequent cell relocations"ar'other methods 0 t p'~r:son'aliy' Qh~rve,d' this conduct. b:. 0 I'QD5ef'ie'd detcii'rte'e{s) in :a'cbnditioh that led me, to believe that this' cbi1Quct h~'ia t; 0' :Detaihee(s) told me that thiS: c;:onduct had ·oq::urr.¢lj. d. d Others, who dbseW~ 'this- tbrigucj:',d.~crlb,ed Ltla, itie. e. 0 I have .relevant iiiformation Classified aoove "SECRET". a. f: occurred. o II neVer obse(ved tllis ,conduct nor' heafi:l about. it from someone;wh& did. OIGQ-005119 g: Pleas~ provid.e the approximate timeJr~m~.dWin9 wtri~h this,co.ndu.c,t :occ·urr:ed. From 03!bl/2'O0.4 :to; 05(14/20'04 01;>0 Nqt R.ecpl! Ii. The ,deta'inee(s) treated iii thfs way .wer~ Jocated at the time .in, 1. 0 GLiantahamb 2: 0 Iia« 3 0 Afghanistan 4 0 ,Oth~r Location 50 09 Not R~Ci3il by:~n::;:a::.:.m.:;;e:..:'ao::.:n.::;:d~n~u;::;m:.:.b:::.:e=.:.r~,:. I L Please'(dentIN'the detaInee's:Jan.~,---- _ _ b6 b7C 'j. .Please identify the petson(s),'who treated the detainee(s) iri this manner" including their 'name(s) and ,governmentagencyries,J: . " . N9 sp~~lffc !1am~s giv~l1. kPlease, iClentify.any'other FBI persoFlnel OT non"FBI personnel who'observed detainee(~I treated, In ~hl~. m~nnerr' Insludlng their n<;llTje(sj ,and agency(l~$): Treatment. hot '0bsehlM,,;orily reported by detain'ee(.s); I. This'conduct occui"red iii connection withf 1; 0 :One: detainee 2 b Sev.eral detainees (2-4) .3.0 MafJy detainees, {l11ore; thaI'] 4) 4 q 09 Not R!=~II m. (Optional) 'Please,describe.the.relevarit circumstances in mor.e.detail: '8Q', a~aJing a detai,nee ,a. D r j1~r.s.Qlially 9.tfserveo, ttHs'C;ondu.¢.t, 0.,' 0 r obser-v~d detaiii~e(s) in 'a:¢bri,d ition that I~. me to beli~ve thc;iUhis condUl;:t had oC,cu.rred. c,· o ID¢t<;linee{s) tbld me ,thP't this; t,oncl'ur:;t had :otcurred. 0 Clthers who ob.served this conduct described it to me. e. D r have relevant information classified above "SECRET'!. f. 0 I never observed' this 'cond uct nor heara 'a bb"ut it from someone ·who did. ,d. OIGQ-005120 preven~ brec;l.thlng by a d,etalnee.dr to creClte th~ s·~n.satIon of ~r;ownlllg ·Sl. U?ing. waJer to D I persdnally observea thisconau·ct. b. D L9bserv'ed detalriee(s} In a.cond itidn that to. b.elleve -that this. condu.ct had :occurred. t. D Detainee(s) told me that._-~----~,~-~ this conduct had ,occurred. . -----------~-~._,_.-. .- -~-~d. D ·o.thers, who observed this cenduct described It to: me. a. __ e. [j I have relevant rnformatlon classified above. "SECRET\ f. 0 I never observe-cj this conduct,n9r heard 'about- it frol1l som.eonewho cfld. )2.. ,L!si'ng' ha'nds., r9pe, or:anything else:tQ chOke Qr stra'ngle <:) 'd~tain~, D I petsbhal!y observed this ,co,lidu:ct. Q. D ['oBserved, detainee(sT iii il·G.onaitiprrthat led 'me to, oel.ieve thaUhis cotldl\b~ hadb.(icurr~C1. ·a. e-, 0 DE!tal'ilee(s) 'told d. q Otbers.. who me that this Gonduct had ,occ'urr-eel. ebserVed :this conduCt desciJb.ed it 'to me. -e·lD I' hav.e relevant inf0rmation classified abov.e '\SECRFr",. f. 0 1. observed' this 'conduct nor heard about it from someone who. did. -- a, 0 r pt;'ts:dnaiiy db~rVe'd this ,conoue,t. D. 0 I observed, detainee(~) in a cohd itiori"that led me. to· b~lieve c. 0 Detainee(s) told me th'at thjs c.onQuet had .oc(;'urred. d. 0 .e. D f have relevant- information classified abov.e f. 0 Others who observed 'this conduct described it to -~ that this conduCt had occun:ed. me. '~SECREr!'. I observed this;conduct nor 'heard :about it from:someone'who: did. 34. dt!l.edre~tm~ntpr a.cW;m 'Causing sig!1ifk:arit pail) or (njljry, or calJ.sing 'Qisfigurl;ment··ar death a. b. D' I personalty observed this ·conduCt. 0, [.obseWed.QetafneeW) in a .condItion that led me to •• ., ••• ,_ • • 'A" • • _... •• _ • _. . believe that this' conduct had ,occurred. _ .._ _ .~ _. _ •..•. _ OIGQ-005121 , , .... " , ., ' d. o !Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred. o lOthers, who observed this conduct described it to'me. ~. 0 r [~r I neyE;'!r' ops!3nJeJ;! tni~ C9rj9u~t,nor heard abolJ1: it from··~meQnewho,d,ld. c. ,'a. b. 0 0 ~ h~ve-rel~v~,n~ inform~ti9n c1~ssjfiefl. i!~ove "·SEc;RET~'. I perSonallY,observed this d>.nduct. I ,observed detainee(s) ina eona itior'r that led me to believe that this conduct had ,occu'rred'. d. o :Detainee(s) to'id me that this conduCt had ~occurred. q others' who ,obsel1led this conductdescribeCI It to me. ~, 0 'G. f. 0" I ~ave relevant jnfoq')1;ati<?11 c1~s~iff~ ~bove "SEGf{ET"·. IJ!~y'~r'9p.s~rveq t,hi$ "coqduct ,nor h~Xq .~b(;lUqt fr9ffi sCilJ!T~q!1e wb o' d.i~. ~6: Vs\n9-.shad;les Of-other J;'estraints'in.. i3 proiQn~ed manner ,a. b', c.' d. ,e. l- o {L personally obser:ved this :co,hduct. o II ,observed detalnee(s) in 'a,CQnd ifioh that led me to believe thatlhis c;;ondud- had occiJrred.. o IDetainee(s)-told me that'this c0ncfuc't had ,0ccurrecl', o lathers who observed thiS' conduct'describea it to me. _gJr. have releyant information classified Clbm-/e !'5.ECREf"'. If· 01r never observeq this'c<wdud nor h~rd .gb,o~t' it from SOrne0n~ who d [d. a. 0 Ib'.' I pers6nal~ 6bs&r'Ved this 'condutt. D I observed detalr1e~(s): In 'a condition th"at led me- to belieVe toannls conduct had :occurred. 0' \Detainee(s) told me that this conduct- Md ,occurred. 'cf t . 0 OtherS whb ,obserVed tliis diiidLict;desefibed if to me., c;;.' ,e. ci' I r have relevant Information classified abov.e, "'SECRET'!" t, 0 r nev.eropserve4 thiS l::onduc,t n()rh~rd ,~b0l!t it from someon~~wtJo did. qIGQ-OOS122 fl. P.1~aSe: prb:Vld~ Jh~ ClPproxlmat,e time "frame.daring Whlch ~hls; C<!n~\J.ct Qccurred. From 03iQ1/2.004 to· 05/1412004 OD'o Not Red311 h, The .detainee(s) ,tr.ecited in this w.a.Y'' 19E~ted at the time 'ili: 1, q GU'an~namo 2~I~q 3 0 Afghanistan 40 'Other Location ~ ,0 [)a·~ot ReUjl! Ii P1easi'? identibi tbe(detaibf4S'p~~,....n... a.... rtJ.... e....a",,·n... d....nIlllU,/,\,rb.l.lllb~e.ur-: _ h6 h7C .:j, PI!$se; identify th~ pers6ri'($J 'who .tre~ted· the tl~larne.e.(~) 'r;ame('s) ·and ~Qvernmeot agencyQes): In JhUl i1lann~r, their .One OF both· s)loke,of Jiavin9"to.. hold their hands abov.e their beads toY long pefiods of time. It Pl.eaSe Itf entlfY' aO·(i;lthe·": FBI p~r:'s6rmeJ of hon-FBr 'P~rs:or.utel w.ho. ~b's¢rved detarnee(s).: trea~ed in this rnaoner.i including their ni:une(-s) and ag.en'eY(ie'sY: Tre9t.m.e.nt was .n.ot:l;>bserved, but rep9rt~ by .Q.e~ain~e.(s) L Tills cQnd:uct 'Octurr:ed In ~Qnlieqlpn WitH:. .1 Q ·Oo~· d~qinee 2'0 S~ver:al deraln~' (2'-4) 3 0 Many detainees (more. than 4)' A:O Do Not Recall . , m. ',Op.tioli'al) Please desei:i beth\;!:. releV.ant circumstances. in more:a etail: fID.~~~1=o~=r",.,...,=~nd USA 1st Ileut~ncih~ land Jnterpteter) reques,teg '$Orne el)ienqY be.ct:mSei.ri.f pr.o blems'with his bacK: In·a 'suoseq ueot b6 1.....,,_.,....,.._...IoI.lo<-lol.l.loILlte L...- -' b 7C elayed that eonct [tlons were better. .3'8. ,.F.ordog a.,oetalhee to"perforln.demimdlhg ptiyslb:ll exercise 9,··10 0" 0 c., 0. d... 0 e,. 0 f: 1. p.~r§Ol1qlly Qb~rv~_cft~!s'·congu~t. , - I 'Ob~.rve~ ~.eti;1Jr)ee.(~} I~ .a,c~ndJtion th?\IJ ]e,d r)l~ .t9 .~~lIeve th,wthls cQlJd-!:lct. h~ OC:G9rr~~., Detain~e(s) told me th.Clt thls,cond!l!=l: ha'q occurred. Oth"er:s; Wh9 -qb$eryo¢d thi? .cb.lJd uet de.scrib~ it 'to t hav:e releyant lnformatlo.n' ~las'slfjed 0 i m.~ ab'pye "S'ECRET"', il!=~er o.b~erve~' tJiis·corid uc.t nor'h~td :abbut it 'from ·someone;Who. did. OIGQ-OOS123 39. J,Jsing a. 0 I b', .elec~ticaJ sho¢kon a d.etaihee personally' 0 bserved this.·.conduct. o Ir:observed detainee(s) in -a'condition that led me to believe that this conduct had .occurred. 0 4: 0 <;:. Detainee(s) told 'me that this conduct had ·occurre9. Others who observed this c0nduet described it to me. ~ " . ~ • t· ~. . ' ". • 0 Lhave relevant inrormatj6n da~sifie~ al;rove, n$:EcREf'!. t 0 I lJ~v~r ol;Jserved;cond!Jet.n(Wh~rd abo~ti.t frqrfl sqmeqf)~ whp c:lid. e. 'ct 0 T b: D. Iobser.ved detainee(s) in'a cond iti0n that led me to believe that. this conduct had oc<':urred. c. d Detalnee(s) told me that-thls.conduct had .occurred: d, -.e. 0 personally ·observed.. this.conduct. t?,t.hers wh.o observed this c0l:rd uct described [t to me.. 0. r hg'i/('l rele'iant i.I;lf9rma~iQnc;ras~fffed. p 1;>.9ve '~S EtREJ'!., f: 0 I l.1ever qp~erv~~ th fs.·c<;> 11r;1 u~t .!Jor· h~.rd .~ ~Qu\ it 'from sorpeqn¢. ~h.o. did. ',41. Ihtentkmally dela'ytn'g ordenYing~'.=de;:;;t::::d;;.;:e:,::e..:.;m:.:.;e:;.:d;.:;ic::;:.a;;;.l..;;:;ca=:T:;.;:.e;;....~ _ II' a. [J pers.:mally observed this conduct, b'. 0 I ~observed cte'faine~(s) in a ,EOna itkin that led me lo, believe thafthis co'i:idiltt. had .occurred. c. 0, 'Detainee(s) -told me that this cond uct had 'occurred. d. 0 O~h'ers' who ogserv~ ·this condu.c:t'd~scrlbed It t.o me.,.,. :~'.. 0 r ~a.'le releva[lt i(lforma~(on,c1as~ifi~.~ ~bove II'SEGRET"', f. ~ fl, neY~f'·n.b?erveq thrs·l.;Qngll.~f.n9f ,h.$.r9 .~b.liluto it f(qtn ·~IT]¢Qn~ Wb~ <;I,i~ •. I 42. Hopdirig or bJ1ndJqldiiig' ~ :d¢tafn~e;bther than guring tr:anspQqatipn b, 0 0 c, o !Deta'inee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. la.. d. I personally 6bserved thiscQnduct. I observed,detainee(s) in a..conditioh fhat ledine to.belie1e thaUhis conduct had ,occurred. o lathers, who 'observed this conduct described it to: me: OIGQ-005124 e. 0 I have relevant Information classified above '-!S'ECRET-. t: 0' I never observed thls;eonduct nor heard about it from someone who did. 4~. Subjecting a de.ta.inee to 'extremely oold.or hot .room temperatures fOr extendea periods a. 0 I p~'rsdr'lally'obse:l\lea thls.t6nCluct. o. 0 [bbsE!rved.del<ilfie,e(s). In a conaltlon-'tti'at led 'me D d. 0 e. 0 f. Ii'! Detainee(s) toldiTle that this.condiItt had .occurred. c·~ to. beljeve [!lflnhls conduct had·QCOJr:reo. Qther's who ooseiYed this conduct described it tame. [have releyarit Intormatfon dassifled above "SECRET"', I never'observed thls.:conduot nor'heard about it from -someone.wno' did. -M. 'SiJbjecting a"detainee tQ loud musi,c I per:sj::lliaJly bb'setvea thisbjndoct .a. - 0 b. 0 I-observed detainee(s) It, -a cpndition that to believeJ:hat this condu.ct c. Ii'! D'etaln!ie(s). told rilE! that "this conduct-Had .occurred. d. 0 .e. 0 f. 0 others: whci obserVed tHis' c8nouct'descril:ied it to had 9GdJrrea. me.:. have -releVant Infofmation' aassified abov.e- ·SECREr". I ne\!er obServed thIs.:conduci nor heard about'lt from 'someone who dld. g, "P~s.e provid~ the aRP~oximat~.time frame4ur]ng: ~~lch th{s:~nduct'Qqcl!rred. From p~/6jj26o~ toOS/14fz0.04 h:. The ;<I~ih~~(sl t~t~ Jr:! t~,~ ;1; q -Guanta.~l1lo ODo.~llt w~y. ~ef€t !O_~~,~ ''It the Recall tirne !n.: - 4 0 1ra" 3. 0 ~4.0 other Locatl0"ri 5 0 Do Not Recall I L PIWs\:dcig·btjf.{the.dWihgf!f~~~~)Jameand humber:"' 1_ b6 b7C j. ~Iea:s~ i9~nt!fy the p.e;rSl?l1(s) ~vh!? treate~: the l;I.eLajne.e{~) in ,th.i~·(Tlqnfl€rf indQq'In9 their rH~me(~).ang go'V.ernntent ?Ige~.(I.~): . No speclflc names gIye:n. , onl,Y.tha.tSbmetlme.s, I~ was dlfflqlIt"to ;sleep' bec,clUse tht;'Smuslc Is b,eIng OIGQ-005125 played Sb loudly. k, PI~ase idEMif¥ any otHer FBI !{ersoMel 9r rioh-FBI personnel who ob.s'erv,ed detain¢e(s) ~reated In this. manner, Intlu'dllig their name{s) ,and 'agency{les): I. . tre~tm~nt.not 'Ob~ervedf' b~t rep.or:t~d ~y d~tain~~(~) , ,I,~ Thl~,~ond,uct q<;c~rre~ i!1 conn~ctiQn'vvit,h~ :!, 9 qn~ det~)Qe~ . 2 9 se\7era') detainee,s '(2-4) 3 0 Many d,etajnees (mbre th~m 4) ~ 0 Do. Not. Recall ' -45. 'S,tibjecting a detainee, to bright flashing lights or darkness ':;3•• [] r p'er~,n,aIlY'Qp'serve"Sl ~lils'cqnduct. ,0, D r ob.served detatne~<.s) in ,a:tQhditlQfJ that I¢O m~ to b,elieYe that this conctuct ha:d J)c~urred. <;:'. 0, De,tai'n.e¢($) told hi.e ~,hRt 'thi~ l:.9!id.Utt, h!;l'c! .oC:cu rre,q. do, D "Others whp 'qbserv~d ,thiS, qCjliduC.t d.e~cdbec! it ~9' me. $. 0 I have'r¢k;vanJ:' informatio.n c1a$sifi~d 'aooVe i'SECRET". f. 0' 1 nev:er 6B.servetr this 'cprit!uct nQr hear.d ,abbUt it 'from sdmebne:Wlio did. 46. 'Isolating, a detainee JaT an extenaed perIod , a,. b'l c, {t. e'" f. 0 D ,0 0 G 0 ., , b', " .. ( ob:~erveCl d~!aine~(s)'lna,'co,n(;Uti9rrthat,l~ me' to ~ell~v~ th;:;lt this cQndJ,Ict had occlJrreil. [b~.taine:e:(.s) tol~ me ,that -this GOnQuct had (\cc~rn;d: Others' wli~ p.liserv~d tfji$: ~:O,rid uct,desc'rib:e<J It ,tq' tn¢. "r h~ve relevant Information' tlq'$'sifle.d 'al;l,ove "-SECRET'!'. r neve(o'bserv:e.iJ: this ,ccmduct nor heatd ,a bdut it ,from,sorTieooe who 'did. -4.7...·:Usihg duct tape to reStrain, 'gag, ,.or puhish a:. ' I person'aIlY'.QP,?~r.v.ed this,'<;Qndutt. a ,creta/nee o II person91.1y Q,b~rv~d this .GoJ'u{u!=t. o iI obs~rved- deta'.Inee{s) In:a 'cond it,io,n that let! me to' believe t~t thl!? ton9ud ha~ :ocqJrr~q. ... .-, . . .. , . -. .' "'- _. OIGQ-005126 , c. d. e. 0 0 0 " , , Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred. Others: who observed this conduct described it to me: r /lave relevan,t inforrT)C!tjon <;:I~s?ifi~ C!~ove "SECREP". 'f. [0 [never ob~erve:d t!li~ cor)~lJ~t.nOl: h'eard about it frorrr5QrTie~ne'who-dld. 0 I perSOnally observed this ,conduct. b'. 0 Lobseived ,detaine.e(s) in a co.nditlontbat: led me'to believe thanhis conduct c. 0 D'etainee(s) told me that this conduct had ;occurred. d, 0 others whG> observed this condl:Jct described It to me. e. 0 I, heW,e relevC\nt rnfoqn?\ti<;51l classiff~ abolle "5 EGRET"'. f. 0 I, n~v:~roJ?s~rveq thl$ 'C0IJ,ql,lct 11'9[' h~,rd abgut,!t frof!1 sol!Te(?!1e Vf.~o di9' a. haa ,occurred. ,a. 0 L petSOhally oliserVeCl this ,co.nd,lJct. b'. 0 Lobserved cletainee(s) in o:£o.od ifio'h th~t lei:! me. to: belieye tnatJ:his. ccinducr, had .ocC'ijrred. C. '0 Detaillee(s}'told me 'that this conduct had ,occurred. d. 0 Others Wh0 observed thiS condl:Jct descrihed it to me. e. 0' r have relevant information classified abo.v.e ·\SELREf)r. " f. 0lr never'Q'b~erved thi,s'cooduct nor heard abolft it from s001e0n~'w~o,~'Id. a. 0 b" 0 r. per-sonallt,obserVed this,'CohduC::t. I observed :detalne~(5'J In 'a.c'oJid iti6n'th'at led ,me to, belieVe that, thiS cobduct had occurred. c: 0 Detainee(s) told melhat this conduct hadoccur'red; d', 0 Gfhers who ,observed this condliddescribeo if to me. e. [j t' have relevant information' classified 'abov.e !'SECREf'\ f, 0, I, nev,er' op~erved tiljs.'coQdu~t nor peqrd "a bOl:lt it from :sorp.eone'w~o did., OIGQ-005127 51. ,Usin'g ~pipers, :sGbrpipns, :snak~sl orother animals on' or near a cI~tairiee a. b. c. d. e, t, 0 I persahaIry,observ.ed tfHs:conduct. 0 I observed detalnee(s): In a.cond'ition that led me to believe that this 'conduct had occurred. 0 Detainee(s)·told me that this, conduct had occurred. 0 Others who 'observed this conduct described it to, me. 0 t heave relevant rnformatl9n Glass1t~g abov~ "SECRET'\ 0 I l1ev,er9b;;eryeq thJs condLJ,ct n"9r he<:jrd ab0l;lt it from sOQ1eonf= wf}o ~id, ~ persdnal!y observed b" 0 0 e, o IDefalhee(s)'told me that thIs conduct had l:lCCuri:i:d. 'a'. this',conduct. I -observed detainee(s) in a~e6ffdition' that led me to' believe that this cond.u'C;t had .occurred. 0 Others who 'observed this cond 1:!Ct described It to me. 'e', 0 r. h.av.e .relevqri~ Illfof!TI,a,t!<?n c/a,!?sified aP9V~ "S~t~Er". f. 0 r: lJever-observed thl~'conch:Jct nor:h~rdaQoutlnro,msomegn~ wl}a did. d, a. o II personally obsetve,d this ,condutt. ,b. c;;; o ICobserved detainee(~} in 'a,conditj~fithat d. e; o iOthers who observed this conduct described It to: me'; o II have relevant Information c1asslfied a'bove I\SEtRET"'. f. 0!r lJever0b$erv~d thfs1c9nquct !1~r heard ~_bo!,lt.'it 'frorn,som~9ne'VJhe;>' did: a. o !r perSQnally observe'a this ,coh'Ouet. o II 'oBserved detainee(s) iii acond ition that led .me to bel.ieve'that this c6ptJuct had ,cmturr:ea. q jDefclihee(s) told led me to believe tliat this conduct bad .occurred, 'm'e that this conduCt had :6d:ufrecr. , b'. OIGQ-005128 , c. d. e. 0 0 0 , , " Detalnee(s) told me that this' condud had ,occurred. Others who observed this ,conduct described it to'me: r have,relevaflt inform~tion c1iilssjfi~ Cl~ove II·SECRET!'·: 'f. 0 I neve(QbS~nI~~ this'eQij~u~t,nor heard abO,(It it fromsqmebne:who.qld. 55. jilpting ~ WO"rtiai'l'gc!pthing Qn:a ,detainee . a. b. c, d, 0 I perSOnally,observed this ,con'diJct. o II.observ.ed detaine,e{sI in a e6nd ition that led me to believe thatthfs cond.uCt had .occu'rred. o !Oetainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred; . o 'others who 'obsefMed this conduct descrihed It to me., : 0 I, hav,e releva,nt fnformJltfqn, classiff~ Cjbove '~SEGRETJI·, f. Ii:l T, nSly'~r9,l>Servec! tni$ 'c;91),G(U~t !1!>r hEXlxd ab,Qut\t from ~meq.!1~'V{f}o 9i9~ "e. ,S6,: Toucfjjl;l~ 'a di;ltaln'e¢ ()f a'c~ing t01A(ard a de~ain~ in,a' sexu'al 'ma'nner , a. 0 b. . I, personally observed, this ~o.nduct. o !I,obse'rVed detainee(s) iri 'a',.<::ondifion that led me to, oelieve thatlhis G0'nduet hadbccurr.ed., 0 l)'etainee(s}-'told me that this condi.J'Ci: had ,occurred'. d. o :Others who observed thIS conduct des,crihea it to me. ,e. 0 I have relevant information c1assifielil above !'S.Et:RET";. C. , 1:.\ 0 j1 never observed~ thi,s 'conduct n9f hecj rd qb04t. it .from ~olT!eone:whp: qid. I - 51. ,H<;5.I~ing .qe!:aine¢($,)' V,ilh.o.were n.ot offi,cjally ~C~J1bWr~g~~' 9f r~ls,terr=9 ~rs, such byt,hasagen:c;y 'detqiriirig the, person. 0 b. 0 a'. I per:50nallyobserved tlii's CG>Iiduct. ~" o \Detaip~e.tsj. tqld m,e that this ~onduct had 'c;>c9~rre<:l,~ e: 0 0 (r Others who 'OtJsen:red this cend uct described It to me. " • . . " , , : - • ,~, • , v ' , •" ' I have,r~l~vCirit informatiQn .classlfieq ab'9ve "'$,ECRET'i., ~ ne\l~r obs.ery~,;.Q. tnis ,<;onq !1~t . ..'f._. ~ . _- _...... -_. -.. - ......._...-_ ......... -. --~ : Lobserved'detainee(s) in ·a:Cond ition that led me to befieve'that this c::onduct had "occurred. ... nQr hear~ aPQl!t'it frp,m: ~qme0[)~, ilfhp did • . ,-.. . .. - _._. - -........ - ._..•._.... - . . '-' ... . " '.M .•.•. " .... ..... - ... " -- .... ,-- OIGQ-005129 58". Sen(:fjn~r.a deta'iilee to another,country lor more:agg'ressive interrogation a-, 0 I perspnally ohserv~t;I this cqnd'uct. b, D I·ob~('~ed. d.e!ginee(s) iO a-c~ndtt.ion tl:lat q ~: Ie<! ,me to belieye thC\t this GonduQ: had:dc<;:utre~. D' ·p~t-aine:ef(s) tol~ me that this. con9uI:t hap .(jGcurred~ Others ~ho observl:!d thl,s cpnpuct described It to' me;, D e', D l' have relevant lr'ff6rmatioh' tlas15ifieCl aboV"e. "SECRET". f. g I' never ob~~.rve~· ttlis.,cQnd u~t npr 'h~<:u~:8 bp.q,t: i~ froin' ~met;)ne" Who ,59. Threatening' fa sentl.a tletainee to another :c.otiritf'{ for tletebtI6h,or'.fJJ'oreag'g.ressiV,e' interrogation D t p.e~?O.~qIJY 0,bsel'\'~d ~hts 'con~,q~t 6.\. 0 L-9l?s~r:v~qQe~<:Jil'Jee:(~) ilJ a'c;:pn9it)on that· led l"fI~. to' b~!ievt= ,a!. G· g, , ~: f. o ~Detail1ee(s) to).q :me th9,t this, ~.9ncj:u.~J- thC;J:t this C9fJ.r;lUGt har;l 'qC;:c;:Qrre~1. nqp !oc;curre.O, o !Qthej1;' WhO ql;Js~l'Y.,~ this tpn<fu~t,r;l,es'crib~ it ,U;>: o If h?\le rele'Vant \r:tforfl)~tion J:1~?sified ;;1Q.oye '~s;EG~'\ 0. !f ri~"¢r:Qp.Ser-v.e,d this.:cond.uCt,r'lor h~'rd 'abQut It from :sQri1:eQoe, WI1Q t)id. 11i~.,. I I 6'0, Threa~ehln9. 'fo take .actlon'against a d.etallle'e'S:fci'mlly" Cl" o-~ c: d. e', f: 6.1. D If personal!y o:~serve.d this 'conduct, o lr-- 9bserved det~'\n~'~(s) In·a "CO oq ltl.(;>n thC\t led (l1~ to' bene:v,e ~J1att~ls <;:ond,uct h;3d ·0tScurred. o ID.eta.inee(s~· tpld mE; tjlat tois cOlJdu~t ba9 oq:urreg,. o {0tners who ob$erv~~ ,tnls conduct·de$.~r.iQ~ iJ tq'me: o frhave releyan.t loformatLoil: c1assltll;!d aboye' '\SECRET'!. 011' never·lI(ed' this-conduct nor h$rd ~bot;lt: ft from sQ-mi=PIi¢, who. pkI. O.tli~r't(eatrh,ent El 0 or actfon.,tausing ·seve're. emotion,H or psy-chblogital a detainee, II personally observed t.hiS conduct. OIGQ-005130 ·' b. 0 , .. .. r. observed detainee(s) In a .condltlon that led me to bellev.e that this c:onduct had 'occurred. 0 Detafnee(s)·told me that this conduct had :occurred. d. 0 Others whl? observed thi~ cond uct descriqed it to m~. e; 0 I ha\]~ relevant 111formatl0f) c1a.ssified A"bove, "SEC;REP'. f. M I nlev~r'obs~rve~ this conduGt .nor heaJ:d 'abgut it fn?m sqmebll~ w~o dJd. c. a. 0 I persOnally observed this rondLid. b. C! Lobserved detainee(s} in a'condition that led me to believe that this conduct had :occurred. 0 betainee(s)·told me that this conduct had :occurred. ; iL 0 Others who :obser,v~d this cqnd uct ~e~crjbeO it t9 m.~; ·e. 0 I, ~~y.~, rel~\,ant i'n(ormation da'~?iff~g .a!?9v~. lISt;'C~~'-". l 0 I n~v~r,o,b,s,erv~p tl1r~ conpuct nqr'hear5f :a~O!-l.t:!t frqlTl,AAJTleOne.vvho 91d. ;C ;.6:~, 'ether treatment of-po tl.ef<;linee .that Ih ,yotj,r.oRiriion W~s un'pr9Te,$~iQhal, ,lin"d!Jly Qr aggresSiVe, :$~r~~g! '~b.~§ly~!.P~ ~Ella~~i._. __. _~ __."._ .:: __ ... ...~. ~_._. __ _._._ d 1< personally' observed' this conduct. Othe!? e. 0 0 f; 0' t' never o;bsetv~~r thIS 'tbnchict nor hearq 'c;lbql,lt it frpm,sd,lTieone wbo (:lid, a~ !?, q cf. v. _ ••_ ' _ . .. • • o ir:o~s~rved deta.l.n~~(~): III a CO.nditlo!) ~hat leq -fl1¢ to' believe thC;lt:tQis' copduct ,~?ld 'Occurred .. o 'Detatnee(s)' tqld me tn2jt t'/li?: l20nduct hpd 'Occurr:eg. who' ob'~er:v~c! ':t:l:lis' t;~md uc~ d:e.s~ribecl it to, me; I have rele)',fant tnf9rmq~lon :classlfl¢'d ~li?:o,?e ",~EI=RET'\ i@1j1N."ijh-:j"QWjiJ~~~i&B I -, . :~,-, !,,; . :;~,,: , ':' ,,~ :./ ;', -. (IT "64. Did you observ..e,any. impersonation :of FBI- personnel b'i[ anv6rie ,during ~h ihtervlew·o:r Jht~rtogation.,of . ' , . a;aetainee'? QYes- :0 No .65'. Did a~Yd:et~irie~})r ?~.heF .p~e:$O~ ~ell'y6u ~~~t h.e.~t ,sh~ ha~ ,Y'!itne~sed personnel In connection' wIth a, detamee mtervlew or mterrogatlon? Yes· '@ N0_ 'the imp~rsonatidrfof FBI .d OIGQ-005131 ,66. p're YQu aware or.any' "shl'lm" or·nstag~d· de,talnee Int~lVrews qr interrog<;ltlons condl!cted for MerT1pers Qf tM U.$. <;Qr'lgre,~s ,Qr th~tr st~ff? a YeJ:/ 0 No. '6..7. Iq'YP-UJ knpwlec;l-ge, did' ,any m'i.litary or intellig~n(e perso'nne('exer -peny 9r d~r~y FBI a.<;c~~ tp;a detainee,the FBI wanted. to. question b_ej;·the.,de.taloea had sustajn~ InjUrjes after he- .was captured? o.Y~s 0N0 .68. DId. yot! :eve~ 'end Y9l,H' partidpa~lon'll'1 or;- obs~ryatlon .of a-detaIf!ee.lnterv.lew, or l!1terrogaJl0n betqas"e 9.fth"E:; rnt~rvi¢w'Qr rr"iterrqgafio.n meth~d5 b,eihg u.~?·· .6 Yes' :0 N0' 69.;"Were you e.venofd..,th'al}l if6tl'i~r FEU .emJ5lb-Ye~:.etiaed. his '.or !jet palj:iGipatiotl in :o:r .ob$eiVatio);- of".a de.tahlee in.te[Vlew'Or inteiT-oga'tibn. because :ofthe.·,iriteiVi"ew odnterrogation ,methods being used?, , 0- Yes 0 N"o. . 10, b\.lrJnQ i:lnY ~'fyo.ut O)J.grseas-d~pJby.meN~!:?r q:s.sJgnn1~rit~ dl~ YQI,J r~p~rt ~ny c<!:n~~tn:~ r.e.~arj:lll1g 'anY: dcitairj¢e inteNieW',or interrogation p'ractice$'; or o"thenypes '<if detainee' ttecltment~· t6 an FBI' 'supervisor? 7i. Du.ring A'aoy pF yQ!-J.f' Q'i(~r$.'~a~ 0, Yes' '0· No. -d~p-[9.ytTle~t!> Qf p:>~ig.nrnerltsl<did 'YOl.f reP"Qrt c;lny c;onc'~nlS T~'g~rd iJ:lg ·aYfy detaTn~'-irit~tY ieW' d( iht¢;rrogatiQn practices or' oth'er types. of ;d~ta inee· treatm~nt you:' observetl Qr hear-d aba.lit! to,:a non.-FB,I. superViSor' or other nQn-FBI personnel? QYes ·0 Nb, 1'1. Hqve YQu,ever been Qrq~e9qrQ'ir~~~ 119t't9 r~P9J't, 'qr 'd !SCoU~ eq In an~'wpY ft9.1Jl r~Qorting , ot>~rvati(:in:S Qr .alle9.'a~i(ftl·$ re.rat~ tQ .9,¢t?iin'e~ tre·~tJl1ent Qf' interview; Qr hit,err.6gation Aclign'? Qf . . Q. Y.e.s ,0 No. 1-3. Ha'ile:you .~perie~ced .an,! ~ctu_;al OT thr~C!te.rl.ed .reta·liati9n t9f 'rep\?ftlng .oQservatio,ns. 9r~a'lle:.g.i:1-fi9n.~ q,f'pet?lin,ee..treatrn Mt .or ilJ~~'ryiew -9.1" illtenqg'.a"tipn'a~iQri~ Qr p@<::~jt:::esi? ' 'fe~' :$ ~.9' . , e ,]it-. (Opt/enal) !'Iease provide any-addifio:nal comments reg,ar.ding tne reporting of cenGerns related to: interyie;W 9r !nt~trO"ga.t.lqn.t~c,t:rnlql,lE;?,-~,¢t~ntI9rf;p.r;~g:iC;:~~,9(oth~rpet,$line~ tr,eafrn~!1.f.,J.\.lthplfgh ther~ wei$" no spe~lfic tralt)fn'g .gIY¢:n y-'!ith r~drd 19: ~r~a.tmeh.t.<;)f p'e~aln'e5:s, ~A B.ranp-,Ci.n M. ~r~flJt. arid myself follo,wed BJ.ifeau t1:airiirig. aha practices·.as·,do.se1tas' p.6ssible..(le: .We offered food, efrin k and 'restroom ,breaks to the .detaineerS) petiod ically) . _~::'~~ .•. ,' . • 0 ... _. •• : " ~:,. ' •• ::. ~ .. ¥ :.~~ ':. :. ·~: .. ~i " . , ... ·1 15', Were'you debriefed, other.than the'standard debriefin FD-7.72, concerning :your overseas a.ssignment(s) or depl<;>yment(s} !=lfter-yqy cOQ1pleted .thfil depIQym~nt(sl or ·as~igflnJenlfs);? . OIGQ-005132 dYes 0 No 76. Additional <;:omments'",nd Re~mmendation~:. OIGQ-005133